《小妇人》Jo-: -Merry Christmas, -Mr-. -Higgins.圣诞快乐,希金斯先生。
Mr-. -Higgins: -Merry Christmas, -Jo-.圣诞快乐,乔。
Beth-: -Did you hurt yourself, -Jo-?你伤着了吗,乔?Jo-: -No-, -I never hurt myself.没有,我决不会伤到自已的。
Beth-: -Where have you been, -Jo-?你去哪儿了,乔?Jo-: -Skating. -And it was splendid, -my Beth.溜冰。
Beth-: -Look-. -We-'ve just finished trimming the tree-.瞧,我们刚布置好圣诞树。
Jo-: -Oh-, -Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.哦,圣诞节没礼物就不像圣诞节。
Amy: -It-'s dreadful to be poor.贫穷真可怕。
Meg: -I especially feel it because I remember when we used tobe rich.我感受尤其深,因为我还记得我们以前很富的。
Jo-: -I remember-, -too.我也记得。
Amy: -I certainly do not think it's fair-我真的觉得很不公平,Amy: -some girls have plenty of lovely things,有些女孩有那么多好东西,Amy: -and other, -prettier girls have nothing at all-.而有的,更漂亮的姑娘却什么都没有。
Beth-: -We are better off than a lot of people-... -orphans, -forinstance-.我们比很多人好多了……孤儿,比如说。
好听的爱情女生英文语录Life is like a play, thanks to acting人生如戏,全靠演技。
I only want to be myely.我只想做我自己。
I only hope you are my eternal lover我只希望你是我永恒的爱人Finally say I love you, yes I can do only最后说我爱你是我所能做的唯一All eyes are on the longing of his body.所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。
Life is not a script生活并不是剧本My close friend not to tell my secret to a joke.我亲爱的闺蜜不要把我的秘密当成笑话。
Do the most true to yourself, will mee做最真实的自己,才会遇到最该遇见的那个人Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it【若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。
】I was bored out of my mind.我感到无聊极了。
Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery. Lure Over Love诱惑人的东西毁掉了感情Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。
No boyfriend to tell me, I am chasing you!!【没男朋友的告诉我一声,我去追你!!】I love you, but you,你却沉默。
Time will not be reversed时光会不会倒转Do not compromise your dreams!不要向你的梦想妥协!This book bores me.这本书让我感到乏味。
乔Joe 乔作为小说的核心主人公,充当着小姐妹的领导者,时时都表现出坚强乐观、自强自立
的个性;她热爱写作,一方面因为写作给她带来快乐,另一方面,写作是她保持自立的一 种方式,让她“能不向别人要一分钱而为自己提供所需要的一切。;她通过自己的不懈努 力成为作家并开办学校,并且在婚后也强烈要求自立,要求“我要承受我那一份,我要忙 着赚钱养家”,体现出女性在事业上的自强。 As the core hero of the novel, Joe ACTS as the leader of the little sisters and always shows strong, optimistic, selfreliant and independent personality. She loves writing, on the one hand, because it brings her ha ppiness, on the other hand, writing is a way for her to remain independent, so that she can provi de everything she needs without asking others for a penny. ; Through her unremitting efforts, she became a writer and opened a school. After marriage, she also strongly urged independence, req uiring that "I should bear my share and I should be busy earning money to support my family", w hich reflected women's self-improvement in career.
美剧《生活大爆炸》经典台词中英对照Bazinga!逗你玩儿!They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。
Well, you can't force things.有些事情是强求不来的。
Little warning before you jump into this marriage business: you are not just marrying him, you are marrying his family.在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。
Smart is the new sexy.聪明即是性感。
One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。
If I could, I would, but I can't, I shan't纠结不是我想停,想停就能停You sure your mothlike personality won't be drawn to this blazing fire that is myself? 你确定以你飞蛾扑火的性格不会被我这熊熊烈火所吸引吗?Whatever you do ,just don't make any rash decision.无论你想做什么,千万不要贸然行事。
Not to mention imaginary.想象力更是不言而喻。
伍迪·艾伦经典语录1. 当我还是孩子的时候,妈妈带我去看白雪公主,人人都爱上了白雪公主,而我却偏偏爱上了那个巫婆。
2. 每个人都有不可告人的秘密,有自己的渴求、欲望,以及难以启齿的需要。
3. 如果你放弃所有让你想活到一百岁的东西,你就可以活到一百岁。
4. 死亡是少数几件只要躺下就能完成的事情之一。
5. 性与爱之间的区别是性缓解紧张,而爱则引起紧张。
6. 我不怕死,我只是不想在我死的时候在场。
7. 性爱是你在不笑的情况下能获得的最大乐趣。
8. 欣赏和喜欢你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西,你才能快乐。
9. 我和我老婆唯一一次同时获得高潮是在法官签署离婚文件时。
10. 我并不相信有来生,不过我还是带上了换洗的内衣。
11. 别对自慰说三道四。
12. 我被绑架后,我父母立即采取行动——他们把我的房间租了出去。
13. 要想当一位很出色的爱人,必须很强壮且温柔。
14. 简单的说,我们孤独,没有目的,注定要在冷漠的宇宙中漫游,没有得救的希望,除了痛苦、死亡和永恒虚无这些空荡荡的现实,没有任何前途,难道不是这样?15. 最动听的话不是“我爱你”,而是“它是良性的”。
16. 如果你不是经常遇到挫折,这表明你做的事情没有很大的性17. 因为坏无非是好过了头;要是一个人唱了首好听的歌,很好,但要是他一直唱下去,人们就会开始演烦恼。
18. 被爱跟被爱慕不同,因为一个人可以远远被爱慕,然而要真正爱一个人,最根本的,是要蹲在窗帘后面,和那人待在同一间屋子里。
19. 如果上帝存在,我希望他有一个好的借口。
20. 总的来说,我老婆不太成熟。
21. 免费的性是最贵的22. 消费主义,引出很多新产品,古怪的时尚。
Little Woman小妇人Scene 1Jo:Meg married. Amy off to Europe.And now that you’re a graduate. You’ll be off on a long holiday. I’m just not good like Beth, so I’m angry and restless.Laurie:You don’t have to stay here. Jo.Jo:Why? Should we run off and join a pirate ship?Jo:No. No.Laurie:It’s no use, Jo.Jo:Please don’t.Laurie:We gotta have it out.Jo:No.Laurie:I have loved you ever since I’ve known you. Jo. I couldn’t help it. I tried to show and you wouldn’t let me, which is fine, but I must make you hear now, and give me an answer, because I cannot go on like this any longer! Jo:No. No.Jo:Teddy. Please, please don’t.Laurie:I gave up billiards. I gave up everything you didn’t like. I’m happy I did. It’s fine, and I waited, and I never complained because I…You know, I figured you’d love me, Jo. And I realize I’m not half good enough, and I’m not this great man…Jo:No! Yes, you