



R参数含义备注R0 读取对刀数据自动读取R1 工件型号选择手动输入R2 X轴安全位(MCS)手动输入R3 Z轴安全位(MCS)手动输入R4 当前砂轮直径(mm)换砂轮时修改之后自动变化R5 砂轮使用极限(mm) 400R6 允许安装砂轮的最大尺寸(mm) 500R10 砂轮修整X轴坐标(WCS)手动输入R11 砂轮修整Z轴坐标(WCS)手动输入R12 砂轮外圆宽度(mm)手动输入R13 砂轮端面高度(mm)手动输入R14 砂轮外圆修整量单次(X)(mm)手动输入R15 砂轮外圆修整量(粗修+精修)自动计算R16 砂轮端面修整量自动计算R17 砂轮圆弧半径手动输入R18 砂轮外圆修整速度手动输入R19R20 磨削N个工件后自动修正一次N手动输入R21 自动修正的当前次数自动计数R30 对刀下的位置X(MCS)手动输入R31 对刀下的位置Z(MCS)手动输入R32 对刀回零Z的工件坐标(WCS)手动输入R33 Z轴当前工件坐标自动读取(不能改)R34 对刀补偿量自动计算(不能改)R40 工件的名义尺寸自动读取(作为补偿不能改)R41 第一档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R42 第二档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R43 第三档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R44 第四档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R45 第五档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R46 第六档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R47 第七档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R48 第八档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R49 第九档量仪最终尺寸手动输入R60 磨削第一端面Z的终点坐标WCS 手动设定R61 磨削第一端面Z的终点坐标WCS 手动设定R70 位置记忆X轴当前坐标(机械坐标)运行位置记忆,自动捕捉R71 位置记忆Z轴当前坐标(机械坐标)运行位置记忆,自动捕捉R72 位置记忆X轴当前坐标(工件坐标)运行位置记忆,自动捕捉R73 工件X轴要求尺寸手动输入R74 位置记忆Z轴当前坐标(工件坐标)运行位置记忆,自动捕捉R75 工件Z轴零位手动输入(设置为0)R80 当前X轴偏置值运行坐标刷新程序,自动捕捉R81 当前Z轴偏置值运行坐标刷新程序,自动捕捉R82 X的增量补偿值运行坐标补偿程序,自动计算R83 Z的增量补偿值运行坐标补偿程序,自动计算R84 X的当前工件坐标自动读取。



Encoder setting 4
1. Motor spindles with HSK interface
Our line of motor spindles has experienced very diverse development over the last several years. 7KHSURGXFWUDQJHFRQVLVWVRIPRGHOVIRUJULQGLQJGULOOLQJDQGPLOOLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVZKRVHVWUHQJWKLVHVSHFLDOO\ based on high-speed processing. A large selection of product options and additional options is available. Spindle attributes: • • • • • • • • Compact design Asynchronous or synchronous motor Cylindrical or prismatic housing Manual or automatic tool changer Water or air cooling Sealing air to protect the inside of the spindle against contamination +LJKWUXHUXQQLQJDFFXUDF\LQWKHWDSHUPP Ball bearing with continuous grease lubrication or oil-air lubrication system Rigidity variation options (adapted to the customer's speed requirement):



散 热 (片) 器
电容器 C3
电容器 C4
编码器 PG

﹢﹣﹢﹣ ﹢﹣﹢﹣ TA
马达 JA
PC U14
⊙ RST(D16) 电源(亮正常) ⊙ CHK(D17) 通讯(闪烁正常) ⊙ 5(D18) 扭矩过大(通常亮) ⊙ 4(D19) DBD(亮灯正常) ⊙ 3(D20) 开门指令 ⊙ 2(D21) 关门指令 ⊙ 1(D22) OTL(亮灯检测) ⊙ 0(D23) CTL(亮灯检测)
B CAC有效选择
00输出无效 01输出有效
I CAA检出位置
I 反转急减速调整
I DWP扭矩界限值
I PCB 良/不良判断值
1000 不良时5000
I DWP扭矩界限转换位置
0~1000 mm
I 关侧DR6扭矩界限值1
I 开门减速扭矩界限值
F112(I)最大值+30 范围50~250150

PCSC SIM Series Controller 控制器型号指南

PCSC SIM Series Controller 控制器型号指南

SIM Series ControllerA/E Guide SpecificationRevision 2.0PCSC makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents herein, and disclaims any implied warranties of operation for any particular purpose. Further, PCSC may modify this document without obligation to notify any person of any such changes or revisions.Third Party Trademarks: All other trademarks, trade names, or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.PCSC3541 Challenger St.Torrance, California 90503Phone: (310) 638-0400; Fax: (310) 638-6204E-Mail:***************1. System Characteristics1.1 Logical Processing Controller (LPC)1.1.A The Logical Processing Controller is used as the sub-component to the SecurityManagement System for the purpose of initiating all decision making criteria as itrelates to the cardholders, readers, and associated hardware connected.Decisions made by the LPC are uploaded to the host computer as historicalevents. Each LPC shall:1.1.B The LPC shall be listed for Underwriters Laboratory (UL):1.1.B.1 UL294 (Access Control System)1.1.B.2 UL1076 (Proprietary Alarm Monitoring System)1.1.B.3 CE Mark1.1.C Support year 2000 compliance without the need for future software orhardware updates.1.1.D Operate without the need for the host to be on-line. No decisions shall bereliable on the host.1.1.E Utilize RS485 multi-point communications to the host for communicationsintegrity. Any system that cannot maintain communications integrity when one ormore LPC is off-line shall not be accepted.1.1.F Have the ability of supporting a minimum of 4 individual readers within a singleenclosure with the ability of expanding to 8 readers while consuming only oneterminal address.1.1.G Have a minimum of 32 inputs and 4 outputs expandable to 66 input points and28 output relays and 8 voltage outputs.1.1.H Include a request-to-exit and door status contact input for each reader withoutthe need for additional modules.1.1.I Detect “forced entry” and “door left open”. A separate action is required foreach.1.1.J Allow mapping of readers to any output address within the same controller.1.1.K Support up to 64 time periods1.1.K.1 A total of 7 start/7 stop intervals, per time period, shall be included.1.1.L Support up to 999 authorization groups1.1.L.1 Each authorization group shall include one (1) time period.1.1.L.2 Each cardholder shall support four (4) authorization groups.1.1.L.3 Each authorization group shall have an alphanumeric description.1.1.M Support up to 365 user selected holidays.1.1.N Allow all unused door logic, such as door strike relays, request-to-exit inputs,and door status inputs to be assigned as general-purpose points.1.1.O Support optional modules for additional customization of inputs and outputs.The following modules shall be available:1.1.O.1 Output Point Module. A minimum of 16 additional output pointsshall be provided1.1.O.2 Combination Module. Where inputs and outputs are necessarywithin the same enclosure, a combination of 16 inputs and 16outputs shall be provided.1.1.P Support a minimum of 8,000 and expandable to 20,000 cardholderassignments.1.1.Q Support a minimum of 4,000 historical transactions in the event communicationsto the host is disrupted.1.1.Q.1 Each LPC transaction shall be time-stamped with the following:1.1.Q.1.a Date (Month, Day, Year)1.1.Q.1.b Time (Hours, Minutes)1.1.Q.1.c Message Text1.1.R Support the downloading of cardholder names in addition to the cardholdernumber.1.1.S Support “reader detection” in the event the reader has been removed or cut.No additional wires or switches shall be used. An alarm condition shall beannunciated.1.1.T Backup programmed data for a minimum of five (5) years without AC power.1.1.U Maintain historical information for a minimum of five (5) years without ACpower.1.1.V Support direct or voice grade 3002 phone line connection1.1.W Automatically adjusts for daylight savings time and leap year independent of thehost system.1.1.X Be supplied with battery backup for a period of four (4) hours.1.1.Y Support a variety of reader technologies. Only non-proprietary readers shall beapproved. Include manufacturer, model number and cut sheet with proposal.1.1.Y.1 Readers shall be provided with the ability of showing a red andgreen LED.1.1.Y.2 The LPC shall show the following characteristics using the bi-colorLED’s:1.1.Y.2.a Power LED (constant red LED)1.1.Y.2.b Card data being processed (fast blink red and greenLEDs)1.1.Y.2.c Access authorized (solid green LED)1.1.Y.2.d Denied access (constant red after card data processing)1.1.Y.2.e Escort authorized (Slow blink red and green LED’s)1.1.Y.2.f Two man rule (slow blink red/green LED’s)1.1.Y.3 Card read errors of four (4) or more within one minute shall bereported to the host.1.1.Z Support the following card/reader technologies as a minimum:1.1.Z.1 Magnetic Stripe1.1.Z.2 Proximity1.1.Z.3 Biometrics1.1.Z.4 Wiegand1.1.Z.5 Protech Barium Ferrite1.1.Z.6 Vehicle Identification1.1.Z.7 Bar Code1.1.Z.8 Keypad1.1.AA Support multiple technologies simultaneously.1.1.BB Support card plus pin, card, or pin only type readers Support a minimum of three (3) “Card Classes” which can be utilized withUser Programmable Logic to interact with external devices or functions, suchas lights, sirens, or HVAC.1.1.DD Integrate each physical input independent of its polarity.1.1.EE Maintain the expiration date for each cardholder. Once the date is reachedthe card will automatically be disabled. No access shall be authorized.1.1.FF Maintain a second expiration date for each cardholder. This date shall beused to prevent access to a unique group of readers, such as parking lots orrecreational facilities. Once the date has expired the card shall be disabledonly for this group of readers.1.1.GG Maintain three (3) access times for each door location; Standard, Long, andEgress.1.1.GG.1 STANDARD access time shall be used for the majority of thecardholders and shall support a range from 0-254 seconds.1.1.GG.2 LONG access time shall be assigned to cardholders who requireextra time to enter/exit a location, such a delivery persons, or tomeet American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The Longaccess time shall support from 0-254 seconds. A Long shunt timeshall also be required to prevent a door held open alarm exceedingthe standard shunt time. The time shall not require additionalhardware nor be dependent on the host for the decision.1.1.GG.3 EGRESS time shall be used for request to exit devices and support atime between 0 - 254 seconds.1.1.HH Have the ability to maintain an automatic door unlock during specific hoursand days.1.1.II Be required to activate the automatic unlock only after the first valid cardaccess at that location within a pre-defined period of time.1.1.JJ Support three (3) “zones” of Anti-Passback; Building, Department, Parking.1.1.KK Support three (3) “levels” of Anti-Passback; Strict, Soft, and Lenient.1.1.KK.1 STRICT Anti-Passback prevents access after the first attempt andforwards a message to the host. An exit reader shall be used to exitthe door location.1.1.KK.2 SOFT Anti-Passback authorizes access with the use of the card thesecond time using an “in” reader. An event message shall beforwarded to the host indicating entry/exit out of sequence.1.1.KK.3 LENIENT Anti-Passback uses the Entry/Exit criteria, but allowsautomatic sequencing between Department and Building Status if notin proper sequence.1.1.LL Utilize User Programmable Logic (UPL) for the manipulation of inputs, cardstatus, outputs, and elevators.1.1.LL.1 Each LPC shall allow the following inputs to trigger UPL:1.1.LL.1.a Card Access / Card Denied1.1.LL.1.b P hysical Input Point1.1.LL.1.c Time periods1.1.LL.2 Each LPC shall support the following computations for UPL:1.1.LL.2.a Increment Count (range 0-65000)1.1.LL.2.b D ecrement Count (range 0-65000)1.1.LL.2.c Increment by Seconds or Minutes (0-65000)1.1.LL.2.d D ecrement by Seconds or Minutes (0-65000)1.1.LL.2.e Clear1.1.LL.2.f Reset1.1.LL.2.g Flip/Flop (Flip output toggle)1.1.LL.3 Each LPC shall support the following results from UPL:1.1.LL.3.a Activate / De-Activate1.1.LL.3.b S hunt / Un-Shunt1.1.LL.3.c Pause / Resume (suspend/restore)1.1.LL.3.d O verride for 1 Cycle1.1.LL.4 Escort/Visitor Control1.1.LL.4.a Maintain the assignment of access cards for VisitorControl. Each visitor shall be assigned an “EscortRequired” status requiring an employee or “EscortCapable” cardholder to grant a valid entry. The decisionshall not be dependent on the host.1.1.LL.4.b A ll visitor badges shall expire automatically at midnight ofthe date issued without operator intervention. Based uponprogrammed expiration date.1.1.LL.5 Two-Person Minimum Occupancy Rule (TPMOR) for high securityapplications.1.1.LL.5.a The TPMOR feature requires the first two- (2) people tobadge into an area at the same time before access isgranted. An exit reader shall be used for decrementingthe count.2 Execution2.1 The supplier shall install all system components and appurtenances in accordance withthe manufacturer’s instructions, and shall furnish all necessary interconnections, services,and adjustments required for a complete and operable system as specified and shown.Control signal, communications, and data transmission lines grounding shall be installedas necessary to preclude ground loops, noise, and surges from adversely affectingsystem operation. Provide mounting hardware as required. .2.2 All low voltage wiring outside the control console, cabinets, boxes and similarenclosures, shall be plenum rated where required by code. Cable not pulled throughconduits or placed in raceways, outlet boxes, junction boxes, or similar fittings withother building wiring.2.3 The supplier shall perform system testing to ensure it is operable to the manufacturer’sspecifications. The test report shall be submitted to the customer for approval and sign-off.3 Warranty3.1 The access control system shall be warranted for a period of one (1) year from the dateof acceptance.3.2 The supplier shall provide all services required to maintain the system in an operationalstate as specified by the manufacturer for a period of one (1) year after acceptance.3.3 The system supplier shall include a line item bill of materials included in the project andthe warranty associated with each.3.4 The system supplier shall maintain equipment stock for any high-usage equipment.。

