




随着今世媒体技能的发展,动画(animation 或anime)和漫画(comics,manga;格外是故事性漫画)之间朋分日趋严密,二者常被合而为一喻为“动漫”。




Manga为日语“漫画”的英语译音,那会manga 本身也涵盖漫画工业的含义。



此词的出现和推广,源于在98年全中国第一家首先拔地而起的动漫咨讯杂志《动漫时期(ANIME COMIC TIME)》,因此“动漫”一词才得以涌现并徐徐深化人心成为全中国动漫迷经常使用的辞汇和动画与漫画的总称。





宫崎骏(宫崎骏,Hayao Miyazaki)是日本驰名动画片导演,1941年1月5日生于东京。

? 宫崎骏可以说是日本动画界的一个传奇,可以说没有他的话日本的动画事业会大大的逊色。




• 我国的动画片历史渊源流长,种类繁多,日本很多的早期动画都受到我国动画的影响。 但是从90年代起,我国的动画开始走向衰落。二十世纪初,以万籁鸣、万古蟾、万超 尘为代表的第一代中国动画人应运而生,成为中国动画片的开山祖。1922年摄制了中 国第一部广告动画片《舒振东华文打字机》。之后,1924年中华影片公司摄制了动画 片《狗请客》、上海烟草公司摄制了动画片《过年》。这两部影片是中国最早的动画 片。万氏兄弟于1926年绘制的《大闹画室》,揭开了中国动画史的一页。1941年,受 到美国动画《白雪公主》影响,制作了中国第一部大型动画《铁扇公主》,在世界电 影史上,这是继美国《白雪公主》、《小人国》和《木偶奇遇记》后的第四部大型动 画,标志中国当时的动画水平接近世界的领先水平。之后万氏兄弟有拍摄了大量抗日 作品。1961-1964年制作的《大闹天宫》, 1962年 获捷克斯洛伐克第十三届卡罗维发 利国际电影节短片特别奖; 1978年英国伦敦国际电影节本年度杰出电影; 1980年5月 第二次全国少年儿童文艺创作评奖委员会一等奖; 1982年8月厄瓜多尔第四届国际儿 童电影节三等奖;第二届中国电影“百花奖”最佳美术片奖。《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 (1961年出品)中国第一部水墨动画片,打破了动画片"单线平涂"的模式,没有边缘 线,意境优美,气韵生动。五六十年代的中国水墨动画是世界动画界的珍宝,《小蝌 蚪找妈妈》就是代表作之一,取材于齐白石的鱼虾形象,奠定了影片的美术水准。中 国在水墨动画方面成就颇多,在此也不一一叙述啦。1979年中国第一部彩色宽银幕动 画长片《哪吒闹海》问世,这部被誉为“色彩鲜艳、风格雅致、想像丰富”的作品, 深受国内外好评。民族风格在它的身上的到了很好的延续。1999年,中国打造了一部 声势非凡的动画片《宝莲灯》。这部动画片志在为长期没有大作品问世的中国动画界 弥补空白,请来了一流的画师、导演,片中插曲也都请国内一线明星演唱,这算是中 国动画的一次新的尝试。




