



PS颜色代码比较全的-ps颜色代码表PS 颜色代码比较全的 ps 颜色代码表在平面设计、图像处理等领域,Photoshop(简称 PS)是一款被广泛使用的软件。

而对于 PS 中的颜色运用,掌握颜色代码是非常重要的。

本文将为您提供一份相对较全的 PS 颜色代码表,并对其进行详细的介绍和解释。


颜色代码是一种用于表示颜色的特定字符组合,通过这些代码,我们可以在 PS 中准确地选择和应用我们想要的颜色。

在 PS 中,常见的颜色代码表示方式有两种:十六进制颜色代码和RGB 颜色代码。




其中,00 表示最小值,FF 表示最大值。

RGB 颜色代码则是通过分别指定红、绿、蓝三种颜色的值来表示颜色。

其格式为“rgb(红色值, 绿色值, 蓝色值)”。

例如,“rgb(255, 255, 255)”表示白色,“rgb(0, 0, 0)”表示黑色。

这里的颜色值范围是 0 到 255。

接下来,为您列举一些常见的颜色及其对应的颜色代码:红色:十六进制颜色代码:FF0000 RGB 颜色代码:rgb(255, 0, 0)橙色:十六进制颜色代码:FFA500 RGB 颜色代码:rgb(255, 165, 0)黄色:十六进制颜色代码:FFFF00 RGB 颜色代码:rgb(255, 255, 0)绿色:十六进制颜色代码:008000 RGB 颜色代码:rgb(0, 128, 0)蓝色:十六进制颜色代码:0000FF RGB 颜色代码:rgb(0, 0, 255)紫色:十六进制颜色代码:800080RGB 颜色代码:rgb(128, 0, 128)粉色:十六进制颜色代码:FFC0CBRGB 颜色代码:rgb(255, 192, 203)棕色:十六进制颜色代码:A52A2ARGB 颜色代码:rgb(165, 42, 42)灰色:十六进制颜色代码:808080RGB 颜色代码:rgb(128, 128, 128)以上只是一小部分常见颜色的代码示例,实际上还有无数种颜色可以通过不同的颜色代码来表示。

.ps1 命令参数

.ps1 命令参数


\d:代表日期,格式为weekday month date,例如:"Mon Aug 1"。














例如,要设置命令行的格式为绿字黑底,显示当前用户的账号名称(\u)、主机的第一个名字(\h)、完整的当前工作目录名称(\w)、24小时格式时间(\t),可以直接在命令行键入如下命令:PS1='[[\e[32;40m]\u@\h \w \t]$ [\e[0m]'。






什么是11Ps营销理论作者:佚名来源:MBALIB百科点击数: 362 日期:2008-2-241986年6月,美国著名市场营销学家菲利浦·科特勒教授又提出了11P营销理念,即在大营销6P之外加上调研、区隔、优先、定位和人,并将产品、定价、渠道、促销称为战术4P,将探查、分割、优先、定位称为战略4P。











aips11说明书AIPS11 是一款先进的软件产品,能够在信息处理方面发挥巨大的作用。

本文将为读者提供 AIPS11 的详细说明,包括其功能、特点以及使用方法。

1. AIPS11 的功能与特点:AIPS11 是一个多功能的软件产品,具有以下几个显著的特点:- 数据处理:AIPS11 能够处理各种类型的数据,包括数字图像、文本文档、音频文件等。


- 数据可视化:AIPS11 具备强大的数据可视化功能,能够通过图形、图表等方式将数据直观地展现出来,帮助用户更好地理解和分析数据。

- 自动化任务:AIPS11 支持自动化任务处理,可以根据预设的条件和参数自动执行一系列操作,提高工作效率。

- 高度定制化:AIPS11 具备高度定制化的特点,用户可以根据自己的需要自定义工作空间、快捷键以及插件等,提高工作效率。

- 多平台支持:AIPS11 可以在多个操作系统上运行,包括Windows、Mac、Linux 等,适应不同用户的需求。

2. AIPS11 的使用方法:AIPS11 的使用方法分为以下几个步骤:- 步骤1:安装和启动。

用户首先需要根据自己使用的操作系统下载并安装 AIPS11。


- 步骤2:导入数据。

用户可以通过文件菜单选择导入数据的方式,将需要处理的数据文件导入到 AIPS11 中。

- 步骤3:数据处理。

AIPS11 提供了丰富的数据处理功能,用户可以通过菜单或快捷键选择相应的功能,对数据进行处理和分析。

- 步骤4:数据可视化。


- 步骤5:自动化任务。


- 步骤6:保存和导出。


- 步骤7:关闭和退出。





A) 处理器处理数据的宽度B) 存储一个字符的位数C) 屏幕一行显示字符的个数D) 存储一个汉字的位数【解析】字长是CPU的主要技术指标之一,指的是CPU一次能并行处理的二进制位数,字长越长,运算精度越高,处理能力越强。




A) FORTRAN语言B) JAVA语言C) Visual Basic 语言D) 80X86汇编语言【解析】常见的高级语言有BASIC语言、FORTRAN语言、C语言和Pascal语言等。



A) 384B) 288C) 256D) 144【解析】在48×48的网格中描绘一个汉字,整个网格分为48行48列,每个小格用1位二进制编码表示,每一行需要48个二进制位,占6个字节,48行共占48×6=288个字节。


A) 容量大B) 速度快C) 安全性高D) 兼容性好【解析】移动硬盘和U盘都是外部存储器,都具有体积小、重量轻、存取速度快、安全性高等特点,但是市场上移动硬盘的容量一般比U盘的容量要高。



A) 编译程序直接生成可执行文件B) 编译程序直接执行源程序C) 编译程序完成高级语言程序到低级语言程序的等价翻译D) 各种编译程序构造都比较复杂,所以执行效率高【解析】编译程序也叫编译系统,是把用高级语言编写的面向过程的源程序翻译成目标程序的语言处理程序。


