971Temperature Humidity MeterPN 2441047 (Simplified Chinese)September 2005© 2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in TaiwanAll product names are trademarks of their respective companies.简介W小心为延长传感器的寿命,在仪表不使用时,请盖好传感器的保护罩。
Fluke 971 型(以下简称“仪表”)是一种由电池供电、用于测量相对湿度和温度的仪表。
)符合加拿大标准O电源开/关1971用户手册显示屏2Temperature Humidity Meter操作操作注意当把仪表从一个温度/湿度极限环境移动至另一个时,要等待一段时间让仪表稳定。
温度读数以摄氏度 (°C) 或华氏度 (°F) 显示。
要在 °C 与 °F 之间切换,取下电池仓门,将温标开关移动到所需要的位置。
请见图 1。
再按一次W,可切换至湿球温度(WB )。
当 HOLD(保持)功能被启用时,显示屏上显示H。
3971用户手册最小值最大值记录当 Min Max Record(最小值最大值记录)功能被启用时,如果一个新测量值大于或小于先前保存的最大或最小测量值,仪表将保存该新测量值。
BC548CZL1中⽂资料BC546B, BC547A, B, C, BC548B, CAmplifier Transistors NPN SiliconFeaturesPbFree Package is Available*MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur. Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS*For additional information on our Pb?Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.TO?92CASE 29STYLE 17/doc/367855745.htmlMARKINGDIAGRAMBC54xxYWW GCOLLECTOR23EMITTERSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. ORDERING INFORMATIONBC54xx = Specific Device CodeY= YearWW= Work WeekG= Pb?Free PackageELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T= 25°C unless otherwise noted)ON CHARACTERISTICSSMALL?SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSBC547/BC5482.00.2Figure 3. Collector Saturation RegionI B , BASE CURRENT (mA)Figure 4. Base?Emitter Temperature CoefficientI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) F E , N O R M A L I Z E D D C C U R R E N T G A I NV C E , C O L L E C T O R ?E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V ) 5. Capacitances V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 10Figure 6. Current?Gain ? Bandwidth ProductI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)0.40.6 1.010201.02.0 6.080100200300400602040307. , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )f , C U R R E N T ?G A I N ? B A N D W I D T H P R O D U C T (M H z )T 0.8 4.08.0BC546Figure 7. DC Current Gain I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)Figure 8. “On” VoltageI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 9. Collector Saturation RegionI B , BASE CURRENT (mA)Figure 10. Base?Emitter Temperature CoefficientI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 1.0100200.10.40.8V C E , C O L L E C T O R ?E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S ) V B , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θ0.2 2.0102001.0h F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I N (N O R M A L I Z E D )V , V O L T A G E (V O L T S ) 2.0 5.0?1.4? 11. Capacitance V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)40Figure 12. Current?Gain ? Bandwidth ProductI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)0.10.2 1.0502.02.010100100200500502020106.04.01.010501005.0C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )f , C U R R E N T ?G A I N ? B A N D W I D T H P R O D U C TT 0.55.020DEVICE ORDERING INFORMATIONSpecifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSTO?92 (TO?226)CASE 29?11ISSUE ALNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.CONTOUR OF PACKAGE BEYOND DIMENSION R IS UNCONTROLLED.4.LEAD DIMENSION IS UNCONTROLLED IN P AND BEYOND DIMENSION K MINIMUM.PLANEDIMMIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.1750.205 4.45 5.20B 0.1700.210 4.32 5.33C 0.1250.165 3.18 4.19D 0.0160.0210.4070.533G 0.0450.055 1.15 1.39H 0.0950.105 2.42 2.66J 0.0150.0200.390.50K 0.50012.70L 0.250 6.35N 0.0800.105 2.04 2.66P 0.100 2.54R 0.115 2.93V0.1353.43STYLE 17:PIN 1.COLLECTOR2.BASE3.EMITTERON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。
M97系列产品是美尔诺电子公司设计制造的新一代直流电子负载,采用高性能芯片, 高速,高精度设计,提供0.1mV,0.01mA的解析度, 外观新颖,生产工艺科学严谨,相比同类产品,更具性价比。广泛用于生产线(手机充电器,手机电池,电动车电池,开关电源,线性电源),科研机构,汽车电子,航空航天, 船舶,太阳能电池,燃料电池等行业。
INTRODUCTIONThe KC75118C is an interline transfer CCD area imagesensor developed for NTSC 1/5 inch optical format PCcameras, object detector and image pattern recognizer. Highsensitivity is achieved through the adoption of Ye, Cy, Mg andG complementary color mosaic filter, on-chip micro lenses.This chip features a field integration read out system and anelectronic shutter with variable charge storage time.FEATURES•Optical Size 1/5 inch Format•Ye, Cy, Mg, G On-chip ComplementaryColor Mosaic Filter•Variable Speed Electronic Shutter(1/60, 1/100 ~ 1/10, 000sec)•Horizontal Register 3.3V ~ 5V Drive•14pin Ceramic DIP Package•No Adjust Substrate Bias•Field Integration Read Out System•No DC Bias on Reset GateSTRUCTURE•Number of Total Pixels:381(H) × 506(V)•Number of Effective Pixels:362(H) × 492(V)•Chip Size: 3.75mm(H) × 3.30mm(V)•Unit Pixel Size:8.10µm(H) × 4.45µm(V)•Optical Blacks & Dummies:Refer to Figure BelowVertical 1 Line (Even Field Only)ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package OperatingKC75118C14Pin Cer DIP-10 °C ~ +60 °CBLOCK DIAGRAMPIN DESCRIPTIONFigure 1. Block DiagramTable 1. Pin DescriptionPin Symbol DescriptionPin Symbol Description1ΦV4Vertical register transfer clock 48V DD Output stage drain bias 2ΦV3Vertical register transfer clock 39GND Ground 3ΦV2Vertical register transfer clock 210ΦSUB Substrate clock 4ΦV1Vertical register transfer clock 111V L Protection circuit bias 5NC No connection 12ΦRG Reset gate clock6GND Ground 13ΦH1Horizontal CCD transfer clock 1 7V OUTSignal output14ΦH2Horizontal CCD transfer clock 27V OUT 654321891011121314GND NCΦV1ΦV2ΦV3ΦV4V DD V LGNDΦH1ΦH2ΦRGΦSUBVertical Shift Register CCDVertical Shift Register CCDVertical Shift Register CCDVertical Shift Register CCDHorizontal Shift Register CCDCy Ye Mg Mg MgMg Mg Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye G G GG Cy Cy Cy Cy Cy GMgG Cy Cy (Top View)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NOTE)NOTE:The device can be destroyed, if the applied voltage or temperature is higher than the absolute maximum rating voltageor temperature.Table 2. Absolute Maximum RatingsCharacteristicsSymbolsMin.Max.Unit Substrate voltageSUB - GND -0.340V Vertical clock input voltageΦV1, ΦV3, - GND -0.330V ΦV2, ΦV4 - GND -0.317V ΦV1, ΦV3, - V L -0.330V ΦV2, ΦV4 - V L-0.317V ΦV1, ΦV2, ΦV3, ΦV4 - SUB-4010V Horizontal clock input voltageΦV1, ΦV2, - GND -0.316V ΦH1, ΦH2 - V L-0.316V Voltage difference between vertical and horizontal clock input pinsΦV1, - ΦV3-3030V ΦV2, - ΦV4-1616V ΦH1, ΦH2-1616V ΦH1, ΦH2 - ΦV4-1616V Output clock input voltage ΦRG - GND -0.316V Protection circuit bias voltage V L - SUB -400.3V Operating temperature T OP -1060°C Storage temperatureT STG-3080°CDC CHARACTERISTICSCLOCK VOLTAGE CONDITIONS Table 3. DC CharacteristicsItem Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit Remar Output stage drain bias V DD14.5515.015.45VReset gate voltage adjustment range V RGL0VProtection circuit bias voltage V L The lowest vertical clock levelOutput stage drain current I DD5mATable 4. Clock Voltage ConditionsItem Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkRead-out clock voltage V VT14.5515.015.45V High level Vertical transfer clock voltage V VM1 ~ V VM4- V VH = (V VH1+V VH2)/2V VL1 ~ V VL4-8.5-8.0-7.5V V VH = (V VH1+V VH2)/2 Horizontal transfer clock voltage VΦH 3.0 5.0 5.25V HighV HL - Low Charge reset clock voltage VΦRG 4.75 5.0 5.25V HighV RGLH - V RGLL0.8V Low Substrate clock voltage VΦSUB21.522.523.5V ShutterDRIVE CLOCK WAVEFORM CONDITIONS Read Out Clock WaveformVertical Transfer Clock WaveformHorizontal Transfer Clock Waveform DiagramReset Gate Clock Waveform DiagramV RGLH is the maximum value and V RGLL the minimum value of the coupling waveform in the period from Point A in the diagram about to R G riseV RGL = (V RGLH + V RGLL)/2, V FRG = V RGH - V RGLSubstrate Clock WaveformCLOCK EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT CONSTANTTable 5. Clock Equivalent Circuit ConstantItem Symboltwh twl tr tfUnit Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Read-out clockΦVHµsVertical clock ΦV1, ΦV2ΦV3, ΦV415250nsHorizontal clock ΦH155675567918718ns ΦH255675567918718nsReset clockΦRG253410785ns Substrate clockΦSUB 1.5µsEQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERSTable 6. Equivalent Circuit ParametersItem Symbol Typ.Unit Remark Capacitance between vertical transfer clock and GND CΦV1, CΦV3520pFCΦV2, CΦV4390pF Capacitance between vertical transfer clocks CΦV12, CΦV34220pFCΦV23, CΦV41150pFCΦV13120pFCΦV2490pF Capacitance between horizontal transfer clock and GND CΦH1, CΦH224pF Capacitance between horizontal transfer clocks CΦH1238pF Capacitance between substrate clock and GND CΦSUB1120pFVertical transfer clock serial resistor RΦV1 ~ RΦV440ΩVertical transfer clock ground resistor RΦVGND15ΩHorizontal transfer clock serial resistor RΦH1, RΦH210ΩΩReset gate clock serial resistor RΦRG100OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSDevice Temperature = 25 °CNOTE:Test Temperature = 60 °CTESTING SYSTEMTable 7. Operating CharacteristicsItemSymbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkSensitivity S 3035mV/lux 1Saturation signal Y SAT 700mV 2SmearSM 0.0070.01%3Blooming margin BM 1,000times 4Uniformity U 20%5Dark signal (NOTE)D 2mV 6Dark shading (NOTE) ∆D 2mV 7Image lag Y LAG 0.5%8Flicker Y F Y 2%9Flicker red, blue F CR , F CB 5%10Color uniformity D SR , D SB 10%11Line stripe W, R, G, BL CW , L CR , L CG , L CB2%12Figure 2. Testing SystemCCD AMPLPF1S/HS/HLPF2AY C (3dB down at 4MHz)ChromaSignal OutputIlluminanceSignal OutputCCD Signal OutputC. D. S (3dB down at 1MHz)TEST CONDITION1. Use a light source with color temperature of 3,200K hallogen lamp and CM-500S for IR cut filter. The light source is adjusted in accordance with the average value of Y signals indicated in each item.COLOR FILTER ARRAYThe color filter array of this image sensor is shown in the right figure. this complementary mosaic CFA is used with the operation of field integration mode, where all of the photosensors are read out during each video field. The signals from two vertically-adjacent photosensor lines, such as line couple A1 or A2 for field A are summed when the signal charges are transferred into the vertical transfer CCD column. The read out line pairing is shifted down by one line for field B.The sensor output signals through the horizontal register (H-CCD) at line A1 are [G+Cy], [MG+Ye], [G+CY],[Mg+Ye]. These signals are processed in order to compose Y and C signals. By adding the two adjacent signals at line A1, Y signal is formed as followsC signal is composed by substracting the two adjacent signals at line A1Figure 3. Color Filter ArrayY 12---G Cy +()Mg Ye +()+[] 12---2B 3G 2R ++()==H - CCDA1A2BCy Ye GMg Cy Cy Cy YeYe Ye GGG Mg MgMgNext, the signals through H-CCD at line A2 are [Mg+Cy], [G+Ye], [Mg+Cy], [G+Ye]. Simmilary, Y and C signals are composed at line A2 as followsAccordingly, Y signal is balanced in relation to scanning lines, and C signal takes the form of R-Y and -(B-Y) onalternate lines.It is same for B field.TEST METHODS1. Measure the light intensities (L) when the averaged illuminance output value (Y) is the standard illuminance output value, 150mV (Y A ) and when half of 150mV (1/2 Y A ).2. Adjust the light intensity to 10 times that of Y signal output average value (Y A = 150mV) , then test Y signal minimum value (Y = Y SAT ).3. Adjust the light intensity to 500 times that of Y signal output average value (Y A = 150mV), then remove the read- out clock and drain the signal in photosensors by the electronic shutter operation in all the respective horizontal blanking times with the other clocks unchanged. Measure the maximum illuminance output value (Y SM ).4. Adjust the light intensity to 1,000 times of the value with which Y is Y A , then inspect whether there is blooming phenomenon or not.R Y = –Mg Ye +()G Cy +()–[] 