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l101c n e 4 2 .t , / o tnt 31 41h m 1
f ] 别 尔 嘉耶 夫. 罗斯 的命 运 [ . 7 俄 M] 汪剑 钊 , . 明 : 译 昆
表 2 试 卷 总体 质 量 分 析 结 果
( a ) 中位 数 ( da ) 众 数 ( d ) 指 标 , Me n 、 Me i 和 n Mo e 等 反 映 考生 成绩 集 中所在 的分数段 ,代表 考 生 的集 体 水 平 [。而 离 散程 度 分 析 , 过计 算 “ s - 通 总分 ” 的标 准 差 (t.eit n 和 全距 , 映考生 之 间的差异 [。 距 SdD v i ) ao 反 5全 ] ( a g ) 最小值 ( nm m) R ne是 Mii u 与最 大值 ( xmu 之 Mai m) 间 的绝 对 差 。偏度 (k w es 和峰 度 ( uts ) 来 S e n s) Kr i 用 os 描 述数 据分 布是 否对 称 . 布 陡缓程 度等 。以总成 分 ]
7 9分 , 众数 7 0分 , 生 的集 体水 平 在 7 左 右 , 考 0分 全 距6 4分 , 即最 高和 最低 分相 差 6 4分 , 绩分 布 图基 成 本 对称 .基 本符 合正 态分 布 :%的学 生成绩 小 于 6 6 0 分 :0 5 %的学 生成 绩小 于 7 9分 , 试及 格 率 9 % , 考 4 标 准 差 为 1 .1 标 准 差 值 较 大 , 明 学 生个 体 之 间 存 1 , 3 说 在 较 大 的差 异 ,因而教 学过 程 中要 注重 学生 个体 差 异 , 点关 注学 习效果 较差 的 学生 。 重 321 成绩 与性 别相 关分析 .. 平 时 的教 学 中 , 发现 女 生 普 遍认 真好 学 , 么 , 那





nS 2
由公式8 4,我们可利用理论 2值与样本方差来 确定总体方差的置信区 间 : nS 2


第二节 总体平均数的估计
一、总体平均数估计的计算步骤: ⒈利用抽样的方法抽取样本,计算出样本的平均 值 X 和标准差S。 ⒉计算样本平均数的标准误 SEX : ①当总体方差已知时,样本平均数的标准误的计 算为:
②当总体方差未知时,样本平均数的标准误的计 算为: Sn SEX n 1
因此, 的95%的置信区间为 : 115.8 2.042 0.81 115.8 2.042 0.81 即114.15 117.45
的99%的置信区间为 : 115.8 2.75 0.81 115.8 2.75 0.81 即113.57 118.03
⒉当总体为非正态分布时(只有当样本容量n>30 时,此时样本抽样分布服从自由度为n-1的t分 布,这时可依t 分布对总体平均数进行估计, 否则不能对总体 平均数进行估计。) 例6 某校进行一次数学考试,从中抽取40名考生, 经计算,这40 名考生的平均成绩为82分,标准 差为7 分,试求全体考生平均成绩的95%和 99%的置信区间。
例2 已知某市6岁正常男童体重的总体方差为6.55公斤,从该
市随机抽取40 名6岁男童,其平均体重为20.4公斤,试求该 市6 岁男童平均体重的95%和99%的置信区间。
• 解: n 95%的置信区间的显著性水平α=0.05, Z 2 1.96 因此,μ的95%的置信区间为:



