IB Math HL Syllabus




IB数学是国际文凭项目(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)中的一个科目,是一门高级数学课程。

IB数学主要有两个级别:标准水平(Standard Level,简称SL)和高级水平
(Higher Level,简称HL)。




同时,IB 数学还注重培养学生的数学推理和证明能力,鼓励学生通过逻辑推理和严密的论证来解决复杂的数学问题。









一些建议: • 学好基础课程 • 学好工具课程 • 培养学科兴趣 • 抱有一颗平常心
张齐 mickalpha@
Over the course of the two-year programme, students: • study six subjects chosen from the six subject groups • complete an extended essay (EE) • follow a theory of knowledge course (TOK) • participate in creativity, action, service (CAS).
• 我们所谓的IB课程其实是IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) 的简称,是 IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) 于1968年创办的。 • 目前全球共有138个国家和地区,2771所学校, 超过763000位学生在接受IB课程学习。 • IBDP文凭也被包括英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利 亚等在内的全球很多大学所认可,成为通往世界 名校的通行证。
• • • • Statistics & probability Sets, relations & groups Series & differential equations Discrete mathematics
• Sample questions
双语数学教师,你准备好了吗?IB课程目标• The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. • To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. • These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.



解析IB数学的四层教学内容!IB数学在安排上,采用了分层教学,分为了SSL(studies),SL(standardlevel),HL(high level)和Further HL这四层,难度依次递增,学生可以根据自身能力和学校开设情况来选择自己合适的那一层进行学习。

我们将会给大家介绍IB学校必开设的两个层SL 和HL的大纲,以供参考。


SL教学内容和教学目标Topic 1 代数(algebra) 总课时:9课时1.1 等差数列,有限项等比数列,无限项等比数列,求和符号sigma,汇率和人口等应用问题1.2 指数和对数运算1.3 二项式定理,帕斯卡三角形,组合计算Topic 2 函数(function) 总课时:24课时2.1 定义域值域,复合函数,反函数2.2 图像平移,图像拉伸,复合图像(平移与拉伸结合)2.3 二次函数:顶点式,交点式,2.4 分式函数2.5 指数和对数图像2.6 计算器作图及求图像性质Topic 3 三角函数(trigonometry) 总课时:16课时3.1 弧度制计算,弧长和扇形面积计算3.2 单位圆,特殊角三角比(0至360)3.3 三角比关系,双倍角公式3.4 三角函数性质及实际运用3.5 三角方程3.6 正弦定理,余弦定理Topic 4 向量(vector) 总课时:16课时4.1 二维三维向量的加减和模的计算,单位向量4.2 点乘向量,向量夹角4.3 三维直线表达式,直线夹角4.4 两直线的位置关系(相交,平行,异面)Topic 5 概率统计(statistic and probability) 总课时:40课时5.1 离散和连续数据,box-and-whisker图5.2 平均数,中位数,众数,四分位数,方差,标准差5.3 频数,累计频数5.4 直线相关与回归5.5 概率定义,文氏图,树状图5.6 独立事件,条件概率5.7 概率分布,期望值5.8 二项分布5.9 正态分布Topic 6 微积分(calculus) 总课时:35课时6.1 第一定律6.2 求导运算,高次求导6.3 一阶及二阶求导应用6.4 积分运算6.5 积分运用:图像围成面积,旋转体体积6.6 求导及积分在运动学中的运用HL教学内容和教学目标Topic 1 代数(algebra) 总课时:30课时1.1 等差数列,有限项等比数列,无限项等比数列,求和符号sigma,汇率和人口等应用问题1.2 指数和对数运算,换底公式1.3 二项式定理,帕斯卡三角形,组合计算1.4 数学归纳法1.5 复数及其四则运算1.6 极坐标形式,复数平面1.7 棣莫弗定理及其运用1.8 共轭复数及在多项式中运用Topic 2 函数(function) 总课时:22课时2.1 定义域值域,复合函数,反函数,奇偶函数,一一对应及一对多函数2.2 图像平移,图像拉伸,复合图像(平移与拉伸结合),绝对值函数,倒数函数2.3 二次函数:顶点式,交点式,韦达定理2.4 高次函数:因数和余数定理,图像,韦达定理2.5 分式函数(含高次除以高次函数)2.6 指数和对数图像2.7 计算器作图及求图像性质(含不等式)Topic 3 三角函数(trigonometry) 总课时:22课时3.1 弧度制计算,弧长和扇形面积计算3.2 单位圆,特殊角三角比(0至360)3.3 三角比关系,双倍角公式,复合角公式3.4 反三角函数及图像3.5 三角函数性质及实际运用3.6 三角方程3.7 正弦定理,余弦定理Topic 4 向量(vector) 总课时:24课时4.1 二维三维向量的加减和模的计算,单位向量4.2 点乘向量,向量夹角4.3 差乘向量,三角形面积运用4.4 三维直线表达式,直线夹角4.5 两直线的位置关系(相交,平行,异面)4.6 三维平面表达式4.7 线与面,面与面之间的夹角及焦点4.8 三个平面间的位置关系Topic 5 概率统计(statistic and probability) 总课时:36课时5.1 平均数,中位数,众数,四分位数,方差,标准差5.2 概率定义,文氏图,树状图5.3 计数原理,排列组合5.4 独立事件,条件概率5.5 概率密度及在平均数和方差中的运用5.6 二项分布5.7 泊松分布5.8 正态分布Topic 6 微积分(calculus) 总课时:48课时6.1 第一定律,求导运算,高次求导6.2 变化速率,隐函数求导6.3 一阶及二阶求导应用6.4 积分运算(分部积分)6.5 积分运用:图像围成面积,旋转体体积6.6 求导及积分在运动学中的运用Topic 7 选修(option) 四选一总课时:48课时选修1:概率与统计(statistic andprobability)选修2:集合,关系与群论(set,relation andgroup)选修3:微积分(calculus)选修4:离散数学(discrete math)升学学习的瓶颈问题9年级升10年级(Pre-IB)学习的瓶颈问题语言:同学们要及早适应全英语教学的语境;语言问题的解决同时意味着思维方式的转换。




























