KALATEL KTD-405 控制键盘 简易编程手册
2 介绍2.1 工作模式KTD-405可以设置为两种工作模式:标准Digiplex工作模式(即KTD-304/404键盘的全部功能)和分区工作模式(此为卡拉特监控系统新增功能)。
2.1.1 标准Digiplex工作模式这是卡拉特传统的工作模式,在这种模式下,系统的主切换设备为标准矩阵主机,键盘能够直接控制512台解码器/高速智能球,控制512进64出的视音频矩阵,控制32台画面分割器和32台录像机,及对各分控键盘进行授权。 典型系统结构图见图2。
2.1.2 分区工作模式分区工作模式是在一个系统中有多台切换设备(例如画面分割器、DVMR和矩阵主机),每台设备就是一个分区,一个系统最多可有16个分区,每个分区最多可有32台摄像机/解码器。
要调看某台摄像机,你必须知道分区号码(或名字)和摄像机号码。 典型系统结构图见图3-图5。
4 编程卡拉特系统有三个编程密码,分别可进入超级管理员菜单、管理员菜单和前端设备编程菜单进行编程。
4.1 超级管理员编程超级管理员密码为1-4-7-6,为卡拉特系统新增,此密码所调用的菜单包括了5-7-9密码所调用的所有菜单,可代替5-7-9密码。
3)键盘显示“RESET TO DEFAULTS?”如果按»将直接进入第5步,如果按+,出现两个选择菜单,按1=RESET ALL BUT TITLES将清除键盘编程信息,按1=RESET ALL将将清除键盘编程信息和分区名字。
表 1. nRF401 主要技术特性
*PWR_UP 管脚间歇供电 占空比 2% 周期 200ms
KHz dBm dBm kbit/s
V uA mA uA
nRF401-IC nRF401-EVKIT
20pin SSOIC Evaluation kit with nRF401 IC
Bit rate
Recommended antenna
port differential impedance
Spurious emission
to +85
最大 单位
名称 tTR tRT tST tSR tVT tVR
3ms 1ms 2ms 3ms 4ms 5ms
条件 连续工作
COPYRIGHT ©2001 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 迅通科技 TEL: (0451)6349363 6332356 4
433MHZ 单片无线收发芯片
真正的单片 FSK 收发芯片 非常少的外围元件 无需进行初始化和配置 不需要对数据进行曼彻斯特编码 最高速率 20Kbps 2 个工作频道 宽工作电压范围 低功耗 待机模式
报警和安全系统 自动测试系统 家庭自动化控制 遥控装置 车辆安全系统 工业控制 无线通信 电信终端
S7-400系列▪SIMATIC S7-400▪SIMATIC S7-400H▪SIMATIC S7-400F/FHSIMATIC S7-400概述图1 使用CR2机架的SIMATIC S7-400可编程序控制器1. 电源模板2. 后备电池3. 模式开关(钥匙操作)4. 状态和故障LED5. 存储器卡6. 有标签区的前连接器7. CPU 18. CPU 210. I/O模板11. IM接口模板▪功能强大的PLC,适用于中高性能控制领域▪解决方案满足最复杂的任务要求▪功能分级的CPU以及种类齐全的模板,总能为其自动化任务找到最佳的解决方案▪实现分布式系统和扩展通讯能力都很简便,组成系统灵活自如▪用户友好性强,操作简单,免风扇设计▪随着应用的扩大,系统扩展无任何问题应用SIMATIC S7-400是用于中、高档性能范围的可编程序控制器。
模块化及无风扇的设计,坚固耐用,容易扩展和广泛的通讯能力,容易实现的分布式结构以及用户友好的操作使SIMATIC S7-400成为中、高档性能控制领域中首选的理想解决方案。
SIMATIC S7-400的应用领域包括:▪通用机械工程▪汽车工业▪立体仓库▪机床与工具▪过程控制▪控制技术与仪表▪纺织机械▪包装机械▪控制设备制造▪专用机械功能逐步升级的多种级别的CPU,带有各种用户友好功能的种类齐全的功能模板,使用户能够构成最佳的解决方案,满足自动化的任务要求。
一个系统包括:电源模板,中央处理单元(CPU),各种信号模板(SM),通讯模板(CP),功能模板(FM),接口模板(IM),SIMATIC S5模板。
扩展最多有21个扩展单元(EU)都可以连接到中央控制器(CC);通过接口模板连接(IM);集中式扩展;用EU进行分布式扩展;用ET 200进行远程扩展。
• • • • • 设定点或失调微调 传感器校准 精度等级可选择的电压基准 便携式仪表 (电池供电) 光通信器件的校准
相关产品 (1)
P/N MCP4801 MCP4811 MCP4821 MCP4802 MCP4812 MCP4822 MCP4901 MCP4911 MCP4921 MCP4902 MCP4912 MCP4922 注 DAC 分辨率 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 通道数 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 外部 内部 (2.048V) 电压基准 (VREF)
— —
5 1.85
— —
µA V
8 — — 10 — — 12 — — — — — — — — — — —
— ±0.25 ±0.2 — ±1 ±0.2 — ±4 ±0.25 ±0.02 -5 -0.10 -3 2.048 125 0.25 45 0.09 290 1.2 1.0 400
— —
3.3 2.0
6 —
µA V
8 -1 -0.5 10 -3.5 -0.5 12 -12 -0.75 -1 — — -2 —
— ±0.125 ±0.1 — ±0.5 ±0.1 — ±2 ±0.2 ±0.02 0.16 -0.44 -0.10 -3
<10 45 <10 <10
— — — —
电磁兼容性 本硬件符合的电磁兼容性标准:
EN 50081-1(在居住区,商业区和轻工业环境中发散) EN61000-6-2(在工业环境中免疫) 所有与本硬件同步使用的电缆必须符合电子兼容性标准 EN55022-B 类。
此材料是“1 类”。在安装过程中,电源插头必须始终与中性插座连接,并且符合使用国家安装规则。 如果您没有这种类型的插头,请让一位经核准的电工安装一个。任何情况下您都不能违背这条指示。
在 Windows 里安装雕刻软件……………………………………………………………………………….. 23
传输……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24 传输程序…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24 定位板材…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25 调节刀具固定器…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26 调节主轴转速……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 开始雕刻………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…... 31
本机器仅为表面雕刻而设计,不准用于其它用途。 使用机器时建议带上防护眼镜以防止碎裂喷出物的伤害。 禁止将本机器用于锯或钻。禁止将本机器作用于木材。禁止让本机器在爆炸性环境中工作。 ·本机器仅限一个用户。禁止多人同时使用机器。 ·长期不使用机器时,请切断电源,用包装纸、封面、盖子等覆盖机器。 ·不要用手移动雕刻头(见图),除非是在本手册“安装”章节“机械阻滞”段落中描述的情况下。
Q U A D405 C u r r e n t D u m p i n g A m p l i f i e r t e s t r e p o r t s r ep r o d u c e d i n p d f f o r m a t b y K e i t h S n o o k d .c .~d a y l i g h t l t dŒ 405 Current DumpingAmplifierT est ReportsŒ 405 Power Amplifier Gordon J. KingI N Á beginning was Á Class-B amplifier.Designers tended to prefer this to Class-Äbecause of its better efficiency ¶ hence power yield for å given size heatsink ¶ power transistor capacity; also to satisfy Ágreedy dem¶s of loudspeakers with fast diminishing electro-acoustic conversion efficiencies. Pure Çlass-B is totally incompatible with Hi-Fi owing to Á push-pull displacement of Á two halves of Á output transfer characteristics, leading to serious crossover discontinuity, ¶ henceso-called crossover distortion, particularly at low signal levels.Class-B was brought into Á Hi-Fi realm by biasing Á output transistors towards Class-Äso that at zero drive Á transistors were not cut-off completely but passed a degree of emitter/collector current, called quiescent current. Although still often referred to as Class-B, such amplifiers are really Class-AB. Crossover distortion is impossible from properly designed Class-A amplifiers, but it can occur in relatively small doses fromClass-AB amplifiers. It tends to diminish asÁ biasing is adjusted towards Class-A, but Án Á efficiency falls ¶ Á st¶ing temperature of Á power transistors ¶ Áir heat-sinks rises. A compromise betweenefficiency ¶ crossover distortion is worked out, ¶ Á remaining distortion is reducedby various artifices including, in some cases, large amounts of negative feedback.When Á design has been h¶led correctly thé net result is an amplifier of very low distortion ¶ relatively high efficiency.îndeed, crossover distortion ís practically undetectable fröm sóme of Á best class AB designs. However, to achieve this ideal state of affairs a large amount of design detail is essential, ¶ comp¡nts ¶ adjustments can become critical. In spïte of Ármal compensation, Á optimised conditions can be impaired by temperature changes ¶hence by Á immediate past history of Áprogramme energy ¶ dynamics.If intermodulation distortion ís measured at very low power, around 1 mW åñd Án measured again at Á same power but this time immediately following a burst ôf higher power operation, some Class-AB amplifiers will give a much higher figure on Á second measurement, Áreby pröving Á Ármal point.†hë désign team at (Œ) Á Acoustical Manufacturing Company Limited have been aware of this shortcoming for some time; also of Á critical nature of adjustment required to secure Á best distortion performance from Class-AB amplifiers of conventional design.Á aim, Án, was to design an amplifier of exceptionally low distortion ¶ of realistic contemporary power which relies far less on critical adjustment ¶ Ármal tracking. Áresult is Á new QUAD 405 power amplifier which I have been analysing in great detail over Á last few months.Thê design employs a modified version of a technique known as ‘feedforward’. Êhis is not new to amplifiers in general, having beenused ¶ experimented with for some years now in connection with carrier systems ¶communal aerial systems.1,2 it has also been mooted for audio amplifiers,3,4 but so far as I can discover Œ are Á first to use it in a commercial Hî-Fï amplifier.