



RSC(Remote System Control)一、RSC是什么RSC是(Remote System Control)顾名思义就是做远程控制的,它可实现很多你意想不到的功能.二、RSC的类型根据不同机器的PN,有6种RSC的类型PN 机器类型TYPE501-4818 SUN250 DB-25、RS232、RJ-45540-4406 Netra ct400/Netra ct800 RJ-45、DB-15501-4901 280R RJ-11、RJ-45501-5856 480、880 RJ-11、RJ-45501-6123 Netra ct410、810 RJ-45、2XDB-15501-6346 V250、V440 RJ-45三、接口线序RSC Serial Connector:8-Pin RJ-45RJ-45 SIGNAL RJ-45 SIGNAL:1 RTS 5 GND2 DTR 6 RXD3 TXD 7 DSR4 GND 8 CTSRSC Modem Connector:4-Pin RJ-11RJ-11 SIGNAL1 No connection2 Ring3 Tip4 No connectionRSC Ethernet Connector8-Pin RJ-45RJ-45 SIGNAL RJ-45 SIGNAL1 RXD+ 5 N/C2 RXD- 6 TXD-3 TXD+ 7 N/C4 N/C 8 N/CAlarm Port Connector15-Pin male (DB-15)PIN SIGNAL PIN SIGNAL1 RESET0+ 9 ALARM1_NC2 RESET0- 10 ALARM1_COM3 RESET1+ 11 ALARM2_NO4 RESET1- 12 ALARM2_NC5 ALARM0_NO 13 ALARM2_COM6 ALARM0_NC 14 ALARM3_NO7 ALARM0_COM 15 ALARM3_COM8 ALARM1_NORS-232 Serial Connector25-Pin Female D-SubPIN SIGNAL PIN SIGNAL2 TD 8 DCD3 RD 15 TC4 RTS 17 RC5 CTS 20 DTR6 DSR 24 TCO7 GND四、配置实际操作# uname -aSunOS V480 5.9 Generic_112233-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480RRSC:2.2.1版本#/usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R/rsc/rscadm versionRSC Version v2.2.1RSC Bootmon Version: v2.0.0RSC Firmware Version: v2.2.1#/usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R/rsc/rsc-config //执行配置命令Continue with RSC setup (y|n): ySet RSC date/time now (y|n|?) [y]: yServer Hostname [V480]:Edit customer info field (y|n|?) [n]: yCustomer Info (<= 40 char) []: arthurEnable RSC Ethernet Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: yRSC IP Mode (config|dhcp|?) [dhcp]: configRSC IP Address []: IP Netmask []:RSC IP Gateway []: RSC Alerts (y|n|s|?) [n]: yEnable Email Alerts (y|n) [n]: ySMTP Server IP address []: Backup SMTP Server (y|n) [n]:Email address []: Arthur@xxx.xxxEnable Pager Alerts (y|n) [n]: nEnable RSC Modem Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: yModem data bits (7|8) [8]:Modem parity (even|odd|none) [even]:Modem stop bits (1|2) [1]:Enable PPP over modem (y|n) [n]: yPPP Local IP Address []: Remote IP Address []: RSC Serial Port Interface (y|n|s|?) [n]: ySerial port baud rate (9600|19200|38400|57600|115200) [9600]: Serial port data bits (7|8) [8]:Serial port parity (even|odd|none) [none]:Serial port stop bits (1|2) [1]:Setup RSC User Account (y|n|?) [y]:Username []: arthurUser Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]: ? //有疑虑吗?输入?获得帮助HELPSETUP RSC USER ACCOUNTUSER PERMISSIONSThere are four different permissions which can be controlledfor each user.c - allow user to connect to consoleu - allow user to setup other usersa - allow user to setup configuration variablesr - allow user to reboot/poweron/poweroff serverExample responses are:noneccuarcacuaaUser Permissions (c,u,a,r|none|?) [cuar]:--------------------Verifying Selections--------------------General Setup-------------Set RSC date now = yServer Hostname = V480Customer Info = arthurIs this correct (y|n): yEthernet Setup--------------IP Mode = configIP Address = Netmask = Gateway = this correct (y|n): yAlert Setup-----------Email Enabled = yEmail Address =Arthur@xxx.xxxxSMTP Server = Enabled = nIs this correct (y|n): yModem Setup-----------Modem Data Bits = 8Modem Parity = evenModem Stop Bits = 1PPP Enabled = yPPP Local IP Address = PPP Remote IP Address = this correct (y|n): ySerial Port Setup-----------------Serial Port Baud = 9600Serial Port Data Bits = 8Serial Port Parity = noneSerial Port Stop Bits = 1Is this correct (y|n): yUser Setup----------User Name = arthurUser Permissions = cuarIs this correct (y|n): yThis script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n):Updating flash, this takes a few minutes ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ ...........................Download completed successfullyResetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):DONESetting up server to update RSC date on boot: DONE Setting up server hostname: DONESetting up customer info field: DONESetting up ethernet interface: DONESetting up e-mail alerts: DONEDisabling pager alerts: DONESetting up modem interface: DONESetting up serial port interface: DONEAdding user to RSC:A valid password is between 6 and 8 characters, has at leasttwo alphabetic characters, and at least one numeric or special character. The password must differ from the user's login nameand any reverse or circular shift of that login name.Setting User Password Now ...Password:Re-enter Password:rscadm: malformed password //输入不匹配或者不合格的密码的提示A valid password is between 6 and 8 characters,has at least two alphabetic characters, and atleast one numeric or special character. Thepassword must differ from the user's login nameand any reverse or circular shift of that loginname.Password:Re-enter Password:User has been added to RSCResetting RSC (takes about 90 seconds):Are you sure you want to reboot RSC (y/n)? yDONESetting up RSC date: DONE*******************************RSC has been successfully setup*******************************五、测试现在我们可以用拨号登陆主机管理(图片二),也可以进行TELNET管理RSC version 2.2.1 (V480)Please login: arthurPlease Enter password:rsc> help //RSC命令大全RSC Helppassword Change password.poweron Power on host system.poweroff Power off host system.reset Reset host system.xir Send XIR reset to host system.resetrsc Reboot RSC.console Connect to system console.break Send break to system console.environment Print environment information.showenvironment Print environment information.(Synonymous with 'environment'.)shownetwork Show current network configuration.set <variable> <value>Set configuration variable <variable> to value <value>.show [<variable>] Show the value of all variables or a specific variable. date [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]Set/Show the current date and time.showdate Show the current date and time.(Synonymous with 'date'.)setdate [mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy[.SS]Set the current date and time.(Synonymous with 'date <date-string>'.)bootmode [-u] [normal|forth|reset_nvram|diag|skip_diag]Set the host firmware boot mode.setlocator [on|off]Turn the system locator LED on or off.showlocator Show the state of the system locator LED. consolehistory [boot|run|oboot|orun] [index [+|-]<n>] [pause <n>] Dump console history log.consolerestart Set current console log to be original console log. loghistory [index [+|-]<n>] [pause <n>]Dump Event log.useradd <username> Add a new user.userdel <username> Delete a user.usershow [ <username> ]Show all users (or a specific user).userpassword <username>Change password for a specific user.userperm <username> [c][u][a][r]Set permissions for a user.version [-v] Print revision of RSC firmware.showsc Print revision of RSC firmware. (Synonymous with 'version'.)logout Log out of the RSC shell。



Android中的Signal信号ContentsSignal 信号 (1)[1] signal中文描述列表 (2)[2] Android信号处理 (5)[3] What is si_codes (8)Example: SEGV_ACCERR (12)Example: BUS_ADRALN (12)Example: SIGPIPE (14)[4] signal and Traces/tombstone (14)[5] Example: Add some logs to debug signal: (16)1 Who kill system_server (16)2 see kernel why unkown reason exit (16)[6] Reference (16)What is signalHow many kind signal,General signalHow to send signalHow to handle signalHow to generally use signalSignal and system callsignal handle Reentrant Functionssignal setsignal queuesigprocmask FunctionSignals are a limited form of inter-process communication used in Unix, Unix-like, and other POSIX-compliant operating systems. A signal is an asynchronous notification sent to a process or to a specific thread within the same process in order to notify it of an event that occurred. Signals originated in 1970s Bell Labs Unix and have been more recently specified in the POSIX standard.When a signal is sent, the operating system interrupts the target process' normal flow of execution to deliver the signal. Execution can be interrupted during any non-atomic instruction. If the process has previously registered a signal handler, that routine is executed. Otherwise, the default signal handler is executed.Embedded programs may find signals useful for interprocess communications, as the computational and memory footprint for signals is small.[1] signal中文描述列表Signal DescriptionSIGABRT 由调用abort函数产生,进程非正常退出SIGALRM 用alarm函数设置的timer超时或setitimer函数设置的interval timer超时SIGBUS 某种特定的硬件异常,通常由内存访问引起SIGCANCEL 由Solaris Thread Library内部使用,通常不会使用SIGCHLD 进程Terminate或Stop的时候,SIGCHLD会发送给它的父进程。

The Nervous System and Brain

The Nervous System and Brain

The Nervous System and Brainof the Human Nervous SystemContents∙Introduction∙Nervous System∙Neuron Function∙Brain Stem∙∙∙∙∙ɡdələ]∙ə'kæmpəs]Introductionthoughts, and memories. To them, the brain was nothing but a giant glob of mucus that passed snot down to the nose. [1] For hundreds or even thousands of years, thethe 20th and 21st century, and sciences. We are getting closer and closer to understanding each and every part of thetheir brain waves. [2]which we now comprehend our brain and nervous system is impressivethe least.Nervous Systemsent to the brain through the nervous system. LikewiseThe nervous system is an intricate mostly of nerve cells (orover 50 variations to the requirements the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.Central Nervous System (CNS)the backbone called the meningesalso acts as protection for the CNS. All of theseprotective factors are vital for our survivallead to serious injury or death.Peripheral Nervous System(PNS)The peripheral nervous system is comprised of the branches of nerves that extend from the central nervous system to the rest of our body. [6] These nerve fibers are notto damage. There are a number of different kinds of nerve cells that are part of ∙Afferent Neurons - Nerves in the peripheral nervous system that carrynerves). [4] Afferent neurons communicate with interneurons thatlegs or arms, are sent along afferent neurons to the brain where the pain can be registered.∙Efferent Neurons - Also known as motor neurons, efferent neurons (or nerves) body. [7] Efferent neurons, for example, keep our hearts beating, our lungsbreathing, and also allow us to move our bodies.Interneurons - These are mostly found in the spine and brain. Interneurons connect nerves to other nerves and therefore do not connect to any muscles or other sensory cells. They can connect afferent neurons to efferent neurons. There are about 100 billion interneurons in the human body. [8]- Keeping all of the nerves protected and in place are the glial cells. There are around ten times as many glial cells as there are other neurons in the brain. [9] They surround neurons and 'glue' our neural networks together. They alsoand helpcontrol neurotransmission.Neuron FunctionThe nervous system is extremely complex and has around 100 billion neurons thatactionpotentialthrough the membrane in the cellNeurons react to neurotransmittersnorepinephrineaxonsDendrites - These are branch projections stemming out of a neuron that bringpotentials and integrating synapses. [10] They reach out to surrounding neurons detected an electrical signal it will send it down into the cell body it is branched out from. There can be many dendrite branches on one neuron.Axons - Also known as nerve fibers, these are projections which take information away from the cell. [11] Much like dendrites, they branch away from the cell body and have electrical impulses coursing through them, only this time they are heading away from the cell body. There can be only one axon on each neuron.∙- Axons are insulated with a myelin sheath thatultimatelygaps called Nodes ofRanviersaltatory conduction and then continue on into myelin. This keeps the Synapsesions, is able to pass. Synapses are very tiny gaps that allow signals to diffuse fromparts: a presynaptic ending, and synaptic cleft. [12]∙Presynapticcell organelles∙Postsynaptic site for neurotransmitters.∙Synaptic Cleft- A space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic dendrites.Axoaxonic vesiclesterminals receive will determine whether or not the cell will decrease the strength of the signal. The electrical impulses received in the cell are called action potentials. Action potentials continually repeat as the brain and its neurons do their job.Brain Stemtwo and is called the brain stem (reptilian brain). The brain stem goes from the entire nervous system. [13] There are three parts that make up the brain stem.∙Medulla Oblongatablood pressure, and digestion. It also relays nerve signals between the brain∙Pons- Above the medulla oblongata is the pons. The pons helps theinformation that helps us with our movement, arousal∙Midbrainthe body's sensory and motor functions.The CerebellumThe cerebellum sits behind the brain stem at the base of the entire brain. Though the cerebellum is about one tenth of the entire brain's volume it houses almost half therunning across it and is therefore more compact than the rest of the brain. Thecerebellum has two hemispheres and was one of the first parts of the brain to ever evolve. [15] It is one of the most important parts of the brain for its ability to integratemovement, as well as deciphering information from the ears and eyes. Some scientists also believe that the cerebellum helps us process language and music and gives us our ability to pay attention, among other things. [14] The cerebellum sends information into the brain stem which is then delivered to the rest of the brain.The DiencephalonBetween the cerebral hemispheres and above the midbrain there is a region of the brain called the Diencephalon. It contains two very important substructures.∙Thalamus - A dual-lobed structure made of grey matter, the thalamus receives and deciphers sensory information. [16] Once it has processed sensoryinformation the thalamus chooses whether or not that information should berelayed to the cortex. The thalamus receives information from parts of thebrain and body that have to do with movement and sensory information.Signals from the cerebellum and cerebral cortex are sent to the thalamus andthe thalamus sends signals out into the cortex.∙Hypothalamus - The hypothalamus is in charge of making sure that we stay motivated. It sits beneath the thalamus and is connected to most everything inthe brain. The hypothalamus causes us to seek pleasurable activities likehormonesbehave. [17] The hypothalamus also manages the circadian rhythmbody temperature, and instinctualLimbic SystemThe limbic system is comprised of a group of brain structures that are important in the processing of information and the formation of memories and emotions. There are three key areas in the limbic system.The Basal GangliaThe basal ganglia is connected to the thalamus and cortex. It is comprised of a group of structures that sit inside of the brain and look like two curving tubes. The basal ganglia receives most of its information from the cortex and is critical to our ability to move. [18] When the basal ganglia is damaged it severely impairs someone's ability to control their body, as can be seen in those with Hutchinson's Disease or Parkinson's Disease.Amygdalaand well-beingpart in causing arousalamygdala. [19]Hippocampusshaped somewhat like a seahorse. The hippocampus is key in creating new memories by forging new neural pathways in our minds. [20] The hippocampus also helps us with spatial orientation and sleep patterns.The Cerebral CortexThe cerebral cortex is the largest, most apparent part of the brain. It is the outer layer of the brain that is the main source of human intelligence. The cerebral cortex isfoldedhas six different layers with many neural networks. Beneath these layers is white matter and when all of these are put together we are given a huge number of connections that facilitate our ability to think, feel, and reason.The cerebral cortex has two hemispheres and each hemisphere helps to manage different things and perform various tasks. Both the hemispheres can communicate with one another, and can be divided into four different lobes.∙Frontal Lobe- The frontal lobe is behind and beneath the forehead. It gives humans their higher level thinking skills, such as the ability to plan, pay attention, use language, and move. [21] It is able to control much of the other areas of the brain. The frontal lobe can also help us to form memories. It gives us the ability to decide how we want to act based on the information we∙Parietal Lobesensory input and give us perceptionlinked to visual systems, the parietal lobes help us to do things like button our shirts or throw footballs. [22]∙Occipital Lobe- The occipital lobes make up the main visual processingourselves with the external world. Without the∙Temporal Lobe- The temporal lobe spans across the brain and is below processing auditory information. [24] This auditory processing center helps usmakes it important in the formation and retrievalCorpus CallosumThe corpus callosum connects the brain's two hemispheres together. It is a hugebrain. [25] The corpus callosum allows for optimal performance from the brain.Some epilepsyhow the corpus callosum affectsconsciousnessConclusionsummed up all of the majoron to try and unravel the secrets of the brain and nervous system. We know a lot understand these parts of our bodies, the better we can understand humans and their societies as a whole.References1.OzInc/featurestories/heart.htm2.Drexel University. Students Develop 'Mind-Control' Interface to Play VideoGames Without a Controller. PhysOrg/news137776590.html3. A 'Frankenrobot' with a biological brain. PhysOrg./news137852322.html4.Afferent Neuron. The Free Dictionary./afferent+neuron5.The Human Central Nervous System. 12 April 2008/ of the Nervous System. 21 October 2007/ Neuron. The Free Dictionary./efferent+neuron8.Interneuron: Definition and Much More. ./topic/interneuron9.Chudler, Eric. Glia: The Forgotten Brain Cell. Neuroscience for Kids./chudler/glia.html10.Dendrites. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute./locker/56/000756/dendrite.html11.Definition of Axon. MedicineNet, Inc./script/main/art.asp?articlekey=779712.Making Connections - The Synapse. University of Washington./chudler/synapse.html13.Guides, R., (2007). The Rough Guide to the Brain 1. London: Rough Guides.14.Rapp, Brenda (2001). The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: WhatDeficits Reveal about the Human Mind. Psychology Press15.cerebellum. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved August 14, 2008/EBchecked/topic/103357/cerebellum16.thalamus. Medical Science 532. University of Idaho./med532/thalamus.htm17.Farr, Gary. The hypothalamus. Become Healthy Now./article/bodynervousadvanced/956/ 18.BASAL GANGLIA AND CEREBELLUM. Washington University in St.Louis./course/cerebell.html19.Anatomy of the Brain. : Biology./library/organs/brain/blamygdala.htm20.Memory, Learning, and Emotion: the Hippocampus. PsychEducation./emotion/hippocampus.htm21.Frontal Lobes. Centre For Neuro Skills./tbi/bfrontal.shtml22.Parietal Lobes. Centre For Neuro Skills./tbi/bparieta.shtml23.Occipital Lobes. Centre For Neuro Skills./tbi/boccipit.shtml24.Temporal Lobes. Anatomy of the Brain. : Biology./library/organs/brain/bltemporallobe.htm25.THE HUMAN CORPUS CALLOSUM. University of Indiana./~pietsch/callosum.html。

ch1_signals and signal processing

ch1_signals and signal processing
Ch1 Signals and Signal Processing
Characterization and Classification of Signals Typical Signal Processing Operations Examples of Typical Signals and Signal Processing Applications Why Digital Signal Processing? DSP Application Systems

