
六、参考教材[1] 主编. 新编剑桥商务英语(学生用书)初级2008年第3版. 经济科学出版社,[2] 倪军主编. 新编国际贸易实务(2013 年第二版).电子工业出版社.[3] 黄芳主编. 《国际商务英语》2004年第一版.中国商务出版社.七、考核内容1. What is International Business (10分)比较优势理论;绝对优势理论;国际商务的主要类型了解国际商务与国内商务的区别;熟悉贸易、投资及其他国际商务活动的含义、特点、运作方式等;掌握有关词语和术语。
2. Exporting and Importing Procedures (10分)出口程序;信用证;保险;运输;国际支付与结算;进口程序熟悉进出口有关程序;掌握有关词语和术语。
3. Documents (10分)提单;发票;原产地证明;汇票;信用证熟悉出具正确单据的重要性和单据的主要种类、内容及应用;掌握有关词语和术语。
4. Regulations and Trade Barrier (10分)非关税贸易壁垒;配额;海关估价;技术壁垒;出口补贴;反倾销税;出口限制;自愿限制出口协定了解非关税贸易壁垒的概念、种类和作用并掌握有关词语和商务术语。
5. Joint Ventures(5分)合资企业的定义、种类和管理等掌握合资企业的定义、种类;熟悉合资企业的管理模式;掌握有关词语和商务术语。
6. Marketing and Sales (10分)市场营销的定义;营销的策略和活动掌握市场营销的定义;熟悉营销的策略和活动;掌握有关词语和商务术语。

2018级成考专升本英语专业12⽉份考试资料英语教学法复习资料《英语教学法》复习资料(⼀)II. Multiple choice.1.What does the structural view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things2.What does the functional view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things3.Much of human behavior is influenced by their_________A. experiencesB. wisdomC. knowledgeD. parents4.What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom?A. teaching attitudeB. definitions of languageC. structural view of languageD. functional view5.What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method?A. Language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacherB. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediatel y praised.C. Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on theirunderstanding of certain rules.D. Both A and B.6.What does the interactional view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things7.Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory?A. Grammar translationB. Audio-lingualC. Task-based teaching and learningD. Communicative teaching8. Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities of a good teacher?A. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal stylesB. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedomC. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal stylesD. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom9.What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching?A. Learning from other’s experiencesB. Learning the received knowledgeC. Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacherD. All of the above10.Many writing tasks in existing English textbooks fail to have a communicative element due to the following factors EXCEPT .A. There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.B. They are mainly accuracy-based.C. Students are invited to invent their own.D. They are designed to practise certain target structures.11.Which of the following is not the features of process writing? ___A. Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written productB. Pay no attention to the feedback from the instructor and peersC. Help students writers to understand their own composing processD. Give students time to write and rewrite12.Which of the following statement is not true about integration of the four skills?___A. Integration of the four skills is not concerned with realistic communication.B. A telephone conversation also involves the integration of language skills.C. Integration includes simple integration and complex integration.D. Integration of four skills means that we are teaching at the discourse level, notjust at the level of sentences or individual words and phrases.13.Which of the following is not regarded as the features of a discourse ?A. the way that the text is organizedB. The layout of the textC. cultureD. the register (the vocabulary that is commonly found in such discourse)14.In teach reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that thestudents equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page. We believe the teacher follows the ____ model of teaching reading.A. top-downB. bottom-upC. interactiveD. all of the above15.Views on language and ___ both influence theories on how language should betaught.A. views on language learningB. views on culture learningC. values of lifeD. styles of life16.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is _____.A.Learners are not able to make sentencesB. Language is used to perform certain communicative functionsC. It focuses on form rather than on functionsD. Learners are not able to do translation17.According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question of “Can the students achievethe goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ____A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styleB. letters, phonetic transcripts, and soundsC. teacher factors, learner factors and school factorsD. leaner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individuality18.It is generally believed that grammar teaching _____.A. should never be done in listening, reading, and writingB. is more important in listening and reading than in writingC. is very important in listening, reading and writingD. is less important in listening and reading than in writing19.One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized is that ___ in the method.A. little attention is paid to meaningB. grammar is taught in a contextC. the practice is often meaningfulD. not enough examples are provided20.To ___ , it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.A. motivate studentsB. demotivate studentsC. free students from too much workD. keep students busyIII. Matching.Directions: Find the item in Column B with that of Column A based on their relevance. Part A1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. _______Part B6. ____7. _____8. _____9. _______ 10. _____IV. Problem Solving. (15 points)Directions: A situation of teaching writing is provided in the following. Firstly, read and analyze the limitations of this traditional pedagogy. the problems in it. Secondly, provide your solutions or suggestions based on your learning of writing teaching in this course.《英语教学法》复习资料(⼀)答案II. Multiple choice.1-5 CDABD 6-10 BBADC 11-15 BACAA 16-20 CDDAAIII. Matching.1. E2. A3. D4. C5. B6. H7. J8. I9. F 10. GIV. Problem Solving.(本题共15分,根据分析的要点是否准确充分,表达的是否清晰酌情扣分。

《基础英语写作》复习资料(一)I. Rewrite the following sentences.Directions: Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirement in brackets and write the rewritten sentence on the Answer Sheet.Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways. (periodic sentence)In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization.1.I don’t expect children to be rude. I don’t expect to be disobeyed. (compoundsentence)2.Gilda was awakened by thunder.She co uldn’t go back to sleep. She tossed andturned until morning. (compound-complex sentence)3.Maggie entered the supermarket near home with a shopping bag in her hand.(periodic sentence)4.I’ll pay you double. You get the report finished by Friday. (complex sentence)5.Let us be ruthless in our criticism. Let us be cruel to personal fame. We shouldalso be indifferent to age and rank if these stand in our way. (parallel structure)6.We also have a section for the writers. There you can either post your study or gethelp with your reports. (complex sentence)7.My father was always cheerful although he was in poor health. (simple sentence)8.She had grown stronger and broader. It was difficult to recognize in this robust,motherly woman the slim, lively Natasha of former days. (compound sentence)9.The boy has learned many lessons. These lessons are about human kindness.(complex sentence)10.Father returned home. Mary was preparing dinner. Jane was lying inbed.(compound-complex sentence).II. Correct the errors in the following sentences and write the answer on the Answer Sheet.1.Offering free online, the game has attracted many school students.2.Online shopping is very popular among college students, it is easy, convenient,and often not very expensive.3.This the city which I worked thirty years ago。

重庆市普通高校“专升本”统一选拔考试大纲《高等数学》(2018年版)(考试科目代码 20)Ⅰ、考试大纲适用对象及考试性质本大纲适用于重庆市普通高校“专升本”的理工类和经济类考生。
7.了解夹逼准则与单调有界准则,掌握两个重要极限:1sin lim 0=→x x x ,e x x x =+→1)1(lim 。

2018年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试专升本英语第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共125分)I.Phonetics(5points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,Cand pare the underlined parts and identify the onethat is different from the others in pronunciation.Markyour answer by blackening the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet.1.A.captain B sustain C.contain D.retain2.A pension B mission C.tension D.revision3.A.actress B.business C.excess D.endlessbination B.climbing C.bamboo D.ambition5.A blew B crew C.sew D.JewII.Vocabulary and Structure(15points)Directions:There are15incomplete sentences in this section For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C andD.Choose one answer that best completes thesentence and blacken the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.6.I asked two passers-by how to get to the new railway station,butof them knew it.A.noneB.eitherC.neitherD.both7.--The boss wants to talk to you.He seems unhappy with your performance.--Oh.I be in trouble.I hope he won't fire me.A.mustB.canC.shouldD would8.my daughter reaches the age of eighteen,she can apply for a driving license.A.UnlessB.BecauseC.SinceD.Once9.I'll consider Ms.Smith tonight,but I am not sure if I have the time.A.to seeB.seeingC to have seenD.see10.The train to arrive at11:30,but it was an hour late.A was supposeB is supposedC supposesD.supposed11.Bob doesn't look his age.I think he's somewhere.A.in fortyB.In fortiesC in his fortyD.in his forties12.I feel very excited the thought of joining my family in a week.A.onB.forC.atD.In13.a hotel,we looked for somewhere to have dinner.A.FindingB.Having foundC We findingD.We found14.Despite the sudden breakdown of the General Manager work is going on in the company.A usualB.routineC normalD.regular15.At such a time of crisis,we must try to all differences and stick together.A.set apartB.set backC.set asideD set down16.Many governments are now taking to reduce smoking in public places.A.stepB sidesC.effectD change17.The employees more enthusiastic about their work since their pay rose.A.areB.have beenC.wereD.will be18.Children don't understand initially what they are reciting,but it will have an impact on their thinking.A.casuallyB.especiallyC.regularlyD.gradually19.The university regulations require that the students90%of the lectures.A attendedB.to attendC would attendD attend20.In October2007,the Chang’e-1satellite was successfully at Xichang.unchedB.PresentedC.RegulatedD.EngagedⅢ.Cloze(30points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B.C and D.Choose the one that ismost suitable and mark your answer by blackening thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The destruction of habitats(栖息地)all over the world is the primary reason species are becoming extinct(灭绝)or endangered. Houses,highways,dams,industrial buildings,and ever-spreading farms now dominate21formerly occupied by forests,deserts, and wetlands.22the beginning of European Settlement in America, 23,over65.000.000acres of wetlands have been drained.One million acres alone vanished241985and1995.Habitat destruction can be25or it can be subtle,occurring over a26period of time without being noticed.27such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff fromfarms,can change28and quantity of water in streams and rivers.To29living in a delicately balanced habitat,this disturbance can be as30as the clear-cutting of a rainforest.31remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands,remaining species are forced to exist in these32 areas,which causes further habitat33.These species become less adaptable to environmental34;1n fact,they become35 endangered.Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by90%,one-half of its plants,animals and insects will become extinct.ndscapesB.citiesC.mapsD.pictures22.A.AtB.BeforeC.AfterD.Since23.A.for exampleB.in additionC.at lastD.after all24.A.bothB.inC.betweenD.before25.A.simpleB.beneficialC interestingD.obvious26.A longB.shortC happyD.sad27.A ConstructionB.PollutionC.FarmingD.Living28.A.amountB.purityC.natureD.quality29.A.peopleB.speciesC.plantsD.insects30.A.effectiveB.smallC.fatalD.surprising31.A.HowB.WhetherC BeforeD.As32.A.crowdedB.extensivergeD.bare33.A reformB.destructionC.supportD.discovery34.A.improvementsB.changesC.protectionD.development35.A.evenB.farC.moreD.lessIV.Reading Comprehension(60points)Directions:There are five reading passages in this part.Eachpassage is followed by four questions For each questionthere are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and blacken the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneWoman nabbed for a DUI at same crash spotWed May21,2:17AM ETTRUCKEE,Calif.-Call it drunken driving deja vu(记忆幻觉).For the second time in five months,a23-year-old California woman has been arrested after she crashed her car while driving under the influence(DUI)at the exact same spot north of Lake Tahoe.And to top it off,Truckee Police say that in both cases,her blood alcohol content was more than three times the legal limit.The police say Melissa Dennison of Truckee crashed at about noon on Sunday on Glenshire Drive just south of the Glenshire Bridge.They say she was extremely drunk and had trouble standing or walking.Her blood alcohol level initially was measured at346. The legal limit is.08.Sergeant J.Litchie said Dennison also had been charged with a DUI in January when she crashed at the same spot and registered a blood alcohol level of.380.If found guilty of the second offense,she faces up to10years in prison and fines in excess of$2,000.A telephone message the Associated Press left at a listing for Dennison in Truckee on Tuesday was not immediately returned. 36.Who is the author of the passage?A.A passenger.B A policeman.C.A judge.D.A journalist.37.Why couldn't the woman stand and walk?A.She had lost too much blood.B.She was scared.C She drank too much.D.She had a sudden stomachache.38.Why could the woman be Imprisoned for10years?A.She was caught DUI twice.B.She had her car crashed.C.She refused to take a blood test.D.She drove without a driving license.39.What does the word"nabbed"in the title mean?A.Arrested.B.Attacked.C.Charged.D.Punished.Passage TwoThere were many different cultures in the ancient world,butthe two that had the most influence on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman.Often these two cultures are lumped together in our minds,as if they were really exactly alike.But that is not the case.In many ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different.The Greeks were truly democratic,often without a single leader but instead governed by a group of men chosen by the people.The Romans were semi-democratic.They had a governing Senate,but the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor.Both cultures were great builders.But the construction interests of the two cultures were also different.The Greeks tended to be more artistic.Their buildings were well constructed and they were especially interested in temples,columns,and decorative forms.The Romans,on the other hand,were more engineers than artists.They concentrated their efforts on urban planning,well-functioning water pipes,and the best roads.Only in cooking and eating habits are the two cultures really similar.Both peoples ate very well indeed:lots of fish,fresh vegetables and fruits,healthy meals,holding at the same time long discussions and tasting excellent wines.In fact,it would probably be fair to say that they both loved lifein their warm,sea-oriented climates,and they both lived a full life.40.What is the first paragraph about?A.The Greek and the Roman were similar.B People misunderstood European civilization.C.Greek civilization was quite different from Roman civilization.D.European civilization influenced American civilization greatly.41.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The Romans had more political awareness.B.The Romans had less political freedom and democracy.C.The Romans had more freedom to choose their leader.D.The Romans had fewer people elected into the government.42.What were the Greeks famous for?A.The overall planning of a city or a town.B.The artistic decoration of the buildings.C.The practical functions of the buildings.D.The system of water supply and transportation.3.How are the two cultures alike?A.Both loved the sea.B.Both lived long lives.C.Both loved cooking.D Both enjoyed talking over meals.Passage ThreeAs recently as three decades ago,many Americans believed that using credit was an unwise and dangerous way to pay for what they bought.Some even thought that owing money to a store or a thing to be credit company was something to be ashamed of.Good citizens,they believed,always bought what they wanted with real money and they paid the full price immediately.Today,however,all that has changed.Credit,as some observers have noted,has become a way of life in the United States. More and more Americans now are depending on those small pieces of plastic,credit cards,to pay for large purchases such as televisions,record players or furniture.Many people today would consider it unusual not to use a credit card to pay for a costly restaurant diner,a hotel room or an airline trip.And there are some situations in which Americans must have credit cards.If they want the temporary use of a car,for example,they first must give the car rental company the number of their credit card.That number is considered a guarantee that they will return the car and pay for using it.Credit cards otter two major services to Americans.First of all, they are easier and safer to carry than large amounts of money. Second,they permit people to borrow,to have the immediatepleasure of owning something,even if they do not have enough money to pay for it at the time.With credit cards people pay for goods or services at the end of each month instead of when they buy them.And when the time does come to pay,most credit cards offer people a choice.They can pay all of what they owe for the month or they can just pay usually between5and10percent of what they owe.44.What do Americans feel about using credit cards nowadays according to the passage?A.They consider it valuable.B.They regard it as a shame.C.They think it dangerous.D.They find it quite convenient.45.Why does the car rental company ask for the credit card number?A.To prevent the overuse of the car.B.To make sure that the car won't be damaged.C.To make sure the user return the car and pay for using it.D.To ensure that the car is safely and timely returned46.What advantage can credit card holders have?A.They can choose not to pay for their purchasesB.They can easily borrow money at a lower interestC.They can own something before they actually pay for it.D.They can pay only a small amount of what they owe.47.What is the best tittle for the passage?A.Credit--a Way of Life in AmericaB.Credit Services in America.C.Convenience of Living in AmericaD.History of Credit Cards in AmericaPassage FourAt the1893Columbian Exposition,a World Fair held in Chicago, chocolate-making machinery made in Germany was displayed.It caught the eye of M.S.Hershey,who saw the potential for chocolate.He installed chocolate machinery in his factory in Lancaster,and produced his first chocolate bars in1894.Other Americans began mixing in other materials to make up new candy bars throughout the end of the1890's and the early 1900's.But it was World War I that really brought attention to the candy bar.The U.S.Army Quartermaster Corps requested various American chocolate manufacturers to provide20to40pound blocks of chocolate to be shipped to quartermaster bases.The blocks were cut into smaller pieces and distributed to American soldiers in Europe.Eventually the task of making smaller pieces wasturned back to the manufacturers.By the end of the war when the soldiers arrived home,the American candy bar business was assured.Why?Because the returning soldiers had grown fond of chocolate candy and wanted more of the same.As a result.from that time on and through the1920’s,candy bar manufacturers became established throughout the United States,and as many as 40,000different candy bars appeared on the scene.The original candy bar industry had its start on the eastern coast in such cities as Philadelphia,Boston,and New York.The industry soon spread to the Midwest because shipping and raw materials such as sugar,corn syrup,and milk were easily available. Chicago became the seat of the candy bar industry and is even today an important base.48.Why did M.S.Hershey start the production of chocolate bars?A.He was deeply impressed by the Columbian Exposition.B.He realized that it was possible for chocolate to become popular.C.There was nothing to produce in his factory in Lancaster.D.He was interested in the chocolate machinery displayed at the fair.49.Which event brought the booming of American candy bar business?A.The adding of new materialsB.The demand in the army during WWIC The purchase of new machinesD.The appearance of smaller candy bars50.What does the underlined word"seat"in the last paragraph most probably mean?A.FocusB.PositionC.ChairD.Center51.What is this passage mainly about?A.A World Fair held in Chicago in1893.B.The popularity of the American candy bar industry.C.The candy bar industry during World War I.D.The spread of the candy bar business to the Midwest.Passage FiveMark Twain is one of America's much-beloved authors, creating imaginative and humorous classics for children and adults alike,such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Prince and The Pauper,and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Twain passed away in 1910,leaving behind a treasure of great literature.But now,100 years after his death,he'll have a brand-new book on the shelves:a three-volume autobiography.Twain hasn't been keeping busy in his tomb:it was his wish that publishers wait until100years after his death to publish his memoirs(自传),which he spent the last decade of his life working on.The autobiography totals more than5,000pages,and likely won't be all sunshine and roses.It seems that Twain harbored some bitterness against former girlfriends and ex-friends.He also writes negatively about politicians of his day,such as Teddy Roosevelt.It,s likely that he requested such a long lead time for the memoirs because he didn't want to hurt the feelings of anyone mentioned in this work.Although small sections of the memoirs have been previously published,the autobiography has never been available in full,and should provide great insights into the man behind he classic books.The first volume of the set will be available in November,and the trilogy is being published by the University of California, Berkeley.There are so many biographies of Twain,and many of them have used bits and pieces of the autobiography,editor Robert Hirst told The Independent."But biographers pick and choose what bits to quote.By publishing wain's book in full,we hope that people will be able to come to their own complete conclusions about what sortof a man he was.”52.According to Paragraph1,which of the following statements is TRUE of Mark Twain?A.He left behind lots of money.B.His works were written for children.C.His works are full of adventures.D.He is famous for his great works.53.What can we learn about Mark Twain's autobiography from the passage?A.It has been published against Twain's will.B.It shows Twain's respect for politicians.C.It will be published in full.D.It has been recently finished.54.What does the underlined word"trilogy"in Paragraph4 mean?A.A work in three volumes.B An imaginative work.C.A collection of stories.D.Memoirs of famous people.55.What is the purpose of publishing Twain's autobiography?A.To supplement other biographies.B.To help readers to understand Mark Twain.C.To introduce Mark Twain's works.D.To expose new discoveries about Mark Twain.V.Daily Conversation(15points) Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue byblackening the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.A.When shall we set offB.What is the timeC.have a wonderful timeD.start packingE.be great funF.What could I getG.What should I takeH.where toMary:How do you like the idea of having a picnic this Saturday? John:Wonderful.But56?Mary:What about the Blue Mountain?It's quite cool there. John:That's a good idea.Shall we invite Michael and his girlfriend to go with us?Mary:Sure!It would57to have them with us.John:Good!58?Mary:You could buy some drinks and sandwiches And some fruit, too.John:OK.59?Mary:How about8o'clock in the morning?It takes about two hours to get there.John:OK.I'll call Michael and tell him about our plan.We sure will 60.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共25分)Ⅵ.Writing(25points)Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write an essay inEnglish in100-120words based on the Followinginformation.Remember to write it clearly.61.你(Li Yuan)的同学王晶打算在校内找一份临时工作,给她写一封电子邮件,内容包括:·你从校园网上获得图书馆招工的信息;招聘人数为5-10人;·对应聘人员的要求(如必须是本校学生、可周末上班等);·面试时间和地点·鼓励她抓住此机会,前去面试。

