



單位成本:低 銷售:達到尖峰 利潤:高 顧客:中期採用者 競爭者:數目穩定但開始減少 行銷目標:最大化利潤,同時保護市場占有率
此階段各產品同質性很高,消費者對產品也已十分熟悉, 且銷售的成長幅度很有限,甚至停滯不前,廠商往往須 調降價格以搶奪競爭者的客戶。 此時另一個常用的競爭方式是「促銷」,例如,打折、 送贈品等。
消費者在不同通路,消費習慣也會有所不同, 因此需要的產品也不一樣。
(二)可口可樂定價法──通路、口味、包裝不 同,價格也有差異 (三)美粒果開拓多元通路與多元化的價格 (四)受制於消費者對價格帶的認知及通路商要 的利潤,才決定價格
表 3-8-1 不同的通路,有不同的價位
第三篇 定價方法與定價策略篇
Chapter 8 各種定價法
一 新產品上市定價法(New Product Pricing)
所謂市場吸脂法(Market-Skimming或Skimming Pricing)係指公司以定高價位方式,迅速在新產 品上市後的短期內獲取最大的投資報酬,又稱 「吸脂定價」(Skim-the-Caream Pricing),此係 指將乳牛擠下來的牛乳最上層最油的那一層刮 下來使用的意思。 係為高價之策略。
單位成本:低 銷售:逐漸下滑 利潤:逐漸下滑 顧客:落後者 競爭者:逐漸減少 行銷目標:減少支出,並且「收割」產品最後的利 潤