6微机上广泛使用的Windows XP是()。

A) 多任务操作系统B) 单任务操作系统C) 实时操作系统D) 批处理操作系统【解析】Windows属于单用户多任务操作系统。




PS术语及操作指令中英对照以下是一些PS(Adobe Photoshop)的术语及操作指令的中英对照:1. File - 文件2. New - 新建3. Open - 打开4. Save - 保存5. Save As - 另存为6. Close - 关闭8. Undo - 撤销9. Redo - 重做10. Cut - 剪切11. Copy - 复制12. Paste - 粘贴13. Select - 选择14. Deselect - 取消选择15. Transform - 变换16. Image - 图像17. Adjustments - 调整18. Brightness/Contrast - 亮度/对比度19. Levels - 色阶20. Curves - 曲线21. Hue/Saturation - 色相/饱和度22. Shadows/Highlights - 阴影/高光23. Filters - 滤镜24. Blur - 模糊25. Sharpen - 锐化26. Distort - 动态27. Liquify - 液化28. Noise - 噪点29. Type - 文本30. Horizontal Type Tool - 水平文本工具31. Vertical Type Tool - 垂直文本工具32. Eyedropper - 吸管33. Clone Stamp - 图章34. Healing Brush - 治疗画笔35. Brush - 画笔36. Pencil - 铅笔37. Eraser - 橡皮擦38. Fill - 填充39. Gradient - 渐变40. Zoom - 缩放41. View - 视图42. Actual Pixels - 实际像素43. Fit on Screen - 适应屏幕44. Window - 窗口45. Layers - 图层46. Layer Style - 图层样式47. Blending Options - 混合选项48. Opacity - 不透明度49. Layer Mask - 图层蒙版50. Group - 群组51. Merge - 合并52. Flatten Image - 扁平化图像53. Filter - 滤镜54. Liquify - 液化55. Sharpen - 锐化56. Distort - 扭曲57. Adjustments - 调整58. Brightness/Contrast - 亮度/对比度59. Levels - 色阶60. Hue/Saturation - 色相/饱和度61. Image Size - 图像尺寸62. Canvas Size - 画布尺寸63. Image Rotation - 图像旋转64. Flip - 翻转65. Rotate - 旋转66. Perspective - 透视67. Crop - 裁剪68. Magic Wand - 魔术棒69. Lasso - 套索70. Quick Selection - 快速选择71. Pen - 笔工具72. Smudge - 涂抹工具73. Spot Healing Brush - 治疗画笔74. Clone Stamp - 图章75. Eraser - 橡皮擦76. Dodge - 避开77. Burn - 加深78. Blur - 模糊79. Sharpen - 锐化80. Sponge - 浸泡81. Text - 文本82. Move - 移动83. Eyedropper - 吸管84. Hand - 手形工具85. Zoom - 缩放86. Actual Pixels - 实际像素87. Fit on Screen - 适应屏幕88. Layers - 图层89. Layer Style - 图层样式90. Blending Options - 混合选项91. Opacity - 不透明度92. Layer Mask - 图层蒙版93. Group - 群组94. Merge - 合并95. Flatten Image - 扁平化图像96. File Format - 文件格式97.JPEG-JPEG98.PNG-PNG99.GIF-GIF100.PSD-PSD101.TIFF-TIFF102.BMP-BMP103.PDF-PDF104.EPS-EPS105. Targa - Targa106. Image Size - 图像尺寸107. Canvas Size - 画布尺寸108. Resolution - 分辨率109. Color Mode - 色彩模式110.RGB-RGB111.CMYK-CMYK112. Grayscale - 灰度113. Lab Color - Lab颜色114. Smart Objects - 智能对象115. Smart Filters - 智能滤镜116. Perspective Warp - 透视变形117. Content-Aware Fill - 以内容为基础的填充118. Content-Aware Move - 以内容为基础的移动119. Puppet Warp - 玩偶变形120. Vanishing Point - 消失点121. Camera Raw - 相机原始文件122. Panorama - 全景照片123. Stitch - 拼接124. Photomerge - 图片合并125.HDR-高动态范围126. High Dynamic Range - 高动态范围127. Blend Modes - 混合模式128. Normal - 正常129. Dissolve - 分解130. Darken - 变暗131. Multiply - 正片叠底132. Color Burn - 颜色加深133. Linear Burn - 线性加深134. Lighten - 变亮136. Color Dodge - 颜色减淡137. Linear Dodge - 线性减淡138. Overlay - 叠加140. Hard Light - 强光141. Vivid Light - 亮光142. Linear Light - 线性光143. Pin Light - 点光144. Hard Mix - 实色混合145. Difference - 差异146. Exclusion - 排除147. Hue - 色相148. Saturation - 饱和度149. Color - 色度150. Luminosity - 明度。





螺纹分内螺纹和外螺纹两种;2. 按牙形分可分为:1)三角形螺纹2)梯形螺纹3)矩形螺纹4)锯齿形螺纹;3。


按旋入方向分左旋螺纹和右旋螺纹两种,右旋不标注,左旋加LH,如M24×1.5LH;5. 按用途不同分有:米制普通螺纹、用螺纹密封的管螺纹、非螺纹密封的管螺纹、60°圆锥管螺纹、米制锥螺纹等二. 米制普通螺纹1。

