ISO 21534-2007




1. ISO 3795:汽车内燃机载运输车辆的阻燃性能要求及试验方法。


2. ASTM D1895:聚合物粉末和颗粒材料的流动性和堆积密度的标准试验方法。


3. ISO 7263:纸和纸板的压缩强度的测定。


4. IEC 60068-2-21:电气和电子设备的试验规范 - 第2部分: 试验方法 - 试验 U: 封闭箱 (压力) 测试。






1. ISO 1924-2:塑料薄膜和薄板的测量 - 第2部分:厚度测量
2. ISO 527:塑料 - 确定杨氏模量和抗拉性能
3. ISO 8295:塑料制品 - 拉伸蠕变试验
4. ISO 1133:塑料 - 熔体流动速率(MFR)和熔体体积流动速
5. ISO 11607:医疗器械包装 - 用塑料薄膜和塑料包容式材料





1. ISO 9001:质量管理体系标准,适用于橡胶制品生产企业,

2. ASTM D2000:美国材料和试验协会发布的橡胶材料分类标准,根据材料的物理性能、耐化学性、热性能等方面进行分类。

3. GB/T 1-A:中国标准化协会发布的橡胶通用标准,包括橡

4. ISO 37:2017:橡胶、聚合物乳胶和热塑性弹性体的拉伸性


5. ASTM D2240:硬度测定标准,适用于各种橡胶材料和橡胶







以下是一些可能适用于隔膜式气压罐的执行标准:1.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division1:•这是美国机械工程师学会(ASME)发布的标准,涵盖了压力容器的设计、制造和检测要求。

其中,Division 1 主要适用于大多数压力容器,包括隔膜式气压罐。

2.EN 13445: Unfired pressure vessels:•这是欧洲标准,规定了非蒸发的压力容器的要求,包括隔膜式气压罐。

EN 13445 分为多个部分,其中的Part 3 包含了用于设计和制造压力容器的具体规范。

3.GB 150: Pressure Vessels:•这是中国的国家标准,规定了压力容器的设计、制造和检测要求。

GB 150 包括多个部分,涵盖了不同类型的压力容器,也可能包括适用于隔膜式气压罐的规定。

4.ISO 10286: Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel gascylinders and tubes - Design, construction and testing:•这是国际标准组织(ISO)发布的关于可再充装的无缝钢气瓶和管道的设计、制造和测试的标准,也适用于一些隔膜式气压罐。




在关节假体相关国际标准中,明确规定了关节设计应 当考虑的问题。而国内还未能形成完善的标准体系以覆 盖这些方面。如人工关节的分类是产品命名与划分注册 单元的重要依据。但由于国内还没有相应的标准,造成了 产品命名与注册单元划分千差万别的情况,无论是对产品 设计、还是对注册监管,都不能起到应有的指导作用。 2.4 与测试标准相对应的基础测试条件亟待完善。
ISO 14630 中规定了临床评价的途径,即:a)与植入物 相似,或可证明相似的植入物的安全性、性能、设计特性和 预期使用有关的科学和临床文献的鉴定回顾;或 b)临床 研究的结果;或c)由以上 a)和 b)提供的临床数据的结合; d)分析从临床研究中获得的信息资料。与临床研究相关 的 ISO 标准为 ISO 14155 。 [31] 该标准的第 1、2 部分就制定 研究计划、临床研究等做出了详细规定。我国行标 YY/T 0297[32]等同采用该标准 1996 版。 1.4.3 上市后的监督
与设计相关的 ISO 标准包括:ISO 7206[20]的第 1、2 部分 和 ISO 7207[21]的第 1、2 部分。
在 ISO 7206-1 和 ISO 7207-1 中,对髋、膝关节假体以及 其部件给出了定义,详细叙述了分类方法,对每一类型给 出了示意图和尺寸标注要求。为降低人体运动过程中关 节面部件之间的磨损,在 ISO 7206-2 中规定了髋关节假体 关节面的尺寸公差、表面粗糙度以及球形径向偏差等;在 ISO 7207-2 中,规定了膝关节假体关节面的表面粗糙度。 这些要求在行标 YY 0118 和 YY 0502 中采用。 1.4 设计评价
ISO 13779-2[15]
GB 23101.2[16]



国家认监委2007年第29号公告--关于电动工具产品执行新版标准的有关事项和要求的公告文章属性•【制定机关】国家认证认可监督管理委员会•【公布日期】2007.11.14•【文号】国家认监委2007年第29号公告•【施行日期】2007.09.01•【效力等级】部门规范性文件•【时效性】失效•【主题分类】标准化正文国家认监委2007年第29号公告手持式电动工具强制性认证适用的新版标准(共计7份:GB 3883.3-2007、GB 3883.5-2007、GB 3883.6-2007、GB 3883.10-2007、GB 3883.12-2007、GB 3883.14-2007、GB 3883.15-2007)已于2007年9月1日正式实施。








绿色制造 评价指标-最新国标

绿色制造 评价指标-最新国标

目 次1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4评价指标体系构建原则 (1)5评价指标体系框架 (2)6评价指标体系 (2)1绿色制造评价指标1范围本文件规定了绿色制造评价指标体系构建原则、指标体系框架及评价指标。





3.1绿色制造green manufacturing一种低消耗、低排放、高效率、高效益的现代化制造模式。


[来源:GB/T28612—XXXX,3.2]3.2绿色制造属性green manufacturing attribute组织、过程、产品和物料的资源能源、生态环境和健康安全特性。







2007年制修订的胶带标准简介吴桂卿 青岛科技大学(青岛266061)韩德深 青岛橡胶工业研究院(青岛266002)[摘 要] 介绍2007年完成制修订的9项胶带国家标准和行业标准,对新标准与原标准、与国际标准和国外先进标准进行分析对比。

[关键词] 2007年 胶带 标准 制修订 根据国家标准化管理委员会及国家发改委下达的国家标准和行业标准制修订项目计划,2007年需完成的制修订胶带标准有九项:修订国家标准G B13552-1998《汽车多楔带》、G B/T12730 -2002《一般用窄V带》、GB/T11545-1996《汽车V带疲劳试验方法》、G B/T10821-1993《农业机械用V带尺寸》G B/T5753-1994《钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层厚度的测定》,制定化工行业标准《波形挡边输送带》,修订化工行业标准HG/T2821-1996《V带和多楔用浸胶聚酯线绳》、HG/T3864-2006《V带的层间粘合强度测定方法》等。




新标准对应于国际标准I SO9981:1998《带传动汽车多楔带和带轮PK 型:尺寸》和I SO11749:1995《带传动汽车工业用多楔带疲劳试验》,新标准与I SO9981: 1998和I SO11749:1995一致性程度为非等效,达到国际一般水平。

111 新标准除了全部采用国际标准I SO9981: 1998和I SO11749:1995以外,根据日本汽车协会标准JASO E109-1994《汽车多楔带》增加了长度有效极限偏差、楔高参考值、楔角、露出高度测量方法,还增加了多楔带的拉伸强度参考力伸长率、耐低温性能、外观质量等指标。

