国外诗词及其英文名《A Time for Everything》万物皆有时For everything there is a season,and a time for every matter under heaven:凡事都有定期,天下万物都有定时。
A time to be born,and a time to die;生有时,死有时。
A time to plant,and a time to pluck up that what is planted; 栽种有时,拔出所栽种的,也有时。
A time to kill,and a time to heal;杀戮有时,医治有时。
A time to break down,and a time to build up;拆毁有时,建造有时。
图片A time to weep,and a time to laugh;哭有时,笑有时。
A time to mourn,and a time to dance;哀恸有时,跳舞有时。
A time to throw away stones,and a time to gather stones together; 抛掷石头有时,堆聚石头有时。
A time to embrace,and a time to refrain from embracing; 怀抱有时,不怀抱有时。
A time to seek,and a time to lose;寻找有时,失落有时。
A time to keep,and a time to cast away;保守有时,舍弃有时。
A time to tear,and a time to sew;撕裂有时,缝补有时。
图片A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;静默有时,言语有时。
A time to love,and a time to hate;喜爱有时,恨恶有时。
英文诗句(精选15首)英文诗句(精选15首)英文诗句(一):Whenever you need me,Ill be here。
Whenever youre in trouble,Im always near。
Whenever you feel alone,and you think everyone has given up。
Reach out for me,and I will give you my everlasting love。
英文诗句(二):I just wish someday and somehow,We can be back together,Together well stay,Always and forever。
我只期望有那么一天,不管怎样;我们能重新在一齐;相依相伴,直到永远!英文诗句(三):Thoughts of you dance through my mind。
Knowing,it is just a matter of time。
will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams,night。
and sometimes。
The thoughts seem to never fade away。
Corwin Corey Amber对你的思念挥之不去,我明白,那只是个时光的问题。
I have searched a thousand years,And I have cried a thousand tears。
I found everything I need,You are everything to me。
小编精心收集了最经典优美的英文诗,供大家欣赏学习!最经典优美的英文诗1Farewell, Love别了,爱by Sir Thomas Wyatt托马斯·怀特爵士Farewell, Love, and all thy laws forever,别了,爱以及你所有的法度,Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more;你的诱钩再也无法把我缠绞;Senec and Plato call me from thy lore,塞尼卡和柏拉图否定你那套,To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor,让我竭尽所能追求完美财富。
In blind error when I did persever,我却盲目地一错再错入歧途,Thy sharp repulse, that prikth aye so sore,你厉声拒绝刺得我倍受煎熬,Hath taught me to set in trifles no store你教导我别对琐事斤斤计较,And escape forth since liberty is lever.挣脱束缚因为自由才会幸福。
Therefore farewell, go trouble younger hearts,别了,去搅扰那些年轻的心,And in me claim no more authority;对我别再宣称你是什么权威;With idle youth go use thy property,对懒散青年把你的能耐发挥,And therein spend thy many brittle darts.把你的支支利箭都射向他们。
For hitherto though I have lost all my time,迄今我虽失去我全部的时光,Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb.却不再徒劳攀爬那根烂树桩。
难以忘记的英文诗词大全一、莎士比亚诗1、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy name;Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet.2、《哈姆雷特》To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles3、《仲夏夜之梦》Through the house give gatheringFrom the window glancingAll the same in seemingIt is a vision steaming4、《玛丽·泰勒》My love is like a red, red roseThat's newly sprung in June:5、《安妮·珀西》Take, O take those lips away,That so sweetly were forsworn;And those eyes,the break of day,Lights that do mislead the morn:二、英国古诗1、《考百万》Who hath in vain his mind employedTo search the secrets of the skies;The purest stars from dark obscurityWill never teach him how to rise.2、《为秋病悼念》When Shall the Spring my Sorrows Chase When shall my Gloom be turn'd to Grace When shall I smile and wipe my TearsWhen shall I Trade my Griefs for Ease?3、《晨间歌曲》The morning wakes in snowy light,And birds sing loud and sweet;It is a time of joy and cheer,A time to rise and greet.4、《冬日美景》How sweet the snow lies thick and still, Wrapping each branch and hill,As quiet as the soft-falling snow,When winter days are still.5、《晚秋的一天》'Tis Autumn -- and the fading sunIs mellowing all the land;The woodlands all around are drestIn yellow, brown, and sand.。
45. Kubla Khan - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
46. Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats
47. The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot
56. The Charge of the Light Brigade - Alfred Lord Tennyson
57. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
58. When I Consider How My Light Is Spent - John Milton
68. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
69. If - Rudyard Kipling
70. The Raven - Edgar Allan Poe
71. Annabel Lee - Edgar Allan Poe
72. The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
31. Autumn Thoughts - Wang Wei
32. Written in the Hills - Li Bai
33. The Jishi Pass - Wang Wei
34. The Eighth Month - Meng Haoran
35. The Li River - Wang Wei
48. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - T.S. Eliot
THE SEA (English version)I come to see the boundless ocean From Stony Hill on eastern shore Water rolls in rhythmic motion, Islands stand amid its roar.Tress on trees, from peak to peak, Grass on grass, lush far and night, Autumn winds blow drear and bleak, Monstrous billows surge up high. Sun by day, moon by nightAppear to rise up from the deep. The Milky Way with stars to sleep. How happy I feel at this sight!I sing this poem in sheer delight.观沧海——曹操东临碣石,以观沧海。
古诗词英文版1. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.2. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。
A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day.3. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。
The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.4.二人同心,其利断金。
Springtide on the FarmThe turtledoves in the house are cooing;The apricot deck the village with white,The mulberries are pruned with axes bewing,With hoes they sound for a fountain site.The swallows back remember the men.The new almanac is in old folks’ hands.The cup is raised, but dropped again:For those yet wandering in faraway lands!简单好背的英文诗篇二秋瑾《杞人忧》幽燕烽火几时收,闻道中洋战未休。
Groundless FearQiu JinWhen will the flames of war be extinguished?I hear we still wage war against the foreign devils.In vain I grieve for my country,Wishing to exchange my kerchief for a helmet.简单好背的英文诗篇三李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。
Seeing Meng Haoran Off from Yellow Crane TowerLi BaiAt Yellow Crane Tower in the westMy old friend says farewell;In the mist and flowers of springHe goes down to Yangzhou;Lonely sail, distant shadow,Vanish in blue emptiness;All I see is the great riverFlowing into the far horizon.简单好背的英文诗篇四杜甫《绝句》两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。
英文版古诗1、春晓Spring Morning孟浩然春眠不觉晓,This spring morning in bed I'm lying,处处闻啼鸟。
Not to awake till the birds are crying.夜来风雨声,After one night of wind and showers,花落知多少。
