Improvement of InGaN-GaN light-emitting diode performance with a nano-roughened p-GaN surface




HowtoImproveConcentration(如何提高注意力)Method1EditLong-Term Solutions1.1Take rest. The biggest factor affecting concentration is rest and this has been approved by research. Concentration requires your mind tobe calm. But your mind will be scattered if you are not well rested. Make sure that you get the right amountof sleepat the right time. Also have regular sleep time, and this can be the key step for concentrating.•Sleeping too much is also not ideal. Oversleeping disrupts your natural rhythm and can make you lazy. Avoid this by having an alarm clock towake you up in time.2.2Make a Plan. Always have a plan for whatever you are up to. When you sit down to work without a plan, you may easily get caught in activities like checking mails, Instant messaging (chatting) and browsing the web. Without a purpose, you are wasting your time. You’ll find yourself distracted by a variety of nagging thoughts instead of devoting all your attention to one important task.•To avoid this, make a clear plan that meets your needs beforehand. Take 5 or 10 minutes break in between, and use this time to check email, and then close your inbox and move on to your most important task. When making a plan be sure to allocate enoughtime for entertainment, studies and sleep.3.3Meditate. The practice of meditation will definitely improve our powers of concentration. Actually, when we try to meditate, it is concentration that is the first thing we need to master. A daily period of meditation gives us the chance to work specifically on concentration techniques.4.4Choose a place of your choice for concentration. Obviously some places are better than others. School libraries, study lounges and private rooms are the best. Above all, the place that you choose should not be distracting. Try to stay away from other people if you want to concentrate on your work.5.5If you want to master the arts of concentration, develop a controlled and balanced diet. Overeating creates a huge load of digestion and can make you feel uncomfortable and sleepy. Eating light and healthy meals can help you maximize your ability to concentrate. As Thomas Jefferson said, we rarely regret eating too little. It’s likely you’ll find that you need less food to satisfy yourself than you think.6.6Exercise frequently. The ability to concentrate depends a lot upon our physical well-being. If we are tired, unhealthy and afflicted by numerous minor ailments, concentration will be more difficult. Of course, concentration is still possible, but it is just more difficult. However, we have to try to make life easy for ourselves; we need to give a high priority to our physical health:•Getting sufficient sleep•Staying physically fit•Maintaining healthy weight•Getting regular exercise7.7Take breaks and mix up your environment. Continuous work in the same place can drive anyone crazy. Taking constant breaks can solve the problem. This will make you active and more interested in your topic.8.8Know that practice makes perfect. Concentrationis an activity like any other. Clearly the more we practice,the better our concentration will become. We wouldn’t expect to be a strong runner without doingsome training. Similarly, concentration is like a muscle,the more we exercise the stronger it becomes.Score3 / 3Method 1 QuizWhich of the following behaviors has the largest impact on your concentration levels?Eating a moderately-sized meal.Taking breaks between tasks.Getting enough sleep.Correct! There are many different behaviors and activities that can influence your focus and concentration, but none more so than rest. Work to get the right amount of rest at night so that you wake up feeling refreshed and don't get sleepy later on.Congratulations, you aced the quiz! If you're ready to learn more, read How toDevelop Your Sense of TimeGoing for a run.EditQuick Fixes1.1Use earplugs. It helps a lot. Unless it is at nightand/or you live in a quiet place and you are alone, thereare always some distracting noises coming from people,nature, machines, etc. Earplugs can be a bit uncomfortable so do not use them for very long periods at a time (e.g. take a break after an hour).2.2Make a tally of every time your mind wanders on a 3x5 card. Divide the card up into three sections: morning, afternoon and night. Every time you catch your mind wandering, make a little check mark in the appropriate box.[1] After only a little while, you'll find that your mind won't wander as often, simply by keeping a tally!•Being aware of the issue is the first step, and this method helps you stay very aware of each time you lose your concentration. Your awareness of what you're doing will eventually help you improve yourconcentration, without any added effort.•With this method, you'll eventually be able to pinpoint your most vulnerable times. Say you find a lot of tallies during the morning, when you're still tired and your mind is likely to drift. That's a sign that you should be improving your concentration by getting more sleep, or eating a healthy breakfast.3.3Set aside specific times during the day in order to let your mind wander or your concentration drift. If you have a set time during the day — say your "drift off" time is at 5:30 every day, when you get back from school or work —you may be less likely to sanction drifting off during 11 a.m. or 3 p.m. If you catch yourself drifting off during any of the unsanctionedtimes, tell yourself that you have a designated drift off time and try to keep your brain concentrated on whatever task is at hand.4.4Help improve the flow of oxygen to the brain. Blood is the main vehicle of oxygen in our bodies. But blood gets pooled in the lower half of our bodies as a result of gravity, and doesn't push as much oxygen to the brain, where it helps improve concentration. In order to help oxygenate the brain, get up and take a walk every so often to get the blood pumping.•If you're stuck at work and you can't really carve out the time for exercise, try doing exercises at work. These can include any number of things, including isometric or aerobic exercises.5.5Remember to give your brain a quick break at least every hour, at most every 30 minutes. If your brain has to concentrate consistently for hours at a time, it loses processing power and your concentration levels slip.[2] Better to space your project out and take breaks or power naps in between in order to reboot your concentration and keep it humming at closer to 100%. 6.6Practice doing one thing at a time and do it to completion.[3] If you jump all over the place and start a new project before you've finished the last one, you're telling your brain that it's okay to switch from one subject to another. If you really want to improve your concentration, you'll start trying to convince your brain to finish one task before you move onto the next one.•Apply this philosophy to as many different tasks in your life as possible. You may think that finishing one book before starting the other has nothing to do with finishing work on one car before starting work on another, but they're surprisingly alike if you think about. Even the smallest tasks have reverberations in other parts of your life.7.7Be aware of the spider technique.[4] What happens when you hold a vibrating tuning fork next to a web with a spider in it? The spider comes to investigate where the noise is coming from because it pays to be curious. But what happens if you repeatedly hold a vibrating tuning fork next to the spider's lair? After a while, the spider won't stop to investigate the tuning fork anymore. It knows what to expect, so it ignores it.•The spider technique is behaving just like the spider. Expect for distractions to come and try to throw you off your concentration. A door slams. A bird whistles. A flash mob erupts. Whatever the distraction is, continue focusing on your task at hand. Be like the spider and turn a blind eye to distractions that youknow can throw you off your concentration.8.8Do work at a desk, not your bed. Your bed is where you sleep; your desk is where you work and concentrate. Your mind makes these sorts or associations subconsciously, which means that you're sending a "sleep" signal to your mind if you're trying to work on your bed. This is counterproductive because you're actually asking your brain to do two things at once (concentrate ' sleep). Instead, ask your brain to either concentrate or sleep by choosing your workstation carefully.9.9Try the five-more rule. The five-more rule is simple. Whenever you feel like quitting or losing concentration, tell yourself to do five more of whateveryou were doing. If it's math problems, do five more problems. If it's reading, do five more pages. If it's concentrating, do five more minutes. Find the energydeep within to do five more of whatever you were you doing.Score3 / 3Method 2 QuizIf you want to practice the spider technique, you should:Stand up to exercise every 30 minutes.Finish one project before you start another.Set aside time for your thoughts to wander.Expect and ignore distractions.That's right! When you practice the spider technique, you anticipate that there will be distractions like noises outside or meetings in the next office. Whatever they may be, you will simply continue focusing on your task.Read on for another quiz question.EditKeywords Technique1.1Try the Keywords Technique. In this simple technique, the only thing you have to do is to find theright keyword on what you are studying or doing and whenever you lose concentration or feel distracted or your mind wanders to something else, start saying that keyword repeatedly in your mind until you come back to the topic at hand. The keyword in this technique is not a single, fixed word but keeps changing according to your study or work. There are no rules to select the keyword and whichever word the person feels that it will bring back his concentration can be used as a keyword.•Example: When you are reading an article about the guitar. Here the keyword guitar can be used. Start reading each sentence slowly and while reading, whenever you feel distracted or not able to understand or concentrate, start saying the keyword guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar until your mind comes back to the article and then you can continue your reading.And make a habit to do meditation for at least 10 minutes which improves your concentration levels.But you see that you only concentrate on meditation first for better improvement or result.Method 3 QuizHow do you select the perfect keyword?Pick a word in the title of the article or project.Pick the first word of the section.Pick the word that feels right.Correct! It may seem a little unscientific, but whatever word is most effective at returning your focus is the right keyword for you. The keyword will change depending on your section or theme, so stay open-minded and allow your keyword to guide you back to the task at hand.Read on for another quiz question.窗体底端。


