Humor is a universal phenomenon shared by all people. People are able to laugh for something interesting no matter how different of their sex, age, country, culture and many other aspects. Many scholars and researchers have given definition of humor from different perspectives, but scholars still cannot give a commonly satisfactory definition of it. From the etymological perspective, the English word “humor” came from the Latin word in ancient times which means “fluid” or “liquid” (Attardo, 1994, p. 6).Attardo, Salvatore. (1994). Linguistic Theories of Humor. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.McGhee(McGhee, 1979)McGhee, Paul E. (1979). Humor and Its Development. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company.emphasizes humor is not a characteristic of some events such as cartoons, jokes, and clowning behavior, nor is it a behavior such as laughing and smiling, he states that humor is something in our mind and not in the real world. Psychologically, “humor is essentially a masked aggression, which gives one the gratification one desperately craves (Freud. 1976, p. 299)”.Freud. (1976). Jokes and Their Relation to Unconscious. Ed. Angela Richards. London: Penguin Books.And Palmer thinks that “humor is everything that is actually or potentially funny and the processes by which this “funniness” occurs.” (Palmer, 1994, p. 3)Palmer, J. (1994). Taking Humor Seriously. New York: Routledge.Even though definitions of humor are various from different perspectives, we can find something in common: the basic and essential factors for humor is that human participants are able toproduce and interpret the funny and interesting phenomenon and something happening must be a funny stimulus which can amuse or entertain people.The study concerning the humor is a multi-disciplinary field. People have been working on humor in many fields of research like psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in a computationally tractable way. In our daily life, there are many situations in human-human interaction where humor plays an important role in keeping the conversation going. There are three main traditions in the study of humour across disciplines that form a background for all studies of humour: the relief/release theory; the incongruity theory; and the superiority/aggression/disparagement theory (Attardo, 1994)Superiority Theory\The Superiority Theory is based on the assumptions that, in nature, all human has a winner and a loser, and we, human beings, have the tendency to ridiculer about others’ misfortune.Through history humans have used humor to “compete” with other persons, making them the target of their humorous comment. The “winner” is the one that successfully makes fun of the “loser”. By doing so, we establish a sense of self-superiority. This theory can be found in the work of Plato, Aristotle, and Hobbes[BAR92].Barnes, Clive. Comedy in Dance. In: Sorrell, Walter (ed.) The Dance Has ManyFaces. 3rd ed. Pennington: a cappella books, pp87-95, 1992Plato suggests that humor is some kind of malice towards people that are being considered relatively powerless. Hobbes further explains that humans are in a constant competition with each other, looking for the shortcomings of other persons. He considers laughter as an expression of a sudden realization that we are better than others, an expression of “sudden glory”. Charles Gruner reformulated this theory as the Superiority Theory of Humor.Gruner, Charles. The Game of Humor: A Comprehensive Theory of Why WeLaugh. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997.His theory contains a three-part thesis:“ Every humorous situation has a winner and a loser.Incongruity is always present in a humorous situation.Humor requires an element of surprise”.1.3 Relief TheoryThe Relief Theory has a clear physiological or psycho-physiological nature [RUT97]. It views humor as a release from stress or mental pain caused by social constrains.Rutter, Jason. Stand-Up as Interaction: Performance and Audience in Comedy Venues. University of Salford, 1997, chapter 2.this theory is popular among those who believe t hat laughter is beneficial for one’s health. Freud, the most leading exponent, explains that our body contains a “psychic energy” which is built as an aid for suppressing feelings in taboo areas, like sex or death. Freud claims that our brain creates so-ca lled “censors” in order to create barriers that prevent us from thinking “naughty” or “forbidden” thoughts. When we are able to break these barriers by means of a joke, we experience a sudden release of “psychic energy” and this energy is released in the f orm of laughter. This theory could explain why we laugh about childish jokes with double meanings and why we laugh about sexual and aggressive jokes in general.When this energy is released we experience laughter, not only because of the release of this energy, but also because