



物理化学试卷一、选择题 ( 共10题 20分 )1. 2 分 (0845)0845室温下,10p ∃的理想气体绝热节流膨胀至 5p ∃的过程有:(1) W > 0 (2) T 1> T 2(3) Q = 0 (4) ΔS > 0 其正确的答案应是: ( )(A) (3),(4)(B) (2),(3)(C) (1),(3)(D) (1),(2) [答] (A) 因为绝热,所以Q = 0 由于理想气体节流膨胀后 T 不变 又W = -p 1V 1+ p 2V 2= nRT 2- nRT 1= 0因此d S = (d U + p d V ) /T = C V d T /T + p d V /T = nR d V /V故ΔS =()211/d V V nR V V ⎰= nR ln(V 2/V 1) > 0 (因V 2> V 1) 故答案为 (A)3. 2 分 (0156)0156下述哪一种说法正确? ( )因为ΔH p = Q p ,所以:(A) 恒压过程中,焓不再是状态函数(B) 恒压过程中,体系与环境无功的交换(C) 恒压过程中,焓变不能量度体系对外所做的功(D) 恒压过程中, ΔU 不一定为零[答] (D)4. 2 分 (0939)0939在300℃时,2 mol 某理想气体的吉布斯自由能G 与赫姆霍兹自由能F 的差值为:( )(A) G-F=1.247 kJ (B) G-F=2.494 kJ(C) G-F=4.988 kJ (D) G-F=9.977 kJ[答] (C) (2分) G-F=pV=nRT = 4.988 kJ5. 2 分(0304)0304某理想气体的γ=C p/C V =1.40,则该气体为几原子分子气体? ( )(A) 单原子分子气体(B) 双原子分子气体(C) 三原子分子气体(D) 四原子分子气体0304[答] (B)6. 2 分(1030)1030在物质的量恒定的S-T图中,通过某点可以分别作出等容线和等压线,其斜率分别为(∂S/∂T)V=X和(∂S/∂T)p= Y,则在该点两曲线的斜率关系是( )(A) X < Y(B) X = Y(C) X >Y(D) 无定值[答] (A)dU= TdS+PdV dS=dU/T – PdV/T ((∂S/∂T)V = (∂U/∂T)V /T = C V/TdH= TdS+VdP dS=dH/T – VdP/T ((∂S/∂T)p = (∂H/∂T)p /T = C p/T(∂S/∂T)V = C V/T =X (∂S/∂T)p= C p/T =Y通常情况下C p,m > C V,m ,X < Y7. 2 分(0805)08052 mol H2和2 mol Cl2在绝热钢筒内反应生成HCl 气体,起始时为常温常压。



期中复习卷(二)一、填空题1.用除法表示分数=-m m 1 ()m m ÷-1 。

2.114分钟比211小时多 24 分钟;114分钟比212小时少 53 小时。

3.比213小311的数是 612 ,与213的和是5的数是 211 。

4.若甲数的43等于乙数54,则甲是乙的 1516 。

5.要使7x 是真分数,5x 是假分数,那么x 可以取的数是 5,6 。

6.某厂有男工425名,比女工多161,根据⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷1611425,应设问 女工有多少人 ?根据4251611425+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷,应设问 某厂共有多少人 ?二、选择题1.把一盒36块的巧克力平均分给6个小朋友,每一个小朋友得到这盒巧克力的( D )A.4B.6C.41D.61 2.z y x ,,都是正整数,3,3=÷=÷z y y x ,那么z y x ,,的最小公倍数是( A ),最大公因数是( C )A.xB.yC.zD.33.下列说法不正确的是( BC )A.小数0.12122122…………是循环小数B.分数总可以化为循环小数C.0.2232323…………的循环节是“223”D.循环小数不一定小于14.“实际比计划多51”的意思是( C ) A.计划比实际少51 B.实际是计划的65 C.计划是实际的65 D.实际是计划的54 5.今年的产值比去年多41,下面四个数量关系中,正确的是( A )和( D )A.今年的产值=去年的产值⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⨯411 B.今年的产值=去年的产值⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷411 C.去年的产值=今年的产值⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⨯411 D.去年的产值=今年的产值⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+÷411 6.甲、乙两人合作完成某项工作,若甲实际完成了总工作量的41,乙实际完成了总工作量的54,则下列说法正确的是( C ) A.两人没有完成工作任务 B.两人正好完成工作任务 C.两人超额完成了工作任务 D.不可能确定7.男生人数比女生人数多73,男生人数占女生人数的( A ) A.710 B.74 C.43 D.107 8.以下说法中,正确的个数有( B )(1)分数不是化为有限小数就是化为无限循环小数;(2)分母是偶数的分数一定能化成有限小数;(3)分母只含有素因数2和5的分数一定能化成有限小数;(4)分母是大于1的奇数的分数,一定不能化为有限小数。



