



英文客舱广播词英文客舱广播词可以根据不同的情况和目的进行调整,以下是一些常见的英文客舱广播词示例:1. 欢迎词:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Flight XX. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all passengers on board. Thank you for choosing to fly with us today.2. 安全须知:Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention to the following safety instructions. Fasten your seatbelts and ensure that your seatbacks and tray tables are in the upright position. Smoking is strictly prohibited on this flight. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartments. Please secure your own mask before assisting others.3. 起飞通知:Ladies and gentlemen, we are now preparing for takeoff. Please ensure that all electronic devices are switched off and stowed away. Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened and your seatback is upright. Thank you for your cooperation.4. 飞行中的提醒:Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our cruising altitude. You may now move around the cabin, but we kindly ask you to keep your seatbelts fastened while seated. In-flight entertainment options are available for your enjoyment. Please feel free to ask our cabin crew for assistance.5. 降落通知:Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly. Please return to your seats and ensure that your seatbelts are securely fastened. Put your tray tables up and stow away any loose items. Thank you for your cooperation.6. 到达欢迎词:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your destination. On behalf of the entire crew, we would like to thank you for choosing to fly with us. We hope you had a pleasant journey and wish you a wonderful stay. Thank you and have a great day! 这些是一些常见的英文客舱广播词示例,具体内容可能会根据航空公司和航班的要求而有所不同。



(1)Good evening!ladies and gentleman!Welcome on board this flight to London.My name is Sunny Kang and I'm your ISD(In-flight Service Director) I'd like to extend a special welcome on board to you frequent Traveler's and members. And we are sorry for the delay in our departure. Your cabin crew[乘务组] are here to ensure you have an enjoyable flight to London this flight. Please fasten your seat belt[安全带], refrain from smoking[避免吸烟] and do not use mobile ,radios.Thank you. 。

(2)In a few moments we'll be screening(放映) a safety video about this aircraft(飞机). You'll also find a safety briefing card[安全简介的卡片] in your seatpocket in front of you. We require that you give us your careful attention. And we'll show movies through channel 5 to 11 after finish safety video. You can check the time table[时刻表,日程表] in front of your seat book.(3)The use of all radio transmitting devices[无线电发射装置] is banned at all times as they interface with the aircraft instruments[飞行仪器] All portable electronic devices[手提电子设备] such as Walkman's, computers,caculators, must be turned off during take off & landing .Cell-phones must not be used at any time. Ladies and Gentlemen, for your safety, all passengers are kindly requested to refrain from[忍住,制止] using portable telephones,televisions,cd players or fm radios in the cabin.Thank you.(4)Stand by [待机,待命] for A.T.C clearance. Ladies and gentlemen,we are waiting for take-off(landing) clearance from the Air Traffic Control tower[飞航管制塔台]. We expect to depart(land) in 2 or 3 minutes. Thank you.(5)Ladies and gentlemen,we will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that your seat belt securely fastened .Thank you.(6)May I have your attention,please?The fasten seat belt sign is now off. However,we would recommend you keep your seat belt fastened during the entire flight. Should the seat belt sign comes on again during the flight? Please return immediately to your seat and for everyone safety, you must keep your belt fastened while seated. Your cooperation will be appreciated.(7)Passengers are reminded that this is a non-smoking flight,which means that smoking gas not allowed anywhere in the aircraft, including the toilets which are not protected by smoke detector alarms(报警烟雾探测器) As a reminder the non-smoking sigh will remain illuminated(发光的,发亮的) throughout the trip.(8)Ladies and gentlemen,due to a possible malfunction(故障,失灵) in one of the engines, the captain has decided toreutrn to the parking area/apron for inspection. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we'll keep you inform of the situation. Your kind undersing will be appreciated.(9)Ladies and gentlemen,we'll be arriving in New York, John F. Kenndey International airport ,in about fifty minutes. The Time in New York right now is ten minutes past twelve. According to the latest weather report,it is fair(晴朗的) in New York and temperature on the ground is 77 degree Fahrenheit(华氏摄氏度) or 24 degree Celsius . Good morning,ladies and gentleman. We hope you have had a pleasant and enjoyable flight and we'd like to thank you for flying Philippine airlines today. Please remain in your seat until the plane has come to a complete and final stop at the gate. If you have any questions about connecting flight(转接班机), please see the Philippine airlines agents who will meet our flight.(10)Ladies and gentlemen,this is smile airlines flight 010 bound for(驶往) Los Angeles. While you are getting comfortablein the cabin.This is reminder that all carry-on baggage(手提行李) must fit(放置于) securely either in the overhead bins(头顶的箱子) or directly under the seat in front of you. Prior to(在...之前) closing the aircraft door,we must verify that all passengers are seated and that all carry-on bags are stowed(堆装,装载). Thank you for your cooperation.。



