NFS5 PU调车指南




嘿,咱来聊聊 F1 调车规则啊!你知道不,这调车规则就像是一场精彩赛车比赛的秘密武器!比如说,在排位赛的时候,车手们要根据赛道条件和车辆状况去调整车子,就像厨师根据食材和客人口味来调味一样。




总之,F1 调车规则可太重要啦,它是让比赛变得刺激又精彩的关键之



转换机构总成安装调试说明书(左驾驶)目录1、零件名称及图号2、变速箱端安装一、安装E型转换机构组合件二、安装软轴支架组合件三、安装连接杆支架四、调节软轴安装尺寸五、安装软轴准备&软轴安装六、安装连接杆并试调连接杆3、驾驶室端安装一、安装操纵杆&驾驶室固定板二、安装操纵器总成三、安装操纵手柄&防尘罩四、安装软轴1、零件名称及图号连接杆总成DZ95259240305操纵杆DZ96259240322操纵器总成DZ96259240319防尘罩总成选换挡软轴连接杆连接杆支架 软轴支架E型转换机构操纵手柄防尘罩压圈操纵杆防尘罩操纵器总成驾驶室固定板2、变速箱端安装调试程序:工序1:安装E 型转换机构(图1)A、转换机构套入48齿轴径时,根据变速器轴线的垂直方向要逆时针方向旋转6°为最佳。


图1 转换机构的安装工序2:安装软轴支架(图2)软轴支架固定于变速器大盖左后角,由三个M10×40六角螺栓连接。

M10×50螺栓D10 弹簧垫圈M10 螺母安装时逆时针方向旋转6°紧固扭矩不低于60N/mM10×40 螺栓D10 弹簧垫图2 软轴支架的安装工序3:安装连接杆支架(图3)连接杆支架固定于变速器大盖右前角,由二个M10×40六角螺栓连接。

M10×40六角头螺栓D10弹簧垫圈图3 连接杆支架的安装工序4:安装尺寸的调节(图4)调整软轴支架&E 型转换机构的距离,要求达到250±3mm。


移位的方法是:先放松两个M10螺栓,将软轴固定架FK7-07B 移位到正确位置后重新旋紧此两螺栓。

图4 调节安装尺寸工序5:安装软轴准备&软轴安装(图5、6)1、将软轴的定位槽进入软轴固定架FK7-07B 的U 型口内;2、将球节柱上的防尘罩向后卸掉;3、放松球节与推拉杆的M10锁紧螺母;4、球节M10螺栓插入E 型转换机构的安装孔内,并紧固球节与E 型转换机构;5、紧固球节与推拉杆的M10锁紧螺母;6、防尘罩复位。



极品飞车5:保时捷之旅——经验技巧谈 基础部分:介绍如何获得改装车、如何设置键位、如何设置游戏等 进阶:主要介绍调车,FA C T O RY D R I V E R模式等 ⾼级:注重介绍过各种弯道的要点,⼿动档要点等 P o r s c h e U n l e a s h e d经验技巧谈 当⼈们喜欢赛车,当玩家不再满⾜A R C A D E赛车游戏时,它来了。

E A G A M E S打造,NF S(N e e d f o r S p e e d)系列最具真实性的赛车游戏P o r s c h e U n l e a s h e d(以下简称P U)瞬时吸引住⽆数⾎管⾥流淌汽油、热爱赛车、渴望速度的玩家。



基础篇 赛车 P U忠实的记录下德国宝时捷公司的发展历程,从1948年的356R O A D E R S T E R N O.1,到2000年款911G T3C U P⾄今已50余年。


