



属于选择性β1-受体阻滞剂是A.普萘洛尔B.阿普洛尔C.普拉洛尔D.拉贝洛尔 简述ARDS的诊断标准。 透明度是指水样的澄清程度,洁净的水是透明的,水中存在和时,透明度便降低。 利凡诺引产的最大缺点是A.产后出血B.并发感染C.胎盘胎膜残留D.羊水栓塞E.引产过程过长 网点操作员执行交易,查询该贷款主档信息。 新生儿保健的重点在A.出生后1小时B.出生后第1天C.出生后1周内D.出生后2周内E.出生后1个月内 水库在汛期允许兴利蓄水的上限水位为。A.死水位B.正常蓄水位C.防洪高水位D.防洪限制水位 国家行业标准《汽车油漆涂层》(QC/T484—1999)中规定油漆涂层分个组和若干等级。A.8B.10C.12 在马斯洛看来,高层次的需要包括A.尊重需要B.生理需要C.归属的需要D.爱的需要E.安全需要 试用润湿方程分析液体在固体表面铺展的条件? 男,5岁。患急性化脓性阑尾炎并阑尾穿孔,手术后5天仍发热、腹痛、排稀便,考虑可能并发。A.早期肠粘连B.腹腔残余感染C.梅克尔憩室炎D.急性肠炎E.急性肠系膜淋巴结炎 患者,男,20岁。伤寒,体温38.0℃,应禁用下列哪一种食物()A.豆腐B.蒸鸡蛋C.粥D.笋E.鱼 多级压缩一般必须都具有冷却装置。 DN200以上球铁管标准重量负偏差为%。 WORD中,对艺术字的处理方式是A、图形方式B、文字方式C、图文混合处理方式D、图文分别处理方式 对渠堤上有无雨淋沟、浪窝、洞穴、裂缝、滑坡、塌岸、淤积、杂草滋生等现象进行的渠道检查观测是。A、经常性检查B、临时性检查C、定期检查D、渠道行水期间的检查 数学建模属于试题类型。A.客观性B.探究性C.开放性D.应用性 男性,62岁。重度吸烟(每日40支左右)30余年。10年前起咳嗽伴渐进性加重的呼吸困难。近1周卧床不起。尿少,下肢水肿住院。体检心率120次/分。动脉血气:PaC028kPa(60mmHg),PaO26.67kPa(50mmHg)。心电图示肺型P波,VIR/S>1。查房时医生们关于强心剂(洋地黄类)和扩血管药 做尿爱迪计数的尿标本用甲醛防腐剂的作用是()A.防止尿液变颜色B.保持尿液的化学成分不变C.固定尿中有机成分D.防止尿中激素被氧化E.避免尿液被污染变质 某建筑公司在建设项目施工过程中,发现_地下古墓葬,于是立即报告当地文物行政部门,文物行政部门接到报告后,应当在()小时内赶赴工地现场。A.12B.24C.48D.36 雪顿节,是我国哪个民族的节日?A.维吾尔族B.藏族C.蒙古族D.回族 一般人群预防流行性乙型脑炎的有效方法是A.戴口罩B.开窗通风C.灭蚊、防蚊D.饭前便后洗手E.口服抗生素 关于急性Iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱP,下列哪项是正确的A.多见于女性B.多见于成人C.骨髓巨核细胞以幼稚型为主D.大多数患者可迁延不愈转为慢性型E.血小板寿命正常 医患关系要做到真诚相处,最主要的是A.关系和谐B.平等相待C.互相信任D.尽职尽责E.互相尊重 什么是爆炸范围?爆炸下限、爆炸上限? 表示放射性元素碘13β衰变的方程是。A.B.C.D. “甘温除热”的代表方是A.四君子汤B.参苓白术散C.归脾汤D.补中益气汤E.生脉散 按PULSES评定标准,在别人帮助下,能处理好大小便排泄问题,偶有尿床或溢粪,应评为()A.1分B.2分C.3分D.4分E.5分 康复的对象是()A.截瘫、偏瘫病人B.智力低下、语言障碍的病人C.各种功能障碍的人D.心肺功能障碍的病人E.小儿麻痹症、精神病人 可识别并切割DNA分子内特异序列的酶称为A.限制性外切核酸酶B.限制性内切核酸酶C.非限制性外切核酸酶D.非限制性内切核酸酶E.DNA酶(DNasE. 借款人到期不归还担保贷款的,商业银行依法享有的权利不包括。A.要求保证人归还贷款本金B.要求保证人归还贷款利息C.拍卖该担保物D.该担保物优先受偿 岗前培训结束后要进行客服代表的级资格认证考核,按照认证标准要求培训时长要达到标准学时。 1882年,采用测量的方法对心理活动个别差异的研究,为心理咨询的产生做出了学术贡献。A.高尔顿B.韦特默C.卡特尔D.比奈~西蒙 下列属于西北药的是A.麦冬B.当归C.山药D.延胡索E.陈皮 关于低密度脂蛋白(LDL)描述错误的是A.VLDL是LDL的降解产物B.主要作用是将胆固醇从肝内运送至肝外组织C.LDL含量升高不引起血浆混浊D.LDL义可分为LDL和LDL两个亚型E.血浆LDL水平升高与心血管病患病率和病死率升高有关 某轮排水量为15000t,全船垂向重量力矩∑pizi=92763×9.81kN•m,船舶稳心距基线高度KM=7.28m,则其初稳性高度为m。A.0.60B.0.80C.1.10D.1.36 数字城市的概念最早来自美国戈尔提出的___。A.电子政务B.数字地球C.信息高速公路D.电子办公系统 男性,35岁。患哮喘近20年,严重影响工作和生活。下列治疗中哪项是不妥当的。A.吸入激素B.茶碱缓释片(或控释片)C.应用抗生素控制炎症D.适当联合β2受体激动剂E.有选择性联合抗过敏药物 星状神经节阻滞不会引起A.同侧霍纳综合征B.膈神经麻痹C.对侧面部潮红D.同侧手指温度升高E.椎管内误注 安全生产费用由建设单位根据对工程安全生产情况的鉴定确认进行支付。A.项目经理B.总工程师C.专职安全管理人员D.监理工程师