are! You’re a great deal too good for me. And I’m… I’m…I’m so grateful to you, and I’m so proud of you, and I just… I don’t see why I can’t love you as you want me to. I don’t know why.Laurie:You can’t?Jo:No. I can’t… I can’t change how I feel, and…it would be a lie to say I do when I don’t.I’m so sorry, Teddy. I’m so sorry, but I just can’t help it.Laurie:I can’t love anyone else, Jo. I only love you.Jo:Teddy. It would be a disaster if we married.Laurie:It wouldn’t be a disaster.Jo:We’d be miserable.Laurie:I’d be a perfect saint.Jo:I can’t! I can’t! I’ve tried it and failed. I can’t.Laurie:Why does everyone expect it? Why your family and my grandpa expect it? Why are you saying this? Say yes. (and) Let’s be happy together, Jo!Jo:I can’t say yes truly, so I’m not going to say it at all. And you’ll see that I’m right eventually, and you’ll thank me for it.Laurie:(喘气) I’d rather hang myself than realize this, Jo.Jo:Teddy.Laurie:I’d rather be dead.Jo:Teddy, don’t say that. Teddy.Listen, you’ll find some lovely, accomplished girl, who will love you and adore you. (And, and) She’s gonna make a fine mistress for your fine house. But I wouldn’t!Laurie:Yes, you would, Jo.Jo:Alright? Look at me. I’m homely, (and) I’m awkward…!Laurie:I love you, Jo.Jo:and I’m odd. And you’d be ashamed of me.Laurie:I love you, Jo.Jo:and we would quarrel, because we can’t help it even now.I hate elegant society, you’d hate my scribbling, and we would be unhappy, and we’d wish we hadn’t done it, and everything will be horrid.Laurie:Is there anything more?Jo:No, nothing more.Laurie:All right.Jo:Except that... Teddy, I don’t believe I will ever marry. I’m happy as I am, and I love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up.Laurie:I think you’re wrong (about that) Jo.Jo:No.Laurie:I think you will marry. Jo. ( I think) you’ll find someone and love them. (and) you will live and die for them. Because that’s your way, and you will… And I’ll watch.A FEW YEARS LATER, AT TOWNScene 2Mom:Laurie is returning you know.Jo:Oh, he is?Mom:Hmm…There was a letter from Amy. She’s coming home. She’s devastated about Beth. Aunt March is veryill, so, Laurie will accompany them.Jo:That’s good of him.Mom:What is it?Jo:I don’t know. I’ve always been quite content with my family. (Sigh) Don’t understand it. Perhaps, um…Perhaps I… was too quick in turning him down. Laurie.Mom:Do you love him?Jo:If he asked me again. I think I would say yes. Do you think he’ll ask me again?Mom:But do you love him?Jo:I care more to be loved. I want to be loved.Mom:That is not the same as loving.Jo:I know. (blank) You know, I just…I just feel…I just feel like…women, they…(hmmm)They have minds and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. And I’m so sick of people saying, that, that love is just all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it. But I’m…I’m so lonely.-THE END-。
男人帮米琪语录篇一:男人帮米琪经典语录男人帮经典语句大全/r/n一:男人帮经典语句剧情经典台词介绍/r/n1,顾小白和阿千在家百无聊赖的时候,左永邦打来求救电话.原来左永邦晚上准备偷偷地和其他女孩出去吃饭,不料被米琪发现跟踪了.左永邦一路逃跑,躲进了商厦的厕所,米琪则就在厕所附近蹲点守候.顾小白紧急前往商厦,躲过米琪的视线,进厕所与左永邦会合,先是质问左永邦为什么背着女朋友出来和其他女孩约会.左永邦解释说只是吃饭,顾小白说莫小闵就在这个商厦上班,可以帮忙调开米琪./r/n2,顾小白正准备去找莫小闵的时候,却意外地发现莫小闵在和她的前男友见面.于是顾小白忘记了左永邦的事情,开始去跟踪莫小闵.左永邦自以为脱困,于是大摇大摆出了厕所,全然不知道自己还在被米琪跟踪.阿千用顾小白曾经写过的专栏告诉顾小白,如果他还爱莫小闵,就要装作什么都没发生.但是顾小白还是忍不住继续跟踪莫小闵./r/n3,与此同时,米琪跟踪左永邦到了饭店,为了遮挡住左永邦的视线,米琪选择和一个帅哥同桌吃饭.不料左永邦约会的女生没来,米琪却被左永邦捉了正着,/r/n说米琪在和其他男人约会,左永邦假装愤怒离去,其实是跑去小女孩的家里了,米琪继续跟踪着他./r/n4,顾小白偷听了莫小闵的话,才知道莫小闵是在和前男友摊牌,说自己已经爱上别人,她希望顾小白可以始终信任自己.顾小白感觉无地自容,最后向莫小闵保证自己永远信任她. 左永邦本以为和女孩约会,谁知道女孩只是喊他来一群人打扑克.左永邦觉得无趣想走,可是米琪就守在门口,左永邦陷入进退两难……/r/n5,顾小白与莫小闵正式确定关系,他以三个月稿费的代价,为阿千争取到了一个角色,得以让阿千搬出了自己的家,然后正式将莫小闵介绍给左永邦罗书全认识.不料莫小闵带来了自己的闺蜜Amy,精明刻薄的Amy因为并不赞赏顾小白,处处都给顾小白下不来台,并且不停地劝说莫小闵与顾小白分手,然后同前男友Jack复合./r/n【相关文章】>经典语录——句句经典/r/n1.你是选择一个爱你但没钱的穷光蛋,还是选择一个不爱你但有钱的王八蛋.我们总是在不断选择,衡量不同的指标,选择有钱的,选择身高一米八,选择胸围,选择学历,选择进攻的方向,选择逃跑的路线,因为这个世间没有尽善尽美,我们只能选择对自己最有利的选择成为我们不被淘汰的理由成了我们活下去的法宝,我们无法选择因为我们早已经忘了当我们内心有真正想要的时候我们其实是不用选择的./r/n2 .每个人都会或多或少的认识几个既一无是处又非常热情的人,这种热情来自于对自己的信心,这种超级强大的信念感,也使得他们从来意识不到别人对自己的厌烦和恐惧/r/n3.美貌是上帝赐给女人最好的礼物,不对,是惩罚男人最厉害的武器,男人徘徊在女人的美貌给我们的震撼和能谈笑风生的才女,带给我们的愉悦中,女人唯一记得的是,那个对你不好的有钱的男人曾经是用钱这样地对你好过./r/n4.爱情就是这样,你捅我一刀,我捅你一刀,你再捅我一刀,我又捅你一刀,然后互相数着对方的伤口.差不多就得了./r/n5.没有原因的爱情才是爱情啊,爱情究竟是不是完全不讲道理,当我们问所爱的人时,你为什么喜欢我?她回答,喜欢你就是喜欢你.没有理由没有原因的时候,我们是不是真的应该相信这句话...那如果真的是这样?那爱情又是怎么结束的呢?/r/n6.一见钟情也是这样,我们第一次看到一个人,就深深地有了好感,那除了长相和气质,还能因为什么别的呢?我们不会对一头心灵美的猪一见钟情,我们之所以故意忽视这些,是因为我们想让自己变的很崇高./r/n7.这个世界上并不存在,毫无理由,毫无原因的爱情,除了财富与地位,美丽与才气,或许还有别的,想要一种相似的慰藉,想要满足虚荣心,想要逃避过去,想要宣泄一些感情,这些都挂着爱情的名义,有的慢慢淡去,有的真的爱上了你.有原因并不可怕,可怕的是不承认这些原因,却把它归结为缘分的神秘 ./r/n8.你在想什么你在想什么我在想你在想什么我在想你在想我在想什么./r/n9自从我们睁开眼睛看这个世界的第一天起,我们看到的就只有两种人,男人和女人.他们分属于两大不同的阵营,为了彻底收服对方大家互相往死里掐.根据一个遥远的传说,说有一种东西叫做爱情.可以彻底终结这场战争.于是大家纷纷地赶紧去寻找,赶紧去幻想.找到头破血流才发现,原来这个感情也是另一些人在书房里炮制出来的,于是大家更加绝望,更加痛苦.更加互相的往死里掐.其实男人和女人从来都没有好好互相了解过./r/n_罗书全是我的死党,每次我想死的时候,我就会去找他,找完他,我就不想死了,因为每次他都比我还惨.篇二:男人帮经典台词_男人帮经典语录大全男人帮经典台词大全:1.你是选择一个爱你但没钱的穷光蛋,还是选择一个不爱你但有钱的王八蛋.