Pocket Reads 4-30 中文名字说明书
Rights Guideu b j e c t o n t e n t sPocket Reads 4-30A superb selection of 46 pocket sized readers that will capture children’simagination, from chillers fiction titles to fascinating non-fiction series. Pocket Reads includes four engaging strands which are guaranteed to appeal t o a ll: P ocket T ales, P ocket C hillers, P ocket W orlds a nd P ocket F acts. The c harts d isplayed a t t he e nd o f e ach s egment h ighlight t he f ull r ange o f 106 titles available.Pocket Tales 4-10Pocket Chillers 11-17Pocket Worlds 18-24Pocket Facts 25-31o c k e t R e a d sSubject Contents Pocket ReadsThe Really RottenPiratesBrave MouseISBN: 9780602242558 32 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242510 32 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118ChinaChinaRights SoldRights SoldDamian Harvey lives in North Wales with his family. He has written over fifty books for primary school aged c hildren a nd i s a f requent v isitor t o s chools w here he p resents i nteractive t alks o n d esign t o g et c hildren enthused and excited about books and reading.Jeremy's work is characterised by humour and direct child appeal. His ideas come from everywhere - his childhood, his children, over-hearing conversations, something he sees - and he constantly makes notes. He has won many awards as best author of children books.The R eally R otten P irates s ail o n b oard t he G olden B ell. What h appens w hen t hey c ome f ace t o f ace w ith…the Messy Pirates?Brave M ouse h as a lways d reamed o f s eeing t he w orld. When a b eautiful b oat i s w ashed a shore, h e p repares f or a big adventure…Jeremy StrongDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Damian HarveyThe GREEDY Snapjaw FeeblemanISBN: 9780602242473 32 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242688 32 ppAge Range: 7 - 8 Format: 165X118JanRights SoldWhen C harlotte's m um b rings h ome a n ew p lant, t hings start t o d isappear! W hat s ecret d oes t he n ew p lant h old?No one in Wincey Village knows that the superhero, Feebleman, is Rick Champion (top goal scorer for the school f ootball t eam). W ill R ick k eep h is s ecret i dentity hidden?DescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Jill AtkinsChinaJan Burchett and Sara VoglerAuthor:Jan and Sara were already friends when one day they decided they wanted to write children’s stories and that it would be more fun to write them together. Since then they’ve written over 140 books for ages 3 -12. As well as trade fiction they have recently been involved in Pearson’s Bug Club and OUP’s Project X and Oxford Reading Tree.Beast HuntISBN: 978060224266448 ppAge Range: 7 - 8 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242701 48 ppAge Range: 7 - 8 Format: 165X118People often ask her what sort of books she writes for children and the answer is all sorts of books, from rhyming stories, ghost stories and animal stories to books about history, dance or art. She writes for all ages too, from little ones up to young teens.All o f t he G ool f amily a re g ood a t s caring p eople -e xcept Baby Gool. Can he ever be as scary as his elders?A b east i s r oaming t he c ountryside a nd k illing s heep. C an Beevis a nd T od t rack t he b east d own b efore i t's t oo l ate?Jean Ure Jillian PowellDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:The GoolsU.N.Luck-yISBN: 9780602242787 48 ppAge Range: 8 - 9 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242848 56 ppAge Range: 8 - 9 Format: 165X118ChinaChinaRights SoldRights SoldRob Childs is a British author, who has written over eighty books, mainly aimed at young people. Most of the b ooks h ave a s porting t heme, w ith o ver fi fty b eing about f ootball. R ob h as a lso w ritten n on-sports b ooks based on historical characters.Someone h as s tolen G randad B riny's s ea h orses! G randad and Billy set off to rescue them in Grandad's amazing submarine. B ut t hey h ave n o i dea w hat a dventures a wait them…United k eeps g etting i nto t rouble…but i t's n ot h is f ault -he's just very unlucky!Hilary Sharpe Rob ChildsDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Grandad Briny and the Seaweed Garden CentreThe Genie of the BottleBankISBN: 978060224299248 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242985 56 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118ChinaSinceRights SoldSean Taylor is the author of many books for children of m any d ifferent a ges. S ean s tarted w riting p oetry a s a teenager. T hen, in 1993, he came across a newspaper article which reported that a goat slaughtered by a Muslim cleric in Iran had been found to have teeth made of gold.When T om s ets Y allery B rown f ree, Y allery B rown p romises to h elp T om i n r eturn…as l ong a s T om p romises n ever t o thank him!When Arthur was granted a wish by a genie, he didn't think t here w ould b e s o m uch h anging a round f or i t t o come true!Sean TaylorDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Yallery BrownSince 1980, he has written or edited more than 120 books for children and young people, many of them for major educational series. He has visited schools, libraries, colleges and festivals throughout the UK and abroad to give readings, performances and lead workshops.Mick Gowar Author:The Lost SpaceshipISBN: 9780602242923 56 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602243081 80 ppAge Range: 10-11 Format: 165X118ChinaChinaRights SoldRights SoldAnn b egan t raining a s a t eacher, b ut d ecided t eaching was not for her. Her first novel was published in 1974, and s ince t hen s he h as w ritten m ore t han t hirty b ooks for children and young people of all ages.K ing L oofah i s t he k ind r uler o f a b eautiful i sland. A fter o ne terrible, s tormy n ight, h e s oon l earns t hat t here a re m any others w ho w ould l ike t o r ule t he i sland t hemselves…When Matthew fi nds a s paceship i n the old quarry, he doesn't k now h ow t o t ell a nyone -s o h e d oesn’t. B ut w hen his b rother s tarts a cting s trangely, M atthew r ealises t hat this is one secret he can't hold on to for much longer.Rhian Baker Ann TurnbullDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:The Fantastic Tale ofKing LoofahP o c k e t T a l e s S e r i e sAge R a n g e Age R a n g eA ge R a n g eA ge R a n g e 6 - 77 - 88 - 99 - 10Age R a n g e10 - 11Our Neighbour's aVampire!BE PREPAREDISBN: 9780602242091 32 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242114 32 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118Adam Guillain is a children's writer and storyteller. He also h as g reat f un f acilitating c reative w riting w orkshops in schools. Bella Balistica and the African Safari is the latest adventure in the Bella Balistica series.She has written many children's stories, 10 of which have been published in the last five years, mostly for ages 7-11. S he h as w on s ome p rizes f or h er a dult s hort stories and poetry but she has not yet produced the adult novel people seem to think makes you a 'real' writer.A strange man moves in next door. Can W illiam prove that his new neighbour is a vampire?Tyler t hinks t here i s a v ampire g host i n t he c reepy h ouse next d oor. F reddy i s n ot s o s ure. I s h e p repared t o fi nd o ut the truth?Adam GuillainAnne AdeneyDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Monster Shock Rubbed OutISBN: 978060224210732 ppAge Range: 6 - 7Format: 165X118ISBN: 978060224217648 ppAge Range: 7 - 8Format: 165X118J a nJan and Sara are the authors of Feebleman - PocketTales series.Rob is the author of U.N.Luck-y - Pocket Tales series.Sam and Emma are having a great holiday until Jasonarrives. Then everyone is in for a monster shock!Marcus loves drawing. But he discovers a much moreexciting t alent w hen h e g ets a r ubber w ith s pecial p owersfrom a market stall.Jan Burchett and Sara Vogler Rob ChildsDescription DescriptionAuthor:Author:Ghoul School Ghost ThiefISBN: 978060224214548 ppAge Range: 7 - 8Format: 165X118ISBN: 978060224212148 ppAge Range: 7 - 8Format: 165X118Adam is the author of Our Neighbour's a Vampire -Pocket Chillers series.Kathryn White is the author of The Gift - Pocket Talesseries.Arm-wrestling l essons, e ye-ball t ennis, a nd a p hantomheadteacher! S tanley i s i n f or t he s hock o f h is l ife w henhe starts at Ghoul School…When t hings g o m issing f rom t he h oliday c amp, A my g etsthe blame. But she is sure that a ghost is the thief! Canshe prove it to Ling?Adam Guillain Kathryn WhiteDescription DescriptionAuthor:Author:The Horrible HandsWailing RockISBN: 978060224215248 ppAge Range: 8 - 9 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242138 48 ppAge Range: 8 - 9 Format: 165X118Since Since 1980, he has written or edited more than 120 books for children and young people, many of them for major educational series. He has visited schools libraries, colleges and festivals throughout the UK and abroad to give readings, performances and lead workshops.Damian Harvey is the author of The Really Rotten Pirates - Pocket Tales series.Long J em d oesn't b elieve i n t he h orrible h ands t hat s care all the other villagers…until one cold winter's night!Dylan a nd M egan c an't w ait t o e xplore W ailing R ock. W ill they fi nd t he t ruth a bout t he t ale o f C ut-Throat B ones?Mick GowarDamian HarveyDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:The Hangman Mobile FearISBN: 9780602242190 64 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242237 64 ppAge Range: 10 - 11 Format: 165X118He Martyn Beardsley is a Nottingham author who made his breakthrough with the successful Sir Gadabout series f or c hildren. H e h as w ritten n umerous c hildren's fiction a nd n on-fiction b ooks a nd i s n ow l ooking m ore towards the adult market.He wrote his first full length book - The Revenge of Caprir - when he was 10. He spent 8 years teaching which w as w hen h e r ealised h e e njoyed r eading s tories to his class remembering how much he had loved writing when he was younger.Joe's f riends d on't b elieve h is s tories a bout t he t errifying ghost a t t he H anging T ree. B ut w hen t hey g o t o s ee f or themselves, something changes their mind…Rick is fl ash. H e a lways h as t he latest gizmos a nd loves to s how t hem o ff. B ut R ick's f riends a re n ot s o i mpressed with his new mobile phone. In fact, they are scared!Martyn BeardsleyJonny ZuckerDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Pitch Pond Curse The Dying CandlesISBN: 9780602242220 64 ppAge Range: 10 - 11 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242183 64 ppAge Range: 10 - 11 Format: 165X118Kathryn White is the author of Ghost Thief - Pocket Chillers series and The Gift Pocket Tales series.Jonny Zucker is the author of Mobile Fear - Pocket Chillers Series.In 1848 in the village of Holbury, there was a pond so evil t hat n o o ne v entured n ear i t. P itch P ond w as c ursed b y a s pirit t hat w ould s teal t he s ouls o f i ts v ictims. B ut w ho would be its next victim?Chantel and Chris are shocked to find a cavern, deep below t he b asement i n t heir b lock o f fl ats. B ut t hey a re even m ore s hocked t o d iscover t he s ecret o f t he d ying candles.Kathryn WhiteJonny ZuckerDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:P o c k e t C h i l l e r s S e r i e sAge R a n g eA ge R a n g e A ge R a n g e A ge R a n g eAge R a n g e 6 - 77 - 88 - 99 - 1010 - 11What on EARTH is it?ISBN: 978060250186024 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602501884 24 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118Mi Nicolas Brasch is the author of more than 300 books for children and young adults. He writes both fiction and f actual b ooks f or t he t rade, l ibrary a nd e ducational market.Michael McMahon is the author of Beware! and High and Mighty - Pocket Worlds Series.Water c an b e w ild -r eally w ild! S ometimes w ild w ater i s great f un, b ut w hen t here a re fl oods, m udslides o r t sunamis it's not fun at all. Then it's scary and very dangerous!Is it a place where it always rains? Is it a place that is always c old? Y ou'll n eed t o u se t he c lues i n t his b ook t o work out what on Earth the hidden places are!Nicolas BraschMichael McMahonDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Wild WaterAuthor:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Where in the World is WOOLLOOMOOLOO?ISBN: 9780602501891 24 ppAge Range: 7 -8 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602501914 24 ppAge Range: 7 -8 Format: 165X118M i c BillMichael McMahon is the author of W hat on Earth is it? and High and Mighty - Pocket Worlds Series.Bill Condon started to work as a journalist where he was given a one-day trial at the paper, and stayed for ten y ears. T hroughout t hose y ears B ill w as a lso w riting for children.Some a nimals l ook v ery m eek a nd m ild, b ut t hey a re r eady to attack at any time! Find out about some of Earth's creatures that should carry their own warning signs.Where in the world would you find places called Cow Head, M osquito a nd B anana? T he w orld h as m any p laces with very strange names. If you travel through these pages you'll find lots of them!Michael McMahonBill Condon DescriptionDescriptionBEWARE!Author:Author:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)No Limits!ISBN: 978060250190724 ppAge Range: 7 -8 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602501945 32 ppAge Range: 8-9 Format: 165X118Peter Peter Rees is an established author of children books.Nicolas Brasch is the author of Wild Water and Fabulous!- Pocket Worlds Series.Where o n E arth d id t he d inosaurs l ive? W ho f ound t he first f ossils? Y ou c an d ig u p t he a nswers t o t hese q uestions and many more right now...Who was the first person to sail non-stop around the world? W ho w as t he y oungest p erson t o c limb t o t he p eak of M ount E verest? F ind o ut a bout t hese i ncredible f eats and many, many more!Peter ReesNicolas BraschDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Digging up DinosaursAuthor:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)The Green BugISBN: 9780602501921 32 ppAge Range: 8-9 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602501976 32 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118 B i l l Bill Condon is the author of Where in the World is WOOLLOOMOOLOO? - Pocket Worlds Series.Helen Bethune is the author of Sound Bites and Read This! - Pocket Worlds SeriesWhere can y ou find giant underwater mountains a nd rivers that are far too wide to swim across? On Earth! Find o ut s ome a mazing f acts a bout p lanet E arth t hat w ill astound your friends.Recycle! Reuse! Reduce! That's what people with the green b ug d o. F ind o ut h ow p eople a re u sing w orms, r otten food a nd e ven e lephant p oo t o h elp t he e nvironment. J ust remember to hold your nose!Bill CondonHelen BethuneDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:I Bet You Don’t KnowThis!Author:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Fabulous! Treasure HuntingISBN: 9780602501952 32 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 978060250196932 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118Nicolas Brasch is the author of Wild Water and No Limits!- Pocket Worlds Series.Peter Rees is the author of Digging Up Dinosaurs?, The Frozen Continent and Animals on the Edge- Pocket Worlds Series.Jewellery c an m ake y ou l ook f abulous! P eople h ave b een wearing p recious g ems f or t housands o f y ears. W here d o the g ems c ome f rom a nd w ho m akes t hem i nto f antastic things to wear?Treasure c an b e h idden i n a l ost c ity, t rapped i n a s unken ship o r b uried u nderground. T here's p lenty o f i t o ut t here waiting t o b e d iscovered a nd y ou c ould b e t he o ne w ho finds it.Nicolas BraschPeter ReesDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)The Frozen Continent Animals on the EdgeISBN: 9780602501983 32 ppAge Range: 10-11 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602502171 32 ppAge Range: 10-11 Format: 165X118Peter Peter Rees is the author of Treasure Hunting, The Frozen Continent and Animals on the Edge - Pocket Worlds Series.Peter Rees is the author of Treasure Hunting, The Frozen Continent and Digging Up Dinosaurs - Pocket Worlds Series.What i s t he c oldest, w indiest a nd d riest p lace o n E arth? It's t he m ost s outhern c ontinent o n E arth -t he A ntartic! Check o ut t his f rozen l and a nd fi nd o ut w ho g oes t here…and why!The p anda, t he t iger a nd t he g orilla a re s ome o f E arth's animals t hat a re i n d anger. W ill t hey b ecome e xtinct l ike the dodo and the dinosaur, or can we save them?Peter ReesPeter ReesDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Rights Sold: Chinese Simplified (Bilingual Edition)Age R a n g e Age R a n g e A ge R a n g e A ge R a n g eAge R a n g e6 - 77 - 88 - 99 - 1010 - 11P o c k e t W o r l d s S e r i e sPenguin Parade Mighty MummiesISBN: 9780602241964 24 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242572 24 ppAge Range: 6 - 7 Format: 165X118Emma Lynch is the author of Super Sharks and Monster Mysteries - Pocket Facts Series.British author Haydn Middleton has employed his knowledge of his country's history. sports, and mythology to write nonfiction books for children and fantasy novels for older readers.Would you be able to go without food for nine whole weeks? The stars of this book can!Got 70 years to spare? Why not learn how to make a mummy in four, very easy stages!Emma LynchHaydn MiddletonDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Super Sharks Body BugsISBN: 9780602241971 24 ppAge Range: 7 -8 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242725 24 ppAge Range: 7 -8 Format: 165X118Emma Lynch is the author of Penguin Parade and Monster Mysteries - Pocket Facts Series.Haydn Middleton is the author of Mighty Mummies and Nature's Nightmares - Pocket Facts series.What i s a s l arge a s t hree-storey b uilding, h as u p t o 3000 teeth a nd l ives u nder w ater? I t's t he s tar o f a v ery s cary film…Mites that eat your skin, fleas and lice that suck your blood, and gnats that gnaw on you - are you ready for the attack?Emma LynchHaydn MiddletonDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:Fabulous F lying M achines Mythic HeroesISBN: 9780602242022 32 ppAge Range: 8-9 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242862 32 ppAge Range: 8-9 Format: 165X118R o b Rob Alcraft is a published author and an editor of children's books and young adult books.Angela R oyston h as b een w riting c hildren’s i nformation books – for school libraries and for trade – for many years. Before that she was an in-house editor.Flap, j ump a nd g lide y our w ay t hrough h istory a nd m eet some o f t he fi rst fl yers i n t he w orld! W ere t hey i ncredibly brave or just 'plane' crazy?Check o ut s ome h eroes o f o ld! B eowulf f ought a m onster, Odysseus b linded a C yclops, a nd H ercules k illed a l ion with his bare hands!Rob AlcraftAngela RoystonDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:ChinaRights SoldMonster MysteriesISBN: 9780602243029 32 ppAge Range: 9 - 10Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602242039 32 ppAge Range: 9 - 10 Format: 165X118Nature’s Nightmares Haydn Middleton is the author of Mighty Mummies and Body Bugs - Pocket Facts series.Emma L ynch i s t he a uthor o f S uper S harks a nd P enguin Parade - Pocket Facts Series.For c enturies t hey've s pread d eath a nd d estruction a cross the face of the earth. What are they? Mother Nature's killer winds, horrific hailstorms and much more!Is the Loch Ness Monster really an otter and is Bigfoot really a m an w earing a f urry s uit? M ake u p y our o wn m ind about the monster mysteries.Haydn MiddletonEmma LynchDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:ChinaRights SoldExtreme Space RaceISBN: 9780602242077 32 ppAge Range: 10-11 Format: 165X118 ISBN: 9780602243166 48 ppAge Range: 10-11 Format: 165X118R o b Rob Alcraft is the author of Fabulous Flying Machines- Pocket Facts Series.David Glover is the author of Internet Invention - Pocket Facts Series.Feel the adrenalin rush as you find out about extreme sports. But remember…you'll need no fear!On your marks, get set, GO! T he space race is on! Dogs have j etted i nto s pace a nd m an h as w alked o n t he m oon! But there's still a long way to go..Rob AlcraftDavid GloverDescriptionDescriptionAuthor:Author:ChinaRights SoldChinaRights SoldP o c k e t F a c t s S e r i e sA ge R a n g e Age R a n g eAge R a n g e A ge R a n g e Age R a n g e6 - 77 - 88 - 99 - 1010 - 11To find out more about licensing opportunities or for more information, please contact ElisabettaAudisio–******************************Global Rights Licensing - BBC Active80 StrandLondon WC2R 0RLUnited Kingdom\rights。
