Contrastive Analysis of Female Language Sexism between China and UK1.What背景Sapir-worf 理论、中英女性歧视现象久远、明显。
S 语言上,男无标记女有1)构词:C 女字旁的字多带贬义历史慈溪太后称皇爸爸、叔E morphological\ ess\附属2) 称谓+代词S 女儿随父亲姓、结婚随丈夫姓(李夫人、香港张陈乐君、希拉里Mrs Smith)女……E Mr、Mrs\Miss 有标识知道结婚木有He 代指男女全部或不知性别时通用3)词序S 先男后女4)语义:动物—女性贬义\ 同一词(动物、…)男褒义女贬义5)传统谚语S C E2.Why1)社会分工S(男主外winner of bread\女主内建设社会大工程、重工业男士主宰女性家内活养孩持家、无能力赚钱依靠隶属丈夫)C: 母系—父系社会农耕社会-男耕女织男人力量大、劳动力强、干农活、女人做饭纺织洗衣生育长期重男轻女政治上男人主宰管理女人无权过问附属受压迫社会地位低溺女婴、裹脚残害女性E:平等旗帜下其实男女不平等、战争、英国开拓疆土、殖民将军男性一手操控职业上排斥女性只限于家教、护士、秘书3.How S 两国妇女维权运动激烈反对语言性别歧视均采取相关有效措施C 政府出台相关政策就业时获得更多平等权利和保障切身利益与男子同工同酬在经济上提高妇女地位E 60-70年代女权运动语言上改动:中性词person,businesswomen\his,he 改he\she指示标明Conclusion: Attitude determines everything. 语言与思维、本研究的意义:增强妇女自尊自强的身份认识、改善妇女语言歧视现状和发展趋势。
最新社会语言学期末复习资料一、什么是语言变项?社会语言学是怎么调查语言变项和社会变项之间的共变关系的?请举例说明1、语言变项和社会变项:人们使用各种语言变体地域方言和社会方言说话人使用某些语言变项与其社会背景有关研究者必须判定哪个社会变项与某个语言变项相关:地位,性别,年龄(语言变项,社会语言学常用术语之一,英文为Linguistic variable,指语言变异的项目.语音、句法、词汇都可能成为语言变项.社会语言学奠基人拉波夫所做的纽约语言调查,其中的(r)就是语言变项.一个语言变项一般包含几个“变式”,比如(r)变项包括两个变式,一个是(r)变式,第二个是零变式.又如北京话中零声母(w),是一个变项,它有两个变式,一个是(w),第二个是(v).)2、拉波夫(William Labov)的著名例子car,card,fourth语言变项:在元音前的辅音/r/发音或者不发音社会变项:地位结论:社会地位越高的人,越倾向于发出词语中的r音.二、拉波夫(William Labov)对纽约[r]音的调查拉波夫:探索语言变异的个别理论纽约流行的r音假设:假如纽约市本地人中有任何两个集团在社会分层的阶梯上处于高低不同的地位,那么他们在发[r]音上也会表现出相应的差异.假设被证实:越是社会地位高的人,或越是正规的场合,就会有越高的卷舌率语言变项:发r音/不发r音,w/v ,公交车/巴士语言变项可选择音位、词素、句法、词语等各层次上的某个结构单位语言变项的独特之处在于它同相应的社会变项发生有意义的共变.60年代前半期拉波夫运用定量分析法研究语言变量与社会变量之间的关系拉波夫感觉到下层黑人倾向不发[r]音做出假设:假如纽约市本地人中两个集团处于不同的社会阶层,那么他们在发[r]音上也会表现出相应的差异.怎样证实这个假设呢?怎么引导被试在自然状态下发出[r]音呢?1.确认这个商店第四层楼有什么商品(例如,女士鞋子)2.走进商店,向店员询问:“Excuse me,where are the women’s shoes?”3.店员会回答:“Fourth floor.”4.装作没听清,继续问:“Excuse me?”5.店员会重新放慢语速回答:“Fourth floor.”6.跑到店员看不到的地方记下以下信息:商店名称,所在楼层,性别,年龄(以五年为单位估测),职业(售货员,导购员,收银员,仓库管理等),人种,(是否有)方言或异国口音在每一层楼都会询问同样问题,在第四层则问“Excuse me,what floor is this?”一共264位受访者,长达六个半小时.68个Saks访问125个Macy访问71个S.Klein访问拉波夫还发现,在中等商店Macy’s进行第二次询问时,之前没有发/r/音的店员在认真发音时往往会加上/r/音这说明了当时的纽约人潜意识里认为带/r/音的发音才是更“标准”的英语.在方法上两大突破:运用了社会学的研究方法.采用随机抽样法.在搜集言语资料方面,设法诱导和分离出几种随情景而异的语体,并且用录音机记录素材. 三、科学的研究方法包括哪些步骤?(一)选择课题1、从亲身感受中去考虑有哪些现象值得研究2、从前人的研究成果中吸取养料,寻求合适的课题.(二)建立假设1、课题选定后,首先钻研有关文献,了解前人研究2、作一些探索性研究(归纳)3、建立假设:对要探讨的社会因素与语言变异之间的联系作出初步的判断有了假设,就有了具体的目标,就有可能进而设计调查方案(三)确定调查范围和目标1、划定调查范围:某社区、机构、团体等社会结构单位,那里的群体在日常言谈中显示相似的言语特征2、调查目标:语言变项(1)为了尽可能做到被调查者具有代表性,需要采用抽样方法选择调查人抽样调查就是按照一定的计算方法,从研究对象的全及总体中根据随机原则,抽取部分单位作为研究的样本(又叫抽样总体).通过抽样本中的个案,并以此部分单位的指标数值去推断相关总体的指标数值.(2)抽签法的步骤:第一步:将总体的所有N个个体从1到N编号;第二步:准备N个号签分别标上这些编号,将号签放在容器中搅拌均匀后,每次抽取一个号签,不放回或放回地连续取n次;第三步:将取出的n个号签上的号码所对应的n个个体作为样本.(3)随机数表法: 利用随机数表来选取样本的方法(4)计算机取数法:(四)搜集资料1、语言使用者的资料,指的是说话人的社会背景或社会属性;如民族、籍贯、出身、性别,年龄、职业、文化程度、宗教信仰、个人收入等背景材料;2、使用语言的资料,指的是说话人在一定的语境中所说的话语;3、有关语言态度的资料.语言态度指的是言语共同体成员对特定的语言变体所持的态度,包括看法、情感和行为意向.克服观察者悖论拉式搜集方法:普查、访谈、后续访谈、集体访谈、快速隐匿调查、电话采访问卷法(五)整理、分析资料通过调查搜集到原始资料以后,研究人员的任务是要所得的资料进行科学的分类、汇总和分析(六)检验假设第三章语言变异与演变一、语言变异和语言演变的概念1、语言变异:语言在某一特定时期呈现的共时变化2、语言演变:语言在长时期内发生的历时变化二、语言变化的外部条件和内部条件语言变化的内部条件:语言条件语言变化的外部条件:社会心理/语言态度+语言使用者的社会特征(一)语言变化的内部条件:语言条件1、原发性:由语言自身机制引起变化(1)例如:发音上的省力方便使得其中一方的发音方法或部位发生改变,从而变得相近或相同(同化现象)(2)例如:表层结构的重新分析汉语系词“是”的出现花是红的.