一. 欢迎词:Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen :The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position,fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.We will be taking off in a few are reminded that smokingand telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight. Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crewwill attend to your needs.We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen:Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. (With an intermediate stop in___). Your flight is under the command ofCaptain___.I am the chief purser___,in addition, we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand,who will be available through the flight to serve you.Please let us know if you need assistance. Thank you.各位贵宾:欢迎您搭乘___航空,第___号班机(经过___)前往___。



英文航空广播稿A&B:good morning, everyone. Nice to see you again。

Welcome to ourEnglish heaven and earth 大家好,很高兴再次见到你,欢迎来到我们的英语天地 A:I’m Wang Yimin.B:I’m Wang Yiying .A:Hi ,Wang Yiying .你能不能用字母表中所有的字母造一个英语句子呢?B:这怎么可能呢,用26个字母造句,我可不信,你试试 A:哈哈,不知道了吧,听好了,The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet! 这只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒狗,这句话用到了字母表中的所有字母!B:我数数,a b c, 26个字母竟然全部用到了,真厉害,A:呵呵,我没骗你吧,是真的哦,大家可一定要记住这个句子,B:你知道单词“Goodbye”的由来是什么吗?A:这可难倒我了,你说说看B:Goodbye" came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you."英语单词“Goodbye”来自于“God bye”,原意是“上帝与你同在”A:接下来我们要跟同学们介绍一个名言。

不知道同学们记不记得上期节目中的Do one thing at a time, and do well.B:我知道,是一次只做一件事,做到最好!的意思A:接下来,我要给同学们介绍另外一个令人受益终身的名言You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.B:他的意思是. 你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除空乘广播稿英文篇一:空乘广播稿二.安全示范domo1ladiesandgentlemen:yourcabinattendantshavejustdemonstratedthepropermethodofusingthelifejacket (andoxygenmask.)pleaserefertotheemergencyinstructioncardintheseatpocketfo rmoreinformation.thankyou.oneofthemtoyourface.coveryournoseandmouththenbreath normally.placethestrapoveryourheadtokeepthemaskinplace.ifyouhavea ninfant,putyourmaskonfirst,thenputtheinfantsmaskon.eachseatisp(:空乘广播稿英文)rovidedwihtseatbelts.pleasekeepthemfastedwheneverseated.justpullthebuckl etounfastenthem.pleaserefertotheemergencyinstructioncardinseatpocketformo reimformation.thankyou.三.飞机即将起飞前ladiesandgentlemen:wewillbetakingoffshortly.pleasemakesurethatyourseatbeltsarefastened. thankyou.四.预期通过乱流区ladiesandgentlemen:wewillbepassingthroughturbulentair.foryoursafety,pleaseremainseatedandfas tenyourseatbelts.thankyou.遇乱流时:wewillbepassingthroughturbulence.foryourownsafet y,pleaseremainseatedandfastenyourseatbelt.thankyou.我们即将经过一段不稳定的气流,为了各位的安全,请留在座位上,将安全带系好。



乘务英语广播词《乘务英语广播词》女声:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard this flight. This is a gentle reminder to fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for takeoff. Thank you for choosing our airline, and we hope you have a pleasant flight.男声:各位旅客,欢迎乘坐本次航班。