112 新标准最大变化是将强制性的多楔带疲劳寿命由JASO E109规定的50H提高到80H,这也是新标准与原标准比较最大的变化。



实验室常用标准大全实验室常见的仪器与耗材标准1.GB 21549-2008 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃烧器的安全要求2.GB/T 21784.2-2008 实验室玻璃器皿通用型密度计第2部分:试验方法和使用3.GB/T 21784.2-2008 实验室玻璃器皿通用型密度计第2部分:试验方法和使用4.GB/T 21298-2007 实验室玻璃仪器试管5.GB/T 21297-2007 实验室玻璃仪器互换锥形磨砂接头6.GB/T 11414-2007 实验室玻璃仪器瓶7.GB/T 12804-2011 实验室玻璃仪器量筒8.GB/T 12805-2011 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管9.GB/T 12806-2011 实验室玻璃仪器单标线容量瓶10.GB/T 28211-2011 实验室玻璃仪器过滤漏斗11.GB/T 28212-2011 实验室玻璃仪器冷凝管12.GB/T 28213-2011 实验室玻璃仪器培养皿13.GB/T 22362-2008 实验室玻璃仪器烧瓶14.GB/T 22067-2008 实验室玻璃仪器广口烧瓶15.GB/T 11165-2005 实验室pH计16.GB/T 30431-2013 实验室气相色谱仪17.GB 4793.7-2008 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第7部分:实验室用离心机的特殊要求18.GB 12803-1991 实验室玻璃仪器量杯19.GB 12807-1991 实验室玻璃仪器分度吸量管20.GB 12808-1991 实验室玻璃仪器单标线吸量管21.GB 21549-2008 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃烧器的安全要求22.GBT 11414-2007 实验室玻璃仪器瓶23.GBT 12804-2011 实验室玻璃仪器量筒24.GBT 12805-2011 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管25.GBT 12806-2011 实验室玻璃仪器单标线容量瓶26.GBT 12809-1991 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃量器的设计和结构原则27.GBT 12810-1991 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃量器的容量校准和使用方法28.GBT 14149-1993 实验室玻璃仪器互换球形磨砂接头29.GBT 15723-1995 实验室玻璃仪器干燥器30.GBT 15724-2008 实验室玻璃仪器烧杯31.GBT 15725.4-1995 实验室玻璃仪器双口、三口球形圆底烧瓶32.GBT 15725.6-1995 实验室玻璃仪器磨口烧瓶33.GBT 21297-2007 实验室玻璃仪器互换锥形磨砂接头34.GBT 21298-2007 实验室玻璃仪器试管35.GBT 21784.2-2008 实验室玻璃器皿通用型密度计第2部分试验方法和使用36.GBT 22067-2008 实验室玻璃仪器广口烧瓶37.GBT 22362-2008 实验室玻璃仪器烧瓶38.GBT 28211-2011 实验室玻璃仪器过滤漏斗39.GBT 28212-2011 实验室玻璃仪器冷凝管40.GBT 28213-2011 实验室玻璃仪器培养皿41.GBT 28214-2011 实验室玻璃仪器吸量管颜色标记42.GBT 6579-2007 实验室玻璃仪器热冲击和热冲击强度试验方法43.QB 2107-1995 实验室玻璃仪器吸量管颜色标记44.QBT 2108-1995 仪器用玻璃及其制品的外观缺陷术语45.QBT 2109-1995 实验室玻璃仪器冷凝管46.QBT 2110-1995 实验室玻璃仪器分液漏斗和滴液漏斗47.QBT 2559-2002 仪器玻璃成分分类及其试验方法48.QBT 2560-2002 实验室玻璃仪器过滤漏斗49.QBT 2561-2002 实验室玻璃仪器试管和培养管理化仪器类1.GBT 1914-2007 化学分析滤纸2.GB 24789-2009 用水单位水计量器具配备和管理通则3.GBT 11007-2008 电导率仪试验方法4.GBT 11165-2005 实验室pH计5.GBT 12519-2010 分析仪器通用技术条件6.GBT 13743-1992 直流磁电系检流计7.GBT 13979-2008 质谱检漏仪8.GBT 16631-2008 高效液相色谱法通则9.GBT 17764-2008 密度计的结构和校准原则10.GBT 18809-2002 空气离子测量仪通用规范11.GBT 21186-2007 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪12.GBT 21187-2007 原子吸收分光光度计13.GBT 21191-2007 原子荧光光谱仪14.GBT 21388-2008 游标、带表和数显深度卡尺15.GBT 26792-2011 高效液相色谱仪16.GBT 27500-2011 pH值测定用复合玻璃电极17.GBT 30099-2013 实验室离心机通用技术条件微生物类1.GBT 22056-2008 显微镜物镜和目镜的标志2.GBT 22058-2008 显微镜体视显微镜的标志3.GBT 22059-2008 显微镜放大率4.GBT 2609-2006 显微镜物镜5.GBT 2985-2008 生物显微镜6.GBT 9246-2008 显微镜目镜7.GBT 9247-2008 显微镜聚光镜8.QBT 2296-1997 培养皿天平1.GBT 25106-2010 扭力天平2.GBT 4167-2011 砝码3.GBT 4168-1992 非自动天平杠杆式天平4.QBT 2087-1995 架盘天平实验室安全篇GB/T 27476.1-2014 检测实验室安全第1部分:总则GB/T 27476的本部分规定了检测实验室(以下简称实验室)安全的通用要求。









本指导原则不适用于GB 9706.27-2005标准定义的“注射泵”以外的产品,包括该标准1.1范围中不适用的相关产品、各类输液泵和输液控制器产品,也不适用于靶控注射泵产品。


根据GB 9706.27-2005《医用电气设备第2-24部分:输液泵和输液控制器安全专用要求》标准中的定义,注射泵是通过一个或多个单一动作的注射器或类似容器来控制注入患者体内液体流量的设备。







