

JVC 彩色视频摄像机 TK-C1430EC 说明书

JVC 彩色视频摄像机 TK-C1430EC 说明书




(本说明书用于 TK-C1430EC)使用本机之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书以保证其发挥最佳性能。

介绍功能 (4)操作注意事项 (5)控制器、插座和指示灯 (6)连接/安装RM-P2580 系统 (10)步骤 (12)安装镜头 (13)安装铁氧体磁芯 (14)后部的连接 (14)安装摄像机 (16)镜头调整 (18)后焦点调整 (19)自动白平衡控制调整 (20)菜单设置设置菜单 (21)菜单画面结构 (22)SYNC ADJUST 画面 (24)ALC SETTINGS 画面 (24)VIDEO ADJUST 画面 (29)MODE SELECT 画面 (30)MOTION DETECT 画面 (32)COMMUNICATION 画面 (33)MAINTENANCE 画面 (33)FACTORY SETTINGS 画面 (33)BLC EDITTING 画面 (34)白平衡的手动调整 (35)CAMERA TITLE 设置 (36)设置 MOTION DETECT 功能 (37)黑白/彩色切换信号输出 (38)由外部黑白/彩色切换信号进行控制 (39)白点补偿 (40)其他规格 (41)ⅢDSP(数字信号处理器)具有扩展动态范围(ExDR)功能,可在光线明亮和黑暗的地方进行拍摄。

Ⅲ采用具备 SENSE UP(32 倍)功能的CCD,可感受最小光通量密度为 0.9 1x(F1.2, 50%, AGC 20dB)和 0.03 lx(SENSE UP × 32)的被摄物。

另外,得益于 B/W 模式,可感受到 0.03 1x(F1.2, 50% AGC 20dB)的光通量密度。


JVC 摄像机 GC-FM2 GC-WP10 使用说明

JVC 摄像机 GC-FM2 GC-WP10 使用说明


(仅限 GC-FM2)注意:• 标牌和安全警告位于本设备底部。

• 序列号铭牌位于本设备侧面。

警告:• 为预防电击,请勿擅自打开机壳。











• 如果功能异常,请立即拔下电源插头。


记录媒体• 请务必遵循以下指南,以免损坏记录的数据。

- 请勿弯折或掉落记录媒体,或让其经受强烈压力、冲击或振动。

- 请勿将水洒到记录媒体上。

- 请勿在有强烈静电或电气噪声的地方使用、更换或贮存记录媒体。

- 请勿将记录媒体放在有强烈磁场或释放强烈电磁波的物体附近。

- 请勿将记录媒体存放在高温或高湿的地方。

- 请勿触摸金属部件。

• 当使用摄像机格式化或删除数据时,仅对文件管理信息作了更改。



液晶显示器• 为防止液晶显示器损坏,请勿... 用强力推入或振动。

... 放置摄像机时将液晶显示器置于底部。

• 为了延长使用寿命... 避免使用粗布擦拭。


... 否则可能会损坏或弄破液晶监视器。

... 如果您同时按压液晶监视器,则可能导致故障。

主机• 为保证安全,请勿... 打开摄像机底盘。

... 拆解或修改设备。



急停、猛推和高低不平的地面可能造成本设备和推车组合体倾覆。 8. 机壳侧面及后部或底部的槽孔和开口用于通风,以保证本设备的正常
警告∶ 为避免火灾及电击,请勿使此设备遭 受雨淋或受潮。
承蒙惠购本产品。 (本说明书用于 TK-C1480BEC 和 TK-C1481BEC) 使用本机之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书以保证其发挥最佳性能。
介绍 功能 ............................................................................................................................................ 6 操作注意事项 ............................................................................................................................ 7 控制器、插座和指示灯 ............................................................................................................. 8
18. 如果需要更换部件,请确认维修人员使用了制造商指定的、性能参数与原来部件相同的新 部件。未经授权的替代品可能引起火灾、电击或其它事故。

JVC摄像机 GZ-E245 GZ-E208 GZ- E205 详细用户使用指南说明书

JVC摄像机 GZ-E245 GZ-E208 GZ- E205 详细用户使用指南说明书

摄像机LYT2431-026A详细用户使用指南GZ-E245/GZ-E208/GZ-E205目录表入门指南 (4)充电 (4)录制 (4)播放 (4)拍摄提示 (4)节假日/圣诞节 (5)婚礼 (6)旅行 (7)游乐园 (9)入门核对附件 (11)连接核心过滤器 (12)电池充电 (13)握带调整 (14)使用手带 (14)插入SD卡 (14)可以使用的SD卡类型 (15)使用触屏 (16)液晶监视器上的按键名称和功能 (17)时钟设定 (18)重设时钟 (19)更改显示语言 (20)握住本机 (20)安装三脚架 (20)在海外使用本机 (21)在海外给电池充电 (21)旅行期间按当地时间设置时钟 (21)设置夏时制 (22)备选附件 (22)录制在自动模式下拍摄视频 (23)变焦 (25)在视频录制过程中捕捉静像 (25)在自动模式下拍摄静像 (26)变焦 (28)手动录制 (28)根据场景(被摄体)进行拍摄 (30)手动调整聚焦 (31)调整亮度 (32)设置白平衡 (33)设置背光补偿 (34)拍摄特写镜头 (35)带效果录制 (36)带动画效果录制 (37)清楚地捕捉被摄体(触摸优先AE/AF) (39)自动捕捉笑脸(笑脸拍摄) (40)显示选定脸部的放大视图期间进行录制(脸部子窗口) (41)登记人脸个人认证信息 (43)设置笑脸%/名称显示 (45)编辑登记的脸部信息 (46)减轻相机振动 (48)间隔录制(延时录制) (48)通过感应动作自动录制(自动录制) (50)拍摄集体照(自拍定时器) (51)带日期和时间录制视频 (53)查看剩余录制时间 (53)播放播放视频 (55)快速查看视频内容(摘录播放) (57)播放管理信息不完整的视频 (58)播放静像 (58)幻灯片播放 (60)按日期搜索特定的视频/静像 (60)连接电视机并在电视机上观看 (61)经由HDMI迷你接口连接 (61)经由AV接口连接 (62)播放播放列表 (63)播放在本机上创建的DVD或蓝光光盘 (63)在蓝光或DVD播放机上摘录播放 (63)编辑删除不需要的文件 (64)删除当前播放的文件 (64)删除选定的文件 (64)保护文件 (65)保护/取消保护当前显示的文件 (65)保护/取消保护选定文件 (66)在播放过程中,在视频中捕捉静像 (67)结合以无缝记录录制的影片(GZ-E245) (67)捕捉视频中的需要部分(修剪) (68)捕捉要上传到YouTube的视频 (69)从录好的视频中创建播放列表 (71)用所选文件创建播放列表 (71)按日期创建播放列表 (72)编辑播放列表 (73)删除播放列表 (74)复制用DVD刻录机刻录光盘 (75)准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD3) (76)准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD50) (76)创建光盘 (77)用DVD刻录机播放 (81)用外置蓝光驱动器刻录光盘 (82)准备一台外置蓝光驱动器 (82)创建光盘 (83)用外置蓝光驱动器播放 (88)通过连接蓝光录像机刻录光盘 (88)连接DVD录像机,将文件复录到光盘上 (89)连接VCR,将文件复录到VHS磁带上 (89)用USB外部硬盘驱动器复制文件 (90)准备USB外部硬盘驱动器 (90)复制所有文件 (91)播放USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件 (92)删除USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件夹 (92)格式化USB外部硬盘驱动器 (93)从USB外部硬盘驱动器导入文件 (93)把文件复制至SD卡(GZ-E245) (94)把文件移动至SD卡(GZ-E245) (95)复制到 Windows PC (97)核对系统要求(指引) (97)安装随附软件(内置) (98)备份所有文件 (99)组织文件 (100)把视频录制到光盘上 (101)在不用随附软件的情况下备份文件 (103)文件和文件夹列表 (104)复制到Macintosh电脑 (105)菜单设定操作菜单 (106)操作捷径菜单 (106)操作主菜单 (107)操作共用菜单 (107)录制菜单(视频) (108)场景选择 (110)FOCUS (110)调节亮度 (110)白平衡 (110)背光补偿 (110)近拍 (110)触摸优先AE/AF (110)光源 (110)2增亮 (111)风声消除 (111)动画效果 (112)慢速录制 (112)自动录制 (112)日期/时间记录 (112)脸部子窗口 (112)笑脸拍摄 (112)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (112)面部登记 (112)视频质量 (112)变焦 (113)无缝录制(GZ-E245) (113)变焦麦克风 (114)录制菜单(静像) (115)场景选择 (117)FOCUS (117)调节亮度 (117)白平衡 (117)背光补偿 (117)近拍 (117)触摸优先AE/AF (117)光源 (117)自拍 (118)增亮 (118)自动录制 (118)快门模式 (119)笑脸拍摄 (119)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (119)面部登记 (119)图像大小 (120)播放菜单(视频) (121)搜索日期 (122)显示时间/日期 (122)摘要播放 (122)播放列表 (122)编辑播放列表 (122)保护/取消 (122)复制(GZ-E245) (122)移动(GZ-E245) (122)修剪 (122)上传设置 (122)播放其他文件 (122)无缝录制控制(GZ-E245) (122)K2 TECHNOLOGY (123)播放菜单(静像) (124)搜索日期 (124)幻灯片放映效果 (125)保护/取消 (125)复制(GZ-E245) (125)移动(GZ-E245) (125)共用菜单 (126)时钟设定 (128)日期显示样式 (128)LANGUAGE (128)监视器亮度 (128)视频记录媒体(GZ-E245) (129)图像记录媒体(GZ-E245) (129)操作声音 (130)静音模式 (130)自动关机 (131)快速重启 (131)演示模式 (132)触屏调节 (132)在电视机上显示 (133)视频输出 (134)HDMI输出 (134)HDMI控制 (135)出厂前预设值 (135)更新 (135)格式化内存(GZ-E245) (136)格式化SD卡 (136)删除内存(GZ-E245) (137)零部件名称正面 (138)背面 (138)底部 (139)内部 (139)液晶监视器 (140)液晶显示器上的显示常见录制显示 (141)视频录制 (141)静像录制 (142)视频播放 (142)静像播放 (143)故障排除本机不能正常工作时 (143)电池 (144)录制 (144)卡 (145)播放 (145)编辑/复制 (146)电脑 (146)画面/图像 (147)其他问题 (147)错误字样? (148)维护规格3充电0参阅详细用户使用指南显示中的操作说明。

