


学 术 论 坛
Hale Waihona Puke 项修 炼 ,系统 思考 。 ②网络 型营 销组 织 。随 着竞 争 的激化 和 部协调 向运用客 户关 系管理 系统联 结 内外部 营销管理转 变。 传 复杂 、顾客需 求的多样 化 ,很 多企业 已逐 渐认 识到要保持竞争 统营销 管理观念存在 着明显与新 经济不相适 应的方面 , 即营销 优势必须改 变组织结 构 ,没 有任 何一个企 业可 以靠单干保持竞 管理缺 乏内外部协调 。传统营 销管理要 么是只重视 内部 的产 品 争优势 ,越来越 多的企 业走上 了战略 联盟的道路 ,营销的 重点 和人 员的管理 ,要 么只重视外部 公共关 系的开展 ,而没有将 内 从交 易转 童关 系,采用关 系营销 战略 ,进 而又不断地转移到管 外部营 销管理有机地结 合起来 ,新经济 强调的是持续 发展 ,重 理独立组 间的战略联 嗌 ,企业 从交 易型营销 向网络组织型营 外轻 内或 重内轻外都将妨 碍企业的 长期发展 。营销 的 目的是 婴 销模式转 变, 业及其市场环境 间的传统外部 界线 变得 日益模 满 足顾 客的 需求 ,因而 企 业要在 重 } 企 业 内部 营销 管理 的 同 见 棚 T 清 ,企业 断 开 发与供 应商 、分 销 向 、顾客 的战 略营 销 时 ,将 最心 转移至外 ; 客H 努 } ,特 则沣意通 过加强内 部 顾 f 王 来 父系,以取 代传统 的竞争模式 。西方 国家已出现 了营销交 的 管 删 来 实 现 外 部 的 顺 客 满 意 E 1标 。 客 关 系 管 理 流 公卅 、营销 联台 公 、虚 拟公 司等 网络 组织 形 式 ,通过 网 ( CRM ) ,是 ・ 倡 企 业以客 为 -心 的营 钠管理思想 千 办 种 I 、 } u 络的 开发 ,I 劂络成 员都提 供 _ 一 『 种其 他成 员所 缺 乏的 核心 能 法 ,成为未 来营 销管理的 发腱趋势 。 ③从忽 视营销管理 的整 合 力 ,网络成 员通过 高度 复杂的信息和决 策支持系统互相 连接 在 到大力实施整合营销管理 的 变。市场营销 镱噼 包括 4 P,营销



第1 章概述 (1)
1.1 背景 (1)
1.2 产品介绍 (1)
1.3 运行环境(可选) (1)
第2 章产品功能 (2)
第3 章产品特点 (3)
第4 章关键技术 (4)
第5 章典型部署 (5)
第6 章产品规格 (6)
第7 章产品案例(可选) (7)
第8 章产品资质(可选) (8)
第 1 章概述


第 2 章产品功能
第 3 章产品特点


第 4 章关键技术

第 5 章典型部署
第 6 章产品规格

第 7 章产品案例(可选)
第 8 章产品资质(可选)。

新国都:关于超募资金使用计划的公告 2011-08-09


证券代码:300130 证券简称:新国都 公告编号:2011-027深圳市新国都技术股份有限公司 关于超募资金使用计划的公告为规范募集资金的管理和使用,保护投资者的利益,根据《深圳证券交易所创业板股票上市规则》、《深圳证券交易所创业板上市公司规范运作指引》、《创业板信息披露业务备忘录第1号——超募资金使用(修订)》等相关法律、法规和规范性文件规定,现将公司超募资金使用计划的具体情况公告如下:一、公司募集资金及超募资金基本情况深圳市新国都技术股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”) 经中国证券监督管理委员会证监许可[2010]1292号文核准,向社会公众公开发行人民币普通股(A 股)1,600万股,发行价格为43.33元/股。








综合版【A股市场大势研判】 ..............................................................错误!未定义书签。