ISO耐火材料国际标准1.ISO 528:1983 Refractory products-Determination of pyrometric cone equivalent (refractoriness) 耐火制品——耐火度的测定2.ISO 836:2001 Terminology for refractories 耐火材料术语3.ISO 1146:1988 Pyrometric reference cones for laboratory use-Specification 实验室用标准测温锥——技术条件4.ISO 1893:1989 Refractory products-Determination of refractoriness under load (differential - with rising temperature) 耐火制品——荷重软化温度的测定(示差—升温法)5.ISO 1927:1984 Prepared unshaped refractory materials (dense and insulating) -Classification 不定形耐火材料(致密和隔热)——分类6.ISO 2245:1990 Shaped insulating refractory products-Classification 定形隔热耐火制品——分类7.ISO 2477:1987 Shaped insulating refractory products-Determination of permanent change in dimensions on heating 定形隔热耐火制品——加热永久线变化的测定8.ISO 2478:1987 Dense shaped refractory products-Determination of permanent change in dimensions on heating 致密定形耐火制品——加热永久线变化的测定9.ISO 3187:1989 Refractory products-Determination of creep in compression 耐火制品——压蠕变的测定10.ISO 5013:1985 Refractory products-Determination of modulus of rupture at elevated temperatures 耐火制品——高温抗折强度的测定11.ISO 5014:1997 Dense and insulating shaped refractory products-Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature 致密和隔热耐火制品——常温抗折强度的测定12.ISO 5016:1997 Shaped insulating refractory products-Determination of bulk density and true porosity 定形隔热耐火制品——体积密度和真气孔率的测定13.ISO 5017:1998 Dense shaped refractory products-Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity 致密定形耐火制品——体积密度、显气孔率和真气孔率的测定14.ISO 5018:1983 Refractory materials-Determination of true density 耐火材料——真密度的测定15.ISO 5019-1:1984 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 1: Rectangular bricks 耐火砖——尺寸第一部分:直形砖16.ISO 5019-2:1984 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 2: Arch bricks 耐火砖——尺寸第二部分:楔形砖17.ISO 5019-3:1984 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 3: Rectangular checker bricks for regenerative furnaces 耐火砖——尺寸第三部分:蓄热室用直形格子砖18.ISO 5019-4:1988 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 4: Dome bricks for electric arc furnace roofs 耐火砖——尺寸第四部分:电弧炉炉顶用球顶砖19.ISO 5019-5:1984 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 5: Skewbacks 耐火砖——尺寸第五部分:拱脚砖20.ISO 5019-6:1984 Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 6: Basic bricks for oxygen steel-making converters 耐火砖——尺寸第六部分:氧气炼钢转炉用碱性砖21.ISO 5022:1979 Shaped refractory products-Sampling and acceptance testing 定形耐火制品——抽样及验收检验22.ISO 5417:1986 Refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns-Dimensions 回转窑用耐火砖——尺寸23.ISO 8656-1:1988 Refractory products-Sampling of raw materials and unshaped products -- Part 1: Sampling scheme 耐火制品——耐火原料和不定形耐火材料抽样第一部分:抽样方案24.ISO 8840:1987 Refractory materials-Determination of bulk density of granular materials (grain density) 耐火材料——颗粒材料体积密度(颗粒密度)的测定25.ISO 8841:1991 Dense, shaped refractory products-Determination of permeability to gases 致密定形耐火制品——透气度的测定26.ISO 8890:1988 Dense shaped refractory products-Determination of resistance to sulfuric acid 致密定形耐火制品——抗硫酸侵蚀性的测定27.ISO 8894-1:1987 Refractory materials-Determination of thermal conductivity-Part 1: Hot-wire method (cross-array) 耐火材料——导热系数的测定第一部分:十字线法28.ISO 8894-2:1990 Refractory materials-Determination of thermal conductivity -Part 2: Hot-wire method (parallel) 耐火材料——导热系数的测定第二部分:平行线法29.ISO 8895:1986 Shaped insulating refractory products-Determination of cold crushing strength 定形隔热耐火制品——常温耐压强度的测定30.ISO 9205:1988 Refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns-Hot-face identification marking 回转窑用耐火砖——热面标记31.ISO 10058:1992 Magnesites and dolomites-Chemical analysis 菱镁矿和白云石——化学分析方法32.ISO 10059-1:1992 Dense, shaped refractory products-Determination of cold compressive strength-Part 1: Referee test without packing 致密定形耐火制品——常温耐压强度的测定第一部分:无衬垫仲裁法33.ISO 10059-2:2003 Dense, shaped refractory products-Determination of cold compressive strength-Part 2: Test with packing致密定形耐火制品——常温耐压强度的测定第二部分:衬垫法34.ISO 10060:1993 Dense, shaped refractory products-Test methods for products containing carbon 致密定形耐火制品——含碳制品的试验方法35.ISO 10080:1990 Refractory products-Classification of dense, shaped acid-resisting products 耐火制品——致密定形耐酸制品的分类36.ISO 10081-1:2003 Classification of dense shaped refractory products-Part 1:Alumina-silica 致密定形耐火制品的分类第一部分:铝硅耐火材料37.ISO 10081-2:2003 Classification of dense shaped refractory products-Part 2: Basic products containing less than 7 % residual carbon 致密定形耐火制品的分类第二部分:残炭量小于7%的碱性耐火制品38.ISO 10081-3:2003 Classification of dense shaped refractory products-Part 3: Basic products containing from 7% to 50% residual carbon致密定形耐火制品的分类第三部分:残炭量7%~50%的碱性耐火制品39.ISO 10635:1999 Refractory products-Methods of test for ceramic fibre products 耐火制品——陶瓷纤维制品试验方法40.ISO 12676:2000 Refractory products-Determination of resistance to carbon monoxide 耐火制品——抗一氧化碳性能的测定41.ISO 12677:2003 Chemical analysis of refractory products by XRF-Fused cast bead method 耐火制品X-射线荧光化学分析(玻璃样片法)42.ISO 12678-1:1996 Refractory products-Measurement of dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks-Part 1: Dimensions and conformity to drawings 耐火制品——耐火砖尺寸和外观缺陷的检验第一部分:实际尺寸与设计图纸尺寸的一致性43.ISO 12678-2:1996 Refractory products-Measurement of dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks-Part 2: Corner and edge defects and other surface imperfections 耐火制品——耐火砖尺寸和外观缺陷的检验第二部分:边角缺陷及其他表面缺陷44.ISO 13765-1:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 1: Determination of consistency using the penetrating cone method 耐火泥浆第一部分:用针入度法测定稠度45.ISO 13765-2:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 2: Determination of consistency using the reciprocating flow table method 耐火泥浆第二部分:用流动法测定稠度46.ISO 13765-3:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 3: Determination of joint stability 耐火泥浆第三部分:粘结稳定性(粘结时间)的测定47.ISO 13765-4:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 4: Determination of flexural bonding strength 耐火泥浆第四部分:抗折粘结强度的测定48.ISO 13765-5:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 5: Determination of grain size distribution (sieve analysis) 耐火泥浆第五部分:粒度分布(筛分析)的测定49.ISO 13765-6:2004 Refractory mortars-Part 6: Determination of moisture content of ready-mixed mortars耐火泥浆第五部分:湿态成品泥浆水分含量的测定。



ISO 17642-2:2005 ISO 17642-3:2005 ISO 17643:2005 ISO 17653:2003 ISO 17654:2003 ISO 17655:2003 ISO 22826:2005 ISO/TR 16060:2003 ISO/TR 17641-3:2005 ISO 669:2000 ISO 693:1982 ISO 865:1981 ISO 1089:1980 ISO 5182:1991 ISO 5183-1:1998 ISO 5183-2:2000 电 ISO 5184:1979 阻 ISO 5821:1979 焊 ISO 5822:1988 ISO 5826:1999
ISO 焊接标准体系表 标准名称
焊接材料——焊接填充材料的技术供货条件——产品类型、尺寸、公差及标记 焊接材料——非合金钢及细晶粒钢钨极气体保护焊焊丝、填充丝及熔敷金属 —— 分类 弧焊——碳钢及碳锰钢实芯焊丝和药芯焊丝——焊丝及焊丝盘的尺寸 焊接材料——铸铁熔化焊用焊条、焊丝、填充丝及药芯焊丝——分类 涂料焊条 -- 焊条效率,金属回收率及熔敷系数的测定 焊接材料——非合金钢及细晶粒钢手工焊焊条-分类 焊接材料——耐蠕变钢焊条——分类 焊接材料——不锈钢及耐热钢焊条——分类 焊接——铁素体钢弧焊熔敷金属中氢含量的测定 使用变间隙试件的可钎焊性研究 手工电弧焊焊条——熔敷金属化学分析试样 弧焊及切割——非熔化钨极——分类 镍铬钢焊条奥氏体熔敷金属中铁素体的测定 非合金钢和细晶粒钢埋弧焊焊丝和焊剂——分类 镍及镍合金手工电弧焊焊条——分类 焊接材料——埋弧焊用焊剂——分类 焊接材料--弧焊及切割用保护气体 焊接材料——非合金钢及细晶粒钢气体保护焊焊丝及熔敷金属——分类 焊接材料——不锈钢及耐热钢弧焊焊丝、填充丝——分类 焊接及相关工艺——埋弧焊及气体保护焊——焊接材料采购指南 焊接材料——通过扩散氢含量测定焊条耐吸潮能力的方法 焊接材料——试验方法——第一部分:钢、镍及镍合金全焊缝金属试样试验方法 焊接材料——试验方法——第二部分:钢材单道焊及双道焊缝焊缝试样的制备 焊接材料——试验方法——第三部分:焊接材料角焊缝根部熔深及成型能力的分类试验 焊接材料——不锈钢及耐热钢气保护和自保护焊药芯焊丝——分类 焊接材料——耐蠕变钢气保护焊药芯焊丝——分类 焊接材料——铝及铝合金焊条、焊丝及填充丝——分类 焊接材料——镍及镍合金焊丝、焊带及填充丝——分类 焊接材料——高强度钢焊条——分类