How many are the fallen flowers?2、题都城南庄Written in a Village South of the Capital崔护去年今日此门中,In this house on this day last year, a pink face vied人面桃花相映红。
In beauty with the pink peach blossoms side by side.人面不知何处去,I do not know today where the pink face has gone;桃花依旧笑春风。
In the vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full-blown.3、春夜喜雨Happy Rain on a Spring Night (Excerpts)杜甫好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right;当春乃发生。
It will fall when comes spring.随风潜入夜,With wind it steals in night;润物细无声。
Mute, it moistens each thing.4、忆江南Dreaming of the Southern Shore白居易江南好,Fair Southern shore,风景旧曾谙。
With scenes I adore.日出江花红胜火,At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,春来江水绿如蓝。
小编精心收集了外国经典英文诗词,供大家欣赏学习!外国经典英文诗词篇1Spring and Allby William Carlos WilliamsBy the road to the contagious hospitalunder the surge of the bluemottled clouds driven from thenortheast-a cold wind. Beyond, thewaste of broad, muddy fieldsbrown with dried weeds, standing and fallenpatches of standing waterthe scattering of tall treesAll along the road the reddishpurplish, forked, upstanding, twiggystuff of bushes and small treeswith dead, brown leaves under themleafless vines-Lifeless in appearance, sluggishdazed spring approaches-They enter the new world naked,cold, uncertain of allsave that they enter. All about themthe cold, familiar wind-Now the grass, tomorrowthe stiff curl of wildcarrot leafOne by one objects are defined-It quickens: clarity, outline of leafBut now the stark dignity ofentrance-Still, the profound changehas come upon them: rooted, theygrip down and begin to awaken外国经典英文诗词篇2Sleetby Alan ShapiroWhat was it like before the doctor got there?Till then, we were in the back seat of the warmdark bubble of the old Buick. We were wherewe'd never not been, no matter where we were.And when the doctor got there?Everything outside was in a rage of wind and sleet,we were children, brothers, safe in the back seat,for once not fighting, just listening, watching the storm.Weren't you afraid that something bad might happen?Our father held the wheel with just two fingerseven though the car skidded and fishtailedand the chains clanged raggedly over ice and asphalt.Weren't you afraid at all?Dad sang for someone to fly him to the moon,to let him play among the stars, while Momheld up the lighter to another Marlboro.But when the doctor started speaking. . .The tip of the Marlboro was a bright red star.Her lips pursed and she released a ring of Saturn,which dissolved as we caught at it, as my dad sang Mars.When you realized what the doctor was saying. . .They were closer to the storm in the front seat.The high beams, weak as steam against the walled swirling,only illuminated what we couldn't see.When he described it, the tumor in the brain and what it meant. . .See,we were children. Then we weren't. Or my brother wasn't.He was driving now, he gripped the steering wheelwith both hands and stared hard at the panicked wipers.What did you feel?Just sleet, the slick road, the car going way too fast,no brother beside me in the back seat, no singing father,no mother, no ring of Saturn to catch at as it floats.外国经典英文诗词篇3Slim Greer in Hellby Sterling A. BrownISlim Greer went to heaven;St. Peter said, "Slim,You been a right good boy."An' he winked at him."You been travelin' rascalIn yo'day.You kin roam once mo';Den you come to stay."Put dese wings on yo' shoulders,An' save yo' feet."Slim grin, and he speak up,"Thankye, Pete."Den Peter say, "GoTo Hell an' see,All dat is doing, andReport to me."Be sure to rememberHow everything go."Slim say, "I be seein' yuh On de late watch, bo."Slim got to cavortin'Swell as you choose,Like Lindy in de SpiritOf St. Louis Blues.He flew an' he flew,Till at last he hitA hangar wid de sign readin' DIS IS IT.Den he parked his wings,An' strolled aroun',Gittin' used to his feetOn de solid ground.IIBig bloodhound came aroarin' Like Niagry Falls,Sicked on by white devilsIn overhalls.Now Slim warn't scared Cross my heart, it's a fac',An de dog went on a bayin' Some po' devil's track.Den Slim saw a mansionAn' walked right in;De Devil looked upWid a sickly grin."Suttingly didn't lookFo' you, Mr. Greer,How it happens you comesTo visit here?"Slim say——"Oh, jes' thought I'd drop by a spell.""Feel at home, seh, an' here's De keys to hell."Den he took Slim aroundAn' showed him peopleRasin' hell as high asDe first Church Steeple.Lots of folks fightin'At de roulette wheel,Like old Rampart Street,Or leastwise Beale.Showed him bawdy housesAn' cabarets,Slim thought of New Orleans An' Memphis days.Each devil was busyWid a devlish broad,An' Slim cried, "Lawdy,Lawd, Lawd, Lawd."Took him in a roomWhere Slim seeDe preacher wid a brownskin On each knee.Showed him giant stills,Going everywhere,Wid a passel of devilsStretched dead drunk there.Den he took him to de furnace Dat some devils was firing,Hot as Hell, an' Slim startA mean presspirin'.White devils with pitchforks Threw black devils on,Slim thought he'd betterBe gittin' along.An' he says——"Dis makesMe think of home——Vicksburg, Little Rock, Jackson,Waco and Rome."Den de devil gave SlimDe big Ha-Ha;An' turned into a cracker,Wid a sheriff's star.Slim ran fo' his wings,Lit out from de groun'Hauled it back to St. Peter,Safety boun'.IIISt. Peter said, "Well,You got back quick.How's de devil? An' what'sHis latest trick?"An' Slim Say, "Peter,I really cain't tell,The place was DixieThat I took for hell."Then Peter say, "you mustBe crazy, I vow,Where'n hell dja think Hell was,Anyhow?"Git on back to de yearth,Cause I got de fear,You'se a leetle too dumb,Fo' to stay up here. . ."外国经典英文诗词篇4Snow-Flakesby Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOut of the bosom of the Air,Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,Over the woodlands brown and bare,Over the harvest-fields forsaken,Silent, and soft, and slowDescends the snow.Even as our cloudy fancies takeSuddenly shape in some divine expression,Even as the troubled heart doth makeIn the white countenance confession,The troubled sky revealsThe grief it feels.This is the poem of the air,Slowly in silent syllables recorded;This is the secret of despair,Long in its cloudy bosom hoarded,Now whispered and revealedTo wood and field.。
