1.Effective Level Set Image Segmentation With a Kernel Induced Data Term
image子模块用法image子模块是Python中PIL库(Python Imaging Library)的一个模块,用于对图像进行处理和操作。
下面是image子模块的一些常用功能和用法的参考内容:1. 加载和保存图像- 使用`Image.open(path)`函数加载图像,其中`path`是图像文件的路径。
- 使用`Image.save(path)`方法保存图像,其中`path`是保存图像的路径。
2. 调整图像大小- 使用`resize(size)`方法调整图像的大小,其中`size`是一个二元组,表示新的图像大小。
3. 调整图像质量- 使用`Image.filter()`方法应用不同的滤镜效果,如模糊、锐化等。
4. 调整图像颜色- 使用`Image.convert(mode)`方法转换图像的色彩模式,其中`mode`可以是灰度、RGB、CMYK等。
- 使用`ImageEnhance`模块提供的方法调整图像的亮度、对比度和锐度等。
5. 剪裁和旋转图像- 使用`crop(box)`方法剪裁图像,其中`box`是一个四元组,表示剪裁的区域的左上角坐标和右下角坐标。
- 使用`rotate(angle)`方法旋转图像,其中`angle`是旋转的角度。
6. 图像合成- 使用`Image.blend(image1, image2, alpha)`方法将两张图像混合,其中`image1`和`image2`是要混合的两张图像,`alpha`表示混合的比例。
7. 图像操作- 使用`ImageDraw`模块提供的函数和方法进行图像的绘制,如绘制直线、矩形、圆等。
Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书
MPA, MPI (design/logo), MPX (design/logo), MPX, Mudbox, Navisworks, ObjectARX, ObjectDBX, Opticore, Pixlr, Pixlr-o-matic, Productstream,
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Autodesk Nastran 2022
Reference Manual
Nastran Solver Reference Manual
1. 使用适当的数据类型和数据结构在计算机视觉技术中,图像和视频数据通常以像素形式存储。
2. 压缩和编码压缩是减少内存占用的常用方法。
3. 内存管理合理的内存管理对于减少计算机视觉技术的内存占用非常重要。
4. 降低图像和视频分辨率降低图像和视频的分辨率可以显著减少内存占用。
5. 特征提取和选择计算机视觉技术通常需要提取和分析图像和视频的特征。
ImageQuant TL 8.1操作指南说明书
ImageQuant TL 8.1操作指南引言●IQTL是一款多功能定量分析软件,能够对蛋白条带、克隆计数、96孔板进行定量分析。
●IQTL 软件对分析图片有一定的要求,要求图片由专业的分析成像设备拍摄,图片格式应为.gel或16bit .tif。
●若图片为8 bit RGB格式,即相机拍摄格式,需要用第三方软件(如photoshop)将格式转换为16 bit .tif灰度图像。
1)打开软件双击桌面ImageQuant TL 图标,弹出control centre对话框,IQTL分析软件提供多种分析模式。
●1D gel analysis 适用于分析一维凝胶电泳分析,如SDS-PAGE或IEF凝胶,也适用于对western blotting结果进行定量分析●Analysis toolbox 适用于对图像进行区域分析●Colony counting 适用于培养皿培养的菌落进行计数●Array analysis 适用于对斑点进行定量分析,如斑点杂交,蛋白芯片等。
要求需要叠加的图像在同一文件夹中,图像大小完全一致创建的叠加图片在同一文件夹中1)点击File—Create Multiplex Image2)弹出Create Multiplex Image对话框3)在Name中输入叠加后图片名称4)点击Browse,选择需要叠加的图片,点击open打开5)点击Create,创建图片,创建的图片格式为.ds。
爱考机构 中国高端考研第一品牌(保过 保录 限额)
爱考机构-北大考研பைடு நூலகம்地球与空间科学学院研究生导师简
科研成果与主要论著 国内外学术刊物(2003 年以来): HuiranJin,PeijunLi,TaoChengandBenqinSong,2012,LandcoverclassificationusingCHRIS/PROBAi magesandmultitemporaltexture.InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing,33(1),101–119. Jin,H.,Mountrakis,G.andLi,P.,2012,Asuper-resolutionmappingmethodusinglocalindicatorvariogra ms.InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing,33(24),7747–7773. PeijunLi,HaiqingXu,BenqinSong,2011,Anovelmethodofurbanroaddamagedetectionusingveryhighr esolutionsatelliteimageryandroadmap,PhotogrammetricEngineeringandRemoteSensing.77(10),105 7-1066. PeijunLi,JiancongGuo,BenqinSongandXiaobaiXiao,2011,Amultilevelhierarchicalimagesegmentati onmethodforurbanimpervioussurfacemappingusingveryhighresolutionimagery.IEEEJournalofSele ctedTopicsinAppliedEarthObservationsandRemoteSensing,4(1),103-116. Sánchez-Azofeifa,Arturo;Rivard,Benoit;Wright,Joseph;Feng,Ji-Lu;Li,Peijun;Chong,MeiMei;Bohl man,StephanieA.,2011.EstimationoftheDistributionofTabebuiaguayacan(Bignoniaceae)UsingHigh -ResolutionRemoteSensingImagery.Sensors,11(4),3831-3851. HaiqingXuandPeijunLi,2010,Urbanlandcoverclassificationfromveryhighresolutionimageryusingsp ectralandinvariantmomentshapeinformation.CanadianJournalofRemoteSensing,36(3),248-260. PeijunLi,HaiqingXuandJiancongGuo,2010,Urbanbuildingdamagedetectionfromveryhighresolution imageryusingOne-ClassSVMandspatialfeatures.InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing,31(13),339 3-3409. PeijunLiandHaiqingXu,2010,Land-CoverChangeDetectionUsingOne-ClassSupportVectorMachine, PhotogrammetricEngineeringandRemoteSensing,76(3),255-263. PeijunLi,TaoCheng,andJiancongGuo,2009,Multivariateimagetexturebymultivariatevariogramform ultispectralimageclassification.PhotogrammetricEngineeringandRemoteSensing,75(2),147-157. PeijunLiandHaikuoYuandTaoCheng,2009,LithologicmappingusingASTERimageryandmultivariate texture.CanadianJournalofRemoteSensing,V.35,Suppl.1(SupplementS1),S117-S125. PeijunLi,XiaobaiXiao,2007,Multispectralimagesegmentationbyamultichannelwatershed-basedappr oach.InternationalJournalofRemoteSensing.28(19),4429-4452. PeijunLi,YingduanHuang,2005,Landcoverclassificationofremotelysensedimagewithhierarchicalite rativemethod.ProgressinNaturalScience.15(5),442-447. PeijunLiandWooilM.Moon,2004,LandcoverclassificationusingMODIS/ASTERairbornesimulator( MASTER)dataandNDVI:acasestudyoftheKochangarea,Korea.CanadianJournalofRemoteSensing , 30(2),123-136. PeijunLi,XiaobaiXiao,2004,Anunsupervisedmarkerimagegenerationmethodforwatershedsegmenta tionofmultispectralimagery.GeosciencesJournal,8(3),325-331. PeijunLi,ZhengwuZhou,JinaghaiLi,ChenZhang,WenyuanHeandMancheolSuh,2003,Structuralfram eworkanditsformationoftheKalpinthrustbelt,TarimBasin,NorthwestChina,fromLandsatTMdata.Inte rnationalJournalofRemoteSensing.24(18),3535-3546. 张西雅、徐海卿、李培军,2012,运用 EO-1Hyperion 数据和单类支持向量机方法提取岩性 信息,北京大学学报(自然科学版),48(3),411-418。
一、mmsegmentation的主要特点1. 高度模块化:mmsegmentation采用模块化设计,将不同的组件独立开发,可以方便地组合和替换模型的各个部分,使得模型的构建更加灵活。
2. 多种分割模型:mmsegmentation提供了多种经典的分割模型,包括UNet、FCN、DeepLabv3等,可以根据任务需求选择合适的模型进行训练和测试。
3. 支持多种数据增强方法:mmsegmentation内置了丰富的数据增强方法,可以有效提升模型的泛化能力和鲁棒性,包括随机裁剪、随机翻转、颜色抖动等。
4. 可视化工具支持:mmsegmentation提供了可视化工具,可以直观地展示模型对图像的分割效果,方便用户进行调试和结果分析。
二、常用的分割模型1. UNet:UNet是一种经典的全卷积网络,由编码器和解码器组成,可以有效地捕捉不同尺度的特征信息。
2. FCN:FCN(Fully Convolutional Network)是第一个将全卷积网络引入图像分割领域的模型,通过将全连接层替换为卷积层,使得模型能够接受任意尺寸的输入图像。
3. DeepLabv3:DeepLabv3是一种基于空洞卷积和多尺度金字塔池化的分割模型,能够有效地捕捉图像中的上下文信息和多尺度特征。
4. HRNet:HRNet(High-Resolution Network)是一种高分辨率网络,通过多分支的特征融合和自顶向下的特征传播,可以在保持高分辨率的同时保持丰富的语义信息。
三、mmsegmentation的使用方法1. 数据准备:首先需要准备训练和测试所需的数据集,包括图像和对应的标签。
如您对本许可证有任何疑问,可以向上述地址写信以与Media Cybernetics有限公司联系。
Image-Pro Plus工具和命令参考 .............................................................................1-1 Image-Pro工具 ...........................................................................................1-1 图像窗口..................................................................................................1-18 管理打开的图像窗口 .............................................................................. 1-20 Image-Pro 对话框 ....................................................................................1-21 通用对话框..............................................................................................1-22 数据交换..................................................................................................1-29
image-process使用方法1. 介绍image-process(图像处理)是一种基于计算机技术的图像处理方法,广泛应用于数字摄影、医学影像、人工智能等领域。
2. 图像处理的基本概念图像处理是指利用计算机对图像进行处理和分析的技术。
3. 图像处理的应用领域图像处理技术在许多领域都有着重要的应用价值。
4. 图像处理的基本方法图像处理的基本方法包括线性滤波、非线性滤波、边缘检测、图像分割、特征提取和图像识别等。
5. image-process的使用方法在使用image-process进行图像处理时,首先需要导入相应的图像处理库,如OpenCV或PIL。
图像处理中的全局优化技术(Global optimization techniques in image processing and computer vision) (一)2013-05-29 14:26 1659人阅读评论(1) 收藏举报算法图像处理计算机视觉imagevisionMulinB按:最近打算好好学习一下几种图像处理和计算机视觉中常用的global optimization (或energy minimization) 方法,这里总结一下学习心得。
分为以下几篇:1. Discrete Optimization: Graph Cuts and Belief Propagation (本篇)2. Quadratic Optimization : Poisson Equation and Laplacian Matrix3. Variational Methods for Optical Flow Estimation4. TODO: Likelihood Maximization (e.g., Blind Deconvolution)1. Discrete Optimization: Graph Cuts and Belief Propagation很多图像处理和视觉的问题可以看成是pixel-labeling问题,用energy minimization framework可以formulate成以下能量方程:其中第一项叫data term (或叫unary term),是将label l_p赋给像素p时的cost,第二项叫smoothness term (或叫pairwise term),是每两个相邻pixel的labeling不同时产生的cost (w_pq是spatial varying weight,比如跟p和q的difference相关)。
传统的smoothness term 一般只考虑两两(pairwise)相邻的pixel,最近几年的CVPR和ICCV上开始出现很多higher-order MRF的研究,比如这位大牛的paper,这是题外话。
S t e r e o M a t c h i n g 文 献 笔 记
立体匹配综述阅读心得之Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation methods for stereo correspondence学习笔记之基于代价聚合算法的分类,主要针对cost aggregration 分类,20081.?Introduction经典的全局算法有:本文主要内容有:从精度的角度对比各个算法,主要基于文献【23】给出的评估方法,同时也在计算复杂度上进行了比较,最后综合这两方面提出一个trade-off的比较。