《半导体光电》2008 年 4 月第 29 卷第 2 期
朱丽虹 等 : 生长温度对 In GaN/ GaN 多量子阱 L ED 光学特性的影响
生长温度对 In Ga N/ Ga N多量子阱 LED 光学特性的影响
朱丽虹 , 刘宝林 , 张保平
( 厦门大学 物理系 ,福建 厦门 361005)
样品的发光光谱经单色仪分光之后用光电倍增管进 行测量 ,观察其电致发光谱 。
3 结果与讨论
In GaN 材料的质量直接影响器件的性能 。我 们通过改变有源层的生长温度 ,调节 In 原子的掺入 效率 ,得到不同 In 组分的有源层 ,达到调整器件发 光波长的目的 。本研究中 In GaN 的生长温度控制 在 730~800 ℃,共制备了 7 个样品 。考虑到高温生 长过程中 ,In GaN 极易挥发 ,量子阱层的 In GaN 和 垒层的 GaN 都是在较低温度下生长的 ,所获得的晶 体质量良好 。其 (0002) 面上双晶 X 射线 ω22θ衍射 摇摆曲线都可以看到 5 级甚至 6 级清晰的卫星峰 , 说明多量子阱结构良好 。图 1 为生长温度分别为 750 ℃和 780 ℃的样品在 (0002) 面上双晶 X 射线ω2 2θ衍射摇摆曲线 。
关键词 : MOCVD ; In GaN/ GaN 多量子阱 ; 蓝紫光 L ED ; 蓝带 中图分类号 : TN312. 8 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1001 - 5868 (2008) 02 - 0165 - 05
Study of Optical Characteristics of In Ga N/ Ga N MQW L ED Depended on Gro wth Temperature ZHU Li2ho ng , L IU Bao2lin , ZHAN G Bao2ping





近年来,发光二极管(light-emitting diode,LEDs)因其亮度高、能耗低、寿命长和响应快的优点,成为取代传统照明的第四代照明方式。


GaN基LED,可以通过改变有源区铟镓氮(InGaN)或者铝镓氮(AlGaN)中In、Ga、Al三种元素的含量,实现禁带宽度从0.7 eV到6.2 eV的变化,其发光波长可以从近紫外覆盖到近红外。


但是随着发光波长的增长,InGaN/GaN MQWs基LED的IQE显著下降,尤其是在黄绿范围内,产生所谓的“黄绿鸿沟”问题。

造成这一问题的原因主要有两点:一是InGaN阱层中In原子和Ga原子的尺寸存在较大的差异以及InN和GaN之间存在严重的晶格失配,这造成了相分离或者组分波动的产生,In组分增加导致了材料质量恶化,非辐射复合中心的增加;二是在MQWs中InGaN阱层和GaN垒层之间存在较大的晶格失配和热失配,造成了极化电场的产生,导致了在MQWs中电子和空穴波函数的空间分离并降低了辐射复合效率,即所谓的量子限制斯塔克效应(QCSE),In组分的增加导致了 QCSE的加剧,进而降低了辐射复合效率。

因此,深入研究InGaN/GaN MQWs的发光机制,提高电子和空穴波函数交叠,对改善黄绿鸿沟问题具体重要意义。

本论文利用金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)制备实验样品,通过光致发光(photoluminescence,PL)谱测试手段,对In组分逐渐变化的InGaN/GaN MQWs结构的光学特性进行了研究。