《Sympathy for Farmers》--Tang dynasty by Li ShengHoeing crops in the mid-day heat.Persprition immersed into earth under the plant.I wonder if you know the food on your plate.That each grain was eraned with sweat.2.《赠汪伦》--唐·李白李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。
《Presented to Wang Lun》--Tang dynasty by Li BaiOn board I was about to go.Suddenly the tramping and sing rose from the bank.Though Peach Flower Pool is a thousand miles deep.It is shallower than the depth of Wang Lun's affection to me.3.《天净沙·秋思》--元·马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。
《Tian Jing Sha·Feelings in fall》--Yuan dynasty by Ma ZhiyuanWithered cane, old trees, crows at dusk.A small bridge over the stream where nearby a couple of houses.Blowing wind from west and ancient road on which the thin horse was walking.As the sun sinking in the west.the sad people is still drifting in the world.4.《静夜思》--唐·李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
最美十首英文诗中英对照1Poetry has always been a profound form of artistic expression, capable of evoking intense emotions and offering profound insights. In this essay, we shall embark on an in-depth exploration and appreciation of ten of the most beautiful English poems.Take Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" for instance. The natural imagery, such as the clouds and the daffodils, conveys a sense of tranquility and beauty. It makes us feel the harmony between human beings and nature, as if we are also wandering in that peaceful scene.Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is another masterpiece. The passionate emotions it conveys and the ingenious use of symbolic techniques are truly remarkable. The west wind symbolizes both destruction and creation, representing the power of change and renewal.Another poem, "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, showcases the poet's artful use of language and rhythm to express the theme of love and the passage of time.These poems, each in its unique way, employ vivid imagery, harmonious rhymes, and profound themes to touch our hearts and souls. They make us reflect on life, love, nature, and the human condition. The poets' masterful manipulation of words and emotions enables us toexperience a wide range of feelings, from serenity to excitement, from melancholy to hope.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are not only literary treasures but also windows into the depth of human emotions and thoughts. They continue to inspire and move us, transcending time and space.2Poetry has always been a mirror that reflects the essence of human emotions, culture, and the spirit of different eras. The ten most beautiful English poems are not only linguistic artworks but also profound carriers of historical and cultural connotations.Take Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" for instance. It vividly embodies the romanticist ideology, with its rich imagination and intense emotions. The poet's longing for the freedom and beauty of the nightingale's world reveals a pursuit of escape from the mundane and an exploration of the unknown. This poem is a reflection of the Romantic movement, emphasizing individual feelings and the beauty of nature.Another remarkable poem is Yeats' "When You Are Old". It delicately analyses the theme of love in different times. The lines express a profound and lasting love that transcends the passage of time. It makes us ponder over the true meaning of love and its endurance through the ages.The ten beautiful poems each have their unique charm and value. They touch our souls, inspire our thoughts, and connect us with the pastand present. They allow us to experience the diversity of human emotions and the depth of cultural heritage. Through the appreciation of these poems, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves.3When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, their artistic charm lies in various aspects. Take Tennyson's "In Memoriam" for instance. Its strict meter and the repeated usage of certain techniques create a solemn and profound atmosphere, evoking a deep sense of mourning. The regularity of the rhythm not only adds a sense of order but also enhances the emotional expression, making the readers feel the intensity of the poet's feelings.Then there is Browning's "Sonnets from the Portuguese". The unique charm of its sonnet form lies in its precise structure and rich emotional layers. The fourteen lines are delicately arranged, with a well-defined rhyme scheme and rhythm, presenting a perfect balance of form and content.Another example could be Wordsworth's poems, where his vivid description of nature and the use of simple yet evocative language bring the beauty of the natural world to life. The imagery employed allows readers to envision the scenes clearly in their minds.The beauty of these poems also lies in the diversity of themes. Some explore love, some reflect on life and death, and some celebrate themagnificence of nature. The poets' masterful use of language and various rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, simile, and personification, enriches the expression and makes the poems more appealing.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are like precious jewels in the treasure chest of literature. They shine with the brilliance of artistic creation and touch the hearts of readers with their profound meaning and exquisite form.4When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, they have the power to touch our souls and stir our thoughts in profound ways. Take Frost's "The Road Not Taken" for instance. It makes me ponder over the choices we make in life. Every decision we make leads us down a particular path, and the unchosen roads always remain a mystery, evoking a sense of wonder and perhaps a tinge of regret. This poem reminds me that each choice is significant and shapes our destiny.Another remarkable poem is Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death". It offers a fresh perspective on the theme of death. Rather than being a terrifying end, death is presented as a gentle companion. It makes me realize that death is not something to be feared but a natural part of life's journey.Poetry has this magical ability to express complex emotions and ideas in a concise yet powerful manner. The beauty lies in the rhythm, theimagery, and the hidden meanings that lie beneath the surface. Poems like "Ode to a Nightingale" by Keats transport us to a world of beauty and melancholy. And Shelley's "Ozymandias" makes us reflect on the transience of power and the impermanence of human achievements.The charm of these ten poems lies in their ability to make us feel, to think, and to see the world from different perspectives. They are like precious jewels that shine with the light of wisdom and emotion, enriching our inner world and making us more sensitive and perceptive. They have the power to soothe our hearts during difficult times and inspire us to reach for the stars when we are filled with hope.5When it comes to the appreciation of the ten most beautiful English poems, a profound exploration into their commonalities and individualities is truly captivating. Take the sonnets of Shakespeare and the excerpts from Milton's "Paradise Lost" for instance. The language styles of these two differ significantly. Shakespeare's sonnets are known for their elegance and delicacy, with rich imagery and elaborate rhymes that convey emotions with a gentle touch. On the contrary, Milton's "Paradise Lost" features a grand and majestic language, filled with powerful expressions and epic overtones, presenting themes of morality and the fall of humanity on a much larger scale.Another aspect worth noting is the comparison between modernistpoetry and traditional poetry in terms of their forms of expression. Traditional poetry often adheres to strict rhyme and meter patterns, while modernist poetry breaks free from these constraints, emphasizing personal experiences and inner thoughts through fragmented and experimental structures.Common among these beautiful poems is the power to evoke emotions and thoughts within the readers. Whether it's the love and longing expressed in the traditional works or the exploration of the unknown and unconventional in modern ones, they all offer us a window into the diverse world of human feelings and experiences.However, their differences also lie in the specific themes and the ways they approach these themes. Some poems focus on nature and its beauty, while others delve into the complexity of human relationships or the mysteries of the universe.In conclusion, the ten most beautiful English poems, each with its unique charm and value, contribute to the rich tapestry of English poetry, inviting us to constantly explore and reflect.。
英文版著名诗[精美排版打印](五篇范例)第一篇:英文版著名诗[精美排版打印]一、No title So hard for us to meet, Harder still to nguid though the east wind, Faded flowers are blown apart.The silkworm’s silk is exhausted Only when its life is spent;The candle’s tears are dried, When itself to cinder’s burnt二、一颗开花的树A tree in bloom如何让你遇见我How to let you meet me在我最美丽的时刻At my most beautiful moment?为这我已在佛前求了五百年 For this I',v prayed to Buddha for five hundred years求佛让我们结一段尘缘To be bestowed a destiny with you on this earth佛於是把我化做一棵树So Buddha makes me be a tree长在你必经的路旁Growing by the road you are bound to take阳光下慎重地开满了花Blooming cautiously and flourishing under sunlight朵朵都是我前世的盼望Each blossom an expectation of my previous life当你走近请你细听When you approach,please listen那颤抖的叶是我等待的热情The trembling leaves are the passion of my waiting而当你终於无视地走过But when at last you walk past unseeing在你身後落了一地的 What lies scattered on the ground behind you朋友啊Oh my friend,is not petals那不是花瓣那是我凋零的心 But my withered heart二、A Lane in the RainAn oil-paper umbrella in hand, alone撑着油纸伞, 独自 I wander along the long lane彷徨在悠长,Deep and morose, in the rain悠长又寂寥的雨巷,Hoping to come upon我希望逢着 A young lady like a lilac一个丁香一样得 With knitted blues engrained结着愁怨的姑娘 She is of她是有The same lilac color丁香一样的颜色 The same lilac scent丁香一样的芬芳 And the same lilac glumness丁香一样的忧愁 In the rain, she saddens在雨中哀怨 Saddens 'n roves in lament哀怨又彷徨 She wanders in rain along this morose lane她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷 An oil-paper umbrella in hand撑着右纸伞 Just as a twain Of me in the rain象我一样Rambling silently象我一样地默默行着,Aloof, forlorn and in pain冷漠,凄凉,又惆怅。
小编精心收集了美丽经典的英文诗词,供大家欣赏学习!美丽经典的英文诗词篇1Call Me Ishmaelby Jackson Mac LowCirculation. And long longMind everyInterest Some how mind and every longCoffin about little littleMoney especiallyI shore, having money about especially littleCato a little littleMe extremeI sail have me an extreme littleCherish and left, left,Myself extremestIt see hypos myself and extremest left,City a land. Land.Mouth; east,Is spleen, hand mouth; an east, land.美丽经典的英文诗词篇2Called into Playby A. R. AmmonsFall fell: so that's it for the leaf poetry:some flurries have whitened the edges of roadsand lawns: time for that, the snow stuff: &turkeys and old St. Nick: where am I going tofind something to write about I haven't alreadywritten away: I will have to stop short, lookdown, look up, look close, think, think, think:but in what range should I think: should Ifigure colors and outlines, given forms, saymailboxes, or should I try to plumb what isbehind what and what behind that, deep downwhere the surface has lost its semblance: orshould I think personally, such as, this weekseems to have been crafted in hell: what: issomething going on: something besides thisdiddledeediddle everyday matter-of-fact: Icould draw up an ancient memory which wouldwipe this whole presence away: or I could fillout my dreams with high syntheses turned intoconcrete visionary forms: Lucre could lustfor Luster: bad angels could roar out of perditionand kill the AIDS vaccine not quiteperfected yet: the gods could get down oneach other; the big gods could fly in fromnebulae unknown: but I'm only me: I have 4interests——money, poetry, sex, death: I guessI can jostle those. . . .美丽经典的英文诗词篇3The One Secret That Has Carriedby Jason ShinderIrene loves a manwho is afraid of sex——she's attendedto everything,said it was okay,held me until I slept.She says, Why don't you just not think about it?But I want to knowevery sensation,nothing untouched,though I pull my hand away once she's found itI can't be around a woman too long,too much.I say, I was mistreated.She says, A cup of tea?I say, I can't start a thing and thendescribe the kindof thing I'd start.We talk about ballrooms,long sleeves and sashes,say somedaywe should go somewhere though we can't thinkof anywhereand then I say abruptly,I've never lovedhard enoughto be loved back.I say it as if I've had enoughof the whole goddamnworld and will neverbe satisfied.I'm lookingat the wall.She's looking outthe window becauseshe needsto be somewhere.Later, I leave a note:Sorry for the difficulties.Meaning: how comeyou don't leave?I've never told this story.Even at the momentof dying,I would sayit was someone else's.