也许⼤家不知道,根据以前的G T⽐赛规则,所有G T赛车必须有相应的辆产型号才能参赛。

举个简单例⼦,⽬前⽐较出名的G T2、G T3,都是以911T U R B O系列为原型的。


在游戏中也是⼀样,往往有⼈抱怨在P U中不能体验到之前⼏代的速度感,⾄于为什么就是普通玩家只⽤到了原⼚车(O r i g i n C a r s)。


想体验速度,体验游戏的精彩,我们当然是要⽤改装后的赛车(M o d ifie d C a r s)。

得到改装车其实也很容易,记得游戏中有个“e v o l u t i o n”模式么?这⾥可以从50年起参加⼀系列赛事,亲⾝给宝时捷的发展做个见证。

2021年Ford Super Duty专业拖车辅助系统快速指南说明书

2021年Ford Super Duty专业拖车辅助系统快速指南说明书

J a n u a r y 2021 • S e c o n d P r i n t i n g This Quick Start Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s Manual, which contains more detailed informationconcerning the features of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers. Please read your entire Owner’s Manual carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate chapters when questions arise. All information contained in this Quick Start Guide was accurate at the time ofduplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Y our Ford dealer is the best source for the most current information. For detailed operating and safety information, please consult your Owner’s Manual.WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, crash and injury. We strongly recommend thatyou use extreme caution when using any device that may take your focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is thesafe operation of your vehicle. We recommend against the use of any hand-held device while driving and encourage the use of voice-operated systems when possible. Make sure you are aware of all applicable local laws that may affect the use of electronic devices while driving. (U.S.) (Canada)CARD/STICKERS (U.S.) (Canada)WHAT IS PRO TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST WITH TRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCE?The Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance utilizes the control knob on your instrument panel, your steeringwheel and a suite of cameras to take the guesswork out of getting your trailer positioned where you want it, quickly and easily, while you're driving in reverse.Turn the knob in the direction you want the trailer to go and the system takes over the steering to get it there. This allows you to focus on monitoring the mirrors and applying the brake and accelerator. Use the cameras and on screen guidance to make even the most difficult maneuvers simple. This guide walks you through the set up process, calibration and operation.Below is some of the added functionality that Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance provides:TRAILER REVERSEGUIDANCE CAMERAPlease read this guide carefully and follow the instructions to place the sticker on your conventional trailer or installa sensor on your 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer correctly. Doing so will allow you to complete the one-time trailer setup process.STRAIGHTAUTO SPLIT- HITCH ANGLE STEER TRAILER Setup required.If you want to use your steering wheel:A steering wheel projected to go.See page 21 for operation.Allows you to easily want the trailer to go.See page 17for operation.Control knob5-way controlsCenter displayInformation displayABCD12SET UP YOUR SYSTEMFEATURE SETUPPress the center button on the KNOB located to the right of the steering wheel to begin setting up the system.Use the arrows on the steering wheel control to select Add Trailer and press OK to confirm.You can also set up the system byusing the INFORMATION DISPLAY . Use the five-way controls on your steering wheel to access your information display menus. Navigate to the Towing menu. Selec t Trailer Setup from the availableoptions. Select Add Trailer and press OKto confirm.Select the brake effort for your trailer. The default value is Low and is the recommended setting for most trailers. If your trailer's brakes require more initialvoltage, or if you prefer more aggressive trailer braking, then select either the Medium or the Highsetting.Name your trailer. Use the 5-way steering wheel controls to choose the alphanumeric characters. Press the right arrow to advance to the next letter. When finished spelling out the name of the trailer, press OK to confirm. To delete a letter, press the up or down arrow key until you see a blank.Select the type of brake system for your trailer. Select Default Electric/Surge/None if your trailer has electric, surge or no brakes. Press OK to select andadvance to the next screen.Use the images to the right to help you determine your trailer type.For example, if you have a conventional trailer, select Conventional.CONVENTIONAL TRAILER EXAMPLESThe use of these trailers requires the placement of a sticker.Please continue on for the sticker placement instructions.FIFTH WHEELAND GOOSENECK TRAILER EXAMPLESThe use of these trailers requires the installation of a sensor. Please see page 14 for sensor installation. If your sensor is already installed, please continue to page 16.SELECT YOUR TRAILER TYPE34CONVENTIONAL TRAILERWHAT YOU NEED FOR A ONE-TIME SETUP (U.S.) (Canada)Next, a message appears in the information display asking if you want to add Pro Trailer Backup Assist.Straighten out the trailer, if necessary.The screen directs you to this guide.To continue setting up a Conventional trailer, see page 6. For 5th Wheel or gooseneck calibration, please see page 16. For 5th Wheel or gooseneck sensor installation, please see page 14.MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:ONE-TIME SETUPOnce you input your trailer’s information into the information display, it is stored for easy recall. That way, when you want to use the Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance system to help you back your trailer into your desired position, you can choose it from the information display. You will not have to run through this setup again unless you want to add another trailer. You can store information for up to 10 trailers within this feature.*IF EQUIPPED65Scan the QR code for additionalinformation about your vehicle.FEATURE SETUPCONVENTIONAL TRAILERPOSITION YOUR TRUCK AND TRAILERRead and follow all of these steps carefully to get the best results.• Hitch your trailer to the truck and connect the electrical wiring harness. Check to make sure that the wiring is working.•Park your truck and hitched trailer on a level surface.• Make sure that the trailer and truck are in line with each other. You can do this by putting the truck in drive (D) and pulling straight forward.PLACING THE STICKERPlace the entire sticker in the green zone on the trailer as outlined in the diagram on the next page. The sticker is in the back cover pocket of this guide.Note: An assistant can help you complete the next page’s tasks.Make sure you gather the following items before exiting the vehicle:CONVENTIONAL TRAILERRear view cameraSticker and measurementcard (provided inside the back cover pocket of this guide).Tape measure and pen (not provided).78OUTSIDE THE VEHICLE• T ake the measurement card and the sticker from the back of thisguide, a tape measure and a pen, and walk back to your trailer.• D etermine where to place the sticker. You must place it in thegreen zone as indicated in the diagram below.• C onfirm that the sticker is visible using the center display. Anassistant can remain inside the vehicle to help you do this.STICKER•P32° F (0° C).•P•U– Within the green zone.– B etween 7 inches(17 centimeters) and20 inches (51 centimeters)from the trailer ball hitch.•M ake sure no hardware willobstruct the view from thecamera to the sticker(jack handle, wiring, etc.).•Place the sticker.STICKER PLACEMENT DIAGRAMNote:You must place the entire sticker within the green zone. Once you place thesticker, you cannot move it. Do not attempt to re-use stickers. Use a new sticker.20 in51 cm7 in17 cm7i n/17c mA-Frame Trailer Tongue Straight Trailer TongueTop ViewsYesNo20i n/51c mMEASUREMENT AThe horizontal distancefrom the license plate tothe center of the ball hitchon the trailer.MEASUREMENT BThe horizontal distancefrom the center of theball hitch to the center ofthe sticker.MEASUREMENT CThe distance from the rearview camera to the centerof the sticker.MEASUREMENT DThe distance from thetailgate to the center of thetrailer axle (single axle)or the center of the traileraxles (two or more axles).MEASURING THE KEY POINTSOUTSIDE THE VEHICLENow that the sticker is in place, you must take afew measurements.For the system to perform its best, it is important to makesure that the measurements you take are accurate.Record all four distances on your measurement card,located in the back cover pocket of this guide.MEASUREMENT TIPS• F or measurements A, B, and C you will need to round.When rounding in inches, round upward if the measuredlength is a quarter inch or greater. Round downward ifthe measured length is less than a quarter inch. Whenrounding in centimeters, round to the nearest wholecentimeter. If the measurement is less than 0.5 cm rounddownward. If the measurement is more than or equal to0.5 cm round upward.• R ound measurement D to the nearest inch.