【市场热点】 ..............................................................错误!未定义书签。


【一周荐股回顾】 ..............................................................错误!未定义书签。

【潜力股推荐】 ..............................................................错误!未定义书签。




【异动股点评】 ..............................................................错误!未定义书签。














Skrill 商户门户批量支付指南说明书

Skrill 商户门户批量支付指南说明书

Skrill Merchant PortalMass Payments GuideThis guide describes how to use the Mass Payment service.Version 2.2Paysafe Holdings UK Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LQ, UKCopyright© 2021 Paysafe Holdings UK Limited. All rights reserved.Skrill ® is a registered trademark of Paysafe Holdings UK Limited and is licensed to Skrill USA, Inc., Skrill Limited and Paysafe Payment Solutions Limited (collectively, the “Paysafe Companies”). Skrill USA Inc. is a Delaware corporation, company number 4610913, with a business address of 2 S. Biscayne Blvd, suite 2630, Miami, Florida, 33131. It is a licensed money transmitter, registered with FinCEN and various states across the US. The Skrill Visa ® Prepaid Card is issued by Community Federal Savings Bank, member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa®. Skrill Limited is registered in England and Wales, company number 04260907, with its registered office at 25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ. It is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (FRN: 900001) for the issuance of electronic money. Paysafe Payment Solutions Limited trading as Skrill, Skrill Money Transfer, Rapid Transfer and Skrill Quick Checkout is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Paysafe Payment Solutions is registered in Ireland, company number 626665, with its registered office is Grand Canal House, Upper Grand Canal Street, Dublin, 4DO4 Y7R5, Ireland. The Skrill Prepaid Mastercard is issued by Paysafe Financial Services Ltd in selected countries and by Paysafe Payment Solutions Limited as an affiliate member of Paysafe Financial Services Limited in selected countries pursuant to a license from Mastercard International. Mastercard® is a registered trademark of Mastercard International.The material contained in this guide is copyrighted and owned by Paysafe Holdings UK Limited together with any other intellectual property in such material. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of this guide may be copied, republished, performed in public, broadcast, uploaded, transmitted, distributed, modified, or dealt with in any manner at all, without the prior written permission of Paysafe Holdings UK Limited and then, only in such a way that the source and intellectual property rights are acknowledged.To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Paysafe Holdings UK Limited or the Paysafe Companies shall be liable to any person or organization, in any manner whatsoever from the use, construction or interpretation of, or the reliance upon, all or any of the information or materials contained in this guide.The information in these materials is subject to change without notice and neither Paysafe Holdings UK Limited nor the Paysafe Companies assume responsibility for any errors.Skrill Ltd.Registered office: Skrill Limited, 25 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LQ, UK.Version Control TableSkrill Merchant Portal Mass Payments Guide1.ABOUT THIS GUIDE (5)1.1 Objectives and target audience (5)1.2 Related documentation (5)1.3 Conventions used in this guide (5)1.4 Prerequisites (5)2.Skrill Merchant portal (6)3.Mass Payments (7)3.1 Prerequisites (7)3.2 Mass Payments using a Payment File (8)3.3 Mass Payment – Transaction Statuses (11)3.4 Mass Payment Error Scenarios (12)3.5 Transfer with an API Request (Standalone Credits) (12)4.APPENDICES (13)4.1 ISO 4217 currencies (13)4.2 Languages supported by Skrill (13)4.3 ISO country codes (3-digit) (13)5.GLOSSARY (18)1.ABOUT THIS GUIDE1.1Objectives and target audienceThis document can be used as a reference in using the Mass Payments section of the Skrill Merchant Portal. This guide does not cover payments using the Skrill Automated Payments Interface (API). 1.2Related documentationAlong with this guide, you can use the following Skrill documents to understand about the Skrill Merchant Portal.1.3Conventions used in this guideThe following table lists the text conventions used in this guide.1.4PrerequisitesYou must complete the merchant setup process to access the various features of the Skrill Merchant Portal. To complete this process, reach out to your Account Manager or send an email to ***************************.2.SKRILL MERCHANT PORTALThe Skrill Merchant Portal provides you a single interface to manage your digital wallet accounts. Using the portal, you can manage digital wallets and the associated transactions. In this portal, you can also perform actions like transfer money instantly to an account, exchange money between wallets, send money to multiple recipients at once, import funds to wallets, view balances / reserves, and withdraw money to a bank account, and so on. Following is a list of transactions supported by the Merchant Portal.•Send money.•Make payments to multiple customers.•Upload money•Exchange money•Withdraw money to your bank account.•Switch between your accounts•Manage your bank accounts.•Manage your account balances.•Search, filter, and view transactions•Check bank transfers from other accounts.•Create and manage users.•Configure your wallet account and API security settings.•Contact Merchant Services Team and get help.3. MASS PAYMENTSThe Mass Payment service enables you to make payments from your Skrill account to multiple recipients. The Mass Payments service should be enabled on your account before using this feature. Once the feature is enabled, you can see the Mass Payment button from the Home page > Quick Links or from Transfers > Mass Payments . To use the Mass Payments service, a payment file must be created with the details of recipients.Figure 3-1: Quick LinksSkrill Merchant Portal supports the following pay-out options:1. Pay-outs using the Mass Payments option with a payments file. You can send as many varyingamounts as required to hundreds of payment recipients at a time in a choice of 40 currencies (no integration is required). This method supports a maximum of 3000 payments per batch.2. Using a HTTPS API Request (standalone credits) - Automate your mass payments with Skrill.This advanced option, via an API interface, supports unlimited payments in varying amounts and different currencies. (Integration required). See the Automated Payments Interface guide for more details. 3.1 PrerequisitesBefore using the mass payment feature in the Skrill Merchant Portal, you should ensure you have an application that can create worksheets in Microsoft Excel or CSV format.Read through the following payment file restrictions if you encounter any errors in the mass payment process.o If the number of records in the payment file exceeds 3000 or if the file’s size exceeds 5MB, then the file will not be processed, and an error is displayed.o If you attempt to upload a file with the same name as a previous file uploaded inthis account, it will be rejected as a duplicate.o A new line character must replace row data.o Each item in a row can be separated from the previous item using a tab, comma, or semi‐colon cha racter. No other delimiters are allowed.o If you choose a payment currency that is different from the currency used by your Skrill account, then an exchange conversion fee will apply. Each merchant can seethe FX fee applicable for their account in the Fee Schedule they had signed duringthe onboarding process. For example, if you have a GBP Skrill account and thepayment is sent in EUR, the currency conversion fee will be applicable in your case.3.2Mass Payments using a Payment FileYou can create a payment file containing details of all the recipients you want to pay.To prepare a Mass Payment file:e an application like Microsoft Excel and create a blank worksheet.2.Save the file as comma-separated values CSV file (.csv).3.Add the details of the payment’s recipients in the following format. The file must contain thefollowing columns:Table 3-1: Mass Payment FieldsFollowing is an example of the payment file. Note the commas separating records as the file is saved in comma separated format (CSV).Figure 3-2: Example of a CSV file3.2.1Uploading the payment fileAfter you have prepared the mass payment file, upload the file using Mass Payments option:1.Login to your Skrill account.2.Click the Mass Payment option from the Quick Links menu. You can optionally add a message tothe payments/transactions by selecting the Message option. This message will be displayed in the email the recipients receive.3.Select a Currency Account.4.Click Browse and select the CSV or text file or drag the same file into the Drag and Drop/browsethe file here field and drop it.Table 3-2: Mass payment ‐ choose file and enter details.5.Click Next. Once the payment file is uploaded, you can see the list of recipient details on thescreen. The screen provides a preview of both valid transactions and transactions with errors. It also includes the total amount to be sent from your account and the total fees (calculated in thecurrency of your Digital Wallet account). Each merchant can see the FX fee applicable for their account in the fee schedule they have signed during the onboarding process.Figure 3-3: Mass payments transfer details.6.From the From Account list, select the currency account.Figure 3-4: From Account drop-down list•Check if the payment details are correct. To make changes click Cancel and update the CSV file and upload again.•If there are any errors in the payment file, the Mass Payment module does not allow you to proceed further.•If there are insufficient funds in the wallet, then you can proceed further. Select a wallet with sufficient funds.7.Click Confirm & Process. Once the file is processed, the Receipt page appears.•The Receipt page shows a whole list of transactions and a status for each transaction;for information about the different status values (See Table 3-3: List of PaymentTransaction Status Values below for information about the different status values).•If you get any errors during the mass payments procedure, see Mass Payment Error Scenarios section for more information.3.3Mass Payment – Transaction Statuses3.4Mass Payment Error Scenarios3.5Transfer with an API Request (Standalone Credits)You can also make mass payments using the Skrill Automated Payments Interface (API). It enables you to automate the sending of payment details from your servers to Skrill using an HTTPS request. See the Automated Payments Interface guide for more information.4.APPENDICES4.1ISO 4217 currenciesTable 3‐2: ISO 4217 Currencies accepted by Skrill4.2Languages supported by SkrillSkrill supports the following languages (2-character ISO codes):4.3ISO country codes (3-digit)Skrill does not accept customers from the following countries: Afghanistan, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria.5.GLOSSARYThis section provides a description of some key terms used in this guide.。



