
第二部分:试题一.完型填空AThink about a time you went someplace that you had never been before. It seemed as if it was very 41 and it took a really long time to get there. Then you noticed that the 42 trip did not seem to take nearly as long, 43 it was exactly the same distance. Scientists have studied these common observations. They have come to the 44 that our feeling of how time passes is sometimes based on the 45 of information we are dealing with. The more information we are getting, the more slowly time seems to pass.On the way to a 46 place, we are faced with unfamiliar sights, 47 , or even smells. We may be reading directions, 48 landmarks, ortrying to find a(n) 49 road sign. We are repeatedly processing the information we are 50 . There may be others in the car asking, “Are we there yet?” In fact, the 51 experiences the same things as the passengers.On the return trip, we are somewhat familiar with the 52 . Now much of the information is not 53 to us. Our brain now processes the information more 54 . We don’t have to take notice of a lot of wha t we see and hear. We know what to 55 and we screen out the rest.The process could be 56 to the first and second days of school. On the first day 57 is new and different and time seems to pass slowly. On the second day, you know what to 58 , and your brain spends less time processing new information. 59 , the second day of school usually seems to go forward at a more rapid pace. Thus, in a sense, time 60 when our surroundings become more familiar.41. A. far B. long C.fast D. deep42. A. boat B. field C.school D. return43. A. as if B. so that C. eventhough D. long before44. A. decision B.conclusion C. introduction D. description45. A. amount B. value C.types D. characteristics46. A. quiet B. crowded C.strange D. dangerous47. A. toys B. books C.gifts D. sounds48. A. building B. looking for C.protecting D. missing out49. A. old B. real C.particular D. handwritten50. A. receiving B. discussing C.mentioning D. providing51. A. guest B. guide C.partner D. driver52. A. car B. route C.map D. alarm53. A. new B. helpful C.enough D. important54. A. closely B. directly C.quickly D. carefully55. A. take care of B. catch up with C. look down upon D. pay attention to56. A. added B. compared C.sent D. contributed57. A. everything B. nothing C.someone D. nobody58. A. choose B. believe C.expect D. answer59. A. Instead B. Besides C.However D. Therefore60. A. goes by B. speeds up C. runsout D. stops overBRecently, the idea that listening to classical music can increase intelligence, especially in 41 , has caught the attention of the media, researchers, and parents around the globe. In the early 1990s, researchers from France and the US published articles that said 42 Mozart for 10 minutestemporarily 43 performance on IQ tests and challenging tasks. 44 , the media quickly be gan reporting on the “Mozart effect”.In 1997, Don Campbell published a book about this 45 phenomenon (现象). Campbell said that classical 46 could improve health and memory, prevent mental and physical disorders, and 47 stress and depression. He soon 48 with The Mozart Effect for Children, as well as CDs and products for parents of young children. Today, a wide selection of similar products is 49 , including Baby Mozart and Baby Bach, two bestselling DVDs in the popular Baby Einstein series. There are even music players specially 50 for expectant (预产期的) mothers to wear on their stomachs. 51 , babies can listen to classical music before they're even 52 .53 , there is some doubt surrounding the “Mozart effect”. Parents 54 whether it is a proven reality or just a fad (潮流) designed to make money. Frances H. Rauscher, a psychologist and author of one of the original studies, is 55 . Much of the original 56 pointed to temporary improvements on specific tasks. She 57 these findings have been incorrectly described as a general increase in 58 . “I don't think it can hurt,” Rauscher said. Yet she added that 59 may still want to think twice 60 spendinga fortune trying to make a genius out of their baby.41. A. scientists B. musicians C. adults D. babies42. A. joining in B. dreaming of C. talking about D. listening to43. A. improved B. measured C. provided D. enjoyed44. A. On the whole B. As a result C. On the contrary D. In other words45. A. common B. natural C. interesting D. alarming46. A. literature B. music C.world D. education47. A. cause B. place C.reduce D. limit48. A. began B. dealt C.agreed D. followed49. A. useless B. priceless C.available D. changeable50. A. tested B. designed C. searched D. collected51. A. By the way B. In this way C. On theway D. All the way52. A. born B. lost C. trained D. invited53. A. Besides B. Therefore C.Instead D. However54. A. check B. question C.determine D. evaluate55. A. real B. right C.normal D. doubtful56. A. anxiety B. material C.research D. argument57. A. cheers B. expects C.remembers D. believes58. A. costs B. health C.disorders D. intelligence59. A. teachers B. experts C.parents D. players60. A. after B. unless C.before D. as二.七选五。

四川省宜宾市一中高2015级2015—2016学年下期第4周物理试题第一部分:双向细目表第二部分试题一.不定项...选择题(每题6分,共48分)1.关于匀速圆周运动的说法,正确的是 ( )①匀速圆周运动的速度大小保持不变,所以做匀速圆周运动的物体没有加速度②做匀速圆周运动的物体,虽然速度大小不变,但方向时刻都在改变,所以必有加速度③做匀速圆周运动的物体,加速度的大小保持不变,所以是匀变速曲线运动④匀速圆周运动加速度的方向时刻都在改变,所以匀速圆周运动一定是变加速曲线运动Array A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④2.如图所示,竖直固定的锥形漏斗内壁是光滑的,内壁上有两个质量相等的小球A和B,在各自不同的水平面做匀速圆周运动,以下说法正确的是:( )A. V A>V B B.ωA>ωBC. a A>a B D.压力N A>N B3.如图所示,为一皮带传动装置,右轮半径为r,a为它边缘上一点;左侧是一轮轴,大轮半径为4r ,小轮半径为2r ,b 点在小轮上,到小轮中心的距离为r 。
c 点和d 点分别位于小轮和大轮的边缘上。
若传动过程中皮带不打滑,则 ( )①a 点和b 点的线速度大小相等 ②a 点和b 点的角速度大小相等 ③a 点和c 点的线速度大小相等 ④a 点和d 点的向心加速度大小相等A.①③B. ②③C. ③④D.②④4.如图所示,用长为L 的细绳拴着质量为m 的小球在竖直平面内做圆周运动,则( )A .小球在最高点时所受向心力一定为重力B .小球在最高点时绳子的拉力不可能为零C .若小球刚好能在竖直面内做圆周运动,则其在最高点速率是gLD .小球在圆周最低点时拉5.长度为L=0.4m 的轻质细杆OA ,A 端连有一质量为m=2kg 的小球,如图所示,小球以O 点为圆心在竖直平面内做圆周运动,通过最高点时小球的速率是1m/s ,g 取10m/s 2,则此时细杆小球的作用力为( )A .15N ,方向向上B .15N ,方向向下C .5N ,方向向上D .5N ,方向向下6.我国发射的“神舟七号”载人飞船,与“神舟六号”船相比,它在较低的轨道上绕地球做匀速圆周运动,如图所示,下列说法正确的 ( )A .“神舟七号”的速率较大B .“神舟七号”的速率较小C .“神舟七号”的周期更长D .“神舟七号”的周期与“神舟六号”的相同7.设行星绕恒星运动轨道为圆形,则它运动的周期平方与轨道半径的三次方之比K RT =32为常数,则以下理解正确的是: ( )A.k 是一个与行星无关的量B.若地球绕太阳运转轨道的半长轴为R ,周期为T ,月球绕地球运转轨道的半长轴为R',期为T',则2/3/23TR T R =C.T 表示行星运动的自转周期D.T 表示行星运动的公转周期8.要使两物体间的万有引力减小到原来的1/4,不能采用....的方法是( )A .使两物体的质量各减小一半,距离保持不变 B. 使两物体间的距离增至原来的2倍,质量不变 C. 使其中一个物体的质量减为原来的一半,距离变为原来的/ 2 倍。

For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all. In his firstyears of high school, Gabriel would look pityingly at music students, 36 across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, 37 at schoolfor practice hours 38 anyone else had to be there. He swore to himselfto 39 music, as he hated getting to school extra early.40 , one day, in the music class that was 41 of his school’s standard curriculum, he was playing idly(随意地)on the piano and foundit 42 to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually 43 doing it. He tried to hide his 44 pleasure from the music teacher, who had 45 over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, 46 the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 47 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 48 him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a 49 . When he began practicing, he took it very 50 .But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was 51 to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.This 52 , of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, 53 his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 54 looks ofthe non-musicians he had left 55 .36. A. travelling B. marching C. pacing D.struggling37. A. rising up B. coming up C. driving up D.turning up38. A. before B. after C. until D.since39. A. betray B. accept C. avoid D.appreciate40. A. Therefore B. However C. Thus D. Moreover41. A. part B. nature C. basis D.spirit42. A. complicated B. safe C. confusing D. easy43. A. missed B. disliked C. enjoyed D. denied44. A. transparent B. obvious C. false D. similar45. A. run B. jogged C. jumped D. wandered46. A. because B. but C. though D. so47. A. ear B. taste C. heart D. voice48. A. occurred to B. took to C. appealed to D. held to49. A. change B. chance C. mission D. function50. A. seriously B. proudly C. casually D.naturally51. A. committed B. used C. limited D. admitted52. A. proved B. showed C. stressed D. meant53. A. pushing B. dragging C. lifting D. rushing54. A. admiring B. pitying C. annoying D. teasing55. A. over B. aside C. behind D. out 36. D【解析】考查动词。
四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年高中英语下学期第9周周训练题双向细目表Module 3 单元测试题 2Module 3 The Violence of Nature第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
