
《英语教学法》(1)期末考试试题之一答案和评分标准Part L Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%, two points each1.the teaching of English as a foreign language2.reading, writing, translation3. a functional-notional4.Sociolinguistics5.without any conscious learning6.generative-transformational grammar7.Total Physical Response, Community Language Learning, Suggestopedia& Structural syllabus, Topic syllabus, Functional syllabus, Situational syllabus, Skills syllabus9.the needs assessment or diagnosis, formulation of objectives, selection of content10.knowing a languagemunicative12・ Communicative Language Teaching13.different functions, different characteristics14.students9 communicative competence15.CLT— ommunicative Language TeachingPart II Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. 20%, two points eachl.T 2.T 3.T 4F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. FPart III 50%Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class; think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it. [The original text is provided for the reference of markers]Sustainable development: China's choice for the 21" centuryWhat will the earth look like in the 21" century?As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth\ environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decrecised forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farm kind become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space・In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term 'sustainable development,in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council・The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new tenn and passed the framework document called "'Agenda 2T\ The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy. It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance・It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government, vowedChina would seriously fulfill its internationid obligations・ Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China's Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world's largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATAThe Key Points of Agenda 21 of ChinaFollowing are the main points of the Agenda・Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies. This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development. It includes setting up China's system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an infomiation system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development. This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief. The key aspects are to control China's population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development. This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy; sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications; and sustainable energy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection. This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources; the protection of bio-diversity; the prevention and control of desertification; the protection of the atmosphere; and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activities (10%)five points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design”,2.5 points for each partThe following are possible pre-reading activities for the reference of markers. Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices. These two parts should be done in good English.•Examine the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)•Reflect on the title or the topic•State what they already know about the topic•State what they would like to know about the topic•Write their own questions that they want the text to answer•Answer the teacher^ general questions about the text type or topic (oral or written) •Brainstonn the topic in groups or whole class•Guess the topic by looking at key words from the textWhile-reading Activities (30%)ten points for each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and u reasonsfor your design”,five points for each partThe following are possible while-reading activities for the reference of markers・ Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices・ These two parts should be done in good English・•Skim reading to get the gist (main idea of the text•Locating specific infonnation•Transferring infonnation from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture •Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text•Drawing a diagram to show the text structure•Answering factual questions on the text•Answering inferring questions on the text (reading between the line)•Putting the events in correct order•Stating if statements given about the text are true or false•Working out the meaning of words or phrases in the text from the context•Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to•Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order•Giving sections of a text appropriate headings•Giving the text an appropriate titlePost-reading activities (10%)five points each activity, which are further divided between “specific steps” and “reasons for your design^, 2.5 points for each partThe following are possible post-reading activities for the reference of markers・ Students need to elaborate the activity as well as give reasonable explanation for their choices・ These two parts should be done in good English・•Oral discussion of the topic of the text•Role-play a different situation from the text but using the same characters, or role-play the same situation as in the text but using the different characters•Writing a summary of the main content of the text•Comment on the content of the text•Retelling the story of the text•Finishing the story (orally or ion writing), that means either predicting an ending or changing the ending to one of your own choice•Listening to or reading some supplementary materials.。

福建师范大学智慧树知到“英语”《英语教学法》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.对于不读书、上课不听课乃至离家出走的学生,你的看法和对策是:()A.这类学生受到家庭和社会的影响,已经“定型”,只要不出大事,能维持到毕业就行了B.老师费尽心机做工作,好不到几天又故态复萌,这些学生最好回家或转走C.这些学生因为学习差,染上了不良习惯,父母不爱,同学不喜欢,老师要多爱他们,理解他们的难处,坚持关心、帮助他们D.联系家长对他们每天的生活言行严加管束2.The winner in the general election is almost certain to be _____ the Republican or the Democratic nominee.A.bothB.eitherC.neitherD.not only3.提倡研究性学习就是要改变传统的接受性学习的学习方式。
()A.错误B.正确6.I was impressed _______ the efficiency of the work done in the company.A.inB.aboutC.withD.for7.根据阅读的技巧,阅读有跳读、略读和细读之分。
()A.错误B.正确8.Don’t call me at the office ________ it’s absolutely necessary.A.exceptB.unlessC.sinceD.if9.英语测试不再只是对英语知识记忆的考查,而更多的是对运用能力的测试,包括策略运用的考查。