The Digitalization Determine Future
Digital switchers replaced analog switchers GSM and CDMA replaced analog mobile communication Digital cameras come out… Digital TVs are replacing analog TVs Thoroughly saying, the technology based on computer is changing the industry, agriculture, education, science…
Examples of Typical Signal Processing Applications
Sound recording applications. Compressors and limiters. Expanders and noise gates. Equalizers and filters. Noise reduction system. Delay and reverberation systems. ……


(School o f Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China)
A bstract: In this paper, the open source Python language is used to design a friendly and concise GUI (graphical
践 课 程 ,提高课堂吸引力和学生对基本知识的理解力。 M A T L A B 软件将数值分析、矩阵计算、科学数据可视 化等诸多功能集成在一个视窗环境中,功能强大。但 它 是 美 国 M a t h W o r k s 公司出品的一款商业软件,若用 于 学 术 、研 究 或 其 他 用 途 ,需 获 得 版 权 授 权 许 可 ,价 格不菲,且存在被禁用风险。P y t h o n 是开源语言,使 用者可自由地发布软件的拷贝,阅读源代码,把其中 的一部分用在新的自由软件中也不用担心版权问题。 P y t h o n 结 构 清 晰 、简单易学,可移植性强,在科学计 算 、机器学习、数据处理、数据挖掘等领域具有广泛
Key w o r d s :signal and system; experimental platform; Python; GUI
信号与系统课程是工科类大学电子信息和通信类 专 业 的 核 心 课 程 ,为 使 课程 内容 的 理论 与实 践密切结 合 ,当前改革的主要任务是将理论分析与大量工程案 例 应 用 相 结 合 [1_3]。该 课 程 涉 及 学 科 多 、理 论 性 强 、概 念较抽象,为提高学生学习的积极性,大多数高校在 课程中都加人了基于M A T L A B 软件的相关实践教学 内容 ,金波14]等 利 用 M A T L A B 的 G U I 编程方法设计 了 教 学 辅 助 平 台 ,方 便 学 生 形 象 直 观 地 理 解 、掌握课 程 中 的 基 本 知 识 [5_6]。 朱 娟 娟 等 [7]以 信 号 与 系 统 M A T L A B 的实践教学为出发点,通过建设在线开放实



signal头⽂件即各个信号的含义/** Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.** @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@** This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.** Please obtain a copy of the License at* /apsl/ and read it before using this file.** The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES,* INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and* limitations under the License.** @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@*//* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved *//** Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.* (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.* All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed* to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph* Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with* the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software* must display the following acknowledgement:* This product includes software developed by the University of* California, Berkeley and its contributors.* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software* without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND* ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE* ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE* FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL* DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS* OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)* HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT* LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY* OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF* SUCH DAMAGE.** @(#)signal.h 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/21/94*/#ifndef _SYS_SIGNAL_H_#define _SYS_SIGNAL_H_#include <sys/cdefs.h>#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>#include <Availability.h>#define __DARWIN_NSIG 32 /* counting 0; could be 33 (mask is 1-32) */#if !defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) && (!defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))#define NSIG __DARWIN_NSIG#endif#include <machine/signal.h> /* sigcontext; codes for SIGILL, SIGFPE */#define SIGHUP 1 /* hangup */#define SIGINT 2 /* interrupt */#define SIGQUIT 3 /* quit */#define SIGILL 4 /* illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */#define SIGTRAP 5 /* trace trap (not reset when caught) */#define SIGABRT 6 /* abort() */#if (defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && !defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))#define SIGPOLL 7 /* pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported) */#else /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */#define SIGIOT SIGABRT /* compatibility */#define SIGEMT 7 /* EMT instruction */#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */#define SIGFPE 8 /* floating point exception */#define SIGKILL 9 /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */#define SIGBUS 10 /* bus error */#define SIGSEGV 11 /* segmentation violation */#define SIGSYS 12 /* bad argument to system call */#define SIGPIPE 13 /* write on a pipe with no one to read it */#define SIGALRM 14 /* alarm clock */#define SIGTERM 15 /* software termination signal from kill */#define SIGURG 16 /* urgent condition on IO channel */#define SIGSTOP 17 /* sendable stop signal not from tty */#define SIGTSTP 18 /* stop signal from tty */#define SIGCONT 19 /* continue a stopped process */#define SIGCHLD 20 /* to parent on child stop or exit */#define SIGTTIN 21 /* to readers pgrp upon background tty read */#define SIGTTOU 22 /* like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local&LTOSTOP) */#if (!defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))#define SIGIO 23 /* input/output possible signal */#endif#define SIGXCPU 24 /* exceeded CPU time limit */#define SIGXFSZ 25 /* exceeded file size limit */#define SIGVTALRM 26 /* virtual time alarm */#define SIGPROF 27 /* profiling time alarm */#if (!defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))#define SIGWINCH 28 /* window size changes */#define SIGINFO 29 /* information request */#endif#define SIGUSR1 30 /* user defined signal 1 */#define SIGUSR2 31 /* user defined signal 2 */#if defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) || __DARWIN_UNIX03 || defined(__cplusplus)/** Language spec sez we must list exactly one parameter, even though we* actually supply three. Ugh!* SIG_HOLD is chosen to avoid KERN_SIG_* values in <sys/signalvar.h>*/#define SIG_DFL (void (*)(int))0#define SIG_IGN (void (*)(int))1#define SIG_HOLD (void (*)(int))5#define SIG_ERR ((void (*)(int))-1)#else/* DO NOT REMOVE THE COMMENTED OUT int: fixincludes needs to see them */ #define SIG_DFL (void (*)( /*int*/ ))0#define SIG_IGN (void (*)( /*int*/ ))1#define SIG_HOLD (void (*)( /*int*/ ))5#define SIG_ERR ((void (*)( /*int*/ ))-1)#endif#ifndef _ANSI_SOURCE#include <sys/_types.h>#include <machine/_mcontext.h>#include <sys/_pthread/_pthread_attr_t.h>#include <sys/_types/_sigaltstack.h>#include <sys/_types/_ucontext.h>#include <sys/_types/_pid_t.h>#include <sys/_types/_sigset_t.h>#include <sys/_types/_size_t.h>#include <sys/_types/_uid_t.h>union sigval {/* Members as suggested by Annex C of POSIX 1003.1b. */int sival_int;void *sival_ptr;};#define SIGEV_NONE 0 /* No async notification */#define SIGEV_SIGNAL 1 /* aio - completion notification */#define SIGEV_THREAD 3 /* [NOTIMP] [RTS] call notification function */ struct sigevent {int sigev_notify; /* Notification type */int sigev_signo; /* Signal number */union sigval sigev_value; /* Signal value */void (*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval); /* Notification function */ pthread_attr_t *sigev_notify_attributes; /* Notification attributes */};typedef struct __siginfo {int si_signo; /* signal number */int si_errno; /* errno association */int si_code; /* signal code */pid_t si_pid; /* sending process */uid_t si_uid; /* sender's ruid */int si_status; /* exit value */void *si_addr; /* faulting instruction */union sigval si_value; /* signal value */long si_band; /* band event for SIGPOLL */unsigned long __pad[7]; /* Reserved for Future Use */} siginfo_t;/** When the signal is SIGILL or SIGFPE, si_addr contains the address of* the faulting instruction.* When the signal is SIGSEGV or SIGBUS, si_addr contains the address of* the faulting memory reference. Although for x86 there are cases of SIGSEGV* for which si_addr cannot be determined and is NULL.* If the signal is SIGCHLD, the si_pid field will contain the child process ID,* si_status contains the exit value or signal and* si_uid contains the real user ID of the process that sent the signal.*//* Values for si_code *//* Codes for SIGILL */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define ILL_NOOP 0 /* if only I knew... */#endif#define ILL_ILLOPC 1 /* [XSI] illegal opcode */#define ILL_ILLTRP 2 /* [XSI] illegal trap */#define ILL_PRVOPC 3 /* [XSI] privileged opcode */#define ILL_ILLOPN 4 /* [XSI] illegal operand -NOTIMP */#define ILL_ILLADR 5 /* [XSI] illegal addressing mode -NOTIMP */#define ILL_PRVREG 6 /* [XSI] privileged register -NOTIMP */#define ILL_COPROC 7 /* [XSI] coprocessor error -NOTIMP */#define ILL_BADSTK 8 /* [XSI] internal stack error -NOTIMP *//* Codes for SIGFPE */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define FPE_NOOP 0 /* if only I knew... */#endif#define FPE_FLTDIV 1 /* [XSI] floating point divide by zero */#define FPE_FLTOVF 2 /* [XSI] floating point overflow */#define FPE_FLTUND 3 /* [XSI] floating point underflow */#define FPE_FLTRES 4 /* [XSI] floating point inexact result */#define FPE_FLTINV 5 /* [XSI] invalid floating point operation */#define FPE_FLTSUB 6 /* [XSI] subscript out of range -NOTIMP */#define FPE_INTDIV 7 /* [XSI] integer divide by zero */#define FPE_INTOVF 8 /* [XSI] integer overflow *//* Codes for SIGSEGV */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define SEGV_NOOP 0 /* if only I knew... */#endif#define SEGV_MAPERR 1 /* [XSI] address not mapped to object */#define SEGV_ACCERR 2 /* [XSI] invalid permission for mapped object *//* Codes for SIGBUS */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define BUS_NOOP 0 /* if only I knew... */#endif#define BUS_ADRALN 1 /* [XSI] Invalid address alignment */#define BUS_ADRERR 2 /* [XSI] Nonexistent physical address -NOTIMP */ #define BUS_OBJERR 3 /* [XSI] Object-specific HW error - NOTIMP *//* Codes for SIGTRAP */#define TRAP_BRKPT 1 /* [XSI] Process breakpoint -NOTIMP */#define TRAP_TRACE 2 /* [XSI] Process trace trap -NOTIMP *//* Codes for SIGCHLD */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define CLD_NOOP 0 /* if only I knew... */#endif#define CLD_EXITED 1 /* [XSI] child has exited */#define CLD_KILLED 2 /* [XSI] terminated abnormally, no core file */#define CLD_DUMPED 3 /* [XSI] terminated abnormally, core file */#define CLD_TRAPPED 4 /* [XSI] traced child has trapped */#define CLD_STOPPED 5 /* [XSI] child has stopped */#define CLD_CONTINUED 6 /* [XSI] stopped child has continued *//* Codes for SIGPOLL */#define POLL_IN 1 /* [XSR] Data input available */#define POLL_OUT 2 /* [XSR] Output buffers available */#define POLL_MSG 3 /* [XSR] Input message available */#define POLL_ERR 4 /* [XSR] I/O error */#define POLL_PRI 5 /* [XSR] High priority input available */#define POLL_HUP 6 /* [XSR] Device disconnected *//* union for signal handlers */union __sigaction_u {void (*__sa_handler)(int);void (*__sa_sigaction)(int, struct __siginfo *,void *);};/* Signal vector template for Kernel user boundary */struct __sigaction {union __sigaction_u __sigaction_u; /* signal handler */void (*sa_tramp)(void *, int, int, siginfo_t *, void *);sigset_t sa_mask; /* signal mask to apply */int sa_flags; /* see signal options below */};/** Signal vector "template" used in sigaction call.*/struct sigaction {union __sigaction_u __sigaction_u; /* signal handler */sigset_t sa_mask; /* signal mask to apply */int sa_flags; /* see signal options below */};/* if SA_SIGINFO is set, sa_sigaction is to be used instead of sa_handler. */#define sa_handler __sigaction_u.__sa_handler#define sa_sigaction __sigaction_u.__sa_sigaction#define SA_ONSTACK 0x0001 /* take signal on signal stack */#define SA_RESTART 0x0002 /* restart system on signal return */#define SA_RESETHAND 0x0004 /* reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal */#define SA_NOCLDSTOP 0x0008 /* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop */#define SA_NODEFER 0x0010 /* don't mask the signal we're delivering */#define SA_NOCLDWAIT 0x0020 /* don't keep zombies around */#define SA_SIGINFO 0x0040 /* signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)#define SA_USERTRAMP 0x0100 /* do not bounce off kernel's sigtramp *//* This will provide 64bit register set in a 32bit user address space */#define SA_64REGSET 0x0200 /* signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args with 64bit regs information */#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) *//* the following are the only bits we support from user space, the* rest are for kernel use only.*/#define SA_USERSPACE_MASK (SA_ONSTACK | SA_RESTART | SA_RESETHAND | SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_NODEFER | SA_NOCLDWAIT | SA_SIGINFO) /** Flags for sigprocmask:*/#define SIG_BLOCK 1 /* block specified signal set */#define SIG_UNBLOCK 2 /* unblock specified signal set */#define SIG_SETMASK 3 /* set specified signal set *//* POSIX 1003.1b required values. */#define SI_USER 0x10001 /* [CX] signal from kill() */#define SI_QUEUE 0x10002 /* [CX] signal from sigqueue() */#define SI_TIMER 0x10003 /* [CX] timer expiration */#define SI_ASYNCIO 0x10004 /* [CX] aio request completion */#define SI_MESGQ 0x10005 /* [CX] from message arrival on empty queue */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)typedef void (*sig_t)(int); /* type of signal function */#endif/** Structure used in sigaltstack call.*/#define SS_ONSTACK 0x0001 /* take signal on signal stack */#define SS_DISABLE 0x0004 /* disable taking signals on alternate stack */ #define MINSIGSTKSZ 32768 /* (32K)minimum allowable stack */#define SIGSTKSZ 131072 /* (128K)recommended stack size */#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)/** 4.3 compatibility:* Signal vector "template" used in sigvec call.*/struct sigvec {void (*sv_handler)(int); /* signal handler */int sv_mask; /* signal mask to apply */int sv_flags; /* see signal options below */};#define SV_ONSTACK SA_ONSTACK#define SV_INTERRUPT SA_RESTART /* same bit, opposite sense */ #define SV_RESETHAND SA_RESETHAND#define SV_NODEFER SA_NODEFER#define SV_NOCLDSTOP SA_NOCLDSTOP#define SV_SIGINFO SA_SIGINFO#define sv_onstack sv_flags /* isn't compatibility wonderful! */#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) *//** Structure used in sigstack call.*/struct sigstack {char *ss_sp; /* signal stack pointer */int ss_onstack; /* current status */};#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)/** Macro for converting signal number to a mask suitable for* sigblock().*/#define sigmask(m) (1 << ((m)-1))#define BADSIG SIG_ERR#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */#endif /* !_ANSI_SOURCE *//** For historical reasons; programs expect signal's return value to be* defined by <sys/signal.h>.*/__BEGIN_DECLSvoid(*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);__END_DECLS#endif /* !_SYS_SIGNAL_H_ */。