考生应能:1. 理解主旨和要义每篇文章都会有一个主旨要义.有时从文章的第一个段落,甚至第一个句子即可得出文章的主旨要义,从这一段或这个句子读者会知道文章描述的是谁或什么(即文章的主题),亦会了解作者希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。
3. 根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些过去未见过的单词和短语,但许多这类词语的含义可以通过上下文推断出来。

2018年成人高考专升本英语考试试卷两套及答案试题一Ⅰ. Phonetics( 5 points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C,and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.( )1.A.stage B.passage C.percentagee D.village( )2.A.pension B.extensionC.collision D.dimension( )3.A.move B.joke C.hope D.zone( )4.A.wealthy B.athlete C.beneath D.southem( )5.A.phrase B.loose C.expose D.accuseⅡ.Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.( )6.The relationship between parents and their children _______ a strong influence on the character of the children.A.haver B.having C.to have D.has( )7.Only by telling the truth _______ win the trust and support of your friends.A.you can B.can you C.you did D.did you( )8.These apple trees, _______ I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit.A.that B.what C.which D.when( )9.Don‘t remind me of that awful day; I _______ such a fool of myself. A.madeB.make C.will make D.am making( )10.My daughter is quite well now _______ a slight headache.A.beside B.besides C.but for D.execpt for( )11.She is treated _______ better than I was.A.much B.little C.many D.more( )12.If it had not rained yesterday, they _______ work on time.A.will finish B.will have finishedC.would finish D.would have finished( )13.They are studying the Solar System‘s _______ planet, Saturn,and its moons..A.two largest B.largest two C.second largest D.largest second ( )14.I‘d like to go with you; _______ , my hands are full at the moment.A.however B.whateverC.wheneverD.wherever( )15.He entered the office hurriedly, _______ the door open.A.leaving B.left C.leave D.to leave( )16.He had to quit the job _______ his ill health.A.asB.as for C.because D.because of( )17. She needs more friends of her own _______.A.yearB.age C.period D.stage( )18._______ ,the training will help you become better at what you do.A.In the season B.In the periodC.In the long run D. In the long range( )19.Sea levels are _______ to rise between 7 and 23 inches by the end of 21 century. A.inspectedB.suspected C.expected D.detected( )20.Smoking and drinking may _______ heart disease and cancer.A.result from B.lead to C.come from D.get toⅢ.Close(30 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The Nobel Prizes are awards that are given each year for special things that people or groups of people have achieved. They are awarded in six 21 : physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.The prizes come from 22 that was created by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. He wanted to use some of his money to help make the world a 23 place to live in.Many organizations, chosen by Alfred Nobel himself, 24 who receives the prizes. Each award 25 a gold medal, a diploma and a lot of money. Prizes can only be given to 26of all races, countries and religions. Only the Peace Prize can 27 be given to a group.The first Nobel Prizes were handed out 28 December 10, 1901-five years after Alfred Nobel’s death. Nobel was a chemist, engineer and inventor 29 most famous invention, dynamite(炸药), made him a 30 man. Although he gave the world such a 31 weapon. Nobel was always against wars and 32 . He therefore left a lot of money that was to go to those who did a lot for the peace of 33 .Officials at first handed out only five prizes a year. The prize for economics was first awarded in 1969. In some 34 prizes were not awarded because there were no 35 candidates.All prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, with the exception of the Peace Prize, which is awarded in Oslo, Norway.( )21. A.parts B.areas C.regionsD.classes( )22. A.a bondB.a fundC.a scholarshipD.an investment( )23. A.cleanerB.richerC.better rger( )24. A.declarerB.concludeC.determineD.announce( )25. A.makes upB.focuses onC.refers toD.consists of( )26. anizationsB.singlesrC.institutionsD.individuals( )27. A.yetB.also C.stillD.ever( )28. A.onB.inC.atD.by( )29. A.whoB.thatC.whoseD.whom( )30. A.humorousB.richC.seriousD.smart( )31. A.strangeB.mysteriousC.magic D.deadly( )32. A.violenceB.hatredC.confusionD.jealousy( )33. A.racesB.regionsC.mindD.mankind( )34. A.yearsB.yearC.timeD.times( )35. A.valuableB.invaluableC.worthyD.worthwhileⅣ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)Directions:There are five reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by four questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneAt first glance, there hardly seems to be any comparison between Ravenna and Rome, but back in the 5th century, it was Ravenna that served as capital of the Westem Roman Empire. In this city. Roman rulers built monuments which are famous, then and now, for their sweeping mosaics(镶嵌图案). Seven of Ravenna’s eight buildings from the 5th and 6th centuries are spectacularly decorated with examples of this ancient art. “in the past, many people couldn’t read or write.”says tour guide and Ravenna native Silvia Giogoli. “Mosaics were a way to explain the religion and the political situation to the people.”Visitors to Ravenna can look at pieces of art by ancient artists, listen to musicians, and learn to make their own masterpieces.Travel TipsWhen to Go:June—October;weather is pleasant in April and May but historic sites can get crowded with shool groups.Where to Stay: Walk through historic district sites from Albergo Cappello and stay at a modern Hotel Centrale Byron.How to Get Around: Take the train from Bologna, and then walk, bike, or use taxis within the city.Where to Eat or Drink: Housed in a former movie theater, two-story Ristorante Cinema Alexander blends 1940s Hollywood flavor with homemade Emilia Romagna courses and attentive service(helpful in translating the menu). For fresh seafood, try Osteria L’Accigua and Da Buco.What to Buy: Watch the next generation of Emilia Romagna mosaic artists create contemporary and traditional pieces in local studios where modern artists use the same methods as their Byzantine forefathers.What to Read Before you Go: Ravenna in Late Antiquity, by Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis(2010), provides a wide-ranging look at the city‘s art, architecture, and history.( )36. In ancient times, mosaics were used to .A. display artistic achievementsB. compete with Roman paintingsC. explain religion and politicsD. teach reading and writing( )37. Lots of schoolchildren visit historic sites such as Ravenna in .A. MayB. JuneC. SeptemberD. October( )38. If you want to try fresh seafood, you should go to .A. Emilia RomagnaB. Hotel Centrale ByronC. Ristorante Cinema AlexanderD. Osteria L‘Accigua and Da Buco( )39. Why is Ravenna in Late Antiquity recommended in this passage?A. Because it was written by a famous writer.B. Because tourists get to learn a lot about the city from it.C. Because tourists can get valuable tips for buying art pieces.D. Because it provides useful information about the city‘s weather.Passage TwoWhen you pat your pet dog, he wags(摆来摆去)his tail. That is his way of saying that he loves you. And, if you pay attention, you will see that he uses his tail to say so many things. Every movement of the tail means a different thing. If the dog is wagging its tail, it is a sign of friendliness; if his tail is straight, it means he is getting ready for a fight; and if his tail is tucked (塞)behind his legs, it means he is giving up the fight.Unlike dogs, cats‘ tail language is not so expressive. When a cat feels threatened, he puffs himself up to appear big and his tail shakes with tension. And when he is displeased with something, he lashes out(甩动)his tail.The tail language of dogs and cats has a little story behind it. Earlier, when dogs and cats had not become friends with human beings, they were predators. They used to hunt other animals for their food. When dogs went out hunting with their friends, tail language came handy. When they were close to each other,dogs could use facial expressions to talk. But, for long-distance communication, they used their tails. Unlike dogs, cats liked to hunt alone. So, they did not need to use tail language too often. As a result, their vocabulary in tail language is much smaller than that of dogs‘ .( )40. What does it mean when a dog‘s tail is straight?A. It has a lot to say to you.B. It wants to stop fighting.C. It is going to fight.D. It likes to be patted.( )41. A cat tries to appear big when it is .A. facing a dangerB. unhappyC. ready to huntD. hungry( )42. Which of the following does the author intend to say?A. Dogs and cats are not good friendsB. Dogs are much friendlier than cats.C. Dogs and cats are usually good pets.D. Dogs use tail language more than cats.( )43. In the last paragraph, the underlined word ―predators‖ refers to .A. animals that follow and obey other animalsB. animals that kill and eat other animalsC. animals that live in the wildD. animals kept by peoplePassage ThreeLike any teenagers, the face of One Teen Story is changing fast. Just a year olk, the monthly magazine of short fiction for young people is getting a new editor-in-chief: Patrick Ryan, 47, the associate editor of Granta from 2009 to 2013. He left the London-based literary journal last month.Editing One Teen Story- the younger sibling(姊妹篇)of One Story magazine-will offer Ryan a chance to reach a whole new audience. “It’s really the only magazine for young aduit short fiction,”he says from his office in New York. “It’s tremendously exciting that there are younger people out there who have subscriptions and look forward to getting these stories once a month. That form is usually only presented when it’s forced upon them in schools.”Designed for readers 14 and up, One Teen Story publishes nine issues a year. Like its sibling magazine, it doesn’t carry photographs or advertising. It’s just exactly what it says:one story perissue.Ryan says young people are―looking for engaging reads about people whom they can identify with. It‘s not about having a message or positive spin(说教). It always start on a character level, and it has to have an interesting story. If you look at the ‗Twilight‘ characters and the ‗Harry Potter‘ characters, they feel very contemporary.‖Ryan also sees the magazine as a way to encourage talented authors. ― I would love th make One Teen Story the first publication for writers who then go on and keep at this business. I just really love the idea that this magazine would be the starting point for somebody –would be the push to make a talented writer feel that it was worth keeping at this.‖( )44. Who is Patrick Ryan?A. He is the editor-in-chief of Granta.B. He is the editor-in-chief of One Story.C. He is the editor-in-chief of ―Twilight‖.D. He is the editor-in-chief of One Teen Story( )45. What is One Teen Story?A. It is a story magazine for teenagers.B. It is a London-based literary journal.C. It is a column of a newspaper.D. It is a magazine of science fiction( )46. According to Ryan, what attracts young rcaders most?A. Photographs and illustration.B. Chances and practices in business.C. Characters and stories close to their life.D. Political teachings and moral messages.( )47. In the last paragraph, the underlined phrase “this business” means .A. reading stories.B. writing storiesC. editing magazinesD. making moneyPassage FourCouples are restricting the size of their families in the UK because of cash worries brought on by the financial crisis and the subsequent decline. We‘re now up to nearly 3.7 million families where there is an only child, a rise from about 3.3 million in 2005. That means nearly half of all parents have only one child.Financial worries aren‘t the only driver. The trend towards later motherbood has been mentioned as a cause, as have soaring casts of raising a child, which have been calculated as $222,500 from birth to 21 years of age. This is an increase of nearly 40% in 10 years.The increasing availability of IVF(试管婴儿)is also a factor and an interesting one. Couples who might have remained childless in the past now invest in IVF and get pregnant. And because of the cost they stop after one child.It may not be a bad thing; there are outstanding examples of talented only children. Some argue that being an only child promoted their success. These include actors Natalie Portman and AI Pacino, golfer. Tiger Woods and even Queen Victoria. A study from the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex also showed that the fewer brothers and sisters a child has, the happier they are. It seems fighting for parental attention and affection-which sometimes descends into physical fights-is mor stressful than any adult had previously thought. And it‘s not compensated(弥补)by having a playmate.( )48. The smaller size of UK families is mainly related to .A. financial problemsB. technical problemsC. health problemsD. cultural problems( )49. The passage shows that IVF is .A. safer than natural pregnancyB. very popular in UKC. very expensiveD. a risky investment( )50. What is a proved advantage of one-child family?A. Improved family lifeB. Higher number of sports stars.C. Efficient family education.D. Promotion of children’s success.( )51. The findings of the institute at the University of Essex might mean that .A. the only children‘s lack of playmates causes problemsB. the only children are much happier than othersC. parents-children relationship is off balanceD. children have to struggle for parental lovePassage FiveAbout 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes(糖尿病前期). That means they have blood sugar that‘s higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed(诊断)with type 2-at least not yet. One long-term study reported by the American Diabetes Association found that 11% of people with pre-diabetes develop the full-blown disease each year. Another study shows that pre-diabetes will probably become type 2 in 10 years or less.Yet, that process is not inevitable. Last year, scientists in Colorado found that people with pre-diabeles who lowered their blood sugar to normal levels—levels—even briefly—were 56% less likely to reach type 2 levels.If you have pre-diabetes, here are four steps to help prevent or delay a diabetes diagnosis.Lose 7% of your body weight. That is about 15 pounds for the persons who weigh 200. Dropping that small percentage has been shown to lower the risk of developing type 2 by close to 60%.Exercise 30 minutes five days a week. Whether you do the 30 minutes in one shot or in three 10-minute sessions, the benefit is the same. Choose certain exercises, such as fast walking,playing tennis or lifting weights. Physical activity such as sweeping floors works,too.Turn to your doctor. In some cases, pre-diabetes raises the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. Your doctor may use some medicine to control your glucose(葡萄糖)levels and keep your blood pressure in check.Know your numbers. To see if your pre-diabetes is improving, have your blood sugar checked regularly. A fasting blood sugar of 100 to 125 mg/dl suggests pre-disbetes; 126 mg/dl or above is diabetes; and below 100 is normal. Other tests, including glucosc tolerance and AIC, also are used to monitor blood sugar.( )52.What do we learn from the two studies mentioned in Para graph 1?A. Pre-diabetes will surely become type 2 diabetes.B. Pre-diabetes is likely to become diabetes within years.C. Enough attention should be paid to the treatment of type 2.D. Pre- diabetes is ranked No. 1 danger threatening Americans‘health.( )53. To prevent or delay a diabetes diagnosis, people with pre-diabetes should pay most attention to .A. glucose levelsB. exercisesC. heart diseaseD. stroke( )54. Which of the following suggests that you have pre-diabetes?A. 70 mg/dl.B. 90 mg/dl.C. 110 mg/dl.D.130 mg/dl.( )55. What column of a newspaper is most likely to have this article?A. Technology.B. Entertainment.C. Education.D. Health.Ⅴ.Daily Conversation (15 points)Directions:Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Father: How’s your day at school, Costa?Costa: 56 , Daddy! It’s a day I will never forget.Father: Oh, it is? 57 ,my son?Costa: I have been made the chairman of the Strdents’Association.Father: That’s great. 58 !Costa: 59 .Father: That’s really nice. You stood first in the examination and now you have won the chairmanship. 60 . my son.Costa: Thank you ,Daddy.Ⅵ. Writing(25 points)Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write a composition of about 100—120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly.61.你(Li Yuan ) 的班级即将组织一次郊游(picnic),请你给你的外籍(Steve)写封信,内容包括:·邀请他参加此项活动;·介绍活动的具体安排和内容(如时间、地点等);·告知需要做的准备(如着装、自备午餐等);·希望他参加并尽快给予答复。