福师英语教学法在线作业(一)<英语教学法> 在线作业(一)</英语教学法>14-05-02 00:00:00 ~14-08-26 23:59:59一、判断题(共27 道试题,共54 分。
)V1. 课堂的教学评价关注的是教师的行为表现,注重的是教师在语言、板书、情感、教学思路、教学设计等的行为表现,课堂教学是以“教”为主,“学”应当为“教”服务。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分2. 中学英语教学法是一门综合性的应用科学和实践性很强的学科。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分3. 学习策略中学习者因素包括:年龄因素、性别因素、外语水平、学习者观念和情感因素。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分4. 正如不能用一次考试的成绩完全说明学生的学习效果一样,也不应该只听一节课就给教师的教学能力下定论。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分5. 所有能有效的促进学生发展的学习,就一定是自主学习。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分6. 英语教学是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分7. 自下而上的阅读模式认为读者应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义,用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分8. 对学生应该积极引导,提高学习兴趣。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分9. 学习策略是学生理解、学习新材料和运用语言时的思维和行为。
A. 错误B. 正确A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分满分:2 分11. 既然提倡“自主学习”,就应该给学生更多的活动空间,老师就没有必要参与学生的活动。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分12. 及时复习巩固英语词汇是防止或减少遗忘的好方法。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分13. 直接法要求直接用外语思维,强调模仿和感知是外语教学的基础。
福师《英语教学法》在线作业一 2012年春

一、 判断题(共 27 道试题,共 54 分。
) 答案在最后V1. 英语教学只是和外语测试关系密切, 而与应用语言学、语用学和心理语言学没有多大关系 。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分2. 语篇阅读是信息型阅读,它不是阅读单词和单句,而是对语篇整体的把握。
通过阅读把握文章的结构脉络,分析主要信息,归纳主题大意 。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分3. 按照执行任务的方式, 任务可以分为 拼版式任务 、信息差任务、解决问题式任务和做决定式任务A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分4. 所有能有效的促进学生发展的学习,就一定是自主学习。
因此, 在所有的学习领域和学习主题都需要用探究学习的方式来进行 。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分5. 一次测试的信度系数约为0.75, 说明这次测试的信度是不可取的 。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分6. 正如不能用一次考试的成绩 完全说明学生的学习效果一样,也不应该只听一节课就给教师的教学能力下定论。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分7. 语法从描写的对象看,可以分为教学语法、参考语法以及语言学语法。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分8. 元认知策略是对自己的学习活动进行调控管理的策略。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分9. 在西欧,十九世纪末到二十世纪四十年代的外语教学,翻译法占统治地位。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分10. 重视语法教学就必须灌输语法规则,在课堂上教师对语法进行详尽的讲解,学生要花力气记忆,做大量的翻译、填空和改错练习。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分11. 对教师的评价包括教师素质的评价和对教师教学的评价。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分12. 根据阅读的技巧,阅读有跳读、掠读和细读之分。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分13. 中学英语教学法是一门综合性的应用科学和实践性很强的学科。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:2 分14. 在文化教学中应该精讲多练,精讲语言知识和文化知识,训练语言技能和交际文化能力。

《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree 88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examples to rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to students so as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situation Bottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …I1communicative view2communicative view3structural view4functional view5interactional view6cognitive theory7. functional view8. structural view9. behaviorist theory10. behaviorist theory11. cognitive theory12. functional viewII答案空缺IIIIV1-5 a, b, c, d, e6-10 e, d, c, b, aV答案空缺。