JVC DV5001ec摄像机中文说明书

JVC DV5001ec摄像机中文说明书

注意: 在有强电磁波或磁场的地方(如靠近收音机或电视机发射机、变压器、电机等),图像和声音可能会失真。遇此情
警告: 为避免火灾及电击,不要使此设备遭受雨淋或受 潮。
本机只能用 12V 直流电源。 注意: 若未正确更换电池,则有爆炸的危险。请仅用相同或同等 类型的电池进行更换。 注:
目录 前言
主要特征 .................................................................................. 4
7. 拍摄操作
7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 基本记录操作 ............................................................... 52 搜索被记录场景(编辑搜索) ..................................... 54 如果记录待机方式继续 ................................................ 55 在记录待机方式下查看所记录的内容(记录查看功能) ...................................................................................... 55 7-5 HEADER REC 功能 ................................................... 56 7-6 记录彩条 ....................................................................... 58



4KPTZ远程摄像机(带NDI|HX)KY-PZ400NW/NB高清PTZ远程摄像机(带NDI|HX)KY-PZ200NW/NB高清PTZ远程摄像机KY-PZ200W/BKY-PZ200N/KY-PZ200全新系列的PTZ摄像机在互联网上提供了最佳的媒体和远程生产质量KY-PZ400NH.265/HEVCKY-PZ400NKY-PZ200NKY-PZ200相机传感器1 / 2.5英寸逐行扫描CMOS,有效像素: 8.51万1 / 2.8英寸逐行扫描CMOS,有效像素:2.07万←镜片12x,f = 44mm至52.8mm,f1.8至f2.635mm等效(约): 26.4mm至316.8mm20x,f = 4.4mm至88.5mm,f1.8至f2.835mm等效(约): 30.2mm至606.9mm←数码变焦16x16x←最低照明***********,AGCON***********,AGCON←增益0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 42, 45, 48dB 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 42, 45, 48dB ←快门1/30至1 /10000s1/30至1 /10000s←白平衡汽车,自动,室内,户外,一键对白,手动汽车,自动,室内,户外,一键对白,手动←数字降噪3DNR(数字降噪)(关闭,1至8,自动)3DNR(数字降噪)(关闭,1至8,自动)←水平视角71° 至8.2°60.7° 至 3.36°←垂直视角42.7° 至 4.5°34.1° 至 1.89°←水平旋转范围±170°±170°←垂直旋转范围-30° 至 +90°-30° 至 +90°←平移速度范围1.7° 至 100°/s1.7° 至 100°/s←倾斜速度范围1.7° 至 69.9°/s1.7° 至 69.9°/s←图片H /V翻转,图像冻结,图像垂直/水平翻转H /V翻转,图像冻结,图像垂直/水平翻转←预设预设数量:255,预设精度:0.1㎡预设数量:255,预设精度:0.1㎡←网络** 有关视频压缩,分辨率和帧率的更多信息,请参阅使用说明书。