第60卷 第1期2024年02月青岛大学学报(医学版)J O U R N A LO FQ I N G D A O U N I V E R S I T Y (M E D I C A LS C I E N C E S)V o l .60,N o .1F e b r u a r y2024[收稿日期]2023-06-05; [修订日期]2023-12-20[基金项目]河北省重点研发计划自筹项目(172777148)[第一作者]赵孟杰(1982-),男,主治医师㊂[通信作者]孙景武(1980-),男,硕士,主任医师㊂E -m a i l :119-5272448@q q.c o m ㊂不可逆电穿孔和射频消融治疗原发性肝癌效果比较赵孟杰,邢恩涛,董源,金鹏飞,孙景武(河北中石油中心医院肝胆外科,河北廊坊 065000)[摘要] 目的 评价不可逆电穿孔技术治疗原发性肝癌的初步效果㊂方法 2019年1月 2021年10月,采用前瞻性研究方法选择在河北中石油中心医院诊治的原发性肝癌病人102例为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为2组,每组51例㊂观察组采用不可逆电穿孔技术治疗,对照组采用射频消融技术治疗㊂评估两组临床效果㊁术后并发症㊁6和12个月的生存率和复发率,以及甲胎蛋白(A F P )的转阴率㊂比较两组总胆红素(T B i L )㊁清蛋白(A l b )㊁丙氨酸氨基转移酶(A L T )㊁血清糖类抗原125(C A 125)㊁癌胚抗原(C E A )和A F P 等生化指标㊂结果 观察组总体临床效果㊁6和12个月生存率㊁A F P 转阴率均高于对照组(χ2=7.933㊁8.254,L o g -r a n k χ2=8.254㊁8.541,P <0.05),术后并发症发生率㊁6和12个月复发率低于对照组(χ2=4.317,L o g -r a n k χ2=6.331㊁7.256,P <0.05)㊂治疗后,观察组A L T ㊁A l b ㊁T B i l ㊁A F P ㊁C E A 和C A 125等指标均低于对照组(t =8.660~40.741,P <0.05)㊂结论 不可逆电穿孔技术治疗原发性肝癌的效果显著,对病人肝功能影响较小,能够有效降低病人血清A L T ㊁A l b 和T B i l 等指标的水平㊂[关键词] 肝肿瘤;电穿孔;射频消融术;肝功能试验;生物标记,肿瘤;治疗结果[中图分类号] R 735.7;R 446.113 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-5532(2024)01-0110-05d o i :10.11712/jm s .2096-5532.2024.60.006[开放科学(资源服务)标识码(O S I D )][网络出版] h t t ps ://l i n k .c n k i .n e t /u r l i d /37.1517.R.20240304.1750.001;2024-03-07 20:41:07E f f i c a c y o f i r r e v e r s i b l ee l e c t r o p o r a t i o nv e r s u sr a d i o f r e q u e n c y a b l a t i o nf o r p r i m a r y li v e rc a n c e r Z HA O M e n g j i e ,X I N G E n t a o ,D O N GY u a n ,J I N P e n g f e i ,S U N J i n gw u (D e p a r t m e n t o fH e p a t o b i l i a r y S u r g e r y ,H e b e i P e t r o C h i n aC e n t r a lH o s p i t a l ,L a n g -f a n g 065000,C h i n a )[A b s t r a c t ] O b je c t i v e T o p r e l i m i n a r i l y e v a l u a t e t h e t h e r a p e u t i c ef f e c t s o f i r r e v e r s i b l e e l e c t r o p o r a t i o n f o r p r i m a r y l i v e r c a n c e r . M e t h o d s F r o mJ a n u a r y 2019t oO c t o b e r 2021,w e p r o s p e c t i v e l y e n r o l l e d 102p a t i e n t sw i t h p r i m a r yl i v e r c a n c e rw h ow e r e t r e a -t e d a tH e b e i P e t r o C h i n aC e n t r a lH o s p i t a l ,a n d a s s i g n e d t h e mu s i n g a r a n d o mn u m b e r t a b l e t o r e c e i v e e i t h e r i r r e v e r s i b l e e l e c t r o p o r a -t i o n (o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p )o r r a d i o f r e q u e n c y a b l a t i o n (c o n t r o l g r o u p ),w i t h51p a t i e n t s i ne a c h g r o u p .T h e t w o g r o u p sw e r e c o m -p a r e d i n t e r m s o f c l i n i c a l r e s p o n s e ,p o s t o p e r a t i v e c o m pl i c a t i o n s ,s u r v i v a l a n dr e c u r r e n c e r a t e s a t 6a n d12m o n t h s ,a n d t h e c l e a -r a n c e r a t e o f a l p h a f e t o p r o t e i n (A F P ),a sw e l l a s b i o c h e m i c a l i n d i c a t o r s i n c l u d i n g t o t a l b i l i r u b i n (T B i l ),a l b u m i n (A l b ),a l a n i n e a m i -n o t r a n s f e r a s e (A L T ),c a r b o h y d r a t e a n t i g e n125(C A 125),c a r c i n o e m b r y o n i ca n t i g e n (C E A ),a n dA F Pl e v e l s . R e s u l t s C o m -p a r e dw i t h t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p ,t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p s h o w e d s i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e r o v e r a l l c l i n i c a l r e s po n s e r a t e ,6-a n d 12-m o n t h s u r -v i v a l r a t e s ,a n dA F Pc l e a r a n c e r a t e (χ2=7.933,8.254;L o g -r a n k χ2=8.254,8.541;a l l P <0.05)a n ds i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r i n c i d e n c e r a t e o f p o s t o p e r a t i v e c o m p l i c a t i o n s a n d r e c u r r e n c e r a t e s a t 6a n d 12m o n t h s (χ2=4.317;L o g -r a n k χ2=6.331,7.256;a l l P <0.05).A L T ,A l b ,T B i l ,A F P ,C E A ,a n dC A 125l e v e l s i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n g r o u p w e r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r t h a n t h o s e i n t h e c o n t r o l g r o u p (t =8.660-40.741,a l l P <0.05). C o n c l u s i o n I r r e v e r s i b l e e l e c t r o p o r a t i o nh a s s i g n i f i c a n t t h e r a p e u t i c e f f e c t s f o r pa t i e n t sw i t h p r i -m a r y l i v e r c a n c e r ,a n d c a ne f f e c t i v e l y r e d u c e s e r u m A L T ,A lb ,a n dT B i l l e v e l s ,w i t h l e s s d e t r i m e n t a l i m p ac t o n l i v e r f u n c t i o n .[K e y wo r d s ] l i v e r n e o p l a s m s ;e l e c t r o p o r a t i o n ;r a d i o f r e q u e n c y a b l a t i o n ;l i v e r f u n c t i o n t e s t s ;b i o m a r k e r s ,t u m o r ;t r e a t m e n t o u t c o m e原发性肝癌病人早期无症状,病人确诊时往往已达到中晚期,而且肿瘤细胞会对门静脉产生侵犯,进而造成门静脉癌栓,对病人生命安全造成较大的影响[1-3]㊂我国原发性肝癌发病率和罹患病人总量位居世界前列,主要与乙型肝炎患病率高和人口基数大有关[4-6]㊂目前原发性肝癌的发病机制尚未完全明确,可能与致癌因子㊁肝炎病毒感染及遗传等因素有一定的关联[7-8]㊂传统治疗方法主要为手术摘除,虽然能够取得一定疗效,但是对病人创伤性较大[9-10]㊂近年来伴随医疗技术发展,射频消融技术得到了较广泛应用,其主要机制是通过热消融杀伤肿瘤细胞[11-12]㊂不可逆电穿孔疗法也是新兴的一种1期赵孟杰,等.