ABrownsea Open Air TheatreDORSETThe only way to this theatre is by boat. Each June volunteers travel there to begin building the set.“The people do Brownsea for the love of the island,” says BOAT director Denise Mallender. “We're a charity, and we help the work on the island by holding a regular Shakespeare play.”Visit for detailsRegent's Park Open Air TheatreLONDONEach summer, almost 140,000 people visit the park to watch one of the four yearly plays. This year's plays include J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan and William Golding's Lord of the Flies.With the stage and seating both completely uncovered, the actors and the audiences are left at the mercy of (任由……摆布) the British weather —although this hasn't prevented stars such as Jeremy Irons and Benedict Cumberbatch from performing here.Visit for detailsScarborough Open Air TheatreSCARBOROUGHEnjoy the sea air and sights of Europe's largest open-air playhouse. The stage and seating are separated by a lake.“It's a unique (独一无二的) place,”says Janet Deacon, area director of Welcome to Yorkshire. The theatre now plays host to concerts by big-names such as Elaine Paige and Tom Jones, who are both performing this month.Visit for detailsRutland Open Air TheatreRUTLANDThis theatre is home to the Stamford Shakespeare Company, who this year celebrate their 39th year of outdoor plays with performances of Romeo and Juliet and Henry V.In all its years, ROAT has never cancelled a performance because of rain —and although the stage and actors are left open to the weather, the audience can shelter (避雨) in the covered hall.Visit for details21. What do we know about Regent's Park Open Air Theatre?A. It puts on four plays a year.B. It has a covered hall for the audience.C. It has the same plays on show every year.D. Its stage and seating are separated by a lake.22. What do BOAT and ROAT have in common?A. They do Shakespeare plays.B. They are completely uncovered.C. They have the same history.D. They can be reached only by boat.23. Which is the largest outdoor theatre in Europe?A. Rutland Open Air Theatre.B. Brownsea Open Air Theatre.C. Scarborough Open Air Theatre.D. Regent's Park Open Air Theatre.BThey shape our lives in many ways. Often when they get old, torn or fall apart, we're likely to throw them out or replace them. But one 85-year-old man is devoted to (致力于) bringing old books back to life.“I know how to do this. I enjoy doing this,” said Paul Reeder, a book repair hobbyist.Reeder is changing the face of our textbooks, one book at a time, said Skyview High School Principal, Deb Black.It all started just three weeks ago.“There was an article that came out about the bad shape our books were in,” said Black.Reeder read the article in the newspaper, and he soon appeared in Black's office. It was the morning of April 5, 2016.“He said,‘I'm here to offer what I think may be a solution,'”Black recalled (回忆).Reeder has been repairing books since the 1940s. Over the years, he's worn many hats, yet his interest in book repair remained unchanged.In the year 1992 when Reeder retired (退休), he went all in. He has repaired books for a number of organizations including the Montana Historical Society and the Billings Public Library.Skyview's students are not only thankful for Reeder's help, but inspired (鼓舞) by his work.“They have made him thank-you signs and cards. I have one girl who left me a note the other day. She wants to learn to do what Paul does. What he does is a lost art. He has done great things for our kids and for our books,” said Black.The worn-out books are brought to Reeder on Friday, and in most cases, he's able to return the books as good as new by the following Monday, according to Black.24. What does Reeder think of his work?A. It is a pleasure.B. It is very boring.C. It is a lost art.D. It is really difficult.25. How did Reeder find out Skyview's books needed repairing?A. From Deb Black.B. From some students.C. From a newspaper.D. From an organization.26. What can we infer about Reeder?A. He likes collecting old books.B. He repairs hats in his spare time.C. He has a lifelong love for book repair.D. He retired from Skyview High School.27. What was the purpose of the schoolgirl's note?A. To express thanks to Black.B. To have her books repaired.C. To make friends with Reeder.D. To learn Reeder's repair skills.CBased on a true story, the novel Safe as Houses by Eric Walters is an amazing book. It is about a 13-year-old girl named Elizabeth Hardy who babysits the McBride children David and Suzie. One rainy, stormy evening they walk home from school. When they arrive home, water floods the backyard, cuts the power and floods roads, which stops Mr. and Mrs. McBride from coming home. Soon the flooding begins to invade (涌入) the McBrides'home and Elizabeth, David, Suzie and their dog Daisy try very hard to escape and survive the flood.My favorite character is David because I find him very funny and brave, and although he can be stubborn (固执的) and rude at times, he is still a nice and friendly person. As much as I want to be like David I could never be like him. At least, I don't think I could ever do something as brave as he does.I think Eric Walters does a great job in describing the characters and telling the story. I really feel like this all just happened in front of my eyes. Ever since I started reading Safe as Houses I never wanted to put the book down, and considering I was not a big fan of reading that did not happen very often. Safe as Houses changed my opinion in regard to reading and now I enjoy reading very much.Eric Walters' writing career all started in 1993 when Eric was teaching a grade 5 class. His students were not good readers and did not like reading, so Eric created a book called Stand Your Ground for his students and used some of the students' names to create the story. Ever since Eric published (出版) that book he has become a big time writer and has published many amazing different books like Camp X, Tiger Trap, Camp 30, We All Fall Down and Flyboy.28. What happened on that particular evening?A. A 13-year-old got lost.B. A terrible rainstorm broke out.C. Three children were trapped on the way home.D. The McBrides' home was completely destroyed by floods.29. What does the author like about David?A. His creativity.B. His great skill.C. His personality.D. His good behavior.30. What can we infer about the author?A. He is a man full of courage.B. He used to enjoy reading very much.C. He is very like David in Safe as Houses.D. He has been greatly affected by Safe as Houses.31. Why did Eric write Stand Your Ground?A. To record his students' stories.B. To encourage his students to read.C. To state the importance of reading.D. To teach his students they can be writers.DWill Hodson, a primary-school teacher in London, was reading a superhero book to his students one day when a thought struck him. “We were talking about how we can all do something heroic every day —open a door for someone, say something nice to someone,” he recalled. “I decided not t o use the day's lesson plans and asked the five-year-olds to think about, ‘What are we all good at?'”Hodson, 39, was good at cycling, and he ended up taking his lesson to an extreme: After saving up for two years, he left his job and set off on a five-year ride across seven continents to raise money for charity, including for Parkinson's disease, which his father has. Calling himself Super Cycling Man, he tries to visit at least one school per country, to spread the message that “we can all be heroes.”Starting last May, Hodson has hit 14 countries in Europe. On the road, strangers have acted heroically — Turkish gas station attendants sheltered him from the snow, and people in Serbia made a huge pizza for him.So far, he has raised about $19,000 of the $140,000 he hopes to raise. Antarctica, the most expensive continent to visit, is last on his list, after Asia, Australia, the Americas and Africa.The hardest part of the trip has been “just keeping my parents at manageable stress (压力) levels. You see so much bad news in the world, but I see a very different picture —people inviting me to their houses, people pouring me drinks on the street at night.”Along with the superhero message, Hodson hopes to show people that “life's pretty good on two wheels”—particularly in places where cycling is less popular. Tbilisi, Georgia's capital, with its shortage of bike lanes (自行车道) and its crazy drivers, “is the toughest (最艰难的) city I've seen for cyclists, but even there, young people have been receptive.”“The youth d on't want to necessarily have a big pot belly (大肚子) and drive around in a car.”32. What does Hodson's “thought” (in Para. 1) refer to?A. Being a hero himself.B. Giving up his teaching job.C. Doing something heroic every day.D. Reading more superhero books to his students.33. Hodson's cycling around the world _____.A. is a charity rideB. is intended for his fatherC. will be finished in two yearsD. began without any preparation34. What's the most difficult thing for Hodson on his trip?A. Facing the terrible weather.B. Finding cheap places to sleep in.C. Winning his parents' full support.D. Keeping his parents from worrying about him.35. What does Hodson say about the young in Tbilisi?A. They hate cyclists.B. They are crazy drivers.C. They are open to his idea.D. They eat and drink too much.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语下学期第4周周练题一.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It was a very old wooden apartment building. There was a huge 1 of fire. The Fire Department warned people who lived there to move out, 2 none would, because they were poor and had 3 to go. Singermary and her husbandhad 4 here for some years.One night, the building was 5 . Wooden staircases, wooden windows and wooden floors were burning. The fire became bigger and bigger, so people 6 for their lives. When half of the 7 had got themselves out, the wooden staircases fell down. The remaining people rushed to the roof of the third floor, which had not been 8 by the fire yet, waiting for the firemen to 9 them. The firemen did arrive in a short while, but the fire engines and ladders (梯子) could not reach the 10 . The situation was extremely 11 , and there was no time to lose. The fire might burn the 12 at any moment. The firemen placed many cushions (垫子) on the floor. Then they asked the people on the 13 building to jump down onto the cushions after they had shown them how. A man jumped down, uninjured. Another person jumped down, uninjured ... They jumped one after another, all 14 .Finally Singermary became the only remaining one on the roof. People shouted: “Jump, jump!” How ever, Singermary jumped head 15 with open arms. People were 16 and greatly shocked. How could she do such a 17 ? She may kill herself. 