2010年第3期中国照明电器CHINA LIGHT&LIGHTING15提高GaN基发光二极管外量子效率的途径李为军(国家电光源质量监督检验中心(上海)、国家灯具质量监督检验中心、上海时代之光照明电器检测有限公司,上海200233)摘要发光二极管(LED)的低外量子效率严重制约了LED的发展,本文主要介绍了提高GaN基LED 外量子效率途径的最新进展,包括芯片非极性面/半极性面生长技术、分布布拉格反射层(DBR)结构、改变LED基底几何外形来改变光在LED内部反射的路径、表面粗化处理,以及新近的光子晶体技术和全息技术等。


关键词外量子效率芯片非极性面/半极性面生长技术分布布拉格反射层(DBR)结构光子晶体技术和全息技术纳米压印技术与SU8技术Improvement of the External Quantum Efficiency of GaN-based LEDsLi Weijun(National Light Source Quality Supervision Testing Center(Shanghai),China National Lighting Fitting Quality Supervision Testing Center,Shanghai Alpha Lighting Equipment Testing Ltd.,Shanghai200233)Abstract:The low external quantum efficiency ties up the development of LEDs.This article mainly introduces recent research progress of increasing the external quantum efficiency of GaN-based LEDs.The ways of improvement mainly include that micro-surface roughening,micro-pattern substrates and distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)structure.Of course,recent methods,for example,non-polar or semi-polar plane growth technology,photonic crystal and holography technology are also discussed.At the same time,preliminary study on the combination of nano-imprint lithography and SU8technology is also noted in this paper.Key words:external quantum efficiency;non-polar or semi-polar plane growth technology;distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)structure;photonic crystal and holography technology;nano-imprint lithography and SU8technology1GaN基LED发展的历史和研究现状20世纪90年代中期,日本日亚化学公司的Nakamura等人经过不懈努力,突破了制造蓝光LED 的关键技术。



微纳金属结构光吸收增强英文Enhanced Light Absorption in Micro-Nano Metal Structures.The field of photonics has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, with a particular focus on enhancing light absorption in micro-nano metal structures. This enhancement is crucial for various applications ranging from solar cells, photodetection, and sensing to plasmonic devices. The unique optical properties of metals at the nanoscale offer opportunities for manipulatinglight-matter interactions, leading to improved performance in these areas.1. Plasmonic Resonance in Metal Nanostructures.The key to understanding light absorption enhancement in micro-nano metal structures lies in the concept of plasmonic resonance. Plasmons are collective oscillations of electrons in a metal that can be excited by incidentlight. When the frequency of incident light matches the natural frequency of these oscillations, a resonance condition is achieved, leading to a significant enhancement of the electromagnetic field around the metal structure. This enhanced field in turn increases the light absorption by the metal.2. Nanostructuring for Enhanced Absorption.Nanostructuring metals offers a powerful means to control plasmonic resonances and thereby enhance light absorption. By reducing the dimensions of metal structures to the nanoscale, it becomes possible to tune the plasmonic resonances to match the desired wavelength of light. This tuning can be achieved by varying the size, shape, and composition of the nanostructures.3. Materials Considerations.The choice of metal material is also crucial for light absorption enhancement. Noble metals such as gold andsilver are commonly used due to their strong plasmonicresponse. However, these metals often suffer from high ohmic losses that limit their performance. Alternatively, alternative metals with lower losses, such as aluminum and magnesium, have been explored. Furthermore, the use of alloys and composite materials can further optimize the plasmonic response and absorption properties.4. Applications of Enhanced Light Absorption.Enhanced light absorption in micro-nano metal structures finds applications in diverse fields. In solar cells, for example, plasmonic nanostructures can increase the absorption of sunlight, leading to improved conversion efficiencies. Similarly, in photodetection and sensing applications, the enhanced absorption can enhance the sensitivity and response speed. In plasmonic devices, the strong localization of light at the nanoscale offers opportunities for nanoscale imaging, spectroscopy, and manipulation of light.5. Challenges and Future Directions.Despite the significant progress made in enhancinglight absorption in micro-nano metal structures, several challenges remain. One of the primary challenges is the limited stability of plasmonic nanostructures, especially under harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, the integration of these structures into practical devices requires further research and development. Futuredirections include exploring new materials and design strategies to overcome these challenges and further improve light absorption enhancement.In conclusion, enhanced light absorption in micro-nano metal structures holds promise for revolutionizing various photonic applications. By harnessing the unique optical properties of metals at the nanoscale, it is possible to manipulate light-matter interactions and achieve remarkable improvements in light absorption. While challenges remain, ongoing research and development in this field are expected to lead to transformative advancements in the near future.。