set_clock_latency用法Title: Understanding and Utilizing the set_clock_latency Function in Digital DesignIntroduction:In the realm of digital design, accurate timing plays a vital role in ensuring proper functionality and synchronization of circuits. One critical function that aids in achieving this accuracy is the set_clock_latency function. In this article, we will delve into the details of set_clock_latency, its purpose, and how to effectively use it in digital design.Section 1: Fundamentals of Clock Latency:To comprehend the significance of set_clock_latency, we first need to understand the concept of clock latency. In synchronous digital systems, a clock signal acts as a reference point for triggering various events and operations within the circuit. Clock latency refers to the delay experienced by this clock signal as it travels through different components, including flip-flops, latches, and wires.Section 2: The Importance of Clock Latency Management:Accurate clock latency management is crucial for maintaining synchronization and avoiding timing violations within a digital design.Failure to account for clock latency can lead to race conditions, data corruption, or even system failure. Hence, designers need to analyze and manage clock latency effectively to ensure reliable circuit operation.Section 3: Understanding set_clock_latency:set_clock_latency is a function provided by many digital design tools and programming languages like VHDL and Verilog/SystemVerilog. Its purpose is to specify the latency of a clock signal with respect to the reference frame, allowing for precise timing analysis during the design process.Section 4: Syntax and Usage of set_clock_latency:The syntax and usage of the set_clock_latency function may vary based on the programming language or design tool being used. However, the core concept remains the same. Let's explore a generic example using VHDL:set_clock_latency -max <max_latency> -min <min_latency> [get_clocks <clock_signal>]- The "-max" flag specifies the maximum latency tolerated for the givenclock signal.- The "-min" flag specifies the minimum latency tolerated for the given clock signal.- The "get_clocks" command instructs the tool to retrieve the desired clock signal for latency analysis.Section 5: Key Parameters of set_clock_latency:a) Maximum Latency: The maximum latency specifies the upper limit of acceptable delay for the clock signal. It denotes the maximum time a clock edge is willing to wait for setup and hold checks of subsequent circuit elements. Exceeding this latency can lead to timing violations.b) Minimum Latency: The minimum latency represents the lower limit of acceptable delay for the clock signal. It signifies the amount of time required for the clock edge to propagate through the system. Falling below this latency can result in setup and hold violations.Section 6: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices:a) Accurate Measurement: Carefully measuring the actual clock latency using tools like static timing analysis (STA) is crucial for setting appropriate latency values. Relying solely on estimation may lead to incorrect timing calculations.b) Design Hierarchy: Ensuring that set_clock_latency is applied at the appropriate hierarchy level is vital. Pinpointing the exact location of the clock latency is necessary for obtaining accurate results.c) Clock Skew Compensation: In cases where clock skew exists (i.e., variations in signal arrival time due to physical distance), appropriate adjustments should be considered while setting the clock latency values.d) Sensitivity Analysis: Performing sensitivity analysis by varying the clock latency values within the design helps identify critical paths and their impact on the overall system's timing.Conclusion:Understanding and utilizing the set_clock_latency function is paramount for achieving accurate and reliable timing in digital design. By precisely accounting for clock latency, design engineers can avoid timing violations, improve system performance, and ensure smooth circuit operation. Proper consideration of timing constraints and best practices will ultimately contribute to the success of any digital design project.。

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T.W. ANDERSON (1971). The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Series in Probability and Ma

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D0075667 WC1-101-000352_DES6401 R-Functional Description控制功能描述

D0075667 WC1-101-000352_DES6401 R-Functional Description控制功能描述

Contract Name: MIDONG米东Contract Number: WC1-101-000352Document Title: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR AIR COOLED CONDENSERAIR COOLED CONDENSERFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FORAIR COOLED CONDENSER空冷凝汽器功能描述SPX Ref. Nr. : WC1-101-000352_DES6401 CBA- 15/12/08 TBU/MPO MC TBU Preliminary First issueRev Date BEM-Issued BEM-Approved BEM-Released Status RemarksProduct Group : Statistical Commodity No.: SPX Cooling TechnologiesContract Number: WC1-101-000352Document Title: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR AIR COOLED CONDENSER空冷凝汽器控制描述TABLE OF CONTENT目录1.0.RELATED DOCUMENTS相关文件42.0.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM系统总体描述52.1.MAIN COMPONENTS OF ACC 空冷系统主要组成52.2.PHILOSOPHY OF THE SYSTEM 系统原理62.3.GENERAL DEFINITION一般定义72.4.NUMBERING OF VALVES, PIPES AND MEASURING CIRCUITS93.0.ACC FUNCTIONAL GROUPS空冷功能组103.1.STEAM DUCT排汽管113.1.1.Description描述113.1.2.Instrumentation仪表113.1.3.Philosophy of the system系统原理123.1.4.Alarms and trips报警和跳闸133.2.STEAM CONDENSER WITH FAN UNITS带有风机组的凝汽器143.2.1.Description描述143.2.2.Instrumentation仪表153.2.3.Philosophy 原理153.2.4.Alarms and trips报警和跳闸153.2.5.Start-up and shut down recommendations启动和停机建议163.3.CONDENSATE SYSTEM 凝结水系统163.4.DRAIN POT DRAINING SYSTEM疏水坑疏水系统173.5.AIR EXTRACTION SYSTEM (TO BE CONFIRMED BY CLIENT)抽真空系统 (由业主确认)183.5.1Description描述183.5.2Instrumentation仪器193.5.3Philosophy原理193.5.4Alarms and trips报警和跳闸234.0.START-UP AND SHUT DOWN SEQUENCE启动和停车次序274.1.Start-up Sequence启动次序274.2.Shut down sequence停机顺序304.3.Plant in stand by condition315.OPERATION MODE (PRELIMINARY - 操作模式(初步) 325.1.AUTOMATIC MODE自动操作模式325.2.MANUAL OPERATION FROM CONTROL ROOM 来自控制间的手动操作325.3.LOCAL MODE就地模式 (by Client)336.ACC CONTROL SYSTEM空冷控制系统34Contract Number: WC1-101-000352Document Title: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR AIR COOLED CONDENSER空冷凝汽器控制描述6.1.TURBINE BACK PRESSURE CONTROL汽机背压控制346.1.1.Description描述346.1.2.Instrumentation仪表346.1.3.Philosophy 原理346.1.4.The rules of the step-switching 开关步骤规则376.2.FREEZING PROTECTION防冻保护397.ABNORMAL PLANT OPERATIONS - PLANT TRIPS SUMMARY反常的工厂操作-工厂跳闸摘要42 8.MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM系统维护438.1 GENERAL COMMENT概论438.2 DAILY MAINTENANCE每日维护438.3 WEEKLY MAINTENANCE每周维护438.4 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE每月维护448.5 HALF YEAR MAINTENANCE半年维护44 ANNEX 1 : ACC PRESSURE CONTROL PRINCIPLE附件1:空冷压力控制原理45 ANNEX 2 : ACC FANS CONTROL STEPS 风机控制步骤46 ANNEX 3 : ACC VALVES CONTROL STEPS空冷阀门控制步骤46 ANNEX 4 : INSTRUMENTATION LIST仪表清单46Contract Number: WC1-101-000352Document Title: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FOR AIR COOLED CONDENSER空冷凝汽器控制描述1.0. RELATED DOCUMENTS相关文件SPX ref.斯必克文件号Rev版号Description描述WC1-101-000352_DES6403 - Fan Control stepWC1-101-000352_DES6404 - Valve Control step 阀门控制步骤WC1-101-000352_DWG0001 - General arrangement 总体布置WC1-101-000352_DWG0030 A P&ID – Steam system PID-蒸汽系统WC1-101-000352_DWG0032 A P&ID – Vacuum system PID-真空系统WC1-101-000352_LIS6402 - Instrumentation list per functional group 按照功能组划分的仪表清单WC1-101-000352_DES5700 - High pressure water cleaning procedure 高压水清洗程序WC1-101-000352_DNO4730 - Design note for rupture discs 爆破膜设计说明Important notes重要说明1) This functional description is made for the two Units. For the second Unit, the firstdigit “10” has to be replaced by “20”. 此功能描述用于2台机组。



