题目用于追踪太阳光的传感器研究学生姓名学号所在学院物理与电信工程学院专业班级通信工程专业 1204 班指导教师完成地点物理与电信工程学院实验室2013 年6 月6 日陕西理工学院毕业论文﹙设计﹚任务书物电学院院(系) 通信1204 班学生一、毕业论文﹙设计﹚题目用于追踪太阳光的传感器研究二、毕业论文﹙设计﹚工作自_2016_年_1__月__1___日起至__2016_年 6 月__15___日止三、毕业论文﹙设计﹚进行地点: 物电学院实验教学中心四、毕业论文﹙设计﹚的内容要求:1、追踪太阳光可以大大提高太阳能光伏发电的效率,准确、方便追踪的核心是光电传感器。
指导教师教研室通信工程教研室主任(签名) 批准日期接受论文 (设计)任务开始执行日期学生签名:用于追踪太阳光的传感器研究(陕西理工学院物理与电信工程学院通信1204班,陕西汉中 723003)指导教师:[摘要]在太阳能发电中,因太阳能电池板接受太阳光照强度的不同,太阳能电池板的发电效率会有较大差异,根据太阳活动规律,有效调整太阳电池板与太阳光线的角度是决定太阳能电池板发电效率的关键因素。
毕业设计太阳能自动跟踪装置的设计The design of solar automatic tracking device烟台大学文经学院毕业论文(设计)任务书院(系):机电工程系[摘要]:太阳能是自然界的一种天然资源,它具有分布范围广、丰富可再生、无污染的优良特点,它的开发和利用已成为当代研究领域的热点。
[Abstract]:Solar energy is nature's natural resource and it has spread widly, richly ,renewablly and has pollution-free high characteristics.Its development and use has become hot spots in the field. The solution of the efficient use of solar energy become the key to all problem. The increase of solar energy efficiency will directly affect our energy structure and it will have major effects on national sustainable development , construction resource saving and environmental friendly type of society .Based on solar energy utilization efficiency considerations , this design choices solar automatic tracking device in order to achieve to track the sun light position at any time and make the sun exposure to the tracking device to the max to meet the full use of solar energy.The device is a control automatic tracking system which based on microcontroller . By considering the position, illumination somewhere, and other factors ,microcontroller outputs control data to control the stepping motor. This system realizes automatic tracking for the light to the solar panels through the mechanical transmission and it is used to track of two-dimensional way in order to realize common adjusting tracking for the solar panels east-west direction and north-south direction.This system further improves the utilization efficiency and the requirements of tracking precision.