

2022-2023学年仁爱版英语八年级上册复习课件:八上Unit 1-Unit 2

2022-2023学年仁爱版英语八年级上册复习课件:八上Unit 1-Unit 2
U1-T2 U2-T1
Topic 3
4./mesɪdʒ/ 5./θɪətə(r)/
message theater
6./laɪn/ line
7./mɒdn/ modern
8./əlɪmpɪks/ Olympics
7. 男子800米跑 ______t_h_e__b_o_y_s_’__8_0_0_-_m__e_te_r__r_a_c_e_____ 8. 在某方面做得差____d__o_b__a_d_ly__i_n__________________ 9. 冲过终点线 ________p_a_s_s__t_h_e_f_i_n_i_sh__l_i_n_e___________ 10. 赢得第一 _________w__in__f_ir_s_t__p_l_a_c_e_______________ 11. 轮流 ______________in__t_u_r_n______________________ 12. 能够,有能力_______b_e__a_b_l_e_t_o___________________ 13. 世界的五大部分___t_h_e__fi_v_e__p_a_r_t_s_o_f__th__e_w__o_r_ld____
10./stænd/ stand
11./liːst/ least 12./tʃɑːns/ chance
14./weðə(r)/ whether 15./ɡəʊld/ gold
16./eɪbl/ able