C节为一篇短文,其测试方法为spot dictation,要求考生填写missing words或missing sentences等,共10个空。

成人高考专科起点升本科英语考试新大纲词汇总表Aa [e,ei, ə] art.1.(非特指的)一(个)2.(同类事物中的)任何一(个)[相当于any] a.m. ['ei'em] n.(缩)上午,午前ability [ə'biliti] n.1.能力2.能耐,本领able ['eibl] a.1.有能力的2.出色的aboard [ə'bɔ:d] ad./prep.在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车)about [ə'baut] prep.1.关于,对于2.在...周围ad.1.大约2.周围,附近.到处above [ə'bʌv] prep.在...之上.高于ad.在上面,以上a.上面的,上述的abroad [ə'brɔ:d] ad.1.国外,海外2.传开absent ['æbsənt, æb'sent] a.1.缺席,不在2.心不在焉的absolute ['æbsəlju:t] a.绝对的,完全的absorb [əb'sɔ:b] v.1.吸收2.吸引...的注意,使全神贯注abstract ['æbstrækt] a.抽象的n.摘要,梗概v.提取,抽取academic [,ækə'demik] a.1.学院的2.学术的accent ['æksənt, æk'sent] n.1.口音,腔调2.重音,重音符号accept [ək'sept] v.1.接受,领受2.同意,认可access ['ækses] n.1.接近,进入2.通道,入口accident ['æksidənt] n.1.意外的事,偶然的事2.事故accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] v.1.陪伴,陪同2.伴随,和...一起发生3.伴奏accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ] v.完成,实现according [ə'kɔ:diŋ] a.相符的,一致的,相应的account [ə'kaunt] n.1.叙述,说明2.账,账户v.作出说明accurate ['ækjurit] a.准确的,精确的accuse [ə'kju:z] v.指控,控告,指责accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] a.习惯的,惯常的(to)ache [eik] v./n.痛,疼痛achieve [ə'tʃi:v] v.1.完成,实现2.达到,得到achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt] n.1.成就,成绩2.完成,达到acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] n.1.认识,相识,了解2.相识的人,熟人acquire [ə'kwaiə] v.取得,获得,学到across [ə'krɔs] prep.1.横过,穿过2.在...的对面ad.1.横过,穿过2.宽,阔act [ækt] v.1.行为,举动2.起作用3.表演n.1.行为,动作2.法令,条例3.(一)幕action ['ækʃən] n.1.行动,行动过程2.作用active ['æktiv] a.1.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的2.在活动中的activity [æk'tiviti] n.1.活动,活跃2.行动actor ['æktə] n.男演员actress ['æktris] n.女演员actual ['æktʃuəl] a.实际的,事实上的,真实的adapt [ə'dæpt] v.1.使适应,使适合2.改编,改写add [æd] v.1.添加,增加2.把...加起来3.进一步说(或写)addition [ə'diʃən] n.1.加,加法2.附加物additional [ə'diʃənl] a.附加的,另外的address [ə'dres] n.1.地址,住址2.演说,讲话v.1.写姓名地址2.向...讲话,发表演说adequate ['ædikwit] a.1.充足的,足够的2.适当的,胜任的adjective ['ædʒiktiv] n.形容词adjust [ə' dʒʌst] v.1调节,改变...以适应2.校正,调整admire [əd'maiə] v.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕admit [əd'mit] v.1.承认,供认2.准许...进入,准许...加入adopt [ə'dɔpt] v.1.收养2.采取,采纳,采用adult [' ædʌlt] n.成年人a.成年的,充分长成的,成熟的advance [əd'va:ns] v.1.前进,向前移动2.取得进展,改进n.1.前进,进展2.预付,预支advanced [əd'va:nst] a.在前面的,先进的,高级的advantage [əd'va:ntidʒ] n.1.优点,优势,有利因素2.利益,好处adventure [əd'ventʃə] n.1.冒险,冒险活动2.奇遇adverb ['ædvə:b] n.副词advertisement [əd'və:tismənt] n.(=ad)广告advice [əd'vais] n.劝告,忠告,意见advise [əd'vaiz] v.劝告,通告,建议affair [ə'fεə] n.事件affect [ə'fekt] v.1.影响2.[在感情方面]喜欢afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.1.买得起,担负得起2.提供,给予afraid [ə'freid] a.1.害怕的,恐惧的2.犯愁的,不乐意的Africa ['æfrikə] n.非洲African ['æfrikən] a.非洲的,非洲人的n.非洲人after ['a:ftə] prep.在...以后,在...后面ad.以后,后来conj.在...以后afternoon [,a:ftə'nu:n] n.下午,午后again [ə'gein, əˈɡen,] ad.再一次,又一次against [ə'genst] prep.1.倚在,紧靠着2.逆,反(对),违反3.和...对比age [eidʒ] n.1.年龄2.时代,时期v.变老agency ['eidʒənsi] n.代理(处),代办处agent ['eidʒənt] n.代理人,代理商ago [ə'gəu] ad.以前agree [ə'gri:] v.同意,应允agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n.1.协定,协议,契约2.达成协议,同意agriculture ['ægrikʌltʃə] n.农业ahead [ə'hed] ad.在前,向前,提前aid [eid] n.1.帮助,援助2.助手,辅助手段v.帮助,援助aim [eim] v.1.把...瞄准,把...对准2.致力,旨在n.1.瞄准,对准2目标,目的air [εə] n.空气,大气,天空v.通风airline ['εəlain] n.1.航空公司2.(飞机的)航线airplane ['εəplein] n.飞机airport ['εəpɔ:t] n.机场,航空站alarm [ə'la:m] n.1.惊恐2.报警器v.1.使惊恐2.向...报警alike [ə'laik] a.同样的,相像的alive [ə'laiv] a.1.活着的2.有活力的,活跃的3.存在的all [ɔ:l] a.1.一切的,所有的2.全部的pron.全部,一切ad.完全地,都allow [ə'lau] v.1.允许,准许2. 同意给almost ['ɔ:lməust] ad.几乎,差不多alone [ə'ləun] a.1.单独的,孤独的2.独一无二的ad.1.单独地,独身地2.仅仅,只along [ə'lɔŋ]prep.沿着ad.向前aloud [ə'laud] ad.出声地,大声地alphabet ['ælfəbit] n.字母表already [ɔ:l'redi] ad.早已,已(经)also ['ɔ:lsəu] ad.1.同样地2.而且(也)although [ɔ:l'ðəu] conj.虽然,尽管altitude ['æltitju:d] n.高度,海拔altogether [,ɔ:ltə'geðə] ad.1.完全,全部地2.总起来说,总之3.总共always ['ɔ:lweiz] ad.1.总是,无例外地2.永远,始终amaze [ə'meiz] v.使大为惊奇,使惊愕America [ə'merikə] n.美洲,美国American [ə'merikən] a.1.美洲的,美国的2.美国人的n.美国人,美洲人among [ə'mʌŋ]prep.(-st)在...之中,在...之间amount [ə'maunt] n.数量,数额,总数v.1.合计,共计2.等同,接近(to)amuse [ə'mju:z] v.1.逗乐,逗笑2.给...提供娱乐an [ən,æn] art.1.(非特指的)一(个)2.(同类事物中的)任何一(个)[相当于any] analyse ['ænəlaiz] v.分析,分解analysis [ə'næləsis] n.分析,分解analyze ['ænəlaiz] v.分析,分解ancient ['einʃənt] a.古代的,古老的and [ənd,ænd] conj.1.和,与,及2.那么,则3.接连,又anger ['æŋgə] n.怒,愤怒v.使发怒,激怒angle ['æŋgl]n.1.角,角度2.角度,观点angry ['æŋgri] a.1.愤怒的,生气的2.(风浪等)狂暴的animal ['æniməl] n.动物,兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的announce [ə'nauns] v.1.宣布,宣告2.声称annoy [ə'nɔi] v.1.使恼怒,使烦恼2.打扰annual ['ænjuəl] a.每年的,年度的n.年鉴,年刊another [ə'nʌðə] a.1.再一个的,另一个的2.别的,不同的pron.另一个answer ['a:nsə] v.1.回答,答复2.适合,符合3.负有责任n.回答,答复,答案anxious ['æŋkʃəs] a.1.焦虑的,发愁的2.渴望的,急切的any ['eni] a.1.[否定,疑问,条件句中]任何的, 任何一种, 所有的anybody ['eni,bɔdi,'enibədi] a.1.[否定、疑问、条件句中]任何人anyhow ['enihau] ad.1.不管怎么说,无论如何2.不论用何种方法anyone ['eniwʌn] pron.任何人anything ['eniθiŋ]pron 1.[否定、疑问、条件句中]任何东西anyway ['eniwei] ad.1.不管怎么说,无论如何2.不论以何种方式anywhere ['enihwεə] ad.1.[否定、疑问、条件句中]任何地方apart [ə'pa:t] ad.1.相间隔,成距离2.分离,分开apartment [ə'pa:tmənt] n.1.[美]公寓apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] v.(to for)道歉,认错apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n.道歉,认错apparent [ə'pærənt] a.1.表面上的,貌似(真实)的2.显然的,明明白白的appear [ə'piə] v.l.出现,显露2.来到3.看来好像,似乎appearance [ə'piərəns]n.1.出现,露面2.外观,外貌appetite ['æpitait] n.1.食欲,胃口2.欲望,爱好apple ['æpl] n.苹果application [,æpli'keiʃən] n.1.申请,申请表2.应用,实施apply [ə'plai] v.1.申请,请求2.应用,运用,适用appoint [ə'pɔint] v.1.任命,委派2.约定,指定(时间、地点)appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] v.1.重视,欣赏2.对...作正确评价3.为...表示感激approach [ə'prəutʃ] v.靠近,接近n.1.接近2.途径,入门3.方式,方法appropriate [ə'prəupriət,ə'prəuprieit] 适当的,恰当的,相称的approve [ə'pru:v] v.1.赞成,同意,称许2.批准,核准approximate [ə'prɔksimit] a.近似的,大约的v.(to)近似,接近April ['eiprəl] n.四月area ['εəriə] n.1.面积2.地区,地域3.领域,范围argue ['a:gju:] v.1.争论,争辩2.提出理由,(企图)证明argument ['a:gjumənt] n.1.争论,争辩2.理由,论据arise [ə'raiz] v.1.出现,发生2.由...引起,起源于arithmetic [ə'riθmətik] n.算术arm [a:m] n.1.臂,臂状物2.[pl.] n.武器, 兵种army ['a:mi] n.1.军队,军2.大群,大批around [ə'raund] ad.1.在周围,在附近2.到处3.大约prep.在...四周,在...附近arouse [ə'rauz] v.1.引起,激起,唤起2.唤醒arrange [ə'reindʒ] v.1.安排,筹划2.整理,使有条理,排列,布置arrest [ə'rest] v./n.逮捕,拘留arrival [ə'raivəl] n.1.到达,到来2.到达者,到达物arrive [ə'raiv] v.1.到来,到达2.来临3.(at)到达,达成arrow ['ærəu] n.1.箭,箭状物2.箭头符号art [a:t] n.1.美术,艺术2.技术,技艺3.[pl.]文科article ['a:tikl] n.1.文章,论文2.条款,条文3.物品4.冠词artificial [,a:ti'fiʃəl] a.1.人工的,人造的,人为的2.假的,矫揉造作的artist ['a:tist] n.艺术家,美术家as [əz,æz] conj.1.当...时,在...的同时2.如同...那样,以...的方式,像...一样3.因为,由于4.以致于prep.作为,当作ad.同样地,一样地ash [æʃ] n.灰,灰烬Asia ['eiʃə] n.亚洲Asian ['eiʃən] a.亚洲的,亚洲人的n.亚洲人aside [ə'said] ad.在旁边,到(或向)一边ask [a:sk] v.1.问,询问2.请求,要求3.邀请,约请asleep [ə'sli:p] a. 睡着的aspect ['æspekt] n.1.方面2.外表,面貌assemble [ə'sembl] v.1.集合,召集2.装配assign [ə'sain] vt.1.(to)指派,选派2.分配,布置(作业) 3.指定(时间,地点等)assignment [ə'sainmənt] n.1.(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业2.分配,批派assist [ə'sist] v.帮助,协助assistant [ə'sistənt] n.1.助手,助理2.助教a.助理的,辅助的associate [ə'səuʃieit] v.1.把...联系在一起,使结合2.交往n.伙伴,合伙人a.副的association [ə,səuʃi'eiʃən] n.1.协会,社团2.联合,结合,交往assume [ə'sju:m] v.1.假定,假设2.承担3.呈现,采取assure [ə'ʃuə] v.1.使确信,使放心2向...保证astonish [əs'tɔniʃ] v.使惊讶astronaut ['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员as...as 像,如同,与...一样at [æt,ət] prep.1.在...里,在...上2.在...时刻3.向,朝4.[表示价格、速度等]Atlantic [ət'læntik] a.大西洋的n.[the~]atmosphere ['ætməs,fiə] n.1.大气,大气层2.空气3.气氛4.大气压atom ['ætəm] n.1.原子2.微粒,微量attach [ə'tætʃ] v.1.系,贴,装,连接2.使成为一部分,使附属3.使依恋attack [ə'tæk] v.1.攻击,进攻,抨击2.(风雨、疾病等)侵袭n.1.攻击,进攻,抨击2.(疾病的)突然发作attempt [ə'tempt] v./n.企图,试图attend [ə'tend] v.1.出席,参加2.照料,护理3.(to)专心于,致力于attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意,留心attitude ['ætitju:d] n.1.态度,看法2.姿势attract [ə'trækt] v.吸引,引起...的注意,有吸引力attractive [ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的,引起注意的audience ['ɔ:djəns] n.听众,观众,读者August ['ɔ:gəst] n.八月aunt [a:nt] n.伯母,婶母,姑母,姨母,舅母Australia [ɔ'streiljə] n.澳大利亚,澳洲Australian [ɔ'streiljən] a.1.澳大利亚(人)的2.澳洲区的n.澳大利亚人author ['ɔ:θə] n.作者authority [ɔ:'θɔriti] n.1.[pl.]权威;2. 权力3. 官方4. 专家5. 行政管理机构automatic [,ɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的automobile ['ɔ:təməubi:l] n.(=auto)汽车autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天,秋季available [ə'veiləbl] a.1.可利用的,可获得的2.可取得联系的,可接见的avenue ['ævənju:,'ævinju:] n.林荫道,大街average ['ævəridʒ] n.平均数,平均a.平常的,通常的v.平均avoid [ə'vɔid] v.避免,避开awake [ə'weik] a.醒着的v.唤醒,使觉醒award [ə'wɔ:d] n.奖,奖品,奖状v.授予,给予aware [ə'wεə] 意识到,知道的away [ə'wei] ad.远离,离开awful ['ɔ:ful] a.1.使人产生敬畏之心,可怕的2.极度的,极坏的awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] a.1.粗笨的,笨拙的2.尴尬的,棘手的3.使用不便的BB.C. ['bi:'si:] n.(缩)公元前=before Christbaby ['beibi] n.婴儿back [bæk] ad.1.向后2.回原处,回复原状3.还,回n.背,背面,后面a.背后的,后面的v.后退,倒退2.支持background ['bækgraund] n.背景backward ['bækwəd] ad.向后,朝反方向a.1.向后的,倒的2.落后的,进步慢的bad [bæd] a.1.坏的,不好的2.严重的,厉害的3.腐败的badly ['bædli] ad.1.坏,差,拙劣地2.严重地,厉害地bag [bæg] n.1.袋2.钱包baggage ['bægidʒ] n.行李bake [beik] v.1.烘,焙,烤2.烧硬,烘干(砖块、陶器等)balance ['bæləns] v.1.使平衡2.称n.1.天平,称2.平衡,均衡3.结存,结欠ball [bɔ:l] v.1.球,球状物2.(盛大,正式的)舞会balloon [bə'lu:n] n.气球banana [bə'na:nə] n.香蕉bank [bæŋk]n.1.银行,库存2.岸,堤bar [ba:] n.1.酒吧间,售酒(或食物、饮料)的柜台2.条,块,杆3.栅,栏v.阻止,拦阻barber ['ba:bə] n.理发师bare [bεə] a.1.赤裸的,不穿衣服的,不戴帽的2.光秃秃的,无遮盖的3.仅仅的,光是的v.露出,暴露bargain ['ba:gin] n.1.交易2.特价商品v.讨价还价base [beis] n.1.基,底2.基础,根据v.(on)把...建立在...基础上basic ['beisik] a.基本的,基础的basin ['beisn] n.1.盆,脸盆2.盆地basis ['beisis] n.基础,根据basket ['ba:skit] n.篮,篓basketball ['ba:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球bat [bæt] n.1.球拍2.蝙蝠bath [ba:θ]n.1.浴,洗澡2.浴缸v.[英]洗澡bathe [beið] v.1.[美] 沐浴, 洗澡, (光线)充满bathroom ['ba:θrum,'ba:θru:m]n.1.浴室2.盥洗室battery ['bætəri] n.电池(组)battle ['bætl] n.战役,战斗,斗争v.作战,搏斗bay [bei] n.1.(海或湖泊的)湾2.山脉的低凹处be [bi:,bi] v.1.是,就是2.表示,意味着3.等于,值4.成为,变成5.在,存在aux.v.1.[与动词的现在分词连用,构成各种进行时态]beach [bi:tʃ] n.海滩,湖滩,河滩beam [bi:m] n.1.(光线的)束,柱2.横梁bear [bεə] n.熊v.1.忍受,容忍2.负担,承担3.结(果实),生(孩子)beard [biəd] n.胡须beast [bi:st] n.1.兽,野兽,牲畜2.凶残的人,令人厌憎的人beat [bi:t] v.1.(接连地)打,击2.(心脏等)跳动3.打败,战胜n.1.(心脏等的)跳(声) 2.有节奏的敲击(声)beautiful ['bju:təful] a.美的,美丽的beauty ['bju:ti] n.1.美,美丽2.美人,美的东西because [bi'kɔz]conj.因为become [bi'kʌm] v.变成,成为,开始变得bed [bed] n.1.床,床位2.(苗)床,坛3.(河)床,(湖、海的)底bee [bi:] n.蜜蜂beef [bi:f] n.牛肉beer [biə] n.啤酒before [bi'fɔ:] prep.1.(指时间)在...以前2.(指位置)在...前面3.(指顺序、重要性等)在...之前,先于conj.在...以前ad.1.较早2.以前,以往beg [beg] v.1.乞求,乞讨2.恳求,请求begin [bi'gin] v.开始beginning [bi'giniŋ]n.开始,开端behalf [bi'ha:f] n.利益behave [bi'heiv] v.1.举止端正,表现2.(机器等)运转behaviour [bi'heivjə] (=behavior)n.1.行为,举止2.(机器等)运转情况behind [bi'haind] prep.在...的背后,(遗留)在...后面,落后于ad.在背后,向后,落在后面being ['bi:iŋ]n.1.存在,生存2.生物,人belief [bi'li:f] n.1.相信,信任,信赖2.信念3.信仰4.信条believe [bi'li:v] v.1.相信,笃信,信任2.认为,猜想bell [bel] n.钟,铃belong [bi'lɔŋ]v.1.(在分类上)属,应归入2.(to)(在所有权,关系等方面)属于below [bi'ləu] prep.1.[指位置]在…下面belt [belt] n.腰带,皮带bench [bentʃ] n.长凳,长椅bend [bend] v.使弯曲n.弯曲,弯曲处beneath [bi'ni:θ]prep.在...下面,在...底下ad.在下方benefit ['benifit] n.益处,好处v.有益于,得益beside [bi'said] prep.1.在...旁边,在...附近2.和......相比besides [bi'saidz] ad.而且,此外prep.除...之外(还)best [best] a.最好的ad.最好,最bet [bet] v.打赌,以...打赌,与...打赌n.1.打赌2.赌金,赌注better ['betə] a.较好的,更好的ad.更好地between [bi'twi:n] prep.在...(两者)之间beyond [bi'jɔnd] prep.1.在(或向)...的那边,远于2.迟于3.超出ad.在更远处Bible ['baibl] n.《圣经》bicycle ['baisikl] n.自行车big [big] a.大的,巨大的2.重要的,重大的bike [baik] n.(口)自行车bill [bil] n.1.账单2.单子,清单3.纸币,钞票billion ['biljən] num.1.[美、法]十亿bind [baind] v.捆,绑,捆扎biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] n.生物学bird [bə:d] n.鸟,禽birth [bə:θ]n.1.出生,分娩2.出身,家世,血统3.起源,根源birthday ['bə:θdei]n.生日bit [bit] n.一点,一些,一片bite [bait] (过去式)bit v./n.咬,叮bitter ['bitə] a.1.痛苦的2.有苦味的black [blæk] a.1.黑色的2.黑暗的n.1.黑色2.黑人blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n.黑板blame [bleim] v.1.指责,责备,责怪2.(on,onto)归咎于,把...归咎于n.1.(过错、事故等的)责任2.指责,责备blank [blæŋk] a.1.空白的,空着的2.茫然的,无表情的n.1.空白2.空白表格,空白处blanket ['blæŋkit]n.毛毯,毯子blind [blaind] a.1.瞎的,失明的2.盲目的v.使失明block [blɔk] n.1.街区,街段2.大块(木料或石料、金属、冰)3.障碍物,阻碍物v.堵塞,阻塞blood [blʌd] n.1.血,血液2.血统,门第blow [bləu] v.1.吹,吹动2.吹气3.吹响4.爆炸n.一击,打击,捶打blue [blu:] a.1.蓝色的2.(皮肤等)青灰色的3.沮丧的,忧郁的n.蓝色board [bɔ:d] n.1.板,木板,纸板2.委员会,董事会3.(指包饭)伙食4.船舷v.上(船、车、飞机)boast [bəust] v.1.自夸,夸耀,吹嘘2.以拥有...而自豪n.自吹自擂,自夸的话boat [bəut] n.船,小船body ['bɔdi] n.1.身体,躯体,主体2.尸体3.物体4.(一)群,一批boil [bɔil] v.沸腾,煮沸bold [bəuld] a.1.勇敢的,无畏的2.冒失的3.粗体,黑体的bomb [bɔm] n.炸弹v.轰炸,投弹bond [bɔnd] n.1.联结,联系2.粘结剂,粘合剂3.公债,债券bone [bəun] n.骨,骨骼book [buk] n.书,书籍v.预计,订(戏票、车票、房间等)boot [bu:t] n.靴border ['bɔ:də] n.1.边,边缘,界线2.边界,边境v.1.与...接壤,毗邻2.接近bore [bɔ:] v.1.使厌烦,使厌倦2.钻(孔),凿(井),挖(通道) n.令人讨厌的人(或事)born [bɔ:n] (bear的过去分词) a.1.