1.PCM原理抽样量化与编码:sampling,quantizing and coding话路:speech channel幅值: amplitude value抽样频率: sampling frequency抽样速率: sampling rate脉冲流: stream of pulses重复率: repetition rate编码过程: coding process模拟信号: analog signal传输质量: transmission quality数字通信: digital communication数字传输: digital transmission含噪声的环境: noisy environment传输路由: transmission path信噪比 :signal-to-noise ratio信号电平 :signal levels噪声功率: noise power地面系统: terrestrial system二进制传输: binary transmission反向操作: reverse operation8-位码序列: 8-digit sequence接受端: receiving terminal帧格式 :frame format同步字 :synchronization word实现这三项功能的方案 :the schemes for performing these three functions一串幅值: a series of amplitude values电话质量的话路 a speech channel of telephone quality一个8位二进制码的序列: a sequence of 8-binary digits理论上的最小抽样频率 :a minimum theoretical sampling frequency占据着300Hz到3.4kHz频率范围的话路: a voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4kHz 每个样值8-位码: 8-digits per sample value汽车点火系统的打火: the sparking of a car ignition system重复率为64kHz的脉冲流: the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64kHz真实信号与噪声信号的关系: relationship of the true signal to the noise signal由卫星上接受到的信号 :the signal received from a satellite一条特定消息中的全部信息 :the complete informatian about a particular message被传信号的波形 :the shape of the transmitted signal由传输路由引入的衰减: the attenuation introduced by transmission path将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元 :the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses涉及到第一路,第二路及其他各路的序列: a sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on被称为同步字的独特码序列: a unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word地面系统 :terrestrial system脉冲的“有”或“无” : the presence or absence of the pulses高速的电子开关: a high-speed electronic switch时分多路复用器 :the time division multiplexer时分多路复用 :Time Division Multiplexer2.异步串行数据传输串行接口 serial interface显示终端 CRT terminal发送器与接收器 transmitter and receiver数据传输 data transmission数据流 data stream闲置状态 the idle state传号电平 mark level空号电位 space level起始位 start bit停止位 stop bitT秒的持续时间 duration of T seconds奇偶校检位 parity bit错误标志 error flag传输错误 transmission error下降沿 fallinf edge符号间的空格 intersymbol space接收机的定时 receiver timing本地时钟 local clock磁带 magnetic tape控制比特 control bit逻辑1电平 logical 1 level二进制数据 binary data明显的缺点 obvious disadvantage异步串行数据传输 asynchronous serial data transmission最为流行的串行接口 the most popular serial interface所传送的数据 the transmitted data发送器与接收器的时钟 the clocks at the transmitter and receiver电传机的时代 the era of teleprinter一个字符的点和划 the dots and dashs of a character符号间空格持续时间的三倍 three times the duration of intersymbol space被称为字符的比特组 the group of bits called characters由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元 the invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information 由接收机本地产生的时钟 a clock generated locally by the receiver在字符后所收到的奇偶校检位 the received parity bit following the character起始位的下降沿 the falling edge of the start bit数据链路面向字符的特性 the character-oriented nature of the data link3.数据通信地下电缆 underground cable通信卫星 communication satellite微波设备 microwave facilities调制器与解调器 modulator and demodulator缓冲器 buffer定时信号 timing signals同步脉冲 synchronization pulses时隙 time slot移位寄存器 shift register传输媒体 transmission medium线形衰弱 linear attenuation信息安全 information security键盘 keyboard数据终端 data terminals某种类型的数据转换设备 some type of data conversion equipment视频显示终端 visual display terminal称为数据调制解调器的双向数据发送接收机 two-way data transmistter-receiver called a data modem 全双工的数据传输系统 full-duplex data trandmission system由数据处理器的运算速率所决定的速率 the rate determined by the operating speed of the data processor由接口部件来的定时信号 timing signals from the interface assembly磁心存储器 magnetic core memories线性衰减和时延特性 linear attenuation and delay characteristics传输损伤 transmission impairments语音中的冗余特性 the redundant nature of speech在数据发送器中的编码过程 coding process in the data transmitter二进制的不归零信号 binary nonreturn-to-zero signal4.互联网网络资源:network resource信息服务:information services远程终端:remote terminals互联的系统:interconnected systems命令:command电子邮件:electronic mail主机:host无线信道:wireless channels搜索工具:searching tools用户界面:user interface存取:access文本信息:textual messages协议:protocol超文本协议:hypertext protocol分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络:gaint network of computers located all over the world主干系统:backbone system全国范围的网络:nationwild network电子会议:electronic conferences实时对话:live conversation最大的信息库the largest repository of the computers on the net网络设备资源:network facilities resources在网上的绝大多数计算机:the vast majority of the computer on the netUNIX操作系统:the UNIX operating system在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据的方法:a way to move data between the internet and your PC 方便的搜索工具:the convenient searching tools联网的超文本协议:the network hypertext protocol5.光纤通信介绍光纤通信:optical fiber communications光源:light source波长:wavelength激光器:laser色散:dispersion传输介质:transmission medium多模光纤:multi-mode fiber长途干线:long-houl trunks单模光纤:singer-mode fiber带宽:bandwidth带宽用户:wideband subscriber纤维光学:fiber-optics商用技术:commercial technologe门限电流:threshod current光检测器:photodetector波分复用:wavelength multiplexing纤维光网络:fiber-optic network视频带宽:video bandwidth长途传输:long distance transmission中继距离:repeater spacing已装光纤的总长度:the total length of installed fiber长途通信系统:long-haul telecommunication system低衰减的石英纤维:the low-loss silica fiber衰减接近瑞利极限的光纤:fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit室温下的门限电流:room temperature threshold currents较长波长区:the longer wavelength region用户接入工程:subscriber access project部件性能和可靠性的改进:improvements in component performance and reliability已安装的光纤系统的数据速率:data rates for installed fibre optic system每秒吉比特:gigabit per second range波分复用:wavelength multiplexing带宽用户环路系统:widebend subscriber loop system多纤连接器:multifibre connectors设计寿命:projected lifetime光源:light source单模光纤:single-mode fibre分布反馈式激光器:distributed-feedback laser信息容量:information capacity交换体系:switching hierarchy带宽业务:broadband services6.同步数字系列同步数字系统:synchronous digital hierarchy国际标准:international standard信号格式:signal format网络节点接口:network node interface支路信号:tributary signals数字交叉连接:digital cross-connection网络管理:network management网络维护:network maintenance网络运营者:network operators传输速率:transmission rate支路映射:tributary mapping灵活性:flexibility用户业务:subscriber services覆盖层:overlay levels制造商:manufacturer同步传输帧:synchronous transmission frame线路终端复用器:line terminal multiplexer分插复用器:add-drop multiplexer再生中继器:regenerator灵敏度:sensitivity虚容器:virtual container成帧字节:framing bytes段开销:section overhead端到端传输:end-to-end transmission误码监视:error monitoring信号处理节点:signal processing nodes净负荷:payload指针:pointer同步传输系统:synchronous transmission system覆盖nni的标准:the standard covering the NNI国际标准接口:the international standard interface直接同步复用:direct synchronous multiplexing灵活的通信联网:flexible telecommunication networking点对点的传输技术:point-to-point transmission technology先进的网络管理:advanced network management不同厂家提供的设备:the equipment supplied by different manmufacturers SDH提供的灵活性:the flexibility provided by SDH同步复用设备的运营者:operator of synchronous multiplexers电信联网:telecommunication networking支路信号:tributary signals维护能力:maintenance capabilities统一的电信网络基础结构:unified telecommunication network infrastructure 组件:building blocks终端复用器:terminal multiplexer贯通方式:through-mode fashion同步数字交叉链接:synchronous DXC可变带宽:arying bandwidth各个支路信号:individual tributary signals传输系统:transport system光载体:optical carrier二维图形:2-dimensional map传输次序:the order of transmission7.波分复用对光特性的理解:the understanding of the property of light基本重要性:the fundamental important想象今天的通信系统:to imagine the communication system of today光的高速公路:the highway of light巨量的信息:the massive amount of information采用通信新技术:to adopt new communication technology大量的视频信息:the large amounts of video information波分复用:the wave divide multiplexing只发送单个波长:to send only one wavelength传输大量的波长:to transmit a large amount of wavelength无差错传输:the error-free transmission自愈特性:the self-healing propertys直接接入光网络:to access directly to the optial network视频信息:the video information导致WDM革命的主要进展:the major advance that led to the revolution光放大器的发明:the invention of the optical amplifier下一段光纤:the next span of fiber提高所有波长信号的功率:to boost the signal power of all wavelength在光放大器方面的进展:the advances in optical amplifier增益均衡技术的发展:the development of gain equalization techniques多波长传输:the multiple-wavelength transmission无线系统的增长:the growth of various application各种各样的业务:the wide various application处理各种业务类型:to handle various types of traffic全光交叉连接:the all-optical cross-connect8.寻呼系统的发展通信手段:communication means被叫人:called person紧急通信:urgent communications移动电话网:mobile telephone network电话交换台:telephone switchboard寻呼业务:paging service电子电路:electronic circuitry无线传输:wireless transmission无线发射机:wireless transmitter个人代码:personal codes服务区:service area单向通信:one-way communication寻呼用户:paging users顾客:customer技术进步:technological progress系统的效率:efficiency of the system专用的无线网络:dedicated wireless network终端设备:terminal equipment全球覆盖:global coverage无线增益:gain of the antenna空间站:space station通信网络的运行:the operation of a communication network有线的和移动的电话网络:the wired and mobile telephone network光和声音的信号装置:optical and acoustical signaling devices本地电话交换台的接线员:the operator of a local telephone switchboard 第一代寻呼系统:the first generation of paging system利用无线传输的寻呼系统:the paging system using wireless transmission 专用的无线接收机:the dedicated radio receiver社会和经济效益:social and economic advantages电子电路的小型化:the miniaturization of electronic circuitry价格效率比:cost efficiency小型无线电接收机:the miniature radio receiver显示能力:display capability全球覆盖:global coverage空间站的天线增益:the space station antenna gain地球同步轨道卫星:geostationary orbit satellite用户终端:user terminal9.蜂窝式移动电话系统蜂窝式移动电话:cellular mobile telephone服务性能:services performance频谱:frequency spectrum频带:frequency band微处理器:microprocessor移动手机:mobile unit广播业务:broadcast servise天线:antenna子系统:subsystems移动用户:mobile subscriber服务能力:service capability利用率:utilization带宽:bandwidth单边带:single-sideband扩频:spread spectrum大规模集成电路:large scale integrated circuits蜂窝点:cellular site蜂窝交换机:cellular switch无线机架:radio cabinet呼叫处理:call processing频谱利用率:frequency spectrum utilization有限的指定频带:the limited assigend ferquency band 服务区:servise area复杂的特性和功能:complicated features and functions大规模集成电路技术:large-scale integraesd circuit technology试验性的蜂窝系统:developmental cellular system中央协调单元:central coordinating element蜂窝管理:cellular administration传统移动电话的运行限制:operational limitiation of conventional mobile telephone system 有限的服务能力:limitied service capability无线通信行业:radio communcation industry可用的无线电频谱:available radio frequency spectrum所分配的频带:the allocated frequency band移动收发信机:mobile transceiver技术上的可行性:techological feasibility严格的频谱限制:severe spectrum limitations调频广播业务:FM broadcasting services传播路径衰耗:propagration path loss多径衰耗:multipath fading电话公司地方局:telephone company zone offices10.全球移动通信系统个人通信 personal communcation通信标准 communcation standrads固定电话业务 fixed telephone services网络容量 network capability移动交换中心 mobile switching center国际漫游 international roaming宽带业务 broadband services接口转换 interface conversion频谱分配 frequency allocation模拟方式 analogue mode蜂窝通信原理 cellular communcation principe拥塞 jamming蜂窝裂变 cellular splitting基站 base station寄存器 register收费功能 billing function接入方法 access method突发脉冲传输方式 brusty transimission mode开销信息 overhead information切换算法 handover algorithms短消息服务 short message services技术规范 technical specificationtotal access communcation system 全接入的通信系统global mobile communcation system 全球移动通信系统time division multiple access 时分多址facsimile and short message services 传真和短消息服务fixed communcation networks 固定通信网络a more personalized system 更加个性化的系统the cost and quality of the link 链路的价格和质量market growth 市场的发展fixed telephone service 固定电话服务coxial cable 同轴电缆interface convision 接口转换cellular communcation priciple 蜂窝通信原则frequency reuse and cell splitting 频率复用和蜂窝裂变cochannel interference 共信道干扰theoretical spectual capability 理论上的频谱容量micro-cellular system 微蜂窝系统base station transceiver 基站收发信机subscriber register 用户寄存器burst transmission mode 突发脉冲传输模式overhead information 开销信息advanced handover algorithms 先进的切换算法facsimile and short message services 传真和短消息服务the GSM technique specications GSM技术规范说明11.电路交换和分组交换电路交换 circuit switching分组交换 packet switching报文交换 message switching子网 subnet信头 header目的地址 destination address误差控制 error control存储转发方式 store-and-forward manner突发性 bursty传输时延 transimission delay中间交换设备 intermediate switching equipment交换技术 switching technique返回信号 return signal报文处理机 message processor给定最大长度 given maximum length信息转移 information transfer随机性 random专用电路 dedicated circuit电路利用率 channel ultilizationthe capability of soring or manipulating user's data 存储和处理用户数据的能力the special signaling message 特定的信令信息a well defined block df data callde amessage 被精心定义的称为报文的数据块the information regarding the source and destination address 涉及源和目的地址的信息the computer referred to a message processor 叫做报文处理器的计算机the store-and-forward transmission technique 存储转发传输技术the dynamic allocation of bandwith 带宽的动态分配the overall transmission delay of message 报文整个的传输时延switching technique 交换技术ciruit switching 电路交换message switching 报文交换packet switching 分组交换total path of connected lines 连线的整个通路source-destination pair 源到目的地的一对communication parties 通信各方transmission unit 传输单元intial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit 在建立电路时的起初连接成本low delay constraint required by the user 用户所需的最短时延的限制the fixed dedicateded end-to-end circuit 固定专用的端到端电路low channel ultization 低的电路利用率12.ATM异步转移模式异步转移模式 asynchronous逻辑信道 logical channel虚电路 virtual circuits虚路径 virtual paths建议 recommendation网络层network level业务与应用层 service and application虚连接 virtual connection信息高速公路 information superhigh way点播电视 video-on-demand统计复用 statistical multiplexing数字化的信息 digital information标识符 identifer协议 protocols网络节点 network node宽带网 broadband networkATM论坛 ATM forum面向未来 future-proofed图象编码 image encodeing虚拟专用网 virtual private network数据处理 data processing被叫做信元的短的分组 short packets called cells每秒几百兆比特的速率 bit rates of several hundred megabits a second独特的复用方法 unique multiplexing method任何两个终端之间的物理连接 the physical connection between any two terminals交互式的视频业务 interactive video services多媒体业务的自然载体 a nature vehicle for multimedia services运营者和用户当前和未来的要求 the current and future requirement of both perators and users 高比特率信道的交换技术 the technique for switching high bit rate channel异步转换模式 asychornous transfer mode复用和交换技术 multiplexing and switching technique所承载的传输类型 the underlying type of transmission双重标识 dual identification虚电路 virtual circuit虚路径 virtual path信元在网络节点上的转移 the transfer of cells to the network nodes每秒几百爪比特 hundreds megabits a secondI.121建议 recommendation I.121服务质量 the quality of service与实际需求成比例 in proportion to the exact requirement网络所传送的应用和业务 the applications and service transported over a network构成虚网络的能力 the ability to construct virtual networks低价高效的利用网络设施 cost-effective use of infrastructure面向未来的 future-proofed协调传送不同业务的不同网络 coordinating different networks carrying different services未来的信息高速公路的基本部件 essential components of future information superhighways统计复用 statistical multiplexing资源的最佳使用 optimum use of resources虚拟专用网 virtual private networks13.多媒体多媒体 multimedia交互环境 interactive enviornment视频压缩 video compressin高清晰度电视 high definition television数字信号处理器 digital signal processor点播业务 on-demand services视频服务器 video servers硬件、软件和应用 hardware,software and applications存储 storage彩显 colour moniter全活动图象 full motion picture视频编码器 vision encoder字节 bytemixture of hardware,software and applications 硬件、软件和应用层interactive environment 交互环境personal desk top computers 个人桌面电脑video compression 视频压缩the vision encoder 视频编码器video-on-demand interactive services 交互式视频点播业务multimedia enviroment 多媒体环境visual images 视频图象hard disk storage 硬盘存储colour monitor 彩显the standards of multimedia 多媒体标准motion pictures 活动图象consumer quality of video and audio 顾客质量的视频和音频broadcast images 广播图象high definition television 高清晰度电视coding algorithms 编码算法digital signals processor 数字信号处理器14.公用电信网公用电信网 public telecommunication network本地环路 local loop交换节点 switching node双绞线 twisted pair外部呼叫 external call端局 end office数字数据系统 digital data systems二线连接 two wire connection收费中心 toll center电路交换网 circuit-switching network电话用户 telephone subscriber数据流量 data traffic链路 link中继线 trunk半双工的 half-duplex全双工的 full-duplex中间交换节点 intermediate switching node音频电路 voice-frequency circuit汇接交换机 tandem switch拓扑 topology接点间的 internode路由 route全双工的连接 full-duplex connection集中话务量的功能 the funcion of concentrating traffic被称为汇接交换机的交换节点 the switching node called tandem switch一小部分用户 a fraction of subscribers在站和网络之间的接口 the interface between the station and the network 发送数字信号的用户 the subscriber that transmit digital signal国家网络 national network结构部件 architectural components接点间的支路 the branches between nodes树状拓扑 tree topology传输设备 transmission facilities多条音频电路 multiple voice-frequency circuits同步时分复用 synchronous TDM相邻的端局 adjacent end offices全连通性 full connectivity被分离开的子网 isolated subnetworks高效中继线 high-usage trunks路由选择的基本次序 basic order of selection主干体系网络 backbone hierarchical network连到不同端局的俩个用户 two subscribers attached todifferent office交换区 exchange area15.综合业务数字网全球通信 global communications灵活性 flexibility端到端的数字连接 end-to-end digital connectivity开放网络 open network语声编码 voice encoding综合业务数字网 integrated services digital network系统结构 infrastructure国际标准化组织International Organization for Standardization通信载体 communication carriers传输媒体 transmission medium接口设备 interface equipment带宽限制 bandwidth limitation交换设备 switching equipment语音编码 voice encoding脉码调制 pulse code modulation基本接入 basic access综合业务数字网 the integrated services digital network国际标准化组织 the International Organization for Standardization由于传输媒体导致的质量下降 degradation due to the transmission medium4kHz话路中所固有的带宽限制 bandwidth limitations inherent in a 4kHz voice channel标准化的接口 standardized ports脉(冲编)码调制 pulse code modulation数字通信 digital communicationISDN的标准和系统结构 ISDN standards and system architecture全球通信 global communication数字技术的逐步应用 progressive application of digital technology共同通信载体 public communication carriers高质量 enhanced quality大量的接口设备 substantial quantity of interface equipment在传送话音、数据、视频和其他业务上的灵活性 flexibility in the transmission of voice , data , video and other services带宽的限制 bandwidth limitations端到端的数字连接 end-to-end digital connectivity语音编码技术 voice encoding techniques基本接入信令速率 basic access signaling rate统一的接入 universal access试验性的技术 experimental technology16.电信世界的业务和未来X.25协议 X.25 protocol电视信号 television signals宽带业务 narrowband services基本接入 basic access电信业务 teleservice用户电报 telex无线电波 radio waves地面天线 ground antenna同轴的 coaxial直接广播系统 direct broadcast system端到端的时延 end-to-end delay抖动 jitter繁忙小时 peak hours芯片技术 chip technology高清晰度电视 high definition television运行也维护 operations and maintenance现有的公用网络 the existing public network传统的双向对话 classical two-way voice conversation基于X.25协议的分组交换数据网络 packet switched data network based onX.25 porotocols对网络的拥护接入 the user access to the network对网络的用户接入 the user access to the network信道速率为70 Mbit/s的电路交换业务 a circuit switched service with a channel rate of 70 Mbit/S 与业务无关的网络 the service-independent network对资源的最佳统计共享 the optimal statistical sharing of the resources电信业务 telecommunication service用户电报网 telex network文字报 messages of characters双向对话 two-way voice conversation同轴树状网络 coaxial tree network公用天线的电视网络 community antenna TV network直接广播系统 16 direct broadcast system以太网 Ethernet令牌总线网和令牌环网 token bus and token ring network全球范围的独立网络 world-wide independent networks电话网络的繁忙小时 the peak hours in the telephone network资源共享 resource pooling繁忙小时流量 23 peak hour traffic窄带业务的综合 integration of narrow-band services在语声编码和芯片技术方面的进步 the progress in speech coding and chip technology新的电信业务 a new teleservice对新业务要求的适配 adapting to new service requirements移动电话:the mobile telephone第三代移动业务:the third generation mobile service无线通信:the wireless communication手机:the handset 全球漫游:the global roaming 无线标准:the wireless standard 蜂窝点:the cell sate 峰值数据速率:the peak data rate平均吞吐量:the average throughput 下载:the download多址接入:the multiple access扩频:the spread spectrum technology时隙:the timeslot To comebine high speed mobile access with internet protocol-based service将高速移动接入与基本IP的服务结合起来To standardized future digital wireless communication对未来的数字无线通信标准化theinternet protocol –based services基于互联协议的服务the single global wireless standard但与全球无线标准to accommodation the continuing growth of voice services as well as new wireless internet services容纳语音服务的持续增长及新的无线因特网服务 the spectrum allocation flexibility频谱分配的灵活性 the international telecommunication union国际电信联盟the boundaries between communication ,information,media and entertainment在通信,信息,媒体,娱乐之间的分界线。