米制普通螺纹用大写M表示,牙型角2α=60°(α表示牙型半角);2. 米制普通螺纹按螺距分粗牙普通螺纹和细牙普通螺纹两种;2。







米制普通螺纹的标记:M20—6H、M20×1.5LH—6g-40,其中M 表示米制普通螺纹,20表示螺纹的公称直径为20mm,1。




13P):表1 常用米制普通粗牙螺纹的直径/螺距公称直径螺距P 铸铁底孔碳钢底孔外螺纹光杆直径公称直径螺距P 铸铁底孔碳钢底孔外螺纹光杆直径M5 0。

8 4。

1 4。

2 4。

9 M24 3 20。

8 21 23.7M6 1 4.9 5 5。

9 M27 3 23。

8 24 26.7M8 1。

25 6.6 6.7 7.9 M30 3.5 26。

3 26.5 29.6M10 1.5 8。



Standard Size Rotaries Series HS TS PSGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSElectrical CapacityResistive Load:HS13: 6A @ 125V AC, 3A @ 250V AC, or 5A @ 30V DCHS16: 12A @ 125V AC or 6A @ 250V ACTS: 6A @ 125/250V ACPS: 30A @ 125/250V ACOther RatingsContact Resistance: 10 milliohms maximumInsulation Resistance: 200 megohms minimum @ 500V DCDielectric Strength:1,500V AC minimum for 1 minute minimumMechanical Life:HS: 15,000 operations minimumTS: 30,000 operations minimumPS: 10,000 operations minimumElectrical Life:HS: 7,500 operations minimumTS: 10,000 operations minimumPS: 5,000 operations minimumIndexing: 30° for HS16, TS & PS; 45° for HS13Contact Timing: Nonshorting HS13; Shorting & Nonshorting HS16; Nonshorting TS; Nonshorting PS Range of Operating Torque:HS16: 0.54 ~ 0.64Nm for first pole & 0.05Nm for each additional poleHS13: 0.15 ~ 0.24NmTS: 0.09Nm for first pole & (0.07Nm x total number of poles) + 0.13Nm for additional polesPS: 0.14Nm for each poleMaterials & FinishesKnob:Phenolic resinShaft:HS13: brass; HS16, TS, & PS: brass with nickel platingBushing:HS13: brass; HS16, TS, & PS: brass with nickel platingCase:Phenolic resinMovable Contacts:HS13, HS16, & TS phosphor bronze; PS silver alloyStationary Contacts:HS13, HS16, & PS: brass with silver plating; TS: phosphor bronzeTerminals:HS: phosphor bronze; TS & PS: copper with silver platingEnvironmental DataOperating Temp Range: –10°C through +70°C (+14°F through +158°F)Humidity:90 ~ 98% humidity for 96 hours @ 40°C (104°F)Vibration:10 ~ 55 Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range& returning in 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hoursShock:50G (490m/s2) acceleration (tested in 3 right angled directions, with 3 shocks in each direction)InstallationMounting Torque: 2.94Nm (26 lb•in)Maximum Panel Thickness:Shown with panel cutouts in following drawingsSoldering Time & Temperature:Manual Soldering (HS series only): See Profile A in Supplement section.Standards & CertificationsUL Recognized:HS16 models 1– through 6–pole are recognized at 12A @ 125V AC & 6A @ 250V ACSee Supplement section to find UL rating details. UL File No. WOYR2.E44145Add “/U” to end of part number to order UL mark on switch.C-UL Recognized:HS16 models 1– through 6–pole are recognized at 12A @ 125V AC & 6A @ 250V ACSee Supplement section to find C-UL rating details. UL File No. WOYR8.E44145Add “/C-UL” to end of part number to order UL mark on switch.Switch is viewed from shaft end and shown in position 1. Terminal numbers are not on switch. Standard Hardware shown on last page of this section.Maximum Effective Panel ThicknessWith Locking Ring .150” (3.8mm)Without Locking Ring .189” (4.8mm)Maximum Effective Panel ThicknessWith Locking Ring .189” (4.8mm)Without Locking Ring .228” (5.8mm)• On each deck of multipole devices common and load terminals are in the same positions as shown in the schematic above.• Switch is viewed from the shaft end and shown in position 1.• Terminal numbers are on the switch bottom. Stopper positions are molded on the top of the switch.• Standard Hardware shown on last page of this section.HS16-2NHS13X.236.236• Standard Hardware shown on last page of this section.Maximum Effective Panel ThicknessWith Locking Ring.189” (4.8mm)Without Locking Ring.228” (5.8mm)Panel Cutouts BottomTopTS5N.236• Standard Hardware shown on last page of this section.Panel Cutout BottomTopPS4NMaximum Effective Panel ThicknessWithout Locking Ring.189” (4.8mm).236Standard Size RotariesSeries HS TS PSShaftSHAFT TYPESOPTIONAL KNOBS FOR D FLAT SHAFTSSTOPPER SETTINGD Flat Shaft For use withAT431 and AT432Knurled ShaftNot for use with AT431 or AT432Knob Orientation The rotary knobs used on the D-flat shafts can be oriented on the switch to suit the customer’s particular front panel needs simply by sliding the knob over the square adaptor at the preferred orientation.AT432Small Knob Phenolic Resin Black only with whiteindicator lineFor HS16, TS, & PS ModelsThe HS16, TS, and PS switches are supplied with the stopper plate set for the maximum number of positions allowed for that model. Prior to installation, the desired stopper setting should be made:1. Be sure the shaft is turned counterclockwise to the extreme left. If theshaft is not turned counterclockwise to the extreme left, proper setting cannot be achieved.2. Loosen the nut far enough to allow raising the stopper plate for resetting.3. Insert the stopper in the numbered hole for the desired stopper setting.Satisfactory switch functioning cannot be assured if the stopper plate is not properly positioned.4. Tighten the nut firmly against the stopped plate.Standard Hardware Supplied with HS, TS, and PS:AT526 Hex Mounting Nut (quantity 3)AT518 Locking Ring (quantity 1)AT520 Split Lockwasher (quantity 1)Use of mounting supports on PS is optional; screws are not provided.AT431Large Knob Black only with white indicatorline。



计算机一级ps考试试题及答案一、选择题1. Photoshop的功能是什么?A. 图像处理B. 网页设计C. 动画制作D. 文字编辑2. 在Photoshop中,Ctrl + T的快捷键用于什么功能?A. 复制图层B. 剪切选区C. 变换对象D. 取色器3. 以下哪个是Photoshop的文件格式?A. .jpgB. .exeC. .docD. .mp34. 在Photoshop中,以下哪个工具可以用来修复照片中的缺陷?A. 橡皮擦工具B. 修复画笔工具C. 文字工具D. 魔棒工具5. 在Photoshop中,以下哪个选项可以调整图像的亮度和对比度?A. 色阶B. 饱和度C. 色相/饱和度D. 曲线二、填空题6. 在Photoshop中,通过选择“图像”菜单中的_________选项,可以调整图像的大小。

答案:图像大小7. 在Photoshop中,通过选择“编辑”菜单中的_________选项,可以撤销上一步操作。

答案:撤销8. 在Photoshop中,通过选择“滤镜”菜单中的_________选项,可以给图像添加艺术效果。

答案:艺术化9. 在Photoshop中,通过选择“选项”菜单中的_________选项,可以设置工作区的外观。

答案:界面10. 在Photoshop中,通过选择“文件”菜单中的_________选项,可以保存当前的工作。

答案:保存三、判断题11. 在Photoshop中,Ctrl + A的快捷键可以选择整个图层。

答案:正确12. 在Photoshop中,Ctrl + Z的快捷键可以重做上一步操作。

答案:错误13. 在Photoshop中,可以使用梯度工具来创建一个渐变的背景。

答案:正确14. 在Photoshop中,可以通过选择“颜色”菜单中的选项来改变图像的尺寸。

答案:错误15. 在Photoshop中,可以使用蒙版工具来隐藏图层的一部分。

答案:正确四、简答题16. 请简述Photoshop中的图层是什么,如何使用图层来编辑图像?答:在Photoshop中,图层是图像处理的基本单位,可以将不同的元素分别放置在不同的图层上进行编辑。



photoshop序列号[adobe,photoshop,cs5,序列号] practivate.adobe. ereg.adobe. activate.wip3.adobe. wip3.adobe. 3dns-3.adobe. 3dns-2.adobe. adobe-dns.adobe. adobe-dns-2.adobe. adobe-dns-3.adobe. ereg.wip3.adobe. activate-sea.adobe. wwis-dubc1-vip60.adobe. activate-sjc0.adobe.以防止其连接Adobe 的激活验证服务器。