人民电器 RDCPS系列控制与保护开关电器 产品说明书

人民电器 RDCPS系列控制与保护开关电器 产品说明书

313RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器,主要用于交流50Hz ( 60Hz )、额定工作电压至400V 、主体额定电流自1A 至125A 、智能控制器可调工作电流自0.4A 至125A 、控制电机功率自0.05KW 至55KW 的电力系统中接通、承载和分断正常条件下(包括规定的过载条件)的电流或电压,也能够接通、承载一定时间和分断规定的非正常条件下(如短路、欠压等)的电流或电压。

□ 周围空气温度:上限值不超过+40℃;下限值不低于-5℃;日平均值不超过+35℃;当周围 空气温度超出以上范围,用户可与我公司协商。

□ 海拔:安装地点的海拔高度不超过2000米。

□ 大气条件:大气相对湿度在周围空气温度+40℃时不超过50%;在较低温度下可以有较高的 相对湿度。

月平均最低温度为+25℃时,该月的平均最大相对湿度为90%,由于温度变化发 生在产品上的凝露必须采取措施。

□ 污染等级:3级□ 安装类别:III 类(690V 系统)、IV (380V 系统)类□ 控制电源电压应在(85%~110%) Us 的波动范围内正常工作条件产品概述选型指南主电路的参数主电路主要由于主体和智能脱扣器构成,这两部分是构成可以应用的RDCPS 产品的最少配置。

主体额定电流in 、约定发热电流Ith 、额定绝缘电压Ui 、额定频率、额定工作电压Ue 以及可选的智能控制器的额定工作电流Ie 范围或控制功率范围见表1、表2。

主要技术数据表1主电路的基本参数314注:□ 瞬时保护参数li 不可调,其值整定在16le电机用产品其短延时保护整定参数ls 可调范围为6lr~12lr □ □ 配电用产品其短延时保护整定参数Is 可调范围为3lr~6lr □ 以上功率范围参考Y 系列三相异步电动机的技术参数 □如有特殊要求时请生产厂家联系表2 主电路的主要参数315RDCPS 系列控制与保护开关电器RDCPS保护特性曲线1.0l r 1最小1.2l r 1最小1.0l r 1最大1.2l r 1最大6l r 1(l r 2最小)12l r 1(l r 2最16l r 1±1520l r 1±20I c s I(A)RDCPS电动机保护时间-电流特性0.1s 0.01s 0.001s1.05l r 1最小1.30l r 1最小1.05l r 1最大1.30l r 1最大3l r 1(l r 2最小)6l r 1(l r 2最大)16l r 1±1520l n ±20%I c sI(A)RDCPS 配电保护时间-电流特性用于电动机控制(使用类别:AC-42、AC-43、AC-44)的动作特性316智能脱扣器主要技术参数□ 起动延时在RDCPS 起动时间内,只对缺相、断相、过压、欠压、欠流、短路、漏电及三相不平衡进行保护,以避免RDCPS 启动大电流和过电流的保护;整定时间为 ( 1~99 ) 秒内之间选择;□ 过压及欠压保护只对辅助电源电压进行保护,以确保线圈与智能控制器正常工作;过压保护:当辅助电源电压超过设定值时(出厂整定在120%Us ),动作时间≤10秒;欠压保护:当辅助电源电压低于设定值时(出厂整定在85%Us ),动作时间≤10秒;□ 反时限过载长延时保护用户根据负载电流I 设定智能脱扣器的额定工作电流Ie ,使负载电流I 在80~100%Ie 之间,动作时间应根据负载特性设定,过流倍数与动作时间特性见表四,反时限过载长延时保护特性曲线出厂设定在F1表3 RDCPS反时限过载长延时保护动作特性用于配电线路负载(使用类别:AC-40、AC-41)的动作特性□ 欠流保护欠流保护:是根据最小电流与额定电流的比值来判断是否启动欠流保护(出厂设定在0),可以对不能空载的电机进行保护;也可以避免用户未根据负载电流I 设定RDCPS 智能脱扣器的工作电流Ie ,从而导致电机不在RDCPS 的保护范围内。

欧诺克 旋变解码板使用说明书 产品说明书

欧诺克 旋变解码板使用说明书 产品说明书

旋变解码板使用说明书Rotary transformer resolution manual深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司1旋变解析卡型号说明RS 10- 10 07 I 09RS:resolver(解析器)额定电压I:increament (增量式)10:1024线励磁电压10:10KHz解析器型号编码器线额定电压激励频率励磁电压RS10-1003I09102418~90VDC 10KHz 2.4VACrms RS10-1003I18102418~180VDC 10KHz 2.4VACrms RS10-1007I09 102418~90VDC 10KHz 7VACrms RS10-1007I18102418~180VDC10KHz7VACrms旋变解析卡型号汇总编码器线激励频率03:2.4VACrms 07:7VACrms编码器09:18~90VDC 18:18~180VDC旋变解码板1、产品概述本产品由深圳市欧诺克科技有限公司生产的旋变解码板主要用于旋变解码,可以将旋变信号转换为光电编码器的信号格式(A+、A-、B+、B-、Z+、Z-),输出位数12位,对应仿真增量式编码器为1024 线。

2、技术指标(1)外形尺寸:≤80mm×70.8mm×24.5mm (长×宽×高);(2)电源输入:20-90VDC或者20-180VDC;(3)工作温度:-20℃~+85℃;(4)激励频率:10KHz;(5)励磁电压:7VACrms或者2.4VACrms;(6)支持旋变类型:变压比为 0.5 的绕线式旋变和变压比为 0.286 的磁阻式旋变;3、性能特点(1)采用电源隔离技术:内部电源与外部输入电源隔离,满足客户可靠性和抗干扰性能的要求;(2)ESD 安全设计:对解码板旋变激励信号、旋变正余弦信号进行 ESD 保护设计,提供高达2KV 的 ESD 保护功能;(3)增强型激励信号驱动技术:本产品设计的激励信号驱动电流最高可达1.8A,满足绝大部分旋变激励的需要;(4)旋变激励信号输出保护电路设计;解码板输出的旋变激励信号发生异常短路时,不会损坏产品,提高了产品可靠性;4 、接口定义(1)J1 接口定义(编码器接口)解码板端采用 ZH1.5-11AW或XH2.5-7P连接器,本公司会配上这个端子的连接线。



联系电话 传真号码 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705 87383135,13857568098 87383705
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低速频率(LSP) 高速频率(HSP)
8Hz 50Hz
电流限幅1(CLI) 电机预磁设置(FLU) 预设速度2(SP2) 预设速度4(SP4) 预设速度8(SP8)
1.5-2In 不连续(FNC) 20Hz 35Hz 48Hz
刹车释放动作时间(BRT) 0.2S
电流限幅1(CLI) 电机预磁设置(FLU) 预设速度2(SP2) 预设速度4(SP4) 预设速度8(SP8)
参数值 物料输送(HDG)
2.5S 3S 7Hz 50Hz
电机铭牌上 电机铭牌上
1.5-2In 不连续(FNC) 17Hz 30Hz 40Hz
电机控制(DRC-) 电机控制类型(CTT)
大小车机构变频器参数 简单起动(SIM-)
参数名称及代码 宏设置(CFG) 电机额定功率(UNS) 电机额定电流(NCR) 电机额定频率(FRS) 电机额定速度(NSP) 加速时间(ACC) 减速时间(DEC) 低速频率(LSP) 高速频率(HSP)
参数名称及代码 宏设置(CFG) 电机额定功率(UNS)
参数值 起重提升(HST)
电机额定电流(NCR) 电机额定频率(F间(ACC) 减速时间(DEC)
3S 1.8S
输入/输出设置(I-O-) 2/3线控制(TCC) 2线控制(TCT) 反转(RRS) R1设置(R1-) R2设置(R2-)