女声:For your safety, please refrain from smoking and ensure that all electronic devices are switched to "airplane mode" for the duration of the flight.男声:为了您的安全,请勿吸烟,并确保所有电子设备在整个飞行过程中处于“飞行模式”。

女声:In the seat pocket in front of you, you will find a safety card which provides important information about the aircraft's emergency procedures. We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with this card prior to takeoff.男声:在您面前的座椅口袋中,有一张安全卡,上面列有关于飞机紧急程序的重要信息。


女声:In the unlikely event of an emergency, please remain calm and follow the instructions provided by the cabin crew. Emergency exits are located in the front, middle, and rear sections of the aircraft. Please take a moment to locate the nearest exit to you.男声:在极少数情况下出现紧急情况时,请保持冷静,并遵循机组人员的指示。



一. 欢迎词:Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen :The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position,fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.We will be taking off in a few mimutes.You are reminded that smoking and telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight. Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crewwill attend to your needs.We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen:Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. (With an intermediate stop in___). Your flight is under the command ofCaptain___.I am the chief purser___,in addition, we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand,who will be available through the flight to serve you.Please let us know if you need assistance. Thank you.各位贵宾:欢迎您搭乘___航空,第___号班机(经过___)前往___。



一.欢迎词:Good morning (Afternoon,Evening)Ladies and gentlemen :The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you aborad. Would you please put your seat in the upright position,fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.We will be taking off in a few are reminded that smokingand telephone-operation are not permitted at any time duringflight.Please use your "call butto" if you require assistance-our crew will attend to your needs.We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing XX Airlines. Ladies and gentlemen:Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___. (With an intermediate stop in___).Your flight is under the command ofCaptain___. I am the chief purser__ wehave___cabin Thailand, who will be available toserve you. Please let us know if Thank you.各位贵宾 : 欢迎您搭乘 ___航空,第___号班机( 经过 前往 ___。

航空广播稿 (中英对照)

航空广播稿 (中英对照)










谢谢!Welcome Good morning(afternon,evening),Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______)The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour.In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,mobile phones,toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing.We will take off immediately,Please be seated,fasten your seat belt,and make sure your seat back is straight up,your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.(This is a non-smoking flight,please do not smoke on board.)The(chief)purser _________with all your crew members will be sincerely atyour service. We hope you enjoy the flight!Thank you!⑵起飞后广播女士们,先生们:我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____.在这段旅途中,我们为你准备了XX餐。



(1)Good evening!ladies and gentleman!Welcome on board this flight to London.My name is Sunny Kang and I'm your ISD(In-flight Service Director) I'd like to extend a special welcome on board to you frequent Traveler's and members. And we are sorry for the delay in our departure. Your cabin crew[乘务组] are here to ensure you have an enjoyable flight to London this flight. Please fasten your seat belt[安全带], refrain from smoking[避免吸烟] and do not use mobile ,radios.Thank you. 。

