SG15e_Chapter_2 foreign exchange



Client Market (Retail)
Market participants include international banks, their customers, nonbank dealers, FOREX brokers, and central banks.
FOREX Market Participants
The FOREX market is a two-tiered market:
Interbank Market (Wholesale)
About 700 banks worldwide stand ready to make a market in Foreign exchange.
Spot Rate Quotations The Bid-Ask Spread Spot FX trading Cross Rates
Copyright © 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights
Copyright © 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights
Chapter Outline
Function and Structure of the FOREX Market
The Spot Market
Copyright © 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights
Correspondent Banking Relationships



前言学弟学妹们,当你们看到这篇复习资料的时候, 学长已经在文档上传的当天上午参加了国际金融的考试, 本复习资料主要针对对象为成都信息工程学院(CUIT)英语系大三学生, 且立足教材也基于托马斯·A ·普格尔(Thomas A. Pugel)先生所著国际金融英文版·第15版, 其他版本或者相似教材也可作为参考, 本资料的整理除了参考维基百科,百度百科以及MBA 智库百科,当然最重要的是我们老师的课件. 为了帮助同学们顺利通过考试, 当然是拿到高分, 希望此资料能够帮助你们节省时间, 达到高效复习的效果.外国语学院2011级,陈爵歌(Louis) 2014年1月6日晚于宿舍 Chapter 2Transnationality Index (跨国化指数)(TNI ) is a means of ranking multinational corporations that is employed by economists and politicians. (反映跨国公司海外经营活动的经济强度,是衡量海外业务在公司整体业务中地位的重要指标) Foreign assets to total assets(外国资产占总资产比)Foreign sales to total sales(海外销售占总销售)Foreign employees to total employees(外籍雇员占总雇员)跨国化指数的构成联合国跨国公司与投资司使用的跨国化指数由三个指标构成:国外资产对公司总资产的百分比;国外销售对公司总销售的百分比;国外雇员人数对公司雇员总人数的百分比关于TNI 的计算公式:International Economic Integration( 国际经济一体化)International economic integration refers to the extent and strength of real -sector and financial -sector linkages among national economies.(国际经济一体化是指两个或两个以上的国家在现有生产力发展水平和国际分工的基础上,由政府间通过协商缔结条约,让渡一定的国家主权,建立两国或多国的经济联盟,从而使经济达到某种程度的结合以提高其在国际经济中的地位)Real Sector(实际经济部门): The sector of the economy engaged in the production and sale of goods and services(指物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产、流通等经济活动。



CHAPTER 3WHY EVERYBODY TRADES:COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGEObjectives of the ChapterChapter 3 looks at trade in a hypothetical world of two countries and two commodities. This simple trade model is based on barter, where countries exchange only goods, without any money being used. The price of each good is, therefore, what each unit of the good is worth in units of the other good. Countries trade because their prices would differ if something prevented international trade. In this chapter we focus on production-side differences between countries as a source of price differentials.Adam Smith proposed that “absolute advantage” was the basis for international trade: countries would export those goods that they made better than anyone else in the world. Later, David Ricardo pointed out that some countries are absolutely awful at producing everything and so, according to Smith, those countries would have no reason to engage in trade. Instead, Ricardo proposed the notion of “comparative advantage,” in which even a rel atively unproductive country can benefit from trade (as can its trade partners), as long as the country produces at least one good whose opportunity cost is lower than in the partner country.After studying Chapter 3, you should be able to1. relate opportunity cost and price.2. understand trade and arbitrage profits.3. show how countries can gain from trade on the basis of absolute advantage.4. explain the development of the theory of comparative advantage using Ricardo's labor theory ofvalue.Important ConceptsAbsolute advantage: A nation has an absolute advantage in a commodity it produces withhigher productivity than the rest of the world.Barter trade: A method of exchanging goods and services directly for other goodsand services without using a separate unit of account or medium ofexchange.Basis for trade: The mechanism that explains differences in (relative) prices indifferent countries, which in turn gives rise to trade betweencountries.Comparative advantage: A nation has a comparative advantage in the production of thosegoods that (compared to other goods and countries in the world) itproduces at a low opportunity cost. A country will have acomparative advantage in one or more commodities, whether or notit has absolute advantages.Mercantilism: A school of thought that was dominant in Europe between the 16thcentury and the 18th century. Mercantilism advocates traderestrictions through restriction of imports and expansion of exports,so as to accumulate gold and foreign exchange.Production-possibility curve: A diagram showing the combinations of different goods that aneconomy can produce with full employment of existing resourcesand available techniques.Terms of trade: The ratio of the price received for a country’s exports to the price itpays for its imports.Warm-up QuestionsTrue or False? Explain.1. T / F A country can have a comparative advantage in a good even if it is at an absolutedisadvantage in producing that same good.2. T / F When production occurs under constant costs, differences in tastes are irrelevant indetermining pre-trade prices.3. T / F As with trade between two people, trade between two countries is fundamentally drivenby price differentials.4. T / F People who arbitrage in goods between countries should be treated as economic terrorists.5. T / F Countries with unproductive labor forces cannot benefit from international trade.Multiple Choice1. The person credited with the first systematic expression of the principle of comparativeadvantage wasA. Ricky Ricardo.B. Milton Friedman.C. John Maynard Keynes.D. David Ricardo.E. Adam Smith.2. In Country J, it takes one hour to knit a pair of socks, and five hours to brew a gallon of cider. InCountry K, it takes three hours to knit a pair of socks, and six hours to brew a gallon of cider. If trade were to open between the two countries, Ricardo would predict thatA. Country J will export cider and Country K will export socks.B. Country J will export socks and Country K will export cider.C. Country J will export both socks and cider.D. Country K will export both socks and cider.3. If Nation A can produce either 3x or 3y with one hour of labor, while nation B can produce either1x or 1y with one hour of labor, and if labor is the only input, thenA. Nation A has an absolute advantage in both goods.B. Nation B has an absolute advantage in both goods.C. Nation A has a comparative disadvantage in both goods.D. Nation A has a comparative advantage in both goods.4. Mutually beneficial tradeA. allows both countries to consume a larger bundle of goods than before trade occurred.B. allows only the more productive country to consume a larger bundle of goods than beforetrade occurred.C. allows only the less productive country to consume a larger bundle of goods than beforetrade occurred.D. causes changes only in production, not consumption.5. In the absence of trade, the consumption points available to a nationA. are above the production possibility curve.B. are on or inside the production possibility curve.C. lie on the production possibility curve.D. cannot be identified.Problems1. Consider the following hypothetical data on labor requirements in Leinster and Saxony, the onlytwo countries in “the w orld.”a. Which country, if any, has an absolute advantage in bread? In telephones?b. Which country has a comparative advantage in bread? In telephones?2. Is there a basis for trade between Leinster and Saxony?3. Suppose both Leinster and Saxony have 600 million person-hours of labor available.a. Draw a production possibility curve for each country.b. If the two countries agree to trade goods at a price of one telephone for four loaves of bread,who will export bread? Who will export telephones?c. Assuming complete specialization, draw the new consumption line for each country.4. Assume that Chile has 600 units of labor and Brazil has 1,000 units of labor. Both countriesproduce cloth and wheat. In Chile, the labor requirement for a yard of cloth is 3 units, while abushel of wheat requires 2 units. In Brazil, the labor requirement for a yard of cloth is 5 units,while a bushel of wheat requires 2 units. In both countries, there are constant costs of production.a. Draw the production possibility curves for each country, and calculate the pre-trade price ofwheat in each country.b. When these two countries engage in free trade, which country will export cloth? Why? Is itpossible for the cloth-exporting country to charge 3 bushels/yard for its cloth?c. Suppose instead that the unit labor requirement in Brazil’s cloth indu stry drops to 2 units peryard. What will happen to the pattern of trade?5. Using the logic of comparative advantage, explain why it makes sense for parents to require eventhe youngest child in a family to do household chores.Discussion Topics1. Discuss and debate the proposition that “Free trade exploits workers in low-wage countries.”2. Ricardo pointed out that even low-productivity countries with an absolute disadvantage in allgoods can benefit from trade. Does this mean we do not have to be concerned about countrieswhose labor productivity lags behind the rest of the world?。

Part 3.The Foreign Exchange System of China

Part 3.The Foreign Exchange System of China

Foreign exchange is the assets that denominated in foreign currencies and can be used to pay off foreign debts.
Free Foreign Exchange Exchange of Account
Current Account Transactions Capital Account Transactions
① Foreign trade ② Non-trade exchanges ③ Voluntary exchanges To repatriate foreign exchange receipts home and no allowing to deposit them abroad.
IV. International Reserve
Foreign exchange
• All kinds of settlement methods presented by foreign currency common used in the countries around world for international settlement of claims and debts. • Consisting of funds held (in foreign currency) with banks abroad, or bills or cheques. • Three traits/Characteristics: • Affordability ( Assets presented by foreign currency ) • Availability (liabilities that can be compensated in foreign country) • Exchangeability/Convertibility (foreign currency assets that can be freely changed into other instrument of payment / The currencies must be convertible )

ITU-T SG15接入网标准的进展

ITU-T SG15接入网标准的进展

ITU-T SG15接入网标准的进展程强【摘要】文章对ITU-T SG15在接入网方面的工作进行了综述,回顾了SG15在铜线和光纤接入方面的标准发展历程,并介绍了后续标准化的发展方向。

%The paper have a glance on the standardizations of access network in ITU-T StudyGroup 15.An overview of standards in the aspectsof metallic and fiber access are given.And the objects of future standards in the Q2/15 and Q4/15are introduced.【期刊名称】《现代电信科技》【年(卷),期】2011(041)010【总页数】5页(P44-47,52)【关键词】数字用户线;无源光网络;标准化【作者】程强【作者单位】工信部电信研究院通信标准研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN915.11 ITU-T SG15接入领域概况在ITU-T中,有关宽带接入和家庭网络互联技术的标准化工作主要由第15研究组(SG15)的第1工作组(WP1)负责,其下设三个课题组:Q1/15、Q2/15和Q4/15。






商务英语综合教程(下册)Unit 12 Foreign Exchange Trading-PPT文档资料

商务英语综合教程(下册)Unit 12 Foreign Exchange Trading-PPT文档资料

2 The Greeks and Romans commonly used gold as a
Unit 12 Foreign Exchange Trading
3 The system worked well until World War I, when
trade was interrupted. After the war, currencies fluctuated widely in terms of gold and, thus, in relation to each other. The value of currencies was meant to be regulated by supply and demand (the market mechanism), but speculators often interfered with this mechanism. So in an effort to create more stable exchange markets, some countries, notably the United States, England, and France, returned to the gold standard. Except for a brief period in the early 1930s, the United States stayed on the gold standard. By 1971 it
Unit 12 Foreign Exchange Trading
medium of exchange. Most world trade continued to be based on gold until the nineteenth century. But then industrialization in Western Europe and the United States had boosted world trade to such an extent that gold reserves were no longer adequate to meet the requirements. Governments introduced a par value of their respective local currencies in gold. Thus, the currencies were related to one another through a system called the gold standard. The gold standard system determined the value of all currencies based on gold. This meant the values of different currencies could be compared in terms of one another.