these taboo thoughts are being entertained.A more conventional version of the Relief Theory is that we experience a pleasant sensation when humor replaces negative feelings like pain or sadness. I would like to end this chapter by resorting remarks of Steven M. Sultanoff, Ph.D :“My belief is that we are going to eventually discover that the most dramatic healthbenefits of humor are not in laughter, but in the cognitive and emotional managementthat humorous experiences provide. The experience of humor relieves emotionaldistress and assists in changing negative thinking patterns.” In brief , the relief theory view humor as a strain-releaser.The incongruity theoryTo the study of humor, the incongruity theory is the most influential one. Literally, this theory tells that there is a contradiction between the one’s expectation and the reality.Kant and Schopenhauer are the most leading figures in this field. Kant, in the eighteenth century,is credited to have made the first full conceptualisation of incongruity. Schopenhauer made the following remarks on the incongruity theory of studying humor: Schopenhauer, Arthur. The World as Will and Idea. Vol. 1, London, Routledge, 1883.“The cause of laughter in every case is simply the sudden perception of the incongruity between a concept and the real objects which have been thought through it in some relation, and the laugh itself is just an expression of this incongruity.”Kant is regarded to be the first one who has given a complete definition of humor. He argues that "laughter is an affection arising from the sudden transformation of a strained expectation into nothing" (Raskin, 1985:31).Raskin, V. Semantic Mechanisms of Humor. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985.Schopenhauer is the one, who, in his definition to humor, clearly mentions Incongruity and holds the belief that in every instance, the reason of laugh is just disharmony between something we suddenly feel and the real world it reflects. (Attardo, 1994).Attardo, S. Linguistic Theories of Humor. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 1994.2 Humour and Related Research2.1 IntroductionOwing to the wide scope of humor research, therefore, it is impossible to have a overall examination of the related research. Researchers have studied humor in various aspects according to their own purposes, so , Some of the research that is closely related to the theories of humor and of interest within the scope of the project is highlighted in this chapter. The following chapter will discuss the areas including: laughter research, humor and health and ‘sense of humor. Laughter ResearchMany researches study the humor and laughter in the same context. However, humor and laughter are terms closely bounded, but definitely not the same thing. Laughter can be the result of humor, but not every humorous situation will invoke laughter in that humans laugh without the perception of humor in certain occasions.Laughter is contagious and can be used to evoke laughter or a positive mood, as being done on television, where laugh tracks are being used to accompany sitcoms to make the experience of a sitcom more pleasant. Researches concerning laughter are scarcely made. A point to start is an article written by Robert Provine(1996)Provine, Robert R. Laughter. In: American Scientist, January-February 1996, NewYork. online version:/amsci/Articles/96articles/Provine-R.htmlwhich was published in the issue of the American Scientific. His research is largely concerned thestructure of laughter and about the chimpanzee laughter. He also researched the social and linguistic context of laughter. Muehlchen, Elizabeth(2000),Muehlchen, Elizabeth. Vitality, Wilson Banwell EFAP Quarterly. Vol. 4, Issue 1,2000, Wilson Banwell, 2000.adds that laughter brings people together as a group, it signals “bonding, affirmation,belonging, listening”, it can be disarming and by means of laughter people can show more about themselves than that they are aware of. Jessica Davis (1996)digs deeper in the social, physiological and psychological effects of laughter in specific.Davis, Jessica Milner. Taking Humour and Laughter Seriously. In: Australian Journal of Comedy, Volume 2, Number 1, 1996.Humour and HealthThe study of humor and health is largely concerned about the therapeutic aspects of humor. In the humorous situations, laughter is created and which is regarded as the positive attitudes to combat against health-affecting modes and diseases. Furthermore, humor and laughter are viewed as the best free cure for health problems The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor that was founded in 1988 [] was created to be active in the field of education, research, application and clearinghouse on information related to therapeutic humor. Steven Sultanoff, the former president of the AATH, has written some articles about therapeutic humor [SUL95]. Sultanoff, Steven. Levity