光源强度英文Illuminance: The Measurement of Light IntensityIntroductionLight is an essential element in our daily lives, providing visibility and influencing our mood and well-being. The intensity of light, also referred to as illuminance, plays a crucial role in determining how bright an area is. In this article, we will explore the concept of light intensity and how it is measured in the field of lighting design and engineering.What is Light Intensity?Light intensity, or illuminance, refers to the amount of light that falls on a given surface area. It is measured in units called lux (lx), which represent the amount of light delivered per square meter (m²). Light intensity is a fundamental factor in lighting design, as it directly affects the visual perception and overall comfort of individuals in a space.The Importance of Measuring Light IntensityAccurate measurement of light intensity is crucial in various fields, including architecture, photography, and industrial applications. By measuring light intensity, professionals can ensure optimal lighting conditions for specific tasks or environments. Moreover, it enables energy-efficient lighting design, as excessive or insufficient lighting can result in unnecessary energy consumption and decreased user satisfaction.Measuring Light Intensity: Tools and TechniquesTo measure light intensity, several instruments and techniques are commonly employed:1. Lux Meters: Lux meters, also known as light meters or illuminometers, are handheld devices equipped with a light sensor. They measure the amount of visible light falling on a surface and display the results in lux units. Lux meters are widely used in the evaluation of indoor and outdoor lighting conditions, offering a quick and practical solution for measuring light intensity.2. Spectroradiometers: Spectroradiometers are advanced instruments that can measure not only light intensity but also its spectral distribution. These devices provide detailed information about the characteristics of light, such as color temperature and color rendering index (CRI). Spectroradiometers are commonly employed in lighting research, product development, and quality control processes.3. Integrating Spheres: Integrating spheres are spherical enclosures lined with a highly reflective material. They are used to measure the total light output, or flux, of a light source. By directing the light into the sphere, the instrument captures and integrates the emitted light, allowing for accurate measurement of light intensity.4. Computational Models: In addition to physical measurement instruments, computational models and software are also utilized to predict and simulate light intensity in various environments. These models take into account factors such as light source characteristics, room geometry, and surface reflectance to estimate illuminance levels accurately.Applications of Light Intensity MeasurementThe measurement of light intensity has broad applications across various industries and sectors. Some notable ones include:1. Architectural Lighting Design: Architects and lighting designers use light intensity measurements to create pleasing and functional lighting schemes for indoor and outdoor spaces. By understanding the illuminance requirements of different areas, they can decide on the appropriate placement and types of light sources.2. Workplace Standards: The measurement of light intensity is essential in the context of occupational health and safety regulations. Adequate illumination levels are necessary to ensure optimal visual comfort and prevent eye strain in work environments.3. Photography and Film: In the photographic and film industry, accurate measurement of light intensity is crucial for capturing high-quality images and videos. By adjusting lighting setups based on illuminance readings, professionals can achieve the desired aesthetic effects.4. Horticulture and Plant Growth: Light intensity plays a vital role in plant growth and development. Scientists and horticulturists utilize light intensity measurements to determine the optimal lighting conditions for different plant species, ensuring proper photosynthesis and growth rates.ConclusionLight intensity, or illuminance, is a critical factor in lighting design and various other industries. Through the measurement of light intensity using tools such as lux meters and spectroradiometers, professionals can ensure appropriate lighting conditions for specific applications. Accuratemeasurement of light intensity not only contributes to energy efficiency but also enhances visual comfort, health, and productivity in various environments.。

Improvement of illumination uniformity for LED

Improvement of illumination uniformity for LED

1. Introduction With the growth of LED optical efficiency, many innovative products in the traditional lighting industry were developed rapidly. However, it is well known that LED lighting products are usually directive light sources. Thus, they are still not completely fit to the whole indoor lighting market due to some parts of indoor lighting market require isotropic lighting products. In 2008, Tsuei et al. proposed a new optical design for LED indoor lighting product, which can provide better illumination uniformity than traditional t-bar fluorescents, and the efficiency of the illumination uniformity could be enhanced effectively [1]. Recently, a new LED lighting product, named flat panel light, was proposed and applied in home lighting or office lighting. Current flat panel lights are usually designed by using edge-lit backlight theorem, and they contain several advantages, such as the thinner volume and the more uniform brightness of emitting surface. But they also contain some drawbacks, such as narrow lighting areas and hot





然而,界面处理对于改善InGaN/GaN MQW结构的光学性能至关重要。

本文旨在研究界面处理对InGaN/GaN MQW 结构光学性能的调控机制及其影响。

二、InGaN/GaN多量子阱结构的基本原理InGaN/GaN MQW结构是一种由交替生长的InGaN和GaN层组成的周期性结构。


当电流通过MQW结构时,电子和空穴分别从n 型和p型区域注入到量子阱中,发生复合并释放光子。


三、界面处理对InGaN/GaN MQW结构的影响界面处理是改善InGaN/GaN MQW结构光学性能的重要手段。


首先,通过采用先进的生长技术如金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)等,可以精确控制InGaN/GaN MQW结构的生长过程,从而优化界面质量。




实验主要采用了X射线衍射(XRD)、光致发光(PL)光谱等技术手段,分析了不同界面处理条件下的InGaN/GaN MQW结构的光学性能变化。

激发光强度 英文

激发光强度 英文

激发光强度英文The excitation of light intensity can be achieved through various methods, such as using a high-powered laser or a strong light source. This can cause the atoms of a material to become excited and emit light at a higher intensity. Another way to increase light intensity is by using optical amplifiers, which can boost the strength of the light signal.In addition, the use of reflective materials or surfaces can help to enhance the intensity of light by reflecting and concentrating the light in a specific direction. This can be particularly useful in applications where a high level of light intensity is required, such as in scientific research or industrial processes.Furthermore, the design of optical systems can also play a crucial role in maximizing light intensity. By carefully engineering the components of an optical system, such as lenses, mirrors, and filters, it is possible to optimize the transmission and concentration of light, leading to a higher intensity of light output.Moreover, advancements in technology have led to the development of specialized light sources, such as LEDs and lasers, which are capable of emitting light at extremely high intensities. These light sources can be used in a wide range of applications, including medical imaging, telecommunications, and industrial manufacturing.In conclusion, there are various methods andtechnologies available to increase the intensity of light. By utilizing high-powered light sources, optical amplifiers, reflective materials, and advanced optical system designs,it is possible to achieve a higher level of light intensity for a wide range of applications.激发光强度可以通过多种方法实现,例如使用高功率激光或强光源。