我们总是在不断选择,衡量不同的指标,选择有钱的,选择身高一米八,选择胸围,选择学历,选择进攻的方向,选择逃跑的路线,因为这个世间没有尽善尽美,我们只能选择对自己最有利的选择成为我们不被淘汰的理由成了我们活下去的法宝,我们无法选择因为我们早已经忘了当我们内心有真正想要的时候我们其实是不用选择的.2.每个人都会或多或少的认识几个既一无是处又非常热情的人,这种热情来自于对自己的信心,这种超级强大的信念感,也使得他们从来意识不到别人对自己的厌烦和恐惧.3.美貌是上帝赐给女人最好的礼物,不对,是惩罚男人最厉害的武器,男人徘徊在女人的美貌给我们的震撼和能谈笑风生的才女,带给我们的愉悦中,女人唯一记得的是,那个对你不好的有钱的男人曾经是用钱这样地对你好过.4.爱情就是这样,你捅我一刀,我捅你一刀,你再捅我一刀,我又捅你一刀,然后互相数着对方的伤口.差不多就得了.5.没有原因的爱情才是爱情啊,爱情究竟是不是完全不讲道理,当我们问所爱的人时,你为什么喜欢我?她回答,喜欢你就是喜欢你.没有理由没有原因的时候,我们是不是真的应该相信这句话…那如果真的是这样?那爱情又是怎么结束的呢?6.一见钟情也是这样,我们第一次看到一个人,就深深地有了好感,那除了长相和气质,还能因为什么别的呢?我们不会对一头心灵美的猪一见钟情,我们之所以故意忽视这些,是因为我们想让自己变的很崇高.7.爱情就是这样,你捅我一刀,我捅你一刀,你再捅我一刀,我又捅你一刀,然后互相数着对方的伤口.8.这个世界上并不存在,毫无理由,毫无原因的爱情,除了财富与地位,美丽与才气,或许还有别的,想要一种相似的慰藉,想要满足虚荣心,想要逃避过去,想要宣泄一些感情,这些都挂着爱情的名义,有的慢慢淡去,有的真的爱上了你.有原因并不可怕,可怕的是不承认这些原因,却把它归结为缘分的神秘.9.你在想什么你在想什么我在想你在想什么我在想你在想我在想什么. _自从我们睁开眼睛看这个世界的第一天起,我们看到的就只有两种人,男人和女人.他们分属于两大不同的阵营,为了彻底收服对方大家互相往死里掐.根据一个遥远的传说,说有一种东西叫做爱情.可以彻底终结这场战争.于是大家纷纷地赶紧去寻找,赶紧去幻想.找到头破血流才发现,原来这个感情也是另一些人在书房里炮制出来的,于是大家更加绝望,更加痛苦.更加互相的往死里掐.其实男人和女人从来都没有好好互相了解过.转载自短文学网_罗书全是我的死党,每次我想死的时候,我就会去找他,找完他,我就不想死了,因为每次他都比我还惨._每个人和他的伴侣走在人流中,都希望被人注视,在嫉妒的眼光中感到一种团结,在同情的眼光中感到一种分裂,这种眼光是一种无声的力量,它会聚拢你们,也会渐渐拆散你们,这其实是很虚荣的,也很实际.爱情在这个时候可以忽略不计._.最重要的是选择,从我们出生那一天起,除了我们的父母不能选择,因为那在我们生下来之前就已经存在的,除此之外,所有的一切都可以选择._.道红颜知己对男人来说意味着什么,她可能是了解女人的一个出口,可能是没有恋爱时的玩伴或者更可能只是虚拟一种感情的环境,让我们孤单寂寞的心找到一点点安慰,毕竟在这个时代这个年龄,我们已经很少敢于去认真地付出.但不管怎么样红颜知己就是让你找到自信勇气和力量的那个人.如此珍贵的一个人,就不要因为冲动寂寞或者失落而让她变成可能的陌生人._.女人万分伤心的时候,做为她的男人,你能做的就是默默地抱着她,然后……哭的比她还惨!_.纯洁?我觉得这男女之间就没有纯洁的关系,都男女关系了能纯洁吗?顾小白:你这话什么意思啊,照你这说法,男人和女人就没办法成朋友了?米琪:普通朋友肯定没问题,但这好朋友吧,好到一定程度上肯定有问题._.爱一个人,失去一点点自尊又算什么呢?谁先开口不重要,重要的是彼此相爱,不要因为害怕先开口而错过了真爱._.玩意不是说出来的,是做出来的.光荣在于平淡,艰巨在于漫长.电视剧男人帮每集经典台词:第一集开头:自从我们睁开眼睛看这个世界的第一天起,我们看到的就只有两种人——男人和女人.他们分属于两大不同的阵营,为了彻底收服对方,大家互相往死里掐.根据一个遥远的传说,说有一种东西叫__情,可以彻底的终结这场战争.于是大家纷纷地赶紧去寻找,赶紧去幻想,找到头破血流才发现,原来这个感情也是另一些人,在书房里炮制出来的.于是大家都更加绝望,更加痛苦.更加互相地往死里掐.其实男人和女人从来都没有好好的互相了解过,男人不难了解,只是从来没有人跟你说过.结尾:我开始发觉,每个人喜欢上另一个人都会有他的原因,这个世界上并不存在毫无理由毫无原因的爱情.除了财富与地位美丽与才气,或许还有别的,想要一种相似的慰藉,想要满足虚荣心,想要逃避过去,想要宣泄一些感情,这些都挂着爱情的名义,有的慢慢淡去,有的真的爱上了你,有原因并不可怕,可怕的是不承认这些原因,却把它归结为缘分的神秘.第二集开头:选择,最重要的就是选择.从我们生下来的那一天起,除了我们的父母不能选择,因为那在我们生下来之前就已经存在的.之外,所有的一切都可以选择,选择一个好的幼儿园.小学.漂亮的小学同桌.初中.高中.选择好的大学.选择好的工作.选择好的电视机.电脑.台灯.音响.选择不同牌子的化妆品.汽车;选择男人.女人,男人选择女人,女人选择男人,男人选择男人,女人选择女人.终其一生,我们的人生充满了各种选择,而这其中对男人来说最重要的是选择一个智商徘徊在及格线上的美女,还是选择一个随手能写出几千字散文的才女;对一个女人来说是选择一个对她好但是没有钱的穷光蛋,还是选择一个有钱但是对她不好的王八蛋.结尾:我们总是在不断的选择,衡量不同的指标.选择有钱的,选择身高一米八的选择胸围选择学历选择进攻的方向选择逃跑的路线.因为这个时间没有尽善尽美,我们只能选择对自己最有利的,选择成为我们不被淘汰的理由,成了我们活下去的法宝.男人徘徊在女人的美貌给我们的震撼和能谈笑风生的才女带给我们的愉悦中.女人唯一记得的是那个对你不好的.有钱的男人曾经是用钱这样地对你好过.我们无法选择,因为我们早已经忘了,当我们内心有真正想要的时候,我们其实是不用选择的.第三集开头:从某个角度某个时间,看这个城市的人流,你会发现所有的人都是一样的,一样的表情.一样的步伐,去一样的地方做一样的事情,就像工厂流水线上的产品.这些人都有活下去的动力,这动力其中的一大部分是来自于一个人.这个人懂你的所有心事,了解你所有的行为模式,在你低落的时候是你的输送液和垃圾桶,在你高兴的时候为陪你举杯庆祝.这个人就叫做—知己!结尾:我不知道红颜知己对一个男人来说意味着什么.她可能是一个了解女人的一个出口,可能是没有恋爱时的玩伴.或者更可能只是虚拟一种感情的环境.让我们孤独寂寞的心找到一点点安慰,毕竟在这个时代,这个年龄.我们已经很少敢于去认真的付出.但不管怎么样,红颜知己就是让你找到自信.勇气和力量的那个人.如此珍贵的一个人,就不要因为冲动.寂寞或者失落而让她变成可能的陌生人. 第四集开头:每天早上,无数的男人女人从家里走出来,来到街上去各自的地方上班.他们有着不同的理想,不同的职业.但却分属两大不同的阵营——男人和女人.这两个阵营的人这么多年来,永远在比对.永远在厮杀,保留自己的特权的同时,要从对方手上博取更多的特权.他们是如此的贪心,却从来没能签成一份公平合理的约定.(两个人约会,女人迟到是天经地义,男人迟到就是不靠谱,怎么解释都没用!)结尾:男人和女人从诞生的那一天起,就各自拥有了数不清的优势和劣势.男人凭什么追求女人?女人凭什么不断的在逃?当你作为猎物被我追到,凭什么反过来对我指手画脚?其实男人和女人就像两块严丝合缝的拼图,只有找到你的那一块,才会幸福和满足.至少做左永邦看着米琪不断的在哭,他突然意识到一个巨大的错误.当一个女人万分伤心的时候,你能做的只有默默地抱住她.然后,哭的比她还凶.因为无论怎么比,每个女人与生俱来的母爱永远是你体验过的最伟大的爱情.第五集你们有没有跟踪过什么人,偷偷摸摸地小心翼翼地,跟在那个人身后,想知道他不在你身边的时候是在干吗,这个时候你是在捉贼呢,还是你自己就是个贼呢?啊,问你呢.我们为什么会跟踪自己心爱的人,如果真的捉到了,我们又会怎么样呢,是为了鱼死网破的快感,还是为了满足自己的悲壮,当一切摊开在你面前,你是不是真的有勇气去接受.第六集朋友,我们从最小的时候就需要伙伴,这些伙伴陪你成长,陪你欢笑,陪你哭泣,陪你度过痛并快乐的一生,有的女人说,宁可换男朋友,也不换闺蜜,因为那是你感情最空缺的时候,陪着你的人,也是你有新感情的时候,指手画脚的人.她的朋友装载了她所有的过去,希望着她所有的将来,当你爱上她,她的朋友可以在你们危机时为你们两肋插刀,也可以在你们安稳时__们两刀,你无法主宰,无法干预,好在你有张良计,我有过墙梯,当你无法与她正面冲突时,别忘记,你还有你的朋友,把她收编了吧.第七集你有没有过这样的经历,就是刚开始的时候,你只希望和你喜欢的人待在一起,当你如愿以偿以后呢?你就希望对方了解你,每一个眼神.每一个动作.每句话只说2个字,对方就知道了你的心事,这就是你一辈子要寻找的人.问题是,你每一次都绝望,下一次还开始同样的希望,其实在这个世界上,谁也不是谁肚子里的蛔虫,整天憋着心思让对方猜,你早晚会成为对方心里的噩梦.第八集我们都曾经有过这样的感觉啊,我们喜欢上一个人的时候,她是这个样子的,等到我们靠近了,接近了,或者干脆等到那个人也喜欢你的时候,忽然发现她根本不是你原来以为的那个样子,那么到底是哪里出了问题呢?到底是她变了呢?还是原来根本就是我们的幻觉呢?啊啊啊啊当我们喜欢上一个人的时候,她是展现在公众面前的样子,自信.优雅.时髦.幽默.体贴.善解人意,我们爱上了那个人,才发现,她身体里那么多的喜怒哀乐,她的悲伤.她的软弱.她的无理取闹.她的种种,让你觉得你怎么会爱上这样一个人,你无法忍受的地方,一一暴露在你的面前,这个时候我们总会忘了一件最重要的事,你能看到这些,是因为她也爱着你.第九集对于恋爱中,有一个常见的词叫追求.男人追求女人这似乎是恋爱中必不可少的一环,而女人呢也乐衷于享受这种被追逐的快感但是追求真的是恋爱中必不可少的一环吗?莫小闵:可是问题是我是个女孩,我也希望被自己喜欢的人特别强烈特别剧烈特别狠狠的追求一把,这样最后哪怕不幸咱们两分开了会想起这个过程还是很过瘾的,可是现在我回想起来,我们两没有开头一片空白.顾小白:你认定将来我们会分手是吗?莫小闵;我我的意思是说我希望我们两能有一个回想起来特别过瘾的开头,可是现在回想起来什么都没有,挺遗憾的.顾小白:那你想怎样?莫小闵:你再重新追求我一次呗.左永邦:等等你是叫米琪吧,你看看猜猜我是谁,哦对不起我哥哥肯定在你面前,从回来没有提起过,他有一个双胞胎的弟弟,也难怪他不提,我们两个兄弟是在长得太像了,真的从小到大碰到什么事都要争,自己有什么好处呢?彼此也不告诉对方,这就是双胞胎的悲哀.我选这衣服和选择你,其实是一个道理:我要是穿的邋里邋遢的还去追你是吧你明白我的意思……顾小白:小闵感情这东西是自然而然的它是自然而然的发生自然而然的开始你来的时候我不会追你你走的时候我还不会追你但是不代表我不爱你也不代表我没有对你动真情你懂吗?第十集对于刚认识的两个人来说,彼此是新鲜的,是零的开始但是他们还没有意识到,在这之前双方各自都曾经有过一段长长的历史在那些已经过去的事情对于你们的现在,将来有关系吗?有影响吗?你会去想它吗?呵,谁知道呢----------------------------这一路上,能感觉她那个心里的波动啊你是没看见她看见那个男人的眼神,那种哀伤,那种惋惜,那种瞬间化为永恒.------------------------他是我喜欢的人,就算没在一起,他也会一直在我心里的房子里的.我心里有很多很多的房子,大大小小的有客厅,有厨房,有前院,有后院那是一个城堡,他在到处乱窜呢所以就算我看不到他了他和别人在一起了,或者我和别人在一起了他都会在那其中的一间房子里的规格高啊,有沙发,有大床什么的我偶尔有时候也会去打扫打扫房间,给花浇浇水.