美丽经典的英文诗词篇4The Orange Bearsby Kenneth PatchenThe Orange bears with soft friendly eyesWho played with me when I was ten,Christ, before I'd left home they'd hadTheir paws smashed in the rolls, their backs Seared by hot slag, their soft trustingBellies kicked in, their tongues rippedOut, and I went down through the woodsTo the smelly crick with WhitmanIn the Haldeman-Julius edition,And I just sat there worrying my thumbnailInto the cover——What did he know aboutOrange bears with their coats all stunkup with soft coal And the National Guard coming overFrom Wheeling to stand in front of the millgatesWith drawn bayonets jeering at the strikers?I remember you would put daisiesOn the windowsill at night and inThe morning they'd be so covered with sootYou couldn't tell what they were anymore.A hell of a fat chance my orange bears had!。
1、spring goeth all in white 春之女神着素装robert bridges罗伯特·布里季spring goeth all in white, crowned with milk-white may; in fleecy flocks of light, o'er heaven the white clouds stray; white butterflies in the air; white daisies prank the ground; the cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.春之女神着素装,山楂花冠乳白光;天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自来往;粉蝶空中时蹁跹;廷命菊花饰郊原;樱桃梨树共争艳,四处非花如雪片。
2、the river of life生命之川thomas campbell妥默司·康沫尔the more we live, more brief appear our life's succeeding stages;a day to childhood seems a year, and years like passing ages. the gladsome current of our youth, ere passion yet disorders, steals lingering like a river smooth, along its grassy borders.人生越老,岁月越短,生命的历程似在飞换;儿时的一天如同一载,一载如同几个朝代。
3、to daffodils咏黄水仙花robert herrick罗伯特·哈里克fair daffodils,we weep to see you haste away so soon; as yet the early-rising sun has not attain'd his noon. stay,stay, until the hasting day has run but to the even-song; and,having pray'd together, we will go with you along.美的黄水仙,凋谢的太快,我们感觉着悲哀;连早晨出来的太阳都还没有上升到天盖。
Gather them till full is your hand; They would revive fond memories.《游子吟》临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。
Sewn stitch by stitch before he leaves For fear his return be delayed.《春夜喜雨》随风潜入夜,润物细无声。
With wind it steals in night; Mute, it moistens each thing.《声声慢》寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
I look for what I miss, I know not what it is,I feel so sad, so drear, so lonely, without cheer.《登高》无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。
The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;Theendless river rolls its waves hour after hour.《鹊桥仙》两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!If love between both sides can last for aye,Why need they stay together night and day?《牡丹亭》情不知所起,一往而深。
Love once begun, will never end.《浪淘沙令·帘外雨潺潺》流水落花春去也,天上人间。
With flowers fallen on the waves spring s gone away,So has the paradise of yesterday.《江雪》千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
From hill to hill no bird in flight;From path to path no man in sight.A lonely fisherman afloat,Is fishing snow in lonely boat.。
Wind Supergrass, adversity.2、没有了你这个世界多么寂寞。
How lonely you are in this world without you.3、任何值得做的,就把它做好。
Whatever is worth doing, just do it well.4、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。
Love warms more than a thousand fires.5、爱能医人奉献者和接受者皆然。
Love cures people and devotees receive it.6、想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。
If you want to understand today, you must study yesterday.7、来日方长、终究长不到白发苍苍。
The coming days would be long. after all do not grow, grey-haired.8、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!Did you have a good? Hope the world is beautiful because of you!9、凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。
Fading is true while flowering is past.10、我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样。
I also like you, ah, I think you like me.11、我就是没有理想。
I just don't have the ideal. My ideal is you.12、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。
And love to fight, and strangers speak truth.13、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。
店铺整理了优美经典的英文诗句,欢迎阅读!优美经典的英文诗句篇一Nothing Stays Putby Amy ClampittIn memory of Father Flye, 1884-1985The strange and wonderful are too much with us.The protea of the antipodes——a great,globed, blazing honeybee of a bloom——for sale in the supermarket! We are inour decadence, we are not entitled.What have we done to deserveall the produce of the tropics——this fiery trove, the largesse of itheaped up like cannonballs, these pineapples, bossedand crested, standing like troops at attention,these tiers, these balconies of green, festoonsgrown sumptuous with stoop labor?The exotic is everywhere, it comes to usbefore there is a yen or a need for it. The green-grocers, uptown and down, are from South Korea.Orchids, opulence by the pailful, just slightlyfatigued by the plane trip from Hawaii, aredisposed on the sidewalks; alstroemerias, freesiasfattened a bit in translation from overseas; gladiolilikewise estranged from their piercing ancestral crimson;as well as, less altered from the original blue cornflowerof the roadsides and railway embankments of Europe, these bachelor's buttons. But it isn't the railway embankmentstheir featherweight wheels of cobalt remind me of, it'sa row of them among prim colonnades of cosmos,snapdragon, nasturtium, bloodsilk red poppies,in my grandmother's garden: a prairie childhood,the grassland shorn, overlaid with a grid,unsealed, furrowed, harrowed and sown with immigrant grasses,their massive corduroy,their wavering feltings embroideredhere and there by the scarlet shoulder patch of cannason a courthouse lawn, by a love knot, a cross stitchof living matter, sown and tended by women,nurturers everywhere of the strange and wonderful,beneath whose hands what had been alien begins,as it alters, to grow as though it were indigenous.But at this remove what I think of asstrange and wonderful,strolling the side streets of Manhattanon an April afternoon, seeing hybrid pear trees in blossom,a tossing, vertiginous colonnade of foam, up above——is the white petalfall, the warm snowdriftof the indigenous wild plum of my childhood.Nothing stays put. The world is a wheel.All that we