[Key words]:solar energy;automatic track ;microcontroller ;stepping motor ;two-dimensional movement.目录第1章绪论 (8)1.1 能源现状及发展 (8)1.2 目前太阳能的开发和利用 (8)1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 (9)1.4 太阳能利用的国内外发展现状 (9)1.5 太阳追踪系统的国内外研究现状 (10)1.6 本论文的研究内容 (10)第2章太阳能自动跟踪系统总体设计 (11)2.1 太阳运行的规律 (11)2.2 总体设计原理 (11)2.2.1 平面四杆机构原理 (11)2.3 跟踪方案的设计 (12)2.4 总体结构 (13)第3章机械部分的设计 (15)3.1 齿轮的选择 (15)3.1.1 材料选择 (15)3.1.2 尺寸计算 (15)3.2 滚珠丝杠副的选择 (17)3.2.1 材料选择 (18)3.2.2 滚珠丝杠副结构的选择 (18)3.2.3 滚珠丝杠副尺寸的选择 (18)3.2.4 滚珠丝杠副支承方式的选择 (19)3.3 太阳能电池板 (21)3.4 底座的设计 (23)3.5 中心轴的选择 (23)3.5.1 尺寸设计 (23)3.5.2 轴的校核 (23)3.6 轴承的选择 (23)3.6.1 轴承1的选择 (23)3.6.2 轴承2的选择 (24)3.7 联轴器的选择 (25)第4章控制部分的设计 (27)4.1 光电转换器 (28)4.1.1 光敏电阻传感器 (28)4.1.2 光电转换电路 (30)4.2 步进电动机及其驱动电路 (31)4.2.1 步进电动机介绍 (31)4.2.2 步进电机的选择 (33)4.2.3 驱动电路 (33)4.3 单片机及其输入电路 (36)4.3.1 8031单片机 (36)4.3.2 单片机的输入电路 (37)4.4 控制的实现过程 (39)4.4.1 系统的整体电路图 (39)4.4.2 系统的流程图 (40)总结及展望 (42)致谢 (43)参考文献 (44)烟台大学文经学院毕业设计第1章绪论1.1 能源现状及发展能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础[1]。
microcomputer as the control core with the time moduleꎬ the cloudy day detection moduleꎬ the photoelectric detection
长期饮用会威胁到人体健康ꎮ 基于高原地区阳光资源
第 10 卷 第 24 期
2019 年 12 月
Vol 10
Dec 2019
扎西顿珠ꎬ袁 超ꎬ胡石峰
( 西藏农牧学院电气工程学院ꎬ西藏 林芝 860000)
摘要: 设计了一种基于 51 单片机的双轴太阳跟踪系统ꎬ以提高太阳能的利用效率ꎮ 该自动控制系统基于 51 单片机为控制核心的
rotate the biaxial mechanical structureꎬ so that the sun always illuminates vertically in the solar energy On the
photovoltaic panelꎬ the solar energy utilization efficiency is maximized
1. 系统硬件设计1.1 光敏传感器光敏传感器是实现太阳位置检测的关键模块,其作用是测量光强度并转化为电信号。
1.2 步进电机步进电机是用于控制太阳能电池板偏转角度的执行器。
1.3 控制电路控制电路是整个系统的核心部分,主要由单片机、驱动电路和电源组成。
2. 系统软件编程2.1 信号采集与处理在软件编程阶段,首先需要进行光敏传感器信号的采集与处理。
2.2 太阳位置计算根据光敏传感器测量到的光强度数据,通过一定的数学模型和算法,可以计算出太阳的位置。
2.3 步进电机控制根据太阳位置计算的结果,通过单片机输出的脉冲信号和相位控制信号,控制步进电机按照设定的步进角度和方向调整太阳能电池板的位置,使其始终面向太阳。
毕业设计 太阳能电池板自动跟踪系统设计
0 引 言
新能 源 的开 发 已成 为 我 国 “ 十二五” 规 划 的
重点 课题 , 得 到 了 广泛 的研 究 和应 用 。太 阳能 发
能充分 利用 太 阳光 照 , 解 决 了如何 降 低 系生 的 问题 , 并 可查看 太 阳光照信 息 , 提供 自动 6
手动 控制 2种方式 。 通过 时钟 控 制 和 光 电控 制 相 结 合 的 ? l
O O 38 4
马正 华 ( 1 9 6 男, 教授 , 研究 为嵌入 式应 用.