Defies Gravity; Using Humor in Crisis Situations. In:Therapeutic Humor, Publication of the American Association for TherapeuticHumor, Vol. IX, 3, p. 1-2, Summer 1995.He points out that although humor is one of the most powerful methods to help one to overcome periods of crisis, individuals immersed in the crisis often experience crisis humor as hurtful. Ellie Marek and Judith Tingley discuss inMarek, Ellie and Tingley, Judith. Men and Woman Respond to Humour. In: ThePower of Indirect Influence, October 2000.the appreciation of gender jokes by men and women. Their conclusions were than men find this type of humor funny much more often than women do and that women were more frequently offended and saw more hostility in this type of jokes than men do.Humor research in linguistic field:Within the linguistic field humor can be treated from syntactic, pragmatic and semantic points of view. Oaks [Oaks, D. D. Creating structural ambiguities in humor: getting Enlish grammar to cooperate. In: HUMOR, the International Journal of Humor Research, Mouton de Gruyter, volume 7-4 pages 377-401, 1994.]offers a catalogue of syntactic and lexical devices for the creation of ambiguity within jokes. Robert Hetzron [Hetzron, Robert. On the structure of punchlines. In: HUMOR, the International Journal of Humor Research, Mouton de Gruyter, volume 4-1 pages 61-108, 1991.]gives an extended explanation on the structure of jokes and punchlines. He assumes that a joke consists of ‘pulses’. These pulses can be humorous, amusing or informative; the main condition is that the last pulse contains the punchline which can create laughter. Neal Norrick looks at the intertextuality of jokes [NOR89]. He assumes that intertextual jokes are based on an original text or joke that the perceiver has to know in order to appreciate the joke.Marlene Dolitsky focuses on the aspects of the unsaid in humor [Dolitsky, Marlene. Aspects of the unsaid in humor. In: HUMOR, the International Journal of Humor Research, Mouton de Gruyter, volume 5-1/2 pages 33-44, 1992.]. She assumes that the place where the unsaid communication takes place is the point of the joke where its ‘funniness’ resides. The three a spects where the unsaid in humor must be studied are:1. The speech act that is humor.2. The participants in the humorous event.A speech act consists of explicit and implicit information. The explicit information is the actual realization of the sentence, that is to say, the actual content of the speaker’s informatio n. The implicit information is one that is not literally stated in the sentence, it is something hind behind the sentence. In order to understand the implicit information in the sentence, the readers’ background knowledge need to be activated. When telling a joke the speaker leads the listener on to apply rules of pertinence knowing that they do not apply to the story being told. The humorouseffect is held the listeners’ realization that he or she has been led down the garden path.3. The rule breaking character of humor.Every society ha s its rules that are governing the behavior of its members. These rules are part of the common knowledge of the community and they regulate the things a member can and cannot do. However, humorou s expressions doesn’t conform the language rules. In the humorous situations, the basic rules are violated. These rules are always unsaid and are therefore a third aspect one has to study in order to understand the funniness of the unsaid in humor.3.4 Semantic Script Theory of HumorThe Semantic Script Theory of Humor (SSTH) is a theory developed by Victor Raskin and is summarised in [Attardo, Salvatore and Raskin, Victor. Script theory revis(it)ed: joke similarity and joke representation model. In: HUMOR, the International Journal of Humor Research, Mouton de Gruyter, volume 4-3/4 pages 293-348, 1991.] where different existing theories are being combined in the General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH). The theory assumes that a joke is always related with two different scripts that are opposed to each other in a special way.。
The humor
Some people say he is criticized about the society from various aspects through the humor, some even disagree with the humor because of the not so elegant words…
曾经,阿堪萨斯的《旅行家》宣布说:“这本书因庸俗 粗糙受到谴责”,这是因为“庸俗幽默的时代已经过 去”,“由于读者趣昧日趋高雅,夸张的幽默也为时不 久了。将来的幽默必须纯净和忠实。”
通过创作实践,他自己也逐渐认识到幽默的作用,并且懂 得怎样在理论上保卫自己。他指出“幽默家虽然轻松,却有一 个严肃的目的”——“嘲弄虚伪,揭露伪装”,幽默家是“王 公贵族、特权人物和一切骗人玩意儿的天敌,是人类权利、人 类自由的天然朋友尤其明 确。作为有影响的批评家,他指出,马克· 吐温之所以不同于 一般的幽默家,在于“笑话里含严肃的意味,这是他反复思考 政治、社会可笑之处以后所采取的表达的方式” 。
他那个时代的弊端很少不被他嘲弄过、讽刺过、讥笑过。 政府那些不光彩的事情,……包括贿赂、腐败、收买、把人民 的正义当儿戏等等,他全评论过。有人说他向社会上的庞然大 物投降,然而抨击那个腐败的美国的批评用语“镀金时代”, 正是他想出来的。在他创作的宽阔范围之内,社会的烂疮疤他 没有一个不揭的。
The humor 马克﹒吐温幽默知多少
humor ,
The humor, all in people’s words
Some people say that he is just a warm-hearted man who is simply good at making jokes which are appreciated by both young and old, men and women.