7;偏心儿子 每次李老三来照顾老李,都要推到晚上才来。小龙女把老李的澡给洗了。大厕所上了,李老三来了就陪老李睡一觉。清早就忙着走了。老李也不半夜敲床。安安宁宁地睡一夜。bbin官方网 等到周末,小龙女接李老三的班时,小龙女还没来,老李的电话就像催命符一样及时。问小龙女:“你咋还不来?我都憋得不行了。” 小龙女就来气:“你为什么要憋着啊?你不会让你儿子伺候你去厕所呀?” “他伺候不来我。” “你就惯着你儿子。啥活都留给我。下次他把你扔渭河去喂鱼。” 老李“呵呵”地傻笑。 小龙女来了,赶紧伺候老李去厕所。 老李像想起什么事一样,“哼哧”半天,说不出来。小龙女就问他:“爸,你有啥话,就说出来吧。” 老李说:“我说了,你和李老二不准生气。” 小龙女说:“你说,我们不生气。” 老李认真地说:“我想立个遗嘱,把单位那套房子给李老三。你看行不?” 小龙女假装生气地说:“凭啥呢?我和李老二照顾你最多。房子,最起码应该三个人平分。” “你俩是女子,咋能要娘家的房子。我做主了。这房子就给你弟。” 小龙女一看。老李还挺倔。就逗老李:“爸,你以为我们照顾你,就为了你的房子。房子你愿意给谁就给谁。我们不稀罕。”

高中一年级第一学期Unit 2 Care for hair More Reading学案

高中一年级第一学期Unit 2 Care for hair More Reading学案

More ReadingTeaching aim:To review the expressions and language points of Unit 2To study the more reading textTo practice oral EnglishTeaching focus:Getting the main idea of the textTeaching procedures:Step 1:Words and expressionsStep 2: Revision:❖Choose the correct one:1、头发干燥就是过分使用吹风机的结果。

( a result of)2、适合你的年龄的就是最好的礼物。



(apply)❖Correct the mistakesI went this afternoon to see the doctor.He sat down in his leather comfortable brown armchair.He made me to do it!Also I have always wanted to fly a spacecraft.In the South, he knew there were big floods.Please pass to me the salt.His father and he are talking about his school life.She with her friend travelled to Europe last month.Already he has had dinner.Step 3: Find the words that can replace these words:Step 4: Read the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or falseTrue or False:1. The people who have little body hair are bald.2. Hair problems are not only with hair.3. According to the writer, your diet and way of life can affect your hair.4. Lack of stress can also rob hair of its shiny beauty.5. Those who eat high-fat food too often will have more hair problems.6. Electric appliance such as hair-dryer should not be used at all.7. Choosing the right products is really unimportant.Discussion:Almost all the high schools in Shanghai forbid the students to color their hair. Do you think it is necessary for school to do so? Give your reasons to support your idea.Homework:A report :My parents’ opinion on colouring hair。



产褥期的临床表现正常的是()A.产后脉搏一般偏快B.产后6小时体温可超过38℃C.产后14天为血性恶露D.产后第1天,宫底平脐E.产褥早期白细胞即恢复正常 促进脂肪肝形成的有关因素有A.碳水化合物摄入过多B.肝内形成的甘油三酯增多或氧化减少C.脂蛋白合成增多D.蛋白质摄入过多E.进入肝脏的脂肪酸过少 是针对重复性的技术事项而制定的标准,是从事生产、建设及商品流通时需要共同遵守的一种技术依据。A.商业标准B.技术标准C.管理标准D.工作标准 APL抗体可分为A.IgG型B.IgA型C.IgM型D.IgD型E.IgE型 肱骨髁上骨折,有尺侧侧方移位,未能矫正时,最常见的并发症是A.肘内翻畸形B.肘外翻畸形C.肘关节后脱位D.肘关节前脱位E.尺神经损伤 急性毒性研究的接触时间是。A.一次B.一次或8小时以内C.一次或24小时以内D.一次或7天以内E.一次或14天以内 某公司以所持的另一家上市公司股份做质押向银行借款,则该质押权设立的时间是。A.质押合同鉴定日B.借款合同签订日C.权利凭证交付日D.证券登记结算机构办理出质登记时 距离近段在46-76厘米之间的距离称为。A.亲密距离B.个人距离C.社交距离D.公众距离 某化合物的分子式是CO,其中碳元素和氧元素的质量比为3:8,则z的数值是。A.1B.2C.3D.4 《矿山井巷工程施工及验收规范》(《矿山井巷施工规范》)关于“先探(水)后掘(进)”的重要规定,当掘进工作面遇有下列情况之一时必须先探水后掘进。A.接近溶洞、水量大的含水层B.接近可能与河流、湖泊、水库、蓄水池、含水层等相通的断层C.接近被淹井巷、老空或老窑D.接近隔离矿柱E 危险货物运输所适用的国家标准是,该标准是国家颁布的,规定了危险货物运输包装的分级,以及运输包装的基本要求、性能测试和测试的方法,同时也规定了运输包装容器的类型和标记代号的强制适用的技术标准。 关于导尿的无菌操作,叙述错误的是A.对有导尿适应证的患者,必须按无菌操作要求插入尿管B.留置导尿应固定牢固,防止移动,以避免造成潜在感染C.尽量采用一次性的密闭式集尿系统,接头不可轻易打开D.每周进行膀胱冲洗应至少一次E.对留置尿管的患者,每日必须进行会阴部护理 对于情绪、情感的概念的理解不恰当的是A.是人对客观事物是否符合自身需要而产生的态度体验B.人本身的生理状态也可以成为情绪、情感的来源C.在情绪和情感的产生过程中,需要起着关键性作用D.情绪与情感从本质上来讲是一种态度E.两极性是情绪与情感的重要性质 50kg体重的正常成人,其体液量和血量分别为。A.25L和2.5LB.30L和2.5LC.30L和4LD.25L和3LE.30L和8L 乳母如果摄入过多油汤会导致乳汁脂肪含量过高引起婴儿A、黄疸加重B、脂肪泻C、新生儿脐炎 什么是油品的馏程?及其意义? 《素问·六节藏象论》所论的五脏的“其华”中,心其华在A.面B.骨C.筋D.血E.发