商业银行管理彼得S.罗斯英文原书第8版 英语试题库Chap012

商业银行管理彼得S.罗斯英文原书第8版 英语试题库Chap012

Chapter 12Managing and Pricing Deposit ServicesFill in the Blank Questions1. A(n) _________________________ requires the bank to honor withdrawals immediately uponrequest.Answer: demand deposit2. A(n) _________________________ is an interest bearing checking account and gives the bank theright to insist on prior notice before customer withdrawals can be honored.Answer: Negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)3. A(n) _________________________ is a short-maturity deposit which pays a competitive interestrate. Only 6 preauthorized drafts per month are allowed and only 3 of these can be by check.Answer: money market deposit account4. _________________________ are designed to attract funds from customers who wish to set asidemoney in anticipation of future expenditures or financial emergencies.Answer: Thrift deposits5. _________________________ are the stable base of deposited funds that are not highly sensitiveto movements in market interest rates and tend to remain with a depository institution.Answer: Core deposits6. Some people feel that everyone is entitled access to a minimum level of financial service no mattertheir income level. This issue is called the issue of _________________________.Answer: basic (lifeline) banking7. _________________________ is a way of pricing deposit services in which the rate or return orfees charged on the deposit account are based on the cost of offering the service plus a profitmargin.Answer: Cost plus pricing8. When financial institutions tempt customers by paying postage both ways in bank-by-mail servicesor by offering free gifts such as teddy bears, they are practicing ___________.Answer: nonprice competition9. The _________________________is the added cost of bringing in new funds.Answer: marginal cost10. _________________________ pricing is where the financial institution sets up a schedule of feesin which the customer pays a low or no fee if the deposit balance stays above some minimum level and pays a higher fee if the balance declines below that minimum level.Answer: Conditional11. When a customer is charged a fixed charge per check this is called __________________ pricing.Answer: flat rate12. When a customer is charged based on the number and kinds of services used, with the customersthat use a number of services being charged less or having some fees waived, this is called__________________ pricing.Answer: relationship13. _________________________ is part of the new technology for processing checks where the banktakes a picture of the back and the front of the original check and which can now be processed as if they were the original.Answer: Check imaging14. A(n) _________________________ is a thrift account which carries a fixed maturity date andgenerally carries a fixed interest rate for that time period.Answer: time deposit15. A(n) _________________________ is a conditional method of pricing deposit services in whichthe fees paid by the customer depend mainly on the account balance and volume of activity.Answer: deposit fee schedule16. The _________________________ was passed in 1991 and specifies the information thatinstitutions must disclose to their customers about deposit accounts.Answer: Truth in Savings Act17. The _________________________ must be disclosed to customers based on the formula of oneplus the interest earned divided by the average account balance adjusted for an annual 365 day year.It is the interest rate the customer has actually earned on the account.Answer: annual percentage yield (APY)18. A(n) _________________________ is a retirement plan that institutions can sell which is designedfor self-employed individuals.Answer: Keogh plan19. Deposit institution location is most important to ______-income consumers.Answer: low20. _____-income consumers appear to be more influenced by the size of the financial institution.Answer: high21.For decades depository institutions offered one type of savings plan. could be opened withas little as $5 and withdrawal privileges were unlimited.Answer: Passbook savings deposits22.CD’s allow depositors to switch to a higher interest rate if market ratesrise.Answer: Bump-up23.CD’s permit periodic adjustm ents in promised interest rates.Answer: Step-up24.CD’s allow the depositor t o withdraw some of his or her funds without awithdrawal penalty.Answer: Liquid25.A(n) , which was authorized by Congress in 1997, allows individuals to makenon-tax-deductible contributions to a retirement fund that can grow tax free and also pay no taxes on their investment earnings when withdrawn.Answer: Roth IRA26.Due to the fact that they may be perceived as more risky, banks generally offer higherdeposit rates than traditional banks.Answer: virtual27. are accounts in domestic banking institutions where the U.S.Treasury keeps most of their operating funds.Answer: Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts (TT&L accounts)28. is a process where merchants and utility companies take theinformation from a check an individual has just written and electronically debits the individual’s account instead of sending the check through the regular check clearing process.Answer: electronic check conversion29.On October 28, 2004, became the law, permitting depository institutions toelectronically transfer check images instead of the checks themselves.Answer: Check 2130.The to the cost plus pricing derives the weighted average cost of all fundsraised and is based on the assumption that it is not the cost of each type of deposit that matters but rather the weighted average cost of all funds that matters.Answer: pooled-funds cost approachTrue/False QuestionsT F 31. The volume of core deposits at U.S. banks has been growing in recent years relative to other categories of deposits.Answer: FalseT F 32. The U.S. Treasury keeps most of its operating funds in TT&L deposits, according to the textbook.Answer: TrueT F 33. Deposits owned by commercial banks and held with other banks are called correspondent deposits.Answer: TrueT F 34. The implicit interest rate on checkable deposits equals the difference between the cost of supplying deposit services to a customer and the amount of the service charge actuallyassessed that customer.Answer: TrueT F 35. Legally imposed interest-rate ceilings on deposits were first set in place in the United States after passage of the Bank Holding Company Act.Answer: FalseT F 36. Gradual phase-out of legal interest-rate ceilings on deposits offered by U.S. banks was first authorized by the Glass-Steagall Act.Answer: FalseT F 37. The contention that there are certain banking services (such as small loans or savings and checking accounts) that every citizen should have access to is usually called socializedbanking.Answer: FalseT F 38. Domestic deposits generate legal reserves.Answer: TrueT F 39. Excess legal reserves are the source out of which new bank loans are created.Answer: TrueT F 40. Demand deposits are among the most volatile and least predictable of a bank's sources of funds with the shortest potential maturity.Answer: TrueT F 41. IRA and Keogh deposits have great appeal for bankers principally because they can be sold bearing relatively low (often below-market) interest rates.Answer: FalseT F 42. In general, the longer the maturity of a deposit, the lower the yield a financial institution must offer to its depositors because of the greater interest-rate risk the bank faces withlonger-term deposits.Answer: FalseT F 43. The availability of a large block of core deposits decreases the duration of a bank's liabilities.Answer: FalseT F 44. Interest-bearing checking accounts, on average, tend to generate lower net returns than regular (noninterest-bearing) checking accounts.Answer: FalseT F 45. Personal checking accounts tend to be more profitable than commercial checking accounts.Answer: FalseT F 46. NOW accouts can be held by businesses and individuals and are interest bearing checking accounts.Answer: FalseT F 47. A MMDA is a short term deposit where the bank can offer a competitive interest rate and which allows up to 6 preauthorized drafts per month.Answer: TrueT F 48. A Roth IRA allows an individual to accumulate investment earnings tax free and also pay no tax on their investment earnings when withdrawn provided the taxpayer follows therules on this new account.Answer: TrueT F 49. Competition tends to raise deposit interest costs.Answer: TrueT F 50. Competition lowers the expected return to a bank from putting its deposits to work.Answer: TrueT F 51. A bank has full control of its deposit prices in the long run.Answer: FalseT F 52. Nonprice competition for deposits has tended to distort the allocation of scarce resources in the banking sector.Answer: TrueT F 53. Deposits are usually priced separately from loans and other bank services.Answer: TrueT F 54. According to recent Federal Reserve data no-fee savings accounts are on the decline.Answer: TrueT F 55. According to recent survey information provided by the staff of the Federal Reserve Board the average level of fees on most types of checking and NOW accounts appear to haverisen.Answer: TrueT F 56. The Truth in Savings Act requires a bank to disclose to its deposit customer the frequency with which interest is compounded on all interest-bearing accounts.Answer: TrueT F 57. Under the Truth in Savings Act customers must be informed of the impact of any early deposit withdrawals on the annual percentage yield they expect to receive from aninterest-bearing deposit.Answer: TrueT F 58. The number one factor households consider in selecting a bank to hold their checkingaccount is, according to recent studies cited in this chapter, low fees and low minimumbalance.Answer: FalseT F 59. The number one factor households consider in choosing a bank to hold their savings deposits, according to recent studies cited in this chapter, is location.Answer: FalseT F 60. Conditionally free deposits for customers mean that as long as the customers do not go above a certain level of deposits there are no monthly fees or per transaction charges.Answer: FalseT F 61. When a bank temporarily offers higher than average interest rates or lower than average customer fees in order to attract new business they are practicing conditional pricing.Answer: FalseT F 62. Web-centered banks with little or no physical facilities are known as ________ banks Answer: TrueT F 63. The total dollar value of checks paid in the United States has grown modestly in recent years.Answer: FalseT F 64. There are still a number of existing problems with online bill-paying services which has limited the growth.Answer: TrueT F 65. The depository institutions which tend to have the highest deposit yields are credit unions.Answer: FalseT F 66. Urban markets are more responsive to deposit interest rates and fees than rural markets.Answer: FalseT F 67. Research indicates that at least half of all households and small businesses hold their primary checking account at a depository institution situated within 3 miles of theirlocation.Answer: TrueMultiple Choice Questions68. Deposit accounts whose principal function is to make payments for purchases of goods andservices are called:A) DraftsB) Second-party payments accountsC) Thrift depositsD) Transaction accountsE) None of the aboveAnswer: D69. Interest payments on regular checking accounts were prohibited in the United States under terms ofthe:A) Glass-Steagall ActB) McFadden-Pepper ActC) National Bank ActD) Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions ActE) None of the aboveAnswer: A70. Money-market deposit accounts (MMDAs), offering flexible interest rates, accessible forpayments purposes, and designed to compete with share accounts offered by money market mutual funds, were authorized by the:A) Glass-Steagall ActB) Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA)C) Bank Holding Company ActD) Garn-St.Germain Depository Institutions ActE) None of the aboveAnswer: D71. The stable and predictable base of deposited funds that are not highly sensitive to movements inmarket interest rates but tend to remain with the bank are called:A) Time depositsB) Core depositsC) Consumer CDsD) Nontransaction depositsE) None of the aboveAnswer: B72. Noegotiable Orders of Withdrawal (NOW) accounts, interest-bearing savings accounts that can beused essentially the same as checking accounts, were authorized by:A) Glass-Steagall ActB) Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA)C) Bank Holding Company ActD) Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions ActE) None of the aboveAnswer: B74. A deposit which offers flexible money market interest rates but is accessible for spending bywriting a limited number of checks or executing preauthorized drafts is known as a:A) Demand depositB) NOW accountC) MMDAsD) Time depositE) None of the aboveAnswer: C75. The types of deposits that will be created by the banking system depend predominantly upon:A) The level of interest ratesB) The state of the economyC) The monetary policies of the central bankD) Public preferenceE) None of the above.Answer: D76. The most profitable deposit for a bank is a:A) Time depositB) Commercial checking accountC) Personal checking accountD) Passbook savings depositE) Special checking accountAnswer: B77. Some people feel that individuals are entitled to some minimum level of financial services nomatter what their income level. This issue is often called:A) Lifeline bankingB) Preference bankingC) Nondiscriminatory bankingD) Lifeboat bankingE) None of the aboveAnswer: A78. The formula Operating Expense per unit of deposit service + Estimated overhead expense +Planned profit from each deposit service unit sold reflects what deposit pricing method listedbelow?A) Marginal cost pricingB) Cost plus pricingC) Conditional pricingD) Upscale target pricingE) None of the above.Answer: B79. Using deposit fee schedules that vary deposit prices according to the number of transactions, theaverage balance in the deposit account, and the maturity of the deposit represents what deposit pricing method listed below?A) Marginal cost pricingB) Cost plus pricingC) Conditional pricingD) Upscale target pricingE) None of the above.Answer: C80. The deposit pricing method that favors large-denomination deposits because services are free if thedeposit account balance stays above some minimum figure is called:A) Free pricingB) Conditionally free pricingC) Flat-rate pricingD) Upscale target pricingE) Marginal cost pricingAnswer: B81. The federal law that requires U.S. depository institutions to make greater disclosure of the fees,interest rates, and other terms attached to the deposits they sell to the public is called the:A) Consumer Credit Protection ActB) Fair Pricing ActC) Consumer Full Disclosure ActD) Truth in Savings ActE) None of the above.Answer: D82. Depository institutions selling deposits to the public in the United States must quote the rate ofreturn pledged to the owner of the deposit which reflects the customer's average daily balance kept in the deposit. This quoted rate of return is known as the:A) Annual percentage rate (APR)B) Annual percentage yield (APY)C) Daily deposit yield (DDY)D) Daily average return (DAR)E) None of the above.Answer: B83. According to recent studies cited in this book, in selecting a bank to hold their checking accountshousehold customers rank first which of the following factors?A) SafetyB) High deposit interest ratesC) Convenient locationD) Availability of other servicesE) Low fees and low minimum balance.Answer: C84. According to recent studies cited in this chapter, in choosing a bank to hold their savings depositshousehold customers rank first which of the following factors?A) FamiliarityB) Interest rate paidC) Transactional convenienceD) LocationE) Fees charged.Answer: A85. According to recent studies cited in this chapter, in choosing a bank to supply their deposits andother services business firms rank first which of the following factors?A) Quality of financial advice givenB) Financial health of lending institutionC) Whether loans are competitively pricedD) Whether cash management and operations services are provided.E) Quality of bank officers.Answer: B86. A financial institution that charges customers based on the number of services they use and giveslower deposit fees or waives some fees for a customer that purchases two or more services ispracticing:A) Marginal cost pricingB) Conditional pricingC) Relationship pricingD) Upscale target pricingE) None of the aboveAnswer: C87. A bank determines from an analysis on its deposits that account processing and other operatingexpenses cost the bank $3.95 per month. It has also determined that its non operating expenses on its deposits are $1.35 per month. The bank wants to have a profit margin which is 10 percent of monthly costs. What monthly fee should this bank charge on its deposit accounts?A) $5.30 per monthB) $3.95 per monthC) $5.83 per monthD) $5.70 per monthE) None of the aboveAnswer: C88. A bank determines from an analysis on its deposits that account processing and other operatingexpenses cost the bank $4.45 per month. The bank has also determined that nonoperating expenses on deposits are $1.15 per month. It has also decided that it wants a profit of $.45 on its deposits.What monthly fee should this bank charge on its deposit accounts?A) $6.05B) $5.60C) $5.15D) $4.45E) None of the aboveAnswer: A89. A customer has a savings deposit for 45 days. During that time they earn $5 in interest and have anaverage daily balance of $1000. What is the annual percentage yield on this savings account?A) 0.5%B) 4.13%C) 4.07%D) 4.5%E) None of the aboveAnswer: B90. A customer has a savings account for one year. During that year they earn $65.50 in interest. For180 days they have $2000 in the account for the other 180 days they have $1000 in the account.What is the annual percentage yield on this savings account.A) 6.55%B) 3.28%C) 4.37%D) 8.73%E) None of the aboveAnswer: C91.If you deposit $1,000 into a certificate of deposit that quotes you a 5.5% APY, how much will youhave at the end of 1 year?A)$1,050.00B)$1,055.00C)$1,550.00D)$1,005.50E)None of the above.Answer: B92. A bank quotes an APY of 8%. A small business that has an account with this bank had $2,500 intheir account for half the year and $5,000 in their account for the other half of the year. How much in total interest earnings did this bank make during the year?A) $300B) $200C) $400D) $150E) None of the aboveAnswer: A93. Conditional deposit pricing may involve all of the following factors except:A) The level of interest ratesB) The number of transactions passing through the accountC) The average balance in the accountD) The maturity of the accountE) All of the above are usedAnswer: A94.Customers who wish to set aside money in anticipation of future expenditures or financialemergencies put their money inA) DraftsB) Second-party payment accountsC) Thrift DepositsD) Transaction accountsE) None of the aboveAnswer: C95. A savings account evidenced only by computer entry for which the customer gets a monthlyprintout is called:A) Passbook savings accountB) Statement savings planC) Negotiable order of withdrawalD) Money market mutual fundE) None of the aboveAnswer: B96. A traditional savings account where evidenced by the entries recorded in a booklet kept by thecustomer is called:A) Passbook savings accountB) Statement savings planC) Negotiable order of withdrawalD) Money market mutual fundE) None of the aboveAnswer: A97.An account at a bank that carries a fixed maturity date with a fixed interest rate and which oftencarries a penalty for early withdrawal of money is called:A) Demand depositB) Transaction depositC) Time depositD) Money market mutual depositE) None of the aboveAnswer: C98. A time deposit that has a denominations greater than $100,000 and are generally for wealthyindividuals and corporations is known as a:A) Negotiable CDB) Bump-up CDC) Step-up CDD) Liquid CDE) None of the aboveAnswer: A99. A time deposit that is non-negotiable but where the promised interest rate can rise with marketinterest rates is called a:A) Negotiable CDB) Bump-up CDC) Step-up CDD) Liquid CDE) None of the aboveAnswer: B100.A time deposit that allows for a periodic upward adjustment to the promised rate is called a:A) Negotiable CDB) Bump-up CDC) Step-up CDD) Liquid CDE) None of the aboveAnswer: C101.A time deposit that allows the depositor to withdraw some of his or her funds without a withdrawalpenalty is called a:A) Negotiable CDB) Bump-up CDC) Step-up CDD) Liquid CDE) None of the aboveAnswer: D102.What has made IRA and Keogh accounts more attractive to depositors recently?A) Allowing the bank to have FDIC insurance on these accountsB) Allowing the fund to grow tax free over the life of the fundC) Allowing the depositor to pay no taxes on investment earnings when withdrawnD) Requiring banks to pay at least 6% on these accounts to depositorsE) Increasing FDIC insurance coverage to $250,000 on these accountsAnswer: E103.The dominant holder of bank deposits in the U.S. is:A) The private sectorB) State and local governmentsC) Foreign governmentsD) Deposits of other banksE) None of the aboveAnswer: A104.The deposit pricing method absent of any monthly account maintenance fee or per-transaction fee is called:A) Free pricingB) Conditionally free pricingC) Flat-rate pricingD) Marginal cost pricingE) Nonprice competitionAnswer: A105.The deposit pricing method that charges a fixed charge per check or per period or both is called:A) Free pricingB) Conditionally free pricingC) Flat-rate pricingD) Marginal cost pricingE) Nonprice competitionAnswer: C106.The deposit pricing method that focuses on the added cost of bringing in new funds is called:A) Free pricingB) Conditionally free pricingC) Flat-rate pricingD) Marginal cost pricingE) Nonprice competitionAnswer: D107.Prior to Depository Institution Deregulation and Control Act (DIDMCA), banks used . This tended to distort the allocation of scarce resources.A) Free pricingB) Conditionally free pricingC) Flat-rate pricingD) Marginal cost pricingE) Nonprice competitionAnswer: E108.A customer has a savings deposit for 60 days. During that time they earn $11 and have an average daily balance of $1500. What is the annual percentage yield on this savings account?A) .73%B) 4.3%C) 4.5%D) 4.7%E) None of the aboveAnswer: C109.A customer has a savings deposit for 15 days. During that time they earn $15 and have an average daily balance of $2200. What is the annual percentage yield on this savings account?A) .68%B) 16.36%C) 16.59%D) 17.98%E) None of the aboveAnswer: D110.A bank determines from an analysis on its deposits that account processing and other operating expenses cost the bank $4.15 per month. It has also determined that its none operating expenses on its deposits are $1.65 per month. The bank wants to have a profit margin which is 10 percent of monthly costs. What monthly fee should this bank charge on its deposit accounts?A) $6.38 per monthB) $5.80 per monthC) $4.57 per monthD) $4.15 per monthE) None of the aboveAnswer: A111.A bank has $200 in checking deposits. Interest and noninterest costs on these accounts are 4%.This bank has $400 in savings and time deposits with interest and noninterest costs of 8%. This bank has $200 in equity capital with a cost of 24%. This bank as estimated that reserverequirements, deposit insurance fees and uncollected balances reduce the amount of moneyavailable on checking deposits by 10% and on savings and time deposits by 5%. What is thisbank’s before-tax cost of funds?A) 11.00%B) 11.32%C) 11.50%D) 12.00%E) None of the aboveAnswer: B112.A bank has $100 in checking deposits. Interest and noninterest costs on these accounts are 8%.This bank has $600 in savings and time deposits with interest and noninterest costs of 12%. This bank has $100 in equity capital with a cost of 26%. This bank has estimated that reserverequirements, deposit insurance fees and uncollected balances reduce the amount of moneyavailable on checking deposits by 20% and on savings and time deposits by 5%. What is the bank’s before-tax cost of funds?A) 13.05%B) 13.25%C) 15.33%D) 19.17%E) None of the aboveAnswer: A113.A bank has $500 in checking deposits. Interest and noninterest costs on these accounts are 6%.This bank has $250 in savings and time deposits with interest and noninterest costs of 14%. This bank has $250 in equity capital with a cost of 25%. This bank has estimated that reserverequirements, deposit insurance fees and uncollected balances reduce the amount of moneyavailable on checking deposits by 15% and on savings and time deposits by 4%. What is the bank’s before-tax cost of funds?A) 15.00%B) 12.75%C) 13.42%D) 15.74%E) None of the aboveAnswer: C114.A bank expects to raise $30 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 7%. It can raise $60 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 7.5%. It can raise $80 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 8% and it can raise $100 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 8.5%.This bank expects to earn 9% on all money that it receives in new deposits. What deposit rate should the bank offer on its deposits, if they use the marginal cost method of determining deposit rates?A) 7%B) 7.5%C) 8%D) 8.5%E) None of the aboveAnswer: B115.A bank expects to raise $30 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 7%. It can raise $60 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 7.5%. It can raise $80 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 8% and it can raise $100 million in new money if it pays a deposit rate of 8.5%.This bank expects to earn 9% on all money that it receives in new deposits. What is the marginal cost of deposits if the bank raises their deposit rate from 7 to 7.5%?A) .5%B) 7.5%C) 8.0%D) 9.5%E) 10.5%Answer: C116.Under the Truth in Savings Act, a bank must inform its customers of the terms being quoted on their deposits. Which of the following is not one of the terms listed?A) Loan rate informationB) Balance computation methodC) Early withdrawal penaltyD) Transaction limitationsE) Minimum balance requirementsAnswer: A117.Which of these Acts is attempting to address the low savings rate of workers in the U.S. by including an automatic enrollment (“default option”) in employees’ retirement accounts?A)The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981B)The Tax Reform Act of 1986C)The Tax Relief Act of 1997D)The Pension Protection Act of 2006E)None of the aboveAnswer: D118.Business (commercial) transaction accounts are generally more profitable than personal checking accounts, according to the textbook. Which of the following explain the reasons for this statement:A)The average size of the business transaction is smaller than the personal transactionB)Lower interest expenses are associated with commercial deposit transactionC)The bank receives more investable funds in the commercial deposits transactionD) A and BE) B and CAnswer: E。