不可逆电穿孔和射频消融治疗原发性肝癌效果比较111技术,通过穿透组织的细胞膜在其表面产生不可逆的纳米级微穿孔,进而造成肿瘤细胞凋亡,是原发性肝癌的主要治疗方法[13-14]㊂目前,这两种治疗方法的疗效对比研究尚未有明确结论[15-17]㊂因此,本研究对不可逆电穿孔和射频消融治疗原发性肝癌的效果进行评价㊂1 资料与方法1.1 研究对象1.1.1 样本量确定 2019年1月 2021年10月,选择河北中石油中心医院诊治的原发性肝癌病人为研究对象㊂样本量估计采用实验性两样本对比研究的公式n =2[(t α/2+t β)s /δ]2进行估算㊂公式中n 为样本量,t 为统计量,s 为总体标准差的估计值,δ为两均数差值;双侧α=0.05,β=0.1,查表t α/2=1.960,t β=1.282;对病人临床指标预调查的最大估计值s /δ为1.479,最终得出每组最低样本量为46例,按此扩大10%样本量最终纳入102例病人㊂1.1.2 纳入和排除标准 纳入标准:①无沟通障碍;②均经‘临床肿瘤内科手册“和影像学检查确诊,均符合米兰标准[18],或经穿刺活组织病理检查诊断为原发性肝癌,且符合B C L C 分期;③均自愿参与研究;④无门静脉侵犯和肝外转移;⑤糖类抗原125(C A 125)>35U /L ,癌胚抗原(C E A )>10μg/L ,甲胎蛋白(A F P )>200μg /L ;⑥既往未接受手术㊁靶向治疗等抗肿瘤治疗,治疗依从性和随访依从性较高㊂排除标准:①存在慢性或急性感染;②哺乳期或妊娠期妇女;③合并其他基础疾病(如高血压㊁糖尿病等)㊁认知功能障碍㊁心脏传导阻滞㊁严重心律失常㊁其他部位恶性肿瘤;④病人中途退出本研究㊂本研究经医院伦理委员会审批通过㊂1.1.3 对象分组 将病人按照随机数字表法分为2组,每组51例,分别采用射频消融疗法(对照组)和不可逆电穿孔技术(观察组)治疗,两组病人由同一位医师完成手术㊂两组病人性别㊁年龄㊁肿瘤长径㊁血清谷丙转氨酶(A L T )㊁谷草转氨酶(A S T )㊁血清清蛋白(A l b )㊁总胆红素(T B i l )㊁间接胆红素(I B i l)㊁甲胎蛋白(A F P )㊁糖类抗原125(C A 125)㊁癌胚抗原(C E A )㊁美国东部肿瘤协作组(E C O G )活动状态(P S )评分㊁乙肝表面抗原(H B s A g )㊁C h i l d -P u g h 分级㊁B C L C 分期㊁肝癌中国分期,以及肿瘤位置㊁肝硬化和门脉高压等一般资料相关指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(t =0.088~1.424,χ2=0.041~1.010,P >0.05)㊂见表1㊂1.2 治疗方法1.2.1 不可逆电穿孔术 病人禁食12h ,在全身麻醉下给予肌松药,确保肌肉松弛,术中进行心电和肌松监测㊂在G E O p t i m a620C T 扫描仪引导下穿刺,每个消融部位排布2~4支电极针,应用Y T L -GM 01高压陡脉冲治疗仪对病灶处进行消融(电压3000V ),依据病灶大小给予10~60组输出脉冲㊂消融结束后,静脉注射80m L 碘海醇对比剂(注射流量为3m L /s )并进行C T 扫描,以评估消融范围,确保病灶消融完全㊂1.2.2 射频消融术 病人经C T 扫描后确定皮肤穿刺点,应用20g /L 利多卡因进行局部麻醉,由同一位与本研究无关的介入科医师,在超声引导下,应用C o v i d i e n 11cC T R F220射频消融系统进行消融㊂根据肿瘤的大小㊁位置等参数,选择单针单点㊁单针多点和集束针治疗㊂针尖达肿瘤对侧边缘1c m 处,射频输出功率由90W 逐步增加至150W ,治疗时间设定为15m i n,仪器自行测定组织的阻抗,治疗表1 两组病人一般资料相关指标比较(n =51, x ʃs )组别性别*(男/女)年龄(岁)肿瘤长径(l /c m )A L T(z /U ㊃L -1)A S T(z /U ㊃L -1)A l b (ρ/g ㊃L -1)T B i l(c /μm o l ㊃L -1)A F P(ρ/μg ㊃L -1)对照组30/2158.27ʃ5.294.62ʃ0.4347.39ʃ5.1742.19ʃ2.9440.31ʃ2.4116.26ʃ2.05241.28ʃ9.38观察组31/2057.96ʃ4.824.59ʃ0.3947.25ʃ5.2841.83ʃ3.2940.27ʃ2.1916.33ʃ2.07241.03ʃ10.06组别C E A(ρ/μg ㊃L -1)C A 125(z /k U ㊃L -1)I B i l(c /μm o l ㊃L -1)肿瘤位置*右叶其他肝硬化*有无E C O GP S评分对照组56.52ʃ3.3556.52ʃ3.3517.9ʃ1.525019423.11ʃ0.62观察组56.28ʃ3.2856.28ʃ3.2818.3ʃ1.315110412.95ʃ0.53组别H B s A g(z /k U ㊃L -1)C h i l d -P u gh 分级*A 级B 级B C L C 分期*A 期B 期肝癌中国分期*1期2期门脉高压*有无对照组603.34ʃ85.29203122292328051观察组593.23ʃ94.2423282427252651注:*单位例㊂与对照组比较,t =0.088~1.424,χ2=0.041~1.010,P >0.05㊂112青岛大学学报(医学版)60卷结束时测定局部温度,最后针道加热至99~100ħ,以进一步烧灼及止血㊂对于多个病灶者予以逐一消融,较大病灶者行多点穿刺消融㊂消融完成后行普美显(钆塞酸二钠)增强M R检查,以确认肿瘤已完全消融㊂1.3观察指标1.3.1临床观察指标 ①临床疗效:参考实体瘤治疗效果评估标准[19],主要分为进展(P D)㊁病情稳定(S D)㊁部分缓解(P R)和完全缓解(C R),其中总有效率(%)=(S D+P R+C R)/总人数ˑ100%㊂②并发症:并发症包括便血㊁发热㊁胸腔积液㊁疼痛等㊂③生存率和复发率:记录治疗后6㊁12个月的生存率和复发率,其中肝外或肝脏出现转移灶㊁A F P>400μg/ L,即为复发㊂1.3.2实验观察指标治疗前及治疗1周后采集病人空腹静脉血,以3000r/m i n离心10m i n取血清,进行相关指标检测㊂①A F P转阴率:以A F P< 200μg/L为阴性判断标准㊂②肝功能指标:应用全自动生化分析仪检测血清T B i L㊁A l b㊁A L T和A S T 等指标㊂③癌症标志物:应用酶联免疫吸附法对血清C A125㊁C E A和A F P等进行检测㊂1.4统计学处理采用S P S S17.0统计软件进行数据处理㊂计量资料数据采用 xʃs表示,两组间均数的比较采用两独立样本t检验;计数资料数据采用例数(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;两组间等级资料的比较采用M a n n-W h i t n e y U检验;两组间生存率和复发率的比较采用L o g-r a n k检验㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1两组病人临床疗效比较观察组病情稳定率明显优于对照组,差别有统计学意义(Z=4.29,P<0.05)㊂观察组总有效率明显高于对照组,差别有统计学意义(χ2=8.254,P< 0.05)㊂见表2㊂表2两组病人临床疗效比较(n=51,例)组别P D S D P R C R总有效率(χ/%)对照组1018111280.39观察组1 8*123098.04#与对照组比较,*Z=4.29,#χ2=8.254,P<0.05㊂2.2两组并发症、生存率及复发率比较观察组出现胸腔积液2例㊁发热2例和腹痛1例,对照组出现胸腔积液4例㊁发热4例㊁腹痛3例和呕吐3例,观察组并发症发生率明显低于对照组(χ2=4.317,P<0.05)㊂观察组6和12个月生存率明显高于对照组(L o g-r a n kχ2=8.254㊁8.541,P< 0.05)㊂观察组6和12个月复发率明显低于对照组(L o g-r a n kχ2=6.331㊁7.256,P<0.05)㊂观察组病人A F P转阴率明显高于对照组(χ2=7.933,P< 0.05)㊂见表3㊂2.3两组肝功能指标和癌症标志物比较治疗后观察组病人A L T㊁A l b㊁T B i l㊁A F P㊁C E A 和C A125等指标均明显低于对照组(t=6.706~ 8.802,P<0.05),且观察组A L T㊁A l b和T B i l治疗前后差值明显低于对照组(t=14.679~40.741,P< 0.05)㊂见表4㊂表3两组病人并发症㊁生存率及复发率比较(n=51,例(χ/%))组别并发症生存人数6月12月复发人数6月12月A F P转阴对照组13(25.49)41(80.39)37(72.55)12(23.52)16(31.37)23(45.10)观察组 5(9.80)#50(98.04)*48(94.12)* 3(5.88)* 5(9.80)*37(72.55)#与对照组比较,#χ2=4.317㊁7.933,*L o g-r a n kχ2=6.331~8.541,P<0.05㊂表4两组肝功能指标和癌症标志物比较(n=51)分期组别A S T(z/U㊃L-1)A l b(ρ/g㊃L-1)T B i l(c/μm o l㊃L-1)A F P(ρ/μg㊃L-1)C E A(ρ/μg㊃L-1)C A125(z/k U㊃L-1)治疗前对照组47.10ʃ4.9740.20ʃ2.2516.28ʃ2.14241.28ʃ9.3822.73ʃ2.1656.52ʃ3.35观察组47.25ʃ5.2840.27ʃ2.1916.33ʃ2.07241.03ʃ10.0622.48ʃ2.0556.28ʃ3.28治疗后对照组59.18ʃ5.3745.28ʃ2.1119.98ʃ2.01108.38ʃ9.2813.29ʃ2.2624.39ʃ3.05观察组48.93ʃ6.29*41.68ʃ2.64*17.03ʃ2.15* 96.28ʃ8.94*10.08ʃ2.16*19.16ʃ2.95*前后差值对照组12.08ʃ0.405.08ʃ1.183.70ʃ0.43132.90ʃ4.359.44ʃ2.1232.13ʃ3.21观察组 1.68ʃ1.01* 1.41ʃ1.34* 0.97ʃ0.21*144.75ʃ6.59*12.40ʃ1.21*37.12ʃ2.33*与对照组比较,*t=6.706~40.741,P<0.05㊂1期赵孟杰,等.不可逆电穿孔和射频消融治疗原发性肝癌效果比较1133讨论肝癌发病较为隐匿,在确诊时往往已经发展为中晚期,部分病人还会出现转移[20-22]㊂肝癌主要的治疗方法便是手术治疗,其治疗效果较好且能够延长病人生存期[23]㊂但是有研究显示,肿瘤大小和位置对手术治疗有着较大的影响[24-25]㊂经皮射频消融术能通过针型电极在肿瘤内部释放交流电磁波,震动肿瘤组织,进而产生摩擦热,促使肿瘤出血坏死,该方法操作较简单㊁安全性较高且有较高有效率[26-28]㊂但是,射频消融术的热效应会损伤肿瘤细胞周围正常组织[29-30]㊂不可逆电穿孔疗法作为一种新兴的非热消融技术,其能够通过较高电能量,致使细胞膜表面呈现不可逆的纳米级微孔,该微孔能够让细胞内外平衡受到破坏,进而会造成肿瘤细胞水肿和凋亡[31-32]㊂本文研究结果表明,观察组和对照组的临床有效率分别为98.04%和80.39%,前者明显高于后者㊂并且,观察组病人6和12个月复发率㊁并发症发生率均低于对照组,观察组6和12月生存率和A F P 转阴率高于对照组㊂本研究结果显示,不可逆电穿孔疗法的临床效果优于射频消融术,应用不可逆电穿孔技术治疗病人的复发率更低㊁A F P转阴率更高㊂这可能是因为射频消融技术会因 热沉效应 对邻近组织结构造成一定的损伤,因而治疗后复发率较高,而不可逆电穿孔技术是通过高压脉冲电场在细胞膜上形成不可逆纳米级微孔,不会对胆管结构或周围重要血管造成损害,具有较低的并发症发生率,安全性高,且恢复较快[33-35]㊂本文结果还表明,观察组治疗后的A L T㊁A l b 和T B i l水平均低于对照组,这提示不可逆电穿孔疗法对肝脏的损伤程度要低于射频消融术㊂前期研究结果显示,正常人A F P水平较低,但是肝肿瘤病人中A F P水平会有明显升高,其在肝癌诊断中有着较广泛应用[36]㊂C E A作为一种酸性糖蛋白,在肝癌等肿瘤组织中呈现高表达,是一种非特异性肿瘤标志物[37]㊂C A125作为糖蛋白肿瘤相关抗原,其在肝癌㊁肺癌和乳癌等组织表达较高,且与肝癌转移相关[38]㊂本文研究结果显示,观察组治疗后的A F P㊁C E A和C A125水平均低于对照组㊂分析其原因可能是由于不可逆电穿孔治疗作用于细胞膜脂质双分子层,而对神经㊁胰胆管和血管组织的骨架成分不造成破坏,这确保了受伤正常组织能够快速修复[39]㊂同时,不可逆电穿孔技术不靠高热效应对肿瘤细胞产生杀伤作用,这确保了疗效不会受热沉效应影响,保证了胆管和血管周围肿瘤能够得到完全消融[40]㊂另外,不可逆电穿孔疗法的主要机制是诱导细胞凋亡而并不是促进蛋白质变性坏死,这能够在一定程度上保留肿瘤抗原,进而激活机体的对肿瘤免疫功能,最终达到最佳治疗效果[41-42]㊂但是,本研究因病人居住的地域限制,大多数以就近治疗为原则,未涉及其他地区㊁不同级别的医院,存在一定选择偏倚㊂此外,本研究样本量仅有102例,今后宜获取足够多的样本进行深入细致的分析㊂综上所述,不可逆电穿孔疗法有着较好的临床效果,对病人肝功能损伤较小,能够抑制A F P㊁C E A 和C A125等癌症标志物表达,延长病人生存时间,可在临床推广应用㊂[参考文献][1]赵婧,魏巍,李会平,等.丙型肝炎病毒感染者血清微小核糖核酸665和224的表达及其对肝癌的诊断价值[J].国际流行病学传染病学杂志,2022,49(4):247-251.[2]翟润,张海洋,厉冰,等.入肝血流不同处理方式对肝癌手术患者的疗效及对其不良反应的影响分析[J].实用癌症杂志, 2022,37(11):1829-1832,1841.[3]WU V,M C A R T HU R M A,A L L E N A,e t a l.R a r e p r i m a r yh e p a t i cm a l i g n a n c i e s:ac a s e-b a s e dr e v i e w[J].C l i nI m a g i n g,2021,69(1):196-204.[4]周浩,刘文利,于丽娅,等.2014 2019年辽宁省朝阳市城市居民肝癌死亡率年度趋势分析及灰色模型预测[J].现代预防医学,2021,48(7):1293-1297.[5]中华人民共和国卫生和计划生育委员会医政医管局.原发性肝癌诊疗规范(2017年版)[J].中华消化外科杂志,2017,16(7):635-647.[6]S H I JF,C A O M,WA N G Y,e t a l.I s i t p o s s i b l e 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统计学CH10 英文版

