



《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)模块1第2单元Project英文说课稿Good afternoon,every teacher.Today,I feel honored to have the chance to present some o f my teaching ideas to you.My topic is Project:Writing an advice letter.It will include:The analysis of the selected material;Teaching aims;Teaching important and difficult points;Teaching procedures and blackb oard work.First,let me talk about my understanding of the teaching material.Part one Analysis of the teaching materialThis is the last part of Unit 2,Module 1.It is designed to i mpove students’English level through doing a project.In this lesson,students will read two letters and then they will write an advice letter.By reading the letters students will find out the problems between the father and his son and improve their reading ability.In the course of writing students will learn ho w to plan,prepare,produce and present the advice letter.In a word,learing this lesson can impr ove students’ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing,especially the writing skill.So the selected material plays a very important part in English teaching and learning.Part two Teaching aims Teaching important and difficultpoints Teaching methodsAccording to the new curriculm and syllabus,based on the character ofthe selected material,I set the teaching aims as follows:1.Knowledge aim:to get Ss learn some new experssions andknow about an advice letter2.Ability aim:to improve Ss’ability of reading and writing3.Emotional aim:to develop Ss’spirit of co-operation andhelp them understand and respect their parents Teaching important and difficult points The teaching important and difficult point in this lesson is how to improve Ss’ability of reading and writing.Teaching methods:To achieve the teaching aims and deal with the important and difficult points,I’ll use th e following mathods to conduct my class,they are:Listening and reading;ask and answer com petition;discussing and group work.I’ll also use a record and the muti-media to make my cla ss lovely and interesting.Part three Teaching proceduresNext are my teaching stepsStep 1 Revision and lead-inAsk Ss to act the reading part and then we’ll discuss some problems between teenagers and their parents.Doing so can arise Ss’interest in this lessonStep 2 Listening and readingPlay the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation,then read the leters aloud to get the main idea.After that,we’ll have an ask and answer competiti on about the letters.The activity can train Ss’quick mind,heat the classroom atmosphere and at the same time help them find out the problems between the father and his son.Step 3 Writing an advice letterAfter knowing about the problems we’ll turn to write an advice letter,this step will cons ist of 4 partsplanningDivide the class into small groups.Discuss the questions and suggested answers and then assign tasks to each group member.PreparingGroup members go separately to finish the tasks.Those who are responsible for doing re search need to find examples of advice letter.The group should discuss the information found and decide how the letter should be written.then make a draft and have it approved.producingGroup members responsible for wrtting the letter need to follow the outline,proofread it and get it approved.PresentingChoose one member to read the letterAnswer the questions the other Ss haveStep 4 Sample letterShow Ss a sample letter on the screen.Let them learn some more writing skills.Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises and self-assessment part after class Part 4 Blackboard workOn the left of the Bb,I’ll write down some language points;In the middle are some sug gested answers and some writing skills are on the right side.Ok.So much for my teaching pl an and I desire to get your valuable advice.。

牛津译林版M4U3 project说课

牛津译林版M4U3 project说课

( 5minutes)
After each passage, there will be some extension for the students to further their understanding .
One is “ What do you think was the most thrilling experience during their journey?” Another is “If you had a time machine, what would you like to see, the future or the past? Why? What would you expect to see there?” Purpose: Give some chances for the students to express their feeling freely, which can develop their ability of speaking greatly. Also I think it’s my way to lighten this class.
1. Discussion 2. Practice
IV. 教学过程安排
Step VI. Presentation(10’)
Step V. Practice(10’) Step III. Discussion(5’) Step II. Reading(10’) Step I. Lead in(5’)
Ability aims: 1.Learn to write according to the structure of the passage we learned just now.

高中英语 M5U2 Project全英文教案 牛津版必修5

高中英语 M5U2 Project全英文教案 牛津版必修5

高中英语 M5U2 Project全英文教案牛津版必修5Teaching aims:1.To make the students know something about protecting the Yangtze River.2.To make the students learn how to write a report.3.To make the students write a report.Teaching important and difficult points:1.How to make the students have a good knowledge of protecting the Yangtze River.2.How to enable the students to write a report.Teaching aids:Multimedia, textbook, blackboardTeaching methods:Task-based approachTeaching procedures:Step 1: Lead in1.Talk about the rivers in the world.2.Try to guess the names of some rivers according to the description.3.Talk about the Yangtze River.Step 2: Reading1.Read the article and tell the main idea of each paragraph and dividethe article into three parts.2.Discuss and answer three questions.3.Discuss what else we can do to protect the Yangtze River.4.Think of a slogan for water protection.5.Do a close test.Step 3: ProjectWrite a report about protecting the Yangtze River.Planning: Six students a groupResearch__________________ (2students)Write the outline____________ (1 student)Write the report ____________ (2 students)Present the report ___________ (1student)Preparing: Find information by discussion and interview.Producing: Write the outline and then the report.Presenting: The reporter in each group should present the report to thewhole class.Step 4: Homework1.Polish your report and correct the mistakes in it.2.Read the article again and underline some difficult phrases andsentences.Unit 2 Project: Protecting the Y angtze River一、Reading1. Read the article and write down the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1:Para.2:Para.3:Para.4:Para.5:2. Divide the whole report into three partsPart 1 (Para. ): andPart 2 (Para. ):Part 3 (Para. ):3.Summary1. __(2)___water has been taken away from the river.___(1)___ 2.The __(3)____ from factories or families is put backinto the river.1.People living near the river ___(5)___ health problem.___(4)___ 2. Fish and wildlife in or along the river have been__(6)___.1.____(8)___ organizations keep people informed of theimportance of protecting the river.___(7)__ ernment projects are devoted to water conservation.3.Experts have offered some ___(9)____ of the riverand try to work out possible solutions.___(10)___ The environmental situation of the Yangtze River isimproving.二、Writing a reportThe Tai LakeInformation* Located between Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the Tai Lake is one of the five freshwater lakes.* It has an area of 2420 square kilometers with the lake coastline of 400 kilometers long, thus winning the fame of "Eight Hundred Li Big Lake".* There are more than 60 kinds of fish and aquatic and other resources in abundance. Among the famous aquatic products are whitebait (salangid), whitefish, white shrimp, etc.Problems1.2.Bad results1.2.Solutions1.2.Achievement1.Help:blue algae[ ‘ældʒi: ] 蓝藻crab [ kræb ] 螃蟹purse net围网。