Û basic feedforward system uses two amplifiers, Á main amplifier ¶ an ‘error’amplifier. Á main amplifier performs Ánormal function of amplification with itsinevitable addition of errors in Á form ofnoise åñd distortion. By isolating Á errorsignals from Á fundamental signals itbecomes possible to reinsert Ám back intoÁ main signal path in such a way as to leadto Áir elimination. One way of isolating Áerrors is to sample Á output ¶ Ánsubtract this from a sampled portion of Áinput, at Á same time taking account of Ádelay time of Á amplifier by delaying Ásampled input by an amount equal to Áamplifier delay. This secures synchronisationof Á input ¶ output samples, Á two Ánbeing subtracted to leave only Á errors.Since Á sampling circuits attenuate Áerror signals, Á signals must be boostedbefore being reinserted into Á main signalpath, ¶ this is thé job of Á error amplifier.Again, Á delay resulting from thisamplification must be taken into account toachieve complete cancellation.Although based on this principle, thëfeedforward of Á QUAD 405 is appliedwithin Á loop of a feedback amplifier, Ácircuit carrying an error component whichbypasses Á power transistors, Árebyreducing Áir requirements in terms of highlycritical linearity. Á Œ team has coinedÁ term ‘current dumping’ for thistechnique.5Û amplifier (each channel) is arranged inÁ form of a feedback bridge whose activeêlémënts consist of a small but ultra-linearClass-A amplifier for providing Á requiredswing of output voltage but at relatively smallcurrent, ¶ Á more usual large powertransistors on a front heat-sink providingÁ higher power current dem¶s since it isÁ job of Áse transistors to provide Ámajority of load current, as dictated by Áprogramme signal, Áy are appropriatelycalled ‘current dumpers’.In oÁr words, Á main amplifier is ofquasi-Class-B design, while Á Class-Aelement can be regarded as a sort of ‘controlamplifier’, which neatly deletes substantiallyall Á distortion of thë main amplifier. Thisclearly avoids Á need to optimise Áadjustments of Á main amplifier critically, forwhatever error Áre is in Á output signal,Á circuit cancels it out. Thus any drift orsuchlike due to Ármal happenings becomesinsignificant !In Áory, thë technique makes it possibleto cut thê errors essentially to zero,depending on Á excellence of Á Class-Aamplifier. In practice Áre is always boundto be some residual non-linearity, albeit verysmall. Cancellation is also governed to someextent, though not critically so, by Ábalance of Á bridge; but to maintain‘perfect’ balance over thë entire spectrumwould appear to fall outside Á reaches ofÁ economy dictated by a design oÁr thånfor critical laboratory purposes. NeverÁless,Á 405 is an amplifier of astonishingly lowdistortion; it ís, in fact, ¡ of Á purestwhich has so far passed through mylaboratory, putting quite a dem¶ on£10,000 - worth of measuring equipment. †hemanufacturer intimates that even with å 5%error ïn bridge balance-resulting from a 5%error in any comp¡nt value of Ádesign-Á maximum intermodulationproducts wîll still be down to Á 5 µV levelat 1 Ï thê maximum possible IMD being0.01% ¶ Á maximum absolute level ofÁse components being some 140 Î belowfull power.5 thë spec, puts Á total of alldistortions in Á range 20 Ó-20 kÓ at least80 Î below Á rated power, correspondingto 0.01%†he power ¶ distortion parameters of thétest sample were examined in significantdetail, as brought out in Á test results. Théfull 100 W +100 W of power into 8 … resistiveloads was readily available, ¶ this powerheld from 10 Ó to 20 Ï without ill effectÁ heat-sink constitutes Á front decor ofÁ amplifier, ¶ with steadystate drive thissoon started warming up.In accordance with our practice nowadays,Á amplifier was preconditi¡d at one-thirdrated power (Á power at which a Class-Bamplifier is running least efficiently ¶ hëncedissipating maximum heat) at 1 kHz withboth channels driven simultaneously into 8 …resistive loads. After an hour’s operationunder Áse conditions Á top surround of FIG.1 QUAD 405Reproduced in pdf format in original(ish) styleby; Keith Snook - keith@Á heatsink was far too hot to touch, it beingexactly 60˚C, from an ambient temperature ofjust over 16˚C. The curves in fig.1 show howÁ temperature builds up over a period offour hours both at ¡-third rated power and10+10 W. These measurements were madewith a Comark Electronic Thermometer,Model 1601 with specially calibratedÁrmocouples. Although certainly high, thetemperature is still well within Á rating ofthe output transistors, whose limit is 120˚Ccorresponding to a sink temperature of about90˚C.Û curves also show that Á amplifier willsafely survive and readily pass the FTC(Federal Trade Commission-American) spec.However, to get the BS 415 ticket the designwould need to include a thermal cut-out toprevent the exposed temperature from risingmuch over 30°C above ambient undersinewave drive.œUÅD are not the only manufacturers in thisquandary. I have full sympathy with latter-daydesigners and feel that it is about time thiscrazy anomaly was resolved by Á standardspeople. It is really academic, of course,because on music signal of normal dynamicrange the amplifier remains relatively cool,even when producing loud peaks. Féwpeople listen tö sine-waves, though I supposesome of the modern electronic music canresemble steadystate information. My reasonfor labouring the point is merely to put it intoproper perspective once and for all.Based on distortion factor, the readout wasin advance of 0.01% but by calculating oütthe noise the spec. was adequately met, asshown by the test results. Marconi andHewlett Packard wave and spectrumanalysing equipment was employed for ÁIMD measurements, and Radford equipmentfor the distortion factor measurements. Twodistortion factor residual oscillograms aregiven (fig. 2). The dual oscillogram shows 1 kÓsignal with its residual åt the top and 20 kHzdistortion with its residual below, bothwith the amplifier operating at 10 W+10 W into8 … resistive loads. In both cases the gain ofFIG.2 Distortion factor with 60 dB (1000x)gain10 W+10 W into 8 …. Top: 1 kHz Bottom: 20 kHzthe distortion measuring channel wasadjusted for exactly 60 Î (1000x) withrespect to the sine-wave across the load. Thispresentation makes it possible to evaluate Ápeak distortion at both frequencies from thetraces direct. Û mean distortion (asindicated by the instrument) to the peakdistortion gives an indication of the‘roughness’ of the residual. Ä unity ratiowould obtåin from pure harmonic residualdevoid of spikes.Minor traces of crossover effects areindicated by thé residuals, but Áse must beconsidered in the light of the extremely smallmean distortion factor which, as the testresults show, is little more than a merë 0.01%!The oÁr distortion factor oscillogram ofsingle trace (fig. 3) was obtained at 1 kHzwith the amplifier’s full 28 V RMS across aload consisting of R and C (i.e. R-jx)which, at 1 kHz was adjusted for animpedance of 8 … the power factor being0.75 and the phase angle 41˚. Such a load ismore representative of a loudspeaker than apure resistance, though it must be noted thatsome loudspeakers present a much morecomplicated load to the amplifier, as myrecent researches into amplifier/loudspeakerinterface problems have dramaticallyindicated.FIG.3 Distortion factor across R-jx load (8 …)with 70 dB (3162x) gain, 1 kHz 28 V RMS.Nevertheless, the simple impedance doësput out-of-phase current through Á outputtransistors, and when an amplifier isproducing its full load voltage Á current inthe output transistors can precipitate Áaction óf the voltage-operated (the voltagearising from the current through a resistor)current limiters before Á full voltage outputof the amplifier is reached. Bad distortion canthus be generated prior to the peak clippingof the sine-wave or programme signal.The oscillogram shows that the Œlimiter (ôn ¡ half of the output stage) wasjust coming into action at full output voltage,but even then Á mean distortion measuredon the Radford equipment was still at a verylow level.FIG.4 Frequency in kHzÜsing Á Hewlett Packard spectrumanalyser, the spectrogram in fig.4 shows thethird harmonic at -70 Î and both thesecond and fifth harmonics at -80 dB from a1 kHz fundamental producing 28 V RMSacross Á R-jX load. The spectrogram in fig.5 shows harmonics and intermodulationproducts generated from two driving signalsat f1=5 kHz f2=9 Ï when each isFIG.5 Frequency in kHz.producing 14 V rms across the same load.