2?Classification?of?cost?aggregation?strategies?主要分为两种:1)The?former?generalizes?the?concept?of?variable?support?by? allowing?the?support?to?have?any?shape?instead?of?being?built?u pon?rectangular?windows?only.2)The?latter?assigns?adaptive?-?rather?than?fixed?-?weights?to?th e?points?belonging?to?the?support.大部分的代价聚合都是采用symmetric方案,也就是综合两幅图的信息。
采用的匹配函数为(matching?(or?error)?function?):Lp distance between two vectors包括SAD、Truncated SAD [30,25]、SSD、M-estimator [12]、similarity?function?based?on?point?distinctiveness[32] 最后要指出的是,本文基于平行平面(fronto-parallel)support。
1. 旋转:对图像进行一定角度的旋转,有助于提高模型对不同方向物体的识别能力。
2. 颜色抖动:对图像的曝光度、饱和度和色调进行随机变化,形成不同光照及颜色下的图片,有助于提高模型对不同光照和颜色的适应性。
3. 随机遮挡:对图像进行小区域的遮挡,有助于提高模型对遮挡物体的识别能力。
4. 灰度化:将图像转换为灰度图,有助于去除颜色信息,使模型专注于形状和结构。
5. 翻转:对图像进行水平或垂直翻转,有助于提高模型对图像对称性的感知。
6. 缩放:对图像进行缩放,有助于提高模型对不同尺度的物体识别能力。
7. 剪裁:对图像进行剪裁,选取不同的区域进行训练,有助于提高模型对不同位置和长宽比的物体识别能力。
8. 旋转和翻转的组合:同时进行旋转和翻转操作,进一步增强图像的多样性和复杂性。
Imatest史上最详细教程Imatest史上最详细教程2009 Imatest LLC Imatest Documentation 1 of 451 Imatest Documentation Image Quality An overview of the key image quality factors and how they are measured by Imatest Sharpness - What is it and how is it measured? Introduction - The Slanted-edge test - Calculation details - Results - Interpreting MTF50 SQF - Subjective Quality Factor Introduction - SQF and MTF - Meaning of SQF - Measuring SQF - The SQF equation - CSF - Links Noise in photographic images Introduction - Appearance - Noise measurements - Noise summary - F-stop noise - The mathematics of noise - Links Sharpening - Why standardized sharpening is needed for comparing cameras Standardized sharpening - Examples Sharpness comparisons - for several digital cameras Introduction - Explanation of results - T ables of results - Interpretation of MTF - Some observations - Links Chromatic Aberration - AKA Color fringing Introduction - Measurement - Demosaicing Veiling glare (Lens flare) Introduction - Target - Measurement - Results - ISO 9358 Color correction matrix Introduction - Math - Multicharts ISO Sensitivity and Exposure Index Introduction - Modules - Equations - RAW files - Related documents Shannon information capacity - information that can pass through a channel without error Meaning - Results - Summary Blur units, MTF, and DXO Analyzer's BxU The Imatest Test Lab - How to build a testing lab Introduction - Hardware - Lighting - Easel - Light measurement - Tripod - Clamps - Putting it together - Targets - Aligning target & camera Imatest Instructions -- General Installation - and getting started Install - Purchase - Register - Offline registration- Files Using Imatest Running Imatest - multi_read - RAW files - Other controls - Pulldown menus - Figures - .CSV and XML output - Use of Imatest RAW files Introduction - Using RAW files - Bayer RAW - dcraw demosaicing - Rawview utility - Generalized Read Raw The Imatest Test Lab - How to build a testing lab Introduction - Hardware - Lighting - Easel - Light measurement - Tripod - Clamps - Putting it together - Targets - Aligning target & camera Troubleshooting - What to do when Imatest doesn't work Installation problems - Problems after install - Missing DLLs - Runtime problems - INI files - Command (DOS) window - Diagnostics runs - Path conflicts Imatest Instructions -- Sharpness modules Using SFR Part 1 - Setting up and photographing SFR targets Slanted-edge test - Print chart - Lighting - Distance - Exposure - Tips - Quality and Distance Using SFR Part 2 - Running Imatest SFR Image file - ROI - Additional input - Equations - Gamma - Warnings - Saving - Repeated runs - Excel CSV output Imatest SFR LCD target Screen Patterns module - Web pattern SFR results: MTF (Sharpness) plot SFR results: - Chromatic Aberration, Noise, and Shannon capacity plot SFR results: Multiple ROI (Region of Interest) plot 2D Summary plot - 1D Summary plot - CSV Output file - Summary explanation - Excel plots Using SFRplus Part 1 - The SFRplus chart: features and how to photograph it Slanted-edge test - Advantages - Obtain chart - Print chart - Lighting - Distance - Exposure - Tips - Quality and Distance Using SFRplus Part 2 - Running Imatest SFRplus Running SFRplus - Rescharts - SFRplus settings windows - Parameters & setup window - Settings & options window - Gamma - Warnings - SFRplus summary Imatest Documentation 2 of 451 Using SFRplus Part 3 - Imatest SFRplus results SFRplus results - Saving - Repeated runs - Excel .CSV (Comma SeparatedValues) output Using Rescharts - Analysis of resolution-related charts Introduction - Getting started - The Rescharts window - Rescharts modules - Slanted-edge SFR - Log frequency (simple) - Log frequency-contrast Log Frequency - Analysis of log frequency-varying charts Introduction - Photographing, running - Color moire - Output - Pattern - MTF - Comparisons - Calculation details - Nyquist, aliasing Log F-Contrast - Analysis of charts that vary in log frequency andcontrast Introduction - Creating, printing - Photographing, running - Output - Pattern - MTF - MTF/contrast contours - MTFnn Star Chart - Analysis of the Siemens star chart Introduction - Creating, photographing, running - Output - MTF - MTFnn, MTFnnP - MTF contours - Equations MTF Compare - Compare MTFs of different cameras and lenses Introduction - Instructions Batchview - Postprocessor for viewing summaries of SFR, SFRplus results Introduction - Preparation - Instructions How to Test Lenses with SFRplus Introduction - Test chart - Photograph - Run SFRplus - Rescharts SFRplus - SFRplus settings - Interpret the results - Batches - Checklist How to Test Lenses with SFR - (old page: Imatest SFRplus recommended) Introduction - Test target - Photograph - Run SFR - Interpret - Checklist Imatest Instructions -- Tone, color, and spatial modules Using Stepchart Photographing the chart - Running Stepchart - Output - Saving - Dynamic range - Algorithm Stepchart: Applied Image and ISO charts Photographing chart - Instructions - Patch order Dynamic Range - Calculate Dynamic Range from several Stepchart images Introduction - Operation - Results - Dynamic Range bkgnd Using Colorcheck What Colorcheck does - Colorchecker colors - Photographing target - Photographing target - Colorchecker reference sources - Output - Saving - LinksColorcheck Appendix - Algorithms and reference formulas Color error formulas - Algorithm - Grayscale and exposure Using Multicharts - Interactive analysis of several test charts Introduction - Getting started - Reference files - The Multicharts window - Displays and options Multicharts Special Charts - Additional charts, including circles arranged on a square Instructions - Patch numbering - Examples Color correction matrix Introduction - Math - Multicharts Using Uniformity (Light Falloff) - Measures light falloff (lens vignetting) and sensor nonuniformity Instructions - Results Uniformity (Light Falloff): Imatest Master - Instructions for Imatest Master Input dialog box - Hot and dead pixels - Color shading - Uniformity profiles - Polynomial fit - Histograms - Noise detail - Spot detection Using Distortion Introduction - Instructions - Results - Main figure - Decentering - Corrected image - Intersection figure - Radius correction fig - Links - Algorithm Imatest Instructions -- Miscellaneous modules and utilities Using Test Charts - Creates test charts for high quality inkjet printers Introduction - Bitmap patterns - SVG patterns - Options Using Screen Patterns - Monitor patterns for Light Falloff, SFR, Distortion, and monitor calibration Introduction - Light Falloff - SFR - Distortion - Monitor calibration - Monitor gamma - Zone plate - SMPTE color bars - Slanted edges - Colorchecker- Stepchart - Squares (checkerboard) SVG Test Charts - Scalable Vector Graphics charts for MTF measurements Introduction: m x n squares - Squares and wedges - Operation - Options - Output figure - Printing View/Rename Files - using