幽默的人英语作文80词英文回答:Humor is a subjective quality that can be difficult to define. However, it is generally agreed that humor involves finding something funny or amusing. Humor can be expressed in many different ways, such as through jokes, puns, or funny stories. It can also be found in everyday situations, such as when someone makes a funny mistake or says something unexpected.There are many different theories about what makes something funny. Some people believe that humor is based on surprise, while others believe that it is based on incongruity. Still others believe that humor is simply a matter of perspective.Whatever the cause, humor is a powerful force. It can make us laugh, which has been shown to have a number of benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, andboosting creativity. Humor can also help us to connect with others and to see the world in a more positive light.中文回答:幽默是一种主观品质,很难定义。
国内图书分类号:H314国际图书分类号:802.0文学硕士学位论文中英情景喜剧中幽默策略的对比研究--以《老友记》和《爱情公寓》为例硕士研究生:徐净玉导师:王景惠教授申请学位:文学硕士学科、专业:外国语言学及应用语言学所在单位:外国语学院答辩日期:2012 年7 月 5 日授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: H314U.D.C.: 802.0Graduation Thesis for the M. A. DegreeA Comparative Study of Humor Strategiesin Chinese and English Sitcoms----A Case Study of Ipartment and FriendsCandidate: XU JingyuSupervisor: Prof. WANG JinghuiAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of ArtsSpecialty: Foreign Linguistics and Applied LinguisticsAffiliation: School of Foreign LanguagesDate of Oral Examination: July 1, 2012Degree Conferring Institution : Harbin Institute of TechnologyHarbin Institute of Technology Graduation Thesis for the MA Degree 哈尔滨工业大学硕士论文摘要情景喜剧中的幽默策略是近年来语言学领域的研究热点。
Humor的英语格言警句Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain.- Edward de BonoI can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.- John CageWhen people are laughing, they're generally not killing each other.- Alan AldaYou grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself.- Ethel BarrymoreGood humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keep friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.- Greenville KleisserI like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells.- Dr. SeussHumor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquillity.- James ThurberMy way of joking is to tell the truth. It's the funniest joke in the world.- George Bernard ShawI have always noticed that people will never laugh at anything that is not based on truth.- Will RogersEverything is changing. People are taking the comediansseriously and the politicians as a joke- Will RogersLaughter rises out of tragedy, when you need it the most, and rewards you for your courage.- Erma BombeckThe beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.- Virginia WoolfAngels can fly because they take themselves lightly; devils fall because of their gravity.- G. K. ChestertonI shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.- UnknownHumor is a universal language.- Joel GoodmanHumor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost.- James ThurberAnd we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.- Friedrich NietzscheThe secret source of humour itself is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humour in heaven.- Mark Twain- from the Institute for Stork Research and ScienceTwo different theories exist concerning the origin of children: the theory of Sexual reproduction, and the theory of the stork. Many people believe in the theory of sexual reproduction because they have been taught this theory at school. In reality, however, many of the world's leading scientists are in favor of the theory of the stork. If the theory of sexual reproduction is taught in schools, it must only be taught as a theory and not as the truth. Alternative theories, such as the theory of the stork, must also be taught.- UnknownSome children's answers to church school questions - from the Church of England:- Unknown"Top Ten List: Why Elvis Will Replace Jesus"(a classic Net humor piece)- Unknown。
"Humorous" 是一个形容词,意思是“幽默的”或“诙谐的”。
1. 名词形式:这个形容词对应的名词是"humor",意思是“幽默”。
"Humor" 通常指的是一种品质,即能够以轻松、诙谐的方式看待和处理事情,或者是能够引起这种反应的言语、行为或情况。
例如:He couldn't help laughing at her humor.(他忍不住为她的幽默而发笑。