对于喜欢动漫的人来说,了解如何使用anime (动漫)是至关重要的。




在选择anime (动漫)时,可以根据自己的兴趣和喜好来进行选择。



目前,有许多在线平台提供anime (动漫)的观看服务,如Bilibili、爱奇艺等。














anime4k 的用法

anime4k 的用法

anime4k 的用法anime4k是一种图像超分辨率增强算法,专门针对动画领域,通过应用机器学习的方法,将低分辨率的动画图像转换为高分辨率的图像。










以下是一些常用参数的介绍:1. 缩放倍数:该参数用于调整图像的放大倍数。

anime4k支持2x、4x 和8x等不同的倍数选择。


2. 强化阈值:指定图像增强的阈值,取值范围一般为0-255。


3. 色彩恢复:该参数用于控制饱和度和对比度,可以调整图像的色彩还原效果。

4. 锐化程度:该参数用于调整图像的锐利度。




四、优化画质为了进一步优化图像的画质,我们可以使用anime4k提供的一些扩展功能:1. 防止边缘伪影:在进行图像增强时,有时会出现边缘伪影的问题。

animediff 用法

animediff 用法

animediff 用法Animediff 是一个用于比较和分析动画片的工具,其主要目的是帮助动画爱好者更好地理解和评价不同动画作品之间的差异。

本文将逐步介绍Animediff 的用法,并提供一些建议和技巧来有效利用这个工具。

第一步:入门Animediff 是一个在线工具,因此第一步是访问官方网站。


首次访问Animediff 的用户需要注册一个账户,这可以允许你保存比较结果和参与更广泛的讨论。

一旦完成注册,你就可以开始使用Animediff 了。


Animediff 支持输入多个动画片名称以进行对比。

当你完成输入后,点击“比较”按钮,Animediff 将为你呈现两个或多个动画片之间的差异列表。




第四步:深入比较除了比较动画片之间的差异,Animediff 还提供了一些高级功能,帮助你更深入地进行比较。


Animediff 还支持用户添加自定义的评价标准,以满足个人的需求。


Animediff 允许你将比较结果导出为文本文件或图片形式,以备日后参考。

第六步:参与讨论Animediff 还提供了一个论坛和社区功能,你可以在这里与其他用户交流和讨论。


第七步:技巧和建议在使用Animediff 过程中,以下是一些建议和技巧,可以帮助你获得更好的比较结果和体验:1. 提供尽可能详细的比较内容,包括动画片的名称、发行年份、导演等信息,以便获取更准确的比较结果。



Data shows that from nothing to begin developing a mature animation assistant requires three years; to develop a mature cartoonist needs at least five years; planning to develop a mature comic takes 10 years; to develop a mature animation of the original painting divisions requires five years;action divisions needs 5 years; and an animation director, is in neens Boy's Love, especially to gay men
They like BL very much and often fantasy love between boys
means Character Pairing
Japan is one of the most famous countries for its animation production.
We are very proud that in 1950s and 1960s, ink animation (水墨动画) in that time was absolute.Such as ‘The mantis stalks the cicada(螳螂捕 蝉)’…
Unfortunately, the ignorance of the China's animation industry leads to the production lags far behind the level of foreign countries.



描述动漫的英语作文Anime: A Masterpiece of Japanese Story Telling.Anime, a unique and captivating form of entertainment, has captivated audiences worldwide with its captivating storylines, vibrant characters, and stunning visuals. Originating in Japan, anime has evolved into a global phenomenon, inspiring countless adaptations, spin-offs, and cultural references.Visual Prowess and Storytelling Techniques.Anime is renowned for its exceptional visuals, which seamlessly blend traditional 2D cel animation with cutting-edge digital technology. The result is a kaleidoscope of colors, intricate details, and dynamic backgrounds that bring the stories to life. Moreover, anime employs unique storytelling techniques, such as exaggerated emotions, hyper-stylized action sequences, and subtle character development, which evoke a profound emotional response fromviewers.Complex Characters and Meaningful Themes.Anime characters are often deeply complex and relatable, wrestling with personal struggles, societal pressures, and existential questions. They are not merely archetypes but fully realized individuals with multifaceted motivationsand emotional depth. Through their journeys, anime explores timeless human themes of love, loss, identity, and the pursuit of dreams.Cultural Impact and Global Reach.Anime has had an undeniable impact on global culture.It has inspired countless works of literature, music, video games, and other forms of entertainment. Moreover, animehas played a significant role in promoting Japanese culture abroad, fostering a deep appreciation for Japanese art, history, and customs among international audiences.Genres Galore.The world of anime encompasses a vast array of genres, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From action-packed adventures and heart-wrenching dramas to whimsical comedies and thought-provoking science fiction, anime offers something for everyone.Action: Anime such as "Naruto" and "Dragon Ball Z" feature thrilling battles, epic fights, and supernatural abilities.Adventure: Anime like "One Piece" and "Attack on Titan" embark on epic journeys, uncovering hidden worlds and facing unknown dangers.Drama: Anime such as "Clannad" and "Your Lie in April" explore emotional themes of love, loss, and the human condition.Comedy: Anime like "Gintama" and "Kaguya-sama: Love is War" provide lighthearted entertainment with witty humor and slapstick antics.Science Fiction: Anime such as "Psycho-Pass" and "Steins;Gate" delve into futuristic worlds, exploring complex themes of technology, artificial intelligence, and time travel.Conclusion.Anime is a captivating and immersive form of entertainment that transcends cultural boundaries. With its stunning visuals, complex characters, meaningful themes,and global reach, anime continues to inspire and enthrall audiences worldwide.中文回答:动漫,日本故事叙述的杰作。



Let's see some classical anime quotations
You can't fly if you don't try.
When you are in trouble,even if turn to god for help therewill be no miracle(奇 迹).Crying for help,there will be no hero yet.
• 3. The profit problem. When a good original animation writer take foreign orders, he can usually get more than 1000 yuan processing fees per minute, but work for domestic(国内的) companies, there is only three or four hundred yuan income. Income gap(差距) cause some outstanding animation flow to foreign. • 4.No mature(成熟的)animation industry cking of professional operation(运营) and management(管理) team,with the effect of piracy(剽窃),it is difficult for many animation companies to recover cost and earn profit.
Briefly summarize (总结;概括) some reasons why China's animation is behindhand(落后的). • 1. Immature(不成熟的) market environment. In China, because the limitation of traditional awareness, a lot of parents think that cartoon is worthless, animation film will affect their child's study, so the animation is often opposed. • 2. Chinese animation works has always been far too conservative(保守的) in production idea.