know, that we'remade of, is motion优美经典的英文诗句篇二Outsideby Michael RyanThe dead thing mashed into the streetthe crows are squabbling over isn'ther, nor are their raucous squawksthe quiet cawing from her throatthose final hours she couldn't speak.But the racket irks him.It seems a cruel intrusion into griefso mute it will never be expressedno matter how loud or long the wailinghe might do. Nor could there be a wordthat won't debase it, no matterhow kind or who it comes from.She knew how much he loved her.That must be his consolationwhen he must talk to buy necessities.Every place will be a place without her.What people will see when they see himpushing a shopping cart or fetching mailis just a neatly dressed polite old man优美经典的英文诗句篇三Outside Abileneby Harley Elliottthe full rage of kansas turns loose upon us.On the mexican radio stationthey are singing Espiritu de mis suenosand that is exactly it tonight.The spirit of my dreamsrises in the storm like vapor.Deep clouds bulge together and below themwe are a tiny constellation of lightsthe car laid under sheets of lightningmoving straight in to the night.Before us are miles and miles of water and wind优美经典的英文诗句篇四Outskirtsby Tomas Transtromer (Translated by Robert Bly)Men in overalls the same color as earth rise from a ditch.It's a transitional place, in stalemate, neither country nor city.Construction cranes on the horizon want to take the big leap,but the clocks are against it.Concrete piping scattered around laps at the light with cold tongues.Auto-body shops occupy old barns.Stones throw shadows as sharp as objects on the moon surface.And these sites keep on getting biggerlike the land bought with Judas' silver: "a potter's field for burying strangers."优美经典的英文诗句篇五Ox Cart Manby Donald HallIn October of the year,he counts potatoes dug from the brown field,counting the seed, countingthe cellar's portion out,and bags the rest on the cart's floor.He packs wool sheared in April, honeyin combs, linen, leathertanned from deerhide,and vinegar in a barrelhoped by hand at the forge's fire.He walks by his ox's head, ten daysto Portsmouth Market, and sells potatoes,and the bag that carried potatoes,flaxseed, birch brooms, maple sugar, goose feathers, yarn.When the cart is empty he sells the cart. When the cart is sold he sells the ox,harness and yoke, and walkshome, his pockets heavywith the year's coin for salt and taxes,and at home by fire's light in November cold stitches new harnessfor next year's ox in the barn,and carves the yoke, and saws planks building the cart again。
小编精心收集了关于经典英文诗词,供大家欣赏学习!关于经典英文诗词篇1The Pumpkinby John Greenleaf WhittierOh, greenly and fair in the lands of the sun,The vines of the gourd and the rich melon run,And the rock and the tree and the cottage enfold,With broad leaves all greenness and blossoms all gold,Like that which o'er Nineveh's prophet once grew,While he waited to know that his warning was true,And longed for the storm-cloud, and listened in vainFor the rush of the whirlwind and red fire-rain.On the banks of the Xenil the dark Spanish maidenComes up with the fruit of the tangled vine laden;And the Creole of Cuba laughs out to beholdThrough orange-leaves shining the broad spheres of gold;Yet with dearer delight from his home in the North,On the fields of his harvest the Yankee looks forth,Where crook-necks are coiling and yellow fruit shines,And the sun of September melts down on his vines.Ah! on Thanksgiving day, when from East and from West,From North and from South comes the pilgrim and guest;When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board The old broken links of affection restored;When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more,And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before;What moistens the lip and what brightens the eye,What calls back the past, like the rich Pumpkin pie?Oh, fruit loved of boyhood! the old days recalling,When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling!When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin,Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!When we laughed round the corn-heap, with hearts all in tune,Our chair a broad pumpkin, - our lantern the moon,Telling tales of the fairy who travelled like steamIn a pumpkin-shell coach, with two rats for her team!Then thanks for thy present! none sweeter or betterE'er smoked from an oven or circled a platter!Fairer hands never wrought at a pastry more fine,Brighter eyes never watched o'er its baking, than thine!And the prayer, which my mouth is too full to express,Swells my heart that thy shadow may never be less,That the days of thy lot may be lengthened below,And the fame of thy worth like a pumpkin-vine grow,And thy life be as sweet, and its last sunset skyGolden-tinted and fair as thy own Pumpkin pie!关于经典英文诗词篇2The Question of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydeby Barbara HurdA teacher at the chalkboard turnsand imagines pushing deskstogether, lowering her bodyonto the one whose questionabout character and conflictstill lingers in his mouth.Behind a curtain of textbook and chalk,she shudders thick and shadedinside Jekyll's bones, spine twisting in the hands of what she thought she'd turned to ashby the heat of her good intentions.She unbuttons the hugeness of his coat,hears her voice gone dwarfish and husky,feels Jekyll's nausea in her mouth,Hyde's lust grinding in her molarswhile stage crews haul away bridges,drag in back alleysand the curtain begins to rise.It's moments like this,the director gone for coffee,stage crew caught with their arms full,when we know what rises in us unbiddenis woven to us,more intimate than a lover.