2. 安装时再使用下面的序列号,如果不能安装,务必选择“安装此产品的试用版”,这样安装过程就不会提示插入光盘。

__-1094-1126__-1094-1178Adobe PhotoShop CS5 Extends序列号:__-9749-7897 序列号:__-2520-5424 序列号:__-0630-3107 序列号:__-8092-8237 序列号:__-1688-5114 序列号:__-4138-6389 篇三:Adobe_Photoshop_CS5的安装序列号及方法一、Adobe Photoshop CS5 官方简体中文正式版下载地址:二、安装和激活方法以下介绍两种破解方法:方法一:用注册机破解。

下载的文件中包括2个文件:photoshopcs5.7z:Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 官方简体中文版安装压缩包。



















此外,还有-l、-w、-k等参数可以用于ps命令,具体使用方法可以参考ps 命令的官方文档或相关教程。



Photoshop CS5中文版完全剖析/item.htm?sp m=686.1000925.1000774.40.lOtIXO&id=159********P hotoshop(简称PS)是CG行业使用最广泛的软件之一。























2021零基础ps大师修炼 之路【渡一教育】
2 0 2 x - 11 - 11
01 第1章ps大师进阶之路a篇
第1章ps 大师进阶 之路a篇
0 1
1-1初识ps(领 学习资料加wx: duyi_sjzl)
1-2认识主界面 (领学习资料加 wx:duyi_sjzl)
1-3创建打开及 保存(领资料加 wx:duyi_sjzl)
0 4
1-4使用须知和 准备
0 5
0 6
1-6图层的基础 知识
第1章ps大师 进阶之路a篇
1-12图像 修复工具
1-7移动工 具详解
1-11画笔-10选区的 编辑与调整
1-9魔法选 择工具
1-13调整类工 具
03 1-15钢笔
1-16形状工具 1
1-17形状工具 2
1-18文字处理 工具
单击此处添加文本具体内 容,简明扼要的阐述您的 观点。根据需要可酌情增 减文字,以便观者准确的 理解您传达的思想。
第1章ps大师进阶 之路a篇
1-19变换控件与变形 1-20智能对象图层

ps视频 ps教程 ps培训 photoshop平面设计培训【一点空间教育】

ps视频 ps教程 ps培训 photoshop平面设计培训【一点空间教育】








二、亮点试题分析1.【试卷原题】11.已知,,A B C 是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足AB AC →→=,则AB AC →→⋅的最小值为( )A .14-B .12-C .34-D .1-【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。


【易错点】1.不能正确用OA ,OB ,OC 表示其它向量。

2.找不出OB 与OA 的夹角和OB 与OC 的夹角的倍数关系。



Photoshop小技巧 之 11款强大高效的Photoshop扩展插 件介绍
1. Layrs:免费的PS扩展,能为你简化繁琐的操作, 比如:图层名称编辑器、删除未使用的图层效果、合 拼所有图层效果、删除空层、栅格化所有智能对象 2. Blendme.In:这插件是多数网页设计师和做手机 界面的UI设计师特别喜欢的,blendeme提供很多优秀 的UI设计元素,如图标、UI kits、等等。 3. Cut&Slice Me:这个PS扩展可以智能切图和导出 切片功效,并能导出不同设备类型的切片。如果你的 图层命名能符合Cut&Slice的命名规则,它导出的切 片还能帮你根据设备类型来优化切图命名。
8. ZEICK:将Photoshop的图标导出成SVG格式,SVG 图标好处就是像矢量格式一样,在网页自由缩放都不 会模糊,另外网页设计师还能结合icomoon.io来生成 自己的网页图标字体。这个只能在Photoshop CC版本 上使用。 9. GuideGuide:帮你解决画栅格线的烦恼。 10. Breezy:PNG切图工具,支持一次性选定多个图层 以及组来分别导出,导出的文件名以图层来命名。 11.Skeuomorphism.It:几秒钟就能实现一个扁平化效 果的Photosender.ly这个扩展和Cut&Slice功能 类似,它有个特点就是可以给你的布局上留下说明、 评论并能同步到云端。 5. CSS3Ps:可以方便的把带图标样式的图层、形状 导出为CSS3、SCSS、格式。比如一些带渐变、圆角、 内发光、内阴影样式的图形或文字都可以导出来。、 6. Composer:可以同时对多个图层进行相同的操作。 7. Web Font Plugin:网页字体插件,内嵌1000多个 Google字体,方便设计师直接预览Web字体效果。



第一章国标螺纹的一般知识一. 螺纹的分类1. 螺纹分内螺纹和外螺纹两种;2. 按牙形分可分为:1)三角形螺纹2)梯形螺纹3)矩形螺纹4)锯齿形螺纹;3. 按线数分单头螺纹和多头螺纹;4. 按旋入方向分左旋螺纹和右旋螺纹两种, 右旋不标注,左旋加LH,如M24×1.5LH;5. 按用途不同分有:米制普通螺纹、用螺纹密封的管螺纹、非螺纹密封的管螺纹、60°圆锥管螺纹、米制锥螺纹等二. 米制普通螺纹1. 米制普通螺纹用大写M表示,牙型角2α=60°(α表示牙型半角);2. 米制普通螺纹按螺距分粗牙普通螺纹和细牙普通螺纹两种;2.1. 粗牙普通螺纹标记一般不标明螺距,如M20表示粗牙螺纹;细牙螺纹标记必须标明螺距,如M30×1.5表示细牙螺纹、其中螺距为1.5。