4.2 用户组信息(三)
增加用户组信息到系统中 在弹出的对话框内输入用户组相关信息
4.2 用户组信息(四)
设置用户组下用户 操作如图:在“用户管理”-“权限设置”-“设置用户组下
4.2 用户组信息(五)
点击工作台‘文件’菜单,选择‘用户登录’功能或工作台快 捷图标‘注册’功能,可以重新登录系统
3.3 如何暂离系统 (二)
点击工作台‘文件’菜单,选择‘锁定’功能或工作台快捷图 标‘锁定’功能,完成用户暂离。如图所示
3.3 如何菜单至收藏夹
库存批次进价,合同报价。正常售价,促销售价 【组织】、【品类】、【部门】
2 名词解释
【品类】:品类就是产品的属性、类别、品种; 【使用组织】:商品、供应商、合同等对应的总部、门店、配送中
如:1101001 和平里
理”• 参照编码规则(企业制定)
当增加门店 时必须选择
4.4 门店信息(三)
4.4 门店信息(四)
4.4 门店信息(五)



Effective:October 3,2011Mckinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated CurrentnessBusiness Corporation Law (Refs &Annos)Chapter 4.Of the Consolidated Laws (Refs &Annos)Article 3.Corporate Name and Service of Process (Refs &Annos)§301.Corporate name;general(a)Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,the name of a domestic or foreign corporation:(1)Shall contain the word “corporation”,“incorporated”or “limited”,or an abbreviation of one of such words;or,in the case of a foreign corporation,it shall,for use in this state,add at the end of its name one of such words or an abbreviation thereof.(2)(i)Shall be such as to distinguish it from the names of corporations of any type or kind,or a fictitious name of an au-thorized foreign corporation filed pursuant to article thirteen of this chapter,[FN1]as such names appear on the index of names of existing domestic and authorized foreign corporations of any type or kind,including fictitious names of author-ized foreign corporations filed pursuant to article thirteen of this chapter,in the department of state,division of corpora-tions,or a name the right to which is reserved.(ii)Shall be such as to distinguish it from (A)the names of domestic limited liability companies,(B)the names of au-thorized foreign limited liability companies,(C)the fictitious names of authorized foreign limited liability companies,(D)the names of domestic limited partnerships,(E)the names of authorized foreign limited partnerships,or (F)the ficti-tious names of authorized foreign limited partnerships,in each case,as such names appear on the index of names of ex-isting domestic and authorized foreign limited liability companies,including fictitious names of authorized foreign lim-ited liability companies,in the department of state,or on the index of names of existing domestic or authorized foreign limited partnerships,including fictitious names of authorized foreign limited partnerships,in the department of state,or names the rights to which are reserved;provided,however,that no corporation that was formed prior to the effective date of this clause and no foreign corporation that was qualified to do business in this state prior to such effective date shall be required to change the name or fictitious name it had on such effective date solely by reason of such name or fictitious name being indistinguishable from the name or fictitious name of any domestic or authorized foreign limited liability company or limited partnership or from any name the right to which is reserved by or on behalf of any domestic or for-eign limited liability company or limited partnership.(3)Shall not contain any word or phrase,or any abbreviation or derivative thereof,the use of which is prohibited or re-stricted by any other statute of this state,unless in the latter case the restrictions have been complied with.(4)Shall not contain any word or phrase,or any abbreviation or derivative thereof,in a context which indicates orim-McKinney's Business Corporation Law §301Page 1plies that the corporation,if domestic,is formed or,if foreign,is authorized for any purpose or is possessed in this state of any power other than a purpose for which,or a power with which,the domestic corporation may be and is formed or the foreign corporation is authorized.(5)(A)Shall not contain any of the following phrases,or any abbreviation or derivative thereof:board of trade state police urban developmentchamber of commerce state trooper urban relocationcommunity renewal tenant relocation(B)Shall not contain any of the following words,or any abbreviation or derivative thereof:acceptance endowment loanannuity fidelity mortgageassurance finance savingsbank guaranty suretybenefit indemnity titlebond insurance trustcasualty investment underwriterdoctor lawyerunless the approval of the superintendent of financial services or the superintendent of financial services,as appropriate, is attached to the certificate of incorporation,or application for authority or amendment thereof;or that the word “doctor”or“lawyer”or an abbreviation or derivation thereof is used in the name of a university faculty practice corpora-tion formed pursuant to section fourteen hundred twelve of the not-for-profit corporation law or a professional service corporation formed pursuant to article fifteen of this chapter,or a foreign professional service corporation authorized to do business in this state pursuant to article fifteen-A of this chapter,the members or shareholders of which are composed exclusively of doctors or lawyers,respectively,or are used in a context which clearly denotes a purpose other than the practice of law or medicine.(6)Shall not,unless the approval of the state board of standards and appeals[FN2]is attached to the certificate of incor-poration,or application for authority or amendment thereof,contain any of the following words or phrases,or any abbre-viation or derivative thereof:union,labor,council,industrial organization,in a context which indicates or implies that the domestic corporation is formed or the foreign corporation authorized as an organization of working men or women or wage earners or for the performance,rendition or sale of services as labor or management consultant,adviser or special-ist,or as negotiator or arbitrator in labor-management disputes.(7)Shall not,unless the approval of the state department of social services is attached to the certificate of incorporation, or application for authority or amendment thereof,contain the word“blind”or“handicapped”.Such approval shall be granted by the state department of social services,if in its opinion the word“blind”or“handicapped”as used in the cor-porate name proposed will not tend to mislead or confuse the public into believing that the corporation is organized for charitable or non-profit purposes related to the blind or the handicapped.(8)Shall not contain any words or phrases,or any abbreviation or derivation thereof in a context which will tend to mis-lead the public into believing that the corporation is an agency or instrumentality of the United States or the state of New York or a subdivision thereof or is a public corporation.(9)Shall not contain any word or phrase,or any abbreviation or derivation thereof,which,separately,or in context,shall be indecent or obscene,or shall ridicule or degrade any person,group,belief,business or agency of government,or in-dicate or imply any unlawful activity.