2100RTN…STS61… VEN…AVN15-12SSA…STA…VPD…AVN15A16Product Range OverviewSmall Valves, Actuators + Accessoriesfor radiator, floor heating and chilled ceiling applicationsSelf-contained thermostatic actuators RTN… without auxiliary power•CEN-certified and tested to DIN EN215 part 1•Absolute noiseless actuator technology• Long service life•Manual setpoint adjustment, min. and max. limitationFavorably priced thermal actuators STA…, STS61… for demanding requirements•Absolute noiseless actuator technology• Long service lifeElectromotoric actuators SSA… for the most demanding requirements•Automatic detection of valve stroke• Long service life• Low noise•Plug-in connecting cableRF-controlled actuator SSA955 for radiator valves•For integration into the Siemens Synco 900 systemPreadjustable radiator valves VDN…, VEN…, VUN…•CEN-certified and tested to DIN EN215 part 1•Insert can be replaced while plant is under pressurePressure compensated radiator valves VPD…, VPE… (MCV) for perfect hydraulicbalancing• Solves noise problems•No line balancing valves required•No hydraulic balancing required because of automatic pressure compensation•Creates comfort and saves energyVarious mounting accessories•Simple and fast mounting•High operation safety.CE1N2100enBuilding TechnologiesEquipment combinations: Thermostatic and electronic actuators, valves and fittings2/63/6Accessories For mounting• thermostatic actuators RTN… • electromotoric actuators SSA… • RF-controlled actuator SSA955 • thermal actuators STA… • thermal actuators STS61…on radiator valves of other manufacturer according to table:Notes1) Oventrop has been using M30 x 1.5since 2001, requiring no adapter 2) Not to be used with RTN...3) TA (Heimeier) has been using M30 x1.5 since 2003, requiring no adapterConnection (M30 x 1.5) on valves of other manufacture, without adapter • Heimeier • Junkers• Honeywell Braukmann • MNG• Cazzaniga• Oventrop M30 x 1.5 (as of 2001) • TA-Type TBV-C • Beulco newThe sealing insert is suited for use with all radiator valves of the ranges VPD… and VPE….Adapter (AV…)Differential pressure overflow valves VS9…Sealing insert AV100-VP14/6Type reference (alphabetical)Type reference DescriptionG [in]DesignData sheetADN10 3/8ADN15 1/2ADN20 3/4straight AEN10 3/8 AEN15 1/2AEN20Lockshield valve 3/4angle N2107ATN1 Partner clip ATN2 Removal protection ATN3 Manual knob ATN4 Manual knob AVN1 Valve insertAVN10-12 3/8 Tube ∅ 12 mmAVN15-12 1/2 Tube ∅ 12 mmAVN15-14 1/2 Tube ∅ 14 mm AVN15-15 1/2 Tube ∅ 15 mmAVN15-16 Fittings for copper and steel pipes 1/2 Tube ∅ 16 mm AVN15P12 1/2 Tube ∅ 12 x 1.1 mmAVN15P14 Fittings for Pex plastic tubing 1/2 Tube ∅ 14 x 2 mm AVN15A14 1/2 Tube ∅ 14 x 2 mmAVN15A16 Fittings for Alupex tubing 1/2 Tube ∅ 16 x 2 mm AV51…AV61Adapter for valves of other manufacture N2100 RTN51… Thermostatic actuatorRAL 9016white glossy appearanceRTN71 Thermostatic actuator with remote sensor RTN81 Thermostatic actuator with remote adjusterN2111SSA31… Electromotoric actuator AC 230 V SSA81… Electromotoric actuator AC 24 V SSA61… Electromotoric actuator AC / DC 24 V N4893 SSA955 RF-controlled actuator SSA955 Battery-powered (LR6 / AA) N2700 STA21… Thermal actuator AC 230 V STA71… Thermal actuator AC / DC 24 V N4877 STA72E… Thermal actuator AC / DC 24 V N4875 STS61…Thermal actuatorAC 24 VN4880 VDN110 3/8VDN115 1/2VDN120 3/4straight, DIN N2105 VDN210 3/8 VDN215 1/2VDN220Valve3/4straight, NF N2106 VEN110 3/8VEN115 1/2VEN120 3/4angle, DIN N2105 VEN210 3/8VEN215 1/2VEN220 3/4angle, NF VUN210 3/8 VUN215 Valve1/2 reverse angle, NFN21065/6VDN10M 3/8VDN15M 1/2VDN20M 3/4straight VEN10M 3/8 VEN15M 1/2VEN20M Manual valve 3/4 angle N2104VPD110A-45 VPD110A-90 VPD110A-145 3/8VPD115A-45 VPD115A-90 VPD115A-145 1/2VPD110B-60 VPD110B-120 VPD110B-200 3/8VPD115B-60 VPD115B-120 VPD115B-200 1/2straight, DINVPE110A-45 VPE110A-90 VPE110A-145 3/8VPE115A-45 VPE115A-90 VPE115A-145 1/2VPE110B-60 VPE110B-120 VPE110B-200 3/8VPE115B-60 VPE115B-120 VPE115B-200 Mini-Combi-Valve (MCV)1/2angle, DINN2185VPD210A-45 VPD210A-90 VPD210A-145 3/8VPD215A-45 VPD215A-90 VPD215A-145 1/2VPD210B-60 VPD210B-120 VPD210B-200 3/8VPD215B-60 VPD215B-120 VPD215B-200 1/2straight, NFVPE210A-45 VPE210A-90 VPE210A-145 3/8VPE215A-45 VPE215A-90 VPE215A-145 1/2VPE210B-60 VPE210B-120 VPE210B-200 3/8VPE215B-60 VPE215B-120 VPE215B-200 Mini-Combi-Valve (MCV)1/2angle, NFN21856/6VS920 3/4VS932 Differential pressure overflow valve1 1/4VS920F 3/4 VS932FDifferential pressure overflow valve for district heating house substations1 1/4angle N2181Technical notes NO valves• fully open when de-energized (normally open). • Valve stem extended.Radiator valves like VDN…, VEN…, VUN…, VPD… or VPE… are usually NO valves.NC valves• Closed when de-energized (normally closed). • Valve stem extended.Small valves like V…P47… are usually NC valves.NO function • Actuator stem is retracted when de-energized. • Valve is open.NC function• Actuator stem is extended when de-energized. • Valve is closed.The thermostatic RTN… actuators control the heat demand. They control the water flow by opening and closing the radiator valves.• With increased heat demand the actuator stem retracts and steadily opens the radia-tor valve.• With decreasing heat demand the actuator stem extends and steadily closes the radiator valve.STA…Radiator valves (NO valves) actuator de-energized • VDN…, VEN…, VUN… • VPD…, VPE…closed (NC function)Use STA72E actuators for DESIGO RX…The STS61… thermal actuator is driven by a DC 0...10 V positioning signal. The actua-tor can be operated in two directions of actions (Y or Y ) and can therefore be used with radiator NO valves as well as with small valves NC.OperationBreakdownDirection of action DC 0…10 V Actuator stem Valve behavior Actuator de-energizedY increasing Stem retracts NO opens NO radiator valve or MCV closedY increasing Stem extends NC opens NC small valves openThe electromotoric the actuator is driven by DC 0…10 V positioning signal or by a 3-position signal. The description of operation in this document applies to the valve versions which are fully open when de-energized (NO). • Voltage at Y1: Stem retracts Valve opens • Voltage at Y2:Stem extends Valve closes • No voltage at Y1 and Y2:Actuator maintains its current position• The valve opens / closes in proportion to the control signal at Y. • At DC 0 V, the valve is fully closed (A Æ AB), stem extended• When power supply is removed, the actuator maintains its current position.NO, NC valvesValve and actuator combinationsRTN…STA…, STP…AttentionSTS61…SSA31…, SSA81…3-Position control signalDC 0...10 V©2006 - 2008 Siemens Switzerland Ltd Subject to alteration。