二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握国际商事仲裁的基本概念、程序及法律适用。
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3. 提高学生的国际商事仲裁实践操作能力,使其具备一定的实务处理技巧。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、投影仪、黑板。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过讲解一个实际案例,引导学生思考国际商事仲裁在实际应用中的重要作用。
2. 理论讲解:a. 介绍国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
b. 详细讲解国际商事仲裁的程序、法律适用。
c. 阐述裁决的承认与执行的相关规定。
3. 例题讲解:分析一个实际的国际商事仲裁案例,让学生了解仲裁程序的具体操作。
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六、板书设计1. 国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
2. 国际商事仲裁程序、法律适用。
3. 裁决的承认与执行。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 简述国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
b. 分析一个国际商事仲裁案例,阐述其程序及法律适用。
c. 论述裁决的承认与执行的相关规定。
2. 答案:a. 略。
b. 略。
c. 略。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:a. 推荐阅读:《国际商事仲裁案例解析》。
b. 组织学生参加模拟国际商事仲裁比赛,提高实践能力。
c. 引导学生关注国际商事仲裁的最新动态,了解国际仲裁实践的发展趋势。
重点和难点解析1. 国际商事仲裁的程序2. 法律适用3. 裁决的承认与执行4. 例题讲解与实践操作一、国际商事仲裁的程序国际商事仲裁程序是整个教学过程中的核心,涉及仲裁申请、仲裁庭组成、仲裁审理、仲裁裁决等环节。
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BackBeat SENSE Guide d'utilisationContenuPrésentation3Présentation des écouteurs3Contenu de l'emballage4Coupler5Associer des appareils5Associer un second appareil5Association avec un Mac5Chargement et ajustement6Chargement6Ajustement6Principes de base7Lire et interrompre la musique7Volume7Choisir une chanson7Activer l'assistant vocal7Ouvrir le microphone7Faire des appels, répondre et raccrocher7Mode discrétion 7Alimentation flexible7Plus de fonctionnalités9Utilisation des capteurs9Activer la voix HD9Personnalisation9Assistance10Régler le volumePiste suivanteLire et interrompre la musiquePiste précédenteActiver/désactiver le mode discrétion; ouvrir le microPort de chargeVoyants à DÉL des écouteurs[ ]Touche de gestion des appelsInterrupteurTouche d'association Bluetooth PrésentationPrésentation desécouteursÉcouteursÉtuiCâble de chargement Câble Apple de 3,5 mm Contenu de l'emballage12Activez la fonction Bluetooth ® de votre téléphone et réglez-la sur la recherche de nouveaux appareils.•iPhone Paramètres > Bluetooth > Activé*•Android Paramètres > Bluetooth :Activé > Rechercher des appareils*REMARQUE * Les menus peuvent varier selon l'appareil.3Sélectionnez « PLT_BBTSENSE ».Si le téléphone demande un mot de passe, entrez quatre zéros (0000). Sinon, acceptez la connexion.Une fois d'association réussie, vous entendez « pairing successful » (association réussie) et les voyants à DÉL arrêtent de clignoter.1Faites glisser et maintenez enfoncé l'interrupteur vers l'icône Bluetooth jusqu'à ce que les voyants2Si Bluetooth est activé sur votre Mac, vous pouvez y associer vos écouteurs.1Sélectionnez le mode d'association de vos écouteurs (faites glisser et maintenez l'interrupteur vers l'icône Bluetooth). Vous entendrez « pairing » (association) et les voyants à DÉL clignoteront en rouge et en bleu.2À partir de votre Mac, sélectionnez le menu Pomme > Préférences Système > Bluetooth .3Cliquez sur Configurer un nouvel appareil ou « + », puis sélectionnez « PLT_BBTSENSE stéréo » et suivez les instructions à l'écran.CouplerAssocier des appareilsAssocier un secondappareilAssociation avec un Mac=====Pour vérifier l'état de la pile des écouteurs, appuyez sur la touche de gestion des appels [ ]lorsque vous portez les écouteurs. Les écouteurs doivent être en mode veille.Vos écouteurs disposent d'environ 18 heures d'autonomie d'écoute.Ajustez les écouteurs pour qu'ils soient confortables.Allongez ou raccourcissez la bande pour trouver un réglage confortable.Chargement et ajustementChargementAjustementAppuyez sur le bouton de lecture/pause .l'arrière (–) pour régler le volume.REMARQUE Réglez le volume du téléphone Android à un niveau moyen ou élevé pour obtenir une qualité sonore optimale.Appuyez sur le bouton de piste suivante ou précédente pour choisir la chanson de votre choix.Si votre téléphone est doté d'un assistant vocal, maintenez la touche de gestion des appels [ ]enfoncée pendant 2 secondes et attendez l'invite du téléphone.Appuyez sur le bouton rouge pour écouter ce qui se passe autour de vous (votre musique/l'audio s'interrompra).Une alerte vous signale les appels entrants quand vous écoutez du contenu audio. Si vous répondez à un appel, le contenu audio (chansons, vidéos ou baladodiffusions) seraautomatiquement mis en pause. Si vous écoutez une diffusion audio en direct, le son est coupépendant l'appel, mais la diffusion n'est pas mise en pause. Dès que vous raccrochez, la lecture ou la diffusion reprend.Répondre à un appelChoisissez votre méthode :•Mettez les écouteurs pour répondre à un appel, ou •Appuyez sur la touche de gestion des appels [ ]Mettre fin à un appelAppuyez sur la touche de gestion des appels [ ] pour mettre fin à l'appel en cours.Refuser un appelMaintenez la touche de gestion des appels [ ] enfoncée pendant 2 secondes.Rappeler le dernier numéro (téléphone intelligent)Pour rappeler le dernier numéro composé, appuyez deux fois sur la touche de gestion des appels [ ].Pendant un appel, appuyez sur le bouton rouge . Vous entendez « mute on/off » (discrétion activée/désactivée). Si vous retirez les écouteurs lorsque ceux-ci sont en mode discrétion, vos appels sont transférés à votre téléphone.Lorsque la pile est épuisée, utilisez vos écouteurs avec le câble Apple de 3,5 mm fourni.Utilisez le câble pour :•Régler le volume avec les boutons (+) et (–)*•Lire ou interrompre la musique, répondre ou mettre fin à un appel en appuyant une fois sur le bouton•Aller à la chanson suivante en appuyant deux fois sur le bouton* •Revenir à la chanson précédente en appuyant trois fois sur le bouton*Principes de baseLire et interrompre lamusique VolumeChoisir une chanson Activer l'assistant vocal Ouvrir le microphone Faire des appels,répondre et raccrocherMode discrétionAlimentation flexible•Activer l'assistant vocal de votre téléphone intelligent en maintenant enfoncé le bouton durant 3 secondesREMARQUE* La fonction peut varier selon le type de téléphone.Les capteurs intelligents s'activent quand vous mettez ou enlevez les écouteurs.Mettez vos écouteurs sur vos oreilles pour exécuter les actions suivantes :•Reprendre la lecture de la musique •Répondre à un appelEnlevez vos écouteurs pour :•Interrompre la musique (lorsque vous écoutez de la musique)•Transférer un appel en cours à votre téléphone •Régler la minuterie du mode DeepSleepCONSEIL Pour désactiver les capteurs, maintenez enfoncés les boutons de discrétion et de gestiondes appels [ ] durant plus de 6 secondes, jusqu'à ce que le voyant à DÉL clignote en violet, puis en rouge. Répétez cette commande pour les réactiver. Le voyant lumineux clignotera alors en violet,puis en bleu.Réinitialiser les capteursIl se peut que vous deviez réinitialiser les capteurs s'ils ne fonctionnement pas comme ils le devraient.Pour réinitialiser les capteurs, branchez les écouteurs directement au port USB de votreordinateur, puis déposez-les, oreillettes vers le haut, sur une surface plane non métallique pendant plus de 10 secondes.Désactiver les capteursPour désactiver les capteurs, maintenez enfoncés les boutons de discrétion et de gestion des appels [ ] durant plus de 6 secondes, jusqu'à ce que le voyant à DÉL clignote en violet, puis en rouge. Répétez cette commande pour les réactiver. Le voyant lumineux clignotera alors en violet,puis en bleu.Pour activer la voix HD (large bande), maintenez enfoncés les boutons rouge et de lecture/pause durant plus de 6 secondes, jusqu'à ce que les voyants à DÉL clignotent en violet, puis en bleu.Répétez cette commande pour la désactiver : les voyants à DÉL clignotent en violet, puis en rouge.REMARQUE La voix HD fonctionne correctement lorsqu'elle est prise en charge par les deux appareils.Vous pouvez changer la langue et d'autres paramètres en téléchargeant le logiciel Plantronics Hub pour Windows et Mac à l'adresse /software . Vous pouvez également télécharger gratuitement l'application mobile Plantronics Hub pour iOS et Android.Plantronics Hub vous permet de :•Changer la langue (Plantronics Hub pour Windows et Mac seulement)•Installer les mises à jour du micrologiciel (Plantronics Hub pour Windows et Mac seulement)•Activer ou désactiver l'alerte vocale de désactivation du mode discrétion •Activer ou désactiver les capteurs intelligentsPlus de fonctionnalitésUtilisation des capteurs Activer la voix HDPersonnalisationENTéléphone : 0800 410014FITéléphone : 0800 117095NOTéléphone : 80011336ARTéléphone : +44 (0)1793 842443*FRTéléphone : 0800 945770PLTéléphone : +44 (0)1793842443*CSTéléphone : +44 (0)1793 842443*GATéléphone : 1800 551 896PTTéléphone : 0800 84 45 17DATéléphone : 80 88 46 10HETéléphone : +44 (0)1793842443*ROTéléphone : +44 (0)1793842443*DEDeutschland 0800 9323 400Österreich : 0800 242 500 Schweiz : 0800 932 340HUTéléphone : +44 (0)1793842443*RUTéléphone : 8-800-100-64-14Téléphone : +44 (0)1793842443*ELTéléphone : +44 (0)1793 842443*ITTéléphone : 800 950934SVTéléphone : 0200 21 46 81ESTéléphone : 900 803 666NLNL 0800 7526876BE 0800 39202LUX 800 24870TRTéléphone : +44 (0)1793842443** L'assistance est offerte en anglaisPour obtenir les détails sur la garantie, visitez la page /warranty. AssistanceBESOIN D'AIDE SUPPLÉMENTAIRE?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060États-Unis Southpoint, Building C Scorpius 1402132 LR Hoofddorp, Pays-Bas© 2015 Plantronics, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Bluetooth est une marque déposée de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. utilisée sous licence par Plantronics. Les autres marques de commerce sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Brevets en instance.205086-12 (09.15)。
目录第5集 (2)第6集 (45)第7集 (84)第8集 (125)第5集嫌疑犯于晚上10:30 被发现Suspects were first observedat approximately 10:30 P.M.在警察局对面Across the street from the station house. "罗宾"和"猫女"负责放哨Robin and catwoman stood guard 而"蝙蝠侠"在擦洗一辆停着的警车as batman soaped an unoccupied police vehicle.是SUV 法官阁下那种耗油吓死人的车S.U.V., Y our honor,an egregious gas guzzler.-而且还很脏-继续警官- And filthy, by the way.- Continue, officer.Brody警官和我到达现场后与他们发生了激烈争执Officer Brody and I approached.An altercation ensued.我们以为他们只是穿着剧服的流氓We thought they were hooligans dressed in costume.或着是一群乡巴佬As the village people, perhaps.嫌犯拒捕These suspects then attemptedto evade apprehension并向我们扔了许多鸡蛋by discharging one ormore eggs in our direction.对他们的指控包括恶意破坏拒捕拉皮条The charges are vandalism,resisting arrest, and pandering.拉皮条?Pandering?我们所作所为完全出于应激反应Our only tricks werein conjunction with our treating,而且我哪像拉皮条的?and I do not look like a pimp.你像白痴Y ou look like an idiot.-法官大人这只"猫"是个有名的妓女-我反对The cat's a known prostitute,your honor. / I object to that!好了取下面具All right, masks off now.我知道你I know you.Alan ShoreAlan Shore.法官大人很高兴见到你Good to see you, judge.这是我的同事Tara WilsonMy colleague Tara Wilson.你好Hello.能告诉我为什么Would you care to explain to me两个律师和一个妓女搞在一起why two attorneys areoutcavorting with a prostitute?我们需要人扮演猫女We needed somebody to be catwoman.拿着皮鞭的那种Someone with a whip.Mr.Shore 你是一个有天赋的律师Mr. Shore, while you are a gifted attorney, 可你也让整个法律界蒙羞you bring embarrassment andshame to the legal community.谢谢你这么说阁下Y ou're very kind, sir.案件撤销Case dismissed.跟Markham协议怎么样了?What's this with the Markham settlement? 他拒绝签字He refuses to sign.不停在字眼里挑刺He keeps redlining us on language.估计因为税收问题他想拖到下一年We think that he's postponing it until after the new year for tax reasons.我会尽力施加压力I'll keep pushing him as best I can.说点私事我想提醒大家记得投票On a personal aside, I'd liketo remind everyone to vote.不管政见如何都是我们的公民义务It's our civic duty.Whatever our politics,哪怕是世界末日我们还是美国人at the end of the day,we're Americans.就算流血也要是蓝白红色的We bleed red, white, and blue. Morgan对Rayburn的案子Morgan vs. Rayburn.还在审理中Still in trial.这个客户的证词不可靠The client survived histestimony barely.Tara和我正想办法达成协议也说点私事Tara and I are pushing a settlement, and on a personal aside,-我觉得无聊-什么?- I'm bored.- I beg your pardon?你们老给我些无聊案子Y ou people keep assigning methese boring cases.要在从前我的委托人里有杀人的At my old firm, I got murderers.还有在公共洗手间自慰的I had clients who had touched themselves in public restrooms.这些人才是真正的客户These are people you could root for,说不定还能来段罗曼史not to mention relate to.Mr.Shore 莫非你想另某高就?Is there some other placeyou'd rather be, Mr. Shore?是的我想上电视Y es, I want to be on cable.最棒的案子都在那里That's where all the bestwork is being done.-Holcomb的案子谁在做?-呃Edwin Poole- Who's doing the Holcomb case?- Uh, that's Edwin Poole.-不是你...-我只是负责处理些小事- Aren't you...- I just handled the decert motion.不负责庭审的I didn't prep the trial.当然那Edwin把案子分配给谁了? Surely, Edwin assigned itto somebody?这个...Well, um...其实...actually...Denny?Denny?你在负责Holcomb药品案?Are you handling the Holcomb pharmaceuticals trial?是我I am.你准备好了?Are you prepared to try this case?我会的I will be.你会的...你知不知道明天就要开审了?Y ou will be. Are you awarethe trial begins tomorrow?Lori 我们有麻烦了We have a problem, Lori.你至少得给我看着点DennyY ou at least need to backstopDenny here.-我没..-可我不能I don't... / I can't.今天我就有案子要上庭I'm in trial myself today.什么案子?In trial on what?我..嗯..我几天前接了个法庭指派的案子I, um, was assigned a casea couple of days ago,至少我是接下来了..which I sort of took.什么样的?What kind of case?这个..只是个..Uh, just a...凶杀案homicide.什么?What?你怎么突然开始接受法庭指派了? Why are you suddenlytaking court appointments?我只是需要点改变I just need kind ofa change, that's all.现在所有人都不满意了这算什么?Now everyone here is dissatisfied? What is this?上周我处理的案子The case I did last week...它某种程度上让我想明白了一些事it kind of awakened me a little.我想要和人有更多的相处I'm feeling the needto connect with people.-是犯罪的人吧-请不要那么浅薄- Criminal people.- Please don't trivialize this.辩护与起诉相差很多Lori Criminal defense is a far cryfrom criminal prosecution, Lori.你不会喜欢的Y ou won't like it.你怎么会知道我还没...How can you possibly knowthat before I even...我了解你I know you.那么..So...我们可以开始了?Shall we?当然你有Morgan的地址吗?We shall. Do you haveMorgan's address?我有但其实我想说I do, but what I meant is,我们从昨晚中断的地方继续吧shall we continue wherewe left off last night?你在我房子前面朝着植物撒尿In front of my buildingwith you peeing in the planter.我差点就爆了你应该让我上楼的I was about to burst.Y ou should've let me come up.那些植物需要浇水了That plant needed watering.Tara 你应该让我上去的Y ou should've let me come up, Tara. 零晨四点我让你上来了It was 4:00 A.M.I let you up,接着能记得的就是我们在酒吧next thing we know,we're in the liquor cabinet.2分钟后后就什么也不知道了Two minutes after that,passed out.Robin四仰八叉缠在蝙蚨侠身上Robin sprawled across batman.在司法厅他们会怎么说What would they sayat the hall of justice?这就是你担心的?四仰八叉Was that what you wereafraid of, the sprawling?我叫你出来玩是想让你忘记SallyI invited you out toget your mind off Sally.你是做到了我又是那个你熟悉的荒唐的人了Y ou've succeeded. It's back toan old, familiar wanton place.Alan 我们说好了我们不可能Alan, we agreed thatyou and I couldn't work.是为什么来着? 我忘记了What was the reason again?I've forgotten.因为会惹麻烦It would be trouble.只是一晚我们就完全失控然后倒在酒吧后面One night out, we lose all control Which was utterly intoxicating, and end up behind bars.回味无穷不是吗? 一起疯狂was it not, losing control together?00:06:34,572 --> 00:06:35,573怎样TaraWhat about it, Tara?都这么久了我们或许应该开始脱光..After all this time,maybe we should undress.我们要迟到了We're late.很厚的文件Thick file.当然很厚Of course, it's a thick file.这是上千人共同起诉的案子It's a class action involvingthousands of plaintiffs,而且错综复杂Dennyand it's complicated, Denny.Thick file.你看我们唯一能做的就是请求法官的谅解Look, all we can do is throw ourselvesat the mercy of the judge.你跟我去见法官解释下Edwin的状况If you and I both go to see himand explained Edwin's situation,或许能争取到一些时间maybe he'll give us some time.厚啊...Thick file.7万美元$70,000.这是他们开的价It's their opening offer.Mr.Morgan 你是个好人Y ou seem like a verynice man, Mr. Morgan.可也像个忧郁症患者Y ou also seem like a hypochondriac.我是真的头疼These headaches are real.我相信I have no doubt.你曾经还抱怨过Y ou've also complainedon several occasions你感染了塔那痘病毒(Tanapox virus 痘病毒科)that you were sufferingfrom tanapox virus.