[单选]油离心泵关小()会影响泵的汽蚀性能,导致汽蚀发生。A.出口阀;B.入口阀;C.连通阀。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患者常年发病,发作期打喷嚏、流清涕和鼻黏膜肿胀,无明确的吸入物致敏原线索,有个人过敏性疾病史,变应原皮肤试验有两种阳性,特异性IgE抗体检测阴性,鼻分泌物涂片检查嗜酸性粒细胞阴性。该患者的诊断是()。A.常年性变应性鼻炎B.可疑变应性鼻炎C.非变 [名词解释]唤醒理论 [单选]下列哪一项表示疏散是不安全的。()A.ASET>0B.RSET>0C.ASET>RSETD.RSET>ASET [单选]吴某购票进入某公园游玩时,被一歹徒抢走手机及随身携带的手包,损失2000元,并在与歹徒搏斗过程中受伤,花去医药费200元。吴某虽大声喊叫,但没有公园管理处的人员出现。后歹徒逃之天天。吴某报案后,诉至法院,请求判决公园赔偿其各项损失,引发纠纷。经查,该公园已雇用 [单选]下列骨折最容易发生骨筋膜室综合征的是()A.锁骨骨折B.肱骨干骨折C.桡骨远端骨折D.肱骨髁上伸直型骨折E.尺骨上1/3骨折 [单选]航空器可否飞入空中危险区或临时空中危险区:()。A.不行B.可以,但必须得到相关部门的批准C.可以,但必须在规定时限以外 [单选,A型题]尿常规红细胞(++),腹部平片阴性。造影见右肾上极肾盏有充盈缺损,周边肾盂肾盏无异常,CT显示病变肾盏内有一较高密度影,应考虑为()A.肾肿瘤B.肾结石C.肾囊肿D.肾盏憩室E.肾盏痉挛 [单选,A1型题]有关医院感染的描述,错误的是()A.洗手是预防医院感染的重要措施B.滥用抗菌药物是医院感染的重要原因C.有部分医院感染的发生与消毒隔离缺陷有关D.所有医院感染是可以预防的E.新生儿经产道获得的感染属医院感染 [单选]定量分析应当与定性分析相结合,两者关系中()。A.定量分析是最重要的B.定性分析是最重要的C.定量分析是基础D.定性分析是基础 [单选]乳腺检查的正确顺序是()A.内上、外上、外下、内下、中央、腋窝及锁骨区B.外上、外下、内上、内下、中央、腋窝及锁骨区C.中央、内下、内上、外上、外下、腋窝及锁骨区D.外上、内上、外下、外上、中央、腋窝及锁骨区E.中央、腋窝及锁骨区、外上、内上、外下、外上 [单选]《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则(2004)》对航行于港区附近距岸不超过10nmile的水域(台湾海峡及类似水域不超过5nmile),船舶满载并以营运航速航行航程不超过2h,限制蒲氏风级不超过6级,目测波高不超过2m的海况下航行。系指()A、相当遮蔽航区营运限制B、遮蔽航区C、沿 [单选]大面积烧伤不能判断是Ⅲ度或深Ⅱ度创面时,创面的手术处理方法应是()A.蚕食脱痂B.分期切痂C.早期切痂D.削痂E.以上都不是 [单选]标志桩应设在管段()或有隐蔽工程的地方,做以标记。A.重要B.明显C.软弱D.腐蚀 [单选]关于HIV的描述错误的是()A.血清学分型有HIV-1和HIV-2B.HW-2是艾滋病的主要流行型C.HIV由单链RNA、逆转录酶和结构蛋白组成D.HIV比肝炎病毒对外界抵抗力低 [单选]2008版IS09000族标准的理论基础是()。A.持续改进原理B.系统理论C.八项质量管理原则D.十二项质量管理体系基础 [名词解释]声级计 [单选]下列哪种原因导致的烧伤,应考虑合并吸入性损伤()A.烫伤B.热压伤C.电击伤D.氢氟酸烧伤E.煤矿瓦斯爆炸 [单选]公路供配电线路构成中,下列选项中错误的是()。A.10kV高压线路可采用架空电线路或电缆线路B.10kV高压线路只能采用电缆线路C.低压配电线路一般采用电缆线路D.按电压等级可分为10kV高压线路、380/220V低压配电线路 [判断题]作布氏硬度试验时,当试验条件相同时,其压痕直径越小,材料的硬度越低。()A.正确B.错误 [多选]下列哪些因素影响航空客运市场的需求()。A.经济发展水平B.人口的数量及结构C.人均收入水平的高低D.运输业的发展水平E.消费者偏好 [单选]一般藏民,无论男女老幼,大都身佩(),认为可以避灾祸。A、哈达B、腰刀C、护身符D、芦笛 [单选]“钢船时期”的代表作“龙威”号被编入北洋舰队后,改名为“()”号,成为北洋八大远之一。A、威远B、平远C、定远D、镇远 [单选,A1型题]风寒和风热的辨证依据,下列哪项是错误的()。A.恶寒、发热的轻重B.渴与不渴C.舌苔黄与白D.脉浮与不浮E.咽喉红肿疼痛与否 [单选]下列疾病与水痘为同一病因的是()A.Kaposi水痘样疹B.传染性软疣C.手足口病D.带状疱疹E.花斑癣 [单选]以合同的成立是否以标的物的交付为必要条件为标准划分,合同可以分为()。A.双务合同和单务合同B.诺诚合同和实践合同C.主合同和从合同D.有名合同和无名合同 [名词解释]嫩枝扦插 [填空题]()是指辅导员与青少年信赖的人一起进行辅导,通过榜样示范和观察学习来增强成人对青少年的引导和控制,提高青少年对社会规则的认同,抵制同伴群体的压力,减少不良行为。 [单选]《女职工劳动保护特别规定》经2012年4月18日国务院第200次常务会议通过,自()中华人民共和国国务院第619号令公布之日起施行。A、4月28日B、5月1日C、5月28日D、4月30日 [单选]颅前窝底骨折的表现不包括()A."熊猫眼"征B.球结膜下淤斑C.脑脊液鼻漏D.失嗅E.Battle征 [单选,A型题]支原体与L型细菌的不同点在于()A.专性细胞内寄生B.培养基需高渗环境C.形态表现出多样性D.无细胞壁结构E.对抗生素敏感 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶活性明显降低的疾病是().A.慢性粒细胞白血病B.急性淋巴细胞白血病C.骨髓纤维化D.类白血病反应E.慢粒合并感染者 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]既能够治疗目赤翳障,又能够治疗皮肤湿疮的药物为()A.滑石B.硼砂C.雄黄D.炉甘石E.砒石 [多选]下列关于行政事业单位会计的说法正确的是()。A.行政事业单位固定资产不计提折旧B.行政事业单位核算其行政事业活动时采用的是收付实现制C.行政事业单位需要编制收入支出表D.行政事业单位不需要编制资产负债表E.行政事业单位核算其行政事业活动时采用的是权责发生制 [单选]当机前温度和机后压力一定时,机前压力越低,膨胀机内的压降越()A、大B、小C、相等 [判断题]泵站内轴流泵的电机应采用保护接零,剩水泵的电机应采用保护接地。A.正确B.错误 [单选]()调查事故时有权要求当事方提供航行(海)日志、轮机日志、车钟记录(包括自动记录仪的记录)、通信日志、船舶证书、船员职务适任证书、航行签证簿以及其他必要的文件资料。A.主管机关B.船东C.中国船级社D.验船机构 [问答题,简答题]从实验数据表16.2中,计算直流稳压电路的输出电阻ro,它的大小有何意义? [填空题]乐府收集民歌的范围很广,北起(),南至()(长江以南),西起(),东到()。 [判断题]生产函数指的是要素投入量和最大产出之间的一种函数关系,通常分为固定比例生产函数和可变比例生产函数两种类型。A.正确B.错误