Key to ExercisesUnit 1I.Promote trade and growthMaximize production levelsSpawn disciplineMake assumptionsAllocate resourcesII.1.allocate2. spectrum3. advocate4. constitute5.discipline 6. resource 7. want 8. scarcity 9. production10. economicsIII.1. A2. B3. D4. AUnit 2I.allocate resourcesrelease CDs and bookssupply goods and servicesforgo consumption of sugarconstruct a graph.II.1. demand;2. supply;3.price;4. resource;5. consumption;6. equilibrium;7. shift;8. product;9. correlation;10.allocationIII.1.C2.B3.A4.A5.BUnit 3I.Masximize utilityCross thresholdFulfill wants and needsAssign an amountGain benefitII.1.threshold2. utility3. aggregate4. satisfaction5. consumption6. marginal7. maximize8. rational9. curve 10. demandIII.1. C2. D3. BUnit 4I.Increase outputsForgo choicesManage resourcesChange mindTrade goodsII.1. specialization2. cost3. deficiency4. absolute5. supply6. hypothetical7. pricing8. advantage9. efficiency 10. opportunityIII.1. B2. C3. A4. CUnit off pork for beefpartly out of preference and partly out of pricecompare the price of a good with what it was ten years ago relative to overall price levelprice adjusted / corrected for inflationmeasure the price of a good in nominal pricescalculate the 2007 price of pork in terms of 1983 dollars measure in constant dollars and current dollars respectivelyII.1.nominal price2.purchasing power3.constant dollar4.corrected basket6.overall prices7.current dollar8.consumer price index9.real priceIII.1.D2.A3.C4.C5.DUnit 6I.1. distinguish between nominal and real GNP2. multiply the prices and the quantities3. correct GNP for inflation4. maintain a base year up to date5. affect all the industries in the same directionII.1. GDP2. depreciation3.GNP4. intermediate goods5. double goodsIII.1. F2.F3.T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. T9. T 10. T Unit 7I.describe a similar negative correlationalter price and income…push upward the economypeg a nominal or real quantityface a tradeoff…II.1. minimum wage,2.liabilities,3.fiscal policy,4.currency,5.monetary policy, reserves,7.natural rate of unemployment,8.efficiency wage,9.misery index III.1.B2.D3.A4.C5.DUnit 8I.1. promote export2. attain balance3. implement policies4. meet the balance5. stimulate capital inflows6. stabilize the economyII.1.tariff2.specific valorem rate5.floating rate6.equilibrium7.surplus8.infant industry9.quota10.barriersIII.1. C2. D3. B4. D5. A。