我发现皮肤上有典型的泡疹Because I noticed thecharacteristic papular lesions.它们非常容易破掉They're very tender.直径大约2厘米Approximately 2 centimeters in diameter. 你要知道塔那痘病毒是非洲靠近赤道附近的地方病Y ou realize the tanapox virusis endemic to equatorial Africa.-你去了那么多次旅途愉快吗?Y es. / Have you enjoyed your many visits to equatorial Africa?我从来没去过I've never been there.呃这样的话Ah. Then perhaps...你应该可以看出我们的麻烦所在了吧Mr.Morgan you can see the outlineof our problem, Mr. Morgan.可这不是我的错Look, it's not my fault.我去图书馆I go to the library,查资料and I read books.我想知道怎样才能好起来And I try to understandhow I might get better,可有时侯书里的内容反而让我更害怕了but sometimes, the books,they scare me even more他们总是能描述出那些连我自己都不知道已经得了的病because they describe diseasesI didn't even know I had.大概我是有忧郁症Maybe I am a hypochondriac.你怎么想?What do you take for that?Colson小姐我之前从来没有打过架Miss Colson, I have never beenin a fight before.这样我们要找一两个证人Okay, we need to be ableto call a witness or two谁能来证明你并不暴力who can speak to yournonviolent character.我妈妈可以Well, I told you, my mother.母亲有偏袒嫌疑最好不要Mothers tend to come off as biased.应该还有其他人的There's gotta be somebody else.朋友同事一定还有Friends, coworkers.There's gotta be somebody.可我在家住在家工作我几乎不出门的Well, I live at home, I work at home,I hardly ever go out.我妈妈是唯一能...My mother's the only one...但我要提前警告你but I gotta warn you,她的形象不是很好she doesn't make the best impression.什么意思?What do you mean?她有一个玻璃假眼Well, she's got a glass eye.尺寸不太合适所以她一激动...And it doesn't fit so good,and when she gets upset...如果你让她出庭作证if you put her on the stand,不要惹她发怒don't get her upset.我去吧台拿些喝的I went up to the barto get a few drinks,我转过身就看到唔and when I turned around,that's when I saw, uh,Jared和他在吵架Jared and him exchanging words.我看得出他们言词不善And I could tell it wasn't friendly.他?By him?就是被告The defendant.我开始往回走那里非常拥挤So I started heading back,and the place was really packed.我被堵住了So I was kinda blocked.那时看到Jared在推他That's when I saw Jared push him,然后Jared挥了一拳然后...and then Jared took a swing, and...就这样了That was it.什么样了?What was "it"?告诉我们你所看到的Tell us what you saw.被告就朝Jared喉咙猛击了一下The defendant, he just threwa punch right at Jared's throat,Jared就瘫倒在地了and Jared collapsed to the ground.我赶到那时When I got there,他呼吸很困难而且...he was hardly breathing, and...他嘴里不断发出倒抽气的声音he was making, like, a sucking noise. 最后他停止了呼吸And then he just stopped breathing.我试过人工呼吸And I tried to do mouth-to-mouth,有个说会CPR的人也尝试了可他... (CPR 心肺复苏术)and so did another guy whosaid he knew CPR, but he...他只是躺在那里死了He just died right there on the floor.好的Okay.Quinlan先生这很关键Now, Mr. Quinlan, this is important.尽可能的详细描述那一个猛击Describe the punch as best you can.很短促直接的击打我可以It was a short, direct punch,and I could....我可以从他握拳的姿势and I could tell by the wayhe was holding his hand和他出拳样子知道他会武术and how he threw the punchthat he knew martial arts.那是致命的一击It was a kill punch.-反对!-反对有效Objection! / Sustained.根据你的说法为什么你会认为那是致命的一击Why, in your lay opinion, sir,did you regard it as a kill punch?-反对-反对驳回Objection. / Overruled.他可以回答He can answer.攻击对方的喉咙会导致喉部的衰竭By hitting the throat,you can make it collapse,受击打者就会窒息and then the person suffocates.就像已经发生的那样Which is exactly what happened.谢谢Okay.你并没有看到争吵的开始Y ou didn't actually seethe altercation begin.你只是转过身看到他们正在说话Y ou turned around, andthey were having words.-是的-你听不到他们在说什么- That's right.- Y ou couldn't hear what was said?-是的-Mr.Quinlan 警察在现场做笔录时No. / Mr. Quinlan, when the police arrived and questioned you,你有否说过我委托人的那一拳did you tell them that you recognized my client's punch是武术里的一种拳法as a form of martial arts?没有我不肯定...No, I was probably...你有否对警方描述了那一拳就像你刚才对陪审团说的那样Did you demonstrate to themthe fist you just made for the jury?我当时太震惊了I was too shook up.事实上你从未提到过武术二字In fact, you made no mentionof martial arts直到这两个字被印上了报纸until after it was publishedin the newspapers.当我读到的时候这两个字提醒了我And when I read it, it clicked.它很恰当就像我所看到的那样It all made perfect sense,because that's what I saw.所以当你面对警方详细询的时候Y ou just forgot to mention it你只是忘记提到了那一拳when the police specificallyasked you what you saw.请问那晚你喝了多少啤酒?How many beers had you hadthat night, sir?-3瓶-Jared Grant喝了多少?Three. / How many beers hadJared Grant had?-3瓶-所以你承认没有听到他们的争吵Three. / So you admittedly couldn't hear the exchange,也承认没看到争执的开始you admittedly didn't seethe altercation begin,而且你还喝了酒and you'd been drinking.没有人能预计Edwin Poole的病Certainly no one could anticipateEdwin Poole's illness.这个病几周前就发作了This unanticipated illnessoccurred weeks ago.你们在庭审前一天才来找我Y ou come to me the day before the trial? 实际上这是我们的工作疏忽The simple truth is,this one fell through the cracks.起诉方的证人有些是从城外赶来的The plaintiff has witnessesfrom out of town.我们非常乐意补偿这些损失We'd be willing to assume those costs. 天啊多么自大的一群人Gee, what a swell bunch of guys.-法官阁下-哦不不不我最讨厌这样的Y our honor.../ oh, no, no, no,I'm sick of this.你们在用拖延策略Y our firm has employed a strategy systemic heel-dragging.-这不符职业道德-Edwin poole是唯一一个知道...It is immoral. / Edwin pooleis the only one who know...这是谁的错?Whose fault is that?你们自己玩忽职守Y ou people should be suedfor malpractice.Brian 你和我有交情Brian, you and I have a relationship.我把你当朋友I think of you as a friend.不过交情排在原则的后面抱歉Well, that friendship has gotta takea back seat to principle, I'm sorry. Brian 你知道考虑到我们的关系Well, you know, Brian,given our relationship,我觉得当友谊陷入困境时我应该坦诚相待I feel entitled to be honest the wayfriends are during difficult times.我能对你坦诚吗BrianCan I be honest with you, Brian?-请说-DennyPlease. Denny...你是个混蛋还是个贪婪的混蛋Y ou're a bastard,and a greedy one at that.这是件共同起诉案This is a class action.合并审判一下解决这么多案子让你大受赞赏Y ou get credit for all the consolidatedcases in one fell swoop.你正在谋求首席法官的位置Y ou're looking to makepresiding judge.所以年终你更需要建功立业Y ou need that creditby calendar year's end.所以你急切的要案子进行来装饰你的诉讼记录That's why you're desperate to movethis thing forward, to pad your docket.这是野心不是道德你是个贪婪的流着鼻涕的小人This is about ambition, not morality,you greedy, sniveling little wop.延期申请不通过Motion for continuance denied.你知道我要怎么做吗BrianY ou know what I'm gonna do, Brian,为了证明我俩没伤到和气just to show you thereare no hard feelings?我要和你的妻子上床I'm gonna sleep with your wife.我们建议要么你解雇我们It is our recommendation thatyou discharge us as counsel.向法官请求时间找新律师Ask the judge for timeto find new attorneys.或者明天照常继续The only alternative isproceeding tomorrow,我估计没人这样希望which I don't think we want to do. Edwin Poole从来没有告诉我们审理的日期Edwin Poole never evengave us this trial date.他说还没确定He told us it was continued indefinitely.所以我们建议你解雇我们Which is why we're suggestingthat you discharge us.法官必须给你时间找新律师He has got to give you timeto find new counsel.- Sally 这次必须你来- 我?- Y ou have to handle this, Sally.- Me?瞧我对玻璃眼球有心理障碍Look, I have this thingabout glass eyes.我有个老师也这样I once had a teacherwith a glass eye,有时候他一激动起来and sometimes when he'd get mad,就拿出来往桌子上拍he'd take it out andwhack it on his desk.简直是恶梦It gave me nightmares.嗨Hi, there.嘿Hey.她怎么了?What was that?没什么Nothing.看上去有人急切的渴望Someone just seemsa little overeager和Alan Shore旧情复燃to rekindle the flame with Alan Shore. 我们坚持7万美元The offer was firm at $70,000.是的可如果不那么坚持你们多提高1/4 我们就接受了Y es, we thought if you'd un-firm itto one and a quater, we could be done. 而你的委托人明天就不用上庭Y our client wouldn't haveto testify tomorrow,当然他就能更多的误诊其他人了which, of course, would freehim up to misdiagnose others.看来你还没明白Mr. Shore.Y ou don't seem to get it, Mr. Shore.给7万美元我们只是要摆脱无赖纠缠We offered $70,000as nuisance change.是的我们只是觉得Mr. MorganY es. We just feel Mr. Morgan要比你说的更令人无赖is a much bigger nuisancethan you give him credit for.而我更是无比的无赖我们应该可以为此再多拿点And I'm an enormous nuisance.We should get something for that.-我想吐-你会没事的- I feel nauseous.- Y ou'll be fine.敲门Knock on it.-你来-Sally!Y ou knock on it. / Sally!如果是我负责与她对话至少你来敲门If I'm doing the talking,the least you could do is...律师?Y ou, his lawyers?-嗨-嗨Hi. / Hi.我是Sally Heep 这位是I'm Sally Heep. This is...-Lori Colson-你好Lori Colson. Hello.嗯我们想问几个问题Binder夫人如果可以的话Uh, we just wanted to ask you a few questions, Mrs. Binder, if we could. 进来Come on in.他是个心地善良的好男孩He's a wonderful boywith a gentle heart.是的我们的问题是Y es, our problem is,你似乎是唯一一个了解他的人you seem to be the only personto truly know him.他觉得因为这个假眼我不会是个好证人He think I'll make a bad witnesson account of the eye.它是玻璃的看到了吗?It's glass, you see.近些看Look close.是的Y es.嗯Y eah.事情是这样的The thing is,检控方宣称the prosecution is obviously claiming Jason的心地并不善良that Jason's heart is not gentle.他和人有过纠纷吗?Has he ever been in trouble?他曾经被拘捕过吗?Has he ever been arrested?他替其他人惹过麻烦吗?Has he ever caused anyproblems for anybody?没有他是个好人我也是这么教他的No, he is a nice young man,and it's the way I raised him.这就是我们希望你说的That's exactly whatwe'll need you to say.也许我可以带你去买点衣服做个头发I'm also maybe gonna take you shopping, get your hair done.-形象越好…-Jared Grant 他该死- The more presentable...- He deserved to die, Jared Grant.为什么这么说?Why do you say that?他打了我的Jason.He beat up my Jason.不过他没有打得很厉害Well, he didn't exactly beat him up.-只是发生了口角-他痛打了他- There was an altercation.- He beat him up.那个男的是恶魔他该死The man is evil, andhe deserved to die!- 冷静下来- 我告诉你了他该死!- Let's calm down.- He deserved it, I tell you!Rayburn医生Dr. Rayburn,Mr. Morgan 由你来负责超过6个月了over the six months thatMr. Morgan was in your care,他来过你这多少次?how many visits did he maketo your practice?38次38.算多吗?Is that a lot?比其他病人多出四倍Four times as manyas any other patient.我们玩笑说他是办公室的吉祥物We joked he was the office mascot. 你说的出病状他就坚信自己得了那些病Y ou name the condition Mr. Morgan was convinced he had it.伤风感冒支气管炎Cold, flu, bronchitis,带状疱疹成人发作性糖尿病shingles, adult onset diabetes.我从来没说过糖尿病I never complained ofadult onset diabetes.那个的症状应该是口渴That's characterizedby excessive thirst.你觉得我今天喝了很多水?Does it seem to you likeI've been drinking a lot today?我确定你很好BillI'm sure you're fine, Bill.Mr. Morgan 认为你的疏忽导致了他今天的状况Mr. Morgan contends your neglect drove him to this state.实际上我已经尽量的容忍他了The truth is, I bent over backwards to accommodate him.他总要求立刻见我He always needed tobe seen immediately,无论我有多忙and busy as my practice is,我总是挤出时间I always made the time.我为你感到骄傲先生为你不知疲倦的对待我的委托人I applaud you, sir, for yourtireless commitment to my client.多好的人!What a guy!-反对-反对有效Objection. / Sustained.所以这38次都算在诊所头上?G So these 38 visits, on the house?什么?I'm sorry?它们都是免费的?They were free visits?不是No.哦~!Oh!所以你是收了钱的这就合理了So you charged him.That makes sense.所以当他抱怨浑身无力So with all his complaining,his incapacitation,痛苦的脸皱成一团that pinched look on his face,其实一点毛病没有there's nothing wrong with him.临床上没有而问题出在他脑袋里了Nothing clinically, no.It's in his head.只是普通的偏头痛对吗? Traditional home forthe migraine, is it not?是心身失调It's psychosomatic.他是个典型的抑郁症患者He's a classic hypochondriac.我明白了I see.所以还是有个诊断的Well, there's a diagnosis.那么告诉我你开出了什么处方Tell me, what treatment did you prescribe 医治我委托人的典型的抑郁症for my client's classic hypochondria?我是全科医生不是精神病学医师I'm a general practitioner,not a psychiatrist.所以你建议他出去找...So you referred him out to...谁?whom?没有特定的谁No one in particular.我告诉了他他需要帮助I did tell him he needed help.我甚至给了他一个从业者的名单I believe I even gave hima list of practitioners.所以当他仍然来看病So he kept coming to you,你只是继续收钱却不治疗you kept taking his money,you did not treat him,而且还建议他去看...and you referred him to...一个不确定的医生no one in particular.我是全科医生I'm a G.P.我告诉他要进行精神治疗I told him to seek mental treatment.我只是建议我不能强迫他I advised it. I can't force it.所以我们再总结一次他不停的来你不停的收钱Once again, he kept coming,you kept taking the money,然后建议他去看一个...and you referred him to...不确定的医生no one in particular.那么你要解雇你的律师?So you now want to fire your lawyers?是的法官阁下Y es, your honor.我们不知道审理什么时候开始We had no idea trial was about to start.足以说明他们有多不合格That's how incompetentthese people are.我估计你也没意识到And I suppose you had no idea你的公司正欺诈着老年人your company was bilking senior citizens? 当然阁下你也一定是开明的因为.. Certainly your honor intends to keepan open mind with regard to the...就这么决定了Here's the deal.我可以给你一天找律师24个小时I give you one day to findnew counsel, 24 hours.这以后我会对你们的拖延罚以每天25万美元After that, I'm fining you $250,000a day for any further delay.这看上去像公报私仇It almost seemed personal.你们做过什么招惹这家伙没?Have you done anythingto upset this guy?我不记得有过Not that I can think of.看撇开准备这事不谈Well, look, aside frompreparation concerns,我们有更大的问题了we got a bigger problem.这个法官他有偏见This judge, he's biased.所以我想建议This is what I propose we do.-我们起草一份和谈申请要求...-那是25万美元一天File an interlocutory appeal and ask... / At $250,000 a day.要求和谈我们就有路可走了While we're filing that appeal,we'll go forward.如果赢了我们就能搁置审判Should we win,we can suspend the trial.输了也不会被罚款Should we lose,we won't incur the fine.你的人能搞定这个吗?But are you people readyto try this case?我来I can try it.Denny CraneDenny Crane.有几个谈判都被搁置了There were some settlement discussions that broke down.如果Denny开局不错他们应该会回到谈判桌前If Denny can open big, thatmight bring them back to the table,这也是目前唯一的办法which may be the best wayto go at this point.是四年前在Brighton的一个公园It was four years agoat a park in Brighton.你遇到了被告Y ou met the defendant.这个不能算是遇到Well, I didn't exactly meet him.那是什么?Well, what then?我海扁了他一顿I beat the crap out of him.抱歉Excuse me.我已经改过自新了I was a different person then.好的Mr. Stone 请详细告诉我们那时发生了什么Okay, Mr. Stone, we need to be very specific about what happened back then. 当时他想跟我们一起打篮球Well, he tried to getinto a game of pickup hoops.我和一个兄弟就骂了他几句Me and another guy in the game we started dissing him a little.他回了嘴He said something back,我们就狠揍了他一顿and we beat him up pretty good.当然我并不引以为傲I'm not proud of it.你确定那是Jason Binder?And you're sure it was Jason Binder. 是的Y eah,看到报纸上的照片我记得他的脸when I saw his picture on the news, I remembered his face.绝对是他It was definitely him.那另一个打他的人呢?And what about the other guywho beat him up?Jared Grant 就是他杀的那个Jared Grant, the guy he killed.你骗了我Y ou lied to me.在打架前你就...Not only were you in a fight before... 这不代表什么it doesn't prove anything.他们有你杀人的动机了Jason Now they have a motive, Jason.被害人四年前打了你然后你就开始练习跆拳道The victim beats you up four years ago, you take up Taekwondo,这么巧你又遇到了他you just so happen to encounter him, 于是就杀了他at which point you kill him?不是你说的那样It wasn't like that.这就是为什么你妈妈会说他该死因为That's why your mom saidhe deserved to die, because...不是那样的It wasn't like that.我还能去辩护什么?What am I supposed to argue now? 坦白讲Jason 是为了报仇你才去酒吧的吗?Let's have it, Jason.Did you go to that bar to get revenge? 我是去让自己面对他I went there to stand up to him.你无法想象我受着怎样的煎熬被他们...Y ou have no ideahow haunted I was by...四年前我连手都没敢举起来过I didn't even put upmy hands four years ago.不是挨打在折磨我It wasn't getting beat upthat stuck with me.是我根本没...It was that I didn't even...我只是任由自己挨打I just let myself get beat up.所以你开始练习武术So you took up martial arts.然后我去了那里找他And I went there to stand up to him. 我没有想要打架I didn't plan to fight.更没想过杀他I certainly didn't go there to kill him. 当他一拳挥来我只是...Then when he swung at me,I just...反击了I swung back.我没有想杀他I never meant to kill him.我们多收了谁的钱?Who are we overbilling?医疗保险还是那些老人们? medicare or senior citizens?都有但医疗保险没有起诉我们Both, but medicare isn't suing us."我们"是指制药公司?"Us." Meaning the drug company.-是的-但如果是医院在滥收费Correct. / But if the hospitalsare doing the overcharging,那帮老年人干吗要告制药公司?why are the seniors suingthe drug company?Denny 我们已经讨论这个问题了Denny, we've been over this before.制药公司也就是我们的委托人跟医院有私下协议The drug company, our client, hasthe sweetheart deals with the hospitals. 我们给医院回扣医院则虚高药的成本价We give them rebates so they disguise the real cost of the drugs.向医疗保险开出高于原价的帐单相当于滥计成本They then bill medicare for the higher, allegedly inflated costs.真的这我们要怎么辩Really. What's our defense to that?-7万5千美元-你们只提高了5千块$75,000.Y ou've upped your offer by $5,000.已经相当慷慨了We feel it's generous,尤其是你的委托人没有实质性的伤害particularly when your client's injuries aren't real.- 那些病是真的- 好了Bill- They're real.- All right, Bill.你要知道Mr. Morgan我不是那种挑拨离间的律师Y ou know, Mr. Morgan, I don't typically counsel opposing parties,但我建议你起诉你的律师失职but I might advise a legal malpractice claim against the attorney就是那个灌输你百万发财梦的律师who filled your headwith million-dollar windfalls.你那里好像有点什么Y ou seem to have a little something wedged第4 第5之间between numbers four and five.估计本来就长在你嘴里I guess it's just part of your mouth.最后说一次能接受的...One last proposal that'sentirely possible...当然算不算玩笑取决于你的反应I'm kidding, by the way, depending upon your reaction,30万成交$300,000, sealed.私下我们退还你5万We kick back $50,000to you under the table.Mr. Shore 我向你保证我不是那种律师Mr. Shore, I guarantee you,I am not that kind of attorney.真的Really.上帝我是Gosh, I am.我要直接向律师协会举报你I should report you directly to the bar, 或者是向检查官if not the district attorney.如果你这么想那我就是在开玩笑Well, if that's how you feel,then I was kidding.我要去法官那了I'm going to the judge now.太棒了一场诉讼Excellent. New trial.你委托人的花费一定要超过7万5了That'll certainly cost your client much more than $75,000.你的提议不被接受Y our offer is rejected.万一他去法官那...Suppose he does, go to the judge.拜托他可不想弄个无效审判他觉得稳操胜券了Oh, please, he doesn't wanta mistrial. He thinks he's won.再说他没法证明我不是开玩笑Plus, he can't proveI wasn't kidding.我有名的搞笑I'm known to be funny.这是个连蚊子都不杀的孩子This is a child whowouldn't slap a mosquito.他只是挥走它们He would shoo it away.他甚至不能容忍自己去伤害一只苍蝇或是任何动物He couldn't bring himselfto harm a fly or any animal,更何况是人certainly not a human being.四年心怀怨恨你不认为他会爆发? Four years harboring a grudgedoesn't suggest a rage to you?他总被人欺负Mr. MartinHe was bullied by manypeople, Mr. Martin,-不仅仅是Jared Grant.-但他杀了Jared Grant.- not just Jared Grant.- But he killed Jared Grant.他只是被迫去打架He got into a fight,而结果是个不幸的悲剧which had a tragic ending.他从没意图去谋杀他也不能He never intended to kill,。
but not the state unless express statutory provision has abolished state immunity .
– 但国家不在此列,除非法律明文要求取消了
国家豁免权。 2024/2/18
Federal Tort claims Act( FTCA )
in limited form also children (however, parents only when they acted as the child’s agent or did not comply with their duty to supervise),
– 在有限情况下儿童亦然(不过,父母仅当其 作为该儿童代理人或未能按照其监护义务行 事时才负此责),
– /
Intentional tort Negligence or negligent tort Strict liability tort
Personal tort Property tort
Remedy -damages
There is no duty of care to the public at large.
人照看义法律务英语 小
Guest statutes 宾客法规
Some states exclude a duty of care by the driver of a motor vehicle –toward passengers whom he transports gratuitously. 汽车司机对于他无偿搭载乘客不负照看 责任。
Harvard Law School
They are our alumnus and we are pround of them!
The Master of White House
Willard Mitt Romney(威拉德· 米特· 罗姆尼,1947年3月12日-)第 70任马萨诸塞州州长。1975年获得哈佛大学法学院法学士(JD)学
Harvard Law School
● ● ● ● ● ●
There are still many others But time is over So I can't list them one by one
Harvard Law School
That's all
Made by Emer (2013-11-23)
Supreme Court justices 最高法院大法官
艾蕾娜· 卡根(Elena Kagan, 1960年4月28日-)
史蒂芬· 杰拉尔德· 布雷耶 (1938年8月15日-)
安东尼· 麦克莱德· 肯尼 迪(1936年7月23日-)
Supreme Court justices 最高法院大法官
安东宁· 格雷戈里· 斯卡利 亚(Antonin Gregory Scalia,1936年3月11日 -)
小约翰· 格洛佛· 罗伯茨 (John Glover Roberts, Jr.,1955年1月27日-)
小奥利弗· 温德尔· 霍姆斯 (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.)
Goldman Sachs(高盛)为跨国
前任达美航空(Delta Air Lines, Inc.) CEO Gerald Grinstein He received a JD from Harvard Law School in 1957.