那里是操场.王太无者也2、接触性:由于受到外部语言或方言的影响而发生变化词汇的借用(干部来自日语哈达来自藏语沙发来自英语)(二)语言变化的外部条件:社会条件(由于语言内部和历史的原因,语言结构中的变异形式提供了变化产生和发展的条件.但一个变化的启动和发展需要一股相当强劲的社会动力,因为一个语言变化需要在言语社区中逐步推广)1、社会心理/语言态度例子:[r]发音:从开始较少的人参与卷舌变异到后来将其推广为一个纽约市的普遍特征,这就需要一个推广过程.这个过程就是确立卷舌的社会威信的过程,也就是那些要想改善自己社会地位的人仿效较高阶层人的社会行为的过程.促使语言变化的社会动机:想要跻身于社会地位比自己高的集团,想要表明自己的身份有别于其他集团,想要获得交往者的认同.另一方面,人们又认为自己的方言有亲和力,表现出较高的认同感和语言忠诚.英国诺里奇市自我评价测验gate标准音[ei]读成[æi] ,要求被试者说出自己平常说话的发音和哪种更接近与实际发音录音相比,女性倾向说得比实际情况好,向标准音靠拢.男性则说得比实际情况差,宁愿保留土气土音代表男性劳工阶层说话的特征,显得有男子气概.土音被看做一种集团标识.相对于标准音的显性声望,非标准音具有潜在声望2、语言使用者的社会特征语言使用者是造成语言变化的根本原因人们的语言态度、语言评价和社会心理的形成与说话人的社会属性分不开语言的社会变异:社会阶层,性别因素,年龄因素三、社会使用者的社会特征是怎样导致语言变化的?请从社会阶层,性别因素,年龄因素三个方面分别举出例子(一)社会阶层说话人是用什么样的语言模式与其社会经济地位密切相关拉波夫的纽约百货公司英语发音调查(Labov 1966)常态模式:阶层越低或语体越随意,非标准音的频率越高超越模式:最接近上中阶层的社会阶层的正式语体中发标准音的频率超过中上阶层(矫枉过正)(二)性别与语言变异女性比男性更多使用标准语体弱势地位对两性的固定看法语言习得中的重要作用男子在语言创新上要落后于女子,显得比较保守.现代随着社会发展,年轻女性的语言越来越向男性靠拢,也会使用非标准语形式,性别差异逐渐不明显.(三)年龄与语言变异中年人要比青年人和老年人更多的使用标准语体当新的语言形式出现时,新变式在年轻人话语中出现频率最高,中年人其次,老年人最少.四、“真实时间”研究与“显像时间”研究的差别(一)“真实时间”研究社会语言学把从不同时间中获取语料的研究叫做真实时间(real time)的研究,这往往就意味着对以前调查过的社区进行重新调查.前两次调查人是一样的.由于进行重新调查存在许多实际困难,因此真实时间研究相对较少.1948年河北宣化地区64个村庄的语言学调查,对象为八九岁到十多岁的孩子,最终划分出3个方言片2003年在这一地区开展重复性调查,拟定相同调查项目,考查一组少年与一组老年人(即1948年的少儿)(二)“显象时间”研究社会语言学把在共时变异中找出语言变化的研究,叫做显象时间(apparent time)的研究.“显象时间”研究的是体现在几代人的言语特点上的语言变化趋势.显象时间研究基于这样的假设:现在四十岁的人群的话语代表了二十年前二十多岁人群的话语情况,因此比较现在四十岁群体和二十岁群体的话语相当于比较二十年前和现在两个时间段的二十多岁人群的话语.五、“行/成”变异研究1、背景材料当代北京口语中两个对请求或建议表示应允的词:“行”和“成”.2、研究的问题“行/成”变异是怎样产生和发展的?它们目前的使用状况与发展趋势怎样?“成”究竟是属于方言词汇还是属于普通话词汇?3、研究方法研究者通过查找“行/成”在历史文献中的出现情况来了解它们何时开始出现在北京话中.对于“行/成”在20世纪80年代北京人口语中的使用情况,研究者利用了北京语言大学的北京话口语语料库来进行研究.研究者从2001年开始在北京地区系统地观察公共场所打电话的人的语言,注意结束通话时所采用的“预备结束语”,观察新世纪北京人打电话的“预备结束语”中“行/成”的使用情况.4、“行/成”变异的产生和发展20世纪20年代以后的“行/成”变异对比老舍先生20、30、40、50年代作品(《老张的哲学》、《二马》、《赵子曰》、《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》、《茶馆》)中“行/成”的出现情况老舍“行/成”使用情况的变化:40年代以后对“成”的使用大量减少,到50年代完全放弃了“成”的用法,只保留了“行”.曹禺也如此,其《日出》1936年版中“成”出现11次,“行”只出现1次,而到了1984年出版的修改本中,“成”只保留4处,而“行”却出现了6次.北京话“成”在这几十年间经历了一个由兴到衰的变化过程,而像老舍、曹禺这样的文学巨匠及时地在其作品中做出了反映.80年代“京味儿”作家的“行/成”使用情况研究者将20世纪80年代“京味儿”作家王朔、邓友梅作品中的“行/成”使用情况与二三十年代的老舍、曹禺、俞平伯作品的“行/成”使用情况进行一个对比,来看“行/成”变异的发展情况,见表1.两代“京味儿”作家在“行/成”的使用上出现了很大的差异.利用北京语言大学1985年建成的北京口语语料库,发现“行/成”出现407次,其中“行”出现378次(93%),“成”出现29次(7%).经搜索发现这些语料来自67位说话人.接着分析了说话人所在的区域、性别、年龄、教育程度、职业、民族、所说的话题等社会特征.“成”虽然在历史上比“行”出现得要迟,但当代北京人却把“成”看作是老派用法;“行”在北京已经扩散为大势,“成”呈现被“行”取代的趋势.“行/成”变异体现出进行中的变化的后期表现,即社会上大多数人在大多数交际场合中已经不使用“成”这个旧的形式,社会地位较高的人则基本使用新的形式“行”.分析结果(见表2)显示“行/成”变异的社会制约条件,回归系数大于0.50表明该条件有利于“成”的出现;这样“成”的社会分布特征则为:使用“成”的说话人一般是年龄较大的男性、一般文化水平较低、从事社会声望较低的职业;另外,少数民族成员、家住老城区以及某些谈话话题等也是“成”出现的有利条件.5、21世纪“行/成”的使用状况及其发展趋势研究者发现在近年来所放映的电视剧中应答语“成”常被用来表现反派或文化程度较低的角色,而在早年老舍、曹禺作品中“成”没有这种区别角色的作用.这种表现正是语言变化后期的一个重要的征象:一个行将被取代的语言形式,人们开始认为它是一种粗俗的形式,是社会上受到轻视的人所具有的语言特征.研究者从2001年开始在北京地区6个城区的15个不同地点系统地观察公共场所打电话的人的“预备结束语”“预备结束语”是结束电话之前通话人之间的一种相互提示和确认,研究者将观察到的情况分成五类;不同形式的具体出现情况是:行(211,占82%)、好/好吧(21,占8%)、好的(8,占3%)、成(3,占1%)、其他(15,占6%).这一数据与20世纪80年代北京人口语中的“行/成”比例之间又存在明显的差异:80年代北京人口语中“成”的出现比例为7%;而这里“成”的出现比例仅为1%.6、研究的结论现代汉语中表“可以”义的“行/成”用例可以一直追溯到20世纪初叶.