出生的,产生的2.天生的borrow ['bɔrəu] v.借,借入boss [bɔs] n.老板,上司v.指挥,发号施令both [bəuθ]pron.两者(都),双方(都) a.两...(都),两个...(都)bother ['bɔðə] v.1.打扰,麻烦2.担心,烦恼n.烦恼,焦急bottle ['bɔtl] n.瓶bottom ['bɔtəm] n.底,底部bound [baund] (bind的过去式和过去分词) a.1.一定的,必然的2.受约束的,有义务的3.(for, to)准备到...去的,开往(或驶往)...的v.跳跃,弹回bowl [bəul] n.碗,钵box [bɔks] n.1.箱,盒2.包厢v.拳击boy [bɔi] n.男孩brain [brein] n.1.脑,[pl.]智力branch [bra:ntʃ] n.1.树枝,分枝2.(机构的)分部,分号3.(学科的)分科,分支brand [brænd] n.商标,(商品的)牌子v.1.打烙印于,以烙铁打(标记)2.把...铭刻,铭刻于brave [breiv] a.勇敢的bread [bred] n.面包break [breik] v.1.打破,使碎裂2.损坏,弄坏3.破坏,违反4.中止,中断n.(课间、工间)休息时间breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐v.进早餐breath [breθ]n.气息,呼吸breathe [bri:ð] v.呼吸brick [brik] n.1.砖2.砖块状物bridge [bridʒ] n.桥,桥梁brief [bri:f] a.简短的,简洁的v.向...作简要的介绍bright [brait] a.1.明亮的,晴朗的2.聪敏的,机灵的3.欢快的brilliant ['briljənt] a.1.光辉的,灿烂的2.卓越的,杰出的bring [briŋ]v.1.带来,拿来2.引起,导致Britain ['britən] n.不列颠,英国British ['britiʃ] a.(大)不列颠(人)的,英国(人)的n.[the~]broad [brɔ:d] a.1.宽的,阔的,广阔的2.广泛的3.宽容的broadcast ['brɔ:dka:st] n./v.广播,播音brother ['brʌðə] n.兄弟brown [braun] n./a.棕色(的),褐色(的)brush [brʌʃ] n.1.刷子,毛刷2.画笔v.刷,写,画,掸,拂,擦build [bild] v.1.建筑,建造2.建立3.增强,增进building ['bildiŋ]n.1.建筑物,大楼2.建筑bunch [bʌntʃ] n.束,捆,串burden ['bə:dən] n.担子,负担burn [bə:n] v.1.燃烧,烧着2.烧毁3.灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤burst [bə:st] v./n.爆炸,爆裂bury ['beri] v.1.埋葬,葬2.掩埋,埋藏bus [bʌs] n.公共汽车bush [buʃ] n.灌木,灌木丛business ['biznis] n.1.商业,生意2.事务busy ['bizi] a.忙的,忙碌的,繁忙的but [bʌt] conj.但是,可是,然而prep.[常用于nobody, all, who等词后面]除…以外butter ['bʌtə] n.黄油,奶油v.涂黄油于...上button ['bʌtən] n.1.纽扣2.按钮,开关v.扣上,扣紧v.买,购买by [bai] prep.1.在...旁边,靠近2.到(某时)之前,不迟于3.被,由4.靠,通过,以5.根据,按照ad.在近旁,经过Ccabbage ['kæbidʒ] n.洋白菜,卷心菜cable ['keibl] n.1.索,缆2.电缆,海底电缆3.电报v.拍电报cake [keik] n.饼,糕,蛋糕calculate ['kælkjuleit] v.1.计算,核算2.计划,打算calendar ['kælində] n.日历,月历call [kɔ:l] v.1.叫做,称为2.叫,喊3.打电话给n.1.呼叫,喊叫2.访问3.(一次)电话,通电话calm [ka:m] a.1.平静的,无风的2.镇静的,镇定的v.使平静,使镇定camel ['kæməl] n.骆驼camera ['kæmərə] n.照相机camp [kæmp] n.野营,营地,账篷v.设营,宿营campaign [kæm'pein] n.战役,运动campus ['kæmpəs] n.(大学)校园can [kæn,kən] aux.v.1.能,会2.可以3.可能n.罐头Canada ['kænədə] n.加拿大Canadian [kə'neidjən] a.1.加拿大的2.加拿大人的n.加拿大人canal [kə'næl] n. 运河;水道;管道;灌溉水渠cancel ['kænsəl] n.1.取消,撤消2.删去,划掉cancer ['kænsə] n.癌candidate ['kændidit] n.1.候选人,候补者2.投考者,申请求职者candle ['kændl] n.蜡烛cap [kæp] n.1.帽子,便帽2.帽状物,盖,套,罩capable ['keipəbl] a.有能力的,有才能的capacity [kə'pæsiti] n.1.容量,容积2.能力capital ['kæpitl] n.1.资本,资金2.首都3.大写字母a.主要的,基本的captain ['kæptin] n.1.领袖,首领2.船长,舰长3.队长v.率领,指挥capture ['kæptʃə] v./n.捕获,俘获car [ka:] n.汽车,轿车carbon ['ka:bən] n.碳card [ka:d] n.卡,卡片,名片,信用卡care [kεə] v.1.关心,介意2.喜欢,愿意n.1.小心,注意2.照顾,关怀career [kə'riə] n.生涯,职业,经历careful ['kεəful] a.小心的,仔细的careless ['kεəlis] a.粗心的,疏忽的cargo ['ka:gəu] n.船货,货物carpet ['ka:pit] n.地毯carry ['kæri] v.1.运送,运载,携带2.传送,输送cart [ka:t] n.大车,手推车case [keis] n.1.情况,事实2.病例3.案件4.箱,盒,容器cash [kæʃ] n.钱,现款cassette [kə'set,kæ'set] n.盒式录音带cast [ka:st] v.1.投,扔,抛2.浇铸,铸造castle ['ka:sl] n.城堡cat [kæt] n.猫catalog ['kætəlɔ:g] (=catalogue)n.目录,目录簿(或册)v.1.将...编入目录2.将(书籍、资料等)编目分类catch [kætʃ] v.1.捉住,逮住,抓住2.赶上,追上3.听清楚,领会4.染上,感染cattle ['kætl] n.牛cause [kɔ:z] n.1.原因,起因,理由2.事业(奋斗的)目标v.使产生,引起cave [keiv] n.洞穴,山洞cease [si:s] v./n.停止,中止ceiling ['si:liŋ]n.天花板celebrate ['selibreit] v.庆祝cell [sel] n.1.细胞2.小室3.电池cent [sent] n.1.分,分币2.百(仅用于百分比per cent一词中)centimeter ['senti,mi:tə] n.厘米,公分central ['sentrəl] a.1.中央的,中心的2.主要的,起支配作用的centre ['sentə] n.中心,中央v.集中century ['sentʃuri]n.世纪,百年ceremony ['seriməni]n.1.典礼, 仪式2.礼节,礼仪certain ['sə:tən] a.1.确实的,无疑的2.肯定的,必然的3.某,某一certainly ['sə:tənli] ad.1.必定,一定2.当然,行certificate [sə'tifikit] n.证(明)书,执照chain [tʃein] n.1.链,链条2.一连串,连串v.用链条拴住chair [tʃεə] n.椅子chairman ['tʃεəmən] n.主席,议长,会长chalk [tʃɔ:k] n.白垩,粉笔challenge ['tʃælindʒ] n.挑战v.向...挑战champion ['tʃæmpjən] n.冠军,得一等奖者chance [tʃa:ns] n.1.机会,机遇2.可能性,偶然性3.机缘,幸运v.碰巧,偶然发生change [tʃeindʒ] n.1.改变,变化2.找头,零钱v.1.改变,变化2.换,兑换channel ['tʃænl] n.1.海峡,水道,航道2.渠道3.频道chapter ['tʃæptə] n.章,回,篇character ['kæriktə] n.1.性格,品质2.特性,特征3.人物,角色4.(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字characteristic [,kæriktə'ristik] a.特有的,典型的n.特性,特征charge [tʃa:dʒ] v.1.索价,要...支付2.控告,指控3.充电n.1.价钱,费用2.控告,指控3.电荷,充电chart [tʃa:t] n.图,图表cheap [tʃi:p] a.1.廉价的,便宜的2.劣质的,低劣的cheat [tʃi:t] v.欺骗,欺诈行为n.1.欺骗,欺诈行为2.骗子check [tʃek] v.1.检查,核对2.制止n.1.检查,核对2.支票,账单cheer [tʃiə] v.1.使振奋,使高兴2.欢呼,喝彩n.振奋,欢呼,喝彩cheerful ['tʃiəful] a.愉快的,高兴的chemical ['kemikəl] a.化学的n.化学制品chemist ['kemist] n.化学家,药剂师chemistry ['kemistri] n.化学cheque [tʃek] n.支票chest [tʃest] n.1.胸,胸腔2.柜子,橱chicken ['tʃikin] n.小鸡,鸡肉chief [tʃi:f] n.首领a.首要的child [tʃaild] n.小孩,儿童childhood ['tʃaildhud] n.童年,幼年chin [tʃin] n.下巴,颏China ['tʃainə] n.1.中国2.[china]Chinese [`tʃai'ni:z] a.1.中国的,中国人的2.中国话的,汉语的n.1.中国人2.中国话,汉语chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n.1.巧克力,巧克力糖2.深褐色choice [tʃɔis] n.1.选择,抉择2.供选择的品种a.上等的,精选的choose [tʃu:z] v.选择,挑选Christian ['kristjən] n.基督教徒Christmas ['krisməs] n.圣诞节church [tʃə:tʃ] n.1.教堂cigarette [,sigə'ret] n.(=cigaret)香烟,纸烟cinema ['sinimə] n.1.电影2.电影院circle ['sə:kl] n.1.圆,圆周2.圈子,阶层v.环绕,旋转circuit ['sə:kit] n.1.电路,线路2.环行,巡回circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns] n.1.环境,条件,情况2.[pl.]客观形势citizen ['sitizn] n.1.公民2.市民, 城镇居民city ['siti] n.城市,都市civil ['sivl] a.1.公民的,公民个人的2.国内的,公民间的3.文明的,有教养的civilization [,sivilai'zeiʃən] n.文明,文化claim [kleim] v.1.声称,自称,主张2.对...提出要求,索取n.要求,主张,断言clap [klæp] v.拍手,(用手)拍,击n.拍手,鼓掌class [kla:s] n.1.班级2.课,上课3.阶级,社会等级,级别4.种类,门类classical ['klæsikəl] a.古典的,经典的classify ['klæsifai] v.把...分类,把...分级classmate ['kla:smeit] n.同班同学classroom ['kla:srum] n.教室,课堂clean [kli:n] a.清洁的,干净的v.把...弄干净,除去...的污垢clear [kliə] a.1.清晰的,清楚的2.晴朗的3.畅通的,无阻的ad.清晰地,清楚地v.1.使清澈,使明净2.打扫,清除clerk [kla:k] n.店员,办事员,职员clever ['klevə] a.聪明的,机灵的climate ['klaimit] n.气候climb [klaim] v./n.攀登,爬clock [klɔk] n.钟close [kləuz,kləus] v. [kləuz]1.关,关闭2.结束,终止a.[kləus]1.密切的,亲密的2.近的,接近的3.严密的4.关闭的cloth [klɔθ]n.1.布,织物,衣料2.(一块)抹布clothe [kləuð] v.给...穿衣服,给...提供衣服clothes [kləuðz] n.衣服clothing ['kləuðiŋ]n.服装,衣着cloud [klaud] n.1.云2.遮暗物,阴影3.一大群cloudy [klaudi] a.1.多云的2.云一般的3.模糊不清的club [klʌb] n.1.俱乐部,夜总会2.棍棒,球棒clue [klu:] n.线索,提示coach [kəutʃ] n.1.长途公共汽车2.(铁路)旅客车厢3.教练v.训练,指导coal [kəul] n.煤,煤块coarse [kɔ:s] a.1.粗的,粗糙的2.粗劣的3.粗俗的coat [kəut] n.1.上衣,外套2.表皮3.层覆盖物v.涂上,盖上cock [kɔk] n.1.公鸡2.龙头,旋塞,阀门coffee ['kɔfi] n.咖啡coin [kɔin] n.硬币,钱币v.铸币cold [kəuld] a.1.冷的,寒冷的2.冷淡的n.1.冷,寒冷2.伤风,感冒collar ['kɔlə] n.1.衣领,领子2.(狗等的)项圈colleague ['kɔli:g] n.同事,同僚collect [kə'lekt] v.1.收集,聚集2.取,接3.收(账、税等)collective [kə'lektiv] a.集体的,共同的n.团体,集体college ['kɔlidʒ] n.大学,学院colour ['kʌlə] n.1.颜色,彩色2.颜料v.给...着色,染色column ['kɔləm] n.1.柱,圆柱2.柱形物3.(数)列4.栏,专栏(文章)comb [kəum] n.梳子v.梳理combine [kəm'bain] n.结合,联合,化合come [kʌm] v.1.来,来到,来临2.出现于3.变成,成为comfort ['kʌmfət] n.安慰,舒适v.安慰,慰问,使舒适comfortable ['kʌmfətəbl] a.舒适的,舒服的,舒坦的command [kə'ma:nd] v./n.命令,指挥,控制n.掌握,运用能力comment ['kɔment] n./v.注解,评论commerce ['kɔmə:s] n.商业,贸易commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl] a.商业的,商务的commit [kə'mit] v.犯(罪),干(坏事)committee [kə'miti] n.委员会common ['kɔmən] a.1.平常的,普通的2.共同的communicate [kə'mju:nikeit] v.1.传达,传播2.交流,通讯,交际communication [kə,mju:ni'keiʃən] n.1.传达,通讯,交流2.(pl.)通讯系统,交通系统communism ['kɔmjunizəm] n.共产主义communist ['kɔmjunist] n.共产主义者,共产党员a.共产主义的,共产党的community [kə'mju:niti] n.1.社区,社会2.共同体company ['kʌmpəni] n.1.公司,商号2.同伴,陪伴comparative [kəm'pærətiv] 比较的,相对的compare [kəm'pεə] v.比较,对照compass ['kʌmpəs] n.1.罗盘,罗盘仪2.[pl.]圆规compete [kəm'pi:t] v.竞争,比赛competition [,kɔmpi'tiʃən]n.竞争,比赛complain [kəm'plein] v.抱怨,发牢骚complete [kəm'pli:t] a.完整的,完全的,圆满的v.完成,使完美complex ['kɔmpleks] a.1.组合的2.复杂的n.复合体complicated ['kɔmplikeitid] a.复杂的,难懂的compose [kəm'pəuz] v.1.组成,构成2.创作(音乐,文字作品),为...谱曲composition [,kɔmpə'ziʃən] n.1.构成,组成,成分2.作文,作品,乐曲3.写作,作曲compound [kəm'paund,'kɔmpaund] n.化合物,复合物a.得分的,化合的comprehension [,kɔmpri'henʃən] n.1.理解(力) 2.理解力测验comprehensive [`kɔmpri'hensiv] 广泛的,综合的computer [kɔm'pju:tə] n.计算机,电脑comrade ['kɔmrid,'kɔmreid] n.同志,同伴,朋友concentrate ['kɔnsəntreit] v.1.集中,专心2.集合,聚集3.浓缩n.浓缩物concept ['kɔnsept] n.概念,观念,思想concern [kən'sə:n] n.1.关心,挂念2.关系,关联v.1.涉及,有关于2.关心,挂念concerning [kən'sə:niŋ]prep.关于concert ['kɔnsət] n.音乐会,演奏会conclude [kən'klu:d] v.1.推断出,推论出2.作出(最后)决定3.结束,终止conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən] n.1.结论,推论2.结束,终结condition [kən'diʃən] n.1.状况,状态2.[pl.]环境conduct ['kɔndʌkt] v.1.处理,管理2.指挥3.传导,传(热,电)n.举止,行为conference ['kɔnfərəns] n.(正式)会议confess [kən'fes] v.坦白,供认,承认confidence ['kɔnfidəns] n.1.信任,信心,自信2.私下里说的话confident ['kɔnfidənt] a.确信的,自信的confirm [kən'fə:m] v.1.证实,肯定,确定2.巩固,加强3.批准,确认conflict ['kɔnflikt,kən'flikt] n./v.冲突,抵触,战斗confuse [kən'fju:z] v.使混乱,混淆congratulate [kən'grætjuleit]v.祝贺,向...道喜congress ['kɔŋgres]n.1.代表大会2.国会,议会connect [kə'nekt] v.连接,连结,联系conquer ['kɔŋkə]v.1.攻克,征服2.破除,克服conscious ['kɔnʃəs] a.1.意识到的,自觉的2.有意的,存心的3.神志清醒的consent [kən'sent] n.同意,赞成v.(to)同意,赞成consequence ['kɔnsikwəns] n.结果,后果consequently ['kɔnsikwəntli]ad.所以,因此conservation [,kɔnsə'veiʃən] n.1.保存,保护2.守恒,不灭conservative [kən'sə:vətiv] a.保守的,守旧的,传统的n.保守的人,反对进步的人consider [kən'sidə] v.1.认为,把...看作2.考虑,细想3.关心,考虑到considerable [kən'sidərəbl] a.1.相当大的2.值得考虑的consist [kən'sist] v.1.(of)组成,构成2.(in)存于,存在于constitution [,kɔnsti'tju:ʃən] n.1.章程,宪法2.体质,素质3.构造construction [kən'strʌkʃən] n.1.建造,构造2.建造物,建筑物consult [kən'sʌlt] v.1.请教,向...咨询,找...商量2.查阅,查看consume [kən'sju:m] v.消耗,花费contact ['kɔntækt] v./n.接触,联系,交往contain [kən'tein] v.1.包含,容纳2.相当于,折合content ['kɔntent] n.1.[pl]内容contest [kən'test,'kɔntest] n. ['kɔntest]竞争,竞赛,比赛v. [kən'test]竞赛,比赛,争论continent ['kɔntinənt] n.大陆,洲continual [kən'tinjuəl] a.从不间断的,不停的continue [kən'tinju:] v.延伸,继续,坚持下去continuous [kən'tinjuəs] a.不断延伸的,连续不断的contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt] n. ['kɔntrækt](承包)合同.(承包)契约v.[kən'trækt]1.订合同,订契约2.使缩小,使收缩contrary ['kɔntrəri] a.相反的,对抗的n.相反,相反事物,对立面contrast ['kɔntra:st,kən'tra:st] v.['kən'tra:st]1.对比,对照2.形成对比,对比之下显出区别n.['kɔntra:st]对比,对照v.形成对比,对比之下显出区别contribute [kən'tribju:t] v.1.捐献,捐助,贡献2.投稿control [kən'trəul] v./n.1.控制,支配2.克制,抑制convenient [kən'vi:njənt] a.省力的,方便的conversation [,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.(友好,随便的)谈话,会话convey [kən'vei] v.1.传送,传达,表达2.运送,输送convince [kən'vins] v.使确信,使信服cook [kuk] v.烹调,煮,烧n.厨子,炊事员cool [ku:l] a.1.凉的,凉快的2.冷静的,冷淡的v.使变凉,使冷静下来cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit] vi.合作,协作,配合cope [kəup] v.(with)1.竞争,对抗2.对付,妥善处理copper ['kɔpə] n.1.铜2.铜制品,铜币copy ['kɔpi] n.1.抄件,副本2.(一)本,(一)份v.抄写,复印,临摹core [kɔ:] n.1.果心2.核心,最重要部分,要点corn [kɔ:n] n.谷物,小麦,玉米corner ['kɔ:nə] n.1.角,墙角2.街角,弯角corporation [,kɔ:pə'reiʃən] n.公司correct [kə'rekt] a.1.正确的,对的2.合适的,得体的v.改正,纠正correspond [,kɔri'spɔnd] v.1.(to, with)相符合,成一致2.(to)相当,相类似3.(with)通信corresponding [,kɔri'spɔndiŋ] a.1.相应的,相当的,对等的2.符合的,一致的,相同的cost [kɔst] n.价格,成本,费用v.价钱为,(使)花费cottage ['kɔtidʒ] n.小屋,村舍cotton ['kɔtən]n.1.棉,棉花2.棉线,棉纱cough [kɔf] v./n.咳嗽could [kud,kəd] aux.v.1.can的过去式2.[含有不确定或婉转、谦逊的意味]能,可以council ['kaunsəl]n.委员会,理事count [kaunt] v.1.数到,点...的数目2.计算,把...算入n.记数,计算,总数counter ['kauntə] n.1.柜台2.计数器vt.反对,反抗ad.反方向地,对立地country ['kʌntri] n.1.国家2.乡下,农村countryside ['kʌntrisaid] n.农村,乡下couple ['kʌpl] n.1.夫妻2.一对,一双3.两三(个),一些v.连接,结合courage ['kʌridʒ] n.勇气,胆识course [kɔ:s] n.1.课程,教程2.过程,进程3.(一)道(菜)court [kɔ:t] n.1.法庭,法院2.球场3.院子cousin ['kʌzn] n.堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姊妹cover ['kʌvə] v.1.盖,覆盖2.包括,涉及n.(书的)封面,盖子,套子cow [kau] n.母牛,奶牛crash [kræʃ] n./v.碰,撞,坠落,坠毁n.破裂声,哗啦声crazy ['kreizi] a.1.发疯的,荒唐的,古怪的2.(about)狂热爱好的,着迷的cream [kri:m] n.1.奶油,(含)奶油食品,奶油状物2.奶油色create [kri'eit] v.1.创造,创作2.引起,产生creature ['kri:tʃə] n.生物,动物,人credit ['kredit] n.1.信用贷款,赊欠 2.信用,信誉 3.荣誉,光荣,功劳 4.学分v.1.记入贷方2.信任crew [kru:] n.全体船员,全体机务人员,一队(或一班、一组)工作人员crime [kraim] n.罪,罪行,犯罪criminal ['kriminl] n.罪犯,犯人a.犯罪的,刑事的crisis ['kraisis] n.危机,危急关头,决定性时刻critical ['kritikəl] a.1.批评的,批判的2.决定性的,关键性的3.临界的criticism ['kritisizəm] n.批评,批判,评论criticize ['kritisaiz] v.1.批评,批判,指责2.评论,评价crop [krɔp] n.作物,庄稼cross [krɔs] v.1.穿过,越过2.(使)交叉,(使)相交n.十字形crowd [kraud] n.群,人群,群众v.群集;拥挤,挤满crown [kraun] n.王冠,冕crude [kru:d] a.1.简陋的,粗糙的2.天然的,未加工的3.粗鲁的,粗俗的cruel ['kru:əl] a.残酷的,残忍的crystal ['kristəl] n.1.水晶,石英晶体2.晶粒a.清澈透明的,水晶制的,晶体的cube [kju:b] n.1.立方形,立方体2.立方,三次幂culture ['kʌltʃə] n.1.文化,文明2.教养,修养cup [kʌp] n.1.杯子2.(一)杯(的容量)3.优胜杯,奖杯cure [kjuə] v.1.治愈,治好2.消除,改正n.1.治愈,治疗,疗法2.药curiosity [,kjuəri'ɔsiti] n.好奇(心)curious ['kjuəriəs] a.好奇的current ['kʌrənt] n.1.(空气,水等的)流,潮流,流速2.电流3.趋势,倾向a.1.现时的,当前的2.通行的,流行的curse [kə:s] n./v.诅咒,咒骂curtain ['kə:tən] n.窗帘,门帘custom ['kʌstəm] n.1.习惯,风俗,惯例2.[pl.]海关customer ['kʌstəmə] n.顾客,主顾cut [kʌt] v./n.1.切,割,剪,砍,削2.减少,削减n.伤口,裂口cycle ['saikl] n.1.自行车,摩托车2.循环,周期v.1.骑自行车,骑摩托车2.循环,作循环运动。