LEXAN Resin 121R

LEXAN Resin 121R

L EXAN™ Resin 121RA sia Pacific: COMMERCIALNonhalogenated. 17.5 MFR, for small, intricate parts. Internal mold release.TYPICAL PROPERTIES¹TYPICAL VALUE Unit StandardM ECHANICALT ensile Stress, yld, Type I, 50 mm/min62M Pa A STM D 638T ensile Stress, brk, Type I, 50 mm/min 68M Pa A STM D 638T ensile Strain, yld, Type I, 50 mm/min 7%A STM D 638T ensile Strain, brk, Type I, 50 mm/min125%A STM D 638F lexural Stress, yld, 1.3 mm/min, 50 mm span 96M Pa A STM D 790F lexural Modulus, 1.3 mm/min, 50 mm span 2340M Pa A STM D 790H ardness, Rockwell M 70-A STM D 785H ardness, Rockwell R118-A STM D 785T aber Abrasion, CS-17, 1 kg10m g/1000cy A STM D 1044I MPACTIzod Impact, unnotched, 23°C3204J /m A STM D 4812 Izod Impact, notched, 23°C 694J /m A STM D 256T ensile Impact, Type S546k J/m²A STM D 1822 Falling Dart Impact (D 3029), 23°C169J A STM D 3029 Instrumented Impact Energy @ peak, 23°C 62J A STM D 3763 Izod Impact, unnotched 80*10*3 +23°C N B k J/m²I SO 180/1U Izod Impact, unnotched 80*10*3 -30°C N B k J/m²I SO 180/1U Izod Impact, notched 80*10*3 +23°C 65k J/m²I SO 180/1A Izod Impact, notched 80*10*3 -30°C11k J/m²I SO 180/1A Charpy 23°C, V-notch Edgew 80*10*3 sp=62mm 65k J/m²I SO 179/1eA Charpy -30°C, V-notch Edgew 80*10*3 sp=62mm 12k J/m²I SO 179/1eA Charpy 23°C, Unnotch Edgew 80*10*3 sp=62mmN Bk J/m²I SO 179/1eUSource GMD, last updated:PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA.DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (SABIC) OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES ( S ELLER ) ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SELLER S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH. HOWEVER, SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE (i) THAT ANY RESULTS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (ii) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN OR APPLICATION INCORPORATING SELLER S MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SELLER SSTANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Each user is responsible for making its own determination as to the suitability of Seller s materials, products, services or recommendations for the user s particular use through appropriate end-use and other testing and analysis. Nothing in any document or oral statement shall be deemed to alter or waive any provision of Seller s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless it is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. Statements by Seller concerning a possible use of any material, product, service or design do not, are not intended to, and should not be construed to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Seller or as a recommendation for the use of any material, product, service or design in a manner that infringes any patent or other intellectual property right. SABIC and brands marked with ™ are trademarks of SABIC or its subsidiaries or affiliates.(1) Typical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for various colors. All values aremeasured after at least 48 hours storage at 23°C/50% relative humidity. All properties, except the melt volume and melt flow rates, are measured on injection molded samples. All samples tested under ISO test standards are prepared according to ISO 294.(2) Only typical data for selection purposes. Not to be used for part or tool design.(3) This rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.(4) Internal measurements according to UL standards.(5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due to differences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.(6) Needs hard coat to consistently pass 60 sec Vertical Burn.L EXAN™ Resin 121RA sia Pacific: COMMERCIALTYPICAL PROPERTIES¹TYPICAL VALUE Unit StandardI MPACTCharpy -30°C, Unnotch Edgew 80*10*3 sp=62mmN B k J/m²I SO 179/1eUT HERMALV icat Softening Temp, Rate B/50154°C A STM D 1525H DT, 0.45 MPa, 6.4 mm, unannealed 137°C A STM D 648H DT, 1.82 MPa, 6.4 mm, unannealed 129°C A STM D 648 CTE, -40°C to 95°C, flow 6.84E-051/°C A STM E 831S pecific Heat1.25J /g-°C A STM C 351T hermal Conductivity0.25W /m-°C A STM C 177R elative Temp Index, Elec130°C U L 746B R elative Temp Index, Mech w/impact 130°C U L 746B R elative Temp Index, Mech w/o impact130°C U L 746BP HYSICALS pecific Gravity1.2-A STM D 792S pecific Volume0.83c m³/g A STM D 792D ensity1.19g /cm³A STM D 792W ater Absorption, 24 hours0.15%A STM D 570W ater Absorption, equilibrium, 23C 0.35%A STM D 570 Water Absorption, equilibrium, 100°C 0.58%A STM D 570M old Shrinkage, flow, 3.2 mm (5)0.5 - 0.7%S ABIC Method Melt Flow Rate, 300°C/1.2 kgf17.5g /10 min A STM D 1238O PTICALL ight Transmission, 2.54 mm88%A STM D 1003H aze, 2.54 mm 1%A STM D 1003R efractive Index1.586-A STM D 542E LECTRICALV olume Resistivity>1.E+17O hm-cm A STM D 257D ielectric Strength, in air, 3.2 mm14.9k V/mmA STM D 149DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (SABIC) OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES ( Source GMD, last updated:PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA.S ELLER ) ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SELLER S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH. HOWEVER, SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE (i) THAT ANY RESULTS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (ii) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN OR APPLICATION INCORPORATING SELLER S MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SELLER SSTANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Each user is responsible for making its own determination as to the suitability of Seller s materials, products, services or recommendations for the user s particular use through appropriate end-use and other testing and analysis. Nothing in any document or oral statement shall be deemed to alter or waive any provision of Seller s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless it is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. Statements by Seller concerning a possible use of any material, product, service or design do not, are not intended to, and should not be construed to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Seller or as a recommendation for the use of any material, product, service or design in a manner that infringes any patent or other intellectual property right.(1) Typical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for various colors. All values aremeasured after at least 48 hours storage at 23°C/50% relative humidity. All properties, except the melt volume and melt flow rates, are measured on injection molded samples. All samples tested under ISO test standards are prepared according to ISO 294.(2) Only typical data for selection purposes. Not to be used for part or tool design.(3) This rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.(4) Internal measurements according to UL standards.(5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due to differences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.(6) Needs hard coat to consistently pass 60 sec Vertical Burn.L EXAN™ Resin 121RA sia Pacific: COMMERCIALTYPICAL PROPERTIES¹TYPICAL VALUE Unit StandardE LECTRICALR elative Permittivity, 50/60 Hz3.17-A STM D 150R elative Permittivity, 1 MHz 2.96-A STM D 150D issipation Factor, 50/60 Hz 0.0009-A STM D 150D issipation Factor, 1 MHz 0.01-A STM D 150H ot Wire Ignition {PLC)2P LC Code U L 746A H igh Voltage Arc Track Rate {PLC}2P LC Code U L 746A H igh Ampere Arc Ign, surface {PLC}1P LC Code U L 746A C omparative Tracking Index (UL) {PLC}2P LC Code U L 746AF LAME CHARACTERISTICSU L Recognized, 94HB Flame Class Rating (3)0.71m m U L 94R adiant Panel ListingY ES -U L Tested U V-light, water exposure/immersionF 2-U L 746CSource GMD, last updated:PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA.DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (SABIC) OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES ( S ELLER ) ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SELLER S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH. HOWEVER, SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE (i) THAT ANY RESULTS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (ii) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN OR APPLICATION INCORPORATING SELLER S MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SELLER SSTANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Each user is responsible for making its own determination as to the suitability of Seller s materials, products, services or recommendations for the user s particular use through appropriate end-use and other testing and analysis. Nothing in any document or oral statement shall be deemed to alter or waive any provision of Seller s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless it is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. Statements by Seller concerning a possible use of any material, product, service or design do not, are not intended to, and should not be construed to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Seller or as a recommendation for the use of any material, product, service or design in a manner that infringes any patent or other intellectual property right.(1) Typical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for various colors. All values aremeasured after at least 48 hours storage at 23°C/50% relative humidity. All properties, except the melt volume and melt flow rates, are measured on injection molded samples. All samples tested under ISO test standards are prepared according to ISO 294.(2) Only typical data for selection purposes. Not to be used for part or tool design.(3) This rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.(4) Internal measurements according to UL standards.(5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due to differences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.(6) Needs hard coat to consistently pass 60 sec Vertical Burn.L EXAN™ Resin 121RA sia Pacific: COMMERCIALPROCESSING PARAMETERSTYPICAL VALUE UnitI njection MoldingD rying Temperature 120°C D rying Time3 - 4h rs D rying Time (Cumulative)48h rs M aximum Moisture Content 0.02%M elt Temperature 280 - 305°C N ozzle Temperature275 - 300°C F ront - Zone 3 Temperature 280 - 305°C M iddle - Zone 2 Temperature 270 - 295°C R ear - Zone 1 Temperature 260 - 280°C M old Temperature 70 - 95°C B ack Pressure 0.3 - 0.7M Pa S crew Speed40 - 70r pm S hot to Cylinder Size 40 - 60%V ent Depth0.025 - 0.076m m• NOTE: Back Pressure, Screw Speed, Shot to Cylinder Size and Vent Depth are only mentioned as general guidelines. These may not apply or need adjustment in specific situations such as low shot sizes, thin wall molding and gas-assist molding.Source GMD, last updated:PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA.DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (SABIC) OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES ( S ELLER ) ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SELLER S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH. HOWEVER, SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE (i) THAT ANY RESULTS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (ii) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN OR APPLICATION INCORPORATING SELLER S MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SELLER SSTANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Each user is responsible for making its own determination as to the suitability of Seller s materials, products, services or recommendations for the user s particular use through appropriate end-use and other testing and analysis. Nothing in any document or oral statement shall be deemed to alter or waive any provision of Seller s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless it is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. Statements by Seller concerning a possible use of any material, product, service or design do not, are not intended to, and should not be construed to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Seller or as a recommendation for the use of any material, product, service or design in a manner that infringes any patent or other intellectual property right.(1) Typical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for various colors. All values aremeasured after at least 48 hours storage at 23°C/50% relative humidity. All properties, except the melt volume and melt flow rates, are measured on injection molded samples. All samples tested under ISO test standards are prepared according to ISO 294.(2) Only typical data for selection purposes. Not to be used for part or tool design.(3) This rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.(4) Internal measurements according to UL standards.(5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due to differences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.(6) Needs hard coat to consistently pass 60 sec Vertical Burn.L EXAN™ Resin 121RAsia Pacific: COMMERCIALSource GMD, last updated:PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE FOR AVAILABILITY IN YOUR AREA.DISCLAIMER : THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF SAUDI BASIC INDUSTRIES CORPORATION (SABIC) OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES ( S ELLER ) ARE SOLD SUBJECT TO SELLER S STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE GIVEN IN GOOD FAITH. HOWEVER, SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE (i) THAT ANY RESULTS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE OBTAINED UNDER END-USE CONDITIONS, OR (ii) AS TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OR SAFETY OF ANY DESIGN OR APPLICATION INCORPORATING SELLER S MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SELLER SSTANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE, SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF ITS MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Each user is responsible for making its own determination as to the suitability of Seller s materials, products, services or recommendations for the user s particular use through appropriate end-use and other testing and analysis. Nothing in any document or oral statement shall be deemed to alter or waive any provision of Seller s Standard Conditions of Sale or this Disclaimer, unless it is specifically agreed to in a writing signed by Seller. Statements by Seller concerning a possible use of any material, product, service or design do not, are not intended to, and should not be construed to grant any license under any patent or other intellectual property right of Seller or as a recommendation for the use of any material, product, service or design in a manner that infringes any patent or other intellectual property right.(1) Typical values only. Variations within normal tolerances are possible for various colors. All values aremeasured after at least 48 hours storage at 23°C/50% relative humidity. All properties, except the melt volume and melt flow rates, are measured on injection molded samples. All samples tested under ISO test standards are prepared according to ISO 294.(2) Only typical data for selection purposes. Not to be used for part or tool design.(3) This rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.(4) Internal measurements according to UL standards.(5) Measurements made from laboratory test coupon. Actual shrinkage may vary outside of range due to differences in processing conditions, equipment, part geometry and tool design. It is recommended that mold shrinkage studies be performed with surrogate or legacy tooling prior to cutting tools for new molded article.(6) Needs hard coat to consistently pass 60 sec Vertical Burn.。







目录1、JTY-LZ-ZM991智能离子感烟火灾探测器2、JTY-GD-ZM992智能光电感烟火灾探测器3、JTW-BD-ZM995智能感温火灾探测器4、JTY-GD-882光电感烟火灾探测器5、JTW-BD-885感温火灾探测器6、JTYJ-GD-2630/B 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器7、JTYJ-GD-2690/B 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器8、BAEM1224S型红外光束感烟火灾探测器9、AEC2361a 可燃气体探测报警器10、AEC2371a 可燃气体探测报警器11、J-SAP-M-SB8304 编址手动火灾报警按钮12、J-SAP-M-SB8304/H 编址消火栓报警按钮13、SM8301 输入模块14、KM8302 输入/输出模块15、KM8302B 切换模块16、DB8307 总线短路保护器17、M902M 探测器接口模块18、SG8306A 编址声光警报器19、ZH8310A 现场转换盒20、SSM24-6 警铃21、SG8306 声光警报器22、CH8504 放气指示灯23、CH8505 紧急启停按钮24、CH8507 手/自动转换盒25、CH8316/20/48/72 路接线端子箱26、CH8907/6/12/20模块箱27、FS-100 火灾显示盘28、CH8605 多线联动控制盘29、CH8601 总线手动控制盘30、JB-QB-CH8000 火灾报警控制器(联动型)31、JB-QB-CH8800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)32、JB-QB-CH8000/S 火灾报警控制器33、JB-MH-CH8500 气体灭火控制器34、JB-QB-CH8800 气体灭火控制器35、CH8909 CRT火灾彩色平面图形显示系统36、GB9242 消防广播主机37、DH9251 多线火警电话主机38、DH9261 总线制火警电话主机39、CH9200 壁挂广播通讯柜1、JTY-LZ-ZM991智能离子感烟火灾探测器功能描述及技术指标◆适用于发生火灾后产生大量的烟和少量热的场所,如宾馆、饭店、办公楼、机房、医院、学校等各种室内场所。