Chapter Two Contract law for the International Sale

Chapter Two  Contract law for the International Sale


Consideration is the price of a promise
Executory consideration(待履行的对价) Executed consideration (已履行的对价)
2. General Rules on Consideration
The objective of the contract should be legal
Contracts contrary to statute
Contracts contrary to public policy
Form of the Contract

பைடு நூலகம்
Form refers to the manner observed in creating a legal agreement, as opposed to the substance of the agreement. Statute of Frauds of 1677 UCC The civil law countries CISG
Contractual Issues Excluded From The Coverage of CISG (公约不涉及的事项)
The legality of the contract and the competency of the parties(合法与 缔约能力) The rights of third parties Liability for death or personal injury
Choice- of-law clause



The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong LimitedPractice Note 15to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities(the “Exchange Listing Rules”)Issued pursuant to rule 1.06 of the Exchange Listing RulesPRACTICE WITH REGARD TO PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BY ISSUERS TO EFFECT THE SEPARATE LISTING ON THE EXCHANGE ORELSEWHERE OF ASSETS OR BUSINESSES WHOLLY OR PARTLYWITHIN THEIR EXISTING GROUPS1.DefinitionsTerms used in the Practice Note which are defined or interpreted in the Exchange Listing Rules shall have the same meaning as in the Exchange Listing Rules.2. IntroductionThis Practice Note is intended to set out the Exchange’s policy with regard to proposals submitted by issuers to effect the separate listing on the Exchange or elsewhere of assets or businesses wholly or partly within their existing groups (“spin-offs”). This Practice Note sets out the principles which the Exchange applies when considering spin-off applications. Issuers are reminded that they are required to submit their spin-off proposals to the Exchange for its approval.Note: This Practice Note is normally only applicable to an issuer and entity which is a subsidiary of the issuer at the time of submission of the spin-off proposal. However, the Exchange will treat an entity as if itwere a subsidiary of an issuer for the purpose of this Practice Note if such entity is at the time ofsubmission of the issuer’s spin-off proposal, an associated company of the issuer and was, at any timeduring the latest completed financial year of the issuer (comprising at least 12 months) up to the date ofsubmission of the spin-off proposal, a subsidiary of the issuer.In such circumstances, the entity will be required to comply with the requirements of this Practice Noteand will be treated as if it has remained as a subsidiary of the issuer. The issuer is required tosubstantiate to the satisfaction of the Exchange the changes in the beneficial ownership of the entity’sissued share capital in the period stated above.3. PrinciplesThe principles, which apply equally whether the entity to be spun off is to be listed in Hong Kong or overseas, are as follows:(a) Newco to satisfy basic listing criteriaWhere the entity (“Newco”) to be spun-off by the existing issuer (“Parent”) is to be listed on the sto ck marketoperated by the Exchange other than the Growth Enterprise Market, it must satisfy all requirements of theExchange Listing Rules falling on new listing applicants, including the basic listing criteria contained inChapter 8 of the Exchange Listing Rules.(b) No spin-off within three years of Parent’s original listingIn recognition that the original listing of the Parent will have been approved on the basis of the Parent’s portfolio of businesses at the time of listing, and that the expectation of investors at that time would have been that the Parent would continue to develop those businesses, the Listing Committee would not normally considera spin-off application within three years of the date of listing of the Parent.(c) The remaining business of the ParentThe Listing Committee must be satisfied that, after the listing of Newco, the Parent would retain a sufficient level of operations and sufficient assets to support its separate listing status. In particular, it would not be acceptable t o the Listing Committee that one business (Newco’s) supported two listing statuses (the Parent’s and Newco’s). In other words, the Parent itself would be required to retain, in addition to its interest in Newco, sufficient assets and operations of its own, excluding its interest in Newco, to satisfy independently the requirements of Chapter 8 of the Exchange Listing Rules.Where the Parent, excluding its interest in Newco, cannot meet the minimum profit requirement of Rule 8.05, the Exchange may grant a waiver to the Parent if the Parent is able to demonstrate that it, excluding its interest in Newco, fails to meet the minimum profit requirement of Rule 8.05 due solely to an exceptional factor or a significant market downturn. The Parent must also demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange that such factor was temporary in nature and is not likely to continue or recur in the future or that appropriate measures have been taken by the Parent to negate the impact on its profit of the market downturn (as the case may be). In addition, the Parent, excluding its interest in Newco, must have an aggregate profit attributable to shareholders of not less than HK$50 million in respect of any three out of the five financial years immediately preceding the spin-off application.Note: For the purpose of meeting the minimum aggregate profit requirement referred to above, the Parent must satisfy the following criteria:(a) the profit/loss in the three consecutive financial years immediately preceding the spin-offapplication must in aggregate amount to a net profit of not less than HK$50 million; failing which(b) the profit/loss in any three of the four consecutive financial years immediately preceding the spin-off application must in aggregate amount to a net profit of not less than HK$50 million; failingwhich(c) the profit/loss of any three of the five consecutive financial years immediately preceding the spin-off application must in aggregate amount to a net profit of not less than HK$50 million.The relevant profit/loss is the profit/loss attributable to shareholders of the Parent after excluding theParent’s interest in Newco, and should exclude any income or loss of the Parent generated by activitiesoutside the ordinary and usual course of its business.In the case of (b) or (c) above, the Parent must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange that theprofit/loss of any financial year whose profit/loss is not taken into account in the calculation of theminimum net profit of HK$50 million was affected by the exceptional factor and/or significant marketdownturn.(d) Principles applied in the consideration of spin-off applicationsIn considering an application for listing by way of spin-off, the Listing Committee would apply the following principles:(i) there should be a clear delineation between the business(es) retained by the Parent and the business(es)of Newco;(ii) Newco should be able to function independently of the Parent. As well as independence as regards its business and operations, the Listing Committee would expect from Newco:•independence of directorship and management. While common directors would not be a bar to qualification under this test, the Listing Committee would require to be satisfied that Newcowould operate independently and in the interests of its shareholders as a general body, and not inthe interests of the Parent only, where the former interests and the latter were actually orpotentially in conflict;•independence of administrative capability. The Listing Committee would expect that all essential administrative functions would be carried out by Newco without requiring the support of theParent, although the Listing Committee is prepared to be flexible in the sharing of administrative,non-management functions, such as secretarial services; and•the Listing Committee must be satisfied that ongoing and future connected transactions between the Parent and Newco would be properly transacted under Chapter 14 of the Exchange ListingRules and/or waivers thereunder and, in particular, that the ongoing relationship would not, in thecontext of any waivers granted, be unduly artificial or difficult to monitor from the perspective ofsafeguarding the interests of the respective minority shareholders of the Parent and of Newco.(iii) there should be clear commercial benefits, both to the Parent and to Newco, in the spin-off which should be elaborated upon in the listing document; and(iv) there should be no adverse impact on the interests of shareholders of the Parent resulting from the spin-off.(e) Shareholder approval of the spin-offAt present, under the Exchange Listing Rules, as well as where the connected transaction provisions are applicable, shareholder approval will be required in two situations:(i) where, under Rule 14.09, the transaction is over 50% under the size test; and(ii) where, under Paragraph 19 of the Listing Agreement, Newco is a “major subsidiary” of the Parent and is making a new issue of shares “so as materially to dilute” the Parent’s interest. A “major subsidiary” isone which represents 15% or more of consolidated net tangible assets or pre-tax trading profits.“Material dilution” is as set in Practice Note 13 to the Exchange Listing Rules.The Exchange is of the view that the approval of shareholders of the Parent should be sought for the proposal if it falls within (i) or (ii) above, and that the controlling shareholder should abstain from voting if his interest asa shareholder is not in all respects identical with those of the other shareholders as a general body.In cases where the spin-off proposal requires approval by shareholders of the Parent, whether or not the controlling shareholder is required to abstain from voting, the Parent should circulate to its shareholders a circular providing full details of the spin-off and its effect on the Parent, which would include advice from independent financial advisers (who may not also be the sponsor or co-sponsor or an underwriter of Newco). In any case where the controlling shareholder votes through the spin-off proposal in the face of significant minority opposition, the Exchange would expect to receive a report from the independent financial adviser as to the discussions at the relevant general meeting.(f) Assured entitlement to shares in NewcoThe Listing Committee expects the Parent to have due regard to the interests of its existing shareholders byproviding them with an assured entitlement to shares in Newco, either by way of a distribution in specie ofexisting shares in Newco or by way of preferred application in any offering of existing or new shares in Newco.The percentage of shares in Newco allocated to the assured entitlement tranche would be determined by thedirectors of the Parent and by its advisers, and all shareholders of the Parent would be treated equally. Therewould be no bar to the controlling shareholder receiving his proportion of shares under such entitlement. WhereNewco is proposed to be listed elsewhere than in Hong Kong, and where shares in Newco under the assuredentitlement can only be made available to existing shareholders of the Parent by way of a public offering inHong Kong, the Listing Committee would consider submissions as to why the assured entitlement requirementwould not be for the benefit of the Parent or its shareholders. Further, the minority shareholders of the Parentmay by resolution in general meeting resolve to waive the assured entitlement, even where Newco is to be listedin Hong Kong.Note: In case where Newco is made subject to this Practice Note by virtue of the Note to paragraph 2, the Parent should use its best endeavours to provide its shareholders an assured entitlement tothe shares in Newco. Whether such assured entitlement is available will be taken into accountby the Exchange when considering whether to approve the spin-off proposal.(g) Announcement of spin-offA spin-off listing application is different from an ordinary listing application in that it is of material, price-sensitive effect for an existing listed issuer. The Listing Committee accordingly considers that the latest time atwhich a formal announcement under paragraph 2 of the Listing Agreement should be made is the time oflodgement of the Form Al (or its equivalent in any overseas jurisdiction). Where an overseas jurisdictionrequires a confidential filing, the matter should be discussed with the Listing Division prior to any such filing.Until the release of the announcement, strict confidentiality should be maintained and, in the event of a leakageof informa tion or of a significant, unexplained movement in the price or turnover volume of the Parent’ssecurities, an earlier announcement would be required.The above are set forth as general principles intended to assist the market. The Listing Division should be consulted at an early stage of any spin-off proposal for clarification as to the application thereof.4.The Exchange emphasises that it retains an absolute discretion to accept or reject a proposal submitted by issuer toeffect the separate listing of assets or businesses wholly or partly within its existing group. The principles in this Practice Note are not exhaustive and the Exchange may impose additional requirements or make a spin-off proposal subject to special conditions whenever it considers it appropriate.5. Effective DateThis Practice Note takes effect from 12th May, 1997.Hong Kong 8th May, 1997.Revised on 6th September 2000.Revised on 16th July, 2001.。


Chapter 2 Foreign Exchange
Cao Yongfeng 2015 Spring Semester
2.1 Foreign-Exchange Market 外汇市场

Foreign-exchange market 外汇市场

Organizational setting 组织形式

Transactions between commercial banks and their commercial customers商业银行与其商业客户之间 的交易 Domestic interbank market conducted through brokers国内银行借助经纪人进行同业市场交易 Active trading in foreign exchange with banks overseas 与国外银行的外汇交易
Slide 2-3
Business School
2.2 Types of Foreign-Exchange Transactions 外汇交易的类型

(1) Spot transaction 即期交易

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

Make an outright purchase or sale of a currency now, as in “on the spot” 直接买卖货币,当场 Immediate delivery 即期交割 Settlement date 交割日 Simplest way to meet your foreign currency requirements最简单的方式满足外汇需求 Greatest risk of exchange rate fluctuations汇率波 动的巨大风险

Chapter 15 WTO(2)

Chapter 15 WTO(2)

6. Sanitary and phytosanitary rules
Sanitary and phytosanitary measures must be taken in compliance with the WTO’s SPS (the sanitary and phytosanitary) agreement The relative nations shall provide other members with all the necessary information concerning their health and quarantine rules.
4. Rules regarding technological trade barriers
Other rules regarding technological measures: when adopting and carrying outh technological measures, member countries shall follow some extra rules including (a) the necessity (b) minimizing the impacts on trade (c) coordination (d) special and differential treatment
3. Rules for preshipment testing
Aim: according to the Preshipment Testing Agreement it is to ensure that the member countries’ preshipment testing systems are nondiscriminatory and transparent and that they will not create unnecessary barriers to trade. Scope of application: it is applicable to the quality, quantity, price (including exchange rate and financing terms) and customs classification of the products tested by member countries’ governments authorization or their designated organs.