Word power部分说课稿Book 1 UnitlGood morning, ladies and gen tleme n.Today I ' nm ery pleased to have an opport un ity to talk about some of my teachi ng idea s. My topic is word power part of Unit 1, taken from the Advanee with English, Student's Book 1. My representation is made up of six parts analysis of the teaehing material, an alysis of the stude nts, teach ing methods, teach ing procedures, blackboard desig n.Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material:This is the second part of this unit, and it plays a very important role. The unit introduces and develops the theme of school life in the UK. All the materials are related to school life. It can improve students' interest to grasp the words. It also provides a cha nee for stude nts to enl arge their vocabulary about school facilities. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult words and phrases to comprehe nd the text better.Teaching aims:1) Knowledge aim: To review the word formation and master the useful words and phrases2) Ability aim: To expand the students' vocabulary_et the student learn new words about schoolfacilities. To help them learn how to apply them in English learning.3) Moral aim: Enable the students to talk aboutschool facilities and love their school facilities. Teaching difficult point:1) How to make use of word formation to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their read ingability.2) The usage of some key words.3) To recognize and understand vocabulary aboufchool facilities.Part 2 Analysis of the students:1. The Ss have known somethi ng abouschool facilitiesthrough the Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They don' often use En glish to express themselves and com muni cate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 3 My teaching theories, methods and aidsBefore dealing with this lesson,l ' do my best to carry out the following theories: Ma ke the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director Combi n e the Ian guage structures with the Ian guage fun cti ons; Let the stude nts receive some moral education while they are learning the English Ianguage.Teaching method:In order to realize the teaching process properly and efficiently, I ' II let the Ss to get a better un dersta nding of the less on. I have desig ned the follow ing methods to train their ability of readi ng. Accord ing to the moder n social com muni cati on teach ing theories, I adopt the Situati onal Language Teachi ng method and Task-Based Lan guage Teach ing method in my teach ing.Teaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardPart 4 Teaching proceduresIn order to achieve the teachi ng aims men ti oned above, I decide to choose guided read ing and Task-Based teach ing as the mai n teach ing approach. With the teachi ng methods, I can guide stude nts to use effective readi ng strategies comprehe nd the text, solve problems and complete differe nt tasks. The teach ing procedures in clude five steps They ' lead-in, vocabulary learning, practice, homeworkStepl Leading-inAsk the students to have a discussion with their partners about the topic in.Ask some stude nts to act their dialogue.Step2Vocabularylearning (in order to help Ss to guess the meaning of certain unknown words and un dersta nd the passage exactly. This step can en able stude nts to understand the given material better, to make the students grasp the useful phrases, grammar and sentencespattern for making suggestionsand replying on the base of read ing the dialogue flue ntly.)1) Encourage them to finish Part B individually and then check the answers with the wholeclass.2) Encourage students to guess the meanings of the words by studying thedifferent parts of the word. If they can ' t, let them refer to the dictionary and check for mispr onun ciatio n.Step3 Practice(This step gives the stude nts 5-8 minu tes to make a similar dialogue using the phrase and sentences learned in thispassageand everyday life experienee according to the given situation (show it on the screen using a multi-media computer. The purpose is to get the stude nts to grasp the words and the sentence patter ns and tries to use them freely. In this way, the students will be very active in practicing their spoken English)1) Ask stude nts to make senten ces with phrases that we have lear ned.2) En courage stude nts to say someth ing about themselves with the new words.3) Practice to get the students to master what they . ' ve learntStep4 Homework (Purpose of my desig n: I thi nk homework is so importa nt that the students should use English as much as they can in class and after class. It is n ecessary for the stude nts to master the kno wledge they lear ned.)1. Ask students to revise the words and phrases2. Ask students to write brief article about ______ after class. Part 5 Blackboard design(Blackboard desig n should be think for a thi ng that attract the stude nt let them to write down theimportant teaching points.) I will divide the blackboard into two parts.1) The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage. It will be reserved for the whole class.2) The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words, phrases and structures to expla in their meaning.Here is the formTitle Here are some new words for Ss s atte ntio。