2022-2023湖北省武汉市黄陂区九年级(上)期中数学复习试卷(二)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.一元二次方程x(x﹣1)=0的根是()A.1 B.0 C.0或1 D.0或﹣12.下列是几个汽车的标志,其中是中心对称图形的是()A. B.C. D.3.若关于x的方程(a﹣1)x2+2x﹣1=0是一元二次方程,则a的取值范围是()A.a≠1 B.a>1 C.a<1 D.a≠04.已知方程2x2﹣4x﹣3=0两根分别是x1和x2,则x1x2的值等于()A.﹣3 B.﹣C.3 D.5.如图,△ABC≌△AED,点D落在BC上,且∠B=60°,则∠EDC的度数等于()A.45°B.30°C.60°D.75°6.用配方法解方程x2+8x+9=0,变形后的结果正确的是()A.(x+4)2=﹣7 B.(x+4)2=﹣9 C.(x+4)2=7 D.(x+4)2=257.如图,在⊙O中,半径OC⊥弦AB于P,且P为OC的中点,则∠BAC的度数是()A.45°B.60°C.25°D.30°8.某树主干长出若干数目的支干,每个支干又长出同样数目小分支,主干、支干、和小分支总数共57.若设主干长出x个支干,则可列方程是()A.(1+x)2=57 B.1+x+x2=57 C.(1+x)x=57 D.1+x+2x=579.如图,一次函数y1=x与二次函数y2=ax2+bx+c图象相交于P、Q两点,则函数y=ax2+(b ﹣1)x+c的图象可能是()A.B.C.D.10.一元二次方程:M:ax2+bx+c=0;N:cx2+bx+a=0,其中ac≠0,a≠c,以下四个结论:①如果方程M有两个不相等的实数根,那么方程N也有两个不相等的实数根;②如果方程M有两根符号相同,那么方程N的两根符号也相同;③如果m是方程M的一个根,那么是方程N的一个根;④如果方程M和方程N有一个相同的根,那么这个根必是x=1正确的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.方程x2=2x的解是.12.如图可以看作是一个等腰直角三角形旋转若干次而生成的,则每次旋转的度数是度.13.如图,图案均是用长度相等的小木棒,按一定规律拼撘而成,第一个图案需4根小木棒,则第6个图案小木棒根数是.14.太阳从西边出来,这个事件的概率为.15.已知方程x2+3x﹣1=0的两个实数根为α、β,不解方程求α2+β2的值.16.某型号的手机连续两次降阶,每个售价由原来的1185元降到580元.设平均每次降价的百分率为x,列方程为.三、解答题(共8题,共72分)17.按要求解下列方程:x2+x﹣3=0(公式法)18.如图所示,已知抛物线y=﹣x2+bx+c与x轴的一个交点为A(4,0),与y轴交于点B (0,3).求此抛物线所对应的函数关系式.19.如图,AB为⊙O的直径,CD⊥AB于E,CO⊥AB于F,求证:AD=CD.20.已知a、b是方程x2+x﹣=0的两个实数根,求:a2+2a+b的值.21.如图,方格纸中的每个小方格都是边长为1个单位的正方形,在建立平面直角坐标系后,△ABC的顶点均在格点上,三个顶点的坐标分别为A(2,2),B(1,0),C(3,1).①将△ABC关于x轴作轴对称变换得△A1B1C1,则点C1的坐标为;②将△ABC绕原点O按逆时针方向旋转90°得△A2B2C2,则点C2的坐标为;③△A1B1C1与△A2B2C2成中心对称吗?若成中心对称,则对称中心的坐标为.22.如图所示,点P是正方形ABCD内的一点,连接AP,BP,CP,将△PAB绕着点B顺时针旋转90°到△P′CB的位置.若AP=2,BP=4,∠APB=135°,求PP′及PC的长.23.如图(1),在Rt△ABC中,∠A=90°,AC=AB=4,D,E分别是AB,AC的中点.若等腰Rt△ADE绕点A逆时针旋转,得到等腰Rt△AD1E1,如图(2),设旋转角为α(0<α≤180°),记直线BD1与CE1的交点为P.(1)求证:BD1=CE1;(2)当∠CPD1=2∠CAD1时,求CE1的长;(3)连接PA,△PAB面积的最大值为.(直接填写结果)24.如图,已知抛物线y=x2+bx+c(b,c是常数,且c<0)与x轴分别交于点A、B(点A位于点B的左侧),与y轴的负半轴交于点C,点A的坐标为(﹣1,0).(1)b=,点B的横坐标为(上述结果均用含c的代数式表示);(2)连接BC,过点A作直线AE∥BC,与抛物线y=x2+bx+c交于点E,点D是x轴上一点,其坐标为(2,0),当C、D、E三点在同一直线上时,求抛物线的解析式;(3)在(2)的条件下,点P是x轴下方的抛物线上的一动点,连接PB、PC,设所得△PBC 的面积为S,求S的取值范围.2022-2023湖北省武汉市黄陂区九年级(上)期中数学复习试卷(二)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.一元二次方程x(x﹣1)=0的根是()A.1 B.0 C.0或1 D.0或﹣1【考点】解一元二次方程-因式分解法.【分析】利用因式分解法把原方程转化为x=0或x﹣1=0,然后解两个一次方程即可.【解答】解:x=0或x﹣1=0,所以x1=0,x2=1.故选C.2.下列是几个汽车的标志,其中是中心对称图形的是()A. B.C. D.【考点】中心对称图形.【分析】根据中心对称图形的概念对各选项分析判断后利用排除法求解.【解答】解:A、是中心对称图形,故本选项正确;B、不是中心对称图形,故本选项错误;C、不是中心对称图形,故本选项错误;D、不是中心对称图形,故本选项错误.故选A.3.若关于x的方程(a﹣1)x2+2x﹣1=0是一元二次方程,则a的取值范围是()A.a≠1 B.a>1 C.a<1 D.a≠0【考点】一元二次方程的定义.【分析】根据一元二次方程的定义:只含有一个未知数,并且未知数的最高次数是2的整式方程叫一元二次方程可得a﹣1≠0,再解即可.【解答】解:由题意得:a﹣1≠0,解得:a≠1.故选:A.4.已知方程2x2﹣4x﹣3=0两根分别是x1和x2,则x1x2的值等于()A.﹣3 B.﹣C.3 D.【考点】根与系数的关系.【分析】利用根与系数的关系,直接得出两根的积.【解答】解:∵方程2x2﹣4x﹣3=0两根分别是x1和x2,12故选:B.5.如图,△ABC≌△AED,点D落在BC上,且∠B=60°,则∠EDC的度数等于()A.45°B.30°C.60°D.75°【考点】全等三角形的性质.【分析】根据全等三角形的性质:对应角和对应边相等解答即可.【解答】解:∵△ABC≌△ADE,∴∠B=∠ADE=60°,AB=AD,∴∠ADB=∠B=60°,∴∠EDC=180°﹣∠ADE﹣∠ADB=60°.故选C.6.用配方法解方程x2+8x+9=0,变形后的结果正确的是()A.(x+4)2=﹣7 B.(x+4)2=﹣9 C.(x+4)2=7 D.(x+4)2=25【考点】解一元二次方程-配方法.【分析】方程移项后,利用完全平方公式配方即可得到结果.【解答】解:方程x2+8x+9=0,整理得:x2+8x=﹣9,配方得:x2+8x+16=7,即(x+4)2=7,故选C7.如图,在⊙O中,半径OC⊥弦AB于P,且P为OC的中点,则∠BAC的度数是()A.45°B.60°C.25°D.30°【考点】垂径定理;含30度角的直角三角形.【分析】连接OB,根据OC⊥AB,P为OC的中点可得出OP=OB,故∠OBP=30°,由直角三角形的性质得出∠BOP的度数,根据圆周角定理即可得出结论.【解答】解:连接OB,∵OC⊥AB,P为OC的中点,∴∠OBP=30°,∴∠BOP=90°﹣30°=60°,∴∠BAC=∠BOP=30°.故选D.8.某树主干长出若干数目的支干,每个支干又长出同样数目小分支,主干、支干、和小分支总数共57.若设主干长出x个支干,则可列方程是()A.(1+x)2=57 B.1+x+x2=57 C.(1+x)x=57 D.1+x+2x=57【考点】由实际问题抽象出一元二次方程.【分析】关键描述语是“主干、支干、小分支的总数是73”,等量关系为:主干1+支干数目+小分支数目=57,把相关数值代入即可.【解答】解:∵主干为1,每个支干长出x个小分支,每个支干又长出同样数目的小分支,∴小分支的个数为x×x=x2,∴可列方程为1+x+x2=57.故选B.9.如图,一次函数y1=x与二次函数y2=ax2+bx+c图象相交于P、Q两点,则函数y=ax2+(b ﹣1)x+c的图象可能是()A.B.C.D.【考点】二次函数的图象;正比例函数的图象.【分析】由一次函数y1=x与二次函数y2=ax2+bx+c图象相交于P、Q两点,得出方程ax2+(b﹣1)x+c=0有两个不相等的根,进而得出函数y=ax2+(b﹣1)x+c与x轴有两个交点,根据方程根与系数的关系得出函数y=ax2+(b﹣1)x+c的对称轴x=﹣>0,即可进行判断.【解答】解:∵一次函数y1=x与二次函数y2=ax2+bx+c图象相交于P、Q两点,∴方程ax2+(b﹣1)x+c=0有两个不相等的根,∴函数y=ax2+(b﹣1)x+c与x轴有两个交点,又∵﹣>0,a>0∴﹣=﹣+>0∴函数y=ax2+(b﹣1)x+c的对称轴x=﹣>0,∴A符合条件,故选A.10.一元二次方程:M:ax2+bx+c=0;N:cx2+bx+a=0,其中ac≠0,a≠c,以下四个结论:①如果方程M有两个不相等的实数根,那么方程N也有两个不相等的实数根;②如果方程M有两根符号相同,那么方程N的两根符号也相同;③如果m是方程M的一个根,那么是方程N的一个根;④如果方程M和方程N有一个相同的根,那么这个根必是x=1正确的个数是()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4【考点】根的判别式;一元二次方程的解.【分析】利用根的判别式与求根公式直接判断①②;利用代入的方法判断③④即可.【解答】解:①两个方程根的判别式都是△=b2﹣4ac,所以如果方程M有两个不相等的实数根,那么方程N也有两个不相等的实数根正确;②如果方程M的两根符号相同,那么方程N的两根符号也相同,那么△=b2﹣4ac≥0,>0,所以a与c符号相同,>0,所以方程N的两根符号也相同,结论正确;③如果m是方程M的一个根,那么m2a+mb+c=0,两边同时除以m2,得c+b+a=0,所以是方程N的一个根,结论正确;D、如果方程M和方程N有一个相同的根,那么ax2+bx+c=cx2+bx+a,(a﹣c)x2=a﹣c,由a≠c,得x2=1,x=±1,结论错误.正确的是①②③共3个.故选:C.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.方程x2=2x的解是x1=0,x2=.【考点】解一元二次方程-因式分解法.【分析】首先移项,利用因式分解法将原式分解因式得出即可.【解答】解:x2=2xx2﹣2x=0,x(x﹣2)=0,解得:x1=0,x2=.故答案为:x1=0,x2=.12.如图可以看作是一个等腰直角三角形旋转若干次而生成的,则每次旋转的度数是45度.【考点】旋转的性质.【分析】根据旋转的性质并结合一个周角是360°求解.【解答】解:∵一个周角是360度,等腰直角三角形的一个锐角是45度,∴如图,是由一个等腰直角三角形每次旋转45度,且旋转8次形成的.∴每次旋转的度数是45°.13.如图,图案均是用长度相等的小木棒,按一定规律拼撘而成,第一个图案需4根小木棒,则第6个图案小木棒根数是54.【考点】规律型:图形的变化类.【分析】由题意可知:第1个图案需要小木棒1×(1+3)=4根,第二个图案需要2×(2+3)=10根,第三个图案需要3×(3+3)=18根,第四个图案需要4×(4+3)=28根,…,继而即可找出规律,进一步求出第6个图案需要小木棒的根数【解答】解:拼搭第1个图案需4=1×(1+3)根小木棒,拼搭第2个图案需10=2×(2+3)根小木棒,拼搭第3个图案需18=3×(3+3)根小木棒,拼搭第4个图案需28=4×(4+3)根小木棒,…拼搭第n个图案需小木棒n(n+3)=n2+3n根.当n=6时,n2+3n=62+3×6=54.故答案为:54.14.太阳从西边出来,这个事件的概率为0.【考点】概率的意义.【分析】根据事件的类型判断相应的概率即可.【解答】解:太阳从西边出来为不可能事件,故这个事件的概率为0.故答案为:0.15.已知方程x2+3x﹣1=0的两个实数根为α、β,不解方程求α2+β2的值.【考点】根与系数的关系.【分析】根据根与系数的关系找出α+β=﹣3、αβ=﹣1,利用完全平方公式将α2+β2的变形为只含α+β、αβ的算式,代入数据即可得出结论.【解答】解:∵方程x2+3x﹣1=0的两个实数根为α、β,∴α+β=﹣3,αβ=﹣1,∴α2+β2=(α+β)2﹣2αβ=9+2=11.16.某型号的手机连续两次降阶,每个售价由原来的1185元降到580元.设平均每次降价的百分率为x,列方程为1185(1﹣x)2=850.【考点】由实际问题抽象出一元二次方程.【分析】设平均每次降价的百分率为x,则第一次降价后售价为1185(1﹣x),第二次降价后售价为1185(1﹣x)2,然后根据两次降阶后的售价建立等量关系即可.【解答】解:根据题意得1185(1﹣x)2=850.故答案为1185(1﹣x)2=850.三、解答题(共8题,共72分)17.按要求解下列方程:x2+x﹣3=0(公式法)【考点】解一元二次方程-公式法.【分析】先求出b2﹣4ac的值,再代入公式x=计算即可.【解答】解:∵a=1,b=1,c=﹣3,∴△=b2﹣4ac=12﹣4×1×(﹣3)=13>0,x==,∴x1=,x2=.18.如图所示,已知抛物线y=﹣x2+bx+c与x轴的一个交点为A(4,0),与y轴交于点B (0,3).求此抛物线所对应的函数关系式.【考点】抛物线与x轴的交点;待定系数法求二次函数解析式.【分析】直接利用待定系数法求出二次函数解析式进而得出答案.【解答】解:把点A(4,0),B(0,3)代入二次函数y=﹣x2+bx+c,,解得:,所以二次函数的关系式为:y=﹣x2+x+3.19.如图,AB为⊙O的直径,CD⊥AB于E,CO⊥AB于F,求证:AD=CD.【考点】圆周角定理;全等三角形的判定与性质.【分析】由CD⊥AB于E,CO⊥AB于F,根据垂径定理可得AD=2AF,CD=2CE,∠OEC=∠OFA=90°,然后由AAS判定△COE≌△AOF,继而证得CE=AF,则可证得结论.【解答】证明:∵CD⊥AB,CO⊥AB,∴∠OEC=∠OFA=90°,AD=2AF,CD=2CE,在△OCE和△OAF中,,∴△OCE≌△OAF(AAS),∴CE=AF,∴AD=CD.20.已知a、b是方程x2+x﹣=0的两个实数根,求:a2+2a+b的值.【考点】根与系数的关系.【分析】先根据一元二次方程的解的定义得到a2+a﹣=0,即a2+a=,则a2+2a+b可化为a2+a+a+b=+a+b,然后利用根与系数的关系得到a+b=﹣1,再利用整体代入的方法计算即可.【解答】解:∵a,b是方程x2+x﹣=0的两个实数根,∴a2+a﹣=0,a+b=﹣1,∴a2+a=,∴a2+2a+b=a2+a+a+b=﹣1=.21.如图,方格纸中的每个小方格都是边长为1个单位的正方形,在建立平面直角坐标系后,△ABC的顶点均在格点上,三个顶点的坐标分别为A(2,2),B(1,0),C(3,1).①将△ABC关于x轴作轴对称变换得△A1B1C1,则点C1的坐标为(3,﹣1);②将△ABC绕原点O按逆时针方向旋转90°得△A2B2C2,则点C2的坐标为(﹣1,3);③△A1B1C1与△A2B2C2成中心对称吗?若成中心对称,则对称中心的坐标为(,).【考点】作图-旋转变换;作图-轴对称变换.【分析】(1)根据轴对称图形的性质可知点C的坐标为(3,﹣1);(2)根据旋转变换图形的性质也可求出点C2的坐标;(3)成中心对称,连续各对称点,连线的交点就是对称中心,从而可以找出对称中心的坐标.【解答】解:(1)点C1的坐标为(3,﹣1);(2)点C2的坐标为(﹣1,3);(3)△A1B1C1与△A2B2C2成中心对称,对称中心的坐标为.22.如图所示,点P是正方形ABCD内的一点,连接AP,BP,CP,将△PAB绕着点B顺时针旋转90°到△P′CB的位置.若AP=2,BP=4,∠APB=135°,求PP′及PC的长.【考点】旋转的性质;勾股定理;正方形的性质.【分析】先根据旋转的性质得到BP′=BP=4,P′C=AP=2,∠PBP′=90°,∠BP′C=∠BPA=135°,则可判断△PB P′是等腰直角三角形,根据等腰直角三角形的性质得PP′=BP=4,∠BP′P=45°,于是可计算出∠PP′C=90°,然后在Rt△PP′C中利用勾股定理计算PC的长.【解答】解:∵△PAB绕着点B顺时针旋转90°到△P′CB的位置,∴BP′=BP=4,P′C=AP=2,∠PBP′=90°,∠BP′C=∠BPA=135°,∴△PB P′是等腰直角三角形,∴PP′=BP=4,∠BP′P=45°,∴∠PP′C=∠BP′C﹣∠BP′P=135°﹣45°=90°,在Rt△PP′C中,PC===6.答:PP′和PC的长分别为4,6.23.如图(1),在Rt△ABC中,∠A=90°,AC=AB=4,D,E分别是AB,AC的中点.若等腰Rt△ADE绕点A逆时针旋转,得到等腰Rt△AD1E1,如图(2),设旋转角为α(0<α≤180°),记直线BD1与CE1的交点为P.(1)求证:BD1=CE1;(2)当∠CPD1=2∠CAD1时,求CE1的长;(3)连接PA,△PAB面积的最大值为2+2.(直接填写结果)【考点】几何变换综合题.【分析】(1)由旋转得到△ABD1≌△ACE1的条件即可;(2)由(1)的结论,在利用勾股定理计算即可;(3)作出辅助线,利用勾股定理建立方程求出即可.【解答】解:(1)在△ABD1和△ACE1中∴△ABD1≌△ACE1∴BD1=CE1(2)由(1)知△ABD1≌△ACE1,可证∠CPD1=90°∴∠CAD1=45°,∴∠BAD1=135°延长BA交D1E1于F,∴∠D1AF=45°=∠AD1E1,∴AF=D1F==;∵∠AFD1=90°,∴BD1=2.(3)如图作PG⊥AB,交AB所在直线于点G,∵D1,E1在以A为圆心,AD为半径的圆上,当BD1所在直线与⊙A相切时,直线BD1与CE1的交点P到直线AB的距离最大,此时四边形AD1PE1是正方形,PD1=2,则BD1==2,∴∠ABP=30°,∴PB=2+2,∴点P到AB所在直线的距离的最大值为:PG=1+.∴△PAB的面积最大值为AB×PG=2+2,故答案为2+2.24.如图,已知抛物线y=x2+bx+c(b,c是常数,且c<0)与x轴分别交于点A、B(点A位于点B的左侧),与y轴的负半轴交于点C,点A的坐标为(﹣1,0).(1)b=+c,点B的横坐标为﹣2c(上述结果均用含c的代数式表示);(2)连接BC,过点A作直线AE∥BC,与抛物线y=x2+bx+c交于点E,点D是x轴上一点,其坐标为(2,0),当C、D、E三点在同一直线上时,求抛物线的解析式;(3)在(2)的条件下,点P是x轴下方的抛物线上的一动点,连接PB、PC,设所得△PBC 的面积为S,求S的取值范围.【考点】二次函数综合题.【分析】(1)将A(﹣1,0)代入y=x2+bx+c,可以得出b=+c;根据一元二次方程根与系数的关系,得出﹣1•x B=,即x B=﹣2c;(2)由y=x2+bx+c,求出此抛物线与y轴的交点C的坐标为(0,c),则可设直线BC的解析式为y=kx+c,将B点坐标代入,运用待定系数法求出直线BC的解析式为y=x+c;由AE∥BC,设直线AE得到解析式为y=x+m,将点A的坐标代入,运用待定系数法求出直线AE得到解析式为y=x+;解方程组,求出点E坐标为(1﹣2c,1﹣c),将点E坐标代入直线CD的解析式y=﹣x+c,求出c=﹣2,进而得到抛物线的解析式;,易求0<S<5;(Ⅱ)(3)分两种情况进行讨论:(Ⅰ)当﹣1<x<0时,由0<S<S△ACB当0<x<4时,过点P作PG⊥x轴于点G,交CB于点F.设点P坐标为(x,x2﹣x﹣2),则点F坐标为(x,x﹣2),PF=PG﹣GF=﹣x2+2x,S=PF•OB=﹣x2+4x=﹣(x=4,即0<S≤4.则0<S<5.﹣2)2+4,根据二次函数的性质求出S最大值【解答】解:(1)∵抛物线y=x2+bx+c过点A(﹣1,0),∴0=×(﹣1)2+b×(﹣1)+c,∴b=+c,∵抛物线y=x2+bx+c与x轴分别交于点A(﹣1,0)、B(x B,0)(点A位于点B的左侧),∴﹣1与x B是一元二次方程x2+bx+c=0的两个根,∴﹣1•x B=,∴x B=﹣2c,即点B的横坐标为﹣2c;故答案为: +c;﹣2c;(2)∵抛物线y=x2+bx+c与y轴的负半轴交于点C,∴当x=0时,y=c,即点C坐标为(0,c).设直线BC的解析式为y=kx+c,∵B(﹣2c,0),∴﹣2kc+c=0,∵c≠0,∴k=,∴直线BC的解析式为:y=x+c.∵AE∥BC,∴可设直线AE得到解析式为y=x+m,∵点A的坐标为(﹣1,0),∴×(﹣1)+m=0,解得:m=,∴直线AE得到解析式为:y=x+.由,解得,,∴点E坐标为(1﹣2c,1﹣c).∵点C坐标为(0,c),点D坐标为(2,0),∴直线CD的解析式为y=﹣x+c.∵C,D,E三点在同一直线上,∴1﹣c=﹣×(1﹣2c)+c,∴2c2+3c﹣2=0,∴c1=(与c<0矛盾,舍去),c2=﹣2,∴b=+c=﹣,∴抛物线的解析式为y=x2﹣x﹣2;(3)①设点P坐标为(x,x2﹣x﹣2).∵点A的坐标为(﹣1,0),点B坐标为(4,0),点C坐标为(0,﹣2),∴AB=5,OC=2,直线BC的解析式为y=x﹣2.分两种情况:(Ⅰ)当﹣1<x<0时,0<S<S△ACB.∵S△ACB=AB•OC=5,∴0<S<5;(Ⅱ)当0<x<4时,过点P作PG⊥x轴于点G,交CB于点F.∴点F坐标为(x,x﹣2),∴PF=PG﹣GF=﹣(x2﹣x﹣2)+(x﹣2)=﹣x2+2x,∴S=S△PFC +S△PFB=PF•OB=(﹣x2+2x)×4=﹣x2+4x=﹣(x﹣2)2+4,∴当x=2时,S最大值=4,∴0<S≤4.综上可知0<S<5.11月1日。



