畜牧经济 | Animal husbandry economy2132022.21·0 引言当前生猪养殖体系中,生态猪养殖已经成为了“热点”,备受关注。
1 生态猪养殖技术作用1.1 显著提升猪肉品质为了提高生猪的抗病性能及猪饲料的转化率,传统生猪养殖通常都会将适当的化学物质、抗生素添加入猪饲料中,但是长期添加此类物质,必然会影响猪肉的品质,甚至还有可能会危害生命安全。
1.2 降低生态环境污染传统生猪养殖面临一个亟待解决的问题,那就是要第一时间内处理生猪粪污,否则就会破坏养猪场周边的生态环境,但有相当数量的养猪场(户)根本无力去处理生猪粪污。
畜禽养殖科学 | livestock science2022.22·350 引言林下生态养鸡是一种将环境和养殖相结合的模式,这种养殖方式可达到降低饲养成本和提升鸡产品质量及提升养殖经济效益的效果。
1 林地选择在进行林下养殖前,要选择适合的林地,通常是要林地能适应鸡的生活习性和生理特点[1]。
如果养殖量比较小,可以选择在房前屋后的树林内进行养殖,如果是大规模养殖,可以选择较大树林,通常需要超过0.667 hm 2。
通常以0.667 hm 2的面积中含有不超过100棵树为宜,还可以在其中撒入一些秸秆类物质供鸡啄食,也可以减少腿部疾病的发生。
2 鸡舍选址与建设林下生态养殖模式中,需要与舍饲相结合。
鸡舍内通常是分为单列式或者双列式排列,鸡舍内鸡的密度为15~20只/m 2。
3 鸡品种选择通常采用林下养殖模式进行养殖的鸡的品种应以土作者简介:王奇(1983-),男,汉族,陕西子洲人,本科,兽医师,主要从事畜禽养殖技术研究与推广工作。
Package‘SASmixed’October12,2022Title Data sets from``SAS System for Mixed Models''Version1.0-4Date2014-03-11Maintainer Steven Walker<************************>Contact LME4Authors<**************************>Author Original by Littell,Milliken,Stroup,and Wolfinger,modifications by Douglas Bates<***************.edu>,Martin Maechler,Ben Bolker and Steven WalkerDescription Data sets and sample lmer analyses correspondingto the examples in Littell,Milliken,Stroup and Wolfinger(1996),``SAS System for Mixed Models'',SAS Institute.Depends R(>=2.14.0),Suggests lme4,latticeLazyData yesLicense GPL(>=2)NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2014-03-1116:41:14R topics documented:Animal (2)AvgDailyGain (3)BIB (4)Bond (5)Cultivation (5)Demand (6)Genetics (7)HR (8)IncBlk (9)Mississippi (10)12Animal Multilocation (11)PBIB (12)Semi2 (13)Semiconductor (14)SIMS (14)TeachingI (15)TeachingII (16)WaferTypes (16)Weights (17)WWheat (18)Index19 Animal Animal breeding experimentDescriptionThe Animal data frame has20rows and3columns giving the average daily weight gains for animals with different genetic backgrounds.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Sire a factor denoting the sire.(5levels)Dam a factor denoting the dam.(2levels)AvgDailyGain a numeric vector of average daily weight gainsDetailsThis appears to be a constructed data set.SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set6.4).Examplesstr(Animal)AvgDailyGain3 AvgDailyGain Average daily weight gain of steers on different dietsDescriptionThe AvgDailyGain data frame has32rows and6columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Id the animal numberBlock an ordered factor indicating the barn in which the steer was housed.Treatment an ordered factor with levels0<10<20<30indicating the amount of medicated feed additive added to the base ration.adg a numeric vector of average daily weight gains over a period of160days.InitWt a numeric vector giving the initial weight of the animalTrt the Treatment as a numeric variableSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.3).Examplesstr(AvgDailyGain)if(require("lattice",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){##plot of adg versus Treatment by Blockxyplot(adg~Treatment|Block,AvgDailyGain,type=c("g","p","r"),xlab="Treatment(amount of feed additive)",ylab="Average daily weight gain(lb.)",aspect="xy",index.cond=function(x,y)coef(lm(y~x))[1])}if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with output5.1,p.178print(fm1Adg<-lmer(adg~InitWt*Treatment-1+(1|Block),AvgDailyGain))print(anova(fm1Adg))#checking significance of termsprint(fm2Adg<-lmer(adg~InitWt+Treatment+(1|Block),AvgDailyGain))print(anova(fm2Adg))print(lmer(adg~InitWt+Treatment-1+(1|Block),AvgDailyGain))}4BIB BIB Data from a balanced incomplete block designDescriptionThe BIB data frame has24rows and5columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Block an ordered factor with levels1<2<3<8<5<4<6<7Treatment a treatment factor with levels1to4.y a numeric vector representing the responsex a numeric vector representing the covariateGrp a factor with levels13and24DetailsThese appear to be constructed data.SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.4).Examplesstr(BIB)if(require("lattice",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){xyplot(y~x|Block,BIB,groups=Treatment,type=c("g","p"),aspect="xy",auto.key=list(points=TRUE,space="right",lines=FALSE))}if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with Output5.7,p.188print(fm1BIB<-lmer(y~Treatment*x+(1|Block),BIB))print(anova(fm1BIB))#strong evidence of different slopes##compare with Output5.9,p.193print(fm2BIB<-lmer(y~Treatment+x:Grp+(1|Block),BIB))print(anova(fm2BIB))}Bond5 Bond Strengths of metal bondsDescriptionThe Bond data frame has21rows and3columns of data on the strength required to break metal bonds according to the metal and the ingot.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:pressure a numeric vector of pressures required to break the bondMetal a factor with levels c,i and n indicating the metal involved(copper,iron or nickel).Ingot an ordered factor indicating the ingot of the composition material.SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set1.2.4).Mendenhall,M.,Wackerly,D.D.and Schaeffer,R.L.(1990),Mathematical Statistics,Wadsworth (Exercise13.36).Examplesstr(Bond)options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){##compare with output1.1on p.6print(fm1Bond<-lmer(pressure~Metal+(1|Ingot),Bond))print(anova(fm1Bond))}Cultivation Bacterial innoculation applied to grass cultivarsDescriptionThe Cultivation data frame has24rows and4columns of data from an experiment on the effect on dry weight yield of three bacterial inoculation treatments applied to two grass cultivars.6DemandFormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Block a factor with levels1to4Cult the cultivar factor with levels a and bInoc the innoculant factor with levels con,dea and livdrywt a numeric vector of dry weight yieldsSourceLittell,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set2.2(a)).Littel,R.C.,Freund,R.J.,and Spector,P.C.(1991),SAS System for Linear Models,Third Ed., SAS Institute.Examplesstr(Cultivation)xtabs(~Block+Cult,Cultivation)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with Output2.10,page58print(fm1Cult<-lmer(drywt~Inoc*Cult+(1|Block)+(1|Cult),Cultivation))print(anova(fm1Cult))print(fm2Cult<-lmer(drywt~Inoc+Cult+(1|Block)+(1|Cult),Cultivation))print(anova(fm2Cult))print(fm3Cult<-lmer(drywt~Inoc+(1|Block)+(1|Cult),Cultivation))print(anova(fm3Cult))}Demand Per-capita demand deposits by state and yearDescriptionThe Demand data frame has77rows and8columns of data on per-capita demand deposits by state and year.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:State an ordered factor with levels WA<FL<CA<TX<IL<DC<NYYear an ordered factor with levels1949<...<1959d a numeric vector of per-capita demand depositsGenetics7y a numeric vector of permanent per-capita personal incomerd a numeric vector of service charges on demand depositsrt a numeric vector of interest rates on time depositsrs a numeric vector of interest rates on savings and loan association shares.SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set1.2.4).Feige,E.L.(1964),The Demand for Liquid Assets:A Temporal Cross-Sectional Analysis.,Prentice Hall.Examplesstr(Demand)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){##compare to output3.13,p.132summary(fm1Demand<-lmer(log(d)~log(y)+log(rd)+log(rt)+log(rs)+(1|State)+(1|Year), Demand))}Genetics Heritability dataDescriptionThe Genetics data frame has60rows and4columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Location a factor with levels1to4Block a factor with levels1to3Family a factor with levels1to5Yield a numeric vector of crop yieldsSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set4.5).8HRExamplesstr(Genetics)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))summary(fm1Gen<-lmer(Yield~Family+(1|Location/Block),Genetics))}HR Heart rates of patients on different drug treatmentsDescriptionThe HR data frame has120rows and5columns of the heart rates of patients under one of three possible drug treatments.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Patient an ordered factor indicating the patient.Drug the drug treatment-a factor with levels a,b and p where p represents the placebo.baseHR the patient’s base heart rateHR the observed heart rate at different times in the experimentTime the time of the observationSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set3.5).Examplesstr(HR)if(require("lattice",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){xyplot(HR~Time|Patient,HR,type=c("g","p","r"),aspect="xy",index.cond=function(x,y)coef(lm(y~x))[1],ylab="Heart rate(beats/min)")}if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##linear trend in timeprint(fm1HR<-lmer(HR~Time*Drug+baseHR+(Time|Patient),HR))print(anova(fm1HR))##Not run:fm2HR<-update(fm1HR,weights=varPower(0.5))#use power-of-mean variancesummary(fm2HR)intervals(fm2HR)#variance function does not seem significantanova(fm1HR,fm2HR)#confirm with likelihood ratioIncBlk9##End(Not run)print(fm3HR<-lmer(HR~Time+Drug+baseHR+(Time|Patient),HR))print(anova(fm3HR))##remove Drug termprint(fm4HR<-lmer(HR~Time+baseHR+(Time|Patient),HR))print(anova(fm4HR))}IncBlk An unbalanced incomplete block experimentDescriptionThe IncBlk data frame has24rows and4columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Block an ordered factor giving the blockTreatment a factor with levels1to4y a numeric vectorx a numeric vectorDetailsThese data are probably constructed data.SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.5).Examplesstr(IncBlk)10Mississippi Mississippi Nitrogen concentrations in the Mississippi RiverDescriptionThe Mississippi data frame has37rows and3columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:influent an ordered factor with levels3<5<2<1<4<6y a numeric vectorType a factor with levels123SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set4.2).Examplesstr(Mississippi)if(require("lattice",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){dotplot(drop(influent:Type)~y,groups=Type,Mississippi)}if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with output4.1,p.142print(fm1Miss<-lmer(y~1+(1|influent),Mississippi))##compare with output4.2,p.143print(fm1MLMiss<-update(fm1Miss,REML=FALSE))##BLUP s of random effects on p.142ranef(fm1Miss)##BLUP s of random effects on p.144print(ranef(fm1MLMiss))#intervals(fm1Miss)#interval estimates of variance components##compare to output4.8and4.9,pp.150-152print(fm2Miss<-lmer(y~Type+(1|influent),Mississippi,REML=TRUE))print(anova(fm2Miss))}Multilocation11 Multilocation A multilocation trialDescriptionThe Multilocation data frame has108rows and7columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:obs a numeric vectorLocation an ordered factor with levels B<D<E<I<G<A<C<F<HBlock a factor with levels1to3Trt a factor with levels1to4Adj a numeric vectorFe a numeric vectorGrp an ordered factor with levels B/1<B/2<B/3<D/1<D/2<D/3<E/1<E/2<E/3<I/1< I/2<I/3<G/1<G/2<G/3<A/1<A/2<A/3<C/1<C/2<C/3<F/1<F/2<F/3<H/1 <H/2<H/3SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set2.8.1).Examplesstr(Multilocation)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))###Create a Block%in%Location factorMultilocation$Grp<-with(Multilocation,Block:Location)print(fm1Mult<-lmer(Adj~Location*Trt+(1|Grp),Multilocation))print(anova(fm1Mult))print(fm2Mult<-lmer(Adj~Location+Trt+(1|Grp),Multilocation),corr=FALSE)print(fm3Mult<-lmer(Adj~Location+(1|Grp),Multilocation),corr=FALSE)print(fm4Mult<-lmer(Adj~Trt+(1|Grp),Multilocation))print(fm5Mult<-lmer(Adj~1+(1|Grp),Multilocation))print(anova(fm2Mult))print(anova(fm1Mult,fm2Mult,fm3Mult,fm4Mult,fm5Mult))###Treating the location as a random effectprint(fm1MultR<-lmer(Adj~Trt+(1|Location/Trt)+(1|Grp),Multilocation))print(anova(fm1MultR))fm2MultR<-lmer(Adj~Trt+(Trt-1|Location)+(1|Block),Multilocation)##Warning(not error?!):Convergence failure in10000iter%%__FIXME__12PBIB print(fm2MultR)#does not mention previous conv.failure%%FIXME??print(anova(fm1MultR,fm2MultR))##Not run:confint(fm1MultR)##End(Not run)}PBIB A partially balanced incomplete block experimentDescriptionThe PBIB data frame has60rows and3columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:response a numeric vectorTreatment a factor with levels1to15Block an ordered factor with levels1to15SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set1.5.1).Examplesstr(PBIB)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with output1.7pp.24-25print(fm1PBIB<-lmer(response~Treatment+(1|Block),PBIB))print(anova(fm1PBIB))}Semi213 Semi2Oxide layer thicknesses on semiconductorsDescriptionThe Semi2data frame has72rows and5columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Source a factor with levels1and2Lot a factor with levels1to8Wafer a factor with levels1to3Site a factor with levels1to3Thickness a numeric vectorSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set4.4).Examplesstr(Semi2)xtabs(~Lot+Wafer,Semi2)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with output4.13,p.156print(fm1Semi2<-lmer(Thickness~1+(1|Lot/Wafer),Semi2))##compare with output4.15,p.159print(fm2Semi2<-lmer(Thickness~Source+(1|Lot/Wafer),Semi2))print(anova(fm2Semi2))##compare with output4.17,p.163print(fm3Semi2<-lmer(Thickness~Source+(1|Lot/Wafer)+(1|Lot:Source),Semi2))##This is not the same as the SAS model.}14SIMS Semiconductor Semiconductor split-plot experimentDescriptionThe Semiconductor data frame has48rows and5columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:resistance a numeric vectorET a factor with levels1to4representing etch time.Wafer a factor with levels1to3position a factor with levels1to4Grp an ordered factor with levels1/1<1/2<1/3<2/1<2/2<2/3<3/1<3/2<3/3<4/1< 4/2<4/3SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set2.2(b)).Examplesstr(Semiconductor)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))print(fm1Semi<-lmer(resistance~ET*position+(1|Grp),Semiconductor))print(anova(fm1Semi))print((fm2Semi<-lmer(resistance~ET+position+(1|Grp),Semiconductor)))print(anova(fm2Semi))}SIMS Second International Mathematics Study dataDescriptionThe SIMS data frame has3691rows and3columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Pretot a numeric vector giving the student’s pre-test total scoreGain a numeric vector giving gains from pre-test to thefinal testClass an ordered factor giving the student’s classTeachingI15SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(section7.2.2)Kreft,I.G.G.,De Leeuw,J.and Var Der Leeden,R.(1994),“Review offive multilevel analysis programs:BMDP-5V,GENMOD,HLM,ML3,and V ARCL”,American Statistician,48,324–335. Examplesstr(SIMS)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare to output7.4,p.262print(fm1SIMS<-lmer(Gain~Pretot+(Pretot|Class),data=SIMS))print(anova(fm1SIMS))}TeachingI Teaching Methods IDescriptionThe TeachingI data frame has96rows and7columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Method a factor with levels1to3Teacher a factor with levels1to4Gender a factor with levels f and mStudent a factor with levels1to4score a numeric vectorExperience a numeric vectoruTeacher an ordered factor with levelsSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.6).Examplesstr(TeachingI)16WaferTypes TeachingII Teaching Methods IIDescriptionThe TeachingII data frame has96rows and6columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Method a factor with levels1to3Teacher a factor with levels1to4Gender a factor with levels f and mIQ a numeric vectorscore a numeric vectoruTeacher an ordered factor with levelsSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.7).Examplesstr(TeachingII)WaferTypes Data on different types of silicon wafersDescriptionThe WaferTypes data frame has144rows and8columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Group a factor with levels1to4Temperature an ordered factor with levels900<1000<1100Type a factor with levels A and BWafer a numeric vectorSite a numeric vectordelta a numeric vectorThick a numeric vectoruWafer an ordered factor giving a unique code to each group,temperature,type and wafer combi-nation.Weights17SourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set5.8).Examplesstr(WaferTypes)Weights Data from a weight-lifting programDescriptionThe Weights data frame has399rows and5columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:strength a numeric vectorSubject a factor with levels1to21Program a factor with levels CONT(continuous repetitions and weights),RI(repetitions increasing) and WI(weights increasing)Subj an ordered factor indicating the subject on which the measurement is madeTime a numeric vector indicating the time of the measurementSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set3.2(a)).Examplesstr(Weights)if(require("lme4",quietly=TRUE,character=TRUE)){options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.SAS",ordered="contr.poly"))##compare with output3.1,p.91print(fm1Weight<-lmer(strength~Program*Time+(1|Subj),Weights))print(anova(fm1Weight))print(fm2Weight<-lmer(strength~Program*Time+(Time|Subj),Weights))print(anova(fm1Weight,fm2Weight))##Not run:intervals(fm2Weight)fm3Weight<-update(fm2Weight,correlation=corAR1())anova(fm2Weight,fm3Weight)fm4Weight<-update(fm3Weight,strength~Program*(Time+I(Time^2)),random=~Time|Subj)18WWheat summary(fm4Weight)anova(fm4Weight)intervals(fm4Weight)##End(Not run)}WWheat Winter wheatDescriptionThe WWheat data frame has60rows and3columns.FormatThis data frame contains the following columns:Variety an ordered factor with10levelsYield a numeric vector of yieldsMoisture a numeric vector of soil moisture contentsSourceLittel,R.C.,Milliken,G.A.,Stroup,W.W.,and Wolfinger,R.D.(1996),SAS System for Mixed Models,SAS Institute(Data Set7.2).Examplesstr(WWheat)Index∗datasetsAnimal,2AvgDailyGain,3BIB,4Bond,5Cultivation,5Demand,6Genetics,7HR,8IncBlk,9Mississippi,10Multilocation,11PBIB,12Semi2,13Semiconductor,14SIMS,14TeachingI,15TeachingII,16WaferTypes,16Weights,17WWheat,18 Animal,2 AvgDailyGain,3 BIB,4Bond,5 Cultivation,5 Demand,6factor,11 Genetics,7HR,8IncBlk,9 Mississippi,10Multilocation,11ordered,11PBIB,12Semi2,13Semiconductor,14SIMS,14TeachingI,15TeachingII,16WaferTypes,16Weights,17WWheat,1819。