1. 《秋刀鱼之味》片尾曲《灯》《秋刀鱼之味》是一部极富人情味的动画电影,而片尾曲《灯》更是为整部作品增色不少。



2. 《秒速5厘米》主题曲《One more time, One more chance》《秒速5厘米》堪称近年来情感动人的日本动画佳作,而其主题曲《One more time, One more chance》更是成为了无数人的心灵歌曲。


3. 《雏蜂》片头曲《星间飞行》《雏蜂》是一部颇具思考价值的科幻题材作品,而其片头曲《星间飞行》以其悠扬的旋律和动人的歌词让观众为之动容。


4. 《言叶之庭》主题曲《夏之幻》《言叶之庭》是一部由新海诚执导的温馨爱情动画电影,而其主题曲《夏之幻》更是将观众带入了一个梦幻般的世界。


5. 《未闻花名》片尾曲《いつも何度でも》《未闻花名》是一部耐人寻味的青春成长动画片,而片尾曲《いつも何度でも》更是成为了许多人心中的经典。


6. 《后会无期》片尾曲《Lemon》《后会无期》凭借其温馨感人的故事而深受观众喜爱,而片尾曲《Lemon》更是成为了许多人心中的经典。



动漫英语知识点总结IntroductionAnime, a term derived from the English word "animation", refers to the style of animated film and television shows that originated in Japan. Anime has become increasingly popular worldwide, and with its growing popularity, the demand for English-language knowledge about anime has also risen. This article aims to provide a comprehensive summary of anime-related English knowledge, covering various aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, and cultural references.VocabularyAnime has a distinct set of vocabulary that is often used in the context of its genre and culture. Some common words and terms related to anime include:1. Otaku - a term used to describe someone who is obsessed with anime and manga.2. Kawaii - the Japanese word for "cute", often used to describe the art style of anime characters.3. Mecha - a genre of anime that features giant robots and machines.4. Shonen - a genre of anime and manga targeted towards young boys.5. Shojo - a genre of anime and manga targeted towards young girls.6. Senpai - a term used to address or refer to someone of a higher social status or seniority. GrammarIn the context of anime, there are certain grammar patterns and sentence structures that are commonly used. These include:1. Honorifics - the use of suffixes and prefixes to indicate respect or formality when addressing and referring to others, such as "-san" for Mr. or Mrs., "-sama" for lord or lady, and "-chan" for endearment.2. Desu/masu form - the polite form of verbs in Japanese, used to show respect and formality in speech and writing.3. Particle usage - the use of particles such as "wa", "ga", "ni", and "no" to indicate grammatical relations and connections between words in a sentence.Cultural ReferencesAnime often contains cultural references that may be unfamiliar to non-Japanese viewers. Understanding these references can enhance the appreciation and enjoyment of anime. Some common cultural references in anime include:1. Japanese festivals and traditions - anime often portrays scenes and episodes featuring traditional Japanese festivals, customs, and rituals, such as cherry blossom viewing, New Year's celebrations, and summer festivals.2. Japanese pop culture - anime reflects various aspects of Japanese pop culture, including fashion trends, music, and entertainment.3. Food and cuisine - Japanese cuisine plays a significant role in anime, with characters often enjoying popular dishes such as ramen, sushi, and tempura.Slang and ExpressionsAnime also incorporates specific slang and expressions that may not be commonly used in formal or everyday Japanese language. Some examples of anime slang and expressions include:1. "Yokai" - a Japanese term for supernatural monsters and spirits, often featured in anime with folklore and mythology themes.2. "Itadakimasu" - a phrase used before meals to express gratitude and appreciation for the food.3. "Arigatou gozaimasu" - a formal expression of gratitude, often used in anime to show politeness and respect.Translation and SubtitlingFor non-Japanese speakers, translation and subtitling play a crucial role in accessing and understanding anime content. This involves a range of language and cultural considerations, such as:1. Localization - adapting and translating dialogue, cultural references, and humor to make it accessible and relatable to the target audience.2. Subtitling conventions - using appropriate fonts, colors, and timing to ensure accurate and readable subtitles for anime dialogue.3. Dubbing - translating and voicing over anime dialogue in English or other languages, while preserving the original character voices and emotions.ConclusionAnime English knowledge encompasses a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, cultural references, slang, expressions, and translation practices. Understanding these aspects can enhance the appreciation and enjoyment of anime for both Japanese and non-Japanese audiences. As anime continues to be a global cultural phenomenon, the importance of anime English knowledge will only continue to grow.。