期中复习卷(二)二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)16. —How do you make the birthday card for your mom, Millie?—Well, I decorate it ________ a small paper rose.A. onB. inC. withD. by17. Sally is ________ and often shares things with her friends.A. patientB. generousC. humorousD. handsome18. —Andrew, what are you doing over there?—Oh, I’m ________ a small light in my toy lantern.A. putting upB. putting outC. putting inD. putting away19. The trip to Suzhou was a great, ________ we did not enjoy it at the beginning.A. andB. butC. orD. so20. Which of the following groups may be a good vocabulary tree?A. B. C. D.21. —How will you go to the Nanjing Museum, Jim?—By underground. It’s much ________ than taking a bus.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastest22. We can add “im-” to ________ to give it the opposite meaning.A. certainB. necessaryC. comfortableD. possible23. Simon was in trouble when he pulled himself up the rocks alone. ________, some climbershelped him out in the end.A. SuddenlyB. LuckilyC. SadlyD. Usually24. —Nancy, ________ is it from your home to the Greenland Park?—About half an hour by underground.A. how manyB. how muchC. how farD. how long25. David, just ________ the windows open. It’s a little hot inside today.A. leaveB. leavesC. forgetD. forgets26. The suffix “-less” in the word “useless” means ________.A. full ofB. look likeC. withoutD. with27. —Excuse me, where is the Nanjing Olympic Centre, please?—OK. Take the Metro Line 2 and ________ at the Olympic Centre station.A. take onB. take offC. get onD. get off28. Tina didn’t listen so ________ as Amy. She came second in the race.A. carefulB. carefullyC. more carefulD. more carefully29. —I think I can get an “A” on my writing about DIY.—________. I found 8 spelling mistakes in it just now.A. I agreeB. You’re ri ghtC. Of courseD. In your dreams30. —Peter, can you help me put up the clock on the classroom wall?—________. I’m coming.A. No problemB. I hope soC. That’s all rightD. That’s a good idea三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)DIY is a usual thing in China now. Wan Gang works for a computer company in Shenzhen. He enjoys his work, 31 it is hard for him to relax(放松) after work.One day when he saw many toy dogs in a toy shop, he had a(n) 32 . “Why not do some kinds of things and relax myself?” Then he began to make model planes, model ships and something else. The things that he had made by himself didn’t look as great as 33 he paid much money for in the shops, but he liked doing it. “It is not as much fun to play with 34 things from the shops,” he said. Now his 35 are full of many kinds of things he has made. They are very beautiful, and his family like them very much.More and more young people are like Yang, making or creating things by 36 . They like to do them on their own. Though making things with our own hands may take 37 time, some people, now known as DIYers—do-it-yourselfers, enjoy doing them very much. They can make all kinds of things they like. DIY is becoming more and more 38 in China. It may be new to the young, yet many people remember when it was a way of life.During the 1960s and 1970s, when there were not enough things for people to 39 , they had to use their own hands to do many things. Whitewashing the wall or making clothes was a part of life. If you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself; and if you needed something, you 40 it yourself.31. A. and B. or C. but D. so32. A. meeting B. idea C. secret D. exam33. A. this B. that C. these D. those34. A. free B. quiet C. expensive D. cheap35. A. pockets B. bookshelves C. computers D. shops36. A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. themselves37. A. much B. little C. no D. all38. A. different B. difficult C. popular D. successful39. A. put on B. live on C. knock on D. get on40. A. made B. bought C. borrowed D. lent四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。