罗克韦尔电气 GRC 型号 台式旋转执行器 说明书

罗克韦尔电气 GRC 型号 台式旋转执行器 说明书

Rack and pinion typeOutlet direction of piping port can be selected from 3 sides.table top (4 points) or main body bottom (1 point).GRCSeriesHigh load / accurate positioningFlexible designSmall GRC-5with 0.5N·m debuts first in industry.GRC-5Torque5 (0.5N·m)Small torque never achievedBasic type and high precision type are available with same dimensions.Products changes in manufacturing lines (basic type and high precision type) are conducted speedy.90° specifications and 180° specifications are available.GRC series variationRealizing more compact type for oscillating angle 90° type6 types of5 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 50 / 80Basic typeGRC Reliable operation with radial bearing High precision typeGRC-KCross roller bearing used for high precision / high loadOscillating angleOptionTorque (at torque value, 0.5MPa)5(0.5N·m)10(1.0N·m)20(2.0N·m)30(3.0N·m)50(5.0N·m)80(8.0N·m)90° type 180° typeWith switchBasic typeGRCHigh precision typeGRC-KShock absorber type stopperHand reverse Parts supplyLarge pinion diameter191821Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuator20: Standard, : Option, : Not availableGRC seriesSeries variationNote:Refer to Page 34 for outer mount shockabsorber installation position.Series variationTable type rotary actuatorGRC series223CAUTION124Precautions for fine speed (GRC-F)• Use with oil-free specifications. (Must be oil-free)Features may change if the device is lubricated.• Assemble the flow control valve near the rotary actua-tor.If the flow control valve is assembled away from the rotary actuator, adjustments will become unstable.Use the SC-M3/M5, SC3W, SCD-M3/M5 or SC3WU Series flow control valve.• Generally, higher air pressure, and smaller load result in more stable operation.Use a load at 50% or less.• Operation will stabilize if speed is controlled at the• Avoid use with vibration.The product will be adversely affected by vibration and operation will become unstable.PUSH : Meter-out PULL : Meter-outRotary actuator GRC SeriesPneumatic ComponentsSafety PrecautionsAlways read before starting use.Refer to Intro 45 for general details on the cylinder, and to Intro 52 for details on the cylinder switch.Select the modal so output torque is double or over of torque required by the load.The GRC Series uses a double piston, so if the oscillation angle is adjusted by the stopper bolt, torque at the oscillation end will be half the effective torque.If torque required by the load is small even during oscil-lation, the actuator could be damaged by load inertia.Consider the load moment of inertia, kinetic energy, and oscillation time, and use at a level below tolerable en-ergy.If an external shock absorber is used, torque will drop at the oscillation end by the amount of the spring's re-turn force in the shock absorber.23Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorCAUTIONDo not further machine the product.If so, strength will decrease and could lead to product damage.This may result in injury or damage to operator, component, or equip-ment.Do not increase the fixed orifice on the piping port by re-machining, etc., or actuator operation speed and impact will increase, damaging the actuator. Install a flow control valve on piping, etc.The piping port is selectable from 3 sides. Ports other than the side piping port are plugged when the product is shipped. When changing the piping port, interchange these plugs. When changing ports for the GRC-5 to 30,apply the recommended adhesive to plugs. When changing ports for GRC-50 or 80, apply recommended adhesive or wrap sealing tape around plugs. Failure to do so may lead to air leakage.<Recommended adhesive> LOCTITE 222: Japan LOCTITE Three Bond 1334: Three BondThe relationship of piping ports and oscillation direc-tion is shown below.An angle adjustment screw (stopper bolt or shock ab-sorber) for adjustment of oscillation angle is provided as a standard. When the product is shipped, the angle adjustment screw is adjusted randomly within the oscil-lation adjustment range. Readjust this to the required angle before use.23465Table 17R: Clockwise rotation (right rotation)L: Counterclockwise rotation (left rotation)Adjust the angle to within the adjustment range speci-fied for the product.If the angle is adjusted outside the adjustment range, the product could be damaged. Refer to product specifications (page 26) and oscillation angle adjustment (page 53).The adjustment angle per rotation of the angle adjust-ing screw (stopper bolt of shock absorber) is shown below.124When replacing the seal washer sealing the angle ad-justment stopper bolt (hexagon bolt when using exter-nal shock absorber), tighten the hexagon nut (hexagon bolt when using external shock absorber) with the tight-ening torque in Table 3. Otherwise, air may leak.Tighten the shock absorber fixing nut with the tighten-ing torque below. If force exceeds tightening torque below, the shock absorber could be damaged.Observe steps (1) to (5) when adjusting the angle. If the angle is not adjusted this way, the seal washer mayAngle adjustment procedures:(1) First loosen the hexagon nutas shown in Fig. 1.(2) Separate the seal washerfrom the head cover as shown in Fig. 2.(3) Turn the stopper bolt, hexa-gon nut, and seal washer to-gether as shown in Fig. 3,and adjust the angle. Check that the rubber section of the seal washer does not bite into the screw.(4) After adjusting the angle,move the seal washer near the head cover by hand as shown in Fig. 4.(5) Tighten as shown in Fig. 5with the hexagon nut. Check that the rubber section of the seal washer does not bite into the screw section.After adjusting the angle, securely tighten the hexagon nut with the tightening torque in Table 2. Otherwise, the hexagon nut may loosen and cause external leakage in prolonged use.CAUTION10Basic type, high precision typeWith external shock absorber98Rotary actuator GRC SeriesPneumatic ComponentsSafety PrecautionsAlways read before starting use.Refer to Intro 45 for general details on the cylinder, and to Intro 52 for details on the cylinder switch.25Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorTable 4 gives the tightening torque for the hexagon socket bolt for installation and hexagon socket bolt for lever installation when using A3, and installing the shock absorber kit later.A rubber cushion is used in the GRC. (Basic, high precisiontype) When using at a pressure of 0.3MPa or less, the rubber cushion may not be pressed down completely. If accuracy is required at the oscillation end, use with a pressure of 0.3 MPa or more.CAUTION Table 4Not pressed completelyTake care when placing cylinders near each other.When installing two or more rotary actuators with switches in paral-lel, or if there is a magnetic substance such as a steel plate nearby,provide the following distances from the cylinder body surface: The dimensions are the same for all sizes. Failure to do so may cause the switch to malfunction due to mutual magnetic force interfer-ence.111312external shock absorber installationfor lever installationNote 1: Logical torque is value when working pressure 0.5MPa.Note 2: Working pressure to be 0.3MPa and over to push over rubber cushion integrated in basic / high precision types.Note 3: Volumetric capacity is value within oscillating angle adjusting range when maximum oscillating angle.Note 4: Oscillating angle adjusting range is value when adjusted by both side stopper bolts (shock absorber).Note 5: Oscillating time adjusting range is value when working pressure 0.5MPa.Note 6: Displacement of table at 100mm away from the center of rotation is shown on technical data (Page 51).Switch specifications26GRC/GRC-K SeriesSpecifications27Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorGRC/GRC-K Series How to order2829Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorGRC/GRC-K SeriesHow to order• Switch main body only• Set of plate, shock absorber and lever• Used when installing outer mount shock absorber onto A3 type later.How to order switchHow to order outer mount shock absorber set• Set of shock absorber and stopperHow to order shock absorber set for adjustable angleSwitch model No.(Previous page )D • Sets of packing seal etc. repair partsHow to order repair kits(Previous page )B •Set with urethane rubber of hexagon head hole set screw, hexagon nut and plain washer•Used when using without outer mount shock absorberHow to order stopper bolt set for adjustable angle• Used at seal washer replacement • Seal washer 2 pc.How to order seal washer set(Previous page )B (Previous page )B A01(Previous page )B• GRC (basic type)• GRC-K (high precision type)Internal structure and parts listSectional view of high accuracy typePosition of cushion rubber differs for GRC-*-5.GRC/GRC-K SeriesOscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorGRC/GRC-K SeriesInternal structure and parts list• GRC-*-A (with outer mount shock absorber)Note: Figure shows 90° specifications. 180° specifications use same material etc.Internal structure and parts listNote 1:Indicate kit number when ordering repair parts.Note 2:Avoid disassembling / repair, since high accuracy typeuses highly controlled precision part.When repairing high accuracy type, consult with CKD.Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuator• GRC basic type• GRC-K high accuracy typeDimensions(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)GRC/GRC-K SeriesBasic type / high precision typeGRC/GRC-K SeriesGRC Series• GRC-5-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).Dimensions: With outer mount shock absorber Torque5(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)can not be fixed with using 4 taps on main body top. Position for dowel hole differs depending on installation position of outer mount shock absorber on table top.GRC-5-*-A1GRC-5-*-A2Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuator• GRC-10-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).• GRC-20-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).Dimensions: Torque 10, 20 with outer mount shock absorber(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)GRC SeriesWith outer mount shock absorberGRC Series• GRC-30-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).• GRC-50-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).Dimensions: Torque 30, 50 with outer mount shock absorber(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorGRC SeriesWith outer mount shock absorber• GRC-80-*-A1/A2Note: Figure shows A1 type (installation position (1)).Dimensions: Torque 80 with outer mount shock absorber(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)90° specificationsGRC Series• GRC-*-A3Dimensions: Outer mount shock absorber torque 5 to 80 for later installation(File name: Page 55 or Ending 153 to 154)When outer mount shock absorber set is installed. ( shaded section shows outer mount shock absorber set.)Note:If A2 type, consult with CKD (refer to Page 34 for installation position.)90° specifications 180° specificationsOscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorHow to orderGRC-F/GRC-KF SeriesHow to orderFollow following procedures.(3)Inertia load (TA)K: Slack coefficient[No load fluctuates K=2Load fluctuates K=5F R: Required force (N)L: Length from center of rotation to pressure cone apex (m)Selection guide: Selection methodOscillators / rotary actuators Table type rotary actuatorStep 3 Check allowable energy.Load of rectangular parallelepiped applies.Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorSelection guide: Selection exampleLoad of rectangular parallelepiped applies to rect-First, calculate moment of inertia (I) due to inertia load.< Rectangle plate >10-2 (kg ·m 2)< Cube >0.189 (kg ·m 2)60.1Therefore, total moment of inertia (I) is following.Step4, Check allowable load.Finally, check if result is within allowable load range after load that applies to table is calculated.< Thrust load >Total mass7.8+1.40+0.21=9.41 (kg)Therefore thrust load (Ws) isWs=9.41 X 9.8=92.2 (N) (5)< Radial load >Since no radial load is applied.W R =0 (N) (6)< Moment load >Moment load by rectangle plate (M 1)1.40 X 9.8=13.72 (N)0.21 X 9.8=2.06 (N)Therefore,M 1=13.72 X 0.1-2.06 X 0.015=1.34(N ·m)Moment load by rectangular parallelepiped (M 2)7.8 X 9.8=76.44 (N)Therefore,M 2=76.44 X 0.15=11.47 (N ·m)Therefore, if total M 1 and M 2.M=1.34+11.47=12.81 (N .m) (7)According to (5) (6) (7) and (B)W smax W s W Rmax W R M maxM 45092.232001012.8Increase size, and recalculate with GRC-80-90. since mo-ment load is exceeding allowable value.W smaxW s W Rmax W R M maxM 58092.240001312.8Since total load value is still exceeding allowable value, se-lect high accuracy type, and calculate following.W smaxW s W W R M M 65092.24800150.99 1.012.8......(C)According to (C), total load value is within allowable load value,GRC-K-80-90-A1, A2can be selected.Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorTherefore,Selection guide: Selection example2.58 10(kg·m )[Rectangular parallelepiped section]60.06 3 10-4 (kg ·m 2)Therefore, total moment of inertia (I) is following.I 1= I 1+I 2 = 2.88 X 10-3(kg ·m 2).......................(2)Next, calculate angular acceleration () .According to conditions =180°=(rad), t=0.5(s)Oscillating time s/90° time s/90°I n e r t i a m o m e n t k g ·m 2I n e r t i a m o m e n t k g ·m 2Relations between moment of inertia and oscillating time are shown as diagram below. Always use model in right below area of graph,or shaft etc. may be damaged. Refer to diagram for selection etc.• Basic type / high precision typeTorque 5, 10, 20Torque 30, 50, 80Technical dataOscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorTechnical dataTechnical dataCalculate each moment of inertia, and total them for combined load.Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorTechnical dataIf moment load is applied to GRC, displacement (reference value) of table at 100mm away from center of rotation is shown below.Measuring methodTable deflectionTable deflection volume of GRC (basic type)Table deflection volume of GRC-K (high precision type)Load value N ·mD i s p l a c e m e nt mD i s p l a c e m e n tmLoad value N ·m52GRC SeriesTechnical data0. MPaT o r q u e N ·mNote that torque at oscillation end is half of following graph.53Oscillators / rotary actuatorsTable type rotary actuatorGRC SeriesTechnical data• Basic type / high precision type180° specifications 90° specifications• (GRC-*-A1) with outer mount shock absorber180° specifications 90° specificationsC o u n t e A dj u C o u n t e r c l o c A dj u s t i n g54GRC SeriesTechnical data• (GRC-*-A2) with outer mount shock absorber180° specifications90° specificationsC o u。