Step 3 careful reading
1.Is there any religious reasons for the Amish’s rule?
No . In truth ,whenever a new technology is introduced ,the Amish meet and discuss Its advantages and disadvantages
Getting to know the author’s craft Write the outline of the passage. Part 1(Para1-2)
Part 2(Para3-6)
Part 3(Para7-8)
Write the outline of the passage.
Part 1(Para1-2) Introduction to the Amish way of life Part 2(Para3-6) Disadvantages of the telephone Part 3(Para7-8) Possible solutions
taking photos making a phone call
surfing the Internet
sending short messages listening to music (pictures)
playing games
As we know, mobile phones have become part of people’s life and it has been argued that mobile phones may be harmful to us for many years.

最新牛津高中英语模块9第3单元 project备课讲稿

最新牛津高中英语模块9第3单元 project备课讲稿

Area USA and UK
Egypt Japan India In the West
hope L21 lost hope L23
courage L25 peace L26 easily frightened L27
8.convey the good meaning L39
9. make a profit L40
10.颜色中最淡 10.the lightest of all colors

11. 婚礼
11. wedding celebrations L58
12.承载不同的 12. carry different meanings
Europe and USA
cool and elegant L38 bad L40
wear black when at funerals L43-44
In the west
Buddhist countries Christian countries
牛津高中英语模块9第3单 元 project
Free talk:
Look at the title and the picture, What will probably be discussed
in the article?
The _s_a_m_e_ color may carry(传递) _d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_t meanings in _d_i_f_fe_r_e_n_t cultures.



Unit 1 Project精品说课稿教材:牛津高中英语(模块一)高一上学期文档内容:教学设计单元:Unit 2 Growing pains板块:projectThoughts on the design:本节课是以读引写的写作课。







Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be expected to improve their ability to find useful information quickly from a passage. At the same time, it is expected that they will have a better understanding of growing pains. Students will also be able to cooperate with others to write a report on a certain kind of growing pains they are interested in.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in (ppt. 5-8)1. Do you love your parents? Do you think you show respect for your parents?2. Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? Can you describe an experience withyour parents that was not pleasant?3. B esides unpleasant experiences with parents, what other kinds of growing pains have you experience?1) often quarrel with your parents because they forbid listening to foreign music /chatting online / going out with friends / …2) have too much homework and no time to relax3) sometimes feel lonely and feel no one else can understand you4) have to depend on your parents and can’t mak e your own choices[Explanation]对于处于青春期的学生来说,成长的烦恼是一个普遍的问题。

牛津高中英语必修Ⅳ牛津译林版Unit3课件(共19张PPT模板)project 说课课件

牛津高中英语必修Ⅳ牛津译林版Unit3课件(共19张PPT模板)project 说课课件

Evaluation/comment/conclusion 5S’tep IV.
In total 90’ Step II.
Step III. Useful words and Discussion(5’e)xpressions (15’)
Reading(15’) Step I.
Lead in(5’)
Some scenes will be displayed directly on the screen. Students will take great interest in the related content. It can also help to create a relaxed and active atmosphere in the classroom. 2.Give the students brief introduction to the writers. Purpose: In this way, I want to broaden their horizon and develop their sense of culture.
Ability aims: 1.Learn to write according to the structure of the passage we learned just now.
2. Solve the problems individualaims: 1.Develop their interest in participating in the class and science fiction story.
Second: Teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
1. Have the overall comprehension of the reading passage 2. Grasp some key words and expressions of the passages they learned for writing.


1.Which is more of a friend, someone you often talk to
There iosvesr othme pehtohnienogr siommepoonretyaonutofatebnotaulkt fbaceeitnogfactoe?gether
Different functions of mobile phones
making a phone call
taking photos
surfing g short messages
listening to music
you better, someone room with you?
that can not be found over a telephone wire.
mobile phone DNeostmroatyterthwehapt tehaecceircoumnestahnacess,owrhwenasthteepohonnee’s
• 14. rather than • 15. have a higher degree of mental health • 16. value community and living in peace above
all else • 17. along with • 18. rid ourselves of modern technology • 19. return to simpler times

