使用HP crashinfo 和oradebug close


“Outlook 已停止工作 windows正在检查该问题的解决方案

“Outlook 已停止工作 windows正在检查该问题的解决方案

出错停止工作c0000374| no.msacm.voxacm160,Outlook2007的自动提醒功能引起Outlook自动关闭的解决办法问题描述我的同事又再向我抱怨Outlook 2007了,她在打开Outlook2007后,没过多久Outlook就失去了响应,系统提示“Outlook 已停止工作windows正在检查该问题的解决方案",然后自动关闭了。

我马上想到了用sysinternals 随后我想到了日志,在eventvwr。



另外您也可以执行如下命令,打开它.%systemroot%\system32\control.exe /nameMicrosoft.ProblemReportsAndSolutions奥,这么长的命令怎么记得住?不用怕,用start ++吧,请参考http://gnaw0725。

/logs/4888446.html该报错内容如下:产品Microsoft Office Outlook问题已停止工作日期2007/8/20 13:52状态未报告问题签名问题事件名称: APPCRASH应用程序名: OUTLOOK。

EXE应用程序版本: 12。



5000应用程序时间戳: 46574050故障模块名称: StackHash_757e故障模块版本: 6.0.6000.16386故障模块时间戳: 4549bdc9异常代码: c0000374异常偏移量: 000af1c9OS 版本: 6.0.6000。




1区域设置ID: 2052其他信息1: 757e其他信息2: 5da28544f92a22e5d56c0b91b01a18b0其他信息3: 09b3其他信息4: 256f34f9755b7e6e969ea15c59857d57处理过程先按下ctrl+shift+esc 打开任务管理器,尽量关闭应用程序和服务,特别是防病毒软件,(前面我们见过一个防病毒软件干扰word2007启动的例子:word2007对话框打开时命令无法执行)启动sysinternals processmonitor ,然后按下ctrl+e,停止事件日志获取,然后按ctrl+x 清除掉processmonitor启动过程中获取的日志。


Module 3
系统启动: 两进制启动文件丢失或损坏
这些启动文件丢失或 损坏了系统会发生?
lvol3 (/)
/sbin/init /sbin/reboot /sbin/ioinit /sbin/lvinboot /sbin/insf /sbin/vgchange /sbin/mount /sbin/newfs /sbin/vgcfgrestore
Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!
Use the tab and /or arrow keys to navigate through the following e the return key to select an item.If the menu items are not clear,select the Help item for more information.
[ [ [ [
Install HP-UX Run a Recovery Shell Cancel and Reboot Advanced Options [ Help ]
] ] ] ]
s. ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ. l. r. x. c.
sbin . . .
. . . . . . etc stand
Main Memory (RAM)
ISL booting hpux Exec failed:cannot find /stand/vmunix or /vmunix ISL> hpux 11 (searching backup file of vmunix) LS : isc(52.6.0;0)/. dr-xr-xr-x 5 -rw-r--r-dr-xr-xr-x drwxr-xr-x 1 5 5



HP诊断日志收集指南—Linuxv1.0HP诊断日志收集指南—LinuxLinux操作系统下判断服务器硬件故障,需要收集以下日志文件:1.Sosreport2.IML log3.HP Insight Diagnostics Survey4.ILO log或者5.特定情况下可收集cfg2html Report以下是收集方法:1.SosreportSosreport (需要RHEL4 Upgrade6及以后版本):1)对于Redhat用户(大致5分钟以内收集完成)使用root用户执行sosreport,会在/tmp下产生新的.tar.gz的日志文件2)对于Suse redhat(大致5分钟以内收集完成)使用脚本supportconfig -A收集日志,日志路径会存在/var/log 下。




1)如果服务器上已经安装PSP,请在命令行中输入:hplog –v > “filename”2)如果用户系统无法安装PSP,请采取离线方式收集IML日志,请参考以下指南《离线方式收集IML日志》离线方式收集IML日志.docx3.HP Insight Diagnostics Survey用户可以用在线或者离线两种方式收集HP Insight Diagnostics Survey报告。



1)安装完成HP Insight Diagnostics后,可以通过图形界面和命令行两种方式获得HP InsightDiagnostics Survey。

A.图形界面方式:a)访问https://:2381来打开System Management Homepage.b)点击webapps,c)点击HP Insight Diagnostics in Other Agents.d)Survey页面会显示HP Insight Diagnostics Survey。



1.2 smartstart 8.0 cd 引导查看
(1)启动服务器,用smartstart cd引导启动。

(2)进入smartstart home有三个按钮其中中间按钮“Maintain Server”用来维护服务器。

(3)进入Maintain Server中点击“Diagnose Server”开始诊断服务器。




又称“survey 报告”。




(1)Test log
(7)Error log
(8)iml log,可以点击右下角“save”来保存iml日志。





现利⽤Google开源⼯具crashrpt与Microsoft windbg⼯具,解决这个问题,并分享给⼤家。



⼀、crashrpt 简介 crashrpt是⼀个包含能够在程序出现各种类型未处理异常时⽣成程序错误报告,然后将该报告按照指定的⽅式(例如HTTP或者SMTP)发送给开发者,最后分析这些信息的⼯具。

crashrpt由3个部分组成: (1)错误报告⽣成库CrashRpt 我们需要在⾃⼰的程序中使⽤该库捕获我们的程序没有处理的异常,在该库捕获到这些未处理的异常后,CrashRpt会⽣成MiniDump⽂件, 并将和你使⽤该库指定的信息(例如⽇志⽂件和屏幕截图等)⼀起打包成错误报告。

CrashRpt库⽀持处理我所知道的所有Windows C/C++程序抛出的各类异常,还能捕获C++异常、信号和调⽤各类CRT库中的函数出现的错误。

(2)异常信息发送⼯具CrashSender 该⼯具能够按照我们使⽤CrashRpt设置的⽅式,将⽣成的错误报告按照我们指定的⽅式(HTTP、SMTP或者MAPI)发送给我们。