(10)Shall not,unless the approval of the attorney general is attached to the certificate of incorporation,or application for authority or amendment thereof,contain the word“exchange”or any abbreviation or derivative thereof.Such approval shall not be granted by the attorney general,if in his opinion the use of the word“exchange”in the proposed corporate name would falsely imply that the corporation conducts its business at a place where trade is carried on in securities or commodities by brokers,dealers,or merchants.(11)Shall not,unless the consent of the commissioner of education is endorsed on or annexed to the certificate of incor-poration,contain the words“school;”“education;”“elementary;”“secondary;”“kindergarten;”“prekindergarten;”“preschool;”“nursery school;”“museum;”“history;”“historical;”“historical society;”“arboretum;”“library;”“college;”“university”or other term restricted by section two hundred twenty-four of the education law;“conservatory,”“academy,”or“institute,”or any abbreviation or derivative of such terms.Such consent shall not be granted by the com-missioner of education,if in the commissioner's opinion,the use of such terms in the corporate name is likely to mislead or confuse the public into believing that the corporation is organized for non-profit educational purposes or for educa-tional business purposes that are not specified in the corporate purposes and powers contained in its certificate of incor-poration.CREDIT(S)(L.1961,c.855.Amended L.1963,c.861,§2;L.1965,c.765,§2;L.1971,c.537,§1;L.1973,c.961,§1;L.1974,c. 750,§1;L.1978,c.555,§43;L.1981,c.120,§1;L.1982,c.590,§1;L.1982,c.832,§§2,3;L.1983,c.9,§1;L.1983, c.505,§4;L.1993,c.555,§2;L.1999,c.172,§§4,5,eff.July6,1999;L.2004,c.344,§2,eff.Aug.10,2004;L.2005, c.316,§5,eff.Jan.1,2006;L.2011,c.62,pt.A,§104,eff.Oct.3,2011.)[FN1]Business Corporation Law§1301et seq.[FN2]L.1975,c.756,§21,eff.Aug.9,1975,as amended,transferred all functions,powers and duties of the board to the Commissioner of Labor and the Industrial Board of Appeals.HISTORICAL AND STATUTORY NOTESL.2011,c.62legislationL.2011,c.62,pt.A,§104,subd.(f),provides:“(f)Wherever the terms‘superintendent of insurance’or‘superintendent of banks’appears in the consolidated or uncon-solidated laws of this state other than the banking law or the insurance law,such terms are hereby changed to ‘superintendent of financial services’.”L.2005,c.316legislationPar.(a),subpar.(11).L.2005,c.316,§5,added subpar.(11).L.2004,c.344legislationPar.(a),subpar.(2).L.2004,c.344,§2,redesignated the prior text of subpar.(2)as cl.(i)and added cl.(ii).2003Main VolumeL.1999,c.172legislationPar.(a),subpar.(2).L.1999,c.172,§5,added subpar.(2),after repealing a prior subd.(2),existing in two different ver-sions,which had read:“(2)Shall not be the same as the name of a corporation of any type or kind,or a fictitious name of an authorized foreign corporation filed pursuant to article thirteen of this chapter,as such name appears on the index of names of existing do-mestic and authorized foreign corporations of any type or kind,including fictitious names of authorized foreign corpora-tions filed pursuant to article thirteen of this chapter,in the department of state,division of corporations,or a name the right to which is reserved,or a name so similar to any such name as to tend to confuse or deceive.”“(2)Shall be such as to distinguish it from the names of corporations of any type or kind,as such names appear on the in-dex of names of existing domestic and authorized foreign corporations of any type or kind in the department of state,di-vision of corporations,or names the right to which are reserved.”L.1993,c.555legislationPar.(a),subpar.(5),cl.(B).L.1993,c.555,§2,eff.July28,1993,inserted university faculty practice corporations formed pursuant to N-PCL§1412to limitation regarding the use of“doctor”and“lawyer”;and included members of professional service corporations in such limitation.Derivationw of1929,§§9,9-a,215.Said§9,amended L.1930,c.798,§1;L.1931,c.167;L.1932,c.407;L.1934,c.244;L.1935,cc.568,770;L.1937,cc. 423,577;L.1938,c.578;L.1940,c.251,§2;L.1941,c.29,§1;L.1942,c.470;L.1947,cc.130,519;L.1949,cc.149, 564;L.1950,c.338;L.1951,c.163;L.1952,cc.228,464;L.1956,c.382;L.1959,c.709,§5;and repealed by L.1973,c. 451,§2.It was from former§6,amended L.1911,c.638;L.1912,c.2;L.1913,c.24;L.1916,c.222;L.1917,c.594,§1;L.1923,c.732,§3;L.1924,c.272;L.1925,c.132;L.1926,c.330;L.1929,c.650,§1;L.1929,c.651;renumbered§9,L.1929,c.650.Said§6derived from L.1892,c.19,§4and L.1890,c.563,§4;amended and renumbered§6, L.1892,c.687;L.1895,c.672;L.1900,c.704;L.1902,c.9;L.1907,c.115;originally revised from L.1875,c.611,§4.Said§9-a,added L.1932,c.455,§1;amended L.1935,c.809;L.1937,c.820,§1;L.1938,c.570;L.1941,c.340,§2; L.1941,c.505;L.1942,c.220;L.1958,c.985;and repealed by L.1973,c.451,§2.Said§215,formerly§16-d,added L.1927,c.425,§1;renumbered§215,L.1929,c.650;and repealed by L.1973,c. 451,§2.LEGISLATIVE STUDIES AND REPORTS2003Main Volume1.Source:McKinney General Corporation Law§§9,9-a and215.2.Changes:Consolidated and revised;new provision.Comment:Those provisions and words in General Corporation Law§9appropriate to non-profit corporations and not pertinent to business corporations have been omitted.Reference to names of fraternal orders have also been omitted.The use of such names is covered by Penal Law§§948and964.The provisions of this and§302relate to names of domestic and foreign corporations.Paragraphs(a)(1)(2)and(4)are based on Model Act§7.Paragraph(a)(1)sets forth words identifying the entity as a cor-poration.In paragraph(a)(2)the words“tend to confuse or deceive”have been substituted for“calculated to deceive”to give a clearer conception of a conflict though not necessarily a s reserved under§303are entitled to the same protection as names of existing corporations.Paragraph(a)(3)restricts the use of words which are prohibited or re-stricted by other statutes,unless in the latter case the restrictions have been complied with.Paragraph(a)(4)restricts the use of words which might imply that the corporate purposes or powers include those not permitted to business corpora-tions by statute or otherwise.Paragraph(a)(5)is derived from General Corporation Law§9with the prohibited words al-phabetically arranged.The paragraph includes derivatives of words which are prohibited.Paragraph(a)(6)refers to restrictions in General Corporation Law§9-a.That part of§9-a relating to functions of the board of standards and appeals properly belongs in the Labor Law.CROSS REFERENCESCertificate of amendment of revived corporation,change of corporate name by,see Business Corporation Law§806.Certificate of incorporation,statement of name in,see Business Corporation Law§402.Change of corporate name,see Business Corporation Law§801.Comparable provisions,see N-PCL§301.Foreign corporations--Certificate of incorporation,statement of name in,see Business Corporation Law§1304.Change of corporate name,see Business Corporation Law§1308.Joint stock association,permissible name upon incorporation,see General Associations Law§7-a.Language of corporate name,see Business Corporation Law§104.