De s i g n o f So l a r Au t o - Tr a c k i n g S y s t e m Ba s e d o n Zi g Be e
MA Z h e n g h u a, GU Ba i y a n g, J I A O Z h u q i n g
低 压电器( 2 0 1 3 N o . 4 )
・ 分布式| {
基于 Z i g B e e的太 阳 自动 跟 踪 系统 设 计
马正华, 顾柏杨 , 焦竹青
( 常 州大 学 信 息科 学与工程 学 院 ,江 苏 常 州 2 1 3 1 6 4 )
摘 要:针对以单片机为控制 核心 的太 阳跟踪装置 , 提 出了一种基 于 Z i g B e e技术
关键词 : Z i g B e e ;无 线 通 信 ;自动 跟 踪 系统 ; CC 2 4 3 0 ; 群 集 控 制 中图 分 类 号 : T M 9 2 6 . 2 3 文 献 标 志 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1 0 0 1 — 5 5 3 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4 一
电作为新能源计划的核心, 也 已被广泛应用于 日 常 生 活及 工 业 生 产 的 各 个 方 面 J 。 目前 , 大 规
关键词:太阳能电池太阳照射角自动跟踪单片机步进电机AbstractWith the conventinuous consumption of resources , the conventional enenrgy-based energt strcucture has not already more and more adapt to the needs for sustainable development,sppeing-up the development of and utilization of solar energy , the photovoltaic technology based on the photovoltaic effect has a very bord application prospect.In the design , we try to design an automatic tracking system with Biaxial in order to enhance solar light - electricity conversion efficiency. The system is based on single-chip, orbit the sun elevation angle formula using the sun and calculating azimuth and take the time chip advantage of dual-axis stepper motor driven tracking system, make the solar panels perpendicular to the solar incidence line, to improve the absorption efficiency of solar energy.At present, the design of a simple formula was only for calculating the data, the east-west to the point of view will be changed once an hour, the north-outh perspective will be changed once a day, and then the MCU to return to control things through the night to determine, as well as every haif a year to track the direction of the north-south change in control.Because of the time and the current limitations of the knowledge of the author’s , the tracking system to track the point of view is rough , there are many errors , if the opportunity arised the design will be iomproved in the future.Keywords:solar cells Inrradiation angle of sun tracking automatically single-chip Stepping motor目录第一章绪论 (5)1.1背景和意义 (5)1.2太阳追踪系统的国内外研究现状 (5)1.2.1光电追踪 (6)1.2.2视日运动轨迹追踪 (6)1.3论文系统设计方案 (8)1.3.1机械运动实现方案 (8)1.3.2控制系统方案 (9)第二章跟踪系统的设计构想及框架 (10)2.1 跟踪系统的设计要求 (10)2.2 跟踪系统的组成 (10)2.1.1.太阳能采集装置 (11)2.1.2.转向机构 (11)2.1.3.控制部分 (11)2.1.4.贮能装置 (12)2.1.5.逆变器 (12)2.1.6.控制器 (13)2.3 太阳照射规律 ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
地址:100000 北京市通州区兴贸一街7号院1号楼1层101
1.3系统工作流程控制系统上电后,系统根据时间,判断太阳是否落山,是则进入待机状态;如没有,则自动进入对正模式,系统将根据时间及当地经纬度计算出的此时太阳高度角及方位角,并实时与MPU6050检测到的工作台倾角及HMC5883L 检测到的方位角比较求出角度差,转换成控制脉冲输出步进电机驱动器,使机构对正太阳方位,对正后等待一个设定时间,进行下一次对正。
1.基于一维机械跟踪定位系统的太阳自动跟踪器的设计与实现 [J], 刘冉冉;郑恩兴
2.基于VC的太阳光斑图像识别跟踪系统设计与实现 [J], 孙雷;孙庆苏
3.基于图像传感器的太阳光跟踪照射系统设计 [J], 宁铎;白崇辉
4.基于CAN总线太阳能电池自动跟踪控制器的设计 [J], 赵涛;周兵;薛晖;汤杰
5.基于单片机的太阳能自动跟踪控制器 [J], 于骁;朱明隆;苏旭磊
关键词:太阳能;跟踪;光敏电阻;单片机;步进电机中图分类号:tm615 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1674-7712 (2013)08-0000-01一、太阳能自动跟踪系统总体设计(一)光源检测方案的确定1.视日运动轨迹跟踪不论是采用极轴坐标系统还是地平坐标系统,太阳运行的位置变化都是可以预测的,通过数学上对太阳轨迹的预测可完成对日跟踪。
开关磁阻电动机调速系统 用户手册
Zibo Kailong Electricity Co.,Ltd.