《Project》 说课稿

《Project》 说课稿






















牛津高中英语说课稿第一篇范文:牛津高中英语说课稿《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)第11模块第2单元Project中的阅读材料Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.My teaching plan will include 3 secti. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.Section 1 Analysis of the teaching materialThe selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two uniquecharacteristics. First, it’s a long passage with 688 words,much more than the usual texts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.Section 2 Indentifying the teaching aimsBased on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text. The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expressi or approaches to express the same thing or idea.Section 3 Teaching proceduresIn order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approach. With the teaching methods, I can gude students to use effective reading strategies tocomprehend the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.Part 1. Getting readyReading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students’ concen tration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading. The part cists of two tasks:Task 1: A time machine. I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine. I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing.After it, I give a summary of their presentati as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese students go straight to university.Yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university.(With the task, I inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading.)Task 2: Brainstorming. After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British students fresh from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing something different instead of going straight to university. After that, I play the tape of Para.1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university.(With the task, I excite students’ desire to know more about what their British equivalents will do before going to college. With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer. )Part 2. Focusing on main factsDuring the part, I will ask the students to answer the question―What does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. Questi of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text. The part includes six tasks: Task 1: Three examples. I move on to tell students as follows: Last year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did something special. After the instructi, I play the tape of Paragraphs 4-6 andget students to complete the following table.(With the task, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article.)Task 2: Matching. After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. Then they’re required to(With the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three British students. They’ll come to know that a table is of great help in their future reading.)Task 3: Scanning for a detail. I get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the question: What do people call the year off between finishing school and starting university? In doing so, I introduce the theme of the article and write on the blackboard the title: Mind the gap year.(With the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the article. The task serves as a bridge,which connects the main facts in Paragraphs 4-6 to the opini about the gap year in the rest paragraphs.)Task 4: Definition of the gap year. Students watch a VCR witha question in mind: What three types of activities do the UK students choose to do during a gap year? The key is: Many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or become a charity volunteer.(The task serves as a supplementary to the second task of Part 1. With the task, students are expected to know more about the gap year.)Task 5: History of the gap year. I play a second VCR and get students to answer the question: When did the gap year start in the UK?(The task enables students to have a good knowledge of the history of the gap year.)Task 6: Comments. The second, third, seventh, eighth paragraphs deal with the comments of the government, universities, employers and the public on studentstaking a gap year before going to college. I get students to read the four paragraphs to第二篇范文:牛津高中英语全英文说课稿-Project部分Project部分说课稿Book 1 Unit1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m verypleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My representation is made up of six parts:analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students, teaching methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflection.This is the last part of the unit, It is designed to impove students’ English level through doing a project. In this section, students will read information about two school clubs, and then they will design a poster advertising a new school club. By reading these passages, students will study knowledge of school clubs and improve their reading ability. In the course of writing, students will learn how to plan,prepare,produce and present the new school club. In a word,learing this lesson can improve students' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the writing skill.So the selected material plays a very important part in English teaching and learning.Teaching aimsAccording to the new curriculm and syllabus,based on the character of the selected material,I set the teaching aims as follows:Knowledge aim: to get Ss learn some new experssions andknow about school clubs. Ability aim: to improve Ss’ability of reading and writingEmotional aim: to develo p Ss’spirit of co-operation and interest in starting or joining a school clubTeaching important points and difficult points.The teaching important and difficult point in this lesson is how to improve Ss’ability of reading and writing.1. The Ss have known something about through the Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.To achieve the teaching aims and deal with the important and difficult points,I’ll use the following methods to conduct my class,they are: Listening and reading;ask and answer competition;discussing and group work.I’ll also use a r ecord and the muti-media to make my class lovely and interesting.With the teaching methods, I can guide Ss to solve problem and complete different tasks.Teaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardI have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and writing ability.Step 1 lead-inShow Ss some pictures of a school club, and some Ss' opinions about the joining i n a club. Doing so can arise Ss’interest in this lessonStep 2 Listening and readingPlay the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation,then read the passages to get a main idea. After that ,we’ll have an ask and a nswer competition about the passages.The activity can train Ss’quick mind,heat the classroom atmosphere.Step 3 Design a poster advertising a new school clubPlanningDivide the class into small groups. Discuss what club they'dlike to start.And they've decided the name of their club, then assign tasks to each group member.PreparingGroup members go separately to finish the tasks.Those who are responsible for doing research need to find information about school clubs and posters.The group should discuss the information found and decide what they can learn from it.ProducingGroup members responsible for making the poster need to follow the outline, proofread it and get it approved.PresentingEach group present their poster to the class, explain it.Display the posters and have others vote to choose the best poster.Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises and self-assessment part after classOn the left of the Bb,I’ll write down some language poin ts;In the middle are some suggested answers and some writing skills are on the right side.第三篇范文:牛津高中英语说课稿评优课一等奖说课稿 2牛津高中英语说课稿评优课一等奖说课稿(全英文)。