1. ISO 27427:2013 - 压缩式雾化器,非气压式:这是国际标准组织(ISO)发布的关于压缩式雾化器的标准。


2. ISO 14971:2019 - 医疗器械应用风险管理:这一标准涵盖了医疗器械的风险管理。


3. EN 13544-1:2007+A1:2009 - 电气医疗设备的安全性- 第一部分:常规要求:这是一个欧洲标准,用于确保电气医疗设备的安全性。


4. ASTM F1855-98(2017) - 压缩式雾化器的性能要求和试验方法:美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)发布了这个关于压缩式雾化器性能要求和试验方法的标准。

5. FDA 21 CFR Part 868 - Respiratory Devices:美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)发布的关于呼吸设备的法规,包括压缩式雾化器。




1.清洗仪器, 升温恒温 15min; 2.装样压实,预热 3.施负荷,下标线达料筒 顶面时计时并切除料条 4.按一定间隔切取料条至 上标线达料筒顶面 5. 选合格料条计算结果
5min预热,切条长度10-20 mm 230 oC, 2.16 kgPA6 PA66 ABS AS PC/ABS PBT PET PPO PPS PEEK POM HIPS
1. 拉伸强度 2. 弯曲强度 3. MFR 4. 灰分 5. 邵氏硬度 6. 洛氏硬度 7. 球压痕硬度 8. Izod 9. Charpy 10. HDT 11. 维卡 12. 收缩率 13. 水平燃烧速率 14. 垂直燃烧速率 15. 灼热丝 16. 表面电阻 17. 吸水率(尼龙、PC、聚酯)
50 mm/min(0.5-5min 断裂
DIN 53457
115 *6*2

2 弯曲强度 标准
ISO 178
80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度 80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度 127*12.7*3.2 跨距:16±1 倍厚度 80*10*4 跨距:16±1 倍厚度
Ø(50±1)*(3.0±0.2) (50±1)*(50±1)*25
1.(50士2)℃烘箱干燥(24士 1) h,在干燥器中冷却,称重 2. (23士0-5)℃或(23士2) ℃中浸泡(24士1)h 3.拭去表面水,快速称重
ASTM D57098
13 水平燃烧 标准
最大厚度<13 每组3根试样 分级标志: FH-1,未达25mm FH-2,未达100mm FH-3,达100mm, 速度<40/75 FH-4,达100mm, 速度>40/75


大类 玩具类
标准号 EN 71-1/2/3/6(中文版) EN71-1(英语版) EN71-2(英文版) EN71-3(英文版) EN71-4(英文版) EN71-5(英文版) EN71-6(英文版) EN71-7(英文版) EN71-8(英文版) EN71-9(英文版) EN71-10(英文版) EN71-11(英文版)
EN 1725
ASTM D 1683-04
ASTM D 3776-96(Reapproved 2002) EN ISO 6185-1(英语版,中文译文) EN ISO 6185-2(英语版,中文译文) EN ISO 6185-3(英语版,中文译文) ISO 1817 ISO 2411(英语版,中文译文) ISO 3011(英语版,中文译文) ISO 4646 ISO 4674-1(英语版,中文译文) ISO 10240(英语版,中文译文) ISO 8665(英语版,中文译文) ISO 9775
内容 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 4: Workshop and manufacturing Small Craft - Personal watercraft - Constuction and system installation requirements Small craft - Remote steering systems for inboard mini jet boats Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchnage between systems - Private Inter - exchange signalling protocol - Recall supplrmentary service 德国标准-水上运动器械-充气式船的桨和橹-安全技术要求和测试 Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 1: Buoyant aids to be worn - safety requirements and test methods Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 2: Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be held Buoyant aids for swimming instruction - Part 3: Safety requirements and test methods for swim seats to be worn Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water 小型游泳池-安全规范的要求及测试得方法 游泳池套装-安全规范的要求及测试得方法 游泳池套装-安全规范的要求及测试得方法 游泳池套装-安全规范的要求及测试得方法 游泳池套装-安全规范的要求及测试得方法 地上和地面住宅游泳池的标准 Plastics - Determination of water absorption Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of tear resistance - Part 1: Trouser tear method Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of tear resistance - Part 2: Elmendorf method Standard Test Method for Tear Resistance (Graves Tear) of Plastic Film and Sheeting Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastic Sheeting by Impact Standard Test Method for Puncture - Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting Standard Guide for Evaluation of Coatings Applied to Plastics Standard Test Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test Household and similar electrical appliances-safety PART1 Household and similar electrical appliances-safety PART2-35 Household and similar electrical appliances-safety PART2-41 Particular requirements for whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas PART2-60 Specification for degrees protection provided by enclosures(IP code) 13A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection units Specification for snorkels and face masks Surface swimming goggles Electrical accessories-cord sets and interconnection cord sets Inflatable boats-boats with a maximum motor power ratings of 4,5kW 充气船:第一部分带最大功率4.5KW马达的船 Ladders Safety of toys-Mechanical and physical properties Safety of electrical toys Alkaline secondary cells and batteries-sealed nickel-cadmium cylindrical rechargeable single cells Marking of secondary cells and batteries with the international recycling symbol ISO7000-1135



