



LogIC操作手册2012-1北京宇畔科技发展有限公司目录1、LOGIC用户及程序运行环境 (4)1.1用户环境 (4)1.2建立项目区 (5)1.3程序更新区 (5)1.4程序环境 (5)1.5 LOGIC常规处理模块单井分析模块 (6)Single Well Analysis .................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Parameter files (6)WDT file (6)1.6 LOGIC常规处理模块单井处理主菜单及次级菜单 (7)2.LOGIC程序基本要素 (8)2.1 原始数据 (8)2.2 参数文件 (8)2.3 层分析文件 (9)2.4 数据系统及其相关联的数据文件 (10)2.5 文件结构 (11)2.6 访问及检索数据 (11)2.7 数据道属性 (11)3、测井资料预处理 (12)3.1 如何进入深度移动模块 (17)3.2 如何使用深度移动 (20)3.3 术语解释 (22)3.4 数据拼接 (29)3.5 曲线编辑和修改 (33)3.6 斜井垂深校正Directional Surveys (36)3.6.1 Load/edit/write survey data导入/编辑/写入井斜数据 (36)3.6.2 Reports导入/编辑/写入井斜数据 (37)3.7 对测井道数据的操作处理 (38)4.LOGIC参数输入 (43)4.1参数输入的主窗口功能 (43)4.2参数输入的通用选项 (44)4.3 WDT文件编辑----井图头参数 (44)4.4 GEO文件编辑----井分层参数 (47)4.5 PET文件编辑----岩石物理及岩性参数 (61)4.5.1岩石物理参数数据组: (61)1)Single set view (62)2)Multi-set view (63)3)利用Pickett Plot确定地层水电阻率 (64)4.5.2岩性参数数据组: (65)5、测井关联数据的输入及编辑 (72)5.1 导入关联数据 (73)5.2 编辑关联数据 (74)5.3 定义列信息 (74)5.4 定义单位 (75)6、数字处理分析方法 (77)6.1 Input data limits 输入数据范围 (77)6.2 Channel transfers 数据道转换 (78)6.3 Environmental corrections 环境校正 (79)6.4 Command Interpreter 命令说明 (80)6.5 Interpretation method 解释方法 (81)6.5.1 Vclay determination泥质含量的计算 (82)6.5.2 Porosity Options孔隙度选项 (82)6.5.3 Matrix inversion techniques复杂岩性反演技术 (83)6.5.4 Hydrocarbon corrections含油气校正 (84)6.5.5 PHIE/PHIT 有效孔隙度/总孔隙度 (85)6.5.6 Rt选项 (86)6.5.7 地层水饱和度 (87)6.5.8 Sxo 冲洗带含油饱和度 (87)6.5.9 Calculation of Bottom Hole Temperature 计算井底地层温度 (88)7、判别文件编辑---储层判别、坏井眼识别、矿物识别 (89)7.1 标准判别组合 (90)7.2 坏井眼判别组合 (92)7.3 矿物识别 (93)8、测井绘图 (95)8.1绘制测井曲线图 (95)8.2 绘制测井交会图、直方图 (99)9、解释成果输出 (105)10、多井对比分析 (107)附录B: 岩石物理常数名 (115)附录C: 分析方程 (116)LogIC操作手册1、LogIC用户及程序运行环境LogIC运行前需要明确用户的机器结构组成,如打印机、数字化仪及其他与计算机相连的硬件设备。




