%The luminescence spectra ofInGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells light-emitting diodes under low level injection current (<4 mA) during aging process was investigated for thefirst time .Comparing the electroluminescence (EL) spectra of LEDs be-fore and after aging time it was found that the peak wavelength and the fullwidth at half maximum (FWHM ) decreased with stress time and the changes of EL spectrum had two different stages -drastic decrease at the early stress stage and slow decrease later showing the same trend with the output optical power of LEDs ,which indicates that the effective polarization electric field of LEDs becomes weak during the aging process and the change has a clear correlation with the increase of the defects in the mul-tiple quantum wells of LEDs .Electrical measurement revealed that junction capacitance (Cj ) under the same junction voltage (Vj=1.8 V) and the junction voltage (Vj ) with the same injection current 1 mA calculatedby ac small-signal IV method increased along with aging time ,which explicates that the carrier density under the same low injection increasesas the aging time increa-ses .Analyses indicate that the polarization field in the quantum well is more seriously screened by the increased carriers captured by defects activated during stress time ,the weaker effective polarization electric field makes the tilt of the energy band smaller , the energy radiated through the band edge and the density of energy states of the band edge increase which leads to the behaviors of peak wavelength and the FWHM of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells LEDs under low level injection current .【总页数】4页(P327-330)【作者】代爽;于彤军;李兴斌;袁刚成;路慧敏【作者单位】北京大学介观物理与人工微结构国家重点实验室,北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;北京大学介观物理与人工微结构国家重点实验室,北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;北京大学介观物理与人工微结构国家重点实验室,北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;北京大学介观物理与人工微结构国家重点实验室,北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;北京大学介观物理与人工微结构国家重点实验室,北京大学物理学院,北京 100871【正文语种】中文【中图分类】N34【相关文献】1.图形化蓝宝石衬底上InGaN/GaN多量子阱发光二极管的光谱特性研究 [J], 颜建;钟灿涛;于彤军;徐承龙;陶岳彬;张国义2.InGaN/GaN多量子阱蓝光LED外延片的变温光致发光谱 [J], 杨超普;方文卿;毛清华;杨岚;刘彦峰;李春;阳帆3.InGaN/GaN多量子阱蓝光LED的p-GaN盖层的MOCVD生长研究 [J], 牛南辉;王怀兵;刘建平;刘乃鑫;邢燕辉;韩军;邓军;郭霞;沈光地4.双波长InGaN/GaN多量子阱发光二极管的光电特性 [J], 陈献文;吴乾;李述体;郑树文;何苗;范广涵;章勇5.InGaN/GaN多量子阱蓝光LED电学特性研究 [J], 刘诗文;郭霞;艾伟伟;宋颖娉;顾晓玲;张蕾;沈光地因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



・光电子器件和系统・利用常规工艺提高光子晶体G a N LE D的出光效率3胡海洋33,许兴胜,鲁 琳,宋 倩,杜 伟,王春霞,陈弘达(中国科学院半导体研究所集成光电子学国家重点实验室,北京100083)摘要:计算了G aN二维光子晶体的能带结构,并利用常规工艺在国内首次制备出了G aN基二维平板结构的光子晶体蓝光L ED。


另外,还对感应耦合等离子体刻蚀(ICP)的制备光子晶体L ED的刻蚀工艺进行了分析。

关键词:光子晶体;G aN;L ED;ICP中图分类号:TN312+.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100520086(2008)0520569204E nh ancem ent of light extraction of photonic crystal G a N light emitting diod es(LE Ds)using conventional technicsHU Hai2yang33,XU X ing2sheng,LU Lin,SON G Qian,DU Wei,W AN G Chun2xia,CHEN Hong2da(State K ey Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics,Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100083,China)Abstract:We calculated the band structure of G aN2D photonic crystal(PC),and fabricated the G aN2based2D PC blueLEDs.We selected conventional method to apply PC on LEDs,and obtained some good results.The light efficient output ofLED with PC is about1.5times as high as that without PC.In addition,the etching rate of inductively coupled plasma(ICP)was analyzed.K ey w ords:photonic crystal;G aN;L ED;ICP1 引 言 光子晶体作为新型光子器件和未来全光集成回路的物理基础,是一种人造结构,由折射率不同的材料周期性排列而成,类似于固体中的晶格,晶格常数的数量级和光的波长相当。



分类号密级UDC 编号中国科学院研究生院硕士学位论文论文题目: GaN基LED发光效率提高方法研究作者:张扬指导教师李晋闽研究员中国科学院半导体研究所申请学位级别工学硕士学科专业名称微电子学与固体电子学论文提交日期 2008年6月论文答辩日期 2008年6月培养单位中国科学院半导体研究所学位授予单位中国科学院研究生院答辩委员会主席蔡树军研究员中国科学院研究生院硕士学位论文论文题目:GaN基LED发光效率提高方法研究张扬作者:_________________________李晋闽研究员中科院半导体研究所指导教师:单位:论文提交日期:2008年 05月 23日培养单位:中国科学院半导体研究所学位授予单位:中国科学院研究生院答辩委员会主席:2GaN基LED发光效率提高方法研究Studies on the Luminous Efficiency Improvement of GaN-based Light Emitting Diodes研究生姓名:张扬指导教师姓名:李晋闽中国科学院研究生院北京100083,中国Master Degree Candidate: Zhang YangSupervisor: Li JinminInstitute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100083,P.R.CHINA中国科学院半导体研究所硕士学位论文GaN基LED发光效率提高方法研究独 创 性 说 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。