JVC 摄像机 GZ-VX755 GZ-VX775 详细用户使用指南说明书

JVC 摄像机 GZ-VX755 GZ-VX775 详细用户使用指南说明书

摄像机LYT2463-051A详细用户使用指南GZ-VX755/GZ-VX775目录表入门指南 (5)充电 (5)录制 (5)播放 (5)拍摄提示 (5)节假日/圣诞节 (6)婚礼 (7)旅行 (8)游乐园 (10)使用Wi-FiWi-Fi功能 (11)工作环境 (12)使用Wi-Fi的注意事项 (12)通过直接连接来监控图像(直接监测) (13)记录位置信息 (15)通过家中的接入点来监控图像(外部监测) (16)通过互联网来监控图像(外部监测) (18)识别到面部或动作时通过电子邮件发送静像(检测/邮件设置) 21通过电子邮件记录和发送视频(视频邮件收件人) (23)更改设置 (24)设置密码(外部监测设置) (26)设置此摄像机的UPnP(外部监测设置) (26)获取动态DNS(DDNS)帐户 (27)在此摄像机上设置动态DNS(DDNS)(外部监测设置) (27)设置发件人的电子邮件地址 (28)设置收件人的电子邮件地址 (31)设置此摄像机的识别方式(检测/邮件设置) (32)设置此摄像机的识别间隔时间(检测/邮件设置) (33)在此摄像机上设置自行录制(检测/邮件设置) (33)注册连接的接入点(“接入点”) (34)设置密码(直接监测) (38)设置执行群主(直接监测) (39)查看此摄像机的MAC地址 (40)用密码保护网络设置 (40)初始化网络设施 (41)使用智能电话应用程序 (42)屏幕上的显示说明 (42)传输视频 (43)传输静像 (44)更改设置 (46)通过网络浏览器使用Wi-Fi功能 (48)屏幕上的显示说明 (48)通过网络浏览器进行摄像机设置 (50)故障排除 (56)Wi-Fi规格 (59)入门核对附件 (61)连接核心过滤器 (63)电池充电 (64)握带调整 (65)使用手带 (65)插入SD卡 (66)可以使用的SD卡类型 (66)使用触屏 (67)液晶监视器上的按键名称和功能 (68)时钟设定 (69)重设时钟 (70)更改显示语言 (71)握住本机 (71)安装三脚架 (71)在海外使用本机 (72)在海外给电池充电 (72)旅行期间按当地时间设置时钟 (72)设置夏时制 (73)备选附件 ................................................................................ 73录制在自动模式下拍摄视频 (74)变焦 (76)在视频录制过程中捕捉静像 (76)在自动模式下拍摄静像 (77)变焦 (79)手动录制 (80)根据场景(被摄体)进行拍摄 (81)手动调整聚焦 (82)调整亮度 (83)设置快门速度 (84)设置光圈 (85)设置白平衡 (86)设置背光补偿 (87)拍摄特写镜头 (88)带效果录制 (89)带动画效果录制 (90)带脸部饰物录制 (92)带装饰标记录制 (92)带个人字迹录制 (93)清楚地捕捉被摄体(触摸优先AE/AF) (95)自动捕捉笑脸(笑脸拍摄) (96)自动捕捉宠物(宠物拍摄) (97)显示选定脸部的放大视图期间进行录制(脸部子窗口) (98)登记人脸个人认证信息 (100)设置笑脸%/名称显示 (102)编辑登记的脸部信息 (103)减轻相机振动 (104)慢动作(高速)录制 (105)间隔录制(延时录制) (106)通过感应动作自动录制(自动录制) (107)拍摄集体照(自拍定时器) (108)带日期和时间录制视频 (110)查看剩余录制时间 (111)播放播放视频 (113)查看录制日期和其他信息 (115)快速查看视频内容(摘录播放) (115)播放管理信息不完整的视频 (116)播放静像 (117)幻灯片播放 (118)按日期搜索特定的视频/静像 (119)连接电视机并在电视机上观看 (119)经由HDMI迷你接口连接 (120)经由AV接口连接 (121)播放播放列表 (121)播放在本机上创建的DVD或蓝光光盘 (122)在蓝光或DVD播放机上摘录播放 (122)编辑删除不需要的文件 (123)删除当前播放的文件 (123)删除选定的文件 (123)保护文件 (124)保护/取消保护当前显示的文件 (124)保护/取消保护选定文件 (125)在播放过程中,在视频中捕捉静像 (126)结合以无缝记录录制的视频 (126)捕捉视频中的需要部分(修剪) (127)捕捉要上传到YouTube的视频 (128)从录好的视频中创建播放列表 (130)用所选文件创建播放列表 (130)按日期创建播放列表 (131)编辑播放列表 (132)删除播放列表 (133)复制用DVD刻录机刻录光盘 (134)2准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD3) (135)准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD50) (135)创建光盘 (136)用DVD刻录机播放 (140)用BD刻录机(外置蓝光驱动器)刻录光盘 (141)准备一台BD刻录机(外置蓝光驱动器) (141)创建光盘 (142)用BD刻录机(外置蓝光驱动器)播放 (146)通过连接蓝光录像机刻录光盘 (147)连接DVD录像机,将文件复录到光盘上 (147)连接VCR,将文件复录到VHS磁带上 (148)使用USB外部硬盘驱动器 (148)准备USB外部硬盘驱动器 (149)复制所有文件 (149)播放USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件 (150)删除USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件夹 (151)格式化USB外部硬盘驱动器 (151)从USB外部硬盘驱动器导入文件 (152)把文件复制至SD卡 (153)把文件移动至SD卡 (154)复制到 Windows PC (155)核对系统要求(指引) (155)安装随附软件 (156)备份所有文件 (157)组织文件 (158)把视频录制到光盘上 (159)在不用随附软件的情况下备份文件 (160)文件和文件夹列表 (162)复制到Macintosh电脑 (163)菜单设定操作菜单 (164)操作捷径菜单 (164)操作主菜单 (165)操作共用菜单 (165)录制菜单(视频) (166)信息 (169)场景选择 (169)FOCUS (169)调节亮度 (169)快门速度 (169)光圈优先 (169)白平衡 (169)背光补偿 (169)近拍 (169)触摸优先AE/AF (169)光源 (169)增亮 (170)风声消除 (170)动画效果 (171)饰面效果 (171)戳记 (171)手写效果 (171)高速录制 (171)慢速录制 (171)自动录制 (171)无线保真 (171)日期/时间记录 (171)脸部子窗口 (171)快门模式 (171)笑脸拍摄 (172)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (172)面部登记 (172)宠物摄影 (172)视频质量 (172)变焦 (173)无缝录制 (174)x.v.Color (174)变焦麦克风 (175)录制菜单(静像) (176)场景选择 (178)FOCUS (178)调节亮度 (178)快门速度 (178)光圈优先 (178)白平衡 (178)背光补偿 (178)近拍 (178)触摸优先AE/AF (178)光源 (178)自拍 (179)增亮 (179)自动录制 (179)快门模式 (180)连拍速度 (180)笑脸拍摄 (181)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (181)面部登记 (181)宠物摄影 (181)图像大小 (181)播放菜单(视频) (182)文件信息 (184)搜索日期 (184)显示时间/日期 (184)摘要播放 (185)播放列表 (185)编辑播放列表 (185)保护/取消 (185)复制 (185)移动 (185)修剪 (185)上传设置 (185)播放其他文件 (185)无缝录制控制 (185)K2 TECHNOLOGY (185)播放菜单(静像) (186)文件信息 (186)搜索日期 (186)幻灯片放映效果 (187)保护/取消 (187)复制 (187)移动 (187)共用菜单 (188)时钟设定 (190)日期显示样式 (190)LANGUAGE (190)监视器亮度 (190)视频记录媒体 (191)图像记录媒体 (191)操作声音 (192)静音模式 (192)自动关机 (193)快速重启 (193)演示模式 (194)触屏调节 (194)在电视机上显示 (195)视频输出 (196)HDMI输出 (196)HDMI控制 (197)出厂前预设值 (197)更新 (197)电脑软件更新 (197)格式化内存 (198)格式化SD卡 (198)删除内存 (199)开放源许可 (199)零部件名称正面 (200)背面 (200)底部 (201)内部 (201)3液晶监视器 (202)液晶显示器上的显示常见录制显示 (203)视频录制 (203)静像录制 (204)视频播放 (204)静像播放 (205)故障排除本机不能正常工作时 (205)电池 (206)录制 (206)卡 (207)播放 (207)编辑/复制 (208)电脑 (208)画面/图像 (209)其他问题 (209)错误字样? (210)维护规格4充电0参阅详细用户使用指南显示中的操作说明。