0 2会议还讨论 了开发 中的其他 4
个 建议 :新建 议 G9 3sr oc SR .8 .u .m i“ U B PN 的 OT 管理控 制接 口规范 ” -O N ;新
建议 G9 3o c. S“ .8 .m in 具有增强新业务 功能的 AM PN的 OT T —O N 管理控制接 口 规
范” ;修 改建议 G 932和 G 933 .8 . .8 . 。 ( )金属 线对 上的用 户接入 和住宅 2 电话线 网络收 发器 (4 Q) o 4会议 主要对 G99 2 . 9. 、 .8. 、G9 3 1
G 9 1 2 A n m . 、 G 9 2 1 o r 1 .9. m d t 1 . 9 . C r . 、
G93 4是 “ .8 . 使用动态带宽分配的
宽 带光 接入 系统 ”(B -O ,该建 DA BPN)
议规定了一种能够支持 ID SN和 B ID —SN 业务的灵活接入系统 ,系统的标称速率
为 对 称 的 15b s 或 非 对 称 的 上 行 5M/
1 5 s和 下行 6 2 b s 5 n/ 2 M / 。与 G 9 3 1 . 8 .
议 。参 加会议 的有 来 自 2 3个 国家 的 1 7
即会议共审议文件72 。 5份
按 II S 的20 年 会议 计划 。 G5 T B 0 2 J T S I 下次会 议将 在2 0年4 9 02 月2 日至5 O 月1 日 在 日 内瓦 举 行 。 确 定 由S I 负 责 在 并 G5 20 年 7 ~ l 日在 日本 的C ioe 02 月9 1 h ts 市 举行 I/p a研 讨会( okhp 。T P O tc l i W r so )IU


定出来以后,通过各种货币对关键货币的基准汇率 套算出来的相互之间的汇率。
例如:GBP1=USD1.6231 英镑对美元的直接标价汇率 DEM1=USD0.5725 马克对美元的直接标价汇率
GBP1=DEM(1.6231 / 0.5725 )=DEM2.8351
如果远期汇率比即期汇率高,称作升水 (Premium);
如果远期汇率比即期汇率低,称作贴水 (Discount);
如果远期汇率与即期汇率相等,则没有升 水和
在直接标价法下,远期汇率的计算公式为: 远期汇率=即期汇率+升水 远期汇率=即期汇率-贴水
1.2394 392-397 1.2395

28.1287 1.1897 1.855 1.2974
28.6137 1.1686 1.8357 1.3076
1.2391 -
1.2337 -
1.3079 7.7994 104.075 1.6406
075-082 990-998 060-090 403-410
在外汇行情表中,以升贴水的方法报出远期汇 率 时,如果还要区分买入价或卖出价,其计算方法是 ①左低右高往上加; ②左高右低往下减。
例如,美元与德国马克的汇率报价为: USD1=DEM1.6917/1.6922,一个月的掉期率为 34/23,左高右低,因此要用即期汇率减去这一掉期 率,即可得一个月的远期汇率为1.6883/1.6899



Sections 1-2 focus on learning objective 1: Range of policies 1. Two broad types of government policies toward foreign exchange market 1) 1st type(直接作用于汇率) Directly targeting the level and variability of the nominal spot exchange rate , i.e. targeting the price Example: Intervention to maintain the upper or lower limits of a fixed rate
• •
This chapter investigates options 1&2: Intervention and exchange control Part II will discuss options 3, 4 and implications of foreign exchange policies for overall national economy
Section 3-4: Economic analyses on government intervention and exchange control in foreign exchange markets 3. Defending the fixed exchange rate by intervention: usu. first choice 维持固定汇率的第一防线通常是官方干预 1) Defense against depreciation: Pesos/$ as example a. The intervention process Example: Suppose Mexico fixed rate = pesos 25/$ -- par Band: ‘+4%’ to ‘-4%’ (24—26) Now Peso over-valued: the market equil.--pesos 28/$ The market pressure: pushing toward pesos 28/$ (depreciation)