二、预习任务:建立阅读预测和猜测的能力1. 创设情景:提问学生是否有过在未读全文之前就猜测将要发生的情节的经历,引起学生的思考和兴趣。

2. 讨论与预测:利用一篇简短的英语文章,鼓励学生猜测文章的内容和结构。


三、技巧训练一:快速浏览与扫描1. 快速浏览:介绍快速浏览的目的是为了获取文章的大意和提前了解文章的结构。



2. 扫描:介绍扫描的目的是为了寻找关键信息和回答特定问题。



四、技巧训练二:理解长难句和重点词汇1. 长难句理解:引导学生学习如何分析和理解长难句的方法。


2. 重点词汇:引导学生学习如何通过上下文推断词义。


五、技巧训练三:构建逻辑关系和推理能力1. 逻辑关系:引导学生学习如何分析文章的逻辑结构和段落之间的关系,如因果关系、对比关系、转折关系等。


2. 推理能力:培养学生的推理能力,通过文章中的线索推断隐藏的信息。


六、技巧训练四:阅读速度与流利度1. 提高阅读速度:教师引导学生通过不停地阅读来提高阅读速度。



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一般认为,下列哪种情况的脑出血不适合外科治疗。A.血压<26.6/16.0kPaB.小脑出血血肿>10mlC.壳核出血血肿>40mlD.丘脑出血血肿>10mlE.生命体征和心肾功能正常,有脑疝形成可能 根据《电信条例》,电信业务经营许可证是典型业务经营者。A.获得市场地位的有效资源B.取得经济收益的附加条件C.提升品牌价值的重要基础D.进入电信业务市场的法定凭证 是有着多年历史的文化古都。A.1000B.2000C.3000D.4000 癫痫在局部脑血流断层显像(rCBF)中的特征性表现为。A.存在大小脑失联络现象B.大脑皮质不同部位存在rCBF低灌注区C.大脑皮质不同部位存在rCBF高灌注区D.发作间期,病灶区,放射性减低,发作期病灶,放射性增高E.发作间期,病灶区的放射性增高,发作期病灶区放射性降低 下列矿业工程项目中,不属于单位工程的是。A.立井井筒工程B.斜井井筒工程C.井架安装工程D.井筒防治水工程 改革开放是中国近现代历史发展的必然选择,是对党长期以来积累的经验所作出的科学概括,是我们的立国之本;A.正确B.错误 下列脱位中,常出现肢体长度缩短的是A.肩关节前脱位B.肘后脱位C.髋关节前脱位D.髋中心性脱位E.指间关节脱位 修复体边缘强度最弱的边缘形式是A.135°肩台B.带斜面90°肩台C.刃状边缘D.90°肩台E.深凹形 关于颈内动脉和颈外动脉的超声鉴别,叙述错误的是A.前者管径粗,后者管径细B.前者在前内侧,后者在后外侧C.前者没有分支,后者有分支D.前者阻力低,后者阻力高E.颞浅动脉震颤试验前者无变化,后者可见震颤传导波形 电力发展规则划分应当根据和制定,并纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 患者的双眼对光反射丧失,调节反射存在,瞳孔缩小,最可能的诊断是A.Parinaud综合征B.Horner综合征C.ArgyllRobertson瞳孔D.Adie瞳孔 吊装重大件时,船舶稳性最小的时刻为。A.吊杆头的高度最大时B.货物距基线的高度最大时C.吊杆与船舶首尾垂直时D.吊杆与船舶首尾线平行时 计算内力的一般方法是。A、静力分析B、节点法C、截面法D、综合几何、物理和静力学三方面 正常甲状腺显像时下列哪个组织也可显影A.淋巴结B.扁桃腺C.胸腺D.唾液腺E.环状软骨 关于肌的起止和作用,正确的是A.止点,也称动点B.躯干肌的起点多远离中线C.肌多根据其起止来命名D.四肢肌多起于肢体的远端E.肌肉的定点和动点是不可互换的 下列各项中,某一项金融资产划分为持有至到期投资必须具有的特征有()。A.该金融资产到期日固定B.该金融资产回收金额固定或可确定C.企业有能力将该金融资产持有至到期D.企业有明确意图将该金融资产持有至到期 以下关于前列腺电切(TURP)综合征的说法中,不恰当的是A.发生高血容量B.低压冲洗可减少发生C.多发生于手术时间较长时D.高钠血症E.造成水中毒 卵受精的部位在A.输卵管漏斗B.输卵管子宫部C.输卵管壶腹部D.输卵管峡部E.腹膜腔内 不属于路面基层(底基层)施工中常见的质量控制关键点的是。A.基层施工所采用设备组合B.切缝时间和养生技术的采用C.拌合设备计量装置校验D.配合比的设计 配制皮内药物过敏试验液应选用()A.10%氯化钠溶液E.5%复方氯化钠溶液 什么是保险?什么是保险合同? 位于某市的某工厂转让一栋3年前购入的旧办公楼,购置成本550万元,转让收入为700万,已提折旧300万元。经房地产评估机构评定,该楼的重置成本价为1000万元,成新度为6成新,则应纳土地增值税万元。A.27.53B.140C.120D.50 前运算阶段的儿童其思维的典型特点是()A.自我中心性B.客体永久性C.守恒性D.可验证性 酸味药的作用是。A.通利大便B.滋补精血C.理气化痰D.发汗解表E.收敛固涩 肛裂的治疗包括A.局部止血B.彻底引流创面C.软化大便D.消除肛门括约肌痉挛E.以上都是 麻醉的种类常用的有、、。 我司泵车配置的无线遥控最远距离可达100m。A.正确B.错误 女,43岁,患高血压病5年,多年来常头晕胀痛,心烦易怒,伴腰膝酸软无力,手足心热,潮热盗汗,舌红少苔,脉弦细数。中医辨证为A.肝阴虚证B.肝阳上亢证C.肝气郁结证D.肝火上炎证E.心火亢盛证 如果业主确定投资目标为优先目标时,下列做法中,哪一种不可取?A.首先保证工程安全,满足功能目标和施工质量合格,在此基础上尽量降低工程造价B.进行多方案比较,在保证工程质量与投资效益的前提下,确定工程投资的最优目标值C.首先确定投资目标值,在不超过该值的前提下,确定工 禁止使用单位转让、出租、出借的特种设备有哪些? 压力容器维护保养的内容不包括。A、日常维修B、大修C、停用期间的维修保护D、事故后维修 下列食品含钙量丰富而且吸收率也高的是。A.牛奶B.鸡肝C.鸡蛋D.动物血E.豆类 在诉讼时效期间的最后六个月内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,诉讼时效()。A.延长B.中断C.终止D.中止 代理法律行为,所产生的法律后果,直接归于的行为。A.被代理人B.代理人C.相对人D.第三人 小脑疾患步态呈A.蹒跚步态B.慌张步态C.跨阈步态D.酒醉步态E.共济失调步态