高中英语Module 2 Unit 1 Project Project 讲学稿教案牛津版必修2

高中英语Module 2 Unit 1 Project Project 讲学稿教案牛津版必修2

Step 1预习交流Task 1 Warming upHow much do you know about this creature?What else would you like to know about it?Task 2 Skimming1. What do they look like?2. What can they do?3. When and where were they found?Step 2 课堂交流Task 3 True or False1. There are no Yetis in the world according to the report.2. An American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti once.3. Yetis ran with an amazing speed.4. Footprints of Yetis are similar to human.5. Yetis possibly lived in Asia about 3,000,000 years ago.6. Scientists have solved the mystery.Task 4 Talk about the pictureTheir appearanceman-likeheavily builthairy-black furhuge shoulders6 feet talllong armslarge handslarge feetTheir abilitiesrun with amazing speed and strengthwalk like a manattack peopleTime and places1998 the Chinese side of the HimalayasThe Shennongjia National Forest Park, Hubei Province1970 Bossbrug, Washington, USAVocabulary1. show the truth or correctness of2. to live or to be real3. something that cannot be explained or understood4. almost but not exactly the same5. the degree of being strong or powerfulmystery strength support similar exsitTask 5 Careful ReadingDo scientists all believe Yetis exist?How are their opinions divided?Dr Krantz believes __________________.He explained Yetis are reported to be found in many parts of the world because___________________________.Some scientists think ________________.They explained the large footprints might be made by ___________________. Task 6 Further discussionHow many of you believe in the existence of Yetis?Task 7 WritingDo you enjoy reading this story? If you are supposed to write a story about Yetis, how will you write it?How did the writer write it?Collect information:1. What do they look like?2. What can they do?3. When and where were they found?4. What do scientists think about it?The outline: Searching for the YetiPara 1Sightings of Yetis are reported all over the world.Para 2-4Witnesses gave similar descriptions of Yetis.Para5-6Scientists’ opinion of their existence are divided.Para 7Scientists hope the mystery will be solved someday.Writing skills1. an interesting title2. an attractive beginning3. illustration (photos / pictures)4. an open end for readers to think more…How to write a story?InformationOutlineWriting skillsTask 8 Creating a story about one of the mysteries .Now here comes a chance for you to create a story of your own!Task 9 Telling a mysterious storyPlanningPreparingProducingPresentingPlanning1. What to write about2. Information3. Outline and writing skills4. Different tasksPlan 1 What to write aboutmysteries What we know about it WebsitesYeti www. phobe. comLoch Ness Monster www. nessie. Pyramids www. touregypt. netStonehenge www. UFO www. …Plan 2 InformationWhat information should be included in your story?What unknown information would you like to add to your story?Plan 3 Outline and writing skillsWork out an outline of your story.What writing skills are you going to use?Plan 4 Different tasks1. Researcher_________2. Story writer_________3. Story illustrator_______4. Story teller___________ What’s to be done next?1. Day 3The 2nd group discussion after more information is found.( Make some changes about your outline and writing skills if necessary.)2. Day 5The 3rd group discussion after the story is completed. (Read the story, correct mistakes and add new ideas.)3. Day 7The 4th group discussion after the illustration is done.(approve the story and illustration.)4. Day 8PresentationEnjoy your project!Enjoy your teamwork!Task 10 ConsolidationAsk students to translate the phrases:1.无法解释的神秘事物2. 先进的科学技术3. 遇见4. 寻找5. 失踪6. 出现7. 对…感兴趣8. 令人困惑的亮光9. 由于10. 害怕11.根据…. 12. 目击者13.怪模怪样的动物14.研究…15.调查16.发生在某人身上17.做恶梦18.编造19.令人信服的证据20.取得很大进步21.梦见…22.实施23.实现/成真24. 和……分离25.对某人失望26. 寻找财宝Step 3 达标提升Task11 单词拼写1. Who can tell me the a________ age of the students of Senior One?2. Hey! Don’t throw rubbish in the public park. Please pay attention to your b_______.3. He is good at w__________, so he lifts the heaviest box.4. Nowadays, many people have realized the importance of taking practical exercise r_______.5. As a rule, people are f _________to smoke in cinemas.6. Sahra is so dying to improve her reading a_______ that she plans to read 5 passages each day.7. I still can’t understand it. Would you please give me another e_________ of it?8. I felt e___________(难为情的) about my carelessness in the exams.9. Looking at the photos of the starving poor children,the old man felt u_________(不安的).10. The launch of Shenzhou 6 is a great a_________ (成就) .6. ability7. explanation8. embarrassed9. upset 10. achievement。


牛津高中英语模块七unitproject公开 课演示文稿
优选牛津高中英语模块七unitproject 公开课
Step 1 Lead -in
1. How many of you have a mobile phone?
2. Can you list some functions of mobile phones?
• 3.Why the Amish oppose having telephones in their homes?
Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face.
Step 2 words
take to be true ; make a pretence of
Getting to know the author’s craft
Write the outline of the passage.
Part 1(Para1-2)
Part 2(Para3-6)
Part 3(Para7-8)
Write the outline of the passage. Part 1(Para1-2) Introduction to the Amish way of life Part 2(Para3-6) Disadvantages of the telephone Part 3(Para7-8) Possible solutions
lacking depth of intellect or knowledge concerned only with what is obvious