备考英语作文动物与动物园英文回答:When it comes to animals and zoos, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I understand the importance of zoosin terms of conservation efforts and education. Zoosprovide a safe environment for endangered species and help raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife. For example, I remember visiting a zoo where they had a breeding program for endangered tigers, which was really inspiring to see.On the other hand, I can't help but feel sorry for the animals that are kept in captivity. It's sad to see them confined to small enclosures when they should be roamingfree in the wild. I remember seeing a gorilla at a zoo once, and it just looked so bored and unhappy. It made me realize that animals belong in their natural habitats, not behind bars.中文回答:谈到动物和动物园,我有着复杂的感受。
【高中英语 外刊拓展】专题 30 Puppy love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱 (学生版)
专题30 Puppy Love 养狗不只是一种短暂的爱备战2021年高考英语外刊精读与练习(学生版)语篇导读:新冠肺炎疫情期间,很多人在家工作,随之,决定开始养狗的人越来越多。
Step 1 Vocabulary词汇表animal welfare 动物福利companion 伴侣man’s best friend 狗canine 犬puppy 小狗,幼犬coat(动物的)皮毛pooch 狗breed 品种Cockapoo 可卡颇犬Cocker Spaniels 可卡犬puppy farming 幼犬养殖smuggling 走私,贩卖breeder 饲养动物的人irresponsible 不负责任的legally 合法地,依法rescue centre 救援中心registered 已注册的pet 宠物animal behaviourist 动物行为学专家fear-aggression 害怕受攻击lives have been turned upside down 生活变得一团糟separation anxiety 分离焦虑症Step 2 Reading and understandingFor some people, there’s no better companion than man’s best friend--a dog. This four-legged canine can bring comfort and joy and provide much-needed exercise for you when it needs walkies! This probably explains why dog ownership increased last year because people spent more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.It was demand for puppies in particular that saw the biggest increase. Who couldn’t resist their playful personalities, adorable eyes, and super-soft coats?However, as demand for a new pooch increased, so did the price tag. Popular breeds, such as Cockapoos and Cocker Spaniels, saw even sharper price increases, and puppies have been selling for £3,000 or more.Animal welfare charities fear that high prices could encourage puppy farming, smuggling or dog theft. And a BBC investigation found some breeders have been selling puppies and kittens on social media sites –something charities have called “extremely irresponsible”.But despite some new owners purchasing a dog legally, maybe from a rescue centre or registered breeder, they’ve proved to be ill-prepared for life with a new pet, and the pet itself has found it hard to come to terms with life in a new home. Animal behaviourists in the UK have reported a surge in requests to help dogs suffering from fear-aggression after their lives have been turned upside down.Looking to the future, there are concerns about the welfare of these much-loved pets. Ian Atkin, manager of the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary in the UK, told the BBC: “At the moment, the dogs are having a great time, but separation anxiety could still surface when people go back to work.” And Claire Calder from the UK’s Dogs Trust rescue charity says “the economic situation also means that some people may find they can’t afford to look after a dog.” Th e message is not to buy a puppy in haste and to pick one that fits into your lifestyle.Step 3 测验与练习Task 1 选词填空完成句子smuggle register companion behaviourists irresponsible breeding legally anxiety breeder puppy1. He was a good friend, a dependable____________.2. My father bought me a ____________ as a birthday gift.3. He lived alone, ___________ horses and dogs.4. He tried to ____________ diamonds into Japan.5. My brother is a cattle ____________.6. I felt that it was _________________ to advocate the legalization of drugs.7. Seeing that she's ____________ old enough to get married, I don't see how you can stop her.8. No _____________ of his death was found.9. Animal _______________in the UK have reported a surge in requests to help dogs suffering from fear-aggression after their lives have been turned upside down.10. ______________can be caused by lack of sleep.Task 2 阅读课文并回答问题。
Package‘pedigreemm’November24,2023Version0.3-4Date2023-11-22Title Pedigree-Based Mixed-Effects ModelsAuthor Douglas Bates,Paulino Perez Rodriguez and Ana Ines Vazquez,Maintainer Ana Ines Vazquez<****************>Description Fit pedigree-based mixed-effects models.Depends R(>=3.0.0),lme4(>=1.0),Matrix(>=1.0),methodsLazyLoad yesLazyData yesLicense GPL(>=2)URL https:///anainesvs/pedigreemm/NeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-11-2422:20:02UTCR topics documented:Dmat (2)editPed (2)getA (4)getAInv (4)inbreeding (5)mastitis (6)milk (7)pedCows (8)pedCowsR (9)pedigree (9)pedigree-class (10)pedigreemm (11)pedigreemm-class (13)pedSires (14)relfactor (15)1Index16Dmat vector of the diagonal for the D matrix from the decomposition A=TDT’Descriptionnumeric vector that should be the diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix DUsageDmat(ped)Argumentsped an object that inherits from class pedigreeDetailsDetermine the diagonal factor in the decomposition of the relationship matrix from a pedigree equal to TDT’.Where T is unit lower triangular and D is a diagonal matrix.This function returns a numeric vector with the entries of DValuea numeric vectorExamplesped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)Dmat(ped)editPed Complete and Order a PedigreeDescriptionThis function helps to prepare a pedigree to generate a pedigree objectUsageeditPed(sire,dam,label,verbose)Argumentssire a vector(with some NA entries)with the father IDsdam similarly as sire for the“mother”of each entry.The vector must be of the samelength than the one for the sirelabel a vector with the subjects id.Giving a unique ID for the corresponding entry.The length as sire and dam should be the sameverbose logical entry inquiring whether to print line that the program is evaluating.Thedefault is FALSE.DetailsThe function takes a vector of sires,another for dams and afinal one for subjects all of the samelength,convert them to character.If there are dams or sires not declared as subjects the functiongenerates them.Finally,it orders the pedigree.The output can be used to build a pedigree objectpedValueA data frame with strings as characters.All subjects are in the label column,and all subjects willappear in this column before appering as sires or dams.Examples#(1)pede<-data.frame(sire=as.character(c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,1,3,5,6,4,8,1,10,8)),dam=as.character(c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2,2,NA,7,7,NA,9,9,13)),label=as.character(1:14))#scrambled original pedigree:(pede<-pede[sample(replace=FALSE,1:14),])(pede<-editPed(sire=pede$sire,dam=pede$dam,label=pede$label))ped<-with(pede,pedigree(label=label,sire=sire,dam=dam))################################################################################################# #(2)With missing labelspede<-data.frame(sire=as.character(c(NA,1,3,5,6,4,8,1,10,8)),dam=as.character(c(NA,2,2,NA,7,7,NA,9,9,13)),label=as.character(5:14))#scrambled original pedigree:(pede<-pede[sample(replace=FALSE,1:10),])(pede<-editPed(sire=pede$sire,dam=pede$dam,label=pede$label))ped<-with(pede,pedigree(label=label,sire=sire,dam=dam))################################################################################################# #(2)A larger pedigree#Useing pedCows pedigree#str(pedCows)#pede<-data.frame(id=pedCows@label,sire=pedCows@sire,dam=pedCows@dam)#pede<-pede[sample(1:nrow(pede),replace=FALSE),]#pede<-editPed(sire=pede$sire,dam=pede$dam,label=pede$id)#ped<-with(pede,pedigree(label=label,sire=sire,dam=dam))4getAInv getA Additive Relationship MatrixDescriptionAdditive relationship matrix from a pedigreeUsagegetA(ped)Argumentsped a pedigree that includes the individuals who occur in labsDetailsReturns the additive relationship matrix for the pedigree ped.ValueSparse matrixExamples##Example from chapter2of Mrode(2005)ped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)(getA(ped))getAInv Inverse of the relationship matrixDescriptionInverse of the Relationship matrix from a pedigreeUsagegetAInv(ped)Argumentsped a pedigree that includes the individuals who occur in labsinbreeding5 DetailsDetermine the inverse of the relationship matrix from a pedigree ped.Valuesparse matrix,inverse of the relationship matrixReferences2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.Examples##Example from chapter2of Mrode(2005)ped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)getAInv(ped)inbreeding Inbreeding coefficients from a pedigree...DescriptionInbreeding coefficients from a pedigreeUsageinbreeding(ped)Argumentsped an object that inherits from class pedigreeDetailsDetermine the inbreeding coefficients for all the individuals of a pedigree.This function a numeric vector.Valuea numeric vector6mastitisSourceSargolzaei,M.and H.Iwaisaki,parison of four direct algorithms for computing the inbreeding coefficients.J.Anim.Sci,76:401-406.References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.Examplesped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)inbreeding(ped)mastitis Mastitis cases in dairy cattleDescriptionRecords of the number of cases of clinical mastitis during thefirst lactation of1,675cows,primarily Holsteins.Cows belonged to41herds and were daughters of38sires.There were1,491healthy cows,134had only one case of mastitis,36had2cases,and14had between4and cases.Overall, mastitis incidence was0.11.Calving years for these records were from2000through2005.The sire,herd and days in milk are also recorded for each cow.FormatA data frame with1675observations on the following8variables.id Identifier of the animal.sire Identifier of the animal’s sire.birth year of birth of the animal(as a factor).herd herd id number(as a factor).calvingYear year of calving for this lactation.DIM total number of days in milk for the lactation.mastitis a factor indicating if the cow had any incidents of clinical mastitis during the lactation.NCM An ordered factor giving the number of clinical mastitis cases for the cow during this lactation. DetailsThe pedigree of the sires is given in the companion pedSires data set.milk7SourceVazquez,A.I.2007.Analysis of number of episodes of clinical mastitis in Norwegian Red and Hol-stein cows with Poisson and categorical data mixed models.Master of Science Thesis.University of Wisconsin-Madison.162pp.2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See AlsopedSires,pedigreeExamplesstr(mastitis)summary(mastitis,maxsum=10)milk Milk productionDescriptionRecords of the milk production of3397lactations fromfirst throughfifty parity Holsteins.These were1,359cows,daughters of38sires in57herds.The data was downloaded from the USDA internet site.All lactation records represent cows with at least100days in milk,with an average of k yield ranged from4,065to19,345kg estimated for305days,averaging11,636kg.There were1,314,1,006,640,334and103records were fromfirst thoroughfifth lactation animals. FormatA data frame with3397observations on the following9variables.id numeric identifier of cowlact number of lactation for which production is measuredherd a factor indicating the herdsire a factor indicating the siredim number of days in milk for that lactationmilk milk production estimated at305daysfat fat production estimated at305daysprot protein production estimated at305daysscs the somatic cell scoreSourceUSDA web site./References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.Examplesstr(milk)pedCows Pedigree of the cows in milkDescriptionA pedigree object giving(part of)the pedigree of the cows in the milk data frame.FormatThe format is:Formal class’pedigree’[package"pedigreemm"]with3slots..@sire:int[1:6547] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@dam:int[1:6547]NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@label:chr[1:6547]"1""2""3""4"...References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See AlsomilkExamplesstr(pedCows)pedCowsR Pedigree of the cows in milk with0.70of the information in pedCowsDescriptionA pedigree object giving(part of)the pedigree of the cows in the milk data frame.This pedigreeallows the example with’milk’to run faster.FormatThe format is:Formal class’pedigree’[package"pedigreemm"]with3slots..@sire:int[1:6547] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@dam:int[1:6547]NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@label:chr[1:6547]"1""2""3""4"...References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See AlsomilkExamplesstr(pedCowsR)pedigree Pedigree ConstructorDescriptionConstruct an object of class"pedigree",more conveniently than by new("pedigree",....).Usagepedigree(sire,dam,label)Argumentssire numeric vector(with some NA entries)of integer IDs,denoting a previous entry in the pedigree corresponding to the current entry’s“father”.dam similarly as sire for the“mother”of each entry.label a vector coercable to"character"of the same length as sire and dam giving a unique ID for the corresponding entry.10pedigree-classValuean object of formal class"pedigree".References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See Alsothe pedigree class.Examplesexample("pedigree-class")## p1 pedigree object the hard wayped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)##note that label is coerced to character automaticallypedstopifnot(identical(ped,p1))pedigree-class Class"pedigree"DescriptionObjects of class"pedigree"represent a set of individuals that can have two parents including their parent-child relations.The terminology has been taken from cattle breeding.The"pedinbred"class is an extension of the pedigree class with an additional slot of the inbreeding coefficients. Objects from the ClassObjects in the"pedigree"class can be created by calls of the form new("pedigree",...),or more conveniently,pedigree(sire=.,dam=.,label=.).Objects of the"pedinbred"class are created by coercing a pedigree to class"pedinbred".Slotssire:integer vector(with some NA entries),denoting a previous entry in the pedigree correspond-ing to the current entry’s“father”.dam:similarly as sire for the“mother”of each entry.label:a"character"vector of the same length as sire and dam giving a unique ID for the corresponding entry.F:(class"pedinbred"only)a numeric vector of inbreeding coefficients.Methodscoerce signature(from="pedigree",to="sparseMatrix"):returns a sparse,unit lower-triangular matrix which is the inverse of the"L"part of the"LDL’"form of the Cholesky factorizationof the relationship matrix.All non-zero elements below the diagonal are-0.5.coerce signature(from="pedigree",to="data.frame"):...head signature(x="pedigree"):...show signature(object="pedigree"):...tail signature(x="pedigree"):...ReferencesR.A.Mrode,Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values,2nd ed,CABI Publish-ing,2005.2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See Alsopedigree,inbreedingExamples##Rather use,pedigree()!The following is"raw code":##Example from chapter2of Mrode(2005)p1<-new("pedigree",sire=as.integer(c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5)),dam=as.integer(c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2)),label=as.character(1:6))p1(dtc<-as(p1,"sparseMatrix"))#T-inverse in Mrode s notationsolve(dtc)inbreeding(p1)pedigreemm Fit mixed-effects models incorporating pedigreesDescriptionFit linear or generalized linear mixed models incorporating the effects of a pedigree.Usagepedigreemm(formula,data,family=NULL,REML=TRUE,pedigree=list(),control=list(),start=NULL,verbose=FALSE,subset,weights,na.action,offset,contrasts=NULL,model=TRUE,x=TRUE,...)Argumentspedigree a named list of pedigree objects.The names must correspond to the names of grouping factors for random-effects terms in the formula argument.formula as in lmerdata as in lmerfamily as in glmerREML as in lmercontrol as in lmerstart as in lmerverbose as in lmersubset as in lmerweights as in lmerna.action as in lmeroffset as in lmercontrasts as in lmermodel as in lmerx as in lmer...as in lmerDetailsAll arguments to this function are the same as those to the function lmer except pedigree which must be a named list of pedigree objects.Each name(frequently there is only one)must correspond to the name of a grouping factor in a random-effects term in the formula.The observed levels of that factor must be contained in the pedigree.For each pedigree the(left)Cholesky factor of the relationship matrix restricted to the observed levels is calculated using relfactor and applied to the model matrix for that term.Valuea pedigreemm object.References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See Alsopedigreemm,pedigree,relfactor.pedigreemm-class13 Examplesp1<-new("pedigree",sire=as.integer(c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5)),dam=as.integer(c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2)),label=as.character(1:6))A<-getA(p1)cholA<-chol(A)varU<-0.4;varE<-0.6;rep<-20n<-rep*6set.seed(108)bStar<-rnorm(6,sd=sqrt(varU))b<-crossprod(as.matrix(cholA),bStar)ID<-rep(1:6,each=rep)e0<-rnorm(n,sd=sqrt(varE))y<-b[ID]+e0fm1<-pedigreemm(y~(1|ID),pedigree=list(ID=p1))table(y01<-ifelse(y<1.3,0,1))fm2<-pedigreemm(y01~(1|ID),pedigree=list(ID=p1),family= binomial ) pedigreemm-class Pedigree-based mixed-effects modelfitsDescriptionA mixed-effects modelfit by pedigreemm.This class extends class"merMod"class and includesone additional slot,relfac,which is a list of(left)Cholesky factors of the relationship matrices derived from"pedigree"objects.Objects from the ClassObjects are created by calls to the pedigreemm function.Slotsrelfac:A list of relationship matrix factors.All other slots are inherited from class"merMod". ExtendsClass"merMod",directly.Methodsfitted signature(object="pedigreemm"):actually a non-method in that fitted doesn’t apply to such objects because of the pre-whitening.ranef signature(object="pedigreemm"):incorporates the pedigree into the random effects as returned for the object viewed as a"merMod)"object.residuals signature(object="pedigreemm"):also a non-method for the same reason as fitted14pedSires See AlsopedigreemmExamplesshowClass("pedigreemm")pedSires Pedigree of the sires from mastitisDescriptionA pedigree object giving(part of)the pedigree of the sires from the mastitis data frame.Thepedigree is traced back on sires only.FormatThe format is:Formal class’pedigree’[package"pedigreemm"]with3slots..@sire:int[1:352] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@dam:int[1:352]NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA.....@label:chr[1:352]"1""2""3""4"...References2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.See AlsomastitisExamplesstr(pedSires)relfactor15 relfactor Relationship factor from a pedigree...DescriptionRelationship factor from a pedigreeUsagerelfactor(ped,labs)Argumentsped a pedigree that includes the individuals who occur in labslabs a character vector or a factor giving the labels to which to restrict the relationship matrix.If labs is a factor then the levels of the factor are used as the labels.Default is the complete set of labels in the pedigree.DetailsDetermine the right Cholesky factor of the relationship matrix for the pedigree ped,possibly re-stricted to the specific labels that occur in labs.Valuean upper triangular,sparse(right)Cholesky factor of the relationship matrixReferences2010.A.I.Vazquez,D.M.Bates,G.J.M.Rosa,D.Gianola and K.A.Weigel.Technical Note:An R package forfitting generalized linear mixed models in animal breeding.Journal of Animal Science, 88:497-504.Examples##Example from chapter2of Mrode(2005)ped<-pedigree(sire=c(NA,NA,1,1,4,5),dam=c(NA,NA,2,NA,3,2),label=1:6)(fac<-relfactor(ped))crossprod(fac)#the relationship matrixgetA(ped)#the relationship matrixIndex∗algebraeditPed,2getA,4getAInv,4relfactor,15∗arrayeditPed,2getA,4getAInv,4relfactor,15∗classespedigree-class,10pedigreemm-class,13∗datasetsmastitis,6milk,7pedCows,8pedCowsR,9pedSires,14∗miscDmat,2inbreeding,5pedigree,9∗modelspedigreemm,11coerce,pedigree,data.frame-method(pedigree-class),10 coerce,pedigree,sparseMatrix-method (pedigree-class),10 Dmat,2editPed,2fitted,pedigreemm-method(pedigreemm-class),13 getA,4getAInv,4glmer,12head,pedigree-method(pedigree-class),10inbreeding,5,11lmer,12mastitis,6,14merMod,13milk,7,8,9pedCows,8pedCowsR,9pedigree,2,5,7–9,9,10–14pedigree-class,10pedigreemm,11,12–14pedigreemm-class,13pedinbred-class(pedigree-class),10pedSires,6,7,14ranef,pedigreemm-method(pedigreemm-class),13relfactor,12,15residuals,pedigreemm-method(pedigreemm-class),13show,pedigree-method(pedigree-class),10tail,pedigree-method(pedigree-class),1016。