2024年何家弘法律英语课件第三课精一、教学内容二、教学目标1. 了解美国宪法的基本架构和主要内容,提高学生的法律英语阅读理解能力。
2. 掌握合同法的基本原理,培养学生分析和解决实际法律问题的能力。
3. 提高学生的法律英语口语表达能力,使之能够运用所学知识进行简单的法律讨论。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、笔记本、文具。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一则实际案例,引发学生对法律英语的兴趣,进而导入本节课的学习内容。
2. 讲解:详细讲解美国宪法的基本架构和主要内容,引导学生关注合同法的基本原理。
3. 例题讲解:针对课程难点,选取典型例题进行讲解,帮助学生理解并掌握相关知识。
4. 随堂练习:设计相关练习题,让学生在课堂上即时巩固所学知识。
5. 小组讨论:分组讨论案例,培养学生的法律英语口语表达能力及团队合作精神。
六、板书设计1. 美国宪法概述基本架构主要内容2. 合同法基本原理核心概念要素违约责任七、作业设计1. 作业题目:1)美国宪法的基本架构是什么?2)合同法的核心概念有哪些?1)The Constitution of the United States providesthe framework for the American government.2)A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates legal obligations.2. 答案:1)美国宪法的基本架构包括三权分立、联邦制、权力制衡等。
二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握法律系统的基本概念、构成要素和主要功能。
2. 了解我国法律系统的运行机制,提高法律意识和法律素养。
3. 培养学生的法律逻辑思维和分析问题的能力。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、笔记本、文具。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个实际案例,引导学生思考法律在现实生活中的作用,引出法律系统的概念。
2. 新课内容:详细讲解法律系统的基本概念、构成要素、主要功能和运行机制。
3. 例题讲解:分析一个实际案例,让学生了解法律系统在实际运作中的具体应用。
4. 随堂练习:针对教学内容,设计一些选择题、简答题,检验学生对知识点的掌握。
六、板书设计1. 法律系统的基本概念2. 法律系统的构成要素法律体系法律制度法律规范3. 法律系统的功能维护秩序保障权利促进发展4. 法律系统的运行机制立法司法执法七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)简述法律系统的基本概念。
2. 答案:(1)法律系统是由法律体系、法律制度、法律规范等要素构成,以维护社会秩序、保障公民权利、促进社会发展为目标的系统。
卢国政教授的背景和经历 美国宪法在历史和现实中的重要性 课程的目的和目标 课程的结构和内容
掌握美国宪法的核心原则和价值观 理解美国宪法的发展历程和重要案例 掌握宪法在现实生活中的实际应用 培养学生的批判性思维和独立思考能力
宪法修正案的定 义和作用
美国宪法修正案 的历史沿革
宪法修正案的提 出和通过程序
宪法修正案的重 要案例和影响
宪法修正案的内 容和意义
宪法中关于公民 权利的条款及其 解释
宪法中关于政府 机构的条款及其 解释
宪法中关于司法 制度的条款及其 解释
案例分析:该案 凸显了美国宪法 对于总统选举争 议的解决机制, 即通过法律途径 和平解决选举争 议,保障了选举 结果的合法性和
案例意义:该案 对于美国宪法争 议解决机制的发 展和完善具有重 要的历史意义, 同时也为其他国 家提供了借鉴和
宪法具有最高法律效力,行政法 在适用过程中必须符合宪法规定, 不得违反宪法原则和精神。
宪法是国家的 根本大法,具 有最高的法律 效力,是民商 法的制定依据。
民商法是宪法 的具体应用, 规定了公民、 法人和其他组 织的权利和义 务,是宪法精 神的具体体现。
宪法与民商法 相互补充、相 互促进,共同 维护社会秩序 和公平正义。
案例一:美国宪法第二修 正案
案例二:美国宪法第十四 修正案
Juli 2009DEUTSCHE NORMNormenausschuss Mechanische Verbindungselemente (FMV) im DINNormenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) im DINPreisgruppe 12DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. · Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 21.060.01!$RGX"1473653www.din.de DDIN EN 14399-10Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau –Teil 10: System HRC –Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern mit kalibrierter Vorspannung;Deutsche Fassung EN 14399-10:2009High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading –Part 10: System HRC –Bolt and nut assemblies with calibrated preload;German version EN 14399-10:2009Boulonnerie de construction métallique à haute résistance apte à la précontrainte –Partie 10: Système HRC –Boulons (vis + écrou + rondelle) à précontrainte calibrée;Version allemande EN 14399-10:2009©Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlinwww.beuth.deGesamtumfang 24 SeitenR o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;DIN EN 14399-10:2009-072Nationales VorwortDiese Europäische Norm wurde vom CEN/TC 185 …Mechanische Verbindungselemente“ erarbeitet.Das zuständige deutsche Normungsgremium ist der Arbeitsausschuss NA 067-03-04 AA …Schrauben-verbindungen für den Stahlbau“ im Normenausschuss Mechanische Verbindungselemente (FMV).Für die im Abschnitt 2 zitierten Internationalen Normen wird im Folgenden auf die entsprechenden Deutschen Normen hingewiesen: ISO 261 siehe DIN ISO 261 ISO 965-2 siehe DIN ISO 965-2 ISO 965-5 siehe DIN ISO 965-5Nationaler Anhang NA(informativ)LiteraturhinweiseDIN ISO 261, Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung — ÜbersichtDIN ISO 272, Mechanische Verbindungselemente — Schlüsselweiten für Sechskantschrauben und -muttern DIN ISO 965-2, Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung — Toleranzen — Teil 2: Grenzmaße für Außen- und Innengewinde allgemeiner Anwendung — Toleranzklasse mittelDIN ISO 965-5, Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung — Toleranzen — Teil 5: Grenzmaße für Innengewinde, passend für feuerverzinkte Außengewinde mit Höchstmaßen der Toleranzfeldlage h vor Aufbringung des ÜberzugesR o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EUROPÄISCHE NORM EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNEEN 14399-10März 2009ICS 21.060.01Deutsche FassungHochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen fürden Metallbau — Teil 10: System HRC —Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern mit kalibrierterVorspannungHigh-strength structural bolting assembliesfor preloading — Part 10: System HRC —Bolt and nut assemblies with calibrated preloadBoulonnerie de construction métallique à haute résistanceapte à la précontrainte — Partie 10: Système HRC —Boulons (vis + écrou + rondelle) à précontrainte calibréeDiese Europäische Norm wurde vom CEN am 24. Januar 2009 angenommen.Die CEN-Mitglieder sind gehalten, die CEN/CENELEC-Geschäftsordnung zu erfüllen, in der die Bedingungen festgelegt sind, unter denen dieser Europäischen Norm ohne jede Änderung der Status einer nationalen Norm zu geben ist. Auf dem letzten Stand befindliche Listen dieser nationalen Normen mit ihren bibliographischen Angaben sind beim Management-Zentrum des CEN oder bei jedem CEN-Mitglied auf Anfrage erhältlich.Diese Europäische Norm besteht in drei offiziellen Fassungen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch). Eine Fassung in einer anderen Sprache,die von einem CEN-Mitglied in eigener Verantwortung durch Übersetzung in seine Landessprache gemacht und dem Management-Zentrum mitgeteilt worden ist, hat den gleichen Status wie die offiziellen Fassungen.CEN-Mitglieder sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute von Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal,Rumänien, Schweden, der Schweiz, der Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, dem Vereinigten Königreich und Zypern.E U R O P ÄI S C H E S K O M I T E EF ÜR N O R M U NG EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION C O M I T É E U R O P ÉE N D E N O R M A L I S A T I O NManagement-Zentrum: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brüssel© 2009 CENAlle Rechte der Verwertung, gleich in welcher Form und in welchemVerfahren, sind weltweit den nationalen Mitgliedern von CEN vorbehalten.Ref. Nr. EN 14399-10:2009 DR o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)2InhaltSeiteVorwort ................................................................................................................................................................3 Einleitung.............................................................................................................................................................4 1 Anwendungsbereich .............................................................................................................................5 2 Normative Verweisungen......................................................................................................................5 3 Begriffe ...................................................................................................................................................6 4 Schrauben..............................................................................................................................................7 4.1 Maße der Schrauben .............................................................................................................................7 4.2 Technische Lieferbedingungen für Schrauben und Bezugsnormen............................................12 4.3 Kennzeichnung von Schrauben........................................................................................................13 5 Muttern.................................................................................................................................................14 5.1 Maße von Muttern...............................................................................................................................14 5.2 Technische Lieferbedingungen für Muttern und Bezugsnormen..................................................16 5.3 Prüfkräfte für Muttern.........................................................................................................................17 5.4 Abkohlung des Mutterngewindes.....................................................................................................17 5.5 Kennzeichnung der Muttern..............................................................................................................17 6 Bezeichnung der Garnitur aus Schraube und Mutter.....................................................................18 7 Zugehörige Scheiben.........................................................................................................................18 8 Gebrauchseigenschaften der Garnitur aus Schraube, Mutter und Scheibe ................................19 8.1 Allgemeines.........................................................................................................................................19 8.2 Prüfung der Eignung zum Vorspannen............................................................................................19 8.3 Prüfung der Eignung für die kalibrierte Vorspannung...................................................................20 8.4Anforderungen (20)Literaturhinweise.............................................................................................................................................22 BilderBild 1 — HRC-Schraube mit Sechskantkopf....................................................................................................7 Bild 2 — HRC-Schraube mit Halbrundkopf......................................................................................................8 Bild 3 — Beispiele der Schraubenkennzeichnung.......................................................................................13 Bild 4 — Maße der Mutter................................................................................................................................14 Bild 5 — Beispiele für die Kennzeichnung von Muttern (18)TabellenTabelle 1 — Maße von Sechskantschrauben a .................................................................................................9 Tabelle 2 — Maße von Halbrundschrauben a b ...............................................................................................11 Tabelle 3 — Maße des Abscherendes a ..........................................................................................................11 Tabelle 4 — Technische Lieferbedingungen für Schrauben und Bezugsnormen....................................12 Tabelle 5 — Maße von Muttern nach EN 14399-3 (HR)a ...............................................................................15 Tabelle 6 — Maße von Muttern mit einer Höhe m = 1d (HRD)a ....................................................................15 Tabelle 7 — Technische Lieferbedingungen für Muttern und Bezugsnormen .........................................16 Tabelle 8 — Prüfkräfte für Muttern.................................................................................................................17 Tabelle 9 — Grenzwerte der Schraubenkraft beim Wegbrechen des Abscherendes. (21)DIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)3VorwortDieses Dokument (EN 14399-10:2009) wurde vom Technischen Komitee CEN/TC 185 …Mechanische Verbindungselemente“ erarbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom DIN gehalten wird.Diese Europäische Norm muss den Status einer nationalen Norm erhalten, entweder durch Veröffentlichung eines identischen Textes oder durch Anerkennung bis September 2009, und etwaige entgegenstehende nationale Normen müssen bis September 2011 zurückgezogen werden.Es wird auf die Möglichkeit hingewiesen, dass einige Texte dieses Dokuments Patentrechte berühren können. CEN sind nicht dafür verantwortlich, einige oder alle diesbezüglichen Patentrechte zu identifizieren.EN 14399 besteht aus den folgenden Teilen mit dem allgemeinen Titel Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau : ⎯ Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen⎯ Teil 2: Prüfung der Eignung zum Vorspannen⎯ Teil 3: System HR — Garnituren aus Sechskantschrauben und -muttern ⎯ Teil 4: System HV — Garnituren aus Sechskantschrauben und -muttern ⎯ Teil 5: Flache Scheiben⎯ Teil 6: Flache Scheiben mit Fase⎯ Teil 7: System HR — Garnituren aus Senkschrauben und Muttern⎯ Teil 8: System HV — Garnituren aus Sechskant-Passschrauben und Muttern⎯ Teil 9: System HR oder HV — Direkte Kraftanzeiger für Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern ⎯ Teil 10: System HRC — Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern mit kalibrierter VorspannungEntsprechend der CEN/CENELEC-Geschäftsordnung sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute der folgenden Länder gehalten, diese Europäische Norm zu übernehmen: Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich und Zypern.DIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)4EinleitungDer vorliegende Teil dieser Europäischen Norm vervollständigt die Europäische Normenreihe EN 14399, Teile 1 bis 10, in denen hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau festgelegt werden; dieser Teil gehört zum System HR. Die Besonderheit der Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern mit kalibrierter Vorspannung gegenüber dem System HR nach EN 14399-3 besteht in der Vor-spannung in der Schraube, die beim Anziehen durch das Wegbrechen des Abscherendes der Schraube unter Torsionsspannung kontrolliert wird, wobei dieser Bruch bei einer genau vorherbestimmten Spannung auftritt. Vorgespannte Schraubenverbindungen reagieren sehr empfindlich auf Unterschiede in der Herstellung und Schmierung. Es ist deshalb wichtig, dass die Garnitur von einem einzigen Hersteller geliefert wird, der stets für die Funktion der Garnitur verantwortlich ist.Aus dem gleichen Grund ist es wichtig, dass das Aufbringen der Überzüge auf die Garnitur unter der Aufsicht des Herstellers erfolgt.Die Funktionsfähigkeit der Garnitur erfordert, dass neben den mechanischen Eigenschaften der Komponenten auch die festgelegte Vorspannung erreicht wird, wenn das Wegbrechen des Abscherendes der Schraube an der Sollbruchstelle unter der vorherbestimmten Torsionsspannung auftritt, sofern die Garnitur nach einem geeigneten Verfahren angezogen wird. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Prüfverfahren für die Eignung der Komponenten zum Vorspannen entwickelt, das zeigt, ob die Garnitur ihre Funktion erfüllt.Es sollte darauf hingewiesen werden, dass im Vergleich zur ISO 272 die Schlüsselweiten (große Reihe) für M12 und M20 auf 22 mm bzw. 32 mm geändert wurden. Diese Änderungen sind aus folgenden Gründen zulässig:⎯ unter den besonderen Bedingungen, denen Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau unterliegen,können die Druckspannungen unter dem Schraubenkopf oder der Mutter bei den Größen M12 mit der Schlüsselweite von 21 mm zu groß werden, insbesondere bei einer außermittigen Lage der Scheibe zur Schraubenachse; ⎯ die Herstellung der Schlüsselweite 34 mm ist für die Größe M20 äußerst schwierig; die Änderung auf32 mm ergibt sich in erster Linie aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen, es sollte jedoch auch beachtet werden, dass die Schlüsselweite 32 mm in Europa bereits allgemein üblich ist.DIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)51 AnwendungsbereichDer vorliegende Teil dieser Europäischen Norm legt gemeinsam mit EN 14399-1 die Anforderungen an Garnituren aus hochfesten Schrauben und Muttern für den Metallbau des Systems HRC mit den Gewinde-größen M12 bis M30 und der Festigkeitsklasse 10.9/10 fest, die für vorgespannte Verbindungen mit Sechs-kantkopf (große Schlüsselweiten) oder Halbrundkopf geeignet sind.Die Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern, die dem vorliegenden Teil dieser Europäischen Norm ent-sprechen, wurden so gestaltet, dass sie ein Vorspannen auf mindestens 0,7 f ub × A s 1) in Übereinstimmung mit EN 1993-1-8:2005 (Eurocode 3) zulassen und dass sie ihr Verformungsvermögen vorwiegend durch plastische Verlängerung der Schraube erreichen. Aus diesem Grund weisen die Komponenten die folgenden Eigenschaften auf:⎯ Mutter nach EN 14399-3 oder ⎯ Mutter mit der Höhe m = 1d ,⎯ Gewindelänge der Schraube nach ISO 888.Garnituren aus Schrauben und Muttern, die dem vorliegenden Teil dieser Europäischen Norm entsprechen, enthalten (eine) Scheibe(n) nach EN 14399-6 oder EN 14399-5 (nur unter der Mutter).ANMERKUNG Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass ein zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis nur dann erzielt wird, wenn sicher-gestellt ist, dass die Schrauben sachgerecht eingesetzt werden. Für Empfehlungen zur ordnungsgemäßen Anwendung siehe Anhang A.Das Prüfverfahren für die Eignung zum Vorspannen ist in EN 14399-2 festgelegt und wird durch Abschnitt 5 ergänzt.2 Normative VerweisungenDie folgenden zitierten Dokumente sind für die Anwendung dieses Dokuments erforderlich. Bei datierten Verweisungen gilt nur die in Bezug genommene Ausgabe. Bei undatierten Verweisungen gilt die letzte Ausgabe des in Bezug genommenen Dokuments (einschließlich aller Änderungen).EN 10045-1, Metallische Werkstoffe — Kerbschlagbiegeversuch nach Charpy — Teil 1: PrüfverfahrenEN 14399-1, Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau — Teil 1: Allgemeine AnforderungenEN 14399-2:2005, Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau — Teil 2: Prüfung der Eignung zum VorspannenEN 14399-3:2005, Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau — Teil 3: System HR — Garnituren aus Sechskantschrauben und -mutternEN 14399-5, Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau — Teil 5: Flache ScheibenEN 14399-6, Hochfeste planmäßig vorspannbare Schraubenverbindungen für den Metallbau — Teil 6: Flache Scheiben mit Fase1) f ub ist die Nennzugfestigkeit (R m ) und A s der Nennspannungsquerschnitt der Schraube.DIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)6EN 20898-2, Mechanische Eigenschaften von Verbindungselementen — Teil 2: Muttern mit festgelegten Prüfkräften — Regelgewinde (ISO 898-2:1992)EN 26157-1, Verbindungselemente — Oberflächenfehler — Teil 1: Schrauben für allgemeine Anforderungen (ISO 6157-1:1988)EN ISO 898-1, Mechanische Eigenschaften von Verbindungselementen aus Kohlenstoffstahl und legiertem Stahl — Teil 1: Schrauben (ISO 898-1:1999)EN ISO 3269, Mechanische Verbindungselemente — Annahmeprüfung (ISO 3269:2000)EN ISO 4759-1, Toleranzen für Verbindungselemente — Teil 1: Schrauben und Muttern — Produktklassen A, B und C (ISO 4759-1:2000)EN ISO 6157-2, Verbindungselemente — Oberflächenfehler — Teil 2: Muttern (ISO 6157-2:1995) EN ISO 10684, Verbindungselemente — Feuerverzinkung (ISO 10684:2004) ISO 148-1, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method ISO 261, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General planISO 965-2, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium qualityISO 965-5, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 5: Limits of sizes for internal screw threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external screw threads with maximum size of tolerance position h before galvanizing3 BegriffeFür die Anwendung dieses Dokuments gilt der folgende Begriff.3.1Abscherschrauberelektrisches oder manuelles Werkzeug, das mit zwei koaxialen Einsätzen ausgestattet ist, die durch ihre Drehmomente gegenläufig zueinander wirken:⎯ der äußere Einsatz zur Aufnahme der Mutter dreht sich im Uhrzeigersinn;⎯ der innere Einsatz zur Aufnahme des Abscherendes der Schraube (d. h. Zwölfkant) dreht sich entgegendem UhrzeigersinnANMERKUNGDer Abscherschrauber funktioniert wie folgt:⎯ während des Anziehvorgangs einer Verbindung befindet sich derjenige Einsatz in Drehbewegung, der den geringstenWiderstand gegen diese Bewegung bietet; ⎯ von Anfang an und bis zur abschließenden Anziehstufe dreht sich der äußere Einsatz auf der Mutter im Uhrzeiger-sinn, während der innere Einsatz das Abscherende hält, ohne sich zu drehen, wodurch die Schraubengarnitur mit zunehmendem Anziehdrehmoment auf die Mutter schrittweise angezogen wird; ⎯ auf der abschließenden Anziehstufe, d. h. wenn das Torsionsfestigkeitsplateau der Sollbruchstelle erreicht ist, drehtsich der innere Einsatz entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn, während der äußere Einsatz auf der Mutter ohne Dreh-bewegung reagiert; ⎯ der Einbau der Schraubengarnitur ist abgeschlossen, wenn das Abscherende an der Sollbruchstelle abschert.DIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)74 Schrauben4.1 Maße der SchraubenSiehe Bilder 1 und 2. Die Maße der Schrauben entsprechen den zutreffenden, in EN 14399-3:2005festgelegten Maßen, siehe Tabellen 1 und 2. Maß für das Abscherende sind in Tabelle 3 festgelegt.Legendea unvollständiges Gewinde u ≤ 2P b15° bis 30°ANMERKUNGDie Differenz zwischen l g und l s sollte nicht weniger als 1,5P betragen.Bild 1 — HRC-Schraube mit SechskantkopfDIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;EN 14399-10:2009 (D)8Legendea unvollständiges Gewinde u ≤ 2PANMERKUNGDie Differenz zwischen l g und l s sollte nicht weniger als 1,5P betragen.Bild 2 — HRC-Schraube mit HalbrundkopfDIN EN 14399-10:2009-07R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;9Tabelle 1 — Maße von Sechskantschrauben aMaße in MillimeterGewinde d M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30P b1,75 2 2,5 2,5 3 3 3,5c30 38 46 50 54 60 66 d — 44 52 56 60 66 72 b (Hilfsmaß)e— — 65 69 73 79 85max. 