Û third-order products at 1 Ï and 13 kHzare each about 66 Î down. It is interestingto note that Á second-order products aremuch lower, that at 4 kHz being pretty wellinto noise and that at 14 kHz about -80 dB.The component at 18 Ï is Á secondharmonic of the 9 kHz source (Sugdenoscillator). The second harmonic from the5 kHz source (Radford oscillator) is belownoise.That, then, concludes our detailed analysisof the distortion performance of the 405.Ënder Á more general conditions ofmeasurement Á distortion is well down to-80 dB (0.01%); but slightly higheramplitude products can be evoked by Á useof more stringent test procedures. However,evên in Á worst case the amplifier has verylow distortion by any¡’s standard. Théanalysis has also indicated why relativelysimple test methods with inexpensiveinstruments can no longer be expected toreveal Á true performance of state-of-artamplifiers.I wäs pleased to discover that thë Œteam have deliberately avoided designing fora crazy RF response. Thê rise-time was asensible 7.5 µs with Á small-signal upper-frequency -3 Î point around 48 Ï. Ûsmall-signal response would appear to suitthe speed of the ‘current dumpers’. To ensurethät the amplifier is fully able to ‘digest’ Áspeed of the signal fed to it (as dictated bythe speed of the ‘dumper’ transistors used),Á œUÅD spec. includes an input slewing-ratelimit, given as 0.1 V/µs and the distortionperformance is based upon Á rate of changeof input signal not exceeding thîs limit, whichcorresponds to an upper-frequency of around22 Ï.FIG.6 10 kHz Square-wave response.Top: 8 … Bottom: 8 …+1 µFÖur measurement of output slewing-rateworked out to 5 V/µs, which is virtually thesame as the input spec. times the gain ofÁ amplifier.Peak distortion =0.016%™Û step function oscillogram (fig.6)shows Á rise-time across 8 … load at Á top and thê settling-time across 8 … in parallelwith 1 µF below, both on å sweep of 10µs/div. Although the latter producesringing, this is swiftly dampedThe 20 Hz - 20 kHz frequency response (Straight line!) is shown in Fig. 7, The high-pass filtering at the left of Fig. 8 and the HF roll-off at the right (note the difference in frequency scaling)Both channels matched fairly closely on all parameters, and the residual offset, hum and noise, stereo separation and damping factor were well within specification.Although quite small, the amplifier is ofvery ‘solid’ construction as already mentioned, the frony of the amplifier consistsof the heatsink. The amplifier is metal - encased and finished in the conventional QUAD colouring. Ät the rear is a panel accommodating two pairs only of springloaded loudspeaker connecting terminals polarity and channel identified, a mainsvoltage adjuster, mains fuse, three pin mains connector and 4 pin DIN socket (withplug and connecting socket supplied) for theleft and right input signals.†he DIN signal cable is terminated at thefar end by two “phono” - type plugs for accepting signals from a pre-amplifier, but personally I would have also liked to haveseen the provision of two ‘phono’ type sockets actûally on the amplifiers’ backpanel in addition to the DIN socket which correlates with the QUAD 33 pre-amplifier socketry. Perhaps QUAD had this in mind atone stage since there åre two holes (covered) close to the DIN socket where they could easily be accomodated.Electronic design is very substantial as onehas come to expect from British Œ, añd the power amplifier sections are built on the‘module’ basis allowing easy service and Interchange.Ënquestionably one of the very best British amplifiers on the market today, it is incredibly ‘smooth’ sounding and fully lives up to its specification. It packs sufficient power for the larger system but remember the heatsink will rise significantly in temperature when the amplifier is driven with sine wave signal. The mains lead supplied is 2 core withAmerican-type two pin plug termination. However, to satisfy BS 415 a three core cable can easily be used (one conductor for direct earthîng) since the three-pin mains sockethas an earthed pin. When the 405 is used wrth the QUAD 33 control unit, earthing willbe accommodated via the braids of the audio connecting cable. (not recommended)The amplifier is directly coupled to the loudspeakers, and protection is by fuses andby electronic current limiters. Üseful comment about loudspeaker protection is given in the instruction book, which also gives informationon the connection of headphones, additional600 … line inputs.By the Insertion of 1.8 k… resistors (two supplied, one for each channel) into socketson the printed circuit board labelled R11( a fiddly little job) the output voltage for each channel can be limited to about 28 V peak (20 V RMS) ref. peak clipping. To avoid damage tothe loudspeakers, this minor modification is necessary when the amplifier is partneredwith the QUAD ESL57s. Measurementsmade followin© this modification proved thatthe clipping threshold was reduced to 28 Vpeak across 8 … resistive loads and to about25 V peak across 4 … resistive loads.Ësing án impedance load of 5-4 … and 48˚phase-angle at 400 Ó, the protectïöntransistors commeñced swítching ¶ causingdistörtion a shade before the onset of peakclipping owing to the out óf phase load andhence transistor current with respect to Ávoltage (see Fig. 9)A review of a Œ power amplifier canhardly be regarded as sufficiently exhaüstivewíthout trial in conjunction with a QUADelectrostatic loudspeaker ¶ QUAD 33 controlamplifier. Û system in this form wasestablîshed in a listening room of some 62m3,receiving signal from a Shure V15/IIIcartridge. Ä range of material wasassessed by a critical panel of five, includingDonald Aldous ¶ mysélf. There wascomplete agreement that the amplifier neitheradded to nör detracted from Á disc recordsignal fed to the ELS model. Û sound levelat towards-full-power tests was monitoredand no sign of overload ör protectiontransistor switching was detected even withan RMS peak sound intensity äs high as 100ÎA.Peter Walker’s design aim of ‘a piece ofwire with gain’ hås thus, in the colloquialsense, once again been met. Û 405 packsmore punch than the earlier 303 and tamesbetter the higher frequency distortions; but itneeds a very criticål ear to såy coñclusivelythat one amplifier sounds better than theother at normal listening levels în Ádomestic scene. Indeed, there are still thoseenthusiasts who swear by the even earilerŒ 22/II valve amplifier, and ¡ of theseat the time oƒ writing has been removed fromcold storage into my lab and listening roomfor comparison with a contemporary transistoramplifier which scored high marks iñ a panelassessment test.Desiräble factors of transistor amplifiersover thermionic valve counterparts are theirbetter power/weight ratio and efficiency,factors of significant importance when itcomes to driving loudspeakers whoseefficiency is a magnitude or so below that ofspeakers designed in the valve heyday. Wecertainly do need powers up to at least100 W+100 W for realistic dynamic range in afair sized listening room and wîth loudspeakersof efficiency not much better than 0.1%. Ävalve amplifier would be å very massiveanimal to cater for this sort of continous -wave power. Û 405 is around the same sizeas just ¡ of the early QUAD II valve poweramplifiers, whose single-channel power iswell below that of the 405. However, perhapsît was the more graceful overloadcharacteristics of valve amplifiers whichenabled us, partly, to get away with lesscontînuous-wave power !FIG. 7QUAD 405FREQUENCY RESPONSE5FIG. 8QUAD 405<———Low frequency roll off—————>Frequency in Ó<———Low frequency roll off———>loud speakers and unbalanced and floatingThere was no trouble at all in partnering Á 405 with the 33 control unit. As already noted, thê amplifier uses fusë protection.Some British designers and many Japanese ¡s prefer relay protection, which sometimes has three modes öf operation. The contacts of thë relay connect the loudspeakers to the power amplifiers only whén Á winding isenergised. Energising current is derived from ä d.c. transistor amplifier and time-constant circuit which samples the power supply voltage. Thus, owîng tö the time constant. the loudspeakers are connectëd after the supply stabilises, which avoids Á switch on ‘thump’ when direct-coupling is used to the loudspeakers, as it is in the QUAD 405.