Mathematical studies SL:本课程会带给学生丰富的生活背景和知识。




Mathematics SL:本课程满足学生具备基本的数学知识和概念,并具备正确应用简单的数学技术所需要的技能。



Mathematics HL:本课程需要学生具备优秀的数学背景,并且能胜任一系列数据的分析。


Further mathematics HL:本课程是4个选项中最具有挑战性的一个,也是难度最大的一个,它给将来要在大学主修数学的学生提供了很好的辅助。



IBO一共提供了四个不同的选项,分别为统计学(Statistics & probability)、微积分(calculus)、图论与数论(Number theory and graph theory)和群论(Group and set)。



IBDP 数学课程简介1. Introduction of IBDP Mathematics IBDP 数学课程介绍Introduction:The nature of mathematics can be summarized in a number of ways: for example, it can be seen as a well-defined body of knowledge, as an abstract system of ideas, or as a useful tool. For many people it is probably a combination of these, but there is no doubt that mathematical knowledge provides an important key to understanding the world in which we live. This prevalence of mathematics in our lives, with all its interdisciplinary connections, provides a clear and sufficient rationale for making this subject compulsory for students studying for the full diploma.介绍: 数学的本质可以用多种方式来归纳:例如,它可以被看作是一个被良好定义的知识体,是一个抽象的思想系统,或作为一个有用的工具。



Aim:1. enjoy mathematics, and develop an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematics2. develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics3. develop logical, critical and creative thinking, and patience and persistence in problem-solving目标: 1. 享受数学,发现并欣赏数学的优雅和力量。


IB数学 NhomakorabeaIB课程简介

• • • • • • • IB课程总体介绍 IB课程特点 IB课程目标 IB课程设置 IBDP数学课程的特点 IB数学HL教学大纲 一些建议

• IB课程是International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme的简称。 • 目前全球共有138个国家和地区,2771所学 校,超过763000位学生在接受IB课程学习。 • IB文凭被包括英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利 亚等在内的全球很多大学所认可,成为通 往世界名校的通行证。

• • • • • • • Algebra Functions & equations Circular functions & trigonometry Matrices Vectors Statistics & probability Calculus

• 涵盖广泛的知识领域(Syllabus) • 有不同难度的子课程可供选择(HL, SL, etc.) • 重视数学软件及图形计算器的应用 (Technology) • 侧重知识的形成过程(TOK) • 培养学生对数学知识的运用(IA) • 激发学生对数学本身的学科热情(EE)

• 自成体系:不以世界上任何一个国家的课 程体系为基础而,广泛吸收了当代许多发 达国家主流课程体系的优点,涵盖了其主 要的核心内容。 • 富有挑战性 • 有较高承认度 • 具备国际性

• The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. • To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. • These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.



作为国际课程中认可度最高,真正全球通用的课程,I B的课程内容含金量极高,同时也意味着难度很大。

对于申请大学是理工方向的学生来说,属于I B D P第四组的计算机科学是一门相对容易的课程。

一、计算机学啥?计算机科学也分为H L(H i g h l e v e l)和S L(S t a n d a r d l e v e l)。

H L在两年内一共学240小时,S L在两年内要学习150个小时的课程。

下面是计算机H L的学习内容。

其中,在H L e x t e n t i o n部分,学生需要在四个方向上选择一个,包括:数据库、建模、W e b S c i e n c e和面向对象编程。

二、计算机考啥?下表是H L的考试内容。




1.D r a w t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e b i n a r y s e a r c ht r e e i f t h e f o l l o w i n g d a t a w e r e i n s e r t e d i n t h i s o r d e r:•F A L C O N,C A N A R Y,P I G E O N,T U R K E Y,O S P R E Y.2.D i s c u s s t h e m e t h o d s u s e d b y c r i m i n a l s t o h i d e o rd i s g u i se c e r t a i nf i l e s.F o r e a c h m e t h o d,i d e n t i f y t h ec o u n t e r m e a s u r e s t h a t c a n b e t a k e n b y a c o m p u t e rf o r e n s i c s c i e n t i s t.有的学校的计算机专业还会特意要求I B考生选择计算机科学作为考试项目。



IBDP数学课程简介1.Introduction of IBDP Mathematics IBDP数学课程介绍Introduction:The nature of mathematics can be summarized in a number of ways: for example, it can be seen as a well-defined body of knowledge, as an abstract system of ideas, or as a useful tool. For many people it is probably a combination of these, but there is no doubt that mathematical knowledge provides an important key to understanding the world in which we live. This prevalence of mathematics in our lives, with all its interdisciplinary connections, provides a clear and sufficient rationale for making this subject compulsory for students studying for the full diploma. 介绍:数学的本质可以用多种方式来归纳:例如,它可以被看作是一个被良好定义的知识体,是一个抽象的思想系统,或作为一个有用的工具。



Aim:1.enjoy mathematics, and develop an appreciation of theelegance and power of mathematics2.develop an understanding of the principles and nature ofmathematics3.develop logical, critical and creative thinking, and patienceand persistence in problem-solving 目标:1.享受数学,发现并欣赏数学的优雅和力量。



