BEC 口语8[2]

三、Collaborative Task & Follow-Up Questions

BEC中级口试第八讲上一讲主要内容:Mini-presentationTraining6.1 Choosing a computer training course6.2 Choosing a business language course●the result of which●引进新句式:Unignorably, “题干第三点提示”qualification is also significant in “题干中的doing something”in choosing a business language course in that it怎么着。
●thus leading to the question of whether it is worth taking.供大家练习:7.3 Choosing a management training course to attendWhat is important when…?Choosing a management training course to attend●Program contents●Length of course●●7.4 Planning health and safety trainingWhat is important when…?Planning health and safety training●Selecting topics●Selecting staff to attend●●本讲主要内容:Mini-presentationHR8.1 Managing a system of flexible working hoursWhat is important when…?Managing a system of flexible working hours●Method of recording hours worked●Effective communication among staff●●8.2 Introducing an induction programme for new staffWhat is important when…?Introducing an induction programme for new staff●Staff handbook●Mentor system●●不认识词怎么办?照说不误!8.1 Managing a system of flexible working hoursWhat is important when…?Managing a system of flexible working hours●Method of recording hours worked●Effective communication among staff●●Tips:古今、中外、巨细、正反百搭开头:There are generally/normally two elements/factors that are important when managing a system of flexible working hours, method of recording hours worked and effective communication among staff.分述:Method of recording hours worked谁干嘛下班时间:closing time/off-work time/off-duty time/leaving-office timeEffective communication among staffIt is good for me to do something重叠时间:overlapped time?不利于:not beneficial?导致:lead to, cause缺乏:lack团队感:sense/feeling of teamwork 顺利:smoothly总结:既对不同工作性质有好处,又保证了公司的运作正常进行:… (which) is not only beneficial to different types of jobs but also guarantees the normal/smooth operation of company business.8.2 Introducing an induction programme for new staffWhat is important when…?Introducing an induction programme for new staff●Staff handbook●Mentor system●●百搭开头:There are generally/normally two elements/factors that are important when introducing an induction programme for new staff, staff handbook and mentor system.谁干嘛新到的人:newcomer规章制度:rules and regulations融入:integrateMentor system:It is good for me to do something总结:本讲主要内容回顾:8.1 Managing a system of flexible working hours What is important when…?Managing a system of flexible working hours●Method of recording hours worked●Effective communication among staff●●8.2 Introducing an induction programme for new staff What is important when…?Introducing an induction programme for new staff●Staff handbook●Mentor system●●1. 古今、中外、巨细、正反2. 不认识词怎么办?照说不误!(利用so that表达)8.3 Dealing with a heavy workloadWhat is important when…?Dealing with a heavy workload●Time management●Sharing tasks●●8.4 Introducing a reward system for staffWhat is important when…?Introducing a reward system for staff●Purpose of the reward system●Types of reward offered●●8.5 Motivating staffWhat is important when…?Motivating staff●Financial benefits●Career development opportunities●●。