《英语教学法》期末考试(A卷)答题纸姓名:专业:学号:学习中心:成绩:注意:全卷请在答题纸上作答,否则不得分!题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案 A C A A D C B C C A二、名词解释(20分)1. 听力的文本驱动模式本模式认为听力就是一个语音解码过程。
理解是从语音、单词、句子到整个讲篇逐步理解的过程2. 归纳法归纳法一般指归纳推理。
自然界和社会中的一般,都存在于个别、特殊之中,并通过个别而存在3. 文化教学英语教育中要注重开展文化教学,引导学生多阅读一些英语名著,全面了解文化差异充分认识到西方文化的魅力,也可以运用多媒体,根据放英语视频、英语电影呈现出生动形象的英语文化,实现渗近文化教学的目的,使学生深入理解英语文化的含义,明确英语知识的文化背景,扩展学生文化知识面,从而逐步提高学生的文化素养。
4. 图式理论所谓图式理论,是指围绕某一个主题组织起来的知识的表征和贮存方式为基础的理论三、简答题(20分)1. 中小学英语教学内容必须具备哪些特征?1 教学要贴近生活1.1 教学内容要贴近小学生的日常生活,学生才能将所学的内容应用到他们所熟悉的生活中去。
例如:在学习Farm Animals这一单元时,课前我先让学生回家仔细观察并模仿家中动物的叫声,然后在课堂上让他们充分施展自己的表演才能,再让其他同学参与到“guessing game”的游戏当中,猜出What animal is it ?在学习Fruit这一单元时,我利用各种水果,进行实物教学。
对于当时无法找到的水果,就用图片代替;在学习cat、dog时可使用绕口令“a cat ,a cat , miao ,miao, miao。

英语教学法在线作业1-0003Of task syllabus , ______serve as the basis for organization , sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of notionsA:aimsB:structuresC:functionsD:tasks正确选项:D______ is to study words systematically. This is often done in teaching in a way that the teacher present vocabulary, students understand and do exercises to consolidate learning.A:Extensive learningB:Vocabulary knowledgeC:Contextual meaningD:Intensive learning正确选项:DA topical syllabus is like a______one, except that the headings are broadly topic based.A:situationalB:functionalC:structuralD:skills正确选项:AA syllabus is a document that contains specific elements aimed to actualize the______of curriculum. The specific elements refer to all the things that are to be taught in the course.A:aimB:planC:conceptD:method正确选项:CIn an/a _____syllable, the vowel letter is usually pronounced with the sound of the letter nameA:openB:stressedC:closedD:less stressed正确选项:AKnowledge can be taken in throughout active thinking and trying. Therefore, a good teacher tries to enable students to do their_____and self-exploration.A:self-restraintB:self-disciplineC:self-discoverD:self-discovery正确选项:D_____is the core of writing.A:speechB:textC:languageD:Idea正确选项:D______ is the ability to manage time and discipline oneself to explore along learning process.A:Studying hardB:Denotative meaningC:Self-managementD:Unplanned teaching正确选项:C____are the major material that teachers and students use throughout the course.A:TextbooksB:RealiaC:Supplementary materialsD:PowerPoint正确选项:A____are designed to measure how much of a language learners have learned with respect to a particular language course or program.A:Proficiency testsB:Achievement testsC:Diagnostic testsD:Placement tests正确选项:BPeople’s attitudes toward reflection keep changing, influencedby____ situations.。

试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、判断题 (共 27 道试题,共 54 分)

A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B2.在学科学习策略的运用上,已有的知识会影响学习策略的选择,也就是说学习者的外语水平不同会导致使用不同的策略。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B3.英语教学的目的只是学好英语基础知识和基本技能,掌握这个工具。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A4.自下而上的阅读模式认为读者应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义,用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A5.英语教学是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B6.具有激智功能、动力功能、调节功能、感染功能和移情功能。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B7.语法从描写的对象看,可以分为教学语法、参考语法以及语言学语法。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A8.语言与文化密不可分,语言有很丰富的文化内涵;英语学习中有许多跨文化交际的因素。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B9.外语教学问题单纯是教学方法的问题,只要找到理想的方法,外语教学的问题就可迎刃而解。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A10.课堂的教学评价关注的是教师的行为表现,注重的是教师在语言、板书、情感、教学思路、教学设计等的行为表现,课堂教学是以“教”为主,“学”应当为“教”服务。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A11.重视语法教学就必须灌输语法规则,在课堂上教师对语法进行详尽的讲解,学生要花力气记忆,做大量的翻译、填空和改错练习。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A12.中学英语教学法是一门综合性的应用科学和实践性很强的学科。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B13.一位老师给学生辅导答疑,一讲再讲,学生说懂了。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A14.教师素质的内容主要有:职业道德、学科知识、文化素养、教学能力、协同共事能力、元认知能力。