牛津高中英语说课稿篇一:牛津高中英语全英文说课稿-Project部分Project部分说课稿Book 1 Unit1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My representation is made up of six parts:analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students, teaching methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflection.This is the last part of the unit, It is designed to impove students’ English level through doing a project. In this section, students will read information about two school clubs, and then they will design a poster advertising a new school club. By reading these passages, students will study knowledge of school clubs and improve their reading ability. In the course of writing, students will learn how to plan,prepare,produce and present the new school club. In a word,learing this lesson can improve students'ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the writing the selected material plays a very important part in English teaching and learning.Teaching aimsAccording to the new curriculm and syllabus,based on the character of the selected material,I set the teaching aims as follows:Knowledge aim: to get Ss learn some new experssions and know about school clubs. Ability aim: to improve Ss’ability of reading and writingEmotional aim: to develop Ss’spirit of co-operation and interest in starting or joining a school clubTeaching important points and difficult points.The teaching important and difficult point in this lesson is how to improve Ss’ability of reading and writing.1. The Ss have known something about through the Internet and other ways.2. They are lack of vocabulary.3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.To achieve the teaching aims and deal with the important and difficult points,I’ll use the following methods to conduct my class,they are: Listening and reading;ask and answer competition;discussing and group ’ll also use a record and the muti-media to make my class lovely and interesting.With the teaching methods, I can guide Ss to solve problem and complete different tasks.Teaching aids:1. a projector2. a tape recorder3. multimedia4. the blackboardI have designed the following steps to train theirability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and writing ability.Step 1 lead-inShow Ss some pictures of a school club, and some Ss' opinions about the joining in a club. Doing so can arise Ss’interest in this lessonStep 2 Listening and readingPlay the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation,then read the passages to get a main idea. After that ,we’ll have an ask and answer competition about the activity can train Ss’quick mind,heat the classroom atmosphere.Step 3 Design a poster advertising a new school clubPlanningDivide the class into small groups. Discuss what club they'd like to they've decided the name of their club, then assign tasks to each group member.PreparingGroup members go separately to finish the who are responsible for doing research need to find information about school clubs and group should discuss the information found and decide what they can learn from it.ProducingGroup members responsible for making the poster need to follow the outline, proofread it and get it approved.PresentingEach group present their poster to the class, explain it.Display the posters and have others vote to choose the best poster.Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises and self-assessment part after classOn the left of the Bb,I’ll write down some language points;In the middle are some suggested answers andsome writing skills are on the right side.篇二:牛津高中英语说课稿_高二英语Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.In the reading process, I will focus on students’long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.Section 1 Analysis of the teaching materialThe selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics. First, it’s a longpassage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.Section 2 Identifying the teaching aimsBased on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text. The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is. The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning. The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expressions or approaches to express the same idea.Section 3 Teaching proceduresIn order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approaches. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies to browse the text, solve problemsand complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.Part 1 Getting readyReading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students‘concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.The part consists of two tasks:Task 1: A time machine I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine. I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing. After it, I give a summary of theirpresentations as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese students go straight to university. Yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university .(With the task, I inspire students’former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading)Task 2: Brainstorming After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British fresh students from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing something different instead of going straight to university. After that, I play the tape of Paragraph1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university(With the task, I excite students’ desire to know more about what their British equivalents will do before going to a college. With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer )Part 2 Focusing on main factsDuring the part, I will ask the students to answer the question—what does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. Questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text.The part includes six tasks:Task 1:Three examples. I move on to tell students as follows: Last year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did something special. After the instructions, I play the tape ofParagraphs 4-6 and get students to complete the following table(With thetask, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article)Task 2: Matching After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table. Then they’re required to complete another table with a second reading: Whom do the results belong to? Carol________ Daniel________ Martin_______A felt being part of another cultureB be more independentC found it challenging and rewardingD felt that it was a special experienceE ready to face challenges in the futureF learnt how to deal with difficult situationG felt like she really made a difference H learnt a lot about getting on with local people (With the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three British students They’ll know that a table is of great help in their future reading) Task 3: Scanning for a detail. I get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the question: What do people call the year off between finishing school and starting university? In doing so,I introduce the theme of the article and write on the blackboard the title: Mind the gap year (With the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the article. The task serves as a bridge, which connects the main facts in Paragraphs 4-6 to the opinions about the gap year in the rest paragraphs)Task 4:Definition of the gap year. Students watch a VCR with a question in mind: What three types of activities do the UK students choose to do during a gap year? The key is: Many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or be a charity volunteer (The task serves as a supplementary to the second task of Part 1. With the task, students are expected to know more about the gap year)Task 5: History of the gap year I play a second VCR and get students to answer the question: When did the gap year start in the UK? (The task enables students to have a good knowledge of the history of the gap year) Task 6: Comments The second, third, seventh, eighth paragraphs deal with theme of the government, universities, employers and the public on studentstaking a gap year before going to college. I get students to read the four paragraphs to gather theme and complete the table (The task helps students get a further understanding of the role. A table plays in helping gathering main facts or opinions).Part 3 Read between the lines: In third part, I will encourage the students to answer the question—what does the author mean? As we know, information in a reading passage is not always stated directly. Sometimes students have to infer, or make guesses according the information which is available in the reading. So in this part, the students are asked to infer the implied meaning, distinguish the main ideas from the supporting details. The part consists of three tasks. Task 1: Similar sentences The English language enjoys various ways ofexpressing the