---------------------------我也想知道初恋在女人心目中是什么位置,我也希望她说不啊------------------------------------------------有区别吗,这一栋楼,那一城堡,都是搞房地产的,咱们俩这样能住哪去啊这房子都住满了人了,能给我分哪个房间呀,不会是厕所吧你能不能往开了想想,怎么也是一客卧呀客卧都是表面现象,肯定是厕所那厕所的规格高吗——高不高这也是厕所啊,厕所我睡哪,睡马桶上我?------------------------------他是第一个征服你的男人,就好像是这第一个爬上一座山,然后插上那旗子那个人所以后边上山的人,那儿老插一旗子,我对于他来讲就是一观光客你看啊,你你是一山,然后他之后还有第二拨上山的,那我肯定不是第二拨你看你我之前还有那一拨一拨的,有观光的,有拍照的,乱扔瓜皮纸屑的然后还有搞地质考察的 ----------------------------------------- 你不就是觉得我不纯洁吗,你不就是觉得我破坏了你的想象不是你脑子勾勒了成千上百次的白雪公主吗--------------------------------首先第一,我不是山,我是个人,我是个有感情的女人我不知道我会遇见你,在遇到你之前,那些上了山的也好,下了山的也好总之我不是山那些人,就是因为那些人,我才会慢慢变成现在的我,然后遇到了现在的你,和你在一起如果不是因为他们,我连认识都不会认识你--------------------------------反正过去的都已经过去了,你没有办法改变,我也没有哪个女人希望自己是座山,专门供别人旅游用,哪一次我不希望能有人占领这个山头,可是他们来了又走,走了又来.-----------------------------------我不是山,你才是山,你们全家都是山.(太经典了!)------------------------------------没有做过的事情我不能承认,你要非逼着我承认,那我只能先做了再承认. -----------------------------我曾经设想过无数次你跟我分手的理由,每一种我都想好了对付的办法比如说你嫌我好吃懒做,比如说你厌了.倦了,我都会花心思改变我自己甚至我可以一天变化很多种造型,我就怕哪天,你觉得看烦了,不负责任一脚把我给蹬了.今天你跟我说,你跟我分手的原因是要做一个负责任的好男人这话多新鲜啊--------------------------不该跟踪你,对不起.篇三:>每集开场白+经典语录>每集开场白+经典语录第一集 - 以爱之名顾小白开场白死我了!自从我们睁开眼看这个世界的第一天起,我们看到的就只有两种人,男人和女人.他们分属于两大不同的阵营,为了彻底收复对方,大家互相往死里掐.根据一个遥远的传说,说有一种东西叫做爱情,可以彻底终结这场战争,于是大家纷纷地赶紧去寻找.赶紧去幻想,找到头破血流才发现,哦,原来这个感情也是另一些人在书房里炮制出来的.于是大家更加绝望.更加痛苦,更加互相地往死里掐.其实男人和女人从来没有好好地互相了解过,男人不难了解,只是从来没有人跟你说过,要不我跟你谈谈?再说吧,好吧......经典对白和旁白顾小白:〝爱情,究竟存不存在这样的东西呢?如果存在,他为什么到处长着不统一的脸;如果不存在,为什么有人为它哭为它笑为它死?爱情,归根结底,是不是我们为了满足现实的需要,而编织出来的一个最大的谎言?〞顾小白:〝一刀捅死我算了,为了生活,生不如死.〞顾小白:〝每个人都会或多或少地认识几个即一无是处有非常热情的人.这种热情来自于对自己的信心,这种超级强大的信念感,也使得他们从来意识不到别人对自己的厌烦和恐惧.〞爱情究竟是不是完全不讲道理?当我们问所爱的人时,〝你为什么喜欢我?〞他回答,〝我喜欢你就是喜欢你,没有理由没有原因〞的时候,我们是不是真的应该相信这句话.那如果真的是这样,那爱情又是怎么结束的呢?一见钟情也是这样,我们第一次见到一个人,就深深地有了好感,那除了长相和气质,还能因为什么别的呢?我们不会对一头心灵美的猪一见钟情,我们之所以故意忽视这些,是因为我们想让自己变得很崇高.罗书全:〝你你听明白没有啊!她哭着约的我!〞顾小白:〝这算什么呀,你可以跟她一块哭啊!凭什么女的一哭就有求必应,男的一哭就遭人唾弃呢?!〞每个人和他的伴侣走在人流中都希望被人注视,在嫉妒的眼光中感到一种团结,在同情的眼光中感到一种分裂.这种眼光是一种无声的力量,他会聚拢你们,也会渐渐拆散你们.这其实是很虚荣的,也很实际,爱情在这个时候可以忽略不计.顾小白结尾总结。
十大情感女作家语录英语1. Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."2. Jane Austen: "There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart."3. Emily Dickinson: "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul."4. Harper Lee: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."5. Virginia Woolf: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."6. Toni Morrison: "Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all."7. J.K. Rowling: "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."8. Alice Walker: "The most important thing a girl can be taught is to have control over her own body and mind."9. F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Gatsby believed in the green light,the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It's the mark of a man's dreams, the sign of his desires."10. Sylvia Plath: "I love my work, and I'm so good at it. I'ma writer."。
英语女王告白语录1、 Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?2、 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.3、 There is no remedy for love but to love more.4、 The moonlight stands for my heart!5、 It is impossible to love and to be wise.6、 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.7、 If it is true love, do not let go, no money can also be in the feelings of the lost, a lifetime will not come back!Please cherish the people around you, do not forget or regret is your own!8、 Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping ......9、 My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.10、 Life is a long journey. Don’t waste your time waiting for people who are not willing to walk with you.11、 Love triumphs over ever thing.Love has no age, no limit and no death.12、 I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you13、 You know my lone lineis only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.14、 I’m in love with my bed, but my alarm clock won’t let us be together.15、 If you love someone because lonesome and so you will eventually for love and lonely.16、 Brief is life, but love is long.17、 There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together18、 Sometimes I go through those nights where music is my only friend.19、 You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.20、 I'll think of you every step of the way.21、 I believe that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.22、 When love is not madness, it is not love.I really want to become your phone: always to be hold in your hand, often hear your Xin yu, can take you to see the beautiful, and always put the I in mind.23、 No words are necessary between two loving hearts.24、 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.25、 I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!26、 Love doesn’t make your world more colorful. It just opens your eyes to what you couldn’t see before.27、 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.28、 Love understands love;it need snotalk.29、 the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.30、 Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy andI am happy when I think of you!31、 Every man is a poet when he is in love.32、 Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile.33、 To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there34、 I will make you happy when you are depressed. I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!35、 How are you getting on ? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!36、 Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!37、 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you .38、 No one indebted for others,while many people don't know how to cherish others.39、 understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.40、 Even hurt each other, we will not be separated from the humidifier, as long as two people together, although sometimes hurt, the wound will heal, because I hear the voice of his heart.。
2023年简爱经典语录英语版2023年简爱经典语录英语版【1】Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little,I am soulless and heartless?你以为我穷、卑微、普通、渺小,就没有灵魂没有感情了吗?You think wrong! 你想错了!I have as much soul as you, -- and full as much heart! 我和你一样有灵魂,一样多的感情。
And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. 如果上帝赋予我美貌和财富,我一定要使你难以离开我,就像现在我难以离开你。
I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal, -- as we are!我不在用世俗老套的东西跟你说话, 也不是用我的肉体跟你说话, 是我的灵魂在向你的灵魂呼唤, 就如同你跟我经过坟墓, 同样站在上帝面前, 就像现在的我们!So come out at last. You shut yourself in your room and grieve alone. Not one word of reproach.Nothing.Is that to be my punishment? I didnt mean to wound you like this. Do you believe that?I wouldnt hurt you not forthe world.What was I to do? Confess everything I might as well have lost my life.总算出来了。
交流传达情感语录短句英语1. "A smile is the shortest distance between two people." - Unknown2. "The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of." - Blaise Pascal3. "Where there is love there is life." - Mahatma Gandhi4. "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." - Peter Drucker5. "The only way to have a good relationship is to have grace and a sense of humor." - Jay-Z6. "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take." - Mark Twain7. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson8. "The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love, and your presence." - Amy Bloom9. "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller10. "The only thing we never use as much as we should is love." - Jean de La Bruyère11. "Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." - Elizabeth Barrett Browning12. "Communication: the human connection - the spark that ignites our growth." - Ann Landers13. "The language of friendship is not words but meanings." - Henry David Thoreau14. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs15. "The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a worldthat's changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." - Mark Zuckerberg16. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain17. "The only thing better than a person who succeeds is a person who fails and tries again." - Unknown18. "The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open." - Coco Chanel19. "The only thing to fear is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt20. "The only thing more powerful than the strength of your abilities is the strength of your convictions." - Unknown。
英语作文amy的一天五句五年级 样本
英语作文amy的一天五句五年级样本Amy is a fifth-grade student who has perfect English skills and loves to write. She has decided to document her day in five sentences that will give an insight into the life of a typical fifth-grade student.1. "I woke up early today at 6 am, brushed my teeth, and got dressed for school."Amy's day started with an early wake-up call as she had to get ready for school. She followed her morning routine, which included basic self-care tasks like brushing her teeth and getting dressed.2. "We had a math test in our first period, and I'm pretty sure I nailed it."Maths class is never easy, but Amy seemed confident about the test despite the early morning rush. It's essential to start the day on a positive note, and passing a test can be a great motivation booster.3. "At lunchtime, I enjoyed my spaghetti with meatballs while chatting with my friends."Lunch breaks are always refreshing and add excitement to every student's day. Amy seemed to enjoy her spaghetti with meatballs while catching up with her friends during lunchtime.4. "After school, I went to my guitar class where we learned how to play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'"Amy had some after-school activities planned too – she attended a guitar class that taught her how to play one of the most famous nursery rhymes of all time - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.5. "In the evening, I spent some time practicing piano before doing my homework."Finally, Amy ended her productive day by practicing playing piano for some time before settling down to attend herhomework obligations promptly.In conclusion, Amy managed to juggle various activities throughout her hectic yet fulfilling day as a fifth-grade student. From attending classes and acing tests and hobbies outside of school hours like music classes – it was indeed an action-packed moment!。