英语动漫作文模板素材高清英文回答:Anime Essay Template。

Introduction:Begin with a captivating hook that introduces the topic of anime.Define anime and provide a brief historical overview of its origins and evolution.State your thesis statement, which should be a clear and concise statement of your argument about anime.Body Paragraph 1:Discuss the unique characteristics of anime, such as its distinct art style, engaging stories, and memorablecharacters.Explore the various genres of anime, including action, adventure, romance, comedy, and science fiction.Provide examples of popular anime shows or movies that exemplify these genres.Body Paragraph 2:Analyze the cultural impact of anime, both in Japan and around the world.Discuss how anime has influenced other forms of entertainment, such as video games, music, and fashion.Examine the role of anime in promoting Japaneseculture and values.Body Paragraph 3:Discuss the challenges and controversies surroundinganime.Address concerns about violent or sexually suggestive content in some anime shows.Explore the issue of cultural appropriation and the portrayal of stereotypes in anime.Body Paragraph 4:Evaluate the future of anime.Discuss emerging trends and advancements in anime production.Predict how anime will continue to evolve and impact the entertainment industry.Conclusion:Reiterate your thesis statement and summarize the main points of your essay.Offer a final thought or reflection on thesignificance of anime.End with a strong concluding statement that leaves a lasting impression.中文回答:动漫作文模板素材。



介绍动漫电影的英语作文(集合3篇)1. Anime movies, also known as animated movies, have gained immense popularity around the world in recent years. One of the most significant factors contributing to their success is the unique and compelling storytelling that captures the hearts of audiences of all ages.One of the most renowned anime movies is "Spirited Away," directed by Hayao Miyazaki. This film has won numerous awards and accolades for its mesmerizing storyline and breathtaking animation. The movie follows the journey of a young girl named Chihiro, who becomes trapped in a mysterious and magical world. Throughout her adventure, Chihiro encounters a variety of fascinating characters and overcomes various challenges, ultimately discovering her inner strength and resilience.In addition to "Spirited Away," there are countless other anime movies that have captivated audiences worldwide. "Your Name," "Princess Mononoke," and "Akira" are just a few examples of anime movies that have garnered widespreadacclaim and recognition for their exceptional storytellingand visual artistry.Moreover, anime movies often explore profound themes and complex emotions, making them not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. Whether it's the exploration of identity and belonging or the examination of human nature and morality, anime movies have the power to resonate with audiences on a deep and personal level.In conclusion, anime movies have become a vibrant and integral part of global pop culture, captivating audienceswith their compelling stories, stunning visuals, and profound themes. As the popularity of anime continues to grow, it'sclear that these movies have a timeless and universal appeal that transcends cultural boundaries.2. Anime movies are a form of entertainment that has gained widespread popularity not only in Japan but also across the globe. The visual artistry and storytelling in anime movies set them apart from traditional live-action films, attracting audiences of all ages and backgrounds.One of the defining features of anime movies is the diversity of genres and themes they encompass. From lighthearted comedies and heartfelt dramas to epic adventures and gripping thrillers, anime movies offer something for everyone. Whether it's the magical world of "Kiki's Delivery Service" or the high-octane action of "Ghost in the Shell," anime movies never fail to captivate and enthrall audiences with their creativity and imagination.Furthermore, anime movies often incorporate stunning animation techniques and art styles, showcasing theincredible talent and dedication of the artists and animators involved. The attention to detail and the vivid portrayal of characters and settings contribute to the immersive and enchanting experience of watching an anime movie.Additionally, anime movies have proven to be a powerful medium for storytelling, addressing complex and thought-provoking themes that resonate with viewers on a deep and emotional level. Whether it's the exploration of love and friendship, the examination of societal issues, or the portrayal of inner turmoil and personal growth, anime movies have the ability to evoke profound emotions and introspection.In conclusion, anime movies hold a special place in the world of entertainment, offering a diverse range of genres, unparalleled visual artistry, and compelling storytelling. As the influence of anime continues to expand, it's evident that these movies have left an indelible mark on global popculture, inspiring and captivating audiences with their boundless creativity and imagination.3. Anime movies, with their captivating storytelling and stunning visuals, have garnered a dedicated and passionate fanbase around the world. These films, often featuring unique characters and fantastical worlds, offer an escape into the realm of imagination and creativity.One of the most striking aspects of anime movies is their ability to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers, resonating with audiences from diverse backgrounds. Whetherit's the timeless themes of love and heroism or the exploration of sci-fi and fantasy realms, anime movies have a universal appeal that captivates viewers of all ages.Moreover, anime movies often showcase the immense talent and creativity of the filmmakers and animators involved. The intricate details in character design, the vibrant colors,and the fluid animation all contribute to the immersive and visually stunning experience of watching an anime movie.Furthermore, anime movies are known for their thought-provoking storytelling, often delving into profound themes and complex emotions. Whether it's the introspective journey of self-discovery in "Perfect Blue" or the epic clash of ideals in "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind," anime movies have the power to inspire deep introspection and contemplation in their audiences.In conclusion, anime movies have left an indelible mark on the world of cinema, captivating audiences with their universal appeal, breathtaking animation, and profound storytelling. As the popularity of anime continues to grow, it's clear that these movies will continue to enchant and inspire viewers for generations to come.。