下面是该产品的简要使用说明:1. 电源:首先,确保摄录一体机充电完毕或已插入电源适配器。


2. 摄影模式:摄录一体机可用于拍摄照片和视频。





3. 对焦和曝光:确保所拍摄的物体清晰可见。



4. 存储媒介:该摄录一体机通常配备内置存储器和外部存储卡插槽。



5. 拍摄和录制:按下快门按钮进行照片拍摄。



6. 播放和回放:使用摄录一体机上的导航菜单来浏览、播放和回放已存储的照片和视频。


7. 连接电脑:如果您希望将照片和视频传输到电脑上进行进一步的编辑或共享,可以使用USB连接线将摄录一体机连接到电脑。


8. 其他功能:此外,JVC数码摄录一体机还可能具备其他功能,如图像稳定和特殊拍摄模式等。






JVC GY-HM100U 高清摄像机使用手册说明书

JVC GY-HM100U 高清摄像机使用手册说明书

The GY-HM100U is a Compact Handheld camcorder with performance and features found only in larger and more expensive models. It's designed to be easy to use, making it ideal for news reporters and producers. Seasoned shooters will find that its small size lets them work in environments where larger cameras would be impractical—all while producing recordings on par with broadcast cameras.• Professional format recording with selectable data rates up to 35Mbps ○Native Final Cut Pro formatFastest HD shoot to edit workflow. Edit immediately without conversion or transcoding ○ISO Base Media File FormatCompatible with all major non-linear editing systems• Records to dual SDHC memory cards (no moving parts in recording system)• Full HD recording (selectable) 1920 x 1080 (1080p24/25/30, 1080i) 1280 x 720P (p60/50/30/25/24)• Fujinon HD lens with manual or auto modes• Extensive image customization modes (gamma, matrix, knee, detail, etc.)•Uncompressed LPCM audio (2ch) recording/proProHD Solid State Media CamcorderGY-HM100UThree 1⁄4-inch Progressive CCDsThree newly developed 1⁄4-inch progressive scan CCDs—one each for red, green and blue—provide rich, accurate colors. To separate pri-mary colors, JVC has incorporated a high accuracy Fujinon glass prism and the proprietary mounting technology.Spatial Offset TechnologyThe Red and Blue pixel locations are shifted relative to Green,allowing the sampled luminance information to be significantly increased in both horizontal and vertical directions. This results in much higher resolution images without sacrificing sensitivity.Fujinon 10:1 Zoom HD LensThe GY-HM100U utilizes a high definition lens by Fujinon, world leader in HD lens technology. This lens features 3 aspheric elements which minimize the weight and space required, while producing less distortion,ghosting, and flare. n addi-tion, the lens surface is coated with a new Electronic Beam Coating (EBC) that greatly reduces degradation caused by light reflecting off the lenssurfaces leading to greater light transmission and reduced flaring and ghosting. To protect the lens, a flip-in cover is provided, eliminating the need for an external cap.Focus is controlled manually or automatically. A smooth servo zoom is controlled with a conventional rocker on the handgrip, or manually on the lens. For close-up shooting, a macro mode allows for shooting subjects as little as 2-inches away from the lens. Exposure (iris) is auto-matically or manually controlled, letting the shooter adjust the depth of focus by selecting the appropriate F stop. The current F stop is displayed in the viewfinder in the manual mode.An advanced JVC-developed Optical Image Stabilization (OIS)system provides effective camera-motion compensation without any of the quality loss associated with digital image stabilization systems.Newly Designed 1080p Digital ProcessorJVC's digital signal processor (DSP) processes all images as full 1920x1080 progressive signals, providing the maximum image infor-mation to work with regardless of the actual recording mode that is used. Also integrated into the chip are five digital noise reduction tech-nologies that evaluate the signal and apply the appropriate compensation while increasing vertical resolution by about 30%.JVC Original 35Mbps MPEG2 EncoderDrawing from its experience in developing rack mount encoders used by major television stations, JVC developed a proprietary codeccapable of providing highly efficient compression up to 35 megabits per second, a bitrate that can support full 1920 x 1080 encoding. This is significantly higher than the data rates used in other hand held cam-corders and results in recorded images of exceptional quality.MPEG2 long GOP is the most widely accepted broadcast stan-dard compression supported by all popular editing systems and broadcast servers.The GY-HM100 supports all major HD signal formats including 1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080 and 1280 x 720.Native File RecordingThe GY-HM100 incorporates JVC's Native File Recording technology that stores video in the ready-to-edit format used by Apple's Final Cut Pro™ non-linear editing system. The ".mov" files created in the camera can be easily dragged onto the NLE timeline without conversion or rewrapping, saving time while keeping the recorded material first gen-eration. There is no need to use an intermediate codec.The camera can also store files in the ISO Base Media File Format (MPEG-2 Long GOP), compatible with all major non-linear editing systems. In this mode, the files and folders are recorded so that they can be easily accessed in the post production process.The GY-HM100 records audio as uncompressed LPCM data in both Final Cut Pro™ and ISO formats.35Mbps25Mbps19Mbps1920 x 1080/60i 1440 x 1080/60i 1280 x 720/60p 1920 x 1080/50i 1440 x 1080/50i1280 x 720/50p 1920 x 1080/30p 1280 x 720/30p 1920 x 1080/25p 1280 x 720/25p 1920 x 1080/24p 1280 x 720/24p1440 x 1080/60i 1440 x 1080/50i 1280 x 720/60p 1280 x 720/50p 1280 x 720/30p 1280 x 720/25p 1280 x 720/24p35MbpsPerformanceSecure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) memory card recordingThe GY-HM100 records on widely avail-able SDHC Class 6 memory cards, present-ly available in capacities up to 32GB. The camera provides 2 memory card slots, for a total of up to 64GB of on board storage—enough for more than 6 hours* of contin-uous HD recording. (The camera automat-ically begins recording on the second card when the first card fills up.) Being able to quickly switch cards with dual slots is invaluable in a breaking news situationwhere a producer may wish to begin editing while the shooter is still capturing footage.*When recording in 19Mbps modeSDHC cards are highly reliable with no moving parts, no pins to break nor sockets to clog. Unlike competing solid state media, the per-minute cost of SDHC memory is comparable to video tape.Moreover, SDHC media is the first practical solid state solution to physical archive.Still picture capture capabilityCreate 2 megapixel still images (1920 x 1080) with either a live grab, or from recorded video. Since the CCDs are progressively scanned, still images are crystal clear, even if there is motion in the scene. With the GY-HM100, you can copy or move still images from one memory card to another allowing you to store still images on one card, and video on the other.Uncompressed Audio with Manual ControlsThe GY-HM100 records 2 channels of uncompressed LPCM (linear pulse code modulated) 16 bit audio sampled at 48Khz. Audio levels can be controlled manually, or automatically using AGC. An audio meter is provided in the LCD and VF displays to facilitate adjustment.Balanced XLR connectors are provided on the handle for an externalmicrophone and/or wireless receiver. 48V phantom power is availablefor each microphone. Versa-tile input switching allows the microphone signal to be directed to the desired chan-nel. A shotgun microphone is provided, as well as a built-in stereo microphone for ambi-ent sound pickup.Operational/Ergonomic FeaturesCompact Hand-held Form FactorThe GY-HM100 is the smallest pro format 3-CCD camcorder available—about the size of the lens of a 2/3-inch camera. At only 3.3 lbs, it can be used comfortably for hours, and without the need for clumsy support bracing. Its size makes it ideal for hand-held POV use and for applications where a full size camera would be impractical such as traveling into potentially hostile situa-tions. For a smaller footprint and less conspicuous shooting, the handle can be easily removed. When media needs to be concealed, Micro-SDHC memory cards can be used with a card adapter.Shooter-friendly controls and layoutThe camera's hand grip has a comfortable, familiar feel comfortably accom-modating hands of all sizes. Controls and switches are right where you'd expect them. To conserve on space, a single ring is used for both manual focus and manual zoom. When holding the camera by the grip, zoom and trigger controls operate the same as on full size cameras.Patented "FOCUS ASSIST" functionAchieving exact focus with HD signals is critical. JVC's Focus Assist turns focusing into a fast, easy and accurate process. When Focus Assist is activated,the picture in the viewfinder becomes monochrome and all objects which are in focus take on a colored fringe. Focus Assist works equally in the viewfinder as well as on the LCD panel. The Focus Assist function can be assigned to one of the three USER buttons.Versatile Manual ControlsWhen operating the camera in the manual mode, depth of field can be adjusted by manually setting the iris. Aperture priority automatically selects the correct shutter setting based on the iris selection. Shutter can be manually adjusted from 1/4 to 1/10000 sec.2.8-inch LCD DisplayThe 2.8-inch LCD offers a 16:9 aspect ratio and provides a wide array of mon-itoring and setup indications. It is especially designed to cut surface reflections and glare to maintain a clear, visible, bright view during outdoor recording. Menu items are easily selected using a small joystick and push buttons.Wireless Remote ControlA simple infrared remote control unit (provided) allows the camera to be oper-ated remotely. This is especially useful at events when the camera is used to cap-ture POV shots when an operator is not available.2 Memory Card SlotsPower DC 11V (AC adaptor), DC 7.2V (Battery)Power consumption7.2W (with VF and LCD monitor)Dimensions138(W) x 178(H) x 365(D)mm (5-7/16" x 7" x 14-3/8")Weight Less than 1.4kg (3.1 lbs) (Including battery, microphone, SDHC cards)Operating temperature0˚C to 40˚C (32⎤to 104⎤)Storage temperature-10˚C to 60˚C (18⎤to 140⎤)Operating humidity30% to 80%Storage humidity Under 85%Image sensor1/4" Progressive scan 3CCDSynchronizing system Internal synchronizationStabilizer Optical image stabilizerLens Fujinon F1.8, 10x, f=3.7-37mm (35mm conversion:39 to 390mm)Filter diameter46mmShutter speed1/4 to 1/10000Gain0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 dB, ALCND filter1/10LCD display 2.8”Viewfinder0.44”Recording media2x SDHC memory card Class 6Video recording Video codec: MPEG2 Long GOPFile format: Quick time format for Final Cut Pro/ISO base media file formatRecording mode60 Hz setting: HQ mode:1920 x 1080/59.94i, 29.97p, 23.98p,1440 x 1080/59.94i, 1280 x 720/59.94p, 29.97p, 23.98pSP mode: 1440 x 1080/59.94i, 1280 x 720/59.94p, 29.97p, 23.98p50Hz setting: HQ mode:1920 x 1080/50i, 25p1440 x 1080/50i, 1280 x 720/50p, 25pSP mode: 1440 x 1080/50i, 1280 x 720/50p, 25pAudio recording LPCM 2ch, 48kHz/16-bit(Internal stereo mic/External mic input)Recording media Multimedia card/SD card/SDHC cardFormat JPEGVideo output Composite output (480i, 4:3/16:9) (ϕ3.5mm mini jack)Component output (480i /720p /1080i) (Multi-pin cable)HDMI output (480i: / 720p /1080i)Audio input XLR x2 (MIC,+48V/LINE)Mic inputϕ3.5mm mini jackAudio outputϕ3.5mm mini jackHeadphoneϕ3.5mm mini jackUSB USB2.0, mini BBattery pack x1, AC adapter x1, Battery charger x1, Microphone x1,Wireless remote control unit x1, Component cable x1, A/V cable x1JVC PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS COMPANYDIVISION OF JVC AMERICAS CORP.1700 Valley Road,Wayne,NJ 07470TEL:(973) 317-5000 (800) 582-5825FAX:(973) 317-5030/proEmail:***************。













5、装取电池:装电池:将电池芯片对准机身芯片脚,按下,听到“咔”的一声,表示电池安装完毕取电池时不能用蛮力,机身圆盘左下方黑色部分“BATT RELEASE”,按照箭头指示推动滑块至终点,此时将电池取下。






7、装取存储卡:装存储卡:JVC底部“MEMORY CARD”,按箭头方向打开插槽,向下推卡即可,之后合上插槽盖。



中文GR-DF570GR-DF470GR-DF430L YT1394-002ACH术语亲爱的顾客,感谢您购买此款数码摄录一体机。


有关数码摄录一体机的信息,请访问我们在万维网上的网页:关于附件:使用说明书数码摄录一体机本使用说明书中出现的摄像机图解为GR -DF570型摄像机。

只有GR -DF570和GR -DF470型号的摄像机才有数字静像照相机(D.S.C.)功能。

准备工作6视频记录及播放19数字静像照相机(D.S.C.)记录及播放(只适用于GR -DF570/470)28高级功能37参考信息5766如果想取消演示,要将"演示模式"设定为"关"。