八上仁爱英语复习课件Unit 2 Topic 3

八上仁爱英语复习课件Unit 2  Topic 3

七、短文填词。 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的 词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 “I must see the patient(病人). _H__o_w_ can I go back without seeing the patient? ” “There is no patient, ” the woman explained(解释). “No one is ill. I live here. I must get home from a town, but there is no _t_a_x_i_/'tæksi/ at this time of the night. You see, a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me. Here is money. Thank you, Doctor. Good night. ”
Miss White often _t_ea__ch_e_s_ _h_e_r_se_l_f_ drawing in her free time. 5. 每个人应该拒绝酒后驾车。
Everyone should _s_a_y_ __n_o_ _t_o__ driving after drinking.
c_r_o_w__d_e_d_(crowd) there.
二、重点句型。 根据中文提示完成下列句子。 1. 王医生现在很忙,请一会儿打电话给他。
Doctor Wang is busy now, please _r_in_g__ _h_im__ _u_p_ later. 2. 他想知道是否可以留个口信。
Section C



bቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱscuit apple
Work in groups and write down the food you know.
Vegetables: tomato, cabbage, _________________ Meat: chicken, fish,___________________________ Fruits: apple, banana, _________________________ Staple: rice, wheat, ____________________________
Look at the foods that Danny eats and discuss if they are healthy. If not, give your advice.
Danny's meals Breakfast: sandwich, potato chips Lunch: rice with a lot of meat,
Milk is a healthy drink. Jane didn't like it, but her mother always for精c选epdpt课h件er to drink it. Every6
morning before she left school, she had to drink a glass of milk because her mother was always watching her.
3. He doesn't like eating vegetables at all.

初中英语 仁爱版八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 3知识点

初中英语 仁爱版八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 3知识点

Unit2 Topic 3Section A1.go ahead请吧,开始吧,走在前面2.build sb. up增强某人的体质,使...强壮3.all the time总是,一直4.由must(必须、一定要)开头的问句, 否定时不用mustn’t 来回答,而应用needn’t 或don’t have to来回答。

—Must we keep the windows open all the time?—Yes, we must. —No,we don’t have to./No,we needn’t.5.must必须,一定,侧重于个人意志和主观上的,只有一种形式,构成must do sth.;have to必须,不得不,侧重于客观上的,可用于各种时态。