“Redevelopment”,use in name of corporation,see Private Housing Finance Law§205.Unlawful corporate names--Governmental,military or naval names,see General Business Law§138.Imputing connection with militia,see Military Law§240.Name of benevolent,humane or charitable corporation,see General Business Law§135.Use of name or address with intent to deceive,see General Business Law§133.LAW REVIEW AND JOURNAL COMMENTARIESDepartment of state and the new Business Corporation Law.34N.Y.St.B.J.234(1962);36St.John's L.Rev.205.Remedy for trade-name infringement.14Syracuse L.Rev.1.LIBRARY REFERENCES2003Main VolumeCorporations43,45,45.5.C.J.S.Corporations§§98,100to102.In a caselaw database,run TO(101)or101k[add key number]to retrieve cases related to Corporations. RESEARCH REFERENCESEncyclopedias60Am.Jur.Proof of Facts3d363,Liability for a Corporation's Failure to File as a Corporation Doing Business in a For-eign Jurisdiction.NY Jur.2d,Associations&Clubs§66,Organization.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§114,Revival of Existence.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§167,Certificate of Reservation;Extension and Cancellation.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§171,Indication of Corporate Status.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§172,Names Tending to Mislead,Generally.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§173,Name Similar to that of Another Corporation.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§177,Specific Words Prohibited.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§178,Specific Words Prohibited--Exceptions.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§179,Specific Words Prohibited--Use of“Doctor,”“Lawyer,”“State Police”or “State Trooper”.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§180,Words Requiring Approval by Government Agencies.NY Jur.2d,Business Relationships§181,Cooperative Corporations.NY Jur.2d,Charities§77,Protection Against Use of Same or Similar Name by Another.NY Jur.2d,Good Will§20,Remedies for Injury to or Interference With Good Will.NY Jur.2d,Names§44,Restrictions as to Name that May be Used,Generally.NY Jur.2d,Trade Regulation§340,Assumed Name in Business.FormsCarmody-Wait,2d§112:30,Restrictions as to Selection of Names of Corporations,Limited Partnerships,or Limited Li-ability Companies.Carmody-Wait,2d§121:636,Limitations in Selecting Corporate Name.New York Forms Legal and Business§17:31,Introduction.New York Forms Legal and Business§17A:4,Corporate Name.New York Forms Legal and Business§17:418,Form Drafting Principles.New York Forms Legal and Business§17:437,Certificate of Amendment.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§13:7,Name of Foreign Corporation.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§14:3,Corporate Name.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§14:6,Certificate of Incorporation of Professional Service Corporation (w§1503).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:26,Corporate Name;Generally.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:27,Complaint to Enjoin Use of Name;Competitor Automobile Busi-ness(Form:w§301).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:32,Complaint for Injunction and Damages for Wrongful Use of Name;Business in Paints,Enamels,and Varnish Products(Form:w§301).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:35,Words Indicating Corporateness.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:36,Names to be Distinguished from Indexed Names.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:37,Obscene,Indecent,Ridiculing and Degrading Names. McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:39,Words Prohibited or Restricted by Other Statutes.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:40,Order to Show Cause Why Use of Name Should Not be Re-strained(Form:w§301).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:44,Petition to Restrain Use of Name With Intent to Deceive(Form: w§301).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:45,Judgment Restraining Use of Name as Deceptive(Form:N.Y. w§301).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:46,Words Implying the Possession of Prohibited Purposes or Powers; Prohibited Words.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:47,Exceptions to Statutory Name Restrictions.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:49,Filing of Assumed Name Certificate.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§2:55,Reservation of Corporate Name--Introduction;Requests for Availability Without Reservation of Name.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§9:36,Other Procedural Requirements.McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§13:11,Application for Authority by Foreign Corporation(Form--N.Y. w§1304).McKinney's Forms,Business Corporation Law§13:19,Certificate of Amendment by Foreign Corporation(Form--N.Y. w§1309).Am.Jur.Pl.&Pr.Forms Name§45,Introductory Comments.Treatises and Practice AidsFletcher Cyclopedia Law of Private Corporations§2418,Permissible Words and Language--Words Indicating Corpor-ateness.Fletcher Cyclopedia Law of Private Corporations§2420,Identical or Similar Names--Statutory Requirements.Fletcher Cyclopedia Law of Private Corporations§2421,Governmental Agency Names.NY m.Lit.in NY State Courts§77:13,Creation of Actual Authority.NOTES OF DECISIONSAid or benefit5Amendment of corporate name17Assumed names18Bank6Company7Descriptive names19Family names20Finance8Geographical names21Indication of corporate status,generally3Insurance9Lawyer10Limited11Loan12Mortgage13Prohibited words or phrases,generally4Purpose2Similarity of corporate names16Trust14Union15Validity11.ValidityFor corporation to be considered an agent of corporate officer for purposes of personal jurisdiction under New York's long-arm statute,plaintiff must allege(1)that corporation engaged in purposeful activities in New York in relation to transaction underlying action,(2)that corporation's activities were performed for officer's benefit,(3)that corporation's activities were performed with officer's knowledge and consent,and(4)that officer exercised some control over corpora-tion.Beatie and Osborn LLP v.Patriot Scientific Corp.,2006,431F.Supp.2d367.Courts13.6(4)Under New York law,corporation can act as the agent of a corporate officer and thus subject the officer to personal juris-diction under state's long-arm statute.Beatie and Osborn LLP v.Patriot Scientific Corp.,2006,431F.Supp.2d367. Courts13.6(4)This section specifically proscribing use of word finance or any abbreviation or derivative thereof in corporate name is not unconstitutional.Guenther Pub.Corp.v.Lomenzo(3Dept.1968)29A.D.2d708,286N.Y.S.2d497.Corporations And Business Organizations1244(1)2.PurposeThe main object of General Corporation Law§6was to prevent a proposed corporation about to organize from assuming the name of an existing corporation or one so nearly resembling it as to be calculated to receive and mislead the public. People ex rel.United States