• B e sure to use the measurement unit that is consistentwith what your vehicle uses. Use inches if your vehicle isset to U.S. units. Use centimeters if your vehicle is set tometric units.Note: An easy way to check to see which units your vehicle usesis to look for outside temperature readings or estimated fueleconomy. Fahrenheit or miles indicates U.S. units. Celsius orkilometers indicates metric units.910Once you add your last measurement, the information display shows you all of your entered measurements. Review and confirm.Note: If you want to revise your measurements, highlight Change and press OK . Otherwise, press the arrow to highlight Confirm and press OK.ENTERING YOUR MEASUREMENTSINSIDE THE VEHICLEFor this part of the setup, use the information display and your 5-way steering wheel controls to enter the four measurementsinto the system.ENTERING YOUR MEASUREMENTS• U se the up/down arrows to increase or decrease the numbers as needed. Press OK to confirm each measurement. The screen prompts you to add the next measurement.• R efer to your recorded measurements on themeasurement card and enter each measurement into the information display.CONFIRMING THE STICKERLook for the circle in the display. Is that your sticker?Use the steering wheel controls to select Yes or No .Note: I f your system cannot locate the sticker, try the following:• Clean the rear view camera lens.• M ake sure you place the sticker between 7 inches (17 centimeters) and 20 inches (51 centimeters) from the trailer ball hitch.• R efer to your Owner's Manual for additional support.The information display shows a confirmation message when you successfully confirm the target.1112Note: You can calibrate within the Trailer Backup Assist or Trailer Reverse Guidance system.To complete the setup, you need to drive the vehicle straight forward between 4 and 24 mph (6 and 39 km/h) as directed by the information display.Note: Keep the steering wheel straight during the calibration process. If the steering wheel is in a turned position, then the calibration pauses. The information display prompts you to drive straight forward to complete the calibration.When the calibration is complete, the information display shows a message that calibration is complete. The feature is now ready to use. Please refer to the Feature Operation section (page 17) for information on how to operate the feature.Note: For best results, we do not recommend that you calibrate the system at night.The information display shows a message when the system calibrates.CALIBRATION5TH WHEEL OR GOOSENECK TRAILERWHAT YOU WILL NEED TO INSTALL YOUR SENSORFor sensor installation instructions, please refer to installation instructions included with the sensor kit.FEATURE SETUP1413FEATURE SETUPWhen you plug in the sensor connector, the red seal on the connector should not be visible when the connector is fully plugged in.For sensor installation instructions, please refer to the sensor kit.5TH WHEEL OR GOOSENECK TRAILERSENSOR INSTALLATIONTo use the 5th wheel and gooseneck capabilities of the system, you will need the sensor kit and the 7/12 pin trailer connector. If your vehicle is equipped with the 5th wheel prep package, you have everything you need. Ifit is not, you will need to contact your Ford dealership to purchase the sensor kit and the 7/12 pin connector.5TH WHEEL OR GOOSENECK TRAILERCALIBRATIONToo shallowof a turn✔ C orrect 90degree turnThe information display and center screen provides you with instructions and will tell you when the system is ready for you to turn. Turn left or right whenever you are ready and in a safe turning area.When the calibration is complete, the information display shows a message that calibration is complete. The feature is now ready to use. Please refer to the Feature Operation section (page 17) for information on how to operate the feature.Note: You can calibrate within the Trailer Backup Assist or Trailer Reverse Guidance system.An area where you can safely drive forward and turn left or right is required to calibrate your system. An open parking lot is an ideal place to perform the calibration. During calibration, the system determines the trailer length. Drive straight at approximately 5 mph to align the trailer behind your vehicle.The sensor must be mounted to a vertical part of the trailer that pivots and moves when you turn your vehicle. Do not mount to a stationary surface or to the truck side of the 5th wheel trailer hitch.Make sure the arrows on the sensor housing arefacing up.1615FEATURE OPERATIONUSING TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST• To switch on the system, press the center button on the knob and watch the information display screen. Use the steering wheel controls to highlight your trailer, then press OK to select. The system will locate your sticker for a conventional trailer or confirm the sensor is connected for a 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer.FEATURE OPERATIONUSING TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST• Once you have the trailer moving in the direction you want it to go, release the knob. You control the accelerator and brakes while the system steers the truck to keep the trailer moving straight back.• The sharper you turn the knob, the sharper the trailer will turn.Note: If you attempt to accelerate beyond the system’s threshold, the system automatically limits your vehicle's speed.Note:If you use the steering wheel, you will be canceled out of the Pro Trailer Backup Assist system. A warning will appear.• As soon as you release the knob or turn it back to the center position, the vehicle starts following the trailer's path.• Turn and hold the knob continuously for sharper vehicle and trailer turns.• CAUTION: Always keep your hand close to the control knob. You may need to redirect the trailer quickly.• You may have to use the knob to correct the trailer direction while attempting to move the trailer straight back under some conditions.Note: For 5th wheel and gooseneck trailers, the weight and hitch position of these trailers may make the trailer respond differently to the knob input than conventional trailers. You may need to release the knob early or stop and pull forward to align your truck and trailer when returning to straight backing after making a turn.1718FEATURE OPERATIONUSING TRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCETrailer Reverse Guidance provides informational graphics and up to seven camera views to help you back up your trailer while you use the steering wheel to control your trailer.If you do not set up the system, you can still use the camera views. However, the hitch angle graphic, automatic viewswitching and straight backup mode will not be available. You will need to complete the system setup for full functionality.USING STRAIGHT BACKUP MODE WITH TRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCE• This view is only available when you are in Trailer Reverse Guidance.• This mode will show you which way to turn your steering wheel to keep your trailer backing up straight. A steering wheel icon image is shown on the center screen. A blue arrow will show you which way to turn your wheel to keep your trailer straight.•To activate this mode, select the rearview camera icon, then the straight backup mode icon.• To use Trailer Reverse Guidance, shift your vehicle into reverse and press the rear view camera button on the center screen to expand the menu.• Select the Trailer Reverse Guidance icon on the screen. You will need to select your trailer from the information display.• The system will locate your sticker for a conventional trailer and confirm the sensor is connected for a 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer.• The auto mode camera view is the default display. You can now use your steering wheel and thecamera views to navigate your trailer into position.VIEW OPERATIONUse the buttons below to select the best view for backing up your vehicle and trailer. You can use these views for Pro Trailer Backup Assist or Trailer Reverse Guidance.You can select the following views by selecting the rear camera icon on the center display. The view drawer displays.(View drawer shown.)360 Camera: shows the rear camera view on the left side of the screen and the 360 degree view on the right side of the screen.Rear View Camera: shows what is behind your vehicle.R ear Split View Camera: shows a 180 degree view of area behind your vehicle.Bed Camera: shows the truck bed and can be used to hitch a 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer.Trailer AUX Camera*: shows a rear view camera image of what is behind your trailer. This camera needs to be purchased and installed separately.Trailer Reverse Guidance View:shows you a view of the sides of your truck and your trailer.In auto mode, this view moves as your trailer moves so that you do not have to adjust the camera as you turn. You can use the left and right arrows to see more of the driver or passenger side. Press Auto to return to automatic camera adjustments.Takes you back to the 360 degree camera system and out of the Trailer Reverse Guidance feature.*IF EQUIPPED1920The hitch angle graphic display shows you a small, top-view representation of your truck and trailer.This representation shows two different-colored lines:• A black line shows you where your trailer is in relation to your vehicle.• For Trailer Backup Assist, the white line represents the amount the trailer will turn based on knob input.• For Trailer Reverse Guidance, the white line represents the amount the trailer will turn based on steering wheel position. This graphic can be seen in the Rear Normal Camera, Bed Camera, Trailer AUX Camera and Trailer Reverse Guidance Camera views.21。