初中英语 译林版九年级上册 期中考试复习题必刷题 (二)(含答案)

初中英语 译林版九年级上册   期中考试复习题必刷题 (二)(含答案)

9A 期中考试复习题——必刷题(二)1.This is ____unusual experience.I’m sure it will teach us ______useful lesson.A./;anB. a;anC.an;anD.an;a2.Be patient! Give her more time, _____ she will find the answer to the question on her own.A.andB. butC.orD.so3.---It’s not good for your health to stay up late. ---I know,Dad, but tomorrow morning I have to hand in the report.I won’t go to bed______ I finished it.A.afterB. whileC.sinceD.until4.---Would you mind not making much noise? Your little sister is sleeping.---Sorry,I didn’t know. I thought she was ______.A.asleepB. awakeC.aloneD.afraid5.---This is the fourth time that someone ____ at my door since I arrived. ---Oh,really?A. knockedB. is knockingC. has knockedD.knocks6.---When shall we hand in our book review on The Kite Runner? ---As soon as it______.pletesB. is completedC.will completeD.will be completed7.Before the exam, you should carefully ____what you have learned.A.go overB. turn overC.think overe over8.By taking an online spoken English course,I find ____ much simpler to speak English.A. thisB. thatC. oneD.it9.We all think the interview with Mr Li is well worth ______.A.listeningB. listening toC. to listen toD.listened to10.---Do you like watch the voice of China? ---Sure. The mentors like Li Jian have deeply ___me with their knowledge of music and great sense of humour.A. impressedB.providedC. coveredD.helped11.Our teachers have given us ____ help over the years.A.a great deal ofB. a number ofC.a lotD.a great many12.When Spud was young, he was much smaller than _____ kids in his school.A.anyB. otherC. the otherD.any other13.My aunt looks young, but in fact she is ____.A.in the fortiesB. in the fortiethC. in her fortiesD.in her fortieth14.---Have you read the book One Hundred Years of Solitude that Lucy recommended us?---Not yet. I wanted to borrow____ from the library but there was ____ left.A.it;nothingB. it;noneC. one;nothingD.one;none15.She ____ be ill.She has been absent from school for three days.A. mayB. mustC.can’tD.mustn’t16.---Excuse me, could you tell me _____?--- Of course. Walk past the cake shop and turn left,and you’ll see it.A.where is the coffee shopB.where the coffee shop wasC.how I can get to the coffee shopD.how can I get to the coffee shop17.Li Yundi and Lang Lang have much _____. They both work hard and never give up.A. In generalB. in styleC. in commonD.in shape18.---Paul, you need to face fears and get over them. --- You’re right._____.A.It is easier said than doneB. Better late than never.C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heartD.No pain,no gain19.He was too busy ____ online ____anything dangerous on the road while walking.A.chatting;to noticeB. chatting; noticingC. to chat;to noticeD.to chat; noticing20.His mother wants to _____him to fix the bike, but he had it______ already.A. have;repairedB. get,repairedC. make;repairD.let;repair答案:DADBC BADBA ACCDA CCCAB二、词汇1.What amazing news! My favourite singer was ___________(颁发)with the Best Artist Award of the year last night.2.Sam has learned ________(有价值的)lessons from the mistakes.3.They went ahead with the plan, ___________(违反)my wishes.4.I think our Chinese teacher is the ___________(严格)of all the teachers in our school.5.Russia ___________(成功)held the 22nd FIFA World Cup this summer.6.Your new tie and your white shirt are a perfect ______________(般配)7.---Sometimes he’s really bad at making _____________(决定)--- Maybe the colour red will be some help to him.8.---______ the girl is only ten, she takes care of her sic father and cooks every day.9.---Working hard is very important but we should have some time for our hobbies to relax.--- I can’t________more.10.---Which do you prefer, coffee or milk? ---__________.I like tea.11.The little boy had no choice but _________(ask) her brother for help.12.You ___________(pay) little attention to the teacher in today’s English class. You see you have made so many mistakes.13.She is shy and often has difficulty __________(express) herself.14.He devoted as much time as he could to ___________(look)after the helpless.15.---You look absent-minded. _____ you________(except)someone?---Yes. My sister is coming to see me.答案:presented;valuable;against;strictest;successfully;match;discussions;Although;agree;Neither; to ask;paid;expressing;looking;Are ,expecting三、句子翻译1.这条街道以它的传统小吃而闻名吗?2.这个学期这个男孩在英语方面已经取得了很大的进步。



