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The culture of Honda
Its logo
Honda 1
其创始人为本田宗一郎 本田汽车公司(Honda Motor)是汽车行业的彼得· 潘 ─一 家拒绝长大的公司。作为世界上最年轻的以及少数几家保 持 独立的主要汽车制造商,本田一向喜欢我行我素。本田坚 决 维护其创始人所倡导的独立行事、快速行动的企业文化, 大 胆地在全球战略、产品概念以及可持续使用的资源等方面 坚 持走自己的道路。当习惯性思维促使汽车制造商们纷纷朝 一 个方向奔去时,本田注意到了这一点,于是便转而向另一
Main Contents
1. Cultural factors in international business management 2. Corporate culture 3. Development of teamwork 4. Strategies for international marketers
Joint venture culture
What is joint venture?
合资企业一般指中外合资 中外合资经营企业是由中国投资 者和外国投资者共同出资、共同经营、共负盈亏、共担风 险的企业。外国合营者可以是企业、其他经济组织或个人。 中国合营者目前只限于企业、其他经济组织,不包括个人 和个体企业。经审查机关批准,合营企业是中国法人,受 中国法律的管辖和保护。它的组织形式是有限责任公司。
National Culture Joint Venture Culture
Types of organizational culture
Organizational culture is the personality of the organization. It includes : Academy culture universities, hospitals, large corporations, etc. Baseball team culture investment banking, advertising, etc. Club culture the military, some law firms, etc. Fortress culture banks, large car companies, etc.
Honda 2
自 1948 年作为一家摩托车制造商诞生至今,本田的这一 策略一直很奏效。本田现在是世界第七大汽车制造商和赢 利最高的汽车制造商之一。本田在日本占有 15% 的市场 份额,超过日产(Nissan),仅次于丰田(Toyota)。在 几乎占据了本田营业利润三分之二的北美市场,本田已经 建立了第五家汽车装配厂,并且正在对"叁大“汽车制造商 最后的堡垒──轻型卡车市场发起进攻。它在新型燃料方 面也占据着重要地位。在其它汽车制造商正在就行驶里程 和排放──主宰21世纪汽车工业的两大问题──大伤脑筋 时,本田在这两个领域已处于领先地位。
Honda Mode (本田模式)
对公司员工 • 充分尊重个人,公平合理授权 • 一人一事,自由竞争
• 造就独创式人才 • 顾客满意为第一原则 • 信赖培养
The Philosophy of Honda(本田哲学/本田理念)
本田精神中最核心的是“尊重个性”与“三个喜 悦”,“它所表达的信念是:希望根据“尊重个性” 同所有和本田的企业活动发生关系的人们建立一种能 够共同分享喜悦的相互信赖关系。”立足通过企业活 动,“应该使购买商品的人(购买的喜悦),从事商 品的销售,服务的人(销售的喜悦)、从事创造商品 的一系列企业活动的人(创造的喜悦),彼此能够互 相分享喜悦。”正是这样的富于人性化的、顾客导向 的企业哲学,指引着本田企业的一步步发展壮大。
Intercultural Communication
Lecture 9 : Intercultural business management
• • • • • • • • Introductions and Greetings Handshaking and Exchanging Business Cards Business Card Etiquette in different cultures Dressing and Dining Social Customs Invitations Gift Giving and Receiving Humor, Superstitions and Taboos
Some tips in understanding Corporate culture
A company’s culture is greatly influenced by the management team as they set the policies and practices for the organization. Many articles and books have been written in recent years about culture in organizations, usually referred to as “corporate culture”. Every organization has its own unique culture or value set. To be specific, corporate culture can be looked as a system. Often the people who see an organization’s culture more clearly are those from the outside, the new comers, or the consultants.
The contents of corporate culture
Culture comprises the deeply rooted but often unconscious beliefs, values and norms shared by the members of the organization. Culture drives the organization and its actions. It is somewhat like “the operating system” of the organization. It guides how employees think, act and feel.
3. Development of teamwork
• Teamwork means cooperation among employees and employers. • Team members must be flexible, adaptable, and able to work together to further their companies’ goals to succeed and stay competitive.
The Functions of Joint Venture Culture
Culture fulfills a number of functions:
Integration create a general consensus on fundamental issues and facilitates decision making during crisis Coordination shared values and norms, coordinate actions motivation the change of values and the emphasis on the individual Identification “we-feeling”
What is intercultural business management ?
跨文化商务管理真正作为一门科学,是在20世纪70 年代后期的美国逐步形成和发展起来的。它研究的是在跨 文化条件下如何克服异质文化的冲突,进行卓有成效的管 理,其目的在于如何在不同形态的文化氛围中设计出切实 可行的组织结构和管理机制,最合理地配置企业资源,特 别是最大限度地挖掘和利用企业人力资源的潜力和价值, 从而最大化地提高企业的综合效益。 跨文化商务管理中涉及到三种文化:组织文化、合资 企业文化及民族文化。
1. Cultural factors in international business management There are four mian cultural in international business management: Individual culture
Organizational Culture
Selection of the team
There are several things to select a successful team:
2. 3. 4. 5.
The composition of the team needs to be appropriate to the size of the team and the team’s objectives. The location of team members. Functional expertise is not sufficient for the success of a team. (excellent interpersonal, communication and leadership skills are needed.) Success in the local condition does not equal to global success. Previous experience in a team does not guarantee success in future team collaborations.
Tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe influence of national culture
• National culture is an important influence on the development of joint ventures. • National cultural differences have an important impact in large, multinational companies. • The influences of national cultures are an extra limiting variable, which management must take into account. The different levels of culture, which do not exist in isolation, are always linked together.
2. Corporate culture
What is Corporate culture?
• Simple terms: Corporate culture is “the way things work in a corporation.” Culture can be best understood as overlapping webs or patterns of widely shared and deeply felt values and assumptions in an organization. • General terms: Corporate culture is the look, the feel, the atmosphere of an organization and people within it. It is based on one’s perceptions and assumptions of how things get done within that particular organization.