铁道信号常用术语中英文对照附录 A 铁道 ___常用术语 1.按 ___设备分类 ___装置类术语矮型 ___机 dwarf signal 半自动 ___机 semi-auto ___ticsignal ___ ___ alarming signal 臂板 ___机 se ___phoresignal 差速制 ___ speed signal 车上 ___设备 cab signal devi ___ 车站 ___ station signal; signaling at stations 出站 ___ starting signal 出站 ___机 starting signal 出站 ___机复示器repeater of starting signal 从属 ___机 dependent signal; subsidiary signal 错误关闭 ___ false stopping of a signal错误开放 ___ wrong clearing of a signal 单线臂板 ___机single wire se ___phore signal 单置 ___点 single signal location 灯列式 ___机 position light signal 敌对 ___ conflicting signal 地面 ___ trackside signal; ground signal地面 ___设备 trackside signal facility 点式机车 ___ intermittent type cab signaling; intermittent type cab signaling 电动臂板 ___机 electric se ___phore signal 调车___ shunting signal 发车进路 ___机 route signal for departure 发车 ___ departure signal 发光 ___ aident waring flash signal 发音 ___ aident warning audible signal 返还系数 release factor 防护 ___ protecting signal; protection signal 防止重复 ___机 stick signal 复示 ___ repeatingsignal 复示 ___机 repeating signal 感应式机车 ___ inductive cab signaling 高速铁路 High Speed Railway 通过 ___ through signal 通过 ___机 passing signal 通过 ___机 block signal 透镜式色灯 ___机 multi-lens colour light signal;multi-lenses signal 推送 ___ start humping signal 驼峰机车 ___ hump cab signaling驼峰 ___ hump signal; humping signal 无线机车 ___ radio cab signaling 下峰 ___ down hump trimming signal 线别表示灯track ___rker 线号表示器 track number indicator 线路开通表示灯 opening route indication; routeclear light 线群出站___机 group starting signal 响墩 ___ detonating signal ___标志 signal indicator ___表示器 signal repeater ___玻璃signal glass ___测试台 signal test board ___厂 signal shop ___大修 signal overhaul repair ___灯 signal lamp; signal light ___灯泡 signal light bulb ___点 signal location ___电缆 signal cable ___电路图 circuit diagram ___复示器 signal repeater ___复原器 signal reverser; signal slot___供电 signal feeding ___故障 signal fault ___关闭signal at stop ___关闭表示 stop signal indication ___机signal ___机附属设备 signal appendant xx ___机 high signal固定 ___;固定 ___机 fixed signal 号讯 sign 火炬 ___ fusee signal 机车 ___ cab signaling 机车 ___设备 cab signaling equipment; cab signaling eqipment 机械臂板 ___机mechanically operated se ___phore signal 加速推送 ___ humping fast signal 减速防护地段终端 ___牌 released speed signal; slow-speed release signal 减速推送 ___ humping slow signal 减速 ___ restriction signal 减速 ___牌 slow speed signal减速预告 ___ slow speed approach 较大限制 ___ more restrictive signal 较大允许 ___ more favorable signal 接车进路 ___机 route signal for re ___iving 接车 ___ re___iving signal 接发车进路 ___机 route signal for re___iving-departure 接近表示器 approach indicator 接近连续式机车 ___ approach continuous cab signaling 尽头 ___机signal for stub-end track 进路 ___机 route signal 进路预告表示器 preliminary route indicator 进行定位式 ___机 nor___l pro ___ed signal 进行 ___ pro ___ed signal 进站___(机) home signal 禁止 ___标 forbidden movement sign 绝对___ absolute signal 绝对 ___机 absolute signal 连续式机车___ continuous cab signal; continuous type cab signaling列车接近通知 train approach announ ___ment 列车停车标train stop indicator 桥梁遮断 ___ bridge obstruction signal 区间 ___ section signaling; wayside signaling ___机构signal mechani ___ ___机后方 in rear of a signal ___机前方in advan ___(approach)of a signal ___集中修 signal___ntralized ___intenan ___ ___检修 signal inspection ___开放 signal at clear ___开放表示 cleared signal indication___雷管 detonator ___楼 signal box; signal tower ___配线signal wiring ___桥 signal bridge ___燃管 fusee ___色度signal colour fidelity ___施工 signal construction ___手(握)柄 signal lever ___透镜 signal lens ___托架 signal bracket ___维修 signal ___intenan ___ ___握柄 signal lever___无效标 signal out of order sign ___显示 signal visibility; signal aspect andication ___选别器 signal slot ___整治 signal renovation ___中修 signal intermediaterepair ___装置 signal apparatus 行车 ___ running signal; train signal 行车 ___机 train signal 选路制 ___ route signaling 咽喉 ___机 signal in throat section 延续进路suessive route; suessive route 夜间 ___ night signal ______ movable signal ___ ___牌 temporary signal 移频机车 ___ frequency shift cab signal 去禁溜线 ___ shunting signal toprohibitive humping line 容许 ___(机) permissive signal 色灯 ___ colour light signal 色灯 ___机 colour light signal 色灯 ___机 colour light signal; color-light signal 闪光 ___ flashing light signal; flash signal; flashingsignal 事故 ___ aident signal 视觉 ___ vision signal; visual signal 手动 ___机 ___nual signal 手 ___ hand signal; flag signal 手 ___代用器 substitute apparatus for hand signal 双线臂板 ___机 double wire se ___phore signal 速差制___ speed signaling ___遮断 ___ tunnel obstruction signal 探照式色灯 ___机 colour searchlight signal 特殊 ___ aident warning signal 铁路 ___;铁道 ___ railway signaling 铁路 ___装置 railway signaling equipment 听觉 ___ audible signal 停车定位式 ___机 nor ___l stop signal 停车 ___ stop signal 音响 ___ acoustic signal; whistle signal 引导 ___ calling-on signal 引导 ___机 call-on signal; calling-on signal 预告___ approaching signal 预告 ___机 distant signal 允许预推___ permissive prehumping signal 遮断 ___ obstructionsignal 遮断 ___按钮 obstruction signal button遮断 ___机 obstruction signal 遮断预告 ___机 approach obstruction signal 中继 ___标志 repeating signal ___rker 中继 ___机 repeating signal 昼间 ___ day signal 昼夜通用 ___ signal for day and night 主体 ___机 principal signal 注意___ caution signal 自动 ___机 auto ___tic signal 总出站 ___机 advan ___ starting signal 最大限制 ___ most restrictive signal 最大允许 ___ most favorable signal 闭塞类相关术语半自动闭塞半自动闭塞机闭塞闭塞分区闭塞机闭塞手柄闭塞线路闭塞装置常用闭塞方式代用闭塞单线闭塞单线继电半自动闭塞单向自动闭塞 ___闭塞电码自动闭塞电气路牌闭塞电气路签闭塞电子闭塞 semi-auto ___tic block; semi-auto ___tic block system semi-auto ___tic block ___chine blocking; block system block section block instrument blocking lever block line block instrument regular block system substitute block system single line block single track all-relay semi-auto ___tic block systemsingle-directional running auto ___tic block telephone block system auto ___tic block with coded track circuit electric tablet block system electric staff system electronic blocking 二显示自动闭塞非自动闭塞区段分割闭塞分区合并闭塞分区极频自动闭塞计轴闭塞计轴自动闭塞继电半自动闭塞交流计数电码自动闭塞交流计数自动闭塞解除闭塞连动闭塞脉冲自动闭塞区间闭塞取消闭塞人工闭塞三显示自动闭塞双线继电半自动闭塞双向自动闭塞四显示自动闭塞无线闭塞 ___闭塞移频自动闭塞预办闭塞准闭塞法自动闭塞自动闭塞区段保险铁大功率转辙机单动导管装置导线调整器道岔转辙机电磁转辙机电动转辙机电空转辙机电液转辙机垫板 two-aspect auto ___tic block non-auto ___tic block section division of block section incorporation of block section polar frequency coded auto ___tic block; auto ___tic block with polar frequency impulse track axle counter permissive block auto ___tic block with axle counter all-relay semiauto ___tic block; all-relay semi-auto ___tic block syste ___uto ___tic block with ac counting code track circuit ac counting code auto ___tic block block cleared controlled ___nual block pulse auto ___tic block; auto ___tic block with impulse rack circuit section block; section blocked to can ___l a block ___nual block three-aspect auto ___tic block double track all-relay semi-auto ___tic block system double-direction running auto ___tic block four-aspect auto ___tic blockwireless blocking movable block frequency shift modulated auto ___tic block; auto ___tic block with audio frequency shift modulation pre-working a block block applied method auto ___tic block; auto ___tic block system auto ___tic block section 转辙类相关术语 detector bar heavy duty switch ___chine single signal pipe line pint lever electric point ___chine; electric switch ___chine electro pneu ___tic point ___chine; electro pneu ___tic switch___chine electro-hydraulic switch ___chine sole plate 道岔定位(反位)nor ___l(reverse)position of switch 电动转辙机控制器 electric switch controller 电空转辙机控制器electro pneu ___tic switch controller动力转辙机拐肘轨距杆集中握柄尖端杆尖轨动程尖轨接触尖轨密贴快速转辙机密贴调整杆双动脱轨器液压转辙机转辙机转辙机 ___装置转辙机部件 power point ___chine crank gauge tie con ___ntrated lever frame front rod stroke; throw of switch(美)contact of switch fixing of switch quick-acting switch ___chine switch adjuster double derail hydraulic switch___chine switch ___chine switch ___chine installation switch ___chine part 联锁类相关术语表示锁闭 indication locking 不限时人工解锁 ___nual non-time release 错误解锁false release 错误锁闭 false locking 联锁 interlock; interlocking 联锁表 interlocking table 联锁机 interlocking ___chine 联锁区 interlocking area 大站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for large station 导管装置 pipe installation电机集中联锁 electronic con ___ntration interlocking 电空集中联锁装置 electro-pneu ___tic interlocking devi ___ 电气集中联锁装置 electric interlocking devi ___ 电气联锁机electric mechanical interlocking ___chine 电气锁闭 electric locking 电锁器 electric lock 电锁器联锁 interlocking with electric lock; interlocking by electric locks 反位锁闭reverse locking 联锁设备 interlocking equipment 联锁图表interlocking chart and table 联锁装置 interlocking devi ___ 漏解锁 missing release 漏锁闭 missing locking 路牌锁闭器tablet lock 片面锁闭 facing point lock 区段锁闭 section locking 人工解锁 ___nual release人工解锁表示 ___nual release indication interlocking system with electriclock 非集中联锁 non- ___ntralizedinterlocking 色灯电锁器联锁装置 colourlight 非联锁区 non-interlocking area 机器集中联锁 mechanical interlocking 机械集中联锁装置 mechanical interlocking devi ___ 机械联锁机mechanical interlocking 锁闭力 locking for ___ 失去联锁loss of interlocking 锁闭 lock;locking 锁闭杆 locking rod ___chine 机械锁闭 mechanical locking 集中联锁 ___ntralized interlocking 继电器式电气集中联锁装置 electric relay interlocking devi ___ 继电器式集中联锁装置 relay interlocking devi ___ 接近锁闭 approach locking 解锁release 驼峰电气集中联锁 electric interlocking forhump yard 限时人工解锁 ___nual time releases ___ll station 解锁进路 released route 解锁力 releasing for ___ 进路分段解锁 sectional release of a locked route 进路分段锁闭 sectional route locking 进路解锁 route release 进路人工解锁 ___nual route release 进路锁闭 route locking 进路锁闭表示 route locking indication 进路一次解锁 route release at on ___ 照查手柄 check lever 照查锁闭 check locking 转辙锁闭器 interlocking by point detector 转辙锁闭器 switch-and-lock mechani ___ 自动限时解锁 auto ___tic time release ___表示 signal indication 延时锁闭 timelocking 钥匙锁闭器 key lock 锁闭设备 locking devi ___ 锁闭系统 locking system 条件锁闭 conditional locking解锁按钮盘 ___nual release button panel 小站电气集中联锁relay interlocking for 继电器类相关术语安全型继电器 safety relay 传输继电器 tran ___itting relay 单独操纵继电式电气集individual lever type all-relay interlocking 弹力继电器spring-type relay 电码继电器 code relay 轨道继电器 track relay 缓动继电器 slow-acting relay 缓放继电器 slow release relay 缓吸继电器 slow pick-up relay 继电并联传递网路suessively worked 继电器防震架 shock absorber base for relays 继电器接点 relay contact 继电器灵敏度 relay sensitivity 继电器室 relay house; relay room 继电器释放relay released ___继电器 indicating relay___用继电器 signal relay 有极继电器 polarized relay 整流继电器 rectifier relay 正常动作继电器 nor ___l acting relay 直流继电器 DC relay 重力继电器 gravitation type relay 快动继电器 quick-acting relay 快吸继电器 quick pick-up relay 脉冲继电器 impulse relay 偏极继电器 polar biased relay 热力继电器 ther ___l relay 交流二元二位继电器 AC two element two position relay 交直流继电器 AC-DC relay 进路继电式电气集中联 route type all-relay interlocking 插入式继电器 plug-in relay; plug-in type relay 交流继电器 AC relay 继电器吸起relay energized 继电器线圈 relay coil 座式继电器 desk type relay; shelf-type relay 道口类相关术语道口安全 crossing safety 道口防护 crossing protection道口接近区段 approach section of a highway level crossing 道口控制器 electronic train detector 道口控制器crossing controller 道口栏木 barrier 道口栏木 crossing barrier; cross barrier at grade crossing 道口栏木锁闭器barrier lock 道口闪光 ___ highway level crossing flashing signal 道口事故 level crossing aidents 道口室外音响器highway level crossing out door audible devi ___ 道口通知设备 crossing announcing signal; highway level crossing announcing devi ___ 道口 ___ crossing signal 道口 ___机level crossing signal 道口 ___机 level crossing signal 道口___控制盘 level crossing signal control panel 道口障碍 ___装置 obstruction warning devi ___ for level crossing 道口障碍物检测器 crossing obstructing detector 道口遮断 ___ level crossing obstruction signal 道口自动 ___ crossing auto___tic signal; auto ___tic level crossing signal 列车接近道口表示器 train approach indicator for level crossing 列车进行方向表示器 train direction indicator特殊 ___发光机 obstruction warning indicator 自动栏木auto ___tic barrier 道岔类相关术语岔中绝缘 insulated joint within a turnout 带柄道岔表示器 switch indicator with lever 带柄道岔表示器 switch lever with indicator 带动道岔 switch with follow up movement 弹簧道岔 spring point; spring switch(美) 道岔 point; switch(美) 道岔表示 switchindication 道岔表示器 point indicator; switch indicator(美) 道岔错误表示 false indication of a switch 道岔电路控制器switch circuit controller 道岔定位表示 switch nor ___l indication 道岔反位表示 switch reverse indication 道岔双动机 point lever fro cross over 道岔顺序启动 sequential starting of switches 道岔顺序转换 sequential transiting of switches 道岔锁闭 switch locking; switch point locking 道岔锁闭表示 switch locked indication 道岔握柄 switch lever道岔中途转换 switch thrown under moving cars 道岔转换switch setting; switch in transition 防护道岔 protective turnout 非集中道岔 locally operated switch 非联锁道岔 non-interlocked switch 分路道岔 branching turnout 高速道岔 Highspeed switch 道岔封锁 switch closed up 道岔减摩器 roller point 道岔密贴 switch point closure , Switch close-gap 道岔密贴调整 switch adjustment 道岔启动 switch starting 道岔区段 section with a switch or switches 道岔失去表示 loss of indication of a switch 集中道岔 ___ntrally operated switch 挤岔 splitting of point tongue; forcing open of thepoint 挤岔 ___ alarm for a trailed switch 联锁道岔 interlocked switch 爬越道岔 run-over type point 脱轨道岔 derailing point; switch point derail(美)道岔人工解锁 ___nual release of a locked switch 中岔 Middle switch 电路类相关术语安全电路 vital circuit 半自动闭塞 ___电路 liaisoncircuit with semi-auto ___tic blocks ___电路 warningcircuit 闭路式轨道电路 close type track circuit 表示电路indication circuit 并联式轨道电路 multiply connected track circuit 不对称脉冲轨道电路 asymmetrical impulse trackcircuit 测试电路 testing circuit 长轨道电路 long track circuit 场间 ___电路 liaison circuit between yards 单轨条式轨道电路 single rail track circuit 道岔控制电路 switch control circuit 点灯电路 lighting circuit 电缆敷设 cable laying 电缆敷设机 cable laying ___chine 电缆接续 cable connecting 电路分析 circuit ___ysis 电路设计 circuit design电码轨道电路 coded track circuit 调频轨道电路 frequency modulated track circuit 调整状态 nor ___l state 叠加轨道电路 overlap track circuit 断轨防护 broken rail protection 发车表示器电路 departure indicator circuit type track circuit 方向电路 directional circuit 焊接式钢轨接续线 welded bond 横向接续线 cross bond 后接点 back contact 后圈 back coil 后退 ___ backing signal 基本联锁电路 fundamental interlocking circuit 极频轨道电路 