Gathering Fruit - Fruit trees bear fruit after a certain period of time. In this activity, students learn how to safely
gather fruit from the trees without damaging them.
03 Activities on the farm
Planting Rice - Rice is a staple food crop in many countries. In this activity, students role-play planting rice by hand, following the steps of tilling the land, sowing the seedlings, and watering them regularly.
Pigs are omnivorous animals that are raised for their meat. They are known for their intelligence and cleanliness.
Pigs have a strong sense of smell and taste, which they use to find food. They also have good hearing and eyesight, which help them to spot predators.
Milking Cow - Milk is a valuable source of nutrition. In this activity, students learn how to milk a cow using a milking machine and also understand the importance of cleanliness and hygiene while milking.
Package‘hibayes’November28,2023Title Individual-Level,Summary-Level and Single-Step BayesianRegression ModelVersion3.0.1Date2023-11-27Description A user-friendly tool tofit Bayesian regression models.It canfit3types of Bayesian mod-els using individual-level,summary-level,and individual plus pedigree-level(single-step)data for both Genomic prediction/selection(GS)and Genome-Wide Associa-tion Study(GW AS),it was designed to estimate joint effects and genetic parameters for a com-plex trait,including:(1)fixed effects and coefficients of covariates,(2)environmental random effects,and its corresponding variance,(3)genetic variance,(4)residual variance,(5)heritability,(6)genomic estimated breeding values(GEBV)for both genotyped and non-genotyped individuals,(7)SNP effect size,(8)phenotype/genetic variance explained(PVE)for single or multiple SNPs,(9)posterior probability of association of the genomic window(WPPA),(10)posterior inclusive probability(PIP).The functions are not limited,we will keep on going in enriching it with more features.References:Meuwissen et al.(2001)<doi:10.1093/genetics/157.4.1819>;Gus-tavo et al.(2013)<doi:10.1534/genetics.112.143313>;Habier et al.(2011)<doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-186>;Yi et al.(2008)<doi:10.1534/genetics.107.085589>;Zhou et al.(2013)<doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003264>;Moser Jones et al.(2019)<doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12653-0>;Hender-son(1976)<doi:10.2307/2529339>;Fernando et al.(2014)<doi:10.1186/1297-9686-46-50>.License GPL-3Maintainer Lilin Yin<**************>URL https:///YinLiLin/hibayesBugReports https:///YinLiLin/hibayes/issuesEncoding UTF-8Imports utils,stats,methods,stringr,CMplot12ibrmDepends R(>=3.3.0),bigmemory,MatrixLinkingTo Rcpp,RcppArmadillo(>=0.9.600.0.0),RcppProgress,BH,bigmemory,MatrixRoxygenNote7.2.3NeedsCompilation yesAuthor Lilin Yin[aut,cre,cph],Haohao Zhang[aut,cph],Xiaolei Liu[aut,cph]Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-11-2813:00:03UTCR topics documented:ibrm (2)ldmat (6)read_plink (8)sbrm (9)ssbrm (12)Index17 ibrm Bayes modelDescriptionBayes linear regression model using individual level datay=Xβ+Rr+Mα+ewhereβis a vector of estimated coefficient for covariates,and r is a vector of environmental random effects.M is a matrix of genotype covariate,αis a vector of estimated marker effect size.e is a vector of residuals.Usageibrm(formula,data=NULL,M=NULL,M.id=NULL,method=c("BayesCpi","BayesA","BayesL","BSLMM","BayesR","BayesB","BayesC", "BayesBpi","BayesRR"),map=NULL,Pi=NULL,fold=NULL,ibrm3 niter=NULL,nburn=NULL,thin=5,windsize=NULL,windnum=NULL,dfvr=NULL,s2vr=NULL,vg=NULL,dfvg=NULL,s2vg=NULL,ve=NULL,dfve=NULL,s2ve=NULL,lambda=0,printfreq=100,seed=666666,threads=4,verbose=TRUE)Argumentsformula a two-sided linear formula object describing both thefixed-effects and random-effects part of the model,with the response on the left of a‘~’operator andthe terms,separated by‘+’operators,on the right.Random-effects terms aredistinguished by vertical bars(1|’)separating expressions for design matricesfrom grouping factors.data the data frame containing the variables named in’formula’,NOTE that thefirst column in’data’should be the individual id.M numeric matrix of genotype with individuals in rows and markers in columns, NAs are not allowed.M.id vector of id for genotyped individuals,NOTE that no need to adjust the order of id to be the same between’data’and’M’,the package will do it automatically.method bayes methods including:"BayesB","BayesA","BayesL","BayesRR","Bayes-Bpi","BayesC","BayesCpi","BayesR","BSLMM".•"BayesRR":Bayes Ridge Regression,all SNPs have non-zero effects andshare the same variance,equals to RRBLUP or GBLUP.•"BayesA":all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take different variance whichfollows an inverse chi-square distribution.•"BayesB":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and take different variance which follows an inverse chi-square distribution.•"BayesBpi":the same with"BayesB",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesC":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and share the same variance.•"BayesCpi":the same with"BayesC",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesL":BayesLASSO,all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take differentvariance which follows an exponential distribution.4ibrm•"BSLMM":all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take the same variance,buta small proportion of SNPs have additional shared variance.•"BayesR":only a small proportion of SNPs have non-zero effects,and theSNPs are allocated into different groups,each group has the same variance.map(optional,only for GW AS)the map information of genotype,at least3columns are:SNPs,chromosome,physical position.Pi vector,the proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs,thefirst value must be the proportion of non-effect markers.fold proportion of variance explained for groups of SNPs,the default is c(0,0.0001,0.001,0.01).niter the number of MCMC iteration.nburn the number of iterations to be discarded.thin the number of thinning after burn-in.Note that smaller thinning frequency may have higher accuracy of estimated parameters,but would result in more memoryfor collecting process,on contrary,bigger frequency may have negative effecton accuracy of estimations.windsize window size in bp for GW AS,the default is NULL.windnumfixed number of SNPs in a window for GW AS,if it is specified,’windsize’will be invalid,the default is NULL.dfvr the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of environmental variance.s2vr scale parameter for the distribution of environmental variance.vg prior value of genetic variance.dfvg the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of genetic variance.s2vg scale parameter for the distribution of genetic variance.ve prior value of residual variance.dfve the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of residual variance.s2ve scale parameter for the distribution of residual variance.lambda value of ridge regression for inverting a matrix.printfreq frequency of printing iterative details on console.seed seed for random sample.threads number of threads used for OpenMP.verbose whether to print the iteration information on console.Details•thefixed effects and covariates in’formula’must be in factors and numeric,respectively.if not,please remember to use’as.factor’and’as.numeric’to transform.•the package has the automatical function of taking the intersection and adjusting the order of id between’data’and the genotype’M’,thus thefirst column in’data’should be the individual id.ibrm5•if any one of the options’windsize’and’windnum’is specified,the GW AS results will be returned,and the’map’information must be provided,in which the physical positions should be all in digital values.•the’windsize’or’windnum’option only works for the methods of which the assumption has a proportion of zero effect markers,e.g.,BayesB,BayesBpi,BayesC,BayesCpi,BSLMM,and BayesR.Valuethe function returns a’blrMod’object containing$mu the regression intercept$pi estimated proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs$beta estimated coefficients for all covariates$r estimated environmental random effects$Vr estimated variance for all environmental random effect$Vg estimated genetic variance$Ve estimated residual variance$h2estimated heritability(h2=Vg/(Vr+Vg+Ve))$alpha estimated effect size of all markers$g genomic estimated breeding value$e residuals of the model$pip the frequency for markers to be included in the model during MCMC iteration,known as posterior inclusive probability(PIP)$gwas WPPA is defined to be the window posterior probability of association,it is estimated by counting the number of MCMC samples in whichαis nonzero for at least one SNP in the window$MCMCsamples the collected samples of posterior estimation for all the above parameters across MCMC iterationsReferencesMeuwissen,Theo HE,Ben J.Hayes,and Michael E.Goddard."Prediction of total genetic value using genome-wide dense marker maps."Genetics157.4(2001):1819-1829.de los Campos,G.,Hickey,J.M.,Pong-Wong,R.,Daetwyler,H.D.,and Calus,M.P.(2013).Whole-genome regression and prediction methods applied to plant and animal breeding.Genetics, 193(2),327-345.Habier,David,et al."Extension of the Bayesian alphabet for genomic selection."BMC bioinfor-matics12.1(2011):1-12.Yi,Nengjun,and Shizhong Xu."Bayesian LASSO for quantitative trait loci mapping."Genetics 179.2(2008):1045-1055.Zhou,Xiang,Peter Carbonetto,and Matthew Stephens."Polygenic modeling with Bayesian sparselinear mixed models."PLoS genetics9.2(2013):e1003264.Moser,Gerhard,et al."Simultaneous discovery,estimation and prediction analysis of complex traits using a Bayesian mixture model."PLoS genetics11.4(2015):e1004969.Examples#Load the example data attached in the packagepheno_file_path=system.file("extdata","demo.phe",package="hibayes")pheno=read.table(pheno_file_path,header=TRUE)bfile_path=system.file("extdata","demo",package="hibayes")bin=read_plink(bfile_path,threads=1)fam=bin$famgeno=bin$genomap=bin$map#For GS/GP##no environmental effects:fit=ibrm(T1~1,data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],method="BayesCpi",niter=2000,nburn=1200,thin=5,threads=1)##overview of the returned resultssummary(fit)##add fixed effects or covariates:fit=ibrm(T1~sex+season+day+bwt,data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],method="BayesCpi")##add environmental random effects:fit=ibrm(T1~sex+(1|loc)+(1|dam),data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],method="BayesCpi")#For GWASfit=ibrm(T1~sex+bwt+(1|dam),data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],method="BayesCpi",map=map,windsize=1e6)#get the SD of estimated SNP effects for markerssummary(fit)$alpha#get the SD of estimated breeding valuessummary(fit)$gldmat LD variance-covariance matrix calculationDescriptionTo calculate density or sparse LD variance-covariance matrix with genotype in bigmemory format. Usageldmat(geno,map=NULL,gwas.geno=NULL,gwas.map=NULL,chisq=NULL,ldchr=FALSE,threads=4,verbose=FALSE)Argumentsgeno the reference genotype panel in bigmemory format.map the map information of reference genotype panel,columns are:SNPs,chromo-some,physical position.gwas.geno(optional)the genotype of gwas samples which were used to generate the sum-mary data.gwas.map(optional)the map information of the genotype of gwas samples,columns are: SNPs,chromosome,physical position.chisq chi-squre value for generating sparse matrix,if n*r2<chisq,it would be set to zero.ldchr lpgical,whether to calulate the LD between chromosomes.threads the number of threads used in computation.verbose whether to print the information.ValueFor full ld matrix,it returns a standard R matrix,for sparse matrix,it returns a’dgCMatrix’. Examplesbfile_path=system.file("extdata","demo",package="hibayes")data=read_plink(bfile_path)geno=data$genomap=data$mapxx=ldmat(geno,threads=4,verbose=FALSE)#chromosome wide full ld matrix#xx=ldmat(geno,chisq=5,threads=4)#chromosome wide sparse ld matrix#xx=ldmat(geno,map,ldchr=FALSE,threads=4)#chromosome block ld matrix#xx=ldmat(geno,map,ldchr=FALSE,chisq=5,threads=4)#chromosome block+sparse ld matrix8read_plink read_plink data loadDescriptionTo load plink binary dataUsageread_plink(bfile="",maxLine=10000,impute=TRUE,mode=c("A","D"),out=NULL,threads=4)Argumentsbfile character,prefix of Plink binary format data.maxLine number,set the number of lines to read at a time.impute logical,whether to impute missing values in genotype by major alleles.mode"A"or"D",additive effect or dominant effect.out character,path and prefix of outputfilethreads number,the number of used threads for parallel processValuefourfiles will be generated in the directed folder:"xx.desc","xx.bin","xx.id,"xx.map",where’xx’is the prefix of the argument’out’,the memory-mappingfiles can be fast loaded into memory by ’geno=attach.big.matrix("xx.desc")’.Note that hibayes will code the genotype A1A1as2,A1A2 as1,and A2A2as0,where A1is thefirst allele of each marker in".bim"file,therefore the estimated effect size is on A1allele,users should pay attention to it when a process involves marker effect. Examplesbfile_path=system.file("extdata","demo",package="hibayes")data=read_plink(bfile_path,out=tempfile(),mode="A")fam=data$famgeno=data$genomap=data$mapsbrm9 sbrm SBayes modelDescriptionBayes linear regression model using summary level dataUsagesbrm(sumstat,ldm,method=c("BayesB","BayesA","BayesL","BayesRR","BayesBpi","BayesC","BayesCpi", "BayesR","CG"),map=NULL,Pi=NULL,lambda=NULL,fold=NULL,niter=NULL,nburn=NULL,thin=5,windsize=NULL,windnum=NULL,vg=NULL,dfvg=NULL,s2vg=NULL,ve=NULL,dfve=NULL,s2ve=NULL,printfreq=100,seed=666666,threads=4,verbose=TRUE)Argumentssumstat matrix of summary data,details refer to https:///software/gcta/#COJO.ldm dense or sparse matrix,ld for reference panel(m*m,m is the number of SNPs).NOTE that the order of SNPs should be consistent with summary data.method bayes methods including:"BayesB","BayesA","BayesL","BayesRR","Bayes-Bpi","BayesC","BayesCpi","BayesR","CG".•"BayesRR":Bayes Ridge Regression,all SNPs have non-zero effects andshare the same variance,equals to RRBLUP or GBLUP.•"BayesA":all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take different variance whichfollows an inverse chi-square distribution.10sbrm•"BayesB":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and take different variance which follows an inverse chi-square distribution.•"BayesBpi":the same with"BayesB",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesC":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and share the same variance.•"BayesCpi":the same with"BayesC",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesL":BayesLASSO,all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take differentvariance which follows an exponential distribution.•"BayesR":only a small proportion of SNPs have non-zero effects,and theSNPs are allocated into different groups,each group has the same variance.