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

2Catalog Number SelectionThis information is presented only as an aid to understanding catalog numbers. It is not to be used to build catalog numbers for circuit breakers or trip units.Series G—EG-Frame (15–125 Amperes)Notes1Cannot be UL rated.2Available only as 125 and 160A sizes.Terminations/Hardware Terminals Mounting Hardware M = Metric end caps E = Imperial end caps G = Line/load standard B = Bolt-on Metric Imperial Metric —FrameEPerformance 600Y/347480415240B —181825E 18252535S 22354085H 256570100C 35100100200KMolded case switch2Standard/Application G = IEC/CE/UL/CSAAmperes016 1015020025030032 1035040045050060063 1070080090100110125160 1Number of Poles1 = One2 = Two3 = Three4 = Four—neutral 0% protected 7 = Four—neutral 100% protectedTrip Unit FF = Fixed fixedAF = Adjustable thermal fixed magnetic KS = Molded case switchE G H 3 015 FF Ge s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Product SelectionComplete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit, Standard Terminals and Mounting Hardware) IC Rating at 415/480 VoltsEG-Frame—18/18Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGB1015FFG EGB2015FFG EGB3015FFG —EGB4015FFG —16EGB1016FFG EGB2016FFG EGB3016FFG —EGB4016FFG —20EGB1020FFG EGB2020FFG EGB3020FFG —EGB4020FFG EGB4020AFG25EGB1025FFG EGB2025FFG EGB3025FFG EGB3025AFG EGB4025FFG EGB4025AFG 30EGB1030FFG EGB2030FFG EGB3030FFG —EGB4030FFG —32EGB1032FFG EGB2032FFG EGB3032FFG EGB3032AFG EGB4032FFG EGB4032AFG 35EGB1035FFG EGB2035FFG EGB3035FFG —EGB4035FFG —40EGB1040FFG EGB2040FFG EGB3040FFG EGB3040AFG EGB4040FFG EGB4040AFG 45EGB1045FFG EGB2045FFG EGB3045FFG —EGB4045FFG —50EGB1050FFG EGB2050FFG EGB3050FFG EGB3050AFG EGB4050FFG EGB4050AFG 60EGB1060FFG EGB2060FFG EGB3060FFG —EGB4060FFG —63EGB1063FFG EGB2063FFG EGB3063FFG EGB3063AFG EGB4063FFG EGB4063AFG 70EGB1070FFG EGB2070FFG EGB3070FFG —EGB4070FFG —80EGB1080FFG EGB2080FFG EGB3080FFG EGB3080AFG EGB4080FFG EGB4080AFG 90EGB1090FFG EGB2090FFG EGB3090FFG —EGB4090FFG —100EGB1100FFG EGB2100FFG EGB3100FFG EGB3100AFG EGB4100FFG EGB4100AFG 125EGB1125FFG EGB2125FFG EGB3125FFG EGB3125AFG EGB4125FFG EGB4125AFG 160——EGB3160FFGEGB3160AFGEGB4160FFGEGB4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG-Frame—25/25 Single-Pole UnavailableEG-Frame—25/25Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Two-Pole Three-PoleFour-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGE2015FFG EGE3015FFG —EGE4015FFG —16EGE2016FFG EGE3016FFG —EGE4016FFG —20EGE2020FFG EGE3020FFG —EGE4020FFG EGE4020AFG 25EGE2025FFG EGE3025FFGEGE3025AFG EGE4025FFG EGE4025AFG 30EGE2030FFG EGE3030FFG —EGE4030FFG —32EGE2032FFG EGE3032FFG EGE3032AFG EGE4032FFG EGE4032AFG 35EGE2035FFG EGE3035FFG —EGE4035FFG —40EGE2040FFG EGE3040FFG EGE3040AFG EGE4040FFG EGE4040AFG 45EGE2045FFG EGE3045FFG EGE3050AFG EGE4045FFG —50EGE2050FFG EGE3050FFG —EGE4050FFG EGE4050AFG 60EGE2060FFG EGE3060FFG —EGE4060FFG —63EGE2063FFG EGE3063FFG EGE3063AFG EGE4063FFG EGE4063AFG 70EGE2070FFG EGE3070FFG —EGE4070FFG —80EGE2080FFG EGE3080FFG EGE3080AFG EGE4080FFG EGE4080AFG 90EGE2090FFG EGE3090FFG —EGE4090FFG —100EGE2100FFG EGE3100FFG EGE3100AFG EGE4100FFG EGE4100AFG 125EGE2125FFG EGE3125FFG EGE3125AFG EGE4125FFG EGE4125AFG 160—EGE3160FFGEGE3160AFGEGE4160FFG EGE4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—40/35Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGS1015FFG EGS2015FFG EGS3015FFG —EGS4015FFG —16EGS1016FFG EGS2016FFG EGS3016FFG —EGS4016FFG —20EGS1020FFG EGS2020FFG EGS3020FFG —EGS4020FFGEGS4020AFG 25EGS1025FFG EGS2025FFG EGS3025FFG EGS3025AFG EGS4025FFG EGS4025AFG 30EGS1030FFG EGS2030FFG EGS3030FFG —EGS4030FFG —32EGS1032FFG EGS2032FFG EGS3032FFG EGS3032AFG EGS4032FFG EGS4032AFG 35EGS1035FFG EGS2035FFG EGS3035FFG —EGS4035FFG —40EGS1040FFG EGS2040FFG EGS3040FFG EGS3040AFG EGS4040FFG EGS4040AFG 45EGS1045FFG EGS2045FFG EGS3045FFG —EGS4045FFG —50EGS1050FFG EGS2050FFG EGS3050FFG EGS3050AFG EGS4050FFG EGS4050AFG 60EGS1060FFG EGS2060FFG EGS3060FFG —EGS4060FFG —63EGS1063FFG EGS2063FFG EGS3063FFG EGS3063AFG EGS4063FFG EGS4063AFG 70EGS1070FFG EGS2070FFG EGS3070FFG —EGS4070FFG —80EGS1080FFG EGS2080FFG EGS3080FFG EGS3080AFG EGS4080FFG EGS4080AFG 90EGS1090FFG EGS2090FFG EGS3090FFG —EGS4090FFG —100EGS1100FFG EGS2100FFG EGS3100FFG EGS3100AFG EGS4100FFG EGS4100AFG 125EGS1125FFG EGS2125FFG EGS3125FFG EGS3125AFG EGS4125FFG EGS4125AFG 160——EGS3160FFGEGS3160AFGEGS4160FFGEGS4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2 2.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—70/65Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGH1015FFG EGH2015FFG EGH3015FFG —EGH4015FFG —16EGH1016FFG EGH2016FFG EGH3016FFG —EGH4016FFG —20EGH1020FFG EGH2020FFG EGH3020FFG EGH3020AFGEGH4020FFG EGH4020AFG 25EGH1025FFG EGH2025FFG EGH3025FFG EGH3025AFG EGH4025FFG EGH4025AFG 30EGH1030FFG EGH2030FFG EGH3030FFG —EGH4030FFG —32EGH1032FFG EGH2032FFG EGH3032FFG EGH3032AFG EGH4032FFG EGH4032AFG 35EGH1035FFG EGH2035FFG EGH3035FFG —EGH4035FFG —40EGH1040FFG EGH2040FFG EGH3040FFG EGH3040AFG EGH4040FFG EGH4040AFG 45EGH1045FFG EGH2045FFG EGH3045FFG —EGH4045FFG EGH4050AFG 50EGH1050FFG EGH2050FFG EGH3050FFG EGH3050AFG EGH4050FFG —60EGH1060FFG EGH2060FFG EGH3060FFG —EGH4060FFG —63EGH1063FFG EGH2063FFG EGH3063FFG EGH3063AFG EGH4063FFG EGH4063AFG 70EGH1070FFG EGH2070FFG EGH3070FFG —EGH4070FFG —80EGH1080FFG EGH2080FFG EGH3080FFG EGH3080AFG EGH4080FFG EGH4080AFG 90EGH1090FFG EGH2090FFG EGH3090FFG —EGH4090FFG —100EGH1100FFG EGH2100FFG EGH3100FFG EGH3100AFG EGH4100FFG EGH4100AFG 125EGH1125FFGEGH2125FFGEGH3125FFGEGH3125AFGEGH4125FFGEGH4125AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2EG-Frame—100/100 Current Limiting (Single-Pole and Two-Pole Unavailable)EG-Frame—100/100Molded Case Switches4Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal is not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on LH side.4 Molded case switches may open above 1250A.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Three-Pole Four-Pole 0% Protected Neutral 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticAdjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGC3015FFG —EGC7015FFG —16EGC3016FFG —EGC7016FFG —20EGC3020FFG EGC3020AFG EGC7020FFG EGC7020AFG 25EGC3025FFG EGC3025AFG EGC7025FFG EGC7025AFG 30EGC3030FFG —EGC7030FFG —32EGC3032FFG EGC3032AFG EGC7032FFG EGC7032AFG 35EGC3035FFG —EGC7035FFG —40EGC3040FFG EGC3040AFG EGC7040FFG EGC7040AFG 45EGC3045FFG —EGC7045FFG —50EGC3050FFG EGC3050AFG EGC7050FFG EGC7050AFG 60EGC3060FFG —EGC7060FFG —63EGC3063FFG EGC3063AFG EGC7063FFG EGC7063AFG 70EGC3070FFG —EGC7070FFG —80EGC3080FFG EGC3080AFG EGC7080FFG EGC7080AFG 90EGC3090FFG —EGC7090FFG —100EGC3100FFG EGC3100AFG EGC7100FFG EGC7100AFG 125EGC3125FFGEGC3125AFGEGC7125FFGEGC7125AFGCatalog Number EGK3125KSG EGK7125KSG EGK3160KSG EGK7160KSGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG Bolt-On Complete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit and Mounting Hardware)EG-Frame—18 kAIC at 480 VacEG-Frame—35 kAIC at 480 VacNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGB1015FFB EGB2015FFB EGB3015FFB 20EGB1020FFB EGB2020FFB EGB3020FFB 25EGB1025FFB EGB2025FFB EGB3025FFB 30EGB1030FFB EGB2030FFB EGB3030FFB 35EGB1035FFB EGB2035FFB EGB3035FFB 40EGB1040FFB EGB2040FFB EGB3040FFB 45EGB1045FFB EGB2045FFB EGB3045FFB 50EGB1050FFB EGB2050FFB EGB3050FFB 60EGB1060FFBEGB2060FFB EGB3060FFB 70EGB1070FFB EGB2070FFBEGB3070FFB 80EGB1080FFB EGB2080FFB EGB3080FFB 90EGB1090FFB EGB2090FFB EGB3090FFB 100EGB1100FFB EGB2100FFB EGB3100FFB 110EGB1110FFB EGB2110FFB EGB3110FFB 125EGB1125FFBEGB2125FFBEGB3125FFBMaximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGS1015FFB EGS2015FFB EGS3015FFB 20EGS1020FFB EGS2020FFB EGS3020FFB 25EGS1025FFB EGS2025FFB EGS3025FFB 30EGS1030FFB EGS2030FFB EGS3030FFB 35EGS1035FFB EGS2035FFB EGS3035FFB 40EGS1040FFB EGS2040FFB EGS3040FFB 45EGS1045FFB EGS2045FFB EGS3045FFB 50EGS1050FFB EGS2050FFB EGS3050FFB 60EGS1060FFB EGS2060FFB EGS3060FFB 70EGS1070FFB EGS2070FFB EGS3070FFB 80EGS1080FFB EGS2080FFB EGS3080FFB 90EGS1090FFB EGS2090FFB EGS3090FFB 100EGS1100FFB EGS2100FFB EGS3100FFB 110EGS1110FFB EGS2110FFB EGS3110FFB 125EGS1125FFBEGS2125FFBEGS3125FFBEG-FrameEG-Frame e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—65 kAIC at 480 VacLoad T erminalsNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGH1015FFB EGH2015FFB EGH3015FFB 20EGH1020FFB EGH2020FFB EGH3020FFB 25EGH1025FFB EGH2025FFB EGH3025FFB 30EGH1030FFB EGH2030FFB EGH3030FFB 35EGH1035FFB EGH2035FFB EGH3035FFB 40EGH1040FFBEGH2040FFB EGH3040FFB 45EGH1045FFB EGH2045FFB EGH3045FFB 50EGH1050FFB EGH2050FFB EGH3050FFB 60EGH1060FFB EGH2060FFB EGH3060FFB 70EGH1070FFB EGH2070FFB EGH3070FFB 80EGH1080FFB EGH2080FFB EGH3080FFB 90EGH1090FFB EGH2090FFB EGH3090FFB 100EGH1100FFB EGH2100FFB EGH3100FFB 110EGH1110FFB EGH2110FFB EGH3110FFB 125EGH1125FFBEGH2125FFBEGH3125FFBMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal, Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 15–50Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14–1/03TA125EF 60–125AluminumCu/Al16–70#6–3/03TA150EFEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2Accessories Selection Guide and Ordering InformationEG-FrameLine and Load T erminalsEG-Frame circuit breakers and molded case switches have line and load terminals as standard equipment.Insert collar enclosing conductor as shown. Locate nut on top of conductor and tighten securely with screw and washer.Caution : Collar must surround conductor.Insert collar enclosing conductor and center on extrusion. Tighten securely with screw and washer. Endcap kits are used on the E-Frame breaker line side to connect busbar or similar electrical connections. Includes hardware.Notes1Standard line and load terminals.2Four-pole kit with four terminals.3T125EF3TA125EF 3TA150EF 3TA160EFKEF2RTWK, Two-Pole–Metric EF3RTWK, Three-Pole–Metric EF4RTWK, Four-Pole–Metric EF2RTDK, Two-Pole–Imperial EF3RTDK, Three-Pole–Imperial EF4RTDK, Four-Pole–ImperialControl Wire Terminal Kit GCWTKMultiwire ConnectorsMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 125Steel Al 4–6#12-103T125EF 1125Steel Cu 2.5–95#14-3/03T125EF 1125Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14-1/03TA125EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 16–70#6-3/03TA150EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 35–120#3-2503TA160EFK 160AluminumCu/Al35–120#3-2504TA160EFK2e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Control Wire T erminal KitFor use with steel or stainless steel standard line and load terminals only.Interphase BarriersThe interphase barrier is available for extended insulationbetween circuit breaker poles. Specify quantity when ordering.Base Mounting Hardware—DIN Rail MountingMetric base mounting hardware is included with a circuit breaker or molded case switch. (Included with breaker.) If required separately, order S/N 8703C80G08.Note: English mounting hardware kit can be supplied separate. Catalog number is BMHE #6–32 x 3 inches for two-, three- and four-pole. Single-pole mounting hardware metric order 8703C80G11. English hardware 8703C80G12. Both sold in quantities of 100.Terminal ShieldsThe terminal shield is available for line terminal areas in three- and four-pole circuit breakers. Special terminal shields are also available for use when an electrical (solenoid) operator ismounted on the circuit breaker. The standard style number by pole for each terminal shield is for a package of 10 and is priced per each package. Special terminal shields are packaged individually.T erminal Shields—IP30 ProtectionTerminal End Covers (Gas Barrier)The terminal end cover is available for three-pole circuit breakers only. Two conductor opening sizes are available. Specify quantity (one per circuit breaker) when ordering.T erminal End CoversMultiwire ConnectorsField-installed multiwire connectors for the load side (OFF) end terminals. They are used to distribute the load from the circuit breaker to multiple devices without the use of separate distribution terminal blocks.Multiwire lug kits include mounting hardware, terminal shield insulators and tin-plated aluminum connectors to replace three mechanical load lugs. UL listed as used on the load side (OFF) end.EG-Frame Multiwire Connectors Ordering Information (Package of 3) 1Note1For four-pole kit, change “3” at beginning of catalog number to “4.”Catalog NumberControl wire terminal kit 5652B38G01Package of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberInterphase barriersEIPBKPackage of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberDIN rail adapter—single-pole EF1DIN DIN rail adapter—two-pole EGDIN DIN rail adapter—three- or four-poleEF34DINNumber of Poles Catalog Number 3EFTS3K 4EFTS4KConductor Opening Diameter Inches (mm) Catalog Number 6.35 (0.25)EEC3K 10.41 (0.41)EEC4KMaximum Amperes Wires per Terminal Wire SizeRange AWG Cu Kit Catalog Number 125314–23TA125E3K 125614–63TA125E6Ke s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-26Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2AccessoriesAllowable Accessory CombinationsDifferent combinations of accessories can be supplied, depending on the types of accessories and the number of poles in the circuit breaker.EG-Frame AccessoriesLegend■ Applicable in indicated pole position❏ May be mounted on left or right pole—not both ● Accessory available/modification availableReference PageSingle-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole DescriptionCenterLeftRightLeftCenterRightLeftCenterRightNeutralInternal Accessories(Only one internal accessory per pole)Alarm lockout (Make/Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Alarm lockout (2Make/2Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (1A, 1B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (2A, 2B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch and alarm switch combination V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Shunt trip—standardV4-T2-104———■——■———Undervoltage release mechanism V4-T2-105———■——■———External Accessories End cap kitV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Control wire terminal kit V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Multiwire connectors V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Base mounting hardware V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal shields V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal end covers V4-T2-25———●●●————Interphase barriersV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Non-padlockable handle block V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Snap-on padlockable handle lock hasp V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Padlockable handle lock haspV4-T2-102——■❏—❏❏—❏—Walking beam interlock—requires two breakers V4-T2-102———●●●●●●●Plug-in adapters V4-T2-102—●●●●●●●●●Electrical operator V4-T2-102———●●●————Handle mechanismsV4-T2-407———●●●————Modifications (Refer to Eaton)Moisture fungus treatment V4-T2-100●●●●●●●●●●Freeze-tested circuit breakers—●●●●●●●●●●Marine/naval application, UL 489 Supplement SA and SB—●●●●●●●●●●C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wVolume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April V4-T2-272Technical Data and SpecificationsUL 489/IEC 60947-2 Interrupting Capacity (Symmetrical Amperes) (kA) RatingsDimensions and WeightsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)EG-FrameEG-FrameApproximate Shipping Weight in Lbs (kg)EG-FrameNotes1DC ratings apply to substantially non-inductive circuits.2IEC only.3Two-pole circuit breaker, or two poles of three-pole circuit breaker.4Time constant is 3 milliseconds minimum at 10 kA and 8 milliseconds minimum at 42 kA.5Current limiting per UL 489.Circuit Breaker Type Number of Poles Volts AC (50/60 Hz)Volts DC 1120220–240277347380–415480600Y/ 347690 2125250 34I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs EGB125135252518———————1010——2, 3, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE1252, 3, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS125110085433522——————3535——2, 3, 4—8543——40303522————3535EGH1251200100506530——————4242——2, 3, 4—10050——70356525————4242EGC125 53, 4—200200——10010010035————4242EGB160 23, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE160 23, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS160 23, 4—8543——40303522————3535Number of Poles Width Height Depth 1 1.00 (25.4) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)2 2.00 (50.8) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)3 3.00 (76.2) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)44.00 (101.6)5.50 (139.7)2.99 (75.9)Breaker Type Number of Poles 1234Breaker Type Number of Poles 34EGB125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGB160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGC125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1603.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)EGH125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1251.5 (0.68)2.0 (0.91)3.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)Front View Three-PoleFront Cover CutoutSide View(33.0)C LC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-28Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2EG-Frame With Earth Leakage ModuleEG-Frame With Current Limiter ModuleC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w。