2R G –()=Y 12---G Ye +()Mg Cy +()+[] 12---2B 3G 2R ++()==B Y –() G Ye +()Mg Cy +()–[] 2B G –()–==–S Y A 12---Y A–L YA L 12---Y A –-------------------------------=SM Y SM Y A -----------1500----------×110-------×100%()×=5. Measure the maximum and minimum illuminance output value (Y MAX , Y MIN ) when the light intensity is adjusted to make Y to be Y A .6. Measure Y D with the horizontal idling time transfer level as reference, when the device ambient temperature is 60 °C and all of the light sources are shielded.7. Follow test method 6, measure the maximum (D MAX ) and minimum illuminance output (D MIN ).8. Adjust the light intensity of Y signal output value by strobe light to 150mV (Y A ), calculate by below formula with measuring the image lag signal which is qenerated by below timing diagram.U Y MAX Y MIN–Y A-------------------------------------100%()×=∆D D MAX D MIN–=Y LAG Y lag 150⁄()100%()×=FLDSG1Strobe TimingOutputY Signal Output 150mVLightY Lag9. Adjust the light intensity of Y signal average value to 150mV (Y A ), calculate by below formula with measuring the signal differences (∆Y f [mV]) between fields.10. Adjust the light intensity to make Y = Y A using red (R) and blue (B) optical filters respectively, measure the differences (∆C R , ∆C B ) between the chroma signal values in even and odd fields and the averaged chroma signal values (C R , C B )., where i = R, B11. Adjust the light intensity to make Y = Y A using red (R) and blue (B) optical filters respectively, measure theminimum (C R,MIN and C B,MIN ) and maximum (C R,MAX and C B,MAX ) chroma signal values., where i = R, B12. Adjust the light intensity to make Y = 150mV(Y L ) using white (no filter, W), red (R), green (G) and blue (B) optical filters respectively, measure the illuminance signal difference values (∆Y LW , ∆Y LR , ∆Y LG , ∆Y LB ) between illuminance signal lines of the same field., where i = W, R, G, BF Y ∆Y f Y A ⁄()100%()×=F C i ∆C iC i---------100%()×=DS i C i MAX ,C i MIN,–Y i--------------------------------------------100%()×=L c i ∆Y Li Y L------------100%()×=SPECTRAL RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICSExcluding Light Source CharacteristicsFigure 4. Spectral Response CharacteristicsAPPLICATION CIRCUITSFigure 5. Application Circuits1234567891020191817161514131211891011121314K C 75118CKS7221D7654321ΦV4ΦV3ΦV2ΦV1ΦH2ΦH1ΦRG GNDVOUTVL NC ΦSUB GND VDD +-10µ/16V+-+-CCD Out-7.5V10µ/16VMA110100K1µ/35V1041003.9K2SK10701M15210310µ/16V+-1015VXSUB XV2XV1XSG1 XV3XSG2XV4ΦH2ΦH1RGREAD-OUT CLOCK TIMING CHARTFigure 6. Read-out Clock Timing ChartCLOCK TIMING CHART (VERTICAL SYNC.)Figure 7. Clock Timing Chart (Vertical Sync.)491492FLD VDHDSG1SG2V1V2V3V4CCD OUTCLP1135749049149213579246810246CLOCK TIMING CHART (HORIZONTAL SYNC.)Figure 8. Clock Timing Chart (Horizontal Sync.)H DH 1H 2R GS H PS H DV 1V 2V 3V 4C L P 1S U B3621101711011020PACKAGE DIMENSIONSFigure 9. Package DimensionsHANDLING INSTRUCTIONS•Static Charge PreventionCCD image sensors can be easily damaged by static discharge. Before handling, be sure to take the following protective measures.—Use non chargeable gloves, clothes or material. Also use conductive shoes.—When handling directly, use an earth band.—Install a conductive mat on the floor or working table to prevent generation of static electricity.—Ionized air is recommended for discharging when handling CCD image sensor.—For the shipment of mounted substrates, use boxes treated for the prevention of static charges.•Soldering—Make sure the package temperature does not exceed 80 °C.—Solder dipping in a mounting furnace causes damage to the glass and other defects. Use a grounded 30W soldering iron and solder each pin in less than 2 seconds. For repairs and and remount, cool sufficiently.—To dismount an imaging device, do not use a solder suction equipment. When using an electronic disoldering tool, use a thermal controller of the zero cross on/off type and connect to ground•Dust and Dirt Protection—Operate in the clean environments (around class 1000 will be appropriate).—Do not either touch glass plates by hand or have object come in contact with glass surface. Should dirt stick to a glass surface blow it off with an air blow (for dirt stuck through static electricity ionized air isrecommended).—Clean with a cotton bud and ethyl alcohol if the glass surface is grease stained. Be caerful not to scratch the glass.—Keep in case to protect from dust and dirt. To prevent dew condensation, preheat or precool when moving to a room with great temperature differences.—When a protective tape is applied before shipping, just before use remove the tape applied electrostatic protection. Do not reuse the tape.•Do not expose to strong light (sun rays) for long period, color filter are discolored.•Exposure to high temperature or humidity will affect the characteristics. accordingly avoid storage or usage in such conditions.•CCD image sensors are precise optical equipment that should not be subject to mechanical shocks.。
ADEMCO 685 数字通讯接收机安装使用手册目录:1. 安装程序 12. 使用介绍(图5) 53. 通讯格式之定义74. 附件:91. 安装程序1.1. 旋开685 上盖的四颗镙丝1.2. 由於运输途中,可能使分别在板槽J1,J3及J5的显示驱动器卡,记忆体卡及中央处理器卡与板槽接触不良,因此必须使用各电路板两端白色的启出杆启出各电路板,再重新插入以确保各电路板与板槽接触正常.(图1)1.3. 检查各接线插头接触良好(如将来685 需要移动,也需要重覆此步骤1至3)1.4. 记忆体卡的安装(图2)1.4.1.将写有"685C" 的691 PROM芯片依图2插入记忆体卡之691 晶片槽内。
注意红色三角形在左下角方向1.4.2.依图2和你的周边设备设置跨接线位置1.5. 电话线卡(图3)1.5.1.将电话线卡由板槽J6 起插入1.5.2.连接电话接头1.5.3.调整组别号码旋钮开关(如电话线卡#1调为1,电话线卡#2调为2.....)此号码会显示在前板数字发光二极管GRP.NO. 处1.6. 685接线(图4)1.6.1.连接电话线1.6.2.连接并行式打印机(J105). 开启打印机电源(某些打印机其PIN9 必须和PIN16 连接起来才能正常操作)1.6.3.连接外接警号(J104为常闭开关输出,开关最大额定值为12 伏特直流2安培)(需外接电源12VDC)1.7. 检查以上各步骤,证实无误後连接电源(220VAC,50Hz) 1.8. 这时685被启动,各指示灯闪亮,打印机会打印出一段文字1.9. 接入後备电池(J106,J107为并联)后面前面图 1 685机内俯视图图3 电话线卡电源模块检测串行式打印机(20脚为准备好线):跨线2和3 检测串行式打印机(21脚为准备好线):跨线1和2 不检测串行式打印机:出厂时设置(跨线4和5)图2 记忆体卡设置2. 使用介绍(图5)2.1. 前板按钮功能2.1.1.AUTO/MANUAL 自动/手动开关a. 在AUTO 自动位置,如周边设备,如打印机,操作正常,则所有信息将自动输出.b. 在MANUAL 手动位置,任何信息将被储存在685记忆体中,直至操作员按下DISPLAY NEXT MESSAGE 显示下一信息键* 在AUTO 自动位置时,如685检测到周边设备故障,将自动切换至MANUAL手动模式. 685自动方式还与打印机、电脑选用设置及检测开关设置有关。
For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 25013EKBVishay RoedersteinAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleFEATURES•Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors,non-solid electrolyte•Radial leads, cylindrical aluminum case•Miniaturized, high CV-product per unit volume •Extended temperature range: 105 °C •RoHS compliantAPPLICATIONS•General purpose, industrial and audio-video•Coupling, decoupling, timing, smoothing, filtering,buffering in SMPS•Portable and mobile equipment (small size, low mass)Note10 % capacitance tolerance on request Component outlinesQUICK REFERENCE DATADESCRIPTIONUNIT VALUENominal case size (Ø D x L)mm 5 x 11 to 8 x 11.510 x 12.5 to 18 x 40Rated capacitance range C R µF 2.2 to 22 000Capacitance tolerance %± 20Rated voltage rangeV 6.3 to 100160 to 350400 to 450Category temperature range °C - 55 to + 105- 40 to + 105- 25 to + 105Load lifeh10002000Based on sectional specification IEC 60384-4/EN 130300Climatic category 55/105/5640/105/5625/105/56IEC 60068SELECTION CHART FOR C R , U R AND RELEVANT NOMINAL CASE SIZES (Ø D x L in mm)C R (µF)RATED VOLTAGE (V) (> 100 V see next page)6.31016253550631002.2→→→→→→ 5 x 11 5 x 113.3→→→→→→ 5 x 11 5 x 114.7→→→→→→ 5 x 11 5 x 116.8→→→→→→ 5 x 11 5 x 1110→→→→→→ 5 x 11 5 x 1115→→→→→→ 5 x 11 6.3 x 1122→→→→→→ 5 x 11 6.3 x 1133→→→→→ 5 x 11 6.3 x 118 x 11.547→→→→ 5 x 11→ 6.3 x 1110 x 12.568→→→ 5 x 11 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 16100→→ 5 x 11→ 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 20150→ 5 x 11→ 6.3 x 118 x 11.5→10 x 12.512.5 x 20220→ 5 x 11 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 12.510 x 1612.5 x 25330→ 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 12.510 x 1610 x 2016 x 25470→ 6.3 x 118 x 11.510 x 12.510 x 1610 x 2012.5 x 2016 x 256808 x 11.5→10 x 12.510 x 1612.5 x 1612.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 31.510008 x 11.510 x 12.510 x 1610 x 2012.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2518 x 401500→10 x 1612.5 x 1612.5 x 2016 x 2016 x 2516 x 35.5-2200→10 x 2012.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.516 x 35.5-330012.5 x 1612.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 35.516 x 35.518 x 40-470012.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.516 x 35.5---680012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.518 x 35.5----10 00016 x 2516 x 35.518 x 35.5-----15 00016 x 35.518 x 35.5------22 00018 x 40-------Document Number: 25013For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@EKBAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleVishay RoedersteinNote10 % capacitance tolerance on requestSELECTION CHART FOR C R , U R AND RELEVANT NOMINAL CASE SIZES (Ø D x L in mm)C R (µF)RATED VOLTAGE (V)1602002503504004502.2→→ 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 12.53.3→ 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.510 x 12.510 x 164.7 6.3 x 11→8 x 11.5→10 x 12.510 x 166.88 x 11.5→10 x 12.5→10 x 1610 x 2010→→10 x 12.510 x 1610 x 2012.5 x 2015→→10 x 1610 x 2012.5 x 2012.5 x 2522→10 x 1610 x 2012.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2533→10 x 2012.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.547→12.5 x 2012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.516 x 35.56812.5 x 2516 x 2016 x 2516 x 31.518 x 35.518 x 4010012.5 x 2516 x 2516 x 31.518 x 35.518 x 40-15016 x 2516 x 35.518 x 35.518 x 40--22016 x 31.518 x 35.518 x 40---33018 x 35.518 x 40----47018 x 40----- For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 25013EKBVishay RoedersteinAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleGENERAL NOTE•For Standard Packaging Quantity (SPQ) and Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) please refer to our price list or contact customer service •For other packaging forms please refer to Vishay Roederstein General InformationNoteUnless otherwise specified, all electrical values apply at T a = 20 °C , P = 80to 120kPa, RH =45to 75 %.ORDERING EXAMPLEEKB 3300 µF/25 V, ± 20 %, size: 16 x 25 mm Leads: LongOrdering code: MALREKB00JG433E00K Leads: ShortOrdering code: MALREKB05...For 5 ≤ Ø D ≤ 8 mmLeads: Bent open, shortened and formed Ordering code: MALREKB09...For 10 ≤ Ø D ≤ 18 mmLeads: Shortened and formed Ordering code: MALREKB06 ...ELECTRICAL DATASYMBOL DESCRIPTIONU R rated voltageC R rated capacitance at 120 Hz tan δmax. dissipation factor at 120 HzR ESR calculated equivalent series resistance at 120Hz I Rrated ripple current (rms) at 120 Hz and upper category temperatureDocument Number: 25013For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@EKBAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleVishay RoedersteinELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R 120Hz (µF)DIMENSIONSD x L (mm)tan δ120 Hz R ESR 120Hz (Ω)I R120 Hz/105 °C(mA)WEIGHT (g)CATALOG NUMBER (Long Leads)6.36808 x 1.10MALREKB00PB368B00K 10008 x 1.10MALREKB00PB410B00K 330012.5 x 160.340.14983 3.00MALREKB00FD433B00K 470012.5 x 200.360.101219 4.00MALREKB00FE447B00K 680012.5 x 250.400.081480 5.00MALREKB00FG468B00K 10 00016 x 250.460.0618078.50MALREKB00JG510B00K 15 00016 x 35.50.560.05223311.0MALREKB00JL515B00K 22 00018 x 400.700.04265214.6MALREKB00KK522B00K 10150 5 x 110.24 2.121340.45MALREKB00AA315C00K 220 5 x 110.24 1.451620.45MALREKB00AA322C00K 330 6.3 x 110.240.962280.46MALREKB00BA333C00K 470 6.3 x 110.240.682720.46MALREKB00BA347C00K 100010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC410C00K 150010 x 160.260.23680 2.20MALREKB00DD415C00K 220010 x 200.280.17844 3.10MALREKB00DE422C00K 330012.5 x 200.300.121148 4.00MALREKB00FE433C00K 470012.5 x 250.320.091421 5.00MALREKB00FG447C00K 680016 