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(For Surfacility成都研修班)
Gencoa 工艺工程师 黄汉乐 (Hugo Huang) 13560771299 hugo@gencoa.com
GENCOA Key Company Facts
• GENCOA is a private limited company (Ltd) • 成立于 1995 by Dr Dermot Monaghan • 公司位于英国利物浦 •GENCOA是一个专业做阴极,离子源,以及speedflo的公司 •GENCOA目前员工38人 •(是目前全世界专业只做阴极配件最多人的公司)
coating flux that can collect all electrons escaping the plasma
The method effectively combines magnetic trapping with electrostatic attraction of electrons
Small cantilever mounted dual cathodes
Anode Assembly (Anode Wall & Anode Assembly )
Target Clamp Assembly
Example of cathode anode and target mounting
of source enhancement depending upon the needs
new diaphragm system to isolate water from magnets and eliminate water leak during target change
new cooling body assembly
change to the anode.
Optional anode cooling for web coating or hot
Integral gas injection through the anode wall – single or multizone
Example of plasma pre-treating magnetron and small double cathode For OLED and touch screens
Small sources for R&D with the option of VTech fully adjustable magnetics
Gencoa Retrofits - magnetic upgrades to existing magnetrons and various levels
• Gencoa magnetics are encapsulated in stainless steel housing to prevent corrosion and magnet movement
• The magnet bars can be adapted to fit to any manufacturers rotatable end-blocks • Unique Gencoa magnetic and mechanical design built into every bar to ensure a
Plot of magnetic field strength relative to distance from the target backing tube Parallel vector to surface at centre of the race-track
Gencoa Magnet Bars Gencoa high specification magnetic arrays
Layer uniformity less than the ±1% with HU magnet bar – optimized
on-site by GENCOA process team via 5 zone gas adjustment
Industry standard magnetics with AC power mode and electron movement AC current “leaks”
uniform field and stability during use
Magnets are pre-selected in tolerance bands and final bars are scanned for quality control – scans provided with each bar
④ 磁棒旋转圆柱阴极,主要是管状镀膜 设备(长度<4米)。
磁控溅射的阴极类型 按磁场设计分
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
HU 高均匀性 High Uniformity LS 弱磁场 Low Strength For high vacuum sputtering process
Gencoa’s magnet bars for rotatable magnetrons can be adapted to fit and make of end-block.
•High uniformity of field <2.5% as standard, <1.5% on request, each magnet scanned and whole array scanned •In single welded enclosure to prevent corrosion •Can be supplied with or without support tube •5 different strengths from 250 to 1000 Gauss •Gencoa 2 chamber gas bars from 1 to 7 zones – combines high uniformity with fast speed of gas response
Anode is at “zero height”
compared to target
Low profile anode below target surface
Having the anode at zero height means target thickness adjustment without a
Gencoa Process Support provide complete sub-systems and process set-up support world-wide, process staff in the US, China and Taiwan
Typical magnetic field shape of standard GENCOA magnet bar
Flatter field shape = wide erosion
2D magnetic field model for an standard 2 pole type of design
Typical 2 pole magnetic design
Uniformity SW350FFE Rotation speed can tune the uniformity (12” or larger FFE only)
Planar Magnetrons
Plasma PreTreaters
Rotatable Magnetrons
Reactive Gas Control
Pulsed Effusion Cells
按形状分: ① 平面圆形阴极,主要是实验室研发设
② 平面矩形阴极,主要是生产设备(任 意长度)。
③ 靶材旋转圆柱阴极,主要是大中型生 产设备(长度<4米)。
70 mm 100 mm
120 mm
Magnetic field – Gencoa bars – no AC leakage AC current “channelled”
70 mm 100 mm 120 mm
Gencoa have developed and patented a method to provide an effective anode away from the
GENCOA Magnetic Bars – offer optional elimination of side plasma’s Depending upon application
Depending on the magnetic polarity the direction of the electron ExB drift will be different. This will shift the plasma towards one end of the rotatable. And typically the plasma density will grow from one end to the other which can lead to non-uniformities, arcing or end-block heating depending upon, field strength, power mode and target length.
• 全球销售阴极数量达3000多个
• 全球销售speedflo达1000台,在反应溅射控制市场占比95%以上
GENCOA 2015年新建的工厂
GENCOA新工厂将 2016年3月20日落成。 总占地面积为2600平 方米 包括设计部办公室, 现代化组装厂以及 R&D实验室
Gencoa offer the following range of products & process technology for the thin film industry developed over the last 20 years
The unique anode design both reduces heat load on the substrate and prevents electrical shorts during operation by reduced coating build-up on the anode
Plasma density growing in the ExB direction
Primary (Main) Plasma Secondary (Side) Plasma
BOC style industry standard magnetics shown – not Gencoa
Gencoa Magnet and Gas Bars Gencoa high specification magnetic arrays and gas bars for rotatable magnetrons
6 design (Creo 3D CAD) 8 process development & simulation 14 assembly & test 4 sales & tech support (2 Asia based) 其中Hugo是亚洲的工艺/产品工程师 3 administration & accounts 3 hardware & software (Speedflo)
new magnetic array
new body/remachining of the body
Comparison of standard 2 pole and high yield type magnetics Magnetic Option - HY
2D magnetic field model for an High Yield type of design