英文玩具销售合同范本8篇篇1This Sales Contract for Toys is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: _____________Address: _____________Contact Information: _____________Buyer:Name: _____________Address: _____________Contact Information: _____________I. Contract ObjectThe object of this contract is the sale of toys, specifically those listed in the appendix "Product List," with details includingbut not limited to quantity, model, specifications, quality, and pricing.II. Product DescriptionThe products to be sold are toys of various types, including but not limited to plastic toys, educational toys, electronic toys, etc. The specific products are listed in the appendix "Product List," which includes product name, model number, specifications, quantity, and pricing.III. Terms of Sale1. Price and Payment: The prices of the toys are specified in the "Product List." The Buyer shall make payment through bank transfer or as otherwise agreed by both parties.2. Delivery: The Seller shall deliver the toys to the Buyer's designated location within the agreed timeline.3. Quality Assurance: The Seller guarantees the quality of the toys and shall replace any defective products at its own cost.4. Confidentiality: Both parties shall maintain confidentiality regarding any information related to this contract that is not meant for public disclosure.IV. Delivery and Inspection1. Delivery Time: The Seller shall deliver the toys within_______ (insert agreed delivery timeframe) from the date of signing this contract.2. Inspection: Upon receipt of the toys, the Buyer shall have the right to inspect them within a reasonable time to ensure they meet the agreed specifications and quality standards.V. Force MajeureIn case of any force majeure events, such as natural disasters, wars, political unrest, etc., which hinder the performance of this contract, the affected party shall notify the other party immediately and both parties shall discuss and agree on further actions.VI.违约责任(Breach of Contract)If any party fails to perform its obligations under this contract, the non-breaching party shall have the right to claim damages and/or terminate this contract.VII. Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by the laws of _______ (insert applicable country/region). Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may submit thedispute to a court located in _______ (insert applicablecountry/region) for resolution.VIII.Miscellaneous1. This contract constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Seller and the Buyer regarding the sale of toys.2. This contract may not be modified or altered unless both parties agree in writing.3. This contract shall be valid for a period of _______ (insert duration) from the date of signing.4. Any attachments or amendments to this contract shall form an integral part of this contract and have the same legal effect as the original text.The Seller and the Buyer have read and understood this contract, and have signed their names below to indicate their agreement:Seller: ____________________(Insert Signature)Date: ____________________Buyer: ____________________(Insert Signature)Date: ____________________Appendix: Product List(To be completed with product details, specifications, pricing, etc.)篇2This Sales Contract for Toys is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: ______________Address: ______________Contact Person: ______________Buyer:Name: ________________Address: ________________Contact Person: ________________1. CommodityThe Seller agrees to sell the following toys to the Buyer: (玩具清单,包括名称、规格型号、数量、单价等详细情况)2. Price and Payment TermsThe total contract value is ________ (货币和金额). The payment terms are as follows: (支付条款,包括付款方式、付款时间、付款比例等)3. DeliveryThe Seller shall ensure delivery of the toys to the Buyer's designated location within the agreed time frame. (交货期限、地点等条款)4. Quality and InspectionThe Seller guarantees the quality of the toys, and the Buyer has the right to inspect the goods prior to acceptance. (质量条款,包括检验标准、方法、地点等)5. Risk and Ownership TransferRisk and ownership of the toys shall transfer to the Buyer upon delivery at the agreed location. (风险和所有权转移条款)6. ConfidentialityBoth parties shall maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive information related to this contract. (保密条款)7. Warranty and After-Sales ServiceThe Seller provides a warranty period for the toys, and agrees to provide necessary after-sales service in case of any issues with the products. (保修和售后服务条款)8. Force MajeureIn case of force majeure events, both parties shall strive to mitigate the impact and work together to find solutions. (不可抗力条款)9. TerminationThis contract can be terminated under certain circumstances specified in the contract, such as breach of contract by either party. (合同终止条款)10. General Terms and ConditionsOther general terms and conditions related to the execution of this contract are as follows: (其他与合同执行相关的通用条款和条件)11. Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by the laws of _______ (指定国家/地区). Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation; in case of failure, both parties shall submit the disputes to _______ (指定法院/仲裁机构) for resolution. (法律适用和争议解决条款)12. MiscellaneousAny amendments or supplements to this contract shall be made in writing and signed by both parties. This contract is made in both English and ______ (其他语言,如中文),with equal legal effect. (其他杂项条款)The parties have reviewed and agreed to all the terms and conditions stated above. This contract is effective from the date of signing by both parties.Seller: ________________ (Signature)Date: ________________Buyer: ________________ (Signature)Date: ________________篇3This Toy Sales Contract is made on [日期] by and between [买方名称], a company duly organized under the laws of [买方所在国名称], hereinafter referred to as "Buyer" and [卖方名称], a company duly organized under the laws of [卖方所在国名称], hereinafter referred to as "Seller".1. Contract ProductThe product to be sold under this Contract is toys of various types and specifications as specified in the attached list (hereinafter referred to as "Products"). The Buyer agrees to purchase and the Seller agrees to sell the Products at the prices and in the quantities stipulated below.2. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Products to the Buyer at the following address: [交付地址]. The delivery date shall be no later than [具体交付日期].3. Quality and InspectionThe Seller shall ensure that the quality of the Products is in accordance with the contract specifications. The Buyer shall have the right to conduct inspections during production and prior to delivery of the Products. If any defects are found, the Seller shall replace or rectify the Products immediately at no additional cost to the Buyer.4. PaymentPayment for the Products shall be made in advance by wire transfer to the Seller's account as specified below: [支付账户详情]. After delivery of the Products and confirmation of their conformity with the contract specifications, the Buyer shall release the final payment.5. Warranty and LiabilityThe Seller guarantees that the Products are free from any defects in material and workmanship. In case of any defects or malfunctions, the Seller shall, at its own cost, replace or rectify the Products without delay. The Seller shall also be liable for any direct losses incurred by the Buyer due to late delivery or failure to deliver the Products in accordance with this Contract.6. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events such as natural disasters, wars, riots or government actions, which are beyond its reasonable control. In such cases, performance shall be suspended for as long as such event lasts.7. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party in case of a fundamental breach by the other party which is not rectified within a reasonable period of time. Any termination shall be subject to written notice being given by the terminating party to the other party.8. Miscellanea买方(盖章):[买方公司名称及印章] 日期:[签订日期]卖方(盖章):[卖方公司名称及印章] 日期:[签订日期]---END OF CONTRACT---篇4This Toy Sales Contract is made on [日期] by and between [买方名字],herein after referred to as the “Buyer”, and [卖方名字],herein after referred to as the “Seller”.1. 产品的描述与数量The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following toys:* Product Name: [玩具名称]* Description of Product: [玩具详细描述]* Quantity: [购买数量] pieces2. 价格与付款方式The total contract price shall be [总价] USD. The Buyer shall make payment through [支付方式] within [付款期限] days upon signing this contract.3. 交货时间与地点The Seller shall deliver the toys to the following address: [交货地址] on or before [交货日期].4. 质量保证The Seller guarantees that all toys are brand new, comply with all applicable quality standards, and are free from any defects in material or workmanship.5. 包装与运输The toys shall be packed in accordance with standard industry practice and sufficient to withstand normal handling and transportation conditions. The Seller shall bear all costs related to proper packaging and transportation.6. 版权与商标All toys must be properly labeled with the appropriate trademarks and copyrights owned by the Seller. The Buyer shall not use any trademark or copyright owned by the Seller without prior written consent.7. 违约责任If either party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, the other party may claim damages equal to the value of the contract or any other appropriate damages caused by such failure.8. 不可抗力In case of force majeure events, such as natural disasters, wars, riots, etc., which prevent either party from fulfilling its contractual obligations, the affected party shall notify the other party immediately and both parties shall work together to find a solution.9. 法律适用与争议解决This contract shall be governed by the laws of [适用法律的国家或地区]. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to [选择的仲裁机构] for arbitration.10. 合同生效与修改This contract shall become effective upon signature by both parties. No modification of this contract shall be valid unless agreed in writing and signed by both parties.11. 其他条款*[其他具体条款内容补充处]*In witness whereof, the parties have signed this contract in [签名处].Buyer: 买方签字Seller: 卖方签字Date: 日期Place: 地点篇5本合同由以下双方签订:买方(以下简称“甲方”):____________________卖方(以下简称“乙方”):____________________鉴于甲方希望购买乙方提供的玩具产品,双方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合同标的及描述本合同涉及销售的玩具产品为:____________。