统计学CH10 英文版

We saw earlier that point probabilities in continuous distributions were virtually zero. Likewise, we’d expect that the point estimator gets closer to the parameter value with an increased sample size, but point estimators don’t reflect the effects of larger sample sizes. Hence we will employ the interval estimator to estimate population parameters…
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning
Unbiased Estimators…
An unbiased estimator of a population parameter is an estimator whose expected value is equal to that parameter. E.g. the sample median is an unbiased estimator of the population mean µ since: E(Sample median) = µ
To do so we need the population parameters. Binomial: p Poisson: µ Normal: µ and σ Exponential: λ or µ
Cop we have been…
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning


2分布具有可加性 ; 2分布常用作某些统计量分布 的近似。
Kruskal Wallis法的H分布可用2分布来近似。 医学 中2检验是常用的检验方法之一。
第一节 一般四格表的2 检验
一、 2 检验的基本思想
2 检验的基本思想是衡量实际频数(actual frequency)和理论频数(theoretical frequency)之间的偏 离度。检验统计量的意义和算法可用基本公式来说明
2.配对四格表资料的独立性 2 检验 H0为配对的两种 属性相互独立,彼此无关。目的是推断配对的两种属 性(因素)是否有关。独立性的对立面就是相关,配对 四格表的独立性检验即行列属性的相关性检验。在配 对两法相关即不独立时,可认为差异无统计意义。在 配对两法无相关即独立时,可认为差异有统计意义。 统计量仍用四格表的 2 检验公式(见表10.3),如两种 属性有关,可进而确定关系的密切程度。
理论数是根据检验假设 H0 来确定的,H0 为比较 的各组处理效果相同,均等于合计的处理效果,据 此推出第 r 行第c 列位置上理论数的计算公式为:

nr n

nc n

nc n
式中 nr 表示第 r 行的行合计,nc 表示第 c 列的列合 计; n 表示总合计。
例8.1 某中医院收治367例胃脘痛患者,随机分成两 组,分别用新研制的中药胃金丹和西药治疗,结果 如表10.1,探讨两种药物疗效有无差别。
定义 如果u1,u2,...,un是n个相互独立的标准正 态变量,则称随机变量
2 = u12 +u22 +...+un2 服从自由度为df=n的2分布(2-distribution)。



Ran ks
分组 对照组 A菌组 B菌组
N 17 24 19 60
Mean Rank 1 4.03 3 9.85 3 3.42
Test Stat istics a,b
Ch i -Sq u are
吞噬 指数
22.6 71
a. Comput ed only for a 2x2 t able b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expect ed count is 17.57.
阅读检验结果 教科书:n≥40,T≥5时,使用普通卡方检验
(2-sided) (2-sided)
Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Likelihood Ratio
Fisher's Exact Test
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.717
N of Valid Cases
当两样本来自非正态总体或方差不齐时 H0:两总体分布相同 H1:两总体分布不同
应用案例 ➢ 分别对8名未患妊娠合并症的孕妇和9名患有妊娠合并
症的孕妇进行葡萄糖耐受水平的测试,据此推断这两 类孕妇的葡萄糖耐受能力是否不同?(naishou.sav)



Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-12
Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-8
Inferential Statistics 推断统计
Estimation 估计 e.g., Estimate the population mean weight using the sample mean weight 例如:利用采样的平均重量估计人口的平均体 重 Hypothesis testing 假设检验 e.g., Test the claim that the population mean weight is 120 pounds 例如:根据测试的要求,人口平均体重是120 磅
英文翻译乃自己所做, 英文翻译乃自己所做,有错误 之处请自行查证。 之处请自行查证。
Business Statistics, A First Course (4e) © 2006 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chap 1-1
Business Statistics, A First Course
Defined descriptive vs. inferential statistics 描述性统计和推理统计 Reviewed data types 回顾数据类型
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Categorical vs. Numerical data 绝对的和数值的数据 Discrete vs. Continuous data 离散的和连续的数据



常用大写英文字母 A, B, C 等表示事件。
实例 抛掷一枚骰子, 观察出现的点数.
试验中,骰子“出现1点”, “出现2点”, … ,“出现6点”
“点数不大于4”, “点数为偶数” 等都为随机事件.
基本事件 实例
“出现1点”, “出现2点”, … , “出现6点”.
必然事件 随机试验中必然会出现的结果. 实例 上述试验中 “点数不大于6” 就是必然事件. 不可能事件 随机试验中不可能出现的结果.
第 一 章 概率论的基本概念
§1.1 §1.2 §1.3 随机现象与随机事件 概率的定义 古典概型与几何概型
§1.4 条件概率 §1.5 随机事件的独立性
§1.1 随机现象与随机事件
一 随机现象与随机试验 自然界所观察到的现象: 确定性现象 随机现象
的现象称为确定性现象. 实例
A、B 互斥
A、B 对立


A B 且 AB
对 立

设 A, B, C 为事件, 则有( Nhomakorabea) 交换律
( 2) 结合律 ( A B ) C A ( B C ),
( AB )C A( BC ).
概率统计随着现代工农业、近代科技的发展而不 断发展,因而形成了许多重要分支。如:随机过程、 信息论、极限理论、试验设计、多元分析等。
概率论是数学的一个分支,它研究随机现象 的数量规律, 概率论的应用几乎遍及所有的科学 领域,例如天气预报、 地震预报、产品的抽样调 查,在通讯工程中概率论可用以提高信号的抗干 扰性、分辨率等等.


标准差等计量资料的统计描述的基本原理 、 计算 过程
占比例最高, 其次是 t 检验。 3 . 高级统计方法的认知情况 : 本研究共调查了 1 5 种高级统计方法( 表2 ) , 结果 显示 , 8 0 %以上研究生不知道这些高级统计方法的基 本原 理、 计算 过程 和结 果解 释 , 熟悉 者 所 占比例 <
1 . 5 %。对判别分析 、 聚类分析和主成分分析与因子分
析 了解或熟悉者少于 0 . 5 %。 4 .统计软件的掌握和需求情况 : 平时 主要 使 用 S A S软 件 分 析 数 据 的 有 3人
Hale Waihona Puke Ch i n e s e J o u r n a l o f He a l t h St a t i s t i c s , F e b 2 01 3, Vo 1 . 3 0, No. I
量, 本研究对该高校 2 0 1 1 级硕士研究生进行 了《 医学 统计 学》 认 知情 况调查 。
对 象和方 法
1 8人( 3 . 8 1 %) , 其他专业 4 2人( 8 . 8 8 %) 。6 8 . 0 5 %的 研究生入学前系统学习过《 医学统计学》 课程 。 2 .常用 的基本 统计 方法 的认知 情况 :
( 0 . 6 3 %) , 使用 S P S S软件 的有 5 9人 ( 1 2 . 4 7 %) , 使 用 E x c e l 软件 的有 2 9 8人 ( 6 3 . 0 0 %) , 使 用其 他 软件 7人
S AS , 5 1 人( 1 0 . 7 8 %) 选择 E x c e l , 1 3人 ( 2 . 7 2 %) 选 择 S t a t a , 2人 ( 0 . 4 2 %) 选择 R软 件 。1 6 8人 ( 3 5 。 5 2 %) 认

统计 习题课件 CH07

统计 习题课件 CH07

两独立样本设计资料 t 检验的功效

: Zβ =
|δ | Zα 1 1 + n1 n2
其 中 , n1 , n 2 分 别 为 两 样 本 的 样 本 含 量 , 其 余 符 号 含 义 同 上 .
第五节 假设检验的功效
三,应用假设检验需要注意的问题 对服从正态分布资料进行t检验,不是 看样本均数间差别的大小,而是推断两个 总体均数是否相等(或其中一个大于另一 个);类似地,对服从二项分布资料或 Poisson分布资料进行Z检验,目的也是对 相应的总体参数大小进行推断.
(二)两独立样本设计资料的 Z 检验 独立样本设计资料的 设计 检验统计量: 检验统计量: | p1 p2 | 1 1 pc (1 pc )( + ) n1 n2 | p1 p2 | 0.5( 或 Z= 1 1 + ) n1 n2 1 1 pc (1 pc )( + ) n1 n2
其中, n1 , n2 分别为两样本的样本含量;
3. 随机将 20 只雌体中年大鼠均分为甲,乙两组,乙组中的每只大鼠接受 3mg/kg 的内毒素,甲组作为对照组,分别测得两组大鼠的肌酐(mg/L)如下: 甲(对照)组: 6.2 乙(处理)组: 8.5 3.7 6.8 5.8 11.3 2.7 3.9 9.4 9.3 6.1 7.3 6.7 7.8 3.8 7.2 6.9 8.2
当 n 不太大时, 需作如下的连续性校正: | X n π 0 | 0 .5 n π 0 (1 π 0 ) | p π0 | 0 .5 n π 0 (1 π 0 ) n
Z =

Z =
其中,π0 为已知的总体概率(一般为理论值,标准值或经过大量观察所得的稳 X 定值等) p = , . n



Example 2.6 Stats Anxiety
30 20 10 0
90 100
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics deals with methods of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in a convenient and informative way.
A large university with a total enrollment of about 50,000 students has offered Pepsi-Cola an exclusivity agreement that would give Pepsi exclusive rights to sell its products at all university facilities for the next year with an option for future years.
Chapter One
What is Statistics?
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning
What is Statistics?
“Statistics is a way to get information from data.”
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning
Copyright © 2009 Cengage Learning



Chapter 1, Slide 5
Collecting Data Correctly Is A ritical
▪ Need to avoid data flawed by biases, ambiguities, or other types of errors.
▪ Results from flawed data will be suspect or in error.
▪ A marketing research analyst needs to assess the effectiveness of a new television advertisement.
▪ A pharmaceutical manufacturer needs to determine whether a new drug is more effective than those currently in use.
Sources of data fall into five categories
Data distributed by an organization or an individual
The outcomes of a designed experiment
The responses from a survey
▪ An auditor wants to review the financial transactions of a company in order to determine whether the company is in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles.