小时候的舅家在旧村,不是如今宽敞明亮的新宅位置,这里是多年前规划的新村,坐落在高高的一片南北地势的山坡上。旧村是在新村以南几百米处的低洼处,现在已是一片庄稼地和周围的新建筑 了。
舅家旧村的旧宅,位于村子的最北头,旧宅后面就是一溜慢上坡的庄稼地,一条南北向的土路,从舅家的胡同口蜿蜒而上,曲曲折折,翻过几道山岭河沟,站在一个叫南岭的坡上,便可望见我的老 家,辛庄村。
那时的舅家是一处古朴狭小的宅院,正房三间是土坯旧瓦房,屋内白天里也显得黑沉沉的,一排三间的东屋联着双开扇的简易大门楼,院内有猪舍,几棵粗大的石榴树在东屋门前盘缠交错,成熟的 季节也是十分诱人的硕果累累。
从舅家大门出来,往南便是一条长长的胡同,胡同两侧都是相邻住家,不远处就是一座小学,与大队部相邻,老表们都是在这所学校上的学,学校门口的迎门墙上矗立着毛主席身着绿军装,挥手致 意的高大画像。这也是我记忆最深的地方,是上世纪七十年代的印ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ。
学校南面是一条东西向的河湾,河水清清,鱼虾纷纷。河湾以南是一座座的山岭丘坡,乔木丛生,绿树成荫。舅家的自留地就在那片山上。沿河湾两侧往西是村民居住最集中的地方。长长的大街贯 穿村落东西,农闲时,街上除了扎堆围坐的老人闲聊外,便是嬉戏追逐的孩子们。村子有座油坊,是我印象比较深的地方,因为从我记事起,老舅就在油坊工作,我去过玩过多次,后来知道老舅一直是 油坊的会计。

牛津上海版高一英语上册同步教案 第2讲 阅读拓展训练

牛津上海版高一英语上册同步教案 第2讲 阅读拓展训练


范文:The two sets of pictures respectively depict two different modes of study. The girl on the right goes to bed relatively early and is fully energized and attentive in class, devoting her full concentration to learning. In sharp contrast to her is the boy on the left, who at a late hour is still stumbling drowsily through his homework and as a result dozes off in class the next morning.此环节设计时间在10分钟内(以学生自我总结为主,TR根据教案中的总结进行引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾;总结方式可以多种多样,如画思维导图、默想回忆、抢答形式等。