IB Math Studies SLHumble High School IB ProgramSyllabusInstructor: Timothy Nichols, M.Ed.Room: 4011Phone:Email: **************************Course Description:Students taking the IB Math Studies SL course will follow curriculum outlined by the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. This course is offered for students who intend to pursue university studies, which do not require a great deal of further mathematical study. The key objective of this course is to introduce students to mathematical concepts and principles through the development of various techniques, allowing for the possibilities of the practical and real-world applications of the subject.Math Studies SL students are expected to analyze problems using the appropriate notation, terminology, techniques, and graphical presentations. An important focus of this course is critical thinking and logic, allowing students to demonstrate their comprehension of both the significance and the reasonableness of their results. Students gain experience formulating mathematical arguments and effectively communicating their justifications through a variety of means, including tables, graphs, and diagrams. The applications of technology are also employed as appropriate mathematical tools for problem-solving, data analysis, and presentation of mathematical investigations and modeling.To incorporate internationalism into the Math Studies curriculum, this course addresses the regions of the world where discoveries in the mathematical community have been made. In addition to exploring the historical and social context of these discoveries, regional adaptations to different methods and techniques will be investigated.A minimum of 130 hours of Math Studies SL theory and 20 hours of an internally assessed project are completed for this course. In addition to completion of the Math Studies project, further assessments in the form of tests, quizzes, homework, technology projects, and literature research, are used to evaluate student progress throughout the course and address individual weaknesses as needed.GradingFormative: 30% Summative: 70%IB Math Studies SL SummaryIB Math Studies SL course begins with an introduction to the graphic calculator display (GCD) and a review of student knowledge of numbers and Algebra. Other topics highlighted are functions and equations, analytical geometry and trigonometry, set theory, and probability. Semester II resumes with financial applications of mathematics, sequences, series, and statistics. This semester includes and introduction to differential calculus, and allows for a comprehensive review for external assessment.IB Diploma Programme Topic of StudySemester I Teaching HoursUnit I: Introduction to the Graphic Display Calculator (IB Core Topic 1)1.1 Use of GDC to graph functions 1Arithmetic Calculations 1 Entering data into lists 1 Unit II: Numbers and Algebra (IB Core Topic 2)2.1 Sets of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers and real numbers 1 2.2 Approximation: decimal places, significant figures; Estimation 1 2.3 Expressing numbers using exponents and scientific notation 1 2.4 SI system of measurement and other basic units 2 2.5 Arithmetic sequences and series 2 2.6 Geometric sequences and series 2 2.7 Solutions of systems of equations in two variables 2Solutions of quadratic equations: algebraically and graphically 3 Unit III: Geometry and Trigonometry (IB Core Topic 5)5.1 Coordinates in two and three dimensions (Points, lines, mid-points) 2 5.2 Equation of a line in two dimensions 3Points of intersection, parallel, and perpendicular 2 5.3 Right-angled trigonometry – use of Sine, Cosine and Tangent 3 5.4 Sine and cosine rules 4 5.5 Geometry of three dimensional shapes 3Vertices; angles between lines 3IB Diploma Programme Topic of Study TeachingHours Unit IV: Sets, Logic, and Probability (IB Core Topic 3)3.1 Basic concepts of set theory: subsets, intersections, union, complement 1 3.2 Venn diagrams and simple applications 1 3.3 Sample space; events and complementary events 2 3.4 Basic concepts of symbolic logic: definition of proposition 2Symbolic notation of propositions 2 3.5 Compound statements: implication, negation, and, or. 1Translation between verbal statements, symbolic form and diagrams. 2 3.6 Truth tables 2 3.7 Definition of implication: converse, inverse, contrapositive 1 3.8 Probability of events 2 3.9 Probability using Venn diagrams, tree diagrams, table of outcomes 2 3.10 Laws of Probability 2 Unit V: Functions (IB Core Topic 4)4.1 Concept of a function as a mapping – domain, range 3 4.2 Linear functions and their graphs 3 4.3 Graph of the quadratic function (symmetry, vertex, intercepts) 3 4.4 Graphs and properties of exponential functions 4 4.5 Graphs and properties of the Sine and Cosine functions 4 4.6 Accurate graph drawing 3 4.7 Solving equations using combinations of simple functions 4IB Diploma Programme Topic of StudySemester II Teaching HoursUnit VI: Financial Mathematics (IB Core Topic 8)8.1 Current conversions 2 8.2 Simple Interest 2 8.3 Compound Interest 3 8.4 Use of tables for various topics (loan repayment, interest, inflation) 3 Unit VII: Sequences, Series, and Statistics6.1 Classification of data as discrete or continuous 1 6.2 Simple discrete data (frequency tables) 2 6.3 Grouped discrete or continuous data (mid-intervals, boundaries) 2Frequency histograms; stem and leaf diagrams 2 6.4 Cumulative frequency (percentiles and quartiles) 2Box and Whisker plots 2 6.5 Measures of central tendency 2 6.6 Measures of dispersion (deviation) 2 6.7 Scatter diagrams (best-fit line); correlations 3 6.8 Linear regression 3 6.9 Chi-square test for independence 3 Unit VIII: Introductory Differential Calculus (IB Core Topic 7)7.1 Gradient of the line through two points 2Tangent to the curve 1 7.2 Derivatives of functions 4 7.3 Gradients for given values of x (equation of tangent at given point) 2 7.4 Increasing and decreasing functions 2 7.5 Solutions where the gradient of a curve is zero 2Local maximum and minimum points 2 Comprehensive Exam ReviewAssessmentInternal AssessmentEach IB Math Studies SL student will assume responsibility for completion of a project involving the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data. Students can choose from a wide variety of project types such as modeling, investigations, applications, or statistical surveys. Math Studies students use mathematics learned from the curriculum to explore an area of study related to their own individual interests. Student work is assessed internally and submitted to IBO for moderation. Project work should be thorough, and contain evidence of a student’s knowledge of notation and terminology, ability to communicate mathematical information verbally and graphically, and their ability to appropriately use technology to assist their studies in mathematics.External AssessmentExternal assessment will consist of two exam papers given in the spring semester of the course. Paper 1 consists of fifteen short answer questions that test knowledge across the scope of the Math Studies SL syllabus. Paper 2 is comprised of five extended response questions, involving sustained mathematical reasoning with an emphasis on real-life applications. While Paper 1 requires the student to perform a mechanical approach to solve the problems, Paper 2 entails problem-solving strategies.Humble High SchoolInternational BaccalaureateLate Work PolicyThe following rules regard the acceptance of late work in IB classes at Humble High School. Remember that we are required by the International Baccalaureate Organization to turn in IB assessments on time, so deadlines must be taken seriously.A. The following rules apply to assignments in IB classes:The due date of any assignment is the due date.te work will be given only ½ credit if turned in before 7:25 the following day.2.If you are absent on the day an assignment is due and you have an excused absence, youmust turn in the assignment to the appropriate teacher before 7:25 am on the day youreturn.3.Any major assignment that has been assigned for one week or more absolutely must beturned in on its due date. If you find it necessary to be absent on this due date, it is your responsibility to secure a way for your assignment to be turned in on time.B. The following rules apply to make up work:1.It is your responsibility to obtain your make up assignments from each of your teachers.2.If you have an unexcused absence, you will not be allowed to make up anywork you missed and will receive a zero for that day’s assignments.3.If you have an excused absence, you have the same number of days to make up yourmissed assignments as the number of days you were absent. For example, if you are out for one day, you have only one day to make up missed assignments. You are stronglyencouraged to be at school every day. Remember that each day you are absent you miss valuable information.C. The following rules apply to tests1.If you are absent on the day of a test and you have an unexcused absence, you willreceive a zero on that test.2.If you are absent on the day of a test and you have an excused absence, you must beready to take the test on the day you return to school.3. A field trip on the day of a test is not an opportunity to put off the test. If you have a fieldtrip or any other school-sponsored activity that will cause you to miss a test, you mustmake arrangements with the teacher to take the test on an alternate date。


