SC-121 Sine Servo Controller 产品说明书

SC-121 Sine Servo Controller 产品说明书

SC-121SINE SERVO CONTROLLERVibration testing suddenly got a whole lot easier.abworks Inc.L 2950 airway ave., a-16, costa mesa, ca 92626 • (714) 549-1981 • fax (714) 549-8041A remarkably convenient operator interface with performance found only in the best units available make the SC-121 ideal for controlling electrodynamic shakers in almostany test situation from research and calibration to production testing.The SC-121 is unmatched in cost / performance value.Dual microprocessor design.Digital signal synthesis and filtering.T wo-channel acceleration input and control.Flexible programming with non-volatile memory.Four independent meters display all control parameters.Analog data outputs interface easily to computer analog inputs and x-y recorders.s s s s ss 1981We packed the SC-121 with performance.The Labworks model SC-121 Sine Servo Controller incorporates the latest in microprocessor technology to provide an economical solution to modern sinusoidal vibration testing requirements with a remarkably conve-nient operator interface. It is designed for use with vibra-tion test systems requiring sinusoidal vibration between 2and 10,000 Hz with acceleration levels ranging from .5 to 99.9 g pk and displacement requirements from .02 to 2.5inches pk-pk.The servo provides an output that will give a constant displacement and or acceleration level during a swept or stationary sine test by means of an acceleration feedback signal.Vibration displacement is generated internally by doubleDESCRIPTIONintegration of the channel 1 servo loop acceleration signal. A dual microprocessor design ensures that all commands bring immediate control response without degrading the performance of the control system.Crystal controlled digital signal synthesis and filteringinsures that the Labworks model SC-121 has performance specifications found only in the best controllers available.The SC-121 has two acceleration input channels to facilitate tests requiring the comparison of two signals,such as calibration or transmissibility tests. The difference output makes transmissibility determination and calibration tests as easy as running a simple sine test.Tests using large head shakers, slip tables or large fixturesWide frequency range: 2.0-6,553 Hzor (4.0-10,000 Hz).High resolution: 0.1 Hz. or (0.2 Hz).Two independent input channels withbuilt-in conditioning amplifiers.The built-in input amplifiers have a currentsource and adjustable sensitivity.Three separate digital meters monitorfrequency, acceleration and displacement.Test cycle counter displayed onfrequency meter upon demand.Control modes: channel 1 or average(channel 1 and channel 2).Output modes: Log channel 1 accel., Logchannel 2 accel., Log average accel., linear difference ratio.Convenient user interface: requires littleor no documentation to set up or run.Three program storage in internal non-volatile memory for easy recall of frequently used tests.Analog and TTL inputs and outputs allowthe controller to function with either a PC or other test control or recording instruments.s s s s s s s s s s sAnalog outputs make recording or plotting test profiles easy.2 Channel Average Control.When large test articles must be tested beyond their fundamental resonance frequency, an over test condition can occur where the control accelerometer is physi-cally located at a resonance node. For this situation and others that would benefit from a sine test based on control of the average of two accelera-tions, the SC-121 has average control capability.Sine signals cannot be simply combined to form an average acceleration because of phase coher-ence. The detected scalar sine amplitudes must be used, but are not normally available from sine analysis instrumentation. The SC-121 solves this problem by providing for control on the average acceleration of both of its channels.Calibration or Relative Acceleration.The analog data output can be switched to provide a linear DC voltage proportional to the ratio of the two acceleration inputs. A semi log formatted output is automatically presented to make accel-eration transducer calibration or linear transmissibility curves easy to plot. This output voltage is normalized to 1.00 Vdc when the ratio of the two different accelerations is equal to 1. This allows the output to be read and interpreted by a common volt meter for inexpensive calibration or recorded or plotted by analog/digital conversion or analog recorder-plotters. The output ranges from 0 to 200% (0 to 2.00 Vdc) in the linear difference (ratio) plotter output mode.are more precisely controlled by optionally using the average of the two channels for servo feedback.The frequency generator and servo control sections are independent in order to allow either manual or automatic frequency control with the output under either manual or servo control.In the manual frequency and output modes, the SC-121functions as a high quality sine signal source with simulta-neous control of frequency and amplitude. This mode is required for manual investigation of vibration response or general sine signal applications.Flexible programming allows internal storage of up to three independent 2, or 4 level test profiles. Stored test profilesare easy to modify or replace and are maintained internally when the power is removed. This feature eliminates the need for external disks or memory cards and there are no batteries to wear down or rge displays indicate frequency, acceleration and displacement at all times without the need to manually switch the display function after a cross-over.A programmable test cycle counter keeps track of the accumulated test time or can be set to terminate the test after a specific number of test sweep cycles.Digitally generated analog outputs for frequency and acceleration, facilitate plotting or recording test profiles,responses and transfer functions.Transmissibility. Plotting transmissibility andacceleration response curves is a snap with the Labworks SC-121 sine servo controller. Simply place the control (channel 1) accelerometer on the input member, base or fixture and mount a response accelerometer (channel 2) on the ac-tive portion of the test load. Set the SC-121 to control on channel 1 and program for a constant acceleration output. Program the SC-121 for a frequency sweep over the band of interest and initiate a servo controlled frequency sweep.Switching the plotter output control to channel 2allows recording or plotting the acceleration re-sponse on channel 2, producing a log transmissibility curve automatically.Labworks Inc.2950 airway ave.a-16, costa mesa, ca 92626 (714) 549-1981。

VDF DUS 系列 万能数控车床 产品介绍说明书

VDF DUS 系列 万能数控车床 产品介绍说明书

VDF DUS 系列VDF DUS 车削机床用于单件或小批量生产不用再找了。


VDF Boehringer DUS 系列车床应用广泛。

多种机床型号和大量的选项配置适应广泛的解决方案, 充分满足您的的技术要求,即使是在特殊的应用情况下也具有最优的性价比。

VDF DUS 系列无可置疑的质量2 | VDF Boehringer由于自动循环控制和手动操作的可行性,VDF DUS 系列机床主要用于单件或小批量生产。



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非随行防护门Parat刀塔VDF Boehringer | 5技术参数VDF 400 DUS车削长度 mm 1000回转直径,床身/滑台mm420 / 235横向滑台行程 mm 250刀具截面尺寸, DIN 770 h x wmm25 x 25技术参数Parat刀塔及镗刀杆座Multifix 刀塔VDF 560 / 630 DUS人性化设计获得高生产率3 符合人体工程学的电子手轮布置,堪称艺术设计标准。






普通型连接数据表外形尺寸型号位置A B C d h H φφ12-bN-M深L重量kgQDX3-2 215 190 68 90 52 50 160 70 5 4-M8128QDX3-3 265 235 86 125 62 68 250 103 8 4-M102313QDX3-4 315 270 81 150 68 80 250 124 10 4-M122316QDX3-5 385 320 94 175 75 100 320 130 12 4-M162523QDX3-6 425 355 121 210 105 120 350 166 12 4-M203737QDX3-7 470 420 125 260 110 140 350 200 16 8-M162748QDX3-8 610 540 150 300 120 160 500 254 18 8-M162771QDX3-9 680 550 160 350 120 188 500 398 22 8-M204595QDX3-10 780 620 180 415 150 230 500 356 28 12-M2050160技术数据型号 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 速比30:1 42:1 43:1 54:1 48:1 58:1 53:1 63:1 66:1 输入力矩Nm 40 78 98 112 122 133 156 156 156 输出力矩Nm 300 820 1050 1500 1460 1920 2060 2460 2574 旋转行程90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°90°限位调整±5°±5°±5°±5°±5°±5°±5°±5°±5°连接尺寸连接法兰φ90 125 150 175 210 260 300 350 415 连接孔中心φ70 102 125 140 165 200 254 298 356 法兰凹面φ55×3 70×3 85×3 100×4 130×5 160×5 200×5 230×5 260×5 孔径:孔数M8×4 M10×4 M12×4 M16×4 M20×4 M16×8 M16×8 M20×8 M20×12 轴孔直径mm 14~18 22~26 28~32 35~38 38~48 45~58 55~70 75~85 90~100平键尺寸×条数×位置5×5 8×7 10×8 12×8 12×8×2×90°16×10×2×90°18×11×2×90°22×14×2×90°28×16×2×90°安装高度52 62 68 75 105 110 120 120 150 手轮直径φ160 240 280 320 350 400 500 500 500阀门参配蝶阀参配DN 80-100 125-150 200-250 300-350 400-450 500-500 700 800 900-1000 球阀门参配DN 50 80 100 150 200 250-300 350 400 500部分回转型阀门手动装置(双极涡轮箱)该产品是一种90°回转型驱动装置,适用于球阀、蝶阀、旋塞阀等类阀门。