same thing or idea. As we can see, the second and third paragraphs are similar to the seventh and eighth paragraphs in the content, both dealing with comments on the gap year. Some sentences actually express the same comments. I will get studentsto read the four paragraphs for a second time to find out the similar sentences(The first is done as an example) ⑴It (a gap year) is more than just a long holiday(Line 50) A gap year is more than just a year away from studying ⑵Employers say they prefer to hire graduates who have taken a gap year (Line 15) ______________________________ (3)A gap year gives young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experience. It helps young people develop and grow (Lines 17-18) ______________________________(4)Living away from home taught me to be more independent (Lines 22-23) ______________________________ (The task is designed to help students learn and use different ways to express the same idea. The task gets students ready for talking and writing about the gap year in the next part) Task 2: Guessing from the context I get students to guess from the context the meanings of the four words or phrases: ⑴the career ladder (Line 4)________________________ ⑵every point of the pass (Line 5)________________________ (3)delicate (Line 22) ________________________ (4)an edge in the job market (Line 54)________________________ (The task helps students to recognize that in most language-leaning situations they will come across vocabulary they don’t know. With the task, students are guided to look at the context in which a word or phrase is used and try to find any clues to its meanings)Task 3: Benefits Students are asked to collect advantages of taking a gap year in the text. After that, students have the chance to listen to a third VCR, which contains more information about advantages. While listening, students are encouraged to take notes of what they can catch □ teach students to be independent; □ help students develop and grow; □ learn new skills; □ see life in a different way; □be ready to face challenges; □gain life experience (The task isintended for students to collect more informationabout students taking a gap year, which also makes them well prepared for the writing task in the next part) Task 4: Recognizing the implied message I play a fourth VCR. While listening, students are expected to fill in the two blanks: Actually, a year off is not a gap, but a time for personal growth and d_______, a b______ between twoperiods in life. (With the task, students will know about how to plan a gap year and what taking a gap year really means to them. It gets them ready for the next task.)Task 5: Understanding the title After reading the whole text, I will get students focus on the title. Mind the gap (The task is designed to help students fully understand the hidden meaning of the title: They are expected to make full of gap year to develop themselves) Part 4 Responding to the text I encourage the students to answer thequestion—what does the idea mean to me? As we all know, most writers are prejudiced in some way and try to convince their readers of something, or influencethem to look at things in a certain way. So it is important to train students to read critically. The part consists of two tasks.Task 1: I conduct a survey to see what students think of taking a gap year and at the same time complete the table (The task is aimed at making students be readers. The students should be encouraged to make judgment about the text)Task 2: After the survey, students are asked to write a composition of 120 about their ideas of taking a gap year before going to college (The task aims to consolidate the information they have learnt and also improve speaking and writing skills)OK, so much for my teaching plan. Thanks for your attention.篇三:牛津高中英语 Project 全英文说课稿Unit 1 Project “Telling about an unexplained mystery” Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is XXX. My number is XXX. I’m so honored and pleasure to have the chance to be here sharing my lesson with you.The teaching material I choose to illustrate is taken from XXX. My teaching plan will include 5 parts: the analysis of teaching material, teaching aims, the important and difficult point, teaching methods and teaching procedure.Part 1 Analysis of teacching materialThe Proect in this unit is designed to help Ss learn and use English by doing a group project. The reading material is a sample for Ss to see how a mysterious story can be written. Ss should write a story on one of the four mysteries in the section ‘Welcome to the unit’. Ss will be encouraged to use what they have learnt in this unit to complete the project. They will discuss what mystery they want to write a story about, and collect as much informatin as they can. They will do some writing and drawing. They are expected to divide the work among themselves and cooperate with each other. Therefore, this section plys a very important role in English teaching and learning. If Ss can master it well, they will benefit a lot.Part 2 Teaching aimsAccording to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows:1. Knowledge objects1) Master the usage of new words and expression;2) Get the general understanding of the sample article;3) Know about a mysterious story.2. Ability objectTo improve Ss’ abilities of reading and writing.3. Moral objectTo develop Ss’ spirit of cooperationPart 3 The important and difficult pointsAccording to the syllabus, the important and difficult points in this part are:How to improve Ss’abilities of reading and writing.Part 4 Teaching methodsWell, how to achieve the teaching aims, stress the important points and break through the difficult points? The key is to make use of the proper teaching methods. And I will use the teaching methods as follows:1. Listening and reading;2. Ask and answer competition;3. Discussing and group work.Also use a record and the multi-media to make my class lovely and interesting.Part 5 Teaching procedure In order to realize the teaching procedure properly and effiently, and under the principle of ‘student centered’, I divide the teaching procedure into 5 steps:Step 1 Revision and lead-inHave Ss recall the prior knowledge in ‘Welcome the unit’ part and ask them to read the title of the sample article along with thinking of what the title means.Purpose: make a revision and arouse Ss’ interest.Step 2 Article comprehension1. Have Ss read the article and talk about the main point of each paragraph.Purpose: Get the general understanding of the article.Ss will see that in this article, some facts and details are first given to arouse the readers’ interest, ad then an opinion from a scientist gives some explanations. Finally, an open ending make readers think more about the mystery. ——that’s the skills and route of writing.2. Play the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask them to mark the new words. Then ask them to guess the meaning of the new words from the contexts. Some questions will be given to help them guess. Do parts B1 and B2 on Page 87 in Workbook.Purpose: 1) To improve the ability of listening, and reinforce the sense of language learning; 2) To build the ability of getting meanings of new words incontexts.3. Have Ss work in groups to discuss how to writea story about an unexplainedmystery.I’ll show Ss some key points as follows on the Bb:~ an interesting and attractive title~ an attractive beginning~some details of the story with some pictures or photos~what scientists or people think about the mystery ~an open ending of the storyPurpose: to conform the principles and set up a basis for the following writing.Step 3 Telling a story about a mystery1. PlanningHave Ss work in groups of six. Discuss the questions and suggested answers and then asign tasksto each group member.2. PreparingSs meet, discuss and choose from the information each group member has collected. One of the Ss in the group writes the outline according to the result of the discussion. When finished, the outline should be approved by the whole group.3. ProducingEach student writes a psrt of the story. Then they put what they have written together. Have them proofread the sotry to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added. The Ss who are responsible for drawing pictures for the story should draw pictures that include the places, characters and events in the story. Then the whole group should approve the story and the illustrations.4. PresentingChoose one member to read the story to the whole class. Then ask them to put up their stories on the walls of the classroom. Vote for the best story.Purpose: to build Ss’ ability of writing.Step 4 HomeworkFinish parts D1 and D2 on Page 89 in the Workbook.Purpose: for consolidation.Step 5 Blackboard workOn te left of the Bb, I’ll write down some language points; in the middle are some suggested answers and writing skills are on the right side.That’s all. Thanks so much for your attention.。