* 掌握高级数学概念、原理和技能,为大学学习和职业生涯打下基础。

* 培养批判性思维、逻辑推理和问题解决能力。

* 理解数学在科学、社会和生活中的重要性。

### 1. 代数
* 高级代数概念:多项式、矩阵、向量空间、置换群、域论等。

* 证明方法:反证法、归纳法、直接证明等。

* 算法:高斯消元法、分解因式等。

### 2. 微积分
* 极限和连续性:极限的定义和计算,导数和微分,洛必达法则等。

* 积分:定积分和不定积分,积分的几何意义,微分方程等。

* 多重积分:三维空间的积分,重积分的应用等。

### 3. 几何
* 解析几何:平面直角坐标系,向量,极坐标系等。

* 欧几里得几何:公理系统,三角形全等,勾股定理等。

* 拓扑学:拓扑空间,拓扑不变性等。

### 4. 离散数学
* 组合数学:排列与组合,二项式定理,鸽笼原理等。

* 数理逻辑:命题逻辑,一阶逻辑,推理系统等。

* 图论:图的性质,最短路径问题,图的着色等。

* 内部评估(40%):包括作业、平时测验和期中考试。

* 外部评估(60%):包括期末考试和外部论文。

ib数学ai hl教学大纲

ib数学ai hl教学大纲

ib数学ai hl教学大纲一、引言随着教育技术的不断发展,人工智能(AI)在教学中的应用越来越广泛。


二、教学目标1. 掌握高级数学概念和技能,能够运用数学知识解决实际问题。

2. 培养创新思维和解决问题的能力,能够运用数学工具进行数据分析。

3. 提升批判性思维和团队协作能力,能够自主探究和合作学习。

三、教学内容与安排1. 第一章:数与代数(10周)a. 实数、有理数、无理数的概念和运算b. 代数式、方程、不等式的概念和求解方法c. 函数的概念和性质d. 几何意义和应用2. 第二章:函数建模与应用(12周)a. 实际问题的数学建模方法b. 一元一次和二次函数的应用c. 三角函数和几何函数的建模和应用d. 动态系统的建模和应用3. 第三章:统计与概率(8周)a. 统计的概念和方法,包括数据收集、整理、分析等b. 概率的概念和方法,包括古典概型、贝努利概率等c. 数据分析的应用和解释4. 第四章:数学应用与拓展(8周)a. 数学在金融、物理、化学等其他学科中的应用b. 数学在生活、社会、科技等领域的实际应用c. 数学创新思维的培养和拓展5. 复习与评估(4周)定期进行单元测试和综合评估,帮助学生巩固所学知识,发现问题并加以解决。

四、教学方法与手段1. AI辅助教学:利用AI技术提供多样化的教学资源,包括视频教程、模拟练习、自适应测试等,以满足不同学生的学习需求。

2. 互动式教学:鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,通过小组合作、问题探究等方式培养他们的团队协作能力和批判性思维。