2.2. 普通螺纹用于机械零件之间的连接和紧固,一般螺纹连接多用粗牙螺纹,细牙螺纹比同一公称直径的粗牙螺纹强度略高,自锁性能较好。

3. 米制普通螺纹的标记:M20-6H、M20×1.5LH-6g-40,其中M 表示米制普通螺纹,20表示螺纹的公称直径为20mm,1.5表示螺距,LH表示左旋,6H、6g表示螺纹精度等级,大写精度等级代号表示内螺纹,小写精度等级代号表示外螺纹,40表示旋合长度;3.1. 常用米制普通粗牙螺纹的螺距如下表(螺纹底孔直径:碳钢φ=公称直径-P;铸铁φ=公称直径-1.05~1.1P;加工外螺纹光杆直径取φ=公称直径-0.13P):表1 常用米制普通粗牙螺纹的直径/螺距公称直径螺距P 铸铁底孔碳钢底孔外螺纹光杆直径公称直径螺距P 铸铁底孔碳钢底孔外螺纹光杆直径M5 0.8 4.1 4.2 4.9 M24 3 20.8 21 23.7M6 1 4.9 5 5.9 M27 3 23.8 24 26.7M8 1.25 6.6 6.7 7.9 M30 3.5 26.3 26.5 29.6M10 1.5 8.3 8.5 9.8 M33 3.5 29.3 29.5 32.6M12 1.75 10.3 10.4 11.8 M36 4 31.7 32 35.5M14 2 11.7 12 13.7 M42 4.5 37.2 37.5 41.5M16 2 13.8 14 15.7 M48 5 42.5 43 47.5M18 2.5 15.3 15.5 17.7 M56 5.5 50 50.5 55.5M20 2.5 17.3 17.5 19.7 M64 6 57.5 58 63.53.2. 米制普通内螺纹的加工底孔直径可用下式作近似计算:d=D-1.0825P,其中D为公称直径,P为螺距。



Photoshop序列号什么是Photoshop序列号?Photoshop序列号是指Adobe Photoshop软件的注册码或许可证密钥,它是用于激活和授权软件的唯一识别码。





如何获取合法的Photoshop序列号?要获取合法的Photoshop序列号,您有几个选项:1. 购买正版软件最可靠的获取Photoshop序列号的方式是购买正版软件。



2. 订阅Adobe Creative Cloud如果您更喜欢按需使用软件而不是购买完整的许可证,您可以考虑订阅Adobe Creative Cloud服务。

Creative Cloud是Adobe提供的一项订阅服务,您可以根据需要订阅Photoshop 及其他创意软件。

订阅Creative Cloud会提供您一个有效的序列号,并可以享受软件的最新功能和更新。

3. 寻找授权或折扣有时,您可能会找到某些途径提供授权的Photoshop序列号,或者以折扣价格出售。



序列号的使用和注意事项无论您是通过购买正版软件、订阅Creative Cloud还是从授权渠道获取序列号,以下是一些使用序列号的注意事项:•请妥善保管您的序列号,避免泄露给他人。



7)调好各种参数。 5)在名称对话框中输入名称。
Photoshop的拾色器 (1)RGB颜色模型:
(4)CIE Lab颜色模型:
Photoshop7中有着不同的颜色模型,例如 RGB、CMYK都有对应的模式。另外还有 黑白图像、灰度图等不同的模型
,建立以遮罩范围显示的通道Alpha 1,也 可在弹出的对话框中如图5-27所示,选择 选框。