(2)In a few moments we'll be screening(放映) a safety video about this aircraft(飞机). You'll also find a safety briefing card[安全简介的卡片] in your seatpocket in front of you. We require that you give us your careful attention. And we'll show movies through channel 5 to 11 after finish safety video. You can check the time table[时刻表,日程表] in front of your seat book.(3)The use of all radio transmitting devices[无线电发射装置] is banned at all times as they interface with the aircraft instruments[飞行仪器] All portable electronic devices[手提电子设备] such as Walkman's, computers,caculators, must be turned off during take off & landing .Cell-phones must not be used at any time. Ladies and Gentlemen, for your safety, all passengers are kindly requested to refrain from[忍住,制止] using portable telephones,televisions,cd players or fm radios in the cabin.Thank you.(4)Stand by [待机,待命] for A.T.C clearance. Ladies and gentlemen,we are waiting for take-off(landing) clearance from the Air Traffic Control tower[飞航管制塔台]. We expect to depart(land) in 2 or 3 minutes. Thank you.(5)Ladies and gentlemen,we will be taking off shortly.Please make sure that your seat belt securely fastened .Thank you.(6)May I have your attention,please?The fasten seat belt sign is now off. However,we would recommend you keep your seat belt fastened during the entire flight. Should the seat belt sign comes on again during the flight? Please return immediately to your seat and for everyone safety, you must keep your belt fastened while seated. Your cooperation will be appreciated.(7)Passengers are reminded that this is a non-smoking flight,which means that smoking gas not allowed anywhere in the aircraft, including the toilets which are not protected by smoke detector alarms(报警烟雾探测器) As a reminder the non-smoking sigh will remain illuminated(发光的,发亮的) throughout the trip.(8)Ladies and gentlemen,due to a possible malfunction(故障,失灵) in one of the engines, the captain has decided toreutrn to the parking area/apron for inspection. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we'll keep you inform of the situation. Your kind undersing will be appreciated.(9)Ladies and gentlemen,we'll be arriving in New York, John F. Kenndey International airport ,in about fifty minutes. The Time in New York right now is ten minutes past twelve. According to the latest weather report,it is fair(晴朗的) in New York and temperature on the ground is 77 degree Fahrenheit(华氏摄氏度) or 24 degree Celsius . Good morning,ladies and gentleman. We hope you have had a pleasant and enjoyable flight and we'd like to thank you for flying Philippine airlines today. Please remain in your seat until the plane has come to a complete and final stop at the gate. If you have any questions about connecting flight(转接班机), please see the Philippine airlines agents who will meet our flight.(10)Ladies and gentlemen,this is smile airlines flight 010 bound for(驶往) Los Angeles. While you are getting comfortablein the cabin.This is reminder that all carry-on baggage(手提行李) must fit(放置于) securely either in the overhead bins(头顶的箱子) or directly under the seat in front of you. Prior to(在...之前) closing the aircraft door,we must verify that all passengers are seated and that all carry-on bags are stowed(堆装,装载). Thank you for your cooperation.。



飞机上中英文广播词(总3页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除广播词⑴欢迎词女士们,先生们:欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。









谢谢!WelcomeGood morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour.In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems,mobile phones,toys and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing.We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.)The (chief) purser _________with all your crew members will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!⑵起飞后广播女士们,先生们:我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____。



1. Safety regulationsLadies and Gentlemen:In order to ensure the normal operation of the aircraft navigation and communication system, all electronic devices such as mobile telephone, computers, radios and CD players must not be used on board at any time.According to the CAAC regulations, all the switches of these devices should be in OFF position.Thank you for your cooperation.2. WelcomeGood morning, Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard Air China flight Chengdu to Guangzhou. The distance between Chengdu and Guangzhou is 1390 Kilometers. Our flight will take 2 hours and 10 minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of 10000 meters and the average speed is 900 kilometers per hour.3. Before landingLadies and Gentlemen:•We will be landing at Shuangliu airport in about 20 minutes; the local temperature is 25 degrees centigrade.•We’d like to thank you for your support and cooperation during the flight.•We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.•Thank you!4. After landingLadies and Gentlemen:•We have just landed at Shuangliu airport, please keep your mobile phone still in the “off” position and do not unfasten your seat belt before the plane comes to a complete stop.•Please make sure to collect your belongs before you disembark. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the terminal building.•We thank you for flying with Shenzhen Airlines and hope to have the pleasure of being with you again.•Thank you and good-bye!5. TurbulenceLadies and Gentlemen:We have met with some turbulence. Please return to your seat and fasten your seat belt. (For the passengers having your meal, please take care your drinks.) Please do not use the toilets until the sign goes off. (Cabin service will be suspended during this period.) Thank you!6. Delay (waiting for passengers to complete procedures)Ladies and Gentlemen:•We regret this delay in departure, but we are waiting for some passengers to complete boarding procedure.•Our ground staffs have advised that these passengers will join us soon.•Thank you!7. HaikouLadies and Gentlemen:•We will be landing at Haikou in about 20 minutes. The temperature in Haikou is 33 degrees centigrade.•Haikou is a beautiful coastal city. Located in the north of Hainan. It is the center of the political, economy, and transportation of Hainan province.Haikou lies in the tropical zone, providing you beautiful scenery and pleasant weather condition year round.•Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Haikou. Wish you have a good time.•We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.•Thank you!8. NanjingLadies and Gentlemen:•Our plane will be landing at Nanjing airport in about 20 minutes. The temperature in Nanjing is 28 degrees centigrade.•Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province as well as its economic and cultural center, occupying 4,500 square kilometers.•Nanjing is one of China’s four ancient capitals. The major tourist sites in Nanjing include the Sunyat-sen Mausoleum, the Bridge of Changjiang River, the Ming Tomb, Xuanwu Lake and Mochou Lake.•We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.•Thank you!9. ChengduLadies and Gentlemen:•We will be landing at Chengdu in about 20 minutes. The temperature in Chengdu is 25 degrees centigrade. Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, has rich natural resources and a large population.•Chengdu is located in the middle of the Chuanxi plain and usually called Rong for short. It’s famous for the hot and spicy food both home and aboard.Chengdu now is the center of Sichuan province.•Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Chengdu and wish you have a good time.•We have now started our descent, so please fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position.•Thank you!。