x 250.360.0717378.50MALREKB00JG468C00K 10 00016 x 35.50.420.06217211.0MALREKB00JL510C00K 15 00018 x 35.50.520.05248214.0MALREKB00KL515C00K 16100 5 x 110.20 2.651190.45MALREKB00AA310D00K 220 6.3 x 110.20 1.212030.46MALREKB00BA322D00K 4708 x 1.10MALREKB00PB347D00K 68010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC368D00K 100010 x 160.200.27648 2.20MALREKB00DD410D00K 150012.5 x 160.220.19862 3.00MALREKB00FD415D00K 220012.5 x 200.240.141055 4.00MALREKB00FE422D00K 330012.5 x 250.260.101323 5.00MALREKB00FG433D00K 470016 x 250.280.0816578.50MALREKB00JG447D00K 680016 x 31.50.320.06198210.0MALREKB00JS468D00K 10 00018 x 35.50.380.05240914.0MALREKB00KL510D00K 2568 5 x 110.16 3.121080.45MALREKB00AA268E00K 150 6.3 x 110.16 1.411850.46MALREKB00BA315E00K 3308 x 1.10MALREKB00PB333E00K 47010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC347E00K 68010 x 160.160.31591 2.20MALREKB00DD368E00K 100010 x 200.160.21782 3.10MALREKB00DE410E00K 150012.5 x 200.180.161017 4.00MALREKB00FE415E00K 220012.5 x 250.200.121235 5.00MALREKB00FG422E00K 330016 x 250.220.0915628.50MALREKB00JG433E00K 470016 x 680018 x Roederstein Aluminum CapacitorsRadial Style3547 5 x 110.14 3.95960.45MALREKB00AA247F00K 68 6.3 x 110.14 2.731320.46MALREKB00BA268F00K 100 6.3 x 110.14 1.861600.46MALREKB00BA310F00K 1508 x 11.50.14 1.24231 1.10MALREKB00PB315F00K 2208 x 1.10MALREKB00PB322F00K 33010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC333F00K 47010 x 160.140.40521 2.20MALREKB00DD347F00K 68012.5 x 160.140.27740 3.00MALREKB00FD368F00K 100012.5 x 200.140.19974 4.00MALREKB00FE410F00K 150016 x 200.160.141188 6.00MALREKB00JE415F00K 220016 x 250.180.1114268.50MALREKB00JG422F00K 330016 x 470016 x 5 x 110.12 4.82920.45MALREKB00AA233H00K 22010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC322H00K 33010 x 160.120.48504 2.20MALREKB00DD333H00K 47010 x 200.120.34657 3.10MALREKB00DE347H00K 68012.5 x 200.120.23927 4.00MALREKB00FE368H00K 100012.5 x 250.120.161226 5.00MALREKB00FG410H00K 150016 x 250.140.1214428.50MALREKB00JG415H00K 220016 x 330016 x 5 x 110.1060.29260.45MALREKB00AA122J00K3.3 5 x 110.1040.19320.45MALREKB00AA133J00K4.7 5 x 110.1028.22380.45MALREKB00AA147J00K 6.8 5 x 110.1019.50460.45MALREKB00AA168J00K 10 5 x 110.1013.26560.45MALREKB00AA210J00K 15 5 x 110.108.84680.45MALREKB00AA215J00K 22 5 x 110.10 6.03830.45MALREKB00AA222J00K 33 6.3 x 110.10 4.021160.46MALREKB00BA233J00K 47 6.3 x 110.10 2.821390.46MALREKB00BA247J00K 688 x 11.50.10 1.95197 1.10MALREKB00PB268J00K 1008 x 11.50.10 1.33239 1.10MALREKB00PB310J00K 15010 x 2.05MALREKB00DC315J00K 22010 x 160.100.60451 2.20MALREKB00DD322J00K 33010 x 200.100.40603 3.10MALREKB00DE333J00K 47012.5 x 200.100.28844 4.00MALREKB00FE347J00K 68012.5 x 250.100.2011075.00MALREKB00FG368J00K 100016 x 250.100.1314908.50MALREKB00JG410J00K 150016 x 220016 x 330018 x 400.160.06268914.6MALREKB00KK433J00KELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R120Hz(µF)DIMENSIONSD x L(mm)tan δ120 HzR ESR120Hz(Ω)I R120 Hz/105 °C(mA)WEIGHT(g)CATALOGNUMBER(Long Leads)Document Number: 25013For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@EKBAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleVishay Roederstein1002.2 5 x 110.0848.23260.45MALREKB00AA122L00K3.3 5 x 110.0832.15320.45MALREKB00AA133L00K4.7 5 x 110.0822.58380.45MALREKB00AA147L00K 6.8 5 x 110.0815.60460.45MALREKB00AA168L00K 10 5 x 110.0810.61560.45MALREKB00AA210L00K 156.3 x 110.087.07780.46MALREKB00BA215L00K 22 6.3 x 110.08 4.82950.46MALREKB00BA222L00K 338 x 11.50.08 3.22137 1.10MALREKB00PB233L00K 4710 x 12.50.08 2.26190 2.05MALREKB00DC247L00K 6810 x 160.08 1.56251 2.20MALREKB00DD268L00K 10010 x 200.08 1.06332 3.10MALREKB00DE310L00K 15012.5 x 200.080.71477 4.00MALREKB00FE315L00K 22012.5 x 250.080.48630 5.00MALREKB00FG322L00K 33016 x 250.080.328568.50MALREKB00JG333L00K 47016 x 250.080.2310218.50MALREKB00JG347L00K 68016 x 100018 x 400.080.11192514.6MALREKB00KK410L00K 1604.7 6.3 x 110.1542.33340.46MALREKB00BA147M00K 6.88 x 11.50.1529.2649 1.10MALREKB00PB168M00K 6812.5 x 250.15 2.93273 5.00MALREKB00FG268M00K 10012.5 x 250.15 1.99331 5.00MALREKB00FG310M00K 15016 x 250.15 1.334508.50MALREKB00JG315M00K 22016 x 33018 x 47018 x 400.150.42101514.6MALREKB00KK347M00K 2003.3 6.3 x 110.1560.29290.46MALREKB00BA133S00K 2210 x 160.159.04111 2.20MALREKB00DD222S00K 3310 x 200.15 6.03149 3.10MALREKB00DE233S00K 4712.5 x 200.15 4.23208 4.00MALREKB00FE247S00K 6816 x 200.15 2.93279 6.00MALREKB00JE268S00K 10016 x 250.15 1.993688.50MALREKB00JG310S00K 15016 x 35.50.15 1.3351711.0MALREKB00JL315S00K 22018 x 33018 x 400.150.6085014.6MALREKB00KK333S00K 2502.2 6.3 x 110.1590.43230.46MALREKB00BA122N00K 4.78 x 11.50.1542.3340 1.10MALREKB00PB147N00K 6.810 x 12.50.1529.2656 2.05MALREKB00DC168N00K 1010 x 12.50.1519.8968 2.05MALREKB00DC210N00K 1510 x 160.1513.2692 2.20MALREKB00DD215N00K 2210 x 200.159.04121 3.10MALREKB00DE222N00K 3312.5 x 200.15 6.03175 4.00MALREKB00FE233N00K 4712.5 x 250.15 4.23227 5.00MALREKB00FG247N00K 6816 x 250.15 2.933038.50MALREKB00JG268N00K 10016 x 31.50.15 1.9940210.0MALREKB00JS310N00K 15018 x 35.50.15 1.3355414.0MALREKB00KL315N00K 22018 x 400.150.9069414.6MALREKB00KK322N00KELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R 120Hz (µF)DIMENSIONSD x L (mm)tan δ120 Hz R ESR 120Hz (Ω)I R120 Hz/105 °C(mA)WEIGHT (g)CATALOG NUMBER (Long Leads) For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@Document Number: 25013EKBVishay RoedersteinAluminum CapacitorsRadial Style3503.38 x 11.50.2080.3834 1.10MALREKB00PB133O00K 1010 x 160.2026.5375 2.20MALREKB00DD210O00K 1510 x 200.2017.68100 3.10MALREKB00DE215O00K 2212.5 x 200.2012.06143 4.00MALREKB00FE222O00K 3312.5 x 250.208.04190 5.00MALREKB00FG233O00K 4716 x 250.20 5.642528.50MALREKB00JG247O00K 6816 x 31.50.20 3.9033210.0MALREKB00JS268O00K 10018 x 35.50.20 2.6540714.0MALREKB00KL310O00K 15018 x 400.20 1.7752314.6MALREKB00KK315O00K 4002.28 x 11.50.20120.628 1.10MALREKB00PB122X00K3.310 x 12.50.2080.3839 2.05MALREKB00DC133X00K4.710 x 12.50.2056.4447 2.05MALREKB00DC147X00K 6.810 x 160.2039.0162 2.20MALREKB00DD168X00K 1010 x 200.2026.5382 3.10MALREKB00DE210X00K 1512.5 x 200.2017.68118 4.00MALREKB00FE215X00K 2212.5 x 250.2012.061555.00MALREKB00FG222X00K 3316 x 250.208.042118.50MALREKB00JG233X00K 4716 x 31.50.20 5.6427610.0MALREKB00JS247X00K 6818 x 35.50.20 3.9037314.0MALREKB00KL268X00K 10018 x 400.20 2.6542714.6MALREKB00KK310X00K 4502.210 x 12.50.20120.627 2.05MALREKB00DC122P00K3.310 x 160.2080.3836 2.20MALREKB00DD133P00K4.710 x 160.2056.4443 2.20MALREKB00DD147P00K 6.810 x 200.2039.0156 3.10MALREKB00DE168P00K 1012.5 x 200.2026.5380 4.00MALREKB00FE210P00K 1512.5 x 250.2017.681075.00MALREKB00FG215P00K 2216 x 250.2012.061448.50MALREKB00JG222P00K 3316 x 4716 x 35.50.20 5.6424211.0MALREKB00JL247P00K 6818 x 400.203.9035214.6MALREKB00KK268P00KELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATIONU R (V)C R120Hz(µF)DIMENSIONSD x L (mm)tan δ120 Hz R ESR 120Hz (Ω)I R120 Hz/105 °C(mA)WEIGHT (g)CATALOG NUMBER (Long Leads)LOW TEMPERATURE BEHAVIORIMPEDANCE RATIOZ(T2)/Z(T1)RATED VOLTAGE(V)T2/T1 6.31016253550 ~ 100160200 ~ 350400450- 25/+ 20 °C 54322234610- 40/+ 20 °C108643348--ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL DATAPARAMETERCONDITIONSVALUECurrent Leakage current(T est conditions: U R , 20 °C)After 1 minute at U R I L1 ≤ 0.03 x C R x U R or 4 µA for U R ≤ 100 V (whichever is greater)After 2 minutes at U R I L2 ≤ 0.01 x C R x U R or 3 µA for U R ≤ 100 V (whichever is greater) After 5 minutes at U RI L5 ≤ 0.02 x C R x U R+ 15 µAfor U R > 100 V (whichever is greater)ResistanceEquivalent series resistance (ESR)Calculated from tan δmax.and C RESR = tan δ/2 π f C RDocument Number: 25013For technical questions, contact: aluminumcaps1@EKBAluminum CapacitorsRadial StyleVishay RoedersteinMULTIPLIER OF RIPPLE CURRENT (I R ) AS A FUNCTION OF FREQUENCYFREQUENCY(Hz)I R MULTIPLIER FOR U R ≤ 100 VC R ≤ 47 µFC R = 68 to 680 µFC R ≥ 1000 µF500.750.800.85120 1.00 1.00 1.00300 1.35 1.25 1.101000 1.55 1.35 1.15≥ 10 0002.001.501.15MULTIPLIER OF RIPPLE CURRENT (I R ) AS A FUNCTION OF FREQUENCYFREQUENCY(Hz)I R MULTIPLIER FOR U R 160 V to ≤ 450 VC R = 47 to 220 µFC R ≥ 330 µF500.800.90120 1.00 1.00300 1.25 1.101000 1.40 1.13≥ 10 0001.601.15TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSTESTPROCEDURE (QUICK REFERENCE)REQUIREMENTSLoad lifeT amb = 105 °C U R and I R appliedAfter 1000 hours Ø 5, Ø 6.3, Ø 8 mm After 2000 hours ≥ Ø 10 mmΔ C/C: ± 20 % of initial value I L ≤ spec. limittan δ ≤ 2 x spec. limitShelf lifeT amb = 105 °C No voltage applied After 1000 hoursAfter test: U R to be applied for 30 minutes 24 to 48 hours before measurementΔ C/C: ± 20 % of initial value I L ≤ spec.limittan δ ≤ 2 x spec. limitDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。
April 1996NEC Electronics Inc.A10616EU1V0DS00CMOS-8LHD3.3-Volt, 0.5-Micron CMOS Gate ArraysPreliminary DescriptionNEC's CMOS-8LHD gate-array family combines cell-based-level densities with the fast time-to-market and low development costs of gate arrays. With a unique heterogeneous cell architecture, CMOS-8LHD provides the very dense logic and RAM capabilities required to build devices for fast computer and communications systems.NEC delivers high-speed, 0.5-micron, drawn gate length (Leff=0.35-micron), three-level metal, CMOS technology with an extensive family of macros. I/O macros include GTL, HSTL, and pECL. TTL CMOS I/Os are provided with 5-V tolerance for applications requiring interface to 5-V logic. PCI signaling standards are also supported,including 3.3-V, 66 MHz PCI. The technology is enhanced by a set of advanced features, including phase-locked loops, clock tree synthesis, and high-speed memory. The CMOS-8LHD gate-array family of 3.3-V devices consists of 12 masters, offered in densities of 75K raw gates to 1.123 million raw gates. Usable gates range from 45K to 674K used gates.The gate-array family is supported by NEC's OpenCAD ®design system, a mixture of popular third-party EDA tools,and proprietary NEC tools. NEC proprietary tools include the GALET floorplanner, which helps to reduce design time and improve design speed, and a clock tree synthesis tool that automatically builds a balanced-buffer clock tree to minimize on-chip clock skew.Figure 1. CMOS-8LHD Package Options: BGA & QFPTable 1. CMOS-8LHD Family Features and BenefitsCMOS-8LHD ApplicationsThe CMOS-8LHD family is ideal for use in personal computer systems, engineering workstations, and telecommunications switching and transmission systems, where extensive integration and high speeds are primary design goals. With power dissipation of 0.21 µW/MHz/gate, CMOS-8LHD is also suited for lower-power applications where high performance is required.OpenCAD is a registered trademark of NEC Electronics Inc.CMOS-8LHD2Cell-Based Array ArchitectureThe CMOS-8LHD gate-array family is built with the Cell-Based Array (CBA) architecture licensed from the Silicon Architects Group of Synopsys. CBA architecture uses two types of cells: compute cells and drive cells.This heterogeneous cell architecture enables very high-density design. Compute cells are used to optimize intramacro logic. Drive cells are optimized for intermacro interconnect. The two cell types are also used to build macros with up to three different power/performance/area points.CBA has a rich macrocell library that is optimized for synthesis. RAM blocks are efficiently created from the CBA architecture, using compute cells as memory cores, and sense amplifiers and drive cells as word and address predecoder drivers.As shown in Figure 2, CBA is divided into I/O and array regions. The I/O region contains input and output buffers. The array region contains the gates used to build logic, RAM blocks, and other design