前言 感谢您使用凯隆电气公司 CD 系列开关磁阻电动机调速系统。CD 系列调速系统是作为控制装置安装在标准箱体内而设计的。控制器使 用 220V、380V、660V、1140V 标准交流电源,在使用 CD 系列之前 请仔细阅读使用手册,正确使用该控制器。 此使用手册交给最终用户妥善保管。
床等设备中可做为正点,反点端子使用),用户可在外部电路逻辑上与 ST、阳等运行端 子设置为互锁状态关系后使用。 起停:FR(转向端子)、(与 GD 短接,V2 端有效:与 GD 断开则 V1 端有效):ST(起 动)、与 GD 短接,电动机转动;分开则停转);GD(控制信号公用)、(控制信号地); RE(故障复位)、(与 GD 短接则故障复位)。 给定:+10V(设定用电源)、(+10V);V1(正向转速给定)、(与 GD 间加 0`+10V 给定 信号,电机正转,电压大小对应电机转速高低。可设定为双极性给定方式,参见图 8 说明); GD(控制信号公用)、(控制信号地);V2(反向转速给定)、(与 GD 间加 0"+10V 给定信号,电机反转,电压大小对应电机转速高低):-10V(设定电源)、(-10V)。 联锁:T11(联锁输入)、(与 GD 短接不允许起动;与 GD 断开允许起动);GD(控制 信号公用)、(控制信号地)。 功能:S0+、SO-(转速信号输出)、(对应电机,每转一转,S0+对应 SO 一输出 24 个 方波脉冲);D0+、DO-(转向信号输出)、(电机正转时 D0+、DO 一导通,电机反转时, D0+、DO 一关断);光藕输出,DC30V,5mA 以下。 OS(速度显示信号输出)、(输出出厂值 0"10V,输出电流 c20mA)。 OI(电流信号输出)、(输出出厂值为 0"1 OV,输出电流《20mA)。 报警:EOK(常开触头输出);EOG(触头输出公共);EOB(常闭触头输出)。通电后 控制器正常时,EOK 与 EOG 短路,EOB 与 EOG 断开,控制器故障时,EOK 与 EOG 断开,EOB 与 EOG 短路。 2.2.2 主回路接线 接线指导: ■主回路电源接线必须连接合适的保护开关。 ■主回路电源接线建议连接合适的进线电抗器。 ■电源电缆和输出电缆的接头必须镀锡。 2.2.3 控制回路接线 ■接线指导 1) GD 为输出信号的公共端,这些端子不要接地。
太阳双轴自动跟踪系统的设计宋雅茹;高振东【摘要】主要论述自动跟踪控制器的设计.该产品通过4个光电传感器自动检测太阳光的变化,通过开关电路实现双轴自动跟踪,夜晚自动返回到初始位置.控制器利用开关元器件设计,并采用分立元件电路,耗电量小、简单实用、成本低、抵御环境能力强.该产品通过运行,控制精度和功能满足设计要求.【期刊名称】《太阳能》【年(卷),期】2014(000)002【总页数】4页(P30-33)【关键词】双轴自动跟踪;太阳能传感器;开关电路;抛物面;反射式聚光【作者】宋雅茹;高振东【作者单位】秦皇岛技师学院;秦皇岛技师学院【正文语种】中文0 引言太阳自动跟踪器主要用于太阳能光伏发电领域,它控制光伏组件阵列自动跟踪太阳运行,获得光伏发电所需最大的太阳日照量,提高光伏组件阵列的发电量。
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一种基于直线开关磁阻电机的太阳跟踪系统设计张宙1,赵世伟1,简伟铨2,孙振刚1,郭新展1(1. 香港理工大学电机工程系香港特别行政区红勘;2. ASM香港有限公司香港特别行政区荃湾)摘要:本文提出了一个采用直线开关磁阻电机作为伺服机构的新颖的太阳跟踪系统。
关键词:直线开关磁阻电机;太阳跟踪;无传感器控制A Novel Solar Tracking System Design Based on LinearSwitched Reluctance MotorNorbert C. Cheung1, Shi Wei Zhao1, Wai-Chuen Gan2, Zhen Gang Sun1 and San-Chin Kwok11. Department of Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR2. ASM Assembly Automation Hong Kong Ltd., Kwai Chung, Hong Kong SARAbstract: A novel solar tracking scheme which adopts a Linear Switched Reluctance Motor (LSRM) as its servo actuator, is proposed in this paper. Three control schemes are designed for different requirements. The solar tracking system is divided into an electromagnetic subsystem and a mechanical subsystem, which are corresponding to the electromagnetic behaviors and the mechanical movement, respectively. The system controller has a cascaded structure and two different controllers are designed for the two subsystems. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the modeling and the control scheme.Key Words: Linear Switched Reluctance Motor, Solar Tracking and Sensorless Control.1 I NTRODUCTIONIn renewable energy generation, photovoltaic (PV) systems play an important role since it acts as an alternative approach to employ solar energy and improve the system reliability with wind power generation. Owing to the rapid development of PV cells and the continuous drop on its price, the application of PV systems increases constantly in recent years. In order to obtain solar energy as much as possible, the study of the efficiency for PV systems has attracted many researchers’ and engineers’ attention. In general, there are three methods to increase the efficiency of PV systems [1]. The first method is to increase the generation efficiency of solar cells; the second one is related to the energy conversion system included Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control algorithms [2 and 3]; and the third approach is to adopt solar tracking system to obtain maximum solar energy input from the sun [4]. In a solar tracking system, DC motors are usually used to operate solar tracking system but it is expensive to maintain and repair.A novel solar tracking scheme which adopts a Linear Switched Reluctance Motor (LSRM) as its servo actuator, is proposed in this paper. An LSRM has a simple and rugged structure; it is reliable and low in cost. Moreover, it is capable of operating in harsh environments. Three control schemes are designed for different requirements and will be discussed in the subsequent sections.2 S YSTEM CONSTRUCTIONS