使用文字建立选区,如果对文字大小或位置感 到不满,可执行 命令,然后进行调节,最后用白色填充,并取 消选区。
2.1图层面板 2.3图层的基本操作
1)打开一幅图像。 2)在图层面板中,单击最上层的图层,设置该图层为当前层,使调整图层对 整个图像文件的两个图层都起作用。 3)单击, 单击 ,弹出如图7-38所示菜单。 4)选择要调整的内容
图9-48 (2)宽度、长度——用来控制箭头宽度、长度和线段宽度的比值,分别可输入10%~1000 %和10%~5000%之间的数值。
使用自定义形状工具 可以绘制出一些不规则的图形或是自己定义的图形。
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Derivatives (3 credits) Professor Michel Robe Practice Set #1: Forward pricing & hedging.What to do with this practice set?To help students with the material, eight practice sets with solutions shall be handed out. These sets contain mostly problems of my own design as well as a few carefully chosen, worked-out end-of-chapter problems from Hull. None of these Practice Sets will be graded: the number of "points" for a question solely indicates its difficulty in terms of the number of minutes needed to provide an answer.Students are strongly encouraged to try hard to solve the practice sets and to use office hours to discuss any problems they may have doing so. The best self-test for a student of her/his command of the material is whether s/he can handle the questions of the relevant practice sets.The questions on the mid-term and final exams will cover the material covered in class. Their format, in particular, shall in large part reflect questions such as the numerical exercises solved in class and/or the questions in the practice sets.Question 1. (5 points)In Feb.09, gold was trading at $950 per ounce for spot delivery. The lease rate was about 0%.a. If the 1-month interest rate was 3.6% (LIBOR, annualized) and gold storage costs were 1.2%per year (annualized), what was the 1-month (net) cost of carry? Assume no convenience yield.b. If a gold brokerage was contemporaneously selling gold at $960 for 1-month forward delivery,was there an arb opportunity? Explain briefly. Assume commissions of $15 per ounce to buy or sell gold, for both forward and spot purchases/sales.(Hint: What should have been the 1-month forward gold price?)Question 2 (15 points)Suppose that the nearby crude oil futures contract (i.e., the contract with the closest expiration date) matures in a month, and that the nearby futures price is $98 per barrel.(i) Based on this information, what should be the OTC (over-the-counter) price of a barrel ofWTI sweet crude oil for delivery in a month – i.e., what should the 1-month forward price be?(ii) If you buy 1,000 barrels of oil OTC, for delivery in a month, what will be your cash-flow today? In a month? Between today and the contract’s delivery date? Assume that this OTC forward contract is commodity-settled.(iii) Would your answer change if the OTC contract were cash-settled (i.e., if it were an NDF or “non-deliverable forward”)?(iv) a. Suppose that you are a small independent crude oil refiner and refine about ten thousand barrels a month. You have signed forward contracts committing you to sell your output at fixed prices. What price risk are you facing?b. To hedge that risk, you wish to hedge the cost of refining 10,000 barrels of oil that youwill be receiving and paying for in a month. Should you go long or short? How would you carry out the hedge in practice?c. Suppose once again that you are a crude oil refiner, and wish to hedge the cost of refining10,000 barrels of oil that you will be receiving and paying for in a month. If you decide to use an OTC contract, does it matter whether you use an NDF or a commodity-settled contract to hedge?d. In the same situation, would you prefer using a commodity-settled futures instead of acommodity-settled forward (OTC) contract?Question 3 (10 points)(i)Consider the crude oil refiner of question 2(iv) but suppose that he has not sold his outputforward. What hedging strategy would you recommend? (Hint: crack spreads, anyone?) (ii)Consider a soybean processor who has neither locked in the cost of his inputs (i.e., the actual grains) has not sold his output (i.e., soybean oil and soybean “meal”) forward. What hedging strategy would you recommend? (Hint: crush spreads, anyone?)Question 4. (5 points)The direct spot quote for the Canadian dollar in New York is C$1 = USD 0.76. The 180-day swap rate is –2 pts (“minus two points”).a. What accounts for the difference between the 2 rates? Explain.b. In the absence of any other information, can you use the 180-day forward quote to forecast thedirect spot quote for the Canadian $ in New York, 6 months from now? Explain briefly.Question 5. (10 points)Suppose that you are a trader of JP Morgan allowed to do arbitrage. From a phone call to a trader at Daiwa Bank, you learn that Daiwa will let customers:lend and borrow ¥ at 0.5%-0.625% for 6 months (annualized rates)lend and borrow $ at 5.375%-5.5% for 6 months (annualized rates)buy and sell ¥ spot at 100.00-50 ¥/1$A trader at Barclays is simultaneously quoting bid and ask 6-month swap rates of –300 points (i.e., he will buy and sell ¥ 6-month forward at 97.00-50 ¥/1$).a. Can you make money out of these quotes? Explain thoroughly.b. Suppose you must borrow $1m for JP Morgan. What would be your total borrowing cost (i.e.,what is the total number of $ you would pay on your $1m loan)?(Hint: what are your borrowing choices?)Bonus Question. (5 points – TBD if exam material)Suppose that the 3-month interest rate in Denmark is about 3.5%. Meanwhile, the equivalent interest rate in England is about 6.5%. All rates are annualized. What should be the annualized 3-month forward discount or premium at which the Danish krone will sell against the pound?Derivatives (3 credits) Professor Michel RobePractice Set #1: SolutionsQuestion 1. (5 points)In Feb. 2009, gold was trading at $950 per ounce for spot delivery. The lease rate was about 0%.a. If the 1-month interest rate was 3.6% (LIBOR, annualized) and gold storage costs were 1.2%per year (annualized), what was the 1-month (net) cost of carry? Assume no convenience yield.AnswerGiven the lease rate and convenience yield are 0, the (annualized) cost of carry was(3.6%+1.2%) = 4.8%.b. If a gold brokerage was contemporaneously selling gold at $960 for 1-month forward delivery,was there an arb opportunity? Explain briefly. Assume commissions of $15 per ounce to buy or sell gold, for both forward and spot purchases/sales.(Hint: What should have been the 1-month forward gold price?).Answer.Gold should have been trading at $950 (1+3.6%+1.2%)1/12 or approximately $953.75. The price of $960 therefore looks like it offers an arbitrage opportunity, until you take brokerage fees into account.Without commissions, you could borrow $950 to buy gold spot for $950/1oz, sell it forward for 960 and make $6.25 per ounce ( = $960 - $950 (1+3.6%+1.2%)1/12 ) profits – even taking into account the cost of interest on borrowed funds and the cost to store the gold for a month.It would cost you $30 to trade the gold, however ($15 to buy spot and $15 to resell it forward), which would wipe out arb profits.Question 2 (15 points)Suppose that the nearby crude oil futures contract (i.e., the contract with the closest expiration date) matures in a month, and that the nearby futures price is $98 per barrel.