国际贸易壁垒的英语作文In the globalized economy, international trade plays apivotal role in the growth and development of nations. However, trade barriers often impede the free flow of goods and services across borders. This essay will explore the various types of trade barriers, their impacts on the global market, and propose potential solutions to mitigate their effects.Types of International Trade Barriers1. Tariffs: These are taxes imposed on goods as they cross international borders. Tariffs can protect domesticindustries but also lead to higher prices for consumers and retaliatory measures from trading partners.2. Quotas: Quantitative restrictions that limit the number or value of goods that can be imported during a certain period. Quotas can protect domestic jobs but also lead to inefficiencies and lost opportunities for consumers.3. Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs): These include regulations, standards, and procedures that can indirectly restrict trade. Examples include sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade, and licensing requirements.4. Subsidies: Financial support given by governments to domestic producers can distort trade by making their productsartificially competitive in the global market.Impacts of Trade BarriersTrade barriers can have several negative impacts on the global economy:1. Reduced Market Access: They limit the ability of businesses to sell their products in foreign markets, which can hinder economic growth and job creation.2. Increased Prices: Tariffs and quotas can lead to higher prices for consumers, reducing their purchasing power and potentially leading to inflation.3. Trade Wars: Retaliatory measures can escalate into trade wars, where countries impose tit-for-tat tariffs, damaging economies on both sides.4. Stifled Innovation: Without competition, domestic industries may become complacent and less motivated to innovate and improve their products and services.Solutions to Trade BarriersTo address these challenges, several strategies can be employed:1. Negotiations and Agreements: Countries can engage in trade negotiations to reduce tariffs and quotas, as seen in various trade agreements like the World Trade Organization (WTO) andregional trade pacts.2. Harmonization of Standards: International cooperation to harmonize standards and regulations can reduce the need for NTBs and facilitate trade.3. Transparency and Fairness: Ensuring that trade practices are transparent and fair can help prevent the misuse of subsidies and other protectionist measures.4. Capacity Building: Strengthening domestic industries through capacity building can make them more competitive without resorting to protectionist measures.In conclusion, while international trade barriers are often erected with the intention of protecting domestic economies, they can have far-reaching negative consequences. Through international cooperation, policy reform, and a commitment to fair trade practices, it is possible to reduce the reliance on trade barriers and foster a more open and equitable global trading system.。

chapter 15(外汇市场)

chapter 15(外汇市场)

Investors and borrowers in the international money markets and capital markets
FX dealers and brokers
• FX dealers
– Are financial institutions, typically commercial banks and investment banks, that quote two-way (i.e. buy and sell) prices and act as principals in the FX market – Usually licensed or authorised by the central banks of the countries in which they operate
• FX brokers
– Transact almost exclusively with FX dealers; they obtain the best prices in global FX markets matching FX dealers’ buy and sell orders for a fee
15.2 FX Market Participants (cont.)
• FX market participants can be classified as:
– – – – FX dealers and brokers central banks firms conducting international trade transactions investors and borrowers in the international money markets and capital markets – foreign currency speculators – arbitrageurs