(3)⾃动异常信息处理⼯具crprober 该⼯具能够在后台接收CrashSender发送给我们的错误报告,通过分析错误报告后以⽂本的形式输出程序的异常信息。

⼆、下载安装 crashrpt (1)下载crashrpt crashrpt下载地址:https:///p/crashrpt 关于crashrpt更详细的介绍,可以参考⾯https:///p/crashrpt/ (⼤陆可能很难访问到)以及/docs/html/getting_started.html (⼤陆可能很难访问到) 下载解压后的⽬录如下图所⽰:其中bin⽬录中包含使⽤vc10编译出来的所有crashrpt相关库和程序,include和lib⽬录中包含了开发所需要的头⽂件以及lib⽂件。



oradebug使用详解ToolsORADEBUGORADEBUG is an undocumented debugging utility supplied with Oracle For more general information see ORADEBUG introductionIn Oracle 9.2 commands includeHELPSETMYPIDSETORAPIDSETOSPIDTRACEFILE_NAMEUNLIMITFLUSHCLOSE_TRACESUSPENDRESUMEWAKEUPDUMPLISTDUMPEVENTSESSION_EVENTDUMPSGADUMPVARPEEKPOKEIPCDumping the SGAHELP commandThe ORADEBUG HELP command lists the commands available within ORADEBUGThese vary by release and platform. Commands appearing in this help do not necessarily work for the release/platform on which the database is runningFor example in Oracle (Windows 2000) the commandORADEBUG HELPreturns the followingSETMYPID commandBefore using ORADEBUG commands, a process must be selected. Depending on the commands to be issued, this can either be the current process or another processOnce a process has been selected, this will be used as the ORADEBUG process until another process is selectedThe SETMYPID command selects the current process as the ORADEBUG processFor exampleORADEBUG SETMYPIDORADEBUG SETMYPID can be used to select the current process to run systemwide commands such as dumpsDo not use ORADEBUG SETMYPID if you intend to use the ORADEBUG SUSPEND command SETORAPID commandBefore using ORADEBUG commands, a process must be selected. Depending on the commands to be issued, this can either be the current process or another processOnce a process has been selected, this will be used as the ORADEBUG process until another process is selectedThe SETORAPID command selects another process using the Oracle PID as the ORADEBUG processThe syntax isORADEBUG SETORAPID pidwhere pid is the Oracle process ID of the target process For exampleORADEBUG SETORAPID 9The Oracle process id for a process can be found in V$PROCESS.PIDTo obtain the Oracle process ID for a foreground process useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$sessionWHERE sid = DBMS_SUPPORT.MYSID);Alternatively, if the DBMS_SUPPORT package is not available useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$sessionWHERE sid =(SELECT sid FROM v$mystat WHERE ROWNUM = 1));To obtain the process ID for a background process e.g. SMON useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$bgprocessWHERE name = 'SMON');To obtain the process ID for a dispatcher process e.g. D000 useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$dispatcherWHERE name = 'D000');To obtain the process ID for a shared server process e.g. S000 useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$shared_serverWHERE name = 'S000');To obtain the process ID for a job queue process e.g. job 21 useSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$sessionWHERE sid =(SELECT sid FROM dba_jobs_running WHERE job = 21));To obtain the process ID for a parallel execution slave e.g. P000 useSELECT pid FROM v$px_processWHERE server_name = 'P000';SETOSPID commandBefore using ORADEBUG commands, a process must be selected. Depending on the commands to be issued, this can either be the current process or another processOnce a process has been selected, this will be used as the ORADEBUG process until another process is selectedThe SETOSPID command selects the another process using the operating system PID as the ORADEBUG processThe syntax isORADEBUG SETOSPID pidwhere pid is the operating system process ID of the target process For example ORADEBUG SETOSPID 34345The operating system process ID is the PID on Unix systems and the thread number on Windows NT/2000 systemsOn Unix the PID of interest may have been identified using a top or ps command TRACEFILE_NAME commandThis command prints the name of the current trace file e.g.ORADEBUG TRACEFILE_NAMEFor example/export/home/admin/SS92003/udump/ss92003_ora_14917.trcThis command does not work on Windows 2000 (Oracle 9.2)UNLIMIT commandIn Oracle 8.1.5 and below the maximum size of the trace file is restricted by default. This means that large dumps (LIBRARY_CACHE, BUFFERS) may fail.To remove the limitation on the size of the trace file useORADEBUG UNLIMITIn Oracle 8.1.6 and above the maximum size of the trace file defaults to UNLIMITEDFLUSH commandTo flush the current contents of the trace buffer to the trace file useORADEBUG FLUSHCLOSE_TRACE commandTo close the current trace file useORADEBUG CLOSE_TRACESUSPEND commandThis command suspends the current processFirst select a process using SETORAPID or SETOSPIDDo not use SETMYPID as the current ORADEBUG process will hang and cannot be resumed even from another ORADEBUG processFor example the commandORADEBUG SUSPENDsuspends the current processThe commandORADEBUG RESUMEresumes the current processWhile the process is suspended ORADEBUG can be used to take dumps of the current process state e.g. global area, heap, subheaps etc.This example demonstrates how to take a heap dump during a large (sorting) queryThis example requires two sessions, session 1 logged on SYS AS SYSDBA and session 2 which executes the query. In session 2 identify the PID usingSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr IN(SELECT paddr FROM v$sessionWHERE sid = dbms_support.mysid);In this example the PID was 12In session 1 set the Oracle PID usingORADEBUG SETORAPID 12In session 2 start the querySELECT ... FROM t1 ORDER BY ....In session 1 suspend session 2ORADEBUG SUSPENDThe query in session 2 will be suspendedIn session 1 run the heap dumpORADEBUG DUMP HEAPDUMP 1The heapdump will show the memory structures allocated for the sort. At this point further dumps e.g. subheap dumps can be taken.In session 1 resume session 2The query in session 2 will resume executionRESUME commandThis command resumes the current processFirst select a process using SETORAPID or SETOSPIDDo not use SETMYPID as the current ORADEBUG process will hang and cannot be resumed even from another ORADEBUG processFor example the commandORADEBUG SUSPENDsuspends the current processThe commandORADEBUG RESUMEresumes the current processWhile the process is suspended ORADEBUG can be used to take dumps of the current process state e.g. global area, heap, subheaps etc.See SUSPEND for an example of use of the SUSPEND and RESUME commands WAKEUP commandTo wake up a process useORADEBUG WAKEUP pidFor example to wake up SMON, first obtain the PID usingSELECT pid FROM v$processWHERE addr =(SELECT paddr FROM v$bgprocessWHERE name = 'SMON');If the PID is 6 then send a wakeup call usingDUMPLIST commandTo list the dumps available in ORADEBUG useORADEBUG DUMPLIST pidFor example in Oracle 9.2 (Windows 2000) this command returns the followingDUMP commandTo perform a dump useORADEBUG DUMP dumpname levelFor example for a level 4 dump of the library cache useORADEBUG SETMYPIDORADEBUG DUMP LIBRARY_CACHE 4EVENT commandTo set an event in a process useORADEBUG EVENT event TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL levelFor example to set event 10046, level 12 in Oracle process 8 useORADEBUG SETORAPID 8ORADEBUG EVENT 10046 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 12SESSION_EVENT commandTo set an event in a session useORADEBUG SESSION_EVENT event TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL levelFor exampleORADEBUG SESSION_EVENT 10046 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER, LEVEL 12DUMPSGATo dump the fixed SGA useORADEBUG DUMPSGADUMPVARTo dump an SGA variable useORADEBUG DUMPVAR SGA variable_namee.g.ORADEBUG DUMPVAR SGA kcbnhbwhich returns the number of hash buckets in the buffer cacheThe names of SGA variables can be found in X$KSMFSV.KSMFSNAM. Variables in this view are suffixed with an underscore e.g.kcbnhb_PEEKTo peek memory locations useORADEBUG PEEK address lengthwhere address can be decimal or hexadecimal and length is in bytesFor exampleORADEBUG PEEK 0x20005F0C 12returns 12 bytes starting at location 0x20005f0cPOKETo poke memory locations useORADEBUG POKE address length valuewhere address and value can be decimal or hexadecimal and length is in bytesFor ExampleORADEBUG POKE 0x20005F0C 4 0x46495845ORADEBUG POKE 0x20005F10 4 0x44205349ORADEBUG POKE 0x20005F14 2 0x5A45WARNING Do not use the POKE command on a production systemIPCTo dump information about operating system shared memory and semaphores configuration use the commandORADEBUG IPCThis command does not work on Windows NT or Windows 2000 (Oracle 9.2)On Solaris, similar information can be obtained using the operating system commandipcs -bDumping the SGAIn some versions it is possible to dump the entire SGA to a fileFreeze the instance usingORADEBUG FFBEGINDump the SGA to a file usingORADEBUG SGATOFILE directoryUnfreeze the instance usingORADEBUG FFRESUMEINSTThis works in Oracle 9.0.1 and 9.2.0 on Solaris, but fails in both versions in Windows 2000。