3. 案例分析:结合实际案例进行教学,帮助学生理解数学在现实生活中的应用,提高他们的问题解决能力。

4. 创新思维培养:鼓励学生尝试不同的思考方式,培养他们的创新意识和创新精神。

5. 个性化学习:根据学生的个体差异和需求,提供个性化的学习方案,以满足不同学生的学习目标。



1.数学分析与方法(Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches,简

2.数学应用与理解(Mathematics: Application and





















因此,总的分组方法为C(8,4)× A(2,2)= 70种方法。










因此,总的分配方法为C(3,1)× C(2,1)= 6种方法。


ib 数学分类

ib 数学分类

ib 数学分类


1. 数学研究(Mathematical Studies)



2. 标准数学(Standard Mathematics)


3. 高级数学(Higher Mathematics)



4. 数学研究(Mathematics Further Studies)













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Mathematics HL First examinations 2008DIPLOMA PROGRAMMEMATHEMATICS HLFirst examinations 2008International Baccalaureate OrganizationBuenos Aires Cardiff Geneva New York SingaporeDiploma ProgrammeMathematics HLFirst published in September 2006International Baccalaureate OrganizationPeterson House, Malthouse Avenue, Cardiff GateCardiff, Wales GB CF23 8GLUnited KingdomPhone: + 44 29 2054 7777Fax: + 44 29 2054 7778Web site: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2006The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) was established in 1968 and is anon-profit, international educational foundation registered in Switzerland.The IBO is grateful for permission to reproduce and/or translate any copyrightmaterial used in this publication. Acknowledgments are included, where appropriate,and, if notified, the IBO will be pleased to rectify any errors or omissions at theearliest opportunity.IBO merchandise and publications in its official and working languages can be purchased through the IB store at . General ordering queriesshould be directed to the sales and marketing department in Cardiff.Phone: +44 29 2054 7746Fax: +44 29 2054 7779E-mail: sales@Printed in the United Kingdom by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire.5007CONTENTSINTRODUCTION 1 NATURE OF THE SUBJECT 3 AIMS 6 OBJECTIVES 7 SYLLABUS OUTLINE 8 SYLLABUS DETAILS 9 ASSESSMENT OUTLINE 53 ASSESSMENT DETAILS 55INTRODUCTIONThe International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous pre-university course of studies, leading to examinations, that meets the needs of highly motivated secondary school students between the ages of 16 and 19 years. Designed as a comprehensive two-year curriculum that allows its graduates to fulfill requirements of various national education systems, the DP model is based on the pattern of no single country but incorporates the best elements of many. The DP is available in English, French and Spanish.The programme model is displayed in the shape of a hexagon with six academic areas surrounding the core. Subjects are studied concurrently and students are exposed to the two great traditions of learning: the humanities and the sciences.INTRODUCTIONDP students are required to select one subject from each of the six subject groups. At least three and not more than four are taken at higher level (HL), the others at standard level (SL). HL courses represent 240 teaching hours; SL courses cover 150 hours. By arranging work in this fashion, students are able to explore some subjects in depth and some more broadly over the two-year period; this is a deliberate compromise between the early specialization preferred in some national systems and the breadth found in others.Distribution requirements ensure that the science-orientated student is challenged to learn a foreign language and that the natural linguist becomes familiar with science laboratory procedures. While overall balance is maintained, flexibility in choosing HL concentrations allows the student to pursue areas of personal interest and to meet special requirements for university entrance.Successful DP students meet three requirements in addition to the six subjects. The interdisciplinary theory of knowledge (TOK) course is designed to develop a coherent approach to learning that transcends and unifies the academic areas and encourages appreciation of other cultural perspectives. The extended essay of some 4,000 words offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. Participation in the creativity, action, service (CAS) requirement encourages students to be involved in creative pursuits, physical activities and service projects in the local, national and international contexts.First examinations 2008NATURE OF THE SUBJECTIntroductionThe nature of mathematics can be summarized in a number of ways: for example, it can be seen as a well-defined body of knowledge, as an abstract system of ideas, or as a useful tool. For many people it is probably a combination of these, but there is no doubt that mathematical knowledge provides an important key to understanding the world in which we live. Mathematics can enter our lives in a number of ways: we buy produce in the market, consult a timetable, read a newspaper, time a process or estimate a length. Mathematics, for most of us, also extends into our chosen profession: artists need to learn about perspective; musicians need to appreciate the mathematical relationships within and between different rhythms; economists need to recognize trends in financial dealings; and engineers need to take account of stress patterns in physical materials. Scientists view mathematics as a language that is central to our understanding of events that occur in the natural world. Some people enjoy the challenges offered by the logical methods of mathematics and the adventure in reason that mathematical proof has to offer. Others appreciate mathematics as an aesthetic experience or even as a cornerstone of philosophy. This prevalence of mathematics in our lives provides a clear and sufficient rationale for making the study of this subject compulsory within the DP.Summary of courses availableBecause individual students have different needs, interests and abilities, there are four different courses in mathematics. These courses are designed for different types of students: those who wish to study mathematics in depth, either as a subject in its own right or to pursue their interests in areas related to mathematics; those who wish to gain a degree of understanding and competence better to understand their approach to other subjects; and those who may not as yet be aware how mathematics may be relevant to their studies and in their daily lives. Each course is designed to meet the needs of a particular group of students. Therefore, great care should be taken to select the course that is most appropriate for an individual student.In making this selection, individual students should be advised to take account of the following types of factor.