Grand Lodge of Order of Brith Abraham,1900,161N.Y.229,55N.E.849.Purpose of this section precluding use of corporate name which tends to confuse or deceive is to avoid conflict in names of corporations even though deception was not necessarily involved.Frank Boufford Co.v.Lomenzo(3Dept.1972)38 A.D.2d986,329N.Y.S.2d644.Corporations And Business Organizations1247(1)Section9of the former General Corporation Law manifested the intent that a new corporation succeeding to all of the as-sets tangible and intangible of another corporation was entitled to use the name of such other corporation,and it was the total transfer or devolution of all assets which gave the right to use the name,rather than the technical form of the trans-action by which the transfer was accomplished.Industrial Psychology,Inc.v.Simon(1Dept.1962)16A.D.2d114,226 N.Y.S.2d148.The general purposes of this section limiting use of corporate names is to protect the public and to prevent deception and confusion.Jervis Corp.v.Secretary of State,1964,43Misc.2d185,250N.Y.S.2d544.Corporations And Business Or-ganizations1244(1);Corporations And Business Organizations1247(1)The general purpose of former section6of the General Corporation Law was to protect parties dealing with such corpor-ations from being deceived as to their character and status.1912,Op.Atty.Gen.9.3.Indication of corporate status,generallyA corporate name should be specifically labeled so as to give notice to all with respect to relationship and responsibility of those operating thereunder.Allstate Ins.Co.v.Horowitz,1983,118Misc.2d787,461N.Y.S.2d218.Corporations And Business Organizations1244(2)4.Prohibited words or phrases,generallyThe word“hospital”was not a word which is forbidden to be used as a part of the corporate name of a corporation organ-ized under former Stock Corporation Law§5.1935,Op.Atty.Gen.232.Where certain words are forbidden to be used in the name of a business corporation,the statute may not be evaded by combining one of the prohibited words with another word,such as“bankershares.”1928,Op.Atty.Gen.168.A corporation could not use the word“university”as part of its title,such use being in contravention of section33of the University Law of1892[repealed],though the name sought to be assumed,viz.,“University Drug Shop,”did not import an educational institution.1907,Op.Atty.Gen.281.5.Aid or benefitThe word“aid”could not be used as a part of a corporate name,it being said that the use of that word in the name of a corporation would have clearly led the general public to believe that some“benefit”was to be derived from a member-ship in it;as the word“benefit”is expressly barred by former General Corporation Law§9,it should have followed that no corporation other than one organized under the Banking and Insurance Laws,should have been authorized whose name contained the word“aid.”In re Incorporation of Howard Aid Soc.,1916,160N.Y.S.789.See,also,Matter of Anti-poller Mutual Aid Society,100Misc.589,166N.Y.S.386.6.Bank“Bankelectric”forbidden as part of name for corporation other than moneyed corporation although petitioner's name was “Bank”.People ex rel.Meyer Bank v.Flynn(2Dept.1930)231A.D.763,246N.Y.S.125.The prohibition in former General Corporation Law,§9of the use of the word“bank”as part of a corporate name ap-plied to the word“bancredit”.1946,Op.Atty.Gen.310.The proposed name Dealerbank Corporation by a business corporation violated that portion of former General Corpora-tion Law§9which prohibited the use of the word“bank”since the possible deception which might have resulted from such similarity brought it within its provisions.1940,Op.Atty.Gen.265.panyPrior to the amendment of former section6of the General Corporation Law by L.1911,c.638,the name company might well have been considered as meaning corporation when attached to a title.E.Moch Co.v.Security Bank of New York (1Dept.1915)166A.D.121,151N.Y.S.756.Although,colloquially used,the word“company”may be considered as meaning“corporation”yet it does not necessar-ily involve that meaning in law,as it is frequently used both by individuals and partnerships and,therefore,a proposed name such as the“Electric Cigar Lighter Company”has been regarded as not indicating by some word,abbreviation,af-fix or prefix thereto that it is a corporation.“Such a word,”said the court,“is frequently used by individuals and partner-ships even though subject to certain statutory requirements.The law in question is designed to cover just such instances. The right of the legislature prescribe the conditions under which these artificial persons shall exist is undisputed...and a strict compliance with the statute is always required of corporations;but in addition to this consideration it may be re-marked that this statute is remedial,designed to prevent deception on the public and to make plain the nature of the con-cern bearing such a name,and,therefore,compliance with it should be required so as to effect the purpose intended.”In re American Cigar Lighter Co.,1912,77Misc.643,138N.Y.S.455.The use of the word“Company”in a corporate name,not immediately preceded by the conjunction“and,”was a compli-ance with former General Corporation Law§9.“There seems to be,therefore,no hard and fast rule upon this subject.In certain connections the use of the word‘Company’carried with it the idea of‘Corporation.’Under other circumstances it does not.This statute must,therefore,be construed bearing in mind the purpose sought to be accomplished by it.Its evident purpose was to prevent corporations within this state from using names which from their character might lead persons dealing with them to believe that they were not corporations,and that there existed a personal liability for obliga-tions on the part of the members of the association or of the individual whose name was used by the corporation.The le-gislature evidently intended to prevent deceptions of this sort growing out of the pronounced recent tendency to use names of this character.The use of the word‘Company,’however,when not immediately preceded by the conjunction ‘and’has been the usual and ordinary termination of corporate names from time immemorial.”1912,Op.Atty.Gen.9. 8.Finance“Financial”was derivative of finance and therefore,under this section proscribing use of word“finance”or derivative thereof in corporate name,Secretary of State could not be compelled to file certificate of incorporation changing corpora-tion's name to“Financial World,Inc.”Guenther Pub.Corp.v.Lomenzo(3Dept.1968)29A.D.2d708,286N.Y.S.2d 497.Corporations And Business Organizations1250A corporation licensed pursuant to Art.11-B of the Banking Law to engage in the business of a sales finance company is not thereby authorized to use the word“finance”as part of its corporate title.1957,Op.Atty.Gen.271.Word“financing”in name unauthorized except in case of moneyed corporation.1926,Op.Atty.Gen.117.9.InsuranceThe word“Lloyds”had by general usage become synonymous with“insurance”and the Secretary of State had been held。