剑桥雅思8口语解析test2PART 1范文(每个问题两个回答)1.Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]I really like to read New Scientist. It is a weekly international science magazine that covers recent developments in science and technology. It is always thrilling to read about what our future would be like and get to know how we can contribute or have contributed to make that happen. And as to newspapers, I’m a loyal subscriber to China Daily, wh ich can keep me updated about the latest happenings in China and around the world.I like reading all kinds of fashion magazines, especially Vogue. It is a fashion and lifestyle magazine. Look, like every other girl, I love buying clothes and I always want to look for the best when I go out. In order to do that, I must train myself to be keen on fashion and I believe reading Vogue is the best way to do so.2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? [why?]I’m personally very much fond of articles on new discoveries of the universe. Look, I don’t believe that we’re the only intelligent species in the universe. I believe, like the Drake Equation described, there must be millions of earthlike planets inhabited by alien life forms which are only to be discovered by us.I really like to read articles about the latest fashion events around the world, like the Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and etc., because new fashion trends all started there. Getting the latest updates on that is essential to becoming a beauty expert.3. Have you ever read a magazine or newspaper in a foreignlanguage? [when/why?]Of course I have. Look, I love learning all kinds of languages, and reading magazines and newspapers is a very good way to brush up my reading and vocabulary power. And I always do my reading at night, because it’s quiet and therefore not easy to get distracted.No, I haven’t, simply because it’s quite hard to get hold of any foreign magazine or newspaper here except for China Daily, which is just full of government propaganda and articles of heavily biased opinions. But I really would like to read a real foreign published magazine and get to know what the rest of the world think about China.4.Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language? [Why/Why not?] Definitely yes. T aking English for example, reading newspapers and magazines can help students learn a lot of useful words and expressions, plus it’s also a good training fo r reading. Not only can students learn knowledge from it, it also provides them with plenty of discussion materials, which in turn improves their writing and speaking as well.Well, I doubt it. Look, I can’t quite say whether it works well for others, but it definitely is not suitable for me. I just find reading kind of boring, because I guess I’m more a visual kind of person rather than textual, by that I mean it’s much easier for me to accept visual information than textual information, which means I personally find watching videos is a much better way to learn a foreign language.Part2范文问题:Describe a restaurant you enjoyed going to.The restaurant I’d like to talk to you about is called XXX.Located on one of the busiest streets, there are always lots of people come to eat here everyday. There are several reasons I like this restaurant. First, in terms of food, the restaurant offers a variety of dishes, which are sorted according to their origin. For example, if you want to eat Sichuan food, there will be a special menu and a cook who specializes in Sichuan cuisine. So are the other regional cuisines. I like this restaurant also because of its environment. Whenever you come to this restaurant, it is always clean and various decorations are always thoughtfully arranged in different places. Nonetheless, the service here is really excellent. All the waiters and waitresses are well-trained in manners and tricks like juggling plates or cutleries. Sometimes they even purposefully show it a bit before you. And finally when it comes to the price, it can’t be more reasonable. One more thing, I always come here to eat AAA. I think XXX is the only place in town that offers AAA, a dish from my hometown that I’ve always loved since I was young.PART 3范文:(每个问题两个回答)1.Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?Honestly I don’t know. People celebrate things in many different places and restaurant is only one of them. If I really have to come up with an answer, I can only say that maybe eating some food can add to the joy of celebration.Well, it’s easy. It’s pure biology. When you celebrate, whatever it may be, your body produces a hormone that makes you feel happy and excited. That quickly drains sugar in your blood to make energy to keep you all pumped and high. Very soon, you’ll feel hungry. That’s when you need to take some food to replenish for this lost sugar. So if you celebrate in arestaurant, you can easily do so and don’t have to worry about anything, just party on.2. Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants? Why do you think that is?I really can’t say which is more popular, because they all have their own group of customers. For example, fast food restaurants are definitely more popular among young peoples, for they tend to live a fast-paced life and fast food very well caters to that. But for older people, fast food restaurants never seem to have had a foothold, because older peopled tend to think fast food asunhealthy or less nutritious and therefore often reject the notion of eating out in a fast food restaurant.It’s definitely traditional restaurants. No doubts about it. Because traditional restaurants not only provide healthy eating options, but also serve as a good place for family gatherings or social functions3. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap restaurant—would you agree?Of course I can’t agree. Look, I know lots of restaurants that are cheap but the food there is superb; and there are also some fancy-looking restaurants where they even charge you service fee, but their food just made me speechless, I mean, in a bad way.Kind of. In terms of environment, ingredients and service, expensive restaurants are generally better, while admittedly there are also small restaurants that boast some secret recipes. So it’s just like the old saying puts it“you can’t judge a book by its cover”. Similarly you can’t judge a restaurant by its price.4. Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will there be less choice?Honestly, I don’t know. It’s really hard to see into the future. Look, we are facing lots of crises already. Energy crisis, food crisis, population crisis, etc. I really d on’t know if we are able to enjoy a greater variety of food, or food will be tubed and basically taste all the same.Maybe, or I hope so. As the technology develops ever faster than before, new species of crops may be cultivated in field or who knows where. And food may be preserved in a better way and kept for longer time or even forever.5. What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?The use of food technology or the application of food science to everyday food processes and production has fundamentally changed our views about food. For example, a growing number of people now believe food isn’t made with the same amount of nutrients or protein as before. The food we mostly eat today is“dead”food, so to speak. It just makes me worried.Thanks to food technology, there are now better ways to store food for longer-lasting quality and usability. For example, the development of temperature-controlled storage spaces has paved the way for the efficient storage of perishable items, which now last longer and taste better.6. How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing any from other countries?It’s crucially important for a country to grow enough food for its people. When a country relies too much on imported food, a series of dangers may follow. What if the international food price rockets unexpectedly? What if a food embargo is placed on the country? There are so many what-ifs like these. So it’s betterto grow food yourself.It’s a matter of sustainability. Of course, a country must grow enough food it needs. Food security is important to any country’s future wellbeing and the world’s. And it must make sure what people eat safeguards their health.。


Commenting on food 食物评价
It smells good/looks great/tastes delicious. The sweet potato pie is the best that I’ve ever had. Sichuan food is too hot for me. My mouth is burning. This dish tastes kind of salty/sour/greasy油腻/stale不新 鲜. The soup is too heavily seasoned调味太重/plain太淡.
Accepting invitations 接受邀请
Thank you very much. Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to. /I’d love to. Sure. That would be fun/wonderful/great. What a terrific idea! I’d really love to. Sounds great! Sounds like fun! Sure thing! I’ll see you there. Dinner/6:00 it is! Why don’t we!
Booking tickets 订票
I’d like to book a business class ticket on United Airline Flight 518 to Boston. Can I make a reservation for a morning flight on May 3rd, please? I’d like to stop over in Chicago if it all right. I’d prefer first/business=executive(公务舱)/economy class. Could you book me an aisle/a window seat? Could you make arrangement for vegetarian meals?
BEC初级教案Module 8-8.2