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通则空运危险货物包装检验安全规范 性能检验空运危险货物包装检验安全规范 使用鉴定空运危险货物包装检验安全规范危险货物中型散装容器检验安全规范 通则危险货物中型散装容器检验安全规范使用鉴定危险货物柔性中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物金属中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物复合中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物纤维板中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物刚性塑料中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物中型散装容器检验安全规范氧化性危险货物危险特性检验安全规范危险货物电石包装检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物电石包装检验安全规范 使用鉴定危险货物电石包装检验安全规范危险货物便携式罐体检验安全规范 通则危险货物便携式罐体检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物便携式罐体检验安全规范 使用鉴定危险货物便携式罐体检验安全规范硝酸盐类危险货物危险特性检验安全规范危险货物涂料包装检验安全规范 性能检验危险货物涂料包装检验安全规范 使用鉴定危险货物涂料包装检验安全规范危险货物危险特性检验安全规范 通则压缩气体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范锂电池组危险货物危险特性检验安全规范易燃固体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范有机过氧化物危险货物危险特性检验安全规范危险货物小型气体容器检验安全规范危险货物中小型压力容器检验安全规范易燃液体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范易燃气体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范遇水放出易燃气体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范自燃固体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范腐蚀性危险货物危险特性检验安全规范毒性危险货物危险特性检验安全规范毒性气体危险货物危险特性检验安全规范气体混合物危险货物危险特性检验安全规范化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 爆炸物化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 易燃气体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 易燃气溶胶化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 氧化性气体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 压力下气体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 易燃液体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 易燃固体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 自反应物质化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 自热物质化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 自燃液体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 自燃固体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 遇水放出易燃气体的物质化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 金属腐蚀物化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 氧化性液体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 氧化性固体化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 有机过氧化物化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 急性毒性化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范皮肤腐蚀/刺激化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 严重眼睛损伤/眼睛刺激性化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 呼吸或皮肤过敏化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范生殖细胞突变性化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 致癌性化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 生殖毒性化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 特异性靶器官系统毒性一次接触化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 特异性靶器官系统毒性反复接触化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范 对水环境的危害危险货物分类定级基本程序液化石油气危险货物危险特性检验安全规范涂料危险货物危险特性检验安全规范自反应物质和有机过氧化物分类程序危险货物运输 物质可运输性试验方法和判据危险货物运输 物品、包装物品或包装物质可运输性试验方法和判据危险货物运输 排除物质爆炸性的试验方法和判据危险货物运输 能够自持分解的硝酸铵化肥的分类程序、试验方法和判据危险货物运输 炸药中间体(ANE)的敏感性试验方法和判据爆炸品保险箱危险化学品有机过氧化物包装规范危险化学品自反应物质包装规范危险货物例外数量及包装要求危险货物有限数量及包装要求有机过氧化物分类及品名表危险品检验安全规范 化学氧气发生器危险品检验安全规范 密封蓄电池农药乳油包装危险货物分类和品名编号危险货物分类和品名编号危险货物分类和品名编号危险货物命名原则危险货物运输爆炸品认可、分项试验方法和判据一次性使用电石包装钢桶危险货物运输包装类别划分原则危险货物运输包装类别划分方法重复性使用电石包装钢桶危险货物木质中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验民用爆炸品危险货物危险特性检验安全规范危险货物及危险货物包装检验标准基本规定危险化学品包装液压试验方法危险货物热稳定性试验方法危险化学品鱼类急性毒性分级试验方法危险品 磁性试验方法危险品 爆炸品摩擦感度试验方法危险品 爆炸品撞击感度试验方法危险品 包装拉断力试验方法危险品 大包装顶部提升试验方法危险品 隔板试验方法危险品 爆燃转爆轰试验方法危险品 1.5项物品的外部火烧试验方法危险品 单个包件试验方法危险品 堆垛试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的雷管试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的隔板试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的脆性试验方法危险品 克南试验方法危险品 时间/压力试验方法危险品 小型燃烧试验方法危险品 液体钢管跌落试验方法危险品 雷管敏感度试验方法危险品 大包装堆码试验方法危险品 大包装跌落试验方法危险品 中型散装容器防渗漏试验方法危险品 中型散装容器液压试验方法危险品 中型散装容器跌落试验方法危险品 中型散装容器底部提升试验方法危险品 中型散装容器顶部提升试验方法危险品 中型散装容器堆码试验方法危险品 中型散装容器扯裂试验方法危险品 中型散装容器(IBCs)倾覆试验方法危险品 包装堆码试验方法危险品 中型散装容器复原试验方法危险品 便携式罐体撞击试验方法危险品 便携式罐体压力试验方法危险品 便携式罐体防漏试验方法危险品 便携式罐体液压试验方法危险品 包装跌落试验方法危险品 包装气密试验方法危险品 包装提梁提环强度试验方法危险品 大包装底部提升试验方法化学品 急性经口毒性试验方法化学品 急性皮肤刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法化学品急性吸入毒性试验方法化学品急性经皮毒性试验方法化学品 一代繁殖毒性试验方法化学品皮肤致敏试验方法化学品急性眼刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法化学品啮齿类动物显性致死试验方法危险品 易燃固体自燃试验方法危险品 易燃固体自热试验方法危险品 自加速分解温度试验方法危险品 喷雾剂燃烧热试验方法危险品 易燃液体闭杯闪点试验方法危险品 易燃液体蒸汽压力试验方法危险品 固体氧化性试验方法危险品 易燃固体燃烧速率试验方法危险品 易燃固体遇水放出易燃气体试验方法危险品 液体氧化性试验方法危险品 金属腐蚀性试验方法危险品 易燃液体持续燃烧试验方法危险品 易燃黏性液体黏度试验方法危险品 易燃黏性液体溶剂分离试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的子弹撞击试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的外部火烧试验方法危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的缓慢升温试验方法危险品 1.6项物品的外部火烧试验方法危险品 1.6项物品的子弹撞击试验方法危险品 喷雾剂点燃距离试验方法危险品 喷雾剂封闭空间点燃试验方法危险品 喷雾剂泡沫可燃性试验方法化学品 毒物代谢动力学试验方法化学品 