(i) Based on this information, what should be the OTC (over-the-counter) price of a barrel ofWTI sweet crude oil for delivery in a month – i.e., what should the 1-month forward price be?Answer:The price should be $98. As mentioned in class (and as is explained in more details in LN 4&5 and in the last page of the class handout on futures marking to market), the prices of forwards and futures are the same as long as the correlation between the underlying’ assets price and the risk-free rate is close to zero. In the case at hand, both the OTC contract and the futures contract are for the same commodity (West Texas Intermediate or WTI sweetcrude oil) and the same delivery date. Hence, the two contracts are excellent substitutes for one another, and there is no reason to believe that crude oil and interest rate levels are correlated. Consequently, the forward and futures prices should be the same: $98 per barrel. (ii) If you buy 1,000 barrels of oil OTC, for delivery in a month, what will be your cash-flow today? In a month? Between today and the contract’s delivery date? Assume that this OTC forward contract is commodity-settled.Answer:As long as your OTC counterpart does not request any collateral, there is no cash-flow until delivery. At delivery, the long (i.e., you) pays $98,000 and receives 1,000 barrels of oil. (iii) Would your answer change if the OTC contract were cash-settled (i.e., if it were an NDF or “non-deliverable forward”)?Answer:Yes.In the NDF case, assuming once more that your OTC counterpart does not request any collateral, there would again be no cash-flow until the contract’s expiration. However, in contrast to the commodity-settled contract, the oil would not be delivered at maturity and the $98,000 payment for the oil would not be made either. Instead, the long (i.e., you) would receive or pay an amount of cash equal to the difference between the spot price of oil at maturity, S T, and the initial forward price, F0,T. The short would pay or get the opposite amount.For example, if a month from now WTI sweet crude oil turns out to be trading spot at $100, then the long will receive from the short a cash settlement of ($100-$98) per barrel, or $2,000 for 1,000 barrels. Intuitively, the long gained because the price went up.Alternatively, if in a month WTI crude is trading spot at $97 per barrel, then the long will pay $1,000 to the short. Intuitively, the long lost because the price dropped below $98. (iv) a. Suppose that you are a small independent crude oil refiner and refine about ten thousand barrels a month. You have signed forward contracts committing you to sell your output at fixed prices. What price risk are you facing?Answer:Since you need to buy oil in a month, by definition you don’t have the oil. Hence, you will be hurt if the price of oil goes up, unless you hedge your purchase cost now.b. To hedge that risk, you wish to hedge the cost of refining 10,000 barrels of oil that youwill be receiving and paying for in a month. Should you go long or short? How would you carry out the hedge in practice?Answer:Since you will be hurt if the price of oil goes up, you have a short position in the underlying commodity (crude oil in this case). Hence, you need to take a long forward (or futures) position.To do so, you could buy 10,000 barrels for one-month forward delivery; or, you could go long a one-month NDF on 10,000 barrels; or, you could take a long position in 10 NYMEX crude oil futures. In practice, most companies would go long the required number of WTI crude oil futures.(iv) c Suppose once again that you are a crude oil refiner, and wish to hedge the cost of refining 10,000 barrels of oil that you will be receiving and paying for in a month. If you decide to use an OTC contract, does it matter whether you use an NDF or a commodity-settled contract to hedge?Answer:No. In both cases, assuming that your OTC counterpart does not request any collateral, there is no cash-flow until delivery. At delivery, here is what happens:(a) With the commodity-settled contract, the long (i.e., you) must pay $980,000 and inexchange receives 10,000 barrels of oil. Done.(b) With the NDF, you receive from your short counterpart S T–F0,T per barrel (or you pay S T–F0,T to the short if this difference negative). But then, you must still go out and buy the oil on the spot market. At what price? Well, the spot price, which is S T. Summing up, your total cash-flow per barrel on day T is thus S T–F0,T–S T, or –F0,T. For example, if crude ends up trading at $102 per barrel in a month (day T), then you will get ($102-$98) per barrel from the short in the NDF contract, or $40,000, and pay $1,020,000 to whomever you end up buying the crude from on the spot market. Your total cost is again $980,000 (= $1,020,000 – $40,000).(iv) d. In the same situation, would you prefer using a commodity-settled futures instead of a commodity-settled forward (OTC) contract?Answer:A straightforward answer is “no.” As shown in the handout on marking to market,forward and futures transactions yield the same cash-flows in the end.A slightly more elaborate answer is that “Cost-wise, no; but from a practical point of view,maybe.” Specifically, it depends on whether the refiner wants the oil delivered or not (and where); and, on whether you are worried about margin calls.If you go to delivery with a futures position, then the only places where you can get the oil delivered are those locations that are specified as acceptable delivery points in the futurescontract. These places may or may not be practical for you. With a forward contract, you should be able to negotiate a more convenient delivery point. Of course, nothing prevents you from closing out your futures position right before delivery, and taking spot delivery at the location of your choice – in which case, we again have a draw between the forward and the futures.Another issue is what happens if you don’t have large enough cash piles to meet large margin calls. Suppose, for example, that crude oil prices drop a lot in the next week – say, to $78 per barrel. Then, if you went long, you will have to meet margin calls of $98-$78=$20 per barrel. That’s a $200,000 negative cash-flow. If you don’t have the cash handy, then you’ll be in trouble. Of course, in a month, it’s likely that the oil price would be low too, and therefore that your cash flow at futures delivery would be smaller than that at forward delivery. But timing is everything: the fact that you’d be OK in the end is irrelevant if you have run out of cash and gone broke in the meantime. That’s what happened to both LTCM and to MetallGesellschaft.Question 3. (10 points)(i)Consider the crude oil refiner of question 2(iv) but suppose that he has not sold his outputforward. What hedging strategy would you recommend? (Hint: crack spreads, anyone?) AnswerOil refiners’ business is to refine crude oil by "cracking" it -- which produces, mostly, gasoline and heating oil/kerosene/diesel (plus some other by-products). In the situation being considered, the refiner is facing risk related to the difference between the prices at which he can sell his refined products (gasoline and diesel) and at which he purchases his main input his input (crude oil). Hence, oil refiners can lock in their processing margin (residual income) by entering into transactions called “crack spreads”.Such spreads are created in commodity derivatives markets by going long crude oil futures and offsetting the position by going short gasoline and heating oil futures. The resulting spread position allows the investor to hedge against risk due to the offsetting nature of the securities. Note: the risk related to the margin is quite real – to wit, during the summer of 2005, the effects of hurricanes in the Southeastern United States created large volatility in the crack spread. (ii)Consider a soybean processor who has neither locked in the cost of his inputs (i.e., the actual grains) has not sold his output (i.e., soybean oil and soybean “meal”) forward. What hedging strategy would you recommend? (Hint: crush spreads, anyone?)AnswerSoybean processors’ business is to “crush” it -- which produces, mostly, oil and “meal” (which is a flour made by grinding the solid residue of soybean oil production). In the situation being considered, the refiner is facing risk related to the difference between the prices at which he can sell his refined products (oil and meal) and at which he purchases his main input (soybeans). Hence, a processor can lock in its processing margin (residual income) by entering into transactions called “crush spreads” – going long the soybean futures, and short both soybean oil and soybean meal.Question 4. (5 points)The direct spot quote for the Canadian $ in New York is C$1 = USD0.76; the 180-day swap rate is –2 points..a. What accounts for the difference between the 2 