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Unit 1 Project“Telling about an unexplained mystery”Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is XXX. My number is XXX. I’m so honored and pleasure to have the chance to be here sharing my lesson with you.The teaching material I choose to illustrate is taken from XXX. My teaching plan will include 5 parts: the analysis of teaching material, teaching aims, the important and difficult point, teaching methods and teaching procedure.Part 1 Analysis of teacching materialThe Proect in this unit is designed to help Ss learn and use English by doing a group project. The reading material is a sample for Ss to see how a mysterious story can be written. Ss should write a story on one of the four mysteries in the section ‘Welcome to the unit’. Ss will be encouraged to use what they have learnt in this unit to complete the project. They will discuss what mystery they want to write a story about, and collect as much informatin as they can. They will do some writing and drawing. They are expected to divide the work among themselves and cooperate with each other. Therefore, this section plys a very important role in English teaching and learning. If Ss can master it well, they will benefit a lot.Part 2 Teaching aimsAccording to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows:1.Knowledge objects1)Master the usage of new words and expression;2)Get the general understanding of the sample article;3)Know about a mysterious story.2.Ability objectTo improve Ss’ abilities of reading and writing.3.Moral objectTo develop Ss’ spirit of cooperationPart 3 The important and difficult pointsAccording to the syllabus, the important and difficult points in this part are: How to improve Ss’ abilities of reading and writing.Part 4 Teaching methodsWell, how to achieve the teaching aims, stress the important points and break through the difficult points? The key is to make use of the proper teaching methods. And I will use the teaching methods as follows:1.Listening and reading;2.Ask and answer competition;3.Discussing and group work.Also use a record and the multi-media to make my class lovely and interesting.Part 5 Teaching procedureIn order to realize the teaching procedure properly and effiently, and under the principle of ‘student centered’, I divide the teaching procedure into 5 steps:Step 1 Revision and lead-inHave Ss recall the prior knowledge in ‘Welcome the unit’ part and ask them to read the title of the sample article along with thinking of what the title means. Purpose: make a revision and arouse Ss’ interest.Step 2 Article comprehension1.Have Ss read the article and talk about the main point of each paragraph. Purpose: Get the general understanding of the article.Ss will see that in this article, some facts and details are first given to arouse the readers’ interest, ad then an opinion from a scientist gives some explanations. Finally, an open ending make readers think more about the mystery. ——that’s the skills and route of writing.2.Play the tape for Ss to listen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ask them to mark the new words. Then ask them to guess the meaning of the new words from the contexts. Some questions will be given to help them guess. Do parts B1 and B2 on Page 87 in Workbook.Purpose: 1) To improve the ability of listening, and reinforce the sense of language learning; 2) To build the ability of getting meanings of new words in contexts.3.Have Ss work in groups to discuss how to write a story about an unexplainedmystery.I’ll show Ss some key points as follows on the Bb:~ an interesting and attractive title~ an attractive beginning~some details of the story with some pictures or photos~what scientists or people think about the mystery~an open ending of the storyPurpose: to conform the principles and set up a basis for the following writing.Step 3 Telling a story about a mystery1.PlanningHave Ss work in groups of six. Discuss the questions and suggested answers and then asign tasks to each group member.2.PreparingSs meet, discuss and choose from the information each group member has collected. One of the Ss in the group writes the outline according to the result of the discussion. When finished, the outline should be approved by the whole group.3.ProducingEach student writes a psrt of the story. Then they put what they have written together. Have them proofread the sotry to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added. The Ss who are responsible for drawing pictures for the story should draw pictures that include the places, characters and events in the story. Then the whole group should approve the story and the illustrations.4.PresentingChoose one member to read the story to the whole class. Then ask them to put up their stories on the walls of the classroom. V ote for the best story.Purpose: to build Ss’ ability of writing.Step 4 HomeworkFinish parts D1 and D2 on Page 89 in the Workbook.Purpose: for consolidation.Step 5 Blackboard workOn te left of the Bb, I’ll write down some language points; in the middle are some suggested answers and writing skills are on the right side.That’s all. Thanks so much for your attention.。