2018年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及答案第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共125分)I.Phonetics(5points )Directions:Ineachofthefollowinggroupsofwords,therearefourunderlined letters orletter combinations markeda,b,parethe underlinedpartsandidentifytheonethatisdifferentfromtheothersinpronunciation.MarkyouranswerbyblackeningthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.1.A.capt ainB.sust ainC.cont ainD.retain2.A.pensionB.mis sionC.ten sionD.revi sion3.A.actr essB.busin essC.exc essD.endl essbinationB.climbingC.bam booD.ambition5.A.blewB.crewC.sewD.JewII.VocabularyandStructure(15points)Directions:Thereare 15incompletesentencesinthissection.Foreach sentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.Chooseoneanswerthatbestcompletes thesentenceandblackenthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.6.askedtwopassers-byhowtogettothenewrailwaystation,butofthemknewit.A.noneB.eitherC.neitherD.both7. —Thebosswantstotalk toyou.Heseemsunhappywith yourperformance.—Oh,I beintrouble.Ihopehewon'tfireme.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.would8. my daughterreachesthe ageofeighteen shecanapply for driving license.A.UnlessB.BecauseC.SinceD.Once9. I'llconsider Ms. Smith tonight,butI amnot sureif I havethe time.A.toseeB.seeingC.tohaveseenD.see10. Thetrain toarriveat11:30,butitwasanhourlate.A.wassupposedB.issupposedC.supposesD.supposed11. Bobdoesn'tlookhisage.Ithinkhe'ssomewhere .rtyrtiesC.inhisfortyD.inhisforties12. Ifeelveryexcitedthethoughtofjoiningmyfamilyinaweek.A.onB.forC.atD.in13.ahotel,welookedforsomewheretohavedinner.A.FindingB.HavingfoundC.WefindingD.Wefound14. DespitethesuddenbreakdownoftheGeneralManager, workis goingoninthecompany.ualB.routineC.normalD.regular15.Atsuchatime ofcrisis, wemusttry to all differences andstick together.A.setapartB.setbackC.setasideD.setdown16.Manygovernmentsarenowtaking toreducesmokinginpublicplaces.A.stepsB.sidesC.effectD.change17.Theemployees more enthusiastic abouttheir worksince their payrose.A.areB.havebeenC.wereD.willbe18.Childrendon't understandinitially whatthey arereciting, but it willhaveanimpactontheirthinking.A.casuallyB.especiallyC.regularlyD.gradually19.Theuniversityregulationsrequirethatthestudents atleast90%ofthelectures.A.attendedB.toattendC.wouldattendD.attend20.InOctober2007,theChang'e-1satellitewassuccessfully atXichang.unchedB.presentedC.regulatedD.engagedⅢ.Cloze(30points)Directions:Foreachblankinthefollowingpassage,therearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.Choosetheonethatismostsuitableand markyouranswerbyblackeningthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.Thedestruction ofhabitats( 栖息地)all over theworld istheprimary reasonspeciesarebecomingextinct( 灭绝)orendangered.Houses ,highways,dams,industrialbuildings ,andever-spreading-farmsnow dominate21formerly occupiedbyforests,deserts ,andwetlands. 22thebeginning of Europeansettlement in America,23over65,000,000acresofwetlandshavebeendrained.Onemillionacresalonevanished 241985 and1995.habitatdestructioncanbe 25oritcanbesubtleoccurringovera26periodoftimewithoutbeingnoticed. 27suchassewagefromcities andchemicalrunofffromfarms,canchangethe 28andquantityofwaterinstreams andrivers. To29living inadelicately balanced habitat, thisdisturbancecanbeas30astheclear-cuttingofarainforest.31remaininghabitatsarecarvedintosmallerandsmallerpocketsorislands, remaining speciesareforcedtoexist inthese32areas, which causesfurtherhabitat 33.Thesespeciesbecomelessadaptabletoenvironmental 34infact,theybecome35endangeredScientistsbelieve thatwhenahabitatiscutby90%,one-halfofitsplants,animalsand insectswillbecomeextinct.ndscapesB.citiesC.mapsD.pictures22.A.AtB.BeforeC.AfterD.Since23.A.forexampleB.inadditionC.atlastD.afterall24.A.bothB.inC.betweenD.before25.A.simpleB.beneficialC.interestingD.obvious26.A.longB.shortC.happyD.sad27.A.ConstructionB.PollutionC.FarmingD.Living28.A.amountB.purityC.natureD.quality29.A.peopleB.speciesC.plantsD.insects30.A.effectiveB.smallC.fatalD.surprising31.A.HowB.WhetherC.BeforeD.AsrgeD.bare33.A.reformB.destructionC.supportD.discovery34.A.improvementsB.changesC.protectionD.development35.A.evenB.farC.moreD.lessIV.ReadingComprehension(60points)Directions:Therearefivereadingpassagesinthispart.Eachpassage isfollowedbyfourquestions.ForeachquestiontherearefoursuggestedanswersmarkedA,B,Cand D.ChoosethebestanswerandblackenthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.PassageOneWomannabbedforaDUIatsamecrashspotWedMay21,2:17AMETTRUCKEE,Calif.Call it drunkendriving dejavu(记忆幻觉). Forthe secondtimeinfivemonths ,a23-year-oldCaliforniawomanhasbeenarrested after she crashed her car while driving under the influence(DUI)attheexactsamespotnorthofLakeTahoe.Andtotopitoff,TruckeePolicesaythatinbothcases,herblood alcoholcontentwasmorethanthreetimesthelegallimit.The police sayMelissaDennisonofTruckeecrashedataboutnoonon SundayonGlenshireDrivejustsouthoftheGlenshireBridge.Theysay shewasextremelydrunkandhadtroublestandingorwalking.Herblood alcohollevelinitiallywasmeasuredat346.Thelegallimit.08.SergeantJ.LitchiesaidDennisonalsohadbeenchargedwithaDUI inJanuarywhenshecrashedatthesamespotandregistered abloodalcohol levelof380.Iffoundguiltyofthesecondoffense,shefacesupto10yearsinpri sonandfinesinexcessof2.000.AtelephonemessagetheAssociatedPressleftatalistingforDennisoni nTruckeeonTuesdaywasnotimmediatelyreturned.36.Whoistheauthorofthepassage?A.Apassenger.B.Apoliceman.C.Ajudge.D.Ajournalist.37.Whycouldn'tthewomanstandandwalk?A.Shehadlosttoomuchblood.B.Shewasscared.C.Shedranktoomuch.D.Shehadasuddenstomachache.38.Whycouldthewomanbeimprisonedfor10years?A.ShewascaughtDUItwice.B.Shehadhercarcrashed.C.Sherefusedtotakeabloodtest.D.Shedrovewithoutdrivinglicense.s39.Whatdoestheword"nabbed"inthetitlemean?A.Arrested.B.Attacked.C.Charged.D.Punished.PassageTwoThereweremanydifferentculturesintheancientworld,butthe twothathadthemostinfluenceonEuropeanandAmericancivilizationsweretheGreekandthe Roman.Often these twocultures arelumpedtogether inourminds,asiftheywerereallyexactlyalike.Butthatisnotthecase.InmanywaystheGreeksandtheRomanscouldnothavebeenmoredifferent.The Greeksweretruly democratic, oftenwithout asingle leader but insteadgovernedbyagroupofmenchosenbythepeople.TheRomansweresemi-democratic.TheyhadagoverningSenate,butthe political powerwas mostlyorcompletelyinthehandsofasingleemperor.Bothculturesweregreatbuilders.Buttheconstructioninterests ofthetwocultureswerealsodifferent.TheGreekstendedtobemoreartistic. Their buildings werewell constructed andthey wereespecially interested intemples, columns,anddecorative forms. TheRomans,onthe otherhand,weremoreengineersthanartists.Theyconcentratedtheir effortsonurbanplanning,well-functioningwaterpipes,andthebestroads.Onlyincookingandeatinghabitsarethetwoculturesreallysimilar. Bothpeoplesateverywell indeed: lots offish, fresh vegetables andfruits, healthymeals, holding atthe sametime long discussions and tastingexcellentwines.In fact, itwouldprobablybefair tosaythat they both loved life intheirwarm,sea-orientedclimatesandtheybothlivedafulllife.40.Whatisthefirstparagraphabout?A.TheGreekandtheRomanweresimilar.B.PeoplemisunderstoodEuropeancivilization.C.GreekcivilizationwasquitedifferentfromRomancivilization.D.Eur opeancivilizationinfluencedAmericancivilizationgreatly.41.Which ofthefollowingisTRUE?A.TheRomanshadmorepoliticalawareness.B.TheRomanshadlesspoliticalfreedomanddemocracy.C.TheRomanshadmorefreedomtochoosetheirleader.D.TheRomanshadfewerpeopleelectedintothegovernment.42.WhatweretheGreeksfamousfor?A.Theoverallplanningofacityoratown.B.Theartisticdecorationofthebuildings.C.Thepracticalfunctionsofthebuildings.aD.Thesystemofwatersupplyandtransportation.43.Howarethetwoculturesalike?A.Bothlovedthesea.B.Bothlivedlonglives.C.BothlovedcookingD.Bothenjoyedtalkingovermeals.PassageThreeAs recently asthree decadesago,manyAmericansbelievedthat using creditwasanunwiseanddangerouswaytopayforwhattheybought.Someeventhoughtthat owingmoneytoastoreoracredit companywassomething tobeashamedof.Goodcitizens,theybelieved,alwaysboughtwhatthey wantedwithrealmoneyandtheypaidthefullpriceimmediately.Today,however,all that haschanged.Credit, assomeobservers have noted,hasbecomeawayoflifeintheUnitedStates.Moreandmore Americansnowaredependingonthose smallpiecesofplastic, credit cards, topay for large purchases such astelevisions, record playersor furniture. Manypeopletodaywouldconsideritunusualnotto useacredit cardtopayforacostlyrestaurantdinner,ahotelroomoranairlinetrip.AndtherearesomesituationsinwhichAmericansmusthavecreditcards.Iftheywantthetemporaryuseofacar,forexample,theyfirst mustgivethecarrentalcompanythenumberoftheircreditcard.That numberisconsideredaguaranteethattheywillreturnthecarandpayCreditcardsoffertwomajorservicestoAmericans.Firstofall, theyareeasierandsafertocarrythanlargeamountsofmoney.Second, theypermitpeopletoborrow,tohavetheimmediatepleasureofowningsomething, evenif they donot haveenoughmoneyto payforit atthe time. Withcredit cardspeople payforgoodsorservices attheendofeachmonth insteadofwhentheybuythem.Andwhenthetimedoescometopay,mostcreditcardsofferpeopleachoice.Theycanpayallofwhattheyoweforthemonthortheycanjustpa yusuallybetween5and10percentofwhattheyowe.44.WhatdoAmericansfeelaboutusingcreditcardsnowadaysaccordingtothepassage?A.Theyconsideritvaluable.B.Theyregarditasashame.C.Theythinkitdangerous.D.Theyfinditquiteconvenient.45.Whydoesthecarrentalcompanyaskforthecreditcardnumber?46.Whatadvantagecancreditcardholdershave?A.Theyca nchoosenottopayfortheirpurchases.47.Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage?A.Credit-aWayofLifeinAmericaB.CreditServicesinAmericaC.ConvenienceofLivinginAmericaD.HistoryofCreditCardsinAmericaPassageFourAtthe1893ColumbianExposition,aWorldFairheldinChicago,chocolate-makingmachinerymadeinGermanywasdisplayed.ItcaughttheeyeofM.S.Hershey,whosawthepotentialforchocolate.Heinstalled chocolatemachineryinhisfactoryinLancaster,andproducedhisfirstchocolatebarsin1894.OtherAmericansbeganmixinginothermaterials tomakeupnewcandy barsthroughouttheendofthe1890'sandtheearly1900's.Butitwas WorldWarIthatreallybroughtattentiontothecandybar.TheU. S. ArmyQuartermaster Corpsrequested various American chocolate manufacturers toprovide 20to40poundblocks ofchocolate to beshippedtoquartermasterbases.Theblockswerecutintosmallerdistributed toAmericansoldiers inEurope.Eventually thetaskofmaking smallerpieceswasturnedbacktothemanufacturers.Bytheendofthewarwhenthesoldie rsarrivedhome,theAmericancandybarbusinesswasassured.Why?Becausethereturningsoldiershadgrownfondofchocolatecandyandwantedmoreof thesame.Asaresultfromthattimeonandthroughthe1920's,candybarmanufacturersbecameesta blishedthroughouttheUnitedStates,andasmanyas40,000differentcandybarsappearedonthescene.TheoriginalcandybarindustryhaditsstartontheeasterncoastinsuchcitiesasPhiladelph ia,Boston,andNewYork.Theindustrysoon spreadtotheMidwestbecauseshippingandrawmaterialssuchassugar,cornsyrup,and milkwereeasilyavailable.Chicagobecametheseatofthecandybarindustryandiseve ntodayanimportantbase.48.WhydidM.S.Hersheystarttheproductionofchocolatebars?A.Hewasdee plyimpressedbytheColumbianExposition.B.HerealizedthatitwaspossibleforchocolatetobecomepopularC.Therewas nothingtoproduceinhisfactoryinLancaster.D.Hewasinterestedinthechocolatemachinerydisplayedatthefair49.WhicheventbroughttheboomingofAmericancandybarbusiness?A.Theaddingof newmaterials.B.ThedemandinthearmyduringWWI.C.Thepurchaseofnewmachines50.Whatdoestheunderlinedword"seat"inthelastparagraphmostprobablymean?A.Focus.B.Position.C.Chair.D.Center51.Whatisthispassagemainlyabout?A.WorldFairheldinChicagoin1893.B.ThepopularityoftheAmericancandybarindustry.oC.ThecandybarindustryduringWorldWar.D.ThespreadofthecandybarbusinesstotheMidwest.PassageFiveMark Twain is oneof America's much-beloved authors, creating imaginative andhumorousclassics for children andadults alike, suchas TheAdventuresofTomSawyer,ThePrinceandThePauper,andAdventuresofHuckleberry Finn. Twainpassedawayin1910,leaving behindatreasure ofgreatliterature.Butnow,100yearsafterhisdeath,he'llhaveabrand-newbookontheshelves:athree-volumeautobiography.Twainhasn'tbeenkeepingbusyinhistombitwashiswishthatpublisherswaituntil 100yearsafter hisdeathtopublishhis memoirs) whichhespentthelastdecadeofhislifeworkingon.The autobiography totals morethan5,000pages,andlikely won'tbe allsunshineandroses.ItseemsthatTwainharboredsomebitterness againstformergirlfriendsandex-friends.Healsowritesnegatively aboutpoliticiansofhisday,suchasTeddyRoosevelt.It'slikelythatherequested suchalonglead time forthememoirsbecausehedidn't want tohurtthefeelingsofanyonementionedinthiswork.Although small sections of the memoirs have been previouslypublished the autobiography hasneverbeenavailable in full, andshouldprovidegreatinsightsintothemanbehindtheclassicbooks.Thefirstvolumeof the setwill beavailable inNovember,andthe trilogy is beingpublishedbytheUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley."Thereare somanybiographies ofTwain,and manyofthemhave used bitsandpiecesoftheautobiography",editorRobertHirsttoldThe Independent."Butbiographerspickandchoosewhatbitstoquote.BypublishingTwain'sbookinfullwehopethatpeoplewillbeabletocome totheirowncompleteconclusionsaboutwhatsortofamanhewas."52.According toParagraph1,whichofthestatements is TRUEofMarkTwain?A.Heleftbehindlotsofmoney.B.Hisworkswerewrittenforchildren.C.Hisworksarefullofadventures.D.Heisfamousforhisgreatworks.53.Whatcanwelearn about MarkTwain's autobiography fromthepassage?A.IthasbeenpublishedagainstTwain'swill.B.ItshowsTwain'srespectforpoliticians.C.Itwillbepublishedinfull.D.Ithasbeenrecentlyfinished.54.Whatdoestheunderlinedword"trilogy"inParagraph4mean?A.workinthreevolumes.B.Animaginativework.C.collectionofstories.D.Memoirsoffamouspeople.55.WhatisthepurposeofpublishingTwain'sautobiography?A.Tosupplementotherbiographies.B.TohelpreaderstounderstandMarkTwain.C.TointroduceMarkTwain'sworks.D.ToexposenewdiscoveriesaboutMarkTwainV.DailyConversation(15points)Directions:Pickoutappropriateexpressionsfromtheeightchoicesbelowandcompletethefollo wingdialoguesbyblackeningthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerSheet.A.WhenshallwesetoffC.ha veawonderfultimeE.begrea tfunG.WhatshouldItakeB.WhatisthetimeD.startpacking F.WhatcouldIgetH.wheretoMary:HowdoyouliketheideaofhavingapicnicthisSaturday? John:Wonderful.But 56?Mary:WhatabouttheBlueMountainIt'squitecoolthere.John:That'sagoodidea.ShallweinviteMichaelandhisgirlfriendtogowithus?Mary:Sure!Itwould57tohavethemwithus.John:Good!58?Mary:Youcouldbuysomedrinksandsandwiches.Andsomefruit,too.John:OK.59?Mary:Howabout8o'clockinthemorning?Ittakesabouttwohourstogetthere.John:OK.I'll call Michaelandtell himaboutourplan. Wesurewill 60.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共25分)I.Writing(25points)Directions:Forthispart,youaresupposedtowriteanessayinEnglishin100-120wordsbasedonthefollowinginformation.Remembertowriteitclearly.61.你(LiYuan)的同学王晶打算在校内找一份临时工作,给她写一封电子邮件,内容包括:·你从校园网上获得图书馆招工的信息;招聘人数为5~10人;·对应聘人员的要求(如必须是本校学生、可周末上班等);·面试时间和地点;·鼓励她抓住此机会,前去面试。