.论中越边境地区暗娼人群HIV感染及性行为特征对比分析朱靖胡丹殷玥琪汪宁王蓓210029南京,南京医科大学附属江宁医院(朱靖);210029南京,南京医科大学医政学院(胡丹);210009南京,东南大学公共卫生学院(殷玥琪、王蓓);102206北京,中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心(汪宁)通信作者:朱靖,E-mail:zhujingkmmc@126.(*(m i1)01 :10.16462/ki.zhjbkz.2020.12.002【摘要】目的了解中越边境地K中国籍与越南籍暗娼人群(female sex workers,FSWs)的人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)感染现状,分析两组人群HIV感染相关因素以及性行为特征。

方法20丨5 —2016年期间在云南省河口县开展横断面调查,方便抽样纳入中国籍与越南籍F S W s问卷收集调查对象的社会人口学特征、H1V相关知识态度、性行为等信息;米集血液样本进行HIV、单纯抱疼病毒2型(herpes simplex virus type 2,HSV-2)以及梅毒感染检测;多因素Logistic回归分析模型筛选H〖V感染相关因素。

结果合计纳人1263名FSWs,中国籍调査对象227人,丨U V感染率为0.44%;越南籍调査对象1036人,H1V感染率为2. 12%。

越南籍FSWs最近1月商业性性伴数量以及性服务费用均高于中国籍FSWs(均有P<0. 001)。

经多因素Logistic回归分析模型分析,HSV-2 感染(6^ = 3. 83, 95% C/: 1.37〜10.76; P=0. 032)、HIV 知识知晓不合格(0/?= 10.40, 95% a: 3. 77〜28. 66;尸= 0.001),以及接受H IV相关干预服务(0/? =0.27, 95% C/: 0.08〜0.84; P = 0.022)是越南籍FSWsHIV感染的相关因素。



Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 31CHAPTER 11.1 The type of beverage sold yields categorical or “qualitative” responses.The type of beverage sold yields distinct categories in which no ordering is implied.1.2 Three sizes of U.S. businesses are classified into distinct categories—small, medium, and large—in which order is implied.1.3 The time it takes to download a video from the Internet is a continuous numerical or“quantitative” variable because time can have any value from 0 to any reasonable unit of time.1.4 (a) The number of cellphones is a numerical variable that is discrete because the outcome isa count.(b) Monthly data usage is a numerical variable that is continuous because any value within arange of values can occur.(c) Number of text messages exchanged per month is a numerical variable that is discretebecause the outcome is a count.(d) Voice usage per month is a numerical variable that is continuous because any valuewithin a range of values can occur.(e) Whether a cellphone is used for email is a categorical variable because the answer can beonly yes or no.1.5 (a) numerical, continuous(b) numerical, discrete(c) categorical(d) categorical1.6 (a) Categorical(b) Numerical, continuous(c) Categorical(d) Numerical, discrete(e) Categorical1.7 (a) numerical, continuous *(b) categorical(c) categorical(d) numerical, discrete*Some researchers consider money as a discrete numerical variable because it can be “counted.”1.8 (a) numerical, continuous *(b) numerical, discrete(c) numerical, continuous *(d) categorical*Some researchers consider money as a discrete numerical variable because it can be “counted.”32 Chapter 1: Defining and Collecting Data1.9 (a) Income may be considered discrete if we “count” our money. It may be consideredcontinuous if we “measure” our money; we are only limited by the way a country'smonetary system treats its currency.(b) The first format is preferred because the responses represent data measured on a higherscale.1.10 The underlying variable, ability of the students, may be continuous, but the measuring device, thetest, does not have enough precision to distinguish between the two students.1.11 (a) The population is “all working women from the metropolitan area.” A systematic or randomsample could be taken of women from the metropolitan area. The director might wish tocollect both numerical and categorical data.(b) Three categorical questions might be occupation, marital status, type of clothing.Numerical questions might be age, average monthly hours shopping for clothing, income.1.12 The answer depends on the chosen data set.1.13 The answer depends on the specific story.1.14 The answer depends on the specific story.1.15 The transportation engineers and planners should use primary data collected through anobservational study of the driving characteristics of drivers over the course of a month.1.16 The information presented there is based mainly on a mixture of data distributed by anorganization and data collected by ongoing business activities.1.17 (a) 001 (b) 040 (c) 9021.18 Sample without replacement: Read from left to right in 3-digit sequences and continue unfinishedsequences from end of row to beginning of next row.Row 05: 338 505 855 551 438 855 077 186 579 488 767 833 170Rows 05-06: 897Row 06: 340 033 648 847 204 334 639 193 639 411 095 924Rows 06-07: 707Row 07: 054 329 776 100 871 007 255 980 646 886 823 920 461Row 08: 893 829 380 900 796 959 453 410 181 277 660 908 887Rows 08-09: 237Row 09: 818 721 426 714 050 785 223 801 670 353 362 449Rows 09-10: 406Note: All sequences above 902 and duplicates are discarded.1.19 (a) Row 29: 12 47 83 76 22 99 65 93 10 65 83 61 36 98 89 58 86 92 71Note: All sequences above 93 and all repeating sequences are discarded.(b) Row 29: 12 47 83 76 22 99 65 93 10 65 83 61 36 98 89 58 86Note: All sequences above 93 are discarded. Elements 65 and 83 are repeated.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 33 1.20 A simple random sample would be less practical for personal interviews because of travel costs(unless interviewees are paid to attend a central interviewing location).1.21 This is a probability sample because the selection is based on chance. It is not a simple randomsample because A is more likely to be selected than B or C.1.22 Here all members of the population are equally likely to be selected and the sample selectionmechanism is based on chance. But not every sample of size 2 has the same chance ofbeing selected. For example the sample “B and C” is impossible.1.23 (a) Since a complete roster of full-time students exists, a simple random sample of 200students could be taken. If student satisfaction with the quality of campus life randomlyfluctuates across the student body, a systematic 1-in-20 sample could also be taken fromthe population frame. If student satisfaction with the quality of life may differ by genderand by experience/class level, a stratified sample using eight strata, female freshmenthrough female seniors and male freshmen through male seniors, could be selected. Ifstudent satisfaction with the quality of life is thought to fluctuate as much within clustersas between them, a cluster sample could be taken.(b) A simple random sample is one of the simplest to select. The population frame is theregistrar’s file of 4,000 student names.(c) A systematic sample is easier to select by hand from the registrar’s records than asimple random sample, since an initial person at random is selected and then every 20thperson thereafter would be sampled. The systematic sample would have the additionalbenefit that the alphabetic distribution of sampled students’ names would be morecomparable to the alphabetic distribution of student names in the campus population.(d) If rosters by gender and class designations are readily available, a stratified sampleshould be taken. Since student satisfaction with the quality of life may indeed differ bygender and class level, the use of a stratified sampling design will not only ensure allstrata are represented in the sample, it will also generate a more representative sampleand produce estimates of the population parameter that have greater precision.(e) If all 4,000 full-time students reside in one of 10 on-campus residence halls which fullyintegrate students by gender and by class, a cluster sample should be taken. A clustercould be defined as an entire residence hall, and the students of a single randomlyselected residence hall could be sampled. Since each dormitory has 400 students, asystematic sample of 200 students can then be selected from the chosen cluster of 400students. Alternately, a cluster could be defined as a floor of one of the 10 dormitories.Suppose there are four floors in each dormitory with 100 students on each floor. Twofloors could be randomly sampled to produce the required 200 student sample. Selectionof an entire dormitory may make distribution and collection of the survey easier toaccomplish. In contrast, if there is some variable other than gender or class that differsacross dormitories, sampling by floor may produce a more representative sample.34 Chapter 1: Defining and Collecting Data1.24 (a) Row 16: 2323 6737 5131 8888 1718 0654 6832 4647 6510 4877Row 17: 4579 4269 2615 1308 2455 7830 5550 5852 5514 7182Row 18: 0989 3205 0514 2256 8514 4642 7567 8896 2977 8822Row 19: 5438 2745 9891 4991 4523 6847 9276 8646 1628 3554Row 20: 9475 0899 2337 0892 0048 8033 6945 9826 9403 6858Row 21: 7029 7341 3553 1403 3340 4205 0823 4144 1048 2949Row 22: 8515 7479 5432 9792 6575 5760 0408 8112 2507 3742Row 23: 1110 0023 4012 8607 4697 9664 4894 3928 7072 5815Row 24: 3687 1507 7530 5925 7143 1738 1688 5625 8533 5041Row 25: 2391 3483 5763 3081 6090 5169 0546Note: All sequences above 5000 are discarded. There were no repeating sequences.(b) 089 189 289 389 489 589 689 789 889 9891089 1189 1289 1389 1489 1589 1689 1789 1889 19892089 2189 2289 2389 2489 2589 2689 2789 2889 29893089 3189 3289 3389 3489 3589 3689 3789 3889 39894089 4189 4289 4389 4489 4589 4689 4789 4889 4989(c) With the single exception of invoice #0989, the invoices selected in the simplerandom sample are not the same as those selected in the systematic sample. It would behighly unlikely that a random process would select the same units as a systematicprocess.1.25 (a) A stratified sample should be taken so that each of the three strata will be proportionatelyrepresented.(b) The number of observations in each of the three strata out of the total of 1,000 shouldreflect the proportion of the three categories in the customer database. For example,3,500/10,000 = 35% so 35% of 1,000 = 350 customers should be selected from theprospective buyers; similarly 4,500/10,000 = 45% so 450 customers should be selectedfrom the first time buyers, and 2,000/10,000 = 20% so 200 customers from the repeatbuyers.(c) It is not simple random sampling because, unlike the simple random sampling, it ensuresproportionate representation across the entire population.1.26 Before accepting the results of a survey of college students, you might want to know, forexample:Who funded the survey? Why was it conducted? What was the population from which the sample was selected? What sampling design was used? What mode of response was used: a personalinterview, a telephone interview, or a mail survey? Were interviewers trained? Were surveyquestions field-tested? What questions were asked? Were they clear, accurate, unbiased, valid?What operational definition of “vast majority” was used? What was the response rate? What was the sample size?1.27 (a) Possible coverage error: Only employees in a specific division of the company weresampled.(b) Possible nonresponse error: No attempt is made to contact nonrespondents to urge themto complete the evaluation of job satisfaction.(c) Possible sampling error: The sample statistics obtained from the sample will not be equalto the parameters of interest in the population.(d) Possible measurement error: Ambiguous wording in questions asked on thequestionnaire.Solutions to End-of-Section and Chapter Review Problems 35 1.28 The results are based on an online survey. If the frame is supposed to be small business owners,how is the population defined? This is a self-selecting sample of people who responded online, so there is an undefined nonresponse error. Sampling error cannot be determined since this is not a random sample.1.29 Before accepting the results of the survey, you might want to know, for example:Who funded the study? Why was it conducted? What was the population from which the sample was selected? What was the frame being used? What sampling design was used?What mode of response was used: a personal interview, a telephone interview, or a mail survey?Were interviewers trained? Were survey questions field-tested? What other questions wereasked? Were they clear, accurate, unbiased, and valid? What was the response rate? What was the margin of error? What was the sample size?1.30 Before accepting the results of the survey, you might want to know, for example: Who funded thestudy? Why was it conducted? What was the population from which the sample was selected?What sampling design was used? What mode of response was used: a personal interview, atelephone interview, or a mail survey? Were interviewers trained? Were survey questions field-tested? What other questions were asked? Were the questions clear, accurate, unbiased, andvalid? What was the response rate? What was the margin of error? What was the sample size?What frame was used?1.31 A population contains all the items of interest whereas a sample contains only a portion of theitems in the population.1.32 A statistic is a summary measure describing a sample whereas a parameter is a summary measuredescribing an entire population.1.33 Categorical random variables yield categorical responses such as yes or no answers. Numericalrandom variables yield numerical responses such as your height in inches.1.34 Discrete random variables produce numerical responses that arise from a counting process.Continuous random variables produce numerical responses that arise from a measuring process.1.35 Items or individuals in a probability sampling are selected based on known probabilities whileitems or individuals in a nonprobability samplings are selected without knowing theirprobabilities of selection.1.36 Microsoft Excel could be used to perform various statistical computations that were possible onlywith a slide-rule or hand-held calculator in the old days.1.37 (a) The population of interest was 18-54 year olds who currently own a smartphone and/ortablet, and who use and do not use these devices to shop.(b) The sample was the 1,003 18-54 year olds who currently own a smartphone and/or tablet,who use and do not use these devices to shop, and who responded to the study.(c) A parameter of interest is the proportion of all tablet users in the population who use theirdevice to purchase product and services.(d) A statistic used to estimate the parameter of interest in (c) is the proportion of tablet usersin the sample who use their device to purchase product and services.36 Chapter 1: Defining and Collecting Data1.38 The answers to this question depend on which article and its corresponding data set is beingselected.1.39 (a) The population of interest was supply chain executives in a wide range of industriesrepresenting a mix of company sizes from across three global regions: Asia, Europe, andthe Americas.(b) The sample was the 503 supply chain executives in a wide range of industriesrepresenting a mix of company sizes from across three global regions: Asia, Europe, andthe Americas surveyed by PwC from May to July 2012.(c) A parameter of interest is the proportion of supply chain executives in the populationwho acknowledge that supply chain is seen as a strategic asset in their company.(d) A statistic used to estimate the parameter of interest in (c) is the proportion of supplychain executives in the sample who acknowledge that supply chain is seen as a strategicasset in their company.1.40 The answers to this question depend on which data set is being selected.1.41 (a) Categorical variable: Which of the following best describes this firm’s primary business?(b) Numerical variable: On average, what percent of total monthly revenues are e-commercerevenues?1.42 (a) The population of interest was the collection of all the 10,000 benefitted employees at theUniversity of Utah when the study was conducted.(b) The sample consisted of the 3,095 benefitted employees participated in the study.(c) gender: categorical; age: numerical; education level: numerical; marital status:categorical; household income: numerical; employment category: categorical1.43 (a) (i)categorical (iii) numerical, discrete(ii)categorical (iv) categorical(b) The answers will vary.(c) The answers will vary.。







(3)调入数据(数据CH4CH6CH7配对问卷试验差值前),练习产生一个新变量;(4)产生一个服从N (1, 4)分布的随机变量;(5)调入数据(数据CH3HCH4价格30、CH3CH4科室文化16),练习变量值排序;(6)调入数据(数据CH4男女性別身高32),练习直接排名和分类/分组排名;(7)调入数据(数据CH3HCH4价格30),练习数据标准化。


附1. SPSS基础知识1.SPSSWIN的启动与退出(1)启动:鼠标左键双击SPSSWIN的图标,口动进入数据编辑器(Data Editor)窗口。




虽然不写标签,软件系统照样运行,但是从数据积累的角度看,写明标签是非常重要的),定义名义级数据和顺序级数据的“值” 的具体含义(例如,m代表男性,f代表女性。




SCI分区,看JCR还是中科院?到底哪个更靠谱?本⽂来源:⽣科院⼥学霸⼀说到SCI分区这个话题,学霸姐姐就想起了“热门⽹红”期刊——Nature Communication,它平均影响因⼦10分以上、2年内总被引达302306次、各种话题不断、Nature亲⼉⼦.......然⽽,它却被划中科院划到了2区。