Module 88.2 Problems and solutions问题和解决办法相关词汇1.S olution n. 解决办法2.M echanism n. 机制3.V oicemail n. 电子语音邮件4.P etrol n. 汽油5.D iesel n. 柴油6.O ptical cell 光电仪器7.B arcode scanner条码扫描仪8.P ager n. 寻呼机9.S moke detector/alarm 烟雾探测器10.Closed circuit television 闭路电视11.Disposable cup 一次性杯子12.Lid n. 盖子,杯盖13.Smart a. 巧妙地,聪明的14.Temperature-sensitive a. 对温度敏感的15.Anti-virus program 防病毒软件16.Production targets 生产指标17.Be compatible with 与…兼容;一致18.Log on(to)登录电脑;注册19.Customer service 客户服务20.Break into 破门而入21.Get out of business 歇业,停业22.Keep crashing 指电脑系统出故障23.Be off sick with flu 得流感请病假24.Kiln n.(砖)窑,炉子,干燥炉25.Plant manager 工厂经理,厂长26.Ceramic a. 陶瓷制品的27.Meet quality standard 符合质量标准28.Fuel n. 燃料29.Sign a contract 签一份合同When 和ifWhen意思是“当…的时候”,引导时间状语从句。

首先,让我们来看一个常见的BEC口语题目:“Describe a successful business you know.”(描述一个你熟悉的成功商业)。
以下是一个可能的参考答案:"I would like to talk about Apple Inc., a highly successful business that I am familiar with. Apple is a multinational technology company that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.I believe Apple is successful for several reasons. Firstly, their innovative products have revolutionized the technology industry. The introduction of the iPhone, for example, changed the way we communicate and access information. Secondly, Apple has created a strong brand image and a loyal customer base. Their products are known for their sleek design and high quality, which has helped them build a strong reputation. Finally, Apple has a strong marketing strategy. Their advertisements are creative and appealing, and they have successfully created a sense of desire and exclusivity around their products. Overall, I believe Apple's success can be attributed to their innovation, brand image, andmarketing strategy."接下来,让我们来看一个与商务沟通有关的题目:“Describe a time when you had to negotiate with someone.”(描述你与某人进行谈判的经历)。

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bec中级英语口语(汇总8篇)bec中级英语口语第1篇SCENE② B 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他【我要提供你认股权】Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock 文斯:我要提供你资讯王的认股权。
Zina: When you hired me, you knew you were going to be low on cash, didn't you?吉娜:你在雇用我的当时,就知道你会缺现金,对吧?Vince: Let me To get more cash, I'll have to borrow more from Vikam, the 2) venture 3)文斯:容我解释。
Zina: I know how it You don't want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have吉娜:我知道这种运作方式。
Vince: Instead of 5) increasing their 6) position, I want to increase文斯:正是。
语言详解A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales 我要提供我们业务部的一个职位给你。
B: Thank谢谢您。
【I know how it 我知道规矩。
】这里的work不是指“工作”,而是指“事物运作的道理与规范”,类似于行规的概念:A:I am afraid we are going to have to fire我恐怕我们得要开除你了。
B:It's OK, I know how it You just don't like 没关系,我知道行规。