光照强度变化 英语

光照强度变化 英语

光照强度变化英语The Impact of Varying Light Intensity.Light, a fundamental component of our universe, plays a pivotal role in numerous natural and man-made processes. Among these, its intensity, measured as the amount of light energy incident on a surface per unit area per unit time, holds significant importance. Changes in light intensity can have profound effects on a wide range of systems, from the microscopic interactions within cells to the macroscale operations of entire ecosystems.In the realm of biology, photosynthesis is a prime example of how light intensity directly affects life processes. Photosynthesis, the process by which plants and certain bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy, is highly dependent on the availability and intensity of light. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll, a green pigment found in plant cells, absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucosemolecules. This process is most efficient when exposed to a specific range of light intensities. Too little light may limit the rate of photosynthesis, while too much light can cause photoinhibition, a process where excessive light energy damages the photosynthetic machinery.In the agricultural sector, understanding the impact of varying light intensity is crucial for optimizing crop yields. Farmers must consider the seasonal changes in daylight hours, cloud cover, and other factors that affect light intensity. Modern agricultural practices often incorporate the use of high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps or LED grow lights to extend the photosynthetic period and increase yields, especially in controlled environments like greenhouses.Beyond biology, light intensity also has significant impacts on the physical properties of materials. For instance, in the field of optics, changes in lightintensity can affect the way light interacts with matter. This interaction is governed by the laws of absorption, reflection, refraction, and diffraction, all of which areinfluenced by the intensity of the incoming light. Materials with variable reflectivity or absorption properties, such as photochromic glasses, change their optical characteristics in response to changes in light intensity.In the realm of human experience, light intensity plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. The perception of brightness and color is directly linked to the intensity of light. For instance, the perception of color changes as light intensity varies; a color may appear different under dim lighting compared to bright sunlight. This has important implications for fields like interior design, where lighting is used strategically to create specific moods and atmospheres.Moreover, the circadian rhythm of humans, a biological clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles and other physiological processes, is strongly influenced by light intensity. Exposure to bright light during the day helps synchronize the body's internal clock, while dim light at night can promote melatonin production, a hormone thatpromotes sleepiness. Disruptions to this rhythm, caused by changes in light intensity or exposure to artificial light at night, can lead to sleep disorders and other health issues.Technological advancements have also allowed us to harness the power of varying light intensity for practical applications. For instance, dimmable light fixtures allow users to adjust light intensity according to their needs, improving both comfort and energy efficiency. Photovoltaic cells, which convert light into electricity, are more efficient under specific light intensities, making them a viable renewable energy source.In conclusion, the impact of varying light intensity is widespread and multifaceted. It affects biological processes, physical properties, human experience, and technological applications alike. Understanding and harnessing the power of light intensity not only enhances our understanding of natural phenomena but also opens up new possibilities for improving efficiency, enhancing human well-being, and developing sustainable technologies. As wecontinue to explore the intricacies of light and its interactions with our world, the potential for new discoveries and applications remains vast.。


































”强化“的几个译法“强化”这个词,在报告中出现了 18 次。

用到了好多个词啊,列举下:o「took a full range of measures to」 maintain law and ordero「reinforce」the foundational role of competition policies,o「ensure」 national economic securityo「strengthen」 science and technologyo「improve」 the employment-first policyo「boost」 the principal role of enterprises in innovation o「enhance」 the protection of croplando「provide better」 legal services and safeguardso「tighten」regulation and supervision of food, drugs, and vaccines强化在中文的意思有两层:加强 + 提高(某一性质、程度),实际这两个意思也有点重复,一般加强了也意味着就提高了,对不?所以英文就灵活着用哪个层次的表达都行。


barrier layer
阱前插入低In 组分的InGaN 超薄层 阱后插入低In 组分的InGaN 超薄层
1. 在Si(111)面上生长100nm 厚的AlN。 T=1010℃; 2. AlN上刻蚀出条纹状沟槽,(沿 AlN (10-10方向),3um-3um,深度
2.5um; 3. 在凸起的地方继续生长AlN (或者GaN) 直到合并; 4. 合并之后在整个平面上生长LED结构。 5. HF:HNO3:CH3COOH=1:1:1 剥离Si 衬底以达到背面出光。
Improved ESD characteristic of GaN-based blue light-emitting diodes with a low temperature n-type GaN insertion layer
Enhanced Output Power in an InGaN–GaN Multiquantum-Well Light-Emitting Diode With an InGaN Current-Spreading Layer
Hole escape processes detrimental to photoluminescence efficiency in a blue InGaN multiple-quantum-well diode under reverse bias conditions
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 161109 , 2007
Improved Performance of GaN-Based Blue LEDs With the InGaN Insertion Layer Between the MQW Active Layer and the n-GaN Cladding Layer

亮度提高 英语

亮度提高 英语

亮度提高英语English:"Increasing the brightness of an image or screen involves enhancing the luminance, which makes the visuals appear lighter and more vibrant. This adjustment is crucial in various scenarios such as photography, video production, and everyday use of digital devices. Brightness enhancement can help improve visibility in dimly lit conditions, make colors pop, and improve the overall appeal of an image or video. It’s also significant for user experience on digital devices, where screen readability can heavily influence usability, especially under diverse lighting conditions. Typically, brightness is adjusted through settings on digital cameras, smartphones, computer monitors, and televisions. Software tools and applications also provide features to manipulate the brightness levels of photos and videos post-production. In photography, increasing brightness can compensate for underexposed shots, whereas, in video, it helps maintain clarity and detail in darker scenes. Moreover, in graphic design and digital art, brightness adjustment is a foundational tool for achieving the desired aesthetic and mood of the artwork. It'simportant to balance the brightness to avoid overexposure, where details can be washed out by too much light. Overall, effectively managing brightness is key to enhancing visual media and ensuring the optimal display of images and videos across various devices and platforms."中文翻译:"提高图像或屏幕的亮度涉及到增强其亮度,使视觉效果显得更加明亮和生动。