polarfrequencycodedtrackcircuit;polar-frequency pulse track circuit 极性检查电路 polarity checking circuit 极 ___叉 polar reversal; polar transposition 计轴器 axle counter 交流计数电码轨道电路 ac counting coded trackcircuit 接口电路 inte ___ ___ circuit接续线 bond 解锁电路 release circuit 进路表示器电路route indicator circuit 进路电路 route selecting circuit 开环轨道电路 open track circuit 开路式轨道电路 open type track circuit 励磁电路 energizing circuit 连续式轨道电路continuous track circuit ___电路 liaison circuit 脉冲轨道电路 pulse track circuit 灭火花电路 spark extinguishing circuit 旁通接续线 by-pass bond 串联式轨道电路 serially connected track circuit 交流轨道电路 ac track circuit; actrack circuit 阀式轨道电路 value-typetrackcircuit;valve 区间 ___电路 liaison circuit with block signalling 塞钉式钢轨接续线 plug bond 非安全电路 non-vital circuit frequency track circuit 分路灵敏度 shunting sensitivity 分路效应shunting effect 钢轨导接线;钢轨接续线 rail bond钢轨绝缘 rail insulation 钢轨绝缘不良 bad railinsulation 钢轨引接线 track lead 钢轨阻抗 rail impedan ___ 轨道变阻器 track rheostat 轨道传感器 track sensor 轨道电抗器 track reactor 轨道电路 track circuit 轨道电路测试 track circuit testing 轨道电路电码化 coding of continuous track circuit 轨道电路调整状态 regulated state of a track circuit 轨道电路分割 cut-section of a track circuit 轨道电路分路状态 shunted state of a track circuit 轨道电路区段 track circuit district 轨道电路蓄电现象 track storage effect 轨道电阻器 track resistor 轨道接触器 track treadle 双轨条轨道电路 double-rail track circuit 分倍频轨道电路 divided-and-doubled 死区段 dead section送受分开电路 sending and re ___iving separated circuit 锁闭电路 locking circuit 跳线 jumper bond 通过按钮电路through button circuit 无绝缘轨道电路 jointless trackcircuit 无绝缘节轨道电路 non-insulated track circuit 下坡道防护电路 protection circuit for approachingheavy down grad 限流设备 track current limiting devi ___ 相敏轨道电路 phase detecting track circuit ___电路 signal circuit ___接续线signal bond ___控制电路 signal control circuit 移频轨道电路frequencyshifttrackcircuit;frequency-shift modulated track circuit 音频轨道电路 audio frequency track circuit 有绝缘节轨道电路 insulated track circuit 站间 ___电路 liaisoncircuit between stations 直流轨道电路 DC track circuit 重叠轨道电路 overlay track circuit 自闭电路 self-stick circuit 自动闭塞 ___电路 liaison circuit with auto ___ticblocks轨道绝缘;绝缘节 railinsulation;insulation 自动通过按钮电路 auto ___tically through buttonsection 轨道生电现象 track galvanic effect 轨道占用 track oupied 轨间绝缘 crack gauge insulationcircuit 相敏轨道电路 phase detecting trackcircuit 红光带 Red-light strap 驼峰类相关术语半自动化驼峰系统 semi-auto ___tic hump yard system 非机械化驼峰设备 u ___echanical hump yard equipment 机械化驼峰设备 mechanized hump yard equipment 驼峰机车遥控 remote control of hump engines 驼峰机械修理室 hump mechanics repair room 驼峰溜放控制系统 humping control system 驼峰电气集中 electricinterlocking for hump yard 驼峰 ___机 hump signal 驼峰复示___机 humping signal repeater 自动化驼峰系统 auto ___tic hump yard system控制类相关术语测速装置 speedometer 超速防护 train over-speed protection 超速防护系统 Auto ___tic Train Protection system 车次表示 trainnumberdisplay;trainnumber 列车运行控制仿真系统 Train operation control 列车速度自动监督 auto___tictrainspeedsupervision 列车位置表示trainlocationindication;trainposition indication 列车运行监测 train running monitoring indication 车次自动表示;车次自动显示 auto ___tictrain number display 车辆抄号设备wagonnumberchecking equipment 车辆识别装置 vehicleidentifier 车门自动控制 auto ___tic train door control 车站控制 station ___ster control 车站列车控制中心 Station Train Control Center 点控制 intermittent control 点式查询应答器intermittent inquiry balise点式自动停车 intermittent type auto ___tic train stop 调度集中 controlled traffic control devi ___ (CTC)调度集中分机 field equipment of CTC 调度集中装置___ntralizedtraffiontrol installation 调度集中总机 controloffi ___ equipment of CTC 调度监督dispatcherssupervision;dispatchers supervision system 调度监督设备 dispatcherssupervision equipment 调度控制dispatchers control 分散自律 De ___ntralized and Autonomous 分散自律调度集中系统 De ___ntralized and autonomous CTC system 跟踪系统 tracing system 计算机联锁 Computer interlockingsimulation system 列车运行控制系统 train operation control system 列车自动保护系统Auto ___tic Train Protection(ATP)列车自动调速 auto ___tic train speed regulation 列车自动防护 auto ___tic train protection 列车自动防护系统 auto___tictrainprotectionsystem 列车自动监控系统 Auto ___tic Train Supervision(ATS) 列车自动减速 auto ___tic train de___leration 列车自动控制 Auto ___tic Train Control (ATC)列车自动控制系统 auto ___tic train control system 列车自动控制装置 auto ___tic train control devi ___ 列车自动限速 auto ___tic train speed restriction 列车自动运行 auto ___tic train operation 列车自动运行系统 Auto ___tic Train Operation(ATO) 列调作业 Train shunting work 列控系统 train control system 溜放进路自动控制 auto ___tic switching control ofhumping yard by rou 溜放速度自动控制 auto ___ticrolling down speedcontrol 目标打靶控制 target shooting 区段遥控 remote control for a section 枢纽遥控 remote control of a junction terminal 双接近区 double-approach-section 监控装置 supervisory control devi ___ 双重控制 dual control 监视系统 monitor system; supervision system 铁路应急通信系统 Railway emergency 监视装置 monitor devi ___ 进路控制route control进路控制装置 routing control equipment 局部控制 local control 局部控制盘 local control panel 控制点 controlling point 控制对象 controlled object 控制盘 control panel 控制台 Console 控制台单元 control desk element 控制台室 control room 控制中心 control ___nter 控制周期 control cycle 连续控制 continuous control 列车 ___系统 train alarm system 列车超速防护 Auto ___tic Train Protection 列车调度指挥系统Train Dispatching Com ___nd System (TDCS) 列车监控与追踪Train Monitoring and Tracking 推峰速度自动控制 auto ___tic control for humpingspeed 卫星定位 sa ___ite localization 卫星监测 sa ___ite monitoring 无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统 auto___tic block systemwith jointless shift frequency无线维修终端 Mobile ___intenan ___ terminal (MMT) 遥控remote control 遥控区段 remotely controlled section 遥控装置 remote control devi ___(RC)遥信区段 remotely surveillan ___ section 遥信装置 remote-signal equipment 中心控制 ___ntralized control 自动停车装置 auto ___tic train stop devi ___(ATS)自动限速装置 auto ___tic train control devi ___ (ATC)自律机 Autonomous ___chine 调车类相关术语调车表示器 shunting indicator 调车表示器电路 shunting indicator circuit 非进路调车 to hold route for shunting 非进路调车电路 circuit to hold a route forshunting 调车区电气集中联锁 interlocking for shunting area 减速器 car retarder 调车线始端减速器 tangent retarder 调车 ___机 shunting signal 溜放调车表示器 kick off shunting indicator 双面调车___机 signal for shunting forwardand backward 电源类相关术语备用电源 stand-bypowersupply;stand-by 混合供电制 ac-battery power supply system power sour ___ 变压器箱transformer box 表示灯电源 power sour ___ for indication lamp 不间断电源 uninterrupted supply 充电 battery charging 集中电源 ___ntrally connected power sour ___ 集中供电___ntrally connected power supply 继电器控制电源 power sour___ for relay control 交流电源屏 ac power supply panel 道岔表示电源 power sour ___ for switch indication 道岔动作电源power sour ___ for switch operation 道岔控制电源 power sour ___ for switch control 电池 battery; ___ll 电压过低 voltage below level 电压自动调整器 auto ___tic voltage regulator 交流供电制 AC power supply system 局部电源 locally supplied power sour ___ 局部控制电路 local control circuit 摩擦电流frictional working current闪光电源 flashing power sour ___ 太阳能电池 solar ___ll 电源端子 terminals for power supplies 电源屏 power supply panel 电源识别标志 power sour ___ ___rker 电源室 power supply room ; power supply room 电源转换屏 power switching over panel 电源转接屏 power switch board 扼流变压器 impedan ___ transformer 方向电源 directional traffic power sour ___ 防护变压器 protective transformer 浮充供电 floating charge power supply 干线供电 ___in linely connected power supply 工作电流 working current 供电 rectifier power supply 轨道变压器箱 track transformer box 轨道受电变压器 track relay transformer 轨道送电变压器 track transformer feed end 轨道___灯变压器 track and signal lamp transformer混合电源 ac-battery power sour ___ 安全接点 safety contact 按钮 push-in button 按钮表示 button indication 保护区段 overlap protection block section 被控点 controlled point 臂板接触器 contacts operated by se ___phore 臂板转极器 pole changer operated by se ___phore 编组站 ___rshalling Yard 编组站测长 yarddistan ___-to-coupling measurement 太阳能电源 solar power supply 条件电源 conditional power sour ___ 条件电源屏 conditional power supply panel 停电 power failure 线路变压器 line transformer ___灯变压器 signal lamp transformer ___电源 signal power supply ___高压配电线路high voltage distribution linefor signalling ___机点灯电源signal lighting power sour ___ 蓄电池供电 storage battery power supply蓄电池室 battery room 整流器一次电池供电 pri ___ry ___ll power supply 直流电源屏 DC power supply panel 直流供电制 DC power supply system 主电源 ___in power sour ___ 自动调压auto ___tic voltage regulation 综合防雷 Synthetic lightning protection 其它进路表 route sheet 进路表示器 route indicator 进路操纵作业 semi-auto ___tic operation by route 进路储存器 route storaging devi ___s 进路存储器 route storage 警惕按钮 acknowledgment button 警惕手柄acknowledgment lever 静态长度 car spa ___ 编组站测速 yard speed measurement 编组站测重 yard weight sensing 编组站测阻yard rollability measurement station 标志 indicator;___rker 绝缘不良 bad insulation 开通 put into operation可调拐肘 adjustable crank 拉钮 pull-out button 标准分路灵敏度 standard shunting sensitivity 雷达测速器 radar speedometer 表示 indication 表示灯 indication lamp 表示对象indicated object 表示杆 indication rod 表示连接杆connecting rod for indication 表示盘 indicating panel 表示器 indicator 表示周期 indication cycle 并置 ___点 double signal location 材质不良 bad ___terial 操纵台 operating console 测长 distan ___-to-coupling measurement 测试 test 测试环线 test loop 测速 speed measurement 测重 weight sensing 测阻 rollability measurement 插接不良 plug-in trouble车挡表示器 car stop ___rker 车档表示器 buffer stop indicator 车辆存在监测器 presen ___ monitor 车辆缓行器wagon retarder; wagon retarder 车辆加减速器 caraelerator/retarder 车辆加速器 car aelerator 车辆减速器 car retarder 车辆停车标 car stop indicator 车轮传感器 wheeldetector 储风罐 air reservoir 储酸室 acid store room 传动系统 driving system 错溜 misroute 错误 ___ wrong handling 错误表示 wrong indication 单独操纵作业 ___nual operation 单断single break 雷电干扰 lightning interferen ___ 离去表示departure indication 离去区段 departure section 连接杆 pipe link 联锁图表 interlocking table两点检查 released by checking two sections 列车时刻表train timetable 邻线干扰 interferen ___ from neighboring line 零层端子 terminals of layer 0 of a relay rack 溜放速度free rolling speed 路牌 tablet 路牌携带器 tablet pouch 路牌自动授收机 auto ___tic tablet exchanger 路签 train staff ; staff 路签携带器 staff pouch 路签自动授收机 auto ___tic staff exchanger 乱显示 false indication 轮修 alternative___intenan ___ 密贴调整杆 adjustable switch operating rod 摩擦联结器 frictional clutch 目的制动 objective breaking; target braking 内燃牵引干扰 ___sel traction interferen ___ 排列进路 route setting ___传送设备 classification list conveyer system 破封 break a seal 牵引小车 pushing trolley 牵纵拐肘 escapement crank前接点 front contact 前圈 front coil 强电干扰 high voltage interferen ___ 桥梁通知设备 bridge announciating devi ___ 切断音响按钮 button for cut-off an audible signal 侵入限界绝缘 insulated joint located within theclearan ___ limit 区段占用表示 section oupancy indication 区间 section 区间封锁 section closed up 单频感应器 single frequency inductor 导线导轮 wire carrier 导线反正扣 wire-adjusting screw 导线立轮 vertical wheel 导线平轮 horizontal wheel 导线平轮组 horizontal wheel assembly 导线装置 wireinstallation 导向安全 failure to the safe side 道渣电阻ballast resistan ___ 灯光转移 to transfer of lighting indication 灯丝断丝 filament burn-out 灯丝断丝报 alarm for burnout of filaments 灯丝转换 filament transfer地面感应器 wayside inductor 地面设备 wayside equipment 地中电缆盒 underground cable terminal box 第二接近区段second approach section 第二离去区段 second departure section 第一接近区段 first approach section 第一离去区段first departure section 电动传送设备 electric motor operated conveyer 电空传送设备 electro-pneu ___tic conveyer 电气路牌机 electric tablet instrument 电气路签机 electric staff instrument 定点停车 stopping a train at a targetpoint 定期维修 periodical ___intenan ___ 定位接点 nor ___l contact 动程 stroke 动接点 contact heel 动态长度 distan___-to-go 动作杆 throw rod 动作连接杆 operating rod for driving a switch 对向重叠进路 route with overlapped sectionin the opposite dire 额定值 rated value 二次参数secondary parameter 发车表示器 departure indicator 发车线路表示器 departure track indicator 反位接点 reverse contact区间空闲 section cleared 区间占用 block oupancy; section oupied 区间占用位置检测 location detecting of oupiedsection 取消进路 to can ___l a route 人工分路 ___nual shunt 人为故障 hu ___n failure 熔断器断丝 fuse burn-out 熔断器断丝 ___ fuse break alarm 冗余结构 redundant structure 三点检查released by checking three sections 设备停用 equipment out-of use 施工妨碍 construction interferen ___ 识别标志___rker light 事故照明 emergency lighting 释放时间 drop away time 释放值 release value手柄 handle 手动调压 ___nual voltage regulation 受电端re ___iving end 枢纽遥控 remote control of a junction terminal 双断 double break 双频感应器 double frequency inductor 水分离器 water separator 水鹤表示器 water craneindicator 顺向重叠进路 route with overlapped section inthe same direction 瞬时分路 instaneous shunt 瞬时分路不良instaneous loss of shunting 四点检查 released by checking four sections 送电端 feed end ___通知设备 tunnel announciating devi ___ 跳线 jumper 铁路局 Railroad Administration 铁路运营 railway operation 铁鞋 skate; cast brake shoe 同意按钮盘 agreement button panel 推送小车辆propelling trolley 脱轨表示器 derail indicator脱线修 off line ___intenan ___ 驼峰溜放调速 humping governing 晚点表示 delaying time indication 反装 left-handed ___chine 方向手柄 traffic lever 方向转接器directional switch 防护区段 protected section 防止重复prevention for repetive clear of a signal 妨害故障 hindran ___ fault 非自 ___按钮 stick button 分割区段 cut section 分路 shunt 分线盘 distributing terminal board 分线盘端子terminals on distributing board 分向电缆盒 cable branching terminal box 风管路调压设备 air pipeline pressure governor 风压调整器 ___nometer regulator 封锁 close up 峰下减速器___ster retarder杆上电缆盒 cable terminal box on a post 感应器 inductor 工厂化施工 industrial construction 工作值 working value 共用箱 cab signal box 股道空闲 track clear 股道占用 track oupied 故障-安全 fail-safe 故障 ___ emergency treatment after failure 故障复原 restoration after a failure 故障积累failure aumulation 故障升级 progression of failure 故障修corrective ___intenan ___ 光带 light strip 光带式表示striped indication light 光点式表示 spotted indicationlight 缓放时间 slow release time 缓吸时间 slow pick-up time 汇流条 bus-bar 机车车辆 rolling stock; car; vehicle 机车接近通知 approaching announcing in cab机车 ___测试区段 cab signaling testing section 维修___intenan ___ 维修不良 not well ___intained 无碴轨道 non-ballast track 无岔区段 section without a switch 误用故障misuse fault 吸起时间 pick-up time 吸起值 pick-up value 显示距离 range of a signal 线路点 field location 线路区段track section 线路占用表示 track oupancy indication 线路遮断表示器 track obstruction indicator 线束减速器 group retarder 线头脱落 wire lead drop out 限界检查器 clearan ___ treadle 限速接近方式 closing-in 行车记录设备 train movement recording equipment 选路 route selection 循环检查制 cyclic。