BEC Higher Speaking TestBEC Higher Speaking Test1 Introduction(1)Interlocutor Accessor Candidate A Candidate B(2) Judging criteriaPronunciation and intonationGrammar and vocabularyDiscourse managementInteractive competence(3) Testing procedure1. Interview 3mini. Personal questionsii. Fixed questions2. Mini presentation 6min ( about 2min for each )i. A chosen topic –a short speech 1min -questiontime3. Collaborative task and discussion 7mini. A given topic – discussion 3min – question time2 Fixed questions for Part 1-- InterviewI. Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and1. What you find most interseting about your job or studies ?2. Your future career plans?3. Why you decided to learn English?4. Your ideal kind of employer?5. Why you choose you particular career?6. About the place where you work or study?II. Could you tell me1. What you think have been the most significant changes recently inconsumer behaviours in China ( in your country )?2. How imporatnt you think English will be in the future for businessin China ( in your country )?3. To what extent you think consumers in China( in your country ) areinfluenced by price levels of products ?4. Whether you think most people will work from home in China (inyour country) in the future ?5. How you think career opportunities are likely to change in China(in your country) ?BEC Higher Speaking TestCan you tell me a little about your work or studies and1 What you find most interseting about your job or studies ?The significances of your major in society2 Your future career plans? (subjective mood)I wish I could be/haveI wish I could run my own business.advance my education infurther my studies in3 Why you decided to learn English?Compulsory courseWidely used➢The first language of British ,American ……➢The second language of Indian ……➢The foreign language of the rest world➢One of the six working language of the UN and the largest one➢Two thirds of the world ’s mass media broadcasts in EnglishIt is because of its importance that we decide to learn it.4 Your ideal kind of employer?➢Wide scope of knowledge➢How to make use of his people➢Professionally competent➢Good at relationship with his people➢Considerate➢Well-connected in the society (social connection)6 About the place where you work or study?The city , university, campus ,environment.Could you tell me1 What you think have been the most significant changes recently inconsumer behaviours in China ( in your country )?➢In the past – prices, durability , quantity➢Now – designs , styles ,quality➢Brand name –famous brand (top , international brand)➢---- from quantitative point of view to qualitative point of view➢-----less attention to ****➢-----people in China are more and more influenced by ****2 How imporatnt you think English will be in the future for business in China(in your country )? --- the status of English in ChinaDue to more and frequent contacts between China and the rest of the world , English would definitely be more and more important for business in China in the near future, but at the same time , with the development of our motherland , our mother tongue of course will be more widely used for business . ( I doubt that ……)3 To what extent you think consumers in China( in your country ) areinfluenced by price levels of products ?➢ More and more influenced by ****➢ Less and less influenced by ****➢ Instead of ****4 Whether you think most people will work from home in China (in yourcountry) in the future ?The answer is positive . in the future , communication . commuteInstead of travelling to theTechnology , network technology.Task-orientedHome-based occupations5 How you think career opportunities are likely to change in China (in yourcountry) ?With the development of science and technology ,some of the traditional trades are disappearing,on the other hand ,some modern trades … … .such as IT … … .becoming more and more popular . … … likely t o shift from…to….Now ,it’s time for you to develop your own ideas for Part ONE Can you tell me a little about your work or studies and1 What you find most interseting about your job or studies ?2 Your future career plans?3 Why you decided to learn English?4 Your ideal kind of employer?5 Why you choose you particular career?6 About the place where you work or study?Could you tell me1 What you think have been the most significant changesrecently in consumer behaviours in China ( in yourcountry )?2 How imporatnt you think English will be in the future forbusiness in China ( in your country )?3 To what extent you think consumers in China( in yourcountry ) are influenced by price levels of products ?4 Whether you think most people will work from home inChina (in your country) in the future ?5 How you think career opportunities are likely to change inChina (in your country) ?3 Part 2 --Mini-presentation(1) Presentation (proper language + practical ideas )Attention :Your mini-presentation should at least consist of a properOpening statementThe main bodyThe ending(2) Useful sentences for this part. (Tips for coping with three different types of tasks)➢ From these 3 different topics , I’d like to choose/select ……and say something about it➢ I wish I could say something about Topic … ..➢I prefer to choose … .. (my preference is … ..)➢I’d like to give my choice to …..➢ To sum up , A , B and C are the important factors that we must consider whether …… .The importance of … ..➢ The importance of …… can never be over-exaggerated/ emphasized/stressed.➢There could never be …… .withou t …… .➢The absence of …… .. would be surely lead to …… .➢……..could never be achieved at the absence of …… .➢…… .is/are crucial/ essential / substantial / indispensable/ vital/ critical to ……➢The success of …… . depends partly/wholly on …… ..➢……cannot go without ……➢ Talking about the importance of …… . , we couldnot but mention … …➢…… .always remains the top priority of ……➢…… ..serves as the lifeline of …… .➢Only by securing …… .can we possibly arrive at ……The factors involved in and how to … …➢ In my opinion , the factors involved are as follows:➢ As I see it / from my point of view , it can be illstrated / summrized / shown / exhibited / catagorized / expressed / demonstrated / as follows➢In the first place/first of all/the first and the most importantly➢ To go on with / to further illstrate the case / to go one step further / equalattention should be given to➢ In the third place / last but not least / the last one is / the last factor I consider is➢ If A is out of control , B is out of the question/ empty talk/dream/fantasy/slogan/impossible .➢Should there be …… , we could never …… .TASK SHEETS FOR CANDIDATES A AND BTask sheet 1 (PART 2)A:Career development:the factors involved in decidingwhether to take a job in another country.B:Customer service:how to ensure that staff have acustomer-oriented approach to provide goods andservices.C:Financial management:the imporatnce of controllingcosts for a company’s profitabilit y.Task sheet 1A : ① income / salary ② family concerns③language④ safety / life insuranceTask sheet 2 (PART 2)A:Recruitment: the factors involved in interviewing in ajob application effectively.B:Market research:the importance to a company ofbeing well-informed of competitor ’s prices and products .C:Health and safety:how to ensure that a company’shealth and safety policy is followed by all staff .Task sheet 2A : ① careful organization ② specific personnel / idea / time / venue③ prescribed procedures -prepare questions ④ check documents / personal documents to seek the ideal candidates you want .Task sheet 3 (PART 2)A:Retailing:the factors involved in a retail outletbecoming popular with shoppers .B:Management skills:the importance of effectiveinterpersonal communication skills for maintaining goodstaff relations .C:Administration:how to ensure that an office filingsystem is effective .Task sheet 3A : ① services (on-spot and after-sales service) ② varieties of commodities③ prices and qualities ④ location and branchesTask sheet 4 (PART 2)A:Marketing:the impartance of choosing the rightadvertising media for a product.B:Business Planning:the importance of forecasting tocompanies.C:Human Resources:how to ensure that staff at alllevels receive appropriate feedback on individual performances.A:Corporate Image:the impartance of an appropriatefront-desk service within the company .B:Management:how to ensure that managers are able todeal effectively with unexpected situations in business.C:Quality Control:the factors involved in how to makeyour products and services consitent reliable.Task sheet 5C:①a specific group of people to supervise QC (quality control )② a system of award/punishments ( those who … must be …)③ efficient communication with customers (follow their proper advice)Task sheet 6 (PART 2)A:Customer service:how to ensure a high level ofcustomer satisfaction in the travel industry.B:International Trade:the factors involved insuccessfully entering into foreign markets.C:Marketing:how to evaluate the effectiveness of acompany’s website.Task sheet 6B:① the comprehensive/general knowledge/understanding of the target market ② you should have your own strengthes ( technical/financial/human resources strength) ③ meet/satisfy the specific demand/requirementsA:Time management:how to manage a heavy workloadeffectively.B:Project work:the importance of providing projectworkers with training in teamwork.C:Purchasing:how to evaluate and select new productsfor a company’s IT departmen t.Task sheet 8 (PART 2)A:Interpersonal communication:the importance oflistening carefully to the opinion of colleagues at all levels.B:Recruitment:how to attract high-quality managementstaff to a company.C:Business planning:the factors involved in decidingwhether to invest in further expansion.Task sheet 8B : preferential policies —sound working environment / attractive salaries ( nice pay )/ family concerns (spouse ,child )Task sheet 9 (PART 2)A:Customer service:the importance effectively with customer complaints.B:Human resources:the importance performance objectives for all staff . ofofdealingsettingC:Corporate hospitality: the factors involved inthe success of corporate hospitality events.ensuringTask sheet 10 (PART 2)A:Advertising:the importance of adaptingadvertisements to suit markets in different countries.B:Project management: the importance of making all staffaware of the progress of the company.C:Financial planning:the factors involved in decidinghow much a price increase should be.Task sheet 10C:① macro financial environment ② competitor ’s similar products ’ prices ③ consumer ’s purchasing power ④ the price of raw materials⑤greenlight from government4 Part 3 --Collaborative taskBefore we start … …(1)The process of this part➢Express your opinion➢Asking for opinions from your partner➢Agree/disagree➢Additions/extensions(2)Useful sentences for this partExpressing➢As for me , I’d just like to say ……➢From my point /my personal point / a student’s point of view,I must say ……➢To this topic, different people always yeild different understandings, some say …… , others argue …… , as for me … ..Asking➢Would you mind telling me how do you find … …➢I’d like to know what your ideas are on ……➢I was wondering where you stood on … ..➢Could you please tell me how you think of … .Agreeing➢I quite agree with what you said .➢What you said is ,of course , quite to the point.➢I couldnot agree more.➢There you go.➢You got/hit it.➢That’s just what I was about to say.Disagreeing➢I’m sorry to say I just cannot go with you here/there.➢Maybe you are right, but who knows.➢I wish.hope you were right.➢There is something in what you said ,that is ……Additions/supplements➢I’d add something here if I may.➢I’d say something more , if you don ’t mind.➢Besides the above mentioned,I ’d say ……➢I hope you won’t mind if I say something more .Asking for repeating➢I didn’t quite catch what you said , would you mind saying it again.➢Would you be kind enough to repeat what you said .➢I beg your pardon.TASK SHEET FOR BOTH OF THE CANDIDATES(Just for your reference)Efficiency studyYour branch has been recently identified as the most efficient in the company. You have been asked to suggest how other branches in the company could achieve similar levels of efficiency.Discuss,and decide together:. What the best ways are to improve efficiency .. How to motivate all staff to maintain a high-level of efficiency.Ideas for this task.I.Thorough studies of the case in hand (how your branch achieved theefficiency)A. planning➢ a detailed/careful/pratical/feasible/scientific planningB. staff motivation➢provide education/training course to improve the awareness of the team goal➢material incentives➢spiritiual stimulation➢bonus prizes➢ a system of punishment and awards.Attracting business clients for IT trainingThe company you work for provides IT training for business .Your department has been asked to make suggestions for attracting new corporate clients.Discuss,and decide together:What types of companies would be the most suitable to target.What would be the most effective ways of attracting clients.Ideas for this task.(you’d better use subejective mood to answer these questions)➢Pubicity (advertisement) , satisfactory environment.➢Teachers(professional,knowledgeable,patient,job-dedication,wide scope)➢materials (latest,updated), venues , facilities , time arrangement➢the best possible training records/history,reputation/fame/name.(Just for your reference)Security arrangements at a new factory.The manufacturing company you work for is buliding a new factory.You have been asked to advise on security arrangements for the new site.Discuss,and decide together:How aspects of security should influence the design of the factory bulidings.What kind of security procedures would be necessary for company personnel.( develop your own ideas)Environmental concerns.The supermarket chain you work for has realised that its customers are increasingly influneced by environmental concerns .You have been asked to review the company’s activities.Discuss,and decide together:Which aspects of the company ’s activities should be reviewed.How to encourage staff to be more aware of environmental issues.( develop your own ideas)( Very critical for the coming BEC H ST )Increase in orders.The manufactoring company you work for has experienced a sudden increase in customer orders and in considering asking staff to work extra hours.You have been asked to advise on this .Discuss,and decide together:What the possible disadvantages could be of staff working extra hours.What other steps the company could take to deal with the unexpected increase in orders.Language work for this task1 Just as a coin has two sides , incresaed orders is also two-sided .On the one hand , …………while on the other hand , …… .. and …… .is of no exception.2 Just as a coin has two sides , incresaed orders is also two-sided ,and (i)of no excepyion . On the one hand , ………yet on the other hand ……… . Ideas for this task.1 cause inconveniences to ( both management and staff )Meals ( delicious ,to staff ’s stomach , free )Extra cost ( pay ,bonus )Family concerns ( have to fetch children at school everyday)Transport ( especially communication )Security ( work till the midnignt , when back home alone , it will be more dangerous)2 hire temporary (part-time) staff .Move office clerks to production sites for the time being .Offer greater stimulationsAsk for help from sister companies (or government departments concerned)( Very critical for the coming BEC H ST )Expanding the workforce.The house-buliding company you work for is expanding rapidly .The managemnet is considering establishing a small legal department .You have been asked to make recommendations on the new departmentDiscuss,and decide together:What aspects to consider when recruiting the new staff.How increasing the size of the workforce might affect the company.Ideas for this task.1 educational background , past work experience , physical conditions , work/pay preference , personal interests/hobbies2 increase the costs ( necessary trainings, to go through/ complete lagal procedures , salary , bonus , subsidry , fringe benefits )( Very critical for the coming BEC H ST )Setting up in competition .The fast food company you work for is setting up a chain of pizza restaurants in direct competition with the exsiting company. You department has been asked to make recommendations for this ventureDiscuss,and decide together:What needs to be considered before the opening of the restaurant.How the new restaurant should be promoted .BEC Higher Speaking TestIdeas for this task1 the information/knowledge about your rivalour own strengths to match our rival ( finance , technology , human resources)obtain“ green light“ from the government department concerned2 put up ads ( through mass media )invite well-known public figures( Very critical for the coming BEC H ST )Stress management programme.The business consultancy you work for has been asked to advise a client on how to reduce the number of days staff take off work due to stress in the workplace .You have been asked to make suggestions for stress management programme.Discuss,and decide together:How to identify the causes of stress in the company.How to encourage the staff to participate in the programme.Ideas for this task1 detailed examinations of the workload , competition , chances forpromotion , family concerns , individual matters .2 courteous invitationoffers of possible time ,venue and awards to those who would participate.Give lectures/seminors.。