中文5目录准备工作6索引.....................................6所提供的附件............................11电源....................................13操作模式................................15语言设置................................16日期/时间的设置........................16调节抓带................................16调节取景器..............................16显示器的亮度调节........................17固定三脚架..............................17装入/取出磁带..........................17装入/取出存储卡(只适用于GR -DF570/470) (18)视频记录及播放19视频记录 (19)基本记录................................19磁带剩余时间.........................19液晶监视器和取景器...................19变焦.................................20采访拍摄.............................20自拍.................................20时间码...............................21快速查看.............................21从磁带的中间记录 (21)视频播放 (22)正常播放................................22静止播放.............................22快速搜索.............................22空白搜索.............................22连接至电视或录像机......................23Biphonic (联音)播放(只适用于GR -DF570/470).................................24使用遥控器进行播放. (25)数字静像照相机(D.S.C.)记录及播放(只适用于GR -DF570/470)28D.S.C.记录(只适用于GR -DF570/470) (28)基本拍摄(D.S.C.瞬像).................28间隔拍摄.. (29)D.S.C.播放(只适用于GR -DF570/470)...30正常播放图像............................30自动播放图像............................30播放视频裁片............................30文件索引播放............................31浏览文件信息............................31去除屏幕上的显示 (31)更多的D.S.C.功能(只适用于GR -DF570/470) (32)电子邮件裁片记录.........................32将记录在磁带上的静止图像复制到存储卡上...33重新设置文件名..........................33保护文件................................33删除文件................................34设置打印信息(规格设置)................35初始化存储卡. (36)高级功能37精细调节的菜单 (37)改变菜单的设置..........................37记录菜单................................38播放菜单.. (41)用于记录的功能 (43)照明灯(只适用于GR -DF570/470).........43实况慢动作(只适用于GR -DF570/470).....435秒钟记录..............................43夜眼....................................44瞬像(用于视频记录)....................44手动对焦................................45曝光控制................................45光圈锁定................................46背景光补偿..............................46点曝光控制..............................46白平衡调节..............................47手动白平衡调节..........................47划变或渐变效果..........................48带有特效的图像编辑程序..................48导航功能(只适用于GR -DF570/470).......49Biphonic (联音)记录(只适用于GR -DF570/470).................................51编辑 (52)从录像机或向录像机复制..................52复制至配备有DV 接口的视频设备或由此设备复制(数字复制).......................53连接至个人计算机........................54音频复制................................55插入编辑.. (56)参考信息57故障排除..........................57使用维护..........................61注意事项..........................62规格..............................65术语666中文准备工作 索引中文7准备工作准备工作控制a 菜单按键[MENU](੬第37页)电池电量数据显示按键[BATT. DATA](੬第14页)b 电子邮件裁片记录键[E -MAIL]*(੬第32页)索引键[INDEX]*(੬第31页)c D.S.C.播放选择键[SEL] *(੬第30页)缩略图保存按键[STORE]* (੬第49页)D Biphonic (联音)按键[BIPHONIC]*(੬第24页)信息键[INFO]*(੬第31页)e 设置按键[SET](੬第37页)F 快进键[5](੬第22页)照明灯按键[LIGHT]*(੬第43页)右按键[>](੬第37页)G 停止键[8](੬第22页)背景光补偿键[BACK LIGHT](੬第46页)调低键[](੬第37页)H 倒带键[3](੬第22页)快速查看按键[Q.REVIEW](੬第21页)左按键[<](੬第37页)I VIDEO/MEMORY 开关*(੬第15页)J 播放/暂停键[4/9](੬第22页)手动对焦按键[FOCUS](੬第45页)调高键[](੬第37页)K 屈光度调整控制(੬第16页)L 电池拆卸按键[BATT.RELEASE](੬第14页)M 瞬像键[SNAPSHOT](੬第28,44页)实况慢动作按键[SLOW]*(੬第37,43页)N 电动聚焦控制杆[T/W](੬第20页)扬声器音量控制[VOL. +, -](੬第22页)O 磁带打开/退出开关[OPEN/EJECT](੬第17页)P 记录开始/停止按键(੬第19页)Q 电源开关[A , M , PLAY, OFF](੬第15页)R 锁定按键(੬第15页)接口接口位于盖的下方。



1. 摄录一体机简介
2. 准备工作
3. 摄录一体机操作
4. 高级功能和技巧
5. 故障排除和常见问题解答
6. 安全使用须知

JVC 硬盘摄像机GZ-MG67 说明书

JVC 硬盘摄像机GZ-MG67 说明书
编辑 / 打印
视频 / 静像
管理文件 .........................38 删除文件 ............................. 38 查看文件信息 ......................... 39 保护文件,防止意外 .................... 40 格式化记录媒体 ....................... 41 清理记录媒体 ......................... 42 重设文件号码 ......................... 42 记录后改变视频文件的事件登记 ......... 43
● 本产品含专利和其他专有技术,仅可使用 JVC 数 据电池才能工作。请使用 JVC BN-VF707U/ VF714U/VF733U 电池。使用非 JVC 普通电池可能 会损坏内部充电电路。
● 如果完全充电后电池的工作时间仍然非常短,则 电池寿命已近结束,需要更换电池。请购买新的 电池。
● 因为交流电源适配器内部处理电能,所以使用中 会发热。请务必在通风良好的地方使用。
● 使用电池时,电源将自动关闭以省电。请使用电 源开关重新打开电源。
● 使用交流电源适配器时,存取指示灯亮,液晶监 视器关闭 (摄像机进入睡眠模式)。
● 处理蓄电池时,应充分考虑环境问题。请务必严 格遵守当地有关蓄电池处理的规则及法律。
● 如果摄像机受到静电影响,请先关闭其电源再使 用。
视频 / 静像
在电视机上观看图像 / 遥控器 .......34 连接电视机、磁带录像机或 DVD 录像机 ...... 34 在电视机上播放 ....................... 34 使用遥控器播放 ....................... 35 使用特殊效果播放 .................36

JVC 摄像机GZ-HN400 使用指南

JVC 摄像机GZ-HN400 使用指南

请阅读这些使用说明,尽情享用您的摄像机。 有关操作的更多详情,请参阅随配 CD-ROM 中的高级使用说明。 要查看高级使用说明,必须安装 Adobe®® Acrobat®® ReaderTM 或 Adobe®® Reader®®。 Adobe®® Reader®® 可以从 Adobe 网站下载: / 注 单击选择想要的语言。 型号名称显示在摄像机的底部。

附件............................ 卡座适配器...................... 准备遥控器...................... 安装芯线过滤器到 USB 电缆....... 索引............................ 安装三脚架...................... 液晶监视器上的指示.............. 使用之前所需的设定.............. 对电池充电...................... 日期/时间设定.................. 语言设定........................ 手握调整........................ 其他设定........................ 使用 SD 卡...................... 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 16 16 16 17 17 18 18
使用未经 JVC 批准的电池可能导致火灾或受伤。仅限使用第 41 页上规 定的电池。