作为应答语的“成”自产生起就处于与“行”竞争的变异状态,一度曾成为北京话的典范形式并且影响到现代汉语的书面语.20世纪后半叶北京口语中“成”呈现出被“行”取代的趋势.“行/成”变化的后期的重要征象就是将要被取代的“成”开始被“污名化”,人们开始认为它是粗俗的语言形式,是社会上受到轻视的人的语言特征.虽然“成”在《现代汉语词典》(2002年增补本)中仍作为普通话词汇来对待,但其方言特色已越来越显著.第四章语言与性别一、语言性别差异的各种表现语音、词汇、语法、文字最明显的差异:词汇(一)词汇:例子:美国雅那印第安人(Yana Indian)男女分别使用不同的词汇来描述同一现象:火:男子称’anua 女子称’auh鹿:男子称bana 女子称ba’词汇的性别差异主要表现为男女选用词语的不同(1)女性善用形容词、副词等一些修饰性的词语.如“太棒了”“老也不来”“真讨厌”“大大的”“好极了”“太漂亮了”“好帅啊”等等.男性语言则更多地使用简洁、直截了当、果断的言语.(2).女性在交际时运用的语气词较多.如“吧、啊、呢、吗、哎呦、啧啧、嗯嗯”等,而男性在这方面使用得比较少.女性比男性更容易产生情绪波动,并将这种波动溢于言表,运用语气词具有较强的感染力,习惯成自然,形成男女两性不同的语用习惯.(3).女性多用委婉词语和礼貌用语.女性情感一般比较细腻,情调比较温和,一般不会严辞拒绝,用词较委婉,能够顾及听话人的面子.在发表意见时,多用征求、商量的语气,不会使人感到咄咄逼人.即使是祈使句也多使用表示请求的语气.这些带有委婉语气的请求,没有任何的强迫和命令的意味,很好地起到了交际的作用.(4).女性对颜色词语的使用比男性更普遍一些.女性对颜色特别敏感,在语言运用中,不自觉地使用诸多表示颜色的词语.在童年时期,父母就把女孩打扮得漂漂亮亮,接触的颜色比男孩子丰富一些.随着受教育程度的加深,审美能力的提高,对颜色的敏感性就越来越强,一些色彩词的运用也可表现女孩子细腻的情感(二)音位区别(语音)男女在语音语调方面的差异是很明显的.男性与女性语音上的差异主要体现在语音物理属性方面,即音高、音长和音质.1、通常女性的发音都高于男性2、总的看来,女性在日常言语中所发的元音在时长上大于男性.男性言语中处于相同位置上的元音音长比较短,比较窄.男性在发辅音时,发音器官的紧张程度较小,因此辅音数量与质量的弱化是男性言语显著的特点之一.女性发音器官紧张程度和语音的清晰度大于男性.3、女性所使用的语调类型比男性丰富,女性更善于运用语调来表达情感.男子的语调类型则比较少,男性更喜欢借助语法的词汇手段来表达情感与评价.(三)语法区别:印度的库鲁科语(Kurux)里,动词形态随听话人的性别而变:主语是第一人称单数或复数,女子跟女子说话、女子跟男子说话时,男子跟男子(或女子)说话时所用的动词形态都不同男性喜欢直接表明对事物的看法,因而常选用陈述句和祈使句,以表达命令和要求的口吻;相对于男性的直接表达,女性更倾向于婉转间接来表达自己的意愿,她们常常使用疑问句、带商量口吻的祈使句或反意疑问句.(四)文字在湖南省永州市流行着世界上唯一的女性文字—女书,它是一种七言诗体唱本.女书是女子创造的、反映妇女心态的一种拼音文字,呈现长菱形.二、莱考夫(Robin Lakoff)提出的“女性语体”特征包括哪些?女性语体特征:(1)更多地使用附加问句(John is here,isn’t John?)(2)使用升调陈述句(Oh…around six o’clock?)(3)常用闪避词(sort of,I guess,I think)(4)常用强化词(so very really absolutely)(5)更多地使用礼貌语言(Please,thank you,you are so kind)(6)使用的颜色名称比男子多(a light shade of purple(淡紫))(7)语气词使用频率进行统计时,在疑问句中使用“吗、呢、啊”等语气词的频率,女性大大高于男性女性语体(女性语体的运用者不限于女性,“无权”的人,语言也会显得“无力”)女性本能的回避粗俗污秽的语言,喜好使用精炼、含蓄和间接的表达方式女性语体比男性委婉、犹豫、含混在语言所反映的世界图景中,男性居于中心地位,女性形象却残缺不全.语言的性别差异实际上是男女地位不平等的象征三、语言性别差异的原因(陈述一种观点即可)文化差异论:男女只是讲话风格不同,不能看成缺陷社会赋予男性和女性不同的生活体验和不同的社会化过程,使人们学会如何做男人或女人.男女不同的说话习惯是社会对男女的要求和期望不同导致.在任何国家和文化当中,人们对性别角色,男女两性一切行为都有一种相对固定的社会期望,构成了相对固定的“性别原型”.这种固定模型形成的强大的社会压力迫使人们依照这些模型去规范自己的行为,凡是不符合这些期待与要求的行为都会遭到社会的反对和否定.这种模型对语言也产生了强大的影响,逐渐形成了男女在言语行为中不同的特征.以中国为例,女性自小就被父母教育到要听话、服从,严格遵守社会规范.男性始终被告知须具有男子汉气概,要善于并勇于挑战.这样,表现在语言上男性较多使用命令句、陈述句,它体现了生活中男性教育所宣扬的威严与果断;对于女性而言,疑问句的使用则是谦虚的表现.“女国音”现象就与社会的文化心理因素对女性的影响有关.一种由来已久的社会习气认为女孩子说话嘴巴不能张得太大,血盆大口有伤风雅,小口发出轻声细语才符合女子身份,还有人认为发音嗲一点显得娇,这正符合了传统文化心理对女性的要求.因此使j、q、x的发音部位尽可能靠前,直到一部分成了尖音,这说明女国音现象是由某种社会心理因素决定的,即使发音者本人没有明确地意识到,也是受潜意识支配的.第五章言语交际和互动社会语言学一、卡内尔和斯维恩(Canale and Swain)定义的交际能力包括社会语言能力.什么是社会语言能力?举例说明社会语言能力对交际能力的影响1、交际能力:语言使用者在交际情境中利用语言进行有效交际的能力2、社会语言能力的概念:对发生交际的社会语境的了解能针对具体的情景使用恰当的语言变体.场合,时间、场所、与文化传统有关的特殊场合(如庙会、春节联欢会)、话题、参与者、交际媒体、语域,这些要素都可能影响说话人对语言变体的选择,其中尤为重要的是参与者的状况,如社会经济地位、职业、性别、年龄等,以及交谈时相互的角色关系3、举例说明社会语言能力对交际能力的影响如,在大学里,我都是说普通话的,因为周围的同学来着四面八方,天涯海角,每个人都有自己的方言,如果都用方言交谈的话难免会出现误解语义甚至无法沟通.所以在学校里,大家说的都是普通话.而回到家乡,我则会改成家乡话,因为周围都是朴实的家乡亲人们,用普通话“抗衡”家乡话肯定会让交谈双方都感到尴尬.会让对方觉得,自己是在显摆,可以炫耀自己的身份或学识,从而产生距离感,使交谈无法继续下去.二、什么是话语标记?这类词有哪些特点?1、话语标记:是说话人为了引导听话人正确理解话语而选择的用于联系上下文的语言标记.2、特点:话语标记语本身不添加任何实际内容,意义虚化,但能衔接句子结构,对话语的理解产生制约性,体现说话者意图,表明对信息、观点的认识状态.话语标记促进话语的理解,减少产生误解.