features.Power Rail ArchitectureCMOS-8LHD provides additional flexibility for mixedvoltage system designs. As shown in Figure 2, the arrays contain two power rails: a 3.3-V rail, and V DD2.The V DD2 rail is used for interfaces such as 5-V PCI buffers where a clamping diode allows protection for up to an 11-V voltage spike, per the PCI revision 2.1specification.Figure 2. CBA Layout and Cell ConfigurationThe V DD2 rail is separated into sections to give flexibility for including two or more buses requiring special I/O voltage on one device. Each section can operate as an independent voltage zone, and sections can be linked together to form common voltage zones.Packaging and TestNEC utilizes BIST test structures for RAM testing. NEC also offers advanced packaging solutions including Plastic Ball Grid Arrays (PBGA), Plastic Quad Flat Packs (PQFP), and Pin Grid Arrays (PGA). Please call your local NEC ASIC design center representative for a listing of available master/package combinations.PublicationsThis data sheet contains preliminary specifications for the CMOS-8LHD gate-array family. Additional infor-mation will be available in NEC's CMOS-8LHD Block Library and CMOS-8LHD Design Manual . Call your local NEC ASIC design center representative or the NEC literature line for additional ASIC design information; see the back of this data sheet for locations and phone numbers.Table 2. CMOS-8LHD Base Array Line-upDevice Raw Gates Used Gates (1)Total Pads66562750404502416466563997925987518866565125216751292126656617963210777925266568202400121440268665692681281608763086657029792017875232466571359744215845356665725008643005184206657362054437232646866575802240481344532(1) Actual gate utilization varies depending on circuit implementation.Utilization is 60% for 3LM.3CMOS-8LHDInput/Output CapacitanceV DD =V I =0-V; f =1 MHzTerminal Symbol Typ Max Unit Input C IN 1020pF Output C OUT 1020pF I/OC I/O1020pF(1)Values include package pin capacitancePower ConsumptionDescription Limits Unit Internal gate (1)0.21µW/MHz Input buffer 2.546µW/MHz Output buffer10.60µW/MHzAbsolute Maximum RatingsPower supply voltage, V DD –0.5 to +4.6-VInput voltage, V I3.3-V input buffer (at V I < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 3.3-V fail-safe input buffer (at V I < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5 V-tolerant (at V I < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V Output Voltage, V O3.3-V output buffer (at V O < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5-V-tolerant output buffer (at V O < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5-V open-drain output buffer (at V O < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-VLatch-up current, I LATCH >1 A (typ)Operating temperature, T OPT –40 to +85°C Storage temperature, T STG–65 to +150°C (1) Assumes 30% internal gate switching at one timeCaution: Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability; exceeding the ratings could cause permanent damage. The device should not be operated outside the recommended operating conditions.Recommended Operating ConditionsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.165-V; T j = 0 to +100°C3.3-V Interface 5-V Interface5-V PCI 3.3-V PCIBlock BlockLevel LevelParameterSymbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit I/O power supply voltage V DD 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 5.5 3.0 3.6V Junction temperature T J 0+1000+1000+1000+100°C High-level input voltage V IH 2.0V DD 2.0 5.5 2.0V CC 0.5 V CCV CC V Low-level input voltage V IL 00.800.800.800.3 V CCV Positive trigger voltage V P 1.50 2.70 1.50 2.70————V Negative trigger voltage V N 0.60 1.60.60 1.6————V Hysteresis voltage V H 1.10 1.3 1.10 1.3————V Input rise/fall time t R , t F 0200020002000200ns Input rise/fall time, Schmittt R , t F1010————nsAC CharacteristicsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.3-V; T j = –40 to +125°C ParameterSymbol MinTypMax Unit Conditions Toggle frequency (F611)f TOG356MHzD-F/F; F/O = 2 mmDelay time2-input NAND (F322)t PD181ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mmt PD 186ps F/O = 2; L = typ (0.42 mm)Flip-flop (F611)t PD 573ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mm t PD 688ps F/O = 2; L = typ t SETUP 410ps —t HOLD 540ps —Input buffer (FI01)t PD 268ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mm t PD 312ps F/O = 2; L = typ Output buffer (9 mA) 3.3-V (FO01)t PD 1.316ns C L = 15 pF Output buffer (9 mA) 5-V-tolerant (FV01)t PD 1.228ns C L = 15 pF Output buffer (9 mA) 5-V-swing (FY01)t PD 1.517ns C L = 15 pF Output rise time (9 mA) (FO01)t R 1.347ns C L = 15 pF Output fall time (9 mA) (FO01)t F1.284nsC L = 15 pFCMOS-8LHD4(3)Rating is for only one output operating in this mode for less than 1 second.(4)Normal type buffer: I OH < I OL .(5)Balanced buffer: I OH = I OL .(6)Resistor is called 50ký to maintain consistency with previous families.Notes:(1)Static current consumption increases if an I/O block with on-chip pull-up/pull-down resistor or an oscillator is used. Call an NEC ASIC design center repre-sentative for assistance in calculation.(2)Leakage current is limited by tester capabilities. Specification listed representsthis measurement limitation. Actual values will be significantly lower.DC CharacteristicsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.165-V; T j = 0 to +100°C ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Quiescent current (1)µPD66578I DDS 2.0300µA V I = V DD or GND µPD66575, 66573, 66572I DDS 1.0300µA V I = V DD or GND Remaining mastersI DDS 0.5200µA V I = V DD or GND Off-state output leakage current3.3-V buffers, 3.3-V PCII OZ ±10µA V O = V DD or GND 5-V-tolerant buffers, 5-V PCI I OZ ±14µA V O = V DD or GND 5-V open-drainI OZ ±14µA V O = V DD or GND Output short circuit current (3)I OS –250mA V O = GND Input leakage current (2)5-V PCI I IH +70, –70µA V IN = 2.7-V, 0.5-V 3.3-V PCI I I ±10µA V IN = V DD or GND RegularI I ±10–5±10µA V I = V DD or GND 50 k Ω pull-up I I –180–40µA V I = GND 5 k Ω pull-up I I –1400–350mA V I = GND 50 k Ω pull-down I I 30160µA V I = V DDResistor values50 k Ω pull-up (6)R pu 2075k Ω5 k Ω pull-upR pu 2.68.6k Ω50 k Ω pull-down (6)R pu 22.5100k ΩInput clamp voltageV IC –1.2V I I = 18 mA Low-level output current (ALL buffer types)3 mA I OL 3mA V OL = 0.4-V 6 mA I OL 6mA V OL = 0.4-V 9 mA I OL 9mA V OL = 0.4-V 12 mA I OL 12mA V OL = 0.4-V 18 mA I OL 18mA V OL = 0.4-V 24 mAI OL 24mA V OL = 0.4-V High-level output current (5-V-tolerant block)3 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 6 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 9 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 12 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 18 mA I OH –4mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 24 mAI OH –4mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V High-level output current (3.3-V interface block)3 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 6 mA I OH –6mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 9 mA I OH –9mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 12 mA I OH –12mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 18 mA I OH -18mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 24 mAI OH -24mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V Output voltage (5-V PCI)High-level output voltage V OH 2.4mA I OH = 2 mALow-level output voltage V OL 0.55mA I OL = 3 mA, 6 mA Output voltage (3.3-V PCI)High-level output voltage V OH 0.9 V DDmA I OH = 500 µA Low-level output voltage V OL 0.1 V DDmA I OL = 1500 µA Low-level output voltageV OL 0.1V I OL = 0 mA High-level output voltage, 5-V TTL V OH V DD –0.2V I OL = 0 mA High-level output voltage, 3.3-VV OHV DD –0.1VI OH = 0 mACMOS-8LHD5CMOS-8LHD6Document No. A10616EU1V0DS00For literature, call toll-free 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific time: 1-800-366-9782or FAX your request to: 1-800-729-9288©1996 NEC Electronics Inc./Printed in U.S.A.NEC ASIC DESIGN CENTERSWEST•3033 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95054TEL 408-588-5008FAX 408-588-5017•One Embassy Centre9020 S.W. Washington Square Road,Suite 400Tigard, OR 97223TEL 503-671-0177FAX 503-643-5911THIRD-PARTY DESIGN CENTERSSOUTH CENTRAL/SOUTHEAST•Koos Technical Services, Inc.385 Commerce Way, Suite 101Longwood, FL 32750TEL 407-260-8727FAX 407-260-6227•Integrated Silicon Systems Inc.2222 Chapel Hill Nelson Highway Durham, NC 27713TEL 919-361-5814FAX 919-361-2019•Applied Systems, Inc.1761 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 328Deerfield Beach, FL 33442TEL 305-428-0534FAX 305-428-5906NEC Electronics Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS2880 Scott Boulevard P.O. Box 58062Santa Clara, CA 95052TEL 408-588-6000No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics Inc. (NECEL). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. ALL DEVICES SOLD BY NECEL ARE COVERED BY THE PROVISIONS APPEARING IN NECEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES ONLY. INCLUDING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY,WARRANTY, AND PATENT PROVISIONS. NECEL makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied or by description, regarding informa-tion set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. NECEL assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. NECEL makes no commitments to update or to keep current information contained in this document. The devices listed in this document are not suitable for use in applications such as, but not limited to, aircraft control systems,aerospace equipment, submarine cables, nuclear reactor control systems and life support systems. “Standard” quality grade devices are recommended for computers, office equipment, communication equipment, test and measurement equipment, machine tools,industrial robots, audio and visual equipment, and other consumer products. For automotive and transportation equipment, traffic control systems, anti-disaster and anti-crime systems, it is recommended that the customer contact the responsible NECEL salesperson to determine the reliabilty requirements for any such application and any cost adder. NECEL does not recommend or approve use of any of its products in life support devices or systems or in any application where failure could result in injury or death.If customers wish to use NECEL devices in applications not intended by NECEL, customer must contact the responsible NECEL sales people to determine NECEL’s willingness to support a given application.SOUTH CENTRAL/SOUTHEAST•16475 Dallas Parkway, Suite 380Dallas, TX 75248TEL 972-735-7444FAX 972-931-8680•Research Triangle Park2000 Regency Parkway, Suite 455Cary, NC 27511TEL 919-460-1890FAX 919-469-5926•Two Chasewood Park 20405 SH 249, Suite 580Houston, TX 77070TEL 713-320-0524FAX 713-320-0574NORTH CENTRAL/NORTHEAST•The Meadows, 2nd Floor 161 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01701TEL 508-935-2200FAX 508-935-2234•Greenspoint Tower2800 W. Higgins Road, Suite 765Hoffman Estates, IL 60195TEL708-519-3945FAX 708-882-7564。
9、CRM 工作模式:
在轻载或空载时,CR6850C 进入 CRM 工作模式,工作频率降低。频率的变化由取自电压反馈环的反馈电 压控制,当反馈电压低于内部门限电压时,振荡器频率线性减小到最小绿色工作频率,约 22KHz 左右 (RI=100KΩ) 。在此振荡频率工作时,MOSFET 的开关损耗和磁芯、电感、吸收电路等各部分的损耗均减小, 从而减小了总损耗。在正常工作或重载时,PWM 频率增大到最大工作频率,约 67kHz 左右(RI=100KΩ) ,工 作频率不受绿色工作模式的影响。
管脚信息: 管脚信息:
典型应用电路图: 典型应用电路图:
CR6850C 应用指导书
CR6853 是用于 36W 以内离线式开关电源 IC,其高集成度,低功耗的电流模 PWM 控制芯片,该芯片适用 于离线式 AC-DC 反激拓扑的小功率电源模块。芯片可以通过外接电阻改变工作频率;在轻载和无负载情况 下自动进入 PFM 和 CRM,这样可以有效减小电源模块的待机功耗,达到绿色节能的目的。CR6850C 具有很低 的启动电流,因此可以采用一个 2 兆欧姆的启动电阻。为了提高系统的稳定性,防止次谐波振荡, CR6850C 内置了同步斜坡补偿电路;而动态峰值限制电路减小了在宽电压输入(90V~264V)时最大输出功率的变化; 内置的前沿消隐电路可以消除开关管每次开启产生的干扰。CR6850C 内置了多种保护功能:过压保护 、逐 周期峰值电流限制、欠压锁定(可以用它实现短路和过流保护)以及输出驱动的高电平钳位在 16.8V 以下。 而驱动输出采用的图腾柱和软驱动有效降低了开关噪声。 CR6850C 提供 SOT23-6L, SOT-8 和 DIP-8 无铅封装。 由于 CR6850C 高度集成,使用外围元件较少。采用 CR6850C 可以简化反激式隔离 AC-DC 开关电源设计, 从而使设计者轻松的获得可靠的系统。