关于经典英文诗词篇3The Red Poppyby Louise GlückThe great thingis not havinga mind. Feelings:oh, I have those; theygovern me. I havea lord in heavencalled the sun, and openfor him, showing himthe fire of my own heart, firelike his presence.What could such glory beif not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,were you like me once, long ago,before you were human? Did youpermit yourselvesto open once, who would neveropen again? Because in truthI am speaking nowthe way you do. I speakbecause I am shattered关于经典英文诗词篇4The Republicby Paul MarianiMidnight. For the past three hoursI've raked over Plato's Republicwith my students, all of them JohnJay cops, and now some of ushave come to Rooney's to unwind.Boilermakers. Double shots and triples.Fitzgerald's still in his undercoverclothes and giveaway white socks, and two lieutenants——Seluzzi in the sharkskin suit& D'Ambruzzo in the leather——have justinvited me to catch their fancy (and illegal)digs somewhere up in Harlem, whenthis cop begins to tell his story:how he and his partner trailedthis pusher for six weeks beforethey trapped him in a burnt-outtenement somewhere down in SoHo,one coming at him up the stairwell,the other up the fire escapeand through a busted window. But bythe time they've grabbed himhe's standing over an open windowand he's clean. The partner races downinto the courtyard and begins going through the garbage until he findswhat it is he's after: a white baghanging from a junk mimosa likethe Christmas gift it is, and which nowhe plants back on the suspect.Cross-examined by a lawyer who does his best to rattle them, he and his partnerstick by their story, and the charges stick. Fitzgerald shrugs. Business as usual.But the cop goes on. Better to letthe guy go free than under oathto have to lie like that.And suddenly you can hear the heavysuck of air before Seluzzi, whohalf an hour before was boastingabout being on the take, staggersto his feet, outraged at what he's heard,and insists on taking the bastarddowntown so they can book him.Which naturally brings to an endthe discussion we've been having,and soon each of us is headingfor an exit, embarrassed by the awkward light the cop has thrown on things.Which makes it clearer now to me whythe State would offer someone like Socrates a shot of hemlock. And even clearerwhy Socrates would want to drink it.。
英文诗句1Whenever you need me, I'll be here. Whenever you're in trouble, I'm always near.Whenever you feel alone, and you think everyone has given up...Reach out for me, and I will give you my everlasting love.英文诗句2Thoughts of you dance through my mind. Knowing, it is just a matter of time.Wondering... will u ever be mine?You are in my dreams, night... and sometimes... day.The thoughts seem to never fade away. Corwin Corey AmberI have searched a thousand years,And I have cried a thousand tears.I found everything I need,You are everything to me. Barry FitzpatrickHer gesture, motion, and her smiles,Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,Beguiles my heart, I know not why,And yet, I'll loveher till I die. Thomas Ford英文诗句3You make me feel so happy;Whenever I'm with you.You make me feel so special--This love is too good to be true. Rosemary Anne NashIf you were a teardrop,In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo KeeSince the first time I saw you,I felt something inside,I don't know if it's love at first sight,I do know I really like you a lot. Tanya C Medeiros英文诗句4There is a lady sweet and kind, Was never a face so pleased my mind;I did but see her passing by, And yet, I'll love her till I die. Thomas FordWhen I wake up in the morning,You are all I see;When I think about you,And how happy you make me.You're everything I wanted;You're everything I need;I look at you and know;That you are all to me. Barry Fitzpatrick英文诗句5Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart. Sandra Robbins HeatonWithout you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart.I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick英文诗句6All it took was one glance.Now all I ask is one chance,T o tryto win your heart.Just give me a chance to start.I'll show you it was meant to be.T o be together is our destinyTwo star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me a chance and you will agree.I was meant for you.And you were meant for me.英文诗句7Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old;My river runs to thee. Blue sea, wilt thou wele me? My river awaits reply.Oh! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson英文诗句8Nothing gold can stayNature's first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf's a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides leaf,So Eden sank to grief.So down gose down to day,Nothing gold can stay.英文诗句9Love is more than a word,It says so much.When I see these four letters,I almost feel your touch.This only happened sinceI fell in love with you.Why this word does this,I haven't got a clue.英文诗句10I long to take wing and flyWith the flowers to earth's uttermost bound;And yet at earth's uttermost boundWhere can a fragrant burial mound be found?Better shroud the fair petals in silkWith clean earth for their outer attire;For pure you came and pure shall go,Not sinking into some foul ditch or mire.If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. 英文诗句11Hold fast to dreamsFor if dreams dieLife is a broken-winged birdThat can never fly.Hold fast to dreamsFor when dreams goLife is a barren fieldFrozen only with snow英文诗句12Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heartI'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the.英文诗句13Praise the teacherFour degrees in lead noms,Several rain wash.Black hair frost deposit weave the sun,Write the spring and autumn period and the chalk to silence.Silk and spring are not old,Autumn is more thick guttering of a candle into ashes.Spring plum three thousand nursery,Autumn fruits to China.英文诗句14THE sky is low, the clouds are mean,A travelling flake1 of snowAcross a barn or through a rutDebates if it will go.A narrow wind complains all dayHow some one treated him;Nature, like us, is sometimes caughtWithout her diadem2.英文诗句15If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with youYour eyes, your smile,The way you laugh,The things you say and doTake me to the places,My heart never knewSo, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you.Ed Walter。
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1、生命可以是一座玫瑰花园Life can be a rose garden,生命可以是一座玫瑰花园,If you change your life如果改变生活,Change your thoughts;改变你的思想;At a height above在某个高度之上,No storm clouds.没有风雨云层。
If you life in the clouds obscured the sun,如果你生命中的云层遮蔽了阳光,That is because your soul fly high enough;那是因为你的心灵飞得还不够高;Most people mistake was to resist the problem,大多数人所犯的错误是去抗拒问题,They are trying to eliminate the clouds;他们努力试图消灭云层;Discovery up to the clouds above your means发现使你上升到云层之上的途径,Where the sky is always blue那里的天空永远是碧蓝的。