18 , the cushions were very thick, and she did not 19 , but she was injured seriously, and kept saying: “Please take me to hospital!” She was pregnant (怀孕的), and she had jumped head down in order to keep her child safe. That was mother’s 20 !1. A. ball B.risk C.amount D. light2. A. as B.or C.so D. but3. A. everywhere B. nowhere C.somewhere D. anywhere4. A. worked B.studied C.lived D. hidden5. A. under control B. on sale C. under repair D. on fire6. A. called B.looked C.ran D. fought7. A. family B.team C. population D. women8. A. pointed B.touched C. welcomed D. supported9. A. save B.find C.teach D. warn10. A. wood B.hospital C.room D. building11. A. simple B.strange C. uncomfortable D. dangerous12. A. window B. roof C. door D. staircase13. A. falling B.burning C.missing D. rising14. A. busy B.bored C.safe D. injured15. A. left B. right C.up D. down16. A. excited B. amazed C. moved D. satisfied17. A. walk B.jump C.race D. turn18. A. Gradually B. Interestingly C. Finally D. Fortunately19. A. like B.come C.die D. return20. A. future B.praise C.love D. sadness二.阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)The American screen has long been a smoky place. But cigarettes are more common in movies today than at any other time in the last 50 years. According to a survey by the University of California, San Francisco, 75% of all Hollywood films released (发行) between 1999 and 2006 showed tobacco use.Sadly, audiences — especially kids — are taking notice. Two recent studies show that among children as young as 10, those who always see smoking in the movies are up to 2.7 times more likely than others to pick up the habit. Kids from non-smoking homes are hit the hardest. This could be because they don’t live with the dirty ashtrays (烟灰缸) that make real-world smoking a lot less attractive than the cleaned-up movie version.“Seeing smoking on-screen makes it look normal,” says Jono Polansky, who works with a project called Smoke Free Movies. “It says, ‘If you want to be an adult, you’ll smoke,’” Polansky told TFK (Time for Kids). Before you go to the movies, check out for an updated list of which movies show smoking.More groups than ever are pushing to get the smokes off of the screen. “Some movies show kids up to 14 incidents of smoking per hour,” says Barry B loom, head of the Harvard School of Public Health. “We’re in the business of preventing disease, and cigarettes are the Number 1 preventable cause.”Pressure (压力) is growing to make movies a non-smoking zone. A dozen health groups, including the American Medical Association, are calling for a reduction of smoking in movies and on TV. Forty-one state attorneys general (州总检察长) haveagreed to add an anti-tobacco public service ad at the beginning of any DVD that includes smoking.Like former smokers, movie studios may realize that getting out of the habit is not just a lot healthier, but also a lot smarter.21. The underlined part “the habit” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.A. smokingB. studyingC. taking noticeD. seeing a movie22. Jono Polansky probably advises kids to _____.A. act like an adultB. go to the moviesC. see smoke-free moviesD. work for Smoke Free Movies23. The move to make movies a non-smoking zone _____.A. is impossible to succeedB. is under a lot of pressureC. has proved to be a failureD. has received official support24. What would be the best title for the text?A. Movies are becoming less and less attractiveB. Kids should see fewer and fewer moviesC. Movies may be bad for kids’ healthD. Smoking is harmful to kids’ health三.在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Gucci: What do you usually do on Saturday nights?May: Watch movies, of course. But I 25. ________ (rare) go to the cinema. I usually watch movies on my computer.Gucci: How about 26. ________ (get) together for a movie at the cinema tonight?May: Sure. What’s on?Gucci: Well, let me check the newspaper. What about The Terminal?May: Wow, it stars Catherine Zeta-Jones, my favorite 27. ________ (act).Gucci: I like her, too. She plays many good parts in a lot of dramas.May: Absolutely. She is so beautiful and elegant.Gucci: What’s more, she likes to take part 28. ________ charitable activities (慈善活动).May: Who is the director?Gucci: Steven Spielberg, another superstar.May: Yes. I still remember one of his movies, Schindler’s List, for 29. ________ he won an Oscar.Gucci: Do you know anything about the story of The Terminal?May: I heard from my cousin that the story 30. ________ (take) place in an airport inAmerica, and it is 31. ________ romantic and humorous story.Gucci: This is really a(n) 32. ________ (excite) movie. I can’t wait 33. ________ (see) it. Let’s go to this one.May: OK.Gucci: It’s 5:45 now. The movie starts at 6:30.We’d better go right away, 34.________ there will be no seats for us.四.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As a service dog,Sandy’s job is help manage a medical condition I have. My condition can be dangerously. When something bad happen,Sandywill tell my parents immediately. Of course, I help take care ofSandy, too. I feed him, walk him, but even take him just about everywhere I go. If I don’t bringSandyto me, he will get upset. Once he stays with my grandparents for a few hours while my parents and I went to the beach.Sandywas upset in the whole time. He never stopped look for me. When I got home, he was such happy that he rushed to me. I love his dog very much.2016级英语学科双向细目表(第4周周练题)。
四川省宜宾市一中高二英语下学期第4周周训练题(必修6,Module 1)

(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)A few years ago, I lived far away from where I worked.One morning , I was on my way home and was very 1 after working a 12-hour night shift(夜班). I 2 at a local restaurant to have breakfast. It was really a truck stop and I was the only customer(顾客).Right after I place my 3 I saw a man 4 . He was carrying a small backpack and looked like he had seen better times. He reached in his pocket and pulled out some 5 . He asked 6 if 38 cents was 7 to buy a cup of coffee. She looked at his 8 and said, “ 9 . Have a seat.”(Coffee was 50 cents a cup at the time.) It really 10 me how she had tried to keep his 11 and how he had not asked for any charity.Shortly before my 12 came, I asked the waitress to come over. I said, “You know, I am not feeling 13 . I don’t think I am going to be able to eat my breakfast. Do you think there is anyone here who might 14 it?” She first as ked if I was ok and then she 15 _ . She said, “I think so. Are you sure?” I told her that I was sure. She then walked over to the gentleman and told him that I had ordered food and it was too 16 to stop the order but I didn’t fe el like eating. Would he be so 17 as to take it so that they wouldn’t have to 18 it out? I had walked to the cash register(收银台) and was 19 for the meal. At the cash register, I asked if they had gift cards. They did. I 20 one for $25 and asked them to give it to the gentleman after I left.1.A.happy B. tired C. upset D. grateful2.A.looked B. stood C. waited D. stopped3.A.backpack B. book C .order D. platee out B. come in C. come down D. come about5.A.notebooks B. tickets C. change D. paper6.A.his friend B. the waitress C. the customer D. me7.A.enough B .short C. good D. long8.A.paper B. hand C. backpack D. friend9.A.don’t mention it B never mind C. with pleasure D. of course10.A.calmed B. commanded C. surprised D. disappointed11.A.pride B .right C. word D. concern12.A.menu B. bill C. coffee D. food13.A.happy B. bad C. well D. satisfied14.A.eat B. prepare C .pay D. share15.A.accepted B. refused C. left D. understood16.A.early B. late C. slow D. quick17.A.sorry B. free C. kind D. hungry18.A.throw B .take C. cook D .bring19.A.changing B. waiting C. caring D. paying20.A.bought B. made C. designed D. set二、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语下学期第9周周练题第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book.When my __1__,Sam,was born,my heart was filled with joy.I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then,and I have been __2__ ill many times.So I wondered if I would have the __3__ to tell Sam what I had __4__.21·cn·jy·comFor years I have been hosting a program on the __5__ and writing articles for a magazine.Being __6__ to move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart __7__,exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and __8__.So when Sam was born,I __9__ to tell him about school and friendship,romance and work,love and everything else.That’s how I started to write these __10__.I hoped that Sam would __11__ them sooner or later.2·1·c·n·j·yHowever,that expectation __12__ when Sam showed signs of autism(自闭症) at the age of two.He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs.He __13__ to communicate with others,even the family members.That was __14__ for me but didn’t stop me writing on.I realized that I had even __15__ now to tell him.I wanted him to __16__ what it means to be “different” from others,and learn how to fight against the misfor tune he’ll __17__ as I myself,his grandfather,did.I just __18__ if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.Now,__19__ the book has been published,I have been given the chance.Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam:some about my life,and all about what it means to be a __20__.Daniel Gottlieb1.A.son B.nephew C.brother D.grandson2.A.seriously B.mentally C.slightly D.q uietly3.A.ability B.time C.courage D.responsibility4.A.written B.suffered C.observed D.lost5.A.radio B.television C.stageD.bed6.A.ready B.unable C.anxiousD.eager7.A.warm B.broken C.closedD.open8.A.hosts B.visitors C.readersD.reporters9.A.began B.stopped C.forgot D .decided10.A.letters B.emails C.booksD.diaries11.A.find B.read C.collectD.keep12.A.developed B.disappeared C.changed D .arrived13.A.tried B.refused C.regrettedD.hoped14.A.exciting B.Acceptable C.strangeD.heartbreaking15.A.less B.Everything C.moreD.nothing16.A.understand B.Explain C.believe D.question17.A.fear B.face C.knowD.cause18.A.felt B.guessed C.sawD.doubted19.A.as B.once C.thoughD.if20.A.teacher B.child C.manD.writer第二节阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)Are the British people Europeans?This may seem a strange question to Africans and Asians,who tend to think of all white men as Europeans.But the British,when they are in Britain,do not regard themselves as Europeans.The Europeans,to them,are those rather excitable foreigners from the other side of the English Channel,who have never learnt how to speak English.Europe is “the Continent”:a place full of interest for British tourists,but also the source of almost all the wars in whichBritain has ever been involved.Thus,although geographically speaking Britain is a part of Europe,yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel very,very insular.They feel,and in many ways are,different from the rest of Europe and they sometimes annoy continental nations by failing to support them,or even to understand them,in time of need.Where did the British people come from?This is an extraordinary interesting question,since they are a mixture of many different races,and all these races invaded Britain at various times from Europe.Nobody knows very much about Britain before the Romans came during the first century B.C.,but there had been at least three invasions before that.The first of these was by a dark-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.The other two were by Celtic tribes:first the Gaels,whose descendants are the modern Scots and Irish,some of whom still speak the Gaelic language;and second the Britons,who gave their name to the whole island of Britain.These were the people whom the Romans conquered.The Romans gave the Britons a good deal of their civilisation,but they never settled in Britain in very large numbers,so the British race survived until the overthrow of the Roman Empire by the “barbarians”,i.e.the numerous Germanic tribes which overran the whole of Western Europe.21.The purpose of the passage is to________.A.talk about EuropeansB.discuss the origin of British peopleC.argue for the superiority of British peopleD.compare the Europeans with Africans and Asians22.It can be known from the passage that________.A.most people think white people are EuropeansB.there are many Africans and Asians living in EuropeC.white men are Europeans in the eyes of Africans and AsiansD.the British people think of themselves as Europeans23.It can be inferred from the passage that________.A.Europeans are those who are unable to speak EnglishB.those who invaded Britain came from the other side of the English Channel C.Britain is a place full of interest for those excitable foreignersD.Britain is the source of almost all the wars in Europe24.Why do the British people feel very insular?A.They are different from those people in the continent.B.They sometimes fail to support the continental countries in time of need.C.They are separated geographically from the continent.D.They are considered very difficult to understand.第三节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
第二部分:试题一.用所给单词正确形式填空1.The great hall was crowded with many people, ____________ (include) many children2.It’s said that the Olympic Games __________(hold) in London in 2012 will covermore events than any other Olympics did.3.___________ (consider) his age, the little boy read quite well.4.When _________(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountaindoesn’t seem high at all.5.He moved away from his parents and missed them too much to enjoy the_______(excite) life in New York6.— What do you think of the plan?—It’s easier said than _________(carry) out7.—The last one _____________ (arrive) pays the meal.—Agreed!8. I smell something _________ (burn) in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?9. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ______________ (finish), he gladly accepted it.10. —Robert is indeed a wise man.—Oh, yes. How often I have regretted __________________ (not take) his advice!11. —Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.—Sorry. With so much work ____________ (fill) my mind, I almost break down.12. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not ______________ (move), and asked myself what I was going to do.13. “Things _________ (lose) never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.14. —Can I smoke here?—Sorry. We don’t allow ____________ (smoke) here.15. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ______________ (interest) in his lectures.二:选择:1.______ more attention,the trees could have grown better.A.To giveB.Having givenC.GivenD.Giving2.The first textbooks ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A.to be writtenB.writtenC.being writtenD.having written3.The missing boys were last seen ______ near the river.A.to playB.playC.to be playingD.playing4.______ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.A.To loseB.LostC.Having lostD.Losing5.When passing me he pretended ______ me.A.to seeB.not having seenC.to have not seenD.not to have seen6.The children insisted ______ there on foot.A.they goingB.they would goC.on their goingD.going7.He still remembers ______ to Shanghai when he was very young.A.takingB.being takenC.takenD.having taken8.______ the railway station,we had a break,only ______ the train had left.A.Arriving at;to finding to;discovering thatC.On arriving at;finding outD.Hurrying to;to have found out9.With the boy ____ the way,we had no trouble _____ the way to Zhongshan Park.A.leading;findingB.to lead;foundC.led;finding;D.leading;found10.______ these pictures,I couldn’t hel p thinking of those days when I was in Being and ______ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building,Beijing looks more beautiful.A.Seeing;seenB.Seen;seeingC.Seeing;seeingD.Seen;seen11.I can hardly imagine Peter ______ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.to have sailedB.to sailC.sailingD.sail12.____ is known to all,China will be an ____ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years’time.A.That;advancingB.This;advancedC.As;advancedD.It;advancing13.While shopping,people sometimes can’t help ______ into buying something theydon’t really need.A.persuadeB.persuadingC.being persuadedD.be persuaded14.——Did you hear her ______ this pop song this time the other day? ——Yes,and I heard this song ______ in English.A.sing;singingB.sung;sungC.sung;singingD.singing;sung15.The question ______ now at the meeting is not the question ______ yesterday.A.discussed;discussedB.discussing;had discussedC.being discussed;discussedD.discussing;discussing第三部分:答案解析一:1. including; seated including为介词;2. to be held3. Considering considering为介词,作“就……而论;考虑到”解。
第二部分:试题一、完形填空(共40题,每小题1.5分,满分60分)(1)About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me. As she __1__ around the room,she noted that my employees seemed happy. Then,I asked her how she thought I did that.“I'm sure you treat them __2__,” she replied.“That's half of it,” I said.“Do you know __3__ the other half is?”She didn't have the answer. So what's the answer? I __4__the unhappy people. People laugh at this point. I wish I were __5__.I'm not. I have learned that asa manager you cannot make everyone happy. Good __6__ requires training,communicating and patience.Don't __7__ me wrong. This doesn't happen a lot. There's no joy in the __8__ of firing someone. And it's not always the employee's __9__—there are many bad bosses out there. And not all employees __10__ your company. I don't have a PhD,an MBA,or even an economics degree. What I do have is a __11__ company. NowI know some people argue that a business is __12__ making money,and not everyone has to be happy. When you __13__ a company,you have the right to __14__ yourself with the people you choose.I have a good day today. Not __15__ I've got a big order or great __16__ reports. I have wonderful people working for me. They care. They are committed (尽心尽力的).__17__,they understand the whole customer-staff-company triangle,where all of the aspects __18__ each other. When you have the right people,businessis much __19__.I know because I have __20__ it.1.A.showed B.looked C.turned D.came2.A.nicely B.firmly C.strictly D.seriously3.A.which B.that C.what D.who4.A.trick B.hire C.dislike D.fire5.A.crying B.joking C.cheating D.regretting6.A.assessment B.agreement C.management D.employment7.A.bring B.think C.treat D.get8.A.way B.chance C.act D.form9.A.decision B.failure C.fortune D.fault10.A.fit B.believe C.choose D.understand11.A.funny B.busy C.happy D.large12.A.with B.beyond C.into D.about13.A.leave B.join C.own D.share14.A.relax B.help C.amaze D.surround15.A.until B.because C.after D.that16.A.physical B.medical C.political D.financial17.A.Besides B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore18.A.support B.fight C.hold D.hurt19.A.busier B.easier C.safer D.higher20.A.made B.forgotten C.got D.put(2)Someone has noted that their life and bank account both have something in common —they get out of them about as much as they put in. It __21__ I can get a great deal of joy out of life if I am __22__ about what I put into living.Gary Player for years was a great __23__ in national and international golf tournaments(联赛).People __24__ said to him,“I'd give anything if I could hit a golf ball like yo u.”Upon __25__ that comment one day,Player responded impatiently:“No,you wouldn't. Do you know __26__ you have to do to hit a golf ball like me? You've got to __27__ at 5:00 every morning,go out to the golf course,and hit a thousand balls! Your hands start __28__,and you walk to the clubhouse and wash the blood off your hands,put a bandage on it,and go out and hit __29__ thousand golf balls. That's what it __30__ to hit a golf ball like me!”His __31__ was to be at the top of his sport. That grand dream __32__ practice,practice,and more practice. If your __33__ is to surpass (超过)the living—to give and receive __34__,to experience joy and to __35__ relationships—then how much of you will you __36__ your dream?These things are __37__ with practice as well.Do you really practice love,__38__ when you don't feel like it?Do you practice finding joy even when you're __39__?Do you work at hard relationships?It isn't __40__ easy,but the payoff is worth it!21.A.predicts B.reflects C.promises D.means22.A.cheerful B.useful C.careful D.helpful23.A.trainer B.professor C.director D.competitor24.A.finally B.instantly C.constantly D.quickly25.A.hearing B.speaking C.writing D.asking26.A.why B.what C.how D.which27.A.set up B.take up C.get up D.stand up28.A.moving B.bleeding C.shouting D.shaking29. A.another B.other C.the other D.others30.A.makes B.takes C.covers D.finds31.A.job B.duty C.goal D.task32.A.requires B.includes C.encourages D.explains33.A.habit B.hobby C.desire D.interest34.A.offer B.love C.worry D.anger35. A.start B.finish C.stop D.develop36.A.bring out B.care about C.put into D.suffer from37.A.difficult B.important C.strict D.possible38.A.also B.still C.ever D.even39.A.pleased B.puzzled C.unhappy D.lucky40.A.almost B.always C.yet D.ever二、七选五阅读(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)We all have our favorite teachers—those who treat us equally. But what about those teachers we don't know as well (for even don't like much)?You can do lots of things to get a relation with your teacher. First,do the following: __41__ Complete all homework on time. Be attentive,be respectful,and ask questions.