说话人用它将听话人拉进同一个背景知识:(现在的人们不像过去那样帮助人了.你知道,现今社会情况复杂,帮助人也会惹上官司的.)说话人用它来唤起听话人的注意填充语(我昨天去听了一场音乐会.那个场面太壮观了,该怎么形容呢?你知道,真是美仑美奂啊)三、格赖斯Grice的合作原则理论1、在语言交际中,为了达到交际目标,说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契,一种双方都应该遵守的原则2、包括数量、质量、关系、方式四条准则一旦违反合作原则,就会产生会话含义(“言外之意”)(1)数量准则:指的是信息量要恰如其分,不多不少.(2)质量准则,指的是说话要真实(3) 关系准则,指的是话语之间要有关联.(4)方式准则,指的是说话要清楚,有条理,不要有歧义,不要啰嗦3、合作原则理论的局限关注点在传达信息上:简洁为原则关注点在交谈双方的地位和情景上,以礼貌为原则简洁和礼貌有时相互冲突需要牺牲简洁,强调礼貌四、布朗和莱文森(Brown & Levinson)的礼貌理论戈夫曼(Goffman)的“面子行为理论”:面子就是人们在交流过程中,通过采取言语行为而为自己获取正面的社会价值,是按照社会所赞许的属性而创造的自我形象.1、布朗和莱文森将面子行为理论引入礼貌理论,将面子定义为:每一个社会成员意欲为自己挣得的一种在公众中的个人形象.通过与他人的交际,这种形象可以被损害、保持或增强.2、积极面子和消极面子积极面子:希望得到别人的赞同和喜爱消极面子:不希望别人强加于自己,自己的行为不受别人的干涉或阻碍得到赞同和支持就有积极面子,否则就丢面子受到干涉或阻碍犯则丢消极面子.命令、请求、建议——威胁消极面子拒绝、不同意、批评——威胁积极面子交际者既要尊重对方的积极面子,也要尊重对方的消极面子,才能达到交际目的3、威胁面子行为的严重程度取决于三个社会因素:(1)社会距离(2)权势(3)言语行为本身的强加程度威胁面子行为的严重程度是社会距离、权势差别和强加程度之和礼貌是一种补偿行为,用来平衡威胁面子行为的破坏性影响,因此礼貌是一种策略.实施请求或拒绝时,人们会根据情况采取一定的礼貌策略以维护或补偿对方的积极或消极面子.。
语言导论期末考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的基本功能是:A. 交流思想B. 表达情感C. 记录历史D. 传递文化答案:A2. 下列哪个选项不属于语言的任意性原则?A. 单词与意义之间没有必然联系B. 语言符号是任意的C. 每个语言都有其独特的语法规则D. 语言符号是约定俗成的答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是:A. 音素B. 词C. 句D. 语素答案:D4. 下列哪个选项是语言的组合规则?A. 语音学B. 音韵学C. 语法学D. 语用学答案:C5. 语言的演变主要受到以下哪个因素的影响?A. 社会变迁B. 科技发展C. 地理环境D. 所有以上因素答案:D6. 语言的普遍性指的是:A. 所有语言都有相同的语法结构B. 所有语言都有相同的词汇量C. 所有语言都有相同的音素系统D. 所有语言都具有表达复杂思想的能力答案:D7. 语言学中的“同源词”是指:A. 来自同一词源的词语B. 意义相同的词语C. 发音相似的词语D. 形式和意义都相同的词语答案:A8. 下列哪个选项是语言的交际功能?A. 描述功能B. 表达功能C. 指示功能D. 命令功能答案:B9. 语言的“方言”是指:A. 同一语言内部的变体B. 不同语言之间的相似性C. 语言的书面形式D. 语言的口头形式答案:A10. 语言的“借词”是指:A. 从其他语言借用的词汇B. 从其他语言借用的语法结构C. 从其他语言借用的发音规则D. 从其他语言借用的语用规则答案:A二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述语言与思维的关系。
2. 解释什么是“语境”以及它在语言交际中的作用。
区分辅音:发音部位、阻碍方法、声带状况 和气流节制。 掌握英汉中元辅音的特征: 元音差别: • 除了央元音/ə/之外几乎没有一 个处在相同部位的。 英语中的元 音都是舌面音, 没有舌尖元音和 卷舌元音。 • • 英语元音分布比较均匀, 而汉语 元音分布不够均匀, 高元音居多。 英语中的元音有长短的差别 (如 beat 和 bit,fool 和 full) ,而汉 语没有。 • • 英语前元音没有圆唇音, 而后元 音多为圆唇音。 汉语中的元音元音基本上在极 限位置上, 而英语中的语音并非 如此。 • 辅音差别: • 英汉辅音在发音部分方面虽然 有诸多相似之处, 但它们的发音 方法和发音机制有着细微的差 别。 • 英语辅音有清浊之分, 而汉语辅 音的区别并不全在清浊, 除了几 个个别的浊音,如鼻音、边音, 其余的擦音、 塞音和塞擦音的区 别在于送气与否。 • 此外, 英语辅音时长较短, 单念 时不允许延长; 汉语辅音无论是 清是浊, 无论送气不送气, 单念 时听起来较长, 似乎后面跟了一 个短暂的/ə/音。 音位和音位变体: • • 音位: 某种语言或方言中具有区 别意义功能的最小语音单位。 音位变体: 属于同一个音位的各 个音素叫音位变体。 音位变体就 是音位在语音环境中的实际发 音。 音系规则的描述方法:斜线表示变化产生的 环境,横线(称为焦点线)表示目标音段的 位置。例子如图: 汉语还有鼻化元音。
原则与参数理论 XP 规则是一个普遍规则, 语言之间的差别在 于参数不同。 The fact that Japanese and English differs due to the parameter of variation among languages, or parameter, for short.
移位与疑问句 移位的起因通常为话题化,就是根据不同的 话题而将句子成分改变位置,通常是提前。 比如一般疑问句中, 会出现 I-to-C movement, (屈折语转为补足语;一个假设:A null C triggers the movement in English questions. ) ;而特殊疑问句中会出现 Wh-movement(基于 I-to-C movement 的移 位,形成补足语短语的标志) Principle C C-command: A node alpha c- commands a node beta iff: the mother of alpha dominates beta, and alpha does not dominate beta. Principle C: If a pronoun NP x c-commands a full NP y, x and y may not be coreferent. What do we get: Although syntactic structure is independent of meaning in many ways, they do interact in many ways.