1. 调试工具的使用调试工具是排查程序错误的利器。




常见的调试器有GDB、Xcode和Visual Studio等。




2. 日志记录和错误报告日志记录是排查程序错误的重要手段之一。








3. 单元测试和集成测试单元测试和集成测试是预防程序错误的重要手段。









[1]启动(1)启动次序MP stand/vmunix /sbin/init(调用/etc/inittab) /sbin/rc(调用/sbin/rc[run-level].d) 用户登入脚本等(2)pre_init_rc用来检查启动文件的正确性(3)M P 界面MP确省用户:Admin 密码:Admin进入MP ctrl+B退出MP先执行ma (即main)再执行co (即console)(4)如何查看Primary,Alternate Boot Path?重新启动主机,在十秒钟中断时按任意键进入BootAdmin 菜单,此时在BootAdmin 的提示符下键入pa 命令如下:main menu> pa就会列出Primary,Alternate Path。

或在操作系统下执行#setboot 命令。

(5)/sbin/initinit使用的参数如下:0 关闭机器,处于halt状态1 机器进入系统管理模式,与单用户模式相似,但所有文件系统都可使用,只有超级用户的控制台才可访问系统2 多用户模式,允许所有用户进入系统3 多用户模式,能够共享远程文件等(如NFS)4 多用户模式,VUE(visual user environment),是一个图形环境并有一组X Windows程序被激活5-6 HPUX没有定义,作为用户自定义模式a,b,c 不改变当前运行级别,而是运行一组给定程序s 单用户模式,S 与s模式相似。

在s模式之用物理的系统控制台才可进入系统,而在S模式虚拟的系统控制台可以进入系统Q/q 不改变运行模式,使用当前级别重新读取inittab文件。


(6)/etc/inittab启动后,init进程根据/etc/inittab的内容创建任务1.inittab文件内容举例### change the default run level herei nit:3:initdefault:### pre-configured lines required for boot - don‘t change!ioin::sysinit:/sbin/ioinitrc >/dev/console 2>&1tape::sysinit:/sbin/mtinit > /dev/console 2>&1stty::sysinit:/sbin/stty 9600 clocal icanon echo opost onlcr ixon icrnl ignpar </dev/systtysqnc::wait:/sbin/rc </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1 # system init### these lines display login promptscons:123456:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console # system console#ttp1:234:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty -h tty0p1 9600krsd:123456:respawn:/sbin/krsd -I2.inittab文件格式说明Label:Run-level:Action-keyword:ProcessLabel 4个字符长的唯一标示符Run-level 1个或多个init参数,表运行级别。