CR6855 电源IC规格书
满足能源之星EPS 2.0版VI级能效标准
电池充电器 数码产品适配器
AC-DC电源适配器 PC、TV辅助电源 开放式电源
CR6855 电源管理 IC 深圳市振华凌云科技有限公司
CR6855是用于40W以内离线式开关电源IC,该IC具有优化的图腾驱动电路以及电流模式PWM控制器。PWM 控制器包含65KHz固定的频率振荡发生器以及各种保护。由振荡电路产生的频率抖动,可以改善EMI特性。 为了获得良好的效率和待机功耗,CR6855在重载或中等负载时,工作在PWM模式,频率为65KHz。当负载 逐渐减小时,振荡器的工作频率逐渐降低,最后稳定在22KHz左右。在空载和轻载时,电路采用间歇开关 模式,有效的降低了待机功耗,达到绿色节能的目的。CR6855具有很低的启动电流,若采用整流桥前启动, 可以使待机功耗降至100mW以内,满足能源之星EPS 2.0版VI级能效标准。为了提高系统的稳定性,防止 次谐波振荡,CR6855内置了同步斜坡补偿电路、内置恒定功率补偿电路,减小了在宽电压输入(85V~264V) 时最大输出功率的变化、内置的前沿消隐电路可以屏蔽开关管每次开启产生的干扰。CR6855内置了多种保 护功能:VDD 欠压保护(UVLO)、过压保护(OVP)及VDD电压钳位功能、过载保护(OLP)、外置可调过温保护 (OTP)、通过RT引脚实现可编程OVP功能,各种保护解除后均可自动恢复工作,以及输出驱动的高电平被嵌 位于12.5V以下。而驱动输出采用的图腾柱和软驱动,有效降低了开关噪声。 由于CR6855高度集成,使用外围元件较少。采用CR6855可简化反激式隔离AC-DC开关电源设计,从而使设 计者轻松的获得可靠的系统。
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Video processor with automatic cut-off control
FEATURES • Operates from an 8 V DC supply • Black level clamping of the colour difference, luminance and RGB input signals with coupling-capacitor DC level storage • Two analog RGB inputs, selected either by fast switch signals or via I2C-bus; brightness and contrast control of both RGB inputs • Saturation, contrast, brightness and white adjustment via I2C-bus • Same RGB output black levels for Y/CD and RGB input signals • Timing pulse generation from either a 2 or 3-level sandcastle pulse for clamping, vertical synchronization and cut-off timing pulses • Automatic cut-off control or clamped output selectable via I2C-bus • Automatic cut-off control with picture tube leakage current compensation • Cut-off measurement pulses after end of the vertical blanking pulse or end of an extra vertical flyback pulse • Two switch-on delays to prevent discolouration before steady-state operation • Average beam current and peak drive limiting • PAL/SECAM or NTSC matrix selection via I2C-bus • Emitter-follower RGB output stages to drive the video output stages • I2C-bus controlled DC output e.g. for hue-adjust of NTSC (multistandard) decoders. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA4685 is a monolithic integrated circuit with a luminance and a colour difference interface for video processing in TV receivers. Its primary function is to process the luminance and colour difference signals from a colour decoder which is equipped e.g. with the multistandard decoder TDA4655 or TDA9160 plus delay line TDA4661 and the Picture Signal Improvement (PSI) IC, TDA467X, or from a feature module. ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGE TYPE NUMBER NAME TDA4685 DIP28 DESCRIPTION plastic dual in-line package; 28 leads (600 mil) The required input signals are:
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PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTORCMBA857 SOT23MARKING : AS BELOWABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTIONSYMBOL VALUE UNIT Collector -Base VoltageVCBO 60V Collector -Emitter VoltageVCEO 50V Emitter Base VoltageVEBO 6.0V Collector CurrentIC 200mA Collector Power DissipationPC 200mW Junction TemperatureTj 125deg C Storage TemperatureTstg -55 to +125deg CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25 deg C unless otherwise specified)DESCRIPTION SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN TYPMAX UNIT Collector -Emitter VoltageVCEO IC=100uA, IB=050--V Collector Cut off CurrentICBO VCB=60V, IE=0--100nA Emitter Cut off CurrentIEBO VEB=6V, IC=0--100nADC Current GainhFE(1)IC=1mA,VCE=6V 150-500hFE(2)IC=0.1mA,VCE=6V 90--Collector Emitter Saturation VoltageVCE(Sat)IC=100mA,IB=10mA --0.30VBase Emitter Saturation VoltageVBE(Sat)IC=100mA,IB=10mA -- 1.0V Dynamic CharacteristicsTransition Frequencyft VCE=6V,IC=10mA,-200-MHz Collector Output CapacitanceCob VCB=6V, IE=0- 4.0-pF f=1MHzNoise FigureNF VCE=6V, IE=0.3mA --20dBf=100Hz, Rg=10kohmsCLASSIFICATION E F hFE(1)150-300250-500MARKING PAPBPIN CONFIGURATION (PNP)1 = BASE2 = EMITTER3 = COLLECTOR213Continental Device India LimitedAn ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified CompanyTape Specification for SOT-23 Surface Mount DeviceSOT-23 Package Reel InformationReel specifications for W" Packing (13" reel)SOT-23 Formed SMD PackageSOT-23 T&R3K/reel 10K/reel136 gm/3K pcs 415 gm/10K pcs3" x 7.5" x 7.5"9" x 9" x 9"13" x 13" x 0.5"12.0K 51.0K 10.0K17" x 15" x 13.5"19" x 19" x 19"17" x 15" x 13.5"192.0K 408.0K 300.0K12 kgs 28 kgs 16 kgsPACKAGENet Weight/Qty DetailsSTANDARD PACKINNER CARTON BOXQty OUTER CARTON BOXQty Gr Wt SizeSizePacking Detailø329.2±0.5 / 178 ±0.514.47.9 – 10.9T R A I L E RF I X I NG T A P EL E A D E R9.2±0.5MAXø100.0±0.5 / 54.5 ±0.5ø2.0±0.5ø20.2 MINDETAIL Xø13.0+0.5–0.2All dimensions in m m330 / 180 mm – Antistatic Coated Plastic ReelNOTES:No. of Devices8m m Tape Size of Reel 330 mm (13")10,000 Pcs8m m Tape Size of Reel 180 mm (7")3,000 PcsThe bandolier of 330 mm reel contains at least 10,000 devices.The bandolier of 180 mm reel contains at least 3,000 devices.No m ore than 0.5% missing devices / reel. 50 empty compartm ents for 330 mm reel. 15 em pty com partments for 180 m m reel.Three consecutive empty places m ight be found provided this gap is followed by 6 consecutive devices.The carrier tape (leader) starts with at least 75 em pty positions (equivalent to 330 m m). In order to fix the carrier tape a self adhesive tape of 20 to 50 m m is applied. At the end of the bandolier at least 40 em pty positions (equivalent to 160 m m) are there.180or 3301.±±0.1All dimensions inmm±0.01±0.025NotesDisclaimerThe product information and the selection guides facilitate selection of the CDIL's Discrete Semiconductor Device(s)best suited for application in your product(s)as per your requirement.It is recommended that you completely review our Data Sheet(s)so as to confirm that the Device(s)meet functionality parameters for your application.The information furnished on the CDIL Web Site/CD is believed to be accurate and reliable.CDIL however,does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information.Furthermore,CDIL does not assume liability whatsoever,arising out of the application or use of any CDIL product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor rights of others.These products are not designed for use in life saving/support appliances or systems.CDIL customers selling these products(either as individual Discrete Semiconductor Devices or incorporated in their end products),in any life saving/support appliances or systems or applications do so at their own risk and CDIL will not be responsible for any damages resulting from such sale(s).CDIL strives for continuous improvement and reserves the right to change the specifications of its products without prior notice.CDIL is a registered Trademark ofContinental Device India LimitedC-120 Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 110 028, India.Telephone + 91-11-579 6150 Fax + 91-11-579 9569, 579 5290e-mail sales@ 。
阀: -40°C ... +65°C (NBR), -25°C ... +80°C (HNBR) (取决于电磁线圈系统) 电磁线圈: 详见电磁线圈表 在+2°C以下使用时要保证 供气干燥以防结冰
阀体: 不锈钢 1.4404/316, 黄铜 2.0401, 阳极氧化铝 3.0615 密封件: NBR (特殊丁腈橡胶)
经过滤的,非润滑干燥的压缩空 气,仪表用空气,氮气或其他非 易燃中性干燥流体
DN 6 mm, DN 8 mm
G 1/4, 1/4 NPT, G 1/2, 1/2 NPT
2,5 ... 8 bar 内部供气 0 ... 8 bar 外部供气
流量 (l/min) 1300 1300 2600 2600 1300 1300 2600 2600 1300 1300
重量 (kg) 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7
图号 No. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
型号*1) 9713535 9713545 9713555 9713565 9710535 9710545 9710555 9710565 9711535 9711545
513 4 2 4 2 513
阀体: 不锈钢
513 2
513 2 1 2 4 1 3 513 2 4 2 4 1 2 3 513 2 3
流量 (l/min) 1300 1300 2600 2600 1300 1300 2600 2600 1300 1300
TL DD10802COP680C COP681C COP682C COP880C COP881C COP882C COP980C COP981C COP982C MicrocontrollersAugust 1996COP680C COP681C COP682C COP880C COP881C COP882C COP980C COP981C COP982C MicrocontrollersGeneral DescriptionThe COP680C COP681C COP682C COP880C COP881C COP882C COP980C COP981C and COP982C are mem-bers of the COPS TM microcontroller family They are fully static parts fabricated using double-metal silicon gate microCMOS technology This low cost microcontroller is a complete microcomputer containing all system timing inter-rupt logic ROM RAM and I O necessary to implement dedicated control functions in a variety of applications Fea-tures include an 8-bit memory mapped architecture MI-CROWIRE PLUS TM serial I O a 16-bit timer counter with capture register and a multi-sourced interrupt Each I O pin has software selectable options to adapt the device to the specific application The part operates over a voltage range of 2 5to 6 0V High throughput is achieved with an efficient regular instruction set operating at a 1microsecond per in-struction rateKey FeaturesY16-bit multi-function timer supporting PWM modeExternal event counter mode Input capture mode Y 4kbytes of ROM Y128bytes of RAMI O FeaturesY Memory mapped I OYSoftware selectable I O options (TRI-STATE Push-Pull Weak Pull-Up Input High Impedance Input)YHigh current outputs (8pins)Y Schmitt trigger inputs on Port G Y MICROWIRE PLUS serial I O YPackages20DIP SO with 16I O pins 28DIP SO with 24I O pins 40DIP 36I O pins 44PLCC 36I O pinsCPU Instruction Set FeaturesY 1m s instruction cycle timeYThree multi-source interrupts servicing External interrupt with selectable edge Timer interrupt Software interruptY Versatile and easy to use instruction set Y 8-bit Stack Pointer (SP) stack in RAMYTwo 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers (B and X)Fully Static CMOSY Low current drain (typically k 1m A)Y Single supply operation 2 5V to 6 0VYTemperature ranges 0 C to 70 C b 40 C to a 85 C b 55 C to a 125 CDevelopment SupportY Emulation and OTP devicesYReal time emulation and full program debug offered by MetaLink’s development systemTRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor CorporationCOPS TM HPC TM MICROWIRE TM and MICROWIRE PLUS TM are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation iceMASTER TM is a trademark of MetaLink CorporationPC-XT and PC-AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation C 1996National Semiconductor CorporationRRD-B30M106 Printed in U S Ahttp www national comBlock DiagramTL DD 10802–1FIGURE1http www national com2Connection DiagramsDual-In-Line PackageTL DD 10802–23Top ViewOrder Number COP882C-XXX N COP982C-XXX NCOP882C-XXX WM COP982C-XXX WM COP982C-XXX N or COP982CH-XXX WMDual-In-Line Package (N)and 28Wide SO (WM)TL DD 10802–5Top ViewOrder Number COP881C-XXX N COP981C-XXX NCOP881C-XXX WM COP981C-XXX WM COP981CH-XXX N or COP981CH-XXX WMDual-In-Line PackageTL DD 10802–4Top ViewOrder Number COP680C-XXX N COP880C-XXX NCOP980C-XXX N or COP980CH-XXX NPlastic Chip CarrierTL DD 10802–3Top ViewOrder Number COP680C-XXX V COP880C-XXX VCOP980C-XXX V or COP980CH-XXX VFIGURE 3 Connection Diagramshttp www national com3COP980C COP981C COP982C Absolute Maximum RatingsIf Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Supply Voltage(V CC)7V Voltage at any Pin b0 3V to V CC a0 3V Total Current into V CC Pin(Source)50mA Total Current out of GND Pin(Sink)60mA Storage Temperature Range b65 C to a140 C Note Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur DC and AC electri-cal specifications are not ensured when operating the de-vice at absolute maximum ratingsDC Electrical Characteristics COP98xC 0 C s T A s a70 C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsOperating Voltage98XC2 34 0V 98XCH4 06 0V Power Supply Ripple(Note1)Peak to Peak0 1V CC VSupply CurrentCKI e10MHz V CC e6V tc e1m s6 0mA CKI e4MHz V CC e6V tc e2 5m s4 4mA CKI e4MHz V CC e4 0V tc e2 5m s2 2mA CKI