)keys: 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.BDWhat makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent. Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children, such as "That wasa very clever thing you did." or "You are such a smart child."1.The words "intelligent" and "brilliant" in the first paragraph probably mean _____ while "dull" in the second paragraph means _____.A. bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understandingB. pretty and handsome; ordinary-lookingC. great and important; commonD. hopeful and helpful; careless2. According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.A. a normal person; a funny personB. a strong person; a weak personC. a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded personD. a famous person; an ordinary person3. A person _____ is more likely to become a genius.A. whose parents are cleverB. often thinking about difficult problemsC. often helped by his parents and teachers如何把下面的句子合成一个句子?例:He has two sons, and neither of them lives in Shanghai.I've got two sisters. Both of them are in Shanghai.。


高高山,端午,以及一把杨柳枝,三者之间似乎风马牛不相及的东西,却在我生长的这个山村里,被憨厚的百姓们无缝地结合了起来,于是,在端午的高高山顶上,会莫名其妙地突然多出许多迎风 招展的杨柳枝,这杨柳枝,是村民们实实在在、刻意而为的“搬来”的。
端午插杨柳,我不知道是黄土山村特有的风俗,还是许多地方有的传统,至少目前为止,我去过的几个地方,都是逢端午插艾条,从未见过插柳条的,因此我有点武断地认为,这应该又是山村所特 有的奇怪风俗了。
端午的清晨,谁家能赶在第一名将杨柳枝插在高高山顶端的那个黄土包上,似乎是一种幸运,其意义类似于除夕夜新旧交替之时,给庙里的神仙“上头香”一样,是一种莫大的心理安慰。随后陆续 而来的村民没了“头香”,但也是毕恭毕敬地将自己手里的杨柳枝深深地插进那个黄土包里,左右摇摇,确保不会被山顶上不分日夜的疾风吹走,才放心下来,退后三五步,盯着眼前的黄土包和这些刻 意插进的翠绿的杨柳枝,念叨几句任何人都听不见、又任何人都心知肚明的“呓语”才转身离开。
端午节的清早,是高高山一年来最热闹的一个清早。记忆中端午节的清早往往来得很舒爽。可能是因气候节气使然,端午节的宁南是一年中最美的季节,那时候满山桃花,草长莺飞,清晨洒满在冰 草上的露水珠都是冰凉凉得甘甜。我爱极了山村的夏日,也是因着这个原因,那种幽静、清雅、鸟语花香的惬意是任何名胜之地都无法媲美的。买球用什么正规app
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

人教版教材高一英语模块一 unit 2 The Road To Modern English 阅读课教案

人教版教材高一英语模块一 unit 2 The Road To Modern English 阅读课教案

人教版新教材高一英语模块一Unit 2 The Road To Modern English阅读课教案Teaching goalsnguage skills(1).To be able to get the main idea from the text.(2).To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes. 2.Emotion attitudeTo have the correct emotion and purpose of learning English.3.Learning strategies(1). To be able to solve the promble by analysing .(2). To communicate learning experience with teacher and classmates.4.culture awarenessTo know the world culture by learning English.Teaching important points(1).To be able to get the main idea from the text.(2)To be able to solve the promble by analysing .Teaching difficult pointTo be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes. Teaching methods: analysis, discussionTeaching aids: tape-recorder, computer and some slidesTeaching material: Reading (1)Teaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Revision and lead-in(show the pictures od a football, an eraser, a flat and a lift on the screen.)T: Wha t’s this? ( Point to the football.)S: It’s a football.T: Yes. An Englishman usually calls it a football. But what do Americans usually call it?S: a soccer.T: What about this one? ( Point to the eraser.)…T: Well, as we know, there is more than one kind of English in the word. They are different from one another in some ways. Why has English changed over time? What will world English be in the future? Do you kown? Well, today, the passage “The Road To Modern English” wil tell us. Now please open your books and turn to page 9.Step 3 Fast reading and comprehending( show the following tips on the screen.)T: Now before we read the pasage and do the exercises in COMPRHENDING, let’s learn some tips. Please look at the screen. For the first time you must scan the text quickly for three minutes. Be sure not to read the text sentence by sentence .Read the key words and key sentences to gain a brief idea about the topic of the text. Then read the questions and find the key words. Go back to the text and find the words or their synonyms. You can find the answers aroud the key words. ( After a while.)T: Have you finished yet? (S: yes.) OK. Now let’s check the answers. Who will give the first answer?S1: A. “ English has the most speakers now.”T: where in the text did you find the key words or its synonyms?S1: In the first paragraph the last sentence. “China may have the largest number of English Speakers.” The sentence ahead shows us that the time is today or now.T: Very good. And what about the next question?( It doesn’t matter whether the students make mistakes. The most important of all is to lead them to find the key words or sentences and get the right answers.)Step 4 Analysis of the structure of the textT: Now read the passage again. Try to find the topic sentnces in five minutes. (After a while.) Paragraph 1T: Can you find a topic sentence in Paragraph 1.Ss: No.T: Can you find the words indicating the times? Read them out.Ss: “ At the end of , in the next century, today.”T: Very good. We can see that as the time went by, the number of people speaking English increased. Now use one sentence to sum up the paragraph. Who would like to try? Well, Lin Hong, Have a try.S2: More and more people start to speak English.T: Right. ( Write the sentence down.) Let’s go on to the next paragraph.Paragraph 2T: which is the key sentence?S3: The first sentence. “Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.”T: Can you see the example in the paragraph?Ss: Yes.T: Is it used to support the first sentence?Ss: No.T: Actually it is used to support the sentence--- However, they may not be able to understand everything. Generally speaking, the sentence beginning with such words--- however, but ---after a statement is what the writer intends to give emphasis on. Thus ,it is often the key sentences. So why can’t they understand each other?Ss: World English are different from each other in some ways.T: Exactly. That’s what the writer intends to illustrate. ( Write it down on the blackboard.) What about the third paragraph?( conclusion) From the four topic sentences we can see they mainly focus on one thing. What’s it? Ss: English.T: Yes, they are about four aspects of the history of English. So we can say that it’s a brief history of English. ( Write it down.)T: why did the writer decide to end the passage with a question? According to the passage, languages change when culturescommunicate with one another. So the writer intended to predict a possible road to modern English, that is, when Chinese culture communicate with Eglish culture, English may chang, too. So as time goes by, Chinese English may become one of the world English. That is what the writer intended to tell us about in this passage. So the writer gave it the title--- The Road To Modern English. When we want to write something, we should follow thetoo.Step 5: DiscussionT: Now let’s discuss the questions in Comprehending Section 2.( Let the students discuss in pairs. Then share their opinions in class.The answers may vary. But it doesn’t matter what their answers may be. Most important of all, encourage them to express what they really think.)Step 6 summing up and homeworkT: Today, we have learned a text about the brief history of English. We have also learn some usefulT: Rview them and practice more after class. And finfish the exercise in the part of Learning About Languange. That’s all for today.。