__42__ Obviously,your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldn't have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you care,even if you're not good at math or fluent in French—send the message that you are a dedicated(专注的) student.You can also schedule a private meeting during a teacher's free period.__43__ You can ask questions,inquire about a career in the subject,or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one on one than when lecturing in front of the whole class.However,here are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher:1.__44__ Teachers sense when your only motivation is to get special treatment,a college reference,or a job suggestion.2.Trying to be teachers' pet. You just attract the teachers' attention on purpose and your classmates may start to hate you.3.__45__ It's OK to offer a small sign of thanks to teachers if they've been helpful to you. But a teacher is usually not allowed to accept the wrong message,and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.A.Giving expensive gifts.B.Show up for class on time.C.Not being sincere.D.Find the practical value in classes.E.Use this time to get extra help.F.Show an interest in the subject.G.Get along better with your teachers.第三部分:答案解析完型:(1)BACDB CDCDA CDCDB DAABA(2) DCDCA BCBAB CACBD CDDCB七选五:BFECA。

四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第4周周训练题宜宾市一中2017—2018学年上期2017级英语学科第4周周训练题班级姓名学号一.完形填空(30分)A couple of weeks ago,my friend offered to sell some of our things for us.I thought it was a good opportunity to__1__my 7yearold son’s room and__2__ some toys that were no longer suitable for him to play with.We__3__that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.The night before the__4__,we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too__5__for him. In the yard he__6__the bike for the last time and thenhappily put it onto the truck. This little bike had at least two previous owners as far as we__7__.It wasn’t in the best__8__and was certainly not new,but the tires were__9__good.We put a price of $10 on it,but it didn’t sell. So,after the sale was__10__,my friend put it on the sidewalk with a sign that__11__ “FREE BIKE”.Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was__12__there.In poor English he asked whether the bike was__13__free.She said yes and that he could have it for__14__.He smiled,got on the bike and rode away.Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale,he was very__15__,shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things,wondering__16__they had been sold. When he asked about the bike,I told him about the little boy and that made him__17__.He was much happier than when I told him how much he had__18__.He was so happy to__19__that someone else would make good__20__of that little bike!1. A. clean B.check C.displayD.design2.A. look for B.go through C.show off D.deal with3.A. refused B.agreed C.wrote D.lied4.A. trip B.show C.saleD.decision5.A. weak B.small C.new D.thin6.A. rode B.found C.watched D.felt 7.A .doubted B.knew C.told D.thought8.A. time B.chance C.placeD.shape9.A. also B.never C.stillD.hardly10.A. ahead B.on C.near D.over11.A. said B.repeated C.copied D.expressed12.A. jumping B.standing C.walking D.shouting13.A. barely B.usually C.really D.always14.A. something B.anything C.everything D.nothing15.A. calm B.scared C.excitedD.disappointed16.A. when B.if C.why D.how17.A. smile B.worry C.leave D.cry18.A. enjoyed B.lost C.bought D.made19.A. hear B.understand C.remember D.think20.A. interest B money C.use D.price二根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语下学期第4周试题第二部分:试题单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. There' s no ink in the bottle, because all the inkA.washes, lastsB. is washed, lastedC. was usedD. has been used2. ____ that a new road _____________ in front of our building soon.A. It is said, will be builtB. We say, was builtC. It was said, has been builtD. He says, was going to build3. Percent of the land here ______________ rice fields. A.have turned into B. has been turnedC. have been turnedD. has been turned into4. What kind ofinformation ________ to you?A. has givenB.has been given C.was he givenDhe has given5. The soldier _in the fighting.A. got hurt B .hurtC.hurtsD.hashurt 6. Plea sesho wme another. This cup ________A. is brokenB. was brokenC.has brokenDs breaking7. This novel____ well.A. sellsB.is soldC.willbe soldD.hasbeen sold8. ---Thi scloth _ ___ well and _ ___ long.A. wasusedB. has been used up---OK, I ' ll take it.A. I ' ve been told.B. I ' ve toldC. I 'm told10. How sweet the music __________ !A. is servingB. is servedC. servesD. s erved14. I need one more stamp before my collection ____________________ . A. has completed B. Completes C. has been completed D. is completed 15. --- ___ the sports meet might be put off. ---Yes,it all depends on the weather.C. washes, is lastedD. is washing, lasting9. I wonder how long ago the accidentA. takes placeB.have taken placeC. had taken placeD. took placeA. sounds to beB. is soundedD. soundsC. is sounde11. ---Have you moved into the new house? ---Not yet. The rooms ___________ . A.are being paintedC. are paintedD. are being painting12. If city noises ____________ from increasing,B. are paintingpeople ______ shout to be heard even at thedinner table 20 years from now.A. arenot kept,willhave toC. do not keep,will have to 13In som e part softhe world, teaB.are notkept, have to D. do not keep, have to___ with milk and sugar.A. will requestB.requestC. ar e requestingD.arerequested18. In order to preventthe firepreventing,some ofthe houses nearby ___befor e the firemen arrived.A.were pulled down B. had been pulled downC. have been pulled downD. had pulled down19.Thepolice found that the house____ andalotof things _________ .A. has broken into, hasbeen stolen B.hadbroken into, had beenstolenC. has been broken into,stolenD.hadbeen broken into,stole n20. When he came in, theguests _ ___ and __fo rthe concert.A. all seated, waitingB. all seated, waitedC. were all seated, waitingD. were all seating, waiting 二. 阅读理解(共 4小题;每小题 2 分,满分 8分)Do you like chocolate? Maybe most people do. A box of it can be a great gift. Buy one for a friend and give it as a surprise. See how happy that person gets.Say you just got a box of chocolate. Which piece do you pick first? A man has studied people ' s choices. He says they tell something about the person. Did you16.Cleaningwomen inbigcitiesusually get ___ __ by the hour.A. payB.payin gC.paidD. topa y17.Visitors____ not to touch the exhibits.D. I toldchoose a round piece? You are a person who likes to party. Did you choose an oval(木椭圆形的)shape? You are a person who likes to make things. Picking a square shape shows someth ing else. The pers on is hon est and truthful. You can depe nd on him or her.What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate. This showsyou have warm feelings about the past. Dark chocolate means something else. A person who chooses it looks toward the future. What about white chocolate? Would you choose it? If so, you may find it hard to make up your mi nd. Some people like chocolate with nu ts. These are people who like to help others.Do you believe these ideas? Can candy tell all these things? It doesn' t really matter. There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.21. This passage mainly tells us _____ .A. why people like chocolateB. how to buy a box of chocolate which people likeC. differe nt choices may show differe nt charactersD. about differe nt kinds of chocolate22. Pick ing a round shape of chocolate shows that a pers on ____ .A. can be depe nded onB. likes singing, dancing and drinkingC. is good at making thingsD. likes to do someth ing for others23. From this passage we can say that a helpful man may choose chocolate _____ .A. with coffeeB. with nutsC. in square shapeD.in oval shape24. The last paragraph shows that the writer ____ .A. believes all the in formatio n about chocolateB. does not believe the in formati on about candy at allC. is trying to get you to believe the in formati on about chocolateD. doesn ' t think it important whether you believe the ideas三.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

e。g。 Failure is the mother of success。
Difference, failure, beauty,
Task 3 Listening
This section is meant to improve the Ss’ pronunciation and intonation。
找出文中每段大意。逐步构建文章的整体框架。归纳总结main idea
Play the tape for them. Listen carefully and imitate the pronunciation。 At the same time pay attention to the language points in the passage and make marks where they have questions.
b。 make an orbit of .。. = orbitvt.
e.g. How many spacecraft have orbited the moon?