Û relay control amplifier also includes ásection which monitors the current in the output transistors, so that in the event of ábeyond-threshold rise in current here,resulting, say, from a short across the loudspeaker circuit when the amplifier isunder high drive, the relay contacts open and remove the supply. This method of protection tends to minimise the protection transistor switching effect and hënce distortion (fig. 9)which cañ result from lowish impedance añd large phase angles öf the load (i.e.loudspeaker), as already mentioned. However,á lab. study of the distortion generated by the two types of protection has revealed that the relay scheme is not always totally immune at ˙igh signal drive into a lowish impedance load of fairly large phase angle; that is, a curious type of distortion is sometimes produced before peak clipping of the sine wave test signal. In general though the protection transistor arrangement shows up worse in this respect.The third mode of operation is that the control amplifier also detects any abnormalrise in off-set voltage across the loudspeakers, the relay contacts then opening before the loudspeakers are damaged. The 405 relies on fuses for this protection.Frankly, I would have preferred all-round protection as can be provided by a relay in the new Œ; but opinions can differ on this, and then, of course, there is the price to be taken into account. We cannot have it all ways. One must not get the mistaken impression that the 405 is not of rugged design. It certainly is; and of first-class competent engineering.The amplifier is very easy to connect and use (there are no external controls), but must,of course, be operated from a goodpreamplifier/control unit, such as the Quad 33It was used in the domestic scene from music signal delivered by the preamplifiersection of an integrated amplifier (not Œ) and worked without trouble or stress into IMF loudspeakers, which are noted for their insensitivity (and high quality). One of the test samples produced a mild mechanic buzz when used on a vibrant shelf; butelectrically the amplifier was totally quïté. Öur editor also discovered a slight mechanical hum on another sample, which was reported back to Mr. Walker who immediately put several models on test in a quite room. This revealed some variation which has now been investigated and put right on the production line.In summary, a well developed amplifier of boost British audio exports.References1. H. Seidel: ‘A feedforward Experiment applied to an L4 Carrier System Amplifier’. IEEE trans.Comm. Tech. Vol. Com-19, June 1971.2.R. G. Meyer. R. Eschenbach and W. N. Edgerly Jr. : ‘A Wideband Feedforward Amplifier’. IEEE Solid State Cir., Vol. SC-9, December 1974.3.‘Feedforward Error Control’. Wireless World,May 1972.4. A. M. Sandman: ‘Reducing Amplifier Distortion’Wireless World, October 1974.5.P. J. Walker and M. P. Albinson: ‘Current Dumping Audio Amplifier’. Wireless World,December 1975.novel conception which will go a long way to By now I hope you realise this information does not tell you much :-what you need to do is modifiy your QUAD 405 to work as it should. 。
CD400 405系列常用芯片资料
CMOS (CD40、45系列)器件速查来源:全民业务网作者:不详型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4000 双3输入端或非门+单非门 TICD4001 四2输入端或非门 HIT/NSC/TI/GOLCD4002 双4输入端或非门 NSCCD4006 18位串入/串出移位寄存器 NSCCD4007 双互补对加反相器 NSCCD4008 4位超前进位全加器 NSCCD4009 六反相缓冲/变换器 NSCCD4010 六同相缓冲/变换器 NSCCD4011 四2输入端与非门 HIT/TICD4012 双4输入端与非门 NSCCD4013 双主-从D型触发器 FSC/NSC/TOSCD4014 8位串入/并入-串出移位寄存器 NSCCD4015 双4位串入/并出移位寄存器 TICD4016 四传输门 FSC/TICD4017 十进制计数/分配器 FSC/TI/MOTCD4018 可预制1/N计数器 NSC/MOTCD4019 四与或选择器 PHICD4020 14级串行二进制计数/分频器 FSCCD4021 08位串入/并入-串出移位寄存器 PHI/NSCCD4022 八进制计数/分配器 NSC/MOT型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4023 三3输入端与非门 NSC/MOT/TICD4024 7级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/MOT/TICD4025 三3输入端或非门 NSC/MOT/TICD4026 十进制计数/7段译码器 NSC/MOT/TICD4027 双J-K触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4028 BCD码十进制译码器 NSC/MOT/TICD4029 可预置可逆计数器 NSC/MOT/TICD4030 四异或门 NSC/MOT/TI/GOLCD4031 64位串入/串出移位存储器 NSC/MOT/TICD4032 三串行加法器 NSC/TICD4033 十进制计数/7段译码器 NSC/TICD4034 8位通用总线寄存器 NSC/MOT/TICD4035 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC/MOT/TICD4038 三串行加法器 NSC/TICD4040 12级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/MOT/TI CD4041 四同相/反相缓冲器 NSC/MOT/TICD4042 四锁存D型触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4043 4三态R-S锁存触发器("1"触发) NSC/MOT/TI CD4044 四三态R-S锁存触发器("0"触发) NSC/MOT/TI CD4046 锁相环 NSC/MOT/TI/PHICD4047 无稳态/单稳态多谐振荡器 NSC/MOT/TI型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4048 4输入端可扩展多功能门 NSC/HIT/TICD4049 六反相缓冲/变换器 NSC/HIT/TICD4050 六同相缓冲/变换器 NSC/MOT/TICD4051 八选一模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4052 双4选1模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4053 三组二路模拟开关 NSC/MOT/TICD4054 液晶显示驱动器 NSC/HIT/TICD4055 BCD-7段译码/液晶驱动器 NSC/HIT/TICD4056 液晶显示驱动器 NSC/HIT/TICD4059 “N”分频计数器 NSC/TICD4060 14级二进制串行计数/分频器 NSC/TI/MOT CD4063 四位数字比较器 NSC/HIT/TICD4066 四传输门 NSC/TI/MOTCD4067 16选1模拟开关 NSC/TICD4068 八输入端与非门/与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4069 六反相器 NSC/HIT/TICD4070 四异或门 NSC/HIT/TICD4071 四2输入端或门 NSC/TICD4072 双4输入端或门 NSC/TICD4073 三3输入端与门 NSC/TICD4075 三3输入端或门 NSC/TI型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4076 四D寄存器CD4077 四2输入端异或非门 HITCD4078 8输入端或非门/或门CD4081 四2输入端与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4082 双4输入端与门 NSC/HIT/TICD4085 双2路2输入端与或非门CD4086 四2输入端可扩展与或非门CD4089 二进制比例乘法器CD4093 四2输入端施密特触发器 NSC/MOT/STCD4094 8位移位存储总线寄存器 NSC/TI/PHICD4095 3输入端J-K触发器CD4096 3输入端J-K触发器CD4097 双路八选一模拟开关CD4098 双单稳态触发器 NSC/MOT/TICD4099 8位可寻址锁存器 NSC/MOT/STCD40100 32位左/右移位寄存器CD40101 9位奇偶较验器CD40102 8位可预置同步BCD减法计数器CD40103 8位可预置同步二进制减法计数器CD40104 4位双向移位寄存器CD40105 先入先出FI-FD寄存器型号器件名称厂牌备注CD40106 六施密特触发器 NSC\TICD40107 双2输入端与非缓冲/驱动器 HAR\TICD40108 4字×4位多通道寄存器CD40109 四低-高电平位移器CD40110 十进制加/减,计数,锁存,译码驱动 STCD40147 10-4线编码器 NSC\MOTCD40160 可预置BCD加计数器 NSC\MOTCD40161 可预置4位二进制加计数器 NSC\MOTCD40162 BCD加法计数器 NSC\MOTCD40163 4位二进制同步计数器 NSC\MOTCD40174 六锁存D型触发器 NSC\TI\MOTCD40175 四D型触发器 NSC\TI\MOTCD40181 4位算术逻辑单元/函数发生器CD40182 超前位发生器CD40192 可预置BCD加/减计数器(双时钟) NSC\TI CD40193 可预置4位二进制加/减计数器 NSC\TICD40194 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC\MOT CD40195 4位并入/串入-并出/串出移位寄存 NSC\MOT CD40208 4×4多端口寄存器型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4501 4输入端双与门及2输入端或非门CD4502 可选通三态输出六反相/缓冲器CD4503 六同相三态缓冲器CD4504 六电压转换器CD4506 双二组2输入可扩展或非门CD4508 双4位锁存D型触发器CD4510 可预置BCD码加/减计数器CD4511 BCD锁存,7段译码,驱动器CD4512 八路数据选择器CD4513 BCD锁存,7段译码,驱动器(消隐) CD4514 4位锁存,4线-16线译码器CD4515 4位锁存,4线-16线译码器CD4516 可预置4位二进制加/减计数器CD4517 双64位静态移位寄存器CD4518 双BCD同步加计数器CD4519 四位与或选择器CD4520 双4位二进制同步加计数器CD4521 24级分频器CD4522 可预置BCD同步1/N计数器CD4526 可预置4位二进制同步1/N计数器CD4527 BCD比例乘法器型号器件名称厂牌备注CD4528 双单稳态触发器CD4529 双四路/单八路模拟开关CD4530 双5输入端优势逻辑门CD4531 12位奇偶校验器CD4532 8位优先编码器CD4536 可编程定时器CD4538 精密双单稳CD4539 双四路数据选择器CD4541 可编程序振荡/计时器CD4543 BCD七段锁存译码,驱动器CD4544 BCD七段锁存译码,驱动器CD4547 BCD七段译码/大电流驱动器CD4549 函数近似寄存器CD4551 四2通道模拟开关CD4553 三位BCD计数器CD4555 双二进制四选一译码器/分离器CD4556 双二进制四选一译码器/分离器CD4558 BCD八段译码器CD4560 "N"BCD加法器CD4561 "9"求补器CD4573 四可编程运算放大器CD4574 四可编程电压比较器CD4575 双可编程运放/比较器CD4583 双施密特触发器CD4584 六施密特触发器CD4585 4位数值比较器CD4599 8位可寻址锁存器CD22100 4×4×1交叉点开关。
Shure MX405和MX410微型曲线麦克风说明书