什么是期刊分区?关于JCR(Journal Citation Reports, 期刊引证报告) 期刊分区影响较为⼴泛的有两种:⼀种是科睿唯安公司制定的分区(原来是汤森路透,后来易主科睿唯安);第⼆种是中国科学院国家科学图书馆制定的分区(简称中科院分区)。

这两种分区⽅式均基于 SCI 收录期刊影响因⼦基础之上进⾏分区的。

SCI 是什么的简称?这个问题,⼀定要说⼀下,因为学霸姐姐知道,很多⼈以为SCI是science的简称。

其实并不是,SCI全称是Science Citation Index(科学引⽂索引)。


20世纪80年代末南京⼤学最先将SCI 引⼊我国的科研评价体系。




科睿唯安JCR分区科睿唯安每年出版JCR(《期刊引⽤报告》,全称Journal Citation Reports)。




i1 j1 k 1 ab
nij (xij xi x j x )2
i1 j1
nij (xij xi x j x )2
i1 j1
(a 1)(b 1)
(a 1)(b 1)
6.2 两向分组数据方差分析




A单向分组 …

6.2 两向分组数据方差分析
验,第i×j处理反复试验nij次取得nij个观察, 这nij个观察视作第i×j正态总体旳一种样本; ➢全部观察(整个样本)由a×b个独立正态总
互作效应假设 H13 : ij i j 不全为零
6.2 两向分组数据方差分析
总效应分解成 各个原因效应
原因A效应假设 H01 :1 2 a 0
H11 : 1,2 ,
原因B效应假设 H02 : 1 2 b 0 H12 : 1, 2 , , b不全为零
6.2 两向分组数据方差分析
x j
n2 j i1 k 1
n j













相应地,连续型随机变量的分布即为连续型分布,包括正态分布、χ2分布、t 分布、F 分布等,本文主要模拟这四种连续型统计量的分布。

1.1正态分布正态分布最早由棣莫弗在1718年提出,它是卡方分布、t 分布、F 分布的基础,在假设检验和参数估计中有着很重要的作用,在参数估计、回归分析中通常也会假定随机误差项服从正态分布。

服从正态分布的随机变量X 可记为:X ~N (μ σ2)。




年份 (1)
各年发病率 (/105)

dk ck
P 1 (1 pi ) i 1
1988 36486
194 36389
的 2 分布
2 MH

H h1
H m1hT1h
T h1

2 0.05,1
RR ≠1,即两组的鼻咽癌发病率差异有统计学意义。
(2) 发病频率资料
a+ b
Mantel-Haenszel 2 统计量
2 MH

(N 1)(ad bc)2 (a b)(a c)(c d )(b d )
利用计算机软件只要输入每个观察对象开始观察的时间和结 束观察的时间,就可以计算出人时数。



胎龄小和低出生体质量可增加新生儿先天性甲状腺功能低下症的发病率分析发布时间:2021-09-01T15:08:07.250Z 来源:《医师在线》2021年18期作者:祝玉平[导读] 目的:分析胎龄小、低出生体质量和新生儿先天性甲状腺功能低下症(CH)发病率之间的关系祝玉平榆林市儿童医院 719000[摘要] 目的:分析胎龄小、低出生体质量和新生儿先天性甲状腺功能低下症(CH)发病率之间的关系。


出生2-3天,采集足跟血测定TSH水平,当TSH值≥9 mIU/L时,进一步检测甲状腺功能。





关键词:新生儿;胎龄小;低出生体质量;CH发病率先天性甲状腺功能低下症(congenital hypothyroidism, CH)又称呆小病,是儿童时期常见的智残性疾病,症状表现为身材矮小、智力低下,早发现、早治疗智力可基本恢复正常。



1资料与方法1.1 临床资料从2019年5月至2021年4月,我院进行CH筛查的新生儿1188例为对象。


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Slide 2
Essentials Statistics for Business and Economics Author: David R. Anderson Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas A. Williams Press: China Machine Press
Slide 10
Data and Data Set

Data are the facts and figures that are collected, summarized, analyzed, and interpreted. The data collected in a particular study are referred to as the data set.(数据集)
Statistical Inference
Slide 6
Applications in Business and Economics
The most successful managers and decision makers are the ones who can understand the information and use it effectively. Accounting Public accounting firms use statistical sampling procedures when conducting audits for their clients.
Slide 15
Scales of Measurement

The scale determines the amount of information contained in the data. The scale indicates the data summarization and statistical analyses that are most appropriate.
Slide 18
Scales of Measurement

Ordinal (序数指标) • The data have the properties of nominal data and the order or rank of the data is meaningful. • A nonnumeric label or a numeric code may be used.
Annual Earn/ Sales($M) Sh.($) 73.10 74.00 365.70 111.40 17.60 0.86 1.67 0.86 0.33 0.13
Slide 14
Data Set
Scales of Measurement

Scales of measurement include: (度量指标) • Nominal • Ordinal • Interval • Ratio
Slide 12
Data, Data Set, Elements, Variables, and Observations

An observation is the set of measurements obtained for each element in a data set. Hence, the number of observations is always the same as the number of elements. The number of the measurements obtained on each elements is equal to the number of variables. Hence, the total number of data set is the number of observations multiplied by the number of variables.
Statistics for Business and th edition) Economics(8
Prepared By QuWenbin
Slide 1
Statistics for Business and Economics(8th edition) Author: David R. Anderson Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas A. Williams Press: China Machine Press
Slide 3
统计学 袁卫 庞皓 曾五一主编 高 教出版社 其他统计学或社会经济统计学教材均可

Slide 4
It contains a large number of formulas and data. I hope you take more patience. For some data, I will use a simple method to read. eg. 100. (one zero zero) Some important nums and keywords, I will give them Chinese interpretation.

Slide 7
Applications in Business and Economics

Finance Financial advisors use a variety of statistical information, including price-earnings ratios and dividend yields, to guide their investment recommendations Marketing Electronic point-of-sale scanners at retail checkout counters are being used to collect data for a variety of marketing research applications

Slide 5
Chapter 1 Data and Statistics

Applications in Business and Economics
( 商务与经济中的应用)
Data Sources
Descriptive Statistics
Slide 16
Scales of Measurement

Nominal (名词性指标) • Data are labels or names used to identify an attribute of the element. • A nonnumeric label or a numeric code may be used.
Slide 9

Data and Data Set Elements, Variables, and Observations Scales of Measurement Qualitative and Quantitative Data Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data
Slide 21
Scales of Measurement

Example Melissa has an SAT ( Scholastic Aptitude Test) score of 1205, while Kevin has an SAT score of 1090. Melissa scored 115 points more than Kevin.
Slide 22
Scales of Measurement
Slide 11
Elements, Variables, and Observations

The elements are the entities on which data are collected. (个体;元素) A variable is a characteristic of interest for the elements. (变量) The set of measurements collected for a particular element is called an observation. (观测;事项) The total number of data values in a data set is the number of elements multiplied by the number of variables.
Slide 19
Scales of Measurement

Example Students of a university are classified by their class standing using a nonnumeric label such as Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. Alternatively, a numeric code could be used for the class standing variable (e.g. 1 denotes Freshman, 2 denotes Sophomore, and so on).
Slide 13
Data, Data Set, Elements, Variables, and Observations
Company Webco, Inc. Energy South Keystone Land Care Psychemedics