第1题单选“夙兴夜寐”一语出自( ) A.《短歌行》 B.《诗经·卫风·氓》 C.《国殇》 D.《蜀相》参考答案:B 第2题单选在《寡人之于国也》一文中,孟子尽力倡导的是( ) A.称霸天下 B.王道仁政 C.无为而治 D.民贵君轻参考答案:B 第3题单选在下列词作中,采用铺叙手法描写景物的是( ) A.《虞美人》(春花秋月何时了) B.《八声甘州》(对潇潇暮雨洒江天) C.《水调歌头》(明月几时有) D.《破阵子》(醉里挑灯看剑) 参考答案:B 第4题单选欧·亨利写的惟一一部长篇小说是( ) A.《最后一片藤叶》 B.《白菜与皇帝》 C.《麦琪的礼物》 D.《公务员之死》参考答案:B 第5题单选冯谖收债于薛、矫命焚券,是为了( ) A.市义 B.报复孟尝君对他的轻视无礼 C.帮助孟尝君恢复相位 D.营造“三窟” 参考答案:A 第6题单选《前赤壁赋》是一首( ) A.抒情小赋 B.骚体赋 C.文赋 D.骈赋参考答案:C 第7题单选《史记》是我国第一部( ) A.纪传体断代史 B.纪传体通史 C.编年体通史 D.国别体断代史参考答案:B 第8题单选《箱子岩》一文中所描写的跛脚什长是一个什么形象() A.兵痞 B.平民 C.打渔人D.桨手参考答案:A 第9题单选苏轼的《水调歌头》(明月几时有)是一首( ).A.送别词B.羁旅行役词C.怀古词D.中秋词参考答案:D 第10题单选90年代,库页岛之行后,契诃夫创作的一篇著名的中篇小说是( ) A.《套中人》B.《第六病室》 C.《樱桃园》 D.《变色龙》参考答案:B 第11题单选本文中,作者先列举穆公、孝公、惠王、昭王广招人才的历史事实,然后得出“此四君者,皆以客之功”的结论,这里所采用的论证方法是( ) A.归纳法 B.演绎法 C.类比法 D.对比法参考答案:A 第12题单选《寒夜》的作者是( ) A.茅盾 B.巴金 C.老舍 D.鲁迅参考答案:B 第13题单选本文贯穿始终的论证方法是( ) A.演绎法 B.归纳法 C.类比法 D.对比法参考答案:D 第14题单选《日出的背景是》( ) A.30年代中国的农村 B.20年代中国的城市 C.30年代中国的城市 D.40年代中国的乡村参考答案:C 第15题单选《米龙老爹》故事发生的背景是( ) A.法国大革命 B.十月革命C.普法战争 D.卫国战争参考答案:C 第16题单选本篇小说中的“麦琪”是指( ) A.2018年重庆专升本考试题答案764624811为基督送礼的三位贤人B.德拉和杰姆 C.德拉 D.杰姆参考答案:B 第17题单选杜甫诗歌的主要风格是( ) A.飘逸洒脱 B.生动明丽 C.清丽俊逸 D.沉郁顿挫参考答案:D 第18题单选庄子《秋水》中代表庄子观点的人物是( ) A.庄子B.河伯 C.北海若 D.河伯与北海若参考答案:C 第19题单选“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也;譬如平地,虽复一篑,进,吾往也”这段话所用的论证方法是( ) A.演泽法 B.归纳法 C.类比法 D.对比法参考答案:D 第20题单选“茕茕孑立,形影相吊”一语出自( ) A.李斯《谏逐客书》 B.李密《陈情表》C.李清照《声声慢》 D.曹操《短歌行》参考答案:B 二、名词解释题:21~40小题,每小题2分,共40分。

二、考试形式(一)试卷题型及分值分布序号考试项目题号考试内容题型分值I 听力理解 1—15 对话、实用会话、短文多项选择、填空 15分II 词汇和结构 16—30 词汇、语法结构多项选择、填空 15分III 阅读理解31—50 理解语篇,包括一般性和应用性文字材料多项选择、填空、匹配 40分IV 翻译 51—56 句子和段落句子翻译、段落翻译 15分V 写作57 简历表、申请书、邀请信、通知等写作书写、套写、填写 15分非英语专业考生只完成Ⅰ-Ⅴ部分,合计100分,按120分折算计入总分VI 附加部分 Section A 短文阅读约200词,辨认错误并改正错误辨错、改错 10分Section B 短文阅读约200词,写作约80词概要、提纲、摘要10分英语专业考生完成Ⅰ-Ⅵ部分,合计100分,按120分折算计入总分本考试主要考核考生的语言基础知识和应用技能。
(三)考试内容及要求(一)听力理解(Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension)考核考生理解所听对话、会话和短文的能力。