统编版五年级下册期中复习阅读专项训练—阅读理解(二)(含答案+详细解析)期中复习专项训练——阅读理解(二)班级:_________ 姓名:__________一、现代文阅读孩子,我在等你犯错①我问儿子:“今天偷看电视了吗?”②暑假,我们规定,你白天不许看电视。






















孩子,____________ !⑥有一天,你和几个小朋友在楼下玩。








人教八上英语期中复习专题二(短语)短语训练I. 单项选择。

( )1. —Do you _________ your young sister at home?—No, I don’t. My brother does.A. care aboutB. care forC. look forD. look out( )2. How do you ___________ the talk show?A. think ofB. feel likeC. think overD. feel about( )3. His watch is __________ mine. His is bigger.A. similar toB. different fromC. the same asD. close to( )4. Are your teachers __________ you?A. good forB. good atC. good withD. good in( )5. Now _________ farmers come to the city to look for their jobs.A. quite a littleB. quite a fewC. less thanD. more than( )6. The boy is sleepy because he __________ last night.A. got up lateB. watched TVC. used the InternetD. stayed up late( )7. I want to ________ what time the train leaves in the Internet.A. find outB. look forC. study forD. work out( )8. ______ Tom ________ his friend is at home. They went to the cinema.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Neither; norD. Not only; but also ( )9. —Do you think Mary is ________ hard-working ________ Jim?—Yes, she is much more hard working.A. as; asB. not so; asC. less; thanD. more; than( )10. I will tell him ________ I see your friend.A. as well asB. as long asC. as soon asD. as fast as( )11. Our English teacher __________ the best in us in class.A. brings outB. comes outC. learns fromD. makes up( )12. —________ is your home from the school?—Fifteen minutes by subway.A. How longB. How farC. How soonD. How often( )13. This thing is _________ me to decide if it will become better.A. talented inB. up toC. careful ofD. serious about( )14. Today I feel that happy because I kept _________ in mind.A. nothing enjoyableB. enjoyable nothingC. something enjoyableD. enjoyable something( )15. The teachers let students in the middle school do homework ________ a half and one hour every evening.A. at mostB. or soC. at leastD. so farⅡ. 用下列所给短语的适当形式填空。



















(仿写句子)2、多么有趣的一幅图画呀! (改成反问句)3、还是不要!那成什么样子! (改成陈述句)4、清早,我到公园去玩,一进门就闻到一阵清香。








AEnjoy amazing 360­degree views over London from the London Eye, a rotating (旋转的) observation wheel which is 135 meters high. Spot some of the capital's most famous landmarks, including Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.How long does it take to go round the London Eye?The gradual rotation in one of the 32 high­tech glass cap sules takes approximately 30 minutes and gives you an ever­changing view of London. You can skip most of the queues with a fast­track ticket.Where is the London Eye and how do I get there?The London Eye is located on the South Bank of the River Thames. The nearest tube station is Waterloo, but Charing Cross, Westminster and Embankment are also a short walk away. Several bus routes stop near the London Eye.How to book London Eye tickets?Tickets to the London Eye must be pre­booked on the Internet within the prescribed time limit.PricesChild ticket: From £23.00 per ticket.Adult ticket: From £28.00 per ticket.Children under three years old enter free.Opening hoursThe London Eye opening time varies throughout the year. Typically the attraction opens at 10 a.m. and closes between 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Make sure you check it before your visit to get the best experience.Important informationWe encourage you to arrive at the attraction as early as possible, in order to allow more time for security checks. Please note items that CAN and CANNOT said on board.1.What do we know about the London Eye?A.It has fixed opening hours. B.No queuing is needed to take it.C.A ride on it takes about half an hour. D.It lies some distance away from Waterloo.2.What is a must to pay a visit to the London Eye?A.Booking tickets online in advance. B.Taking no items on board.C.Being accompanied by an adult. D.Arriving at the attraction ahead.3.How much should a couple with their son aged 5 and daughter aged 2 pay to visit the London Eye?A.At least £56. B.At least £74.C.At least £79. D.At least £102.BHow does a brilliant teacher get that way? The question of how they developed has as many answers as there are inspired instructors. One example is an original and charming woman who has become one of the best ever at taking disadvantaged students to a new level.Jackson was born in Altoona. Her father was a construction worker. When she was in the eighth grade, her father died. Her principal, Mrs. Brown, said not to worry about schoolwork for a while. That upset her. Her father would not have wanted her to do anything but her best. He always said, “Don't let your first failure be the reason for your next.”Jackson was an accomplished shooting guard in basketball and a star sprinter on the track team, running the quarter­mile in 57 seconds. She thought she might become a sports broadcaster. She gave no thought to teaching until a friend took her to an introduction to a program, which placed novice instructors in schools full of low­income children. Jackson liked the idea of giving back, as well as the chance to have some of her student loans forgiven.She is a big sports person, and that is how she connects with lots of kids. She couldn't motivate children until she knew what was bothering or pleasing them. “Students learn from people who love them,” she said. “They will be motivated and inspired to learn if they know deep down that you care about them.” In class she gave basketball tickets to students who were doing their work. At weekly drawings they could win sticky notes, pencils or other small prizes.She helped create after­school clubs. A tall student said to her, “I'm a baller.I heard you play ball.” There was a basketball league in Paterson, but the s chool didn't have a team. Jackson started one with support from local business executives. The student, Essence Carson, went to Rutgers University, was a first­round draft (运动员选拔制) selection for the WNBA's New York Liberty and now plays for the Connecticut Sun.4.Why did Mrs. Brown's words upset Jackson?A.Her father just passed away. B.She was taught to do her best.C.Her first failure led to another one. D.She was concerned about her grades.5.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A.The way Jackson turned teacher. B.The dream job Jackson desired.C.The student loans Jackson owed. D.The athletics Jackson did well in.6.why did Jackson give small prizes to her students in class?A.To connect with them. B.To please or bother them.C.To encourage them to learn. D.To show her love to them.7.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Jackson founded a school team in Paterson alone.B.Jackson played in the basketball league in Paterson.C.Jackson selected Essence to play for WNBA's New York Liberty.D.Jackson should take some credit for Essence's professional career.CRussell Warne has spent many hours examining college psychology textbooks. As a professor of psychology at Utah Valley University, he wasn't looking for insight, but for mistakes—and he found plenty. Some of the worst concerned IQ tests.“Themost common inaccuracy I found, by far, was the claim that intelligence tests are biased__against certain groups,” he says. Yet intelligence researchers are at pains to ensure that IQ tests ar e fair and not culturally biased.“Another very common one was the idea that intelligence is difficult to measure.”No wonder IQ tests often cause disagreements. But that simply isn't the case.“Despite the criticism, the intelligence test is one of the mo st reliable tests ever invented,” says Rex Jung at the University of New Mexico. Nevertheless, you shouldn't trust the kind of 10­minute test that might pop up in your social media feed.A comprehensive IQ test takes over an hour and is ideally administered by a professional examiner. It is designed to assess precisely those cognitive (认知的) skills that constitute intelligence, so it consists of a series of subtests that cover reasoning, mental processing speed, spatial (空间的) ability and more. Shorter IQ tests, assessing fewer of these skills, can still provide a general indication of someone's mental abilities, however, because of the nature of intelligence, it means that someone who scores highly on one type of cognitive test will also do comparatively well on others.However, particular applications of IQ tests have faced a thorough inspection.A common criticism of using them to select job applicants is that they only measure certain cognitive skills. They don't scientifically measure creativity, for instance. Neither do they measure personality, which tends to make for reliable and hard­working employees—or ability to get on with other people. However, it is rare for examiners to test IQ independently: candidates might be given a personality test too a nd a practical exercise to assess job­related skills. They usually also have to name several professionals to judge.8.What does the underlined words “biased against” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.Unfamiliar to. B.Irrelevant to.C.Unfavorable for. D.Irresponsible for.9.What does Rex Jung think of the intelligence tests?A.They are inaccurate. B.They are trustworthy.C.They are properly used. D.They are precisely designed.10.What can we infer about IQ tests in the last paragraph?A.They are rarely accepted. B.They are heavily criticized.C.They may still be employed. D.They can motivate creativity.11.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Do IQ tests really work? B.Applications of IQ tests.C.Misinformation in textbooks. D.Can IQ tests shape personality?DScientists say they've developed a system using machine for learning to predict when and where lightning will strike. The research was led by engineers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Lausanne, Switz erland.European researchers have estimated that between 6,000 and 24,000 people are killed by lightning worldwide each year. The strikes can also cause power outages, destroy property, damage electrical equipment and start forest fires. For these reasons, climate scientists have long sought to develop methods to predict and control lightning. In the United States and other places, ground­based sensing devices are used to identify strikes as they happen. But, no system has been created to effectively predict lightning.The system tested in the experiments used a combination of data from weather stations and machine learning methods. The researchers developed a prediction model that was trained to recognize weather conditions that were likely to cause lightning.The model was created with data collected over a 12­year period from 12 Swiss weather stations in cities and mountain areas. The data related to four main surface conditions: air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed.The atmospheric data was placed into a machine learning algorithm (算法), which compared it to records of lightning strikes. Researchers say the algorithm was then able to learn the conditions under which lightning happens.Amirhossein Mostajabi is a PhD student at the institute who led the developmentof the method. He said,“Current systems for gathering such data are slow and complex and require costly collection equipment like radar or satellites.”“Our method uses data that can be obtained from any weather stati on,” Mostajabi said.“This will improve data collection in very remote areas not covered by radar and satellites or in places where communication systems have been cut,” he added.The researchers plan to keep developing the technology in partnership with a European effort that aims to create a lightning protection system. The effort is called the European Laser Lightning Rod Project.12.Why have climate scientists tried to predict and control lightning?A.To collect relative data.B.To reduce the destruction lightning has been causing.C.To create a scientific system.D.To do research in relation to machine learning.13.The four mentioned surface conditions include all of the following EXCEPT ________.A.air pollution B.wind speedC.relative humidity D.air temperature14.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A.Lightning. B.The system being tested.C.The atmospheric data. D.The machine learning algorithm.15.What can we learn about Mostajabi from the passage?A.He developed the method and the system by himself.B.He thinks the current systems are too slow and simple.C.He is a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.D.He believes their system does much better in data collection.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