Rotary TableMSQ SeriesMSQB10A MSQB20A MSQB30A MSQB50A MSQB10R MSQB20R MSQB30R MSQB50RSafety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury.Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures toprevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implementedand the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed todirect sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safetyanalysis.e in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using amechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.-1-Safety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1.The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered,whichever is first.*2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility,a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuumpad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limitedwarranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of massdestruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed by therelevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export are known and followed.CautionSMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legal metrology.Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have not been qualified by type approval tests relevant to the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.Therefore, SMC products cannot be used for business or certification ordained by the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.-2-Maintenance ProcedureRotary Table MSQ SeriesModel : MSQB10A MSQB20A MSQB30A MSQB50AMSQB10R MSQB20R MSQB30R MSQB50RRotary tables require periodic maintenance appropriate for the operating conditions to be used in the best condition.Annual maintenance is desirable in general and replacement of consumable parts such as piston seal is recommended every three years even if there is no problem.For precautions, refer to the catalogue and operation manual.Rotary table maintenance procedures are described below.1. Precautions on Maintenancea. Disassemble the product in a open and clean space.b. Make sure to protect ports to avoid dust from entering the inside when rotary table is removed.c. Be careful not to scar inner sliding sections while disassembling the product.d. Contact SMC whenever a question arises in maintenance.2. Disassembling ProcedureRefer to Figure 1 : disassembly drawing and parts description.a. Loosen hexagon socket head cap screws (23) and lift out table (14).b. Loosen screws (22) and take out bearing retainer (15).c. Push up the bottom of pinion (7) from the bottom side of body (1) and remove deep groove ballbearing (20) and pinion.d. Loosen hexagon socket head cap screw (24) and take off end cover (5).e. Loosen hexagon socket head cap screw (24) and take off cover (2).f. Push out piston (6) from one side as its end face can be seen inside the body.g. Take out deep groove ball bearing (19) at the bottom of body.-3-Fig. 1 Assembly Drawing & Parts Descriptions-4-3. Spare Parts Replacement ProcedureAll the consumable parts such as piston packing are available as a maintenance kit.The part numbers are shown in Table 1 below.Table 1 Maintenance Kit Part Number3.1 Seal (4)a. Apply grease to new seal.b. Loosen round head Philips screws No.0 (21) and take off plate (3).c. Remove old seal from cover (2).d. Set new seal into packing groove of cover.e. Check to see whether if seal is positioned in groove properly and put plate back.f. Tighten round head Philips screws No.0 to fix plate.3.2 Gasket (12) (13)a. Apply grease to new gaskets.b. Take off old gaskets on plate (3) and end cover (5).c. Attach new gaskets.d. Check to see whether if they are set into grooves properly.3.3 Piston seal (18) & Wear Ring (17)a. Apply grease to new piston seal.b. Remove old piston seal from piston (6).c. Remove old wear rings from piston as opening a cut in each circumference.d. Attach new wear rings by opening a cut severally.e. Set new piston seal : fit a part of piston seal on packing grooves and pull it to theopposite side for setting. Do not use a tool so as not to scratch packing.Follow the direction shown in Figure 2 for piston seal orientation.f. Check to see whether if piston seal and wear rings are set properly. Give special carefor the position of piston seal.Fig. 2 Piston Seal Orientation-5-3.4 Seal Washer (26)a. Loosen and take off compact hexagon nuts (8) together with adjustment bolts (9) /shock absorbers from end cover (5).b. Pull out old seal washers from adjustment bolts / shock absorbers.c. Attach new seal washers to adjustment bolts / shock absorbers.d. Set adjustment bolts / shock absorbers in end cover and fix them with compacthexagon nuts.4. Reassembly Procedurea. Apply grease to inner cylinder surface of body (1).b. Set deep groove ball bearing (19) into body.c. Insert pistons (6) in body.Set Figure 3 for position and direction of pistons. Be careful not to damage piston seal in Section A, Figure 3, while inserting. (Press down piston seal with a round-ended spatula and pass it through Section A.) Fig.3Piston Position & Direction-6-d. Insert pinion (7) into body : confirm piston position with Figure 3 and insert pinion asshown in Figure 4.e. Attach deep groove ball bearing (20) to body.f.Mount bearing retainer in body and fix it with screws (22). (Tightening torque : Table2-①)g. Fix cover (2) with hexagon socket head cap screw (24).(Tightening torque : Table2-②)Check to see whether if gasket (12) is set properly into grooves. Installation position of the cover is shown in Figure 5. h. Fix end cover (5) with hexagon socket head cap screw (24).(Tightening torque : Table2-②)Check to see whether if gasket (13) is set properly into grooves. Installation position of the end cover is shown in Figure 5. Assemble the pinion so that the peak of the piston gear engages with the root of the pinion gear on the center line of the body when viewing the pinion from the top, with the pin hole in the position shown in the figure.Fig. 4Pinion Position-7-i. Set table (14) on pinion (7) and fix them with hexagon socket head cap screw (23).(Tightening torque : Table2-③)Fix the table in a condition that pin holes on the top are located as shown in Figure 5 at the end of counter-clockwise turn for 180゜of rotation angle.Fig. 5 Assembly position of the cover, end cover and tablej. Screw down and fix with compact hexagon nut adjustment bolts / shock absorbers to the specified rotation angle.(Tightening torque : Table2-④)k. Perform operation test and external leak check when reassembly is completed. Table2 tightening torque[N・m]-8-4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. © 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。



Serie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Accessori integrati1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataAccessori opzionaliHEZ538000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ538200 Guide telescopiche a 2 livelli, HEZ538S00 Guide telescop. a 2 livelli+1 guida clip, HEZ625071 Teglia per grigliare adatta a pirolisi,HEZ633001 Coperchio per tegame professionale, HEZ633070 Tegame professionale, HEZ634000 Griglia combinata 455x375x31 mm (LxPxA), HEZ636000 Leccarda in vetro 455x364x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ638000 Guide telescopiche clip a 1 livello, HEZ638200 Set griglie telesc.2 pl, HEZ638300 Set griglie telesc.3 pl, HEZ660050 Accessory, HEZ664000 Griglia combinata 455x375x59 mm (LxPxA), HEZ915003 Pirofila in vetro con coperchio 5,4 l., HEZG0AS00 Cavo di collegamento 3m, HEZ317000 Teglia per pizza, HEZ327000 Pietra per pane e pizza, HEZ333001 Coperchio per leccarda extra profonda, HEZ530000 2 leccarde slim 455x188x39 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531000 Leccarda bassa 455x375x30 mm (LxPxA), HEZ531010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x375x30mm (LxPxA), HEZ532000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x38 mm (LxPxA), HEZ532010 Leccarda antiaderen 455x400x38mm (LxPxA),HEZ533000 Leccarda profonda 455x375x81 mm (LxPxA)Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.• Programmi automatici di cottura: cucinare sarà semplicissimo grazie ai programmi con impostazioni già preselezionate.• Comode manopole a scomparsa push-pull: per una pulizia piùsemplice del panello frontale.• EcoClean Direct: facile pulizia grazie a un rivestimento che dissolve il grasso durante la cottura.Dati tecniciTipologia costruttiva del prodotto: .....................................Da incasso Sistema di pulizia: ....Idrolisi, 3 pannelli catalitici, 3 pannelli catalitici Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione (AxLxP): 585-595 x 560-568 x 550 mmDimensioni (AxLxP): ............................................595 x 594 x 548 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato (AxLxP): .......675 x 660 x 690 mm Materiale del cruscotto: ..............................................................vetro Materiale porta: ..........................................................................vetro Peso netto: ..............................................................................34.1 kg Volume utile: .................................................................................71 l Metodo di cottura: .Grill a superficie grande, Aria calda delicata, aria calda, Riscaldamento statico, Funzione pizza, riscaldamento inferiore, grill ventilatoMateriale della cavità: .................................................................Altro Regolazione della temperatura: ..........................................Meccanico Numero di luci interne: (1)Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................120.0 cm Codice EAN: (4242005056309)Numero di vani - (2010/30/CE): (1)Classe di efficienza energetica: .........................................................A Energy consumption per cycle conventional (2010/30/EC): ........0.97 kWh/cycleEnergy consumption per cycle forced air convection (2010/30/EC):0.81 kWh/cycleIndice di efficienza energetica (2010/30/CE): ..........................95.3 % Potenza: ..................................................................................3400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................16 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................60; 50 Hz Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Accessori inclusi: .......1 x Griglia combinata, 1 x Leccarda universale smaltataSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, AcciaioHBA257BS0Forno da incasso di moderno ed elegante design con programmi automatici di cottura: per preparare piatti perfetti.- Eco Clean: soffitto, parete posteriore, pareti laterale- Programma di pulizia EcoClean- Display digitale LCD a colore bianco- Programmi automatici: 10- Orologio elettronico con impostazione inizio e fine cottura- Raggiungimento temperatura- Illuminazione interna alogena- Volume cavità: 71 l- <8088brandlookup_nl(TUE,- KIN, SIK, SIB, REW, STA, TKS)>- Ventola tangenziale di raffreddamento- Assorbimento massimo elettrico: 3.4 kW- Dimensioni apparecchio (AxLxP): 595 mm x 594 mm x 548 mm- Dimensioni nicchia (AxLxP): 560 mm - 568 mm x 585 mm - 595 mm x 550 mm- Si prega di fare riferimento alle quote d'installazione mostrate nel disegno tecnicoEtichetta energetica- Classe di efficienza energetica (acc. EU Nr. 65/2014): A(in una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A+++ a D)- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento convenzionale:0.97 kWh- Consumo energetico per ciclo durante funzionamento ventilato:0.81 kWh- Numero di cavità: 1 Tipo di alimentazione: elettrica Volume della cavità:71 lDimensioniSerie 6, Forno da incasso, 60 x 60cm, Acciaio HBA257BS0。



此参数可用来设定变频器在启动或停止时 作无冲击性的缓启动或缓停止,作不同速 度的加减速曲线。 当Pr039设定为零时,S曲线无效,即以直线 F 加减速
Pr012 Pr039
该参数同Pr073结合可设定外控UP/down, 上升下降速度 当Pr073=0时,UP/down步长=Pr040设定 值,即可设定范围为0.01~2.5HZ 当Pr073=1时,UP/down步长=Pr040设定 值×10,即可设定范围为0.1~25HZ

说明: 0:反转禁止 1:反转有效 此参数设定适用于电机不可反转之场合, 以防操作人员误操作。当反转禁止时,马 达只能正转,不能反转。

说明: 0:STOP 键无效 1:STOP 键有效 此参数仅在 Pr033 设定为 1 或 2 时有效。 当控制方式为外部端子控制或通讯控制时, 面板上的停止键可以选择是否有效, 选择 有效时,面板上停止键可以停止变频器, 需要重新启动时,必须先解除运转信号, 然后方可重新启动变频器。 类比施耐德变频器CtL-PSt
Pr001最大输出电压 (电动机的额定电压) 类比施耐德变频器drC-UnS Pr002基准频率设定 (电动机的额定频率) 类比施耐德变频器drC-FrS
Pr003 中间频率时电压 Pr004 中间频率设定 Pr005 最低频率时电压 Pr006 最低频率设定 Pr007 最高操作频率 类比施耐德变频器drC-UFt