社会语言学 复习资料 讲义
3、语言和社会之间可能存在的关系1)社会结构影响或决定语言结构(行为);2)语言结构(行为)影响或决定社会结构;3)语言和社会相互影响;4)语言结构和社会结构没有关系1)分支说: ①人物:英国郝德森。
2)“两属”说: ①人物:前苏联德舍里耶夫。
3)“语用”说: ①人物:美国佐伊基。
②观点:社会语言学主要研究who says what to whom on which occasion(什么人在什么场合对什么人说什么)。
4)“应用”说: ①人物:陈建民、陈章太。
5)“边缘”说: ①人物:陈原②观点:“社会语言学是一门多学科性交叉学科;从它发展的趋向看来,它不只是社会科学若干学科的交叉,而且是社会科学和自然科学的接合部之一。
第二章理论与方法学一、什么是语言变项?社会语言学是怎么调查语言变项和社会变项之间的共变关系的?请举例说明1、语言变项和社会变项:人们使用各种语言变体地域方言和社会方言说话人使用某些语言变项与其社会背景有关研究者必须判定哪个社会变项与某个语言变项相关:地位,性别,年龄(语言变项,社会语言学常用术语之一,英文为Linguistic variable,指语言变异的项目。
)2、拉波夫(William Labov)的著名例子car, card, fourth语言变项:在元音前的辅音/r/发音或者不发音社会变项:地位结论:社会地位越高的人,越倾向于发出词语中的r音。
二、拉波夫(William Labov)对纽约[r]音的调查拉波夫:探索语言变异的个别理论纽约流行的r音假设:假如纽约市本地人中有任何两个集团在社会分层的阶梯上处于高低不同的地位,那么他们在发[r]音上也会表现出相应的差异。
假设被证实:越是社会地位高的人,或越是正规的场合,就会有越高的卷舌率语言变项:发r音/不发r音,w/v ,公交车/巴士语言变项可选择音位、词素、句法、词语等各层次上的某个结构单位语言变项的独特之处在于它同相应的社会变项发生有意义的共变。
怎样证实这个假设呢?怎么引导被试在自然状态下发出[r]音呢?1.确认这个商店第四层楼有什么商品(例如,女士鞋子)2.走进商店,向店员询问:“Excuse me, where are the women’s shoes?”3.店员会回答:“Fourth floor.”4.装作没听清,继续问:“Excuse me?”5.店员会重新放慢语速回答:“Fourth floor.”6.跑到店员看不到的地方记下以下信息:商店名称,所在楼层,性别,年龄(以五年为单位估测),职业(售货员,导购员,收银员,仓库管理等),人种,(是否有)方言或异国口音在每一层楼都会询问同样问题,在第四层则问“Excuse me, what floor is this?”一共264位受访者,长达六个半小时。
一社会语言学的理论意义和实践价值(一)理论意义三个方面:1 拓宽了语言研究领域。
2 提出数量化的概念。
(二)实践价值3个方面:1 为制订语言政策提供理论依据。
2 为语言教学提供理论和资料。
3 有助于认识社会文化和历史。
1 念词表体:语体最为正规。
2 念语段体:语体的正式度略低。
3 留意说话体:语体较平时说话时正式,但低于上述两种情况。
4 随便说话体:最自然的日常语体。
(三)观察法1 隐蔽观察法调查人员以其他身份,暗地观察记录。
2 快速隐匿观察法这种方法是由拉波夫在调查纽约市三家百货公司的社会分层时首先使用的,调查人员不暴露自己的身份,采用巧妙的诱导技巧,能不露真相地让被观察者说出所需了解的语言变异形式,迅速地搜集到有用的言语资料。
3 参与观察法调查人员深入到被调查对象的实际生活中,参与其言语活动,观察、搜集所需的资料。
第一章 绪 沦
一 社会语言学的兴起
phone: the smallest perceptible discretesegment of sound in a stream of speech
i) phonetic unitii) not distinctive of meaningiii) physical as heard or producediv) marked with [ ]
♦Semantics: the study of meaning.
♦Pragmatics: the study of meaning in context
♦Sociolinguistics: the study of social aspects oflanguage and its relation with society.
♦(Discreteness:the sounds used in language aremeaningfully distinct. Eg. pack, back)
♦Comment on the definition of language.
♦Summarize the design features oflanguage.
Narrow transcription窄式标音:transcription with letter-symbols and thediacritics
4.Classification of Englishconsonants
5.Classification of English vowels
6.Phonology : the sound patterns oflanguage
♦What is your understanding ofsynchronic study of language
Key Terms1. Sociolinguistics:Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication. It is the study of language in relation to society. That is to say, in sociolinguistics, we study language and society in order to find out as much as we can about what kind of thing language is. Coulmas puts it that sociolinguistics investigates “how social str ucture influences the way people talk and how language varieties and patterns of use correlate with social attributes such as class, sex, and age.” In sociolinguistics, we study, for example, linguistic variation, dialects, language attitude and its effect etc.2. Independent variable & dependent variableAn independent variable is an activity or characteristic believed to make a difference with respect to some behavior; a dependent variable is the change or difference in behavior that occurs as a result of the independent variable. For example, in Labov’s study of /r/, the social status of the people is an independent variable and the pronunciation of /r/ is the dependent variable as a result of the change of the social status.3. VarietyVariety refers to a set of linguistic items or human speech patterns (sounds, words, grammatical features), which can be uniquely associated with some external factor (e.g. a geographical area or a social group). For example, Black English is a variety of English related with the racial group and Beijing dialect is also a variety of Chinese Mandarin related with the geographical area.4. Language and dialectLanguage refers either to a single linguistic norm or to a group of related norms while dialect refers to one of the norms. For example, in Britain, the British speak the English language and there are dialects such as Yorkshire dialect etc.5. Style and registerStyle refers to differences in speech or writing in terms of degree of formality. It is usually associated with variations in situation, topic, addressee, and location. For example, our talk is much more formal in a public speech and less informal in daily conversation. Similarly we would talk more respectfully with an interviewer and less so with classmates or family members. Register refers to differences in speech or writing in terms of vocabulary. It is usually associated with a certain occupational or social group. For example, jargon is the vocabulary differences because of different occupations.6. Standard variety and non-standard varietyStandard variety is the variety which has the highest status in a community or nation and which is usually based on the speech and writing of educated native speakers. Other varieties are regarded as non-standard varieties. For example, in China, Mandarin is the standard variety that has the highest status, and is used in media, education etc and other varieties are non-standard ones.7. StandardizationStandardization refers to the process of making some aspect of language usage conforms to a standard variety. This may take place in connection with the writing or spelling system of a particular language and is usually implemented by a government authority.8. Dialect geography and isogloss.Dialect geography refers to the study of geographic distribution of linguistic items, the results plotted on maps (dialect atlases). Lines marking the boundaries of linguistic features on such maps are isoglosses. For example, in the following map which shows the distribution of /r/, /u/ and // pronunciation, the lines, both dotted and real lines are called isogloss./r/-full &/ //r/-less & / / /r/-full & /u//r/-less &/u/9. NetworksNetworks refer to groups of people who communicate with each other regularly. The density of a social network depends on the degree to which the people who form the social network all know each other.The concept “networks” is used to view how an individual relates to oth er individuals in society. That is, it studies how and on what occasions a specific individual A interacts now with B, then with C, and then again with D, how intensive the various relationships are, (does A interact more frequently with B than with C or D?) and how extensive A’s relationship with B is in the sense of how many other individuals interact with both A and B in whatever activity brings them together. People can be involved in a dense network if the people you know and interact with also know and interact with one another. If they do not, the network is a loose one. And people are said to be involved in a multiplex network if the people within it are tied together in more than one way.10. VariationVariation refers to language differences in speech and writing between speakers of different ages, genders, social classes or identities; or differences in differences in different situation, topic, addressee, and location; including difference over time. For example, to refer to the same automotive vehicle suitable for hauling, Americans and British would use different words: truck v.s. lorry, and spell the same word meaning the middle as something as “centre” v.s. “center”.11. Speech repertoireSpeech repertoire refers to the range of linguistic varieties which the speaker has at his disposal and which he may appropriately use as a member of his speech community. It can be used to describe the communicative competence of individual speakers. Each person will then have a distinctive speech repertoire. And quite often , many individuals will have virtually identical repertoire.12. IdiolectIdiolect refers to the speech characteristics and linguistic behavior of individuals.13. Lingua francaLingua franca refers to a language which is used habitually by people whose mother tongues are different in order to facilitate communication between them. It can be spoken in a variety of ways. For example, today English is used in very many places and for very many purposes as a lingua franca, e.g., in travel and often in trade, commerce, and international relation. And the English can serve as a lingua franca in many parts of the world, and for some speakers, it is a native language, and still others a foreign language.14. Speech communitySpeech community has been defined differently by different people. But generally it can be used to refer to a group of people who form a community, e.g. a village, a region, a nation, and who have at least one linguistic variety in common. Possible standards for defining a speech community are one single speech variety, shared attitudes towards linguistic behavior in the community, and in-group social cohesiveness.15. PidginPidgin refers to a linguistic variety which develops as a contact language when groups of people with different mother tongues come into contact and communicate with one another, as when foreign traders communicate with the local population or workers on plantations or in factories communicate with one another or with their bosses. It i s no one’s first language. For example, Tok Pisin is used as a unifying language among speakers of many different languages in Papua New Guinea.Characteristics of pidgin: simplifications of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar16. CreoleCreole refer s to a “pidgin” which has become the native language of a group of speakers, being used for all or many of their daily communicative needs.Characteristics of Creole when compared with pidgins: larger vocabulary; more complex grammar; more styles.17. CodeCode is a term used instead of language, speech variety, or dialect. It is sometimes considered to be a more neutral term than the others.18. DiglossiaDiglossia refers to a situation in which two very different codes exist side by side in a speech