•"CG":conjugate gradient algorithm with assigned lambda.map(optional,only for GW AS)the map information of genotype,at least3columns are:SNPs,chromosome,physical position.Pi vector,the proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs,thefirst value must be the proportion of non-effect markers.lambda value or vector,the ridge regression value for each SNPs.fold percentage of variance explained for groups of SNPs,the default is c(0,0.0001,0.001,0.01).niter the number of MCMC iteration.nburn the number of iterations to be discarded.thin the number of thinning after burn-in.Note that smaller thinning frequency may have higher accuracy of estimated parameters,but would result in more memoryfor collecting process,on contrary,bigger frequency may have negative effecton accuracy of estimations.windsize window size in bp for GW AS,the default is1e6.windnumfixed number of SNPs in a window for GW AS,if it is specified,’windsize’will be invalid,the default is NULL.vg prior value of genetic variance.dfvg the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of genetic variance.s2vg scale parameter for the distribution of genetic variance.ve prior value of residual variance.dfve the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of residual variance.s2ve scale parameter for the distribution of residual variance.printfreq frequency of collecting the estimated parameters and printing on console.Note that smaller frequency may have higher accuracy of estimated parameters,butwould result in more time and memory for collecting process,on contrary,big-ger frequency may have an negative effect on accuracy of estimations.seed seed for random sample.threads number of threads used for OpenMP.verbose whether to print the iteration information on console.sbrm11Details•if any one of the options’windsize’and’windnum’is specified,the GW AS results will be returned,and the’map’information must be provided,in which the physical positions should be all in digital values.•the’windsize’or’windnum’option only works for the methods of which the assumption has a proportion of zero effect markers,e.g.,BayesB,BayesBpi,BayesC,BayesCpi,BSLMM,and BayesR.Valuethe function returns a’blrMod’object containing$pi estimated proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs$Vg estimated genetic variance$Ve estimated residual variance$h2estimated heritability(h2=Vg/(Vg+Ve))$alpha estimated effect size of all markers$pip the frequency for markers to be included in the model during MCMC iteration,also known as posterior inclusive probability(PIP)$gwas WPPA is defined to be the window posterior probability of association,it is estimated by counting the number of MCMC samples in whichαis nonzero for at least one SNP in the window$MCMCsamples the collected samples of posterior estimation for all the above parameters across MCMC iterationsReferencesLloyd-Jones,Luke R.,et al."Improved polygenic prediction by Bayesian multiple regression on summary statistics."Nature communications10.1(2019):1-11.Examplesbfile_path=system.file("extdata","demo",package="hibayes")bin=read_plink(bfile_path,threads=1)fam=bin$famgeno=bin$genomap=bin$mapsumstat_path=system.file("extdata","demo.ma",package="hibayes")sumstat=read.table(sumstat_path,header=TRUE)head(sumstat)#computate ld variance covariance matrix##construct genome wide full variance-covariance matrixldm1<-ldmat(geno,threads=4)##construct genome wide sparse variance-covariance matrix#ldm2<-ldmat(geno,chisq=5,threads=4)##construct chromosome wide full variance-covariance matrix#ldm3<-ldmat(geno,map,ldchr=FALSE,threads=4)##construct chromosome wide sparse variance-covariance matrix#ldm4<-ldmat(geno,map,ldchr=FALSE,chisq=5,threads=4)#if the order of SNPs in genotype is not consistent with the order in sumstat file,#prior adjusting is necessary.indx=match(map[,1],sumstat[,1])sumstat=sumstat[indx,]#fit modelfit=sbrm(sumstat=sumstat,ldm=ldm1,method="BayesCpi",Pi=c(0.95,0.05),niter=20000,nburn=12000,seed=666666,map=map,windsize=1e6,threads=1)#overview of the returned resultssummary(fit)#get the SD of estimated SNP effects for markerssummary(fit)$alphassbrm Single-step Bayes modelDescriptionSingle-step Bayes linear regression model using individual level data and pedigree informationy=Xβ+Rr+Mα+U +ewhere y is the vector of phenotypic values for both genotyped and non-genotyped individuals,βis a vector of estimated coefficient for covariates,M contains the genotype(M2)for genotyped individuals and the imputed genotype(M1=A12A−122M2)for non-genotyped individuals, is the vector of genotype imputation error,e is a vector of residuals.Usagessbrm(formula,data=NULL,M=NULL,M.id=NULL,pedigree=NULL,method=c("BayesCpi","BayesA","BayesL","BayesR","BayesB","BayesC","BayesBpi", "BayesRR"),map=NULL,Pi=NULL,fold=NULL,niter=NULL,nburn=NULL,thin=5,windsize=NULL,windnum=NULL,maf=0.01,dfvr=NULL,s2vr=NULL,vg=NULL,dfvg=NULL,s2vg=NULL,ve=NULL,dfve=NULL,s2ve=NULL,printfreq=100,seed=666666,threads=4,verbose=TRUE)Argumentsformula a two-sided linear formula object describing both thefixed-effects and random-effects part of the model,with the response on the left of a‘~’operator andthe terms,separated by‘+’operators,on the right.Random-effects terms aredistinguished by vertical bars(1|’)separating expressions for design matricesfrom grouping factors.data the data frame containing the variables named in’formula’,NOTE that thefirst column in’data’should be the individual id.M numeric matrix of genotype with individuals in rows and markers in columns, NAs are not allowed.M.id vector of id for genotype.pedigree matrix of pedigree,3columns limited,the order of columns shoud be"id","sir", "dam".method bayes methods including:"BayesB","BayesA","BayesL","BayesRR","Bayes-Bpi","BayesC","BayesCpi","BayesR".•"BayesRR":Bayes Ridge Regression,all SNPs have non-zero effects andshare the same variance,equals to RRBLUP or GBLUP.•"BayesA":all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take different variance whichfollows an inverse chi-square distribution.•"BayesB":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and take different variance which follows an inverse chi-square distribution.•"BayesBpi":the same with"BayesB",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesC":only a small proportion of SNPs(1-Pi)have non-zero effects,and share the same variance.•"BayesCpi":the same with"BayesC",but’Pi’is notfixed.•"BayesL":BayesLASSO,all SNPs have non-zero effects,and take differentvariance which follows an exponential distribution.•"BayesR":only a small proportion of SNPs have non-zero effects,and theSNPs are allocated into different groups,each group has the same variance.map(optional,only for GW AS)the map information of genotype,at least3columns are:SNPs,chromosome,physical position.Pi vector,the proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs,thefirst value must be the proportion of non-effect markers.fold proportion of variance explained for groups of SNPs,the default is c(0,0.0001,0.001,0.01).niter the number of MCMC iteration.nburn the number of iterations to be discarded.thin the number of thinning after burn-in.Note that smaller thinning frequency may have higher accuracy of estimated parameters,but would result in more memoryfor collecting process,on contrary,bigger frequency may have negative effecton accuracy of estimations.windsize window size in bp for GW AS,the default is NULL.windnumfixed number of SNPs in a window for GW AS,if it is specified,’windsize’will be invalid,the default is NULL.maf the effects of markers whose MAF is lower than the threshold will not be esti-mated.dfvr the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of environmental variance.s2vr scale parameter for the distribution of environmental variance.vg prior value of genetic variance.dfvg the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of genetic variance.s2vg scale parameter for the distribution of genetic variance.ve prior value of residual variance.dfve the number of degrees of freedom for the distribution of residual variance.s2ve scale parameter for the distribution of residual variance.printfreq frequency of printing iterative details on console.seed seed for random sample.threads number of threads used for OpenMP.verbose whether to print the iteration information on console.Valuethe function returns a a’blrMod’object containing$J coefficient for genotype imputation residuals$Veps estimated variance of genotype imputation residuals$epsilon genotype imputation residuals$mu the regression intercept$pi estimated proportion of zero effect and non-zero effect SNPs$beta estimated coefficients for all covariates$r estimated environmental random effects$Vr estimated variance for all environmental random effect$Vg estimated genetic variance$Ve estimated residual variance$h2estimated heritability(h2=Vg/(Vr+Vg+Ve))$g data.frame,thefirst column is the list of individual id,the second column is the genomic esti-mated breeding value for all individuals,including genotyped and non-genotyped.$alpha estimated effect size of all markers$e residuals of the model$pip the frequency for markers to be included in the model during MCMC iteration,also known as posterior inclusive probability(PIP)$gwas WPPA is defined to be the window posterior probability of association,it is estimated by counting the number of MCMC samples in whichαis nonzero for at least one SNP in the window$MCMCsamples the collected samples of posterior estimation for all the above parameters across MCMC iterationsReferencesFernando,Rohan L.,Jack CM Dekkers,and Dorian J.Garrick."A class of Bayesian methods to combine large numbers of genotyped and non-genotyped animals for whole-genome analyses."Genetics Selection Evolution46.1(2014):1-13.Henderson,C.R.:A simple method for computing the inverse of a numerator relationship matrix used in prediction of breeding values.Biometrics32(1),69-83(1976).Examples#Load the example data attached in the packagepheno_file_path=system.file("extdata","demo.phe",package="hibayes")pheno=read.table(pheno_file_path,header=TRUE)bfile_path=system.file("extdata","demo",package="hibayes")bin=read_plink(bfile_path,threads=1)fam=bin$famgeno=bin$genomap=bin$mappedigree_file_path=system.file("extdata","demo.ped",package="hibayes")ped=read.table(pedigree_file_path,header=TRUE)#For GS/GP##no environmental effects:fit=ssbrm(T1~1,data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],pedigree=ped,method="BayesCpi",niter=1000,nburn=600,thin=5,printfreq=100,threads=1) ##overview of the returned resultssummary(fit)##add fixed effects or covariates:fit=ssbrm(T1~sex+bwt,data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],pedigree=ped, method="BayesCpi")##add environmental random effects:fit=ssbrm(T1~(1|loc)+(1|dam),data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],pedigree=ped,method="BayesCpi")#For GWASfit=ssbrm(T1~sex+bwt+(1|dam),data=pheno,M=geno,M.id=fam[,2],pedigree=ped,method="BayesCpi",map=map,windsize=1e6)#get the SD of estimated SNP effects for markerssummary(fit)$alpha#get the SD of estimated breeding valuessummary(fit)$g。
Protecting rhinoceroses is a critical environmental issue that requires a multifaceted approach.Here are several methods that can be employed to ensure the survival and wellbeing of these magnificent creatures:1.Strict Enforcement of AntiPoaching Laws:Strengthening the legal framework against poaching is essential.This includes harsher penalties for those caught poaching and trafficking in rhino horns.munity Involvement and Education:Engaging local communities in conservation efforts is cating them about the importance of rhinos and the negative impacts of poaching can help change attitudes and behaviors.3.Habitat Preservation:Ensuring that rhinos have ample space to live and breed is crucial. This involves protecting and expanding their natural habitats,which also benefits other species and ecosystems.4.Intensive Surveillance and Monitoring:Using technology such as drones,GPS tracking, and camera traps can help monitor rhino populations and detect poaching activities early.5.International Cooperation:Rhino poaching is often linked to international crime networks.Collaborative efforts between countries to share intelligence and combat the illegal trade in rhino horns are necessary.6.Demand Reduction:Addressing the demand for rhino horns,particularly in countries where they are used in traditional medicine or as status symbols,is key.Public awareness campaigns and efforts to change cultural perceptions can help reduce demand.7.Captive Breeding Programs:In some cases,captive breeding can help increase rhino populations and provide a safety net against poaching.However,its important that these programs are managed responsibly and do not contribute to the illegal trade.8.Financial Support for Conservation Efforts:Adequate funding is necessary to support antipoaching units,research,and habitat preservation.This can come from government budgets,international aid,or private donations.9.Translocation of Rhinos:Moving rhinos to safer areas or creating new populations in different regions can help spread the genetic pool and reduce the risk of local extinction.10.Research and Science:Ongoing research into rhino biology,behavior,and ecology can provide valuable insights that inform conservation strategies and help improve theeffectiveness of protection measures.By implementing these methods in a coordinated and comprehensive manner,we can work towards a future where rhinoceroses thrive in the wild,free from the threats they currently face.。
动物迁徙的英语作文篇1From July to September each year, several millions of wild animals in EastAfrica will migrate from Tanzania to Kenya, known as a global natural wonder.On the vast open plains of the Serengeti and deep into the rolling hills of the Masai Mara the largest animal herds on the planet move in a never-ending natural pattern in response to an undeniable imperative - the need to find fresh, nourishing grazing. This exceptional natural phenomenon is renowned as Africa’s greatest wildlife spectacle. The thundering hooves of the herds and the enormous clouds of fine red dust they leave in their wake have become an icon of East African safari.动物迁徙的'英语作文篇2Animal migration refers to the animal due to the breeding, feeding, climate change, migration and other reasons certain distance. Periodic and aperiodic migration migration.Part of migratory birds due to seasonal breeding and breeding grounds yearly return spring and autumn winter moved south to do some horizontal cyclical migration route, each bird migration route unchanged general often migrate along the food-rich areas near water; in North America, for example, there are four main migratory bird migratory paths:(1) the Pacific migration route, the American continent in theWest Bank along the Pacific route.(2) Mississippi route along the Mississippi migration.(3) central migration route, along the Rocky Mountains and the line.(4) Atlantic flight route, along the American east coast of the continent bordering the Atlantic Ocean. The terms of East Asia, for example, occurs mainly in the winter migratory birds in autumn and winter, the main path includes: overland route from Siberia, northeastern mainland China, Japan, Korea and other places and then moved to the south coast of the mainland by Taiwan, Indochina or more Borneo in the South, or even Australia and New Zealand region, such as the Shrike. If you pass through the Aleutian sea line Shen Islands, the islands of Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, the Philippines and then south to the Flying Islands, Borneo, even as far as Australia, button region; the spring, migratory birds will return to northern breeding grounds, so cycle once a year. East Asia summer migratory birds choose the opposite of winter season each year by the South Peninsula of Guangdong, Fujian coast north to Taiwan and other areas of summer, such as azaleas. Other migratory routes as well as East Africa - West routes. Identify the direction of the main bird migration changes according to celestial, rely on the Earth's magnetic field, or along the geographic line memories and the like.Fish due to seasonal breeding and foraging and other factors make certain direction cyclical migration can be divided into:① reproductive migration, such as deep sea eels fresh water to spawn in the reproductive stage tour, far land called migration.② juven ile migratory fish live in the ocean, reproductive swim to freshwater spawning, hatching juveniles following springwith the melting of snow and ice into the ocean swim.③ foraging migratory fish to migrate into the cluster foraging and plankton prey rich waters.④ season migratory fish due to sea temperature changes with the seasons and the migration to a suitable temperature waters.Mammals due to seasonal breeding and feeding and other reasons make periodic migrations, such as caribou winter south to northern coniferous forest, spring returns foods rich northern tundra. In addition to the horizontal direction but also have a migration migrate vertically. Such as mountain cold season, foraging animals often move to the lower. Many deep-sea fish and invertebrates of the year in the deep and shallow water, respectively, to spend part of the time.