EXIF data Starting - 1. Select folder - 2. Select files - 3. Rename options - 4. Preview - 5. Rename files Imatest IT/EXE instructions - Running Imatest IT (Industrial Testing)/EXE Introduction - Installation - Setup - INI files - DOS call - Callingfrom Matlab - Testing - Error handling Using Print T est - Measure print quality factors: color response, tonal response, and Dmax Introduction - Instructions - Results Maskfill - Removes features that interfere with Imatest measurements Imatest Documentation 3 of 451 Introduction - Instructions Appendix Cross-reference tables - Tables to help you navigate Imatest Suppliers - Image quality factors - Image quality factors - Modules - Test charts - Test images Version comparisons - Differences between versions. Which is right for you? Glossary Glosario en Espanol Troubleshooting - What to do when Imatest doesn't work Installation problems - Problems after install - Missing DLLs - Runtime problems - INI files - Command (DOS) window - Diagnostics runs - Path conflicts Imatest Change Log - Imatest release history XML Changes - New XML improvements in Imatest 3.5.1+ Complete PDF documentation - The whole docs 14 MB and almost 500 pages, updated occasionally License - The Imatest End User License Agreement (EULA) Imatest Documentation 4 of 451 Image Quality Sharpness What is it and how is it measured? Image sharpness Sharpness is arguably the most important photographic image quality factor: it's the factor most closely related to the amount of detail an image can render. But it's not the only important factor. Imatest measures a great many others. Sharpness is defined by the boundaries between zones of different tones or colors. It is illustrated by the bar pattern of increasing spatial frequency, below. The top portion represents a target used to test a camera/lens combination. It is sharp; its boundaries are abrupt, not gradual. The bottom portion illustrates the effect of a high quality 35mm lens on a 0.5 millimeter long image of the pattern (on the film or digital sensor plane). It is blurred. All lenses, eventhe finest, blur images to some degree. Poor lenses blur images more than fine ones. One way to measure sharpness is to use the rise distance of the edge, for example, the distance (in pixels, millimeters, or fraction of image height) for the pixel level to go from 10% to 90% of its final value. This is called the 10-90% rise distance. Although rise distance is a good indicator of image sharpness, it has one limitation. It is poorly suited for calculating the sharpness of a complete imaging system from the sharpness of its components, for example, from a lens, digital sensor, and software sharpening algorithm. To get around this problem, measurements are made in frequency domain, where frequency is measured in cycles or line pairs per distance (typically millimeters in film measurements, but may also be inches, pixels, or image height). Line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm) is the most common spatial frequency unit for film, but cycles/pixel is convenient for digital sensors. The image below is a sine wave—a pattern of pure tones—that varies from low to high spatial frequencies, in this case from 2 to 200 lp/mm, over a distance of 0.5 millimeters. The top portion is the original sine pattern. The bottom portion illustrates the effects of the same high quality 35mm lens, which reduces pattern contrast at high spatial frequencies. The relative contrast at a given spatial frequency (output contrast/input contrast) is called the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) or Spatial Frequency Response (SFR). Illustration of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) (Spatial frequency response (SFR) ) Imatest Documentation 5 of 451 Green is for geeks. Do you get excited by a good equation? Were you passionate about your college math classes? Then you're probably a math geek—a member of a misunderstood but highly elite fellowship. The text in green is for you. If you're normal ormathematically challenged, you may skip these sections. You'll never know what you missed. The upper plot displays the sine and bar patterns: original and after blurring by the lens. The middle plot displays the luminance of the bar pattern after blurring by the lens (the red curve). Contrast decreases at high spatial frequencies. The lower plot displays the corresponding MTF (SFR) curve (the blue curve). By definition, the low frequency MTF limit is always 1 (100%). For this lens, MTF is 50% at 61 lp/mm and 10% at 183 lp/mm. Both frequency and MTF are displayed on logarithmic scales with exponential notation (10 0 = 1; 10 1 = 10; 10 2 = 100, etc.). Amplitude is displayed on a linear scale. The beauty of using MTF (Spatial Frequency Response) is that the MTF of a complete imaging system is the product of the the MTF of its individual components. MTF is related to edge response by a mathematical operation known as the Fourier transform. MTF is the Fourier transform of the impulse response— the response to a narrow line, which is the derivative (d/dx) of the edge response. Fortunately, you don't need to understand Fourier transforms or calculus to understand MTF. Traditional "resolution" measurements involve observing an image of a bar pattern (usually the USAF 1951 chart) on film, and looking for the highest spatial frequency (in lp/mm) where a pattern is visible. Thiscorresponds to an MTF of about 5-10%. Because this is the spatial frequency where image information disappears—where it isn't visible, it is not a good indicator of image sharpness. Experience has shown that the best indicators of image sharpness are the spatial frequencies where MTF is 50% of its low frequency value (MTF50) or 50% of its peak value (MTF50P). MTF50 or MTF50P are ideal parameters for comparing thesharpness of different cameras for several reasons: (1) Image contrast is half its low frequency or peak values, hence detail is still quite visible. (2) The eye is relatively insensitive to detail at spatial frequencies where MTF is low: 10% or less. (3) The response of virtually all cameras falls off rapidly in the vicinity of MTF50 and MTF50P. MTF50P may better for oversharpened cameras that have peaks in their MTF response. Although MTF can be estimated directly from images of sine patterns (see Rescharts Log Frequency, Log F-Contrast, and Star Chart), a sophisticated technique, based on the ISO 12233 standard, "Photography - Electronic still picture cameras - Resolution measurements," provides more accurate and repeatable results.A slanted-edge image, described below, is photographed, then analyzed by Imatest SFR or Rescharts Slanted-edge SFR. (SFR stands for Spatial Frequency Response.) Origins of Imatest SFR The algorithms for calculating MTF/SFR were adapted from a Matlab program, sfrmat, written by Peter Burns ( ) to implement the ISO 12233 standard. Imatest SFR incorporates numerous improvements, including improved edge detection, better handling of lens distortion, a nicer interface, and far more detailed output. The original Matlab code is available on the I3A ISO tools download page by clicking on ISO 12233 Slant Edge Analysis Tool sfrmat 2.0. In comparing sfrmat 2.0 results with Imatest, note that if no OECF (tonal response curve) file is entered into sfrmat, it assumes that there is no tonal response curve, i.e., gamma = 1. In Imatest, gamma is set to a default value of 0.5, which is typical of digital cameras. To obtain good agreement with sfrmat, you must set gamma to 1. The slanted-edge test for Spatial Frequency Response Slanted-edge test charts can be created with Imatest Test Charts (SVG charts are especiallyrecommended) or downloaded from How to test lenses with Imatest. The bitmap chart has horizontal and vertical edges for best