said that the power of ACG lies in the
all-embracing range of characters, stories, setting s and emotions that it contains. If you’re looking for something that can lighten your mood or spark some real inspiration within you, ACG might just be the key.。



动漫有哪些用途英文作文英文:The use of anime can be varied and diverse. Here are some of the ways in which anime can be used:1. Entertainment: Anime can be used as a form of entertainment. People watch anime to relax and unwind after a long day at work or school. Anime can be a source of joy and laughter, and can help people forget their problems for a while.2. Education: Anime can also be used as an educational tool. There are many anime shows that are based onhistorical events or scientific concepts. Watching anime can help people learn about different cultures and traditions.3. Language learning: Anime can also be used as a tool for language learning. Many people use anime to learnJapanese, as it is a fun and engaging way to learn the language. Watching anime with subtitles can also help people improve their reading and listening skills.4. Inspiration: Anime can inspire people to pursuetheir dreams and passions. Many anime shows have characters who overcome great obstacles and achieve their goals. Watching these shows can motivate people to work hard and never give up.5. Socialization: Anime can also be used as a way to socialize with others. Many people attend anime conventions or meetups to meet other fans and make new friends.中文:动漫的用途可以是多种多样的。



介绍你喜欢的一部中国动漫英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Introduction to My Favorite Chinese AnimeIntroductionAs an enthusiastic fan of Chinese animation, I would like to introduce one of my favorite Chinese anime, "The King's Avatar." This anime has captured my heart with its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and stunning animation quality. In this essay, I will provide a detailed overview of the plot, characters, and reasons why I love this anime so much.Plot Overview"The King's Avatar" follows the story of Ye Xiu, a legendary professional gamer who is forced to retire from his team due to various circumstances. Determined to make a comeback, Ye Xiu begins his journey as a new player in the popular online game "Glory." With his exceptional skills and strategic gameplay, he quickly rises to fame and becomes a top player once again. The anime chronicles Ye Xiu's adventures as he navigates thecompetitive gaming world, forms new alliances, and strives to reclaim his title as the King of Glory.Character IntroductionYe Xiu: The protagonist of the series, Ye Xiu is a skilled and experienced gamer who excels in both combat and strategy. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Ye Xiu remains determined and unwavering in his pursuit of excellence. His dedication to the game and his team members makes him a beloved and respected figure in the gaming community.Chen Guo: The owner of the Happy Internet Cafe where Ye Xiu works, Chen Guo is a loyal friend and supporter of Ye Xiu. She provides him with a place to practice and develop his skills, and her passionate enthusiasm for Glory inspires everyone around her.Reasons for Loving "The King's Avatar"There are several reasons why I love "The King's Avatar" so much. Firstly, the anime offers a unique and refreshing take on the gaming genre, focusing on the competitive world of professional esports and the dedication and skill required to succeed in this field. The game mechanics and strategiesdepicted in the series are not only exciting to watch but also educational for viewers who are interested in gaming.Secondly, the characters in "The King's Avatar" arewell-developed and relatable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Ye Xiu's determination and leadership, Chen Guo's loyalty and support, and the rivalries and friendships formed between different players create a rich and dynamic narrative that keeps viewers engaged and invested in the story.Finally, the animation quality in "The King's Avatar" is simply stunning. The action sequences are fluid and dynamic, the character designs are detailed and expressive, and the backgrounds are beautifully rendered. The attention to detail and the overall production value of the anime elevate it to a level of excellence that rivals many Japanese anime series.In conclusion, "The King's Avatar" is a phenomenal Chinese anime that deserves recognition and praise for its compelling storyline, well-rounded characters, and breathtaking animation quality. I highly recommend this anime to anyone who enjoys gaming, esports, or simply a good story with heart and soul.References:- The King's Avatar (Chinese: 全职高手) is a Chinese animated television series based on the novel of the same name by Hu Dielan. It was produced by Tencent Penguin Pictures and originally aired in April 2017.- The King's Avatar was well-received by audiences and critics alike, winning several awards and accolades for its storytelling, animation, and voice acting.- The anime has since spawned a live-action adaptation, a mobile game, and various merchandise, further cementing its popularity and success in the entertainment industry.