动物迁徙的英语作文篇3With the destruction of human beings, the pollution of industrial enterprises and the destruction of the natural environment, many birds have lost their homes, animals have been killed in large Numbers, and the creatures in the water have died in large quantities. Every day the animals live in fear, fearing that bad luck will happen to them. The chairman of the whale, the chairman of the lion, and the chairman of the eagle are very anxious.Finally one day, the lion and the eagle, whales together, after some plot, a loud roar together, telepathic sound wave respectively convey the information to the ground, the sky and the sea, the animals received signal quickly rushed to the sea side for the meeting.The animals have been talking about: what are you doing at the meeting today? Yeah, it's a mystery.The lion chairman finally spoke: cough, silence! Then the whole scene became silent. Seriously, chairman of the lion: the call everyone to come because to tell you a good news, that is what we can leave this planet, we are going to go to the place where is full of vitality and beauty of the world, there will be no pollution, no hunting! The animals clap their hands in excitement, some old people are low and thoughtful, some shake their heads and sigh.Then the elephant secretary said: of course, we need to make a ship to other planet, about five days or so, you better get materials, making craft, after two days we will set start here!The action must be united and concerted efforts to make the ship good in the shortest time. The eagle saidWhale chairman eager say: everyone elected representatives of several smart, as the ship manufacturing work, later I will send you across the sea of a piece of flat land, there are plenty of materials.To the other side of the sea, the ship's chief designer ninja turtle —Michelo made a drawing for each animal, so that everyone could follow the above instructions.Elephants are responsible for transporting water and building underground ocean rooms and bathing rooms. The mole is responsible for digging up oil and storing energy for the spacecraft. The gorilla is responsible for cutting down trees and decorating ships for the birds to inhabit. The eagle was responsible for taking steel from the steel plant and making the shell of the ship. The teenage mutant ninja was responsible for painting the paint. The monkey is responsible for picking fruit and cooking food. The grizzlies are responsible for pulling weeds and radishes to feed the herbivores, and some small animalsbring the food they have stored in their homes, and they are not happy about it Why, there is a spaceship here, it is so beautiful! "Exclaimed one of the felling workers. He just wanted to check it out at , and he was caught by the eagle: the hateful, get out of here! Why should I leave? I just want to go in and have a look, no harm. Hum, the devil believe, it is because of you to cut down, destroy environment, we are forced to leave here, wait and see, have you good-looking! Huh? We look good? Wait another 10,000 years! The woodcutter then ran away.The eagle called for the lion and the blue whale. What happened? The blue whale asked the hawk. Oh, no, we're going to go. There was a lumberjack who discovered our secret. He must be running back to tell someone about it now. "Said the eagle anxiously. The lion went on and said, hurry up and set off immediately! The teacher of the teenage mutant ninja turtle, sprint, came to the three chairmen and said, "wait a minute. Let's take a second look at the ancient earth that the grandparents grew up in." These days old people are all tea and rice, after all to this earth affection is deep! Sprint, you're crazy! Man knows that this thing will stop us.The whole world knows about it. At this moment, the elephant is leisurely and leisurely in the bath room bubble bath, blue whale say: what is the responsibility, rice bright and cheerful chilo's craft is so bad, even airstream don't know to hide. The blue whale looked up and saw that the elephant was pressing it. Damn it! Jump out of me!The elephant just jumped to the side and heard a scream, you crushed me! Damn it! The elephant is not good to say sorry to the little turtle, I'm sorry to say that it jumped down to the next port Look! Very little penguin in the game in the icehousesledding, ice skating, polar bears are homemade ice lolly, gorillas in the weight room game who is the real hercules, little bear, dog, cat, Mickey Mouse and rabbit playing pyramid them to come at the end of the life is full of endless longing.On the contrary, the old people are not so happy, they are very reluctant to the former piece of land, they shed tears quietly.At the same time, humans on earth had the woodcutter take them to where they had seen the ship. But the land was empty and there was nothing. But they never thought that the animals were eating a big meal at the alien's home, because they had to live in peace with aliens.Since then, the human race has paid a heavy price: no more birds chirping, no small animals running happily in the forest, no fish to play with. Human beings feel that life is not fun.动物迁徙的英语作文篇4Snakes are cold-blooded animals. In winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes' bodies. The snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. They can not feel any pain. The hibernation period lasts about five months. When spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life.Snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs,birds' eggs, pests and so on. People sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. First it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snake's body. After some time the lump disappears.As snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. Many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. But in Chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. They seem tohave human feelings. They can change into pretty girls. People like and respect them. The most well-known is the story about the White Snake and the Blue Snake.In fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. They can help us to kill mice and pests. They can provide us with delicious meat. Their blood is a good drink. Poisonous snakes a动物迁徙的英语作文篇5my favourite animal is tortoise. tortoise walk not fast. but i like the tortoise. why? because, tortoise is a cute animal. it have a short tail and a four short foot. it have a little head and a hard shell. they are forty-five little and cute tortoise in my home. they like to play in the water. when they afraid some thing. they wall run fast. they like to eat the fish. i often buy some small fish to them to eat. they can catch the fish fast. first, they fake(假) sleep. when the fish swim near they mouth. they catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. so, the fish die. they can eat the fish. in winter. they like to sleep in the sand. when they sle ep, they don’t eat any food.because they wall hibernation. but, when they are thirsty. they come out of the sand. so, we must give water to them to drink.i love the tortoise. i hate the eagle. because, the eagle often eatthe tortoise with it sharp mouth.my favourite animal is tortoise.。
动物可以被人类当做食物吗英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Should Animals Be Used As Food?Animals are really cool creatures. There are so many different kinds all over the world - big ones like elephants and giraffes, small ones like mice and bunnies, and everything in between. Some animals live on land, some live in the water, and some can even fly! They all have fascinating features that help them survive in their environments.I love learning about animals and watching nature documentaries to see them in action. My favorites are probably big cats like lions, tigers and leopards because they are such powerful hunters. But I also think sloths are adorable with how slowly they move and hang from tree branches. The bright colors of parrots and toucans always catch my eye too.At home, we have two dogs and a cat as pets. We got them from an animal shelter and they have brought us so much happiness and fun. Our dogs Buddy and Rosie love going for walks, playing fetch, and cuddling up on the couch with us. Ourcat Oreo spends a lot of time napping in sunny spots around the house, but also likes chasing toys around. Sometimes I'll read books out loud and they'll gather nearby, almost like they understand me!Having pets has made me really care about animals and want to protect them. That's why I've been thinking a lot lately about whether it's okay for people to eat animals or not. On one hand, meat from cows, pigs, chickens and other animals is a really common part of most people's diets. People have been eating animals probably since the beginning of human history as a way to get nutrients and energy.But on the other hand, animals are living creatures that can feel pain and suffering. Just like my pets, farm animals have emotions and form bonds with others in their herd or flock. They want to be free and live out their natural behaviors, not cramped in tiny cages on factory farms. The conditions they are kept in can be really cruel.When I see pictures or videos of cows, chickens or pigs crammed together in small spaces, standing in their own waste, it makes me so sad for them. Those animals are clearly very stressed and unhappy. Plus, eating too much meat isn't that healthy for people either since it's high in fat and cholesterolwhich can increase risks for diseases like heart disease and cancer.There are also environmental impacts to consider. Raising millions of farm animals for food requires clearing huge areas of land, using up limited freshwater supplies, and produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and global warming.If we didn't need to eat as many animals, it would reduce pressure on the planet's resources and be better for the environment overall. So from an ethical and environmental standpoint, relying less on animals as food sources seems like it could be a good thing.However, complete veganism or vegetarianism isn't realistic for many people, especially those with limited access or income to buy non-meat protein sources. Hunting, fishing and herding animals has been essential to human survival across cultures and geographic regions for centuries. Meat can be an efficient, nutrient-dense food that is hard to replace completely.My opinion is that we should find a balanced, ethical way to get nutrients from animals while still respecting their welfare as much as possible. This could mean eating smaller portions of meat, choosing products from local farms with higher animaltreatment standards, or participating in humane home slaughter practices. We should aim to reduce cruelty and let animals live as naturally as we can.At the very least, we should all be conscious consumers and question whether the meat we buy was sourced ethically or not. We can look for certified humane labels, buy from trusted producers, or even try "meatless Mondays" at home. Ultimately, we are the customers driving the market, so we have a responsibility to use that power wisely.Promoting better living conditions, more sustainable practices, and less abusive treatment of animals in our food supply is something I feel is really important. I hope that one day, we can find a way for humans and animals to coexist where we don't need to view them篇2Should We Eat Animals?Have you ever thought about where the meat on your plate comes from? Well, it comes from animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. But is it okay for us to eat them? That's a question that many people have different opinions about.Some people believe that it's perfectly fine to eat animals because humans have been doing it for a very long time. They say that animals are less intelligent than humans and that we are at the top of the food chain, so we have the right to use them for food. They also argue that eating meat is a good source of protein and other nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy.On the other hand, there are people who think that eating animals is cruel and unnecessary. They believe that animals can feel pain and suffer just like humans, and that it's wrong to kill them for food when we can get all the nutrients we need from plants. They also point out that farming animals for food is bad for the environment because it uses a lot of land, water, and energy, and it produces a lot of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.Personally, I'm not sure what to think. I love animals and I don't want them to suffer, but I also like the taste of meat and I know that my body needs protein to grow and stay healthy. It's a tough decision.One thing I do know is that if we do eat animals, we should try to do it in a way that causes as little suffering as possible. That means raising animals in humane conditions, with enough spaceto move around and access to food and water. It also means using slaughter methods that are quick and painless.Another option is to eat less meat and more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. That way, we can still get the nutrients we need without causing as much harm to animals or the environment.I think it's also important to educate people about where their food comes from and how it's produced. That way, they can make informed choices about what they eat and whether they want to support certain farming practices or not.In the end, I'm not sure if there's a clear right or wrong answer to the question of whether we should eat animals. It's a complex issue with a lot of different factors to consider. But I do think it's important for all of us to think about it carefully and make decisions that we feel good about, based on our own values and beliefs.What do you think? Do you eat meat, or do you prefer a vegetarian or vegan diet? What are your reasons for your choice? I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on this topic.篇3Can Animals Be Used as Food for Humans?Have you ever thought about where the food on your plate comes from? A lot of the meat, like chicken nuggets, hamburgers, and bacon, actually comes from animals! But is it ok for us to eat animals? This is a really big question that even adults have disagreed about for a long time.On one hand, eating animals is very normal. Almost every culture around the world eats some type of animal meat. It's been happening for thousands and thousands of years, ever since humans were living in caves and hunting animals with spears and rocks. Meat gives us important nutrients like protein, iron, and vitamin B12 that help our bodies grow big and strong. It's a natural part of the food chain for animals to eat other animals.But on the other hand, animals are living creatures with the ability to feel emotions and pain, just like humans. Would you want someone to eat your pet dog or cat? I'm sure you would be really sad and upset if that happened. Some people believe that killing animals for food is cruel and unnecessary, since there are plant-based options like fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and vegan meat substitutes that don't involve harming animals.Farms that raise animals for meat have also been criticized for keeping the animals in very cramped and dirty conditions without being able to roam freely. Images from some of these "factory farms" show chickens, cows, and pigs living in tiny cages or pens, wading through their own waste. That doesn't seem like a very happy life for those animals at all.Another big issue is the environmental impact of the meat industry. Raising all those cows, pigs and chickens takes a huge amount of land, feed, water and energy. The animals also produce a lot of greenhouse gas emissions like methane that contribute to climate change and global warming. According to some research, going vegan or vegetarian is one of the most effective things a person can do to reduce their carbon footprint.So those are some of the major arguments on both sides of this debate. Personally, I'm torn. I do enjoy eating chicken tenders, pepperoni pizza, and my mom's beef tacos. It's hard for me to imagine giving that all up. But I also love animals like my dog Rufus and the squirrels and birds I see outside. The thought of them being raised and killed just for food makes me a little queasy. I guess I wish there was a way we could keep eating meat, but do it in a more humane and sustainable way that doesn't involve as much animal cruelty or environmental damage.Maybe in the future we'll have high-tech lab-grown meat that tastes just like the real thing, but doesn't require any actual animals to be killed. Or maybe more people will switch over to plant-based diets using ingredients like tofu, tempeh, and seitan to create really tasty and satisfying meat alternatives. It's a very complicated issue with a lot of different perspectives to consider.What do you think? Should humans be allowed to eat animals or not? There are good arguments on both sides. Whatever you believe, it's definitely an important topic that impacts animals, the environment, and our own health as humans. I encourage you to keep learning more about it with an open mind. And no matter what, let's all try to be conscious of where our food comes from and make compassionate choices.