哺乳动物精原细胞染色体畸变试验方法化学品 啮齿动物28天重复剂量经口毒性试验方法化学品 21天/28天重复剂量经皮毒性试验方法化学品 28天/14天重复剂量吸入毒性试验方法工业用途的化学产品 固体物质氧化性质的测定工业用途的化学产品 固体物质相对自燃温度的测定化学品 急性经口毒性试验 急性毒性分类法化学品 两代繁殖毒性试验方法化学品 慢性毒性试验方法化学品 啮齿类动物亚慢性经口毒性试验方法化学品 亚慢性经皮毒性试验方法化学品 亚慢性吸入毒性试验方法化学品 生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法化学品 体内哺乳动物肝细胞非程序性DNA合成(UDS)试验方法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞DNA损伤与修复/非程序性DNA合成试验方法化学品 体外3T3中性红摄取光毒性试验方法化学品(有机磷化合物) 急性染毒的迟发性神经毒性试验方法化学品 重复剂量毒性合并生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法化学品 哺乳动物骨髓染色体畸变试验方法化学品 体内哺乳动物红细胞微核试验方法粉末涂料 烘烤条件的测定闪点的测定 闭杯平衡法粉末涂料及其涂层的检测标准指南色漆和清漆用漆基 氯化聚合物树脂通用试验方法化学品 非啮齿类动物亚慢性(90天)经口毒性试验方法金属粉末和相关化合物粒度分布的光散射试验方法粒度分析 重力场中沉降分析 吸液管法化学品的熔点及熔融范围试验方法 毛细管法粉末涂料 第10部分:沉积效率的测定粉末涂料 第1部分:筛分法测定粒度分布粉末涂料 第2部分:气体比较比重仪法测定密度(仲裁法)粉末涂料 第3部分:液体置换比重瓶法测定密度粉末涂料 第4部分:爆炸下限的计算粉末涂料 第7部分:烘烤时质量损失的测定法粉末涂料 第8部分:热固性粉末贮存稳定性的评定塑料 毛细管法和偏光显微镜法测定部分结晶聚合物的熔融行为(熔融温度或熔融范围)实验室玻璃器皿 通用型密度计 第2部分:试验方法和使用化学品 细菌回复突变试验方法化学品 啮齿类动物神经毒性试验方法化学品 慢性毒性与致癌性联合试验方法石油产品和其他液体闪点的测定 阿贝尔闭口杯法闪燃和非闪燃测定 快速平衡闭杯法闪燃和非闪燃测定 闭杯平衡法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞基因突变试验方法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变试验方法化学品 模拟试验 污水好氧处理 生物膜法化学品 活性污泥呼吸抑制试验化学品(有机磷化合物) 28天重复剂量的迟发性神经毒性试验化学品 小鼠可遗传易位试验方法化学品 小鼠斑点试验方法化学品 生物富集 流水式鱼类试验化学品 快速生物降解性 呼吸计量法试验化学品 快速生物降解性 改进的MITI试验(I)化学品 快速生物降解性 DOC消减试验化学品 急性经口毒性固定剂量试验方法化学品 藻类生长抑制试验化学品 鱼类幼体生长试验化学品 鱼类胚胎和卵黄囊仔鱼阶段的短期毒性试验化学品 鱼类延长毒性14天试验化学品 蚯蚓急性毒性试验化学品 鸟类日粮毒性试验化学品 鸟类繁殖试验化学品 蜜蜂急性经口毒性试验化学品 蜜蜂急性接触性毒性试验工业废水的试验方法 鱼类急性毒性试验化学品 海水中的生物降解性 摇瓶法试验化学品 固有生物降解性 赞恩-惠伦斯试验化学品 固有生物降解性 改进的半连续活性污泥试验化学品 固有生物降解性 改进的MITI试验(II)化学品 急性经口毒性试验方法 上下增减剂量法(UDP)化学品 皮肤变态反应试验 局部淋巴结方法化学品 污水好氧处理模拟试验 活性污泥单法化学品 快速生物降解性 密闭瓶法试验化合物(蒸气和气体)易燃性浓度限值的标准试验方法化学品 水溶解度试验工业用化学品 爆炸危险性的确定化工产品 固体和液体自燃性的确定化学品 分配系数(正辛醇-水) 高效液相色谱法试验化学品 分配系数(正辛醇-水) 摇瓶法试验化学品 鱼类早期生活阶段毒性试验化学品 快速生物降解性 二氧化碳产生试验化学品 快速生物降解性 改进的OECD筛选试验化学品 生物富集 半静态式鱼类试验气体和蒸气点燃温度的测定方法液体化学品自燃温度的试验方法色漆和清漆 密度的测定 第2部分:落球法色漆和清漆 密度的测定 第3部分:振动法色漆和清漆 密度的测定 第4部分:压杯法色漆和清漆 密度的测定 第5部分:比重计法凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC) 用四氢呋喃做淋洗液聚苯乙烯的平均分子量和分子量分布的检测标准方法 高效体积排阻色谱法用半自动和自动图象分析法测量平均粒度的标准测试方法用液体蒸气压力计测定液体的蒸气压力 温度关系和初始分解温度的方法化学品危险性评价通则工业用化学品 具有低溶解性的固体和液体水溶性测定 圆柱层析法工业用化学品 固体及液体的蒸气压在10-1Pa至105Pa 范围内的测定 静态法工业用化学品 固体及液体的蒸气压在10-3Pa至1Pa范围内的测定 蒸气压平衡法工业用液态化学品 20℃时的密度测定颗粒物粒度分布/纤维长度和直径分布化学物质的热稳定性测定 差示扫描量热法化学品潜在危险性相关标准术语基于GHS的化学品标签规范液体黏度的测定塑料的检验 检验用塑料制品的粉碎表面活性剂 表面张力的测定包装 危险货物运输包装 塑料相容性试验危险货物塑料编织包装抗老化试验方法固体危险物质冲击感度测定通用方法固体化工产品在气态氧化剂中燃烧极限测定的通用方法化学品分类和危险性象形图标识 通则化学品安全评定规程化学物质分组和交叉参照法化学品理化及其危险性检测实验室安全要求化学品鉴别指南化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 卫生毒理性质化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 理化性质化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 生态毒理性质持久性、生物累积性和毒性物质及高持久性和高生物累积性物质的判定方法 化学品 免疫毒性试验方法化学品 皮肤吸收 体外试验方法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞转化试验方法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞姊妹染色单体交换试验方法化学品 细菌DNA损伤或修复试验方法化学品 黑腹果蝇伴性隐性致死试验方法化学品 急性经皮毒性 固定剂量试验方法化学品 急性吸入毒性 固定浓度试验方法化学品 皮肤吸收 体内试验方法化学品 神经发育毒性试验方法化学品 体内姊妹染色单体交换试验方法化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 经皮电阻试验方法化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 膜屏障试验方法化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 人体皮肤模型试验方法化学品 遗传毒性 酿酒酵母菌基因突变试验方法化学品 遗传毒性 酿酒酵母菌有丝分裂重组试验方法化学品危险性分类试验方法 12m跌落试验化学品危险性分类试验方法 外部火烧(篝火)试验甲酸及其混合物危险特性分类方法烷基磺酸和芳基磺酸类物质危险特性分类方法肼水溶液类物质危险特性分类方法工业用化学品 具有高溶解性的固体和液体水溶性测定 烧瓶法化学品 聚合物低分子量组分含量测定 凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC)化学品 聚合物在水中的溶解/析出特性化学品 土壤粒度分析试验方法化学品 黏度测定Hoppler落球式黏度计法石油产品 闪点测定 阿贝尔-宾斯基闭口杯法液态沥青和稀释沥青 闪点测定 阿贝尔闭口杯法化学品 降解筛选试验 化学需氧量化学品 快速生物降解性 通则化学品 陆生植物 生长活力试验化学品 生物降解筛选试验 生化需氧量化学品 水-沉积物系统中好氧厌氧转化试验化学品 土壤微生物 氮转化试验化学品 土壤中好氧厌氧转化试验化学品 有机物在消化污泥中的厌氧生物降解性 气体产量测定法化学品 沉积物-水系统中摇蚊毒性试验 加标于水法化学品 沉积物-水系统中摇蚊毒性试验 加标于沉积物法化学品 高效液相色谱法估算土壤和污泥的吸附系数化学品 鱼类急性毒性试验化学品危险性分类试验方法 气体和气体混合物燃烧潜力和氧化能力危险货物包装 跌落试验冲击台要求危险货物包装 中型散装容器振动试验危险货物包装 包装、中型散装容器、大包装 GB/T 19001的应用指南乳化炸药用酯类乳化剂试验方法化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞微核试验方法化学品 啮齿类动物子宫增重试验 雌激素作用的短期筛选试验化学品 急性吸入毒性试验 急性毒性分类法危险货物命名原则用溶剂馏程的测定氰化钠安全规程黄磷安全规程化学品限制的社会经济分析指南一氟三氯甲烷包装钢桶民用航空危险品运输文件现行2007-4-1现行2008-1-1现行2009-1-1现行2009-1-1作废1992-6-1现行2006-1-1现行2011-5-1作废1990-7-1现行2005-8-1现行1990-7-1作废1990-7-1现行2009-12-1作废1990-9-1作废2005-11-1作废2007-9-10现行2012-12-1作废1991-5-1现行2006-12-1作废1991-6-1现行2010-5-1现行1991-1-2作废1992-10-1现行2005-8-1作废1993-7-1现行2010-5-1现行2006-8-1作废1999-1-2现行2010-5-1作废1996-5-1现行1997-1-1作废1999-5-1现行2000-4-1现行2000-4-1现行2000-4-1现行2009-12-1现行2010-5-1现行2004-2-1作废2004-2-1作废2004-2-1作废2004-2-1现行2010-5-1作废2004-2-1作废2004-2-1作废2004-2-1现行2010-5-1现行2004-6-1作废2004-6-1作废2004-6-1作废2004-6-1现行2010-5-1作废2004-7-1作废2004-7-1作废2004-7-1现行2010-5-1作废2004-7-1作废2004-7-1作废2004-7-1现行2010-5-1作废2004-7-1作废2004-7-1现行2004-7-1现行2004-7-1现行2004-7-1现行2004-7-1现行2004-7-1现行2010-5-1现行2004-10-1作废2004-10-1作废2004-10-1现行2010-5-1作废2004-10-1作废2004-10-1作废2004-10-1现行2010-5-1现行2004-10-1作废2004-10-1。


