《英语教学法》复习资料(一)II. Multiple choice.1.What does the structural view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things2.What does the functional view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things3.Much of human behavior is influenced by their_________A. experiencesB. wisdomC. knowledgeD. parents4.What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom?A. teaching attitudeB. definitions of languageC. structural view of languageD. functional view5.What are the characteristics of audio-lingual method?A. Language is learned by constant repetition and the reinforcement of the teacherB. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediatel y praised.C. Students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on theirunderstanding of certain rules.D. Both A and B.6.What does the interactional view of language see language?A. a system of categories based on the communicative needs of the learnerB. a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between peopl eC. a linguistic system made up of various subsystemsD. a linguistic system and a means for doing things7.Which of the following teaching method is based on the behaviorist theory?A. Grammar translationB. Audio-lingualC. Task-based teaching and learningD. Communicative teaching8. Which three groups can summarize all the elements of the qualities of a goodteacher?A. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal stylesB. Ethic devotion, professional qualities and individual freedomC. Individual freedom, professional qualities and personal stylesD. Ethic devotion, personal styles and individual freedom9.What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receivesbefore he starts the practice of teaching?A. Learning from other’s experiencesB. Learning the received knowledgeC. Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacherD. All of the above10.Many writing tasks in existing English textbooks fail to have a communicativeelement due to the following factors EXCEPT .A. There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.B. They are mainly accuracy-based.C. Students are invited to invent their own.D. They are designed to practise certain target structures.11.Which of the following is not the features of process writing? ___A. Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written productB. Pay no attention to the feedback from the instructor and peersC. Help students writers to understand their own composing processD. Give students time to write and rewrite12.Which of the following statement is not true about integration of the fourskills?___A. Integration of the four skills is not concerned with realistic communication.B. A telephone conversation also involves the integration of language skills.C. Integration includes simple integration and complex integration.D. Integration of four skills means that we are teaching at the discourse level, notjust at the level of sentences or individual words and phrases.13.Which of the following is not regarded as the features of a discourse ?A. the way that the text is organizedB. The layout of the textC. cultureD. the register (the vocabulary that is commonly found in such discourse)14.In teach reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that thestudents equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page. We believe the teacher follows the ____ model of teaching reading.A. top-downB. bottom-upC. interactiveD. all of the above15.Views on language and ___ both influence theories on how language should betaught.A. views on language learningB. views on culture learningC. values of lifeD. styles of life16.One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is _____.A.Learners are not able to make sentencesB. Language is used to perform certain communicative functionsC. It focuses on form rather than on functionsD. Learners are not able to do translation17.According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question of “Can the students achievethe goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ____A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styleB. letters, phonetic transcripts, and soundsC. teacher factors, learner factors and school factorsD. leaner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individuality18.It is generally believed that grammar teaching _____.A. should never be done in listening, reading, and writingB. is more important in listening and reading than in writingC. is very important in listening, reading and writingD. is less important in listening and reading than in writing19.One of the reasons why the deductive method of teaching grammar is criticized isthat ___ in the method.A. little attention is paid to meaningB. grammar is taught in a contextC. the practice is often meaningfulD. not enough examples are provided20.To ___ , it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.A. motivate studentsB. demotivate studentsC. free students from too much workD. keep students busyIII. Matching.Directions: Find the item in Column B with that of Column A based on their relevance.Part A1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. _______Part B6. ____7. _____8. _____9. _______ 10. _____IV. Problem Solving. (15 points)Directions: A situation of teaching writing is provided in the following. Firstly, read and analyze the limitations of this traditional pedagogy. the problems in it. Secondly, provide your solutions or suggestions based on your learning of writing teaching in this course.《英语教学法》复习资料(一)答案II. Multiple choice.1-5 CDABD 6-10 BBADC 11-15 BACAA 16-20 CDDAAIII. Matching.1. E2. A3. D4. C5. B6. H7. J8. I9. F 10. GIV. Problem Solving.(本题共15分,根据分析的要点是否准确充分,表达的是否清晰酌情扣分。

二、考核内容(一)基础知识1.语言知识理解 B(1)理解常见文言实词在文中的含义(2)理解常见文言虚词在文中的含义和用法(3)理解常见的文言句式和特殊语法现象(判断句、被动句、倒序句、使动用法、意动用法、名词作状语、词类活用)(4)理解现代文中的词语含义(5)理解应用文中常用的模式化词语(6)理解应用文中的书面辅助语言(图形、表格、符号、公式)(7)理解常见的修辞手法(比喻、比拟、借代、对偶、排比、夸张、对比、反复、反问、设问)2.文学知识识记 A(1)识记作家的国别、朝代/时代、流派、字号与誉称(2)识记作家的代表作品(3)识记名篇名句理解 B(1)理解文学作品的文体类别(含古文、古诗词、现代文学、外国文学的文体类别)与基本特征(2)理解作家的文学主张、文学成就(3)理解文学作品的文学史地位、影响(4)理解中外文学经典的风格或主要特色3.应用文知识识记 A(1)识记应用文的特点、对主旨的要求、选材原则(2)识记应用文结构特点、语言特点、语言运用要求、表达方式(3)识记党政机关公文和常用法规文书、规章文书、事务文书、专用文书的文种(4)识记公文版头部分、主体部分、版记部分的格式要素(5)识记《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》的发布机关、发布年份、施行日期理解 B(1)理解应用文常用的标题形式(2)理解应用文常用的开头方式(3)理解党政机关公文和常用事务文书、专用文书的适用范围(4)理解法定公文的特点及按行文方向的分类(5)理解公文格式各要素的内涵与编排要求(6)理解《条例》中向上级机关行文与向下级机关行文应遵循的规则(二)基本能力1.阅读能力(1)古诗文阅读:阅读古代诗歌、散文理解 B①解古诗文中成语、典故及其在文中的含义②理解并正确翻译文言句、段分析综合 C①分析古诗文内容要点、中心意思及表达的情感②析古文中的论证方法鉴赏评价 D①赏古诗文的语言、写作特色②结合时代背景评价古诗文的思想内容(2)现代文阅读:阅读现当代文学作品、论述类文章理解 B①解论述类文章中重要概念的含义②理解作品中重要句、段的含意分析综合 C①析作品的内容要点、中心意思及表达的情感②分析论述类文章的论证方法③析文章的层次结构,把握文章的思路鉴赏评价 D①赏作品的语言特色、艺术手法②鉴赏作品的艺术形象③评价文章的思想内涵(3)应用文阅读:阅读公文、常见的事务文书理解 B①理解应用文的主旨②理解应用文的材料类型和表达方式分析综合 C①分析应用文的结构要素②分析应用文表达主旨的方式③立足文种特点,分析评价应用文的写作特色2.写作能力能写文学类、应用类和论述类文章。

2018年重庆英语专升本真题及答案浙江1、--Do you have a _______?--Yes, I _______ at a clothes store. [单选题] *A. work; workB. work; jobC. job; jobD. job; work(正确答案)2、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time3、____ is standing at the corner of the street. [单选题] *A. A policeB. The policeC. PoliceD. A policeman(正确答案)4、A good teacher is able to_____a complicated idea in very simple terms. [单选题] *A.put across(正确答案)B.break upC.work outD.bring out5、I _______ play the game well. [单选题] *A. mustB. can(正确答案)C. wouldD. will6、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)7、How beautiful the flowers are! Let’s take some _______. [单选题] *A. photos(正确答案)B. potatoesC. paintingsD. tomatoes8、82.—Is there a bookshop near here?—Yes. Walk ________ the road for five minutes and you'll see one near a big tree. [单选题] *A.toB.along(正确答案)C.ofD.about9、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] *A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)10、—Are these your sheep? [单选题] *A)on grass at the foot of the hill.(正确答案)B. feedC.is fedD. is feeding11、Now people can _______ with their friends far away by e-mail, cellphone or letter. [单选题] *A. keep onB. keep in touch(正确答案)C. keep upD. keep off12、()late for the meeting again, Jack! 一Sorry, I won t. [单选题] *A.Don’tB. Be notC.Don't be(正确答案)D.Not be13、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)14、There is something wrong with my teeth. I’ve had?a _______. [单选题] *A. toothache(正确答案)B. headacheC. stomachacheD. heartache15、36.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it __________ tomorrow. [单选题] * A.won’t rainB.isn’t rainingC.doesn’t rain (正确答案)D.isn’t rain16、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)17、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges18、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you19、This seat is vacant and you can take it. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 没人的(正确答案)C. 舒适的D. 前排的20、We will _______ Mary this Sunday. [单选题] *A. call on(正确答案)B. go onC. keep onD. carry on21、31.A key ring is used __________ holding the keys. [单选题] *A.toB.inC.for (正确答案)D.with22、The idea of working abroad really()me. [单选题] *appeals to (正确答案)B. attaches toC. adapts toD. gets across23、68.—How ________ apples do you want?—I want two kilos. How ________ are they?—They are 5 yuan. [单选题] *A.much; manyB.many; much(正确答案)C.many; manyD.much; much24、I will _______ from Hunan University next year. [单选题] *A. learnB. studyC. graduate(正确答案)D. come25、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think26、By the end of this month, all this _____. [单选题] *A. is changedB.will changeC. will have changed(正确答案)D. has changed27、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] *A. How(正确答案)B. WhatC. WhereD. Why28、We _______ play basketball after school. [单选题] *A. were used toB. used to(正确答案)C. use toD. are used to29、Hurry up,?or we’ll _______ class. [单选题] *A. be late for(正确答案)B. late forC. late withD. be late with30、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsB. WasC. AreD. Were(正确答案)。

重庆市普通高校“专升本”统一选拔考试大纲《大学英语》(2018年版)(考试科目代码 40)Ⅰ.考试大纲适用对象及考试性质本大纲适用于重庆市普通高校“专升本”的考生。

三、考试方式与内容考试方式为闭卷笔试,包括六个主要部分:I 听力理解,II 词汇和结构,III 阅读理解,IV英译汉,V 写作,VI 附加部分。
非英语专业考生完成I—V 部分,英语专业考生完成I—VI部分。
第一部分:听力理解(Listening Comprehension)测试考生理解所听对话、会话和简单短文的能力。
第二部分:词汇和结构(Vocabulary & Structure)测试考生词汇和语法结构的运用能力。
第三部分:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)测试考生通过阅读获取信息的能力。