Sensors and Actuators A

Sensors and Actuators A

Sensors and Actuators A: PhysicalVolume 132, Issue 1, 8 November 2006, Pages 147–153The 19th European Conference on Solid-State TransducersA thermal convective accelerometer system based on a siliconsensor—Study and packaging∙a Technologi c al Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens, Department of Electroni c s, 12210 Egaleo, Athens, Greece∙∙∙∙∙liquids. The effect of the different liquid viscosities on the sensor characteristics was examined. The dependence of the accelerometer signal on both frequency and acceleration was determined for various configurations. It was found that depending on the packaging configuration the 3 db cut-off signal can be adjusted from some Hertz to several hundreds of Hertz. The sensitivity of the device as well as the accuracy of the waveform shapes can also be adjusted by regulating specific packaging parameters. A specially designed electronic interface was implemented for interface and controlling the input and output signals of the accelerometer. Different modes of operation were considered in order to improve the long term stability of the device.Keywords∙Thermal sensor;∙Accelerometer;∙Packaging;∙Interface circuitFig. 1. Experimental set-up, used for PSTA characterization.View in workspaceFig. 2. PSTA tank-shaped housing.View in workspaceFig. 3. PSTA response at 1 Hz square pul s es of 2 g acceleration for two oil types in the CFP case.View in workspaceFig. 4. PSTA response at 1 Hz square pul s es of 2 g acceleration for two oil types in the PView in workspaceView in workspacefunction of frequency forView in workspaceFig. 8. Normalized sensitivity of the PSTA for 2 g acceleration, as a function of frequency for different oil types and package configurations.View in workspaceFig. 9. PSTA background signal and heating resistance variations for 17 h of operation in constant voltage mode. The voltage applied to the sensor was of 12 V.View in workspaceFig. 10. Block diagram of the interface circuit.View in workspaceFig. 11. PSTA background signal and heating resistance variations for 22 h of operation in constant powerView in workspacebackground signal and heating resistanceView in workspaceCopyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Dr. Grigoris Kaltsas received BSc degree in Physics from National University of Athens in 1993. He joined the Institute of Microelectronics of NCSR “Demokritos” in 1993 as a PhD student and he received his PhD in the field of thermal integrated sensors, from the TechnicalUniversity of Athens, in 1999. He has worked in the field of silicides from 1993 to 1994 and then on fabrication and characterization of thermal integrated sensors using porous silicon technology, focusing in the field of flow and acceleration sensors. He is now as sistant professor in the technical Institution of Athens (TEI).Dr. Dimitris Goustouridis was born in 1969. He received the BS in 1992 from the Department of Physics of the University of Patras. In 2002 he received the PhD degree in microelectronics from the Department of Applied Sciences of National Technical University of Athens for his work on capacitive type pressure sensors. He is currently with the Institute of Microelectronics at NCSR “Demokritos”. His interests include silicon sensors and pressure s ensors in particular, and silicon micromachining.Dr. Androula Nassiopoulou is the director of the Institute of Microelectronics (IMEL) at NCSR Demokritos since 1997. IMEL is the Greek National Center of Excellence in Micro, Nanotechnologies and Systems. Her current research interests are in the field of semiconductor nanostructures for nano- and optoelectronic devices, nanocrystal memories, sensing, etc. and in the field of silicon sensors and microfluidics. She is at the head of the group on silicon nanostructures and their applications at IMEL. She is member of the Advisory group of experts on Nanotechnology (NMP) of the EU 6th Framework Program for Research and Technology and she coordinates an important number of EU and national research projects in the above fields. She chaired or co-chaired several National and International Conferences and Symposia, including two successful E-MRS Symposia related with nanostructured semiconductors. For more information please see at Grigoris Kaltsas received BSc degree in Physics from National University of Athens in 1993. He joined the Institute of Microelectronics of NCSR “Demokritos” in 1993 as a PhD student and he received his PhD in the field of thermal integrated sensors, from the Technical University of Athens, in 1999. He has worked in the field of silicides from 1993 to 1994 and then on fabrication and characterization of thermal integrated sensors using porous silicon technology, focusing in the field of flow and acceleration sensors. He is now assistant professor in the technical Institution of Athens (TEI).Dr. Dimitris Goustouridis was born in 1969. He received the BS in 1992 from the Department of Physics of the University of Patras. In 2002 he received the PhD degree in microelectronics from the Department of Applied Sciences of National Technical University of Athens for his work on capacitive type pressure sensors. He is currently with the Institute of Microelectronics at NCSR “Demokritos”. His interests include silicon sensors and pressure sensors in particular, and silicon micromachining.Dr. Androula Nassiopoulou is the director of he Institute of Microelectronics (IMEL) at NCSR Demokritos since 1997. IMEL is the Greek National Center of Excellence in Micro, Nanotechnologies and Systems. Her current research interests are in the field of semiconductor nanostructures for nano- and optoelectronic devices, nanocrystal memories, sensing, etc. and in the field of silicon sensors and microfluidics. She is at the head of the group on silicon nanostructures and their applications at IMEL. She is member of the Advisory group of experts on Nanotechnology (NMP) of the EU 6th Framework Program for Research and Technology and she coordinates an important number of EU and national researchprojects in the above fields. She chaired or co-chaired several National and International Conferences and Symposia, including two successful E-MRS Symposia related with nanostructured semiconductors. For more information please see at following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface controlDisplay Settings:AbstractThe following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface controlSend to:Sensors (Basel). 2012;12(1):233-59. doi: 10.3390/s120100233. Epub 2011 Dec 28.A theoretical model to predict both horizontal displacement andvertical displacement for electromagnetic induction-based deep displacement sensors.Shentu N, Zhang H, Li Q, Zhou H, Tong R, Li X.SourceState Key Laboratory of Industry Control Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China. stnying_2@AbstractDeep displacement observation is one basic means of landslide dynamic study and early warning monitoring and a key part of engineering geological investigation. In our previous work, we proposed a novel electromagnetic induction-based deep displacement sensor (I-type) to predict deep horizontal displacement and a theoretical model called equation-based equivalent loop approach (EELA) to describe its sensing characters. However in many landslide and related geological engineering cases, both horizontal displacement and vertical displacement vary apparently and dynamically so both may require monitoring. In this study, a II-type deep displacement sensor is designed by revising our I-type sensor to simultaneously monitor the deep horizontal displacement and vertical displacement variations at different depths within a sliding mass. Meanwhile, a new theoretical modeling called the numerical integration-based equivalent loop approach (NIELA) has been proposed to quantitatively depict II-type sensors' mutual inductance properties with respect to predicted horizontal displacements and vertical displacements. After detailed examinations and comparative studies between measured mutual inductance voltage, NIELA-based mutual inductance and EELA-based mutual inductance, NIELA has verified to be an effective and quite accurate analytic model for characterization of II-type sensors. The NIELA model is widely applicable for II-type sensors' monitoring on all kinds of landslides and other related geohazards with satisfactory estimation accuracy and calculation efficiency.PMID:22368467[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]PMCID:PMC3279211Free PMC ArticleImages from this publication.See all images (12) Free textThe following toggler user interface control may not beaccessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface control Publication Types, MeSH Terms Publication Types∙Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tMeSH Terms∙Electricity∙Electromagnetic Phenomena*∙Geology/instrumentation*∙Landslides*∙Models, Theoretical*∙Numerical Analysis, Computer-Assisted∙Photography∙Reproducibility of ResultsThe following toggler user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface control LinkOut - more resourcesFull Text Sources∙Europe PubMed Central∙PubMed Central∙PubMed Central CanadaOriginal ArticleA tactile sensor for detection of physical properties of human skin in vivo1998, V ol. 22, No. 4 , Pages 147-153∙PDF (1290 KB)∙PDF Plus (413 KB)∙Reprints∙PermissionsO. A. Lindahl1, S. Omata2 and K.A. ängquist31Departments of Biomedical Engineering, University Hospital of Northern Sweden, S-901 85, Umeå, Sweden2Departments of Surgery, University Hospital of Northern Sweden, S-901 85, Umeå, Sweden3College of Engineering, Nihon University, Koriyama Fukushima, 963, JapanA spring loaded tactile sensor with displacement sensing has been evaluated for non-invasive assessment of physical properties, stiffness and elasticity, of human skin in vivo. The tactile sensor consists of a piezoelectric vibrator (61 kHz) with a vibration pickup, electronics and PC with software for measurement of the change in frequency when the sensor is attached to an object. Integrated with the tactile sensor is a displacement sensor that shows the compression of the spring that loads the sensor element against the object during measurement. Under certain conditions (e.g. fixed contact pressure) this change in frequency monitors the acoustic impedance of the object and is related to the stiffness of soft tissue. The experimental results on silicone gum and on healthy Japanese and Swedish women indicated that the instrument was able to detect changes in stiffness and elastic related properties of human skin, related to age, day-to-day variations and application of cosmetics. The instrument was concluded to be easy to handle and suitable for field work.∙PDF (1290 KB)∙PDF Plus (413 KB) - What is PDF Plus?Read More: /doi/abs/10.3109/03091909809032532Issue TOC | Previous Article | Next ArticleOriginal ArticlesDesign of inductive sensors for tongue control system for computers and assistive devicesJuly 2010, V ol. 5, No. 4 , Pages 266-271 (doi:10.3109/17483101003718138)∙HTML∙PDF (989 KB)∙PDF Plus (990 KB)∙Reprints∙PermissionsEugen R. Lontis, Lotte N. S. A. StruijkDepartment of Health Science and Technology, Center for Sensory Motor Interaction, SMI, Aalborg, DenmarkE. R. Lontis, Department of Health Correspondence: Science and Technology, Center for Sensory Motor Interaction, SMI, Fredrik Bajers V ej 7, D3, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark. E-mail: lontis@hst.aau.dkPurpose.The paper introduces a novel design of air-core inductive sensors in printed circuit board (PCB) technology for a tongue control system. The tongue control system provides a quadriplegic person with a keyboard and a joystick type of mouse for interaction with a computer or for control of an assistive device.Method.Activation of inductive sensors was performed with a cylindrical, soft ferromagnetic material (activation unit). Comparative analysis of inductive sensors in PCB technology with existing hand-made inductive sensors was performed with respect to inductance, resistance, and sensitivity to activation when the activation unit was placed in the center of the sensor. Optimisation of the activation unit was performed in a finite element model.Results.PCBs with air-core inductive sensors were manufactured in a 10 layers, 100 μm and 120 μm line width technology. These sensors provided quality signals that could drive the electronics of the hand-made sensors. Furthermore, changing the geometry of the sensors allowed generation of variable signals correlated with the 2D movement of the activation unit at the sensors' surface.Conclusion.PCB technology for inductive sensors allows flexibility in design, automation of production and ease of possible integration with supplying electronics. The basic switch function of the inductive sensor can be extended to two-dimensional movement detection for pointing devices.KeywordsPrinted circuit board inductor, assistive devices, disabled people, tongue control, keyboard and pointing devices, computer interface∙HTML∙PDF (989 KB)∙PDF Plus (990 KB) - What is PDF Plus?Read More: /doi/abs/10.3109/17483101003718138Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal ProcessingJune 2006, V olume 47, Issue 3, pp 293-301A high precision temperature control system for CMOS integrated wide range resistive gas sensors∙Giuseppe Ferri,∙Vincenzo StornelliLook Inside Get AccessAbstractIn this work we present an integrated interface for wide range resistive gas sensors able to heat the sensor resistance through a constant power heater block at 0°C–350°C operating temperatur es. The proposed temperature control system is formed by a sensor heater (which fixes the sensor temperature at about 200°C), a R/f (or R/T) converter, which converts the resistive value into a period (or frequency), and can be able to reveal about 6 decades variation (from 10 KΩ up to 10 GΩ), and a digital subsystem that control the whole systems loop. This interface allows high sensibility and precision and performs good stability in temperature and power supply drift and low power characteristics so it can be used also in portable applications. Test measurements, performedon the fabricated chip, have shown an excellent agreement between theoretical expectations and simulation results.Giuseppe Ferri is an associate professor in Electronics at the Department of Electrical Engineeri ng of L’ Aquila University, Ital. In 1993 he has been a visiting researcher at SGS-Thomson Milano, working in bipolar low-voltage op-amp design. In 1994-95 he has been visiting researcher at KU Leuven working in low-voltage CMOS design in the group of Prof. Sansen. His research activity is actually centred on the analog design of integrated circuits for portable applications (e.g., sensors and biomedicals) and circuit theory. He is co-author of a book entitled “Low Voltage, Low Power CMOS Current Conveyors”, Kluwer ed. (2003) and four text-books in Italian on Analogue Microelectronics (2005, 2006). Moreover, he is author and co-author of 74 papers on international and Italian journals and 123talks at national and international conferences.Vincenzo Stornelli was born in A vezzano (AQ), Italy, on May 31, 1980. He received the Electronics Engineering degree (cum laude) in July 2004. In October 2004 he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of L’Aquila, where he is actually involved with problems concerning project and design of integrated circuits for RF and sensor applications, CAD modelling, characterization, and design analysis of active microwave components, circuits, and subsystems. He regularly teaches courses of the European Computer patent and has regular collaborations with national corporations such as Thales ItaliaPage %PClose Plain textLookInsideShareShare this content on Facebook Share this content on Twitter Share this content on LinkedIn Other actionsExport citations∙Register for Journal Updates ∙About This Journal∙Reprints and Permissions。

城轨交通专业英语 Unit 19 Metro Signaling System 地铁信号系统

城轨交通专业英语 Unit 19 Metro Signaling System 地铁信号系统

Try to discuss
2. What’s the function of metro signaling system?
t_o_i_n_s_t_ru__c_t _th_e__o_p_e_r_a_ti_o_n__o_f _tr_a_i_n_s_a_n_d__e_n_s_u_r_e_t_h_e_i_ts__sa_fety and efficystem.
David: Can subway run safely with signal system?
John : Yes, it is not only safe for metro operation, but also convenient for passengers.
Part B Dialogue
(David and John are talking about metro signaling.)
Try to discuss
David:Do you know the components of the metro signaling system?
3. The function of field level is__to__e_st_a_b_l_is_h__th_e__s_ta_n_d__a_rd__s_ignals 4. The function of field station is __to__m_e_a_s_u_r_e_t_h_e__re_a_l_-t_i_m_e_ signals
信号系统是安装在轨道边上的机械或电气设备,将 前方路况传递给列车司机。司机根据信号的指示采 取相应行动。 通常,司机根据信号可知列车安全行 驶的速度,或按信号指示停车。
Part C Passage


For Discrete-time period signal: x[n]=x[n+N] for all n N Fundamental Period
1 Signal and System Examples of periodic signal
1 Signal and System
1.2.3 Even and Odd Signals
1.2.1 Examples of Transformations A. Time Shift
Right shift : x(t-t0) x[n-n0]
Left shift : x(t+t0) x[n+n0]
(Delay) (Advance)
1 Signal and System Examples
Even signal: x(-t) = x(t) or x[-n]= x[n] Odd signal : x(-t)= -x(t) or x[-n]= -x[n]
Even-Odd Decomposition:
Ev{x(t )}
xe (t)
1 [x(t) 2
x(t )]
Od {x(t )}
xo (t)
1 Signal and System
B. Time Reversal x(-t) or x[-n] : Reflection of x(t) or x[n]
1 Signal and System
C. Time Scaling
x(at) ( a>0 )
if a<0
Compressed if a>0
T x2 (t)dt
1 Signal and System