Q 打开液晶监视器以开启 摄像机
T 选择离您使用摄像机最 近的城市

JVC GY-HM790U 高级摄像机用户指南说明书

JVC GY-HM790U 高级摄像机用户指南说明书

Building upon a wealth of innovative technologies, JVC introduces a best-in-class professionalcamcorder. The GY-HM790U packs uncompromising quality and functionality, meetingthe wide ranging demands of industry professionals, all in a compact, ergonomic body.QuickTime MOV / XDCAM EX™ / AVI File Format RecordingWith full recording compatibility with the following formats, you can take advantage of accelerated workflow enabled through Native File Recording capability.■ QuickTime™ MOV , native file format recording (HD/SD) for direct file access toApple FCP™■XDCAM EX™ MP4 (HD), Seamless integration into XDCAM EX™ HD workflow ■ AVI (SD), DV codec AVI file support for existing SD workflowNote: MP4 is the compliant file format used on the XDCAM EX™. Recording file format onto SxS card is MP4 (HD) only.MP4XDCAM EXMOV QuickTimeAVI DVSDHCClass-6 and AboveGY-HM790UNLESxS(for MP4 only)Dual Media Hybrid Recording to SDHC and SxS (optional)In addition to the on-board twin SDHC card slots, the optional KA-MR100G allows for a rangeof hybrid recording possibilities, such as simultaneous recording to high-speed SxS media.One Powerful Camcorder that Addressesthe Needs of the Most Demanding Applications, from Studio to ENG and EFPKA-MR100GSxS Memory Card Recorder Native File Recording for Direct NLECompact Shoulder CamcorderHD/SD ENG SystemPhoto courtesy ofNewport T elevisionPerformance and Maneuverability ina Standalone CamcorderFeaturing dual media hybrid recording,the GY-HM790U covers everything from Full HDto industry-standard SD recording, supporting arange of formats natively including MOV, MP4and AVI, for broadcast quality performance in anynews-gathering situation. KA-M790GMulticore Studio Interface Unit■Intercom, call, camera control, video/genlock,tally and other signals interface via 68-pinmulti-connector■26-pin RM connector on backGenlock InTC In/OutHD/SD EFP SystemPhoto courtesyof MiamiDolphinsExpansion Capabilityfor Multi-camera RecordingThe capability of image capture usingmulti-camera operations is made possible.In addition, with the Telecast Copper Head,it's possible to expand your production overan even greater distance.■ Fitted with the KA-M790G and the KA-790G, the GY-HM790U can be used to construct an economical HD or SD studio system for stunning images.■ Both HD or SD component and SDI video are supported, giving userflexibility to use a component switcher or SDI switcher.■ Lossless SDI output from GY-HM790U can be delivered to RM-HP790DUvia multicore/BNC hybrid cable■ Reliable tripod-mounted studio operation with pedestal and teleprompter.■ When replacing a GY-DV550U or GY-HD250U based studio system,the original 26-pin control cable can continue to be used.■ When connecting KA-M790G to a RM-HP250AU unit, users' existing 26-pinSony cable can be used.■ When needed, the GY-HM790U can be used as an ENG camera byreleasing the camera from KA-790G.■ Fitted with the ProHD fiber studio interface unit and the KA-790G, the GY-HM790U can be converted into an economical HD or SD studio system.■ Both HD or SD component and SDI video are supported, providing flexibility to use a component switcher or SDI switcher.■ Optical fiber system allows longer cable distance operation with optionalPower Wafer.■ When needed, the GY-HM790U can be used for ENG by releasing thecamera from the KA-790G studio sled support.All of Your Workflow PossibilitiesHD/SD Multicore Studio SystemHD/SD Fiber Studio SystemPhoto courtesy ofWaterman Broadcasting Corp.Photo courtesy ofOle Miss Athletics & Media Support Group3CCDRCanon 14x HD LensThe JVC GY-HM790U comes equipped with a 14x interchangeable HD lens from Canon.With a focal length down to 4.4 mm (equivalent to 31.7 mm on a 35 mm camera), the new lens is 20% wider than previous models, and at thetelephoto end (up to 447 mm at 35 mm equivalent) it is lesssusceptible to color flaring. Focus accuracy is maintained throughout the zoom range, and the same image brightness is sustained without reducing the F-stop.Advanced MPEG2 High Bit Rate Encoding1080p Dynamic Digital Signal Processor (DDSP)At the heart of the GY-HM790U is the new Dynamic Digital Signal Processor. Processing is performed on the full progressive 1920 x 1080 signal, regardless of the camcorder's settings, ensuring the highest picture quality in any shooting mode. All major HD resolutions are supported, including1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080 and 1280 x 720.JVC Proprietary 35Mbps MPEG2 Encoder (HD)Drawing from its experience in developing transmission signal encoders used by major television stations, JVC developed a proprietary codec capable of providing highly efficient compression up to 35 Mbps — highenough to support full 1920 x 1080 encoding — capable of creating high resolution images with minimal artifacting. The XDCAM EX™ MPEG2 long GOP (Group of Pictures) codec is a widely used, broadcast-standard compression system and is supported by all popular editing systems and broadcast servers.The GY-HM790U supports all major HD signal formats including 1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080 and 1280 x 720.35Mbps Standard Definition Recording Capability Responding to the needs of the industry, theGY-HM790U, in addition to its capability as an HD recorder, offers Standard Definition recording for maximum flexibility. Recording in SD providesa time-saving alternative to down-conversion of HD material for SDHD/SDRec broadcasts, which is still an industry standard in many countries worldwide. This feature offers a fundamental advantage for professionals with time-sensitive SD workflows.HQ made SP made DV made SP made (35Mbps)(25Mbps)(25Mbps)(19Mbps)60i/50i1920 x 1080 30p/25p/24p 60i/50i 60i/50i1440 x 1080 (MOV only) 60p/50p 60p/50p 1280 x 72030p/25p/24p30p/25p/24p60i720 x 480* The GY-HM790U supports all major HD signal formats including 1920 x 1080, 1440 x 1080 and 1280 x 720 as well as SD signal in DV codec.Uncompressed Audio Recording with FullManual ControlThe GY-HM790U captures audio with the sameuncompromising quality as video. Two-channel16-bit/48 kHz uncompressed linear PCM can berecorded via the detachable shotgun microphone, or via a pair of balanced XLR connectors. Versatile input switching and independent channel assignment allow both mic and line-level sources (such as wireless receivers) to be connected, and phantom power is available on each XLR connector independently. Audio recording levels can be controlled automatically or manually, with an audio level meter in the viewfinder and LCD monitor for easy monitoring.linear PCMRecordingTwin SDHC Card Slots with Seamless Continuous Recording Loaded with two 32 GB Class-6 SDHC cards, the GY-HM790U is good for over six hours* of continuous HD shooting acrossboth cards. When one card is full, the camcorder switches seamlessly and automatically to the other card. And because cards are hot swappable, there is in effect no limit to the continuous shooting time in any mode, even with lower capacity cards.Hot swappable media also means it ispossible to start editing footage fromone card while still shooting to theother. The twin card slots also offerthe flexibility of scene-by-scene cardselectionCard 1Change ChangeCard 2Card 3 Card 4Slot A Slot BSlot A Slot B* In 19 Mbps mode SDHC media offers the best combination of price, availability, capacity, reliability and transfer speed. With no moving parts and no pins or other extrusions, SDHC cards are both durable and reliable, and compare favorably with tape on a cost-per-minute basis.SxS Double Media Hybrid Recording (Optional)The optional SxS media recorder allows simultaneousshooting to SDHC and SxS media. This hybrid recordingsystem provides a reliable backup solution.* Playback compatibility not guaranteed on all products due to variation of supported recording mode.* MP4 is the compliant file format used on the XDCAM EX™.ProHD SoftwareJVC ProHD Clip ManagerThe ProHD Clip Manager for both Mac and Windows makes it easy to manage MP4 clips on the GY-HM790U's memory cards from your computer. With a few clicks of the mouse you can copy, move or delete clips, preview clip content, as well as view and edit clip metadata. A thumbnail view of all the clips in the current folder shows the content of each clip at a glance. Use the viewer to watch the whole clip, or change the clip's index frame used for the thumbnail. You can also manage folders to keep your clips organized, and check the remaining free space on a card. The latest version of ProHD Clip Manager offers an even greater level of NLE compatibility by enabling MP4 files to be converted to m2t widely supported by NLEs.MP4XDCAM EXM2TProHD ClipManagerMain screen for Windows®Information window Viewer windowProHD Log and Transfer Plug-inThe ProHD Log and Transfer Plug-in is a software for Apple's Final Cut Pro™ that lets you drop MP4 files recorded on the GY-HM790U into the clip bin of Final Cut Pro™.With the plug-in installed, you can view thumbnails of the MP4 files on a memory card from the Log and Transfer screen of Final Cut Pro™. Simply drag and drop the thumbnails into the bin to automatically convert the clips to QuickTime™, ready for use.Log and transfer screenBrowser PreviewIngest LoggingSpot Exposure MeterWhen shooting high-contrast scenes, setting the exposure accurately can become tricky. The Spot Meter allows you to monitor the dynamic range of the image in various ways so that theexposure may be controlled more accurately. A manual mode allows a specific area of the image to be monitored for precise exposure control of the main subject in the frame. There are four modes of spot metering: Max/Min, Max, Min and Manual. In the Max/Min mode, the highest and lowest levels of the image are identified with color markers, red (H) and white (L), along with the video level (before knee and gamma).Remote Camera Control ConnectorThe GY-HM790U is equipped with a standard JVC 6-pin TTL interface for an optional remote camera controller (RM-LP25U, RM-LP57U or RM-LP55U). These units provide extensive control options, including paint, iris, gamma level, knee, gain, shutter, and black level.1-5/8 (40)3-9/16 (90) 3-3/4 (95)(VF MOVE)Variable Frame Rate Recording (Over Crank, Under Crank)When recording in the 720p 35 Mbps mode, the camera can be set to record at a frame rate different than the playback rate.This capability makes it possible to record slow or fast motion when the recording is played back at 24p, 25p or 30p.Versatility and Quality of OutputSDI and IEEE1394 OutputIn addition to SD composite and HD/SD component video output, the GY-HM790U is equipped with SDI and IEEE1394 outputs.The SDI output is via a BNC connector and can be switched between HD and downconverted SD with embedded uncompressed audio. The IEEE1394 output is via Composite out a 4-pin connector and can also be switched between HD and SD by menu. The audio output is HDV compliant in HD mode and DV compliant in SD mode.Component outSDI outIEEE1394 outDimensionsUnit: inches (mm)2-3/81-13/16(59.8) (44.6)3-1/4 4-5/165-1/42-1/4(82.3)(108.5) (133) (56)(V F M O V E )9-9/16 (242.3)12-1/4 (311) (for ANTON BATTERY) 6-9/16 (166)9-1/8 (231)3-1/4(82.3)8-7/8 (225)(S.PAD MOVE)1-3/16 8-1/4 (209) 8-5/16 (210)(30)System ConfigurationKT20x5BKRS1/3" high quality zoom lensHZ-CA13UPL-Mount cinema prime lens adapter(Canon)HTs18x4.2BRM HTs18x4.2BERM(2x extender)1/3" high quality zoom lens(Fujinon)XT17sx4.5BRM XT20sx4.7BRM1/3" zoom lensKT17ex4.3BIRSE1/3" high quality zoom lens with 2x extenderTh13x3.5BRM1/3" wide zoom lens(Fujinon)KA-M790GMulticore studio interface unitKA-MR100GSxS memory card recorderKA-551UTripod base V-mount adapterEndura-E-10S (Battery)IDX V-mount batteryJVC-PVIDX V-mount plateVL-2PLUS (Charger)IDX V-mount battery charger/AC adapterDionic 90 (Battery)Anton Bauer batteryTandem 70 (Charger)Anton Bauer battery charger/AC adapterDT -V24G1Z/V20L3GZ/V17G1Z/V9L3DYLCD HDTV monitorVC-P112U (20m) VC-P113U (50m) VC-P114U (100m)Multicore camera cableMR-HD100UHard disk recorderFor m2t or SD video file recording only.SR-HD1500USBlu-ray disk recorder CB-250Hard shipping caseKM-H3000U KM-H2500UMulti-format digital switcherACM-121/2" bayonet mount converterACM-172/3" bayonet mount converterHZ-ZS13BUManual zoom controlCannot be used for HTs18x4.2BRM e Fujinon ZMM-6: Module unit/CZH-14: Grip/CFC-12-990: Cable/MCA-7: Mounting clampRM-LP25U RM-LP55U RM-LP57URemote control unitKA-790GStudio sled support RM-HP790DU (HD/SD)RM-HP250AU (HD/SD)Camera control unit VF-HP790G8.4" LCD studio viewfinderRM-LP25U RM-LP55U(Focusenhancement)Optional AccessoriesHZ-FM13U (Fujinon)HZ-FM15U (Canon)Manual focus controlCannot be used for KT17ex4.3BIRSE e Canon FFM-100: Flex focus module/FC-40: Flex cable/FFC-200: Flex focus controller(Fujinon)(Canon)JQA-0288。