bec商务英语高级口语考试(合集13篇)bec商务英语高级口语考试第1篇well 做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的,有针对性的口语练习。
在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar to cheating! 所以给准备雅思考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as underan easy but concentrated state of 心态对于任何事的成功都是至关重要的,语言测试,尤其是一对一的口语测试更是如此。
on your English instead of your 考官在考察我们的英文而不是我们的思想,没有必要为了一个我认为“闪光”的思想强迫自己说那些说不清的英文句子,重要的是把我有把握的英文说清楚。

商务英语口语练习(01)1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿2 Id like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。
3 Id like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。
4 I wont check this baggage.这件行李我不托运。
5 Id like to sit in the front of the plane.6 I missed my train.7 I havent nothing to declare. 我没申报的东西。
8 its all personal effects. 这些东西都是私人用品。
9 Ill pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。
10 Id like two seats on todays northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今日西北航空7班次究竟特律的机票。
11 we waited for john in the lobby of the airport.我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。
12 Id like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。
13 Id like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。
14 Id like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。
15 you have to change at Chicago station.你必需要在芝加哥站转车。

通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/canyou spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray.本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生之间的沟通,考察考生的发音,语法和用词。
方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。
有用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特别疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或(句子)赐予明确的答复。
B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。
C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。
国际商务英语口语实训Module 8 Business Contacts共104页文档

Module 8.1 Establishing Business Relations
Speaking out
Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner. Lee Chen is receiving Mr. Brown, a businessman from Australia. The aim of Mr. Brown’s visit is to establish business relations with Lee’s company. Lee Chen= L; Mr. Brown= B B: Good morning. My name is Brown. I’m from Australia. Here is my card. L: Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you. My name is Lee Chen.
Ah, these are the machines we’re interested in. May we have a look
at them?
Certainly, but they are in the showroom. 8
Not very far. It’s only 10 minutes’ car ride from here.
Module 8 Business Contacts
Background tion
The inquiry may concern either some general information or the specific trading terms about the product or service. Whatever form of inquiry it may be, the seller should make a prompt response to it by making an offer. Thus, an offer is a promise of the seller to supply the product or service on the terms and conditions stated in it. If the buyer is satisfied with the terms and conditions, he may totally accept it. Otherwise, he will offer his own terms and conditions in the form of a counter-offer. In this way, rounds of business negotiations may start.
Module 8剑桥BEC商务英语 中级 课件 答案 词汇

Leading a project 领导一个项目。这里project 不 指‘工程’,而是指‘项目小组’[project-based teams], 即自我管理、分工明确的任务小组。 Unit 一词用作‘单位’时要谨慎使用。虽然有些 汉英词典将‘工作单位’译为work unit, 但在英 文中unit 往往指内设或附属的单位。填表时用到 ‘工作单位’的地方,英文表格一般用company, organization或employer, institution。会议的‘参 加单位’是participating institutions[如果是学校 或研究单位]、company[公司]或organization[组 织]、department[政府机关].
English is useful in doing business with foreign clients since it is a commonly used language. 在与国外客户打交道时,英语很 有用处,因为它是通用语言。 - If a company wants to go global, its staff should be good at English. 一个公司如果想要打入国际市场,其员工必 须掌握好英语。
Discovery approach ‘发现法’教学模式 Room service 酒店客房送餐服务 Swap n. 交换 Reception n. [酒店等的]接待处、前台 Doubled-book vt. [为避免有人取消预订而 使房间闲置而]接受两家预订,[为保证能够 订到而]重复预订 Sentiment n. 情感色彩 Voucher n. 优惠奖券
Giving reasons for and against 给出赞同或反对的理由