304-Keyboard or System Unit Erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: keyboard, keyboard cable, mouse controller, or system board failure.action:1. be sure the keyboard and mouse are connected.only authorized technicians trained by hp should attempt to remove the system board. if you believe the system board requires replacement, contact hp technical support before proceeding.2. run insight diagnostics ("hp insight diagnostics" on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.400 serieslist of messages:40x-parallel port x address assignment conflict404-parallel port address conflict detected40x-parallel port x address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: both external and internal ports are assigned to parallel port x.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.404-parallel port address conflict detected......a hardware conflict in your system is keeping some system components from working correctly. if you have recently added new hardware remove it to see if it is the cause of the conflict. alternatively, use computer setup or your operating system to insure that no conflicts exist.audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the parallel port from working correctly.action:1. if you have recently added new hardware, remove it to see if the hardware is the cause of the conflict.2.run the server setup utility to reassign resources for the parallel port and manually resolve the resource conflict.3. run insight diagnostics ("hp insight diagnostics" on page 101) and replace failed componentsas indicated.600 serieslist of messages:601-diskette controller error602-diskette boot record error605-diskette drive type error611-primary floppy port address assignment conflict612-secondary floppy port address assignment conflict601-diskette controller erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: diskette controller circuitry failure occurred.action:1. be sure the diskette drive cables are connected.2. replace the diskette drive, the cable, or both.3. run insight diagnostics ("hp insight diagnostics" on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.602-diskette boot record erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: the boot sector on the boot disk is corrupt.action:1. remove the diskette from the diskette drive.2. replace the diskette in the drive.3. reformat the diskette.605-diskette drive type error.audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: mismatch in drive type occurred.action: run the server setup utility to set the diskette drive type correctly.611-primary floppy port address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette drive fromoperating properly.action:1. run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and manually resolve the conflict.2. run insight diagnostics ("hp insight diagnostics" on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.612-secondary floppy port address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: a hardware conflict in the system is preventing the diskette drive from operating properly.action:1. run the server setup utility to configure the diskette drive port address and manually resolve the conflict.2. run insight diagnostics ("hp insight diagnostics" on page 101) and replace failed components as indicated.1100 serieslist of messages:1151-com port 1 address assignment conflict1151-com port 1 address assignment conflictaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: both external and internal serial ports are assigned to com x.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.1600 serieslist of messages:1609 - the server may have a failed system battery. some1610-temperature violation detected. - waiting 5 minutes for system to cool1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. either1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan1611-fan failure detected1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone cpu)1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone i/o)1611-fan x not present (fan zonecpu)1611-fan x not present (fan zone i/o)1611- power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. either1611-power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan1611-primary fan failure (fan zone system)1611-redundant fan failure (fan zone system)1612-primary power supply failure1615-power supply configuration error1615-power supply configuration error1615-power supply failure, power supply unplugged, or power supply fan failure in bay x 1616-power supply configuration failure1609 - the server may have a failed system battery. some......configuration settings may have been lost and restored to defaults. refer to server documentation for more information. if you have just replaced the system battery, disregard this message.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: real-time clock system battery has lost power. the system will lose its configuration every time ac power is removed (when the system is unplugged from ac power source) and this message displays again if a battery failure has occurred. however, the system will function and retain configuration settings if the system is connected to the ac power source.action: replace battery (or add external battery).1610-temperature violation detected. - waiting 5 minutes for system to coolaudible beeps: nonepossible cause: the ambient system temperature exceeded acceptable levels.action: lower the room temperature.1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. either......the assembly is not installed or multiple fans have failed in the cpu zone.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fans are missing or not spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are installed and working.2. be sure the assembly is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.4. if a known working replacement fan is not spinning, replace the assembly.1611-cpu zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan......failure. assembly will provide adequate cooling.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fan not spinning.action: replace the failed fan to provide redundancy, if applicable.1611-fan failure detectedaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone cpu)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x failure detected (fan zone i/o)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x not present (fan zonecpu)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611-fan x not present (fan zone i/o)audible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: required fan not installed or spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are working.2. be sure each fan cable is properly connected, if applicable, and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.1611- power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. either......the assembly is not installed or multiple fans have failed.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fans are missing or not spinning.action:1. check the fans to be sure they are installed and working.2. be sure the assembly is properly connected and each fan is properly seated.3. if the problem persists, replace the failed fans.4. if a known working replacement fan is not spinning, replace the assembly.1611-power supply zone fan assembly failure detected. single fan......failure. assembly will provide adequate cooling.audible beeps: nonepossible cause: required fan not spinning.action: replace the failed fan to provide redundancy, if applicable.1611-primary fan failure (fan zone system)audible beeps: nonepossible cause: a required fan is not spinning.action: replace the failed fan.1611-redundant fan failure (fan zone system)audible beeps: nonepossible cause: a redundant fan is not spinning.action: replace the failed fan.1612-primary power supply failureaudible beeps: 2 shortpossible cause: primary power supply has failed.action: replace power supply.1615-power supply configuration erroraudible beeps: nonepossible cause: the server configuration requires an additional power supply. a moving bar is displayed, indicating that the system is waiting for another power supply to be installed.action: install the additional power supply.1615-power supply configuration error- a working power supply must be installed in bay 1 for proper cooling.- system halted!audible beeps: nonepossible cause: the server configuration requires an additional power supply. a moving bar is displayed, indicating that the system is waiting for another power supply to be installed.action: install the additional power supply.1615-power supply failure, power supply unplugged, or power supply fan failure in bay x audible beeps: nonepossible cause: the power supply has failed, or it is installed but not connected to the system board or ac power source.action: reseat the power supply firmly and check the power cable or replace power supply.1616-power supply configuration failure-a working power supply must be installed in bay 1 for proper cooling.-system halted!audible beeps: nonepossible cause: power supply is improperly configured.action: run the server setup utility and correct the configuration.304键盘或系统组合误差听见蜂鸣声:无可能的原因:键盘,键盘线,鼠标控制器或系统板故障。





















1. system error logs :一般有SEL,FPL,在MP卡下SL命令可以收集SEL和FPL.
2. Init日志在EFI shell下输入errdump init命令可以收集,MCA日志在EFI shell下输入errdump mca命令可以收集。


/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log (系统常用信息,如配置、修改、启动、关闭等信息)
/var/adm/syslog/mail.log (电子邮件信息)
/var/adm/syslog/swinstall.log (软件安装产生的信息)
/var/adm/syslog/swremove.log (软件卸载产生的信息)
/var/adm/sulog (执行su的情况)
/var/adm/btmp (所有注册失败信息)
/var/adm/vtmp (所有注册信息)
cat /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log |grep panic
cat /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log |grep warning
cat /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log |grep err。






