community, each with a distinct range of social functions. The key defining characteristic of diglossia is that the two varieties are kept quite apart in their functions. The High variety (or H-variety) is usually more standardized, and is used in government, the media, education, and for religious services; the Low-variety (or L-variety) is used in family conversation and other relatively informal setting. For example, in Switzerland, there are Standard German (H) and Swiss German (L) varieties, with the former one used in most of the formal situations, and the latter for other informal settings. And in Haiti, there are Standard French (H) and Haitian Creole (L).19. BilingualismBilingualism can refer to the community where two languages are used, and the ability to use tow languages either by an individual or by a speech community. Balanced, compound, and coordinate bilingualism20. Code-switchingCode-switching refers to a change by a speaker (or writer) from one code to another. It is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries, to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations. For example, to hide meaning from a third party present at the conversation, the two speakers may switch to their hometown dialect to distance their relation.21. code-mixingCode-mixing is the mixed use of codes. Usually the two codes involved are not of equal position with one being predominant and the other subordinate. For example, “明天是peter的part,我们开一个party,好吗?”22. Implicational scaleImplicational scale is a term from variation theory particularly associated with the study of the post-creole continuum. It is introduced by the American linguist David DeCamp in 1971 as a way of showing relationships between linguistic varieties. He demonstrated that certain linguistic forms from the Jamaican social dialect continuum had both creole and standard variants. There variants can be ranked in terms of their “creoleness” and “standardness” on an implicatio nal hierarchy that is observed by (nearly all) speakers, such that usage by a speaker of creole forms from a particular point on the hierarchy implies that one can predict that he or she will also use creole forms from lower down on the hierarchy, but not necessarily from higher up. That is, some mesolectal forms are more basilectal or acrolectal than others. Similarly, use of standard forms from a particular point on the continuum also implies use of standard forms from higher up on the hierarchy, but not necessarily use of those from lower down.23. CultureCulture is the sum total of all contributions of a group of people, in a designated area, within a given time. It represents, more specifically, the aesthetic or intellectual achievement or appreciation of an individual or a society, and also the lifestyle of a society as passed on from generation to generation.24. Whorfian hypothesisWhorfian hypothesis has two versions: strong one and weak one.The strong version says that one’s thinking is c ompletely determined by his native language because one cannot but perceive the world in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language.The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and incommsurable with those of other systems.The weak version puts it that the structure does not determine the world-view but is still extremely influential in predisposing speakers of a language toward adopting a particular world-view.25. Prototype theoryA prototype is the first model that is made of something new, first or original example, e.g. an aircraft, from which others have been or will be copied or developed.Prototype theory refers to the idea that concepts are best viewed as prototypes. A prototype-based concept can be learned on the basis of a very small number of instances, perhaps a single one, and without any kind of formal definition.26. EthnographyEthnography is a non-manipulative study of the cultural characteristics of a group in real world rather than laboratory setting, utilizing ethnographic techniques and providing a socio-cultural interpretation of the research data. For example, an ethnography of a communicative event is a description of all the factors that are relevant in understanding how that event achieves its objective. And Lindenfeld’s ethnographical study offers an account of the language of a dozen long-standing urban marketplaces in Paris etc, the talk of vendors, vendor-customer talk, politeness routines, small talk, jokes, insults, etc. An alternative approach to devising ethnographies is to attempt to describe the different functions of language in communication. 27. EthnomethodologyEthnomethodology is the study of how individuals create and understand their daily lives. Subjects for such studies are not people in primitive tribes, but those in contemporary society. It is a branch of sociology, which ahs links with conversation analysis because of its use of recorded conversation material as data. Most ethnomethodologists study not language or speech, but talk. In particular, they are interested in what is not said. They focus on the shared common-sense knowledge speakers have of their society which they can leave unstated in conversation because it is taken fro granted by all participants.28. Communicative competenceCommunicative competence refers to the ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically correct sentence, but also to know when and where to use these sentences and to whom. CC refers to whether (and to what degree) something is formally possible, feasible, appropriate, and in fact done. It includes linguistic competence; sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence.29. Speech actsUtterances as functional units in communication30. Turn-takingTurn-taking refers to the distribution of talk across participants in conversation. There are there ways of turn-taking (degree of control). Firstly, turn-taking happens by mentioning his/her name, current speaker selects the next speaker. Secondly, by asking a question, current speaker invites another speaker to speak but leaves the choice open. Thirdly, a certain hearer self-selects as the next speaker.31. Adjacency pairsIt refers to sequences of two utterances that are adjacent, produced by different speakers, ordered as a first part and a second part, typed so that a particular first part requires a particular second part or range of second parts. For example, a question can lead to an answer, which can lead to a comment, which can lead to an acknowledgment, and so on.32. SolidarityIt refers to support and unity resulting from common interests or feelings in communication, and feelings of shared experience and common group membership.33. PolitenessIt refers to recognition of other’s rights in a social situation. (positive and negative politeness by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson)34. Address termsAddress terms refer to second-person pronouns, or names, or titles, or endearments, and expressions used when speaking to someone. For example, the same person may be addressed by “you”, “Mr. James Martin”, “Professor Martin”, “dear”, or other expression.35. Language planning“Language planning is a government a uthorized, long-term, sustained and conscious effort to alter a language’s function in a society for the purpose of solving communication problems” (Weinsten, 1980). It refers to deliberate efforts to influence the behavior of others with respect to the acquisition, structure, or functional allocation of language. Typically it will involve the development of goals, objectives and strategies to change the way language is used. At a governmental level, language planning takes the form of language policy. Many nations have language regulatory bodies which are specifically charged with formulating and implementinglanguage planning policies.36. Status planningIt refers to deliberate efforts to allocate the functions of languages and literacies within a speech community. It involves status choices, making a particular language or variety an “official language”, “national language”, etc. Often it will involve elevating a language or dialect into a prestige variety, which may be at the expense of competing dialects. Status planning is often part and parcel of creating a new writing system. Status planning tends to be the most controversial aspect of language planning.37. Corpus planningIt refers to prescriptive intervention in the forms of a language. This may be achieved by creating new words or expressions, modifying old ones, or selecting among alternative forms. Corpus planning aims to develop the resources of a language so that it becomes an appropriate medium of communication for modern topics and forms of discourse, equipped with the terminology needed fro use in administration, education, etc. Corpus planning is often related to the standardization of a language, involving the preparation of a normative orthography, grammar, and dictionary for the guidance of writers, and speakers in a speech community. Efforts at linguistic purism and the exclusion of foreign words also belong the courpus planning, as do spelling reform and the introduction of new writing system.38. Linguistic assimilation and linguistic pluralismLinguistic assimilation is the belief that everyone, regardless of origin, should learn the dominant language of the society. (France example) Linguistic pluralism is the recognition of more than one language. It can be territorially based or individually based or there may be some combination of the two. It can be complete or partial, so that all or only some aspects of life can be conducted in more than one language in a society. (Canada)39. Vernacularizaion and internationalismVernacularization is the restoration or elaboration of an indigenous language and its adoption as an official language, e.g., Bahasa Indonesia in Indonesia.Internationalism is the adoption of a non-indigenous language of wider communication either as an official language or for such purposes as education or trade, e.g., English in Singapore, India, the Philipines, and Papua New Guinea.1.What is the scope of sociolinguistic research?The scope of sociolinguistic includes linguistic situation; dialects; language in communication; language attitude and its effect; language contact and language change; language planning and language standardization.2.What insights can we get from sociolinguistic?