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Improvement of InGaN–GaN Light-Emitting Diode Performance With a Nano-Roughened p-GaN Surface Hung-Wen Huang,C.C.Kao,J.T.Chu,H.C.Kuo,Member,IEEE,S.C.Wang,Member,IEEE,and C.C.YuAbstract—This investigation describes the development ofInGaN–GaN light-emitting diode(LED)with a nano-roughenedtop p-GaN surface which uses Ni nano-mask and wet etching.The light output of the InGaN–GaN LED with a nano-roughenedtop p-GaN surface is1.4times that of a conventional LED,andwall-plug efficiency is45%higher.The operating voltage ofInGaN–GaN LED was reduced from3.65to3.5V at20mA andthe series resistance was reduced by20%.The light output isincreased by the nano-roughening of the top p-GaN surface.Thereduction in the series resistance can be attributed to the increasein the contact area of nano-roughened surface.Index Terms—Gallium nitride(GaN),light-emitting diode(LED),nano-mask,nickel.G ALLIUM NITRIDE(GaN)-based materials have at-tracted considerable interest in relation to their potentialuse in optoelectronic devices,such as light-emitting diodes(LEDs)and laser diodes[1].Recently,as the brightness ofGaN-based LEDs has increased,applications such as displays,traffic signals,backlights for cell phones,exterior automotivelighting,and printers have become possible.However,theinternal quantum efficiency of GaN-based LEDs is much lessthan100%at room temperature because of nonradiative defects.Furthermore,the external quantum efficiency of GaN-basedLEDs is low because the refractive index of the nitride epitaxiallayer differ greatly from that of the air.The refractive indexesof GaN and air are2.5and1.0,respectively.Thus,the criticalangle at which light generated in the InGaN-GaN active regioncan escape isapproximately,which limits the external quantum efficiency of conventional GaN-based LEDs to only a few percent[2].The light from LEDs can be enhanced either through the sample surface or through the side walls of the chip.Research into improving the light extraction efficiency(external quantum efficiency) and brightness in the LEDs[2]–[4]has been intense.Recently, Chang et al.reported that cap layers grown at low temperature (800C)increased the power output by InGaN-GaN multiple quantum well(MQW)LEDs by10%[5].Fujii reported an in-crease in the extraction efficiency of GaN-based light-emitting diodes by surface roughening[6].These processes all allow Manuscript received September9,2004;revised December6,2004.This work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Republic of China(R.O.C.)in Taiwan under Contract NSC92-2215-E-009-015,NSC 92-2112-M-009-026and by the Academic Excellence Program of the R.O.C. Ministry of Education under the Contract88-FA06-AB.H.-W.Huang,C.C.Kao,J.T.Chu,H.C.Kuo,and S.C.Wang are with the Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering,National Chiao Tung University,Hsinchu300,Taiwan,R.O.C.,and also with TrueLight Corporation,Hsinchu300,Taiwan,R.O.C.( is with the Global Union Technology Corporation,Hsinchu300, Taiwan,R.O.C.Digital Object Identifier10.1109/LPT.2005.846741the photons generated within the LEDs tofind the escape cone by multiply scattering from a rough surface.Huh et that microroughening the top surface of an InGaN–GaN LED using metal clusters as a wet etching mask increased the wall-plug efficiency by62%[2].Huh et al.showed a large improvement in the light output power,indicating that the use of metal clusters to fabricate a roughened p-GaN surface is an excellent means of making a high-power LED.However, higher treatment temperature of900C is necessary to form Pt clusters.Therefore,higher temperature may increase the In-dium segregation probability in the InGaN–GaN quantum well region and reduce the internal quantum efficiency[7],[8].Pt has a high melting point and chemical stability[9].Therefore, specific wet chemical etching should be necessary to remove Pt metal clusters by dipping into a boiling aqua-regia solution [2].This investigation reports on the production of GaN LED with a nano-roughened p-GaN surface using a self-assembled Ni metal cluster as the wet etching mask.The dimensions and density of the self-assembled Ni cluster can be controlled by rapid thermal annealing(RTA)at temperatures from750C to850C,details of which have been recently reported[10]. As a result,the light output efficiency of the LED with a nano-roughened surface was significantly higher than that of a conventional LED without a roughened surface.Additionally, the current–voltage–measurements demonstrate that the forward voltage of an LED with a nano-roughened surface was lower than that of a conventional LED.The GaN LED samples were grown by metal–organic chem-ical vapor deposition with a rotating-disk reactor(Emcore D75) ona-axis sapphire(0001)substrate at a growth pressure of 200mbar.Trimethylgallium,trimethylaluminum ammonia, CP Mg,and SiH were used as sources of Ga,Al,N,Mg,and Si.The LED structure includes a30-nm-thick GaN low-temper-ature buffer layer,a4.0-m-thick highly conductive Si-doped GaN layer(grown at1050C),an active region of undoped MQWs that includes2/5-nm-thickInGa N–GaN with five periods of MQWs(grown at750C),a50-nm-thick Mg-doped AlGaN layer(grown at1050C),andfinally0.1-m-thick Mg-doped GaN grown at1050 C.The top surface of LED,which is a p-GaN surface,was roughened by both the formation of an Ni nano-mask on a top p-GaN surface of an LED and by wet etching.The surface roughness of the LED cap layer was measured by tapping mode atomic force microscopy(Veeco).Nano-roughened LEDs were formed by depositing an Ni thin film with a thickness of5nm on a p-GaN surface by electron beam evaporation.RTA was then performed at850C for1min to change the Ni layer to the metal Ni nano-mask on the top p-GaN surface.Then,wet etching was performed to produce nano-roughened LEDs,using a boiling85%phosphoric acid1041-1135/$20.00©2005IEEEHPO solution for 4-min etching.The etching rate of the p-GaN layer in boiling 85%HPO solution was determined to be approximately 15nm/mim at 200 C.The nano-roughened LED was dipped into a nitric acid solutionHNO for 5min to remove the Ni nano-mask from a nano-roughened LED after the wet etching process.Afterwards,the conventional LED and the LED with a nano-roughened surface were fabricated using the standard process (four mask steps)with a mesa area(300300m ).First,the0.5-m SiO was deposited onto the sample surface by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposi-tion.Photolithography was used to de fine the mesa pattern after wet etching of SiO by a buffer oxide etching solution.The mesa etching was then performed with Cl –Ar as the etching gas in an inductively