e1MHz V CC e4 0V tc e10m s1 4mA (Note2)HALT Current V CC e6V CKI e0MHz k0 78m A (Note3)V CC e4 0V CKI e0MHz k0 45m AInput LevelsRESET CKILogic High0 9V CC V Logic Low0 1V CC V All Other InputsLogic High0 7V CC V Logic Low0 2V CC VHi-Z Input Leakage V CC e6 0V b1 0a1 0m A Input Pullup Current V CC e6 0V V IN e0V b40b250m AG Port Input Hysteresis0 35V CC VOutput Current LevelsD OutputsSource V CC e4 5V V OH e3 8V b0 4mAV CC e2 3V V OH e1 6V b0 2mA Sink V CC e4 5V V OL e1 0V10mAV CC e2 3V V OL e0 4V2mA All OthersSource(Weak Pull-Up)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 2V b10b110m AV CC e2 3V V OH e1 6V b2 5b33m A Source(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 8V b0 4mAV CC e2 3V V OH e1 6V b0 2Sink(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OL e0 4V1 6mAV CC e2 3V V OL e0 4V0 7TRI-STATE Leakage V CC e6 0V b1 0a1 0m AAllowable Sink SourceCurrent Per PinD Outputs(Sink)15mAAll Others3mAMaximum Input Current(Note4)Without Latchup(Room Temp)Room Temp g100mARAM Retention Voltage Vr500ns Rise and(Note5)Fall Time(Min)2 0VInput Capacitance7pFLoad Capacitance on D21000pF http www national com4COP980C COP981C COP982CDC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Note1 Rate of voltage change must be less than0 5V msNote2 Supply current is measured after running2000cycles with a square wave CKI input CKO open inputs at rails and outputs openNote3 The HALT mode will stop CKI from oscillating in the RC and the Crystal configurations Test conditions All inputs tied to V CC L C and G ports TRI-STATEand tied to ground all outputs low and tied to groundNote4 Pins G6and RESET are designed with a high voltage input network for factory testing These pins allow input voltages greater than V CC and the pins will have sink current to V CC when biased at voltages greater than V CC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below V CC) The effective resistance to V CC is750X(typ) These two pins will not latch up The voltage at the pins must be limited to less than14VNote5 To maintain RAM integrity the voltage must not be dropped or raised instantaneouslyAC Electrical Characteristics0 C s T A s a70 C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsInstruction Cycle Time(tc)Crystal Resonator or External V CC t4 0V1DC m s (Div-by10)2 3V s V CC s4 0V2 5DC m s R C Oscillator Mode V CC t4 0V3DC m s (Div-by10)2 3V s V CC s4 0V7 5DC m sCKI Clock Duty Cycle(Note6)fr e Max4060% Rise Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock12ns Fall Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock8nsInputst SETUP V CC t4 0V200ns2 3V s V CC s4 0V500nst HOLD V CC t4 0V60ns2 3V s V CC s4 0V150nsOutput Propagation Delay C L e100pF R L e2 2k Xt PD1 t PD0SO SK V CC t4 0V0 7m s2 3V s V CC s4 0V1 75m sAll Others V CC t4 0V1m s2 3V s V CC s4 0V2 5m sMICROWIRE TM Setup Time(t UWS)20ns MICROWIRE Hold Time(t UWH)56ns MICROWIRE OutputPropagation Delay(t UPD)220nsInput Pulse WidthInterrupt Input High Time t CInterrupt Input Low Time t CTimer Input High Time t CTimer Input Low Time t CReset Pulse Width1 0m sNote6 Parameter characterized but not production tested5http www national comCOP880C COP881C COP882C Absolute Maximum RatingsIf Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Supply Voltage(V CC)7V Voltage at any Pin b0 3V to V CC a0 3V Total Current into V CC Pin(Source)50mA Total Current out of GND Pin(Sink)60mA Storage Temperature Range b65 C to a140 C Note Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur DC and AC electri-cal specifications are not ensured when operating the de-vice at absolute maximum ratingsDC Electrical Characteristics COP88xC b40 C s T A s a85 C unless otherwise specified Parameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsOperating Voltage2 56 0V Power Supply Ripple(Note1)Peak to Peak0 1V CC VSupply CurrentCKI e10MHz V CC e6V tc e1m s6 0mA CKI e4MHz V CC e6V tc e2 5m s4 4mA CKI e4MHz V CC e4 0V tc e2 5m s2 2mA CKI e1MHz V CC e4 0V tc e10m s1 4mA (Note2)HALT Current V CC e6V CKI e0MHz k110m A (Note3)V CC e3 5V CKI e0MHz k0 56m AInput LevelsRESET CKILogic High0 9V CC V Logic Low0 1V CC V All Other InputsLogic High0 7V CC V Logic Low0 2V CC VHi-Z Input Leakage V CC e6 0V b2a2m A Input Pullup Current V CC e6 0V V IN e0V b40b250m AG Port Input Hysteresis0 35V CC VOutput Current LevelsD OutputsSource V CC e4 5V V OH e3 8V b0 4mAV CC e2 5V V OH e1 8V b0 2mA Sink V CC e4 5V V OL e1 0V10mAV CC e2 5V V OL e0 4V2mA All OthersSource(Weak Pull-Up)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 2V b10b110m AV CC e2 5V V OH e1 8V b2 5b33m A Source(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 8V b0 4mAV CC e2 5V V OH e1 8V b0 2Sink(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OL e0 4V1 6mAV CC e2 5V V OL e0 4V0 7TRI-STATE Leakage V CC e6 0V b2 0a2 0m AAllowable Sink SourceCurrent Per PinD Outputs(Sink)15mAAll Others3mAMaximum Input Current(Note4)Without Latchup(Room Temp)Room Temp g100mARAM Retention Voltage Vr500ns Rise and(Note5)Fall Time(Min)2 0VInput Capacitance7pFLoad Capacitance on D21000pF http www national com6COP880C COP881C COP882CDC Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Note1 Rate of voltage change must be less than0 5V msNote2 Supply current is measured after running2000cycles with a square wave CKI input CKO open inputs at rails and outputs openNote3 The HALT mode will stop CKI from oscillating in the RC and the Crystal configurations Test conditions All inputs tied to V CC L C and G ports TRI-STATEand tied to ground all outputs low and tied to groundNote4 Pins G6and RESET are designed with a high voltage input network for factory testing These pins allow input voltages greater than V CC and the pins will have sink current to V CC when biased at voltages greater than V CC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below V CC) The effective resistance to V CC is750X(typ) These two pins will not latch up The voltage at the pins must be limited to less than14VNote5 To maintain RAM integrity the voltage must not be dropped or raised instantaneouslyAC Electrical Characteristics b40 C s T A s a85 C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsInstruction Cycle Time(tc)Crystal Resonator or External V CC t4 5V1DC m s (Div-by10)2 5V s V CC k4 5V2 5DC m s R C Oscillator Mode V CC t4 5V3DC m s (Div-by10)2 5V s V CC k4 5V7 5DC m sCKI Clock Duty Cycle(Note6)fr e Max4060% Rise Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock12ns Fall Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock8nsInputst SETUP V CC t4 5V200ns2 5V s V CC k4 5V500nst HOLD V CC t4 5V60ns2 5V s V CC k4 5V150nsOutput Propagation Delay C L e100pF R L e2 2k Xt PD1 t PD0SO SK V CC t4 5V0 7m s2 5V s V CC k4 5V1 75m sAll Others V CC t4 5V1m s2 5V s V CC k4 5V2 5m sMICROWIRE TM Setup Time(t UWS)20ns MICROWIRE Hold Time(t UWH)56ns MICROWIRE OutputPropagation Delay(t UPD)220nsInput Pulse WidthInterrupt Input High Time t CInterrupt Input Low Time t CTimer Input High Time t CTimer Input Low Time t CReset Pulse Width1 0m sNote6 Parameter characterized but not production testedTiming DiagramTL DD 10802–2FIGURE2 MICROWIRE PLUS Timing7http www national comCOP680C COP681C COP682C Absolute Maximum RatingsIf Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Supply Voltage(V CC)6V Voltage at Any Pin b0 3V to V CC a0 3V Total Current into V CC Pin(Source)40mA Total Current Out of GND Pin(Sink)48mA Storage Temperature Range b65 C to a140 C Note Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur DC and AC electri-cal specifications are not ensured when operating the de-vice at absolute maximum ratingsDC Electrical Characteristics COP68xC b55 C s T A s a125 C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsOperating Voltage4 55 5V Power Supply Ripple(Note1)Peak to Peak0 1V CC VSupply Current(Note2)CKI e10MHz V CC e5 5V tc e1m s8 0mA CKI e4MHz V CC e5 5V tc e2 5m s4 4mA HALT Current(Note3)V CC e5 5V CKI e0MHz k1030m AInput LevelsRESET CKILogic High0 9V CC V Logic Low0 1V CC V All Other InputsLogic High0 7V CC V Logic Low0 2V CC VHi-Z Input Leakage V CC e5 5V b5a5m A Input Pullup Current V CC e5 5V V IN e0V b35b300m AG Port Input Hysteresis0 35V CC VOutput Current LevelsD OutputsSource V CC e4 5V V OH e3 8V b0 35mA Sink V CC e4 5V V OL e1 0V9mA All OthersSource(Weak Pull-Up)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 2V b9b120m A Source(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OH e3 2V b0 35mA Sink(Push-Pull Mode)V CC e4 5V V OL e0 4V1 4mA TRI-STATE Leakage V CC e5 5V b5 0a5 0m AAllowable Sink Source Current per PinD Outputs(Sink)12mAAll Others2 5mAMaximum Input Current(Room Temp)without Latchup(Note4)Room Temp g100mARAM Retention Voltage Vr(Note5)500ns Rise and Fall Time(Min)2 5VInput Capacitance7pFLoad Capacitance on D21000pFNote1 Rate of voltage change must be less than0 5V msNote2 Supply current is measured after running2000cycles with a square wave CKI input CKO open inputs at rails and outputs openNote3 The HALT mode will stop CKI from oscillating in the RC and the Crystal configurations Test conditions All inputs tied to V CC L and G ports TRI-STATE and tied to ground all outputs low and tied to groundNote4 Pins G6and RESET are designed with a high voltage input network for factory testing These pins allow input voltages greater than V CC and the pins will have sink current to V CC when biased at voltages greater than V CC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below V CC) The effective resistance to V CC is750X(typical) These two pins will not latch up The voltage at the pins must be limited to less than14VNote5 To maintain RAM integrity the voltage must not be dropped or raised instantaneouslyhttp www national com8COP680C COP681C COP682CAC Electrical Characteristics b55 C s T A s a125 C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Condition Min Typ Max UnitsInstruction Cycle Time(tc)Ext or Crystal Resonant V CC t4 5V1DC m s (Div-by10)CKI Clock Duty Cycle fr e Max4060% (Note6)Rise Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock12ns Fall Time(Note6)fr e10MHz Ext Clock8nsMICROWIRE Setup Time(t UWS)20ns MICROWIRE Hold Time(t UWH)56ns MICROWIRE Output Valid220nsTime(t UPD)Input Pulse WidthInterrupt Input High Time t CInterrupt Input Low Time t CTimer Input High Time t CTimer Input Low Time t CReset Pulse Width1m sNote6 Parameter characterized but not production tested9http www national comTypical Performance Characteristics(b40 C s T A s a85 C)Hall I DDTL DD 10802–16Dynamic I DD(Crystal Clock Option)TL DD 10802–17Port L C G Weak Pull-UpSource CurrentTL DD 10802–18Port L C G Push-Pull Source CurrentTL DD 10802–19Port L C G Push-Pull Sink CurrentTL DD 10802–20Port D Source CurrentTL DD 10802–21Port D Sink CurrentTL DD 10802–22 http www national com10Pin DescriptionsV CC and GND are the power supply pinsCKI is the clock input This can come from an external source a R C generated oscillator or a crystal(in conjunc-tion with CKO) See Oscillator descriptionRESET is the master reset input See Reset description PORT I is an8-bit Hi-Z input port The28-pin device does not have a full complement of Port I pins The unavailable pins are not terminated i e they are floating A read opera-tion for these unterminated pins will return unpredictable values The user must ensure that the software takes this into account by either masking or restricting the accesses to bit operations The unterminated Port I pins will draw power only when addressedPORT L is an8-bit I O portPORT C is a4-bit I O portThree memory locations are allocated for the L G and C ports one each for data register configuration register and the input pins Reading bits4–7of the C-Configuration reg-ister data