篇4Can Animals Be Used As Food?There are so many different animals in the world! Big ones, small ones, furry ones, scaly ones. They come in all shapes and sizes and colors. I think animals are really cool and interesting. But can they be used as food for people to eat? That's a tough question that a lot of people disagree about.Some people say yes, animals can definitely be eaten as food. They point out that for thousands of years, humans have been hunting animals and eating their meat. Our ancestors didn't have grocery stores or farms like we do today. Instead, they had to get their food from the animals and plants around them in nature. Eating animals provided them with protein, vitamins, and other important nutrients to stay healthy and strong.Even today, many people around the world depend on animals like cows, pigs, chickens, fish, and others as a major part of their diet and food supply. Some cultures have been eating certain animals for a very, very long time as part of their traditions and ways of life. So those in favor of using animals as food say it's natural and has allowed humans to survive.But there are also a lot of people who say we shouldn't eat animals at all. They make some pretty good points too. For one, killing an animal just to eat it seems mean and cruel to some people. Animals are living creatures that can feel pain, just like humans can. Do we really have the right to end their lives just for food when there are other options out there?Those against eating animals bring up that livestock farming can be really bad for the environment too. Raising huge numbers of cows, pigs and chickens takes a lot of land, water, and plantfood. It also creates a ton of animal waste and releases greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change and global warming. Wouldn't it be better to grow crops and plants for food instead?Some people are vegetarians, which means they don't eat any meat, poultry or fish at all. Others are vegans, which is even stricter - they don't eat or use any animal products whatsoever, not even dairy or eggs. These folks say there's no need to kill animals for food and that eating only plants and plant-based foods is healthier for you and the planet. Plus, animals deserve to be free and not trapped on factory farms.Personally, I'm not fully convinced by either side. My family eats some meat and animal products, but we also have vegetarian meals sometimes too. I really love animals and think they're amazing creatures. At the same time, I was always taught that it's okay to eat certain animals as long as they are treated nicely when raised for food. It's a tough debate with good points on both sides.If we could have farms where animals roam freely and live happy lives before humanely becoming food, that might be an okay compromise. But I don't like the way some big factory farms really crowd the animals together in small spaces - thatseems cruel and wrong to me. I'm also worried about the environmental impacts of raising too many animals for food.So in the end, I don't have a perfect answer. I can understand people who don't want to eat animals at all out of concern for them and the planet. But I also get why my ancestors and many today still eat animals for nutritious food, especially in places without many other options. It's a very personal choice.Maybe someday science will create a way to produce fake but nutritious "meat" in labs without involving real animals? Or maybe more people will go vegan or vegetarian over time? I'm not sure what the future will hold. But I do know the animals of the world are precious and should be protected as much as possible. Even if some still end up as food, we owe it to them to keep them safe and happy while they're alive. What do you think about this difficult question?篇5Should Animals Be Our Food?Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm in 5th grade. Today, I want to talk about a very serious topic - whether animals should be eaten by humans as food. It's something I've been thinking a lot about lately.On one hand, eating animals has been a part of human life for thousands of years. My grandparents grew up on a farm and they raised chickens, pigs and cows. The animals provided eggs, milk and meat to feed the whole family. Even today, a lot of the food we eat comes from animals - burgers from cows, chicken nuggets from chickens, bacon from pigs, and so on. I really like the taste of meat, and my mom says it's an important source of protein to help me grow big and strong.But on the other hand, I've started to feel bad for the animals. They are living, breathing creatures just like my dog Rufus or the birds I see in the park. I don't think I could ever eat Rufus because he's my furry little friend. And when I see pictures of factory farms with thousands of animals cramped together in tiny spaces, it makes me really sad. Is that any way to treat an animal before it becomes our dinner?At school, we recently learned about endangered species like pandas, tigers and rhinos. The main reason they are going extinct is because humans are taking over their habitats and hunting them for things like their fur, tusks or body parts used in traditional medicine. It seems like the more humans on the planet, the less room there is for animals to survive. I wonder if eating animals is also making their populations decline.Another thing that bothers me is the environmentalimpact of raising animals for food. The teachers told us that farms need massive amounts of land, water, and grain to produce meat. They said the livestock industry also releases lots of greenhouses gases from burping and farting cows and the manure they produce. This contributes to climate change and global warming. I've seen pictures of forests being chopped down in places like the Amazon rainforest to create pastures for cattle grazing. That can't be good for the planet we all call home.But then again, my family doesn't have a lot of money. Meat is usually the cheapest and most filling food option at the grocery store compared to fruits, vegetables and meat alternatives. I know my parents work really hard to put food on the table every night. If we couldn't eat meat anymore, I'm not sure what we would do. There are probably millions of other families in similar situations around the world.So those are some of the pros and cons I've been thinking about. Should we stop eating animals completely? Move towards more "humane" farming practices where animals have bigger spaces to roam and live more natural lives? Look for affordable alternatives to meat like beans, tofu, and meat substitutes from plants? I'm really not sure what the right answer is.Ultimately, every human has to make their own choice about whether eating animals is ethical and sustainable. Me personally, I've decided to start by cutting back on how much meat I eat. Maybe I'll go vegetarian a few days per week or only eat chicken and fish since those animals aren't as smart as pigs or cows. I'm also going to learn more about where my family's meat and animal products come from. If the animals were raised on a nice family farm with room to move around, maybe that's not so bad. But I definitely don't want to support those big factory farms.I know I'm just a kid, but I really care about protecting our planet and all the amazing animals we share it with. Every little step counts, right? Like my mom always says, "You have to be the change you wish to see in the world." So that's what I'm going to try my best to do!What do you all think about this topic? I'd love to hear different perspectives. Please let me know if you have any tips for me too. Thanks for reading!篇6Can Animals Be Used as Food? An EssayHi everyone! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk about a very important topic - can animals be used as food for humans?It's a tricky question with arguments on both sides. On one hand, many people eat meat, eggs, dairy and other animal products every day. Burgers, chicken nuggets, pizza with pepperoni, ice cream - these are some of my favorite foods and they all contain ingredients from animals. My parents tell me that eating meat and animal proteins helps me grow big and strong.But on the other hand, I know some of my classmates don't eat any meat or animal foods at all. Their parents say it's cruel to kill animals just to eat them when there are so many other plant-based foods we can survive on. And I've seen videos of farm animals living in pretty bad conditions on factory farms, which does seem kind of mean.So what do I think about this whole debate? Well, after giving it a lot of thought, I've decided I do believe it's okay for humans to eat certain animals as food - but only if it's done as humanely as possible without causing unnecessary suffering.Here's my thinking: in nature, animals eat other animals all the time - like when a lion hunts and kills a zebra, or a snake eats a mouse. It's part of the cycle of life and food chain. Carnivoresneed to eat meat to survive, while herbivores just eat plants. Humans are omnivores, which means we can get nutrients from both plant and animal sources.So while we have a choice to not eat meat if we don't want to, unlike lions, I don't think it's wrong for humans to eat certain animals as long as those animals are raised and processed as humanely as possible. My uncle has a small farm and the chickens, cows and pigs he raises seem to have pretty happy lives roaming around outdoors before becoming his food.What I really object to is the way some big companies raise animals on "factory farms." From what I've seen, those places are pretty cruel. The animals are kept in tiny cages or pens and don't have any room to move around or do normal animal things. They get fed drugs to make them grow really fast in bad conditions. That seems really mean to me and not at all "humane." I would feel much better eating an animal that got to spend its life outdoors in a low-stress environment before becoming food.Ultimately, I think humans have to make their own personal choice about whether to eat meat and animal products. For my family, we choose to eat things like chicken, beef and pork, but we try our best to only buy from local farms we know treat theiranimals decently. We also eat a lot of non-meat protein sources like lentils, beans, nuts and tofu.Vegetarians and vegans make a valid point when they say killing animals is wrong and we could just eat plants andplant-based foods instead. I respect that choice. But based on my research, I've decided I feel okay eating certainethically-raised animals in moderation. As long as the animal didn't suffer unnecessarily and was killed painlessly, I think it's acceptable for humans to eat meat along with plant foods as part of a balanced diet.Those are just my thoughts as a 10-year-old kid, but it's a very personal decision we all have to make based on our own ethics and beliefs. Whether you eat meat or follow a plant-based diet, the important thing is to put a lot of careful thought into your choice and make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Thanks for reading my essay!。
畜禽养殖科学 | livestock science2022.22·290 引言近年生猪养殖产业的发展现状来看,集约化规模化养殖已成为重要的发展趋势,规模化养殖数量呈现逐渐增加的态势,养殖场的建设规模也逐渐扩大。
进入盛夏季节后,外界温度显著升高,猪舍温度有时能达到39~40 ℃,夏季高热环境会对母猪的繁殖能力和采食量产生很大的影响,主要表现为母猪不能正常发情,发情不规律,发情症状不是很明显,人工受精效率显著下降,产仔率显著降低,妊娠阶段产下死胎的概率大大增加,仔猪生产后成活率显著下降,断奶重降低,高温环境也会对繁殖母猪的采食量产生很大的影响,表现为采食量逐渐下降,食欲废绝,身体素质逐渐变差。
1 高温环境导致母猪繁殖能力下降原因1.1 猪的内分泌因素盛夏季节当外界温度尤其是猪舍温度超过35 ℃后,作者简介:朱琳(1988-),女,汉族,山东沂南人,本科,兽医师,研究方向:畜牧养殖。
高温环境下保证种猪繁育能力技术朱琳(山东省临沂市沂南县界湖畜牧兽医站,山东 临沂 276300)摘要:生猪养殖管理中,尤其是繁殖母猪和种公猪在饲养管理期间,外界温度的忽高忽低对种猪的繁殖性能产生严重的影响。
尤其是在夏秋季节外界温度相对较高,湿度相对较大,盛夏季节温度持续维持在35 ℃以上,并且部分地区的高热天气会持续很长时间。
A booming field of large animal model researchAnimal models are integral to the study of fundamental biological processes and the etiology of human diseases.Small animal models, especially those involving mice, have yielded abundant and significant insights, greatly enhancing our understanding of biological phenomena and disease mechanisms. The preference for small animal models is primarily due to their ease of use and the availability of well-established genetic manipulation tools. The extensive use of genetically modified small animals has led to remarkable advancements in biomedical research. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the substantial disparities in genomes,anatomy, and physiology between humans and small animals.As a result, there is an increasing awareness of the need to utilize large animal models that more closely resemble humans. Such models are essential for enhancing our understanding of crucial biological issues as well as the pathogenesis of diseases.This special column about “Large Animal Model Research ”,together with a previous review in this journal (Rahman et al.,2023), focusing specifically on large animal models and highlighting the use of various large animal models, including rabbits, pigs, and non-human primates (NHPs), in addressing key biological and medical issues. Incorporating larger animals into research not only substantially enhances the variety of research tools and methodologies available, but also enables the exploration of long-standing issues that have proven challenging using small animals, given their species-specific differences.Among the abovementioned large animals, rabbits are comparatively less commonly employed as a model system for research. However, the comprehensive review by Han et al. (2024b) offers valuable insights into the utilization of rabbit models in the field of biomedical research. Rabbits represent a cost-effective advantage over larger animals,owing to their ease of handling and rapid reproductive capacity, while also exhibiting larger body sizes and longer lifespans than rodents. These unique attributes, coupled with advancements in genetic modification techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9 gene targeting, have led to the establishment of various rabbit models for biomedical research. Given that their lipid metabolic profiles and immune responses are more similar to humans than to rodents, rabbits are considered suitable for modeling cardiovascular and immune-related diseases. Furthermore, with their extensive involvement in commercial antibody production, genetically modified rabbits are an asset in the development of antibody-based drugs andimmunotherapeutic agents. Although the generation of rabbit models dedicated to the exploration of neurological disorders has been relatively limited, a recent study using base editing technology to modify the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)gene SOD1 successfully produced a rabbit model exhibiting ALS phenotypes (Zhang et al., 2023). Thus, this study underscores the potential of rabbits in investigating neurological disorders.Regarding neurological disorder research, NHPs play an indispensable role due to their high similarity to humans in terms of brain structure, function, and aging processes. In their comprehensive review, Pan et al. (2024) discuss several NHP models of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), ALS, and Huntington’s disease (HD). The analysis of these disease models underscores the significance of employing NHPs for the investigation of the fundamental mechanisms underpinning neurodegenerative diseases.Despite their extensive use over the past few decades,genetically modified mouse models cannot fully replicate the pathological features observed in human patients. A notable discrepancy is the absence of pronounced and selective neuronal loss in most genetically modified mouse models. For instance, mouse models carrying genetic mutations associated with PD do not exhibit degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, and most mouse models of ALS lack significant cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43, both of which are key pathological manifestations observed in human PD and ALS, respectively. In contrast, monkeys expressing PD-associated proteins (Li et al., 2021a; Yang et al., 2019) or mutant TDP-43 (Yin et al., 2019) successfully recapitulate neurodegeneration and cytoplasmic TDP-43 accumulation,respectively.Neurodegenerative features are not limited to primates; they also occur in other types of large animals. Pigs have been utilized in the exploration of neurological disorders due to their genetic, anatomical, and physiological similarities to humans.In the review by Han et al. (2024a), pigs, NHPs, and sheep were compared for their utility in studying HD, a monogenetic disorder with a genetic mutation that can be replicated across different species. Similar to mouse models of AD and PD,mouse models carrying the HD gene also fail to exhibit the robust and overt neurodegeneration observed in afflicted patient brains. Several transgenic large animal models have been established in NHPs, pigs, and sheep. Nevertheless,these models present a spectrum of phenotypic variations,and the progression and severity of disease differ significantly.Given that animal behaviors and phenotypes are strongly influenced by transgene copy number and expression levels,ideal animal models are those that can faithfully recapitulate human genetic mutations and express mutant genes at the endogenous level.Pigs possess distinct genetic modification advantages compared to NHPs and sheep. Notably, somatic nuclearThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.Copyright ©2024 Editorial Office of Zoological Research, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of SciencesLi & Lai. Zool. Res. 2024, 45(2): 311−313https:///10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.018transfer, which allows for the knock-in (KI) of mutant genes, has been successfully applied in pigs to generate a HD gene KI model that recapitulates selective neuronal loss and motor function deficiency, two crucial pathological features of HD. This HD KI pig model has been effectively employed in gene therapy research to reduce HD pathology and symptoms (Yan et al., 2023), providing further evidence for the importance of large animal models in the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases.Pigs are also extensively used in other biomedical research fields, including circulatory system diseases, organ transplantation, diabetes, skin diseases, and tumors. Porcine models also show promise for studying inherited hearing loss. Notably, pigs have a hearing range comparable to that of humans and naturally undergo age-related hearing loss, a phenomenon largely attributed to the remarkable similarity in both the structure and function of their ears to those of humans. Genetic modification techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and somatic nuclear transfer, have enabled the creation of single genetic mutations in pig models, facilitating the study of disease pathogenesis in monogenic hearing loss. For example, Wang et al. (2024) discussed the use of pig models in studying hearing loss-related diseases, with notable implications for other monogenic diseases.The four research articles published in this special issue also highlight the significance of large animal models in research. Li et al. (2024a) reported on mitochondrial replacement in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) through female pronuclear transfer. Their findings suggest that pronuclear transfer holds great potential in reducing the risk of inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diseases, thereby establishing the applicability of non-human models in investigating diseases related to mtDNA defects. Li et al. (2024b) developed cynomolgus monkey organoids to