期中复习一答案七年级英语期中复习试卷(二)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共85分)一、听力(共20题;每题1分,计20分)1-5 CBACB 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CBABC 16-20 ACCBA二、单项选择(共20题;每题1分,计20分)21-25 CACDB 26-30 ADBDC 31-35 BCBAD 36-40 ACDBA三、完形填空(共15题,每题1分,计15分)41-45 BADDC 46-50 DCABC 51-55 CBBAD四、阅读理解A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

(共15题,每题2分,计30分)56-60 ABDBC 61-65 CDDCB 66-70 CDACB第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共55分)B. 任务型阅读(共10题,每题1分,计10分)71. John 72. white 73. friendly 74. go 75. at76. about 77. on 78. can 79. back 80. warm五、词汇(共25题,每题1分,计25分)A. 81. toilets 82. September 83. holiday 84. Forty-eight 85. emailsB. 86. windy 87. feet 88. her 89. China 90. Lily’sC. 91. has 92. listen 93. reading 94. crying 95. IsD. 96. years 97. subjects 98. Art 99. likes 100. good101. draws 102. But 103. Wednesday 104. classmates 105. stories六、书面表达。

(共2题,计20分)A. 根据所给提示将下列各句译成英语。

(共5题,每题2分,计10分)106. What time, half past eight/eight thirty107. Please close, look at108. There aren’t, in the sky109. jump or run, feels tired110. go to bed, have a good sleepB. 请根据所给内容的提示,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文。

人教版八年级下册地理期中复习 期中测试二(解析版)

人教版八年级下册地理期中复习 期中测试二(解析版)










春天,万物sū xǐng( ),花儿争奇斗艳,fēn fāng( )迷人。

mì fēng( )在花丛中辛勤的采蜜,小鹿在小溪边xīn shǎng( )自己映在水里的影子。


抱怨.( ) 牙( )切.断( )尊.重( )痕.迹( )税.务( )懦.弱( )掀.开( )3.比一比,再组词。

佛( )瓣( )何( )拂( )辨( )阿( )4.把下列词语补充完整。

邯郸( )( )杯( )蛇( )( )心( )气( )( )盗铃滥竽( )( )刻( )求( )( )精( )采( )( )矛盾5.给下列句子中加点的字选择正确的解释。


( )(2)我约.玲玲周末到我家去玩。

( )(3)水资源是宝贵的,我们要节约.用水。

( )释:A.消除B.解释C.放开,放下(4)因释.其耒而守株。

( )(5)我们要学会对照注释.理解小古文。

( )(6)当我遇到不懂的问题时,老师会为我解惑释.疑。

( )6.选词填空。

保留保存保管(1)故宫博物院里( )着许多珍宝。

(2)他的藏书大部分都捐赠给国家图书馆了,自己只( )了一小部分。

(3)爸爸把钥匙交给了哥哥( )。

只要……就……不但……而且……不是……而是……(4)蜜蜂能找到回家的路靠的( )超常的记忆力,( )一种我无法解释的本能。

(5)赵州桥( )坚固,( )美观。

(6)你( )看什么花刚刚开放,( )可以知道大致是几点钟。




























2024年小学四年级期中考试复习计划(二)第一周:语文:1. 复习第一、二单元的课文,重点记忆生字词,理解课文内容。

2. 圈点课文中的重要语句和段落,并做相关练习。

3. 做完第一、二单元的语文试卷,并查找错题原因。

数学:1. 复习第一、二单元的数学概念,如加减法运算、乘法口诀等。

2. 做相关练习题,重点掌握解题方法和思路。


















(能简算的要简算)(1)(- )×(2)(3)2.等式24×(+ )=24×+24×符合()A. 加法交换律B. 加法结合律C. 乘法交换律D. 乘法分配律3.(12+ )×=3+ = ,这是运用了()。

A. 加法结合律B. 乘法结合律C. 乘法分配律D. 乘法交换律4.××8= ×8×运用了()。

A. 加法交换律B. 乘法交换律C. 乘法结合律D. 乘法分配律5.计算(+ )×18= ×18+ ×18时,运用了乘法结合律。



(1)(2)16×()(3)×8+ ×88.服装厂计划一个月生产衬衫5000件,结果上半月完成,如果下半月完成的与上半月同样多,这个月超额生产了多少件?二、分数连乘的应用9.一种空调原价是4000,涨价后,又降价,这时的价格是()元.A. 4000元B. 4400元C. 3900元D. 3960元10.用三个同样大小的正方形拼成一个长方形。