A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B2.及时复习巩固英语词汇是防止或减少遗忘的好方法。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B3.影响交际策略的因素是:语言水平、个性、学习环境和任务的难易度。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B4.外语教学问题单纯是教学方法的问题,只要找到理想的方法,外语教学的问题就可迎刃而解。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A5.元认知策略是对自己的学习活动进行调控管理的策略。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B6.课堂教学的分析和评估有助于教师了解自己上课的效果,发现优缺点,总结经验和教训,也有助于教师明确原定课时教案之所以能实现或不能实现的原因。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B7.自下而上的阅读模式认为读者应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义,用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A8.在西欧,十九世纪末到二十世纪四十年代的外语教学,翻译法占统治地位。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A9.英语教学是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B10.外语教学法的各种流派的方法体系都有各自相对的优点和缺点。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: A11.词汇教学维系着语音和语法。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B12.在学科学习策略的运用上,已有的知识会影响学习策略的选择,也就是说学习者的外语水平不同会导致使用不同的策略。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B13.学习策略是学生理解、学习新材料和运用语言时的思维和行为。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B14.对学生应该积极引导,提高学习兴趣。
A.错误B.正确【参考答案】: B15.英语教学只是和外语测试关系密切,而与应用语言学、语用学和心理语言学没有多大关系。

福建师范大学智慧树知到“英语”《英语教学法》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.Daydreaming improves a person’s ability to _____ more readily with new ideas.A.show upB.put up withe upD.take up2.评价学生可以采用以下哪些途径:()A.面谈B.学习周记C.学习档案D.测试E.节目汇演3.His hand shook a little as he ______ the key in the lock.A.squeezedB.insertedC.stuffedD.pierced4.英语教学是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一。
()A.错误B.正确7.What should a required lesson plan look like? _______.A.a copy of explanation of words and structuresB.a timetable for activitiesC.transcribed procedure of classroom instruction8.在E-learning模式中,学生的主体性表现为学习的积极性和主动性;教师的主导性体现为正确引导和启发学生进行学习。
()A.错误B.正确10.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be rather cold sometime.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.would第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:C2.参考答案:ABCD3.参考答案:B4.参考答案:B5.参考答案:B6.参考答案:A7.参考答案:C8.参考答案:B9.参考答案:A10.参考答案:B。


()A.错误B.正确2.What type of learners can benefit most from real object instruction?A.Inpidual learners.B.Tactile learners.C.Auditory learners.D.Visual learners.3.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its _____ considerably.A.distributionB.contributionC.prescriptionD.circulation4.英语教学的目的只是学好英语基础知识和基本技能,掌握这个工具。
()A.错误B.正确8.Don’t call me at the office ________ it’s absolutely n ecessary.A.exceptB.unlessC.sinceD.if9.在接受学习过程中,学习内容是以问题的形式呈现出来的,学生是问题的发现者。
()A.错误B.正确11.Diamonds are the hardest substance ________ in nature.A.findB.foundC.findingD.to find12.After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______.A.hungry and tiredlyB.hungry and tiredC.hungrily and tiredlyD.hungrily and tired13.在E-learning模式中,学生的主体性表现为学习的积极性和主动性;教师的主导性体现为正确引导和启发学生进行学习。