《极品飞车5》操作、关卡极品飞车5怎么操作?首先你随便选择一个赛程每个键都试试记住常用的比如:方向键上键-油门下键-刹车倒车空格键-漂移左右不用说了吧如果有直线加速赛 shift上档 ctrl 下档关于你“有时候控制不了车子很容易打滑!弯大点有过不去!不好转弯” 经常练练名次不重要把技巧练到手了就OK了建议你玩极品9 经典保证你不后悔极品飞车5操作说明方向键控制方向和前进后退,C键切换视角,B键后视,A键进档,Z键退档,R键重置,H喇叭极品飞车5各按键中文翻译及功能使用A是加油Z是刹车极品5有些神经的左转左方向键进档 Shift退档左Ctrl手煞车空白键飞速装置右Ctrl氮氧增压 Alt摄影视角 C向后看 L进入赛事/商店 Enter世界地图 M阅读SMS Tab黑名单 B重置车辆 R暂停 Esc右转右方向键油门上方向键倒车下方向键希望有更多朋友关注极品飞车,这款经典的竞技游戏我们的宗旨和目标是:生产快乐、追求速度,用专业的技术和深博的理念开拓我们的NFS事业,FB丰碑车队——就是新时代的弄潮儿。

---中国丰碑车队 by [FB]Cocky极品飞车5的详细玩法您首先运行互动游戏平台客户端软件,进入互动游戏平台之极品飞车5战区。



第一步:进入《极品飞车5》后,您可以选择create player创建新用户名,进入下一步;或者选中列表中已有的用户名,选择continue;或者选择remove将已有的用户名删除。



第四步:必须选择LAN games才能进行多人对战游戏,进入下一步。








4、移车位:需要利用蓄电池按钮移车时,柴油机EC开关所处的位置二、智能显示器启动操作注意事项?当通电时,DxCB 应总是先于BCCB 接通。

当DS1 断电时,BCCB 应首先断开,并且当显示器屏幕完全消隐时,D1CB 应随后断开。






地平线5车辆调校方案1. 背景介绍地平线系列游戏一直都是大型开放世界游戏中的佼佼者,而地平线5更是火爆全球。




2. 调校方案下面是地平线5车辆调校的方案,主要包括车体、发动机、轮胎和悬挂等四个部分。

2.1 车体调校车体是车辆的骨架,它非常重要。



2.2 发动机调校发动机是车辆的心脏,它对车辆性能影响很大。




2.3 轮胎调校轮胎对车辆的行驶稳定性和舒适性有着非常重要的影响。



2.4 悬挂调校悬挂是车辆悬挂系统的重要组成部分,一般包括:弹簧、减震器、悬挂臂等。



3. 总结车辆调校是提升地平线5游戏体验的重要方式之一。





以下是《速度与激情5》(The Fast and the Furious 5)的一些操作技巧:
1. 熟悉游戏控制:熟练使用游戏手柄或键盘的操作,包括加速、刹车、转向等。