艾薇儿名言我抽烟1.艾薇儿说:我抽烟,纹身,喝酒,说脏话Tattoo, smoking, drinking, I swear, but I know I am a good girl. Really a bitch like innocent, pure installed, like shy, like to wear pink clothes. Men are shallow, just look at the surface. Therefore, they can only miss a good girl, and be bitch tricked hardly wished to live. Only a woman can tell who the fuck is reallya bitch.--Avril。
2.艾薇儿的个人名言Everyday life inspires me. 生活的每一天都在激励我If you hate me, you're the loser, not me如果你恨我,那么你就是失败者,而不是我It's okay to be different and it's important to believe in yourself. 你可以与众不同,而且要相信自己If she doesn't shut her mouth I'll shut it for her如果她不闭嘴,我会去帮她闭上(2004年与希拉里达芙发生争端)I'm a fighter, I may be small but I'm tough.我是个斗争者!也许我很渺小,但我很强硬。
Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life. 生活就像过山车,乐在其中,享受它吧!If you're different, embrace it. Don't be afraid to experiment with your fashion. 如果你与众不同,接受它。
“I am not afraid of storms,for I am learning how to sail my ship.”“我不害怕风暴,因为我是学习如何驾驶我的船。
”“Love covers a multitude of sins…”爱覆盖了许多的罪…”“such hours a re beautiful to live,but very hard to describe…”“时间是如此美丽的生活,但很难描述…”“I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave.I'd rather do everything for myself,and be perfectly independent.”“我不喜欢支持;他们欺压,让我像一个奴隶。
”“Simple,sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words,and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”简单,真诚的人很少说话的虔诚;它显示在行为本身,而不是单词,和有更多的影响比说教或抗议。
The little old woman:one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.When you are at my time,I absent-minded,When I e to you,when you have gone.We are always in a meeting to miss,losing a lot of.However,I want to say this is because we are still young.No,perhaps this is our life.From then on,I always looked back the road.当你凝望我的时候,我心不在焉,当我奔向你的时候,你已经无影无踪了.我们总是在一次次错过时,失去了很多.不过,我想说这是因为我们还年轻.不,或许这就是我们的人生.从那以后,我总会回头望望来时的路.Jo:(二姐,喜欢写作) Merry Christmas, Mr. Higgins.Higgins(邻居): Merry Christmas, Jo.Beth(小妹,喜欢钢琴) :Did you hurt yourself, Jo?Jo: No, I never hurt myself.Beth :Where have you been, Jo?Jo: Skating. And it was splendid, my Beth.Beth: Look! We've just finished trimming(装扮) the tree.Jo: Oh, Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.Amy(三姐,喜欢画画,有点小自私) :It's dreadful(可怕的)to be poor.Meg(大姐,喜欢打扮):I especiallyly feel it because I remember when we used to be rich.Jo: I remember, too.Amy: I certainly do not think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of lovely things,and other, prettier girls have nothing at all.Beth: We are better off than a lot of people... orphans(孤儿),for instance. We have fatherand marmee(妈妈). And each other.Jo: We haven't got father. We practically won't have him for a long time.Beth: But the men in the army are having such aterrible winter. So I think it's right when marmee said we shouldn't buy each other presents. We have to make sacrifices(牺牲).Meg: I'm glad to make them, but I am tired of ma-ki-ng these old dresses over year after year.Jo: At least you're the first to wear them, and you are the oldest.Amy: I don't think any of you suffer as I do. You don't have to go to school with impertinent(无礼的) girls who label(评论) your father,just because he's poor.Jo: If you mean libel, then say so, and stop talking about label as if papa was a pickle(调味) bottle.Amy: I know what I mean. And you needn't besatirical(挖苦) about it. It's proper to use good words and improve one's vocabulary(词汇).Jo: Vocabulary? Christopher Columbus(老天). Aren't we elegant?Meg: Don't use slang words(粗话),Jo.Amy: And stop whistling! So boylish!Jo: That's why I do it.Amy: Oh, how I detest (讨厌)rude unladylike girls!Jo: And I hate affected niminy-piminy chits.(做作的小女孩)Beth :Birds in their little nests (巢)agree.Meg: Amy, you're too prim(正经). If you don't take care, you're going to grow up and be an affected little goose.(做作的女人) And as for you Jo, now that you've turned up your hair, you should realize you're a young lady.Jo: I'm not. And if turning up my hair makes me old,I'll wear it in two tails(辫子) till I'm 90. I won't growup and be MiMarch. I won't wear long gowns(长袍) and look like a china aster(翠菊). I'll never get over my disappointment of not being a boy. Look at me!Dying to go and fight by father's side. And here I am ,sitting and knitting(做针线活), like a pokey(迟钝) old woman.Meg : Knitting? Bleme(我的天).Beth: Poor Jo.Jo: I don't want any pity. Because someday I intend to be a famous writer, and make my fortune selling stories. Then I shall live and behave as I please. And you'll all ride around in fine carriages(马车). And you, my Beth, you will have a new piano. And Meg, you will have ten dozen dresses and