1. 调试器(Debugger)的使用:调试器是定位和修复C++程序问题的首选工具。



你可以使用常见的调试器,如GDB(GNU调试器)或LLDB(Low-Level 调试器),根据你的开发环境选择。

2. 核心转储(Core Dump)的分析:当C++程序崩溃时,操作系统可以生成一个核心转储文件(core dump),它记录了程序崩溃时的内存状态。




3. 日志记录(Logging):在程序中添加日志记录是一种常用的调试方法。




4. 编译器警告和错误信息的检查:编译器在编译C++代码时会生成警告和错误信息。



5. 代码审查(Code Review):请同事或其他开发人员对你的代码进行审查。



6. 内存错误检测工具:使用内存错误检测工具,如Valgrind或AddressSanitizer,可以帮助你发现内存泄漏、越界访问和非法指针等问题。

Oracle数据库教程 ——oradebug命令详解

Oracle数据库教程 ——oradebug命令详解

Oracle数据库教程——orad ebug命令详解oradebug它可以启动跟踪任何会话,dump SGA和其它内存结构,唤醒ORACLE进程,如SMON、PMON进程,也可以通过进程号使进程挂起和恢复等,还有很多功能,实际上这些功能都不常用,但是我们在看别人做问题诊断时,常看到别人在使用oradebug命令,其实我感觉最好用的就是他可以直接通过命令输出生成trace文件的名称(带路径的哦),省去不少麻烦,系统HANG住用它做分析也比较好用,和大家分享一下它最常用的方法!以sysdba登陆后SQL> oradebug helpHELP [command] Describe one or all commandsSETMYPID Debug current processSETOSPID <ospid> Set OS pid of process to debugSETORAPID <orapid> ['force'] Set Oracle pid of process to debug SETORAPNAME <orapname> Set Oracle process name to debugSHORT_STACK Get abridged OS stack--查找系统内存堆栈CURRENT_SQL Get current SQLDUMP <dump_name> <lvl> [addr] Invoke named dumpDUMPSGA [bytes] Dump fixed SGADUMPLIST Print a list of available dumpsEVENT <text> Set trace event in processSESSION_EVENT <text> Set trace event in sessionDUMPVAR <p|s|uga> <name> [level] Print/dump a fixed PGA/SGA/UGA variable DUMPTYPE <address> <type> <count> Print/dump an address with type infoSETVAR <p|s|uga> <name> <value> Modify a fixed PGA/SGA/UGA variablePEEK <addr> <len> [level] Print/Dump memoryPOKE <addr> <len> <value> Modify memoryWAKEUP <orapid> Wake up Oracle processSUSPEND Suspend executionRESUME Resume executionFLUSH Flush pending writes to trace fileCLOSE_TRACE Close trace fileTRACEFILE_NAME Get name of trace fileLKDEBUG Invoke global enqueue service debuggerNSDBX Invoke CGS name-service debugger-G <Inst-List | def | all> Parallel oradebug command prefix-R <Inst-List | def | all> Parallel oradebug prefix (return outputSETINST <instance# .. | all> Set instance list in double quotesSGATOFILE <SGA dump dir> Dump SGA to file; dirname in double quotes DMPCOWSGA <SGA dump dir> Dump & map SGA as COW; dirname in double quotes MAPCOWSGA <SGA dump dir> Map SGA as COW; dirname in double quotes HANGANALYZE [level] [syslevel] Analyze system hangFFBEGIN Flash Freeze the InstanceFFDEREGISTER FF deregister instance from clusterFFTERMINST Call exit and terminate instanceFFRESUMEINST Resume the flash frozen instanceFFSTATUS Flash freeze status of instanceSKDSTTPCS <ifname> <ofname> Helps translate PCs to namesWATCH <address> <len> <self|exist|all|target> Watch a region of memoryDELETE <local|global|target> watchpoint <id> Delete a watchpointSHOW <local|global|target> watchpoints Show watchpointsDIRECT_ACCESS <set/enable/disable command | select query> Fixed table accessCORE Dump core without crashing processIPC Dump ipc informationUNLIMIT Unlimit the size of the trace filePROCSTAT Dump process statisticsCALL [-t count] <func> [arg1]...[argn] Invoke function with arguments上面试oradebug的命令参数,可以实现我们不同的跟踪方式,功能还是比较强大的,我们先测试一个用oradebug做oracle process级10046SQL> select distinct sid from v$mystat;SID----------96SQL> select spid,pid from v$Process where addr=(select paddr from v$session where sid=96);SPID PID------------------------ ----------2556166 19SQL> !ps -ef | grep LOCALoracle 3670242 10485930 0 11:25:50 - 0:00 oraclexupeng11g(DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))oracle 2556166 2031934 0 11:13:54 - 0:00 oraclexupeng11g(DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))oracle 10617238 2031934 0 11:34:30 pts/0 0:00 grep LOCAL对SPID系统进程进行追踪SQL> oradebug setorapid 19Oracle pid: 19, Unix process pid: 2556166, image: oracle@cecgt (TNS V1-V3)SQL> oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever,level 28;Statement processed.SQL> oradebug tracefile_name/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xupeng11g/xupeng11g/trace/xupeng11g_ora_2556166.trcSQL> !more /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/xupeng11g/xupeng11g/trace/xupeng11g_ora_2556166.trc 我们这里查看完整的一段就行了,看用oradebug trace 10046事件的内容。