《英语教学法》作业参考答案Part I Basic Ideas in Language Teaching1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.A7.C 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D13.A 14.B 15.D16.A17.A 18.C19.D 20.A 21.C22.D23.C 24.APart II Teaching Activities( 客观试题,每题1分,共10分)25.∨26.∨27.×28.×29.×30.∨31.×32.∨33.×34.×35.∨36.×37.∨38.∨39.∨40.×41.×42.×43.×44.∨45. ×46.×47.×48.∨Part III Teaching Principles49.∨50.∨51.×52.∨53.×54.∨55.∨56.×57.×58.×59.∨60.×61.×62.∨63.×64.∨65.×66.∨67.∨68.∨69.×70.∨71.×72.∨Part IV Teaching of Language and Language Skills73.disagree 74.disagree 75.agree 76.agree 77.agree 78.agree 79.disagree 80.Disagree 81.Agree 82.agree 83.agree 84.Disagree 85.Disagree 86.disagree 87.Agree 88.Agree 89.Agree 90.Agree 91.Agree 92.Disagree 93.Agree 94.Disagree 95.Agree 96.AgreePart V Teaching Planning1.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To have students learn simple present tenseB) To know scientific reportNEW LEXIS: A) seed, dandelion, sycamore, parachute, parachute, burdock, furB) scatter, stick to, twist, throws out, shakes out, drop outGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: by wind, by bird, like, so that..PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of Nature,B) free discussion of natural phenomenon, questionsC) review of present tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of seedsC) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more examples in groupsB) discuss seeds and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to the role of Nature in scattering seeds everywhere Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) write natural phenomenon, papers exchange,B) use present tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about NatureHomework: write something about wind, bird, rain, etc.Reserve activity: analogy of seeds, human beings and seedsVisual aids: flash, slide show2.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) To learn simple past tense, describe past actionsB) To learn the structure of “to do” as objectNEW LEXIS: be annoyed, manage to, make up one’s mind, put an end to, pretend to, out of mouth…GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: to leave someone doing,PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) warm-up, game, picture of seeing a doctorB) free discussion of hospital or clinicC) review of past tense by using daily examplesStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) read aloud, general impression of the storyB) introduction, story of the joke,C) vocabulary, its use in everyday life,Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) write more one’s own experience in hospital in groupsB) discuss doctors and patients and students’ own experiencesC) give cues for students to add more to doctors’ way of prescription in treating patients Stage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) tell class the own story, papers exchange,B) use past tense to report, arguments,C) make dialogues about seeing a doctorHomework: write something about illnessReserve activity: noneVisual aids: flash, slide show, short video‘aims, language contents, stages and procedures’.3.Lesson PlanAIMS: A) Speaking lesson, for teaching chunksB) ask for helpNEW LEXIS: A) few or noneB) names of people and placesGRAMMAR/STRUCTURE: if….; can you… ?PROCEDUREWARM-UP ACTIVITIES (5min)A) Listening to the dialogueB) GamesC) Ask students to say anything as if they have lost somethingStage 1: PRESENTATIOON (10min)A) proper names background knowledgeB) role-play based on the dialogueC) exercise of “can I….can you?”Stage 2: PRACTICE (15min)A) examples of chunks as “thanks a lot”, “not much”, ..B) ellipsisC) informal style in spoken languageStage 3: PRODUCTION (10MIN)A) to design an active to practice the way of asking for help in pairsB) ask them to present their pair workC) explain the function of each chunksHomework: listen moreReserve activityVisual aids: noPart VI Comment and Evaluation1.Prompter: in teaching sometime teachers give students hints to start an activity.Macro planning: the general aims or ideas about the teaching, not in detail. The time may cover as long as a term.Traditional pedagogy: teacher-centered, audio-lingua method, teaching language components Language form: behaviorist view of language emphasizes the importance of language form, instead of language meaning.Role-plays: interaction, meaningful, functional2.Function/notion approach: they regard language as functions and we have some notions to realize these functionsConsistency: in language learning, pronunciation should be smooth and naturalTask-based method: the teaching activities are based on variety of tasksDeductive and inductive method: two opposite ways of grammar teaching. That is, from examples to rules and from rules to examples in detailPrompter: teachers sometime should be a person always giving hints or cues or prompts to studentsso as to help them in learning3.Prompter: teacher who provides the hints or cues for studentsLinguistic competence: contrasted to communicative competenceRole-plays: tasks designed for students to play someone so as to practice real situation Bottom-up and Top-down models: letter to words process and the whole to detail process in learning Behaviorism: key words: pattern drills, reinforcement, S-R, native language, repetition, …。


福建师范大学智慧树知到“英语”《英语教学法》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, an d he has smoked ever since.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.would2.在阅读的过程中如果遇到生词,应该:()A.先查字典B.先猜单词的意思,而后再查字典C.置之不理D.根据实际阅读的文章来处理3.对学生应该积极引导,提高学习兴趣。
()A.错误B.正确4.听力的文本驱动模式(名词解释)5.The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from _______ in the living room.A.thatB.itC.oneD.which6.文化教学(名词解释)7.The central theatre has a seating _____ of more than 3,000 people. A.capabilityB.capacityC.abilityD.facility8.课堂教学的分析和评估有助于教师了解自己上课的效果,发现优缺点,总结经验和教训,也有助于教师明确原定课时教案之所以能实现或不能实现的原因。
()A.错误B.正确10.评价学生可以采用以下哪些途径:()A.面谈B.学习周记C.学习档案D.测试E.节目汇演第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:D2.参考答案:D3.参考答案:B4.参考答案:文本驱动模式常作自下而上听力模式(bottom-up \r\napproach)。