I know I must study hard.我知道我必须努力学习。

My grandma was ill,so I had to call the doctor.我的奶奶病了,所以我不得不叫医生。

Section B1.be afraid +句子:恐怕...I am afraid they have no time to play basketball.恐怕他们没时间打篮球了。

2.ring sb. up=ring up sb.给某人打电话,ring还可用call替代在打电话时, 介绍自己时不说I’m . . ., 应该用This is . . . 。

3.leave a message 留口信give(sb.)a message(给某人)捎口信take a message to sb.=give a message to sb.给某人传口信4.tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事The teacher tells us to clean the classroom.老师告诉我们去打扫教室。



我们应该做什么来阻止它? What should we do to prevent it? 我们应该始终保持房间干净和空气清新。 We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. 我们必须运动来预防流感吗?是的/不,不需要. Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? Yes, we must./No, we needn’t/don’t have to. 流感正在人们之中迅速蔓延。 The flu is spreading quickly among people. 我们最好不要去人多拥挤的地方。 We had better not go to the crowded places.
我可以给李医生通话吗? Could I speak to Dr. Li? 请等一会儿。 Just a moment, please. 我稍后给他打电话。 I’ll ring him up later. 我可以留个口信吗? May I leave a message? 请告诉我爸爸别忘记明天的报告。 Please tell my father not to forget the talk tomorrow. 我会给他带个口信。 I’ll give him the message.
使你变胖并不健康 另一方面 合理饮食 发生事故 保持安全 了解急救知识 感觉不舒服 远离烟酒 导致很多疾病 拒绝烟酒 向某人学习 从...学到很多 学做某事
make you fat and unhealthy on the other hand eat the right food cause accidents keep/stay safe learn about first aid feel sick avoid smoking and drinking cause many illnesses say no to smoking and drinking learn from sb. learn a lot from... learn to do sth/doing sth.



八年级上册第二单元Topic 3 SectionA-B一、重点句型及知识点讲解1. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li ? ---- Sure, go ahead. 我能问你一些问题吗,李医生?当然,请问吧。

(1) 1)疑问句和否定句中,表“一些”,常用any, 不用some. 但当此疑问句表建议或请求时,Some不改成any. 如:Would you like some tea ?2)question意为“问题,疑问”,指较易解决的问题及口头回答的问题。

如:Can you answer the question?你能回答这个问题吗?【辨析】problem和question都当“问题”讲,但它们是有区别的。

Problem 通常指难以解决的问题,尤指比较困难的问题,如社会、政治和经济等。

与它搭配的动词一般是work out或solve;而question常指对某事疑惑不解需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer搭配使用。

如:We must solve the problem of heavy traffic in Beijing as soon as possible.我们必须尽快解决北京的交通拥挤问题。

This is a difficult question to answer.这个问题很难回答。

(2) Sure , go ahead 当然可以,请问吧!Go ahead.(口语)表示同意对方的请求,根据情况可译为“说吧”!“做吧”! 如:__Can I read the sports section ? 我可以看看体育版吗?__Yeah, go ahead.请看吧!【拓展]】(1)go ahead and do sth .赶紧做某事。

如:Go ahead and eat before everything gets cold.趁东西还没凉赶紧吃。

(2)go ahead of 在……之前去。

仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section A 课件(共34张PPT)

仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section A 课件(共34张PPT)

build …up
First, we should exercise often to build us up.
keep…clean …fresh
Second, we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.
No, we don’t have to. 注:此处不能用 mustn’t (禁止;不准)回答 Eg: Must I finish my homework now ?
No, you needn’t. / No,you don’t have to.
1. — Must we wash hands to prevent the flu — Yes, we must. (是的)
A. You’re welcome.
B. Sure, go ahead.
C. No, I’m busy.
D. Yes, you must.
( D )3. —Must I take part in the activity?
—No, you _______. You’re too young. You should look
B: No, we don’t have to. / No, we needn’t.
A: Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?
B: Yes, we must.
A: Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu?
Step7 Homework

Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C(同步课件)仁爱版八年级英语上册

Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C(同步课件)仁爱版八年级英语上册

We must stay away from smoking and drinking. 远离
We should say no to smoking and drinking. 和……说不
● Keeping Healthy
● (Kangkang's father; Dr: Li, is giving a talk about health to the students.) ● You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast gives you enough energy for the
Read 1a and complete the structure of the text.
Keeping Healthy
1. Have healthy _e_at_in_g___
habits. 2. Play
3. Be __h_a_p_p_y___.
Eat _b_r_e_ak_f_a_st. Eat _f_ru_i_t _a_n_d_v_eg_e_t_a_bl_e_s. Don’t eat _f_a_st_f_o_o_d.
仁爱版 英语 八年级上册
● 核心素养 ● 1.语言能力:To learn the new words and phrases: habit,happen, fat, happiness... eating
habits, keep fit,stay safe,first aid, stay away from.. ● 2.学习能力:Students are able to master reading skills andreading for writing. ● 3.思维品质:Students can realize the importance of health,and think over how to keep

Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B-八年级英语上册精美课件(仁爱版)

Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B-八年级英语上册精美课件(仁爱版)

2b Listen again and circle the reflexive pronouns. Then
practice the conversation with your partner.
Mom: Jane, are you still watching TV?
Jane: Yes, Mom. I need to relax.
today. Be on time and don’t forget to take your
camera. 准时
forget to do (忘记未做的事) forget doing (忘记已做的事)
2a Listen to the coversation and fill in the blanks.
to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon. Miss Hu: OK, Kangkang, I’ll give him the message myself. Kangkang: Thanks. Goodbye! Miss Hu: Bye!
1b Listen to 1a and complete the telephone message.
We must go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu.
3 .
We had better keep away from crowded places.
We should take a shower often.
We should keep the air fresh.
Miss Hu : I’m afraid he is busy right now. I’m afraid that+句子 我恐怕...

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 3 SectionA

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 2 Topic 3 SectionA

Work in groups, give Tony some advice on how to prevent the flu.
e should, must and had better. 2.Try to give some advice with first,
second, third and finally.
Journalist: May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li?
Dr. Li: Sure, go ahead.
Journalist: These days many people have the flu. So what should we do to prevent it?
Symptoms of the flu
feel cold
sore throat
have a running
P44 2 A
Listen and circle the symptoms you hear.
fever headache toothache sore throat cough backache stomachache sore eyes
We had better keep away from crowded places.
We should take showers often.
We should keep the air fresh.
We should change our clothes often.
√ go to crowded places




1.动名词短语表单件事情做主语,已经名词化相当于名 词,不是动作,谓语用单数: Getting up early is good for us. Going to bed late is bad for our health. Playing sports right after meals is bad for our health. Breakfast gives you energy for the morning. Water is necessary for our health. 2.不只一件事情做主语,谓语用复数: Healthy eating habits and running are good for us. Water and rice are necessary for our health. 3.使用动名词做宾语的动词 practice/mind/enjoy/love/keep+doing sth/sth,
little 少得几乎没有,表否定,修饰不可数名词。 a little有一些,表示肯定,修饰不可数名词。 与 little ,a little类似的用法的还有 few, a few 。 few少得几乎没有,表否定,修饰可数名词。 a few有一些,表示肯定,修饰可数名词

be necessary for----对--------来说是必不可少 的 如: Sunshine is necessary for our life.阳光对于我 们的生活来说是必不可少的。 Food is necessary for life.食物是生命所必需 的
1(’13河南)---Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green? ---Yes, I’m afraid we ______. That’s the traffic rule. A.can B.may C.have to D.need 2(11河南)_______ you wait a few more minutes? It'll be your turn soon. A. Must B. Should C. Could D. Might 3 (10 安徽) -What will the weather be like tomorrow? -It be rainy,cloudy or sunny. Who knows? A. must B .might C .shall D.should 4(11江西)The work is too hard for him. He _______ finish it on time. A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't