以下是一些常见的新产品定价策略:1. 市场导向定价(Market-Oriented Pricing):- 基于市场需求和竞争对手的价格进行定价。


2. 成本加成定价(Cost-Plus Pricing):- 基于产品的生产成本,在成本基础上加上期望的利润率。


3. 溢价定价(Premium Pricing):- 将产品定价高于竞争对手,以传达产品的高品质或独特价值。


4. 折扣定价(Discount Pricing):- 将产品定价低于市场水平,以吸引更多的消费者。


5. 心理定价(Psychological Pricing):- 通过设定价格,使消费者在心理上感觉产品价格更为吸引人。


6. 捆绑定价(Bundle Pricing):- 将多个产品或服务捆绑在一起,并以比单独购买更低的总价格出售。


7. 时段定价(Time-Based Pricing):- 根据时间的不同设定不同的价格,例如高峰时段和低峰时段。


8. 渠道定价(Channel Pricing):- 根据销售渠道的不同设定不同的价格,例如零售、批发和直销。


9. 定价分层(Price Skimming):- 最初将产品价格设定得相对较高,然后逐渐降低,以吸引更广泛的市场。


10. 动态定价(Dynamic Pricing):- 根据市场需求、供应量、竞争情况等动态因素进行实时调整的定价策略。

Sprecher + Schuh CS8微型闸关系系统说明说明书

Sprecher + Schuh CS8微型闸关系系统说明说明书

GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG17visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDespite increasing complexity, control systems and installations must become increasingly compact. And the CS8 Miniature Relay System packs maxi-mum performance into minimum space.Small but ruggedSprecher + Schuh has subjected this relay series to monitored endurance tests that demonstrate their ruggedness. Under normal duty, CS8 contacts have an elec-trical life of 700,000 operations, while the AC magnet system has a mechanical life of 15,000,000 operations.The coil is designed for absolute under-voltage reliability. Undervoltages that do not cause the contactor to close can be withstood indefinitely without damage.The body of the device is sturdy as well. The front housing, containing the phase partitions and screwdriver guides, is manufactured in one piece. Front and rear housing are then joint fitted together.Superior Contact ReliabilityThe standard CS8 base relay and aux-iliary contacts are bifurcated H-bridge design which divides each movable contact into two sections at the tip of thespanner which provides a higher degree of reliability for low signal applications. Perfect fit for PLC and other electronic circuits operate at signals as low as 15V @ 2mA.Mechanically linked contacts for safetyThe CS8 control relay are the perfectchoice for fail-safe control circuits tomeet mechanically linked performanceper IEC 60947-4-1. Mechanically linkedis an interlock contact design that main-tains minimum 0.5mm clearance which prevents the NC contact from reclosing if the NO contact is welded when in op-eration. This feature applies to CS8 base relays with AC & DC coils; base relaysand add-on auxiliaries for DC coils only.CS8 front mount auxiliaries arepositive guidanceCS8 Industrial Control RelaysThe miniature relay system with bigadvantagesAccessories require no additional panel spaceThe entire CS8 system is logicallyengineered. Auxiliary contact blocks are modular and snap-on without increasing the CS8’s original width of 45mm. Also, due to its sideways switching movement, the basic relay has the same low profile whether an AC or DC operating magnet is used. This permits the use of enclo-sures with shallow mounting depths. Once the CS8 is installed, all auxiliary contact blocks can be snapped on or removed without changing any existing wiring.Auxiliary components provide flexibilityCS8 auxiliary components allow you to convert the basic four pole relay up to an 8 pole relay.Effortless installationCS8 relays are DIN-rail mountable for instant installation and modifica-tion. Fittings are also included for base mounting. All terminals are clearlymarked and shipped in the open positionfor installation with either manual orpower screwdrivers. Using self-adhesivelabels, or plastic clip-on tags.The entire line is cULus Listed and CE Certified and offers finger and back of hand protection to the strictest interna-tional standards.C S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG18visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7CS8 RelayContact Arrangement andNumberingContacts AC OperationDC OperationNONCCatalog NumberCatalog Number4CS8-40E-✱CS8C-40E-✱31CS8-31Z-✱CS8C-31Z-✱22CS8-22Z-✱CS8C-22Z-✱1+1EM 1+1LBCS8-L22Z-✱CS8C-L22Z-✱CS8 Complete Assemblies - 4 Pole➊ The coil codes shown are for the most commonly stocked items. Contact yourSprecher + Schuh representative to determine if other voltages are on-hand or can be specially ordered in quantity.➋ Integrated diode surge suppressor coils available. Order coil code 24DD. For example CS8C-22Z-24D becomes CS8C-22Z-24DD. List price adder applies.➌ Contacts are bifurcated (H-bridge) with a minimum current rating of 2mA @ 15V.❹ The European Community has agreed that 400V is the nominal voltage in lieu of 380V. Use this code when 380V is required.➎ Use this code for 575V applications.StandardCircuit VoltageMake (Amps/VA)Break (Amps/VA)Continuous AmpsB600120AC 240AC 480AC 600AC 30A/3600VA 15A/3600VA 7.5A/3600VA 6A/3600VA 3.0A/360VA 1.5A/360VA 0.75A/360VA 0.60A/360VA 10Q600125DC 250DC 301-600DC0.55A/69VA 0.27A/69VA 0.1A/69VA0.55A/69VA 0.27A/69VA 0.1A/69VA2.5Contact Ratings (Per UL508/NEMA B600 & Q600) ➌Mechanical Link• B ase relay meets IEC 60947-5-1.See page G20 for additional information.GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG19visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7➊ Auxiliary contact ratings per UL 508/NEMA (B600/Q600). Contacts are bifur-cated (H-bridge) with a minimum current rating of 15V@2mA.➋ CS8 relays with 24 VDC coils can be special ordered with integrated diodes (built-in) rather than applying CRD8 to the coil terminals.➌ Base relay with add-on auxiliaries meet mechanically linked IEC 60947-5-1 for CS8 DC coil versions only. See page G20 for additional information.Auxiliary Contact BlocksNO NC Contact Arrangement Catalog Number 2-PoleTypical auxiliary contact block4-Pole11CS8-P11E2CS8-P02E20CS8-P20E22CS8-P22Z31CS8-P31Z13CS8-P13E4CS8-P04E40CS8-P40EAuxiliary Contact Blocks (2 & 4 Pole) ➊➌Auxiliary Contact BlocksNO NC Contact ArrangementCatalog Number 2-Pole Typical auxiliary contact block4-Pole11CA8-P112CA8-P022CA8-P2022CA8-P2231CA8-P3113CA8-P1304CA8-P044CA8-P40Miscellaneous AccessoriesC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG20visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7Technical InformationCS8Auxiliary Contacts ElectricalContact Ratings — NEMA B600, Q600B600, Q600Contact Ratings — IEC AC-15 (solenoids, contactors)at rated voltage IEC 947, EN 60947NEMA B60024...120V [A]33230 (240V)[A]22400V [A] 1.2 1.2480...500V [A]11600 (690V)[A}0.60.6AC-12 (Rated thermal current)Ambient Temperature 40°C I th 24…690V [A]1010Ambient Temperature 60°C I th24 (240V)[A]66Low Level Signal Switching Contact design H-bridge bifurcatedH-bridge bifurcatedMinimum switching recommendation15V 2mA15V 2mAShort Circuit Protection Coordination Type 2acc. IEC 947-5-1Fuse gG [A]1010Switching DC-13 (Q600)1 pole24V [A] 2.3 2.348V [A]11110V [A]0.550.55125V [A]0.550.55220V [A]0.270.27250V [A]0.270.27400V [A]0.150.15440V [A]0.150.15600V [A]0.10.1Load Carrying Capacity according to UL/CSA Rated voltageAC [V]max. 600max. 600DC [V]max. 600max. 600Continuous rating (40ºC)AC [A]1010Switching CapacityAC [A]B600B600DC [A]Q600Q600Continuous rating (general purpose)300V [V]55600V[V]1010Resistance and Power Dissipation Main current circuit resistance, 1 pole [m Ω] 6.5 6.5Power dissipation I th , 4 poles [W] 2.6 2.6Total Power dissipation I th AC control, warm[W] 4.4 4.4DC control, warm[W]5.2 5.2Mechanically Linked Contacts and Mirror Contact PerformanceTypeCoilAdd-on Auxiliary ContactConforms to IECStatusCS8AC or DCNone 60947-5-1Mechanically linked within the base relayDC Yes 60947-5-1Mechanically linked within the base relay and with add-on auxiliary contactsACYes~Mechanically linked within the base relay onlyDefinitions• Mechanically linked contacts (IEC 60947-5-1 Annex L):• N.C. Auxiliary Contact will not re-close if a N.O. power pole welds.• N.O. Power Pole or Auxiliary Contact will not close if N.C. contact welds.• The term “Positive Guided” contacts is the same as mechanically linked.GC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG21visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7CS8 RelaysMechanicalMechanical Life [Mil. Op]15Electrical LifeAC-15 (240V, 2A) AC Operations [Mil. Op]0.7WeightAC control [kg/lbs]0.16 (0.35)DC control [kg/lbs]0.2 (0.44)Fine strandedw/ ferrule 1 wire 2 wires[mm 2][mm 2]0.75...2.50.75...2.5Solid or coarse stranded1 wire2 wires[mm 2][mm 2]1…41...2.5 + 1…4Max. Wire Size ➊[AWG]18…12Tightening Torque[Nm] 1.2[lb-in]10.6Control CircuitOperating Voltage AC 50/60 Hz Pickup [x U s ]0.85…1.1Dropout [x U s ]0.2...0.75DCPickup[x U s ]0.8…1.1[x U s ]9,12,24,110V DC:0.7...1.25with protection circuit Dropout [x U s ]0.1...0.75Coil Consumption AC 50/60 Hz Inrush[VA/W]35/32Seal[VA/W]5/1.8DC Inrush/Seal [W]cold 3.0, warm 2.6Operating Times AC- 50/60 Hz Pickup Time[ms]15…40Dropout Time[ms]15…33With RC module Pickup Time [ms]15…28DC Pickup Time[ms]18…40Dropout Time[ms]6…12With Integ. diode Pickup Time [ms]8…12With External diode Pickup Time[ms]35 (50)CS8 RelaysGeneralRated Voltage Withstand U IEC 690V UL; CSA600V Rated Impulse Strength U imp 6 kVRated Voltage U e AC [V]24, 48, 120, 230, 400, 500, 600, 690DC[V]24, 48, 110, 220, 440V Rated Frequency AC 50/60 Hz, DC Ambient Temperature Storage–55...+80°C (–67...176°F)Operation at nominal current –25...+60°C (–13...140°F)At 85% rated operation current –25...+70ºC (–13... 158ºF)Resistance to Climatic Change40º C (104º F), 95% relative humidity,56 days23º C (73.4 º F), 83%/40 ºC (104 ºF),93%, 56 cyclesAltitude2000m M.S.L., per IEC 60947-4-1Type of Protection IP2XStandardsIEC/EN 60947-1, -5-1, -5-4; ➊ Pozidrive No.2 / Blade No.3 screwTechnical InformationC S 8 C o n t r o l R e l a y sG22visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationDiscount Schedule B7。



8.3.2 构建套利组合(Arbitrage portfolio)
1. 零投资:套利组合中对一种证券旳购置所需要 旳资金能够由卖出别旳证券来提供,即自融资 (Self-financing)组合。
2. 无风险:在因子模型条件下,因子波动造成风 险,所以,无风险就是套利组合对任何因子旳 敏感度为0。
3. 正收益:套利组合旳期望收益不小于零。
➢ 除CAPM理论外,另一种主要旳定价理论是由 Stephen Ross在1976年建立旳套利定价理论 (Arbitrage pricing theory,APT),从另一 种角度探讨了资产旳定价问题。
➢ 市场均衡条件下旳最优投资组合理论=CAPM
➢ 无套利假定下因子模型=APT
▪ CAPM是建立在一系列假设之上旳非常理 想化旳模型,这些假设涉及Harry Markowitz建立均值-方差模型时所作旳假 设。这其中最关键旳假设是同质性假设。
ai =截距项 bim =证券i对原因m旳敏感度 eit =随机误差项,
E[eit ] 0, cov(it , rmt ) 0, cov(it , jt ) 0
年份 1 2 3 4 5 6
IGDPt(%) 5.7 6.4 8.9 8.0 5.1 2.9
股票A收益率(%) 14.3 19.2 23.4 15.6 9.2 13.0
➢ 不要求投资者是风险规避旳!
8.3.1 APT旳基本假设
1. 市场是有效旳、充分竞争旳、无摩擦旳 (Perfectly competitive and frictionless capital markets);
2. 投资者是不知足旳:只要有套利机会就 会不断套利,直到无利可图为止。
➢ 所以,不必对投资者风险偏好作假设?