Unit 8 Lesson 1 Exercise 2CUSTOMER:Excuse me,I bought this jumper here last week but I'm not satisfied.LI:Oh really?CUSTOMER:Yes.Look,the zip is broken,so I'd like a refund.LI: A refund?Well,have you got the receipt?CUSTOMER:No,but you can see by the label that I bought it here.LI:We don't give refunds without a receipt.CUSTOMER:But that's ridiculous.I buy all my clothes here.I'm one of your best customers. LI:We don't give refunds without a pany policy.CUSTOMER:Oh!Well,that's the last time I buy anything in your shop!Unit 8 Lesson 1 Exercise 3OFFICER:Excuse me,Madam.I'm the customer relations officer.Can I help? CUSTOMER:I bought this jumper here last week and I'm not satisfied with it. OFFICER:I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problem?CUSTOMER:Look,the zip is broken and the young lady says you can't give me a refund. MS LI:Well,it's company policy and...OFFICER:Thank you,Miss Li!Yes,the Zip is brokeI'm very sorry about that but I'm sure we can sort something out.CUSTOMER:I hope so.OFFICER:Now,without a receipt I can't give you a refund but I can exchange the jumper of I can give you a credit note.CUSTOMER:I see,well,I'll have a credit note,please.OFFICER:Fine.Just sign here,please.There we are.Once again,please accept our apologies.CUSTOMER:Thank you.OFFICER:Have a nice day.Miss LI!Come to my office,please.Unit 8 Lesson 1 Exercise 41....I'm not satisfied with.It's last week and I'm not satisfied with it.It's broken.I bought this hairdryer here last week and I'm not satisfied with it.It's broken....wrong with it?...What exactly is wrong with it?...sorry to hear that.What exactly is wrong with it?I'm very sorry to hear that.What exactly is wrong with's damaged.I'd like a yesterday and it's damaged.I'd like a refund.I bought this radio here yesterday and it's damaged.I'd like a refund....I can give you a credit note....a refund but I can give you a credit note.I can't give you a refund,but I can give you a credit note.Unit 8 Lesson 1 Exercise 6When we deal with complaints,it's important to treat them coolly and professionally no matter how difficult the customer isI once saw a sign in a shop in Australia that saidThe customer is always rightunderneath that it said,'He may sometimes be rude,stupied,badly dressed and aggressive but he is always right.'Unit 8 Lesson 2 Exercise 1CUSTOMER:Excuse me,I bought this jumper here last week,but I'm not satisfied.LI:Oh really?CUSTOMER:Yes,look,the zip is broken,so I'd like a refund.LI:A refund?Oh,well,have you got the receipt?CUSTOMER:No,but you can see by the label that I bought it here.LI:We don't give refunds without a receipt.CUSTOMER:But that's ridiculous.I buy all my clothes here.I'm one of your best customers. LI:We don't give refunds without a receipt.Unit 8 Lesson 2 Exercise 4MANAGER:Miss Li,I am not satisfied with your work.LI:Oh dear.MANAGER:Yes,you nearly lost the store an important customer today.LI:But it's company policy...we don't give refunds without receipts.MANAGER:It is never company policy to be runds to the customers,Miss LiNow ,the customer relations officer is going to remind you of our complaints procedure and then you will return to the shop flooI shall be monitoring your work closely and I do not expect to receive any more complaints about you.Unit 8 Lesson 2 Exercise 6Making complaints about products or services is not always easy.but the ability to make a complaint and get it dealt with satisfactorily is an essential skill for anyone in business.Thsi is not easy in a foreign language.If you are angry,you may make mistakes or speak badly.You must try to stay calm or your complaint will not be taken seriously.Unit 8 Lessen 3 Exercise 1MR STEPHENS:David Stephens.Order department.MRS CHUNG:Yes.Mr Stephens.It's Mrs Chung from China Electrics.MR STEPHENS:Good morning,Mrs Chung.How can I help you?MRS CHUNG:I'm phoning to complain about my order.MR STEPHENS:Oh.I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problem?MRS CHUNG:It hasn't arrived and it's two weeks late.MR STEPHENS:Oh dear.I am sorry.I'll look into that immediately.Can I have your order number?MRS CHUNG:Yes,it's RTY 32678.AM STEPHENS:RTY 32678.Right.And can I take your number and call you back?MRS CHUNG:Yes,but I must sort this out today.My number is 533 098Unit 8 Lesson 3 Exercise 2CUSTOMER I'm phoning to complain about my orderYOU I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problemCUSTOMER It's late and we need the goods todayCUSTOMER I'm phoning to complain about the new computerYOU I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problemCUSTOMER I ordered model X33,not X2CUSTOMER I'm phoning to complain about the deliveryYOU I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problemCUSTOMER Five of the eight machiness are damagedUnit 8 Lesson 3 Exercise1.Yes.It's 6599 XX2. 6599 XX2.2.Yes.That's RTY 32678. RTY 32678.3.Yes.That's 7X5009. 7X5009.4.Yes.That's PS112DS. PS112DS.Unit 8 Lesson 3 ExerciseMRS CHUNG:China Electrics,Mrs ChungMR STEPHENS:Hello,Mrs Chung.It's Mr Stephens herMRS CHUNG:Ah,yes.My overdue orderMR STEPHENS:Yes,I'm very sorry about that but we've had trouble with our supplier MRS CHUNG:Well,if you can't guarantee delivery within five days,I'll have to cancel the order.MR STEPHENS:Five days?That'll be no problem,Mrs ChungAs compensation,I'll give you a 3% discount on your next order.MRS CHUNG:Well,thank you,Mr Stephens,but I want this order within the next five days.Unit 8 Lesson 3 Exercise 7In our business,it's very important that customers receive their orders on timeIf printers do not have the paper they need,we will be charged for the time their presses are not workingWe will also have to arrange some kind of compensationLate deliveries and overdue orders can be very expensive for us.Unit 8 Lesson 4 Exercise 2MISS HONG:Accounts,can I help you?MR DAVIS:This is Peter Davis from Oz Textiles.I wanted to discuss my company'soutstanding account.MISS HONG:Oh yes,OZ textiles,payment is now four days overdue.MR DAVIS:Yes,I'm sorry about that.We have some cash flow problems at the moment. MISS HONG:Yes?MR DAIS:Could you give us another month to settle the account?MISS HONG:I'm sorry,that's impossible.It's not company policy to give credit without a previous arrangement.MR DAVIS:But this is ridiculous.I'm one of your best customers.All I'm asking for is another month to settle the account.MISS HONG:I'm sorry,Mr Davis,but unless we receive payment immediately our lawyers will start legal proceedings against yoMISS HONG:Well,that is the last time I do business with your company.MISS HONNG:Goodbye,Mr Davis.Unit 8 Lesson 4 Exercise 5CLERK:ACC Trading.Accounts.Mr Park speaking.CUSTOMER:Oh,hello,Mr Park.This is Sarah campbell from Asia Foods.CLERK:Hello,Miss Campbell.How can I help you?CUSTOMER:Well,I'm calling about the invoice you sent us.We've got a bit of a problem,I'm afraid.CLERK:I'm sorry to hear that.What exactly is the problem?CUSTOMER:Well,one of our big customers is late with payment,so we've got a cash flow problem at the moment.Could we possible have two more days to settle the account?All I'm asking is two days,and then I'll get the money to you as soon as possible. CLERK:Hmm,two days...well,I'll give you two days,but if you don't pay thenyou know we'll have to stop the next delivery.CUSTOMER:Fine,fine,don't worry.You'll get the money.Thank you very much for your help.CLERK:You're welcome.We look forward to hearing from you.Unit 8 Lesson 4 Exercise 6What's the hardest job in a company?Well,I suppose the chairman has the hardest job But I'll tell you a job I couldn't doI couldn't work in accountIt must be very hard dealing with customers' overdue accounts and late paymentI would feel sorry for them,which is not very good for business I know.。