信号和电源线共用一根线原理英文回答:Signal and power lines sharing a single wire is a common practice in many electronic systems. The principle behind this is to minimize the number of wires needed for a particular application, which can help reduce cost, complexity, and space requirements.One way to achieve this is by using different frequency ranges for the signal and power lines. For example, the signal line can operate at a high frequency, while the power line operates at a lower frequency. This allows the two signals to coexist on the same wire without interfering with each other. The separation of frequencies ensures that the power signal does not affect the quality or integrity of the signal being transmitted.Another approach is to use modulation techniques. In this method, the signal is modulated onto a carrier wave,while the power is delivered as a constant voltage or current. The carrier wave and the power signal are then combined onto a single wire. At the receiving end, the signal is demodulated to extract the original information.To illustrate this, let's consider the example of a wireless communication system. The system requires both power supply and signal transmission. Instead of using separate wires for power and signal, a single wire can be used to transmit both. The power can be delivered as a constant voltage, while the signal is modulated onto a carrier wave. This allows the system to transmit data and receive power simultaneously, without the need for additional wires.中文回答:信号和电源线共用一根线是许多电子系统中常见的做法。

通信原理Lecture&2Signals andSpectra

通信原理Lecture&2Signals andSpectra

R x (τ ) ↔ ψ x (f)

R x (0) =

x 2 (t) dt
2. Autocorrelation of a Power Signal

Autocorrelation function of a real-valued power signal x(t) is defined as:
1. Autocorrelation of an Energy Signal

The autocorrelation function of a real-valued energy signal has the following properties:
R x (τ ) =R x (-τ )
R x (τ ) ≤ R x (0) for all τ
Px =

T →∞
1 2 x (t) dt ∫ T −T / 2

Power signal has finite average power but infinite energy. As a general rule, (1) periodic signals and (2) random signals are classified as power signals

(f) df
E x = 2 ∫ψ x (f) df
2. Power Spectral Density (PSD)

The power spectral density (PSD) function Gx(f ) of the periodic signal x(t) is a real, even, and nonnegative function of frequency that gives the distribution of the power of x(t) in the frequency domain. PSD is represented as: ∞ G x (f ) = |C n |2δ ( f − nf 0 ) (1.18) Whereas the average power of a periodic signal x(t) is represented as:



Chap 66.1 Consider a continuous-time LTI system with frequency response()()|()|H j H j H j e ωωω=S and real impulse response h(t). Suppose that we apply an input 00()cos()x t t ωφ=+ to this system .The resulting output can be shown to be of the form0()()y t Ax t t =-Where A is a nonnegative real number representing anamplitude-scaling factor and 0t is a time delay.(a)Express A in terms of |()|H j ω.(b)Express 0t in terms of 0()H j ωSSolution:(a) For 0()()y t Ax t t =-So 0()()jt Y j AX j eωωω-= 0()()()j t Y j H j Ae X j ωωωω-== So |()|A H j ω=(b) for 0()H j t ωω=-S So 0()H j t ωω=-S6.3 Consider the following frequency response for a causal and stable LTI system:1()1j H j j ωωω-=+ (a) Show that |()|H j A ω=,and determine the values of A. (b)Determine which of the following statements is true about ()τω,the group delay of the system.(Note()(())/d H j d τωωω=-S ,where ()H j ωS is expressed in aform that does not contain any discontinuities.)1.()0 0for τωω=>2.()0 0for τωω>>3 ()0 0for τωω<>Solution:(a) for |()|1H j ω== So A=1(b) for )(2)()()1()1()(ωωωωωωarctg arctg arctg j j j H -=--=+∠--∠=∠ 212)()(ωωωωτ+=∠-=d j H d So ()0 0for τωω>>6.5 Consider a continuous-time ideal bandpass filter whose frequency response is⎩⎨⎧≤≤=elsewherej H c c,03||,1)(ωωωω (a) If h(t) is the impulse response of this filter, determine a functiong(t) such that)(sin )(t g tt t h c πω= (b) As c ω is increased, dose the impulse response of the filter get more concentrated or less concentrated about the origin?Solution(a) Method 1. Let1()()()()()()2h t x t g t H j X j G j ωωωπ=↔=* They are shown in the figures,where1,sin ()(){0,c c ctx t X j t ωωωωωωπ<=↔=> So we can get()2cos(2)()2[(2)(2)]c c c g t t G j ωωπδωωδωω=↔=-++Method 2. Using the inverse FT definition,it is obtained331(){}2c c c cj t j t h t e d e d ωωωωωωωωπ--=+⎰⎰ 11{sin 3sin }{sin }{2cos 2}c c c c t t t t t tωωωωππ=-= (b) more concentrated.Chap 77.1 A real-valued signal x(t) is know to be uniquely determined by its samples when the sampling frequency is 10,000s ωπ=.For what values of ω is ()X j ω guaranteed to be zero?Solution:According to the sampling theorem 2s M w w > That is 110000500022M s w w ππ<== So if 5000M w w π>=,0)(=jw X7.2 A continuous-time signal x(t) is obtained at the output of an ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency 1,000c ωπ=.If impulse-train sampling is performed on x(t), which of the following sampling periods would guarantee that x(t) can be recovered from its sampled version using an appropriate lowpass filter?(a) 30.510T -=⨯(b) 3210T -=⨯(c) 410T -=Solution: Q π1000==c M w wFrom the sampling theorem,∴π20002=>M s w w ,that is 3102000222-==<πππM s w T ∴the conditions (a) and (c) are satisfied with the sampling theorem,(b) is not satisfied.7.3 The frequency which, under the sampling theorem, must be exceeded by the sampling frequency is called the Nyquist rate. Determine the Nyquist rate corresponding to each of the following signals:(a)()1cos(2,000)sin(4,000)x t t t ππ=++ (b)sin(4,000)()t x t tππ=(c) 2sin(4,000)()()t x t tππ= Solution: (a) Q )4000sin()2000cos(1)(t t t x ππ++=Θmax(0,2000,4000)4000M w πππ==∴ the Nyquist rate is 28000s M w w π>= (b) sin(4000)()t x t tππ= Q 4000M w π=∴ the Nyquist rate is 28000s M w w π>= (c) 2sin(4000)()t x t t ππ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭Q 2sin(4000)()t x t t ππ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭221(1cos(8000))2t t ππ=- ∴8000M w π=∴the Nyquist rate is 216000s M w w π>=7.4 Let x(t) be a signal with Nyquist rate 0ω. Determine the Nyquist rate for each of the following signals:(a)()(1)x t x t +- (b)()dx t dt(c)2()x t(d)0()cos x t t ωSolution:(a) we let 1()()(1)y t x t x t =+-So 1()()()(1)()j j Y j X j e X j e X j ωωωωωω--=+=+So the Nyquist rate of signal (a) is 0ω.(b) we let 2()()dx t y t dt= So 2()()Y j j X j ωωω=So the Nyquist rate of signal (b) is 0ω.(c) we let 23()()y t x t = So 31()()*()2Y j X j X j ωωωπ= So the Nyquist rate of signal (c) is 20ω.(d) we let 40()()cos y t x t t ω=For 000cos [()()]FT t ωπδωωδωω→-++ So 4001()((()(())2Y j X j X j ωωωωω=-++ So the Nyquist rate of signal (d) is 03ω7.9 Consider the signal 2sin 50()()t x t tππ= Which we wish to sample with a sampling frequency of 150s ωπ= to obtain a signal g(t) with Fourier transform ()G j ω.Determine the maximum value of 0ω for which it is guaranteed that0()75() ||G j X j for ωωωω=≤Where ()X j ω is the Fourier transform of x(t).Solution: Θ2sin(50)()t x t t ππ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭))100cos(1(2122t t ππ-= ∴100M w π=But π150=s wthe figure about before-sampling and after-sampling of )(jw H isWe can see that only when π500≤w , the before-sampling and after-sampling of )(jw H have the same figure.So if 0..)..(75)(w w for jw X jw G ≤=The maximum value of 0w is π50.Chap 99.2 Consider the signal 5()(1)tx t e u t -=- and denote its Laplace transform by X(s).(a)Using eq.(9.3),evaluate X(s) and specify its region of convergence. (b)Determine the values of the finite numbers A and 0t such that theLaplace transform G(s) of 50()()t g t Ae u t t -=-- has the same algebraic form as X(s).what is the region of convergencecorresponding to G(s)?Solution:(a). According to eq.(9.3), we will getdt e t x s X st -∞∞-⎰=)()(dt e t u e st t --∞∞--=⎰)1(5dt e t s )5(1+-∞⎰=)5()5()5()5()5(1)5(+=+--=+-=+-+-∞+-s e s e s e s s t s ROC:Re{s}>-5 (b). Θ )()(05t t u Ae t g t --=-−→←LT 0)5(5)(t s e s A s G ++-=, Re{s}<-5 ∴ If )()(s X s G =then it ’s obviously that A=-1, 10-=t , Re{s}<-5.9.5 For each of the following algebraic expressions for the Laplace transform of a signal, determine the number of zeros located in the finite s-plane and the number of zeros located at infinity: (a)1113s s +++ (b) 211s s +- (c) 3211s s s -++ Solution :(a).1, 1Θ)3)(1(423111+++=+++s s s s s ∴ it has a zero in the finite s-plane, that is 2-=sAnd Θ because the order of the denominator exceeds the order of the numerator by 1∴ X(s) has 1 zero at infinity.(b). 0, 1Θ11)1)(1(1112-=-++=-+s s s s s s ∴ it has no zero in the finite s-plane.And Θ because the order of the denominator exceeds the order of the numerator by 1∴ X(s) has 1 zero at infinity.(c). 1, 0Θ 11)1)(1(112223-=++++-=++-s s s s s s s s s ∴ it has a zero in the finite s-plane, that is 1=sAnd Θ because the order of the denominator equals to the order of the numerator∴ X(s) has no zero at infinity.9.7 How many signals have a Laplace transform that may be expressed as 2(1)(2)(3)(1)s s s s s -++++ in its region of convergence?Solution:Θ There are 4 poles in the expression, but only 3 of them have different real part.∴ The s-plane will be divided into 4 strips which parallel to the jw-axis and have no cut-across.∴ There are 4 signals having the same Laplace transform expression.9.8 Let x(t) be a signal that has a rational Laplace transform with exactly two poles located at s=-1 and s=-3. If2()() ()t g t e x t and G j ω=[ the Fourier transform of g(t)]converges, determine whether x(t) is left sided, right sided, or two sided.Solution:Θ)()(2t x e t g t =∴)2()(-=s X s G ROC: R(x)+Re{2}And x(t) have three possible ROC strips:),1(),1,3(),3,(+∞-----∞∴g(t) have three possible ROC strips: ),1(),1,1(),1,(+∞---∞ IF jw s s G jw G ==|)()(Then the ROC of )(s G is (-1,1)∴)(t x is two sides. 9.9 Given that1(),{}Re{}sat e u t Re s a s a -↔>-+ Determine the inverse Laplace transform of22(2)(),Re{}3712s X s s s s +=>-++ Solution: It is obtained from the partial-fractional expansion:22(2)2(2)42()712(4)(3)43s s X s s s s s s s ++-===+++++++,Re{}3s >-We can get the inverse Laplace transform from given formula and linear property.43()4()2()t t x t e u t e u t --=-9.10 Using geometric evaluation of the magnitude of the Fourier transform from the corresponding pole-zero plot ,determine, for each of the following Laplace transforms, whether the magnitude of the corresponding Fourier transform is approximately lowpass, highpass, or bandpass. (a): 1}Re{,.........)3)(1(1)(1->++=s s s s H (b): 221(),{}12s H s e s s s =ℜ>-++(c): 232(),{}121s H s e s s s =ℜ>-++ Solution:(a). 1}Re{,.........)3)(1(1)(1->++=s s s s H It ’s lowpass.(b).21}Re{,.........1)(22->++=s s s s s H It ’s bandpass.(c). 1}Re{., (1)2)(223->++=s s s s s H It ’s highpass.9.13 Let ()()()g t x t x t α=+- ,Where ()()t x t e u t β-=. And the Laplace transform of g(t) is 2(),1{}11s G s e s s =-<ℜ<-. Determine the values of the constants αand βSolution:Θ ()()()g t x t x t α=+-,and ()()tx t e u t β-= The Laplace transform : ()()()G s X s X s α=+- and()1X s s β=+,Re{}1s >- From the scale property of Laplace transform, ()1X s s β-=-+,Re{}1s < So 2(1)(1)()()()111s G s X s X s s s s βαββαβαα--+=+-=+=+-+-,1Re{}1s -<< From given 2()1s G s s =-,1Re{}1s -<< We can determine : 11,2αβ=-=。


Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd. Product Specification
To : Ceramate 光碁 Date : 110120
Ceramate 光基 Sales Engineer:JAKE WU Tel:0512-68410314-811 Fax:0512-68410313
3.3 Power、Signal sequence ....................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Backlight.................................................................................................................................... 9 4. INTERFACE CONNECTION........................................................................................... 10 5. INPUT SIGNAL (DE ONLY MODE) ................................................................................ 12 5.1 Timing specification ............................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Timing Chart............................................................................................................................. 13 6. MECHANICAL DIMENSION ........................................................................................... 16 6.1 Front View ............................................................................................................................... 16 6.2 Rear View ............................................................................................................................... 17 7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................... 18 8. RELIABILITY TEST ........................................................................................................ 20 8.1 Temperature and Humidity ................................................................................................. 20 8.2 Shock and Vibration .............................................................................................................. 20 8.3 ESD.......................................................................................................................................... 21 8.4 Judgment Standard ............................................................................................................... 21
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Signal and System A
Attention: Y ou must answer the following questions in English.
1.Determine whether the following signals are periodic or not, if it is periodic signal,
determine its fundamental period (10 points)
(1). t t x 2sin )(=
(2). n n n x 4
2.Determine whether the system is linear? Time invariant? Stable? Causal? Memory?(10 points )
]1[][-=n x n y
3.The figure of f (2-t ) is showed as following.(15 points)
(1) Please draw the figure of f (t ).
(2) Determine the Fourier Transform of f (t ).
4.Consider an LTI system whose response to the signal
()t x 1
in Figure a is the signal
()t y 1
illustrated in Figure b. Determine and sketch carefully the response of the
system to the input ()t x 2
depicted in Figure c (10 points).
Figure a Figure b Figure c
5. Find and sketch ()()()t h t x t y *=, where x (t ) and h (t ) are shown as(10 points )
6.Determine the parameter M T ,
so that 70% energy of the signal t
t x sin 2)(=is
contained within M M w w w ≤≤-,where M M w T π
2= (10 points).
7. Consider a stable continuous-time LTI system for which the input ()t x and
output ()t y are related by the differential equation (20 points).
()(2)(3)(22t x dt
t dx t y dt t dy dt t y d +=++ (1) Determine the system function of the system ()S H ;
(2) Determine the unit impulse response ()t h of this system, is this system Memoryless? Causal?
(3) For the input )(2)(3t u e t x t -=, compute the zero status response ()t y ; (4)Draw a block diagram representation of this system.
8. Compute the Z Transform X(Z) of the following sequences ,draw pole-zero pattern of ()z H and indicate the ROC of ()z H .(15 points )。

h (t ) x (t )
2 1
-1 (1) (2) (3)
1.Consider the modulation-demodulation system illustrated in Figure . Suppose the Fourier transform ()jw F of ()t f is shown in Figure, and ()())cos(021t w t a t a ==,
b w w ≥0.(20 points)
(1) compute the spectrum )(1jw Y of )(1t y , and draw its figure; (2) compute the spectrum )(2jw Y of )(2t y , and draw its figure; (3) Sketch and determine a filter ()ωj H so that ()()t f t y =
2. Suppose that the signal x[n] has the following properties (10 points ): (1) x[n] is a real and even signal; (2)x[n] has period N=8 and Fourier coefficients; (3) 59=a ;
=n n x
show that )sin(][C Bn A n x +=, and specify all possible numerical values for the constants A,B and C.