高一英语人教版必修第一册Unit 2 Reading for writing学案 (2)

高一英语人教版必修第一册Unit 2 Reading for writing学案 (2)

Book 1 Unit 3P 3-4 Reading and thinkingⅠ. Pre-reading◆Discussion1.Do you know any world-famous athletes at home and abroad?2.What do you know about them?◆Prediction1.What does “Legends” mean? Who can be called a livig legend?2.What is the text probably about?➢Reading skill(阅读微技能): 如何预测课文内容?1.看文章配图;2.读前思考文章可能呈现的内容;3.把已知的知识与文章内容联系起来Ⅱ. While-reading◆Task 1: Read the two passages carefully and choose the answers for the questions. 1.How was Lang Ping’s determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?A.One of the best players had been injured.B.The team captain had to leave because of the heart problems.C.The volleyball team she had built was separated at that time.D.Lang Ping lost her heart.2.It can be inferred from the passage that Lang Ping is a(n) ________ person.A.stubborn B.determined C.easy-going D.careful 3.What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean? A.Jordan’s determination in basketball field.B.Jordan’s success in basketball field.C.Jordan’s handsome figure(身材).D.Jordan’s quick movement in playing basketball.4.The following about Jordan is right EXCEPT ________.A.he accepts failuresB.he can not accept not tryingC.he believes that the secret to success is learning from failuresD.he doesn’t like to share his success with others◆Task 2: Read the whole text and describe what is stated in the text (S) ,what can beinferred (I), and what you know to be true from experience (E).(P39)➢Reading skill(阅读微技能):阅读微技能:1.Statement 在阅读理解中,我们一定要注意题干中的选项是否是文章明确提及的,提及的位置及细节是否与选项相符,此类题容易出现在考察细节的题型中;2.Inference 在阅读理解中,有一种比较容易翻车的题型是判断推理题,如:What can beinferred according to the third paragraph? What is the author's attitude towards....?这是需要仔细研判题干中的每个选项,去除明显不符的两个(此类题型通常会设两个明显的干扰项和一个比较难区分的选项),再仔细对比剩余的两个选项,根据文中或远或近的提示,选出正确选项;3. Experience/Common sense 在阅读理解中,还会设有一种题型,根据常识来判断,如:This passage is probably selected from_______. 这就与我们平日的知识积累有关。


据《史记?五帝本纪》载:颛顼(zhuānxū)(公元前2342-公元前2245年):是中国上古部落联盟首领,"五帝"之一,姬姓,名乾荒;是黄帝之孙,昌意之子;中华人文始祖之一。颛顼因佐少昊有功,被封于高 阳(今河南开封市杞县高阳镇)。少昊死后,共工氏与颛顼34;。
365开户 邓绥太后在临朝听政期间,时有大臣上书还政安帝,遭到太后杀戮。邓绥太后临朝听政,扶二帝一十九载而卒。太后死后,安帝刘祜早心有积怨,改元建光元年。安帝亲政后,重用外戚。用耿贵人
邓绥太后卒后,邓氏失去靠山,此时安帝的乳母、后封野王君的王圣、黄门江京、李润等宦官为独揽朝纲,合谋算计邓氏,诬告说太后与邓骘诸兄弟欲废帝另立,有谋反之罪。安帝听后大怒,下诏: “尽诛邓氏”。邓骘闻讯,令后辈邓钦甫带家眷出逃,邓骘时年七十岁,自思难逃,决心杀身明志,以示清白。邓钦甫携带邓氏家眷家丁历经千辛万苦来到一处偏僻乡野,最后在现今的野三关马眠一带 落业。时间约东汉安帝延光二年(公元123年)。邓氏后从马眠分支耳乡湾,有邓氏之族回想训公(邓训)巡查鄂地所言,于是又有人从耳乡湾上行之训公所言之地驻扎。及至隋朝末年,天下战事纷纷, 为求得一方平安,邓氏之族拟在山上修建庙宇,遂将此山取名曰“高阳山”。用以纪念始祖佑保后孙祥和。



高一英语阅读指导(III)通用版【本讲主要内容】阅读指导(III)【知识总结归纳】4. 推理判断题:推理判断题指由文章的某一个细节或一部分内容等非直接表述推导出答案的题型,它需要读者去揣测作者的意图,态度和文章语气,需要综合考虑全文并找到依据,才能选出正确答案。