print quality. It should be Imatest Documentation 6 of 451 tilted (about 2-8 degrees) before it is photographed. Imatest SFR can also take advantage of portions of the ISO 12233 test chart, shown on the right, or a derivative like the Applied Image QA-77, or as a less expensive alternative from Danes-Picta in the Czech Republic (the DCR3 chart on their Digital Imaging page)). Two such portions are indicated by the red and blue arrows. ISO 12233 charts are used in /doc/5810866252.html, and /doc/5810866252.html, digital camera reviews. A printable vector-graphics version of the ISO chart is available courtesy of Stephen H. Westin of the Cornell University Computer Graphics Department. It should be printed as large as possible (24 inches high if possible) so edge sharpness is not limited by the printer itself. (There may be some jaggedness in the slanted edges; not a problem with the recommended printable target.) A typical portion is shown on the right: a crop of a vertical edge (slanted about 5.6 degrees), used to calculate horizontal MTF response. An advantage of the slanted edge test is that the camera-to-target distance isn't critical. It doesn't enter into the equation that converts the image into MTF response. Imatest Master can calculate MTF for edges of virtually any angle, though exact vertical, horizontal, and 45°can have numerical problems. Slanted edge algorithm (calculation details) The MTF calculation is derived from ISO standard 12233. Some details are contained in Peter Burns' SFRMAT 2.0 User's。
Swift图像处理之优化照⽚Core Image能通过分析图⽚的各个属性,⼈脸的区域等进⾏⾃动优化图⽚。
)1.具体使⽤的滤镜如下:(1)CIRedEyeCorrection:修复因相机的闪光灯导致的各种红眼(2)CIFaceBalance:调整肤⾊(3)CIVibrance:在不影响肤⾊的情况下,改善图像的饱和度(4)CIToneCurve:改善图像的对⽐度(5)CIHighlightShadowAdjust:改善阴影细节2.autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions⽅法参数说明(字典类型):(1)CIDetectorImageOrientation提供图像⽅向:使Core Image能更精确的定位到脸的位置,对CIRedEyeCorrection和CIFaceBalance滤镜很有⽤。
(2)kCIImageAutoAdjustEnhance设为false :只需要消除红眼,不要其他滤镜(3)kCIImageAutoAdjustRedEye设为false :消除红眼不要,其他滤镜都要3.效果图如下(右侧为优化后的):4.代码如下(所有滤镜都使⽤):import UIKitclass ViewController: UIViewController{@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!//图⽚原图lazy var originalImage: UIImage = {return UIImage(named: "IMG_0473.jpg")}()!lazy var context: CIContext = {return CIContext(options: nil)}()override func viewDidLoad() {super.viewDidLoad()}override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {super.didReceiveMemoryWarning()}//优化图⽚@IBAction func autoAdjustImage(sender: AnyObject) {var inputImage = CIImage(image: originalImage)let options:[String : AnyObject] = [CIDetectorImageOrientation:1] //图⽚⽅向let filters = inputImage!.autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(options)//遍历所有滤镜,依次处理图像for filter: CIFilter in filters {filter.setValue(inputImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)inputImage = filter.outputImage}let cgImage = context.createCGImage(inputImage!, fromRect: inputImage!.extent)self.imageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: cgImage)}//还原图⽚@IBAction func resetImage(sender: AnyObject) {self.imageView.image = originalImage}}研究并⾃⼰敲⼀敲或者做成直接⽤的类是不错的选择.下⾯的地址不是写死的,加了拍照优化的功能,代码如下:(但是有⼀个BUG暂时⽆法解决,待解决了我再补充,⼤家⾃⼰⽤起来就知道在哪⾥了)import UIKit//从相册选取或者拍照需要实现UIImagePickerControllerDelegate UINavigationControllerDelegateclass ViewController: UIViewController ,UIImagePickerControllerDelegate,UINavigationControllerDelegate{@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!var chooseImage: UIImage = UIImage()//图⽚原图// lazy var originalImage: UIImage = UIImage(named: "jobZ.png")!//// lazy var context: CIContext = CIContext(options: nil)lazy var context: CIContext = {return CIContext(options: nil)}()override func viewDidLoad() {// self.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "jobZ.png")}//美化图⽚@IBAction func autoAdjustImage(sender: UIButton) {var inputImage = CIImage(image: self.chooseImage)let options:[String : AnyObject] = [CIDetectorImageOrientation:1] //图⽚⽅向let filters = inputImage!.autoAdjustmentFiltersWithOptions(options)//遍历所有滤镜,依次处理图像for filter: CIFilter in filters {filter.setValue(inputImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)inputImage = filter.outputImage}let cgImage = context.createCGImage(inputImage!, fromRect: inputImage!.extent)self.imageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: cgImage)}//选取图⽚@IBAction func chooseImage(sender: UIButton) {if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.PhotoLibrary){//初始化图⽚控制器let picker = UIImagePickerController()//设置代理picker.delegate = self//指定图⽚控制器类型 source我这⾥写的是⽤拍照,如果想⽤图库后⾯值改成UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.PhotoLibrary即可 picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera//如果有前置摄像头则调⽤前置摄像头if UIImagePickerController.isCameraDeviceAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice.Front){picker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDevice.Front}//弹出控制器,显⽰界⾯self.presentViewController(picker, animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in})}else{print("读取相册错误")}}//还原图⽚@IBAction func resetImage(sender: UIButton) {self.imageView.image = self.chooseImage}//代理//选择图⽚成功后代理func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController,didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject]) {//查看info对象print(info)//获取选择的原图let image = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! UIImageself.imageView.image = imageself.chooseImage = image//图⽚控制器退出picker.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {() -> Void in})}}此段代码运⾏效果如下:。
Click on an option to get more details about how that option works.点击一个选项,该选项获取有关如何运作的更多细节。
Option选项Description描述Option-adaptive-blur geometry 自适应,模糊几何adaptively blur pixels; decrease effect near edges自适应模糊像素;靠近边缘下跌的因素-adaptive-blur geometry-adaptive-resize geometry 自适应,几何调整adaptively resize image with data dependent triangulation.自适应地调整数据依赖三角网的形象。
-adaptive-resize geometry-adaptive-sharpen geometry 自适应,提升几何adaptively sharpen pixels; increase effect near edges自适应提升像素;增加近边缘效应-adaptive-sharpen geometry-adjoin -毗连join images into a single multi-image file加入到一个单一的多图像的图像文件-adjoin-affine matrix 仿射矩阵affine transform matrix仿射变换矩阵-affine matrix-alpha -αon, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy", transparent, extract, backgroun d, or shape the alpha channel上,启动,关闭,停用,设置,不透明,复制“,透明,提取,背景,或形状的Alpha通道-alpha-annotate geometry text - 几何文字注释annotate the image with text图片与文字注解-annotate geometry text-antialias -反锯齿remove pixel-aliasing删除像素走样-antialias-append 后缀append an image sequence附加一个图像序列-append-authenticate value 进行身份验证的价值decipher image with this password这个密码破译图片-authenticate value-auto-gamma 全自动-γautomagically adjust gamma level of image自动将影像调整伽玛水平-auto-gamma-auto-level 全自动级automagically adjust color levels of image自动的调整图像色彩层次-auto-level-auto-orient 包括汽车,东方automagically orient image自动的东方形象-auto-orient-background color ,背景颜色background color背景颜色-background color-bench iterations 工作台迭代measure performance测量性能-bench iterations-bias value 偏置价值add bias when convolving an image加偏压时的图像卷积-bias value-black-threshold value 黑,阈值force all pixels below the threshold into black力低于阈值的所有像素为黑色 -black-threshold value-blue-primary point 蓝小学点chromaticity blue primary point蓝色的主色点-blue-primary point-blue-shift factor 蓝移因子simulate a scene at nighttime in the moonlight模拟夜间在月光下一个场景 -blue-shift factor-blur geometry ,模糊几何reduce image noise and reduce detail levels降低图像噪声,减少细节层次-blur geometry-border geometry 边界几何surround image with a border of color环绕图片的颜色边框-border geometry-bordercolor color - bordercolor 颜色border color边框颜色-bordercolor color-brightness-contrast geometry 亮度,对比度几何improve brightness / contrast of the image提高亮度/对比度的图像-brightness-contrast geometry-caption string 字幕字符串assign a caption to an image指定标题图像-caption string-cdl filename - CDL的文件名color correct with a color decision list正确的颜色与颜色决定列表-cdl filename-channel type 通道型apply option to select image channels适用选项来选择图片频道-channel type-charcoal radius 炭半径simulate a charcoal drawing模拟素描-charcoal radius-chop geometry 劈几何remove pixels from the image interior从图像中删除内部像素-chop geometry-clamp 钳restrict colors from 0 to the quantum depth限制从0到量子色深度-clamp-clip 夹clip along the first path from the 8BIM profile夹沿着从8BIM配置第一个路径 -clip-clip-mask filename 剪辑掩模文件名associate clip mask with the image影像剪辑与副面具-clip-mask filename-clip-path id 剪辑路径编号clip along a named path from the 8BIM profile剪辑沿着从8BIM配置命名的道路-clip-path id-clone index ,克隆指数clone an image克隆一个图像-clone index-clut ,查找表apply a color lookup table to the image申请一个颜色查找表中的形象-clut-contrast-stretch geometry 对比度拉伸几何improve the contrast in an image by `stretching' the range of intensity value改善图像对比度的`延伸'的强度值范围-contrast-stretch geometry-coalesce -凝聚merge a sequence of images合并的图像序列-coalesce-colorize value -上色价值colorize the image with the fill color与上色填充颜色的图像-colorize value-color-matrix matrix 彩色矩阵矩阵apply color correction to the image.应用颜色校正的图像。