iPhone 8说明书

iPhone 8说明书

iPhone 8iPhone 8 PlusGold, Silver, Space Gray Gold, Silver, Space Gray64GB 256GB64GB 256GBWeight: 5.22 ounces (148 grams)Weight: 7.13 ounces (202 grams)FinishCapacity 1Size and Weight 25.45 inches (138.4 mm)2.65 inches (67.3 mm)0.29 inch (7.3 mm)6.24 inches (158.4 mm)3.07 inches (78.1 mm)0.30 inch (7.5 mm)iPhone 8Retina HD display4.7-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD Multi-Touch display with IPS technology 1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi 1400:1 contrast ratio (typical)Retina HD display5.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD Multi-Touch display with IPS technology 1920-by-1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi 1300:1 contrast ratio (typical)Both models:True Tone display Wide color display (P3)3D Touch625 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)Dual-domain pixels for wide viewing angles Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coatingSupport for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously Display Zoom ReachabilityRated IP67 under IEC standard 6052912MP camera 12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras ƒ/1.8 apertureWide-angle: ƒ/1.8 apertureDisplaySplash, Water, and Dust Resistant 3ChipCameraA11 Bionic chip with 64-bit architecture Neural EngineEmbedded M11 motion coprocessorTelephoto: ƒ/2.8 apertureDigital zoom up to 5x Optical zoom; digital zoom up to 10x—Portrait mode—Portrait Lighting (beta)Both models:Optical image stabilizationSix-element lensQuad-LED True Tone flash with Slow SyncPanorama (up to 63MP)Sapphire crystal lens coverBackside illumination sensorHybrid IR filterAutofocus with Focus PixelsT ap to focus with Focus PixelsLive Photos with stabilizationWide color capture for photos and Live PhotosImproved local tone mappingBody and face detectionExposure controlNoise reductionAuto HDR for photosAuto image stabilizationBurst modeTimer modePhoto geotaggingImage formats captured: HEIF and JPEGVideo Recording4K video recording at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps720p HD video recording at 30 fpsOptical image stabilization for videoOptical zoom; 6x digital zoom (iPhone 8 Plus only)Quad-LED True Tone flashSlo-mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fpsTime-lapse video with stabilizationCinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p)Continuous autofocus videoBody and face detection Noise reductionT ake 8MP still photos while recording 4K video Playback zoom Video geotaggingVideo formats recorded: HEVC and H.2647MP camera1080p HD video recording Retina Flash ƒ/2.2 apertureWide color capture for photos and Live Photos Auto HDRBackside illumination sensor Body and face detection Auto image stabilization Burst mode Exposure control Timer modeFingerprint sensor built into the Home buttonPay with your iPhone using Touch ID in stores, within apps, and on the web Complete purchases made with Apple Pay on your Mac Receive and redeem rewards using rewards cards FaceTime HD CameraTouch IDApple PayLearn more about Apple Pay Carriers!Assisted GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and QZSS Digital compass Wi-Fi CellulariBeacon microlocationFaceTime video calling over Wi-Fi or cellularFaceTime audio Voice over LTE (VoLTE)Wi-Fi calling Audio formats supported: AAC-LC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC v2, Protected AAC, MP3, Linear PCM,Apple Lossless, FLAC, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Audible (formats 2,3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+)Cellular and WirelessLocationVideo Calling 4Audio Calling 455Audio PlaybackModel A1863Model A1864**FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26,28, 29, 30, 66)TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41)TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900, 2100 MHz)UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100MHz)GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)Model A1905Model A1897Models A1905 and A1897 do not support CDMA networks, such as those used by Verizon and Sprint.**FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26,28, 29, 30, 66)TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41)UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100MHz)GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)All models802.11ac Wi-Fi with MIMO Bluetooth 5.0 wireless technology NFC with reader modeUser-configurable maximum volume limitVideo formats supported: HEVC, H.264, MPEG-4 Part 2, and Motion JPEG Supports Dolby Vision and HDR10 contentAirPlay Mirroring, photos, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)Use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and more Get intelligent suggestions in Messages, Mail, QuickType, and more Activate with only your voice using “Hey Siri”Listen and identify songs Video Playback66Siri 7Learn more about Siri External Buttons and Connectors!Home/Touch ID sensor Volume up/down Ring/Silent switchSide buttonBuilt-in stereo speakerLightning connectorBuilt-in microphone Built-in stereo speaker Built-in microphoneLasts about the same as iPhone 7Talk time (wireless):Up to 14 hours Internet use:Up to 12 hoursVideo playback (wireless):Up to 13 hoursAudio playback (wireless):Up to 40 hoursFast-charge capable:Up to 50% charge 30 minutes Lasts about the same as iPhone 7 Plus Talk time (wireless):Up to 21 hours Internet use:Up to 13 hoursVideo playback (wireless):Up to 14 hoursAudio playback (wireless):Up to 60 hoursFast-charge capable:Up to 50% charge 30 minutes Both models:Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery Wireless charging (works with Qi chargers )Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter Fast-charge capableTouch ID fingerprint sensor Barometer Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Proximity sensorAmbient light sensoriOS 11With new features and capabilities that let you get more done quickly and easily, iOS 11 makes iPhone more powerful, personal, and intelligent than ever.Power and Battery 89910SensorsOperating SystemSee what’s new in iOS 11!Accessibility features help people with disabilities get the most out of their new iPhone 8. With built-in support for vision, hearing, physical and motor skills, and learning and literacy, you can fully enjoy the world’s most personal device. Features include:• VoiceOver • Zoom • Magnifier • Software TTY • Siri and Dictation • Type to Siri • Switch Control • Closed Captions • AssistiveTouch • Speak ScreenAccessibilityLearn more Built-in AppsBuilt-in apps are an essential part of your iPhone experience and areefficiently designed to use less than 200MB of storage.Free Apps from!CameraPhotosHealthMessagesPhoneFaceTimeMailMusicWalletSafariMapsSiriCalendariTunes StoreApp StoreNotesNewsContactsiBooksHomeWeatherRemindersClockTVStocksCalculatorVoice MemosCompassPodcastsWatchTipsiCloud DriveFind My iPhoneFind My FriendsSettingsFilesiMovie Pages Keynote Numbers iTunes U GarageBand Apple Store Trailers Apple TV Remote iTunes Remote Music Memos ClipsNonoperating temperature: −4° to 113° F (−20° to 45° C)Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing Operating altitude: tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)Language supportEnglish (Australia, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain),Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian,Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak,Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseQuickType keyboard supportEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese - Simplified (Handwriting,Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese - Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin),French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian,Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic (Modern Standard, Najdi), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee,Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, Greek,Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Transliteration), Hinglish, Hungarian, Icelandic,Indonesian, Irish, Kannada, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi,Norwegian, Odia, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian,Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, T amil (Script, Transliteration),Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, WelshQuickType keyboard support with predictive inputEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian,Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Portuguese (Brazil,Portugal), Thai, TurkishSiri languagesEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.),Spanish (Chile, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, T aiwan), Cantonese (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish(Finland), Hebrew (Israel), Malay (Malaysia), Norwegian (Norway), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey)Dictation languagesEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Argentina, Chile,Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg,Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland),Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, T aiwan), Cantonese (Mainland China, Hong Kong,Macao), Arabic (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech,Danish, Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (India), Hungarian,Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian,Shanghainese (Mainland China), Slovakian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese Definition dictionary supportEnglish, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian,RequirementsLanguagesJapanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, TurkishBilingual dictionary supportChinese (Simplified), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian,SpanishSpell checkEnglish, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish,Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, TurkishiPhone with iOS 11EarPods with Lightning ConnectorLightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack AdapterLightning to USB CableUSB Power AdapterDocumentationIn the BoxiPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus embody Apple’s continuing environmental progress. They are designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:Apple and the EnvironmentLearn more about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and process. Or read our Product Environmental Reports for detailed information on theiPhone and the EnvironmentApple takes a complete product life cycle approach to determining our environmental impact. Learn more!Mercury-free LED-backlit display Arsenic-free display glass Brominated flame retardant–free PVC-freeBeryllium-freeRecyclable aluminum environmental performance of every Apple product.RecyclingApple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPhone!iPhone X Tech Specs Learn more!iPhone 7Tech SpecsLearn more!iPhone 6sTech SpecsLearn more!iPhone SETech SpecsLearn more!CompareiPhone modelsFind the best iPhone for you!* To identify your iPhone model number, see /kb/HT3939. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see /iphone/LTE . Cellular technology support is based on iPhone model number and configuration for either CDMA or GSM networks.1. Available space is less and varies due to many factors. A standard configuration uses approximately 8GB to 11GB of space (including iOS and preinstalled apps) depending on the model and settings. Preinstalled apps use about 4GB, and you can delete these apps and restore them.2. Size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.3. iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are splash, water, and dust resistant and were tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529. Splash,water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty.4. FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; datacharges may apply.5. Data plan required. LTE Advanced, LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see /iphone/LTE .6. Standard Dynamic Range video content only.7. Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Internet access required. Cellular data charges may apply.8. All battery claims depend on network configuration and many other factors; actual results will vary. Battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced byApple service provider. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings. See /batteries and /iphone/battery.html for more information.9. Testing conducted by Apple in August 2017 using preproduction iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus units and software and accessory Apple USB-C Power Adapters (29W Model A1540,61W Model A1718, 87W Model A1719). Fast-charge testing conducted with drained iPhone units. Charge time varies with environmental factors; actual results will vary.10. Compatible wireless charging mats sold separately.11. iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are available on the App Store. Downloading apps requires an Apple ID and a device that is compatible with the iOS versionrequired for each app.12. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas. Click here to see complete list .More ways to shop: Visit an Apple Store , call 1-800-MY-APPLE, or find a reseller .Free deliveryAnd free returns.Learn more !Apple Store appThe easiest way to buy your new iPhone, right from your currentiPhone.Download now !Special financingApply for special financing andearn rewards.Learn more !Get help buyingHave a question? Call aSpecialist or chat online.Call 1-800-MY-APPLE.Chat now ! iPhone iPhone 8 Tech SpecsShop and Learn Mac iPad iPhone Watch TV Music iTunes HomePod iPod touch Accessories Gift CardsApple Store Find a Store Genius Bar Today at Apple Apple Camp Field Trip Apple Store AppRefurbished and Clearance FinancingReuse and Recycling Order Status Shopping HelpFor Education Apple and Education Shop for CollegeFor Business Apple and Business Shop for BusinessAccountManage Your Apple ID Apple Store Account Apple Values Accessibility Education EnvironmentInclusion and Diversity PrivacySupplier ResponsibilityAbout Apple Newsroom Apple Leadership Job Opportunities Investors Events Contact AppleCopyright © 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyTerms of UseSales and RefundsLegalSite MapUnited States。



英文版销售合同样本(分享)8篇篇1SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and executed on [Date] by and between [Seller's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), and [Buyer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer").1. PartiesThe Seller and Buyer, through their authorized representatives, agree to the terms and conditions stated in this Contract.2. Product DescriptionThe Product to be sold under this Contract is [Description of the product], with specifications as detailed in the Annexure attached hereto.3. Quantity and QualityThe Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the Quantity of Products specified in this Contract, ensuring that the Products comply with the Quality standards specified in Annexure.4. Price and PaymentThe Price of the Products shall be as stated in this Contract. The terms of payment shall be as follows: [Insert details of payment terms, including mode of payment, timing of payments, etc.]5. DeliveryThe Seller shall ensure timely delivery of the Products to the Buyer, as per the agreed schedule. [Insert details of delivery, including place of delivery, mode of transport, etc.]6. Terms of ShipmentThe Products shall be shipped under the following conditions: [Insert details of terms of shipment, including shipping documents, insurance, etc.]7. Risk and OwnershipRisk of loss or damage to the Products shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery. Ownership of the Products shall be transferred to the Buyer upon full payment by the Buyer.8. Warranty and GuaranteeThe Seller guarantees that the Products are new, comply with all applicable specifications and are free from defects in material and workmanship. The Seller provides a warranty period of [insert period] from the date of delivery. During this period, any defects in the Products shall be rectified by the Seller at no additional cost to the Buyer.9. Intellectual Property RightsBoth parties shall ensure that the sale and purchase of Products under this Contract does not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties.10. ConfidentialityBoth parties shall maintain confidentiality of all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure.11. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for failure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to events of force majeure, such as war, riots, natural disasters, acts of government, etc.12. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party in the event of breach by the other party. The terminating party shall provide a written notice to the other party specifying the reasons for termination.13. DisputesAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, such disputes may be submitted to [Insert applicable court/arbitration institution] for resolution.14. MiscellaneousThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Seller and Buyer pertaining to the sale of Products specified herein. No modifications or amendments shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by both parties. This Contract is made in duplicate, with each party retaining one copy for record.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract in their respective presence on the date stated above.Seller:_____________________(Authorized Representative)Buyer:_____________________(Authorized Representative) Date: [Date] Place: [Place] 签名到此表示该合同已得到双方在场人士的认可并在此日期签署。