2. 形容词形式:你已经给出了形容词形式,即"humorous"。
例如:She has a very humorous personality.(她个性非常幽默。
需要注意的是,"humor" 在作为名词时,其复数形式是"humors",但这个复数形式通常不用于描述“幽默”这一概念,而是有其他特定的含义,比如在中世纪医学中指的是体液或性情。
什么是幽默英语作文英文回答:Humor is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been studied by philosophers, psychologists, and linguists for centuries. There is no single definition of humor that is universally accepted, but most experts agree that it involves the perception of incongruity or absurdity. This incongruity can be verbal, visual, or situational, and it can be either intentional or unintentional.One of the most common theories of humor is the incongruity theory, which suggests that humor arises when we encounter something that violates our expectations. This violation can be either positive or negative, but it is typically accompanied by a sense of surprise or amusement. For example, we might find it funny when a comedian makes a joke that subverts our expectations or when we see a cartoon character doing something unexpected.Another popular theory of humor is the superiority theory, which suggests that humor arises when we feel superior to others. This superiority can be based on our intelligence, our social status, or our physical appearance. For example, we might find it funny when we see a character in a movie making a foolish mistake or when we hear a joke that makes fun of someone else.Of course, not all humor is based on incongruity or superiority. Some humor is simply based on the pleasure of laughter. This type of humor is often referred to as "slapstick" comedy, and it typically involves physical gags or pratfalls. While slapstick comedy may not be as intellectually stimulating as other forms of humor, it can still be very enjoyable.Humor is a powerful tool that can be used to entertain, educate, and even heal. It can help us to cope with stress, to build relationships, and to see the world in a new light. So next time you find yourself laughing, take a moment to appreciate the humor that surrounds you.中文回答:幽默是一种复杂且多方面现象,几个世纪以来一直受到哲学家、心理学家和语言学家的研究。
▪ Humor helps us to overcome the difficulties of life. Humor allows us to take a step back and see the things that are important in life.
Humor changes your mood
▪ If you are angry with someone (or vice versa), often a little bit of humor can help to lighten the mood and help resolve the differences.
▪ A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives fun and happiness to life to make it worth living.
▪ A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without seasoning.
▪ Humor can improve physical as well as mental wellbeing. It helps us bear our burdens, lessen our tension, overcome our frustration and keep good terms with others.
Unit 20 Humor(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)一、单元小结1、词汇2、短语3、交际用语表达打算和计划(Expressing intentions an plans)4、语法(The –ing Form-used as Attribute and Object Complement)二、重难、难点内容讲解humor (=humour) 幽默;诙谐;心情;情绪 He has no sense of humour. (感受幽默的能力)out of humor 心情不好;不高兴 humored adj. 具有心情的good-humored 情绪良好的 ill-humored 心情不佳的humorous adj. 富于幽默感的;滑稽的 bitter adj. 苦的;The soup is bitter.a bitter pill (to swallow)不得不接受的苦衷chalk [C & U] 粉笔① a piece of cha lk 一支粉笔②a box of coloured chalks 一盒彩色粉笔③as different as chalk and cheese 截然不同的④not by a long chalk 一点也不;丝毫不The problem isn’t solved yet, not by a long chalk. 问题还没解决,还差得远呢。
intend 想要;打算;①what do you intend to do/doing today? 你今天打算做些什么? (intend to do/doing)②They intend that this reform shall be carried through this year. (intend that…)他们计划今年完成这一改革。
③I intend them to see the result soon. 我打算让他们早点看到结果。
expectation sometimes just the ————of getting better can ————of help in reducing pain or improving health. This widely known theory is called the placebo effect. healing It suggects a ————power in medicines that ————power are not real. Commonly used placebos include vitamines or small amounts or medicines. placebos are often used in medical research to compare the effects of real drugs on patients with those taking placebo. Often, the patients improvement taking placebos show some————. But how some————. often are patients not involved in medical studies receive placebos from their doctor?