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 c min. 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 d a max. 15,2 19,2 24,4 26,4 28,4 32,4 35,4 max. 12,70 16,70 20,84 22,84 24,84 27,84 30,84 d s min. 11,30 15,30 19,16 21,16 23,16 26,16 29,16max.fd w min. 20,1 24,9 29,5 33,3 38,0 42,8 46,6 emin. 23,9129,56 35,03 39,55 45,20 50,85 55,37nom. 7,5 10 12,5 14 15 17 18,7max. 7,95 10,75 13,40 14,90 15,90 17,90 19,75 kmin. 7,059,25 11,60 13,10 14,10 16,10 17,65k w min. 4,9 6,5 8,1 9,2 9,9 11,3 12,4 r min. 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,5 1,5 2,0 2,0 max. 22 27 32 36 41 46 50 smin. 21,16 26,16 31 35 40 45 49R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;10Tabelle 1 (fortgesetzt)Maße in MillimeterGewinde dM12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30ll s und l g g h nom. max. min. l smin. l gmax. l smin. l gmax.l smin.l gmax.l smin.l gmax.l smin.l gmax.l smin. l gmax. l smin. l gmax.40 41,25 38,75 6 11,25 8 14 50 51,25 48,75 11,25 20 8 14 10 17,5 11 18,560 61,5 58,5 21,25 30 12 22 10 17,5 11 18,5 122113,5 22,570 71,5 68,5 31,25 40 22 32 11,5 24 11 18,5 122113,5 22,5 15 25,580 81,5 78,5 41,25 50 32 42 21,5 34 17,5 30122113,5 22,5 1525,590 91,75 88,25 51,25 60 42 52 31,5 44 27,5 40 213615 30 15 25,5100 101,75 98,25 61,25 70 52 62 41,5 54 37,5 50 314625 40 16,5 34 110 111,75 108,25 6272 51,5 64 47,5 60415635 50 26,5 44 120 121,75 118,25 72 82 61,5 74 57,5 70 516645 60 36,5 54 130 132 128 76 86 65,5 78 61,5 74 557049 64 40,5 58 140 142 138 86 96 75,5 88 71,5 84 658059 74 50,5 68 150 152 148 96 106 85,5 98 81,5 94 759069 84 60,5 78 160 164 156 8510079 9470,5 88170 174 166 9511089 104 80,5 98 180 184 176 ******** 114 90,5 108 190 194 186 115130109 124 100,5 118 200 204196125140119 134 110,5 128ANMERKUNG Die handelsüblichen Längen sind in Form der Längen l s min . and l g max. definiert.a Die Maße für feuerverzinkte Schrauben gelten vor dem Verzinken.b P ist die Steigung des Gewindes.c Für Längen l nom. ≤ 125 mm.d Für Längen 125 mm < l nom. ≤ 200 mm.e Für Längen l nom. > 200 mm.f d w max. = s actualg l g max. = l nom. – b , l s min. = l g max. – 5PhSofern l s min. bei der Berechnung mit der Gleichung unter g kleiner als 0,5d ist, gilt der Wert 0,5d und l g max. = l s min + 3 P . Diese Werte sind oberhalb der Stufenlinie angegeben.ANMERKUNG Die Maße der Sollbruchstelle der Schraube sind aus folgenden Gründen nicht festgelegt: Maße undToleranzen der Sollbruchstelle werden durch den Schraubenhersteller entsprechend dem Werkstoff, dem Herstellprozess und der Schmierung definiert. Die genauen Maße und Toleranzen der Sollbruchstelle stellen sicher, dass die festgelegte Vorspannung erreicht wird, wenn das Wegbrechen des Abscherendes der Schraube unter Torsionsspannung auftritt.R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;11Tabelle 2 — Maße von Halbrundschrauben a bMaße in MillimeterGewinde d M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30d k min. 21 27 34 38,5 43 48 52 d wmin. 20 26333741 46 50nom. 8 10 13 14 15 17 19max. 8,8 10,8 13,9 14,9 15,9 17,9 20,0 kmin. 7,2 9,2 12,1 13,1 14,1 16,1 18,0Rnom. 18 20 22 23 25 27 30a Die Maße für feuerverzinkte Schrauben gelten vor dem Verzinken. bFür alle weiteren Maße siehe Tabelle 1.Tabelle 3 — Maße des Abscherendes aMaße in MillimeterGewinde dM12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30nom. 7,7 11,3 14,1 15,4 16,8 19,0 21,1 max. 8,0 11,6 14,4 15,7 17,1 19,3 21,4 Schlüsselweite desAbscherendes, s b a min. 7,4 11,0 13,8 15,1 16,5 18,7 20,8 Eckenmaß des Abscherendes, e b bmin. 8,36 12,43 15,60 17,06 18,65 21,13 23,50 Länge des Abscherendes, F 1 min. 11,0 13,0 15,0 15,5 16,0 19,0 21,0 Bruchlänge, F 2max. 16,0 18,0 20,0 21,0 21,5 24,0 26,0a Die Maße für feuerverzinkte Schrauben gelten vor dem Verzinken, mit der Ausnahme von sb max., das nach dem Verzinken gilt. b eb min. = 1,13 s b min.R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;124.2 Technische Lieferbedingungen für Schrauben und BezugsnormenDie Technischen Lieferbedingungen für Schrauben und Bezugsnormen sind in Tabelle 4 angegeben.Tabelle 4 — Technische Lieferbedingungen für Schrauben und BezugsnormenWerkstoffStahl Allgemeine Anforderungen EN 14399-1Toleranz 6g aGewindeNormenISO 261, ISO 965-2Festigkeitsklasse 10.9 Mechanische EigenschaftenNorm EN ISO 898-1 WertK V, min = 27 J bei –20 °CProbe bISO 148-1KerbschlagarbeitPrüfung EN 10045-1Produktklasse C, außer: Maße c und r .Abmaß für Längen ≥ 150 mm: ± 4,0 mmGrenzabmaße, Form- undLagetoleranzenNorm EN ISO 4759-1 normal wie hergestellt d feuerverzinkt EN ISO 10684 weiterezu vereinbaren eOberflächenausführung czusätzlicherKorrosionsschutzNach dem Anziehen darf die am Ende derSchraube erscheinende Fläche ohne Überzug, die sich durch das Wegbrechen des Abscherendes ergibt, durch eine wirksame Schutzbehandlung gegen Korrosion geschützt werden (z. B. durch einen zusätzlichen Zinkstaub-Grundbeschich-tungsstoff).OberflächenfehlerGrenzwerte für Oberflächenfehler werden in EN 26157-1 behandelt.AnnahmeprüfungFür das Annahmeverfahren siehe EN ISO 3269.aDie festgelegte Toleranzklasse gilt vor dem Feuerverzinken. Feuerverzinkte Schrauben sind für die Montage mit Muttern gedacht, deren Gewinde mit Übermaß geschnitten ist.b Die Lage der Charpy-V-Referenzproben im Schraubenschaft muss den Festlegungen in EN ISO 898-1 entsprechen.cEs wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es für Schrauben der Festigkeitsklasse 10.9 erforderlich ist, das Risiko der Wasserstoffver-sprödung bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Oberflächenbehandlungsprozesses (z. B. Reinigen und Aufbringen von Überzügen) zu beachten; siehe die betreffenden Normen für Oberflächenüberzüge.d …Wie hergestellt“ entspricht dem üblichen Zustand der Oberfläche mit einem leichten Ölfilm, der sich aus der Herstellung ergibt. eAndere Überzüge dürfen zwischen dem Kunden und dem Hersteller vereinbart werden, vorausgesetzt, dass sie die mecha-nischen Eigenschaften und die Gebrauchseigenschaften nicht beeinträchtigen. Überzüge aus Cadmium oder Cadmium-legierungen sind nicht zulässig.R o b e r t B o s c h G m b H ;;。
Constitution of the United States美国宪法中英文对照版PreambleWe, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.序言我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们后代能安享自由带来的幸福,乃为美利坚合众国制定和确立这一部宪法。
Article ISection 1 - Legislative powers; in whom vestedAll legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.第一条第一款本宪法所规定的立法权,全属合众国的国会,国会由一个参议院和一个众议院组成。
Section 2 - House of Representatives, how and by whom chosen Qualifications of a Representative. Representatives and direct taxes, how apportioned. Enumeration. Vacancies to be filled. Power of choosing officers, and of impeachment.1. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the elector in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.众议院应由各州人民每两年选举一次之议员组成,各州选举人应具有该州州议会中人数最多之一院的选举人所需之资格。
BackBeat SENSE 耳机说明书
BackBeat SENSE User GuideContentsOverview3Headset overview3What's in the box4Pair5Get Paired5Pair second device5Pair to Mac5Charge and fit6Charge6Adjust the fit6The basics7Play/pause music7Volume7Track selection7Activate voice assistant7Open mic7Make/Take/End Calls7Mute 7Flexible power7More Features8Use sensors8Enable HD voice8Customize8Support9Volume up/down Track forwardPlay/pause music Track backwardMute/unmute; Open micCharge portHeadset LEDs[ ]Call buttonPower switchBluetooth pair button OverviewHeadset overviewHeadphonesCarrying caseCharging cable 3.5mm Apple cable What's in the box12Activate Bluetooth ® on your phone and set it to search for new devices.•iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > On*•Android Settings > Bluetooth: On > Scan for devices*NOTE *Menus may vary by device.3Select “PLT_BBTSENSE.”If necessary, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept the connection.Once successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful” and the LEDs stop flashing.12If your Mac is Bluetooth enabled, you can pair your headset to it.1Place your headset in pair mode (slide and hold the power button towards the Bluetooth icon). You will hear "pairing" and the LEDs will flash red and blue.2On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences > Bluetooth .3Click Set Up New Device or "+", select "PLT_BBTSENSE Stereo" and follow the onscreen instructions.PairGet PairedPair second devicePair to Mac=====To check the headphones battery status, tap the Call button [ ] while wearing your headphones.Headphones must be in idle state.Your headphones have up to 18 hours of listening time.Adjust the headphones for a comfortable fit.Lengthen or shorten the band until it fits comfortably.Charge and fitChargeAdjust the fitTap the Play/pause button.NOTE Set Android phone volume to medium/high for optimum sound quality.Tap the Forward button or Backbutton to control the track selection.If your smartphone has a voice-enabled assistant, press and hold the Call [ ] button for 2 seconds and wait for the phone prompt.Tap the red button to hear your natural surroundings (your music/audio will pause).You will hear an incoming call alert while listening to audio. When you take the call, your stored audio (downloaded tunes, video or podcasts) will pause. If you are listening to live streaming audio then it will mute, not pause, during your call. Once you end your call, your playback or streaming will resume.Answer a call Choose:•Put on the headset to answer call, or •Tap the Call button [ ]End a callTap the Call button [ ] to end current call.Decline a callPress and hold the Call [ ] button for 2 seconds.Call back last call (smartphone)To dial your last number you dialed, double-tap the Call [ ] button.During a call, press the red button. You hear "mute on/off." While muted, taking off the headphones transfers the call to your phone.When the battery is exhausted use your headphones with the provided 3.5 mm Apple e the cable to:•Adjust the volume with the (+) and (–) buttons*•Play/pause music or answer/end a call with the button = single tap •Track forward with the button = double tap*•Track backward with the •Activate smartphone voice-enabled assistant with the button = 3 second pressNOTE *Function may vary by type of phone.The basicsPlay/pause musicVolume Track selectionActivate voice assistantOpen micMake/Take/End CallsMuteFlexible powerSmart sensors respond when you put on or take off your headphones.Putting on your headphones will:•Resume music •Answer a callTaking off your headphones will:•Pause music (while music is playing)•Transfer active call to phone •Set timer for DeepSleepTIP To disable the sensors, hold both the Mute and Call [ ] buttons for more than 6 seconds untilthe LED flashes purple then red. Repeat to reactivate; the LED flashes purple then blue.Reset SensorsYou may need to reset the sensors if they are not working as expected.To reset the headset sensors, connect it directly to your computer's USB port, and place it, with the ear cups up, on a flat, non-metallic surface for more than 10 seconds.Disable sensorsTo disable the sensors, hold both the Mute and Call [ ] buttons for more than 6 seconds until the LED flashes purple then red. Repeat to reactivate; the LED flashes purple then blue.To enable HD voice (wideband), hold both the red button and Play/pause buttons for more than 6 seconds until the LEDs flash purple then blue. Repeat to disable; the LEDs flash purple then red.NOTE HD voice functions properly when both devices support it.You can change the language and other settings by downloading Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac at /software . You can also download the free mobile apps Plantronics Hub for iOS and Android.Plantronics Hub enables you to:•Change language (Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac only)•Receive firmware updates (Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac only)•Turn "mute off" voice alert on/off •Turn smart sensors on/offMore FeaturesUse sensors Enable HD voiceCustomizeENTel: 0800 410014FITel: 0800 117095NOTel: 80011336ARTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*FRTel: 0800 945770PLTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*CSTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*GATel: 1800 551 896PTTel: 0800 84 45 17DATel: 80 88 46 10HETel: +44 (0)1793 842443*ROTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*DEDeutschland 0800 9323 400Österreich 0800 242 500 Schweiz 0800 932 340HUTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*RUTel: 8-800-100-64-14Tel: +44 (0)1793 842443*ELTel: +44 (0)1793 842443*ITTel: 800 950934SVTel: 0200 21 46 81ESTel: 900 803 666NLNL 0800 7526876BE 0800 39202LUX 800 24870TRTel: +44 (0)1793 842443**Support in EnglishFor warranty details, go to /warranty. SupportNEED MORE HELP?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States South Point Building C Scorpius 1402132 LR Hoofddorp, Netherlands© 2015 Plantronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Plantronics is under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Patents pending.205086-06 (09.15)。
高中英语外研版 选修2(英译汉)
课本模块英文 音标默写选修211316integrity /ɪnˈtegrəti/选修211317virtue /ˈvɜ:tʃu:/选修211318licence /ˈlaɪsns/选修211319loan /ləʊn/选修211320adulthood /ˈædʌlthʊd/选修211321milestone /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/选修211322election /ɪˈlekʃn/选修211323wage /weɪdʒ/选修211324tax /tæks/选修211325have a say /həv ə seɪ/选修211326behind the wheel /bɪˈhaɪnd ðə wi:l/选修211327ambulanc e /ˈæmbjələns/选修211328legal /ˈli:gl/选修211329mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/选修211330instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/选修211331childhood /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/选修211332obey /əˈbeɪ/选修211333subtle /ˈsʌtl/选修211334gradual /ˈgrædʒuəl/选修211335selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/选修211336organ donation /ˈɔ:gən dəʊˈneɪʃn/选修211337approve /əˈpru:v/选修211338steady /ˈstedi/选修211339tempt /tempt/选修211340librarian /laɪˈbreəriən/选修211341househol d /ˈhaʊshəʊld/选修211342commute /kəˈmju:t/选修211343deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/选修211344commitm ent /kəˈmɪtmənt/选修211345suitable /ˈsu:təbl/选修211346minimum /ˈmɪnɪməm/选修211347bitterswe et /ˈbɪtəswiːt/选修211348boarder /ˈbɔ:də(r)/选修211349varied /ˈveərid/选修211350cherish /ˈtʃerɪʃ/选修211351routine /ru:ˈti:n/选修211352primeval /praɪ'mi:vl/选修211353boa constricto r 外研社2019版 选修2(英译汉)选修211354swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/选修211355prey /preɪ/选修211356chew /tʃu:/选修211357digestion /daɪˈdʒestʃən/选修211358ponder /ˈpɒndə(r)/选修211359masterpie ce /ˈmɑ:stəpi:s/选修211360digest /daɪˈdʒest/选修211361lay aside /leɪ əˈsaɪd/选修211362devote oneself to /dɪˈvəʊt wʌnˈself tə/选修211363arithmeti c /əˈrɪθmətɪk/选修211364dishearte ned /dɪsˈhɑːtnd/选修211365tiresome /ˈtaɪəsəm/选修211366at a glance /ət ə glɑ:ns/选修211367conseque nce /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/选修211368intimately /'ɪntɪmɪtlɪ/选修211369golf /gɒlf/选修211370politics /ˈpɒlətɪks/选修211371necktie /ˈnektaɪ/选修211372evidence /ˈevɪdəns/选修211373airline /ˈeəlaɪn/选修211374memorabl e /ˈmemərəbl/选修211375bond /bɒnd/选修211376conclusio n /kənˈklu:ʒn/选修221377security /sɪˈkjʊərəti/选修221378moderato r /ˈmɒdəreɪtə(r)/选修221379detox /ˈdiːtɒks/选修221380fundraisi ng /ˈfʌndreɪzɪŋ/选修221381switch /swɪtʃ/选修221382switch on /swɪtʃ ɒn/选修221383motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt/选修221384occupy /ˈɒkjupaɪ/选修221385profile /ˈprəʊfaɪl/选修221386distract /dɪˈstrækt/选修221387constantl y /ˈkɒnstəntli/选修221388towel /ˈtaʊəl/选修221389throw in the towel /θrəʊ ɪn ðə ˈtaʊəl/选修221390access /ˈækses/选修221391rely /rɪˈlaɪ/选修221392rely on /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/选修221393deadline /ˈdedlaɪn/选修221394procrastin ation /prəʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/选修221395appropria te /əˈprəʊpriət/选修221396spit /spɪt/选修221397headphon es /'hedfəʊnz/选修221398bin /bɪn/选修221399considera te /kənˈsɪdərət/选修221400clarify /ˈklærəfaɪ/选修221401promote /prəˈməʊt/选修221402headline /ˈhedlaɪn/选修221403max out /mæks aʊt/选修221404in contrast to /ɪn ˈkɒntrɑ:st tə/选修221405district /ˈdɪstrɪkt/选修221406necessity /nəˈsesəti/选修221407toothpast e /ˈtu:θpeɪst/选修221408soap /səʊp/选修221409item /ˈaɪtəm/选修221410unpreced entedly /ʌn'presɪdentɪdli/选修221411personal finances /ˈpɜ:sənl 'faɪnænsɪz/选修221412jar /dʒɑ:(r)/选修221413invest /ɪnˈvest/选修221414lifelong /ˈlaɪflɒŋ/选修221415vision /ˈvɪʒn/选修221416likewise /ˈlaɪkwaɪz/选修221417objectivel y /əb'dʒektɪvlɪ/选修221418equip /ɪˈkwɪp/选修221419nail /neɪl/选修231420decade /ˈdekeɪd/选修231421legendary /ˈledʒəndri/选修231422fixture /ˈfɪkstʃə(r)/选修231423elderly /ˈeldəli/选修231424tablet /ˈtæblət/选修231425sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθi/选修231426bunch /bʌntʃ/选修231427 a bunch of /ə bʌntʃ əv/选修231428dusty /ˈdʌsti/选修231429shelf /ʃelf/选修231430furniture /ˈfɜ:nɪtʃə(r)/选修231431mist /mɪst/选修231432brick /brɪk/选修231433exterior /ɪkˈstɪəriə(r)/选修231434stationery /ˈsteɪʃənri/选修231435saleswom an /ˈseɪlzmən/选修231436leadershi p /ˈli:dəʃɪp/选修231437organic /ɔ:ˈgænɪk/选修231438recital /rɪˈsaɪtl/选修231439jazz /dʒæz/选修231440pop up /pɒp ʌp/选修231441humble /ˈhʌmbl/选修231442compete /kəmˈpi:t/选修231443emphasis e /'emfəsaɪz/选修231444reconstru ction /ˌri:kənˈstrʌkʃn/选修231445journalist /ˈdʒɜ:nəlɪst/选修231446era /ˈɪərə/选修231447reform /rɪˈfɔ:m/选修231448reform and opening /rɪˈfɔ:m ənd ˈəʊpnɪŋʌp/选修231449pave /peɪv/选修231450pave the way /peɪv ðə weɪ/选修231451socialist /ˈsəʊʃəlɪst/选修231452alongside /əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd/选修231453initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/选修231454the Belt and Road Initiative /ðə belt ənd rəʊd ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/选修231455solid /ˈsɒlɪd/选修231456economic /ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk/选修231457occupatio n /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/选修231458cafeteria /ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə/选修231459emoji //ɪˈməʊdʒi//选修231460integral /ˈɪntɪgrəl/选修231461compone nt /kəmˈpəʊnənt/选修231462category /ˈkætəgəri/选修231463expand /ɪkˈspænd/选修231464pictograp h /ˈpɪktəˌgrɑːf/选修231465emotional /ɪˈməʊʃənl/选修231466gesture /ˈdʒestʃə(r)/选修231467facial /ˈfeɪʃl/选修231468textspeak /teksts'piːk/选修231469intention /ɪnˈtenʃn/选修231470adaptatio n /ˌædæpˈteɪʃn/选修231471accessibl e /əkˈsesəbl/选修231472soul /səʊl/选修231473tendency /ˈtendənsi/选修231474facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/选修231475educator /ˈedʒukeɪtə(r)/选修231476pictorial /pɪkˈtɔ:riəl/选修231477secondary /ˈsekəndri/选修231478comic /ˈkɒmɪk/选修231479costume /ˈkɒstju:m/选修231480urgently /'ɜ:dʒəntlɪ/选修231481convincin g /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/选修241482boundary /ˈbaʊndri/选修241483statistic /stəˈtɪstɪk/选修241484assist /əˈsɪst/选修241485tackle /ˈtækl/选修241486vital /ˈvaɪtl/选修241487comrade /ˈkɒmreɪd/选修241488tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/选修241489Ebola /ɪˈbəʊlə/选修241490combat /ˈkɒmbæt/选修241491relieve /rɪˈli:v/选修241492specialist /ˈspeʃəlɪst/选修241493infectious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/选修241494clinic /ˈklɪnɪk/选修241495disinfect /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/选修241496outbreak /ˈaʊtbreɪk/选修241497devotion /dɪˈvəʊʃn/选修241498vomit /ˈvɒmɪt/选修241499miracle /ˈmɪrəkl/选修241500van /væn/选修241501twin /twɪn/选修241502ward /wɔ:d/选修241503compensa te /ˈkɒmpenseɪt/选修241504collaborat e /kəˈlæbəreɪt/选修241505mankind /mænˈkaɪnd/选修241506realistic /ˌri:əˈlɪstɪk/选修241507minority /maɪˈnɒrəti/选修241508cast /kɑ:st/选修241509inclusive /ɪnˈklu:sɪv/选修241510culture shock /ˈkʌltʃə(r) ʃɒk/选修241511joint /dʒɔɪnt/选修241512harmonio us /hɑ:ˈməʊniəs/选修241513mutual /ˈmju:tʃuəl/选修241514rewarding /rɪˈwɔ:dɪŋ/选修241515mount /maʊnt/选修241516civil /ˈsɪvl/选修241517civil war /ˈsɪvl wɔ:(r)/选修241518slave /sleɪv/选修241519confedera te /kənˈfedərət/选修241520union /ˈju:niən/选修241521civilian /səˈvɪliən/选修241522division /dɪˈvɪʒn/选修241523bring forth /brɪŋ fɔ:θ/选修241524conceive /kənˈsi:v/选修241525liberty /ˈlɪbəti/选修241526dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt/选修241527endure /ɪnˈdjʊə(r)/选修241528battlefiel d /ˈbætlfi:ld/选修241529portion /ˈpɔ:ʃn/选修241530altogether /ˌɔ:ltəˈgeðə(r)/选修241531consecrat e /ˈkɒnsɪkreɪt/选修241532hallow /'hæləʊ/选修241533detract /dɪˈtrækt/选修241534nobly /'nəʊbli/选修241535in vain /ɪn veɪn/选修241536perish /ˈperɪʃ/选修241537influentia l /ˌɪnfluˈenʃl/选修241538communi st /ˈkɒmjənɪst/选修251539halfway /ˌhɑ:fˈweɪ/选修251540dramatica lly /drə'mætɪklɪ/选修251541heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/选修251542inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/选修251543penguin /ˈpeŋgwɪn/选修251544habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/选修251545rat /ræt/选修251546subseque ntly /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/选修251547appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/选修251548multiply /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/选修251549vegetatio n /ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/选修251550erosion /ɪ'rəʊʒn/选修251551parakeet /ˈpærəkiːt/选修251552chaos /ˈkeɪɒs/选修251553conservat ion /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/选修251554virus /ˈvaɪrəs/选修251555decrease /dɪˈkri:s/选修251556trap /træp/选修251557departure /dɪˈpɑ:tʃə(r)/选修251558immunity /ɪˈmju:nəti/选修251559explode /ɪkˈspləʊd/选修251560collapse /kəˈlæps/选修251561substantia l /səbˈstænʃl/选修251562incident /ˈɪnsɪdənt/选修251563interventi on /ˌɪntə'venʃn/选修251564owe /əʊ/选修251565postscript /ˈpəʊstskrɪpt/选修251566pest /pest/选修251567ecology /iˈkɒlədʒi/选修251568dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv/选修251569nutrient /ˈnju:triənt/选修251570worm /wɜ:m/选修251571comparis on /kəmˈpærɪsn/选修251572visual /ˈvɪʒuəl/选修251573session /ˈseʃn/选修251574on behalf of /ɒn bɪˈhɑ:f əv/选修251575herbal /ˈhɜ:bl/选修251576mysteriou s /mɪˈstɪəriəs/选修251577status /ˈsteɪtəs/选修251578criterion /kraɪˈtɪəriən/选修251579prosper /ˈprɒspə(r)/选修251580rare /reə(r)/选修251581biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl/选修251582apparentl y /əˈpærəntli/选修251583vast /vɑ:st/选修251584altitude /ˈæltɪtju:d/选修251585variation /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/选修251586thrive /θraɪv/选修251587fossil /ˈfɒsl/选修251588floral /ˈflɔ:rəl/选修251589vertebrate /ˈvɜ:tɪbrət/选修251590beehive /ˈbi:haɪv/选修251591endanger ed /ɪn'deɪndʒəd/选修251592elsewhere /ˌelsˈweə(r)/选修251593invasion /ɪnˈveɪʒn/选修251594coexist /ˌkəʊɪgˈzɪst/选修251595secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/选修251596greeting /ˈgri:tɪŋ/选修261597crime /kraɪm/选修261598seaside /ˈsi:saɪd/选修261599suburb /ˈsʌbɜ:b/选修261600greedy /ˈgri:di/选修261601thief /θi:f/选修261602commit /kəˈmɪt/选修261603chacma baboon /'tʃækmə bəˈbu:n/选修261604fox /fɒks/选修261605urban /ˈɜ:bən/选修261606predator /ˈpredətə(r)/选修261607newcome r /ˈnju:kʌmə(r)/选修261608flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/选修261609racoon /rəˈkuːn/选修261610container /kənˈteɪnə(r)/选修261611garbage /ˈgɑ:bɪdʒ/选修261612lamb /læm/选修261613kebab /kɪˈbæb/选修261614garlic /ˈgɑ:lɪk/选修261615estimate /ˈestɪmət/选修261616migratory /ˈmaɪgrətri/选修261617appreciat e /əˈpri:ʃieɪt/选修261618crucial /ˈkru:ʃl/选修261619restrict /rɪˈstrɪkt/选修261620hiker /ˈhaɪkə(r)/选修261621kit /kɪt/选修261622optimistic /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/选修261623clay /kleɪ/选修261624cave /keɪv/选修261625heat wave /hi:t weɪv/选修261626indoors /ˌɪnˈdɔ:z/选修261627cope with /kəʊp wɪð/选修261628fuel /ˈfju:əl/选修261629consumpt ion /kənˈsʌmpʃn/选修261630suppleme nt /ˈsʌplɪmənt/选修261631eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/选修261632firefighte r /ˈfaɪəfaɪtə(r)/选修261633bring ...under control /brɪŋ ˈʌndə(r)kənˈtrəʊl/选修261634blaze /bleɪz/选修261635fierce /fɪəs/选修261636react /riˈækt/选修261637monthly /ˈmʌnθli/选修261638get rid of /get rɪd əv/选修261639Mars /mɑ:z/选修261640advanced /ədˈvɑ:nst/选修261641wipe /waɪp/选修261642wipe out /waɪp aʊt/选修261643nuclear /ˈnju:kliə(r)/选修261644terrifying /'terɪfaɪŋ/选修261645hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/选修261646unmanne d /ˌʌnˈmænd/选修261647spacecraf t /ˈspeɪskrɑ:ft/选修261648orbit /ˈɔ:bɪt/选修261649stunning /ˈstʌnɪŋ/选修261650agency /ˈeɪdʒənsi/选修261651consist /kənˈsɪst/选修261652consist of /kənˈsɪst əv/选修261653in the meantime /ɪn ðə ˈmi:ntaɪm/选修261654infer /ɪnˈfɜ:(r)/选修261655expose /ɪk'spəʊz/选修261656astronaut /ˈæstrənɔ:t/选修261657dust /dʌst/选修261658capsule /ˈkæpsju:l/选修261659exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r)/选修261660trunk /trʌŋk/。
ESI U22 XT专业24位USB音频接口用户指南说明书
Professional 24-bit USB Audio InterfaceUser’s GuideESI - Copyright © 2016 Revision 1, January 2016INDEX1. Introduction (4)1.1 Features (4)2. Installation (5)2.1 System Recommendation (5)2.2 Hardware Installation (6)2.3 Driver & Software Installation (6)2.3.1 Installation under Windows (6)2.3.2 Installation under Mac OS X (8)3. Windows Audio Settings (8)4. Control Panel under Windows (9)4.1 Latency settings (9)4.2 DirectWIRE (10)5. Control Panel under Mac OS X (12)6. Specifications (13)7. General Information (14)1. IntroductionU22 XT offers a maximum of flexibility as fully bus powered USB device with pristine professional 24-bit audio quality.It features 2 analog input and 2 analog output channels with RCA connection, a microphone preamplifier with XLR input and support for +48V phantom power, a Hi-Z instrument input for guitars, a high quality headphone output and TRS line outputs. Master and headphone volume as well as monitoring are controlled on the front panel.On the software side, U22 XT provides low latency drivers with support for WDM, ASIO 2.0 and CoreAudio based on our EWDM and DirectWIRE technology. If you're looking for a really powerful USB audio solution for your PC or Mac to start working out of the box, then U22 XT is for you!1.1 FeaturesThe U22 XT hardware has these main features:1.Microphone input with XLR/TRS combo connector, use this connector to connect a dynamicor condenser microphone.2.Microphone input gain knob, controls the input volume of the microphone preamplifier.3.48V switch, use this switch to enable phantom power for condenser microphones.4.Mic/HiZ input selection switch, allows you to select the input signal: the microphone input(Mic), the instrument/guitar input (Hi-Z) or both. When the switch is in the middle position and both is selected, the microphone input signal will be recorded on the left input channel and the instrument signal on the right input channel.5.Peak LEDs, shows the input 1 and 2 input levels.6.Mix control, allows you to control the input monitoring (i.e. whether you want to listen to theinput signal in realtime or the computer playback signal or both). When the knob is turned all the way to the left (In), you can hear only the input signal. When it is turned all the way to the right (Out), you hear the output signal. In the middle position, you can hear both equally.7.Hi-Z input gain knob, controls the input volume of the instrument / guitar input.8.Hi-Z input with 1/4" connector, use this connector to connect to your electric guitar.9.Power LED.10.Master volume, allows you to control the master output volume.11.Headphone output with 1/4" TRS connector, use this to connect your headphones.12.Headphone gain, controls the headphone output volume.13.Left and Right RCA input connectors, this is the stereo line input that connects to deviceswith line level outputs such as a mixing desk, a CD player or a synthesizer for example.14.Front / Back selection switch, allowing you to select the RCA line inputs on the backside(when set to ‘Back’) or the microphone and instrument inputs on the front (when set to ‘Front’).15.Left and Right 1/4" TRS outputs, this is the main balanced line output that connects to youractive studio monitors, amplifier or an external mixing desk.16.If required, this connects your unit to a standard laptop lock connector, preventing it frombeing stolen.B connection port, connects to your computer with the supplied USB cable.2. Installation2.1 System RecommendationU22 XT is not simply a standard digital audio interface, but a high-resolution device capable of advanced processing of audio content. Even though U22 XT is built to have low-CPU resource dependability, system specifications play a key part in the U22 XTs performance. Systems with more advanced components are generally recommended.Minimum System RequirementsPC-Windows Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 or 10 (32- and 64-bit) operating system-1 available USB 2.0 portMac-Mac OS X 10.7 or higher-1 available USB 2.0 port2.2 Hardware InstallationU22 XT is simply connected to an available USB port of your computer. A separate power supply is not required, as U22 XT is a USB powered device. Simply install the hardware by plugging it into your computer with the supplied cable.USB port of a computer2.3 Driver & Software InstallationAfter the connection of U22 XT, the operating system automatically detects it as a new hardware device. Modern operating systems like Windows Vista/7/8/10 or Mac OS X usually detect the hardware directly and are installing the correct USB audio drivers automatically.You can use U22 XT already now in typical consumer audio applications that do not need special professional ASIO driver support. Under Windows this could be for example programs used for DVD playback or more simple DJ applications that don’t require ASIO. Under Mac OS X this could be applications like Garageband.2.3.1 Installation under WindowsThis text explains how to install U22 XT under Windows 10. If you use Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, the steps are basically the same. Disconnect U22 XT before you install the driver if it has been connected already.To start the installation, launch the setup program, which is an .exe file that is inside a recent driver download from our website or in the Windows folder of the included Installation DVD, by double clicking on it. Typically the filename is something like U22_XT_vX.YY_setup.exe where X.YY is the version number of the driver. When launching the installer, Windows might display a security message. Make sure to allow the installation. After that, the following dialog on the left will appear. Click Next and then the dialog on the right will appear:Now click Install. Files are now being copied. After some time an additional dialog will appear:Confirm this by clicking Next. Again some files are being copied and typically you will be prompted with a Windows Security message like this:Confirm it by clicking Install. After a while the installation then will be completed and the following dialog will appear:Once you see the window on the left, click Finish. In many cases, the Windows on the right appears then. We strongly suggest to select Yes, restart the computer now and then click Finish.You can connect U22 XT to your computer anytime if not done yet. Windows will automatically setup the system so you can use the device.Once the system starts again and you are logged in with the hardware connected, you will see by looking at the ESI icon in the taskbar notification area as shown below, that the U22 XT control panel is now automatically being loaded:If you can see it, the driver installation has been completed successfully.2.3.2 Installation under Mac OS XMac OS X already provides support for class compliant USB audio devices such as U22 XT. This means that no software or driver needs to be installed to use U22 XT under Mac OS X. Simply connect the unit with the supplied USB cable to your Mac and you can start using it.To make the usage more simple, we provide a control panel application that can be installed from the included DVD (Mac OS X folder) or downloaded on our website. To install it, open the .dmg file and then you can drag the control panel icon into your application folder.Controlling some of the basic options of U22 XT under Mac OS X can also be done via the Audio MIDI Setup utility from Mac OS X.3. Windows Audio SettingsIn the Windows Control Panel under Hardware and Sound> Sound, you can select the default playback device that is used by all audio applications that do not have their own preferences. It looks like the following dialog:The main playback device represents the main output of U22 XT. There is also a virtual device representing channels 3 and 4.4. Control Panel under WindowsThis chapter describes the U22 XT Control Panel under Windows.To open the control panel double click on the ESI icon in the task notification area. The following dialog will appear:The panel has the following functions and sections:INPUT section: this section controls the input monitoring volume of the incoming signal from the hardware. A pair of mono faders can be controlled together or individually depending on your mouse position – perfect for stereo signals. The Mute button the channel allows you to mute the signal. A red Mute button indicates that the mute function is enabled. When disabled, the button is gray.OUTPUT section: this section controls the playback volume of the playback signal from your audio applications. The pair of mono faders can be controlled together or individually depending on your mouse position – perfect for stereo signals. The Mute button the channel allows you to mute playback. A red Mute button indicates that the mute function is enabled. When disabled, the button is gray.4.1 Latency settingsVia Config > Latency in the Control Panel it is possible to change the latency setting (also called “buffer size”) for the driver of U22 XT. A smaller latency is the result of a smaller buffer size and value. Depending on the typical application (e.g. for playback of software synthesizers) a smaller latency is an advantage. At the same time, the best latency setting indirectly depends on the performance of your system. For recording applications, a typical latency buffer size between 4 and 8ms is standard, a value displayed typically inside your audio application. Note that the latency has to be setup before launching the audio application using U22 XT.4.2 DirectWIREWhat is DirectWIRE?DirectWIRE is a driver technology, developed by ESI, which can be used for routing audio streams internally within applications using EWDM Audio MIDI Drivers exclusively developed by ESI.With the DirectWIRE router, an application can record from other application’s audio outputs without external wiring or any loss of data when they are running at the same time.DirectWIRE also allows you to easily rip any audio stream in real time by transferring data thru DirectWIRE from MP3s, live On-line Broadcast and On-demand content, and more. DirectWIRE is not available under Mac OS X.DirectWIRE PanelClick on DirectWIRE on the U22 XT control panel. The DirectWIRE dialog as shown below will appear. DirectWIRE digital virtual wiring technology, developed by ESI, routes audio streams internally within applications using standard audio drivers such as WDM, ASIO and MME, even when they are running at the same time.The number on the row represents the input or output port. The columns represent ins and outs (on and off) of the respected drivers. Patch the virtual cables from one point to another as you drag your mouse point.INPUT section: It's used to route signals from the card's hardware inputs.MME section represents general applications I/O (typically older versions), like WinAmp, WaveLab (non ASIO mode), Cakewalk, Audition, Vegas, etc.WDM section represents Multi-MME applications I/O (typically newer versions), like SONAR (when using WDM/KS), PowerDVD, WinDVD, etc.ASIO section represents ASIO applications, like Cubase, Reason, Nuendo, SONAR (when using ASIO), Samplitude, etc.GSIF section represents GSIF application like GigaStudio.Note that some applications support multiple driver modes. Usually the following applies: when an application does not support ASIO, it usually supports WDM. Older programs typically support MME.DirectWIRE ExamplesExample 1. Recording from WinAmp (MME) to WaveLab (MME).If you want to record what's played back in WinAmp, but don't want to hear the sound, you should click the OUT button in the MME section so it'll change to OFF .Example 2. Recording from WinAmp (MME) toSONAR (WDM). Example 3. Recording from SONAR (WDM) toCubase, Nuendo (ASIO).Example 4. Recording of the playback fromchannel 3/4 from Windows Media Player (WDM)into channel 1/2 of Cubase, Nuendo (ASIO). Example 5. same as example 4, but in addition the input signal is also recorded and mixed to theplayback signal.Default Settings: remove all connections in the DirectWIRE panel, when you do not want to record signals internally from one application to another.5. Control Panel under Mac OS XThis chapter describes the U22 XT Control Panel under Mac OS X.After the installation, the panel can be found in your Applications folder. You can launch it in the Finder via Go> Applications > U22 XT Panel. The following dialog appears:The panel has the following functions and sections:INPUT section: this section controls the input monitoring volume of the incoming signal from the hardware. The pair of mono faders can be controlled together when the LINK function is enabled or or individually when it is disabled – perfect for stereo signals. The Mute button the channel allows you to mute the signal. A red Mute button indicates that the mute function is enabled. When disabled, the button is gray.OUTPUT section: this section controls the playback volume of the playback signal from your audio applications. The pair of mono faders can be controlled together when the LINK function is enabled or or individually when it is disabled – perfect for stereo signals. The Mute button the channel allows you to mute playback. A red Mute button indicates that the mute function is enabled. When disabled, the button is gray.6. SpecificationsProduct Overview- 2 input / 2 output USB 2.0 24-bit Audio Interface- line, guitar and microphone inputs- microphone preamp with +48V phantom power support- line output with master output volume- adjustable headphone output- USB bus poweredKey Features- USB 2.0 Full Speed- 2 input channels- 2 output channels- Input Type:- 1 XLR (for microphone), +48V support- 1 TS unbalanced Hi-Z (for guitar)- 2 RCA unbalanced (for line signals)- Output Type:- 2 TRS balanced (left/right channel line signal)- 1 headphone output (stereo)Audio Specifications- max. 24-bit / 96kHz- ADC Dynamic Range:- 102dBA@48kHz, SNR = 102dBA@48kHz- DAC Dynamic Range:- 108dBA@48kHz, SNR = 108dBA@48kHzCompatibility- supports Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 andWindows 10 with ASIO 2.0, MME, WDM and DirectSoundincl. DirectWIRE support- supports Mac OS X (10.4 and above) via the nativeCoreAudio USB audio driver from Apple (no driver install required, Mac control panel available)7. General InformationTrademarksESI, U22 and U22 XT are trademarks of ESI Audiotechnik GmbH. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.The FCC and CE Regulation WarningThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions : (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution : Any changes or modifications in construction of this device with are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance, could void the user's authority to operate equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. If necessary, consult an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. CorrespondenceFor technical support inquiries, contact your nearest dealer, local distributor or ESI support online at . Please also check our extensive Knowledge Base with Frequently Asked Questions, installation videos and technical details about our products in the support section of our website.DisclaimerAll features and specifications subject to change without notice.Parts of this manual are continually being updated. Please check our web site occasionally for the most recent update information.。
Noah 用户手册说明书