A. B. C.11.人体血液在动脉中的流动速度是每秒50cm,在静脉中的流动速度是在动脉中的,在毛细血管中的速度只有在静脉中的。





【模拟试题】(答题时间:90分钟)I. 单项选择﹡1. The old man live with his wife, but now he alone after she died.A. used to, is used to liveB. used to, is used to livingC. was used to, used to liveD. did use to, is used to live﹡2. English is useful language in the world. Many of us learn it as second language.A. a, aB. the, anC. a, anD. the, a﹡3. Do you have to do your homework ?A. time enough, enough goodB. enough time, good enoughC. enough time, well enoughD. time enough, enough well4. Teenagers should to have part-time jobs.A. not be allowedB. be not allowedC. not allowed D, not be allow5. If I you, I’d wear a red skirt in the party.A. wereB. amC. wasD. will be6. How much does it to fly from Beijing to Shanghai one-way?A. payB. spendC. takeD. cost7. There is snow and it is cold this winter.A. too much, too muchB. too much, much tooC. much too, much tooD. much too, too much8. The TV doesn’t work. There something wrong with it.A. may beB. can’t beC. could beD. must be9. We believe scientists will a way to solve the problem of air pollution.A. set offB. put offC. come up withD. catch up with﹡10. We’ll go for a picnic if it this Sunday.A. won’t rainB. isn’t rainingC. don’t rainD. doesn’t rain﹡11. I don’t know the student who English well in our grade.A. studyB. studiesC. is studyingD. studying12. He wants to read the book is popular in the world.A. whatB./C. thatD. who﹡﹡13. Since you don’t like places where the weather is cold, why not to Kunming?A. to consider goB. consider goC. consider goingD. considering going﹡﹡14. Not only English, but he speaks French and German well.A. he speaksB. does he speakC. speaks heD. he can speak15. On his way home, he suddenly heard someone his name.A. calledB. callingC. to callD. callsII. 完形填空Many people are surprised when they find the Internet was set up in the 1960s. 16 that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks(网络)didn’t work 17 . If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network 18 . So a new network system(系统)had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by manydifferent computers. If a part of the network was not working, information could be sent through 19 part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, 20 in the early 1970s, colleges, hospitals and banks started to use 21 too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was 22 to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use.Today it is easy to get on-line and it 23 that millions of people use the Internet every day. 24 e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important 25 of people’s life.16. A. In B. At C. By D. On17. A. fast B. quickly C. hard D. well18. A. started B. turned on C. stopped D. went on19. A. another B. the other C. other D. others20. A. but B. so C. because D. and21. A. them B. one C. it D. those22. A. easy B. difficult C. free D. interesting23. A. is saying B. says C. is said D. said24. A. Sent B. Sending C. Send D. Sends25. A. part B. network C. networks D. partsIII. 阅读理解AThere was a famous French writer. He was a man of great achievement. He said that one of his main achievements was his study of handwriting. He had spent much time on it and he often told his friends tha t he could tell a person’s character from that person’s handwriting.One day, a woman brought him a page of a boy’s handwriting. She said that she wanted to know what he thought of the boy’s character.He studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. Then he looked at the woman strangely. The woman told him that the boy was not in her family and that he did not have to worry.“Good!” said the writer, “Then I can tell you.” He went on to say that he thought the boy was stupid and lazy. He added that the boy should be watched carefully, if not, he would bring harm to his family when he grew up.“Isn’t that strange?” said the woman, smiling. “Because this is a page from your own exercise book. Y ou wrote it yourself when you were a boy.”26. It took the writer a lot of time .A. to read booksB. to make friendsC. to write booksD. to study handwriting27. From a person’s , the writer could tell a person’s character.A. pronunciationB. handwritingC. smiling faceD. speech28. The woman wanted to .A. know the writerB. help the writerC. visit the writerD. test the writer29. The writer was sure that the boy .A. was not worth teachingB. would do good deeds(好事)for his familyC. would do wrong to his familyD. would work hard30. From the story we know .A. the woman knew the writer very wellB. the writer knew the woman wellC. neither of them knew each otherD. both of them knew each other well﹡BReading newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people read newspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. Others read newspapers as soon as they have free time during the day so that they can learn what is happening in the world.Sometimes, we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully, so we just take a quick look at the front page. At other times, we may be in such a hurry that we only have a few minutes to look at the headlines (标题) of the passages.Newspapers can be found everywhere in the world. We can get many different kinds of newspapers in big cities, but in some mountain villages we can see few newspapers.Some newspapers are published(出版) once a week, but most of the papers are published once a day with many pages, some even published twice a day! Y ou know different people enjoy reading different newspapers. Some like world news, and others prefer short stories. They just choose what they are interested in.Today newspapers in English have the largest number of readers in the world. The English language is so popular that many Chinese students are reading English newspapers such as China Daily or 21st Century. They bring us more and more information with the Internet.31. People read different newspapers in order to ______.A. learn the latest newsB. read short storiesC. do something in the morningD. meet their own different needs for reading32. From the passage we can see that when people get newspapers ______.A. they read from one article (文章) to anotherB. they have no time to read themC. they just read the headlinesD. not everyone reads all the articles in the papers33. Newspapers are very important to people because ______.A. they have a lot of interesting things in themB. newspapers can be found everywhere in the worldC. people can learn what is happening in the world from themD. many people in the world know English34. Newspapers _____ are the most popular in the world.A. in ChineseB. in EnglishC. in other languagesD. with many pages35. According to the passage, besides newspapers, people also get information from _____.A. booksB. magazinesC. the InternetD. advertisements﹡CNo one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather, their joints hurt. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because of the insects(昆虫)which they are hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow(彩虹)during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in colour, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.36. People’s joints ache .A. is a sign of coming rainB. without any reasonC. because they are illD. because of the insects37. Which is true about weather forecasting?A. Weather forecasting is a report about the weather on the following day or two.B. Weather forecasting is a way of telling what the weather will be like.C. Weather forecasting is a sign of coming rain.D. People can change the weather forecasting.38. The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will .A. be warmB. be rainyC. become clear and fineD. be cold39. A rainbow is a of the fine weather.A. signB. wayC. methodD. road40. We must to make weather forecasting.A. use our eyes and brainsB. study the weather hardC. read correctly the signsD. All of the aboveD任务型阅读下面有六段电视节目内容的解说词。

部编版语文四年级上册 期中复习(字词二)

部编版语文四年级上册  期中复习(字词二)


wò shì zhuān jiā chǐ cùn wèi shēnɡbǐ jiào zhēnɡ yǎn fān shēn fǔ zipī kāi huǎn màn hún zhuó zhànɡ liánɡzhīchēnɡláo lèi xuèyèmào shènɡzīrùn yán dìnìshuǐfǎn huítóu xián bēi cǎn měnɡshòu jìnɡpèijiān dìnɡwéi kànɡtiěhuán suǒménjìrán hěn xīn zhùmínɡhuòdéqíɡuān nónɡlìyījiùróu héhé chuánɡ xīn xiān xiū bǔ mǎn yìzhāo dài chuán shuō hēi àn fēnɡ mǎnděnɡdài xūruòxīnɡfèn ɡǎn jīxiǎn shìlínɡqiǎo dào dáhuàn xiǎnɡchuànɡzào shūfu fǎn miàn chùjiǎowān qūxìxiǎo hén jìxiūxiǎnɡɡōnɡfu pínɡzhěnɡqīnɡjiépíláoshànɡshēnɡxiàjiànɡhàn máo yǔlùrén jiān qínɡjǐnɡwēi hài yán lìqiāo qiāo jiān lìéluǎn shíwán jù qiānɡ nuǎn yánɡ yánɡ kē xué jiāyuán zǐ hé pá shān hǔ qiáo bu qǐhēi hū hū shān bēnɡ dì liè rén shān rén hǎiqí tóu bìnɡ jìn kēnɡ kēnɡ wā wā tàn tóu tàn nǎohénɡ qī shù bā hū fēnɡ huàn yǔ ténɡ yún jià wùsuí yùér ān jīnɡ pí lì jié bēn liú bù xīměi mínɡ qí yuē fèn fèn bù pínɡ【答案】卧室专家尺寸卫生比较睁眼翻身斧子劈开缓慢浑浊丈量支撑劳累血液茂盛滋润炎帝溺水返回头衔悲惨猛兽敬佩坚定违抗铁环锁门既然狠心著名获得奇观农历依旧柔和河床新鲜修补满意招待传说黑暗丰满等待虚弱兴奋感激显示灵巧到达幻想创造舒服反面触角弯曲细小痕迹休想功夫平整清洁疲劳上升下降汗毛雨露人间情景危害严厉悄悄尖利鹅卵石玩具枪暖洋洋科学家原子核爬山虎瞧不起黑乎乎山崩地裂人山人海齐头并进坑坑洼洼探头探脑横七竖八呼风唤雨腾云驾雾随遇而安精疲力竭奔流不息美名其曰愤愤不平。