unity image.setnativesize实现原理
unity image.setnativesize实现原理
`Image.SetNativeSize()` 是Unity 中的一个方法,用于设置UI 图像组件的本地大小。
当你在Unity 中创建一个UI 图像时,该图像的原始大小和比例可能会与你在编辑器中设置的不同。
`SetNativeSize()` 方法就是用来解决这个问题的。
以下是`SetNativeSize()` 方法的一些基本实现原理:
1. **测量原始图像的大小**:首先,需要测量图像的原始大小。
2. **计算本地大小**:根据图像的原始大小和比例,计算出在运行时应该显示的大小。
3. **设置本地大小**:使用计算出的本地大小来设置图像的宽度和高度。
这通常涉及到调整UI 组件的RectTransform。
需要注意的是,`SetNativeSize()` 方法只对UI 图像有效。
在Unity 的新版本中,随着UI 系统的更新,`SetNativeSize()` 方
Level Set方法在图像处理中的应用
Level Set方法在图像处理中的应用杨思燕【摘要】针对水平集方法在图像处理中的应用问题,文中对水平集原理进行了阐述,并图示了其具体过程.重点研究了水平集方法在图像分割、图像去噪、图像恢复、图像配准、3D动画中的应用.实验结果表明,与传统的图像处理方法相比,水平集方法在处理形状较复杂、拓扑变化较为明显的图像均具有良好的优越性.【期刊名称】《电子科技》【年(卷),期】2015(028)007【总页数】4页(P153-156)【关键词】图像处理;水平集;算法【作者】杨思燕【作者单位】陕西广播电视大学计算机与信息管理系,陕西西安710119【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41水平集(Level Set)方法是一种基于偏微分方程的曲线演化方法,该方法由Sethian 和Osher于1988年提出[1],近年得到广泛的推广与应用。
简单地讲,Level Set方法是将一些低维的计算上升到更高一维,将N维的描述看作是N+1维的。
Level Set方法的基本思想是将平面闭合曲线隐含地表达为二维曲面函数的水平集,即具有相同函数值的点集,通过Level Set函数曲面的进化隐含地求解曲线的运动。
Level Set最初始的应用领域就是隐含曲线的运动,现在Level Set已广泛应用于图像恢复、图像增强、图像分割、物体跟踪、形状检测与识别、曲面重建、最小曲面、最优化以及流体力学中等。
已有的研究成果成功地将Level Set方法应用于图像分割、图像去噪、图像恢复、图像配准、图像的边缘检测等方面。
Level Set方法应用于图像处理时,虽然针对不同的图像处理,应用的算法有所不同,但它们的基本思想都用到了偏微分方程的曲线演化方法。
引入Level Set方法后,因为上升到更高一维计算,在高维中,拓扑变化便不再是难题,并且在高维中计算更精确、鲁棒。
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220IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 1, JANUARY 2010Effective Level Set Image Segmentation With a Kernel Induced Data TermMohamed Ben Salah, Amar Mitiche, Member, IEEE, and Ismail Ben Ayed, Member, IEEEAbstract—This study investigates level set multiphase image segmentation by kernel mapping and piecewise constant modeling of the image data thereof. A kernel function maps implicitly the original data into data of a higher dimension so that the piecewise constant model becomes applicable. This leads to a flexible and effective alternative to complex modeling of the image data. The method uses an active curve objective functional with two terms: an original term which evaluates the deviation of the mapped image data within each segmentation region from the piecewise constant model and a classic length regularization term for smooth region boundaries. Functional minimization is carried out by iterations of two consecutive steps: 1) minimization with respect to the segmentation by curve evolution via Euler-Lagrange descent equations and 2) minimization with respect to the regions parameters via fixed point iterations. Using a common kernel function, this step amounts to a mean shift parameter update. We verified the effectiveness of the method by a quantitative and comparative performance evaluation over a large number of experiments on synthetic images, as well as experiments with a variety of real images such as medical, satellite, and natural images, as well as motion maps. Index Terms—Kernel mapping, level set image segmentation, mean shift, multiphase, piecewise constant model.I. INTRODUCTIONAcentral problem in computer vision, image segmentation has been the subject of a considerable number of studies [6]–[8], [10]–[13], [16]. Variational formulations [17], which express image segmentation as the minimization of a functional, have resulted in the most effective algorithms. This is mainly because they are amenable to the introduction of constraints on the solution. Conformity of region data to statistical models and smoothness of region boundaries are typical constraints. The Mumford–Shah variational model [17] is fundamental. Most variational segmentation algorithms minimize a variant of the piecewise constant Mumford–Shah functional (1)Manuscript received January 07, 2009; revised August 26, 2009. First published September 22, 2009; current version published December 16, 2009. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Jenq-Neng Hwang. M. B. Salah and A. Mitiche are with the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT), Montréal, QC, H5A 1K6, Canada (e-mail: mitiche@emt.inrs.ca; bensalah@emt.inrs.ca). I. B. Ayed is with General Electric (GE) Canada, 268 Grosvenor, E5-137, London, N6A 4V2, ON, Canada (e-mail: ismail.benayed@). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at . Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2009.2032940is a piecewise constant approximation of where the observed data , and is the set of boundary points of . The piecewise constant image model [6]–[9], [17], [18], and its piecewise Gaussian generalization [3], [19], [20], have been the focus of most studies and applications because the ensuing algorithms reduce to iterations of computationally simple updates of segmentation regions and their model parameters. The more general Weibull model has also been investigated [21]. Although they can be useful, these models are not generally applicable. For instance, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, of great importance in remote sensing, require the Rayleigh distribution model [22]–[24] and polarimetric images, common in remote sensing and medical imaging, the Wishart or the complex Gaussian model [25], [26]. The use of accurate models in image segmentation is problematic for several reasons. First, modeling is notoriously difficult and time consuming [27]. Second, models are learned using a sample from a class of images and, therefore, are generally not applicable to the images of a different class. Finally, accurate models are generally complex and, as such, are computationally onerous, more so when the number of segmentation regions is large [25]. An alternative approach, which would not be prone to such problems, would be to transform the image data so that the piecewise constant model becomes applicable. This is typically what kernel functions can do, as several pattern classification studies have shown [28]–[31]. A kernel function maps implicitly the original data into data of a higher dimension so that linear separation algorithms can be applied [39]. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 with a 2-D data example. The mapping is implicit because the dot product, the Euclidean norm thereof, in the higher dimensional space of the transformed data can be expressed via the kernel function without explicit evaluation of the transform. Several studies [28], [29], [32], [33] have shown evidence that the prevalent kernels in pattern classification are capable of properly clustering data of complex structure. In the view that image segmentation is spatially constrained clustering of image data [34], kernel mapping should be quite effective in segmentation of various types of images. This study investigates level set multiphase image segmentation by kernel mapping and piecewise constant modeling of the image data thereof. The method uses an active curve objective functional containing two terms: an original term which evaluates the deviation of the mapped image data within each segmentation region from the piecewise constant model and a classic length regularization term for smooth region boundaries. Functional minimization is carried out by iterations of two consecutive steps: 1) minimization with respect to the partition by curve evolution via the Euler-Lagrange descent equations and 2) minimization with respect to the regions parameters via fixed1057-7149/$26.00 © 2009 IEEESALAH et al.: EFFECTIVE LEVEL SET IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH A KERNEL INDUCED DATA TERM221Fig. 1. Illustration of nonlinear 2-D data separation with mapping: The data is non linearly separable in the data space. Mapping the data to a feature (kernel) space and, then, separating it in the induced space with linear methods is possible. For the purpose of display, the feature space in this example is of the same dimension as the original data space. In general, however, the feature space is of higher dimension.point iteration. The latter leads, interestingly, to a mean shift update of the regions parameters. Using a common kernel function, we verified the effectiveness of the method by a quantitative and comparative performance evaluation over a large number of experiments on synthetic images. In comparison to existing level set methods, the proposed method brings advantages with regard to segmentation accuracy and flexibility. To illustrate the flexibility of the method, we also show a representative sample of the tests we ran with various classes of real images including natural images from the Berkeley database, medical and satellite data, as well as motion maps. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section reviews the Bayesian framework commonly used in level set segmentation. Section III contains the theoretical contribution. It describes an original kernel-based functional and derives the equations of its minimization in both two-region and multiregion cases. Section IV describes the validation experiments, and Section V contains a conclusion. II. MULTIPHASE IMAGE SEGMENTATION Let be an image function. regions consists of finding a partition Segmenting into of the image domain so that each region is homogeneous with respect to some image characteristics commonly given in terms of statistical parametric models. In this case, it is convenient to cast segmentation in a Bayesian framework [12], [13], [25], [35]. The problem would then consist of finding a which maximizes the a posteriori probability partition over all possible -region partitions ofis independent of Assuming that of (2), we haveforand taking(3) where(4) The first term, referred to as the data term, measures the con, to a formity of image data within each region , . The Gaussian distribution parametric distribution has been the focus of most studies because the ensuing algorithms are computationally simple [13]. The well known piecewise constant segmentation model [2], [6], [8], [34], [35] corresponds to a particular case of the Gaussian distribution. In this case, the data term is expressed as follows: (5)(2)where , and is . Although used most often, the mean intensity of region the Gaussian model is not generally applicable. For instance, natural images require more general models [21], and the specific, yet important, SAR and polarimetric images require the Rayleigh and Wishart models [22], [23], [25].222IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 1, JANUARY 2010The second term in (4) embeds prior information on the segmentation [13]. The length prior, also called regularization term, is commonly used for smooth segmentation boundariesuous, symmetric, positive semi-definite kernel function can be expressed as a dot product in a high-dimensional space, we do not have to know explicitly the mapping . Instead, we can use a kernel function, , verifying (8) where “ ” is the dot product in the feature space. Substitution of the kernel functions in the data term yields the following non-Euclidean distance measure in the original data space:(6) where is the boundary of the region and is a positive factor. In the next section, we will propose a data term which references the image data transformed via a kernel function, and explain the purpose and advantage of doing so. III. LEVEL SET SEGMENTATION IN A KERNEL-INDUCED SPACE To explain the role of the kernel function in the proposed segmentation functional, and describe clearly the ensuing algorithm, we first treat the case of a segmentation into two regions (Sections III-A and III-B). In Section III-C, a multiregion extension is described. A. Two-Region Segmentation The image data is generally non linearly separable. The basic idea in using a kernel function to transform the image data for image segmentation is as follows: rather than seeking accurate image models and addressing a non linear problem, we transform the image data implicitly via a kernel function so that the piecewise constant model becomes applicable and, therefore, solve a (simpler) linear problem. be a nonlinear mapping from the observation space Let to a higher (possibly infinite) dimensional feature space . be a closed planar parametric curve. Let divides the image domain into two regions: the interior of designated by , and its exterior . Solving the problem of segmentation in the kernel-induced space with curve evolution consists of evolving in order to minimize a functional corresponding to the mapped data. The functional , measures a kernel-induced non Euclidean we minimize, distance between the observations and the regions parameters and [see (7), shown at the bottom of the page]. In machine learning, the kernel trick [30], [31] consists of using a linear classifier to solve a nonlinear problem by mapping the original nonlinear data into a higher dimensional space. Following the Mercer’s theorem [30], which states that any contin-(9) , which depends both on and on the reTo minimize gions parameters and , we adopt an iterative two-step algorithm. The first step consists of fixing the curve and optimizing with respect to the parameters. As the regularization term does not depend on regions parameters, this is equivalent to op. The second step contimizing the data term, referred to as sists of evolving the curve with the parameters fixed. 1) Step 1: For a fixed partition of the image domain, the with respect to , yield the folderivatives of lowing equations:(10) Table I lists some common kernel functions. In all our experiments we used the radial basis function (RBF) kernel, a kernel which has been prevalent in pattern data clustering [28], [42], [43]. With an RBF kernel, the necessary conditions for a minwith respect to region parameters are imum of (11)(7)SALAH et al.: EFFECTIVE LEVEL SET IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH A KERNEL INDUCED DATA TERM223TABLE I EXAMPLES OF PREVALENT KERNEL FUNCTIONSwhereFig. 2. Representation of a 4-region partition.