debugging tools for windows用法

debugging tools for windows用法

使用Debugging Tools for Windows进行调试的步骤如下:
1.下载并安装Debugging Tools for Windows。

2.打开Debugging Tools for Windows,在开始菜单下找到【Debugging Tools for Windows

3.在打开的窗口中,选择WinDbg,点击【File】-【Open Crash Dump】选择.DMP文件打开。


5.打开.DMP文件后,可以使用WinDbg的命令进行调试,例如常用的命令是"!analyze -v",用



如何使用Debugging Tools for Windows (windebug)简单的使用心得

如何使用Debugging Tools for Windows (windebug)简单的使用心得

Debugging Tools for Windows是微软的一个蓝屏故障调试工具,可以方便地解决蓝屏问题。



启动Debugging Tools,依次点击“File”-“Open Crash Dump”选择蓝屏时产生的那个dmp文件打开之后,前面那些字符不用理会,注意最后一行1.安装debug工具下载页面地址:/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx选择合适的版本安装2.安装Symbols(特征库)建议可以多安装以免出现分析不出来的情况下载地址:/whdc/devtools/debugging/symbolpkg.mspx 推荐使用VISTA的symbol packages,解析的更详细3.添加Symbols把Symbols的安装路径添加进去4.运行解析找到dump文件添加进去5.以下是一个例子当时的蓝屏代码是0X0000000A,操作系统是XP SP2,是一个QQ引起蓝屏的问题Loading Dump File [e:\!minidump\Mini032707-01.dmp]Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are availableSymbol search path is: F:\WINDOWS\SymbolsExecutable search path is:Unable to load image ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 2*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exeWindows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 2) UP Free x86 compatibleProduct: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTSKernel base = 0x804d8000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x805543a0Debug session time: Tue Mar 27 08:12:47.390 2007 (GMT+8)System Uptime: 0 days 0:18:24.941Unable to load image ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 2*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exeLoading Kernel Symbols ............................................................................................................................. Loading User SymbolsLoading unloaded module list.............******************************************************************************** ** Bugcheck Analysis ** ********************************************************************************Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.BugCheck 1000000A, {e1821a40, 2, 0, 805cf120}Unable to load image npkcusb.sys, Win32 error 2*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for npkcusb.sys*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for npkcusb.sys Unable to load image hidusb.sys, Win32 error 2*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for hidusb.sys*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for HIDCLASS.SYSUnable to load image USBPORT.SYS, Win32 error 2*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for USBPORT.SYSProbably caused by : npkcusb.sys ( npkcusb+384 )Followup: MachineOwner---------由于npkcusb.sys不是系统文件可以选择删除他来解决6.也有分析不出来的情况这个时候就需要多个minidump分析了如果出现如下的情况,则为symbols文件不足以分析这个dump文件;需要重新添加,或是寻找新的updata 文件。

heap corruption detected after

heap corruption detected after

heap corruption detected after











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HP ProLiant Gen9 故障排除指南

HP ProLiant Gen9 故障排除指南

HP ProLiant Gen9 故障排除指南第一卷:故障排除指南摘要本文介绍了很多级别的 HP ProLiant Gen9 服务器故障排除的常见步骤和解决方法。


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AMD 是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。

Microsoft® 和 Windows® 是 Microsoft 集团公司的商标。

Oracle 是 Oracle 和/或其分支机构的注册商标。

Linux® 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国和其它国家/地区的注册商标。

Red Hat® 是 Red Hat, Inc. 在美国和其它国家/地区的注册商标。

SD 和 microSD 是 SD-3C 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的商标或注册商标。