篇2Title: Introduction to My Favorite Chinese AnimeI have always been a huge fan of Chinese anime, also known as "donghua". Among the many titles that I have watched, there is one particular series that has captured my heart and has become my all-time favorite - Mo Dao Zu Shi.Mo Dao Zu Shi, also known as Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, is a phenomenal donghua based on the popular web novel of the same name by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. The story revolves around the protagonist Wei Wuxian, a genius cultivator with a mischievous personality, and his complicated relationshipwith the stoic and restrained Lan Wangji. Together, they uncover dark secrets and navigate through treacherous plots in a world of cultivation and magic.What sets Mo Dao Zu Shi apart from other anime is its intricate plot, well-developed characters, stunning animation, and beautiful art style. The series effortlessly blends elements of fantasy, mystery, action, and romance, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with every episode.One of the standout aspects of Mo Dao Zu Shi is its diverse and compelling cast of characters. From the charismatic Wei Wuxian to the enigmatic Lan Wangji, each character ismulti-dimensional and adds depth to the narrative. The intricate relationships and dynamics between the characters add layers of complexity to the storyline, making it a truly immersive and emotionally resonant experience.Furthermore, the animation in Mo Dao Zu Shi is absolutely breathtaking. The fight scenes are dynamic and fluid, the character designs are unique and visually appealing, and the background art is beautifully detailed. The animation perfectly captures the tone and mood of the series, enhancing the overall viewing experience.In conclusion, Mo Dao Zu Shi is a must-watch Chinese anime that appeals to a wide audience with its compelling story,well-rounded characters, stunning animation, and emotional depth. It is a masterpiece in the world of donghua and has left a lasting impression on me as a fan. I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for a captivating and engaging anime that will leave them wanting more.篇3Title: Introduction to My Favorite Chinese AnimeChinese animation has been gaining popularity in recent years, and one of my favorite Chinese anime is "The King's Avatar" (全职高手). The King's Avatar, adapted from a popular web novel, tells the story of Ye Xiu, a professional e-sports player who is forced to retire from his team due to various reasons. Determined to make a comeback, Ye Xiu starts over in an Internet Cafe and creates a new character in a popular game called Glory.What makes The King's Avatar stand out is its unique storyline and well-developed characters. Ye Xiu is a complex and relatable protagonist who faces challenges and setbacks but always stays true to himself. The supporting characters, includingYe Xiu's friends and rivals, are also well-written and add depth to the story.Another aspect that I love about The King's Avatar is its stunning animation and fight scenes. The battles in Glory are beautifully animated and choreographed, making them exciting and visually appealing to watch. The attention to detail in the character designs and backgrounds also adds to the overall immersive experience of the show.In addition to its exciting action scenes, The King's Avatar also explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and perseverance. Ye Xiu's journey to reclaim his glory is not an easy one, but with the help of his friends and his own determination, he is able to overcome obstacles and achieve success in the competitive world of e-sports.Overall, The King's Avatar is a must-watch for fans of Chinese animation and e-sports enthusiasts alike. Its engaging story, well-rounded characters, and impressive animation make it an enjoyable and memorable viewing experience. I highly recommend giving this Chinese anime a try and discovering the world of Glory alongside Ye Xiu and his friends.。





Animation education in the college is the bridge to connect the education and industry.对漫迷而言,动漫和他们的生活联系的如此紧密,动漫融入生活,生活融入动漫。

ACG is indispensable to the life of ACG fans.不过对于动漫人物,你可以今天喜欢一个,明天喜欢另一个。

e character, you can like one character one day and a differentcharacter the ne_t.一些中国动漫制造商已经做了一些改变,提高作品的成功率。

Some Chinese cartoon makers have already made changes to increase thesuccess of their productions.她还说,观众很喜欢这类电影,因为他们能轻易抓住并感受这些角色以及他们的故事,很多情节都曾在日本动漫中出现过。

She said audiences love this type of film because they can identify easily and feel connected to the characters and their stories, many of e form.找一份工作并不是难事,至少在北京这样的城市不难。


动漫英语 PPT

动漫英语 PPT
This is one of my favourite animes.The plot is so moving that I often cry about it.
Fruits Basket
They are cursed by spirits of the Chinese
I'm very intersted in foreign language ,so I decide to learn easier language,like Japanese.
In order to learn Japanese well, I begin to watch anime.
1.Exercise class anime(运动类动漫) 2.Blood class anime(热血类动漫) 3.Reasoning class anime(推理类动漫) 4.Ig class anime(搞笑类动漫) 5.cure such anime(治愈类动漫) 6.Love class anime(恋爱类动漫)
3.Chinese animation are suitable for low age of the children,but all ages of people could like to watch anime;
4.Chinese animation are lack of publicity(宣传),but in Japan,the company will promote their anime hardly.
They are lady-killers and they are always think about kinds of ideas to make lady happy.The anime is very famous and