Types of Humors
灰色幽默:调侃自己的缺点、失误、乃至无知, 化腐朽为神奇,转消极为积极;酒鬼、愚夫、低 能儿似是而非、是非而似的胡言痴语。如: Advocate (辩护律师) (辩护律师) After final instance (终审), a big corrupt (终审), official who won the lawsuit (胜诉) was obliged (胜诉) (grateful) to said to his lawyer:" Your ability of defense is so brilliant that even I feel myself innocent(清白)." innocent(清白)."
humorous英语作文英文回答:Humor is a subjective experience that can be difficult to define. It is often said that humor is the ability to find amusement in unexpected or incongruous situations. However, what one person finds funny, another person may not. There are many different theories about what makes something humorous, but there is no single answer that can explain all types of humor.One of the most common theories of humor is the incongruity theory. This theory suggests that humor arises from the unexpected or incongruous juxtaposition of two or more things. For example, we might find it funny if we see a person dressed in a clown costume at a funeral. This is because the clown costume is incongruous with the solemn setting of a funeral.Another theory of humor is the superiority theory. Thistheory suggests that humor arises from our feeling of superiority to others. For example, we might find it funnyif we see someone slip and fall on a banana peel. This is because we feel superior to the person who slipped and fell.However, not all humor is based on incongruity or superiority. Some humor is simply silly or nonsensical.This type of humor is often called "slapstick comedy." Slapstick comedy is based on physical humor, such as pratfalls, pie fights, and explosions.There are many different types of humor, and what one person finds funny, another person may not. However, there are some general characteristics that are common to most types of humor. These characteristics include:Surprise.Unexpectedness.Incongruity.Superiority.Silliness.Nonsense.Humor can be a powerful tool for communication and social interaction. It can help us to connect with others, to relieve stress, and to cope with difficult situations. Humor can also be used to teach and to persuade.中文回答:幽默是一种主观的体验,难以定义。
The English Humor2
The English Humor英国人的幽默玩笑似乎是英国人的一种财富。
要学习英式幽默的基本形式, 你必须观察学童。
Fun seems to be the possession of the English race. Fun is John Bull's idea of humor,and there is no intellectual judgment in fun. Everybody understands it be-cause it is practical. More than that,it unites all classes and sweetens even political life. To study the elemental form of English humor,you must look to the school-boy. It begins with the practical joke,and unless there is something of his nature about it,it is never humor to an Englishman. In an English household,fun is going all the time. The entire house resounds with it. The father comes home and the whole family contribute to the amusement;puns,humorous uses of words,little things that are meaningless nonsense,if you like,fly round,and everyone enjoys them thoroughly for just what they are. The Scotch are devoid of this trait,and the Americans seem to be,too.如果我有能力给予各个民族幽默感,我不会给予他们解嘲,拿太不实切实际了,我不会给他们智慧,那太贵族化,很多人不会理解。
在讲解过程中,适时地插入一些幽默的话语或段子可以缓解学生的压力和疲劳感。例如, 在讲解一个长句子时,可以用幽默的方式解释其中难以理解的单词或短语。
在开场时,可以观察现场的环境,找到一些有趣的事物或细节,并 以此为话题来吸引听众的注意力。
在演讲中,可以运用一些英语语言游戏和双关语来增加演讲的幽 默效果。
可以在演讲中穿插一些有趣的小故事或笑话,但要注意不要偏离 主题太远,确保与演讲的主题相关。
在现场即兴发挥,以出其 不意的方式表现幽默。
通过讲述有趣的故事,使听众 在听的过程中产生幽默感。
模拟某个生活场景,以幽默的方 式再现其情节。
通过情节的反转,使听众产生意想 不到的笑点。
用尖刻的语言对某人或某事进 行讽刺,以引发笑声。
以冷漠的方式表达幽默,使听 众在思考后产生笑点。
通过表演技巧和肢体语言,将段子演绎得生动有趣,让观众感受 到幽默的魅力。
通过自我贬低或自我调侃,传 达幽默感。
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humor 英语作文