Unit2 Keeping healthyTopic3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?一、重点短语1. hurry up 快点,赶快2. go ahead(尤指经某人允许)开始,干下去,走在前面,领先3. do more exercise 多锻炼4. do some cleaning 做扫除5. all the time 一直6. have to 不得不,必须7. keep away 远离...8. just a moment 稍等一会儿9. get through 拨通(电话);通过10. take care of 照顾11. care for 照顾(病人);照料;喜欢12. talk with 和...交谈13. enjoy oneself 过得愉快14. Chinese medicine 中药15. since then 从那时起16. get lost 丢失了,迷路17. on one's way to... 在某人去...的路上18. by mistake 错误地19. ask for leave 请假20. healthy food 健康食物21. crowded places 拥挤的地方22. do one`s best 尽力23. change clothes often 常换衣服24. wash hands often 常洗手25. ring...up 打电话给...26. leave a message 留口信27. take a message 带口信28. call...back 给...回电话29. take an active part in 积极参加30. the name of... ...的名称31. what do you think of...? 你认为...怎么样?32. have a good time=enjoy oneself 过得愉快33. next time 下次34. let...out 让...出去35. teach oneself on the Internet 网上自学36. be afraid of 害怕...,恐惧...二、重点句型Section A1. Mom, hurry up ! Dad is on TV.①hurry up 赶快,表催促②hurry to do sth. = do sth. in a hurry 匆忙地做某事He hurried to finish the work. = Hefinished the work in a hurry.③ hurry to+某地:表匆匆地去某地,如:He hurried to the hospital.= He went to the hospital in a hurry. (2) be on TV 某人或某事物上电视。

2022-2023学年仁爱版英语八年级上册复习课件:八上Unit 2 Topic 3

2022-2023学年仁爱版英语八年级上册复习课件:八上Unit 2 Topic 3

1. 你换牙了,医生建议你不要吃太多糖和盐, 他会这样说: _D_o_n_’_t_e_a_t_t_o_o_m__u_c_h_s_a_l_t_o_r_s_u_g_a_r_. 2. 长指甲容易滋生细菌,所以你建议大家应 该留短指甲: _W_e__s_h_o_u_ld__k_e_e_p_ fingernails _s_h_o_r_t_.
12.我爸爸觉得抽烟能帮助他放松。 _M__y__fa_t_h_e_r_t_h_i_n_k_s_t_h_a_t_s_m_o_k__in_g__c_a_n_m__a_k_e_ _/_h_e_lp__h_i_m__r_el_a_x_._
13.多吃水果和蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。 E_a_t_i_n_g_m__o_r_e_f_r_u_it__a_n_d_v_e_g_e_t_a_b_le_s__is_g_o_o_d__f_o_r_o_u_r_h__ea_l_t_h. 14.他很惊奇地发现这本书是Sally的。 H__e_i_s _s_u_r_p_r_is_e_d_t_o__fi_n_d__th_a_t__th_e__b_o_o_k_i_s_S_a_l_ly_’_s_. _ 15.早餐能够为你上午提供能量。 B_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t _c_a_n_g_i_v_e_y_o_u__e_n_e_r_g_y_f_o_r_t_h_e_m__o_r_n_i_n_g_.
19.你不必花大量的钱在锻炼身体上。 (need, spend) _Y_o_u_d_o_n__’t_n_e_e_d__t_o_s_p_e_n_d__a_l_o_t _o_f_m__o_n_e_y_e_x_e_r_c_is_in__g_. _ 20.在老师的帮助下,我成功地完成了这项任务。 (finish) _I _fi_n_i_sh__t_h_e_t_a_s_k_s_u_c_c_e_s_sf_u_l_ly__w_i_th__t_h_e_t_e_a_c_h_e_r_’s_h__el_p_.

仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C 课件(共26张PPT)

仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 Section C 课件(共26张PPT)
Let’s Review
Guess what the teacher was doing from 8 to 10 last night.
Let’s Talk
1. Match the names of stories with the pictures.
A.Snow White C.Black Cat Sir
sell: 卖 过去式: sold
3. Did the girl have a big Christmas meal ?
No, she didn’t. Instead, she was hungry and cold.
Second reading Read the passage and complete the table.
knock at / take a shower
1. When the cat knocked at the door the mouse _w_a_s__t_a_k_i_n_g__a__s_h_o_w_e__r_ .
come out / sleep
2. The mouse was hungry. When he _c_a__m_e__o_u_t__ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat__w_a_s__s_le__e_p_in_g__ .
语动词是短暂性的,从句的动作与主句的动作 可以是先后发生,也可以是同时发生.
3. Have a competition by doing exercise.
Choose an egg which is linked exercise and points, then finish the exercise.



初中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit 2 Topic 3(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ得分第一部分听力(20分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。


(5分)1. _______2. _______3. _______4. _______5. _______Ⅱ. 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项。


(5分)( )6. A. He doesn’t feel happy. B. He is happy. C. He feels happy.( )7. A. He goes to school on foot. B. He goes to school by bike.C. He walks to school.( )8. A. He keeps active every day. B. He looks tired. C. He needs energy.( )9. A. We should make him smoke.B. We shouldn’t make him stop smoking.C. We should stop him smoking.( )10. A. The baby stops crying. B. The baby keeps crying.C. The baby stops to cry.Ⅲ. 听对话,填空。


(5分)A: Hello! Who’s 11 ?B: This is Jane. Could I 12 to Maria?A: Sorry, she isn’t in.B: Can I 13 ?A: Yes, please.B: Our class will 14 on Sunday morning.A: OK, I’ll 15 .B: Thank you, bye!11. _______ 12. _______ 13. _______ 14. _______ 15. _______Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。