AND MODELINGThe proposed solar tracking system uses a three-phase LSRM as its actuator to drive the moving parts. The design schematic of the system is shown in Figure 1. A set of three-phase coils with the same dimensions is tightly fixed on the bottom of the motor. The three phase windings are separated 120 electrical degrees from each other. The moving platform is mounted on four wheels whose bearings are also supported on the bottom. Two linear guides are located between the moving platform and the wheels. Thisrugged mechanical structure can effectively buffer extended vibration during its operation. The stator track and the core of the windings are laminated with 0.5mm silicon-steel plates, by means of which the motor manufacture can be simplified and the total cost is reduced greatly [5]. A linear position sensor is integrated in the LSRM system to observe the motion profile and provides the feedback position information.The PV cell arrays are linked to the gears which can be driven by the moving platform. The position of the sun is represented by using the angle A as shown in Figure 1. Also, the sun position can be translated to a displacement of the LSRM by multiple the A with its rotary radius L . Hence, the PV cell arrays can track thesun by properly operating the LSRM.Fig.1 The design schematic of linear switched reluctance motor based solar tracking systemThe dynamic behavior of the whole system can be determined by Kirchhoff’s Law on the voltage balance of individual phase coil, and by Newton’s Law on the motor’s mechanical motion. The equations of LSRM can be expressed as voltage equation (1) and mechanical equation (2). Since the flux linkage is a function of the current and position, the voltage equation can be further expressed as in (3), in which the second term on the right hand side corresponds to the voltage drop resulted by the current change and the third term corresponds to the one resulted by the position change.,,,j j j j d V r i j a b c dtλ=+=. (1)22e d x dxf M B dt dt=+. (2),,,j j jj j j j di dx V r i j a b c x dt i dtλλ∂∂=++=∂∂. (3)V j is the applied voltage to phase j, i j is the corresponding current, r j is the resistance and λj is its flux linkage; f e is the electromechanical force produced, xis the displacement of the moving platform, M and B are the mass of the moving platform and the system friction constant respectively.The connection between the two equations is the force producing function, by which the energy of the system is transferred from electromagnetic form to mechanical form. The total electromechanical force is the sum of the individual electromechanical force, as in (4). The force f j produced by phase j is determined by differentiating the co-energy function with respect to position as (5) [6]. The force produced is a nonlinear function of the position and phase current. Also, it can be seen that the force is a nonlinear function even though the magnetic circuit operates in its linear region, in which the phase force produced can be rewritten as (6). Here L j is, named phase inductance, the ratio of the phase flux linkage by its current. The highly nonlinear characteristics of the driving system, therefore, are due to its nonlinear flux behavior and the mechanism of force origination.ce j j af f ==∑. (4)0ji j j j f di xλ∂=∂∫. (5) 212j j j dL f i dx=. (6) The response time of the electromagnetic behavior and mechanical motion are quite different. This is justified for our test setup since we can achieve the current loop bandwidth up to kHz while the output mechanical bandwidth is in the order of ten Hz [5]. Depended on the fact, the two-time-scale analysis is applied to model and design the driving system. The whole driving system is divided into two subsystems with different time scale named as fast and slow subsystem. In accord with the test results, the fast subsystem describes the electromagnetic behaviors of the coils while the slow subsystem corresponds to its mechanical motion. In this