操作前: 1. 当机床停止使用或在电源插座插入插座之前,开关务必处在“关”的位置; 2. 切勿尝试使用不适当的辅助机构并进行超负荷运行,优良的配件可以从总
经销处购买; 3. 为顺利的进行操作,在机床使用前对设备和零件都要认真的进行检查,是
否存在零件使用已超过期限和存在损坏情况; 4. 对已受损的零件应请专业维修人员进行更换或修理; 5. 对已失去功能的开关应及时更换。
19.丝杆 20.电动机电刷盖 21.乱扣盘表(选购件) 22.挂轮罩壳 23.无级变速控制旋钮 24.倒顺开关 25.急停开关 26.高低速操作手柄 27.丝杆倒顺转操作手柄
1. 床头箱 机床主轴的传动是通过电动机的同步带轮皮带与主轴同步带轮传动的,主 轴的无级变速是由#23 操作手柄进行调节的,在电器面板上可以找到转速 的范围。 #3 卡盘防护罩(是特殊选购的附件主要是学校教学时选装的)作用是防止 学生将卡盘钥匙遗忘在卡盘上,同时启动机床导致钥匙飞出来的安全防 护。 三爪卡盘(4)是安装在主轴法兰上,拆卸卡盘只要松开主轴法兰后面的 3 只紧固螺母,便可将卡盘从三个螺钉孔处拆卸。 随机附件中的三只反爪是为了扩大夹紧容量用的。主轴法兰上有六个孔, 是用来安装诸如四爪卡盘和花盘等(见特殊附件的介绍)。
除; (2) 不合适的保险丝不能用; (3) 需要拆卸或更换保险丝,要确保正确更换(包括认定标记和电线的颜
色); (4) 更换保险丝盖,要求从经销商处购买;
2. 车床安装 车床要安装在较重和强度较好的工作台上,要有足够的高度。这样对于操
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Low ESR, High Ripple, Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic CapacitorsType SXR is a radial leaded aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a +105 ºC, 2000 to 5000 hours long life ratings. The low ESR and high ripple current ratings make it ideal for output filtering applications in switch-ing power supplies.Highlights+105 ºC2000 to 5000 hours - long life Low ESRHigh ripple currentAvailable in T&R and ammo pack•••••SpecificationsCapacitance Range:Voltage Range:Capacitance Tolerance:Operating Temperature Range:DC Leakage Current:Dissipation Factor @ 120 Hz, +25 ºC:Ripple Multipliers for Voltage and Temperature:Load Life Test:Shelf Life:22 to 15,000 µF 6.3 to 100 Vdc ±20%–40 ºC to +105 ºCI = .01CV or 3 µA after 2 minutes @ +20 ºC, whichever is greaterC = Capacitance in (µF) V = Rated voltageI = Leakage current in µAWV (V) 6.310162535506380100DF(%)221916141210998Apply WV dc for:For capacitors whose capacitance value exceeds 1000 µF, the value of DF (%) is increased 2% for every additional 1000 µF Temperature (ºC)+65+75+85+95+105Multiplier2.121.921.691.501.00Capacitance change within 25% of initial limit DC leakage current meets initial limits DF ≤ 200% of initial value1000 hrs with no voltage applied at +105 ºC Cap change within 20% of initial valuesESR ≤ 200% of initial valueCase Dia.Lifetime (Hours)≤ 6.3 mm 2000 8.0 mm 3000 10.0 mm4000 ≥13.0 mm5000Rated Ripple Multipliers WV dc 60Hz 120Hz 400 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 10 - 160.450.600.830.940.98 1.0025 - 350.380.500.750.900.97 1.0050 - 1000.360.460.700.880.941.00Outline DrawingPart Numbering SystemSXR101M 100ST CapacitanceRated Lead TypeCapacitance ToleranceVoltage PackagingConfiguration(µF)(%)(Vdc)SXR1R0 = 1K = ±106R3 = 6.3 A = Tape & Ammo 1 = Lead cut 100 = 10M = ±20010 = 10 E = Different Characteristic 2 = Lead form101 = 100100 = 100R = Tape & Reel 4 = Lead crimp & cut (form)102 = 1000S = StandardT = StandardMax ESR Max RippleCatalog100 kHz 100 kHz Size in. (mm)Cap Part Number+25 ºC +105 ºC DiameterLength Lead Space Lead Dia.(µF)(Ω)(mA)(D)(L)(S)(d)6.3 Vdc (8 Volts Surge)120SXR121M6R3ST 2.43154.197 (5.0).433 (11.0).079 (2.0).0197 (0.5)150SXR151M6R3ST 1.95210.236 (6.0).433 (11.0).098 (2.5).0197 (0.5)220SXR221M6R3ST 1.33260.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5)330SXR331M6R3ST 0.88350.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5)470SXR471M6R3ST 0.62510.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)680SXR681M6R3ST 0.43635.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)820SXR821M6R3ST 0.36650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)1000SXR102M6R3ST 0.29860.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)1200SXR122M6R3ST 0.24860.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)1500SXR152M6R3ST 0.201030.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)3300SXR332M6R3ST 0.101280.472 (12.0)1.38 (35.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)4700SXR472M6R3ST 0.081770.472 (12.0)1.38 (35.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)6800SXR682M6R3ST 0.071810.630 (16.0)1.26 (32.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)8200SXR822M6R3ST 0.062030.630 (16.0)1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)10000SXR103M6R3ST 0.052320.630 (16.0)1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)15000SXR153M6R3ST 0.042460.709 (18.0)1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)Vinyl sleeve adds .5 Max. to diameter and 2.0 Max. to lengthCase vented ondiameters 6.3 and greaterȀ0.5Outline Dimensions(Millimeters)Ratings RoHS CompliantRatingsMax ESR Max RippleCatalog100 kHz100 kHz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number+25 ºC+105 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia.(µF)(Ω)(mA)(D)(L)(S)(d)10 Vdc (13 Volts Surge)100SXR101M010ST 2.52180.236 (6.0).433 (11.0).098 (2.5).0197 (0.5) 120SXR121M010ST 2.10210.236 (6.0).433 (11.0).098 (2.5).0197 (0.5) 150SXR151M010ST 1.68240.236 (6.0).433 (11.0).098 (2.5).0197 (0.5) 220SXR221M010ST 1.15300.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 330SXR331M010ST 0.76400.315 (8.0).472 (12.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 470SXR471M010ST 0.54500.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M010ST 0.37650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 820SXR821M010ST 0.31860.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1000SXR102M010ST 0.25970.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1200SXR122M010ST 0.211030.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1500SXR152M010ST 0.181150.394 (10.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 2200SXR222M010ST 0.131320.472 (12.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 3300SXR332M010ST 0.091770.512 (13.0)1.42 (36.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 4700SXR472M010ST 0.081810.630 (16.0)1.26 (32.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 6800SXR682M010ST 0.062030.630 (16.0)1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 10000SXR103M010ST 0.052460.709 (18.0)1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)16 Vdc (20 Volts Surge)100SXR101M016ST 2.12230.315 (8.0).630 (16.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 120SXR121M016ST 1.77260.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 150SXR151M016ST 1.42300.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 220SXR221M016ST 0.97400.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 330SXR331M016ST 0.64500.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 470SXR471M016ST 0.45650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M016ST 0.31860.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 820SXR821M016ST 0.261030.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1000SXR102M016ST 0.211150.394 (10.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1200SXR122M016ST 0.181120.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1500SXR152M016ST 0.151320.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 2200SXR222M016ST 0.111540.472 (12.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 3300SXR332M016ST 0.081980.472 (12.0)1.57 (40.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6)4700SXR472M016ST 0.072030.630 (16.0)1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 6800SXR682M016ST 0.052240.709 (18.0)1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 8200SXR822M016ST 0.052460.709 (18.0)1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)25 Vdc (32 Volts Surge)100SXR101M025ST 1.86300.315 (8.0).630 (16.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 120SXR121M025ST 1.55350.315 (8.0).433 (11.0).138 (3.5).0197 (0.5) 150SXR151M025ST 1.24400.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 220SXR221M025ST 0.84500.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 330SXR331M025ST 0.56650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 470SXR471M025ST 0.40860.394 (10.0).787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M025ST 0.271150.394 (10.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 820SXR821M025ST 0.231120.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1000SXR102M025ST 0.191320.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1200SXR122M025ST 0.151400.472 (12.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1500SXR152M025ST 0.131540.472 (12.0)1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 2200SXR222M025ST 0.101980.472 (12.0)1.57 (40.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 3300SXR332M025ST 0.072030.630 (16.0)1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 4700SXR472M025ST 0.062460.709 (18.0)1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)RatingsMax ESR Max RippleCatalog100 kHz100 kHz Size in. (mm)Cap Part Number+25 ºC+105 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia.(µF)(Ω)(mA)(D)(L)(S)(d)35 Vdc (44 Volts Surge)100SXR101M035ST 1.59400.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 120SXR121M035ST 1.33510.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 150SXR151M035ST 1.06550.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 220SXR221M035ST 0.72650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 330SXR331M035ST 0.48860.394 (10.0) .787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 470SXR471M035ST 0.341150.394 (10.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M035ST 0.231320.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 820SXR821M035ST 0.191400.472 (12.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1000SXR102M035ST 0.161540.472 (12.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1200SXR122M035ST 0.131770.472 (12.0) 1.38 (35.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1500SXR152M035ST 0.121980.472 (12.0) 1.57 (40.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 2200SXR222M035ST 0.082030.630 (16.0) 1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 3300SXR332M035ST 0.472460.709 (18.0) 1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)50 Vdc (63 Volts Surge)68SXR680M050ST 1.95400.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 100SXR101M050ST 1.33635.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 120SXR121M050ST 1.11650.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 150SXR151M050ST 0.88860.394 (10.0) .787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 220SXR221M050ST 0.601030.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 330SXR331M050ST 0.401150.394 (10.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 470SXR471M050ST 0.281320.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M050ST 0.201770.472 (12.0) 1.38 (35.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 820SXR821M050ST 0.161980.472 (12.0) 1.57 (40.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 1000SXR102M050ST 0.131810.630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 1200SXR122M050ST 0.112030.630 (16.0) 1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 1500SXR152M050ST 0.102320.630 (16.0) 1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)63 Vdc (79 Volts Surge)47SXR470M063ST 2.26305.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 68SXR680M063ST 1.56500.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 100SXR101M063ST 1.06550.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 120SXR121M063ST 0.88620.394 (10.0) .787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 150SXR151M063ST 0.71795.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 220SXR221M063ST 0.48890.472 (12.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 330SXR331M063ST 0.321320.472 (12.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 470SXR471M063ST 0.231450.472 (12.0) 1.38 (35.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 680SXR681M063ST 0.161790.630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 1000SXR102M063ST 0.112200.709 (18.0) 1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 1200SXR122M063ST 0.092370.709 (18.0) 1.57 (40.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)100 Vdc (125 Volts Surge)22SXR220M100ST 4.22305.394 (10.0).472 (12.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 33SXR330M100ST 2.81500.394 (10.0).630 (16.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 47SXR470M100ST 1.98600.394 (10.0) .787 (20.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 68SXR680M100ST 1.37795.394 (10.0).984 (25.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 100SXR101M100ST 0.93955.394 (10.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 120SXR121M100ST 0.771040.472 (12.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 150SXR151M100ST 0.621200.472 (12.0) 1.81 (30.0).197 (5.0).0236 (0.6) 220SXR221M100ST 0.421440.630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8) 330SXR331M100ST 0.281790.709 (18.0) 1.40 (36.0).295 (7.5).0315 (0.8)。