1.重点:能用句型“What’s your hobby?”询问他人的兴趣爱好,用“I like…”“My hobby is…”表达个人的兴趣和爱好。

福师《英语教学法》在线作业一ss1. 重视语法教学就必须灌输语法规则,在课堂上教师对语法进行详尽的讲解,学生要花力气记忆,做大量的翻译、填空和改错练习。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:22. 外语教学问题单纯是教学方法的问题,只要找到理想的方法,外语教学的问题就可迎刃而解。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:23. 日常记录指的是记录学生学习过程或反应的非正式笔记,一般通过直接观察记录下来。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:24. 在西欧,十九世纪末到二十世纪四十年代的外语教学,翻译法占统治地位。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:25. 中学英语教学法是一门综合性的应用科学和实践性很强的学科。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:26. 教师在批改作业时应逐一更正错误,并写出正确的答案。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:27. 教师素质的内容主要有:职业道德、学科知识、文化素养、教学能力、协同共事能力、元认知能力。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:28. 外语教学包含两个层次,一是让学生了解语言知识,二是语言性练习。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:29. 元认知策略是对自己的学习活动进行调控管理的策略。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:210. 当代外语教学法发展的趋势表明,教学法的研究重心正从“怎样学”向“怎样教”转移。
A. 错误正确答案: A 满分:2 分得分:211. 根据阅读的技巧,阅读有跳读、掠读和细读之分。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:212. 直接法要求直接用外语思维,强调模仿和感知是外语教学的基础。
A. 错误B. 正确正确答案: B 满分:2 分得分:213. 既然提倡“自主学习”,就应该给学生更多的活动空间,老师就没有必要参与学生的活动。

东北师范大学英语教学法17秋在线作业1一、单选题1、B2、B3、B4、A5、B一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。
)V 1. The real things or objects that teachers bring into the classroom or make use of students’ things or any suitable objects in the classroom are called______ .A. TextbooksB. RealiaC. Supplementary materialsD. PowerPoint正确答案:B2. Usually the number of _____sounds in the word determines the numbers of syllable.A. constantB. vowelC. voicelessD. voiced正确答案:B3. Language____is defined as ‘a person’s sensitivity to and conscious awareness of the nature of language and its role in human life’ (James and Garrett 1991:4).A. recognitionB. awarenessC. realizationD. study正确答案:B4. Interference errors are also called errors which refer to the use of elements from one language while speaking the other.A. transferB. transferringC. transferenceD. transferred正确答案:A5. In order to accomplish the shared goals, team members should have____qualities.A. cooperateB. cooperativeC. cooperationD. cooperator正确答案:B6. A high-powered software tool, called____, is used for presentation of information in a dynamic slide show format.A. textbookB. realiaC. supplementary materialD. PowerPoint正确答案:D7. Output is the language that a learner in his/her speaking or writing.A. producesB. produceC. product。
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(判断题)1: 及时复习巩固英语词汇是防止或减少遗忘的好方法。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: B
(判断题)2: 在学科学习策略的运用上,已有的知识会影响学习策略的选择,也就是说学习者的外语水平不同会导致使用不同的策略。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: B
(判断题)3: 英语教学的目的只是学好英语基础知识和基本技能,掌握这个工具。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: A
(判断题)4: 自下而上的阅读模式认为读者应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义,用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: A
(判断题)5: 英语教学是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: B
(判断题)6: 具有激智功能、动力功能、调节功能、感染功能和移情功能。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: B
(判断题)7: 语法从描写的对象看,可以分为教学语法、参考语法以及语言学语法。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: A
(判断题)8: 语言与文化密不可分,语言有很丰富的文化内涵;英语学习中有许多跨文化交际的因素。
A: 错误
B: 正确
正确答案: B
(判断题)9: 外语教学问题单纯是教学方法的问题,只要找到理想的方法,外语教学的问题就。