study neural tube defects (NTDs), which can also arise from loss-of-function mutations in the SHROOM3 gene. Their findings indicate that in vitro models using NHP-derived organoids can be employed to investigate the pathogenesis of significant human diseases.The rationale for using NHPs in research is also based on species-dependent gene expression patterns. Chen et al. (2024) presented intriguing findings regarding the expression of PINK1, which is associated with PD, in mice, pigs, and monkeys. Using multiple antibodies and PINK1 knockout animal models, they discovered that the PINK1 protein, rather than PINK1 mRNA, is detectably and exclusively expressed in the primate brain. These findings explain why PINK1 knockout leads to neurodegeneration in monkeys, but not in mice and pigs, suggesting that a possible higher abundance of endogenous PINK1 in primate brains contributes to neuronal survival. Their results also imply that species-dependent transcriptional and translational regulations contribute to species-specific pathology. Therefore, utilizing animal models that more closely resemble humans provides better prospects for uncovering the molecular mechanisms underlying primate-specific gene expression. Reinforcing this idea, Mao et al. (2024) conducted a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptomes within macaque species and between macaques and humans, highlighting the high conservation of tissue-specific genes and the value of macaques as biological models for investigating human diseases. Additionally, the identification of a cynomolgus monkey with naturally occurring PD further supports the suitability of NHPs as ideal models for PD research (Li et al., 2021b).Despite the significant contributions and advancements in large animal models for biomedical research, notable limitations and challenges exist. The utilization of large animals necessitates stricter regulation and control due to ethical concerns arising from their high cognitive capacities and close resemblance to humans. Additionally, the substantial costs and extended breeding periods associated with maintaining large animals pose considerable challenges in expanding the scope of studies using these models. Undoubtedly, small animal models, particularly rodents, are likely to remain fundamental in biological and biomedical research, continuing to play a critical role in enhancing our understanding of disease pathogenesis and in developing therapeutic strategies for human diseases. However, in scenarios where small animal models have failed to replicate important pathological events observed in humans, it is worth considering large animal alternatives to unravel disease mechanisms that may not be evident in small animals. Furthermore, large animal models can facilitate the validation of specific therapeutic targets, potentially reducing the failure rates of clinical trials for therapeutics initially developed using small animal models. The integration of large animal models into research endeavors promises to deepen our understanding of complex biological processes and improve the translation of preclinical findings into clinical practice.Xiao-Jiang Li1,2,*, Liangxue Lai3,*1 Guangdong Key Laboratory of Non-human Primate Research,Key Laboratory of CNS Regeneration (Ministry of Education), GHM Institute of CNS Regeneration, Jinan University,Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632, China2 State Key Laboratory of Bioactive Molecules and Druggability Assessment, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510632,China3 CAS Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology, GuangdongProvincial Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and RegenerativeMedicine, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510530,China*Corresponding authors, E-mail: **************.cn;********************.cnREFERENCESChen XS, Han R, Liu YT, et al. 2024. Comparative analysis of primate and pig cells reveals primate-specific PINK1 expression and phosphorylation. Zoological Research, 45(2): 242−252.Han B, Liang W, Li XJ, et al. 2024a. Large animal models for Huntington’s disease research. Zoological Research, 45(2): 275−283.Han Y, Zhou J, Zhang R, et al. 2024b. Genome-edited rabbits: Unleashing the potential of a promising experimental animal model across diverse diseases. Zoological Research, 45(2): 253−262.Li CY, Liu XC, Li YZ, et al. 2024a. Generation of mitochondrial replacement monkeys by female pronucleus transfer. Zoological Research, 45(2): 292−298.Li H, Wu SH, Ma X, et al. 2021a. Co-editing PINK1 and DJ-1 genes via adeno-associated virus-delivered CRISPR/Cas9 system in adult monkey brain elicits classical parkinsonian phenotype. Neuroscience Bulletin, 37(9): 1271−1288.Li H, Yao YG, Hu XT. 2021b. Biological implications and limitations of a312 cynomolgus monkey with naturally occurring Parkinson's disease. Zoological Research, 42(2): 138−140.Li P, Zhang T, Wu R, et al. 2024b. Loss of SHROOM3 affects neuroepithelial cell shape through regulating cytoskeleton proteins in cynomolgus monkey organoids. Zoological Research, 45(2): 233−241.Mao YX, Li Y, Yang Z, et al. 2024. Comparative transcriptome analysis between rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Zoological Research, 45(2): 299−310.Rahman A, Li Y, Chan TK, et al. 2023. Large animal models of cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury: Where are we now?. Zoological Research, 44(3): 591−603.Pan MT, Zhang H, Li XJ, et al. 2024. Genetically modified non-human primate models for research on neurodegenerative diseases. Zoological Research, 45(2): 263−274.Wang X, Liu TX, Zhang Y, et al. 2024. Genetically modified pigs: Emerging animal models for hereditary hearing loss. Zoological Research, 45(2): 284−291.Yan S, Zheng X, Lin YQ, et al. 2023. Cas9-mediated replacement of expanded CAG repeats in a pig model of Huntington's disease. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 7(5): 629−646.Yang WL, Liu YB, Tu ZC, et al. 2019. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated PINK1 deletion leads to neurodegeneration in rhesus monkeys. Cell Research, 29(4): 334−336.Yin P, Guo XY, Yang WL, et al. 2019. Caspase-4 mediates cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43 in the primate brains. Acta Neuropathologica, 137(6): 919−937.Zhang ZT, Wu XY, Yang J, et al. 2023. Highly efficient base editing in rabbit by using near-PAMless engineered CRISPR/Cas9 variants. Science China Life Sciences, 66(3): 635−638.Zoological Research 45(2): 311−313, 2024 313。
Elephant migration is a fascinating phenomenon observed in the wild,where these magnificent creatures travel long distances in search of food,water,and suitable habitats. This essay will explore the reasons behind elephant migration,the challenges they face, and the importance of conservation efforts to protect these gentle giants.Reasons for Elephant Migration1.Resource Availability:Elephants are known to migrate in response to seasonal changes in the availability of food and water.As the climate varies,certain areas may become inhospitable,prompting elephants to move to regions where resources are more abundant.2.Breeding and Social Structure:Elephants have complex social structures,and migration can be a way to maintain genetic diversity within the population.Young bulls often leave their natal herd to find mates and establish their own territories.3.Habitat Suitability:Elephants require specific habitats that provide adequate cover, water sources,and food.As habitats change due to natural or humaninduced factors, elephants may need to migrate to find suitable living conditions.Challenges Faced During Migration1.HumanWildlife Conflict:One of the most significant challenges elephants face during migration is the increasing encroachment of human settlements.This can lead to conflicts over land and resources,often resulting in the injury or death of elephants.2.Poaching:The demand for ivory continues to threaten elephant populations.Migratory routes can expose elephants to poachers,making them vulnerable during their travels.3.Habitat Fragmentation:The loss of natural habitats due to deforestation and land conversion for agriculture and infrastructure development can disrupt migration patterns, making it difficult for elephants to find suitable routes.Conservation Efforts1.Protected Areas:Establishing and maintaining protected areas is crucial for the survival of elephant populations.These areas provide safe havens for elephants to live and breed without the threat of poaching or habitat loss.2.Corridors for Migration:Creating and preserving wildlife corridors is essential to allow elephants to migrate safely between different habitats.These corridors can help reducehumanelephant conflicts and ensure the continuity of migration routes.munity Involvement:Engaging local communities in conservation efforts can help reduce conflicts and promote a harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants. Education and economic incentives can encourage communities to protect their natural resources and the wildlife that depends on them.4.AntiPoaching Measures:Strengthening antipoaching efforts is vital to protect elephants during their migration.This includes increasing patrols,using technology for surveillance,and enforcing strict penalties for poaching activities.5.International Cooperation:Elephant migration often crosses national borders,making international cooperation essential for their protection.Sharing information,resources, and best practices can help countries work together to safeguard elephant populations.In conclusion,elephant migration is a natural behavior that is essential for the survival of these species.However,human activities have created significant challenges for migrating elephants.It is our collective responsibility to ensure that these magnificent creatures can continue their ageold journeys without threat to their existence.Through conservation efforts,we can help preserve the habitats and migration routes that elephants need to thrive.。
广 西 农 学 报Journal of Guangxi Agriculture第38卷 第4期Vol.38,No.42023年8月Aug,202354不同组合微生物菌剂对牛粪堆肥效果的影响张业怀1 凌丁1* 王天想2 吕贵律2 黄安定2(1.广西农业职业技术大学,广西 南宁 530007;2.广西崇左市天等县驮堪乡水产畜牧兽医站,广西 崇左 532806)摘要:为了探讨不同的微生物菌剂对牛粪堆肥的影响,该试验以80%牛粪+20%玉米秸秆为堆肥材料,设计4个堆肥处理,前3个处理组分别加入0.05%的菌剂A (黑曲霉+煎盘梭菌+普通高温放线菌)、0.05%菌剂B (黑曲霉+煎盘梭菌+热纤梭菌)和0.05%菌剂C (黑曲霉+煎盘梭菌),处理组4为不加菌剂的对照组,每个处理3个重复,经过31 d 堆肥处理,以发酵温度、pH 值、有机质含量、全氮含量和种子发芽指数5个指标进行跟踪测定。
结果表明:菌剂A 、B 、C 处理仅用1 d 时间堆肥温度就升至50℃以上,高温阶段能持续时间分别为15 d 、14 d 、11 d 便能完成发酵;发酵过程中菌剂A 、B 、C 处理pH 值基本低于对照组,pH 值的变化呈现为下降、上升、下降至平稳的趋势。
堆制第30 d 与第0 d 相比,所有处理的全氮含量比0 d 时增加,对照组、菌剂A 、B 、C 处理分别增加为11.01%、29.36%、33.94%和24.77%;所有处理组有机质含量均下降,对照组、菌剂A 、B 、C 处理分别下降12.34%、26.14%、31.55%、19.88%。
菌剂A 、B 、C 处理的小白菜种子发芽指数达到74.63%以上,菌剂B 处理最高达到97.73%。
综合以上各项评价指标,菌剂B 堆肥发酵效果优于菌剂A 、C ,菌剂B 更适合牛粪堆肥发酵。
关键词:微生物菌剂;牛粪;堆肥;黑曲霉;煎盘梭菌;普通高温放线菌;热纤梭菌中图分类号:S821.6 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1003-4374(2023)04-0054-06Effects of Different Compound Microbial Inoculum on Composting Cow Manure Zhang Ye-huai 1, Ling Ding 1*, Wang Tian-xiang 2, Lyu Gui-lyu 2, Huang An-ding 2(1. Guangxi Agricultural Vocational Technical University, Nanning, Guangxi 530007, China;2. Aquatic Animal and Veterinary Medicine Station of Tuokan Town of Tiandeng County, Chongzuo, Guangxi532806, China)Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of different microbial inoculum on composting cow manure, four composting treatments were designed with 80% cow manure + 20 % corn straw as composting materials.The first three treatment groups were as follows: inoculum A added with 0.05% compound microbial (Aspergillus niger + Clostridium sartagoforme + Thermoactinomyces vulgaris ), inoculum B added with 0.05% compound microbial (Aspergillus niger + Clostridium sartagoforme + Clostridium thermocellum ) and inoculum C added with 0.05% compound microbial (Aspergillus niger +Clostridium sartagoforme ).The treatment group 4 did not add inoculum as control group. Each treatment was repeated 3 times. After 31 days of composting treatment, the changes of compost index including temperature, PH, organic contents, total nitrogen and seed germination index were studied. The result shows that in the three treatment groupswith compound microbial inoculum A, B and C, the temperature rises above 50℃ in 1 day with the ferment收稿日期:2023-04-03 修回日期:2023-06-04基金项目:2020年广西农业科技自筹经费项目(Z202007);2019年广西农业科技自筹经费项目(Z201991)。
In the heart of the countryside,there lies a quaint farm that is home to a multitude of sheep.This farm is a testament to the rural lifestyle,where the bleating of the sheep is a constant reminder of the natural rhythm of life.The sheep are an integral part of the farms ecosystem,contributing to the landscape and the livelihood of the farmers.The farm is surrounded by lush green fields that provide an ideal grazing ground for the sheep.The fields are carefully managed to ensure that the grass is always fresh and nutritious,which is essential for the health and wellbeing of the flock.The farmers take great pride in maintaining the quality of the pasture,as it directly impacts the quality of the wool and meat produced by the sheep.The sheep on the farm are a mix of different breeds,each with their own unique characteristics.Some of the breeds include the Merino,known for its fine wool,the Suffolk,renowned for its meat,and the Jacob,which is prized for its distinctive horns and hardy nature.The diversity of the breeds allows the farmers to cater to different markets and ensures that the farm remains sustainable in the long run.The daily routine on the farm revolves around the care and management of the sheep.The farmers start their day early,checking on the flock and ensuring that they have access to clean water and food.They also monitor the health of the sheep,looking out for any signs of illness or injury.Regular shearing is an essential part of the process,as it helps to maintain the quality of the wool and keeps the sheep comfortable during the warmer months.In addition to the sheep,the farm is also home to other animals such as chickens,cows, and pigs.These animals coexist harmoniously,each contributing to the overall productivity of the farm.The chickens provide eggs and the cows supply milk,while the pigs are raised for meat.This diversity of livestock ensures that the farm is selfsufficient and can provide a variety of products to the local community.The farmers also engage in other agricultural activities,such as growing crops and tending to orchards.The produce from these activities is used to supplement the diet of the animals and is also sold at the local market.This helps to diversify the farms income and makes it more resilient to changes in the market.The farm is a hub of activity,with the sheep playing a central role in the daily operations. Their presence is a constant reminder of the importance of agriculture in sustaining rural communities.The farmers take great pride in their work,knowing that they are contributing to the preservation of a way of life that has been passed down through generations.In conclusion,the farm with its many sheep is a symbol of the rural lifestyle and the importance of agriculture in our society.The sheep,along with the other animals and crops,form the backbone of the farms operations,providing sustenance and income for the farmers.The farm is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the farmers,who strive to maintain the quality of their products and preserve the natural beauty of the countryside.。
贵重宠物狗纯种基因鉴定手段In recent years, the demand for purebred dogs as pets has been on the rise. With this increasing demand, there has also been a rise in cases of fraud and misrepresentation, where people sell mixed breed dogs as purebred. This has led to a need for reliable and accurate methods of genetic identification to determine the purity of a dog's breed. The development of such techniques can help ensure that pet owners are getting what they pay for and can make informed decisions about the care and breeding of their dogs.One of the most effective methods for determining the genetic purity of a dog is through DNA testing. DNA testing allows for the identification of specific genes and markers that are unique to each breed. By analyzing the DNA of a dog, it is possible to determine its breed composition and verify whether it is a purebred or a mixed breed. This can be done by comparing the dog's DNA profile to a database of known purebred dogs, which can provide a high level ofaccuracy in identifying the breed.There are several DNA testing companies that offer breed identification services for dogs. These companies typically provide a DNA test kit that includes a cheek swab or saliva sample collection device. The owner collects the sample from their dog and sends it back to the company for analysis. The company then processes the sample and provides a detailed report that identifies the breed composition of the dog. This report can be used as proof of a dog's breed purity and can be helpful for registration purposes or when selling or breeding the dog.In addition to breed identification, DNA testing can also provide valuable information about a dog's health and potential genetic disorders. Certain breeds are prone to specific genetic conditions, and DNA testing can help identify if a dog carries any of these genetic markers. This information can be crucial for responsible breeding practices and can help prevent the spread of genetic disorders within a breed. It can also help owners make informed decisions about the health and well-being of theirpets and take appropriate preventive measures.While DNA testing is a reliable method for determining breed purity, it is important to note that it is not foolproof. There is always a small margin of error, and in some cases, the genetic makeup of a dog may not match the expected breed profile due to various factors such as recent mixed breeding or incomplete breed databases. However, advancements in DNA testing technology and the availability of larger and more diverse breed databases are continually improving the accuracy of these tests.In conclusion, the development of reliable and accurate genetic identification methods for determining the purity of a dog's breed is essential in the pet industry. DNA testing offers a highly effective and scientific approach to breed identification, providing pet owners with valuable information about their dog's breed composition and potential health risks. By utilizing DNA testing, pet owners can ensure that they are getting a purebred dog and can make informed decisions about the care and breeding of their pets.。