2. TheBeijingSpaceControlCentersaid the flight was a “complete success".
Adverbs of manner,如: carefully, fast, angrily, warmly, suddenly,
四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高二上学期第四周周考英语试题 含答案

5分,满分60分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—20各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AThe journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful。
Cathy suffered some terrible __1 in her early childhood。
After years of regular treatment, she _ 2__ became healthy。
Two years ago,while Cathy was watching the Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little head-to be a swimmer。
Last summer,she wanted to 3 out local swim team。
She practiced hard and finally __ 4 it. The team practice, _ 5 was a rough start。
She coughed and choked and could hardly __ 6 her first few weeks。
Hearing her coughing bitterly one night,I decided to __ 7 her from it all。
But Cathy woke me up early next morning,wearing her swimsuit 8 to go!I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night's coughing, but she refused to 9 and insisted she go 。

第Ⅰ卷注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Get in line behind him. B.Take a number.C.Go to the end of the line.2.What is the man looking for?A.The Holiday Inn. B.The subway station.C.The main street.3.Who are in the photo?A.The man and his wife. B.The man and his daughter.C.The man’s daughters.4.What does the man want the woman to do?A.Study with him. B.Help him in the test.C.Lend him her notebook.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.The woman’s house.B.The chemistry teacher.C.Having lunch on campus.第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

四川省宜宾市一中高2016级2016-2017学年上学期第4周英语周练题一、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)From the first week of high school, my best friend, Trisha, was always going out with the popular girls. 1 I thought, “It’s okay; she’s just making new friends.” But soon I realized that Trisha wasn’t interested in me any more. I’d 2 my best friend. It really hurt.One day, I told Trisha that we should 3 pretending to be friends when we really weren’t any more. I wasn’t trying to make her mad, 4 she was. After that, Trisha started talking about me behind my back, telling people that I was 5 . Some of our friends 6 with her. I felt like she was taking them away from me.The more I thought about it, the 7 I got. Finally, I 8 a picture of Trisha and drew lines on her face. I wrote, “I9 this person” across the bottom. And then I did something I’ll always10 : I put it on a website I thought was 11 .I thought people would see it, and it felt good to vent(发泄).A week later, Trisha’s mom saw the12 . she called my mom, who made me take it off the website right away. However, it was already too 13 . Lots of people had seen it, and I was in a lot of 14 .That whole day, I felt 15 . I had to say sorry to Trisha face to face. She said she accepted my apology(道歉),but I felt she was 16 angry with me.Posting that picture was one of the worst 17 I’ve ever made. I realize now I could have found a much better way to deal with my 18 . If I’d just told Trisha how much I 19 her, maybe things would have turned out 20 . It’s too late for me to chan ge things, but I hope you’ll learn from my mistake.1. A. At least B. At first C. In general D. In public2. A. lost B. met C.found D. made3. A. enjoy B.suggest C.stop D. continue4. A. because B.so C.but D. and5. A. busy B.sad C.careless D. bad6. A. sided B.talked C.remained D. studied7. A. less serious B. less proud C. quieter D. angrier8. A. gave back B. took up C.cut D. received9. A. need B.fear C.hate D. prefer10. A. regret B.control C.correct D. mention11. A. strange B.unknown C.popular D. private12. A. book B.picture C.news D. letter13. A. dark B.big C.old D. late14. A. trouble B.peace C.danger D. help15. A. excited B.free C.terrible D. lucky16. A. just B.still C.once D. soon17. A. excuses B. explanations C.changes D. decisions18. A. lessons B.feelings C.mistakes D. friends19. A. missed B.trusted C.praised D. influenced20. A. suddenly B.clearly C.differently D. hopefully 二.阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年高中英语下学期第8周周训练题双向细目表Module 3 单元测试题 1Module 3 The Violence of Nature第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
ADear Kate,It's really good to know you are covering for me while I'm away on the training course. Thanks so much. Knowing that you'll be teaching the kids has made me relaxed. I'm sure you'll get on fine with them. I thought I should leave you some notes on a couple of things that are planned for this week, and other advice that will hopefully see you through to next Friday!•Tuesday: The class is going to visit the Dinosaur Museum. Make sure they take their notebooks and remind them on Monday to bring a packed lunch and the entrance money.• Thursday: I've promised them they can watch a Disney DVD as a special treat. It's i n my locker.There are some worksheets (活页练习题) to go with it. By the way, don't worry about marking them — I'll do it when I'm back.• You know, the head teacher is on the warpath about being late, so be warned! If you get to school even a minute past 8:15, she's likely to give you a real telling-off.Seriously, though, you'll have a great week — the kids are wonderful. Don't let Mark and Jack sit together and you shouldn't have any disciplinary problems! Which reminds me, if you do have any problems, just tell the head. She's very supportive when it comes to discipline. One last thing — could you leave notes on what you do, please?Best wishes,Stef21. Why did Stef write the letter to Kate?A. To talk about the training course.B. To invite her to the Dinosaur Museum.C. To tell her what to do when she's away.D. To ask if she's ready to teach her students.22. On Tuesday, students should take the following things EXCEPT _____.A. a notebookB. a worksheetC. a packed lunchD. the entrance money23. The underlined part “on the warpath” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by“_____”.A. angryB. easyC. doubtfulD. happy24. We can infer from the letter that Mark and Jack _____.A. always sit togetherB. might not get along wellC. are very good studentsD. don't like Disney moviesBBack in 2001, Pen Hadow and I traveled to the North Pole (北极). One morning we'd just taken down our tent and started skiing (滑雪). Pen was in front, and I was following him. Suddenly I got a strange feeling that something was behind us. I stopped, looked back and saw a polar bear, walking towards us.Pen and I planned to stay where we were, try and look big, and frighten it away. Pen had a shotgun that we'd bought in Russia. That was his job. My job was to look big and to take off my skis, hold the skis in the air, make lots of noise, and frightenaway the bear. Pen raised the gun and fired into the air. However, it jammed and failed to work.The bear was walking towards us. Pen tried again, but again it didn't work. Then he walked towards the bear, and I thought, “Wow, Pen's gone completely mad. He's going to get eaten. What should I do?”I thought maybe I could throw a ski at it or stab (刺) it with a ski pole or something. Suddenly, the bear stopped. Pen stopped. Bang. The gun went off in the air. There was a big cloud of smoke that I think surprised Pen and me more than it surprised the bear. The animal looked up, looked down, turned around and walked off. Pen turned round and said, “Quick, get the camera and take a photograph,” and that was when suddenly I felt really nervous. I couldn't even undo the zip on our bag.That was the morning of the second day of this journey. We were out there for two months — fifty-nine days, but we never saw another bear that close.25. What happened to the author and Pen?A. They lost their way.B. They felt terribly ill.C. They broke their tent.D. They were followed by a bear.26. Which of the following can best describe the author and Pen?A. Calm and brave.B. Caring and proud.C. Honest and friendly.D. Careful and humorous.27. Who frightened the bear away in the end?A. The author.B. A hunter.C. Pen.D. Another animal.28. In the text, the author mainly talks about _____.A. his discovery in the North PoleB. his experience in the North PoleC. why he traveled to the North PoleD. how he traveled across the North PoleCIn Britain, many theatres put on shows for children at Christmas and many theatres have a theatre-in-education team working there. This team, made up of actors and teachers, writes plays for children, usually performing them in schools. They do different plays for different age groups and the children often take part in the play in some way.Pantomime is a special kind of Christmas show for children. It is loved by people and also allows the audience to join in. “Pantomime” was the name of the Roman actor who performed shows without speaking —this is where the English word “mime” comes from.A pantomime is always based on (以……为根据) a well-known children's story. But there are always certain types of characters in the show and certain situations and events. For example, a pantomime must always include a hero, known as the “principal boy” and this principal boy is always played by a pretty girl wearing a short costume (服装). Then there is the comic older woman, known as the “dame” who is played by a man. There is always a group of men and women who