framework, the fast subsystem is considered by the treatment of the variables of slow subsystem as invariable. And it is also reasonable to describe the slow subsystem as the variables of the fast subsystem in their steady states. For a trajectory control system, the slow subsystem is a second-order differential equation (2) from the input of total force to the output of position. The fast subsystem is a first-order differential equation (3) for current control. Through this analysis, the complicated driving system can be divided into two tractable reduced-order subsystems and it is possible to design controllers to each subsystem respectively.LSRM can be operated under open-loop mode as a stepper motor or close-loop mode as a servo motor. In servo mode, LSRM requires to be driven continuously. Hence, commutation is one of the essential tasks for a LSRM control for this operate mode. The desired force performance of a LSRM is always carried out by the synchronous commutation with its current position. Commutation, however, would bring problems of force ripples. To obtain smooth output force, a force sharing strategy can be applied.For any given position, the phases of positive force produced and the phases of negative force produced can be represented by two sets as follows,(){:0}j L x j x+∂Θ=≥∂ and (){:0}j L x j x−∂Θ=<∂.The force sharing strategy can be performed by aforce distribution function (FDF)0,(,),0,cd d d j j a d f j FDF x f f w f j +−=⎧≥∈Θ⎪=⎨<∈Θ⎪⎩∑where f d is the desired total force and w j is the weight of force for each phase. The selection of weight depends on the various force sharing strategies for different design purposes, but any force sharing strategy should satisfy that the sum of each weight should be 1.3 C ONTROL STRATEGIESAccording to the movement of the sun, the solar tracking system is a relative slow tracking application. On the other hand, the LSRM can be operated under different modes due to its construction characteristics. The controller of the solar tracking system, therefore, can take three schemes for different requirements as follows. A) Open-loop schemeIn this scheme, the LSRM is controlled under its open-loop mode as a stepper motor. This control scheme does not require linear position sensors for feedback and is simple to implement. The position precision of the control scheme is basically up to the step distance of the LSRM. Hence, this configuration scheme is suitable for low cost and common precision situations. B) Servo schemeAlso, the LSRM can be controlled under a close-loop mode as a servo motor. In servo scheme, a linear position sensor is required to provide feedback information. The control precision of this scheme usually can achieve rather high and depends on the sensor precision and control algorithm. Hence, the configuration scheme is suitable for high precision but high cost applications. C) Sensorless schemeAs a trade-off, the solar tracking system can be operated in a sensorless scheme. In this control scheme, the position information is estimated online and the controller adopts a close-loop format. This scheme can achieve relative high control precision over the open-loop scheme and the cost of the whole equipment can be lower than that of the servo scheme.In this paper, the tracking system adopts a cascadedcontrol structure. Two controllers are designed for the electromagnetic subsystem and mechanical subsystem corresponded to current control and position control,respectively. The two control subsystems are linked by the applied FDF. The block diagram of the whole driving system is shown as Figure 2. In the cascaded control system, the inner loop is for current control with fast variables and the outer loop is for the position control with slow variables.Fig.2 Block diagram for the structure of whole control systemFor each phase coil, the relationship from terminal voltage to phase current can be represented as (7) by the rearrangement of (3). R j is treated as a generalized resistor. The dynamic