(12) The solution of (11) can be obtained by fixed point iterations. This consists of iterating (13) , sequence converges. A detailed For proof is given in Appendix A. Let be its limit. Thus, is a fixed point of function and, consequently, is a solution of (11). The update of the region parameters obtained in (13) is a mean-shift update. Mean-shift corrections have traditionally appeared in data clustering and have been quite efficient [36], [37]. It is a mode search procedure which seeks the stationary points of the data distribution. It is quite interesting that a mean-shift correction appears in this context of active curve segmentation. This correction occurs in the minimization with respect to the region parameters due to the kernel induced data term, via the RBF kernel. The effectiveness and flexibility of this kernel formulation and the ensuing mean-shift update will be confirmed by an extensive experimentation in Section IV. 2) Step 2: With the region parameters fixed, this step conwith respect to . The Euler-Lagrange sists of minimizing descent equation corresponding to is derived by embedding the curve into a family of one-parameter curves and solving the following partial differential equation: (14)where is the mean curvature function of . The final evolution equation for a two-region segmentation in the kernel-induced space is (17) In the case of an RBF kernel, the expression (9) of simplifies to , , 2. B. Level Set Implementation To implement the curve evolution in (17), we use the wellis implicknown level set method [38]. The evolving curve itly represented by the zero level set of a function at time , i.e., . This representation is numerically stable and handles automatically topological changes of the evolving curve. is evolving following [38]: When the curve (18) , the corresponding level set function where evolves according to (19) Using this result, the level set function evolution corresponding to (17) is given by(20) where the curvature function is given byis the functional derivative of with respect where and are obtained from curve to . Segmentation regions at convergence, i.e., when time . Using the result in [12] which shows that, for a scalar function , the functional derivative with respect to the curve of is equal to , where is the outward unit normal to , we have(15) The derivative of the length prior with respect to is [12](21) It should be mentioned that (20) applies only for points on the curve . We extend this evolution equation to the whole image domain [35]. The function evolves also for points outside its zero level according to (20) without affecting the process of segmentation and, us such, is more stable numerically. More details on the level set partial differential equation discretization schemes and fast resolution algorithms are available in [38]. C. Multiregion Segmentation(16)Multiregion segmentation using several active curves can lead to ambiguity when two or more curves intersect. The224IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 1, JANUARY 2010Fig. 3. Image intensity distributions: (a) small overlap; (b) significant overlap.main issue is to guarantee that the curves converge to define a partition of the image domain. There are several ways of generalizing a two-region segmentation functional to a multiregion functional to guarantee such a partition. For instance, the generalization is done [3] via a term in the functional which draws the solution toward a partition, an explicit correspondence between the regions of segmentation and the interior of curves and their intersections in [8] and [35], and a partition constraint to use directly in the equations of minimization of the functional in [2]. These and other methods are reviewed in [35]. Here, we use the implementation of our generalization described in [35] and used in other applications [21], [22]. This generalization is based on the following definition of a partition. For a segmentation into regions, let be simple closed plane curves and the regions they enclose. Then, the following regions form a partition: and , is the complementary of in . This is illustrated where in Fig. 2 for four regions. The curve evolution equations and the corresponding level-set equations, using this definition of a partition, are given in Appendix B. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we first give a quantitative and comparative performance evaluation over a large number of experiments on synthetic images with various noise models and contrast parameters. The percentage of misclassified pixels (PMP) was used as a measure of segmentation accuracy. To illustrate the flexibility of the method, we also show a representative sample of the tests with various classes of real images including natural images from the Berkeley database, medical and satellite data, as well as motion maps. A. Quantitative and Comparative Performance Evaluation The piecewise constant segmentation method and the piecewise Gaussian generalization have been the focus of most studies and applications [6], [9] because of their tractability. In the following, evaluation of the proposed method, referred to as Kernelized Method (KM), is systematically supported by comparisons with the Piecewise Gaussian Method (PGM) [3], [19], [20]. The PGM method uses a Gaussian model in the dataFig. 4. Segmentation of two exponentially noisy images with different contrasts: (a), (b) noisy images with different contrasts; (a ) (b ) segmentation results with PGM; (a ) (b ) segmentation results with KM. Image size: 128 128. = 1.200term of (5). In all our experiments, the KM method uses the RBF kernel (refer to Table I) with the same parameter . We first show two typical examples of our extensive testing with synthetic images and define the measures we used for performance analysis: the contrast and the percentage of misclassified pixels (PMP). Fig. 4(a) and (b) depicts two versions of a two-region synthetic image, each perturbed with an exponential noise. Different noise parameters result in different amounts of overlap between the intensity distributions within the regions (Fig. 3). The larger the overlap, the more difficult the segmentation [4]. depict the segmentation results with the Figs. 4 PGM. Because the actual noise model is exponential, segmentation quality obtained with the PGM was significantly affected . However, the KM yielded with the second image in Fig. 4 ), approximately the same result for both images (Fig. 4 although the second image undergoes a relatively significantSALAH et al.: EFFECTIVE LEVEL SET IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH A KERNEL INDUCED DATA TERM225TABLE II PERCENTAGE OF CORRECTLY CLASSIFIED PIXELS IN FIG. 4 FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF THE REGULARIZATION WEIGHTFig. 5. (a) Synthetic images with Gamma (first row) and exponential (second row) noises; (b) segmentation results with PGM; (c) segmentation with the correct for both methods. model: Gamma model for the first row image and exponential model for the second row image; and (d) the KM. Image size: 241 183. 2=2overlap between the intensity distributions within the two regions [Fig. 3(b)]. To demonstrate that the KM is a flexible and effective alternative to image modeling, we proceeded to a quantitative and comparative performance evaluation over a very large number of experiments. We run more than 100 experiments with a large set of synthetic tow-region images generated from various noise models and contrast values. The noise models we used include the Gaussian, the exponential, and the Gamma distributions. We recall the exponential distributionthe contrast on segmentation accuracy for the three segmentation methods. We adopted the percentage of misclassified pixels (PMP) as a measure of segmentation accuracy (25) and denote the background and foreground of the where and denote the ground truth (correct segmentation) and background and foreground of the segmented image. The value of parameter for the PGM method is chosen by varying it in an interval about the value of 2. A value of approximately 2 was shown to be optimal for distributions from the exponential family such as the piecewise Gaussian model [4] and has an interesting minimum description length (MDL) interpretation. This was confirmed by experiments in the study [21] with other image data distributions. We used the percentage of misclassified pixels to chose , as illustrated in Table II for the example of Fig. 4. A second typical example of our extensive testing with synthetic data is depicted in Fig. 5. It shows two different noisy versions of a piecewise constant two-region image perturbed with a Gamma (first row) and exponential noises (second row). The PGM yielded unsatisfying results [Fig. 5(b)]. Acceptable results can be obtained when the correct model is assumed [Fig. 5(c)]. Although no assumption was made as to the noise model, The KM yielded a competitive segmentation quality [Fig. 5(d)]. Thus, the proposed method allows much more flexibility in practice because the model distribution of image data does not have to be fixed. We run more than 100 experiments to study the effect of the contrast on the PMP. Several synthetic two-region images were generated from the Gaussian, Gamma and exponential noises. For each noise model, we varied the contrast between the two regions, which yielded more than 30 images. For each image, we evaluated the segmentation accuracy for three level set methods: The KM, the PGM, and segmentation when the correct model is assumed, i.e., the model used to generate the current image.