When writing an essay about an animal in English,it is essential to follow a structured approach that includes an introduction,body paragraphs,and a conclusion. Here is a detailed guide on how to compose such an essay:Title:The Majestic Lion:King of the SavannahIntroduction:Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that captures the readers interest.You might start with a quote,a fact,or a rhetorical question related to the animal you are discussing.Example:In the vast expanse of the African savannah,a powerful presence reigns supreme,embodying strength and courage.The lion,often referred to as the king of the jungle,is not only a symbol of might but also a fascinating creature with unique characteristics and behaviors.Body Paragraphs:Divide your essay into several body paragraphs,each focusing on a specific aspect of the animal.1.Physical Description:Describe the animals appearance,including size,color,and distinctive features. Example:The lion,with its goldenyellow coat and a distinctive mane in males,stands out in the grasslands.Males can weigh up to250kilograms,while females are slightly smaller.2.Habitat and Distribution:Discuss where the animal lives and its preferred environment.Example:Lions are predominantly found in subSaharan Africa,with some populations in Asia.They thrive in savannahs,grasslands,and bush,where they can easily spot their prey.3.Diet and Hunting Techniques:Explain what the animal eats and how it hunts for its food.Example:As apex predators,lions primarily hunt large ungulates such as zebras, wildebeests,and antelopes.They rely on their exceptional strength,speed,and teamwork during hunts.4.Social Behavior:Describe the animals social structure and interactions within its group.Example:Lions are highly social animals,living in groups called prides.The pride consists of related females,their offspring,and a small number of adult males who protect the group and sire the young.5.Reproduction and Life Cycle:Discuss how the animal reproduces and the stages of its life cycle.Example:After a gestation period of around110days,a lioness gives birth to a litter of one to six cubs.The cubs are vulnerable and rely on their mother and other females in the pride for protection and care.6.Conservation Status:Address any threats the animal faces and conservation efforts.Example:Due to habitat loss and humanwildlife conflict,the lions population has been declining.Conservation efforts,such as establishing protected areas and communitybased initiatives,are crucial to ensure the survival of this majestic species. Conclusion:Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and reflecting on the importance of the animal in the ecosystem or its cultural significance.Example:The lion,with its regal presence and vital role in the ecosystem,serves as a symbol of the wild and untamed nature.It is our collective responsibility to protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats for future generations to appreciate. Additional Tips:Use descriptive language to bring the animal to life for your readers.Incorporate sensory details to help readers visualize the animal and its environment. Use facts and statistics to support your statements and enhance the credibility of your essay.Edit and proofread your essay to ensure it is free of grammatical errors and flows smoothly.。
描写雪鹤外貌栖息地迁徙饮食的英语作文The Majestic Snow CraneHave you ever seen a bird so tall and graceful that it almost looks like a person in a feathery costume? That's what the Snow Crane reminds me of! These incredible birds are some of the tallest in the world, standing up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) high. They are truly majestic creatures that have captured the imagination of people for centuries.What do Snow Cranes look like?Snow Cranes have a striking appearance that makes them easy to recognize. Their bodies are covered in pure white feathers, except for their wings, which are black with a few white feathers mixed in. Their heads are bald and have a bright red patch on the crown, almost like a little hat! They have long, slender legs that allow them to walk through shallow water with ease. And their beaks are long and pointy, perfect for catching fish and other tasty snacks.One of the most fascinating things about Snow Cranes is the way they communicate. They make a variety of calls, from loud trumpeting sounds to softer purring noises. But their most famous call is a high-pitched, bugling sound that can be heardfrom miles away. It's a truly magical sound that fills the air when flocks of Snow Cranes are migrating or gathering together.Where do Snow Cranes live?Snow Cranes are found in several parts of the world, but their breeding grounds are primarily in the Arctic regions of Russia, Mongolia, and China. During the summer months, they nest in these northern areas, where they can find plenty of food and space for their chicks to grow.When winter arrives, Snow Cranes embark on an incredible journey, migrating thousands of miles to their wintering grounds in places like India, Japan, and even parts of the United States. They fly in large flocks, with the adults taking turns leading the way and the youngsters following closely behind.One of the most famous migration routes for Snow Cranes is through the Himalayas, where they stop to rest and refuel in places like the Brahmaputra Valley in India. Watching these graceful birds against the backdrop of the towering Himalayan mountains is a sight that takes your breath away.What do Snow Cranes eat?Snow Cranes are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. In their breeding grounds, they feast on allsorts of tasty treats, like insects, small mammals, fish, and even the eggs of other birds. They use their long beaks to probe the shallow waters and mud, hunting for anything that looks tasty.During their migrations and in their wintering grounds, Snow Cranes also enjoy a variety of plant-based foods. They love to nibble on grains, seeds, and even the tender shoots of aquatic plants. In some areas, farmers have to be careful to protect their crops from hungry flocks of Snow Cranes looking for a tasty snack!Threats to Snow CranesDespite their impressive size and beauty, Snow Cranes face several threats in the wild. One of the biggest challenges is habitat loss, as their breeding and wintering grounds are often impacted by human activities like urbanization, agriculture, and even climate change.Hunting and illegal poaching are also major threats, as some people seek to capture or kill these magnificent birds for their feathers or meat. Fortunately, there are conservation efforts in place to protect Snow Cranes and their habitats, but more work is needed to ensure their survival for generations to come.Seeing a Snow Crane in person is a truly unforgettable experience. Their elegant movements, striking colors, and hauntingly beautiful calls are like nothing else in the natural world. If you ever have the chance to witness these incredible birds, whether in their breeding grounds, during migration, or in their wintering habitats, it's an opportunity you won't want to miss. The Snow Crane is a true wonder of nature, and one that deserves our respect and protection for years to come.。
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Statistical methods IMIXED MODELS IN ANIMAL BREEDING: WHERE TO NOW?A.R. GilmourCargo Vale, CARGO, NSW 2800,formerly Orange Agricultural Institute, NSW Department of Primary IndustriesSUMMARYOver the past 60 years, mixed models have underpinned huge gains in plant and animal production through genetic improvement. Charles Henderson (1912-1989) established mixed models for estimating breeding values (BLUP) using the popularly called Henderson's Mixed Model and provided early methods (Henderson's Methods I, II and III) for estimating variance parameters. Robin Thompson then published the widely acclaimed REML method for variance component estimation in 1971. These two innovators, along with the development of computing power, have spawned national and international breeding programs in almost all animal species used for human food and fibre.Our ability to generate data is outstripping our ability to analyse data and this will lead to mixed models playing new roles in genetic estimation. The focus is changing from simply describing the relationship between variables through a correlation, to modelling the relationship based on knowledge of the Genome.INTRODUCTIONSelective breeding goes back at least to Jacob (1800 BC, Genesis 30) who selected the fitter rams for his own flock. Traditional breeding has largely relied on visual assessment with many such classers having considerable skill in recognising genetic potential with respect to their objective, whether breeding war horses, dogs or pigeons. What characterises modern breeding though is the extensive use of objective measurement and adjustment for environmental effects.The digital age has seen a rapid increase in the number of traitsincluded in a breeding objective or selection criterion, as wellas use of data on relatives to improve the separation of geneticfrom environmental differences. Charles Henderson (1912-1989) et al. (1949, 1959) developed and popularised the mixedmodel equations whichunderpin the BLUPestimation of breedingvalues. His development ofthese equations includeduse of the additive geneticrelationship matrix, show-ing how it accommodatesselection as well as their primary role of adjustingfor nuisance environmental effects.However, the mixed model equations used for evaluationassume knowledge of variance parameters. Henderson (1953)defined the main methods used to estimate these until RobinThompson (Patterson and Thompson 1971) presented the Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) method. Karin Meyer and Dorothy Robinson produced software to implement REML methods (in animal breeding and Charles Henderson Robin Thompson 394Proc. Assoc. Advmt. Anim. Breed. Genet. 18:394-397 more generally respectively). However analysis was difficult until Robin presented the Average Information method (Johnson and Thompson 1995; Gilmour et al. 1995) underpinning ASReml (1997, 2002, 2006, 2009) which become generally available in 1997.The promise of the genomic revolution is that we may be able to select directly for specific combinations of genes based on reading an individual’s genetic code and having good information on the phenotypic and pleiotropic effects of genes/alleles.MIXED MODEL EQUATIONS AND BLUPThe linear mixed model is written aswhere X is the design mwhere var .ations is the same a w. Tof those effects and395Statistical methods IWHERE TO NOW?One thing programming has taught me is that no matter how big you allow, someone will want bigger. While computing technology has helped with the more traits, more records issue of modern animal breeding based on BLUP technology, we are now faced with genome level data of a higher magnitude and methodologies which do not have the statistical and mathematical rigor that supports conventional quantitative genetics. Three problem areas come to mind. The first is the well established variance estimation problem (Hill and Thompson 1978) that when estimating a variance matrix, the probability that the maximum value of the REML likelihood occurs outside the imposed parameter space increases with the matrix size. The second is the application of mixed models to genomic data. The third is how to effectively combine specific genomic data into the BLUP evaluation process.Structured Variance models. The more traits involved in a REML analysis, the more likely there will be difficulties with the estimation of all the variances and co-variances involved. ASReml will estimate a negative definite matrix if permitted, or attempt to estimate a positive definite matrix which is almost singular. But this raises the issue of whether a reduced parameterization within the parameter space will be preferable. It is not uncommon to find that a matrix can be reduced by use of principal components to a more parsimonious form. That is, the first 1, 2 or 3 principal components will contain the big bulk of the information contained in the matrix. The remaining variation is noise and is often associated with negative eigen values. Therefore it makes sense to estimate the matrix based on some underlying structure. Three structures are common in ASReml. For variates that have no intrinsic ordering, the principal component/factor analytic models allow more parsimonious modelling. For measurements repeated at irregular intervals, the random regression models are often applied but these may produce unreasonable estimates at the ends of the time range. For regular repeated traits, for example weights at successive ages, the expected structure is an autoregressive one for which the Antedependence (Generalised auto regressive) models apply. JaffrЀzic et al. (2002) has extended the Antedependence model to a Structured antedependence where a model is imposed on the regression and innovation parameters. Meyer and Kirkpatrick (2009) have investigated a reduced parameterization based on assuming common eigen vectors across strata which is another proposal within this framework. To my mind, this leads to a general area of writing models for the variance parameters, and is the next logical step when it comes to fitting models with hundreds of variance parameters. The question will always be whether a reduced parameterization has adequately captured the real variation without imposing a structure unsupported by the data.Mixed models for genomic data. There is a huge literature on analysing the huge amount of genomic data that is being presented and little consensus on the best approach. One issue is the diversity of kinds of data available and the other is the sheer volume of data and the knowledge that meaningful/useful variation is present in only a small proportion of it. The issue here is then to separate signal from noise. I believe mixed models could have a bigger role here because signal will represent a covariance (or inflated variance) over the noise (base variance). Mixed models have been successfully used to adjust for spatial variation in genomic slides. They have been used to locate QTL in back-cross/F2 experiments (Gilmour 2007; Verbyla et al. 2007) and in association studies where there are often more ‘markers’ than experimental units. Thomson et al. (2009) use mixed models as part of their procedure to combined cattle and sheep genomic data to look for differentially expressed genes. The new outlier method in ASReml 3 may help in this regard.396Proc. Assoc. Advmt. Anim. Breed. Genet. 18:394-397 Incorporating genomic markers in BLUP evaluation. Scientists are an optimistic group when it comes to incorporating genetic markers into BLUP evaluation. I suspect there is a lot of detailed work required before this becomes standard procedure across the industries.DISCUSSIONLinear Mixed Models have underpinned a revolution in livestock breeding in the last 50 years and despite the huge investment in genomic research and Bayesian methods, there remains a continuing major role for them in the foreseeable future. However, the general model needs adaption for the specifics of each particular species and application. By this I mean, identification of the principle sources of variation, whether they should be accommodated as fixed or random effects, appropriate variance structures and extending the analyses to larger populations and with more traits.While a bivariate analysis is now readily performed, larger multivariate analyses for the estimation of positive definite variance matrices are often difficult requiring use of structured matrices and raising the issue of whether the structure is adequate. There will undoubtedly be further developments in this area.The literature on analysis of genomic data reports a wide range of methods as people have hurried to analyse their large amounts of newly acquired data. Some of these analyses have demonstrated the utility of mixed models in this area, but have also shown up limitations due to the amount and structure of the new data. This also will need more attention. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSUpon my retirement, I am grateful to all my colleagues, to NSW DPI, and to the gracious Lord God, creator, for the opportunity given me to contribute to plant and animal breeding through my part in ASReml, in LAMBPLAN (through the program BVEST), through mentoring and assisting other researchers and in the analysis of breeding data, especially for sheep.REFERENCESGilmour, A. R. (2007) Comp Stats and Data Analysis 51:3749Gilmour, A. R., Thompson, R. and Cullis, B. R. (1995) Biometrics 51:1440Gilmour, A. R., Gogel, B. G., Cullis, B. R. and Thompson, R. (2009) ASReml 3. Henderson, C. R. (1953)Biometrics9:226Henderson, C. R., Kempthorne, O., Searle, S. R. And Von Krosigk, C. N. (1959)Biometrics 15:192Hill, W. G. and Thompson, R. (1978) Biometrics34: 429.JaffrЀzic, F., White, I. M. S., Thompson, R., Visscher, P. M. and Hill, W. G. (2002) 7WCALGP Johnson, D. L. and Thompson, R. (1995) J. Dairy Sci.,78:449Meyer, K., and Kirkpatrick, M. (2009) AAABGPatterson, and Thompson, R. 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