推理判断题主要有以下几种题问方式:(1)题干中出现infer, conclude 等词。



(2)抓住关键词句(3)透过现象看本质,进行符合逻辑的推理Example:The invention of the camera goes far into the past . In the 1500s , men were experimenting with cameras that made images . But it was not until the early 1800s that man found a way to make the pictures permanent . Even then , photography was a new field . Most families had their pictures taken by a photographer . People did not own cameras because taking pictures and developing the film were too difficult .In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by inventing a kind of film that fit into a small camera . Because the new film was easy to use , many people began to buy cameras. When they had used up their film , people returned their cameras to the factory , There , the film was developed , and pictures were printed . Then more film was put into the cameras , which were sent back to the owners , along with their pictures .Eastman’s camera made it easy to take pictures . Today’s cameras are even easier to use , and people can put in their own film . Photography has become a growing hobby .There are also many new jobs in the field of photography . One of the most important kinds of work is in news reporting . Newspapers, magazines , and television all need pictures to tell their stories . Photographers aid scientists by taking pictures through microscopes and telescopes . Deep-sea divers take pictures of ocean plants and animals , while astronauts take their cameras into space . Man finds new uses for the camera every day .1. Long ago , people sent their cameras to a factory because ________ .A. they wanted to have the cameras cleanedB. they wanted their film developedC. they broke their cameras when taking picturesD. they wanted to have their pictures taken by a photographer2. On the whole , this passage is about ________ .A. the development of photographyB. the life of George EastmanC. how photographers aid scientistsD. George Eastman invented the first camera3. The reason why photography has become a growing hobby lies in the fact _________ .A. it’s easy to use camera and take picturesB. people do not like to go to photographersC. people can make their own filmsD. it’s easy to make pictures permanent4. From the last paragraph , we can infer that __________ .A. deep-sea divers do not use camerasB. photographers cannot find jobs todayC. there are different kinds of camerasD. early man found a way to make photographers aid scientists答案:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C5. 深层含义题:指的时文章里没有直接说出来但隐含在文章内的意义。



高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案第一篇:高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案必修一Unit2 The Road to Modern English第二课时阅读课一、教学内容:Pre-reading;Reading;Comprehending(p.9)二、教学目标 1.能力目标:1)学生通过阅读文章能够从篇章结构的角度出发描述英语语言发展的历史过程。



2.词汇目标:official, voyage, because of, native, come up, apartment, actually, AD, based, at present, gradually, Danish, vocabulary, make use of, spelling, latter, identity, fluent, Singapore, Malaysia, such as 3.情感目标:学生通过学习英语的发展史,激发对学习英语的兴趣。







步骤二、阅读听说理解文章(20分钟)1.fast reading 部分要求学生迅速阅读课文,找到文章主旨大意,并完成填空题。


那两只猫咪,白色的叫“兔兔”,黄色的叫“黄嫚”,黄嫚是兔兔的儿子。三年前兔兔出去抓老鼠被夹子三次夹断两条腿,一条蹄子瓣也给打掉了,只剩下一条后腿是完整的,但兔兔身残志不残, 剩一条腿也天天捉老鼠,成为一个奇迹。
母亲只喂了它三片就大有好转,现在晚上它在外面微喘,我说要继续吃药,它遭罪呢,母鸡在院子里拉二胡,一听母亲提它的名字,马上就不拉了,悄悄地听我们说话,这家伙太精了,并且一天下 一个蛋讨好母亲。足球赛事 父亲十年前脑血栓残疾了,他喂的动物也学他都是残疾。那条狮子狗团团,去年出去找花姑娘,被大狗争风吃醋咬瞎了眼睛,天天跟着父母的脚后跟转。
“午饭无米煮麦粥,沸汤灼人汗簌簌。儿童不解奥与寒,蚁聚喧哗满堂屋。”是我们姐弟仨当年的写照。父亲身弓负天,一辈子在泥土里扑打,用犁耙和锄头创寻生命,耕耘日子。浸过血液的汗水 划过黝黑的脊梁,与月一起跪拜黄土,幸福如阶前草叶上的朝露,在艰难的岁月里流光溢彩。


Байду номын сангаас
当观看者看人时,他的目光中包含一着一种野蛮的期待,它袭击者被看者原本完整的人格,打碎他,消灭他,期待着他的反应(即表演),而对于被看者,这是一种压力,他被迫放弃真实的自我, 成为这种压力下产生的演员。这种行为关系的背后,实际是看客与被看者两者自我人格的缺失,留下的只是表演与狂欢本身。
这种观看期待取消了观看者指向被看者的与自我生命相联结的情感投入,“他在我的注视下的一切行为只是表演,而表演对我的生命来说本质是不真实的,所以现在的他与我无关。”继而没有了同 情的可能。
在对自己生命缺乏反思的生活中,自我与他人实际上都不可能存在。他人是与我有种同种生命体验,有爱有很,有真感情的他人,而自我则是与他人一样值得爱的生命。所以,真正的自我—他人只 可能同时存在。



高一英语外研社版期中专题二——阅读理解解题指导(二)课程目标:一、学习目标1. 驾驭各种阅读理解题型的设置方式和解题技巧。

2. 理解主旨要义;理解文中详细信息;依据上下文推断生词的词义;做出简洁推断和推理;理解文章的基本结构;理解作者的意图和看法。

二、重点、难点1. 丰富词汇量2. 培育阅读爱好3. 提高阅读技巧4. 克服心里障碍,提高学习英语的主动性三、考情分析1. 阅读理解题目在考试中占40分,但并不是说其他题目就不考查阅读实力了,随着教化改革和考试题目的改革,任何题目就连单项选择也会考阅读实力,考查对语境的理解。