BEC商务英语考试中的常用口语导语:以下是小编整理的2017年BEC商务英语考试中的常用口语,希望能对你有帮助!1 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll be needing那么我们就会心中有点儿数,知道你们需要什么了。
2 I can't say for certain off-hand.我还不能马上说定。
3 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。
4 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then.这样就容易进行实质性的谈判了。
5 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here?你们不愿意在北京多待一天吗?6 I'm afraid that won't be possible ,much as we'd like to.尽管我们很想这样做,但恐怕不行了。
7 We've got to report back to the head office.我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。
8 Thank you for you cooperation.谢谢你们的合作。
9 We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。
10 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends .Would you please have a look at it?这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的活动日程安排。

关于BEC商务英语情景口语Dialogue oneF:How can I help you?M:Yes,I am Jims mirson from edson associate.Id like to see Mr Smith.F:Do you have an appointment?M:Yes,he knows I am coming.our meeting is at 7 oclock.F:I wondering if Mr Smith forgot your meeting,I am afraid he left this office this morning and he is not expected back until after 4PM.let me find out if he made an arrangement for someone else to meet with you in his place,will you please have a seat?M: sure.F:Yeah,Mr Mirson,I just checked with their office manager Ms Terry,she said Mr Smith briefed her on your project,she is just finishing up our meeting now,she should be meet you shortly.would you like me to show you around for your waiting?M:That would be very nice,thank you!F:Right this way Mr Mirson,we can start with our front office,when Ms Terry is ready,you may takel at the front 6th floor,there is a conference room already prepared.Dialogue 2F:Good afternoon,what can I do for you today?M:Yes,I was wondering if I could speak to anyone about establish with your company.F:Do you have any appointment with any of our financial advisers?M:I was aware I need to make an appointment.1.关于商务英语情景口语2.商务英语情景口语精选3.商务英语的情景口语练习4.商务英语情景口语:还盘5.情景口语商务英语6.BEC商务英语模拟情景口语:旅馆7.商务英语情景口语对话8.商务英语情景交际口语9.BEC商务英语实用口语10.商务英语BEC初级口语。