2018 高考考试纲领查核目标与要求一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录 1至附录 5),要求词汇量为3500 左右。
附录 1 语音项目表1.基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常有的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2.重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失掉爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4.语调与节奏(1) 意群与停留(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语沟通中的运用6.朗读和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录 2 语法项目表1.名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不行数名词(3)专闻名词(4)名词全部格2.代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词 (比较级和最高等 )7.副词 (比较级和最高等 )8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)神态动词22.倒装10.时态23.重申(1)一般此刻时24.虚构语气(2)一般过去时附录 3 功能意念项目表(3)一般未来时 1. 社会交往 (Social Communications)(4)此刻进行时(1)问候 (Greetings)(5)过去进行时(2)介绍 (Introduction)(6)过去未来时(3)辞别 (Farewells )(7)未来进行时(4)感谢 (Thanks )(8)此刻达成时(5)致歉 (Apologies)(9)过去达成时(6)邀请 (Invitation)(10)此刻达成进行时(7)恳求赞同 (Asking for permission)11.被动语态(8)祝福和庆祝 (Expressing wishes and12.非谓语动词congratulations)(1)动词不定式(9)供给帮助 (Offering help)(2)动词的 -ing 形式(10)接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and(3)动词的 -ed 形式refusal)13.构词法(11)约会 (Making appointments)(1)合成法(12)打电话 (Making telephone calls)(2)派生法(13)就餐 (Having meals)(3)转变法(14)就医 (Seeing the doctor)(4)缩写和简写(15)购物 (Shopping)14.句子种类(16)问路 (Asking the way)(1)陈说句(17)讨论天气 (Talking about weather)(2)疑问句(18)语言社交困难 (Language difficulties(3)祈使句in communication)(4)叹息句(19)提示注意 (Reminding)15.句子成分(20)警示和严禁 (Warning and(1)主语prohibition)(2)谓语(21)劝说 (Advice)(3)表语(22)建议 (Suggestions)(4)宾语 2. 态度 (Attitudes)(5)定语(23)赞同和不一样意 (Agreement and(6)状语disagreement)(7)补语(24)喜爱和不喜爱 (Likes and dislikes)16.简单句的基本句型(25)一定和不一定 (Certainty and17.主谓一致uncertainty)18.并列复合句(26)可能和不行能 (Possibility and19.主从复合句impossibility)(1)宾语从句(27)可以和不行以 (Ability and inability)(2)状语从句(28)独爱和优先选择 (Preference)(3)定语从句(29)意向和打算 (Intentions and plans)(4)主语从句(30)希望和梦想 (Hopes and wishes)(5)表语从句(31)夸奖和鼓舞 (Praise and20.间接引语encouragement)21.省略(32)责怪和诉苦 (Blame and complaint)(33)冷漠 (Indifference)11.职业 (Occupations)(34)判断与评论 (Judgement and(67)工作 (Jobs)evaluation)(68)单位 (Employer)3. 感情 (Emotions)附录 4 话题项目表(35)快乐 (Happiness) 1.个人状况 (Personal information)(36)诧异 (Surprise) 2.家庭、朋友与四周的人 (Family, friends(37)忧愁 (Worries)and people around)(38)宽慰 (Reassurance) 3.四周的环境 (Personal environments)(39)满意 (Satisfaction) 4.平时活动 (Daily routines)(40)遗憾 (Regret) 5.学校生活 (School life)(41)怜悯 (Sympathy) 6.兴趣与喜好 (Interests and hobbies)(42)惧怕 (Fear)7.个人感情 (Emotions)(43)愤慨 (Anger)8.人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships) 4. 时间 (Time)9.计划与梦想 (Plans and intentions)(44)时辰 (Point of time)10.节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and(45)时段 (Duration)celebrations)(46)频度 (Frequency)11.购物 (Shopping)(47)时序 (Sequence)12.饮食 (Food and drink)5. 空间 (Space)13.健康 (Health)(48)地点 (Position)14.天气 (Weather)(49)方向 (Direction)15.娱乐与体育 (Entertainment and(50)距离 (Distance)sports)6. 存在 (Existence)16.旅行和交通 (Travel and transport) (51)存在与不存在 (Existence and17.语言学习 (Language learning)Non-existence)18.自然 (Nature)7. 特点 (Features)19.世界与环境 (The world and the(52)形状 (Shape)environment)(53)颜色 (Colour)20.科普知识与现代技术 (Popular(54)资料 (Material)science and modern technology)(55)价钱 (Price)21.热门话题 (Topical issues)(56)规格 (Size)22.历史与地理 (History and geography)(57)年纪 (Age)23.社会 (Society)8. 计量 (Measurement)24.文学与艺术 (Literature and art)(58)长度 (Length)附录 5 词汇表(59)宽度 (Width)A(60)高度 (Height)a(an) art(61)数目 (Number)abandon v9. 比较 (Comparison)ability n(62)同级比较 (Equal comparison)able a(63)差异比较 (Comparative and abnormal asuperlative)aboard prep(64)相像和差异 (Similarity and abolish vdifference)abortion n10.逻辑关系 (Logical relations)about ad & prep(65)原由和结果 (Cause and effect)above prep ,a& ad(66)目的 (Purpose)abroad adabrupt a ad=advertisement n absence n adapt vabsent a adaptation n absolute a add vabsorb v addicted a abstract a & n addition nabsurd a address n abundant a adequate aabuse v adjust vacademic a & n adjustment n academy n administration n accelerate v admirable a accent n admire vaccept v admission n access n & v admit vaccessible a adolescence n accident n adolescent a & n accommodation n adopt v accompany v adore v accomplish v adult naccount n advance v & n accountant n advantage n accumulate v adventure n accuracy n advertise v accurate a advertisement n accuse v advice n accustomed a advise vache v & n advocate v achieve v affair n achievement n affect vacid a affection n acknowledge v afford v acquaintance n afraid aacquire v Africa n acquisition n African a & nacre n after ad,prep&conj across prep afternoon nact n & v afterward(s) ad action n again adactive a against prep activity n age nactor n agency nactress n agenda nactual a agent nacute a aggressive aAD abbr ago adagree v ambiguous a agreement n ambition n agricultural a ambulance n agriculture n America n ahead ad among prepaid n & v amount n & v AIDS n ample aaim n & v amuse vair n amusement n aircraft n analyse v airline n analysis n airmail n ancestor n album n anchor v & n alcohol n ancient a alcoholic a & n and conj algebra n anecdote n alike ad anger nalive a angle nall ad,a&pron angry a allergic a animal nalley n ankle n allocate v anniversary n allow v announce v allowance n annoy valmost ad annual aalone a another a &pron along ad & prep Antarctic a alongside ad antique n aloud ad anxiety n alphabet n anxious a already ad any pron& a also ad anybody pron alternative a anyhow ad although conj anyone pron altitude n anything pron altogether ad anyway ad aluminium anywhere ad (Am aluminum)n apart ad & a always ad apartment n am v(be)apologize v a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr apology n amateur a apparent a amaze v appeal v & n amazing a appear v ambassador n appearance n ambassadress n appendix nappetite n aside adapplaud v & n ask vapple n asleep aapplicant n aspect napplication n assess vapply v assessment nappoint v assist vappointment n assistance nappreciate v assistant nappreciation n associate vapproach n & v association nappropriate a assume vapproval n assumption napprove v astonish vapproximately ad astronaut napron n astronomer narbitrary a astronomy narch n at preparchitect n athlete narchitecture n athletic aArctic a Atlantic aare v(be)atmosphere narea n atom nargue v attach vargument n attack v & narise(arose,arisen) v attain varithmetic n attempt v & narm n & v attend varmchair n attention narmy n attitude naround ad & prep attract varrange v attraction narrangement n attractive aarrest v audience narrival n aunt narrive v authentic aarrow n author nart n authority narticle n automatic aartificial a autonomous aartist n autumn nas ad,conj& prep available aash n avenue nashamed a average a & nAsia n avoid vAsian a & n awake(awoke,awoken) v & aaward n bat naware a bath naway ad bathe vawesome a bathroom nawful a bathtub nawkward a battery nB battle nbaby n bay nbachelor n BC abbrback ad,a& n be(am,is,are,was, background n were,being,been)v backward(s)ad beach nbacon n bean nbacterium( plbacteria) n bean curd nbad(worse,worst) a bear1 nbadminton n bear2 vbag n beard nbaggage n beast nbakery n beat(beat,beaten)v & n balance n beautiful abalcony n beauty nball n because conjballet n become(became,become) v balloon n bed nbamboo n beddings nban n & v bedroom nbanana n bee nband n beef nbandage n beer nbank n before prep ,ad&conjbar n beg vbarbecue n begin(began,begun) v barber n behalf nbarbershop n behave vbare a behavior ( Am behavior) n bargain n & v behind prep & adbark v & n being nbarrier n belief nbase n believe vbaseball n bell nbasement n belly nbasic a belong vbasin n below prepbasis n belt nbasket n bench nbasketball n bend(bent,bent)vbeneath prep bone nbeneficial a bonus nbenefit n & v book n & vbent a & n boom n & vbeside prep boot nbesides prep & ad booth nbetray v border nbetween prep bored abeyond prep boring abicycle n born abid v & n borrow vbig a boss nbike=bicycle n botanical abill n botany nbingo n both a &pron biochemistry n bother vbiography n bottle nbiology n bottom nbird n bounce vbirth n bound abirthday n boundary nbirthplace n bow v & nbiscuit n bowl nbishop n bowling nbit n box nbite(bit,bitten)v boxing nbitter a boy nblack a & n boycott vblackboard n brain nblame n & v brake n & vblank n & a branch nblanket n brand nbleed v brave abless v bravery nblind a bread nblock n & v break(broke,broken) v & n blood n breakfast nblouse n breakthrough nblow(blew,blown) v breast nblue n & a breath nboard n & v breathe vboat n breathless abody n brewery nboil v brick nbomb n & v bride nbond n & v bridegroom nbridge n cafe nbrief a cafeteria nbright a cage nbrilliant a cake nbring(brought,brought) v calculate vbroad a call n & vbroadcast(broadcast,calm a & v broadcast 或-ed,-ed)v camel nbrochure n camera nbroken a camp n & vbroom n campaign nbrother n can1(could);brown n & a can’ t=cannotmodal v brunch n can2 nbrush v & n canal nBuddhism n cancel vbudget n cancer nbuffet n candidate nbuild(built,built) v candle nbuilding n candy nbunch n canteen nbungalow n cap nburden n capital n bureaucratic a capsule nburglar n captain nburn(burnt,burnt caption n或 -ed,-ed) v & n car nburst v carbon nbury v card nbus n care n & vbush n careful abusiness n careless a businessman/woman carpenter n (plbusinessmen/ women) n carpet nbusy a carriage nbut conj& prep carrier nbutcher n & v carrot nbutter n carry vbutterfly n cartoon nbutton n & v carve vbuy(bought,bought)v case nby prep cash n & vbye int cassette nC cast(cast,cast) vcab n castle ncabbage n casual acat n chat n & vcatalogue n cheap acatastrophe n cheat n & vcatch(caught,caught)v check n & vcategory n cheek ncater v cheer n & vCatholic a cheerful acattle n cheers intcause n & v cheese ncaution n chef ncautious a chemical a & ncave n chemist nCD=compact disk n chemistry nceiling n cheque( Am check) n celebrate v chess ncelebration n chest ncell n chew vcent n chicken ncentigrade a chief a & ncentimetre child( plchildren) n(Am centimeter)n childhood ncentral a chocolate ncentre( Am center) n choice ncentury n choir nceremony n choke n & vcertain a choose(chose,chosen) v certificate n chopsticks nchain n chorus nchair n Christian nchairman/woman Christmas n (plchairmen/women)n church nchalk n cigar nchallenge n cigarette nchallenging a cinema nchampion n circle n & vchance n circuit nchange n & v circulate vchangeable a circumstance n channel n circus nchant v & n citizen nchaos n city nchapter n civil acharacter n civilian ncharacteristic a & n civilization ncharge v & n clap vchart n clarify vclass n comedy nclassic a comfort n classify v comfortable a classmate n command n & v classroom n comment nclaw n commercial a clay n commit vclean v & a commitment n cleaner n committee n clear a common aclerk n communicate v clever a communication n click v communism n climate n communist n & a climb v companion n clinic n company nclock n compare vclone v compass nclose a & ad compensate v cloth n compete v clothes n competence n clothing n competition n cloud n complete a & v cloudy a complex a & n club n component n clumsy a composition n coach n comprehension n coal n compromise v coast n compulsory a coat n computer n cocoa n concentrate v coffee n concept ncoin n concern v & n coincidence n concert ncoke n conclude vcold a & n conclusion n collar n concrete a colleague n condemn v collect v condition n collection n conduct v college n conductor n collision n conference n colour( Am color) n & v confident a comb n & v confidential a combine v confirm vcome(came,come) v conflict nconfuse v copy n & v congratulate v corn n congratulation n corner nconnect v corporation n connection n correct v & a conscience n correction n consensus n correspond v consequence n corrupt a & v conservation n cost n & v conservative a cosy( Am cozy) a consider v cottage n considerate a cotton n & a consideration n cough n & vconsist v could modal v consistent a count vconstant a counter n constitution n country n construct v countryside n construction n couple nconsult v courage n consultant n course nconsume v court ncontain v courtyard n container n cousin n contemporary a cover n & vcontent1n cow ncontent2a crash v & n continent n crayon ncontinue v crazy acontradict v cream n contradictory a create vcontrary n & a creature n contribute v credit n contribution n crew ncontrol v & n crime n controversial a criminal n convenience n criterion( plcriteria) n convenient a crop n conventional a cross n & v conversation n crossing nconvey v crossroads n convince v crowd n & vcook n & v cruel acooker n cry n & vcookie n cube ncool a cubic acuisine n decline vculture n decorate vcup n decoration n cupboard n decrease vcure n & v deed ncurious a deep a & adcurrency n deer ncurriculum n defeat vcurtain n defence( Am defense) n cushion n defend vcustom n degree ncustomer n delay n & vcustoms n delete v & ncut(cut,cut)v & n deliberately adcycle v delicate acyclist n delicious adad=daddy n delight ndaily a,ad& n delighted adam n deliver vdamage n & v demand vdamp a & n dentist ndance n & v department(Dept.) n danger n departure n dangerous a depend vdare v & modal v deposit v & ndark a & n depth ndarkness n describe vdash v & n description ndata n desert v & ndatabase n deserve vdate n & v design v & ndaughter n desire v & ndawn n desk nday n desperate adead a dessert ndeadline n destination ndeaf a destroy vdeal n detective ndear a determine vdeath n develop vdebate n & v development ndebt n devote vdecade n devotion ndecide v diagram ndecision n dial vdeclare v dialogue( Am dialog) ndiamond n disk=disc ndiary n dislike vdictation n dismiss vdictionary n distance ndie v distant adiet n distinction ndiffer v distinguish v difference n distribute vdifferent a district ndifficult a disturb vdifficulty n disturbing adig(dug,dug)v dive vdigest v diverse adigital a divide vdignity n division ndilemma n divorce v dimension n dizzy adinner n do(did,done) v dinosaur n doctor ndioxide n document ndip v dog ndiploma n doll ndirect a & v dollar ndirection n donate vdirector n door ndirectory n dormitory(dorm) n dirty a dot ndisability n double a & n disabled a doubt n & v disadvantage n down prep & ad disagree v download n & v disagreement n downstairs ad disappear v downtown ad,n& a disappoint v dozen n disappointed a Dr=doctor n disaster n draft n & vdiscount n drag vdiscourage v draw(drew,drawn)v discover v drawback n discovery n drawer n discrimination n dream(dreamt,dreamt discuss v或-ed,-ed)n & v discussion n dress n & vdisease n drill n & vdisgusting a drink(drank,drunk)v dish n drive(drove,driven)vdriver n elect vdrop n & v electric adrug n electrical adrum n electricity ndrunk a electronic adry v & a elegant aduck n elephant ndue a else addull a e-mail n & v dumpling n embarrass v during prep embassy ndusk n emergency n dust n emperor ndustbin n employ vdusty a empty aduty n encourage v DVD=digital versatile disk n encouragement n dynamic a end n & vdynasty n ending nE endless aeach a &pron enemy neager a energetic aeagle n energy near n engine nearly a & ad engineer nearn v enjoy vearth n enjoyable a earthquake n enlarge veast a,ad& n enough pron,a& ad Easter n enquiry neastern a enter veasy a enterprise neat(ate,eaten) v entertainment n ecology n enthusiastic a edge n entire aedition n entrance neditor n entry neducate v envelope n education n environment n educator n envy v & neffect n equal a & veffort n equality negg n equip veggplant n equipment n either a,conj& ad eraser nelder n error nerupt v explode vescape n & v explore vespecially ad export n & vessay n expose vEurope n express v & nEuropean a & n expression nevaluate v extension neven ad extra aevening n extraordinary aevent n extreme aeventually ad eye never ad eyesight nevery a Feverybody pron face n & veveryday a facial aeveryone pron fact neverything pron factory neverywhere ad fade vevidence n fail v & nevident a failure nevolution n fair1 aexact a fair2 nexam=examination n faith nexamine v fall1(fell,fallen)vexample n fall2( Am)=autumn n excellent a false aexcept prep familiar aexchange n & v family nexcite v famous aexcuse n & v fan nexercise n & v fancy n,v& aexhibition n fantastic aexist v fantasy nexistence n far(farther,farthestexit n或further,furthest) a & ad expand v fare nexpect v farm nexpectation n farmer nexpense n fast a & adexpensive a fasten vexperience n fat n & aexperiment n father nexpert n fault nexplain v favour( Am favor) n explanation n favourite( Am favorite) a & n explicit a fax n & vfear n flat1 afeast n flat2 nfeather n flee(fled,fled) vfederal a flesh nfee n flexible afeed(fed,fed)v flight nfeel(felt,felt)v float vfeeling n flood n & vfellow n floor nfemale a & n flour nfence n flow vferry n flower nfestival n & a flu nfetch v fluency nfever n fluent afew pron& a fly1(flew,flown) vfibre( Am fiber) n fly2 nfiction n focus v & nfield n fog nfierce a foggy afight(fought,fought)n & v fold vfigure n & v folk n & afile n follow vfill v fond afilm n & v food nfinal a fool n & vfinance n foolish afind(found,found)v foot( plfeet) nfine1 a football nfine2 v for prep &conjfinger n forbid(forbade,forbidden)v fingernail n force vfinish v & n forecast n & vfire n & v forehead nfireworks n foreign afirm1 n foreigner nfirm2 a foresee(foresaw,foreseen)v fish n & v forest nfisherman n forever adfist n forget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v fit a & v forgetful afix v forgive(forgave,forgiven)v flag n fork nflame n form n & vflash n format nflashlight n former afortnight n gallon nfortunate a game nfortune n garage nforward ad garbage nfoster v garden nfound v garlic nfountain n garment nfox n gas nfragile a gate nfragrant a gather v framework n gay afranc n general a & nfree a generation n freedom n generous a freeway n gentle afreeze(froze,frozen)v gentleman n freezing a geography n frequent a geometry nfresh a gesture nfriction n get(got,got)v fridge=refrigerator n gift nfriend n gifted afriendly a giraffe n friendship n girl nfrighten v give(gave,given)v frog n glad afrom prep glance vfront a & n glare vfrontier n glass nfrost n globe nfruit n glory nfry v glove nfuel n glue nfull a go(went,gone) v fun n & a goal nfunction n & v goat n fundamental a god nfuneral n gold n & afunny a golden afur n golf nfurnished a good(better,best)a furniture n goods nfuture n goose( plgeese)n G govern vgain v government n gallery n grade ngradual a habit ngraduate v hair ngraduation n haircut ngrain n half a & ngram n hall ngrammar n ham ngrand a hamburger ngrandchild n hammer ngranddaughter n hand n & vgrandma=grandmother n handbag ngrandpa=grandfather n handful ngrandparents n handkerchief ngrandson n handle n & vgranny n handsome agrape n handwriting ngraph n handy agrasp v hang(hung,hung 或-ed,-ed) v grass n happen vgrateful a happiness ngravity n happy agreat a & ad harbour( Am harbor) n greedy a hard ad & agreen a & n hardly adgreengrocer n hardship ngreet v hardworking agreeting n harm n & vgrey( Am gray) a harmful agrill n harmony ngrocer n harvest n & vgrocery n hat nground n hatch vgroup n hate v &ngrow(grew,grown)v have(has,had,had)v growth n he pronguarantee v head n & vguard n headache nguess v headline nguest n headmaster nguidance n headmistress nguide n health nguilty a healthy aguitar n hear(heard,heard)vgun n hearing ngym=gymnasium n heart ngymnastics n heat nH heaven nheavy a host n & vheel n hostess nheight n hot ahelicopter n hotdog nhello int hotel nhelmet n hour nhelp n & v house nhelpful a housewife nhen n housework nher pron how adherb n however ad &conj here ad howl vhero n hug vhers pron huge aherself pron human a & n hesitate v human being nhi int humorous ahide(hid,hidden)v humour( Am humor) n high a & ad hunger nhighway n hungry ahill n hunt vhim pron hunter nhimself pron hurricane nhire v hurry vhis pron hurt(hurt,hurt) v history n husband nhit(hit,hit)v & n hydrogen nhobby n Ihold(held,held)v I pronhole n ice nholiday n ice-cream nholy a idea nhome n & ad identity nhomeland n identification n hometown n idiom nhomework n if conjhonest a ignore vhoney n ill ahonour( Am honor) n & v illegal ahook n & v illness nhope n & v imagine vhopeful a immediately ad hopeless a immigration n horrible a import v & nhorse n importance n hospital n important aimpossible a interpreter nimpress v interrupt v impression n interval nimprove v interview n & vin prep & ad into prepinch n introduce vincident n introduction ninclude v invent vincome n invention nincrease v & n invitation nindeed a invite v independence n iron n & v independent a irrigation nindicate v is v(be)industry n island ninfluence n & v it proninform v its proninformation n itself proninitial a Jinjure v jacket ninjury n jam nink n jar ninn n jaw ninnocent a jazz ninsect n jeans ninsert v jeep ninside prep & ad jet ninsist v jewellery( Am jewelry) n inspect v job ninspire v jog vinstant a join vinstead ad joke ninstitute n journalist ninstitution n journey ninstruct v joy ninstruction n judge n & v instrument n judgementinsurance n(Am judgment) n insure v juice nintelligence n jump n & vintend v jungle nintention n junior ainterest n just a & adinteresting a justice ninternational a KInternet n kangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre( Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife( plknives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour( Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer n lay(laid,laid) v lazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf( plleaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation nliberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pllives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & preplikely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten vliterature n manage vliterary a manager nlitre( Am liter) n mankind nlitter v manner nlittle(less,least)a many(more,most) pron& a live v & a map nlively a maple nload n marathon nloaf n marble nlocal a march n & vlock n & v mark n & vlonely a market nlong a & ad marriage nlook n & v marry vloose a mask n & vlorry n mass nlose(lost,lost)v master v & nloss n mat nlot n match v & nloud a material nlounge n mathematicslove n & v=math/maths nlovely a matter n & vlow a & ad mature aluck n maximum a & nlucky a may modal vluggage n maybe adlunch n me pronlung n meal nM mean(meant,meant) v machine n meaning nmad a means nmadam/madame n meanwhile admagazine n measure vmagic a meat nmaid n medal nmail n & v media nmailbox n medical amain a medicine nmainland n medium nmajor a meet(met,met) v & n majority n meeting nmake1 n melon nmake2(made,made) v member nmale a & n memorial n & aman( plmen) n memory nmend v(misunderstood,misunderstood) v mental a mix vmention n & v mixture nmenu n mobile amerchant a & n model nmerciful a modem nmercy n modern amerely ad modest amerry a mom=mum nmess n moment nmessage n mommy=mummy nmessy a money nmetal n & a monitor nmethod n monkey nmetre( Am meter) n month nmicroscope n monument nmicrowave n moon nmiddle n mop n & vmidnight n moral a & nmight modal v more(much,many)a,ad& nmild a morning nmile n Moslem nmilk n & v mosquito nmillimetre most a & ad(Am millimeter) n mother nmillionaire n motherland nmind n & v motivation nmine1 n & v motor nmine2 pron motorcycle nmineral n motto nminibus n mountain nminimum a mountainous aminister n mourn vministry n mouse( plmice) nminority n moustache nminus prep & a mouth nminute n move vmirror n movement nmiss1 n movie nmiss2 v Mr.(mister)nmissile n Mrs.(mistress)nmist n Ms. nmistake much a & ad(mistook,mistaken) v & n mud nmistaken a muddy amisunderstand multiply v。
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