VMware 是 VMware, Inc. 在美国和/或其它司法辖区的注册商标或商标。

部件号:795674-AA32015 年 6 月版本:3目录1 使用本指南 (1)如何使用本指南 (1)新增内容(第三版) (2)795674-XX2(2014 年 12 月) (2)2 故障排除的准备工作 (4)预诊断步骤 (4)重要安全信息 (4)设备上的符号 (4)警告和注意 (5)静电释放 (6)防止静电释放 (6)防止静电释放的接地方法 (6)症状信息 (7)服务器诊断的准备工作 (8)执行故障排除流程中的处理器步骤 (9)将服务器降级到最低硬件配置 (9)3 常见问题的解决方法 (10)连接松动 (10)服务通知 (10)固件更新 (10)在启用了 HP Trusted Platform Module 和 BitLocker 的情况下更新服务器 (11)DIMM 操作准则 (11)DIMM 安装和配置准则 (11)组件 LED 指示灯定义 (11)SAS、SATA 和 SSD 驱动器准则 (12)热插拔驱动器 LED 定义 (12)系统电源 LED 指示灯定义 (13)运行状况 LED 条形指示灯定义(仅限刀片) (13)前面板 LED 指示灯和按钮 (13)前面板 LED 指示灯电源故障代码 (14)4 远程故障排除 (16)远程故障排除工具 (16)远程访问 Virtual Connect Manager (17)ZHCN iii使用 HP iLO 对服务器和服务器刀片进行远程故障排除 (17)使用 Onboard Administrator 对服务器刀片进行远程故障排除 (18)使用 OA CLI (18)5 诊断流程图 (20)故障排除流程图 (20)使用诊断流程图 (20)在开始之前收集重要信息 (21)故障排除流程图引用网站 (21)初始诊断流程图 (21)远程诊断流程图 (22)开机故障流程图 (23)服务器开机故障流程图(ML、DL 和 SL 系列) (23)服务器开机故障流程图(XL 系列) (24)服务器刀片开机故障流程图(BL 系列) (25)POST 故障流程图 (27)Intelligent Provisioning 故障流程图 (29)控制器问题 (29)缓存模块问题 (31)HP Smart Storage 电池问题 (32)物理驱动器问题 (33)逻辑驱动器问题 (34)操作系统引导故障流程图 (35)故障指示流程图 (36)服务器故障指示流程图(非刀片服务器) (37)服务器故障指示流程图(BL 系列) (38)电源配置文件问题 (38)网卡问题 (39)常规诊断流程图 (41)6 硬件问题 (43)用于所有 ProLiant 服务器的步骤 (43)电源问题 (43)电源问题 (43)电源问题 (43)无法打开服务器电源 (44)HP ProLiant 引导前运行状况摘要 (44)UPS 问题 (45)UPS 无法正常供电 (45)显示电池电量不足警告 (46)UPS 上的一个或多个 LED 指示灯呈红色 (46)iv ZHCN常规硬件问题 (46)新硬件的问题 (46)未知问题 (47)第三方设备的问题 (47)测试设备 (47)系统内部问题 (48)CD-ROM 和 DVD 驱动器问题 (48)系统无法从该驱动器引导 (48)从驱动器读取的数据不一致,或驱动器无法读取数据 (48)未检测到驱动器 (49)驱动器问题(硬盘驱动器和固态驱动器) (49)驱动器发生故障 (49)无法识别驱动器 (49)无法访问数据 (50)服务器响应时间比平时慢 (50)HP SmartDrive 图标或 LED 指示灯指示驱动器错误,或者在 POST、HP SSA 或 HP SSADUCLI 中显示错误消息 (51)存储问题 (51)在安装操作系统时,操作系统安装无法识别 HP Dynamic Smart Array B140iRAID 控制器驱动器 (51)具有 10 SFF 驱动器背板或 12 LFF 驱动器背板的服务器上的数据故障或磁盘错误 (51)具有 25 SFF 驱动器背板的服务器上的数据故障或磁盘错误 (51)SD 和 microSD 卡问题 (51)系统无法从该驱动器引导 (51)U 盘问题 (51)系统无法从该驱动器引导 (51)风扇问题 (52)出现一般的风扇问题 (52)出现热插拔风扇问题 (52)HP BladeSystem c 系列机箱中的所有风扇高速运行 (53)HP Trusted Platform Module 问题 (53)HP Trusted Platform Module 出现故障,或者未检测到 (53)内存问题 (53)出现一般的内存问题 (53)服务器内存不足 (54)出现内存计数错误 (54)服务器无法识别现有的内存 (54)服务器无法识别新的内存 (55)处理器问题 (55)磁带机问题 (56)ZHCN v磁带卡住问题 (56)读取/写入问题 (56)备份问题 (56)介质问题 (57)图形和视频适配器问题 (57)出现了常规图形和视频适配器问题 (57)外部设备问题 (58)视频问题 (58)启动服务器之后,屏幕持续 60 多秒钟没有显示 (58)如果使用节能功能,显示器无法正常工作 (58)显示颜色不对 (58)显示慢慢移动的水平线 (59)鼠标和键盘问题 (59)电缆问题 (59)在使用较旧的小型 SAS 电缆时,发生驱动器错误、重试、超时和无根据的驱动器故障 (59)无法识别 USB 设备,显示错误消息,或者设备在连接到 SUV 电缆时无法打开电源 (59)网络控制器或 FlexibleLOM 问题 (59)安装了网络控制器或 FlexibleLOM,但运行不正常 (59)网络控制器或 FlexibleLOM 已停止工作 (60)添加了扩展卡后,网络控制器或 FlexibleLOM 停止工作 (60)网络互联刀片出现问题 (61)控制器问题 (61)在禁用 RAID 模式时,找不到 HP Dynamic Smart Array B140i 驱动器 (61)在 RAID 模式中访问的驱动器上的数据不与从非 RAID 模式中访问的数据兼容 (61)在将驱动器移至新的服务器或 JBOD 后,Smart Array 控制器不显示逻辑驱动器 (61)驱动器漫游 (61)扩展卡问题 (61)系统在更换扩展卡期间要求使用恢复方法 (61)7 软件问题 (63)操作系统问题和解决方法 (63)操作系统问题 (63)操作系统锁定 (63)错误日志中显示错误 (63)安装 Service Pack 之后出现问题 (63)操作系统更新 (63)恢复为备份版本 (64)vi ZHCN何时重新配置或重新加载软件 (64)Linux 资源 (64)应用程序软件问题 (64)软件锁定 (64)更改软件设置后出错 (65)更改系统软件后出错 (65)安装了应用程序后出错 (65)ROM 问题 (65)远程 ROM 刷新问题 (65)命令行语法错误 (65)目标计算机上拒绝访问 (65)无效或不正确的命令行参数 (65)网络连接在进行远程通信时失败 (65)ROM 刷新期间发生故障 (65)不支持目标系统 (66)系统在固件更新期间要求使用恢复方法 (66)更新固件 (66)引导问题 (66)服务器无法引导 (66)UEFI 服务器的 PXE 引导准则 (68)8 软件工具和解决方案 (69)服务器模式 (69)产品规格说明简介 (69)HP iLO (69)Active Health System (70)用于 HP iLO 的 HP REST API 支持 (71)Integrated Management Log (71)HP Insight Remote Support (71)HP Insight Remote Support 集中连接 (72)HP Insight Online 直接连接 (72)HP Insight Online (72)Intelligent Provisioning (72)HP Insight Diagnostics (73)HP Insight Diagnostics 检测功能 (73)Erase Utility (73)适用于 Windows 和 Linux 的 Scripting Toolkit (73)HP Service Pack for ProLiant (74)HP Smart Update Manager (74)HP UEFI System Utilities (74)使用 HP UEFI System Utilities (74)ZHCN vii安全引导配置 (76)嵌入式 UEFI Shell (76)嵌入式诊断选件 (76)用于 UEFI 的 HP REST API 支持 (76)重新输入服务器序列号和产品 ID (76)实用程序和功能 (77)HP Smart Storage Administrator (77)Automatic Server Recovery(自动服务器恢复) (77)USB 支持 (78)外置 USB 功能 (78)支持冗余 ROM (78)安全性和安全优势 (78)使系统保持最新状态 (79)访问 HP 支持材料 (79)更新固件或系统 ROM (79)FWUPDATE 实用程序 (79)嵌入式 UEFI Shell 中的 FWUpdate 命令 (79)System Utilities 中的固件更新应用程序 (80)联机刷新组件 (80)驱动程序 (80)软件和固件 (81)支持的操作系统版本 (81)版本控制 (81)HP 对于 ProLiant 服务器支持的操作系统和虚拟化软件 (81)HP 技术服务组合 (81)更改控制和主动通知 (82)9 HP 故障排除资源 (83)在线资源 (83)HP 支持中心网站 (83)HP 企业信息库 (83)HP 指导的故障排除网站 (83)以前的 HP ProLiant 服务器型号的故障排除资源 (83)服务器刀片机箱故障排除资源 (84)错误消息资源 (84)服务器文档 (84)HP 产品规格说明简介 (84)白皮书 (84)服务通知、咨询和通告 (85)viii ZHCN产品信息资源 (85)其它产品信息 (85)注册服务器 (85)服务器功能概述和安装说明 (85)主要功能和选件部件号 (85)服务器和选件的规格、符号、安装警告和通告 (85)备件号 (86)拆卸步骤、部件号和规格 (86)拆卸或卸除和更换过程视频 (86)技术主题 (86)产品安装资源 (86)外部布线信息 (86)电源容量 (86)开关设置、LED 指示灯功能、驱动器、内存、扩展卡和处理器安装说明以及板卡布局 (86)产品配置资源 (87)设备驱动程序信息 (87)DDR4 内存配置 (87)支持的操作系统版本 (87)操作系统安装和配置信息(对于出厂时安装的操作系统) (87)服务器配置信息 (87)服务器设置软件的安装和配置信息 (87)服务器的软件安装和配置 (87)HP iLO 信息 (87)服务器管理 (87)服务器管理系统的安装和配置信息 (87)容错、安全保护、保养和维护、配置和设置 (88)10 支持和其它资源 (89)与 HP 技术支持部门或授权经销商联系 (89)客户自行维修 (89)所需的服务器信息 (89)所需的操作系统信息 (90)Microsoft 操作系统 (90)Linux 操作系统 (91)Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (92)报告和日志 (92)Active Health System 日志概述 (92)Active Health System 下载 CLI 实用程序 (93)HP iLO Web 界面 (93)ZHCN ixHP Intelligent Provisioning (93)下载 Active Health System 日志 (94)使用 HP iLO (94)使用 Intelligent Provisioning (95)使用用于 Windows 操作系统的 Active Health System 下载 CLI (96)使用用于 Linux 分发的 Active Health System 下载 CLI (96)使用 curl 命令行工具 (97)HP SSA 诊断任务 (97)HP Smart Storage Administrator Diagnostic Utility CLI 报告 (98)HPS 报告 (99)cfg2html 报告 (99)11 缩略语和缩写 (100)12 文档反馈 (103)索引 (104)x ZHCN1使用本指南如何使用本指南《HP ProLiant Gen9 故障排除指南,第一卷:故障排除》重点介绍了 HP ProLiant Gen9 ML、DL、BL、XL 和 SL 服务器的故障排除步骤。