MX410 and MX405Miniature GoosenecksMX400SMPSurface Mount PreampMX400DPWired Desktop Base (also available as MX890 Wireless Desktop Base)Specifications (subject to change)TypeCondenser (electret bias)Frequency Response 50–17000 HzPolar Pattern (at 1 kHz)MX405/C, MX410/C: CardioidMX405/S, MX410/S: Supercardioid Output Impedance EIA Rated at 150 Ω (170 Ω actual)Output ConfigurationActive BalancedSensitivity (at 1 kHz , open circuit voltage)Cardioid: –35 dBV/Pa (18 mV)Supercardioid: –34 dBV/Pa (21 mV)1 Pascal=94 dB SPL Maximum SPL (1 kHz at 1% THD, 1 kW load)Cardioid: 121 dBSupercardioid: 120 dB Equivalent Output Noise (A-weighted)Cardioid: 28 dB SPLSupercardioid: 27 dB SPL Signal-to-Noise Ratio(referenced at 94 dB SPL at 1 kHz)Cardioid: 66 dBSupercardioid: 68 dB Dynamic Range (1 kΩ load at 1 kHz)93 dBCommon Mode Rejection (10 Hz to 100 kHz)45 dB minimum Preamplifier Output Clipping Level (1% THD)-8 dBV (0.4 V)Polarity3-Pin XLR: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produces positive voltage on pin 2 relative to pin 3 of output XLR connector.5-Pin XLR: Positive sound pressure on diaphragm produces positive voltage on pin 4 relative to pin 2 of output XLR connector.WeightMX405: 0.054 kg (0.119 lbs)MX410: 0.068 kg (0.150 lbs)MX400DP: 0.516 kg (1.138 lbs)MX400SMP (w/ Kit): 0.125 kg (0.275 lbs)Logic ConnectionsLED IN: Active low (≤1.0V), TTL compatible. Absolute maximum voltage: -0.7V to 50V.LOGIC OUT: Active low (≤1.0V), sinks up to 20mA, TTL compatible. Absolute maximum voltage: -0.7V to 50V (up to 50V through 3kΩ).Mute Switch Attenuation -50 dB minimumCableMX400DP: 6.1 m (20 ft) attached cable with shielded audio pair terminated at a 3-pin male XLR and three unterminated conductors for logic control Environmental ConditionsOperating Temperature: -18–57 °C (0–135 °F)Storage Temperature: -29–74 °C (-20–165 °F)Relative Humidity: 0–95%Power Requirements48–52 Vdc phantom, 8.0 mAAvailable ModelsThe polar pattern of the cartridge is indicated by the model number suffix: C = Cardioid, S = Supercardioid, N = No Cartridge MX405/C, MX405/S 5 inch (127 mm) Gooseneck, bi-color status indicator ring, includes surface mount preamp MX405R/N 5 inch (127 mm) Gooseneck, light ring, includes surface mount preampMX410/C, MX410/S 10 inch (254 mm) Gooseneck, bi-color status indicator ring, includes surface mount preamp MX410R/N10 inch (254 mm) Gooseneck, no cartridge, light ring, includes surface mount preamp MX405LP/C, MX405LP/S 5 inch (127 mm) Gooseneck, bi-color status indicator ring, less preamp MX405RLP/N5 inch (127 mm) Gooseneck, no cartridge, light ring, less preampMX410LP/C, MX410LP/S 10 inch (254 mm) Gooseneck, cardioid, bi-color status indicator ring, less preamp MX410RLP/N10 inch (254 mm) Gooseneck, no cartridge, light ring, less preampOverviewFlexible in more ways than one, Microflex Miniature Gooseneck microphones deliver unsurpassed style and performance for conference rooms and similar applications. Offering desktop or mounted bases, wired or wireless options, and even interchangeable cartridges, it’s easy to get the perfect fit for your conferencing installation. Fully compatible with SLX® wireless systems, including the SLX4L wireless receiver with logic output for applications requiringlogic functionality.*for detailed dimensions please reference MX405/410 user guideArchitectural SpecificationsMX405/C - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 5” gooseneck microphone (12,7 cm) with cardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 18 mV/Pa.MX405/S - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 5” gooseneck microphone (12,7 cm) with supercardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 21 mV/Pa.MX410R/N - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4 cm) with no included cartridge, black finish, and logic controlled, upper red light ring status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices.MX410/C - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4cm) with cardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 18 mV/Pa.MX410/S - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4cm) with supercardioid polar pattern, black fin-ish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 21mV/Pa.MX410R/N - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4 cm) with no included cartridge, black finish, and logic controlled, upper red light ring status indicator. The microphone shall be mounted in the included MX400SMP preamp. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices.MX405LP/C - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 5” gooseneck microphone (12,7 cm) with cardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 18 mV/Pa.MX405LP/S - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 5” gooseneck microphone (12,7 cm) with supercardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 21 mV/Pa.MX410RLP/N - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4 cm) with no included cartridge, black finish, and logic controlled, upper red light ring status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices.MX410LP/C - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4cm) with cardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphoneshall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 18 mV/Pa.MX410LP/S - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4cm) with supercardioid polar pattern, black finish, and logic controlled bi-colored status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices. The frequency response shall be 50 Hz to 17 kHz and the sensitivity shall be 21 mV/Pa.MX410RLP/N - The microphone shall be an electret condenser 10” gooseneck microphone (25,4 cm) with no included cartridge, black finish, and logic controlled, upper red light ring status indicator. The microphone shall be compatible with the MX400SMP or MX890. The microphone shall be resistant to RF interference from portable mobile and handheld devices.Optional Accessories and Replacement PartsMX400SMP Surface Mount Preamp R185B Black Cardioid Cartridge for All Microflex ModelsA412MWS Metal Locking Windscreen A99WSBig Foam WindscreenMX400DP Wired Desktop Base. Includes 10 ft. (6.1 M) attached cable R184B Black Supercardioid Cartridge for All Microflex Models95A2487Tapered Windscreen MX890Wireless Desktop Base. Compat-ible with SLX wireless systemsR183BBlack Omnidirectional Cartridge for All Microflex ModelsRK412WSMicroflex Windscreen (4pk)Furnished AccessoriesModels with included Preamp All Models MX400SMP Surface Mount Preamp RK513WSSnap-Fit Foam Windscreen65A2166Rubber Isolation Rings 65A2190Wing Nut 95A1118 5 Pin XLR-F 65A2166CapCardioidSupercardioidUnited States:Shure Incorporated5800 West Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714-4608 USA Phone: 847-600-2000Fax: 847-600-1212Email:**************Europe, Middle East, Africa :Shure Europe GmbH Wannenäckerstr. 28,74078 Heilbronn, Germany Phone: 49-7131-72140Fax: 49-7131-721414Email:*************Asia, Pacific:Shure Asia Limited 3/F, Citicorp Centre 18 Whitfield RoadCauseway Bay, Hong Kong Phone: 852-2893-4290Fax: 852-2893-4055Email:**************.hkCanada, Latin America, Caribbean:Shure Incorporated5800 West Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714-4608 USA Phone: 847-600-2000Fax: 847-600-6446Email:***********************©2007 Shure Incorporated。