(22) and the Gamma distribution(23) Each image was generated from a combination of a noise model and a contrast value. The latter was measured by the Bhattacharyya distance between the intensity distributions within the two regions of the actual image [4](24)and denote the intensity distributions within the where is the Bhattacharyya two regions and coefficient measuring the amount of overlap between these distributions. Note that the higher the overlap, the lower the contrast. Each image was segmented by three methods: the PGM, the KM and segmentation with the correct model, i.e., the noise model used to generate the actual image. A comparative performance analysis was carried out by assessing the effect of226IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 19, NO. 1, JANUARY 2010Fig. 6. Evaluation of segmentation error for different methods over a large number of experiments (PMP as a function of the contrast): comparisons over the subset of synthetic images perturbed with a Gaussinan noise in (a), the exponential noise in (b), and the Gamma noise in (c).First, we applied both PGM and KM to the subset of images perturbed with a Gaussian noise, and plotted the PMP as a function of the contrast [Fig. 6(a)]. The higher the PMP, the higher the segmentation error. The KM yielded approximately the same error as segmentation with the correct model, i.e., the Gaussian model in this case. Second, we segmented all the images perturbed with an exponential noise with both PGM, KM and segmentation with the correct model, i.e., the exponential model in this case. We plotted the PMP as a function of the contrast in Fig. 6(b). Both segmentation methods undergo high error gradients at some Bhattacharyya distance. Those results are consistent with the experiments in [5]. When is superior to 0.8, both methods yield a low segmentation error with a PMP less than 1%. However, the KM outperforms the PGM for a considerable range of Bhattacharyya distance values. Furthermore, the KM yielded a performance similar to segmentation with the correct model [refer to Fig. 6(b)] until the contrast becomes very small . Similar experiments were run with the subset of images perturbed with a Gamma noise, and a similar behavior was noticed [refer to Fig. 6(c)]. These results demonstrate the ability of the KM to deal with various classes of image noises for a large range of contrast values, which relaxes assumptions as to the correct noise model. The ability of the KM to deal with different noise models allows segmenting regions which require different models.1 To illustrate this important advantage of the KM, we consider a synthetic image of three regions with different noise models as shown in Fig. 7(a) with the initial curves in black and white. The clearer region is generated with a Gaussian noise, the gray region is derived from the Rayleigh distribution, and the darker region from the Poisson distribution. The final position of the curves following the KM is displayed in Fig. 7(b), and final segmentation, in Fig. 7(c), where each region is represented by its mean intensity value. Fig. 7(d)–(f) shows the segmentation regions separately. As shown in Fig. 7(g)–(i), the Gaussian model gives incorrect results as expected. The results demonstrate the ability of our kernel method to discriminate different distributions within the same image. Fig. 8 depicts the results with a simulation of a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image. Segmentation of SAR images is a difficult task due to the presence of speckle which is known1In practice, the segmentation regions may require different models. For example, in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, the intensity follows a Gamma distribution in a zone of constant reflectivity and a K distribution in a zone of textured reflectivity [15]. The luminance within shadow regions in sonar imagery is well modeled by the Gaussian distribution while the Rayleigh distribution is more accurate in the reverberation regions [14].Fig. 7. Image with different noise models: (a) initialization; (b) final position of curves; (c) final segmentation; (d)–(f) segmentation regions separately; for both methods. (g)–(i) results with the PGM. Image size: 163 158. 2=2as strong and multiplicative noise. For single-look SAR images, , where and denote the the intensity is given by real and imaginary parts of the complex signal acquired from the radar. For multilook SAR images, the L-look intensity is the average of the L intensity images [22]. Fig. 8(a), with initial curves, is a synthetic four-region image simulating an amplitude multilook SAR image. Initial curves in black, white and gray are placed arbitrarily about the middle of the image. Fig. 8(b) shows final segmentation where each region is represented by its corresponding parameter (weighted mean). Fig. 8(c)–(f) shows segmentation regions separately. B. Real Data In the following, we illustrate the flexibility of the proposed method by a representative sample of the tests with various classes of real images including natural images from the Berkeley database, medical and satellite data, as well as motion maps. Segmentation of a natural plane image into two regions is depicted in Fig. 9. Initial, intermediate and final positions of theSALAH et al.: EFFECTIVE LEVEL SET IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH A KERNEL INDUCED DATA TERM227Fig. 8. Simulated multilook SAR image: (a) initialization; (b) final segmentation; (c)–(f) segmentation regions separately. Image size: 1922 189. = 2.Fig. 9. Real plane image: (a) initialization; (b) intermediate curve evolution step; (c) final position of the curve; (d) final segmentation. Image size: 110 .=22 70.Fig. 10. Monolook SAR image: (a) initialization; (b) intermediate curve evolution step (c) final position of the curve; (d) final segmentation. Image size: 151 361. .=22evolving curve are displayed, respectively, in Fig. 9(a)–(c). The final segmentation regions, represented by their corresponding parameters at convergence, are illustrated in Fig. 9(d). To illustrate the robustness of the method with respect to initial conditions, initial curves were either big circles placed arbitrarily about the middle of the image or tiny circles spread all over the image.Fig. 10 depicts the result with a monolook SAR image characterized by a high multiplicative speckle noise. The noise level depends on the image data: the higher the intensity, the stronger the noise. Segmentation of this class of images is acknowledged as a difficult problem [21], [22]. An intermediate and the final positions of the evolving curve are shown respectively in Fig. 10(b) and Fig. 10(c). Both segmented regions, represented。