2. 学生不重视词汇和阅读文章,偏爱语法学问和单项选择;缺乏阅读爱好;没有良好的阅读习惯和阅读技巧;阅读失分很严峻。

学问梳理:一、题目选项设置方式1. 正确的选项命题人员把阅读材料的内容或信息用不同的语言形式再现出来。


2. 干扰项的设置1)张冠李戴命题者把文章作者的观点与他人的观点混淆起来,题干问的是作者的观点,选项中出现的却是他人的观点;或者题干问的是他人的观点,却把作者的观点放到选项中去。

以某篇阅读理解第60题“The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City______.”为例。

此题乍看C 项“to pay at the cash register”和D项“to have more gas for his car”都对,因为原文中有这么一句“While I was standing in line at the cash register,I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas”。

高中一年级第一学期Unit 2 Care for hair Reading教案

高中一年级第一学期Unit 2 Care for hair Reading教案

Care for your hair教学设计:一、文本分析:本节课学习牛津教材高一第二单元的Reading部分,该单元是以头发和头发护理为主题,课文部分是以一家新开的美发沙龙的广告宣传单形式所呈现,介绍了根据脸型选择发型以及如何维护头发健康的一些小提示。










Teacher’s activities Students’ activities AimsI. pre-reading1. T will show Ss some leaflets and ask them their opinions about ads.2. T will ask Ss to read the reading strategy on the book. Ss will find out the differencesbetween ads and narratives.Ss will learn how to recongizeheadings.To conclude the features ofads: informative, impressive,persuasive and memorable.To learn some skills of readingads.II. while-reading1.T will ask Ss to recognizeheadings in the passageand arrange the correctorder.2.T will ask Ss to find somenew words and phrasesaccording to the given Ss will skim the passage andpick out the headings,arranging the order.Ss will learn some new wordsand phrasesTo help Ss get a general ideaof the whole structure of thepassage.To help Ss learn the skill ofword-guessing.。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

高一英语阅读指导(III)通用版【本讲主要内容】阅读指导(III)【知识总结归纳】4. 推理判断题:推理判断题指由文章的某一个细节或一部分内容等非直接表述推导出答案的题型,它需要读者去揣测作者的意图,态度和文章语气,需要综合考虑全文并找到依据,才能选出正确答案。



推理判断题主要有以下几种题问方式:(1)题干中出现infer, conclude 等词。



(2)抓住关键词句(3)透过现象看本质,进行符合逻辑的推理Example:The invention of the camera goes far into the past . In the 1500s , men were experimenting with cameras that made images . But it was not until the early 1800s that man found a way to make the pictures permanent . Even then , photography was a new field . Most families had their pictures taken by a photographer . People did not own cameras because taking pictures and developing the film were too difficult .In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by inventing a kind of film that fit into a small camera . Because the new film was easy to use , many people began to buy cameras. When they had used up their film , people returned their cameras to the factory , There , the film was developed , and pictures were printed . Then more film was put into the cameras , which were sent back to the owners , along with their pictures .Eastman’s camera made it easy to take pictures . Today’s cameras are even easier to use , and people can put in their own film . Photography has become a growing hobby .There are also many new jobs in the field of photography . One of the most important kinds of work is in news reporting . Newspapers, magazines , and television all need pictures to tell their stories . Photographers aid scientists by taking pictures through microscopes and telescopes . Deep-sea divers take pictures of ocean plants and animals , while astronauts take their cameras into space . Man finds new uses for the camera every day .1. Long ago , people sent their cameras to a factory because ________ .A. they wanted to have the cameras cleanedB. they wanted their film developedC. they broke their cameras when taking picturesD. they wanted to have their pictures taken by a photographer2. On the whole , this passage is about ________ .A. the development of photographyB. the life of George EastmanC. how photographers aid scientistsD. George Eastman invented the first camera3. The reason why photography has become a growing hobby lies in the fact _________ .A. it’s easy to use camera and take picturesB. people do not like to go to photographersC. people can make their own filmsD. it’s easy to make pictures permanent4. From the last paragraph , we can infer that __________ .A. deep-sea divers do not use camerasB. photographers cannot find jobs todayC. there are different kinds of camerasD. early man found a way to make photographers aid scientists答案:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C5. 深层含义题:指的时文章里没有直接说出来但隐含在文章内的意义。



这种题型中多有suggest, indicate, imply 等词语。

Example:Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father, “But , Dad, you can’t be healthy if you’re dead.”Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belt---- a mistake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why.There have been many myths about safety belts ever since their first appearance in cars some forty years ago. The following are three of the most common.Myth Number One: It’s best to be “thrown clear” of a serious accident.Truth: Sorry, but any accident serious enough to “throw you clear” is also going to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing. And chances are you’ll have traveled through a windshield or door to do it. Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are twenty-five times greater in cases where people are “thrown clear”.Myth Number Two: Safety belt “trap”: people in cars that are burning or sinking in water.Truth: Sorry again, but studies show that people knocked unconscious due to not wearing safety belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents. People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from such dangerous situations, not to be trapped in them.Myth Number Three: Safety belts aren’t needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour.Truth: When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other, and unbelted driver would meet the windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 metres.1. What is the advice given in the text?A. Never drive faster than 30 mils an hour.B. Try your best to save yourself in a car accidentC. Never forget to wear the safety belt while drivingD. Drive slowly while you’re not wearing a safety belt.答案:C6. 作者写作意图题:作者的意图时指作者在文中表达的意思,也就是写作目的。