HP不能GHOST GHOST后不能启动HP台式机ghost后无法启动的解决方法一个HP台式机2310其硬盘是串口的,160G,只分有C分区和一个备份用的加密小分区,且安装的系统是HOME版的,用GHOST重做系统后,无法正常启动出现以下提示:windows could notstart because of a computer dis khardware configuration problemcould notread from the selected boot disk check boot path and disk harwareplease check the windowsdocumentation abouthardware d isk configuationand your hardware refer once manuals for additional information大概意思:因计算机磁盘硬件的配置问题,无法启动。



A:以为不兼容SATA硬盘,但机器BIOS中并没有SATA兼容模式选项可以更改B:使用较新的支持SATA的GHOST系统也无济于事(使用全新安装的应该没有问题,不过没试过,但我还是准备用GHOST系统)C:重新分区,在PE下删除隐藏的分区也重启电脑,问题依旧解决办法:GOOGLE了一把,问题解决,方法如下:——————————————————————————————————————————————ﻫ开机进入bios设置(按F10),选择Power management Setup ;再选择WDRT Support 回车,按上下键把参数值修改为disableﻫ——————————————————————————————————ﻫ说明:wdrt support此项可激活或关闭watchdog timer。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

使用HP crashinfo 和oradebug close_trace清理oracle目录




对比bdf和du –k输出结果发现实际空间使用率与bdf显示使用率存在2.5G的差额。

/dev/vg00/lvoracle 20480000 17214819 3073469 85% /oracle
Du –k
7722586 .


#/tmp/crashinfo –unlinked
crmdb1:/#/tmp/crashinfo -unlinked
crashinfo (4.57) - HP CONFIDENTIAL
libp4 (9.252): Opening /stand/current/vmunix /dev/kmem
Loading symbols from /stand/current/vmunix
Kernel TEXT pages not requested in crashconf
Will use an artificial mapping from a.out TEXT pages
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/rng
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/btlan
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/procsm
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/c8xx
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/cdfs
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/igssn
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/fcd
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/td
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/gelan
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/iether
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/igelan
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/lvmp
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/ciss
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/sasd
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/mpt
Loading symbols from /stand/current/mod/nadv
Command line: /tmp/crashinfo -unlinked
crashinfo (4.57) - HP CONFIDENTIAL
PID PPID COMMAND INODE DEVICE SIZE(bytes) 4923 4815 tldd 3388 /dev/vg00/lvol5 348 4989 4815 avrd 3388 /dev/vg00/lvol5 348 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5162 1 nbrmms 5425 /dev/vg00/nbu 52428649 5415 1 nbsl 9347 /dev/vg00/nbu 14711 5415 1 nbsl 9347 /dev/vg00/nbu 14711 5415 1 nbsl 9347 /dev/vg00/nbu 14711 5415 1 nbsl 9347 /dev/vg00/nbu 14711 5415 1 nbsl 9347 /dev/vg00/nbu 14711 5475 1 nbsvcmon 9348 /dev/vg00/nbu 7795 5475 1 nbsvcmon 9348 /dev/vg00/nbu 7795 5475 1 nbsvcmon 9348 /dev/vg00/nbu 7795 5475 1 nbsvcmon 9348 /dev/vg00/nbu 7795 5755 1 perfalarm 22193 /dev/vg00/lvol7 14 5856 5770 ovbbccb 22193 /dev/vg00/lvol7 14 6076 5770 coda 22193 /dev/vg00/lvol7 14 16545 1 oracle 66445 /dev/vg00/lvoracle 2157470667
crmdb1$[/oracle]$ps -ef|grep 16545
oracle 8236 21755 1 11:08:55 pts/tb 0:00 grep 16545
oracle 16545 1 0 Oct 8 ? 92:51 ora_smon_bizdb
如果进程是普通oracle进程,我们可以通过kill -9杀掉相关进程来释放空间,但这里看到,16545是SMON进程,杀掉后会导致数据库宕库。


最后,只有一种方法可以解决,即使用oradebug提供的close_trace命令,该命令使用如下:SQL> oradebug setospid 16545
Oracle pid: 114, Unix process pid: 16545, image: oracle@crmdb1 (SMON)
SQL> oradebug close_trace
Statement processed.
/dev/vg00/lvoracle 20480000 15109028 5047647 75% /oracle