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期中复习(二)一、选择题(每题2分,共70分)1、下列四项中,能用于观察减数分裂的实验材料是A.蓖麻籽种子B.洋葱根尖C.菠菜幼叶D.蝗虫的精巢2、一对雌雄蛙,若用人工方法孕育出1 000只蝌蚪,从理论上推算,至少需要卵原细胞和精原细胞的数量分别是A.280 和 1 000 B.1 000 和 250 C.1 000 和 4 000 D.4 000 和 2 0003、体细胞中含有3对同源染色体的生物,经减数分裂产生的配子,同时含有三个父方染色体的配子占多少:A.1/2B.1/4C.1/8D.1/164、在减数第一次分裂过程中,染色体的变化顺序是①染色体复制②同源染色体分离③着丝粒分裂④同源染色体交叉互换⑤形成四分体⑥同源染色体联会A.①④⑥⑤② B.①⑥⑤④② C.①⑥⑤②④ D.①②④⑤③5、如图示一对同源染色体及其上的等位基因,下列说法错误的是A.来自父方的染色单体与来自母方的染色单体之间发生了交叉互换B.B与b的分离发生在减数第一次分裂C.A与a的分离仅发生在减数第一次分裂D.A与a的分离发生在减数第一次分裂或减数第二次分裂6、果蝇的体细胞中含有4对同源染色体,雌果蝇体内正常细胞中的染色体不可能是A、6+XXB、12+XXXXC、3+XD、6+XY7、下图是动物细胞减数分裂各期的示意图,正确表示分裂过程顺序的是A.③—⑥—④—①—②—⑤ B.⑥—③—②—④—①—⑤C.③—⑥—④—②—①—⑤D.③—⑥—②—④—①—⑤8、下图中的甲、乙、丙、丁为某动物(体细胞染色体数=2n)睾丸中细胞分裂过程不同时期的染色体数、染色单体数和DNA分子数的比例,则错误的描述是A.甲图可表示减数第一次分裂前期B.乙图可表示减数第二次分裂前期C.丙图可表示有丝分裂间期的某一阶段 D.丁图可表示有丝分裂后期9、如图所示,以下叙述中错误的是A.受精过程就是指Ⅰ+Ⅱ的过程B.Ⅲ所示过程不可能有非同源染色体自由组合,C.有性生殖实现了实现了基因的分离和自由组合,增强了生物的变异性D.Ⅰ和Ⅲ过程都会发生DNA的复制10、用豌豆进行遗传试验时,下列操作错误的是A.杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的未成熟雄蕊B.自交时,雌蕊和雄蕊都无需除去C.杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的未成熟雌蕊D.人工授粉后,应套袋11、基因型为D d的植物体,产生雌配子和雄配子之间的比例应该是A.l∶1 B.3∶1 C.无一定比例,但雄多于雌D.无一定比例,但雌多于雄12、水稻的非糯性对糯性为显性,将纯非糯性品种与糯性品种杂交得F1,取F1的花粉用碘液染色;凡非糯性花粉呈蓝色,糯性花粉呈棕红色,在显微镜下观察这两种花粉的微粒,非糯性与糯性的比例为A.1:1 B.1: 2 C. 2:1 D.不成比例13、孟德尔的遗传规律不适合原核生物,原因是A.原核生物无核物质 B.原核生物无遗传物质C.原核生物无完善的细胞器 D.原核生物主要进行无性生殖14、家猫的毛色中黑色对白色为显性。

黑色杂合子雌雄猫交配后,一窝产下了四只小猫,这四只小猫的毛色是A.三只黑色,一只白色 B.一只黑色,三只白色C.四只全为黑色 D.A、B、C三种情况都可能出现15、下列叙述正确的是A.纯合子测交后代都是纯合子 B.纯合子自交后代都是纯合子C.杂合子自交后代都是杂合子 D.杂合子测交后代都是杂合子16、家兔的毛色黑色(A)对褐色(a)为显性。

要判断一只黑毛兔的遗传因子组成的方法,选用与它交配的兔最好是A.纯种黑毛兔B.褐毛兔 C.杂种黑毛兔D.前3项都可17、控制棉花长绒与细绒的基因位于A.四分体B. DNA分子的双链C.姐妹染色单体D.非同源染色体18、已知小麦抗锈病是由显性基因(A )控制的,让一株杂合(Aa )小麦自交获得 F 1,淘汰其中不抗锈病的植株后,再自交获得 F 2,从理论上计算,F 2中抗锈病的植株占总数的A . 3/4B . 5/6C . 3/8D . 9/1619、小麦抗锈病基因R 和不抗锈病基因r 是一对等位基因,下列有关叙述正确的是A .基因R 和基因r 的分离发生在减数第二次分裂中B .基因R 和基因r 位于一对同源染色体的不同位置上C .自然条件下根尖细胞中无抗锈病基因R 和不抗锈病基因rD .基因R 和基因r 的本质区别是核苷酸序列不同20、在孟德尔两对相对性状的豌豆杂交实验中,F 2代中能稳定遗传的个体和性状重组型个体所占的比例分别是A .164和166B .169和162C .81和83D .42和8321、白色盘状南瓜与黄色球状南瓜杂交,F l 全是白色盘状,F l 自交得到的F 2中,杂合子白色球状南瓜200个,那么纯合子黄色盘状南瓜应是A .450个B .100个C .200个D .300个22、在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y )对绿皮基因(y )为显性,但在另一白色显性基因(W )存在时,则基因Y 和y 都不能表达。

现在有基因型为WwYy 和Wwyy 的个体杂交,其后代表现型种类及比例是A .4种,9︰3︰3︰1B .2种,13︰3C .3种,3︰1︰1D .3种,6︰1︰123、将基因型为AABbCc 和 aabbcc 的植株杂交(遵循自由组合定律),后代表现型比为A .9∶3∶3∶1B .4∶4∶2∶2C .1∶1∶1∶1D .3∶124、据下图,下列选项中不遵循基因自由组合规律的是25、基因型为AABBCC 和aabbcc 的两种豌豆杂交,F 2代中基因型和表现型的种类数以及显性纯合子的几率依次是A .18,6,1/32B .27,8,1/32C .27,8,1/64D .18,6,1/6426、果蝇的红眼为伴X 显性遗传,其隐性性状为白眼。

在下列杂交组合中,通过眼色即可直接判断子代果蝇性别的一组是A.杂合红眼雌果蝇×红眼雄果蝇B.白眼雌果蝇×红眼雄果蝇C.杂合红眼雌果蝇×白眼雄果蝇D.白眼雌果蝇×白眼雄果蝇27、右图为进行性肌肉营养不良遗传病的系谱图,该病为隐性伴性遗传病,7号的致病基因是由A.1号遗传的B.2号遗传的C.3号遗传的 D.4号遗传的28、在肺炎双球菌转化实验中,将R型活细菌与加热杀死的S型细菌混合后,注射到小鼠体内,能在小鼠体内出现的细菌类型有①有毒R型②无毒R型③有毒S型④无毒S型A.①④B.②③C.③D.①③29、噬菌体在细菌细胞内合成自己的蛋白质需要A.噬菌体的DNA和氨基酸 B.噬菌体的DNA和细菌的氨基酸C.细菌的DNA和氨基酸 D.细菌的DNA和噬菌体的氨基酸30、下列有关遗传物质的叙述中,正确的是A.细菌的遗传物质是DNA和RNA B.噬菌体的遗传物质中含有S元素C.甲流病毒内,碱基A、C、G参与组成的核苷酸有6种D.真核生物的遗传物质都是DNA31、某生物核酸的组成为:嘌呤含量为61%,嘌呤含量为39%,该生物肯定不会是A、噬菌体B、人C、青霉菌D、蓝藻32、已知某DNA分子中,G与C之和占全部碱基总数的35.8%,其中一条链的T与C分别占该链碱基总数的32.9%和17.1%,则在它的互补链中,T和C分别占该链碱基总数的A.32.9%和17.1%B.31.3%和18.7%C.18.7%和31.3%D.17.1%和32.9%33、若DNA分子中一条链的碱基A∶C∶T∶G=l∶2∶3∶4,则另一条链上A∶C∶T∶G的值为A.l∶2∶3∶4 B.3∶4∶l∶2 C.4∶3∶2∶1 D.1∶3∶2∶434、假设将含有1对同源染色体的精原细胞的DNA分子用15N标记,并供给14N的原料,该细胞进行减数分裂产生的4个精子,含有15N的DNA精子所占的比例为A.0 B.25% C.50% D.100%35、1903年美国遗传学萨顿关于“基因位于染色上”的假说是如何提出的A.通过做实验研究得出的结论B.运用假说——演绎法提出C.运用类比推理提出D.运用系统分析法提出班级__________________ 姓名_______________ 学号_________________二、非选择题36.下图表示某种植物生殖与发育过程中,细胞内染色体和DNA相对含量的变化曲线,据图回答下列问题。


(1)图中OD表示分裂阶段, E点表示作用。















(4)下图是两个脱氧核苷酸之间的连接,正确的是()(5) 已知某DNA分子含有1000个碱基对,其中一条链上A:G:T:C=1:2:3:4。








丙组合为_ __×_______。