2、爱之歌LOVE SONGlove will die if held too tightly爱握得太紧,会逝去,ove will fly if held too lightly爱握得太松,会飞走,friendship often ends in love友谊常常产生爱情,But love in friendship - never但是爱情永远无法产生友情,you may be one person to the world你或许仅是世界的一分子,but you may also be the the world to one person但是你可能是某个人的整个世界,to love is nothing去爱没有什么,to be loved is something被爱才有意义,to love and be loved is everything去爱和被爱就是一切,anticipation is sweet期盼是甜美的,when you are sure of the outcome当你可以确定结果,do not marry a person you can live with不要随便找个人凑合过日子,marry someone you can not live without love -而要与相爱的人结婚生活,one word that frees us of all the weight and pain in life 爱使我们从生活的所有压力下和痛苦中解脱出来,to love and win is the best thing爱并赢得爱最美好的事情,to love and lose, the next best去爱,但未得到爱,也是美好的。
3、永远向前(中英对照)Here we stand together,Dressed in our pain,Covered with scarsFrom wounds we did not ask forOr deserve.我们再次并肩而立,痛苦缠身,伤痕累累此等伤痛既非自讨苦吃也非罪有应得So what now?现在又该如何?We can't go backAnd relive our lives.We can't take backThe innocence we lostOr make the sadness we felt Into happiness我们无法回到过去重启人生。
But we can go on from here,So let us start.但我们能够从这里开始,一同启程吧。
Stretch out your hand to mine, Close your eyesAnd slowly let the pain slip away. Let go of the sadness;向我伸手,闭上眼睛让伤痛缓缓消散。
放下伤悲吧;It belongs to yesterday,And let's walk.它属于昨天,让我们继续前行。
My friends,We can't stay, looking back, Lest we falter.We must face forward,Eyes wide open,And keep on walking.伙伴们,不能停步,切勿回首,以免畏缩不前。
Hold tight and don't let go;You aren't walking alone,And neither am I.紧紧抱握,绝不放弃;你并非孤身前行,我亦有你为伴。
4、寂静的中午(中英对照)Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass,The finger-points look through like rosy blooms:Your eyes smile peace. The pasture gleams and glooms'Neath billowing skies that scatter and amass.All round our nest, far as the eye can pass,Are golden kingcup-fields with silver edgeWhere the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge.'Tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass.Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragon-flyHangs like a blue-thread loosened from the sky;So this wing'd hour is dropt to us from above.Oh! Clasp we to our hearts, for deathless dower,This close-companioned inarticulate hourWhen two-fold silence was the song of love.你的手伸展在鲜嫩的长草里指尖如玫瑰花一样透明:你的眼睛漾着恬静的微笑。
5、经典的英文诗歌篇1Sparrow, the Special Delight of My Girlby Gaius Valerius CatullusTranslated by David MulroySparrow,the special delight of my girl,whom often she teases and holds on her lapand pokes with the tip of her finger,provokingcounterattacks with your mordant beak,whenever my luminous love desiressomething or other,innocuous fun,a bit of escape,I suppose,from her pain,a moment of peace from her turbulent passion,I wish I could play like she does with youand lighten the cares of my sorrowful soul.It thrills me as much as the nimble girlin the story was thrilled by the gilded applethat finally uncinched her virginal gown.6、经典的英文诗歌篇2Speech Aloneby Jean FollainTranslated by W. S. MerwinIt happens that one pronouncesa few words just for oneselfalone on this strange earththen the small white flowerthe pebble like all those that went beforethe sprig of stubblefind themselves re-unitedat the foot of the gatewhich one opens slowlyto enter the house of claywhile chairs,table,cupboard,blaze in a sun of glory.7、经典的英文诗歌篇3Speaking In Tonguesby Mary Rose O'ReilleyI go to church every Sundaythough I don‘t believe a word of it,because the longing for Godis a prayer said in the bones.When people call on JesusI move to a place in the bodywhere such words rise,one of the valleyswhere hope pins itself to desire;we have so much landscape like thatyou‘d think we were madeto sustain a cry.When the old men around melift their handsas though someone has cornered them,giving it all away,I remember a dock on the estuary,watching a heron get airborne against the odds.It‘s the transitional moment that baffles me—how she composes her ricketygrocery cart of a bodyto make that flight.The pine siskin,stalled on a windy coast,remembers the woodsshe will long for when needs arise; sothe boreal forest composes itself in my mind:first as a rift,absence,then in a tumble of wordsundone from sense,like the stutteryou hear when somebody falls over the cliff of language. Call it a gift.8、经典的英文诗歌篇4Spellboundby Emily BrontThe night is darkening round me,The wild winds coldly blow;But a tyrant spell has bound meAnd I cannot,cannot go.The giant trees are bendingTheir bare boughs weighed with snow.And the storm is fast descending,And yet I cannot go.Clouds beyond clouds above me,Wastes beyond wastes below;But nothing drear can move me;I will not,cannot go.9、经典的英文诗歌篇5Spiritby Maggie NelsonThe spirit of Janelives on in you,my mother saystrying to describewho I am. I feel like the girlin the late-night moviewho gazes up in horrorat the portrait ofher freaky ancestoras she realizesthey wear the samegaudy pendantround their necks.For as long as I canremember,my grandfatherhas made the same slip:he sits in his kitchen,his gelatinous blue eyesfixed on me. Well Jane,he says,I think I‘ll have another cup of coffee.10、On Peace咏和平O Peace! and dost thou with thy presence bless啊,和平!你可是前来祝福The dwellings of this war-surrounded isle,这被战火包围的岛国土疆?Soothing with placid brow our late distress,你的慈容能减轻我们的痛苦,Making the triple kingdom brightly smile?能使这三岛王国笑得开朗?Joyful I hail thy presence; and I hail我欢呼你的来临;我也欢呼The sweet companions that await on thee;那些伺候你的、可爱的友伴;Complete my joy—let not my first wish fail,让我高兴:让我如愿,满足,Let the sweet mountain nymph thy favourite be,愿你喜爱这温柔的山林女仙;With England's happiness proclaim Europa's liberty.凭英国的欢悦,宣布欧洲的自由!O Europe! let not sceptred tyrants see欧洲呵!不能让暴君重来,不能再That thou must shelter in thy former state;让他见到你屈服于从前的状态;Keep thy chains burst, and boldly say thou art free;打断锁链!高喊你不是狱囚!Give thy kings law—leave not uncurbed the great;叫君主守法,给枭雄套上笼头!So with the honours past thou'lt win thy happier fate.恐怖过去后,你的命运会好起来!11、和平之诗Guns, bombs, mines and torturesForm its massive soundBut, within its power, within its mightAnd within its fearful threatsPeace is not to be foundIf we kill people, with whom will we live?The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us Perhaps just perhaps it takes only one more person To shake the temple bell of compassionTo light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand In courageous refusalto the enemies lurking within each of usTo finally break the grip of violence over our world Then, truly then, peace will be found.枪支、炸弹、地雷与酷刑惊天动地但,在其力量中,在其威力中,在其骇人的威胁中,我们无法觅得和平。