•• Their own abilities in mathematics and the type of mathematics in which they can be successful •• Their own interest in mathematics, and those particular areas of the subject that may hold the most interest for them•• Their other choices of subjects within the framework of the DP•• Their academic plans, in particular the subjects they wish to study in future•• Their choice of careerTeachers are expected to assist with the selection process and to offer advice to students about how to choose the most appropriate course from the four mathematics courses available.NATURE OF THE SUBJECTMathematical studies SLThis course is available at SL only. It caters for students with varied backgrounds and abilities. More specifically, it is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of mathematics in students who do not anticipate a need for mathematics in their future studies. Students taking this course need to be already equipped with fundamental skills and a rudimentary knowledge of basic processes. Mathematics SLThis course caters for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, and who are equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The majority of these students will expect to need a sound mathematical background as they prepare for future studies in subjects such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration. Mathematics HLThis course caters for students with a good background in mathematics who are competent in a range of analytical and technical skills. The majority of these students will be expecting to include mathematics as a major component of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering and technology. Others may take this subject because they have a strong interest in mathematics and enjoy meeting its challenges and engaging with its problems. Further mathematics SLThis course is available at SL only. It caters for students with a good background in mathematics who have attained a high degree of competence in a range of analytical and technical skills, and who display considerable interest in the subject. Most of these students will intend to study mathematics at university, either as a subject in its own right or as a major component of a related subject. The course is designed specifically to allow students to learn about a variety of branches of mathematics in depth and also to appreciate practical applications.Mathematics HL——course detailsThis course caters for students with a good background in mathematics who are competent in a range of analytical and technical skills. The majority of these students will be expecting to include mathematics as a major component of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering and technology. Others may take this subject because they have a strong interest in mathematics and enjoy meeting its challenges and engaging with its problems. The nature of the subject is such that it focuses on developing important mathematical concepts in a comprehensible, coherent and rigorous way. This is achieved by means of a carefully balanced approach. Students are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to solving problems set in a variety of meaningful contexts. Development of each topic should feature justification and proof of results. Students embarking on this course should expect to develop insight into mathematical form and structure, and should be intellectually equipped to appreciate the links between concepts in different topic areas. They should also be encouraged to develop the skills needed to continue their mathematical growth in other learning environments.The internally assessed component, the portfolio, offers students a framework for developing independence in their mathematical learning through engaging in mathematical investigation and mathematical modelling. Students will be provided with opportunities to take a considered approach to these activities, and to explore different ways of approaching a problem. The portfolio also allows students to work without the time constraints of a written examination and to develop skills in communicating mathematical ideas.NATURE OF THE SUBJECTThis course is a demanding one, requiring students to study a broad range of mathematical topics through a number of different approaches and to varying degrees of depth. Students wishing to study mathematics in a less rigorous environment should therefore opt for one of the standard level courses, mathematics SL or mathematical studies SL.© International Baccalaureate Organization 20065AIMSThe aims of all courses in group 5 are to enable students to: •• appreciate the multicultural and historical perspectives of all group 5 courses •• enjoy the courses and develop an appreciation of the elegance, power and usefulness of the subjects •• develop logical, critical and creative thinking •• develop an understanding of the principles and nature of the subject •• employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization •• develop patience and persistence in problem solving •• appreciate the consequences arising from technological developments •• transfer skills to alternative situations and to future developments •• communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts.InternationalismOne of the aims of this course is to enable students to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives of mathematics. This includes the international dimension of mathematics. Teachers can exploit opportunities to achieve this aim by discussing relevant issues as they arise and making reference to appropriate background information. For example, it may be appropriate to encourage students to discuss: •• differences in notation •• the lives of mathematicians set in a historical and/or social context •• the cultural context of mathematical discoveries •• the ways in which specific mathematical discoveries were made and the techniques used to make them •• how the attitudes of different societies towards specific areas of mathematics are demonstrated •• the universality of mathematics as a means of communication.6© International Baccalaureate Organization 2006OBJECTIVESHaving followed any one of the mathematics courses in group 5, students are expected to know and use mathematical concepts and principles. In particular, students must be able to: •• read, interpret and solve a given problem using appropriate mathematical terms •• organize and present information and data in tabular, graphical and/or diagrammatic forms •• know and use appropriate notation and terminology •• formulate a mathematical argument and communicate it clearly •• select and use appropriate mathematical strategies and techniques •• demonstrate an understanding of both the significance and the reasonableness of results •• recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations, and make generalizations •• recognize and demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of mathematics •• use appropriate technological devices as mathematical tools •• demonstrate an understanding of and the appropriate use of mathematical modelling.