①Language is not a close and abstract system, and it is a social interaction and a conduct of communication.②Linguistic competence includes knowledge of language and knowledge of language use.③Linguistic variation and language change are closely related to the social context.3.What are the major approaches in sociolinguistic?①Linguistic sociolinguistic②Ethno-sociolinguistic③The sociology of language④The social psychology of language⑤Pragmatic sociolinguistic4.What is the interactional sociolinguistic research method?Research methods in IS involve several stages:① A preliminary period of ethnography②The main process of data collection, transcription and analysis③ A final effort of confirming the findings as consonant with current knowledge. Question 5. Please compare linguistics and sociolinguisticsLinguistics can be defined as a scientific study of language. The scope of linguistics includes at least five branches, namely, phonologic, morphologic, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.Sociolinguistics is a kind of macro-linguistics, which shows an interdisciplinary nature between linguistics and sociology. The scope of sociolinguistic includes linguistic situation; dialects; language in communication; language attitude and its effect; language contact and language change; language planning and language standardization.6.Please compare dialectology and sociolinguistics.The study of language in society is called sociolinguistics. The real basis for much of sociolinguistics is that the differences in language among members of a speech community or between different regions speaking different varieties of the same language are often meaningful for society. Not everyone who speaks a given language speaks it in the same way. An individual's particular way of speaking is called an idiolect. Language variants spoken by entire groups of people are referred to as dialects. Dialectology is a branch of sociolinguistics that studies the systematic variants of a language. The term dialect was first coined in 1577 from the Latin dialectus, way of speaking. Dialectal variation is present in most language areas and often has important social implications.But dialectology and sociolinguistics have many differences as well:(1)Dialectology focuses on the pronunciation of the dialects, aiming at summarizing thephonology, but sociolinguistics does not necessarily do so, focusing on the linguistic variations, that is, the differences because of different statuses, different ages and different situations.(2)Both dialectologists and sociolinguists use the on-the-spot research method, but the formerwill regard the one-person-from-one-place as the standard, that is, the informant should be strictly selected without considering the aspects like age, gender, social class and so on. But the latter focuses on the different social strata and random sampling from more people and then proceed with the quantitative analysis to reach the linguistic rules.(3)Dialectologists indulge in the researches on the rural dialects and the dialects of old people,trying to find the rules of language slow changes; but sociolinguists more venture into the cities, because in cities there are more social classes, more linguistic phenomena.7. Explain the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in your own words and give your comments.Explain:讲义答案:(1)One’s thinking is completely determined by his native language because one cannot butperceive the world in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language.(2)The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system andincommensurable with those of other systems.strong version:The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis makes the claim that the structure of the language one habitually uses influences the manner in which one thinks and behaves.weak version:The structure does not determine the world-view but is still extremely influential in predisposing speakers of a language toward adopting a particular world-view. Comment:The strong version goes to extremes but the weak version is acceptable. Different languages may refer to certain characteristics of the real world in terms of different sub-set of characteristics. However, speakers of both languages may still be aware of all the characteristics. The way a given language encodes experience semantically makes aspects of that experience not exclusively accessible, but just more salient for the users of that language. It’s absurd to say speakers of one language cannot have access to modern scientific thought because their language doesn’t allow them to.8. Do taboo and e uphemism serve any socially useful purpose? Or are they just ‘relics of the Dark Ages’ ?Taboo and euphemism do serve some socially useful purpose.Taboo is the prohibition or avoidance in any society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety, embarrassment, or shame.Standards and norms change, linguistic taboos are also violated on occasion to draw attention to oneself, or to show contempt, or to be aggressive or provocative, or to mock authority, such as “damn it”, “shit” “you bastard”, “you son of bitch”, etc.Euphemism defined as “a good interpretation of a bad word” can mainly serve five functions: avoidance of taboo, avoidance of vulgarity, politeness, deception and satire.1.Avoidance of taboo: People’s fear of death generates many euphemisms for death, such as “go Heaven/ Paradise”, “be at peace”, “return to dust/ earth”.2.Avoidance of vulgarity: we use “go to the bathroom”, “wash hands”, “go to the powder room”for “go the toilet”.3.Politeness: we use “senior citizens”, “seasoned”, “well-preserved” for “old”.4. Deception:Governments often use substandard housing (次标准房) for slum(贫民区);revenue enhancement (税收加强) for tax increase (增税)5. Satire: “live on nothing”, original ly from Vanity Fair by William Thackeray, is used as aneuphemism to satirize those stingy misers.9. What difficulty do you encounter in discussing address terms with English speaking people? Do you ever experience difficulty because your terms and theirs fail to match? And what kind of terms do you use?Chinese address system is more complex than English address system. Therefore when discussing address terms with English speaking people, Chinese people may find many terms difficult to explain.1). Usage of kinship terms. Chinese kinship system includes a variety of address terms, which have no direct equivalents in English. For example, “aunt” means “舅母”, “姑姑”, “姨娘”, “婶婶”, etc. in Chinese.2). Some Chinese terms have different meanings in different occ asions. For example, “大爷”. If you ask a rather old man for the way to some place, it is just a appellation. It can also be used to address your father’s elder brother. In the old society, it is used to address those rich males or officers, landlords.3). Chinese people favor the use of post and rank titles, but there are not enough titles matching Chinese titles in English, for example, “科长”, “4). Some unique address terms of Chinese characteristics, such as “同志”, “小”, “老”. Take “叶老” as an example. “叶老” is a respectful address term to “叶圣陶”, but we can hardly find a counterpart of “老” in English.举例说明不能匹配的称谓语,如“司令”,“排长”—直接用Mr. 表示头衔“孩子他妈"—my wife “二姑奶”—my grandpa’s second sister. In order to explain those kinship terms, we have use more words to describe the relationship.10. Define the distinction of tu and vous at work in conversation?From the pronominal choice between tu and vous forms in languages, we can see that certain linguistic choices a speaker makes indicate the social relationship that the speaker perceives to exist between him or her and the listener or listeners. Many languages have a distinction corresponding to the tu-vous (T/V) distinction in French, where grammatically there is a ‘singular you’ tu (T) and a ‘plural you’ vous (V) but the usage requires that you use vous with individuals on certain occasions. The T form is sometimes described as the ‘familiar’ form and the V form as the ‘polite’ one.The asymmetrical T/V usage such as the upper class addressed the lower classes with T but received V symbolizes a power relationship. Symmetrical V usage is ‘polite’ usage. Symmetrical T usage is to show intimacy and its use for that purpose also spread to situations in which two people agreed they had strong common interests, i.e., a feeling of solidarity, this mutual T for solidarity gradually came to replace the mutual V of politeness, since solidarity is often more important than politeness in personal relationships. Moreover, the use of asymmetrical T/V to express power decreased and mutual V was often used in its place, as between officer and soldier. Today, we can still find asymmetrical T/V uses, but solidarity has tended to replace power, so that now mutual T is found quite often in relationships which previously had asymmetrical usage, e.g., father and son, employer and employee. Tu should be used between spouses, between brothers and sisters regardless of age, between parents and children, between close relatives, between young people living or working closely together, and between adults who have a friendship of long-standing. Vous should be used between strangers, between those who have no ties of any kind, and between inferior and superior. Nowadays power is no longer as important as it once was in determining T/V usage; there has been a dramatic shift in recent years to solidarity.Different societies devise different ways of handling the T/V distinction e.g., T/V forms being differently employed in Germany, France, and Italy. English has no active T/V distinction. T/V usage is constantly involving. The evolution is not always toward solidarity and away from power. Power is still very much part of modern social structure.。