2. 学会使用N2O加速器:在游戏中,N2O加速器可以给你的赛车提供一次短暂的速度爆发。


3. 学会使用手刹漂移:手刹漂移是游戏中常用的一项技巧。


4. 了解赛道特点:每个赛道都有不同的特点和障碍物。


5. 择机超车:合理选择超车时机,避免在拥挤的赛道上强行超车或者在没有足够空间的地方超车,以免发生碰撞。

6. 学会防守:当你身后有其他选手紧逼时,学会防守可以保护你的领先位置。


7. 维护赛车:在比赛中,你的赛车会受到损坏,这会降低赛车的性能。


8. 研究对手的赛车特点:不同的对手可能有不同的驾驶风格和赛车特点。























福特竞技型号M-6007-Z427FFT FRT 535马力垃圾箱引擎指南说明书

福特竞技型号M-6007-Z427FFT FRT 535马力垃圾箱引擎指南说明书

Inspect intake manifold for debris, and make sure it’s clean. Check all threaded holes and tap deeper if necessary. Check the carburetor/throttle body gasket alignment. Also look at the gasket surfaces for nicks and damage, raised surfaces on the flanges can prevent sealing. Minor raised imperfections can be repaired by wrapping a sheet of 320 grit wet/dry sandpaper around a flat block and lightly sanding the surface (do not be too aggressive as this will cause the surface to become uneven). If installing a used intake manifold it is not recommended to dry blast it to clean it. The media will become imbedded and eventually fall out with heat cycling of the engine. If the manifold is being transferred from a “failed” engine, be sure to inspect all passages for any debris that may have been lodged from the previous engine.Test fit the carburetor/throttle body and actuate the linkage. Check to make sure the throttle blades do not contact the manifold.6 HASHMARKSINDICATEGrade 8A pre-assembly mock up is required to check the proper fit of the intake manifold to the long block Place the intake manifold on the long block without the intake manifold gasketsThe gap at the end rails needs to be .040” minimum. This check insures that the manifold will not “bottom out” on the end rails of the block. If it bottoms out, there is insufficient clamp load between the intake manifold and cylinder head, and it’s likely that oil will be sucked into the intake runnersIf the gap is less than .040” the end rails of the manifold will need to be machined.Apply surface cleaner to a lint free cloth or paper towel, clean all gasket surfaces, manifold and blockApply a thin coating of Gasgacinch on the head intake port flange and the head side of the intake Within a few minutes, the surfaces will start to dry and become tacky. Carefully place the gaskets on the head surface aligning ports and bolt holes.Rub an initial thin layer of silicone onto the end rails of the intake manifold and block.Apply a thin layer of silicone around the water openings (4 places). Set intake manifold on engine.Start all bolts by hand and hand tighten. Torque intake manifold bolts in two steps (sequence is shown below):Step 1: Tighten to 5-10 lb. ft (6-14 Nm)Step 2: Tighten to 15-18 lb*ft (31-34 Nm)Note: Repeat step 2 several times until bolt torque is stabilizedRe-torque after 10 engine heat cycles – completely cold to full operating temperature6 4210125 1 9 11 3 781。