Humor is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries and brings joy to peoples lives.It is an essential element in our daily interactions,providing a means to diffuse tension,express oneself,and foster a sense of camaraderie.The Power of Humor in CommunicationHumor can be a powerful tool in communication.It can make conversations more engaging and memorable.When used appropriately,humor can break the ice,ease social anxiety,and create a positive atmosphere.It can also be a means of selfexpression, allowing individuals to convey their thoughts and feelings in a lighthearted manner.Types of HumorThere are various types of humor,each appealing to different audiences and situations. Some common forms include:1.Situational Humor:This type of humor arises from the absurdity or unexpectedness ofa situation.It often relies on timing and context to be effective.2.Wordplay:Puns,double entendres,and clever use of language are examples of wordplay.This form of humor can be intellectually stimulating and is often appreciated by those who enjoy language games.3.Physical Comedy:Slapstick,pratfalls,and exaggerated facial expressions are part of physical comedy.It is a form of humor that relies on physical actions to elicit laughter.4.Dark Humor:This type of humor can be controversial,as it often involves making light of serious or taboo subjects.It is appreciated by those who have a more cynical or irreverent view of life.5.Selfdeprecating Humor:Making fun of oneself can be an endearing way to connect with others.It shows humility and can be a way to disarm potential critics.Humor in Different CulturesHumor varies greatly across cultures.What is considered funny in one culture may not be in another.Understanding cultural nuances is crucial when using humor,especially in a global context.For instance,British humor often relies on understatement and irony, while American humor can be more direct and slapstick.The Role of Humor in EducationHumor can also play a significant role in education.Teachers can use humor to make lessons more enjoyable and to help students remember information more effectively.Itcan also create a more relaxed classroom environment,which can be conducive to learning.Humor in the WorkplaceIn professional settings,humor can be used to build rapport with colleagues,reduce stress, and foster a positive work culture.However,it is essential to be mindful of the workplace norms and to avoid humor that could be offensive or inappropriate.Humor and Mental HealthResearch has shown that humor can have a positive impact on mental ughter can reduce stress hormones,increase endorphins,and improve mood.It can also serve as a coping mechanism during challenging times.ConclusionHumor is a versatile and powerful tool that can enhance our lives in numerous ways. Whether its for entertainment,communication,or personal wellbeing,incorporating humor into our daily lives can lead to a more enjoyable and resilient existence.It is important,however,to use humor with sensitivity and awareness,ensuring that it brings joy rather than offense.。
Unit4 topic talkinglesson2edy词性:名词中文意思:喜剧,滑稽剧英文释义:a genre of drama that is intended to be humorous, typically involving a stock set of characters and situations词源:来自拉丁语“oedia”,意为“戏剧”或“表演”。
例句:I love watching edy movies to relax.固定搭配:edy show(喜剧节目)、edy club(喜剧俱乐部)近义词:humor, satire, farcepretend词性:动词中文意思:假装,伪装英文释义:to give a false impression or appearance; feign词源:来自古法语“pretendr”,意为“声称,主张”。
例句:She pretended to be asleep when her mother came into the room.固定搭配:pretend to do something(假装做某事)、pretend not to know(假装不知道)近义词:feign, simulate, shamhumorous词性:形容词中文意思:幽默的,诙谐的英文释义:causing laughter or amusement; funny词源:来自拉丁语“humor”,意为“体液”或“情绪”。
例句:His sense of humor made everyone in the room laugh.固定搭配:humorous story(幽默故事)、humorous remark(幽默的评论)近义词:funny, witty, icalaccent词性:名词中文意思:口音,腔调英文释义:the way in which a person speaks, especially with reference to the pronunciation of words or the use of stress and intonation词源:来自拉丁语“accentus”,意为“强调,重音”。
幽默的价值英语作文提纲Title: The Value of Humor。
Definition of humor。
Importance of humor in our lives。
1. Humor brings joy and laughter。
The ability of humor to lighten up a situation。
The positive impact of laughter on our mental and physical health。
2. Humor fosters positive relationships。
How humor can break the ice and bring people closer。
The role of humor in diffusing tension and resolving conflicts。
3. Humor promotes creativity and problem-solving。
The connection between humor and creative thinking。
How humor can help us approach challenges with a fresh perspective。
4. Humor helps us cope with stress and adversity。
The power of humor to provide relief in difficult times。
How humor can help us maintain a positive outlook inthe face of adversity。