4. _H_o_w___ carefully 5. _W_h_a_t__ beautiful 6. _H__o_w__ delicious!
he studies!
Now Kangkang and his friends are talking about their favorite music.
Li Xiang Tom
jazz music violin music
Wang Junfeng the drums
It sounds wonderful.
It makes him happy.
Playing the drums is exciting.
Retell the passage according to the table above.
I hate listening to rock music. It’s great ! I love it.
Pop music often comes and goes _q_u_ic_k_l_y__ .
They are very popular _w_i_th__ young people.
1. Sum up the types of music we have learnt and bring some VCDs to show the music you like.
2. Write a passage about your or your classmates’ favorite music.
_W_h_a_t_ sweet music ! _H_o_w__ exciting ! It sounds b_e_a_u_ti_fu_l_ !
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learned / learnt examined answered saved hurried
1. When he walked out the train station he _____ lost (lose) his purse. answering (answer) the telephone? 2. Is Maria __________ 3. I couldn’t find her. When ____ did she _____ leave (leave)? is spreading (spread) quickly 4. This kind of disease ____________ among people these days. We should have good habits to prevent it. saved (save) their _____ lives (life) last year. 5. The doctors _____ 6. The first world war (第一次世界大战)_____ broke (break) out in 1914.
我们应该做什么来阻止它? What should we do to prevent it? 我们必须运动来预防流感吗?是的/不,不需要. Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? Yes, we must./No, we needn’t/don’t have to. 流感正在人们之中迅速蔓延。 The flu is spreading quickly among people. 我们最好不要去人多拥挤的地方。 We had better not go to the crowded places. 我可以给李医生通话吗? Could I speak to Dr. Li? 我可以留个口信吗? May I leave a message?
everywhere = here and there 到处 find it. I looked for my book everywhere ________, but I couldn’t ____ 表达“某人自己的(东西)”时, 需要用one’s own. own pencils. 我用我自己的蜡笔画画 I’m drawing with my ___ ____ business --- businessman mistake --- mistake … for, by mistake What’s the meaning of …? What does … mean? = what do you mean by …?
人称 代词 反身 代词
them selves
yourself himself herself
look after oneself / take care of oneself 照顾自己 teach oneself sth. / learn sth. by oneself 自学某物 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴, 过得愉快 help oneself to sth 请自用…… (随便吃/喝些……) by oneself 独自 hurt oneself 摔伤自己 wash oneself 自己梳洗 1.Tom,Jim,随便吃点鱼吧。 Tom and Jim, help yourselves to some fish. 2.没人教Lucy英语,她是自学的。 Nobody taught Lucy English, she learned by herself. she taught herself. 3.上周末他们在公园里玩的非常高兴。 They enjoyed themselves in the park last weekend. 4.我应该学会好好照顾自己 I should learn to look after myself.
避免做某事 导致很多疾病 拒绝烟酒 向某人学习… 从...学到很多 学会做某事 好好照顾
当心,小心 爆发 传播的很快 丧失生命 挽救生命 运动过量
avoid doing sth. cause many illnesses say no to smoking and drinking learn … from sb. learn a lot from... learn to do sth take (good) care of = look after well = care for well be careful break out spread quickly lose one’s life / lives = die save one’s life / lives do sports too much
Kate looks so happy _____ today because she got 100 in her English test. They played happily ______ on the playground just now. dangerous helpful 危险的_______ crowded 有帮助的, 有益的 _____ 拥挤的_____
在那段日子里 积极参加 待在家 通过电话 挽救病人 害怕(做)某事
during those days take an active part in stay at home on the phone save patients be afraid of (doing) sth be afraid to do sth take some Chinese medicine 吃中药 阻止某人做某事 prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth. keep sb. from doing sth. forget to do 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 Don’t forget ________ to bring (bring) your camera tomorrow.
快点 开始做/问吧 和…谈话 一直 拥挤的地方 接纳某人的建议 远离… 最好不要做某事 立刻, 马上
hurry up = be quick go ahead talk with / to sb all the time crowded places take / follow one's advice keep away from had better not do sth at once/right now/right away/ in a minute 在人们之间传播 spread among people
早餐为上午提供足够的能量。 Breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning. 了解关于急救的知识是必要的。 It’s necessary to learn about first aid. 我知道快乐是多么的重要。 I know how important happiness is. 我们应该多了解一些自我保护的常识。 We should learn more about taking good care of ourselves. 它迅速传播并且有几百人丧生。 It spread quickly and several hundred people lost their lives. 许多医生和护士积极参加抗击“非典”的斗争。 Many doctors and nurses took an active part in the battle against SARS. 我的职责是挽救病人的生命 It’s my duty to save patients.
advice用法: 1. 表示“建议”, “劝告”, “忠告”等, 是不可数名词, 若表示一条 几条建议或劝告,要借用 piece 这样的词。 a good piece of advice. 这是一条很好的建议。This is ______________ 2. 表示提出建议或忠告, 一般用动词 give; 表示向某人请教或 征求意见, 一般用动词 ask (for); 表示接受意见或劝告, 一般 用动词take, follow等。 ask ___ for the teacher’s advice. 你应该去征求老师的意见 You should ___ advise用法: advise doing sth.; advise sb. to do sth. waiting for (等待) you at the school. I advise _____ _____ me to ____ stop smoking. 医生建议我戒烟 The doctor advised ____ ____ ____ reach 1). 到达; 抵达 2). (伸手)触及, 去拿, 去碰 他大概今晚到达北京 Probably he _____ _____ Beijing tonight. will reach 他太矮了,以致于够不到树上的苹果。 He is too _____ _____ the apples ____ short to reach on the tree.
crowd (n.) – crowded (adj.), help (n.) – helpful (adj.) danger (n.) – dangerous (adj.) crowded (crowd) places. You had better not go to ________ helpful (help) to your study. Reading more is _______ dangerous (danger). We should keep away Tigers are very __________ from them.