sing and dance and often there is a pantomime horse. The horse is played by two men who form the “front” and “back” ends inside a “horse” costume. It is funny and it usually kicks the dame when she isn't looking.Members of the audience have to shout a warning to one of the characters and argue with the character (usually the dame) when she does not believe them. When she shouts, “Oh no, it isn't,” the audience always responds (回应) with “Oh yes, it is!” Theaudience also learns and sings a simple song and a few children are sometimes invited to help one of the characters during the show.29. The theatre-in-education teams _____.A. are made up of famous local actorsB. write plays for the same age groupC. often give plays in their own theatresD. usually allow children to join in a play30. According to the text, a pantomime _____.A. is designed to make people laughB. is made up of three charactersC. is especially popular with grown-upsD. can be watched all year round in Britain31. When the dame says, “Yes, it is”, the audience should _____.A. follow her and singB. stand up and danceC. repeat what she saysD. disagree with her loudlyD“One thing I enjoy about my job is that I can work on something that is actually active,” says Game McGimsey, an American volcanologist. Part of his job includes keeping an eye on Alaska's many active volcanoes and giving people a heads-up when a volcano might erupt.Like most jobs in the sciences, volcanology requires a lot of education. McGimsey received an undergraduate degree in geology at the University of North Carolina, then landed an internship (实习期) with a geologist at the USGS (美国地质勘探局) whose area ofexpertise was volcanoes. After earning a graduate degree at the University of Colorado, McGimsey accepted a job with the USGS and has been with the Alaska Volcano Observatory for 25 years.Volcanoes can influence the world in ways we might not think about. For example, on Dec. 15, 1989, a 747 jetliner (a large airplane) flew through a thick ash cloud produced by Mount Redoubt, an Alaskan volcano that hadn't erupted in 25 years. The ash caused all four engines to die, and the plane's electronics went dead.“The plane was within several thousand feet of flying into the mountains below when the pilots got a couple of the engines restarted and landed safely in Anchorage,” McGimsey says. It cost nearly $80 million to repair the damage to the plane.Such situations show just how dangerous volcanoes can be. However, volcanologists know the risks and are prepared to protect themselves.“There is certainly a higher danger level in volcanology than some other jobs,” McGimsey admits. “We understand how serious the danger is, and we don't like taking unnecessary chances. We avoid getting too close to an erupting volcano, because it's not worth injury or death simply to get a rock or a photograph.”32. Before working for the USGS, McGimsey _____.A. had been a pilot for 25 yearsB. knew nothing about the organizationC. had taught at the University of North CarolinaD. had studied at the University of Colorado33. On Dec. 15, 1989, a 747 jetliner _____.A. had all its engines restartedB. flew into a volcano in EuropeC. survived an air accident luckilyD. disappeared in a huge ash cloud34. What McGimsey says in the last paragraph shows his _____.A. prideB. carefulnessC. lonelinessD. doubt35. What would be the best title for the text?A. Game McGimsey: a man of his wordB. Game McGimsey: a volcano watcherC. The eruption of Mount RedoubtD. Lost land of the volcano第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

第二部分:试题一.单项选择题1. _____can you expect to get a pay rise.A.With hard workB. Although work hardC. Only with hard workD. Now that he works hard2. ____, mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A.However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is3. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was.A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realizeD. didn’t the villagers realize4.—Do you know Jim quarrel with his brother?—I don’t know, _______.A.nor don’t I care B. nor do I care C. I don’t care neith er D. I don’t care also5. _____got into the room _____ the telephone rang.A.He hardly; thenB. Hardly had he; whenC. He had not; thanD. Not had he; when6. ______ snacks and drinks,but they also brought cards for entertain ment when they had a picnic in the forest.A. Not only they broughtB. Not only did they bringC. Not only brought theyD. Not only they did bring7. ______, I would have given you his address.A. If you asked meB. You had asked meC. Should you have asked meD. Had you asked me8. _____ that they had made an important discovery in science.A. Little they realizedB. They had realized littleC. Little did they realizeD. Little had they realized9. ______ that I couldn’t be absorbed in the work.A. They made such talkedB. So loudly they talkedC. It was noise outsideD. Such a loud noise did they make10. _____the plane.A. Flew downB. Down flewC. Down was flyingD. Down fly11. ______ I had time, I would have run round that lake again.A. IfB. UnlessC. HadD. When12. There ____ . A.come they B. they come C. they are comeD. they will come13. ______ that he could not speak for a long time.A. So frightened was heB. So frightened he wasC. Was he so frightenedD. Frightened was he14. Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working he re.A. would I makeB. did I makeC. I did makeD. shall I make15. Only in an hour ago ____ out why he was absent.A. did the teacher foundB. the teacher foundC. did the teacher findD. had the teacher found二.填空题1. Only by practicing a few hours every day ___________ you be able to master the language.2.-----John won first prize in the math contest. ----So he __________.3.Shoe-maker __________ he was, he was a man of the world.4.Down ____________ the murderer from the 11th floor when the policemen pointed his gun at him.5. Poor __________ he is, he is honest.6. So carelessly ____________ he drive that he almost killed himself.7.Scarcely had I got to the bus stop _____________ the bus started.8._____________ had I finished my translation when the class was over.9.Little _____________ he care about his own safety, though he was in great danger.10.Only after he has finished his homework ____________ he allowed to watch TV.11._______________ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information.12. __________________ am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university.13. _______________ busy I am, I will go with you to settle the problem.14. _____________________ he finished his homework did he go to bed last night.15._________________ had he gone to bed than the telephone rang once more.第三部分:答案解析答案: 一. 1-5: CDABB 6-10: BDCDC 11-15: CBBBC二. 1. will 2.did 3. as 4.came 5.as 6. did 7. when8. Scarcely/hardly 9.did 10.was 11.Only if 12.Not only13.However 14. Not until 15. No sooner。

四川省宜宾市一中2021-2021学年高中英语下学期第13周周练题一.完形填空〔共20小题;每题分,共30分〕The hot summersunwasover thesouthern shore(岸)ofJapan.Eight-year-old ShoScottandhisfatherwereridingalongthehillycoastalroad.Theywereverytired,1theydidn’t stop.Asthey2CapeSata,their final destination(目的地),theywerevery3.“Wedidit!〞Shosaidwithasmile.OnAugust30,2021,Shoandhisfather,Charles,becamethefirst4father-sonpairto5the whole lengthof Japanonconnected bikes.Ittook them67daysto6about2,500miles fromCapeSoyaonthenorthernshoreofJapantoCapeSataonthesouthernshore.Showasonlysevenwhenhisfather7thattheygoonafather-sonbike8.Shothought it wasavery9idea.“Let’s dosomething in10,〞saidSho.ShoandhisfamilyliveinNewYorkCity,butSho’smotherisfromJapan.Shoandhisfather11theirbikeride“UnitetoCombatClimateChange —RideJapan〞and12toraisemoneyfortheUnitedNations’BillionTreeCampaign.13thetrip,thefather andsonspentmanyhours14ontheirbikesandbecamecomfortable working asa15.OnceShoandhis father16their trip ,theybiked about46miles per17formorethantwomonthsstraight.18theyfacedlotsofdifficultiesontheirway,theydidn’t19,andfinallyreachedtheir20.Thebike ride wasadreamcometrue —adreamthat grewfor morethanayear.1. A.so B.but C.when D.or2. A.crossed B.heard C.passed D.reached3. A.excited B.hungry C.surprised D.angry4.A.fast B .usual C.strange D.known5.A.measure B.guess C.travel D.get6.A.drive B.fly C.ride D.walk 7.A.ordered B.suggested C.required D.insisted8.A.journey B.practice C.game D.test9.A.different B.good C.difficult eful10.A.CapeSata B.CapeSoya C. Japan York11.A.led B.remembered C. chose d12.A.helped B.followed C.forgot D.ran13.A.After B.Before C.During D.Since14.A.playing B.competing C.training D.waiting 15.A.member B.winner C.family D.team16. A.planned B.continued C.began D.stopped17. A.day B.hour C.month D.season18. A.Unless B.Because C.Although D.If19. A.breakout B.giveup C.putoff D.holdon20. A.destination B.home C.village D.country二.