NoahUser GuideP r ot e ct an d mon i to r th e th i ng s yo u lov e2 4 5 10 16 17 18 19 282Remote ControlThe lightweight and compact remote control is designed to fit easily onto a keychain or in your pocket.The remote control can be used to arm or disarm the Noah Alarm System or even trigger the SOS emergency alarm.Noah HubThis is the hub for your Noah Alarm System. It connects all your accessories to the Clan at Home app so you can secure your home from anywhere, at any time.Connects to mains power supply usingthe cable and adapter provided3Motion SensorThe sensor detects indoor human movement.The sensor transmits a signal to the Noah Hub and triggers an alarm whenever unusual movement has been detectedDoor/Window SensorThe sensor can be installed on doors, windows and even cupboards.The sensor transmits a signal to the Noah Hub and triggers an alarm whenthe door or window is opened.The image below shows how a Noah Alarm System can be set up in your home. You can customise the setup to meet your own requirements by adding additional sensors and accessories.4Download App5D ownloa d th e “Clan at H om e” app fr om th e iO S A pp Sto re o r G oogl e Play Sto re6Step 1Open the app then press RegisterStep 2Enter your mobile phone numberor email address Please ensure you enter yourfull phone number including “0”Step 3Enter the verification code sentvia SMS or emailStep 4Create your password to login78Step 6Enter a name for your home andselect locationStep 5Press “Add Home”9Step 8Once complete, press Done. Your Clan account has been createdsuccessfully.”Step 7Select rooms you have in yourhome, then press done to save1. 2. 3.4.Pow er th e N oah h ub to th e ma i n susi ng th e pow er a d apt er an d m i c r oU S B ca b l e p r ov idedRe mov e th e b ac k cov er fr om th e hb y r otat i ng i t ant i-cloc k w iseUse th e on/o ff s w i tch at th e b ac k o fth e h ub to s w i tch onT h e h ub w i ll ma ke a bee p i ng s o u n dan d fla s h red wh e n i t is re a d yto conn e ctRe plac e th e b ac k cov er o f th eN oah h ubMicro USBCharging Port10Step 1In My Home, press the (+) icon in the top right corner of thescreen Press OtherStep 21112Step 3Make sure the Noah hub is flashing red. If it is not flashing, please ensure the hub has beenswitched on Press Confirm IndicatorRapidly BlinkingEnter your WiFi router passwordThen press ConfirmStep 4WifiStep 5The Noah hub will then establisha connection to Clan Once connected, you can change Noah’s name and select theroom he is in.Press Done. Noah is nowconnected to the Clan app.Step 61314Emergency SOS AlarmO nc e N oah ha s bee n conn e ct ed to yo ur app, th e N oah d a s h b oa rd w i ll be dis play ed15SOST h e N oah A la r m Sy s t e m ha s th ree se c uri ty mo des an d an e m er g e ncy S O S bu tton .ArmArm Noah when leaving your home. All sensors will be activated. Any sensors that are triggered will immediately sound the alarm DisarmDisarm Noah when entering your home. All sensors will be deactivated allowing you to move freely Home ModeSensors that are designated in the Home Zone are deactivated, allowing you to move freely in your home. The sensors in Normal Zone will remain active and if triggered, will immediately sound the alarm (See page 25 - Manage zones)Emergency CallPress the SOS button in the event of an emergency. This will triggeran immediate alarm even if Noah is disarmed or in Home Mode. To stop the alarm, press the disarm button on the app or remote control16Arm Disarm Emergency SOS Home ModeYo u can a r m, dis a r m an d s w i tch be tw ee n se c uri ty mo des usi ng:1. Clan at Home App2. Remote Control3. Touch keypad on Noah hub (arming only) See next page4. Keypad (optional accessory)17LE D l i ght colo ursWake up keyPress once to wake up thePressing this button immediatelytriggers the alarmSol id Gree n N oah is dis a r m ed Sol id B l ue N oah is a r m edSol id Red A la r m ha s bee nt ri gg ered Sol id P ur pl e Re a d y to pa ir w i th acc ess o riesPress PressT h e N oah h ub can be plac ed on a ta b l e o r i n s tall ed on a wall.T o use th eN oah h ub to u ch ke ypa d to a r m N oah, w e re comm e n d po si t i on i ng i t n e a r th e d oo r mo s t fre q ue ntly used to e nt er an d e x i t yo ur hom e.Addi t i onal re mot e cont r ol s an d ke ypa ds a re ava i la b l e to p ur cha se.To install the Noah hub on a wall, follow the steps below:1. Remove the back cover from the Noah hub byrotating it anti-clockwise2. Secure the back cover on to the wall using theprovided screws and screw plugs (if required)3. Ensure the on/off switch on the back of the Noah hub is switched on, then fix the hub on to theback cover4. Connect the Noah hub to a mains power supply using the provided micro USB cable and adapter1819O th er opt i onal acc ess o ries i ncl ude :Door/Window sensor with motion sensor Door/Window sensor with vibration sensor Smoke detector Gas leak detector Water leak detectorFo r pa iri ng o f a ddi t i onal acc ess o ries , pl e a se see se t u p g uide i ncl uded w i th acc ess o ries.KeypadAdditional remote controls Indoor Siren Outdoor Siren RF Repeater1Pairsensor to thehub3Install the sensor where required2Configuresettings accordingto your requirementsT h ere a re 3 s t e p s to a ddi ng yo ur d oo r/w i n d ow & mot i on se n s o rs to th e N oah A la r m Sy s t e m:T o ma ke th e se t u p p r oc ess e a sier , compl e t e s t e p s 1, 2 an d 3 f o r e ach se n s o r bef o re mov i ng on to th e n e xt on eS e n s o rs that a re i ncl uded w i th th e N oah A la r m Sy s t e m a re al re a d y pa ired w i th th e N oah h ub. Mov e on to St e p 2: Con fi g ure se n s o rs 20dashboard to enter the Accessoriesmenu and viewed paired sensorsTo activate each sensor, simply removethe back cover and pull out the batterytabs, then replace the cover securely21You are able to pair up to 40 additional sensors to the Noah Alarm System.To pair additional sensors, please ensure Noah is in disarm mode Paired sensors will automatically appear in the Accessories menu in the app.St e p 1Remove the back coverfrom the sensor and pull out the battery tabs.Then replace the coverSt e p 2Press the (+Add) icon The Noah hub LED willturn purple when it isready for pairing. It will remain inpairing mode for 30seconds.St e p 3Áǝƺ zȒƏǝ ǝɖƫ n0( ɯǣǼǼ ˢƏɀǝ Ǖȸƺƺȇ ɯǝƺȇthe sensor has been paired successfully.Press the “x” icon once the sensor has paired.Paired sensors will automatically appear in theAccessories menu in the appH ow to t ri gg er differe nt acc ess o ries2223S e l e ct thcon on th e d a s h board to e nt er th e A cc ess o ries m e n u.You are able to enable and disable accessories from this page.We recommend that you give each accessory a unique name so it is easier to recognise the location should an alarm be triggered. You can also assign each sensor to a Zone Type (see page 25)To configure any accessory, simple press the accessory name.O n th is pag e, yo u can c us tom ise th e acc ess o r y nam e, se l e ct th e zon e typ e an d al s o de l e t e th e acc ess o r y fr om th e app, if re q uired.2425N o r mal Zon eSensors in this zone activate an alarm immediately after being triggeredH om e Zon eSensors in this zone are disabled when Noah is in Home Mode, allowing you to move freely around your home without triggering the alarmDe lay Zon eSensors in this zone allow a delay for entry/exit before the alarm is triggered. The delay duration can be adjusted in the settings (See page 28)A lway s O n Zon eSensors in this zone are always active, no matter what mode Noah is in. An immediate alarm is activated if the sensors are triggered e.g. smoke alarm,water sensor or security doors1. Open the back cover of the sensor andcheck the battery is fitted properly2. Ensure the area that the sensor will belocated is clean and free from dust andmoisture. Avoid mounting the sensorthe sensor on to the door/window frameno more than 1cm from the sensorIn s tall i ng th e D oo r/W i n d ow S e n s o r261. Open the back cover by pressing down onthe clip at the top. Check that the battery isfitted properly2. Place the cover back on close tightly.Secure with provided security screw3. Use the provided screws to fix the bracketon the wall, then attach the sensor to thebracket.to the best suited positionIn s tall i ng th e Mot i on S e n s orDe t e ct i on a re aWal k t es t: Walk ac r o ss th e det e ct i on a re a an d watch th e LE D i n di cato r – i t w i ll f la s h onc e wh e n mov e m e nt is de t e ct ed. T h e se n s o rs w i ll de t e ct mov e m e nt onc e a m i n u t e.27T S ide V ie w28S e l e ct th e i con on th e d a s h b oa rd to e nt er N oah s se tt i ngsremote control has armed or disarmed NoahReceive smartphone alerts that tell you if awindow or door has been left open whenNoah is armedSet an exit and entry delay of up to 300seconds for sensors in the delay zone, givingyou time to enter or leave your home withouttriggering the alarmo r v isi t o ur su r e f ac eb oo k./t i m e 2H Q .m e/t i m e 2H Q i m e 2HQ。
Two periods of legal history:
On May 14, 1607, the Virginia Company explorers landed on Jamestown Island to
establish the Virginia English colony
form of action, a writ, with the result
that the original common law represented a system of ‘action’
similar to that of classical Roman law.
某项诉讼请求的强制执行是以法院令状 这种特殊诉讼形式的存在为前提的,而 这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古 罗马法的“诉讼行为”所构成的体系。
Record of the Nation since 1776 国家从1776年开始的记载
Record of the present fifty States 当前50个州的记载
The intricate network of relationships between States and Nation 各州与联邦之间错综复杂关系的记载
No one document, no handful of documents, can properly b e said to reveal the character of a people or of their governmen t.
没有哪一个或者少数几个文件可以 准确地揭示一国人民或政府的特征。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第4季第5集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalHope and GorySeason 4, Episode 5Broadcast: October 30, 2007Written by David E. Kelley© 2007 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.This transcript is not official or taken from the actual script. It is transcribed from watching the broadcast.Transcribed by Bbbeluga, edited by JudithAKAteacher. Images © 2007 ABCThe elevator doors open at Crane, Poole & Schmidt, and Patrice Kelly exits, wearing a tailored brocade suit, her hair is perfectly coiffed in a bun, and she has a determined look on her face as she walks confidently to the front desk.Patrice Kelly: I’m looking for Alan Shore. It’simportant.Assistant: Is he expecting you?Patrice Kelly: No.Assistant: May I tell him what this is regarding?Patrice Kelly: No.Assistant: Just a minute … she walks away, abit flustered.Alan opens the door to his office, steps backto allow Patrice Kelly to enter.Alan Shore: OK.Patrice Kelly: Thank you for agreeing to see me.Alan Shore: Well, my assistant said it, um, wassome sort of emergency.Patrice Kelly:Matter-of-factly. Yes. Mydaughter was murdered.Alan Shore: Oh…walking to his seat he turnsback in surprise I’m sorry.Patrice Kelly: The man who murdered her wasfound not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.He is a man of means, with skilled attorneys.Alan Shore:Swallows, still looking unnerved.And how exactly can I … help you?Patrice Kelly:Sitting straight, hands folded inher lap, speaking without emotion. I wouldlike to kill this man, and be found not guilty byreason of temporary insanity. I’d like you toadvise me as to what legal steps I must take inorder to accomplish this.Alan Shore:pauses. Ms. Kelly, I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I certainly would not, and could not, advise a person on how to get away with murder.Patrice Kelly: Why not?Alan Shore: Well, because that would make me a conspirator for starters, and personally I’m not a great believer in … murdering.Patrice Kelly:considers for a moment then smiles briefly. Let me start over. I have decided to write a novel. It’s about a woman who kills a man and is acquitted on grounds of insanity. Alan is shifting in his seat. I would like to hire you as a consultant. What legal steps must my protagonist take in order to accomplish this? Alan Shore:chuckles. You cannot be serious. On a positive note I can tell you, for what it’s worth, you seem totally insane. He looks at her incredulously then realizes she’s dead serious.Patrice Kelly:smiling almost blushingly. Oh, thank you. How best do I legally establish that? I need to know exactly.Alan Shore: Ms. Kelly, my advice to you would be to forget it. Leans forward, focused and unblinking. By virtue of the fact that you’ve come here, you’ve demonstrated that you understand the nature and quality of the act. As for legal insanity, you don’t qualify.Patrice Kelly:cocking her head. I’m disappointed.Alan is left staring at her, as she gets up and strides from the room. He continues to watch her, looking discomfited.Opening themeDenny is seated behind his desk, Alan looking over his shoulder, both studying Denny’s laptop screen. Denny Crane: Here it is, right here. Hannah Kelly, aged 22, bludgeoned to death. Sean Harmon acquitted. Temporary insanity. It all happened a month ago. Do you think this woman really intends to kill him?Alan Shore: steps away I don’t know. She was so odd, I couldn’t get a read on her. I wonder if I should call the police?Denny Crane: How did she leave it?Alan Shore: I’m not sure. I think I dissuaded her. I’m not sure.Lorraine Weller: enters the doorway. Alan? I was wondering whether we might discuss your word salad … maybe later over drinks?Alan glances over at Denny then back to Lorraine, nods “yes” with a shrug.Outside the Middletown Police Department, Jerry and Katie gets out of their car.Katie Lloyd: Looks more like a courthouse than a jail.Jerry Espenson: Well, the police department is part of the courthouse.Katie Lloyd: Saves time, I supposeThey enter the police department; the officer at the front desk puts his hand over the phone receiver. Officer:looks up at Katie. Hold on.Katie Lloyd: Hello, my name is Katie Lloyd. I’m an attorney. I called ahead. This is my colleague, Jerry Espenson. I believe you’re holding my client.The officer looks from Katie to Jerry, to Jerry’s hands pressed to his thighs.Entering the holding area, the officer unlocks the door for them.Jerry Espenson: Reminds me a little of Mayberry RFD.Katie Lloyd: Where’s that?They stop outside Joseph Washington’s cell and see him sitting on his bunk, looking down at the floor. Katie Lloyd: Hello, Joseph. To the officer. May we go inside?Officer: Inside? With him?Katie Lloyd: Please. To Jerry. Why were you arrested?Joseph Washington: For driving a car.Jerry Espenson: reading from a court document. Evidently it’s against the law for registered sex offenders to operate a motor vehicle within theMiddletown borders.Katie Lloyd: I beg your pardon?Joseph Washington: still lookingdown, shoulders hunched, bitter.They passed it last night. Because ofmy prior rape conviction I had to registerhere as a sex offender, which I did. Myjob is here. It’s the only job I can get.The people here been harassin’ me eversince I registered. My landlord evictedme. I’ve been banned from publictransportation. Now this.Officer: tossing his head smuglySounds like you’re not wanted. Maybeyou should blow this terrible town. Iwould if I were you.Back at CP&S, Katie and Jerry walk behind Shirley into the kitchen.Katie Lloyd: It’s so unfair what’s being done to him, Shirley. He was trying to make a new life for himself. It’s hard enough for an ex-con without an entire town conspiring against you. He was so excited to get this job, and they’ve essentially passed an ordinance overnight to run him out.Shirley Schmidt: How much time are we talking about here?Katie Lloyd: His arraignment is at 11. I’d at least like to get him out of jail.Jerry Espenson: Shirley, there are many words to describe you, but compassion--Shirley Schmidt: rolling her eyes. Cut the crap, Jerry.Jerry Espenson: purrsShirley Schmidt: You can handle his arraignment, then it’s back to work for us.Katie looks at Jerry, getting a nod of approval.Alan strides through the hallway, a few files in hand, as Denny comes around a corner.Denny Crane: Hey, Alan, did you report that woman to the police yet?Alan Shore: No, I still can’t decide if I should. Would you?Denny Crane: No, probably not.Alan Shore: Why not?Denny Crane: Because she already killed him.Denny strides on ahead, leaving Alan standing in stunned silence.Denny and Alan are watching the news onDenny’s office TV.Newscaster: The information is still coming in, butwhat we have learned is that the shooter has beenidentified as Patrice Kelly. If you recall, it was Ms.Kelly’s daughter, Hannah Kelly, who was bludgeonedto death with a vodka bottle by Sean Harmon, theman who was shot today. We are gettingconfirmation that Mr. Harmon is dead from a singlegunshot wound to the head.Denny Crane: flipping off the TV. OK, first thing,get her into rehab. You’ll want to put out astatement…Alan Shore: I feel sickDenny Crane: Stay away from anything too controversial, like Rutgers basketball…Alan Shore: gets up and starts pacing. Denny, I should have prevented this. I could have prevented this. Assistant: knocks. Alan? You have a call from Patrice Kelly. She says you’ll know what it’s regarding.Denny Crane: Boy, it’s exciting being you.Alan stares vacantly out the office door a moment before walking out.Inside a Middletown courtroom, JudgeDonahue is listening to arguments fromKatie and Attorney George McDougal.Judge Donahue: They passed a lawcriminalizing him driving a car.Katie Lloyd: Yes, Your Honor, last night.They then arrested him today affording nonotice.Attorney George McDougal: He was alsoarrested for assault. The suspect becameviolent with officers.Katie Lloyd: The suspect was simply told toget out of the car, and when he complied hewas thrown against the hood--Judge Donahue: shakes his head indismay.Attorney George McDougal: Anyone subject to a stop can be handcuffed.Katie Lloyd: He was not told the nature of this ridiculous infraction, nor was he informed--Attorney George McDougal: Maybe when counsel has children of her own, drawing a disgusted look from Katie, she might see the rationale in discouraging sex offenders from prowling--Katie Lloyd: He was not prowling, Your Honor, he was driving to his place of employment.Judge Donahue: Save your breath, Ms. Lloyd. The charges against Mr. Washington are dismissed.Katie Lloyd: Thank you. Your Honor, might you also strike down this capricious ordinance on the grounds that-- Judge Donahue: I’m sorry, Ms. Lloyd. I can’t do that. Towns have a right to protect themselves and Mr. Washington is a registered sex offender.Katie Lloyd: --And as such faces enormous difficulty getting employment. He was fortunate enough to do so here--Judge Donahue: I understand, but I gotta be honest … I live here myself. He’s free to go and I would hope that he would do so--far, far away. We’re adjourned.Patrice Kelly’s holding cell. She’s sitting onher bunk, reading, when the guard opensthe door and Alan steps inside. She looksup, still in her brocade suit, legs crossed,her hands clasped in her lap. Her hair isless perfectly coiffed now, slightly loose.Patrice Kelly: I lost my mind. I’ve beencharged with a serious crime. I was wonderingwhether you’d provide me with representation.Alan Shore: standing by the bars, handsfolded in front of him. No.Patrice Kelly: Well, that seems at odds withyour showing up. It’s not everyday weencounter compelling characters, is it?Alan Shore: Do you expect to get away withthis?Patrice Kelly: I’m insane.Alan Shore: Not legally.Patrice Kelly: Well, that would be a jury’s call,and with your influence--Alan Shore: Patrice--may I call you Patrice?Patrice Kelly: I‘d like that.Alan Shore: Let’s drop the little insanity act. Let’s be frank. This was a premeditated, calculated revenge killing. Patrice Kelly: That’s not true. But if it were true, he had it coming. staring coldly at Alan as he assesses her. Alan and Denny are sitting on the sofas in Alan’s office.Denny Crane: So, you took the case…Alan Shore: She’s too fascinating to pass up.Denny Crane: Would I like her?Alan Shore: She’s female, has a pulse…Denny Crane inhales excitedly, pressing his hand over his heart.Alan Shore: The arraignment’s tomorrow. You want it?Denny Crane: Of course I want in.Lorraine Weller: appearing at the door .Are you ready?Both men stand, wearing smiles.Denny Crane: raises his eyebrows. Ready for what?Alan Shore: Lorraine and I are getting underpants.Denny turns back toward Alan to make sure he heard correctly.Lorraine Weller: smiles. Drinks.Denny Crane: I drink like a fish! I promise.In their office, Jerry is looking at his computer as Katie walks to her seat.Katie Lloyd: This is the only job he could get Jerry, but if he can’t get there--Jerry Espenson: Laws denying sex offenders jobs, housing--they’ve all been upheld as reasonable. We could always challenge Megan’s Law itself. This judge did seem to suggest some intolerance for it.Shirley steps into the office.Katie Lloyd: We sort of won, but--Shirley Schmidt: But what?Katie Lloyd: We’d like to go back into court, just one time--Shirley Schmidt: Because …?Katie Lloyd: To overturn Megan’s Law.Shirley stands speechless just as Carl steps in behind her.Jerry Espenson: So compassionate…Carl Sack: The answer’s “no”. You’re both behind on assignments from other partners. You need to think about saving your own jobs instead of your buddy Joe’s.Katie Lloyd: Mr. Sack ..?Carl Sack: There will be no more time spent on Joseph Washington. You’re done.In a quiet bar, Lorraine and Alan aresitting together at a table.Lorraine Weller: places her hand nearAlan’s, looks into his eyes. Tell memore about this friend of your mother’s.Alan Shore: lays his hand over hers,patting it slowly