coupled plasma (ICP)reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE)system (SAMCO ICP-RIE 101iPH)which the ICP source power and bias power were operated at 13.56MHz.The metal contact layers,including transparent contact and pad layers,were patterned by a liftoff procedure and deposited onto samples by electron beam evaporation.Ni –Au (3/5nm)was used for the transparent electrode and Ti –Al –Ni –Au (20/150/20/200nm)was used for the n-type electrode.Finally,Ni –Au (20/150nm)was deposited onto the p-type electrode.Fig.1(a)–(c)shows the atomic force microscopy (AFM)images that describe the change of the surface morphology of the p-GaN surface during surface-roughening.Fig.1(a)shows that the conventional p-GaN cap has a root-mean-square (rms)roughness of 0.7nm,and a surface depth of approximately 2nm.The surface of the conventional LED was smooth.Fig.1(b)shows a nano-mask AFM image rms roughness of 5.9nm before wet etching was performed.The self-assem-bled Ni mask dimension size and density were approximately250nmandcm ,and the height of the Ni clusters was approximately 30nm when the original Ni thickness was 50Åunder RTA conditions of 850C for 1min.Fig.1(c)dis-plays the AFM image that shows that rms roughness of p-GaN surface increased drastically to 3.6nm,and the surface depth was approximately 15nm after wet etching and the removal of the Ni nano-mask.The–characteristics of the conventional and nano-rough-ened LEDs were also measured.Fig.2plots the–charac-teristics of conventional and nano-roughened LEDs.The for-ward voltages of the conventional and nano-roughened LEDs were 3.65and 3.5V at a driving current of 20mA,respec-tively.Furthermore,the dynamicresistanceof the nano-roughened LED(32)was 20%lower than that of the conventional LED(40).The reduction in the series re-sistance of the LED with wet etching on a top nano-rough-ened LED surface can be attributed to the improvement in the ohmic contact resistance caused by the increase in the contact area [2].The inset in Fig.2shows that the rough surface of the LED nano-roughened using an Ni nano-mask and wet etching did not induce a larger leakage current than that in the conven-tional LED.Furthermore,two devices,based on conventional and nano-roughened LEDs,in HBM (human body mode)were observed in an electrostatic discharge test at a reverse voltageof 300V .Electroluminescence (EL)was measured by injecting a con-tinuous current into a device at room temperature.The light output was detected using a calibrated large-area SiphotodiodeFig.1.AFM images of the top surface morphology of an LED sample.(a)Conventional LED p-GaN surface image.(b)Ni nano-mask on p-GaN surface image.(c)Nano-roughened LED top p-GaN surface image.placed 5mm from the top of the device.This detecting conditioncovers .Fig.3(a)and (b)plots the spectra and intensity-cur-rent–characteristics of conventional and nano-roughened LEDs.The EL intensity of the nano-roughened LED exceeds that observed from the conventional LED [as shown in Fig.3(a)].At an injection current of 20mA,all of the MQW emission peaks of these two were at approximately 450nm and theHUANG et al.:IMPROVEMENT OF InGaN –GaN LED PERFORMANCE WITH A NANO-ROUGHENED p-GaN SURFACE985Fig. 2.I –V forward curves of conventional and nano-roughened LEDs fabricated in this investigation.The inset shows reverse curves of the twodevices.Fig. 3.(a)Room temperature EL spectrum of conventional and nano-roughened LED at a current of 20mA.(b)Light output power-current (L –I )characteristics of conventional and nano-roughened LEDs.light output power of the conventional and nano-roughened LEDs were approximately 4.5and 6.3mW,respectively [as shown in Fig.3(b)].Restated,nano-roughening the p-GaN surface increased the output power of the InGaN-GaN MQW LEDs by a factor of 1.4,indicating that the LED with the nano-roughened surface had larger light extraction ef ficiency.The wall-plug ef ficiency (output power/input power)was also calculated:It was 45%higher than that of the conventional LED at an injection current of 20mA,because of enhanced light output power and a lower forward voltage.The intensity distributions of conventional and nano-rough-ened LEDs were measured to investigate further the in fluence of surface roughness on the light output performance of an LED.Fig.4(a)and (b)shows the photons of conventional and nano-roughened LEDs when a 20-mA dc current is injected into these two devices.Intensity distributions are also shown.The EL in-tensities observed from the nano-roughened LED clearly ex-ceeded those from the conventional LED at the same injection current,especially on the LED top surface.Such an enhance-ment could be attributed to the top surface roughness and the fact that photons were more likely to be emitted from the sur-face-roughed device,resulting in an increase in the light output power of the nano-roughened LED,as shown in Fig.3.In summary,this investigation describes the improvement of an InGaN –GaN MQW LED by nano-roughening the p-GaN surface using Ni nano-mask and wet etching.The nano-rough-ened surface improved the escape probability ofphotonsFig.4.Photons of (a)conventional LED and (b)nano-roughened LED at a dc injection current of 20mA.inside the LED structure,increasing by 40%the light output of InGaN –GaN LED at 20mA.The operating voltage of the InGaN –GaN LED was reduced from 3.65to 3.5V at 20mA and the series resistance was reduced by 20%by the increase in the contact area of the nano-roughened surface.The wall-plug ef ficiency of the InGaN –GaN LED was increased by 45%by nano-roughening the top p-GaN surface using the Ni nano-mask and wet etching.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank Prof.S.Wu,i,and T.H.Hseuh from National Chiao Tung University,Prof.J.K.Shen from National Chen Kung University,and Dr.C.F.Chu of Highlink Corporation for useful discussion.R EFERENCES[1]S.Nakamura,M.Senoh,S.Nagahama,N.Iwasa,T.Yamada,T.Matsushita,Y .Sugimoto,and H.Kiyoku,“Room-temperature con-tinuous-wave operation of InGaN multiquantum-well-structure laser diodes with a long lifetime,”Appl.Phys.Lett.,vol.70,pp.868–870,1997.[2] C.Huh,K.S.Lee,E.J.Kang,and S.J.Park,“Improved light-output andelectrical performance of InGaN-based light-emitting diode by micror-oughening of the p-GaN surface,”J.Appl.Phys.,vol.93,pp.9383–9385,2003.[3]T.N.Oder,K.H.Kim,J.Y .Lin,and H.X.Jiang,“III-nitride blue andultraviolet photonic crystal light emitting diodes,”Appl.Phys.Lett.,vol.84,pp.466–468,2004.[4]T.Fujii,Y .Gao,R.Sharma,E.L.Hu,S.P.DenBaars,and S.Nakamura,“Increase in the extraction ef ficiency of GaN-based light-emitting diodes via surface 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