register and input pins returns undefined data There are two registers associated with the L and C ports a data register and a configuration register Therefore each L and C I O bit can be individually configured under software control as shown belowConfig Data Ports L and C Setup00Hi-Z Input(TRI-STATE Output)01Input with Pull-Up(Weak One Output)10Push-Pull Zero Output11Push-Pull One OutputOn the28-pin part it is recommended that all bits of Port C be configured as outputsPORT G is an8-bit port with6I O pins(G0–G5)and2input pins(G6 G7) All eight G-pins have Schmitt Triggers on the inputsThere are two registers associated with the G port a data register and a configuration register Therefore each G port bit can be individually configured under software control as shown belowConfig Data Port G Setup00Hi-Z Input(TRI-STATE Output)01Input with Pull-Up(Weak One Output)10Push-Pull Zero Output11Push-Pull One OutputSince G6and G7are input only pins any attempt by the user to configure them as outputs by writing a one to the configuration register will be disregarded Reading the G6 and G7configuration bits will return zeros The device will be placed in the HALT mode by writing to the G7bit in the G-port data registerSix pins of Port G have alternate featuresG0INTR(an external interrupt)G3TIO(timer counter input output)G4SO(MICROWIRE serial data output)G5SK(MICROWIRE clock I O)G6SI(MICROWIRE serial data input)G7CKO crystal oscillator output(selected by mask option) or HALT restart input(general purpose input)Pins G1and G2currently do not have any alternate func-tionsPORT D is an8-bit output port that is preset high whenRESET goes low Care must be exercised with the D2pinoperation At RESET the external loads on this pin mustensure that the output voltages stay above0 9V CC to pre-vent the chip from entering special modes Also keep theexternal loading on D2to less than1000pFFunctional DescriptionFigure1shows the block diagram of the internal architec-ture Data paths are illustrated in simplified form to depicthow the various logic elements communicate with each oth-er in implementing the instruction set of the deviceALU AND CPU REGISTERSThe ALU can do an8-bit addition subtraction logical orshift operation in one cycle timeThere are five CPU registersA is the8-bit Accumulator registerPU is the upper7bits of the program counter(PC)PL is the lower8bits of the program counter(PC)B is the8-bit address register can be auto incremented ordecrementedX is the8-bit alternate address register can be incrementedor decrementedSP is the8-bit stack pointer points to subroutine stack(inRAM)B X and SP registers are mapped into the on chip RAMThe B and X registers are used to address the on chip RAMThe SP register is used to address the stack in RAM duringsubroutine calls and returnsPROGRAM MEMORYProgram memory consists of4096bytes of ROM Thesebytes may hold program instructions or constant data Theprogram memory is addressed by the15-bit program coun-ter(PC) ROM can be indirectly read by the LAID instructionfor table lookupDATA MEMORYThe data memory address space includes on chip RAM I Oand registers Data memory is addressed directly by the in-struction or indirectly by the B X and SP registersThe device has128bytes of RAM Sixteen bytes of RAMare mapped as‘‘registers’’that can be loaded immediatelydecremented or tested Three specific registers B X andSP are mapped into this space the other bytes are availablefor general usageThe instruction set permits any bit in memory to be setreset or tested All I O and registers(except the A PC)arememory mapped therefore I O bits and register bits can bedirectly and individually set reset and tested A is not mem-ory mapped but bit operations can be still performed on itNote RAM contents are undefined upon power-upRESETThe RESET input when pulled low initializes the microcon-troller Initialization will occur whenever the RESET input ispulled low Upon initialization the ports L G and C areplaced in the TRI-STATE mode and the Port D is set highThe PC PSW and CNTRL registers are cleared The dataand configuration registers for Ports L G and C are clearedThe external RC network shown in Figure4should be usedto ensure that the RESET pin is held low until the powersupply to the chip stabilizeshttp www national com 11Functional Description (Continued)TL DD 10802–6RC t 5X Power Supply Rise TimeFIGURE 4 Recommended Reset CircuitOSCILLATOR CIRCUITSFigure 5shows the three clock oscillator configurations A CRYSTAL OSCILLATORThe device can be driven by a crystal clock The crystal network is connected between the pins CKI and CKOTable I shows the component values required for various standard crystal valuesB EXTERNAL OSCILLATORCKI can be driven by an external clock signal CKO is avail-able as a general purpose input and or HALT restart con-trolC R C OSCILLATORCKI is configured as a single pin RC controlled Schmitt trig-ger oscillator CKO is available as a general purpose input and or HALT restart controlTable II shows the variation in the oscillator frequencies as functions of the component (R and C)valuesTL DD 10802–7FIGURE 5 Crystal and R-C Connection Diagrams OSCILLATOR MASK OPTIONSThe device can be driven by clock inputs between DC and 10MHzTABLE I Crystal Oscillator Configuration T A e 25 CR1R2C1C2CKI Freq Conditions (k X )(M X )(pF)(pF)(MHz)013030–3610V CC e 5V 013030–364V CC e 2 5V 5 61200100–1500 455V CC e 5VTABLE II RC Oscillator Configuration T A e 25 CR C CKI Freq Instr CycleConditions (k X )(pF)(MHz)(m s)3 3822 2to 2 73 7to 4 6V CC e 5V 5 61001 1to 1 37 4to 9 0V CC e 5V 6 81000 9to 1 18 8to 10 8V CC e 5VNote (R C Oscillator Configuration) 3k s R s 200k 50pF s C s 200pFhttp www national com 12Functional Description(Continued)The device has three mask options for configuring the clock input The CKI and CKO pins are automatically configured upon selecting a particular optionCrystal(CKI 10) CKO for crystal configurationExternal(CKI 10) CKO available as G7inputR C(CKI 10) CKO available as G7inputG7can be used either as a general purpose input or as a control input to continue from the HALT modeHALT MODEThe device supports a power saving mode of operation HALT The controller is placed in the HALT mode by setting the G7data bit alternatively the user can stop the clock input In the HALT mode all internal processor activities in-cluding the clock oscillator are stopped The fully static ar-chitecture freezes the state of the controller and retains all information until continuing In the HALT mode power re-quirements are minimal as it draws only leakage currents and output current The applied voltage(V CC)may be de-creased down to Vr(minimum RAM retention voltage)with-out altering the state of the machineThere are two ways to exit the HALT mode via the RESET or by the CKO pin A low on the RESET line reinitializes the microcontroller and starts executing from the address 0000H A low to high transition on the CKO pin(only if the external or R C clock option selected)causes the micro-controller to continue with no reinitialization from the ad-dress following the HALT instruction This also resets the G7data bitINTERRUPTSThere are three interrupt sources as shown belowA maskable interrupt on external G0input(positive or nega-tive edge sensitive under software control)A maskable interrupt on timer underflow or timer capture A non-maskable software error interrupt on opcode zero INTERRUPT CONTROLThe GIE(global interrupt enable)bit enables the interrupt function This is used in conjunction with ENI and ENTI to select one or both of the interrupt sources This bit is reset when interrupt is acknowledgedENI and ENTI bits select external and timer interrupt re-spectively Thus the user can select either or both sourcesto interrupt the microcontroller when GIE is enabledIEDG selects the external interrupt edge(0e rising edge1e falling edge) The user can get an interrupt on bothrising and falling edges by toggling the state of IEDG bitafter each interruptIPND and TPND bits signal which interrupt is pending Afterinterrupt is acknowledged the user can check these twobits to determine which interrupt is pending This permits theinterrupts to be prioritized under software The pending flagshave to be cleared by the user Setting the GIE bit highinside the interrupt subroutine allows nested interruptsThe software interrupt does not reset the GIE bit Thismeans that the controller can be interrupted by other inter-rupt sources while servicing the software interruptINTERRUPT PROCESSINGThe interrupt once acknowledged pushes the programcounter(PC)onto the stack and the stack pointer(SP)isdecremented twice The Global Interrupt Enable(GIE)bit isreset to disable further interrupts The microcontroller thenvectors to the address00FFH and resumes execution fromthat address This process takes7cycles to complete Atthe end of the interrupt subroutine any of the followingthree instructions return the processor back to the main pro-gram RET RETSK or RETI Either one of the three instruc-tions will pop the stack into the program counter(PC) Thestack pointer is then incremented twice The RETI instruc-tion additionally sets the GIE bit to re-enable further inter-ruptsAny of the three instructions can be used to return from ahardware interrupt subroutine The RETSK instructionshould be used when returning from a software interruptsubroutine to avoid entering an infinite loopNote There is always the possibility of an interrupt occurring during an in-struction which is attempting to reset the GIE bit or any other interruptenable bit If this occurs when a single cycle instruction is being usedto reset the interrupt enable bit the interrupt enable bit will be resetbut an interrupt may still occur This is because interrupt processing isstarted at the same time as the interrupt bit is being reset To avoidthis scenario the user should always use a two three or four cycleinstruction to reset interrupt enable bitshttp www national com 13Functional Description(Continued)TL DD 10802–8FIGURE6 Interrupt Block DiagramDETECTION OF ILLEGAL CONDITIONSThe device contains a hardware mechanism that allows it to detect illegal conditions which may occur from coding er-rors noise and‘brown out’voltage drop situations Specifi-cally it detects cases of executing out of undefined ROM area and unbalanced stack situationsReading an undefined ROM location returns00(hexadeci-mal)as its contents The opcode for a software interrupt is also‘00’ Thus a program accessing undefined ROM will cause a software interruptReading an undefined RAM location returns an FF(hexade-cimal) The subroutine stack grows down for each subrou-tine call By initializing the stack pointer to the top of RAM the first unbalanced return instruction will cause the stack pointer to address undefined RAM As a result the program will attempt to execute from FFFF(hexadecimal) which is an undefined ROM location and will trigger a software inter-ruptMICROWIRE PLUS TMMICROWIRE PLUS is a serial synchronous bidirectional communications interface The MICROWIRE PLUS capabil-ity enables the device to interface with any of National Semiconductor’s MICROWIRE peripherals(i e A D con-verters display drivers EEPROMS etc )and with other mi-crocontrollers which support the MICROWIRE PLUS inter-face It consists of an8-bit serial shift register(SIO)with serial data input(SI) serial data output(SO)and serial shift clock(SK) Figure7shows the block diagram of the MICRO-WIRE PLUS interfaceThe shift clock can be selected from either an internal source or an external source Operating the MICROWIRE PLUS interface with the internal clock source is called the Master mode of operation Similarly operating the MICRO-WIRE