The following instructions provide valuable information regarding the function and properuse of the Super 5th Wheel Towing System.YOU MUST COMPLETELY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THIS MANUAL, PRIOR TO OPERATING THE HITCH TO PREVENT UNNECESSARY DAMAGE TO THE HITCH, VEHICLE, OR TRAILER.OWNER’S MANUAL#1900 (16K) Industry StandardSuper 5thGross Trailer Weight (Maximum)16,000 lbs.Vertical Load Weight (Max. Pin Weight) 4,000 lbs.#2100 (20K) Industry Standard Super 5th Gross Trailer Weight (Maximum)20,000 lbs.Vertical Load Weight (Max. Pin Weight) 5,000 lbs.#2200 (24K) Industry StandardSuper 5thGross Trailer Weight (Maximum)24,000 lbs.Vertical Load Weight (Max. Pin Weight) 6,000 lbs.A towing system includes each vehicle and component involved in towing. Each item in your towing system has a capacity or weight rating. You trailer has a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, or GVWR. Your truck has a tow capacity, payload capacity, and possibly more. In addition, your fifth wheel hitch has a weight rating. This weight rating must be at, or above, the GVWR of your trailer for you to tow safely. In addition, if your truck can tow larger loads (has a larger capacity) than the rating of your hitch, your system is only safe to tow loads at the lower rating, that of the hitch.Your mounting kit also has a weight rating, just like your fifth wheel hitch. Many times, these rating are designed to match. But, this is not always the case. Your mounting kit may be higher rated then your fifth wheel hitch, but it also could be lower depending on the components involved. The lowest rating of any one component in the system becomes the rating of the entire system. If your mounting kit is rated to 18,000 lbs., and your hitch is rated at 24,000 lbs., the weight rating of the entire system will not be above 18,000 lbs. Other components in the system could lower the actual system rating further.It is the end users responsibility to ensure a safe towing experience. To this end, it is your responsibility to ensure thatthe truck, trailer, hitching components, and all other items involved are rated or have a capacity sufficient for the loads involved.FIFTH WHEEL PLATE & KING PINThe plate and it’s moving parts should be lubricated with alight lubricant such as WD-40 or 3-in-1 oil, before each trip orPull the Release Handle repeatedly so that the lubricant willspread among the moving parts that may not have otherwisebeen covered sufficiently.coating of WD-40 or other similar lubricant should be used onthe king pin.1901 plate pictured aboveInspect and lubricate the Pivot Bolt monthly with axle grease whenheavily used, or annually with light use. To remove the pivot bolt forlubrication:1.Remove the Fifth Wheel Plate from the Rocker Arm.2.Remove the Hex Nut, Lock Washer and Plastic Washers fromthe Rocker Arm Pivot Bolt.3.Place downward force, compressing the Rocker Arm Spring,enabling the Pivot Bolt to be removed.4.Lube the Pivot Bolt generously with a quality axle grease andreinstall. Tighten the Pivot Bolt to the point where there isresistance when you move the Rocker Arm side-to-side.5. A light coating of lubricant on the hitch pins (below) and pin clipswill help you install and reinstall them easily.Inspect all mounting bracket and hitch hardware, that it is securely fastened. The Fifth Wheel Plate should be removed and inspected, checking all moving parts for wear—clean as directed above. Inspect all mounting bolts for tightness and general condition.When storing your Super 5th hitch, you should be sure that the Fifth Wheel Plate parts are lubricated with WD-40 to retard the formation of rust. Cover the entire assembly to prevent accumulation of dirt, grime, or rust.ANNUAL MAINTENANCE•The Super 5th hitch is equipped with a side-to-side pivot feature. There should be a minimum of 6” between the truckbed rails and the under side of the trailer for side tilt clearance. It is the customers responsibility to adjust the trailer king pin box for the appropriate amount of clearance depending on the terrain being traveled (example: some State Parks are sloped and unpaved; some driveways are steeply angled). If after-market bed covers are added, care must be taken to allow for additional clearance.CAUTION rocker arm pivot bolt rocker arm rocker arm springhitch pinspin cliplock bar springpin cliprelease handlepush nut lock catch springlock kit1901 PLATE1.Remove the Fifth Wheel Plate from the Rocker Arm and place it upside down on a smooth, clean surface.2.Insert the Release Handle into the obround hole of the plate as seen above.3.The Lock Bar Spring must be placed inside the handle prior to placing the handle down over the pin of the Lock BarAssembly, “catching” the hook inside the handle around the pin.4.Push the handle and spring assembly down past the groove in the pin of the Lock Bar Assembly, and place one of thePin Clips in the groove of the pin to fasten.5.Grip the body of the spring and stretch it far enough over the opposite pin (welded to the plate) and push it down pastthe groove.6.Install the Push Nut to secure the Lock Bar Spring onto the welded pin.NOTE : The 1901 plate for the #1900 Super 5th does not use a pushnut to attach the end of the spring, but rather a slot in the sideof the fifth wheel plate located above the obround hole. Seeillustration to the right.As a PullRite fifth wheel hitch owner, it is important for you to study andmanually operate the Fifth Wheel Plate and Release Handle to betterunderstand the locking action. A better working knowledge of the plate willhelp prevent accidental dropping of your trailer due to incorrect hitching.Also, it is imperative that you study and adhere to the Maintenance procedures provided in the Owners Manual. If you did not receive one upon purchase, please contact PullRite or visit us on the web at .A better understanding of the plates locking and un-locking operation can be obtained by viewing the working parts from the underside of the plate. The Fifth Wheel Plate can be removed and turned over to view the workings of the mechanism. When operating the Fifth Wheel Plate manually, please be aware that the Lock Jaw Assembly has more movement capability when there is not a king pin present to center the assembly. Refer to the illustrations below for part identification (#3601 plate pictured below; #1900 Super 5th uses plate #1901, but both function similarly).1.To open the locking mechanism, lift and pull the Release Handle out until the Lock Catch engages the Lock JawAssembly (see illustrations on the opposite page).2.As the trailer king pin moves into the plate, it will contact the Lock Lever, forcing the Lock Catch to disengage the LockJaw Assembly, allowing the Lock Bar Spring to close the Lock Jaw Assembly behind the King Pin. The King Pin must be fully engaged in the plate slot or the Lock Jaw Assembly will not seat properly, and the Handle Catch would not then engage the inner side wall of the plate. To be certain that the Lock Jaw Assembly has closed fully, attempt to pull the Release Handle without first lifting it.NOTE:Please note that when lifting the handle to clear the side wall of the plate with the handle catch, it will benecessary to pull with some force to begin the Lock Jaw rotation. Merely lifting the Release Handle willnot cause the Handle to “pop” open and rotate the Lock Jaw to the open position.3.To discourage theft or pranksters, place a padlock through the obround hole above the Release Handle (see Illustration below).OPEN -- UNLOCKED POSITION Lock Jaw AssemblyHandle CatchCLOSED -- LOCKED POSITIONLock CatchLock BarLock Bar Spring Lock LeverOPENCLOSEDLIFT UPWARDAND PULLOUT WITHFORCE UNTILLOCK CATCH ENGAGESCAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRIP THE LOCK MECHANISM WITH YOUR HAND. USE A PROBE DEVICETO SIMULATE THE KING PIN ACTIONThe #1900, #2100, and #2200 Industry Standard Super 5th’s are height adjustable models. To adjust the crossmember to one of four available positions, refer to the illustration below:1.Remove Head Assembly. To remove Head Assembly remove Clevis Pins and Clips.2.Remove the 1/2” bolts (#1900 or #2100 models) or 5/8” bolts (#2200 model) that attaches the Crossmember to theSide Body Bracket.3.Position Crossmember to the correct height and reinstall bolts, washers, and nuts.4.Torque 1/2” bolts to 75 ft. lbs. or 5/8” bolts to 151 ft. lbs.5.Reinstall Head Assembly, Clevis Pins, and