as he beginsawkwardly. She looked like you. Shewas impossibly beautiful, funny, intuitive.wincing with some discomfort, thensmiling . She took away my virginity andnever returned it.Lorraine Weller: Smiles warmly, almostflirtingly. You were fourteen. Is itpossible your sex with me is about anger?Alan Shore: I think it’s more aboutnapkins, uh, winces over using thewrong word control. Lorraine continueslooking at him empathetically.Alan Shore: hesitantly. The first time you and I kissed, you touched my leg in a very gentle and familiar way, which…My mother was not an affectionate woman, I’ve told you this. The only act of tenderness I can recall was she would fit me for trousers and in so doing she would touch my leg in such a way that, in the absence of any other attention, an eight-year-old boy might interpret as…nurturing and loving. And somehow now you occasion a series of visceral memories and responses which for some reason seem to induce green peanuts—-word salad.A crowd of people outside the Middletowncourthouse--some holding signs--protest asex offender in the community. There arereporters as well. Shouts rise when JosephWashington is spotted arriving with KatieLloyd and Jerry Espenson. “There he is!”and “We don’t want your kind!” are heardamong the rabble as they make their wayinto the courthouse.Jerry Espenson: in front of a judge in apacked courtroom, hands on thighs. Thefact is, Megan’s Law is unconstitutional. Thecrowd rumbles. It’s a punishment thatamounts to a form of double jeopardy. My client already paid his debt to society; he served his term. Requiring that he register post prison—Attorney George McDougal: Are you seriously going to challenge an existing law?Jerry Espenson: This law also denies due process. My client was afforded no opportunity to hearing before having to register--Attorney George McDougal: He got a trial.Jerry Espenson: assertively. But these are post trial consequences. What's more, the law is capricious. If we punish sex offenders like this, making it impossible for them to get housing, jobs, impossible to live--they simply won’t register, as many today don’t.Attorney George McDougal: We’re talking about a crime with the highest rate of recidivism. A crime where most offenders are powerless not to repeat – they’re sick. Does Megan’s Law pinch a few of their civil liberties? Sure. I say they forfeit those liberties when they put their hands on a child!Voices in the courtroom risein agreement.Judge Donahue: Settle down!Jerry Espenson: The so-calledsex offense we’re talking abouthere was that he had sex as aseventeen-year-old with a girlwho was sixteen.Attorney George McDougal:No, he raped her.Jerry Espenson: It wasconsensual.Attorney George McDougal: Thejury found otherwise.Judge Donahue: All right, allright. I’ve heard enough. Mr.Espenson, you make many validpoints. But the bottom line, I’mnot overturning Megan’s Law and good luck finding any judge who will. Your motion is denied and we are adjourned.Katie Lloyd’s disappointment is obvious as the crowd behind them rise to leave, talking, some clapping. Joseph sits at the table, his face pressed into his hands.An office door closes firmly. Katie’s hands rest on the back of a chair. Jerry’s hands are pressed to his thighs.Carl Sack: I’m curious. Which of you had the bight idea, “Hey, let’s just defy Carl Sack—Katie Lloyd: Mr. Sack, Joseph Washington is being punished and vilified--Carl Sack: sarcastically. Yes, we tend to do that with rapists--Katie Lloyd: emphatically. He did not rape her. You may not believe in him, but you cannot deny my right to … whether you’re a Senior Partner or otherwise.Jerry begins purring.Carl Sack: I don’t know your buddy, Joe, Katie. I believe in you – or did. If this woman he was convicted of raping--if she was really his girlfriend--Joe-Bob would know her name.Katie Lloyd: So…Carl Sack: So a good attorney – which I believed you to be – instead of trying to overturn Megan’s Law, would be googling the girl, finding her, persuading her to recant in hopes of overturning the conviction. Katie and Jerry exchange guilty glances.Then a good attorney would simply unregister him as a sex offender. That’s what good attorneys do, but since you two are seemingly not, it’s probably not wise to defy me. Get out.Katie Lloyd: Yes sir. follows Jerry, who adds a tiny hop. Thank you, sir.In a jailhouse meeting room, Alan sits across the table from Patrice Kelly, now in blue prison garb, her hair falling loose to her shoulders.Alan Shore: If the police report is to be believed, you walked into Sean Harmon’s place of employment, approached him, and shot him in the forehead.Patrice Kelly: I said “hello” first. Matter-of-factly. I wanted to give him a second to appreciate who was killing him, and why.Alan Shore: Do you feel any contrition whatsoever over this?Patrice Kelly: Would that help?Alan Shore: taken aback. I really don’t know what to say here.Patrice Kelly: Well, the first order of business, you must get me bail. I had all my securities converted in case, so I should be able to get a money order issued today.Alan Shore: Bail--Patrice Kelly: If I don’t get bail,Alan, the only images of me willbe in this outfit, and we can’thave that. We need to thinkabout influencing that jury pool.I’m sure you agree.Alan Shore:You’re not soundingvery insane.Patrice Kelly: I’m better now. Itwas temporary insanity.Alan Shore: nodding. Right.Patrice Kelly: I’d like you to getdominion of the room as soonas arraignment begins. Ifpossible, please pre-empt thereading of the charges, theytend to make good sound bytes.And also please, don’t forget in your bail argument, to state the obvious – this is important.Alan Shore: The obvious…Patrice Kelly: hands clasped. Yes. He had it coming. I’d like you to be passionate about that. The jury will be listening.Inside Judge Fudd’s courtroom, Patrice Kelly is led to the defense table with Alan and Denny.Bailiff: Case number six two four five, Commonwealth versus Patrice Kelly on a charge of first degree--Alan Shore: interrupting. Alan Shore for the defendant along with my colleague Denny Crane. We’d like to enter our appearance and a plea of not guilty. We’ll waive reading of the charges, which frankly shouldn’t be read at all. What kind of society is this that hauls in a grieving mother? Judge Fudd: We only haul in grieving mothers who shoot people, Counselor.Alan Shore: Yes, Your Honor, if we could proceed to bail, my client--ADA Betts: rising now --Committed cold-blooded murder and bail is--Alan Shore: --her temperature was never taken and bail is a function of flight risk and danger to society. Patrice Kelly poses neither.ADA Betts: She executes people--Alan Shore: Only the ones who murder her children and since my client in now fresh out of kids, I would submit that there is nobody left for Patrice Kelly to shoot.Judge Fudd: Mr. Shore, your tone doesn’t seem to grasp the severity of the matter. Do you think we’re all gathered her for a good snicker?Alan Shore: No, I do not Your Honor. We’re gathered here because this woman’s only daughter was beaten to death by a man of considerable wealth, who was able to hire people with all the skills and resources necessary to manufacture a temporary insanity defense. The best kind of insanity defense, because with that one you get both the acquittal and your walking papers so long as you show that the insanity has passed, which his lawyers of considerable skills and resources were able to do. Sean Harmon walked out of that courtroom a free man. He bludgeoned her daughter to death with a vodka bottle. He did not go to prison, he did not go to a hospital, and my client – a grieving mother – could not allow for that injustice. She is not a threat to society at large, she is not going to run, because frankly why should she? Sean Harmon viciously killed her daughter, Sean Harmon had it coming. He made her crazy and he got exactly what he deserved.Judge Fudd: Bail is set for one million dollars; we’ll set a conference for scheduling--Alan Shore: The defense is ready now.Judge Fudd: What?Alan Shore: There's no discovery to speak of, my client walked in and shot somebody. Allegedly.Judge Fudd: Do you mean you’re entering a plea of Not Guilty?Alan Shore: No, no, no, no, no. At this time we’d like to give notice of our affirmative defense.Judge Fudd: Which is?Alan Shore: Temporary insanity.ADA Betts looks away barely avoiding rolling his eyes in disgust, Denny looks up at the judge snidely, and the judge looks both stunned and baffled by what he has just heard.Striding through the hall to his office, Alan istalking with Patrice Kelly about her case.Patrice Kelly: Is it wise to proceed right to trial?Alan Shore: There was public outrage whenSean Harmon was acquitted of killing yourdaughter. We want to exploit that while it’s stilloutrageous.Patrice Kelly: I’d also like a black attorney. Theremay be African American jurors, I may beportrayed as the rich white blue-blood, looking tobuy a verdict, so we should probably ‘color up’.Alan Shore looks askance at her flippantremark.Patrice Kelly: And on that note, Denny Crane isout. Alan stops, listening with a barely tolerant look on his face. I don’t need the image of corporate gluttonous wealth sitting next to me. We should schedule a press conference as soon as possible. Since you may not want to put me on the stand, I suggest I tell my story to the media – free from cross examination.Alan Shore: You scare mePatrice Kelly looks self confident as Alan strides on ahead.In a medical office waiting room, Katie leans against the reception desk. A young woman wearing scrubs steps into the office and addresses Katie.Gwen Richards: Hi, I’m Gwen Richards, can I help you?Katie Lloyd: Yes, thank you. My name’s Katie Lloyd. I represent a man named Joseph Washington.Gwen looks stunned.Katie Lloyd: I’m guessing from your expression, you know who I’m talking about.Gwen looks down uncomfortably.Katie Lloyd: Um, may we speak in private?Katie Lloyd sits across from Gwenin an empty office. Gwen continuesto look down.Katie Lloyd: As I understand Joseph,the sex was consensual, but youmaintained otherwise so as not toincur the wrath of your father.Gwen Richards: Shakes her head abit, crossing her arms, lookingtoward Katie but not meeting hereyes. That’s … not true.Katie Lloyd: Studying Gwen’sreaction. The sex was notconsensual? He overpowered you?Gwen Richards: He … pressured me. Iwas sixteen. I was afraid to say no. I didn’t feel like I had a choice. Looks at Katie, then looks down again. Miss Lloyd, I can’t help you.Katie looks disappointed, sighs.Gwen Richards: Plus this is something I’ve tried to put behind me. I have a life, a family…Katie Lloyd: I’m not a psychologist, but I suspect, if you weren’t raped, you’ll never put this behind you. Gwen looks away, closes her eyes. A man served six years in prison. He must live what’s left of his shattered life as a registered sex offender. And if you were a person of conscience--Gwen Richards: Cuts off Katie. I need you to leave. I have to get back to work, and I… can’t help you. I need you to leave.Katie looks down at Gwen sympathetically, then leaves her sitting there alone.Alan sits behind his desk. Patrice sits across from him, her stoic features reflected in his desktop.Alan Shore: We need to talk, specifically about your insanity. Can we do that?Patrice Kelly: Nods, hands folded. My thought is it should be a dissociative state. They tend to be temporary in nature.Alan Shore: Taken aback by aloofness. What would be the precipitating factor? It was a full month after Sean Harmon’s acquittal, so what was it that sent you around the bend?Patrice Kelly: God.Alan Shore: God?Patrice Kelly: God. He spoke to me.Alan Shore: What did God say?Patrice Kelly: Shoot him in the head.Alan Shore: I see. The thing is, Patrice, for a jury to let you go, they have to like you. That won’t happen emphatically if they think you’re trying to fool them. So far, I’m not sure I like you.Patrice Kelly: What’s your point?Alan Shore: Did God speak to you?Patrice Kelly: Yes.Alan Shore: And His exact words were …?Patrice Kelly: adamantl.y Shoot him in the head.Alan rolls his eyes.Whitney sits with Katie and Jerry in theiroffice, drinking beer from a bottle.Katie Lloyd: Maybe we can subpoena her…maybe under oath? I’m not sure she’s willing torisk perjury.Whitney Rome: But that’s exactly what she riskedat the trial when she convicted him. If what you’resaying is true, it’s probably the threat of perjurythat’s kept her from setting the record straight allthese years.Jerry nods in agreement.Katie Lloyd:shaking her head in dismay.Just… there must be something else we can do…Knock at the door. Alan steps into the room.Alan Shore: Excuse me, Katie, Jerry. Turns andextends his hand. Whitney, Alan Shore. Wehaven’t officially met. How do you feel about murder trials?Whitney Rome: I can take ‘em or leave ‘em.Alan Shore: I need you to take one as second chair. Would you come with me? He turns to head back to his office, expecting her to follow.Whitney Rome: Bluntly. Ok, if that’s a line, um, you’re too old and too fat.Alan Shore: turns back toward her. Not too old… Please, leave the beer. He motions her to go ahead of him. Katie sighs, at a loss. She looks up to see Gwen Richards in the doorway. Both she and Jerry stand, surprised and pleased.Katie Lloyd: Gwen!Gwen Richards: Tell me what I need to do.Jerry and Katie beam.Inside Judge Howe’s courtroom, GwenRichards is already seated as Katie, Jerryand Joseph Washington enter.Joseph Washington: Tell me again why we’re inthis court?Katie Lloyd: proceeding to the defense table.This is the court where you were convicted ofthe rape, and therefore the only one that canoverturn it. If successful, then we go back toMiddletown.Joseph glances back at Gwen whose headis lowered, looking up ashamedly.Katie Lloyd: Please don’t make her any more uncomfortable than she is. We don’t want her to leave. Joseph nods.Bailiff: All rise. The judge enters and takes his seat. In re Commonwealth vs. Joseph Washington, the honorable William Howe presiding. This court is now in session.Katie Lloyd: Good morning Your Honor, my name is Katie Lloyd. I am before you today with attorney Jerry Espenson, representing Joseph Washington, who was convicted before you in 1985 on the charge of rape. Judge Howe: Yes, I’ve read your papers.DA Haber: Your Honor, I have no idea if there has been any deal cut between Mr. Washington and the witness to affect any--Katie Lloyd: There's been no such deal Your Honor, which is so attested to in Miss Richards’ affidavit, and I would submit, since the rape case against Mr. Washington was based solely and entirely on her testimony-- Judge Howe: Is Miss Richards with us today?Katie Lloyd: looking back toward her. She is, Your Honor.Judge Howe: gestures for her to approach. Ms. Richards, step up here please.Gwen steps forward lookingafraid.Judge Howe: You claimed Mr.Washington forcibly raped you.You’re saying now, that wasnot the case?Gwen Richards: unable tolook directly at the judge.Yes sir.Judge Howe: Why would yousay he did?Gwen Richards: hesitating,filled with regret. My fatherwalked in on us. I claimed Mr.Washington raped me to avoidpunishment. The sex I hadwith Mr. Washington wasconsensual.Judge Howe: You realize theprosecution mostly likely willcharge you now with perjury?Gwen Richards: Yes, I’ve consulted a lawyer, I know what I’m exposing myself to here.Judge Howe: I find this revelation a little disgusting, Ms. Richards. In addition to sending this man to prison for something he didn’t do, perhaps destroying his life irreparably, you continued to let that rape conviction hang over this man while he was being tried for murder.Gwen Richards: emotionally. Yes, your honor. I will never be able to give back what I took from him. She begins to cry. I cannot punish him any longer, Your Honor. He did not rape me. I lied.Judge Howe: Ok. Given that the prosecution’s primary witness has recanted, I am vacating this conviction, pending further proceedings. Katie closes her eyes in relief. An arrest warrant is hereby issued for Ms. Richards. Please take her into custody.The bailiff rises and escorts Gwen from the courtroom. The judge rises and leaves the bench. Jerry, Joseph and Katie leave the courtroom, all somber and quiet.Inside a packed Middletown courtroom, spectators spill into the back.Attorney McDougal: He hasn’t been cleared. The case is still officially pending--Katie Lloyd: But the conviction was vacated, which means that he doesn’t have to be registered as a sex offender.Gasps from the crowd.Judge Donahue: All right, settle down.Attorney McDougal: Your Honor, we don’t know the circumstances surrounding Ms. Richards’ sudden decision to recant her testimony.Judge Donahue: Mr. McDougal, unless you show me some evidence to cast suspicion on these circumstances, my hands are tied. He doesn’t stand before me as a convicted sex offender. I therefore order you to take his name off the registered sex offenders list.。
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二、亮点试题分析1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC →→=,则AB AC →→⋅的最小值为( )A .14-B .12-C .34-D .1-【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。
【易错点】1.不能正确用OA ,OB ,OC 表示其它向量。
2.找不出OB 与OA 的夹角和OB 与OC 的夹角的倍数关系。
【解题思路】1.把向量用OA ,OB ,OC 表示出来。
【解析】设单位圆的圆心为O ,由AB AC →→=得,22()()OB OA OC OA -=-,因为1OA OB OC ===,所以有,OB OA OC OA ⋅=⋅则()()AB AC OB OA OC OA ⋅=-⋅-2OB OC OB OA OA OC OA =⋅-⋅-⋅+ 21OB OC OB OA =⋅-⋅+设OB 与OA 的夹角为α,则OB 与OC 的夹角为2α所以,cos 22cos 1AB AC αα⋅=-+2112(cos )22α=--即,AB AC ⋅的最小值为12-,故选B 。
【举一反三】【相似较难试题】【2015高考天津,理14】在等腰梯形ABCD 中,已知//,2,1,60AB DC AB BC ABC ==∠= ,动点E 和F 分别在线段BC 和DC 上,且,1,,9BE BC DF DC λλ==则AE AF ⋅的最小值为 .【试题分析】本题主要考查向量的几何运算、向量的数量积与基本不等式.运用向量的几何运算求,AE AF ,体现了数形结合的基本思想,再运用向量数量积的定义计算AE AF ⋅,体现了数学定义的运用,再利用基本不等式求最小值,体现了数学知识的综合应用能力.是思维能力与计算能力的综合体现. 【答案】2918【解析】因为1,9DF DC λ=12DC AB =,119199918CF DF DC DC DC DC AB λλλλλ--=-=-==, AE AB BE AB BC λ=+=+,19191818AF AB BC CF AB BC AB AB BC λλλλ-+=++=++=+,()221919191181818AE AF AB BC AB BC AB BC AB BCλλλλλλλλλ+++⎛⎫⎛⎫⋅=+⋅+=+++⋅⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭19199421cos1201818λλλλ++=⨯++⨯⨯⨯︒2117172992181818λλ=++≥+= 当且仅当2192λλ=即23λ=时AE AF ⋅的最小值为2918. 2.【试卷原题】20. (本小题满分12分)已知抛物线C 的焦点()1,0F ,其准线与x 轴的交点为K ,过点K 的直线l 与C 交于,A B 两点,点A 关于x 轴的对称点为D . (Ⅰ)证明:点F 在直线BD 上; (Ⅱ)设89FA FB →→⋅=,求BDK ∆内切圆M 的方程. 【考查方向】本题主要考查抛物线的标准方程和性质,直线与抛物线的位置关系,圆的标准方程,韦达定理,点到直线距离公式等知识,考查了解析几何设而不求和化归与转化的数学思想方法,是直线与圆锥曲线的综合问题,属于较难题。
【易错点】1.设直线l 的方程为(1)y m x =+,致使解法不严密。
【解析】(Ⅰ)由题可知()1,0K -,抛物线的方程为24y x =则可设直线l 的方程为1x my =-,()()()112211,,,,,A x y B x y D x y -,故214x my y x =-⎧⎨=⎩整理得2440y my -+=,故121244y y m y y +=⎧⎨=⎩则直线BD 的方程为()212221y y y y x x x x +-=--即2222144y y y x y y ⎛⎫-=- ⎪-⎝⎭令0y =,得1214y yx ==,所以()1,0F 在直线BD 上.(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)可知121244y y m y y +=⎧⎨=⎩,所以()()212121142x x my my m +=-+-=-,()()1211111x x my my =--= 又()111,FA x y →=-,()221,FB x y →=-故()()()21212121211584FA FB x x y y x x x x m →→⋅=--+=-++=-,则28484,93m m -=∴=±,故直线l 的方程为3430x y ++=或3430x y -+=213y y -===±,故直线BD 的方程330x -=或330x -=,又KF 为BKD ∠的平分线,故可设圆心()(),011M t t -<<,(),0M t 到直线l 及BD 的距离分别为3131,54t t +--------------10分 由313154t t +-=得19t =或9t =(舍去).故圆M 的半径为31253t r +== 所以圆M 的方程为221499x y ⎛⎫-+= ⎪⎝⎭【举一反三】【相似较难试题】【2014高考全国,22】 已知抛物线C :y 2=2px(p>0)的焦点为F ,直线y =4与y 轴的交点为P ,与C 的交点为Q ,且|QF|=54|PQ|.(1)求C 的方程;(2)过F 的直线l 与C 相交于A ,B 两点,若AB 的垂直平分线l′与C 相交于M ,N 两点,且A ,M ,B ,N 四点在同一圆上,求l 的方程.【试题分析】本题主要考查求抛物线的标准方程,直线和圆锥曲线的位置关系的应用,韦达定理,弦长公式的应用,解法及所涉及的知识和上题基本相同. 【答案】(1)y 2=4x. (2)x -y -1=0或x +y -1=0. 【解析】(1)设Q(x 0,4),代入y 2=2px ,得x 0=8p,所以|PQ|=8p ,|QF|=p 2+x 0=p 2+8p.由题设得p 2+8p =54×8p ,解得p =-2(舍去)或p =2,所以C 的方程为y 2=4x.(2)依题意知l 与坐标轴不垂直,故可设l 的方程为x =my +1(m≠0). 代入y 2=4x ,得y 2-4my -4=0. 设A(x 1,y 1),B(x 2,y 2), 则y 1+y 2=4m ,y 1y 2=-4.故线段的AB 的中点为D(2m 2+1,2m), |AB|=m 2+1|y 1-y 2|=4(m 2+1).又直线l ′的斜率为-m ,所以l ′的方程为x =-1m y +2m 2+3.将上式代入y 2=4x ,并整理得y 2+4m y -4(2m 2+3)=0.设M(x 3,y 3),N(x 4,y 4),则y 3+y 4=-4m,y 3y 4=-4(2m 2+3).故线段MN 的中点为E ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m2+2m 2+3,-2m ,|MN|=1+1m 2|y 3-y 4|=4(m 2+1)2m 2+1m 2.由于线段MN 垂直平分线段AB ,故A ,M ,B ,N 四点在同一圆上等价于|AE|=|BE|=12|MN|,从而14|AB|2+|DE|2=14|MN|2,即 4(m 2+1)2+⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m +2m 2+⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2m 2+22=4(m 2+1)2(2m 2+1)m 4,化简得m 2-1=0,解得m =1或m =-1, 故所求直线l 的方程为x -y -1=0或x +y -1=0.三、考卷比较本试卷新课标全国卷Ⅰ相比较,基本相似,具体表现在以下方面: 1. 对学生的考查要求上完全一致。
即在考查基础知识的同时,注重考查能力的原则,确立以能力立意命题的指导思想,将知识、能力和素质融为一体,全面检测考生的数学素养,既考查了考生对中学数学的基础知识、基本技能的掌握程度,又考查了对数学思想方法和数学本质的理解水平,符合考试大纲所提倡的“高考应有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度”的原则. 2. 试题结构形式大体相同,即选择题12个,每题5分,填空题4 个,每题5分,解答题8个(必做题5个),其中第22,23,24题是三选一题。
3. 在考查范围上略有不同,如本试卷第3题,是一个积分题,尽管简单,但全国卷已经不考查了。