rates? Explain..Answer.Given the swap rate, the 6-month outright forward quote is C$1 = USD (0.76 – 0.02) = USD 0.74. From IRP, we know that a country’s currency (here, the U.S. $) will sell at a forward premium when interest rates in that country are lower than in the other country (here, Canada). In this question, you need more C$ to buy forward US$ than you do spot: thus, it must be that 6-month interest rates are higher in Canada than in the U.S.b. In the absence of any other information, can you use the 180-day forward quote to forecast thedirect spot quote for the Canadian $ in New York, 6 months from now? Explain briefly. AnswerBased on the available info, the best you might say is: $0.74. This is because, under the assumption that markets are efficient and that there is no risk premium, the forward rate should be an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate.This being said, to the extent that you are asked to make a prediction for 6-month hence, the forward is likely to be a bad forecasting tool. As discussed in class, uncovered IRP (i.e., using the forward to predict future spot rates) works much better at fairly long-term horizons (see also the paper by Meredith & Chinn on the Online Library) than at horizons of less than a year. A key reason is the existence of a time-varying (and hard to predict) risk premium embedded in the forward rate: F t,T = Et[S T] + risk premium. Given this empirical reality, you might reasonable make an argument that the best 6-month forecast is not (unlike what many older finance textbooks might have suggested) the forward rate but, instead, the current spot rate of $0.76.Question 5. (10 points)Suppose that you are a trader of JP Morgan allowed to do arbitrage. From a phone call to a trader at Daiwa Bank, you learn that Daiwa will let customers:lend and borrow ¥ at 0.5%-0.625% for 6 months (annualized rates)lend and borrow $ at 5.375%-5.5% for 6 months (annualized rates)buy and sell ¥ spot at 100.00-50 ¥/1$A trader at Barclays is simultaneously quoting bid and ask 6-month swap rates of –300 points (i.e., he will buy and sell ¥ 6-month forward at 97.00-50 ¥/1$).a. Can you make money out of those quotes? Explain thoroughly.AnswerThere are two ways to carry out arbitrage (“arb”) strategies in this case:1. either borrow $, convert them spot into Yen, deposit the Yen, and sell the Yen forwardfor $ in order to repay the dollar loan (in an attempt to make a small profit)2. or borrow ¥, convert them spot into dollars, deposit the dollars, and sell the dollarsforward for ¥ in order to repay the Yen loan (in an attempt to make a small profit)The “brute-force” method to solving this problem is to try both ways, and see if either strategy generates a profit. However, because at most one (if any) strategy can yield a profit, the faster way is to try to assess whether strategy 1 or strategy 2 should be the profitable one.It appears that you should be able to make small arbitrage (“arb”) gains, because covered IRP does not seem to hold in this case. To see this quickly, let us focus on the round numbers:(i)the $ is selling at about a 3% 6-month forward discount to the Yen (the 3% figure isobtained by expressing the swap rate of 3 ¥/1$ (=97-100) as a fraction of the bid spotrate (100.00 ¥/1$);(ii)the interest rate differential, however, is smaller: again concentrating on round figures, the IR diff is about 5% per year annualized (= 5.5%-0.5%), or 2.5% per six months.Put differently, it looks as though the dollar is trading at too steep a forward discount to the Yen given the observed interest rate differential. This suggests the “direction” of the possible arbitrage: you need to buy low (buy dollars forward) and sell high (i.e., sell Yen forward). In other words, strategy 1 seems like the way to go.Assuming that this is the right way to go, you know what else you need to do: in order to get the Yen that you’ll be delivering forward, you need to invest Yen for 6 months today; you get those Yen spot, by purchasing them with dollars. You don’t have dollars, so you borrow them. In sum, the arb “loop” is to borrow dollars at 5.5%, convert them spot for Yen at 100 (or 0.01 $/1¥), deposit the Yen at 0.5%, and sell the Yen forward at 97.50 (or 0.010256 $/1¥).Formally, the forward rate implied by the interest rate differential and the spot rate is:f = s 1+i T3601+i*T= (0.01 $ / 1¥)1+0.055 1803601+0.005 180= 0.010249 $ / 1¥Now compare this with the 6-month forward rate quoted directly by Daiwa: 0.010256 $ / 1¥. Clearly, you should sell Yen forward at 0.010256 $/1¥ and buy the Yen forward “synthetically” at 0.010249 $/1¥ by borrowing $ at 5.5%, buying ¥ spot with the borrowed dollars at 100¥/1$, and investing the ¥ at the rate of 0.5%.To conclude, let us make sure that the cash-flows all work out:monthscash-flows today6incash-flows1.0275$a. + 1$ (borrow 1$) -(loan repayment incl. 6-mo interest of 5.5%) b. - 1$ (exchange $ spot for ¥)none+100¥ nonec. - 100¥ (invest ¥ at 0.5% for 6 mo)+ 100.25 ¥d. none (sell ¥ forward for $) - 100.25 ¥none + 1.0282 $____________________________total 0 + 0.0007 $The cost is nothing (0 net cash-flow today). For every dollar borrowed, however, the sure gains in six months are 0.0007$, i.e., a 0.07% profit margin.Note: As an added exercise, you should prove that the reverse strategy (borrowing ¥ at 0.625%, converting the ¥ spot for $ at 100.50 ¥/1$, investing the $ at 5.375% and selling forward the anticipated $ proceeds for ¥ at 97.00 ¥/1$) would lead to a loss.b. Suppose you must borrow $1m on behalf of your employer, JP Morgan. What would be yourtotal borrowing cost (i.e., what is the total number of $ you would pay on your $1m loan)?(Hint: what are your borrowing choices?)AnswerYour borrowing choices are the following:(1) either borrow $ from Daiwa at 5.5%: the total $ cost in 6 months would be $27,500.(2) or create a similar pattern of cash-flows, borrowing in ¥, converting the ¥ into $, and lockingin the $ cost of the ¥ loan through a forward contract. Here, the cost would be as follows: - you need $1m today, hence you borrow ¥100,500,000 and sell them spot for $1m (i.e., you buy $1m at the asked price of ¥100.50/1$)- in 6 months, you will need to pay back ¥100,814,063; you can lock in today the $ cost of this repayment by buying the Yen with (i.e., by selling) $1,039,320 six-month forward. The total $ cost would be: $39,320. The operation I have just described is called a swap.Since borrowing directly in $ is cheaper ($27,000 vs. $39,320), you should borrow $.Bonus Question. (5 points – TBD if exam material)).Suppose the 3-month interest rate in Denmark is about 3.5%. Meanwhile, the equivalent interest rate in England is about 6.5%. All rates are annualized. What should be the annualized 3-month forward discount or premium at which the Danish krone will sell against the pound?.Answer.From covered interest rate parity, we know that the Danish krone (DKr) should sell at a premium against the pound approximately equal to the interest rate differential between the two countries, i.e., the krone should be trading at a premium of about 3% to offset the lower interest rate in Denmark..Precisely,letf t,T and s t are stand for the £ spot and T-day forward prices of 1DKr, respectively. Then, the percentage forward premium is equal to:f t,T- s ts t=i£- i *3601+ i DKr*T360=6.5%-3.5%903601+3.5%90360=0.7435%.which is equivalent to 2.974% in annualized terms..The formula can be rewritten to yield the percentage forward discount at which the £ should be trading against the DKr:1 f t,T -1st1 s t =i DKr*- i£T3601+ i£T360=3.5%-6.5%903601+6.5%90360=-0.738%i.e., the £ should trade at a 0.738% 3-month forward discount against the DKr. On an annualized basis, we should have the £ trading at a 2.952% 3-month forward discount. Note: because we are not given the exact number of days in the period considered, I have chosen to approximate the 3-month period by ¼ of a year (i.e., 90/360 days for the Krone or 91/365 days for the £).11。