Clips.1/2” - 13 boltsHead AssemblyWARNING: Never perform any of the following actions while any part of a person is between the vehicle and trailer.1.Align your truck with the center of the trailer. The truck should be close to parallel to the centerline of the trailer.2.Block the trailer wheels so the trailer will not roll back.3.Lower your tailgate and back up until there is about 6” of clearance between the Super 5th and the end of the fifthwheel plate. Raise or lower the front of the trailer so the bottom of the plate is aligned slightly above the beginning of the ramp area of the Fifth Wheel Plate. This procedure will cause the front edge of the trailer plate to “ride up” the ramp and flatten or tilt the hitch plate into a parallel position.CAUTION: If this procedure is not followed, the kingpin may bind in the plate mechanismand not lock-in properly. Following theprocedure as outlined in Step 3 willensure that you will not “high hook” theking pin in the plate. “High hooking”occurs when backing your hitch intoa trailer that is set too high, resultingin the lower flange of the king pin towedge itself against the metal edge ofthe lower horseshoe piece or againstthe Lock Jaw Assembly. Damage to theLock Jaw Assembly may result and notallow smooth operation of the closingmechanism.4.The Fifth Wheel Latch must be in the openposition (see illustration on pgs. 6 & 7). Lift andpull out on the Release Handle to open the LockJaw Assembly.CAUTION: Damage will result should you attempt to hook up with the Lock Jaw Assembly inthe closed position.5.Back up the truck in one fluid motion, so the kingpin enters the center of the Fifth Wheel Plateopening.6.Make sure the Lock Jaw Assembly is completelyseated around the king pin.7.Be sure that the Release Handle has fullyreturned to the closed position and proceed to“Safety Checks” on pg. 10.Ramp1.Shine a light on the Fifth Wheel Plate Lock Jaw Assembly making sure it has closed around the king pin.2.Pull the Release Handle towards you without lifting it up. If the Lock Jaw Assembly is completely closed the HandleCatch will prevent you from being able to pull the Release Handle open.3.Raise the trailer jack base plates just above the ground, lock your trailer brakes, then pull the tow vehicle slowlyforward putting a strain on the trailer.4.When you are assured that the trailer is safely hooked up, raise your trailer jacks into their full retracted position.FAILURE TO PERFORM THESE SAFETY CHECKS MAY RESULT IN DAMAGES TO TRUCK AND TRAILER.WARNING: Never perform any of the following actions while any part of a person is between the vehicle and the trailer.1.Once you have the trailer located and are ready to unhitch, block the trailer wheels so it will not roll back or forward.Back into the blocked trailer slightly and set the parking brake while you are still in gear. This action will relieve pressure on the lock mechanism before attempting to release the latch mechanism.2.Lower the trailer jacks to the point of just touching the ground but do not raise the trailer at this point.3.Open the Lock Jaw Assembly by first lifting, then pulling the Release Handle towards you (see pgs. 6 & 7).4.Lower the trailer jacks until the bottom of the king pin box is almost free of the top of the Fifth Wheel Plate. Makecertain that the bottom of the king pin is not so high that binding on the hitch Lock Catch would result.5.After lowering the truck’s tail gate, disconnect the trailer electrical cord and break-away switch cable, then pullforward.6.As the king pin slides from the Fifth Wheel Plate, notice that the locking mechanism remains open once the king pin isremoved.CAUTION: If it should be necessary to reposition your trailer, you must follow the hitching procedures to ensure the hitch is latched before moving the trailer.CAUTION: You may wish to keep the plate closed until you are ready to re-hitch to avoid injury or accidents to children or adults who attempt to operate the plate mechanism. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TRIP THE LOCKMECHANISM WITH YOUR HAND, USE A PROBE TO SIMULATE THE KING PIN.ILLUSTRATION — #2200 EXPLODED VIEWAB2B5B6BCD1D2B7D5B1B3B10B8B9B4D3D4DILLUSTRATION — #2100 EXPLODED VIEWAB2B5B6BCD1D2B7D5B1B3B10B8B9B4D3D4DILLUSTRATION — #1900 EXPLODED VIEWAB2B5B6BCD1D2B7D5B1B3B10B8B9B4D3D4DPULLIAM ENTERPRISES, INC. hereinafter referred to as “PULLIAM”, warrants to the rst retail owner only, this PullRite towing system to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ve (5) years or 31,068 miles (50,000 km) after the installation on purchaser’s vehicle, whichever occurs rst.To validate this warranty, the r st retail owner must mail the provided warranty card to PULLIAM, within ten (10) days after installation of said towing system on his vehicle.The owner is responsible for all normal and preventative maintenance described in the Owner’s Manual.If any defect occurs which the owner believes is covered by this warranty within said ve (5) year period, the owner shall contact PULLIAM immediately, either in writing or by telephone call, Attention Customer Service Department. The owner will be instructed to return the hitch at his expense either to an authorized PullRite dealer or to PULLIAM to repair or replace any parts necessary to correct defects in material or workmanship.Repair or replacement shall be at the sole option of PULLIAM and shall be completed by or on behalf of PULLIAM free of charge for materials and labor.This warranty gives you speci c legal rights, and you may also have other right’s which vary from state to state.THIS WARRANTY SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES EACH OF THE FOLLOWING:1.Defects in the product resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, loading beyond the vehicle’scapacity, failure to comply with instructions contained in the Owner’s Manual or unauthorizedrepairs, replacements, alterations or modi cations. “Unauthorized repair, replacements,alterations” are those made without PULLIAM’S prior knowledge and consent.2.Any incidental or consequential damage including, but not limited to, loss of use of the vehicle,towing charges, vehicle rental, loss of time, inconvenience, travel, gasoline, lodging and telephoneexpenses, loss of revenue and damages on account of personal injury and property damage.(Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, sothese limitations may not apply to you).3.Repairs or replacements of defects in any PullRite towing system, or part thereof, installed on anyvehicle which has been rented, leased or used for any commercial purpose.4.Any representation, warranty of undertaking made by any dealer or third party beyond the scopeof the warranty herein expressed.5.Any problem resulting in normal deterioration due to wear or exposure.TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF INST ALLATION ON THE FIRST OWNER’S VEHICLE. (SOME ST ATES, HOWEVER, DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS AS TO DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTY, SO THOSE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU)Product Warranty RegistrationName:________________________________________________________________________________Address:________________________________________________________________________________City:____________________________State:______________Zip:_________________Email Address:____________________________________________________________Phone (opti onal):____________________________Purchase Price:____________________________Date of Purchase:__________________________________As an owner of a PullRite product, you must register your product to be considered forwarranty coverage. See Owners Manual for further details.Dealer’s Name:____________________________________________Dealer’s Address:____________________________________________Dealer’s City:____________________________Dealer’s State:______________Dealer’s Zip:_________________Dealer’s Phone:____________________________Model Purchased:____________________________________________Vehicle Make:____________________________Vehicle Model:______________Vehicle Year:_________________Vehicle Year:____________________________Vehicle Cab Style:______________Vehicle Bed Length:_________________Did you receive an Owners Manual from the Dealer? Yes / NoWhat infl uenced you to buy your hitch?_____________________________________________________________________Comments:。