behavior of the electromagnetic subsystem, therefore, can be approximated as a first-order differential equation. As the inner loop, it can be easily regulated by a proportional controller to guarantee both stability and quick response.,j j jj j j j j di dL L V R i R r dtdt=−=+. (7)1()()G s Ms B s=+. (8)Notice that if inner loop is to impose perfect current tracking, the mechanical motion can be equivalently represented as a second-order system (8). The gain from the input of desired force to the actual output force varies in a small region, the controller should be designed carefully to keep safe margin for the stability and dynamic performances of the whole driving system. For this system, a simple proportional-differential (PD) controller is sufficient for the position tracking as (9) and its closed loop transfer function is given by (10).()p d C s K K s =+. (9)*2()()()p d d pK K s X s X s Ms K B s K +=+++. (10) where K p and K d are proportional gain and differential gain of the controller, respectively. Under the PD control, the system stability and high performance can be achieved by adjusting its controller parameters.4 S IMULATION RESULTSIn this section, we illustrate the performance of the proposed models and control algorithm by simulation results. The simulations are achieved with the MATLAB software package. The parameters of the LSRM system employed in the simulations are listed in the Table 1 and the applied FDF is chosen as in Table 2 [5].Table 1 The main parameters of LSRMPole width6mm Pole pitch12mm Phase separation 10mm Winding length 30mm Wind width 25mm Air gap width 0.5mm Phase resistance 2.5Ω Aligned inductance 19.2mH Unaligned inductance 11.5mH Mass of the moving platform 5Kg Friction constant0.08N*s*m -1Time (sec)D i s p l a c e m e n t (m m )Time (sec)F o r c e c o m m a n d (N )Fig.3 Simulation: step response and control signal waveformFigure 3 shows the simulation results on the response and control signal waveform by using the PD controller for a step tracking. It is clear that the system tracks the reference with good dynamical characteristics.Time (sec)C u r r e n t o f p h a s e A (A )Time (sec)C u r r e n t o f p h a s e B (A )Time (sec)C u r r e n t p f p h a s e C (A )Fig.4 Simulation: phase current waveforms for a step trackingTable 2 Force distribution function (FDF) schemePosition + force command - force command 0mm-2mm f B =f xf C =0.5(2-x)f x , f A =0.5xf x 2mm-4mm f B =0.5(4-x)f x , f C =0.5(x-2)f x f A =f x4mm-6mm f C =f x f A =0.5(6-x)f x , f B =0.5(x-4)f x 6mm-8mm f C =0.5(8-x)f x , f A =0.5(x-6)f x f B =f x8mm-10mm f A =f x f B =0.5(10-x)f x , f C =0.5(x-8)f x 10mm-12mmf A =0.5(12-x)f x , f B =0.5(x-10)f xf C =f xFigure 4 shows the three phase currents in the case of the step position tracking. Notice that all the phasecurrents are switched on and switched off continuously to perform the desired force. It is also can be seen that the phase currents have quickly response and can be switched in a very short interval. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the modeling and controller design.5 C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper, a novel solar tracking system is proposed based on an LSRM. In addition, three controlschemes are provided for different situations. The wholetracking system is modeled as two subsystems with different time characteristics. According to the applied system model, the system controller adopts a cascaded structure. The simulation results demonstrate that the system design is effective.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTThe work described in this paper was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China(PolyU 5224/04E).R EFERENCES[1] PIAO Z G, PARK J M, KIM J H, CHO G B, BAEK H L.A study on the tracking photovoltaic system by program type [C] // Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems , Nan Jing, China: IEEE Press, 2005, 2: 971-973.[2] JAIN S, AGARWAL V. 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