川航飞行员发言稿英文Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and respected members of the aviation community,Good afternoon and thank you for joining me here today. It is truly an honor to stand before you as a representative of Chengdu Airlines and speak on behalf of our team of pilots. As the pilots of Chengdu Airlines, we take pride in our commitment to safety, professionalism, and delivering a memorable experience to our passengers.First and foremost, safety is our utmost priority. Each time we step into the cockpit, we are responsible for the lives of hundreds of passengers. We understand the importance of adhering to the highest safety standards and regulations set forth by the aviation industry. Our training is rigorous and ongoing, ensuring that we are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle any situation that may arise. We undergo regular simulator sessions, emergency procedures drills, and industry updates to constantly sharpen our skills.While safety is non-negotiable, we also strive to make each flight a pleasant and memorable experience for our passengers. From the moment you step on board until the moment you disembark, we aim to provide exceptional service and comfort. We understand that flying can sometimes be a daunting experience, particularly for those who have not flown before or may have anxieties. Our team of pilots and cabin crew are trained to provide a calm and reassuring environment, ensuring that our passengers feel at ease throughout the duration of the flight.One aspect that sets Chengdu Airlines apart is our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. We believe that in order to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving industry, we must continuously seek out new and innovative ways to enhance the passenger experience. That is why we have implemented state-of-the-art technology in our aircraft, providing passengers with the latest in-flight entertainment, comfortable seating, and connectivity options. We understand that flying is not simply about getting from point A to point B, but also about providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience.Moreover, we take great pride in our environmental responsibility. As pilots, we understand the impact that aviation has on the environment and we are committed to minimizing our carbon footprint. We continuously strive to improve fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and implement sustainable practices in our operations. We believe that by taking proactive measures to protect the environment, we can contribute to a sustainable future for the aviation industry.Furthermore, our pilots are actively involved in the local communities we serve. We take great pride in giving back and supporting various charitable initiatives. Whether it is through volunteering our time, providing resources, or raising funds, we are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of others. We firmly believe that by working together with our communities, we can create a brighter future for everyone.Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to ourpassengers for their continued trust and support. We understand that flying is a choice, and we do not take that choice for granted. It is our unwavering commitment to safety, professionalism, comfort, and innovation that has earned us the trust of our passengers. We strive to maintain this trust and provide an exceptional flying experience for each and every passenger who chooses to fly with Chengdu Airlines.In conclusion, as pilots of Chengdu Airlines, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety, professionalism, comfort, and innovation in everything we do. We are proud to be part of an airline that is focused on delivering an exceptional experience to our passengers while also being environmentally responsible and actively involved in the community. Thank you once again for your time and support, and we look forward to welcoming you on board our flights.。

民航广播稿 中英对照

民航广播稿 中英对照




感谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen,This is China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team Member flight CZ ___To___(Via___).Our aircraft will be pushing back shortly。