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证券代码:300130 证券简称:新国都公告编号:2021-051







证券代码:300130 证券简称:新国都公告编号:2020-090深圳市新国都股份有限公司第五届监事会第二次会议决议公告一、监事会会议召开情况1. 深圳市新国都股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)第五届监事会第二次会议,已经于2020年5月27日以书面送达方式向全体监事发出会议通知。

2. 会议于2020年6月3日下午2时在深圳市南山区深圳湾科技生态园10栋B座20楼深圳市新国都股份有限公司会议室以现场表决的方式召开。

3. 本次监事会会议应出席的监事人数3人,实际出席的监事人数3人。

4. 本次监事会会议由监事会主席李林杰先生主持,董事会秘书郭桥易先生列席了本次会议。

5. 本次监事会会议的召集召开符合有关法律、行政法规、部门规章、规范性文件及《公司章程》的规定。








5.1 被执行人 ......................................................................................................................................................8 5.2 失信信息 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.3 裁判文书 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.4 法院公告 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.5 行政处罚 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.6 严重违法 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.7 股权出质 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.8 动产抵押 ......................................................................................................................................................9 5.9 开庭公告 ....................................................................................................................................................10



深圳市新国都股份有限公司章程二○二○年五月目录第一章总则 (2)第二章经营宗旨和范围 (3)第三章股份 (3)第一节股份发行 (3)第二节股份增减和回购 (5)第三节股份转让 (7)第四章股东和股东大会 (8)第一节股东 (8)第二节股东大会的一般规定 (11)第三节股东大会的召集 (14)第四节股东大会的提案与通知 (15)第五节股东大会的召开 (17)第六节股东大会的表决和决议 (21)第五章董事会 (27)第一节董事 (27)第二节董事会 (30)第六章总经理及其他高级管理人员 (35)第七章监事会 (38)第一节监事 (38)第二节监事会 (39)第八章财务会计制度、利润分配和审计 (40)第一节财务会计制度 (40)第二节内部审计 (47)第三节会计师事务所的聘任 (47)第九章通知和公告 (47)第一节通知 (47)第二节公告 (48)第十章合并、分立、增资、减资、解散和清算 (49)第一节合并、分立、增资和减资 (49)第二节解散和清算 (50)第十一章修改章程 (52)第十二章附则 (53)第一章总则第一条为维护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,规范公司的组织和行为,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称“《公司法》”)、《中华人民共和国证券法》(以下简称“《证券法》”)和其他有关规定,制订本章程。







证券代码:300130证券简称:新国都公告编号:2020-054深圳市新国都股份有限公司关于公司资产核销及计提资产减值的公告本公司及董事会全体成员保证信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚 假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。

根据《企业会计准则》、《深圳证券交易所创业板上市公司规范运作指引》、 《创业板信息业务披露业务备忘录第 10 号—年度报告披露相关事项》的相关规 定及公司《财务管理制度》、《资产减值准备计提及核销管理制度》的相关要求, 深圳市新国都股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)决定对部分资产损失予以核销 及对资产减值进行计提。

具体情况如下:一、本次核销资产的概况深圳市新国都股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)本次核销应收账款金额 997,594.82元,核销其他应收款金额191,402.57元;公司全资子公司深圳市新国 都支付技术有限公司(以下简称“新国都支付”)本次核销应收账款金额共106,750 元;公司全资子公司嘉联支付有限公司(以下简称“嘉联支付”)本次核销应收 账款金额共568,199.80元;公司全资子公司浙江中正智能科技有限公司(以下简 称“中正智能”)本次核销其他应收款金额共250,000元;公司子公司深圳市新国 都末微技术服务有限公司(以下简称“新国都末微”)本次核销应收账款金额共 145,157.17元。

以上应收账款及其他应收款均因交易对方经营不善或公司多次催款无果,且 本期内已无新的业务发生,且公司及公司子公司相关责任人员已催讨逾期账款, 并送达催款函。


由此,公司及公司子公司 拟对以上账款予以核销。


二、本次资产减值计提概况本次计提资产减值明细如下表(单位:万元):序号资产名称计提金额1应收款项2存货3商誉合计3,410.28 1,529.52 19,377.18 24,316.98(一)应收账款和其他应收款项减值情况说明截至2019年12月31日,公司拟计提应收账款坏账准备合计为2,020.38万元,依相关规定,对单项资产计提减值具体情况进行说明:项目应收账款账面余额(万元)53,807.19资产可收回金额(万元)47,142.32资产可收回金额的计算过程期末单独或按组合进行减值测试,计提坏账准备。



证券代码:300130 证券简称:新国都公告编号:2020-063深圳市新国都股份有限公司2020年第二次临时股东大会会议决议公告特别提示:1、本次股东大会不存在否决议案的情形。










2 0 1 7 最佳商业模式

2 0 1 7 最佳商业模式

2 0 1 7 最佳商业模式作者:暂无来源:《新财富》 2017年第8期2017最佳商业模式新国都依托POS终端,打造电子支付生态闭环致力于金融POS终端的研发与销售的新国都(300130)成立于2001年,于2010年在深交所上市,主要产品包括POS机、密码键盘及其他外接设备,其中POS终端产品有严格认证体系,行业入驻壁垒较高。




2016 年新国都海外营收1.27亿元,增速达到127.4%。

分析师点评中信建投计算机行业分析师程杲:新国都以支付技术及金融 POS 终端软硬件的设计研发为基础,叠加运营模式、技术领域的创新,继续巩固和提升在电子支付技术受理终端设备的市场领先地位。

其智能 POS 等新产品有望在 2017 年快速放量,海外市场同步扩张。


永辉超市新零售龙头白马永辉超市(601933)已经不仅是一个依托生鲜立足的零售企业,其触角延伸到了金融、B2B 以及云创为代表的创新领域(附图)。






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3.7.3承接行代理被承接行可发起/接收的行为:.3.7.4对账规则 ........................................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。



百正商业计划书Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT保密协议本商业计划书属于商业机密,所有权属于江苏百正无极灯有限公司,所涉及的内容和资料仅限于有投资意向的投资者使用。





项目经理签字:接收日期: _______年____月____日第一部分百正公司发展概况公司名称江苏百正无极灯有限公司成立时间 2008年9月3日注册资本 1000万元实际到位资本 1000万元公司地址江苏武进湖塘常武中路2号广成东方大厦A-甲-6楼工厂地址江苏武进经济开发区禾香路1号公司性质有限责任公司一、公司历史沿革江南水乡,人杰地灵;千古龙城,源远流长。