那么,你知道日本动漫的英语怎么说吗?日本动漫的英文释义:Japanese anime and manga日本动漫的英文例句:就在几英里以外,一堆花表明正在悼念这些孩子们,花束中躺着一只泰迪熊和一些日本动漫卡片。

Just a few feet away, a stack of flowers mark a memorial for the children. A teddybear and Japanese anime cards are tucked in under the bouquets.她还说,观众很喜欢这类电影,因为他们能轻易抓住并感受这些角色以及他们的故事,很多情节都曾在日本动漫中出现过。

She said audiences love this type of film because they can identify easily and feel connected to the characters and their stories, many of which appeared earlier inJapanese anime form.《每日电讯报》在一篇谴责现代女学生性感时装的文章中疾呼;而东京《读卖新闻》将日本动漫青春期前孩童人物称为“洛丽塔式的性感”。

" demands the Daily Telegraph in an article condemning contemporary sexyschoolgirl fashions, while T okyo's Daily Yomiuri refers to "the Lolita-like sex appeal" of preteen Japanese anime characters.就好像是宜家和一个13岁的日本动漫小姑娘结合在一起,还诞生出了一家旅馆!Another family favorite is the Hotel T omo in Japantown over the hill from this one (it’s l ike Ikea mated with a 13 year old Japanese anime girl and gave birth to ahotel).在日本这个岛国,动画产业有自己独特的一个支部(日本动漫)。