PLUS interface with an external shift clock is called the Slave mode of operationThe CNTRL register is used to configure and control the MICROWIRE PLUS mode To use the MICROWIRE PLUS the MSEL bit in the CNTRL register is set to one The SK clock rate is selected by the two bits SL0and SL1 in the CNTRL register Table III details the different clock rates that may be selectedTABLE IIISL1SL0SK Cycle Time002t C014t C1x8t Cwheret C is the instruction cycle clockMICROWIRE PLUS OPERATIONSetting the BUSY bit in the PSW register causes the MI-CROWIRE PLUS arrangement to start shifting the data It gets reset when eight data bits have been shifted The user may reset the BUSY bit by software to allow less than8bits to shift The devoce may enter the MICROWIRE PLUS mode either as a Master or as a Slave Figure8shows how two COP880C microcontrollers and several peripherals may be interconnected using the MICROWIRE PLUS arrange-mentMaster MICROWIRE PLUS OperationIn the MICROWIRE PLUS Master mode of operation the shift clock(SK)is generated internally The MICROWIRE PLUS Master always initiates all data exchanges (See Fig-ure8) The MSEL bit in the CNTRL register must be set to enable the SO and SK functions onto the G Port The SO and SK pins must also be selected as outputs by setting appropriate bits in the Port G configuration register Table IV summarizes the bit settings required for Master mode of operationSLAVE MICROWIRE PLUS OPERATIONIn the MICROWIRE PLUS Slave mode of operation the SK clock is generated by an external source Setting the MSEL bit in the CNTRL register enables the SO and SK functions onto the G Port The SK pin must be selected as an input and the SO pin is selected as an output pin by appropriately setting up the Port G configuration register Table IV sum-marizes the settings required to enter the Slave mode of operationThe user must set the BUSY flag immediately upon entering the Slave mode This will ensure that all data bits sent by the Master will be shifted properly After eight clock pulses the BUSY flag will be cleared and the sequence may be repeated (See Figure8 )http www national com14。
Electrical Connection
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
Drain Current, ID -- mA
40 m
Ta =
0 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1 0 ITR01963 --6 --5 --4 --3 --2 --1
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
81001 TS IM TA-1526 No.7021-1/5
Parameter [FET] Drain-to-Source Voltage Gate-to-Drain Voltage Gate Current Drain Current Allowable Power Dissipation [TR] Collector-to-Base Voltage Collector-to-Emitter Voltage Emitter-to-Base Voltage Collector Current Collector Current(Pulse) Base Current Collector Dissipation [Common Ratings] Total Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature PT Tj Tstg 600 150 --55 to +150 mW °C °C VCBO VCEO VEBO IC ICP IB PC 55 50 6 150 300 30 200 V V V mA mA mA mW VDSX VGDS IG ID PD 40 -40 10 75 400 V V mA mA mW Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
机型: MFC685CW MFC465CN MFC265C MFC230C
© Copyright Brother 2007
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本维修手册供维修人员所使用并对本手册封页所示兄弟公司(Brother)设备的规格、结构、工作原 理及维护等作了详细说明。手册中还包含了故障排除和修理所需的有关信息、如拆卸、重新组装和 润滑等,以便使维修人员理解设备的功能、迅速地维修设备并在必要时订购零部件。
印所接收的数据时,维修人员应指导用户按本章中所描述的传送步骤将接收到的数据传送到另 一台设备上以防数据的丢失。
第 6 章 拆卸/重新安装和润滑 详细说明了设备拆卸和重新安装的步骤以及相关的注意点。为维修人员提供了一目了然的流
程图以便用最快方式拆卸相关部件。 只需在拆卸开始之前,在流程图上查看一下需要拆卸的部件,就能快捷地找到目标部件。 本章还附有各种螺丝的紧固扭矩和重新安装时需加入指定润滑剂的润滑点的详细说明。
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Eaton 198570Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controller, 5.6 A, 2.2 kW, Sensor input 4, 230/277 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5, with braking resistanceGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1985704015081964451157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.42 kg IEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHS CE UL approval UL 61800-5-1Product NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes can be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Four fixed speeds integrated PTC thermistorDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: KeypadPC connectionThermo-click with safe isolationKey switch position AUTOKey switch position OFF/RESETSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Braking resistanceControl unitInternal DC linkBreaking resistanceIGBT inverterPTC thermistor monitoringFour fixed speedsKey switch position HANDTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationFor actuation of motors with mechanical brake4-quadrant operation possibleBrake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic braking IP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASIC1: for conducted emissions onlyC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.2000 VAC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Vertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mm Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m -10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with:Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - maxIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178 < 95 %, no condensationAdjustable, motor, main circuit 0.5 - 5.6 A, motor, main circuit < 10 ms, Off-delay < 10 ms, On-delay 98 % (η)5.3 A3.5 mA120 %Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 V480 V380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Sensorless vector control (SLV) BLDC motors U/f controlPM and LSPM motors Synchronous reluctance motors 0 Hz500 HzFor 60 s every 600 s At 40 °C8.4 AClimatic proofingCurrent limitationDelay timeEfficiency Input current ILN at 150% overload Leakage current at ground IPE - max Mains current distortion Mains switch-on frequencyMains voltage - min Mains voltage - max Mains voltage toleranceOperating modeOutput frequency - min Output frequency - max Overload current Overload current IL at 150% overload45 Hz66 Hz2.2 kW400 V AC, 3-phase 480 V AC, 3-phase 0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section 50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuit AC voltageCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network) Phase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brake Adjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit ≤ 30 % (I/Ie)230/277 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake 765 VDC10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug) 230/277 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)AS-Interface Plug type: HAN Q5Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Rated frequency - min Rated frequency - max Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltage ResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequency Switching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueBraking voltageSwitch-on threshold for the braking transistor Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits)Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interface Connection InterfacesC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length C3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable length Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Cable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials tonormal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internalelect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Connecting drives to generator suppliesGeneration Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions.epseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.epsETN.RASP5-5402A31-5120100S1.edzIL034085ZU10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Application notes BrochuresCatalogues Certification reports DrawingseCAD model Installation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaRapid Link 5MN040003_EN MZ040046_EN MN034004EN ramo5_v19.dwg rasp5_v19.stpInstallation videos Manuals and user guides mCAD model。
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Standard ratings
Terminal Strength
Load Humidity
F 9 7
1 C 3 3 5 M B
Temperature Cycles
A • B Case
L H W1 L H
C • N Case
Resistance to Soldering Heat
W2 S S S S
0.8 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.2
A Case
Month code
B Case
3.3 16r
C Case
10 16r
N Case
47 10r
Shear Test
Rated voltage (Voltage code)
Case code A B C N 3.2 3.5 6.0 7.3 L ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 W1 1.6 2.8 3.2 4.3 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 W2 1.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 1.6 1.9 2.5 2.8 H ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 S
Adapted to the RoHS directive (2002/95/EC).
Dissipation Factor ESR (100kHz)
Leakage Current∗
• After 1 minute' s application of rated voltage,leakage current at 20˚C is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5µA, whichever is greater. • After 1 minute' s application of rated voltage,leakage current at 85˚C is not more than 0.1CV or 5µA,whichever is greater. • After 1 minute' s application of derated voltage,leakage current at 125˚C is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3 µA,whichever is greater. +15% Max. (at +125˚C) +10% Max. (at +85˚C) --10% Max. (at --55˚C) At 85˚C, 85% R.H.,For 1000 hours (No voltage applied) Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ±10% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • 125% or less of initial specified value After 500 hour' s application of rated voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at 60˚C,90~95% R.H.,capacitors meet the characteristics requirements listed below. Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ±10% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • 125% or less of initial specified value At --55˚C / +125˚C,For 30 minutes each,1000 cycles Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ± 5% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less At 260˚C,reflowing capacitors for 10 seconds Max. Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ± 5% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less After immersing capacitors completely into a solder pot at 245˚C for 2~3 seconds,more than 3/4 of their electrode area shall remain covered with new solder. After application of surge in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,for 1000 successive test cycles at 85˚C,capacitors meet the characteristics requirements listed below. Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ± 5% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less After 2000 hours' application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85˚C,or derated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 125˚C,capacitors meet the characteristic requirements listed below. Capacitance Change • • • • • • Within ±10% of initial value Dissipation Factor • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less Leakage Current • • • • • • • • • • • • • Initial specified value or less After Applying the pressure load of 5N for 10 ± 1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body which has no electrode and has been 5N (0.51kg • f) soldered beforehand on an aluminum For 10 ± 1 seconds substrate,there shall be found neither exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode. Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of the capacitor, the pressure strength is applied with a 20 specified jig at the center of the R230 substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as illustrated. Then,there shall be found no 45 45 remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
Month code Rated Voltage (V) Rated Capacitance (Capacitance code ) Rated voltage (V) Rated Capacitance (µF)
Cap. (µF)
4 0G
6.3 0J
10 1A