单元一 什么是社会语言学1是人类生活中离不开的交际工具。
单元二 语言与社会单元三 汉语与汉文化1 语言是文化的载体,是一种文化的符号,反映民族文化的一面镜子。
) 2 语言是人类看待世界、理解世界的一种模式/工具。
(语言就是一种世界观) 3 语言的容量极大,它积淀着创造它的民族的所有历史。
4 语言不能超越文化而独立存在,不能脱离一个民族流传下来。
考试范围单元五称谓语单元六 语言与性别、年龄1 语言是所有人类活动中最足以表现人的特点,是打开人类心灵深处奥秘的钥匙。
2 为了达到交际的需要,人们力图突破语言的结构常规的约束,语言的变异就产生了。
3 语言变异产生的主要原因是由于社会因素、社会心理因素以及心理语言因素而产生的语言形式变化。
单元七 语言与阶级、行业单元八 语言接触与文化交流单元九 教学言语总结:*教师言语应该追求理想的表达效果,尽可能使自己的话语在修辞上确切、规范、得体、经济,易听易懂易记。
如果要编写X 语言的语法,语法的适用对象究竟是谁?是所有土著语言使用者(包括散落在其他部落的妇女)?还是该部落里的所有说话者,包括土著人和非土著人?语言的接触、双语现象、语码的选择等。
社会语言学导论(An Introduction to Sociolinguistics)The first chapter of theoryThe rise of social linguisticsAs of 1952 the birth time of American Society of linguistics; the Midwest sociological society that year, hutzler (He; txlef) first explicitly mentionTo stand out; influence of language and social structure; the relationship between language and social behavior. In 1964, American sociologists and linguists held a joint discussion of ammonia - "formally proposed and" social linguistics "recognized the name.From the historical development of linguistics itself, since Saussure (F.de.SaMssure) the strict distinction between language and speech, stressed that the synchronic rumor t internal languageThe importance of study since linguistics generally accepted his views. Many linguists study only focus on the internal structure of language and ignore the study of social function and variation of language. This trend is more prominent in the form of the language school. Although the development of linguistics since twentieth Century so we have a more comprehensive and more profound understanding of the internal structure of language, but the ideal is so complex of human language phenomenon has a comprehensive understanding is not only to stay on the internal structure of language description. Especially when this kind of research can not solve practicalproblems related to language use in current social life give us out of. Therefore, linguists can not distinguish a review of language and speech, internal linguistics and external linguistics, hoping to find a new way to combine them together, as is the combination of system and a variation of social linguistics theory.On the other hand, the development of other social sciences and humanities such as sociology, anthropology, psychology and so on also can provide a lot of transplantation or reference the concepts and methods of social linguistics. Then, with the nature of social linguistics across disciplines or interdisciplinary developed rapidly.The object of social linguistics and task two1, American Society of language educators Fishman (J.A.Fishman) think; function characteristics of sociolinguistic study of language blind varieties of these variants and use these variants into the characteristics of attention to these three factors in the continuous education group interaction and the changes in a language.2, the "Soviet encyclopedia third edition in" social linguistics "entry explanation is:" social linguistics research the following questions: language and nationality; historical category linked as formation and of ethnic minority languages in language social classification group structure level; be restricted by various types of language or dialect the social function of language in language in various social conditions; interaction rules; bilingualism, multilingualismand dialect phenomenon; especially research in the social environment of language as well as the social consciousness of language development and language policy."3, the British linguist Halidi (M.A.K.Halliday) believes that social linguistics at least the following fifteen fields:(1) the social and linguistic study, linguistic demography,(2) group (diaglossia), bilingualism multilingualism, multi dialect phenomenon(3) the rules of language, language development and specification(4) the language of the Kremlin and pidgin Hong Austria ear phenomenon;(6) social dialect, the non standard variant description,(6) social linguistics and teaching(7) the history of ethnic language, language education environment;(8) register, verbal ability, a language transition to another language.(9) the social factors of phonetic and grammatical changes,(10) language and society; language and culture;(11) the development of methods of social linguistics and child language,(12) the function theory of language system,(13) linguistic relativity(14) ethnic linguistics methodology(15) the theory of discourse.In short: the first is the study of the research object of macro sociolinguistics or social language. They are mainly about language and nationality, language policy, language planning, language standardization and other aspects of the subject.The second class is the research object of micro social linguistics or social linguistics. They mainly reflect the social phenomenon and process in the language, but also can be said to be all kinds of social varieties of language.The famous social linguist Labov (bov) is mainly to the so-called city dialect field in detail, the relationship to analysis of the results of the survey to reveal the race, class, education level, occupation, gender, age, social situations between various social factors and language variation. So some people have represented by Labov is engaged in this kind of social linguistics called City dialect group. While some American linguists to anthropologists, linguists as the representative Fishman focus on the study of bilingualcommunication, bilingual education, language policy, language planning and other issues on. The Soviet social linguists pay more attention to some issues on the research of macro sociolinguistics. Don't Dannuo husbandThe second chapter studies the social language view of languageA social psychological view of languageThe end of the last century, the beginning of this century, the social psychology of language school believes that language is a social phenomenon. This theory had been the French sociologist Toure J M (E.Durkheim) of view. Toure J M believes that the object of sociology is the collective social psychological system. The collective social psychological system is personal and external imposition. Saussure, founder of social psychology of the language school of this idea is applied to linguistics, speech that human activities include two aspects of language and speech; speech is talking in the physical and mental activity, and language is the social group to make the individual essential a set of possible to achieve this function to the social conventions. The language to be stored in theMany imprinted in everybody's mind in the form of exist in the collective. Saussure acknowledged that language and speech are interdependent, words to understand and produce all of it, there must be a language; and the language has been able to establish must also have a speech. But he also insisted that separate language and speech. What is the division because of this society, what is personal; what is important, what issubordinate and how much is accidental distinguish clearly. In other words, he believed that only language is systematic social, homogeneous, and the word is how much personal, heterogeneous, is an accidental phenomenon.Cable Xuer the most famous view is that language is not real form. In other words, it is a value system, sound or sound wave action is neither to analyze from physiological, physical, or specific meaning of words is not referring to things. As for the social factors and language are closely related, such as culture, ideology, national history, and so on, are listed in "external linguistics research, Never mind with the study of language. He advocated "the language and language and language". This language has become detached from the specific social environment, independent of the specific time and space pattern. Structural linguistics inherited Saussure's view. The generative linguistics is also moving in the same direction of view of language, they can be referred to as formal linguistics, the language from the social life and material abstracted, as all the members of the society in that basement system in a uniform. In such a system, if you want to talk about what the society, only the abstract "crowd". As for the social characteristics and differences of this group of people, and they are reflected in the language were not taken into account. To understand this language is a "social phenomenon" of course is different and the social linguistics.Two, how to treat the Stalin language and society"The Marx doctrine and the problems of linguistics"From the origin of language, there is no social no language.From the development of language, language development is with the development of society, in order to understand a language and its development rule, only closely related to the history of social development closely linked to create this language, a language used by people to study history.From the basic functions of language, not the whole society to the suburbs of adult language, society will stop production, will collapse, will continue to exist; that language is a tool of communication. In this sense, but also the social struggle and development tools.Three, how to treat the social linguistics, language is a social phenomenonFour, language variant (language variety)Five, language variant and prototype (prototype)Six, language varietyThe third chapter of language and culture, language variation and Society (a)。
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社会语言学兴起的原因1.部原因:语言学发展的必然从语言学部看, 20世纪上半叶占统治地位的结构主义语言学和20世纪60年代兴起的以乔姆斯基为代表的转换生成语法着重研究语言形式的分类、分布和语言的共性特征,对语言的社会功能、语言的差别和变异置之不顾。