出口合同货物出口合同(英文版)8篇篇1EXPORT CONTRACTThis Export Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: ________________Address: ________________Country: ________________Buyer:Name: ________________Address: ________________Country: ________________I. Scope of SupplyThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods: [Here, specify the details of the goods to be exported, including product name, specifications, quantity, quality, etc.]II. Terms of Delivery1. Delivery Date: [Specify the agreed date of delivery].2. Delivery Port: [Specify the port where the goods are to be loaded for export].3. Transportation Method: [Choose the mode of transportation such as air, sea, land].4. Risk Transfer: Risk of loss or damage to the goods shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery at the port specified in this Contract.III. Price and Payment1. Price: The total price for the goods shall be _______ (specify the total amount in words and figures).2. Payment Terms: [Specify the payment terms such as T/T (telegraphic transfer), L/C (letter of credit), etc.]3. Payment Schedule: [Detail the schedule of payments, e.g., deposit, balance payment before shipment, etc.]IV. Quality and Inspection1. Quality Requirement: The goods shall be in accordance with the quality standards specified in this Contract.2. Inspection: The Buyer shall have the right to conduct inspection of the goods during production and prior to shipment.3. If any discrepancy is found, the Seller shall rectify such discrepancies at their cost.V. Claims and Penalties1. In case of claims by the Buyer due to late delivery or failure to deliver in accordance with this Contract, the Seller shall be responsible for any losses incurred by the Buyer directly related to such late delivery or failure.2. If the Seller fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, it shall pay penalties as stipulated in this Contract.VI. Force MajeureVII. ConfidentialityBoth parties shall keep confidential all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure. Such information includes technical details, business strategies,pricing structures, etc. Confidentiality shall survive termination or expiration of this Contract for a reasonable period of time as determined by applicable laws and regulations.VIII. Law and Jurisdiction \篇2EXPORT CONTRACTThis Export Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Buyer:Name: _________________________Address: _________________________Country: _________________________Article 1: Contract ScopeThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods (hereinafter referred to as "the Goods"):____________ (Details of the goods including name, specifications, quantity, quality, and packing requirements shall be specified here).Article 2: Price and Payment2.1 The Price of the Goods shall be: $__________ (insert total contract value in the appropriate currency).2.2 Payment shall be made through ________ (e.g., T/T Bank Transfer, L/C, etc.) as follows:(Insert details of payment terms, including anypre-payments, installments, and final payment terms.)Article 3: Delivery3.1 The Goods shall be delivered from the port of _________ (insert place of origin) to the port of ________ (insert destination) by ________ (e.g., vessel, air, etc.) on or before ________ (insert specific date).3.2 The Buyer shall provide the necessary shipping documents required for the export and import of the Goods.Article 4: Quality and QuantityThe Seller shall ensure that the Goods are of the agreed quality and quantity specified in Article 1. Any discrepancies in quality or quantity must be reported within ________ (insert inspection period) from the date of arrival at the port of destination.Article 5: Packing and Shipping MarksThe Goods shall be packed in accordance with the requirements specified in Article 1. Shipping marks shall be clearly marked on each package.Article 6: InsuranceThe Seller shall cover insurance for the Goods during transit at its own cost. The type and extent of insurance coverage shall be agreed upon by both parties.Article 7: Customs FormalitiesThe Seller shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary export licenses and other customs formalities required for the export of the Goods. The Buyer shall be responsible for import customs clearance.Article 8: ClaimsAny claims in respect of damage during transit or discrepancies in quality or quantity must be notified in writing to the Seller within ________ (insert period for claims) after arrival of the Goods at the port of destination. The claim shall be supported by relevant documents.Article 9: Force MajeureIf performance of this Contract is prevented, restricted or delayed due to Force Majeure circumstances, the affected party shall notify the other party promptly and provide evidence thereof. The affected party shall make every effort to overcome such circumstances and resume performance as soon as possible.Article 10: Settlement of DisputesAny disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to ________ (insert arbitration institution) for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 11: MiscellaneousThis Contract is made in ________ (insert language) only. Any amendments or modifications to this Contract must be made inwriting and approved by both parties. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of________ (insert applicable law).IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract by their respective authorized representatives on the dates indicated below.Seller: _________________________ Date: _________Authorized Representative: _________________________ Name & Signature: _________ Title: _________Company Seal (if applicable): _________Buyer: _________________________ Date: _________Authorized Representative: _________________________ Name & Signature: _________ Title: _________Company Seal (if applicable): _________篇3EXPORT CONTRACTThis Export Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: _____________________________Address: _____________________________Country: _____________________________Buyer:Name: _____________________________Address: _____________________________Country: _____________________________Article 1: Contract CommoditiesThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following commodities (hereinafter referred to as "Contract Commodities") according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:[Contract Commodities Table](Please provide detailed information about the goods, including name, model, quantity, unit price, total value, specifications, quality/quantity standards, etc.)Article 2: Contract Price and Payment Terms2.1 The Contract Price for the Contract Commodities shall be fixed in _______ (currency) and shall be paid according to the terms specified in Article3.2.2 The payment terms shall be as follows: ________________ (Please specify the payment terms such as T/T, L/C, D/P, etc., along with details like date of payment, payment milestones, etc.)Article 3: Delivery3.1 The Seller shall deliver the Contract Commodities to the port of shipment specified below on or before the date of shipment stipulated in this Contract.3.2 The mode of transportation shall be _______ (air/sea/land) and the port of shipment shall be _______ (Port Name).3.3 The Seller shall provide necessary documents required for customs clearance and smooth delivery of the goods.Article 4: Quality and Quantity4.1 The quality and quantity of the Contract Commodities shall be in accordance with the specifications stated in Article 1.4.2 If the quality of the delivered goods differs from the agreed specifications, the Buyer shall notify the Seller of suchdiscrepancies within _______ (days/weeks) after arrival of the goods at the port of destination.Article 5: Inspection5.1 The Contract Commodities shall be subject to inspection by an independent third-party inspection agency agreed upon by both parties before shipment. The costs of inspection shall be borne by _______ (Seller/Buyer).5.2 If any discrepancies are found during inspection, the Seller shall take necessary measures to rectify them before shipment.Article 6: Force MajeureIn case of force majeure events such as natural disasters, war, riots, etc., which prevent or hinder the performance of this Contract, both parties shall be entitled to terminate or postpone the Contract without compensation for losses incurred due to such events.Article 7: Liabilities and Claims7.1 If either party fails to perform its obligations under this Contract, the other party shall be entitled to claim compensation for losses incurred due to such failure.7.2 Any claims by the Buyer against the Seller for breach of Contract must be made within _______ (days/weeks) after arrival of the goods at the port of destination.Article 8: Settlement of DisputesAny disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit such disputes to _______ (Arbitration Institution) for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.Article 9: General Provisions篇4EXPORT CONTRACTThis Export Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer:Seller:Name: _____________Address: _____________Country: _____________Buyer:Name: _____________Address: _____________Country: _____________Article 1: Contract ScopeThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following goods (hereinafter referred to as "Products"):_____________ (Specify details of the products, including name, quantity, specifications, quality, packaging, etc.).Article 2: Price and Terms of PaymentThe Price of the Products shall be fixed at _____________ (specify the price). The terms of payment shall be as follows:_____________ (specify the terms of payment, such as irrevocable L/C at sight, T/T in advance, etc.).Article 3: DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Products to the port of_____________ (specify the port) within the time as stipulated in theContract. The delivery date shall be confirmed by the Seller and Buyer mutually.Article 4: Quality and InspectionThe quality of the Products shall be in accordance with the standards specified in this Contract. The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Products during production and upon delivery. If any discrepancy is found, the Buyer shall notify the Seller immediately.Article 5: Packing and MarkingThe Products shall be packed in accordance with the requirements specified in this Contract. The Seller shall ensure that the packaging is suitable for transportation and can withstand normal handling. All Products must be properly marked with necessary identification information.Article 6: Risk TransferRisk of loss or damage to the Products shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery at the port specified in Article 3. Before that point, risk of loss or damage shall be borne by the Seller.Article 7: InsuranceThe Seller shall arrange for insurance of the Products during transportation at its own cost. The insurance shall cover at least _____________ (specify coverage) against risks such as loss, damage, and delay.Article 8: Terms of Shipment and TransportationThe mode of transportation shall be as agreed by the Seller and Buyer. The Seller shall ensure timely delivery of the Products to the designated port. The costs and risks associated with transportation shall be borne by the Seller until delivery at the port.Article 9: Warranty and ClaimsThe Seller shall be responsible for any defects in quality or quantity discovered within a reasonable period after delivery. If any claim is made by the Buyer, the Seller shall promptly investigate and resolve the issue.Article 10: Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for failure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events, such as war, riots, strikes, natural disasters, etc. The affected party shall promptly notify the other party of such events and provide evidence to support its claim.Article 11: Settlement of DisputesAny dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to _____________ (specify arbitration institution or court) for arbitration/litigation.Article 12: General ProvisionsThis Contract is made in _____________ (specify language) and is executed in ____ copies, with both parties holding an equal number of copies. This Contract is effective from the date of signing and shall remain valid until fully performed or terminated as per its terms. Any amendment or modification to this Contract must be made in writing and approved by both parties.Seller: _____________________ (Signature)Date: _________________Buyer: _____________________ (Signature)Date: _________________注意:此合同仅为示例,实际应用时应根据具体情况进行调整,并确保符合当地法律法规的要求。