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五、建筑单体设计: 小商铺平面以4.2米开间、8~12米进深为主的两层独立商铺为主,利于销售和使 用。 商务综合楼的单元以小面积为主,紧凑实用,配有自然采光通风的小茶水间和卫生 间。
六、建筑立面造型: 1、商业区立面的设计考虑到大桥北路沿街的城市景观,采用了简洁明快的现代建
四、规划设计特点: (一)、规划布局: 1、商务综合楼:3栋标志性高层建筑 在有限的“三角”型用地里,三栋31层的商务综合楼呈“品”字形放置,与西侧北 区住宅的四栋高层住宅一起形成沿城市主要道路层次丰富的城市景观。 2、商业:3种商业形态 为了充分发掘利用沿街地段的商业价值,避免单一的商业形态,在地下一层设计了 地下1层店铺,一、二层设计了有内街的2层小商铺,三层为超市,多样的商业形态将吸 引更多的人流。 3、步行街:3条空间形态各异的商业步行街 在商业区外围是一条室外的商业空间,和北区商业形成了一条弧形“室外步行 街”,在商业区一侧通过建筑的收放,形成了两个放大的商业街小广场。 一条“U”型的“下沉式室内步行街”把沿大桥北路的人流引导到弧形步行街的两 个小广场上,并在地下把两个小广场联系起来;一条平行于大桥北路的地上“室内步行 街”由西北向东南贯穿整个商业,联系其他两条商业街。 这3条室外、室内,地上、地下,直的、弯的,大的、小的空间形态变化丰富的商 业步行街相互连接贯通,人流动线流畅,形成有效循环商业人流,加大了商业展示面, 提高了商业价值,并配以绿化和小品,使商业空间生动丰富,成为多样化的消费或生活 场所。 (二)、道路系统与交通组织:“人车分流” 1、出入口设置:
商业区在毛纺厂路设车行主要出入口,车辆在入口处便以最近的距离进入地下车 库,保证商业人行路线的连续性,不受车行系统的干扰,并在内街设计了一个地下车库 紧急出口。 在沿大桥北路和毛纺厂路分别设计了两个主题、大小各异的入口广场,它们之间是 不同的形态的城市景观节点,使商业街空间变化多样,形成不同的休闲娱乐空间。 2、停车场设计: 商业区停车方式以地下机械停车为主,并结合部分露天停车。 商务务综合楼和商业的机动车停车数按0.8辆/100㎡设计,除了少量停放在地上, 其余的安置于地下机械车库内,现设计满足规范要求。 商务综合楼自行车停车位按1.8个/100㎡,商业自行车停车位按6个/100㎡设计,现 设计满足规范要求。 (三)、绿化景观系统: 商业步行街的景观以硬地景观为主,附以绿化、喷泉,以引导性的线型铺地,并适 当设置休闲性的座椅、小品,配以适量小型乔木和主次五个广场结合,形成景观节点, 使整个步行街收放有致、富于变化。 商务综合楼在1# 和3#楼的三层、2#楼的四层设计了4.5米高的架空层,并设计 屋顶多样绿化景观,便于商务综合楼的人群有一个独立的休息的空间,在视觉的美化同 时使建筑群体更加生态,减少了商业区绿化空间少的缺陷。 本设计还充分注意周边环境资源的利用,将现有的20米宽大桥北路城市绿化带引 入,以形成商业区的一个观赏点。
三、规划设计理念: 1、重视商业区的城市设计,结合沿街商业建筑设计及城市环境设计,丰富城市的 街道景观,使之成为大桥北路沿线的城市景观新亮点。 2、注重生态环境,以人为本、运用丰富的景观设计手段、创造高品质、有特色的 商业环境,为市民提供“安全、舒服、愉快”的购物空间。
二、地理位置: “金城丽景”居住区规划地块位于南京浦口区大桥北路“宁扬公路南京收费站”西 侧,东临大桥北路,西临火炬南路(路西是一条沿河景观带),规划用地因为被毛纺厂 路分成南北两地块,同时北地块东侧近临通往南京市区城市主干道——大桥北路,以上 两路的交角形成了一个具有高商业价值的区域,结合道路交通和小区功能,将地块分为 南区(南地块,一期,已建),北区(北地块住宅部分,二期,在建)和商业区(北地 块商业部分,三期),以便分期建设和管理。 本项目周边沿大桥北路已经发展成江北的一个重要的商业中心,路对面是“华东 MALL”、金盛家居、华润苏果等大型商业。 因此,结合现状条件充分利用该地块的地理位置和交通便利的优势及自然环境,协 调好沿街公共商业空间与内部居住空间的关系、新建与已建的建筑之间协调关系,是创
一、设计依据: 1、南京市浦口区建设局“新国都用地规划设计要点”(浦<2003>规设67号);及 “建设工程规划设计要点(调整)通知书”(浦规设<2003>67-1号); 2、开发商提供的现状地形图及工程用地边界建筑现状; 3、开发商提供的本工程用地红线图; 4、开发商提供的设计要求; 5、国家现行有关政策、法规、设计规范和地方规定: 《民用建筑设计通则》(GB50352-2005); 《建筑设计防火规范》(GB50016-2006); 《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(GB50045-95)(2005年版); 《汽车库建筑设计规范》(JGJ100-98); 《汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范》(GB50067-97); 《江苏省商业建筑设计防火规范》; 《南京市城市规划条例实施细则》; 《南京市人民防空工程建设管理规定》; 《南京市高层建筑日照分析管理技术规定》; 《南京市高层建筑日照分析控制管理规定》。 造环境宜人、商业气氛浓厚的商业区的重要环节。
目 录
■ 设计说明 1.设计说明 2.主要技术经济指标 3.区位分析图 4.现状分析图 ■ 效果图 1.沿街夜透视图 2.沿街日透视图 ■ 规划设计 1.彩色总平面图 2.总平面图 3.日照分析图 ■ 分析图 1.功能分析图 2.车流交通分析图 3.人流交通分析图 4.消防分析图 5.景观分析图 6.绿化分析图 ■ 建筑设计 1.商业地下二层平面图 2.商业地下一层平面图 3.商业地下一层夹层平面图 4.商业首层平面图 5.商业二层平面图 6.商业三层平面图 7.商务综合楼1、3#楼标准层平面图 9.商务综合楼1、3#楼结构示意图 10.商务综合楼2#楼标准层平面图 11.商业立面图 12.商业1-1剖面图
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
筑风格,通过多个体块构成的穿插、变化,力求在外形成个性鲜明的建筑特征,在内营 造丰富活跃的商业室内空间。更好的发挥该地块的商业潜能。 2、商务综合楼的立面配合了底层大型商业建筑风格,运用了体面集合、虚实对比 的设计手法,塑造出轮廓清晰、体态挺拔的现代建筑形态。 主楼采用直线和简单几何构图,注意建筑天际轮廓线的抑扬顿挫,使之成为大桥北 路上的一个标志性建筑物。
沿大桥北路日景透视图 对比方案一
沿大桥北路日景透视图 对比方案二
沿大桥北路日景透视图 对比方案三