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SCORPATH - S crew C ompressor O ptimal R otor P rofiles and T hermodynamics Software Package for Screw Compressor DesignAdditional SCORPATH InformationCompressor Centre at City University London is entirely involved indesign of superior rotor profiles and appropriate screw compressors andthis is fully confirmed literally throughout the World. The dry and oil-flooded air compressors as well as refrigeration compressors in variousconfigurations 2/3, 3/5, 4/5, 4/6, 5/6 and 6/7 are created and calculated byuse of our design software ‘Scorpath’, which is based on a comprehensivemathematical model of the screw compressor eometry and workingprocess and it is regularly checked by comparison with measured dataobtained either on our experimental stands or by our numerous customers.Moreover, the families of our compressors were thoroughly tested by ourcustomers who have published their results. We do not have a singlereason to suspect that our further compressor designs would confirm ourpredictions in full.Compressor Centre have worked for or with companies in Australia,China, England, Finland, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Korea,Russia, Spain, Turkey and the U.S.A and in former Yugoslavia.'N' rotor profiles for screw compressors, based on a patented rackgeneration procedure, offer greater flow area, less leakage, smallerinternal friction and greater lobe strength than any other known rotorprofile. More specifically, we can design the rotor profiles within theenvelope of your existing compressors, i.e. to retain your previouscompressor design and retrofit the rotors only, or to design a newcompressor(s) around the 'N' rotors. In both cases a substantialimprovement of up to 6.5 % increase in capacity and 2- 2.5 % decrease inspecific power will be achieved in comparison with any other rotors ofthe same size and compressor speed and inlet and outlet pressures.Starting with these, or any other rotor profile types, the Centre canperform accurate performance predictions followed by complete detaildesign of compressors for any application.Using 'Scorpath' software for design of screw compressors, developed inthe Centre, full performance estimates can be carried out on new designsof these and any other types of positive displacement machine. Productevaluation can thereby be completed before proceeding to manufactureand testing.Scorpath (Screw Compressor Optimal Rotor Profiling AndTHermodynamics) is a design tool package which calculates and presentsscrew compressors and their processes and systems. Its packed version isentirely placed into only one, 'Scorpath' directory and consists of 445 filesarranged in 5 subdirectories, of which 19 are executive, EXE files and 48are FORTRAN source files, 77 script files and 37 graphics support files.The package is accompanied with the full FORTRAN compiler and acomplete package of graphical presentation software. In the workingversion, the package consist of minimum 522 files. Additional files aremainly output data files. The package has two masks for a convenientuser access, one is in DOS, another in Windows 9x, 2000, NT or XP environment driven either by the keyboard or mouse. A skilled and experienced user will use handy script files which are supplied to run Scorpath efficiently when he inevitably founds the windows environment is, as usually, too complicated and insufficiently efficient as any other system dedicated to low-level computer users.The software obtains accurate performance predictions followed by complete detail design of compressors for any application. Full performance estimates can be carried out on all types of screw machines. Product evaluation can thereby be completed before proceeding to manufacture and testing.There exist several bundles and modules of Scorpath at various levels. The most comprehensive is a full source version delivered together with compilers and output/graphical support to enable users to develop and upgrade the program according to their own needs and requirements. The simplest are single modular units which are the useful for a specialized user interested in specific tasks like screw compressor geometry calculation, thermodynamics of dry or oil flooded compressors, refrigeration package, tool profiling, compressor optimization, leakage minimization. Between these, one can find the optimal package which will respond to individual needs. Main features of Scorpath are: Geometry GenerationGeneral procedure for screw compressor geometry calculation based on a given screw compressor profile. An example is given for a public domain profile. Sealing lines, blow-hole area and screw compressor volume are calculated here. Rotor flow areas, sealing lines and blow-hole area are also calculated here. A clearance distribution provides efficient and reliable rotor operation.Tool is calculated and the unique tool-rotor procedure enables the customer to check the tool profile against any manufacturing errors. For a given built-in volume both, suction and discharge ports are calculated and transferred to a CAD system by the convenient interface.If licensed with the 'N' profile rotors, the customer is entitled to the rotor generation procedure which is based on a unique rack profiling method. This profile generation part of the package relies on the accurate graphical presentation which can downscale lengths to the tiny fraction of micrometers, like the applied software is. Any attempt to do plot the rotors in a commercial data-base software, like for example, Excel will fail because these software packages are absolute inferior in such graphical presentation.More information.ThermodynamicsCompressor cycle process, p-V diagram, mass flow, work and power, specific power and efficiencies Real fluid property routines: IIR, Lee-Kesler, NIST. Loads, force and torque calculations Compressor design optimization.Since the screw compressor process is subjected to relatively high leakages and it is accompanied by oil flooding, standard preintegrated thermodynamic relations can not be applied to provide any accurate and reliable calculation. Only a system of differential transport equations of continuity, momentum and energy solved simultaneously can give a satisfactory result. This was incorporated into Scorpath from the beginning, however this has been noticed only recently causing all mayor screw compressor companies to switch their calculation to a differential calculation of the screw compressor process.The system of differential equations, closed by a set of algebraic equations of state and thermodynamic properties, is solved by Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. This practically excludes any other programming language to be used except a high level translator, such FORTRAN, c and Pascal are. The first one, the most common in engineering practice is used here and all source codes are written in it.Therefore any attempt to solve the differential equations of thermodynamic process in a low-level data base system such as Excel is, will fail. Furthermore, any simplification of the differential approach to an algebraic one will lead to the practice recently abandoned in the screw compressor community and deteriorate the achieved level of accuracy. However, it is possible and it is very welcome, to write the input and output files in some data-base form if it is found more convenient for the user than the ASCII form currently applied in Scorpath. The package is so flexible that this can be conveniently done.More information.The following list of varieties of Scorpath is referred here for your additional information.Scorpath can be delivered in the following bundles:1. Full Source licence, Scorpath complete (SGHTOR) (binary and source of the complete code)2. Full Binary licence (GTHOR), the same functionality as 1, but without the source code. This licence can be split into variousindependent modules for a separate purchase:2.1 Scorpath - G, Screw Compressor Geometry2.2 Scorpath - THOR, Thermodynamics, oil injection, refrigerants, compressor optimization2.3 Scorpath - T, Tool Geometry3. Demo and/or evaluation licence - free4. One year maintenance/support - free2 additional years maintenance/support upon request4 additional years maintenance/support upon requestEach package is supplied either on CD Rom or distributed by e-mail. It is accompanied by appropriate user manual. Each package is supplied with adequate graphic subprograms which enable graphical presentations of the results.Binary versions are in DOS/Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/NT or available in Unix upon request. Source is given in Fortran-77. A full compiler and script makefiles are provided with the source licence. Maintenance and update is limited to the original source only.All licences are perpetual and each purchase includes one year software maintenance and support which may be extended to 3 or 5 years which include yearly software updates. The software is licenced for a specific workstation, number of copies is not limited within the purchaser company, however, the maintenance/support and software updates are limited to one per purchase. A training for your engineers in the rotor profile and compressor design will be provided through one week free of charge at City University London.Although Scorpath is undoubtedly a comprehensive software which considerably helps in the screw compressor design, it still needs a reasonable human input and can not in any circumstance replace a good compressor designer.If you by some event once purchase a licence for 'N' rotors with us a full licence of the software package 'Scorpath' will be provided free of charge as an integral parameter of the profile design which will enable you to modify your profiles.I hope that this additional information keeps you better informed about our work in screw compressors and Scorpath, If you have any additional specific questions related to the profile and compressor you would like to be designed for your use, please let us know and we will be happy to answer them.You can now download SCORPATH software package.Then in your local directory type or press:"DEMO"This will create \DEMO directory with SCORPATH programs Then type or press "WMASK" ("MASK" or "HELP") in your \DEMOdirectory。