ISO2232:1973 一般用途非合金钢丝绳用冷拉钢丝技术条件ISO2408:1985 一般用途钢丝绳特性ISO3108:1974 一般用途钢丝绳――实际破断拉力的测定3总则每批产品的取样数量和进行试验的项目应由双方商定。



4钢丝绳试验4.1 4.1 直径及其允许偏差4.1.1 4.1.1 钢丝绳公称直径应是ISO2408第6条规定的直径之一。

4.1.2 4.1.2 钢丝绳实际直径应在ISO2408所规定的允许偏差范围之内。



您当前位置:首页 > 产品认证 > CCC认证 > CCC产品范围 > 额定电压450/750V及以下橡皮绝缘电线电缆新版3C电线电缆实施规则主要修订内容一、增加了下列认证范围:1)RVS、RVB:2×1~2×2.560227IEC71c(TVV)2)橡皮绝缘特软电缆:60245IEC86(RQ)、60245IEC87(RQVJ)、60245IEC88(RQVJVJ)二、认证环节增加了初始工厂检查的产品一致性确认检验。














火力发电厂用水节水术语(征求意见稿)编制说明目次目次 (1)1 任务来源 (2)2 标准的编制原则 (1)3 标准制定的目的和意义 (1)4 国内外情况及现有标准 (2)5 标准编制过程 (3)6 条文说明 (4)7 重要术语释义 (5)8 与现行法令、法规、国家标准的关系 (9)9 贯彻本标准的要求和措施建议 (9)10 参考标准 (10)火力发电厂用水节水术语编制说明1 任务来源本标准是根据国家能源局综合司国能综通科技[2017]52号文,国家能源局综合司关于印发2017年能源领域行业标准制(修)订计划及英文版翻译出版计划的通知,项目序号能源20170548的要求对“火力发电厂用水节水术语”进行制定的。