© International Baccalaureate Organization 20067SYLLABUS OUTLINEMathematics HLThe course consists of the study of seven core topics and one option topic.Total 240 hrsCore syllabus contentRequirements190 hrsAll topics in the core are compulsory. Students must study all the sub-topics in each of the topics in the syllabus as listed in this guide. Students are also required to be familiar with the topics listed as presumed knowledge (PK). Topic 1——Algebra Topic 2——Functions and equations Topic 3——Circular functions and trigonometry Topic 4——Matrices Topic 5——Vectors Topic 6——Statistics and probability Topic 7——Calculus 20 hrs 26 hrs 22 hrs 12 hrs 22 hrs 40 hrs 48 hrsOption syllabus contentRequirements40 hrsStudents must study all the sub-topics in one of the following options as listed in the syllabus details. Topic 8——Statistics and probability Topic 9——Sets, relations and groups Topic 10——Series and differential equations Topic 11——Discrete mathematics 40 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrsPortfolio•• mathematical investigation •• mathematical modelling.10 hrsTwo pieces of work, based on different areas of the syllabus, representing the following two types of tasks:8© International Baccalaureate Organization 2006SYLLABUS DETAILSFormat of the syllabusThe syllabus to be taught is presented as three columns. •• Content: the first column lists, under each topic, the sub-topics to be covered. •• Amplifications/inclusions: the second column contains more explicit information on specific sub-topics listed in the first column. This helps to define what is required in terms of preparing for the examination. •• Exclusions: the third column contains information about what is not required in terms of preparing for the examination. Although the mathematics HL course is similar in content to parts of the mathematics SL course, there are differences. In particular, students and teachers are expected to take a more sophisticated approach for mathematics HL, during the course and in the examinations. Where appropriate, guidelines are provided in the second and third columns of the syllabus details (as indicated by the phrase ““See SL guide””). Teaching notes and calculator suggestions linked to the syllabus content are contained in a separate publication.Course of studyTeachers are required to teach all the sub-topics listed for the seven topics in the core, together with all the sub-topics in the chosen option. The topics in the syllabus do not need to be taught in the order in which they appear in this guide. Similarly, it is not necessary to teach all the topics in the core before starting to teach an option. Teachers should therefore construct a course of study that is tailored to the needs of their students and that integrates the areas covered by the syllabus, and, where necessary, the presumed knowledge (PK).Integration of portfolio assignmentsThe two pieces of work for the portfolio, based on the two types of tasks (mathematical investigation and mathematical modelling), should be incorporated into the course of study, and should relate directly to topics in the syllabus. Full details of how to do this are given in the section on internal assessment.Time allocationThe recommended teaching time for higher level courses is 240 hours. For mathematics HL, it is expected that 10 hours will be spent on work for the portfolio. The time allocations given in this guide are approximate, and are intended to suggest how the remaining 230 hours allowed for the teaching of the syllabus might be allocated. However, the exact time spent on each topic depends on a number of factors, including the background knowledge and level of preparedness of each student. Teachers should therefore adjust these timings to correspond to the needs of their students.© International Baccalaureate Organization 20069SYLLABUS DETAILSUse of calculatorsStudents are expected to have access to a graphic display calculator (GDC) at all times during the course. The minimum requirements are reviewed as technology advances, and updated information will be provided to schools. It is expected that teachers and schools monitor calculator use with reference to the calculator policy. Regulations covering the types of calculator allowed are provided in the Vade Mecum. Further information and advice is provided in the teacher support material. There are specific requirements for calculators used by students studying the statistics and probability option.Mathematics HL information bookletBecause each student is required to have access to a clean copy of this booklet during the examination, it is recommended that teachers ensure students are familiar with the contents of this document from the beginning of the course. The booklet is provided by the IBO and is published separately.Teacher support materialsA variety of teacher support materials will accompany this guide. These materials will include suggestions to help teachers integrate the use of GDCs into their teaching, guidance for teachers on the marking of portfolios, and specimen examination papers and markschemes. These will be distributed to all schools.External assessment guidelinesIt is recommended that teachers familiarize themselves with the section on external assessment guidelines, as this contains important information about the examination papers. In particular, students need to be familiar with notation the IBO uses and the command terms, as these will be used without explanation in the examination papers.Presumed knowledgeGeneralStudents are not required to be familiar with all the topics listed as PK before they start this course. However, they should be familiar with these topics before they take the examinations, because questions assume knowledge of them. Teachers must therefore ensure that any topics designated as PK that are unknown to their students at the start of the course are included at an early stage. They should also take into account the existing mathematical knowledge of their students to design an appropriate course of study for mathematics HL. This list of topics is not designed to represent the outline of a course that might lead to the mathematics HL course. Instead, it lists the knowledge, together with the syllabus content, that is essential to successful completion of the mathematics HL course Students must be familiar with SI (Système International) units of length, mass and time, and their derived units.10© International Baccalaureate Organization 2006SYLLABUS DETAILSTopicsNumber and algebraRoutine use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using integers, decimals and fractions, including order of operations. Example: 2 ( 3 + 4 × 7 ) = 62 . Simple positive exponents. Examples: 23 = 8 ; (−3)3 = −27 ; (−2) 4 = 16 .Simplification of expressions involving roots (surds or radicals).Examples:27 + 75 = 8 3 ;3 × 5 = 15 .Prime numbers and factors, including greatest common factors and least common multiples. Simple applications of ratio, percentage and proportion, linked to similarity. Definition and elementary treatment of absolute value (modulus), a . Rounding, decimal approximations and significant figures, including appreciation of errors. Expression of numbers in standard form (scientific notation), that is, a × 10k , 1 ≤ a < 10 , k ∈ .Concept and notation of sets, elements, universal (reference) set, empty (null) set, complement, subset, equality of sets, disjoint sets. Operations on sets: union and intersection. Commutative, associative and distributive properties. Venn diagrams. Number systems: natural numbers; integers, ; rationals, , and irrationals; real numbers, .Intervals on the real number line using set notation and using inequalities. Expressing the solution set of a linear inequality on the number line and in set notation. The concept of a relation between the elements of one set and between the elements of one set and those of another set. Mappings of the elements of one set onto or into another, or the same, set. Illustration by means of tables, diagrams and graphs. Basic manipulation of simple algebraic expressions involving factorization and expansion. Examples: ab + ac = a(b + c) ; (a ± b) 2 = a 2 + b 2 ± 2ab ; a 2 − b 2 = (a − b)(a + b) ; 3x 2 + 5 x + 2 = (3 x + 2)( x + 1) ; xa − 2a + xb − 2b = ( x − 2)(a + b) . Rearrangement, evaluation and combination of simple formulae. Examples from other subject areas, particularly the sciences, should be included. The linear function xax + b and its graph, gradient and y-intercept.Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions with denominators of the form ax + b .Example:2x 3x + 1 + . 3x − 1 2 x + 4ac > bc ; a > b, c < 0 5 . 7 ac < bc .The properties of order relations: <, , >, . Examples: a > b, c > 0Solution of equations and inequalities in one variable, including cases with rational coefficients. Example: 3 2x 1 − = (1 − x ) 7 5 2 x=Solution of simultaneous equations in two variables.© International Baccalaureate Organization 200611SYLLABUS DETAILSGeometryElementary geometry of the plane including the concepts of dimension for point, line, plane and space. Parallel and perpendicular lines, including m1 = m2 , and m1m2 = −1 . Geometry of simple plane figures. The function x ax + b : its graph, gradient and y-intercept.Angle measurement in degrees. Compass directions and bearings. Right-angle trigonometry. Simple applications for solving triangles. Pythagoras’’ theorem and its converse. The Cartesian plane: ordered pairs ( x, y ) , origin, axes. Mid-point of a line segment and distance between two points in the Cartesian plane. Simple geometric transformations: translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement. Congruence and similarity, including the concept of scale factor of an enlargement. The circle, its centre and radius, area and circumference. The terms ““arc””, ““sector””, ““chord””, ““tangent”” and ““segment””. Perimeter and area of plane figures. Triangles and quadrilaterals, including parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, kites and trapeziums (trapezoids); compound shapes.StatisticsDescriptive statistics: collection of raw data, display of data in pictorial and diagrammatic forms (for example, pie charts, pictograms, stem and leaf diagrams, bar graphs and line graphs). Calculation of simple statistics from discrete data, including mean, median and mode.12© International Baccalaureate Organization 2006Core syllabus contentTopic 1——Core: AlgebraAimsThe aim of this section is to introduce students to some basic algebraic concepts and applications.20 hrsDetailsContent 1.1 Amplifications/inclusions ExclusionsArithmetic sequences and series; sum of finite arithmetic series; geometric sequences and series; sum of finite and infinite geometric series. Sigma notation.Examples of applications: compound interest and population growth.1.2Exponents and logarithms. Laws of exponents; laws of logarithms. Change of base.Elementary treatment only is required.log b a =log c a . log c b Formula for n Pr . Permutations where some objects are identical.1.3Counting principles, including permutations and Simple applications only. combinations. n The formula for also denoted by n Cr . r The binomial theorem: expansion of ( a + b) n , n ∈ .See SL guide© International Baccalaureate Organization 200613Topic 1——Core: Algebra (continued)Content 1.4 Amplifications/inclusions ExclusionsProof by mathematical induction. Forming conjectures to be proved by mathematical induction.Proof of binomial theorem.1.5Complex numbers: the number i = −1 ; the terms real part, imaginary part, conjugate, modulus and argument. Cartesian form z = a + ib . Modulus––argument form z = r ( cosθ + isin θ ) . Awareness that z = r ( cosθ + isin θ ) can be written as z = r eiθ and z = r cisθ . The complex plane. The complex plane is also known as the Argand diagram. Loci in the complex plane.1.6 1.7Sums, products and quotients of complex numbers. De Moivre’’s theorem. Powers and roots of a complex number. Proof by mathematical induction for n ∈+.1.8Conjugate roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients.Equations with complex coefficients.© International Baccalaureate Organization 200614Topic 2——Core: Functions and equationsAims26 hrsThe aims of this section are to explore the notion of function as a unifying theme in mathematics, and to apply functional methods to a variety of mathematical situations. It is expected that extensive use will be made of a GDC in both the development and the application of this topic.DetailsContent 2.1 Amplifications/inclusions ExclusionsConcept of function f : x range; image (value).f ( x) : domain,On examination papers: if the domain is the set The term ““codomain””. of real numbers then the statement ““ x ∈ ”” will be omitted. The composite function ( f g )( x) is defined as f ( g ( x)) . Distinction between one-to-one and many-to-one functions. Domain restriction.See SL guideComposite functions f g ; identity function.Inverse function f −1 .2.2The graph of a function; its equation y = f ( x) .On examination papers: questions may be set that require the graphing of functions that do not explicitly appear on the syllabus.Function graphing skills: use of a GDC to graph a variety of functions investigation of key features of graphs solutions of equations graphically. Identification of asymptotes. May be referred to as roots of equations, or zeros of functions.© International Baccalaureate Organization 200615Topic 2——Core: Functions and equations (continued)Content 2.3 Amplifications/inclusions ExclusionsTransformations of graphs: translations; stretches; reflections in the axes.Translations: y = f ( x) + b; y = f ( x − a ) . Stretches: y = pf ( x); y = f ( x q ) . Reflections (in both axes): y = − f ( x); y = f (− x) . Examples: y = x 2 used to obtain y = 3 x 2 + 2 by a stretch of scale factor 3 in the y-direction 0 . followed by a translation of 2y = sin x used to obtain y = 3sin 2 x by a stretch of scale factor 3 in the y-direction and a 1 stretch of scale factor in the x-direction. 2 The graph of y = f −1 ( x) as the reflection in the line y = x of the graph of y = f ( x) . The graph of y = 1 from y = f ( x) . f ( x)The graphs of the absolute value functions, y = f ( x) and y = f ( x ) .2.4The reciprocal function x graph; its self-inverse nature.1 , x ≠ 0 : its x© International Baccalaureate Organization 200616。