阅读理解〔共4小题,每题2分,共8分〕AOnedayatTheDubaiMall,aworkmate( 同事)warnedthatasandstormwasgoingon.Ididn ’tknowwhatasandstormlookedlikeandItoldhimIwantedtogooutjust to seeit for myself. Ireceived astrange look becausehethought Iwascrazytoevenwanttoseeasandstorm.Idecidedtogotothebusstoptorideanumber29busthatwouldtakemehometoBurDubai.AnotherworkmatejoinedmeashewasheadingtothesamestreetasIwas.WesteppedoffTheDubaiMallwithoureyeshalf-closedbecause wewereafraid thatthesandwouldharmoureyes.Wealsocoveredourfacesinordertoprotectourselvesfromthesandstorm.Igotintothebusandfeltsafeforthenexthalfhour. It tookalmostanhourtoreachBurDubaifromTheDubaiMall, andafter getting offattheBurjumanbusstop,Icouldseerubbishhereandthere.Ipassedthroughseveralstreets toreachtheapartmentbuilding andIstillcouldn ’t beartokeepmyeyeswideopen. It waspretty dangerous knowingthat there werecars ontheroad anditwasalreadydark.Iwentinsideashopandboughtsomefoodfordinner.Icouldseesandontheflooroftheshop.ButIwashappythatthestormstoppedafterwards.WhenIgotoutoftheshop,Icouldstillseerubbishonthestreets,butatleastthewindwasn’tstronganymore.ThiswasthefirsttimeI’deverb eeninasandstormin DubaiandIdon ’teverwanttobeinoneagain.21.TheauthorstayedinDubai_____.A.tostudythereB.toworkthereC.togoshoppingD.totakeavacation22.WhentheauthorgotoutofTheDubaiMall,he_____.A.coveredhisface B.sawthedirtystreetsC.gotinataxirightawayD.lefthisworkmatebehind23.Thesandstormcametoanendprobablywhentheauthor_____.A.gotoffattheBurjumanbusstopB.lefthomeinBurDubaiC.leftTheDubaiMall D.gotoutoftheshop24.Howdoestheauthorfeelabouthissandstormexperience?A.Calm.B.Excited. C.Frightened. D.Painful.三.语法填空〔共10小题,每题分,共15分〕Jane:Haveyoueverimaginedyourlifeintenyears?Tom:ProbablyI25.________(work)asascientist.YouknowI’vealwayswantetobeascientist.Sofirstofall,I’dliketoknowhowlongIhavetostudy26.________(become)ascientid st.Jane:Well,thatdepends.27.________(usual),ascientistmusthaveatleastaBachelor’sdegree,28.________meansaboutfouryearsincollege.Tom:WhatcoursesormajorshouldIchoose?Jane: Again,thatdepends29.________whatyouwanttostudyinthefuture.You willneedtostudymathsandyoushouldtakeatleastafewcoursesinallthebranches(分支)ofscience.Tom:Wow,that’salot.HowdoIdecidewhichbranchofscienceIshouldchoose?Jane:Well, Ithink 30.________bestwayistogetsomepractical (实际的)experience. Visitscientistsandlaboratoriestosee31.________thelifeofascientistislike. Youshould also try tofind outwhichbranchof science youlike andaregoodat.Tom:Howmanyhoursadaydoesascientistwork?Jane:Manyscientistsworkabouteighthoursaday,buttheyoftenhavetoworkfora(n)32.________(long)timewhenthereisalottodo.Tom:Thankyou.Doyouhaveanyother33.________(suggest)forme?Jane:Yes.Ithink34.________agoodscientistshouldbecareful,curious(知欲强的)andcreative.Heorsheshouldliketosolveproblemsandaskalotof求questions.25.___________________________________________32.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________四.短文改错(共10 小题;每题 1 分,总分值10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
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四川省宜宾市一中2016-2017学年高中英语下学期第4周周练题一.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It was a very old wooden apartment building. There was a huge 1 of fire. The Fire Department warned people who lived there to move out, 2 none would, because they were poor and had 3 to go. Singermary and her husbandhad 4 here for some years.One night, the building was 5 . Wooden staircases, wooden windows and wooden floors were burning. The fire became bigger and bigger, so people 6 for their lives. When half of the 7 had got themselves out, the wooden staircases fell down. The remaining people rushed to the roof of the third floor, which had not been 8 by the fire yet, waiting for the firemen to 9 them. The firemen did arrive in a short while, but the fire engines and ladders (梯子) could not reach the 10 . The situation was extremely 11 , and there was no time to lose. The fire might burn the 12 at any moment. The firemen placed many cushions (垫子) on the floor. Then they asked the people on the 13 building to jump down onto the cushions after they had shown them how. A man jumped down, uninjured. Another person jumped down, uninjured ... They jumped one after another, all 14 .Finally Singermary became the only remaining one on the roof. People shouted: “Jump, jump!” How ever, Singermary jumped head 15 with open arms. People were 16 and greatly shocked. How could she do such a 17 ? She may kill herself. 18 , the cushions were very thick, and she did not 19 , but she was injured seriously, and kept saying: “Please take me to hospital!” She was pregnant (怀孕的), and she had jumped head down in order to keep her child safe. That was mother’s 20 !1. A. ball B.risk C.amount D. light2. A. as B.or C.so D. but3. A. everywhere B. nowhere C.somewhere D. anywhere4. A. worked B.studied C.lived D. hidden5. A. under control B. on sale C. under repair D. on fire6. A. called B.looked C.ran D. fought7. A. family B.team C. population D. women8. A. pointed B.touched C. welcomed D. supported9. A. save B.find C.teach D. warn10. A. wood B.hospital C.room D. building11. A. simple B.strange C. uncomfortable D. dangerous12. A. window B. roof C. door D. staircase13. A. falling B.burning C.missing D. rising14. A. busy B.bored C.safe D. injured15. A. left B. right C.up D. down16. A. excited B. amazed C. moved D. satisfied17. A. walk B.jump C.race D. turn18. A. Gradually B. Interestingly C. Finally D. Fortunately19. A. like B.come C.die D. return20. A. future B.praise C.love D. sadness二.阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)The American screen has long been a smoky place. But cigarettes are more common in movies today than at any other time in the last 50 years. According to a survey by the University of California, San Francisco, 75% of all Hollywood films released (发行) between 1999 and 2006 showed tobacco use.Sadly, audiences — especially kids — are taking notice. Two recent studies show that among children as young as 10, those who always see smoking in the movies are up to 2.7 times more likely than others to pick up the habit. Kids from non-smoking homes are hit the hardest. This could be because they don’t live with the dirty ashtrays (烟灰缸) that make real-world smoking a lot less attractive than the cleaned-up movie version.“Seeing smoking on-screen makes it look normal,” says Jono Polansky, who works with a project called Smoke Free Movies. “It says, ‘If you want to be an adult, you’ll smoke,’” Polansky told TFK (Time for Kids). Before you go to the movies, check out for an updated list of which movies show smoking.More groups than ever are pushing to get the smokes off of the screen. “Some movies show kids up to 14 incidents of smoking per hour,” says Barry B loom, head of the Harvard School of Public Health. “We’re in the business of preventing disease, and cigarettes are the Number 1 preventable cause.”Pressure (压力) is growing to make movies a non-smoking zone. A dozen health groups, including the American Medical Association, are calling for a reduction of smoking in movies and on TV. Forty-one state attorneys general (州总检察长) haveagreed to add an anti-tobacco public service ad at the beginning of any DVD that includes smoking.Like former smokers, movie studios may realize that getting out of the habit is not just a lot healthier, but also a lot smarter.21. The underlined part “the habit” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.A. smokingB. studyingC. taking noticeD. seeing a movie22. Jono Polansky probably advises kids to _____.A. act like an adultB. go to the moviesC. see smoke-free moviesD. work for Smoke Free Movies23. The move to make movies a non-smoking zone _____.A. is impossible to succeedB. is under a lot of pressureC. has proved to be a failureD. has received official support24. What would be the best title for the text?A. Movies are becoming less and less attractiveB. Kids should see fewer and fewer moviesC. Movies may be bad for kids’ healthD. Smoking is harmful to kids’ health三.在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Gucci: What do you usually do on Saturday nights?May: Watch movies, of course. But I 25. ________ (rare) go to the cinema. I usually watch movies on my computer.Gucci: How about 26. ________ (get) together for a movie at the cinema tonight?May: Sure. What’s on?Gucci: Well, let me check the newspaper. What about The Terminal?May: Wow, it stars Catherine Zeta-Jones, my favorite 27. ________ (act).Gucci: I like her, too. She plays many good parts in a lot of dramas.May: Absolutely. She is so beautiful and elegant.Gucci: What’s more, she likes to take part 28. ________ charitable activities (慈善活动).May: Who is the director?Gucci: Steven Spielberg, another superstar.May: Yes. I still remember one of his movies, Schindler’s List, for 29. ________ he won an Oscar.Gucci: Do you know anything about the story of The Terminal?May: I heard from my cousin that the story 30. ________ (take) place in an airport inAmerica, and it is 31. ________ romantic and humorous story.Gucci: This is really a(n) 32. ________ (excite) movie. I can’t wait 33. ________ (see) it. Let’s go to this one.May: OK.Gucci: It’s 5:45 now. The movie starts at 6:30.We’d better go right away, 34.________ there will be no seats for us.四.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As a service dog,Sandy’s job is help manage a medical condition I have. My condition can be dangerously. When something bad happen,Sandywill tell my parents immediately. Of course, I help take care ofSandy, too. I feed him, walk him, but even take him just about everywhere I go. If I don’t bringSandyto me, he will get upset. Once he stays with my grandparents for a few hours while my parents and I went to the beach.Sandywas upset in the whole time. He never stopped look for me. When I got home, he was such happy that he rushed to me. I love his dog very much.2016级英语学科双向细目表(第4周周练题)。