satin slippers(丝绸拖鞋). And red-headed boys to dance with.Meg :I should like that.Jo: So there's no use fighting now. Come on now, let's rehearse(排练) the play. Beth, you play someone gruesome(可怕的)Amy, I wrote a new scene for you. It's wonderful!Amy: Oh, no.Jo: It's perfectly si-mp-le. All you have to do is shout. "Roderigo, Roderigo, save me!" and faint(晕).Amy: Roderigo...Roderigo... save me...and faint. Oh, I can do that. I planned my costume(服装), too. It's absolutely plain(简单)with all the colors of the rainbow in it.Jo: Impossible.Amy: Why? I am a princess(公主), am I not?Jo: Yes, you are a princebut you don't know it. You think you're a servant girl working for Beth. I mean, Hagar the witch(女巫).Amy: A princealways knows she's a princess.Jo: You don't. Look! Beth has just left the stage with her kettle(水壶) full of simmering toads. (煮蛤-蟆)You are locked in the tower. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Hugo the villain(恶霸) enters. You cry out in horror,"Roderigo,Roderigo,save me!"and faint. Then Roderigo, Meg, enters.Amy : Meg,Roderigo? Why ,I thought Meg was Don Pedro, my father.Jo: She is, but you don't know it. Amy, I've told you a thousand times. Till the end of act five, you haven't the slightest idea who you are.Amy: Well, does Meg know?Meg: Of course I do.Amy: Then I want to know, too. Why should I always be so ignorant(无知)?Jo: Simply because if you know who you are, the play is over.Amy: Well, it's too long anyway.Jo: Amy please. After all,it's my play.Meg: And the best we've had yet.Beth: Jo is a regular Shakespeare.Jo: Oh, it's nothing, really. Now! Now! Ready? You ready? I'm Hugo. I e in. And with wicked(恶毒) intentions I say "Aha!" Then I e closer. "Aha!"Hannah(女管家) :Aha. Come and get your tea ,girls.Amy: Don't we ever have coffee any more?Hannah :Coffee's scarce(稀少) and dear. The ships are needed in the war. There is no time to go to Brazil and bring back coffee for MiAmy March. And some folks(家伙) seem tohave nothing better to do than topry(窥探) into other folks' business.Meg:Who is it,Hannah?Hannah: That Laurence boy.Jo:What Laurence boy?Hannah: urence's grandson.Jo: I didn't know the old fusspot(家伙) had a grandson.Hannah: He just came last week. But from what I canfind out, he must be a fine(很糟糕) one.Jo: Why? What's he done?Hannah: First, he ran away from school.Amy: That's the bravest thing I've ever heard of.Hannah: They couldn't trace(寻找) him anywhere. When they did find him, he was in an army hospital wounded. He'd joined upunder another name and lied about his age.Jo: How perfectly splendid! I should like to do the same.Hannah: Fine(很糟糕) soldier you'd make.Meg: Jo,don't.Jo!Jo:It's our private property (房屋),and I can look out at it as much as I like.Meg : You're every bit as bad as he is.Jo: There he is.Meg: Amy,Beth, stand back a little.Jo: Well,I'm glad he's a boy. Certainly would like to know a boy for a change and have a little fun.Meg:Don't say such things.Jo:I wonder how I could get to know him. I wish our cat wouldget lost and he'd bring it back. Then we'd get to talking.Meg:I don't think that's very romantic(浪漫).Jo:Who said anything about romance? Yoo-Hoo!Hello!Meg:Jo,you're disgracing(使我们丢脸) us.Jo:Hello! That dreadful boy, he waved back.她们继续演戏;Jo:I'm Hugo! Aha!Aha! Amy. You're supposed todraw back in horror. Now cover your eyes with your hands.Amy:Roderigo! Roderigo! Save me! Save me!Jo:Amy,watch me do it. Roderigo!Roderigo,Save me! Aaaah! Aah! And faint. Oh,nothing really. Now! Here I e again ,Amy, with wicked intentions. I'm Hugo!Aha! Aha! Here I e with wicked intentions. Aha!Aha!Amy :Aah!Roderigo!Roderigo! Save me! Save me! Save me! Ahh....Save me.Mummy: Glad to find you so merry, my girls.All: Marmee!marmee!Marmee(Mummy): How did everything go today?All:We've finished trimming the tree.Jo: Have you had your supper,marmee?Marmee: Yes,dear.Bethy dear,give me another kiss, baby. Jo,you look tired today.Jo:I'm alright.Marmee: How's your cold, Meg?'s practically gone. And Marmee,I went to see Mrs.King about the position. She's going to take me,and I'm to start Monday. Four dollars a week.Marmee:My Meg,I'm proud of you.Meg:They have a beautiful house,and the children are sweet. Marmee,I don't mind working at all.Beth: Put these on,Marmee. They're nice and warm.Marmee: Thank you, Bethy dear.All: I'll rub them for you.Marmee:Oh dear, the army's so short of blankets, we started cutting up carpets today.Jo:I wouldn't mind sleeping under a carpet if they'd only let me do something.I'd make a wonderful nurse or a drummer(鼓手).Marmee: Jo dear, get my muff(袋) .I have a surprise for you.All: Surprise for Jo?Marmee: For all of you.All: A letter! From father!Marmee:He sent you a little Christmas message. What's that? (这时门外来人)Jo: Sounds like dear old Aunt March.Beth: Yes,it's her,sleigh(雪橇).All: Good evening,Aunt March.March(她们的姑妈,很富,很唠叨): Not at all, Miss. Not at all. It's freezly cold. And you haven't shoveled(铲雪) the