JVC 摄像机 GZ-MS110 GZ-MS118 详细用户使用指南

JVC 摄像机 GZ-MS110 GZ-MS118 详细用户使用指南

GZ-MS110 D /C GZ-MS118E摄像机 详细用户使用指南LYT2228-021A目录入门指南 (4)充电 (4)录制 (4)播放 (4)拍摄提示 (4)有用的拍摄技巧节假日/圣诞节 (5)婚礼 (6)旅行 (7)游乐园 (9)入门核对附件 (10)电池充电 (11)握带调整 (12)使用手带 (12)插入SD卡 (12)可以使用的SD卡类型 (13)时钟设定 (13)重设时钟 (14)更改显示语言 (15)握住本机 (15)安装三脚架 (15)在海外使用本机 (16)在海外给电池充电 (16)旅行期间按当地时间设置时钟 (16)设置夏时制 (17)备选附件 (17)录制在自动模式下拍摄视频 (18)变焦 (19)手动录制 (19)场景选择 (20)手动调整聚焦 (21)调整亮度 (22)设置快门速度 (23)设置白平衡 (24)设置背光补偿 (25)设置测光区 (25)拍摄特写镜头 (26)间隔录制(慢速录制) (27)通过感应动作自动录制(自动录制) (29)剩余录制时间/电池电量 (30)播放播放视频 (31)播放管理信息不完整的视频 (32)搜索特定的视频 (32)连接电视机并在电视机上观看 (33)编辑删除不需要的文件 (34)删除当前播放的文件 (34)删除选定的文件 (34)删除所有文件 (35)保护文件 (36)保护当前显示的文件 (36)保护所选文件 (37)保护所有文件 (37)取消所有文件的保护 (38)复制把文件复录至DVD录像机或VCR (38)复制到 Windows PC (39)核对系统要求(指引) (39)安装随附软件 (39)备份所有文件 (40)组织文件 (41)把视频录制到光盘上 (42)JVC 软件许可权合约 (43)在不用随附软件的情况下备份文件 (44)文件和文件夹列表 (44)复制到Macintosh电脑 (45)菜单设定操作菜单 (46)录制菜单 (47)视频质量 (48)变焦 (48)手动补偿 (49)增亮 (49)慢速录制 (50)自动录制 (50)选择纵横比 (50)风声消除 (50)手动设置菜单 (51)场景选择 (51)FOCUS (51)调节亮度 (51)快门速度 (51)白平衡 (51)背光补偿 (51)测光区 (51)近拍 (51)播放菜单 (52)删除 (52)搜索 (52)播放MPG文件 (52)保护/取消 (52)显示在屏幕上 (53)显示设置菜单 (54)LANGUAGE (54)日期显示样式 (54)监视器亮度 (55)监视器背光 (55)时钟设定 (55)基本设置菜单 (56)演示模式 (57)自动关机 (57)操作声音 (58)快速重启 (58)更新 (59)出厂前预设值 (59)连接设置菜单 (60)在电视机上显示 (60)视频输出 (60)格式化SD卡 (61)零部件名称正面 (62)背面 (62)底部 (63)内部 (63)2液晶显示器上的显示录制 (64)播放 (64)故障排除电池 (65)录制 (65)卡 (65)播放 (65)电脑 (65)画面/图像 (66)其他问题 (66)错误字样? (67)维护 (68)规格 (69)3充电●参阅详细用户使用指南显示中的操作说明。

JVC GY-HD250 高清手持摄像机说明书

JVC GY-HD250 高清手持摄像机说明书

interlaced video. In addition, today’s flat panel television displays and fixed matrix projectors, such as D-ILA, DLP and LCD, are all native progressive scanning systems. This means that JVC’s progressive HDV recordings can be displayed 4.JVC’s dual recording systemThe optional JVC Hard Disk Recorder DR-HD100 creates a dual recording system of tape and hard disk. This system isThe GY-HD250, fittedwith Mini 35 filmadapter from P & STechnik, becomes anideal digital film cameraWith 720/60p capture and recording capabilities,the GY-HD250 delivers full-resolution HD images,ensuring the high resolution and smooth motion critical to news and sports field production. Equally proficient in the studio, the GY-HD250 can easily be KA-HD250, a specially designed studio adapter incorporating an industry-standard 26-pin multi-core connection. Other valuable features of this component and HD-SDI output, a wide selection of HD lenses, enhanced cinema gamma, external time code synchronization and professional connectors on a rugged die cast chassis.From live field recording to high-end studio production, the GY-HD250 is the cost-effective solution to today’s demand for high-quality imaging.imaging for ENG and sports acquisition, plus a 26-pin connector for studio use.GY-HD250 fitted to the optional Studio Adapter KA-HD250and with optional LCD monito.focusing. To make focusing even easier,Out-of-focus image In-focus imageThe edge of the in-focus subject isshown in color, telling the operator thatTh16x5.5BRMU(Fujinon)GY-HD250U/HD251E)GY-HD250CHMonitorComponent cable BNCComposite cable Audio Cable HD-SDI cable LCD monitorCamera Cable Hard Disk Recorder IEEE1394 cableShoulder BeltComposite cable 235478GY-HD250 fitted to the optional Studio Adapter KA-HD250 and with optional LCD monitor INTERCOM 6PROMPTER OUTⅥ HZ-ZS13BUⅥ HZ-ZS100U (Handle zoom)Manual zoom control Manual focus control Ⅵ HZ-FM13U (Fujinon)Ⅵ HZ-FM15U (Canon)Ⅵ HZ-FM500(for Th16x5.5BRMU)Ⅵ ACM-121/2" Bayonet mount converterⅥ WCV-82SCfor use with the Th16x5BRMU Wide converterFilm lens adapter Mini 35from P&S Technik9●Options and related equipmentCAMCORDER OPTIONSⅥ ACM-172/3" Bayonet mount converterⅥ BR-HD50U Ⅵ MV-P615U Microphone ProHD recorder Studio adapter Ⅵ KA-HD250UProHD TAPESMONITORSⅥ DT-V100CG Ⅵ DT -V1710CGHARD DISK DRIVESⅥ DR-HD100-40ⅥDR-HD100-80Ⅵ M-DV63PROHDProHD tapes (miniDV size)Ⅵ M-DV12CLMiniDV cleaning tapeCamera control unitⅥ RM-P210U10" HDTV monitor17" HDTV monitorRemote control unit Ⅵ RM-LP55U ⅥRM-LP57U DIMENSIONSUnit: inches (mm)11-3/4 (297) for ANTON BATT.12-1/4 (310) for IDX BATT.8-5/16 (211)S. PAD MOVE1(25)9-5/16 (235)8-13/16 (224)3-1/4 (82.3)3-1/4 (82.3)9-9/16 (242.3)8-7/8 (225)2 (50)2-3/16 (55)V F M O V E5-1/8 (129)4-3/8 (110)2-3/8 (59)7-7/8 (200) X16 LENS10-1/4 (260) X13 LENS4-1/8 (104)1-5/8 (40)3-1/2 (88)VF MOVEⅥ V-R70P-HDA7" LCD monitor(Fujinon)Ⅵ Th13x3.5BRMU 1/3" Wide zoom lensⅥ Th17x5BMD Ⅵ KT20x5BKRS (Fujinon)Ⅵ HTs18x4.2BRM1/3" High quality zoom lens1/3" High quality zoom lens1/3" MD Zoom lensⅥ Th17x5BRM 1/3" Zoom lens(Fujinon)(Fujinon)(Canon)Ⅵ Dionic 90 (Battery)Ⅵ Titan70 (Adapter)Anton Bauer batteryⅥ VL-2PLUS (Charger)Ⅵ Endura E-7S (Battery)IDX V-mount battery Battery bracket is required.(Marshall)Ⅵ DT-V20L1D/V20LI Ⅵ DT-V24L1D/V24LI20"/24" LCD HDTV monitorⅢHachioji Business Center of Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. has received ISO14001 and ISO9001 Certifications under the global standard for environmental management.JQA-0288E.& O.E. Design and specifications subject to change without notice.Tapes recorded in HDV1080i format cannot be played back by GY-HD250 and BR-HD50.。