2 标准的编制原则《火力发电厂用水节水术语》依据国家标准GB/T 1.1-2009《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构与编写》和DL/T 600-2001《电力行业标准编写基本规定》进行制定。

3 标准制定的目的和意义水资源是人类生存和发展的基础,水资源的可持续利用是关系我国经济社会发展的重大战略问题。





而现行的国家标准《工业用水节水术语》(GB/T 21534-2008)中规定的工业用水与节水的术语并不能完全涵盖或满足目前火力发电行业对用水节水术语定义的要求。

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Reference number ISO 21534:2007(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534Second edition 2007-10-01Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirementsImplants chirurgicaux non actifs — Implants de remplacement d'articulation — Exigences particulières--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2007All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Contents PageForeword.............................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope.. (1)2 Normative references...........................................................................................................................13 Terms and definitions...........................................................................................................................24 Intended performance..........................................................................................................................25 Design attributes...................................................................................................................................3 5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................3 5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weightpolyethylene (UHMWPE)......................................................................................................................3 5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................................................3 5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating onUHMWPE................................................................................................................................................3 5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implants......................................3 5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components...........................................3 6 Materials ................................................................................................................................................4 6.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloys ..................................................................................................................4 7 Design evaluation.................................................................................................................................4 7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................4 7.2 Preclinical evaluation...........................................................................................................................4 7.3 Clinical investigation............................................................................................................................5 7.4 Post market surveillance .....................................................................................................................5 8 Manufacture and inspection................................................................................................................5 8.1 General...................................................................................................................................................5 8.2 Metal surfaces.......................................................................................................................................5 8.3 Plastic surfaces.....................................................................................................................................5 8.4 Ceramic surfaces..................................................................................................................................5 9 Sterilization............................................................................................................................................6 9.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 9.2 Expiry.....................................................................................................................................................6 10 Packaging..............................................................................................................................................6 11 Information supplied by the manufacturer ........................................................................................6 11.1 General...................................................................................................................................................6 11.2 Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body only.............................................................6 11.3 Instructions for orientation of implants..............................................................................................6 11.4 Markings for orientation of the implants............................................................................................6 11.5 Placing of markings on implants ........................................................................................................6 11.6 Restrictions on use...............................................................................................................................7 11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramics..................................................................................................7 11.8Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cement (7)Annex A (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable for themanufacture of implants......................................................................................................................8 Annex B (informative) List of International Standards for materials found acceptable or notacceptable for articulating surfaces of implants (9)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)Annex C (informative) List of materials found acceptable or non-acceptable for metallic combinations for non-articulating contacting surfaces of implants (11)Bibliography (12)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 150, Implants for surgery, Subcommittee SC 4, Bone and joint replacements.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 21534:2002), which has been technically revised.ISO 21534:2007(E)IntroductionThere are three levels of International Standard dealing with non-active surgical implants. These are as follows, with level 1 being the highest:⎯level 1: general requirements for non-active surgical implants and instrumentation used in association with implants;--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---⎯level 2: particular requirements for families of non-active surgical implants;⎯level 3: specific requirements for types of non-active surgical implant.This International Standard is a level 2 standard and contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants in the family of joint replacement implants.The level 1 standard contains requirements that apply to all non-active surgical implants. It also indicates that there are additional requirements in the level 2 and level 3 standards. The level 1 standard has been published as ISO 14630.Level 3 standards apply to specific types of implants within a family, such as knee and hip joints. To address all requirements, it is recommended that a standard of the lowest available level be consulted first.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 21534:2007(E) Non-active surgical implants — Joint replacement implants — Particular requirements1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies particular requirements for total and partial joint replacement implants, artificial ligaments and bone cement, hereafter referred to as implants. For the purposes of this International Standard, artificial ligaments and their associated fixing devices are included in the term "implant".It specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information to be supplied by the manufacturer.Some tests required to demonstrate conformance to this International Standard are contained in or referenced in level 3 standards.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 4287, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parametersISO 7206-4, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 4: Determination of endurance properties of stemmed femoral componentsISO 7206-8, Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Part 8: Methods of determining endurance performance of stemmed femoral componentsISO 14155-1, Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects — Part 1: General requirementsISO 14242-1, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip-joint prostheses — Part 1: Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing machines and corresponding environmental conditions for testsISO 14242-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total hip joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurementISO 14243-2, Implants for surgery — Wear of total knee-joint prostheses — Part 2: Methods of measurement ISO 14630:—1), Non-active surgical implants — General requirementsISO 14879-1, Implants for surgery — Total knee-joint prostheses — Part 1: Determination of endurance properties of knee tibial trays1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 14630:2005)--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 14630 together with the following apply.3.1artificial ligamentdevice, including its necessary fixing devices, intended to augment or replace the natural ligament3.2joint replacement implantimplantable device, including ancillary implanted components and materials, intended to provide function similar to a natural joint and which is connected to the corresponding bones3.3mean centreposition within the spherical head for which the average of the distances to a set of points uniformly distributed over the surface of the sphere is minimum3.4radial separation valuedifference between the mean radius of the spherical surface and the radius to the point on the spherical surface furthest from the mean centreNOTE The units of the radial separation value are in micrometres.4 Intended performance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---For the purpose of this International Standard, the intended performance of implants shall conform to Clause 4 of ISO 14630:—, and the design input shall additionally address the following matters:a) intended minimum and maximum relative angular movement between the skeletal parts to which the jointreplacement implant is attached;b) expected maximum load actions (forces and moments) to be transmitted to the bony parts to which thejoint replacement implant is attached;c) dynamic response of the body to the shape/stiffness of the implants;d) expected wear of articulating surfaces;e) suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the population for which it is intended;f) strength of the adhesion and durability of surface coatings or surface treatments.NOTE 1 The clinical indications and contra-indications for the use of a particular implant are complex and should be reviewed by the surgeons when they are selecting implants to be used for particular patients, relying upon their own personal judgment and experience.NOTE 2 The lifetime of an implant depends on the interaction of various factors; some are the responsibility of the manufacturer, some, such as the implantation technique, are the responsibility of the surgeon in conducting the operation, and some relate to the patient, for example, the biological and physiological response to the implant, the medical condition of the patient, the conduct of the patient in respect of increasing body weight, carriage of heavy loads and adopting a high level of physical activity.ISO 21534:2007(E)5 Design attributes5.1 GeneralThe development of the design attributes to meet the performance intended by the manufacturer shall conform to the requirements of Clause 5 of ISO 14630:—, and in addition, account shall be taken of the following points:a) the strength of adhesion and durability of surface coatings and surface treatments; b) the wear of the articulating and other surfaces;c) stability of the implant while allowing prescribed minimum and maximum relative movements between theskeletal parts; d) avoidance of cutting or abrading tissue during function other than insertion or removal; e) the creep resistance and rupture characteristics, particularly as they relate to ligaments.NOTE 1 Methods of assessment of the wear of articulating and other surfaces are prescribed in, e.g. ISO 14242-2 and ISO 14243-1, -2 and -3. NOTE 2More specific requirements, such as that for hip joint replacements, might appear in other standards.5.2 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic implants articulating on ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE)The articulating surfaces of metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,1 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.3 Surface finish of metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2).5.4 Surfaces of convex, spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic implants articulating on UHMWPEThe articulating surface of convex spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of total joint replacements intended to articulate on UHMWPE shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 0,05 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 10 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.5 Surfaces of spherically-conforming metallic or ceramic partial implantsThe articulating surface of spherically conforming metallic or ceramic components of partial joint replacements shall have a surface roughness value Ra no greater than 0,5 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 100 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).5.6 Surfaces of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE componentsThe articulating surface of concave, spherically-conforming UHMWPE components of total joint replacements shall have a surface roughness Ra no greater than 2 µm and a radial separation value for sphericity no greater than 200 µm (when measured in accordance with 7.2.2 and 7.2.3).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 21534:2007(E)6 Materials6.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 6 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirement of 6.2 of the present document.NOTE 1 Annex A gives a list of International Standards for materials found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants or for use in association with implants.NOTE 2 Annex B gives lists of International Standards for pairs of materials found acceptable or not acceptable through proven use for articulating surfaces of implants.NOTE 3 Where 6.1 of ISO 14630:— states that the acceptability of materials may be demonstrated by selection from the materials found suitable by proven clinical use in similar applications, for the purposes of this International Standard, proven use should be demonstrated by records of implantation of at least 500 of the implants and recorded satisfactory clinical use over a period of not less than five years.6.2 Dissimilar metals or alloysFor applications in which two dissimilar metals or alloys or the same metals or alloys in different metallurgical states are in contact where articulation is not intended, combinations used shall not produce unacceptable galvanic effects.NOTE Annex C gives lists of International Standards for acceptable and unacceptable metallic combinations for use in non-articulating bearing surfaces of implants.7 Design evaluation7.1 GeneralJoint replacement implants shall be evaluated in order to demonstrate that the intended performance is achieved. This evaluation shall be in accordance with Clause 7 of ISO 14630:— together with the particular requirements of 7.2 to 7.4. This evaluation shall be undertaken using components fully representative of the final condition ready for implantation.7.2 Preclinical evaluation7.2.1 GeneralPreclinical evaluation shall consider:a) biocompatibility of any materials not previously used;b) mechanical loads and the related movements to which the implants can be subjected when functioning asprescribed by ISO 14630;c) fatigue testing of highly stressed parts in accordance with ISO 7206-4, ISO 7206-8 and ISO 14879-1;d) wear testing of articulating bearing surfaces in accordance with e.g. ISO 14242-1, ISO 14242-2 andISO 14243-1;e) the suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population;NOTE The suitability of the dimensions and shape of the implant for the intended population can be demonstrated by cadaver implantation, the use of imaging systems such as X-ray, CAT scan or magnetic resonance imaging, or by reference to corresponding implants of proven clinical use (see Note 3 of 6.1).f) adhesion and durability of coatings if present.7.2.2 Surface roughness measurementSurface roughness shall be measured according to one of the methods given in ISO 4287.7.2.3 Sphericity measurementRadial separation values for sphericity shall be measured according to a method demonstrated to be accurate and repeatable.NOTE A suitable method is described in the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) [30].7.3 Clinical investigationThe clinical investigation shall be conducted according to the general requirements of ISO 14155-1.7.4 Post market surveillance--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---The post-market performance of joint replacement implants shall be determined.NOTE Suitable methodologies include survival analysis (with revision as the endpoint) and clinical assessment.Where it is available, relevant information from joint replacement registries are taken into account.8 Manufacture and inspection8.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 8 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the particular requirements of 8.2 to Metal surfacesAll polishing operations on metallic components shall be performed using an iron-free material. Clean, degrease, rinse and dry all components and examine the articulating surfaces using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function and also be free from deposited finishing materials or other contaminants.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include scale, tool marks, nicks, scratches, cracks, cavities, burrs and other defects.8.3 Plastic surfacesArticulating surfaces of plastic components shall not be prepared using non-removable abrasive or polishing compounds. Clean, degrease (if necessary), rinse and dry the components and examine them using normal or corrected vision. The surfaces shall be free from particulate contamination.8.4 Ceramic surfacesCeramic components shall be cleaned, degreased, rinsed, dried and examined using normal or corrected vision. The articulating surfaces shall be free of any imperfections that would impair their function.NOTE Examples of imperfections which might impair function include particulate contamination, chemical discolouration (spots or larger areas), tool marks, nicks, chips, cavities and cracks.9 Sterilization9.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 9 of ISO 14630:— apply together with the following.The effects of the sterilization process shall not impair the intended performance of the implant [see Clause 4 and 7.2.1 c), d) and f)].Implants containing UHMWPE and sterilized by ionizing radiation, shall not be supplied for clinical use if an accumulated dose of radiation higher than 40 kGy has been received. This requirement does not apply if radiation intended to improve the mechanical characteristics of the material is combined with the radiation for sterilization purposes.9.2 ExpiryThe manufacturer shall conduct an investigation, and record the results, to ascertain the expiry date to be marked on the labelling for the implant.10 PackagingThe requirements of Clause 10 of ISO 14630:— shall apply. The expiry date (see 9.2) shall be marked on the label.11 Information supplied by the manufacturer11.1 GeneralThe requirements of Clause 11 of ISO 14630:— shall apply together with the requirements in 11.2 to Labelling of implants for use on one side of the body onlyLabelling for implants designed for use on one side of the body only shall bear the symbol "LEFT'' or "L" for implants to be used on the left side or "RIGHT'' or "R" for implants to be used on the right side.11.3 Instructions for orientation of implantsThe instruction leaflet and/or manual shall, where necessary, indicate the required orientation of the implant relative to the body part. It shall also refer to the relevant marking(s) on the implant or the label (see 11.2 and 11.4).11.4 Markings for orientation of the implantsThe implant shall bear the symbol "ANT'' on the front and/or "POST'' on the back where this is necessary for interpretation of the instructions relating to the required orientation of the implant relative to the body given in the instruction leaflet and/or manual (see 11.3).11.5 Placing of markings on implantsMarkings shall be placed on the implant where they will not impair its intended function [see 7.2.1 c), d) and f)]. --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---11.6 Restrictions on useIf an implant is intended for a restricted population this shall be stated in the instructions for use or in themanual.11.7 Re-sterilization of zirconia ceramicsComponents manufactured from zirconia ceramics shall include an instruction advising users "Do not sterilizeusing moist heat”.11.8 Labelling of implants for use with or without bone cementLabelling for implants shall bear an appropriate legend as shown in Table 1.Table 1 — LabellingUsage LegendAlternativelegend Implants intended to be used withbone cementFOR USE WITH CEMENT CEMENTEDImplants intended to be usedwithout bone cementUNCEMENTED CEMENTLESSImplants intended to be used optionally USE WITH CEMENT ORUNCEMENTEDNO LEGEND--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Annex A(informative)List of International Standards for materials found acceptablefor the manufacture of implantsThe following International Standards deal with materials that have been found acceptable through proven use for the manufacture of implants. The inclusion of materials in this annex does not imply their satisfactory use in any particular application; neither does it relieve the manufacturer of the obligation to undertake a design evaluation such as prescribed in Clause 7.ISO 5832-1, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 1: Wrought stainless steelISO 5832-2, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 2: Unalloyed titaniumISO 5832-3, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 3: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloyISO 5832-4, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 4: Cobalt-chromium-molybdenum casting alloy ISO 5832-5, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 5: Wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloyISO 5832-6, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 6: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5832-7, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 7: Forgeable and cold-formed cobalt-chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloyISO 5832-8, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 8: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten-iron alloyISO 5832-9, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 9: Wrought high nitrogen stainless steel --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 5832-11, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 11: Wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloyISO 5832-12, Implants for surgery — Metallic materials — Part 12: Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloyISO 5833, Implants for surgery — Acrylic resin cementsISO 5834-1, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 1: Powder formISO 5834-2, Implants for surgery — Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — Part 2: Moulded formsISO 6474, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on high purity aluminaISO 13356, Implants for surgery — Ceramic materials based on yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ISO 13779-1, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 1: Ceramic hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-2, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 2: Coatings of hydroxyapatiteISO 13779-4, Implants for surgery — Hydroxyapatite — Part 4: Determination of coating adhesion strength。