Contact:Mark Loyd JonesXtera Communications, Inc. USATel: +1 214 436 3241Email: mark.jones@Contact:Jürgen RahnAlcatel Lucent Germany Germany Tel: +49 911 526 2776Email: juergen.rahn@Contact:Bert Klaps Altera NTCTel: +32 473 95 77 68 Email: bklaps@INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNIONSTUDY GROUP 15TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTORSTUDY PERIOD 2013-2016TD 191 (PLEN/15)English only Original: EnglishQuestion(s): 11/1524 March - 4 April 2014TDSource: Rapporteur Q11/15, Editor G.798Title:Draft Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.798 (2012) (for Consent, 4 April 2014)Abstract: This draft amendment is a combination of TD83/3 from the July 2013 SG15 meeting, a draft amendment prepared and posted to the IFA in June 2013 by the G.798 Editor (filename DRAFT_Am_G.798), and the additional changes listed below (based on contributions and discussion at the October 2013 Q11/15 interim meeting in Nuremberg, German):- corrections to the Payload Type for SBCON/ESCON clients and the frequency tolerance of ODUflex signals [1]- addition of CM-XGPON and the Payload Types for clients bit-synchronously mapped into ODUflex to the ODUkP to CBRx adaptation functions [2]- addition of ODU2eP to FC-1200 adaptation functions and extending of Annex A with Fibre Channel clients [3]- correction of FC-100 and FC-200 replacement signals (align with G.709)DRAFT Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.798 (2012) Characteristics of optical transport network hierarchy equipment functionalblocks: Amendment 1SummaryThis amendment contains material to G.798 (02/2012) to complete the management interfaces of the optical modulation and wavelength multiplexing processes for support of WDM interfaces, to add a note to see the HAO capable ODUk to MPLS-TP adaptation function in G.8121, to add adaptation of multilane 40 Gigabit/s SDH signals with parallel interfaces (STL256.4) for mapping into LO OPU3, to add CM-XGPON and the Payload Types for clients bit-synchronously mapped into ODUflex to the ODUkP to CBRx adaptation functions, to add the ODU2eP to FC-1200 signal adaptation functions, to add Fibre Channel clients to Annex A, and to correct the Payload Type for SBCON/ESCON clients and the frequency tolerance of ODUflex signals.1ScopeThis amendment 1 contains modified text to be added to complete G.798, by adding missing MI with respect to OCH optical interface application code and frequency / Wavelength support of the wavelength assignment process for support of WDM interfaces and by completing content on ODUflex mapped signals, fibre channel client interfaces, and STM256 multilane interfaces.2 Updates8.11.1 Optical modulation and wavelength multiplexing processesUpdate clause 8.11.1 with the additional text:8.11.1 Optical modulation and wavelength multiplexing processesThe processes listed below are mandatory when they are listed in atomic functions. Specific parameters of these processes depend on the interface type. Refer to [ITU-T G.959.1], [G.694.2], [G.696.1], [G.695], [G.698.1], [G.698.2] and [ITU-T G.694.1] for the currently standardized OTN interfaces and central frequencies. The parameters are managed, if applicable, by theMI_nominalCentralFrequencyOrWavelength, MI_selectedApplicationIdentifier,MI_nominalCentralFrequencyOrWavelength and MI_supportableApplicationIdentifierList management interfaces.Optical carrier modulation (Mod):This process performs modulation of an optical carrier with the payload signal (PLD) by means of a defined modulation scheme. The modulation scheme and optical parameters (e.g., operating wavelength) depend on the specific interface type. This process is used for the generation of a non-coloured optical signal.Optical carrier modulation and wavelength assignment (Mod/WA):This process performs modulation of an optical carrier of a specific wavelength with the payload (PLD) signal by means of a defined modulation scheme. The modulation scheme and optical parameters for the individual channels (e.g., central frequency) depend on the specific interface type. This process is used for the generation of a coloured optical signal.Optical carrier demodulation (DMod): This process demodulates the payload signal (PLD) from the optical carrier. The modulation scheme depends on the specific interface type. This process is used for the termination of coloured and non-coloured optical signal.Optical multiplexing (OM): This process performs optical channel multiplexing to form an optical multiplex signal.Optical demultiplexing and wavelength selection (ODM/WS): This process performs the optical channel demultiplexing and provides access to the individual wavelength signals. The physical parameters (e.g., channel spacing) depend on the specific interface type.12.2.1 to of the OCh and OChr trail termination functions Update the text in clauses 12.12.1 through as follows: 12.2.1 OCh trail termination function (OCh_TT)The OCh_TT functions are responsible for the end-to-end supervision of the OCh trail. They provide full functionality based on the non-associated overhead information. Figure 12-7 shows thecombination of the unidirectional sink and source functions to form a bidirectional function.G.798(10)_F12-7Figure 12-7 – OCh_TT12.2.1.1 OCh trail termination source function (OCh _TT_So)The OCh_TT_So function conditions the data for transmission over the optical medium and presents it at the OCh_TCP. The information flow and processing of the OCh_TT_So function is defined with reference to Figures 12-8 and 12-9. SymbolFigure 12-8 – OCh_TT_So functionG.798(10)_F12-8InterfacesTable 12-2 – OCh_TT_So inputs and outputsProcessesThe processes associated with the OCh_TT_So function are as depicted in Figure 12-9.Payload generation: The function shall generate the OCh payload signal (baseband signal). The physical specifications of the signal are outside the scope of this Recommendation.Optical carrier modulation and wavelength assignment (Mod/WA): See clause 8.11.1. Optical signal pre-conditioning: Pre-conditioning of the single wavelength optical signal might be required. The specific conditioning processes depend on the OTM-n interface type and are outside the scope of this Recommendation. The processes OA, DAc, DAa and PMDC, as defined in clause 8.11.2, are possible.Figure 12-9 – OCh_TT_So processesDefects : None.Consequent actions : None. Defect correlations : None. Performance monitoring : None. OCh trail termination sink function (OCh_TT_Sk)The OCh_TT_Sk function recovers the OCh payload signal and reports the state of the OCh trail. It extracts the OCh overhead – including the FDI-P, FDI-O and OCI signals – from the OCh signal at its OCh_TCP, detects for LOS, OCI, FDI-P and FDI-O defects.AI_DOCh_AP OCh_TCPOCh_TT_So_MPSymbolG.798(10)_F12-10OCh_APOCh_TT_Sk_MPFigure 12-10 – OCh_TT_Sk functionInterfacesTable 12-3 – OCh_TT_Sk inputs and outputsProcessesThe processes associated with the OCh_TT_Sk function are as depicted in Figure 12-11. Optical carrier demodulation (DMod): See clause 8.11.1.Optical signal post-conditioning : Post-conditioning of the single wavelength signal might be required. The specific conditioning processes depend on the OTM-nr/OTM-0 interface type (see [ITU-T G.959.1]). and are outside the scope of this Recommendation. The processes OA, DAc, DAa and PMDC, as defined in clause 8.11.2, are possible.Payload recovery : This function shall recover the OCh payload signal. The physical specifications of the signal are outside the scope of this Recommendation.FDI-P : The FDI-P information (OCh-FDI-P) shall be extracted from the OCh overhead of the OOS. It shall be used for FDI-P defect detection. The specific implementation for extracting FDI-P from the OOS and detecting its value is outside the scope of this Recommendation.FDI-O : The FDI-O information (OCh-FDI-O) shall be extracted from the OCh overhead of the OOS. It shall be used for FDI-O defect detection. The specific implementation for extracting FDI-O from the OOS and detecting its value is outside the scope of this Recommendation.OCI : The OCI information (OCh-OCI) shall be extracted from the OCh overhead of the OOS. It shall be used for OCI defect detection. The specific implementation for extracting OCI from the OOS and detecting its value is outside the scope of this Recommendation.Figure 12-11 – OCh_TT_Sk processesC I _P L DC I _O HC I _S S F -OC I _S S F -PA I _T S F -P A I _T S F -O A I _DMI_cLOS-P MI_cSSF-P MI_cSSF-O MI_cOCIOCh_APOCh_TCPO C h _T T _S k _M PMI_cSSF MI_supportableApplicationIdentifierListDefectsThe function shall detect for dLOS-P, dFDI-P, dFDI-O and dOCI.NOTE – Detection of additional OOS-related defects might be required (see clause 6.2.8). This depends on the specific OOS format and is outside the scope of this Recommendation.dLOS-P: See clause See clause See clause See clause; dOCI shall be set to false during CI_SSF-O and dFDI-O. Consequent actionsThe function shall perform the following consequent actions:aTSF-P ←CI_SSF-P or dLOS-P or dOCI or dFDI-PaTSF-O ←CI_SSF-O or dFDI-ODefect correlationsThe function shall perform the following defect correlations to determine the most probable fault cause. This fault cause shall be reported to the EMF.cLOS-P ←dLOS-P and (not dOCI) and (not FDI-P) and (not CI_SSF-P)cOCI ←dOCI and (not CI_SSF-P) and (not CI_SSF-O) and (not FDI-O) and (not FDI-P) cSSF ←(CI_SSF-P or dFDI-P) and (CI_SSF-O or dFDI-O)cSSF-P ←(CI_SSF-P or dFDI-P) and (not cSSF)cSSF-O ←(CI_SSF-O or dFDI-O) and (not cSSF)Performance monitoringFor further study.12.2.2 OChr trail termination function (OChr_TT)The OChr_TT functions are responsible for the end-to-end supervision of the OChr trail. They provide only reduced functionality as no non-associated overhead information is available. Figure 12-12 shows the combination of the unidirectional sink and source functions to form a bidirectional function.G.798(10)_F12-12Figure 12-12 – OChr_TT12.2.2.1 OChr trail termination source function (OChr _TT_So)The OChr_TT_So function conditions the data for transmission over the optical medium and presents it at the OChr_TCP.The information flow and processing of the OChr_TT_So function is defined with reference to Figures 12-13 and 12-14.SymbolG.798(10)_F12-13Figure 12-13 – OChr_TT_So functionInterfacesTable 12-4 – OChr_TT_So inputs and outputsProcessesThe processes associated with the OChr_TT_So function are as depicted in Figure 12-14. Payload generation: The function shall generate the OChr payload signal (baseband signal). The physical specifications of the signal are defined in [ITU-T G.959.1].Optical carrier modulation (Mod): See clause 8.11.1. For the parameters, see [ITU-T G.959.1]. Optical signal pre-conditioning: Pre-conditioning of the single wavelength optical signal might be required. The specific conditioning processes depend on the OTM-0 interface type (see [ITU-T G.959.1]). The processes OA, DAc, DAa and PMDC, as defined in clause 8.11.2, are possible.Figure 12-14 – OChr_TT_So processesDefects : None.Consequent actions : None. Defect correlations : None. Performance monitoring : None. OChr trail termination sink function (OChr_TT_Sk)The OChr_TT_Sk function recovers the OCh payload signal and reports the state of the OChr trail. It detects for LOS of the payload signal.The information flow and processing of the OChr_TT_Sk function is defined with reference to Figures 12-15 and 12-16.OCh_AP CI_PLD OChr_TCPOChr_TT_So_MPSymbolOCh_APG.798(10)_F12-15Figure 12-15 – OChr_TT_Sk functionInterfacesTable 12-5 – OChr_TT_Sk inputs and outputsProcessesThe processes associated with the OChr_TT_Sk function are as depicted in Figure 12-16. Payload recovery: This function shall recover the OChr payload signal. The physical characteristics of the signal are defined in [ITU-T G.959.1].Optical signal post-conditioning:Post-conditioning of the single wavelength signal might be required. The specific conditioning processes depend on the OTM-0 interface type (see [ITU-T G.959.1]). The processes OA, DAc, DAa and PMDC, as defined in clause 8.11.2, are possible.Optical carrier demodulation (DMod): See clause 8.11.1. For the parameters, see [ITU-T G.959.1].Figure 12-16 – OChr_TT_Sk processesDefectsThe function shall detect for dLOS-P.dLOS-P: See clause actionsThe function shall perform the following consequent actions:aTSF-P CI_SSF-P or dLOS-PDefect correlationsThe function shall perform the following defect correlations to determine the most probable fault cause:cLOS ←dLOS and (not CI_SSF-P)cSSF-P ←CI_SSF-PPerformance monitoringFor further study.14.1.1 ODUk connection function (ODU_C)Delete table 14-2 and replace references to Table 14-2 with references to Table 7-2 of [ITU-TG.709].Open connection indication (OCI): If an output of the connection function is not connected to an input, an ODU-OCI signal as defined in clause 16.5 of [ITU-T G.709] is generated for this output. The clock of the OCI signal has to be within the minimum and maximum clock frequencies specified for the ODU signals that are given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709]. The jitter and wander requirements as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock) apply. CI_SSF is false. CI_RP is is to be set to the default value “0” and CI_TSCC is to be set to the default value “0”for indicating no resize operation active.Alarm indication signal (AIS): If in a protection switch operation as defined in [ITU-T G.873.1] or [ITU-T G.873.1] Extra traffic is preemped and to be squelched or ODU Squeching to prevent misconnection is to be executed , an ODU-AIS signal as defined in clause 16.5 of [ITU-T G.709] is generated for this output. The clock of the AIS signal has to be within the minimum and maximum clock frequencies specified for the ODU signals that are given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709]. The jitter and wander requirements as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock) apply. CI_SSF is true. CI_RP is to be set to the default value “0” and CI_TSCC is to be set to the default value “0”for indicating no resize operation active. Subnetwork connection protection processReplace references to Table 14-2 with references to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].A permanent bridge, as defined in [ITU-T G.808.1], shall be used for the 1+1 protection. A broadcast bridge, as defined in [ITU-T G.808.1], shall be used for the 1:N protection. It permanently connects the normal traffic signal to the working transport entity. In case no normal or extra traffic signal is connected to the protection transport entity, an ODUk-OCI signal, as defined in clause 16.5 of [ITU-T G.709], is generated for the protection transport entity. The clock of the OCI signal has to be within the minimum and maximum frequencies of the specified ODU signal in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709]. The jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply. CI_SSF is false. In the case that the extra traffic signal of a 1:N protection configuration carried by the protection entity is pre-empted by a protection switch, an ODU-AIS signal is to be connected to the extra traffic ODU_CP output. The clock of the ODU-AIS signal has to be within the minimum and maximum frequencies of the specified ODU signal in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709]. The jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply.14.3.1 ODUkP to CBRx adaptation function using AMP and BMP (ODUkP/CBRx_A) Modify Table 14-5B as follows:Table 14-5B – Defined values for x for asynchronous mapping14.3.1.2 ODUkP to CBRx bit synchronous mapping adaptation source function(ODUkP/CBRx-b_A_So)Extend the inserted PT to include bit synchronous CBRx mapping into ODUflex as follows: •PT:The function shall insert the appropriate payload type code into the PT byte position of the PSI overhead as defined in clause of [ITU-T G.709]. ODUkP to CBRx adaptation sink function (ODUkP/CBRx_A_Sk)Extend the expected PT to include bit synchronous CBRx mapping into ODUflex as follows:DefectsThe function shall detect for dPLM and dCSF defects.dPLM: See clause The expected payload type values are defined in clause of [ITU-T G.709]; "0000 0010" is used for asynchronous CBRx mapping, other applicable values are used for bit synchronous CBRx mapping.–dCSF: See clause ODUkP to NULL adaptation source function (ODUkP/NULL_A_So)Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Clock and (multi)frame start signal generation: The function shall generate a local ODUk clock (ODUkP_AI_CK) with a clock frequency within the minimum to maximum values of the specified ODU signal as given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] and provisioned by theMI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. The jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply. ODUkP to PRBS adaptation source function (ODUkP/PRBS_A_So)Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Clock and (multi)frame start signal generation: The function shall generate a local ODUk clock with a clock frequency within the minimum to maximum values of the specified ODU signal as given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] provisioned by the MI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. The jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-TG.8251] (ODCa clock), apply.14.3.7 ODU0P to cli ent adaptation function (ODU0P/CBRx_A) (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.25G)Correct the header for the Payload Type column and correct the Payload Type for SBCON/ESCON in Table 14-20.Table 14-20 – Defined values for x for ODU0 clients14.3.7.2 ODU0P to CBRx adaptation sink function (ODU0P/CBRx_A_Sk) (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.25G) Correct the header for the Payload Type column, the Payload Type for SBCON/ESCON and the FC-100 replacement signal in Table 14-22.Table 14-22 – Defined replacement signals and jitter specificationreferences for ODU0 clients14.3.8.1 ODUkP to CBRx adaptation source function using GMP (ODUkP/CBRx-g_A_So) Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Clock and (multi)frame start signal generation: The function shall generate a local ODUk clock (ODUkP_AI_CK) as given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] from a free-running oscillator. The clock parameters, including jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply. ODUkP to CBRx adaptation sink function using GMP (ODUkP/CBRx-g_A_Sk) Correct the FC-200 replacement signal in Table 14-26.Table 14-26 – Defined replacement signals for ODUk clients14.3.10.1 ODUkP to ODUj payload type 21 adaptation source function(ODUkP/ODUj-21_A_So)Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Buffer size: In the presence of jitter as specified by [ITU-T G.8251] and a frequency within the range specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709], this mapping process shall not introduce any errors. The maximum buffer hysteresis, and therefore the maximum phase error introduced, shall be as listed in Table 14- ODUkP to ODUj payload type 21 adaptation sink function(ODUkP/ODUj-21_A_Sk)Replace the references to Table 14-2 with references to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Buffer size: In the presence of jitter as specified by [ITU-T G.8251] and a frequency within the tolerance range specified for the ODUj signal in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709], this justification process shall not introduce any errors.…ODUj-LCK, ODUj-AIS: The function shall generate the ODUj-LCK and ODUj-AIS signals as defined in [ITU-T G.709]. The clock, frame start and multiframes start shall be independent from the incoming clock. The clock has to be within the ODUj frequency tolerance range as specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] provisioned by the MI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. Jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply.…On declaration of aAIS, the function shall output an all-ONEs pattern/signal within 2 frames. On clearing of aAIS, the all-ONEs pattern/signal shall be removed within 2 frames, with normal data being output. The AIS clock, frame start and multiframe start shall be independent from the incoming clock, frame start and multiframe start. The clock has to be within the ODUj frequency tolerance range as specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] provisioned by the MI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. Jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply. HAO capable ODUk to ETH adaptation source function (ODUkP-h/ETH_A_So) Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Adjustable Clock and (Multi)Frame Start signal generation:The function shall generate a local ODUk clock (ODUkP_AI_CK) with a clock rate within the minimum to maximum clock rate of the specified ODU ODUflex signal as given in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709]. The jitter and wander requirements as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock) apply. HAO capable ODUkP to ODUj payload type 21 adaptation source function (ODUkP-h/ODUj_A_So)Replace the reference to Table 14-2 with a reference to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Buffer size:In the presence of jitter as specified by [ITU-T G.8251] and a frequency within the range specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709], this mapping process shall not introduce any errors. The maximum buffer hysteresis, and therefore the maximum phase error introduced, shall be as listed in Table 14-34hao. HAO capable ODUkP to ODUj payload type 21 adaptation sink function (HAO capable ODUkP-h/ODUj-21_A_Sk)Replace the references to Table 14-2 with references to Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709].Buffer size:In the presence of jitter as specified by [ITU-T G.8251] and a frequency within the tolerance range specified for the ODUj signal in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709], this justification process shall not introduce any errors.…ODUj-LCK, ODUj-AIS: The function shall generate the ODUj-LCK and ODUj-AIS signals as defined in [ITU-T G.709]. The clock, frame start and multiframes start shall be independent from the incoming clock. The clock has to be within the ODUj frequency tolerance range as specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] provisioned by the MI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. Jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply.…On declaration of aAIS the function shall output an all-ONEs pattern/signal within 2 frames. On clearing of aAIS the all-ONEs pattern/signal shall be removed within 2 frames, with normal data being output. The AIS clock, frame start and multiframe start shall be independent from the incoming clock, frame start and multiframe start. The clock has to be within the ODUj frequency tolerance range as specified in Table 7-2 of [ITU-T G.709] provisioned by the MI_Nominal_Bitrate_and_Tolerance from a free-running oscillator. Jitter and wander requirements, as defined in Annex A of [ITU-T G.8251] (ODCa clock), apply.Annex A, Table A.1Update Table A.1 to include multilane 40 Gigabit/s SDH signals and add Tables for Fibre Channel signals:The parameter x defines the supported bit rate or bit-rate range. The values x = 2G5, 10G and 40G are defined for client signals that comply to the SDH bit rates as defined in Table A.1. The values x = FC-100, FC-200, FC-400, FC-800, FC-1200 and FC-1600 are defined for client signals that comply to the Fibre Channel bit rates as defined in Table A.1A. Support for other bit rates and bit-rate ranges is for further study.Table A.1 – Defined values for x (SDH)Table A.1A – Defined values for x (Fibre Channel)Table A.1B – Jitter standard and replacement signals (Fibre Channel)Note: FC-y is used throughout this clause as shorthand for the defined values for x for Fibre Channel type interfaces.A.2.1 OSx trail termination function (OSx_TT) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G)Update text as follows:A.2.1 OSx trail termination function (OSx_TT) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G, FC-y)The OSx_TT functions are responsible for the end-to-end supervision of the OSx trail. Figure A.2 shows the combination of the unidirectional sink and source functions to form a bidirectional function.NOTE – For the case where an STM-N signal is to be transported as a CBR signal, the OSx_TT functions are equivalent to the OSn_TT or OSMn.m_TT functions specified in [ITU-T G.783].A.2.1.1 OS trail termination source function (OSx_TT_So) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G)Update text as follows:A.2.1.1 OS trail termination source function (OSx_TT_So) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G, FC-y)The information flow and processing of the OSx_TT_So function is defined with reference to Figures A.3 and A.4. The OSx_TT_So generates an optical signal. The physical parameters of the signal depend on the application. For SDH OSn type interfaces, the specifications in [ITU-T G.957] or [ITU-T G.691] apply. For SDH OSM256.4 type interfaces, Recommendation G.783 clause 9.2.3 and the specifications in [ITU-T G.695] apply.A.2.1.2 OSx trail termination sink function (OSx_TT_Sk) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G)Update text as follows:A.2.1.2 OSx trail termination sink function (OSx_TT_Sk) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G, FC-y)The information flow and processing of the OSx_TT_Sk function is defined with reference to Figures A.5 and A.6. The OSx_TT_Sk reports the state of the OSx trail. The OSx_TT_Sk accepts an optical signal. The physical parameters of the signal depend on the application. For SDH OSn type interfaces, the specifications in [ITU-T G.957] or [ITU-T G.691] apply. For SDH OSM256.4 type interfaces, Recommendation G.783 clause 9.2.3 and the specifications in [ITU-T G.695] apply.A.3.1 OSx to CBRx adaptation (OSx/CBRx_A) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G)Update header as follows:A.3.1 OSx to CBRx adaptation (OSx/CBRx_A) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G, FC-y)A.3.1.1 OSx to CBRx adaptation source function (OSx/CBRx_A_So) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G) Update text as follows:A.3.1.1 OSx to CBRx adaptation source function (OSx/CBRx_A_So) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G,FC-y)For SDH OSn type interfaces and Fibre Channel type interfaces,the information flow and processing of the OSx/CBRx_A_So function is defined with reference to Figures A.7 and A.8. NOTE: For SDH OSM256.4 type interfaces, please see A.…For SDH type interfaces, the jitter and wander requirements, as defined in clause of [ITU-T G.783], apply. For Fibre Channel type interfaces, the input clock ranges are defined in Table A.1A and the jitter and wander requirements, as defined in the specifications referenced in Table A.1B, apply.A.3.1.2 OSx to CBRx adaptation sink function (OSx/CBRx_A_Sk) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G) Update text as follows:A.3.1.2OSx to CBRx adaptation sink function (OSx/CBRx_A_Sk) (x = 2G5, 10G, 40G, FC-y)For SDH OSn type interfaces and Fibre Channel type interfaces , the information flow and processing of the OSx/CBRx_A_Sk function is defined with reference to Figures A.9 and A.10. NOTE: For SDH OSM256.4 type interfaces, please see A. …Clock recovery : The function shall recover the clock signal from the incoming data. For SDH type interfaces, the input clock ranges are defined in Table A.1 and the jitter and wander requirements, as defined in clause of [ITU-T G.783], apply. For Fibre Channel type interfaces, the input clock ranges are defined in Table A.1A and the jitter and wander requirements, as defined in the specifications referenced in Table A.1B, apply.To ensure adequate immunity against the presence of consecutive identical digits (CID) in the signal, the function shall comply with the specification in clause 15.1.4 of [ITU-T G.783] for SDH type interfaces.Figure A.10 – OSx/CBRx_A_Sk processesDefects : None. Consequent actionsThe OSx/CBRx_A_Sk function performs the following consequent actions. aSSF ← AI_TSF aAIS←AI_TSFreplacement signal as defined in clause 16.6 of [ITU-T G.709] for SDH type interfaces and in Table A.1B for Fibre Channel type interfaces within X ms. On clearing of aAIS, the replacement signal shall be removed within Y ms, with normal data being output. The values for X and Y are for further study.CBRx_CPCI_D CI_CKCI_SSFOSx_AP。