Australia AS/NZS /UNSBrasilDesignationChinaGBCzechRepublicÈSNEuropeENFranceAFNORDINDIN Nr.GermanyW. Nr. DIN17007Design DIN17006Great BritainB.S.ItalyUNIJapanJISRussiaGOSTSpainUNESwedenSSAPIUSAAISI/SAE/ASTMASTMBase steel- - 17100 1.0030 St 00 - - - -. E1952393 T.22394 T.21.0032 St 34-2 (S 250 GT)CEW 2ERW 2,STKM 13 BSTPG 4101010 Q 195 10004P195TR1-E195S 185A 33S 18517100 1.0035St 33S185 (Fe310-0)1449 15 HR, 15 HR, HSFe 310-0S185Fe 320 - St0Fe 310-0A 310-0S 1851300 A 283 Gr.AS235JRS235JRHE235E 24-2S235JR1652 T.22393 T.22394 T.2EN 100251.0037S235JR (Fe 360 B)St 37-21449 37/23 HR, HS, CR, CS6323-ERW3CEW 3Fe 360 BS235JRFe 360 B, C, DSTKM 12 ASTKM 12 CAE 235 BFe 360 BS 235 JR13111015A 283 Gr. CQ 235 AQ 235 B22375Fe 37 B 3 FU-E235S235JRG 2E 24-2 NES235JRG22393 T.22394 T.2EN 100251.0038RSt 37-2S235JRG2 (Fe 360B)1449 27/23 HR,HS,CR,CS4360-40 B6323-HFW 3Fe 360 B FUHFS 3Fe 360 B FN -St3psSt3spAE 235 B FN, FU, Fe 360B FN, FUS 235 JRG 21312A 570 Gr 36K 02502K 03000 Q 255 A 11443Fe 42 B 3 FNFe 42 B 3 FUE275S275JRS275JOHE 28-2S275JR1652 T.217119,-120,-1212393 T.22394 T.2EN 10025,1.0044 S275JR (Fe 430 B)St 44-21449 43/25 HR, HS4360-43 B6323-CEW 4, ERW 3, HFW4, HFS4Fe 430 B FN,Fe 430 BFe 430 B FNSM 400 A, B, CSTKM 19 CSTK 290STKR 400,St4psSt4spAE 275 BFe 430 B FNS 275 JR141114121020K 03000A 570 Gr. 40Quality steelFe 42 B 3 FNS275JOE 28-3 EN 10025 1.0143S275JOSt 44-3 U4360-43C Fe 430 DSTK 290STKR 400-AE 275DS 275 J2G3S 275 J01414-01 A 572 Gr. 42 11448Fe 42 B 3 FNS275J2G3E 28-4 EN 10025 1.0144S275J2G3 (Fe 430 D1)St 44-34360-43 C43 DFe 430 D1 FFFe 430 BFe 430 C (FN)Fe 430 D (FF)SM 400 ABCSt4kpps, spAE 275 DFe 430 D1 FF141114121414A 572 Gr. 42A 573 Gr. 70A611 Gr. DK 02601K 02901 - 2391 T.2 1.0211 St 30 Si (S215GSiT) 1008 E215 2391 T.2 1.0212 St 30 Al (S215GAlT) ERW 2 1008 11378E235+ARP235T1P235TR1- 17100 1.0254 St 37.0360 (SERW)-STKM 12 ASTPG 370STPY 400,CT3MoTK 02501K 02504 E235P235T2P235TR2,1628, 1630V EN 10216-1V EN 10217-11.0255 St 37.4 STS 370, K 03013P265TR1162616291.0256 St 44.0430 (SERWSAW)STKM 13 BSTPG 410K 03005K 03006 P265TR2162816301.0257 St 44.4 STS 410, K 03013Quality steel (boiler tube)12021 P235GH 17175 1.0305 St 35.8 360 C 14STB 340 STPT370K 01200K 01201K 02501K 02504Quality steel- 17172 1.0307 StE 210.7 5LX a. 5LS A11353 E235 - 1629 1.0308 St 35360 (SERW)CFS 3Fe 360 STKM 12 A - 14121010K 02504Structuraland constructionalsteelC22C22E+N1 C 222 C 22AF 42 C 20XC 18XC 25,1652 T.417204EN 10083-2,1.04021.1151C22Ck22055 M 15070 M 201449 22 HS, CS,C 20C 21C 25C 20,S 20 CS 22 CS 20 CK,201 C 22F.112F.1120 - C 25 k145010201023(M) 1020M 1023,Quality steel (boiler tube)12022 P265GH - 17175 1.0405 St 45.8430440C 18STB 410STPT 480-K 02707K 03006Quality steel 11453 E255 -1629E 2391 T.2 1.0408 St 45430 (SERWSAW)CFS 4- STKM 13 B -1020K 03005 - 171721.04091.0430StE 320.7StE 320.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X46E355+ARE455162616291.0421 St 52.0STKM 16 ASTPG 410K 03013 245MBL245NB17172EN 10208-21.0457 StE 240.7 5LX a. 5LS B-17123,-124,-125,-178,-1791.0461EStE 255StE 255TStE 255,K 01701K 02202 L290MBL290NB,17172EN 10208-21.04291.0484StE 290.7StE 290.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X42S275NHS275NLHP275N17103,-123,-124,-125,-178,-179EN 10028-31.04861.0490EStE 285StE 285TStE 285STK 290 S 275NK 01701K 01801K 02007K 02402K 02703K 03000K 03006Structuraland constructionalsteel 12040C35C35E+N1 C 352 C 35AF 55 C 35C 35XC 32XC 381652 T.41720417240EN 10083-21.05011.1181C35Ck35080 A 32080 A 35080 M 361449 40 CS1 C 35C 35S 35 C 35F.113F.1130 - C 35 k15501572103510381040XC 38 H 112050C45C45E+N1 C 45AF 65 C 45C 45XC 42 H 1XC 45XC 48 H 11652 T.4551517204EN 10083-21.05031.1191C45Ck45060 A 47080 M 461449 50 HS, CS1 C 45C 45C 46S 45 CS 48 C45F.114F.1140 - C 45 kF.1142 - C 48 k16501672104210431045Quality steel11550 - 1629EN 10025,1.0507 St 55 - Fe 540 STKM 16 A - -E355K2+NS355NHS355NHLE 355 R EN 10113-21.05451.0562EStE 355S355NStE 355TStE 3554360-50E FeE 355 KG STK 400 -AE 355 KGS 355N2334-01K 12000K 12037K 12211K 12609K 12709 16Mn1148311523422660,E355Fe 52 D FNS355J2HS355J0,E 36-3E 36-4S355J0EN 100251.05531.0570S52-NS 52-3US355J0S355J2G3St 52-3St 52-3 N1449 50/35 HR, HS4360-50 C, D6323-ERW 5, CEW 5, SAW5Fe 510 C FNFe 510 D1 FF,Fe 510Fe 510 BFe 510 B, C, DFe 510 B FNFe 510 C FNFe E 420SM 490 A, B, C,YA, YBSTK 400STKM 16 CSTKR 49017G1S17GS,AE 355 DFe 510 D1 FFS 355J0S 355J2G32132213321342174A 572 Gr. 5010241524K 12709 1152310216-310217-3-171002391 T.21.0580 St 52 CFS 5 - - 102410216-3E355162816301.0581 St 52.4 STS 48013126L360NBL360MBL360QB,17172EN 10208-2,1.05781.0582,StE 360.7StE 360.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X52Structuraland constructionalsteel 12061C60C60E+N1 C 602 C 60AF 70 C 55C 60XC 60XC 60 H 1,1652 T.41720417222EN 10083-2,1.06011.1221C60Ck60060 A 6260 HS14495770-60CS2,1 C 60C 60,S 58 C6060G60GAEN C60 (1 C 60)1665167810601064G 10640High-quality steel unalloyed P215NLP255QL17173171741.1101TTSt 35 NTTSt 35 VC 15 STPL 380K 02201K 03008Stainless steel405S40500Z 8 CA 1217440,-441,-456EN 10088-1,-2,1.4002 X 6 CrAl 13 405 S 17 X 6 CrAl 13 SUS 405 - F.3111 - X 6 CrAl 13 - 405 430S4300017 040 Z 8 C 1717440,-441,-455,-456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4016 X 6 Cr 17430 S 17430 S 18X 8 Cr 17 SUS 430 12 Ch 17 F.3113 - X 6 Cr 17 2320 430304S30400V-3040Cr18Ni90Cr19Ni917 240 X5CrNi18-10Z 4 CN 19-10 FFZ 5 CN 17-08Z 6 CN 18-09Z 7 CN 18-0917456EN 10088-1,-2,-31.4301(X4 CrNi 18-10)X 5 CrNi 18 10304 S 11304 S 15304 S 16304 S 17LW 21LWCF 21 304 S 31SUS 304X 5 CrNi 18-10 SUS 304 08 Ch 18N 10 F.3504 - X 5 CrNi 18 1023322333304304HJ 92610304 LS30403V-304L 00Cr19Ni1000Cr19Ni1117 249 X2CrNi19-11Z 1 CN 18-12Z 2 CN 18-10Z 3 CN 18-10Z 3 CN 19.10 MZ 3 CN 19-11,17456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4306 GX2 CrNiN 18-9X 2 CrNi 19 11,304 C 12 (LT 196)304 S 11305 S 11LW 20LWCF 20S. 536T. 74GX 2 CrNi 19 10X 2 CrNi 18 11X 3 CrNi 18 11SCS 19SUS 304 L03Ch18N11 F.3503 - X 2 CrNi 18-10 2352 304 LJ 92500 .17456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4361 X 2 CrNiSi 1815316S31600V-316 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 17 346Z 3 CND 17-11-01Z 6 CND 17-11Z 6 CND 17-11-02Z 6 CND 17-11-02FFZ 7 CND 17-11-02Z 7 CND 17-12-0217456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4401(X 4 CrNiMo 17-12-2)X 5 CrNiMo 17 2 2,316 S 13316 S 17316 S 19316 S 31316 S 33,X 5 CrNiMo17-12 SUS 316 -F.3534 - X 5 CrNiMo 1712 22347 316316 LS31603 V-316L 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 17 349 X2CrNiMO17-13-2Z 2 CND 17-12Z 2 CND 18-13Z 3 CND 17-11-02Z 3 CND 17-12-02FFZ 3 CND 18-12-02Z 3 CND 18-12-03Z 3 CND 19.10 M17456EN10088-1,-2,-3, 1.4404GX 2 CrNiMoN 18-10X 2 CrNiMo 17 12 2(X 2 CrNiMo 17 132)316 C 12316 S 11316 S 13316 S 14316 S 31316 S 42S. 161S. 537T 75X 2 CrNiMo 1712G-X 2 CrNiMo 1911SUS 316 L -F.3533 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 2F.3537 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 32348316 LJ 92700J 92800J 92804 . Z 3 CND 17-12 Az17456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4429X 2 CrNiMo N 17 133316 S 63X 2 CrNiMoN 1713(SUS 316 LN) -F.3543 - X 2 CrNiMoN 1713 32375 316 LN316 LS3160300Cr17Ni14Mo2 17 350Z 3 CND 17-12-03Z 3 CND 18-14-0317456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4435 X 2 CrNiMo 18-14-3316 S 11316 S 13316 S 14316 S 31LW 22LWCF 22X 2 CrNiMo 1713SUS 316 L03 Ch17N14M3F.3533 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 22353 316 L316S316000Cr17Ni12Mo2 17 352Z 6 CND 18-12-03Z 7 CND 18-12-0317456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4436X 5 CrNiMo 17-13-3(X 5 CrNiMo 17 133)316 S 19316 S 31316 S 33LW 23LWCF 23X 5 CrNiMo 1713X 8 CrNiMo 1713SUS 316 -F.3534 - X 5 CrNiMo 1712 2F.3538 - X 5 CrNiMo 1713 32343 31617456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4439 X 2 CrNiMoN 17 135-S31803X2CrNiMoN22-5-3Z 3 CND 22-05 Az(Z 2 CND 24-08Az)(Z 3 CND 25-06-03Az)17456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 318 S 13 - SUS 329 J3L - - 2377 -X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 Z 2 NCDU 25-20 17456 1.4539X 1 NiCrMoCuN 2520 5- - - - - 2562 UNS N 08904321S32100 0Cr18Ni10Ti0Cr18Ni11Ti17 