1. 加速和减速:使用右扳机(RT)来加速,使用左扳机(LT)来减速。

2. 转向:使用左摇杆(LS)来控制赛车的转向。

3. 刹车和手刹:使用A按钮来刹车,使用B按钮来拉手刹。

4. 漂移:在转弯时按住A按钮来漂移,通过掌握漂移的时机和角度来获得加速和更快的转弯。

5. 使用道具:按下X按钮来使用收集到的道具,道具的种类和效果各不相同。

6. 执行特技:使用Y按钮来执行特技动作,不同的特技会提供不同的加速效果。

7. 更换视角:按下Select按钮可以切换视角,包括第一人称和第三人称视角。

8. 打开地图和菜单:按下Start按钮来打开地图和游戏菜单。




5-speed Manual TransmissionThe manual transmission is syn-chronized in all forward gears forsmooth operation. It has a lockout soyou cannot shift directly from Fifthto Reverse. When shifting up ordown, make sure you push the clutchpedal down all the way, shift to thenext gear, and let the pedal upgradually. When you are not shifting,do not rest your foot on the clutchpedal. This can cause your clutch towear out faster.Come to a full stop before you shiftinto Reverse. You can damage thetransmission by trying to shift intoReverse with the car moving. Pushdown the clutch pedal, and pause fora few seconds before shifting intoReverse, or shift into one of theforward gears for a moment. Thisstops the gears so they won't "grind".When slowing down, you can getextra braking from the engine byshifting to a lower gear. This extrabraking can help you maintain a safespeed and prevent your brakes fromoverheating while going down asteep hill. Before downshifting,make sure engine speed will not gointo the tachometer's red zone in thelower gear. Refer to the MaximumSpeeds chart.Recommended Shift PointsDrive in the highest gear that letsthe engine run and acceleratesmoothly. This will give you the bestfuel economy and effective emis-sions control. The following shiftpoints are recommended: Driving5-speed Manual TransmissionMaximum Speeds The speeds in this table are the maximums for the given gears. If you exceed these speeds, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If this occurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.(U.S.: DX, LX, Canada: LX, EX)(U.S.: EX)Driving。






1. 引擎调校赛车的引擎是其性能的核心。





2. 制动系统制动系统是赛车性能中至关重要的一部分。



3. 悬挂调校赛车的悬挂系统对于赛车的操控性有着巨大的影响。




4. 轮胎选择轮胎是赛车与地面之间的唯一接触点,因此轮胎的选择至关重要。




5. 差速器调校差速器是赛车传动系统的一部分,它对于车轮的旋转速度分配有着关键作用。




6. 翼件调校赛车上的翼件可以提供额外的下压力,改善操控性能。





1. 产品概述:介绍了费斯托汽源五联件的用途和功能。


2. 产品参数:列出了费斯托汽源五联件的主要技术参数,包括尺寸、重量、材质等信息。


3. 安装指南:详细说明了如何安装费斯托汽源五联件。


4. 使用方法:介绍了费斯托汽源五联件的使用方法和注意事项。


5. 维护和保养:提供了费斯托汽源五联件的维护和保养建议。


6. 故障排除:列出了常见故障和解决方法。


7. 安全警示:强调了使用费斯托汽源五联件时需要注意的安全


8. 售后服务:提供了费斯托汽源五联件的售后服务联系方式。






1. 进入车辆并坐稳驾驶座位,插入钥匙启动发动机或按下启动按钮启动电动机。

2. 调整驾驶座椅和方向盘,确保舒适的驾驶姿势。


3. 当车辆启动后,将手动挡换到适当的档位(D档为前进档,R档为倒车档,P 档为停车档)。


4. 使用刹车踏板来控制车辆的速度。


5. 使用油门踏板来调节车辆的加速和减速。


6. 使用方向盘来控制车辆的转向。


7. 使用灯光和转向信号器来传达驾驶意图。


8. 当需要停车或靠边时,使用刹车踏板将车辆减速,并将挡杆放到P档(停车档)。


9. 在开车过程中,时刻注意道路状况和交通情况。




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Tire Pressure(轮胎充气量)
Brake Balance(前后制动比)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
赛车调校:[Car Setup]
Shocks-Ride Height(缓冲装置-底盘高度)
NFS: PU调车指南
ABS-刹车防抱死系统[开/关] ABS的基本原理是,根据行驶中的轮胎与路面间的摩擦对各车轮给予不同的最佳的制动力,通常采用控制车轮的制动液压的方法。其基本功能是可感知制动轮每一瞬间的运动状态,并根据其运动状态相应地调节制动力的大小,避免出现车轮的抱死现象,可使汽车在制动时维持方向稳定性和缩短制动距离,有效的提高行车的安全性。装有ABS的车辆在积雪或冰冻的路面上、下雨天的打滑路面,以及在多弯道的各种状况中,可以放心的操纵方向盘,进行制动。在未装ABS的车辆上,很难做到这一点。
Steering-Toe In(方向-前束)