The enduring value of humor in our lives。
Encouragement to embrace humor and its benefits in our daily lives。
A comedy is a play, film, or television programme that is intended to make people laugh It conduces to others’ feeling that you are easygoing and accessible, which makes you look more attractive. Definition of humor
Importance of humor
from dictionary It gives fun and zest to life to make it worth living. Facing the ocean, 春暖花开 It conduces to others’ feeling that you are easygoing and accessible, which makes you look more attractive. How do you define humor? How do you define humor? How do you define humor? Humor can improve physical as well as mental well-being. funny poems A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness. Humor allows us to take a step back and see the things that are important in life. Mime is the use of movements and gestures in order to express something or tell a story without using speech. Comedy consists of types of entertainment, such as plays and films, or particular scenes in them, that are intended to make people laugh. Kinds of humor --- the quality of being funny and making people laugh doing in my soup? Lose weight to live A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without seasoning. Humor helps us to overcome the difficulties of life. Humor changes our mood A sketch is a short humorous piece of acting, usually forming part of a comedy show. It is born within every person‘s heart, but has to be cultivated. funny stories It is born within every person‘s heart, but has to be cultivated. Charlie Chaplin
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by Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen
Victor Raskin’s Tripartite Classification
Contrast Incongruity Resolution
• In murder mysteries, the reader is often led down the garden path, and given false clues.
• To solve the mystery, the reader has to consider script oppositions to determine if scripts are not compatible with each other, and if not, why not. (Triezenberg [2008]: 540)
(Triezenberg [2008]: 536)
Humor Enhancers
• Katrina Triezenberg notes that humorous discourse also has humor enhancers.
• “A humor enhancer is a narrative technique that is not necessarily funny in and of itself, but that helps the audience to understand that the text is supposed to be funny, that warms them up to the author and to the text so that they will be more receptive to humor, and that magnifies their experience of humor in the text.”
6. Language (compatible with both scripts) (Attardo [2007] 108)
General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH)
1. Script Opposition
2. Incongruity & Resolution
4. Target (butt of the joke)
5. Genre (joke, riddle, etc.)
• Overlapping scripts also occur in the master tropes-metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
• And for all of these literary forms, there is the bonafide (or literal) script, and the non-bona-fide (or figurative) script.
(Triezenberg [2008]: 537-538)
• These humor enhancers allow a piece of humor to be instantaneous and epiphinal. They include:
– Shared stereotypes, – Cultural factors (prejudices, hang-ups,
• A joke consists of two overlapping scripts.
• The two scripts are in opposition (bona-fide vs. scatalogical)
• The punch line changes the joke from the bona-fide to the scatalogical script. (Attardo [2007] 108)
Aggression Superiority Triumph Derision Disparagement
Sublimation Liberation Economy
(Attardo [2007], 103)
Script-Model Grammar
• Raskin’s 1985 Semantic-Script Theory of Humor (SSTH) sees humor as a violation of Grice’s cooperative principle.
taboos, etc.), – Familiarity (as with a good impersonation,
or as with something that is “spot-on”), and – Repetition and variation
(Triezenberg [2008]: 539)
Overlapping Scripts
• Overlapping scripts occur not only in jokes, but also in the allegory, the oxymoron, the conceit, the simile, and perhaps in all allusion, symbolism, double entendre and intertextuality.
Why Mysteries Are Not Funny
• Jokes and lies both violate Grice’s “Conversational Implicatures.” They are both examples of “nonbona-fide communication.”