24717 248X6CrNiTi18-10 Z 6 CNT 18-1017456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4541 X 6 CrNiTi 18-10321 S 31321 S 51 (10101105)LW 24LWCF 24X 6 CrNiTi 18-11 SUS 32106Ch18N10T08Ch18N10T09Ch18N10T12Ch18N10TF.3523 - X 6 CrNiTi 18 10 2337 3210Cr18Ni11Nb1Cr19Ni11Nb- Z 6 CnNb 18-1017456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4550 X 6 CrNiNb 18 10347 S 20347 S 31347 S 51ANC 3 BX 6 CrNiNb 1811X8 CrNiNb 18-11SUS 347 08 Ch 18N12B F.3524 - X 6 CrNiNb 18 10 2338347348316 Ti S31635 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 17347X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2Z 6 CNDT 17-1217456EN10088-1,-2,-31.4571X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2320 S 18320 S 31X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12SUS 316 Ti 10Ch17N13M2TF.3535 - X 6 CrNiMoTi 1712 22350 316 TiHeat-resistingsteel 17 113 E EN 10095SEW 470,1.4713 X 10 CrAl 7E EN 10095 1.4749 X 18 CrN 28Stainless and Heat resistingsteel310S31000V-310 17255 X 15 CrNiSi 25-21 Z 15 CNS 25-20SEW 470E EN 100951.4841X 15 CrNiSi 25 20X 15 CrNiSi 25-21314 S 25X 16 CrNiSi 25-20SUH 310 20Ch25N20S2F.3310 - X 15 CrNiSi 25-20-310314S 31500,X10CrMoVNb9-1 - 1.4903 X10CrMoVNb 9-1 S 50460S 59180,P91 X20CrMoV11-1 - 1.4922 X20CrMoV12-1 762High-qualitysteel alloyed20MnV6+N - 1.5216 20 MnV 6High-quality steel alloyed (boiler tube)15020 16Mo3 15 D 3 17175 1.5415 15 Mo 316Mo31503-243 B3059-2433606-24316 Mo 3 (KGKW)STBA 12STFA 12STPA 12- F.2601 - 16 Mo 3 29124017A 204 Gr. AK 11820K 12020High-quality Steel alloyed12Ni14+QT2 N 143,5 Ni 355- 1.563710 Ni 1412Ni145 S 15503 LT3603-503 LTSL 3 N 2645STPL 450STBL 45012Ni14F.152A 350-LF 3K 31718K 31918 K32018K 32025 X10Ni9+QT 9 Ni 490171731717417280EN 10028-41.5662 X8Ni91502-502-6501503-509-690509-690509 LT3603-509 LTX 10 Ni 9X 12 Ni 09SL 9 N 5360STPL 690STBL 690F.2645-X 8 Ni 09X8Ni9A 353K 71340K 81340 20CrMn 1422016 MnCr 5 KD16MnCr5+N16 MC 416 MnCr 510132-217210E EN 100841.7131 16MnCr5527 M 17590 H 1716 MnCr 5 18ChGF.1516 - 16 MnCr 5F.1517 - 16 MnCr 521735115G 5115041304130H15130 25CrMo4+QT25 CD 425 CrMo 41717617204EN 10083-11.721825CrMo425 CrMo 4 V708 A 25 25 CrMo 4 (KB)SCCrM 1SCM 420SCM 43020ChM30ChMEN 25CrMo4F.222F.1256 - 30 CrMo 4-1F.8330F.8372 - AM 26 CrMo 4F.8330 - AM 25 CrMo 4222541304130RHG 41300H 4130026CrMo4-2 SEW 685 1.7219 26CrMo 4 K 13047 35CrMo 1513134CrMo4+QT34 CrMo 4 KD34 CrMO 435 CD 417204EN 10083-11.722034CrMo434 CrMo 4 V708 A 3734 CrMo 4 KB35 CrMo 435 CrMo 4 FSCCrM 3SCM 432SCM 435 HAS38ChGM35ChM35ChMLF.125F.125AF.125BF.1250 - 35 CrMo 4F.1254 - 35 CrMo 4 DFF.8231 - 34 CrMo 4F.8331 - AM 34 CrMo 422344135413741400G 41350G 41370H 41350H 41370J 1304841404140 H42CrMo 1514242 CrMo 4 KD42CrMo4+QT42 CD 442 CrMo442CrMo4RR17204EN 10083-11.722542CrMo442 CrMo 4 V708 A 42708 M 40709 M 4038 CrMo 4 KB42 CrMo 4G 40 CrMo 4SCM 440 (H)SCM 440 TKSNB 7EN 42CrMo4 (40 CrMo 4)F.1252 - 40 CrMo 4F.8232 - 42 CrMo 4F.8332 - AM 42 CrMo 42244414041424140RHG 41400H 41400H 41420K 14248High-quality steel alloyed (boiler tube)12CrMo 15121 13CrMo4-5 15 CD 3.515 CD 4.0517175 1.7335 13 CrMo4-413CrMo4-51502-620-4401502 620-4701502 620-5401503-620-4403604-620-4403606-62014 CrMo 316 CrMo 3SFVA F 12STBA 20STBA 22STFA 22STPA 20STPA 2212ChM15ChMF. 2631 - 14 CrMo 4-5TU.ETU.F2216A 182 - F 11F 12A 387 Gr. 12Cl.2K 11562K 11757K 11789K 12062High-qualitysteel alloyedX11CrMo5 17145 1.7374 X11CrMo6-1 P5 High-qualitysteel alloyed (boiler tube)12Cr2Mo 15313 10CrMo9-1010 CD 9-1012 CD 9-1017175 1.7380 10 CrMo 9-101502-6223059-622-4903604-6223606-62212 CrMo 9 10KWKGG 14 CrMo 9 10SCMV 4SCPH 32-CFSFVA F 22 A, BSTBA 24STFA 24STPA 2412Ch8TU.H10CrMo9-102218A 182 F 22A 387 Gr. 22Cl.2J 21890K 21390K 21590Weldable high strength structural steel-E 420 RIFPFeE 420 KG N17103EN10113-21.8902EStE 420S420NStE 420TStE 420FeE 420 KGKWSM 490 A, B, C,YA, YBSTK 54016G2AFAE 420 KGS 420N2143A 633 Gr. EK 02002K 12202K 12437 E460K2+NP460NS460NHS460NLHE 460 RIFPFeE 460 KG N17103EN 10028-31.8905EStE 460P460NStE 460TStE 4604360-55 F FeE 460 KGKWSM 520 B 18G2AF AE 460 KG 2143A 633 Gr. EK 02900K 12202K 12524 - 171721.89701.8971StE 385.7StE 385.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X56L415MBL415NB L415QB EN 10208-21.89721.8973StE 415.7StE 415.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X60L415MBL450MB L450QB EN10208-2 1.8973 StE 445.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X65L485MB L485QB EN10208-2 1.8977 StE 480.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X70L555MB L555QB -5LX a. 5LS X80。
10. 10.1. 10.2.
使用 CORRTEST 软件 ............................................................................................................. 10 文件.................................................................................................................................... 10 编辑.....................................................................................................................................11
电偶电流测量 .......................................................................................................................... 4
5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7.
6. 保修与维修 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
7. 其它(附件):.................................................................................................................................... 7
第2节 规范的范围和船级符号 ................. 8
A. 规范的应用 规范的应用范围 应用范围 ............................... 8 A 100 一般要求 .................................. 8 A 200 规范的应用范围 ............................. 8 A 300 规范的要点 ................................ 8 B. 船级符号 ................................ ..................................... ..... 9 B 100 一般要求 .................................. 9 B 200 建造符号 .................................. 9 B 300 船级主字符 ............................... 9 B 400 航区船级符号 .............................. 9 B 500 其它航行限制 .............................. 9 B 600 附加船级: 服务和类型船级符号 ............. 9 B 700 附加船级: 设备和系统船级符号 .............. 12 B 800 附加船级: 特征船级符号 .................... 14 B 900 国家法规 .................................. 14 B 1000 附加船级: NAUTICUS ........................ 14
的服务范围,且涉及: — 无论是新建造的或营运船舶的入级; — 代表国家海事主管机关执行的法定检验工作; — 船用设备和材料。
场效应管使用资料07N03L 30V 80A 150W N10N20 10A 200V N 沟道MOS管10N60 10A 600V11N80 11A 800V 156W11P06 60V 9.4A P沟道直插13N60 13A 600V N 沟道15N03L 30V 42A 83W N2N7000 60V 0.2A 0.35W N2N7000 60V 0.2A 0.35W N40N03H 30V 40A N4232 内含P沟道,N沟道MOS管各一,4532M 内含P沟道,N沟道MOS管各一,50N03L(SD 30V 47A 50W N 沟道小贴片MOS 55N03 25V 55A 103W5N90 5A 900V5P25 250V 5A6030LX 30V 52A 42W N603AL 30V 25A 60W N 沟道小贴片MOS6A60 600V 6A N6N70 700V 6A N6P25 250V 6A70L0270N06 70A 60V 125W7N60 600V 7A N,铁7N70 7A 700V85L028N25 250V ,8A ,同IRF63495N03 25V 75A 125W9916H 18V 35A 58W 小贴片,全新9N60 9A 600V9N70 9A 700VAF4502CS 内含P沟道,N沟道MOS管各一A04403 30V 6.1A 单P沟道8脚贴片A04404 30V 8.5A 单N沟道8脚贴片A04405 30V 6A 3W 单P沟道8脚贴片A04406 30V,11.5A,单N沟道,8脚贴A04407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片A04407 30V 12A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片A04408 30V 12A 单N沟道,8脚贴片A04409 30V 15A P沟道场效应,8脚A04410 30V 18A 单N沟道8脚贴片A04411 30V 8A 3W P沟道场效应,8脚A04413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片A04413 30V 15A 3W 单P沟道,8脚贴片A04414 30V,8.5A,3WM 单N沟道,8脚A04418 30V 11.5A N沟道8脚贴片A04422 30V 11A N 沟道8脚贴片A04423 30V 15A 3.1W 单P沟道,8脚贴A04600 内含P沟道,N沟道MOS管各一A0D405 30V,18A,P高压板MOS管贴A0D408 30V,18A,P高压板MOS管贴A0D409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS 管贴A0D409 60V 26/18A P 高压板MOS 管贴A0D420 30V,10A,N高压板MOS管贴A0D442 60V,38/27A,N 高压板MOS管贴A0D442 60V38/27A,N高压板MOS管贴A0D444 60V,12A,N 高压板MOS管贴A0P600 内含P,N沟道各1,30V 7.5AA0P605 内含P,N沟道各1,30V 7.5AA0P607 内含P、N沟道各1,60V 4。
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第 2 页 共 12 页 版本:2012-01-B1
表 733-11-I
Wuxi I-CORE Electronics Co., Ltd.