外贸英语作文Title: Strategies for Effective Communication in International Trade。

In the realm of international trade, effective communication plays a pivotal role in fostering successful business relationships, negotiating deals, and overcoming cultural barriers. Mastering the art of foreign trade English is essential for thriving in the global marketplace. In this essay, we will delve into various strategies for enhancing communication skills in international trade.First and foremost, proficiency in English is imperative. English serves as the lingua franca of international business, facilitating communication among individuals from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Therefore, dedicating time and effort to improve English languageskills through regular practice, reading, and participation in language courses is crucial. Additionally, staying updated with industry-specific terminology and jargonensures clarity and precision in communication.Furthermore, cultural competence is indispensable when engaging in international trade. Cultural differences influence communication styles, etiquettes, and business practices. Thus, possessing awareness and sensitivity towards cultural nuances can mitigate misunderstandings and strengthen rapport with foreign counterparts. Conducting thorough research on the cultural norms, customs, and business protocols of target markets is essential for navigating cross-cultural interactions adeptly.In addition to linguistic and cultural proficiency, effective communication in international trade necessitates strong interpersonal skills. Building trust, rapport, and credibility with overseas partners is paramount for fostering long-term business relationships. Active listening, empathy, and open-mindedness are instrumental in understanding the needs, concerns, and perspectives of international clients and stakeholders. Moreover, demonstrating professionalism, reliability, and integrityin all communications fosters confidence and goodwill amongbusiness associates.In the age of globalization, leveraging technology is indispensable for enhancing communication efficiency in international trade. Utilizing communication tools such as email, video conferencing, and instant messagingfacilitates real-time interaction and collaboration with global partners. Moreover, employing translation and interpretation services can bridge language barriers and facilitate seamless communication across borders. Embracing digital platforms and social media channels also enables businesses to expand their reach, engage with international audiences, and promote their products or services effectively.Another crucial aspect of effective communication in international trade is clarity and brevity. Given the diversity of linguistic backgrounds among stakeholders, conveying messages concisely and articulately is essential for ensuring comprehension and avoiding ambiguity.Utilizing simple language, avoiding complex jargon, and structuring communications logically enhances clarity andfacilitates smoother exchange of information.Moreover, adaptability and flexibility are indispensable qualities for effective communication in international trade. Given the dynamic nature of global markets and the evolving needs of clients, being receptive to change and willing to adjust communication strategies accordingly is crucial for maintaining relevance and competitiveness. Embracing innovative communication tools and techniques and proactively addressing challenges and obstacles demonstrate agility and resilience in the face of adversity.In conclusion, effective communication lies at the heart of successful international trade endeavors. By honing language proficiency, cultural competence, interpersonal skills, leveraging technology, prioritizing clarity and brevity, and demonstrating adaptability, businesses can navigate the complexities of global commerce adeptly and forge enduring partnerships across borders. Ultimately, investing in communication excellence is key tounlocking new opportunities, driving growth, and achieving sustainable success in the global marketplace.。