path at the door. I might have slipped.All:Merry Christmas,Aunt March.Marmee: So nice of you to e.Marmee:Yes,it was nice of me to e.Jo: Come by the fire.March:Thank you,no.I have a fire at home, where I should be this minute. I only came to bring you these. Meg.Meg:Thank you,Aunt March.March:Jo.Jo:Thank you,Aunt March.M:Beth. Beth:Thank you,Aunt March.March:Amy. Where's Amy? Amy:H-here I am,Aunt March.March:What are you doing back there? I don't like this sneaking(偷偷摸摸) about. Come out into the open, I always say.Amy:Thank you,Aunt March. March: When I was a girl,I used to visit my aunts to wish them a merry Christmas.They didn't visit me. See that you spend it wisely.Marmee:We planned to visit you tomorrow,auntie.March:You never know if there will be a tomorrow. Have you heard from that foolish father of yours, waltzing awayto war, leaving others to take care of his family? It isn't preachers(传教士) that are going to win this war, it's fighters.Jo:We're very proud of father, and you should be ,too. And there's nobody looking out for us.March:Jo!Highty-tighty!(傲慢)Marmee: Have some tea,auntie?March: No. If your father had listened to me, you'll be better off today. I begged him not to invest his money with that swindler(骗子). One look at him and I knew that he'd take the pennies off a dead man's eyes.Jo:That was years ago,it has nothing to do with now.And it was our money that got lost anyway. March: Don't be impertinent(无礼),Miss! It's a waste of time to talk to you. Nobody listens to me anyhow. Merry Christmas.All:Merry Christmas,auntie.Thank you,Aunt March.Jo:Aunt March!You still want me to work for you,don't you?March: Fine time to ask me.Jo:I'd like to be your panion.March:A panion should be panionable.Jo:I will be,I promise. I'm willing to bury thehatchet(讲和).March:Very well,then. Come over after the holidays.9:00 sharp.Bring an apron(围裙).Jo:Thank you,auntie. Merry Christmas,Aunt March.March:Merry Christmas. Oh!All:Look,Jo,a dollar!She gave us each a dollar.Jo:How splendid!Now I can buy the "Black Avenger"Meg:Oh,I've been longing for a bon(圆帽) with a feather.Amy: And a nice box of Faber's drawing pencils for me.Marmee:And what will you do with your dollar,Bethy?Beth:I'll buy some new music.Jo:May we go now,marmee?Marmee: All right.All: Oh!Amy:We'll have presents after all.All(singing):Merry Chrismas time is here. Happiest time in all the year. Ding Dong!Ding Dong! Merry children laugh and play. Happy on this glorious day. All the childrenlaugh and play at christmas time. Merry Chrismas time ishere. Happiest time in all the year. Ding Dong!Ding Dong! Merry children laugh and play. Joyous on this happy day...小妇人介绍:这部小说以家庭生活为描写对象,以家庭成员的感情纠葛为线索,描写了马奇一家的天伦之爱。
欧美经典爱情语录㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.There is something inside ,that they can''t get to , that they can''t touch. That''s yours.那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。
㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you''re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。
2.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。
3.Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。
4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.我和珍妮形影不离。
5.Have you given any thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过呢。
6. You just stay away from me please.求你离开我。
7. If you are ever in trouble, don''t try to be brave, just run, just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。
关于性爱My love life is terrible. The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.我的感情生活非常糟糕,我最后一次进入一个女人的身体是参观自由女神像。
The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers.我和我的老婆唯一一次同时获得高潮,是在法官签署离婚文件时。
The difference between sex and death is, with death you can do it alone and nobody’s going to make fun of you.性和死亡的区别在于,死亡你可以独立完成,而且没有人会取笑你。
Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.做爱就像是玩桥牌。
On bisexuality: It immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.玩双性恋可以立刻让你周六晚的约会机会翻倍。
Don’t knock masturbation; it’s sex with someone I love.不要诋毁撸;撸是我与自己的真爱之间发生的关系。
Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it.性减轻压力,爱情则相反。
Amy的一封信英语作文5句话Dear Amy,I am xx。
I write this letter to thank you writing me a letter.I am learning now.But I am not a good learner.It is hard for me to upgrade my level.So if you have skills to learn well,please let me know.I will be very grateful for your help.Sincerely yours,xxxx五年级英语作文给朋友的一封信不超过40字带着翻译,急用谢谢了啊Dear Lily,How is everything?I do not see you for a long time,and I miss you very much.So I write to you.I was very busy in the last month,because I have much homework to do.The final exam is coming,so I must work hard.Besides,I must learn piano very two days.It takes me some time,but I feel happy.These are my life in recent.And what’s yours?I am looking forward to your let ter and tell me about your life.亲爱的莉莉,一切都好吗我好久没见到你了,我很想你。
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