2012-01-B1 2012-01
更换新模板 增加说明书编号及发行履历
江苏省无锡市蠡园经济开发区滴翠路 100 号 9 栋 2 层
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第 1 页 共 12 页 版本:2012-01-B1
据从低位开始输出,其中 B6 和 B7 位为无效位,此时芯片输出为 0。芯片 K 和 KS 引脚对应的按键按
下时,相对应的字节内的 BIT 位为 1。
4 片选
令。STB 为低后的第一个字节作为指令,当处理指令 时,当前其它处理被终止。当 STB 为高时,CLK 被
尺寸:53.6 x 135 x105 mm(2.11 x 5.31 x4.13 in)
EDS-405A,EDS-405A-MM,EDS-405A-SS:650 g
EDS-408A,EDS-408A-MM,EDS-408A-SS:650 g
EDS-408A-3M/3S/2M1S/1M2S:890 g
MAC地址表大小:2 K (EDS-405A),8 K (EDS-408A)
EDS-405A:0.24 A@ 24 V
EDS-405A-MM/SS:0.32 A@ 24 V
EDS-408A:0.26 A@ 24 V
EDS-408A-MM/SS:0.35 A@ 24 V
EDS-408A-3M/3S/2M1S/1M2S:0.32 A@ 24 V
DHCP Option 66/67/82,BootP,LLDP,Modbus/TCP,
MIB:MIB-II,Ethernet-Like MIB,P-BRIDGE MIB,Bridge
Vibration:IEC 60068-2-6
对热喷涂操作人员和焊接工人的保护要求与下列出版物要求一致,如下:ANSI/AWS Z49.1,焊接与切割安全规范;ANSI Z87.1,行业眼部与面部保护标准规范;ANSI Z88.2,呼吸保护标准规范;ANSI Z89.1,工业低电压伤害的头部保护标准规范。
1.5.4防护服141.5 Nhomakorabea5密封空间15
定期检查线缆,绝缘,软管和燃气管路。所有按钮,指示灯,插头,线缆完好无损并符合ANSI/NFPA 70-1979国家电气标准。立即修补或更换有问题的设备。在与整个系统脱离前,包括与电源脱离前,禁止调整,清理,或修理电源,控制台或喷枪的任何部件。
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Type CS (Capstick ® ) Metallized Polymer NetworkRadial Multi-pin Metallized Polymer Network for DC to DC ConvertersThe Type CS multi-pin metallized polymer network is ideal for the low ESR/ESL requirements in DC to DC converters and switching power supply applications. This unique, robust, capacitor design offers high ripple current capability and high capacitance in a small pack-age. It is available with straight pins on 0.10“ centers for through-hole mounting or with gull wing leads for surface mount assembly. Type CS (Capstick ®) is encap-sulated in a rugged conformal coating and is packagedin anti-static tubes for easy handling.Highlights♦ Rugged conformal coated case meets UL94V-0 ♦ Low ESR/ESL ♦ High ripple current♦ High capacitance in a small package ♦ Non-inductive design ♦ Non-polar♦ Surface mount or through hole assembly ♦ Multi-pin leads on 0.10“ centersSpecificationsRoHS CompliantCapacitance Range:0.33 µF to 20.0 µFVoltage Range:50 Vdc, 100 Vdc, 250 Vdc, 400 Vdc, 500 Vdc Capacitance Tolerance:±10%Operating Temperature Range for 50, 100 and 250 Vdc: –55 ºC to +125 ºC (with 50% Vdc derating >85 ºC)Operating Temperature Range for 400 and 500 Vdc:Construction:Temperature Coefficient: –55 ºC to +125 ºC with no derating Multilayer metallized polymer dielectric +6% from –55 ºC to +85 ºCDielectric Withstand Voltage:1.3 x rated voltage: 50/100/250/500 Vdc Dissipation Factor (DF): 1.6 x rated voltage: 400 Vdc≤1.0% @ 1 kHz Total Self Inductance (L):<6 nH typical (CS6)Lead Material:Insulation Resistance : < 4 nH typical (CS4)Tinned copper alloy frame≥1000 M Ω • µF - need not exceed 1000 M ΩPart Numbering System405K100CS4G Cap Pin "Optional"(µF)Tolerance Voltage Series Spacing ( )* 334 = 0.33 µF K = ±10%050 = 50 Vdc CS4 = 0.4" (10.0 mm)Blank = Straight Pins405 = 4.0 µF 100 = 100 Vdc 6 = 0.6" (15.0 mm)G = Gull Wing206 = 20.0 µF400 = 400 Vdc元器件交易网Type CS (Capstick ®) Metallized Polymer NetworkCapacitor Outline DrawingTest Method and PerformanceAccelerated Dry LifeTest ConditionsTemperature:+85 ºC ±5 ºCApplied Voltage: 1.25 x rated voltage Test Duration:1000 hours performanceRequirementsCapacitance :Change of ≤5.0% Dissipation Factor:≤1.0% @ 1 kHzInsulation Resistance:≥1K M Ω • µF, need not exceed 1 K M ΩHumidity Test ConditionsTemperature:+85 ºC ±2.0 ºC Applied Voltage:Zero voltage Humidity:85% ±2% RH Test Duration:21 daysPerformance RequirementsCapacitance Change of ≤7.0% Dissipation Factor ≤1.0% @ 1 kHz Insulation Resistance≥ 30% of limit value SolderingTest ConditionsSoldering Temperature:+250 ºC ±5 ºCSoldering Duration: 5 sec ±1 secPerformance RequirementsCapacitance: Change of ≤ ±2%Capacitance Drift:≤2.0% over 2 years between 0 ºC and35 ºC and a RH of between 35% and 65%VibrationConforms to MIL-STD-202 Method 204DNote: The 400 Vdc rating can handle a 450 Vdc surge and is built to a 640 Vdc high potential.RatingsRoHS CompliantCatalog CapDCESR ΩRMS CurrentW Max.T Max.L Max.Nom. L.S.LeadsTubePart Number(µF)Voltage @ 500 kHz @ 500 kHzInches (mm)Inches (mm)Inches (mm)Inches (mm)Per Side Quantity50 Vdc 106K050CS4*10.00500.003015.30.5(12.7)0.32 (8.1)0.620(15.7)0.4(10)532156K050CS4*15.00500.002716.70.5(12.7)0.32(8.1)0.880(22.4)0.4(10)722206K050CS4*20.00500.002517.80.5(12.7)0.32(8.1) 1.150(29.2)0.4(10)916100 Vdc 405K100CS4* 4.001000.00711.50.5(12.7)0.25(6.4)0.450(11.4)0.4(10)344475K100CS4* 4.701000.00612.20.5(12.7)0.25(6.4)0.525(13.3)0.4(10)338685K100CS4*6.801000.00513.70.5(12.7)0.25(6.4)0.700(17.8)0.4(10)535106K100CS4*10.001000.00315.30.5(12.7)0.25(6.4)0.995(25.3)0.4(10)720250 Vdc 105K250CS6* 1.002500.012 5.20.7(17.8)0.30(7.6)0.440(11.2)0.6(15)344400 Vdc 334K400CS6*0.334000.012 6.00.7(17.8)0.32(8.1)0.435(11.0)0.6(15)344474K400CS6*0.474000.011 6.20.7(17.8)0.32(8.1)0.460(11.7)0.6(15)342105K400CS6* 1.004000.0089.50.7(17.8)0.32(8.1)0.880(22.4)0.6(15)722500 Vdc 474K500CS6*0.475000.011 6.20.7(17.8)0.32(8.1)0.625(15.9)0.6(15)432105K500CS6*1.005000.0089.50.7(17.8)0.32(8.1)1.135(28.8)0.6(15)816元器件交易网。