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CHAPTER 17THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETMain contents of the chapterA foreign exchange transaction is a trade of one national money for another. The exchange rate is the price at which the moneys are traded. The spot exchange rate is the price for immediate exchange of the two currencies. The forward exchange rate is the price agreed now for a currency exchange that will occur sometime in the future. Banks and their traders are at the center of the foreign exchange market. They use computers and telephones to conduct foreign exchange trades with customers (the retail part of the market) and with each other (the interbank part of the market). Spot foreign exchange serves a clearing function, permitting payments to be made between entities who want to hold or use different currencies. The exchange rate is determined by supply and demand, within any constraints imposed by the governmental choice of an exchange rate system or regime. Under a freely flexible or floating exchange rate system,market supply and demand set the equilibrium price (exchange rate) that clears the market. A floating exchange rate changes over time as supply and demand shift over time. Under a fixed exchange rate system (also called a pegged exchange rate system), monetary officials buy and sell a currency so as to keep its exchange rate within an officially stipulated band. When the currency's value lies at the bottom of its official band, officials must buy it by selling other currencies. When the currency's value presses against the top of its official price range, officials must sell it in exchange for other currencies.Objectives of the ChapterThis chapter deals with the nature and organization of the foreign exchange market. At its most basic, the equilibrium exchange rate can be thought of as the price that equates the international supply of and demand for a country’s money. For example, the exchange rate on the British pound (expressed as American dollars per British pound) would be determined by the supply of pounds arising from British purchases of American goods, services, and assets, and by the demand for British pounds arising from American purchases of British goods, services, and assets.You might want to track a few of the major currencies and related commentaries in the daily listings in the financial press.After studying Chapter 17 you should be able to identify1. what an exchange rate is.2. what the reciprocal of the exchange rate means.3. the organization of the modern foreign exchange market.4. the distinction between spot and forward exchange rates.5. determinants of demand and supply for foreign exchange.6. how a system of flexible foreign exchange rates works.7. how a system of fixed foreign exchange rates works.Important ConceptsAppreciation (depreciation): An increase (decrease) in the market price of a currency under afloating exchange rate system.Fixed exchange rate: A rate whose officially declared value is maintained by central bankintervention. (Also referred to as a pegged exchange rate.)Floating exchange rate: A rate whose value is determined purely by the market forces ofsupply and demand, with no direct intervention by central banks.(Also referred to as a flexible exchange rate.)Foreign exchange market: A computerized communications network embracing all the majorfinancial centers in the globe, where sellers and buyers of anynational money can quickly and efficiently carry out any desiredcurrency exchange.Foreign exchange market When a central bank buys or sells foreign exchange in order to intervention:manipulate or peg the exchange rate.(Foreign) exchange rate:The price of one country’s currency expressed in terms of anothercountry’s currency. (Note that, in this text, the exchange rate isexpressed in terms of domestic currency units required to purchaseone unit of a foreign currency.)Foreign exchange swap: A “package trade”in which a spot purchase of a currency isaccompanied by a forward sale of that currency, or a spot sale of acurrency is accompanied by a forward purchase of that currency andpayment. This transaction allows for temporary foreign exchangeneeds and is free of exchange risk.Forward exchange rate: The exchange rate applicable to foreign exchange transactionsagreed upon today for later delivery (usually in 30, 90, or 180 days). Revaluation (devaluation): A revaluation is an official increase in the par value of a currencyunder a fixed exchange rate system; a devaluation is an officialdecrease in the par value.Spot exchange rate: The rate applicable to foreign exchange transactions requiringcontemporaneous delivery and payment.Triangular arbitrage: The process that ensures consistency among the sets of bilateral“cross rates” of the world’s traded currencies. For example, if theBritish pound trades for US$2, and 100 Japanese yen trade for US$1,the exchange rate between the yen and the pound must be 200 yenper pound. Otherwise, there is an opportunity for an arbitrageur tobuy a currency cheaply in one market and sell it for a higher price inanother market.Vehicle currency: A currency used to facilitate an indirect trade between two othercurrencies. The U.S. dollar is often used as a vehicle currency.Warm-up QuestionsTrue or False? Explain.1. T / F An increase in U.S. imports from France will give rise to a supply of euros in exchangefor dollars.2. T / F Central bank intervention is more prevalent under a floating exchange rate system thanunder a pegged exchange rate system.3. T / F If Americans suddenly refuse to lend money to Mexico, we would expect the dollar toappreciate relative to the peso.4. T / F Art appreciation courses have nothing to do with exchange rates.5. T / F If a currency is undervalued in a fixed exchange rate system, officials from that country’scentral bank will have to sell their currency to keep it pegged.Multiple Choice1. Suppose the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (C$) and the American dollar (US$)changes from C$1.340/US$ to C$1.325/US$, but the Canadian government wants to maintain a fixed exchange rate of C$1.340/US$. What should the Bank of Canada do?A. Stop trading with the U.S. so that fewer U.S. dollars will flow into Canada.B. Sell U.S. dollars (buy Canadian dollars).C. Sell Canadian dollars (buy U.S. dollars).D. Purchase British pounds and sell French francs.2. If a dollar equals 400 Mexican pesos in the foreign exchange market, what is the value of onepeso?A. $250B. $0.0025C. $0.04D. $1.25E. None of the above.3. Which of the following statements is false?A. British imports of Florida oranges will create a demand for U.S. dollars.B. If all Americans buy Japanese cars, the dollar will appreciate relative to the yen.C. The American dollar is often used as a vehicle currency.D. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Taiwan all use currencies called “dollars.”4. When American residents buy bonds from Her Majesty’s Treasury in London, in the foreignexchange market this will give rise toA. a demand for American dollars.B. a supply of British pounds.C. a supply of American dollars.D. another Boston Tea Party. 5. The demand curve for a foreign currency slopes downward becauseA. at lower exchange rates, foreign goods look cheaper to home country residents.B. at higher exchange rates, the home currency can buy more foreign goods.C. the quantity supplied of the foreign currency rises as the exchange rate falls.D. marginal utility theory says that individuals substitute into any commodity whose price hasfallen.Problems1. The currency of Leinster is the Leinster lira (Ll); the currency of Saxony is the Saxon scudo (Ss).Consider the following diagram of the foreign exchange market in Saxony:Figure 17.1a. What is the equilibrium price of one Leinster lira in Saxony?b. Can you also determine what the equilibrium price of the Saxon scudo is in Leinster?Ll 20 (billions) E x c h a n g e r a t e r S (S s p e r L l )c. Suppose a doctor in Leinster shows that eating Saxon bread can reduce the level ofcholesterol in one’s blood. What would you expect to happen to the exchange rate between lira and scudos in a floating exchange rate system?d. If the Saxon finance minister wants to peg the exchange rate at the value you determined in(a), what must she do to counteract the impact on the exchange rate of the event described in(c)?2. Suppose that the Saxon scudo appreciates relative to the Leinster lira. Determine whether theeconomic agents listed below would see that appreciation as a good thing or a bad thing.a. A Leinster resident who imports goods priced in scudos.b. A Saxon who exports goods priced in scudos.c. A Leinster resident who exports goods priced in lira.d. A Saxon who has a retirement account denominated in scudos.e. Anyone who expected the lira to depreciate.3. For the most part, the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro is floating. What effectwill each of the following events have on the $/€ exchange rate?a. The French government bans the import of American movies.b. Americans learn that drinking French red wine will prevent heart disease.c. An American mutual fund purchases stock in Renault.d. Parisian perfume makers buy chemicals from a company in New Jersey.e. New York foreign exchange speculators believe the euro is going to depreciate in the nextfew hours.4. Assume that U.S. government officials are trying to keep the exchange rate between the dollarand the euro pegged. For each of the events described in Problem 3, what actions must these officials take to return the exchange rate to its previous level?5. You have been given one million yen to play with. Use the following exchange rates to showhow you can make a riskless profit in terms of yen:1 euro = 70 yen in Munich1 yen = 1 American penny in Tokyo1 American dollar = 3 euro in New York CityDiscussion Topics1. What do you see as the benefits and costs of each country having its own currency?2. What problems would you foresee in a world where some countries have floating exchange rateswhile others try to keep their exchange rates fixed?The answers to Chapter 2True/False1. False: to purchase the imports, we supply dollars in exchange for francs.2. False: intervention is more prevalent under pegged rates.3. True.4. True (unless you are Swiss and are bidding at Sotheby’s!)5. True.Multiple Choice1. C2. B3. B4. C5. AProblems1. a. The equilibrium exchange rate is 100 scudos per lira, or Ss 100/Ll.b. Since this is a nominal “bilateral” exchange rate, just invert it (or yourself) to find that theexchange rate from Leinster’s point of view is 0.01 Ll/Ss.c. You would expect the supply of lira in exchange for scudos to increase, shifting the supply curveto the right and pushing the exchange rate down. So it would take fewer scudos to buy a lira, or a lira would not exchange for as many scudos. This is an appreciation of the scudo and adepreciation of the lira.d. If the minister had wanted to keep the exchange rate at Ss 100/Ll, she would have to satisfy theexcess demand for scudos that would arise when the supply of lira increased. (In fixed exchange rate terminology, the scudo would be undervalued at the old exchange rate of Ss 100/Ll.) Thiswould require the Saxon minister of finance to sell scudos and buy up lira.2. a. Keep in mind throughout this problem that an appreciation of the scudo means it costs more lirato buy one scudo (or that it takes fewer scudo to purchase one lira).Because it will take more lira to buy the scudo, the Saxon goods denominated in scudo will bemore expensive for someone in Leinster to purchase.b. The Saxon goods will now bring in more lira than before. Unfortunately, the increase in the priceof those goods to Leinster residents may mean that fewer Saxon goods are purchased byLeinster’s residents than before.c. The Leinsterian goods will now bring in fewer scudo than before. The upside to this is thatSaxons see Leinster’s goods becomin g cheaper and may purchase more of them.d. If the retiree is a Saxon, the appreciation of the scudo means she can buy more Leinsterian goodsthan before, although it won’t change her ability to purchase domestic goods. If the retiree lives in Leinster, she has protected her ability to purchase imports, and if she cashes the scudo in for lira, she will get many more lira than before.e. If those who expected a depreciation of the lira had sold them all for scudos, the appreciation ofthe scudo (that is, the depreciation of the lira) will turn out to have been a very good thing. Their scudos are now worth many more lira.3 a. Since the supply of euros would fall, we would expect the $/€ exchange rate to rise: the eurowould appreciate and the dollar would depreciate.b. The American demand for euros would rise, so the exchange rate would rise: the euro wouldappreciate and the dollar would depreciate.c. The American demand for euros would rise, so the euro would appreciate and the dollar woulddepreciate.d. The French supply of euros would rise, so the euro would depreciate and the dollar wouldappreciate.e. The American demand for euros will fall as American speculators dump the euro, and theexchange rate would fall, too: the euro would depreciate, in a “self-fulfilling prophecy.”4. a. The U.S. must sell euros and buy dollars to keep the dollar from depreciating.b. As in 4.a., the U.S. must sell euros and buy dollars to keep the dollar from depreciating.c. Once again, the U.S. must sell euros and buy dollars.d. The U.S. must buy euros and sell dollars to keep the dollar from appreciating.e. The U.S. must buy euros and sell dollars to keep the dollar from appreciating.5. The “route to follow” would be Tokyo yen to New York dollars to Munich euros to Tokyo yen.In Tokyo: take the million yen and trade them for dollars, receiving $10,000.In New York: take the $10,000 and trade them for euros, receiving €30,000.In Munich: take the €30,000 and trade them for yen, receiving Y2.1 million.You would end up with a profit of 1.1 million yen for being so observant and taking advantage of triangular arbitrage.。