The Ultimate Live-Over-IP2/3-inch 3CMOS Sensors with High Sensitivity of F12 (60Hz)/F13 (50Hz)New Image Processing Engine50Mbps 4:2:2 10-bit Recording (H.264) and Standard MPEG-2 (35Mbps) Recording Industry-Standard B4 Lens Mount Professional OLED Viewfinder HDR via HLG/J-Log 1Magnesium Alloy Body and IPX2 Equivalent Splash-ProofVarious Codecs and File FormatsMode (Bit rate)Resolution File formatMPEG-4 AVC/H.264XHQ(50Mbps 4:2:210-bit)1920 x 1080MOV1280 x 720XHQ (50Mbps)1920 x 1080UHQ (35Mbps)1920 x 10801280 x 720HQ (8Mbps)720 x 480 (U model)720 x 576 (E model)Web HQ (3Mbps)960 x 540Web LP (1.2Mbps)480 x 270MPEG-2 Long GOP HQ (35Mbps)1920 x 1080MOV/MXF1440 x 10801280 x 720SP (25Mbps)1440 x 1080High-Speed RecMPEG-4 AVC/H.264XHQ (50Mbps)1920 x 1080MOV UHQ (35Mbps)J-Log 1 and Rec709+Knee Gamma HLG & J-Log 1 Color Gamut3Connected to the Field. Delivering to the World.ENG STUDIOProduct photo shown with optional equipment.Live-over-IP FeaturesLive Streaming up to 20Mbps with Low LatencyThe GY-HC900 is capable of streaming LIVE HD/SD and proxy video/audio files via network up to 20Mbps with Return over IP for ENGThe GY-HC900 can receive return video/IFB from the station while streaming live to air via IP thanks to a newplatform. This allows reporters and camera operators toAuto FTPReturn VideoIFBBR-DE900 DecodersBR-800 Streaming ServerLive Streaming FTPReturn Video / IFBRemote Control / MetadataConnection in the FieldBR-DE900 DecodersBR-800 Streaming ServerVPN RouterWireless LANFS-900BS1 – 3-camera base stationFS-900BS2 – 2-camera base stationFS-900CAMStudio ViewfinderGY-HC900Hosting BR-800 in the Cloud for Live Feeds and Playout SharingFiber Remote Studio SystemGPS — Asset Tracking and Remote ControlDecoderDecoderConnected to Excitement. Share it with the World.LIVE EVENTPRODUCTIONProduct photo shown with optional equipment.67Complete Video-over-IP Solution for Remote ProductionStreaming Peer-to-Peer to Decoder or CDNsStreaming to Zixi, ProHD Broadcaster orBroadcaster on Cloud. Advanced QoS technologyfor reliable communication with Forward ErrorCorrection (FEC), Auto Repeat Request (ARQ),BR-DE900 DecoderVPN RouterWireless LAN1.2.4.• TC Out • TC In • Video Out • Genlock 3.System ConfigurationCHE/CHECGY-HC900CHU: Anton Bauer Unit: mm (inch)910OptionsTandem 70Anton BauerBattery Charger/AC AdapterMCSH050D2PD2PXX (16m/52.5ft)MCSH082D2PD2PXX (25m/82ft)MCSH164D2PD2PXX (50m/164ft)MCSH246D2PD2PXX (75m/246ft)MCSH328D2PD2PXX (100m/328ft)MCSH410D2PD2PXX (125m/410ft)MCSH492D2PD2PXX (150m/492ft)MCSH574D2PD2PXX (175m/574ft)MCSH656D2PD2PXX (200m/656ft)Fiber Cables (Hybrid Cable/Optical CON)MCSH050SIPSIRXX (16m/52.5ft)MCSH082SIPSIRXX (25m/82ft)MCSH164SIPSIRXX (50m/164ft)MCSH246SIPSIRXX (75m/246ft)MCSH328SIPSIRXX (100m/328ft)MCSH410SIPSIRXX (125m/410ft )MCSH492SIPSIRXX (150m/492ft)MCSH574SIPSIRXX (175m/574ft)MCSH656SIPSIRXX (200m/656ft)Fiber Cables (Hybrid Cable/SMPTE304M)KJ20x8.2BKRSD(Canon)2/3” Zoom LensHZ-AS1Manual Zoom ControlRM-LP25URemote Control UnitRM-LP20GRemote Control UnitKA-551UTripod Base V-mount AdapterDionic XTAnton Bauer BatteryIA70APower SupplyDUO-C98IDX BatterySMX-100AzdenStereo Shotgun MicRM-LP100Remote Camera Controller via LANHZ-FR15GManual Focus ControlBR-800BroadcasterPB-CELL200Portable Wireless Bridge Cellular UplinkSFE-CAMDockable Wireless Bridge Cellular UplinkBR-DE900DecoderKA-SLCC100GProHD Bridge Command CenterFS-900Multidyne Fiber Optic SystemProduct and company names mentioned here are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. "AVCHD Progressive" and "AVCHD Progressive" logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. Dolby is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Zixi and the Zixi logo are trademarks of Zixi LLC. The SD, SDHC and SDXC are trademarks of the SD Card Association.Simulated pictures.The values for weight and dimensions are approximate.E.&O.E. Design and specifications subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2019, JVCKENWOOD Corporation. All Rights Reserved.DISTRIBUTED BYKCS-8461"JVC" is the trademark or registered trademark of JVCKENWOOD Corporation.。



1 红外线光束发射窗2 zoom(t/w)键记录期间:拉近/推远播放期间:音量调高/调低暂停期间:拉近/推远3 调高键旋转键(逆时针)4 后跳键5 左按键6 后退键7 playlist键8 start/stop键9 snapshot键10 info键11 前跳键12 play/pause键13 右按键14 下一步键15 调低键旋转键(顺时针)16 index键17 date键将芯线过滤器安装到音频电缆和直流电源线将芯线过滤器安装到音频电缆,该电缆用于将选购外部麦克风连接到摄像机上。




液晶监视器上的指示记录视频和静像时1 选定的记录模式指示2 近拍模式指示3 近似变焦比4 抑制指示5 变焦指示6 聚焦辅助指示7 快门速度8 亮度/锐度控制指示9 电池指示10 日期/时间11 手动聚焦调整指示12 选定的记录媒体指示13 防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。

)14 效果模式指示16 白平衡指示17 光圈值(f值)18 led灯指示19 ±0:曝光调节指示20 光圈锁定指示仅记录视频时1 模式指示2 风声消除指示3 图像质量4 剩余时间5 计数器外部麦克风输入音量指示8 事件指示9 手振补偿指示([手振补偿]设为[关]时出现。

)仅在记录静像时1 模式指示2 iso 感光度(增益):设为[自动]时无指示。

3 聚焦指示4 图像像素5 图像质量剩余拍摄张数8 拍摄指示9 自拍定时指示仅在视频播放时1 模式指示2 p:播放列表播放指示(仅在播放播放列表时出现。

)3 图像质量4 播放模式5 计数器6 音量指示7 电池指示8 日期/时间9 选择媒体指示10 防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。

)11 效果模式指示12 画面切换效果指示在播放静像时1 模式指示2 文件夹/文件号码3 幻灯片放映指示4 电池指示5 日期/时间选择媒体指示防摔保护指示([防摔保护]设为[关]时出现。

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