transfer pricing policy

transfer pricing policy

transfer pricing policyTransfer pricing is a policy that determines the prices charged by multinational corporations (MNCs) for transactions between their affiliated entities located in different countries. It is an essential aspect to consider in international tax planning and global business operations. Here are some key aspects and considerations related to transfer pricing policy: 1. Arm's length principle: The transfer pricing policy is generally based on the arm's length principle, which requires that the prices or profits attributed to transactions between affiliated entities should be comparable to those that would be charged in transactions between unrelated entities. This principle ensures that the fairness and accuracy of transfer pricing are maintained.2. Intercompany transactions: Transfer pricing policy applies to various types of intercompany transactions, including the sale of goods, provision of services, licensing of intellectual property, transfer of tangible or intangible assets, and loans or financial transactions. Each of these transactions ought to be appropriately priced to reflect their fair value in the open market.3. Documentation requirements: MNCs are required tomaintain comprehensive documentation to support their transfer pricing policies. This documentation should include an analysis of the comparability of transactions, selection of appropriate transfer pricing methods, identification and analysis of relevant factors affecting the pricing, and any adjustments made to the pricing policy as necessary.。



price是什么意思中文翻译price表达的意思有很多种,那么你知道price做动词和名词分别都有哪些意思吗?下面店铺为大家带来price的英语意思和例句,欢迎大家学习!price作动词的意思:定价;标价;问…的价格;给…定价price作名词的意思:代价;价格,价钱;价值;赏金price的英语音标:英 [prais] 美 [praɪs]price的时态:现在分词: pricing过去式: priced过去分词: pricedprice的英语例句:1. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.油价会在1992年剩下的时间里保持稳定。

2. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.除股价上升之外还有无形利益。

3. The price depends on the intricacy of the work.价格取决于做工的复杂精细度。

4. Ballpark estimates indicate a price tag of $90 million a month.大致的估计费用为每月9,000万美元。

5. The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。

6. The very notion of price competition is foreign to manyschools.价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。

7. You get an interesting meal for a reasonable price.你花不多的钱就可以吃一顿很特别的饭。

8. A vicious price war between manufacturers has cut margins to the bone.制造商之间的恶性价格战已将利润削减到了最低。


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2. CRM能帮助企业了解客户需求,提升服务。企业可通过定期客户反馈、个性化关怀提高满意度,从而提升忠诚度。



英文销售合同8篇篇1SALES CONTRACTThis Sales Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Seller Name], with its principal place of business located at [Seller Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"), and [Buyer Name], with its principal place of business located at [Buyer Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").1. Scope of Contract:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the products listed in Annex A attached hereto, in the quantities specified, at the prices agreed, and in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below.2. Product Description:The products to be sold under this Contract are described in Annex A, including but not limited to specifications, quality,quantity, and packaging. The Seller shall ensure that the products comply with the descriptions set out in Annex A.3. Price and Payment:3.1 The price of the products shall be as stated in Annex A. The Seller shall not increase the price during the term of this Contract without the prior written consent of the Buyer.3.2 Payment shall be made through the payment method specified in Annex B, which is attached to this Contract and made a part of it. The Seller shall ensure proper receipt of payment as per the terms specified in Annex B.4. Delivery:4.1 The Seller shall ensure timely delivery of the products to the place specified by the Buyer as per Annex C attached hereto.4.2 In case of delay in delivery, the Seller shall promptly notify the Buyer and shall compensate for any losses incurred by the Buyer due to such delay.5. Quality Assurance:5.1 The Seller shall ensure that the products are manufactured in accordance with the quality standards specified in Annex A.5.2 If any product does not meet the specified quality standards, the Seller shall replace such product or refund the cost at its sole discretion.6. Warranty:The Seller warrants that all products sold to the Buyer are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of [duration] from the date of delivery to the Buyer. During this period, any product found to be defective shall be replaced or refunded at the Seller's sole discretion.7. Confidentiality:Both parties shall maintain confidentiality of all information related to this Contract that is not intended for public disclosure. This includes but is not limited to product specifications, pricing, and business strategies.8. Force Majeure:Neither party shall be liable for failure or delay in performance due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of nature, war, terrorism, riots, or civil commotion.9. Termination:This Contract may be terminated by either party giving a written notice to the other party if there is a material breach of any term or condition of this Contract which is not cured within a reasonable period of time.10. Jurisdiction and Law:This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country/State]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to [specific court/tribunal] located in [specific place] for resolution.11. Miscellaneous:11.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no modifications shall be made unless agreed upon by both parties in writing.11.2 This Contract may not be assigned or transferred by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.11.3 Any notice required or permitted under this Contract shall be given in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or sent by email/registered mail/courierservice to the address specified in this Contract or notified by either party.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Seller: _____________________ (Signature) Date: ________ (Date)Buyer: _____________________ (Signature) Date: ________ (Date)附件A: 产品清单及规格附件B: 支付条款和条件附件C: 交付条款和条件…… 其他附件可继续添加以满足特定需求。



营销与广告术语中英对照1. 品牌 Brand2. 目标市场 Target market3. 市场细分 Market segmentation4. 定位 Positioning5. 售价 Price point6. 定价策略 Pricing strategy7. 市场份额 Market share8. 销售额 Sales revenue9. 销售渠道 Sales channel10. 渠道合作伙伴 Channel partner11. 广告 Advertising12. 市场营销 Marketing13. 市场调研 Market research14. 消费者调查 Consumer survey15. 市场推广 Market promotion16. 市场营销策略 Marketing strategy17. 广告宣传 Advertising campaign18. 媒体广告 Media advertising19. 线上广告 Online advertising20. 营销渠道 Marketing channel21. 目标顾客 Target customer22. 消费者行为 Consumer behavior23. 品牌知名度 Brand awareness24. 产品特点 Product features25. 创意广告 Creative advertising26. 消费者满意度 Consumer satisfaction27. 市场份额 Market share28. 市场营销活动 Marketing campaign29. 营销材料 Marketing collateral30. 市场营销策划 Marketing planning营销与广告术语的正确使用对于推广产品和服务至关重要。



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Demand curve
The demand is elastic if demand greatly changes with a small change in price.
Price elasticity of demand
Price elasticity: A measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in price. Formula:
A government monopoly, a private regulated monopoly, or a private non-regulated monopoly. 11
price permits from the government in a regulated monopoly.
Value-added pricing
Rather than cutting prices to match competitors, companies attach value-added features and services to differentiate their efforts and thus support higher prices.
The price-demand relationship
P2 P1 Q2 Q1
Quantity demanded per period A. Inelastic demand
P2 P1 Q’2 Q’1
Quantity demanded per period B. Elastic demand
The demand is inelastic if demand hardly changes with a small change in price.
Pure competition market Many buyers and sellers Offer uniform commodity
Wheat, copper, financial securities;
Neither sellers nor buyers would charge the price; New sellers can easily enter the market; Marketing research, product development, pricing, advertising, and sales promotion play little role. Monopolistic competition market Many buyers and sellers set a range of prices Offers differentiated for different customer segments, freely branding, advertising, and personal selling used. Oligopolistic competition market A few sellers; Uniform product (steel, aluminum) or non-uniform (cars, computers) Difficult for new sellers to enter; Pure monopoly market One seller
Price Elasticity= %Change in Quantity Demanded / %Change in price >-1: inelastic; <-1: elastic.
What determines price elasticity? Less price sensitive when:
Sales volume in units (thousands)
Breakeven volume and profits at different prices
Unit demand needed
Expected unit demand
Total Revenue (1)*(3)
Value-based pricing Value-based pricing: Setting prices based on buyers’ perceptions of value rather than on the seller’s cost.
When P=20, QB=300000/(20-10)=30000
$ Cost in dollars Cost in dollars (thousands) (thousands) Break-even chart for determining target price
Total Revenue 1000 800 600 400 200 10 20 30 40 50 Fixed Cost Target Profit Total Cost
the product is unique or when high quality, prestige, or exclusive; Few substitutes;
If demand is elastic rather than inelastic, sellers will consider lowering their prices; Companies need to understand the price sensitivity of their customers and prospects and the trade-offs people are willing to make between price and product characteristics.
Breakeven Volume Pricing (target profit pricing)(目标利润定价)(P.273)
Setting prices to break even on the costs of making and marketing a product, or to make a target profit. Profit=Revenue-Cost=P*Q-CV*Q-CF=(P-CV)*Q-CF Let Profit=0, then Q Break-even=CF/(P-CV)
Value-Based Pricing(认知价值定价)
Good-value pricing
Offering just the right combination of quality and good service at a fair price. Everyday low pricing (EDLP) involves charging a constant, everyday low price with few or no temporary price discounts.
Type of Cost (P.270)
Fixed cost (overhead)
Variable cost
Total cost
A cost of labor, or materials, etc..
Cost-Based Pricing(成本导向定价) 成本导向定价)
Cost-plus pricing(成本加成定价)(P.272)
Pricing Strategy
What is price
Price: The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.
New-product Pricing Strategies
Setting a high price for a new product to skim Market-Penetration Market Penetration maximum revenues Pricing layer by layer from the segments willing to pay the high price; the company makes fewer When? but more profitable sales. High quality and Market-Skimming Market Skimming Pricing
Consumer perceptions of value Price ceiling No demand above this price
Price floor No profits below this price
Cost-based pricing vs. Value-Based Pricing
-$32000 102000 180000 120000 -24000
Pricing in different types of markets
Monopolistic competition
Pure competition
Oligopolistic competition
Pure monopoly
Adding a standard markup to the cost of the product. e.g. Variable cost Fixed cost $10 $300,000 50,000