第二章 两句的连接方法

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1. 两句的连接方法


He is versatile—he speaks five different languages and plays the piano very well.

He has finally made his goal known to us: he wants to be a scientist.

He is nice; quite often he is seen helping others.

He enjoys taking pictures, and he has decided to pursue the art as his life career.

He deserves our respect because he is honest.

He is a man who never tells lies.

2. 破折号

1) 破折号连接句子时,用来强调第一个句子,以补充意思的不足,有“也就是说”或“换句话说”的意思;

2) 也可以连接同位语;

He finally made his purpose known to us—to chase Susan.

His hobby—taking pictures—is far more interesting than mine.

3. 冒号连接句子,来强调前句中的名词

4. 分号等于"逗号+连接词(and/so/but)

He is nice; no one likes him, though.


1. 单一连接词


He and I enjoy singing.

Is he sad or happy?

He is not good at English but poor at it.

He doesn't study, but his teacher likes him.

2. and/or/but 衍生出来的其它连接词

and -> both... and...

or -> either... or...(要不就是……要不就是……)/ neither... nor...(既非……也非……)

but -> not... but...(并非……而是……)/ not only... but also...(不仅……而且……)


He is not kind but cruel.

He succeeded both because of his intelligence and because of his hard work.

Not only can she sing, but she can [also] dance.


1) 连接主语时,"both...and..."之后始终接复数动词;其它连接词连接主语时,动词则要随最近的主语做单复数变化;

Both he and I are happy about it.

Either he or I am wrong.

Not he but I am to be responsible for it.

Not only they but [also] John has passed the exam.

2) both... and... / neither... nor... / not... but... 这三组连接词通常不用来连接句子,而not only... but

also... 则可用来连接句子,要注意的是not only 引导的句子要采用倒装结构;

He is good at both English and math. [Wrong: Both he is good at English, and he is good at math.] You should either listen to me or get out of my sight.

Not he but you are wrong.

Not only can she sing, but she can also dance.

3) not only 倒装情况有以下三种:

a) be 动词与主语的倒装:

Not only is he clever, but he is polite.

b) 助动词与主语的倒装:

Not only can she sing, but she can [also] dance.

c) 一般动词(do/does/did + 主语+ 动词原型)

Not only does she sing well, but she dances beautifully.

Not only do I hate him, but I feel like killing him.

Not only did he write good poems, but he could compose music.

4) not only... but also... 中的also 通常省略。若不省略,则连接短语时,but also 不能分开,而连接句子时,but also 必须分开:

She is not only beautiful but [also] kind.

She is interested not only in music but [also] in art.

Not only can she dance, but she can [also] sing.

5) not only... but also... = not only... but... as well = not merely... but also... = not just... but also... She is not only beautiful but kind as well.

Not only can she sing, but she can dance as well.

He enjoys not only/just/merely dancing but singing as well.