To ensure cockpit navigation system safety operation, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices throughout the flight,including those with flying mode electronic devices. For your safety, please fasten your seat belts,close your tray table,(return your footrest to its initial position)and put your seat back to the upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades.This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.Thank you for your cooperation!2致礼欢迎词尊敬的女士们、先生们:你们好!欢迎您乘坐天合联盟成员中国南方航空公司航班。




”英文:“Ladies and Gentlmen”“Now we will show you the use of life vest,oxygen mask,seatbelt,and thelocation of the emergency exits.救生衣演示:“救生衣在您的座椅下面的口袋里,使用时取出,经头部穿好。




”救生衣演示英文:“Your life vest is located under your seat.To put the vest on,slip it over yourhead. Then fasten the buckles and the straps tightly around your waist. To inflate,pulldown firmly on the tabs,but do not inflate the vest in the cabin. If your vest needsfurther inflation,you can pull out the mouth pieces from either side of the upper partof the vest and blow into the tubes.”氧气面罩演示:“氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方。




”氧气面罩演示英文:“Your oxygen mask is located in a compartment above your head. It will dorpautomatically if oxygen is needed. Pull the mask firmly you to start the flow of oxygen. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head.Within a few seconds,the oxygen will begin to flow.”安全带演示:“在您座椅上有两条可以对口起来的安全带。







谢谢!Good dies and gentlemen:Welcome aboard China Airlines. Please take your seat according to your seat number Your seat number is on the rack.Please make sure your hand baggage is stored in the overhead locker. Please keep the aisle and the exits clear of baggage.Please take your assigned seats as quicklyas possible and keep the aisle clear for others to be seated.Thank you for your cooperation.禁止使用电子器具女士们.先生们:为防止干扰飞行通讯和导航系统,请您在飞行全程中不要使用以下电子设备:移动电话.调频/调幅收音机.便携式电视机以及遥控装置等。



Electronic Devices RestrictionLadies and gentlemen:Please note certain electronic devices must not be used on board at anv time. These devices include mobile phones, AM/FM radios, televisions and remote control toys. All other electronic devices including laptop computers must not be switched on until fifteen minutes after take-off, and must be switched off when the seat-belt signs come on for landing.Your cooperation will be much appreciated.欢迎词(关门—滑行)尊敬的各位旅客:(早上好.下午好.晚上好)我谨代表本次航班的机长—先生.客舱经理(乘务长)_女士\先生及全体机组人员欢迎您乘坐中国航空班机。












谢谢!WelcomeGood morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distancebetween______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hoursand_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speedis_______ kilometers per hour.In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing.We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.The (chief) purser _________with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!(2)起飞后广播女士们,先生们:我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____。



星空联盟广播check-in procedure for you . Thank you.1、各位旅客:上午好(下午好、晚上好)这是登机前广机场航延广播播。




Passengers taking flight --- to ---- attention please:感谢您的合作。

Ladies and Gentlemen:This is a pre-boarding announcement. Star Alliance___from CGQ to __.Thank you for waiting , nowwewouldliketoinviteFirst/Businessclasspassengers, All other passengers please remain seateduntil further announcement. Thank you .2、乘坐-------次航班前往-------的旅客您好:为了使您快捷、方便登机,本次航班实行分舱登机的服务,稍后请12排以后的旅客先行登机,前排旅客稍后登机,感谢您的合作。

Passengersofflight___to__,payattentionplease.Foryourconvenientboard,nowweinvite passengerswithseatmembersafter12thboardfirst.All other passengers please remain seated for further announcement. Thank you .机场登机广播1、乘坐------航班前往------的旅客您好:本次航班预计10分钟后开始登机,飞机预计于------到达-------,xx旅途愉快。

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Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for taking Sichuan Airlines. The Captain and all crew members of this flight welcome you aboard.
For your safety, please fasten your seat belt , stow your tray table, open the window shade, adjust your seat back to the upright position and return your pedals to its initial position. Please turn off your mobile phones including those with flying mode and all the other electronic devices.Under normal conditions, please take care of the aircraft equipment and do not touch the emergency equipment such as the life vests.
Thank you!