logic使用手册逻辑使用手册第一章:基本概念1.1 逻辑的定义1.2 命题和命题逻辑1.3 谓词和谓词逻辑1.4 命题与谓词逻辑的关系第二章:命题逻辑2.1 命题的基本运算2.1.1 否定2.1.2 合取2.1.3 析取2.1.4 条件2.1.5 双条件2.2 命题的等价与蕴含2.2.1 等价2.2.2 蕴含2.3 命题的简化与合取范式2.3.1 极小项与极大项2.3.2 卡诺图2.3.3 合取范式2.4 命题的推理2.4.1 假言推理2.4.2 拒取推理2.4.3 析取三段论2.4.4 假言三段论第三章:谓词逻辑3.1 谓词逻辑的基本概念3.1.1 谓词3.1.2 量词3.2 谓词的基本运算3.2.1 否定3.2.2 合取3.2.3 析取3.2.4 条件3.2.5 双条件3.3 谓词的等价与蕴含3.3.1 等价3.3.2 蕴含3.4 谓词的简化与前束范式3.4.1 极小项与极大项3.4.2 前束范式3.5 谓词的推理3.5.1 全称推理3.5.2 特称推理3.5.3 全称三段论3.5.4 特称三段论第四章:逻辑推理4.1 形式逻辑与实质逻辑4.2 形式逻辑的证明4.2.1 直接证明4.2.2 间接证明4.3 形式逻辑的推理规则4.3.1 假言推理4.3.2 拒取推理4.3.3 析取三段论4.3.4 全称推理4.3.5 特称推理4.4 形式逻辑的证明方法4.4.1 数学归纳法4.4.2 反证法4.4.3 构造法第五章:逻辑推理的应用5.1 逻辑推理在数学中的应用5.2 逻辑推理在科学中的应用5.3 逻辑推理在哲学中的应用5.4 逻辑推理在日常生活中的应用附录:逻辑符号表附录A:命题逻辑符号表附录B:谓词逻辑符号表本使用手册旨在全面介绍逻辑的基本概念、命题逻辑和谓词逻辑的运算规则、推理方法以及逻辑推理在各个领域的应用。





































第七章:调音台、乐器以及效果器 轨道调音台 环境(Environment)中的调音台和音频目标(Audio Objects) 调音台和插件的使用 自动化混音 并轨——最后混音
第八章:环境概念 MIDI 通道 外部控制 从琶音器到分步音序器
附录 A:音频和 MIDI 基础知识 MIDI 音频
附录 B:Mac OS X 系统中的音频和 MIDI 核心音频 核心 MIDI
材商店即可买到。 由于电脑上用于音频输出的是一个 3.5 毫米的立体声插孔,因此,在连接时,您需要使用一 条一头带有 3.5 毫米立体声插头一头带有几个能够接入高保真系统、放大器或者调音台的插 头的连接线。据了解,当前绝大多数高保真系统采用的都是 Cinch(RCA)插头,而且绝大多 数调音台不是采用 Cinch 插头就是 6.3 毫米(单声道或者 1/4 英寸)插头。 注解:更多有关 Mac OS X 音频选项、驱动器特别选项以及 Logic 相关参数的信息,请查阅 本手册附录部分。 2、Logic 设置助手 注意:作为经验之谈,我们建议您在首次启动 Logic/Logic 设置助手之前,用笔记下您所有 MIDI 设备的 MIDI 输入和输出接口的连接方法。 您可以通过双击“应用程序>Logic 7 文件夹”中的 Logic 图标来启动 Logic。 当 Logic 第一次启动时,Logic 设置助手也随之启动运行,带您一步步根据已有音频和 MIDI 硬件的安装情况完成对 Logic 的系统设定。 由于 Logic 设置助手的操作非常简单明了,因此,这里我们就不再为您详细描述每一个设置 页面的具体情况了。您只需根据系统提示,通过拉动条、检验栏以及下拉菜单等选择相应的 选项,就可以完成系统的初步设置了。 其中主要的步骤有: 选择您想在 Logic 系统中使用的音频接口 确定您想在调音台中使用的通道(包括轨道、总线、乐器、输入、输出)总数 定义您通过对音频轨道进行录音所用的输入通道 为键盘选择第一套键盘命令组(您也可以将键盘命令从 Logic 6 的参数文件中直接输入) 选择您想在 Logic 中使用的监视器 添加所有连接好的 MIDI 设备 当您按照 Logic 设置助手的提示,逐步完成设置后,请重新启动 Logic。系统默认的演示曲 配有 9 种非常有用的画面组合,并包含有您在 Logic 设置助手中设定的 MIDI 设备,这就意 味着,您马上就可以使用该软件进行音乐制作了! 注解:在进行设置时,如果您对其中的部分选项不能确定时,不要着急,因为您的这些决定 不是永久的,只要愿意,您还可以修改。您可以通过“Logic>参数选择>启动 Logic 设置助 手”多次启动 Logic 系统,来创建不同的配置演示曲作为 Logic 的制作起点。 3、模板 Logic 能够为用户提供很多演示曲模板。其中,每一种都是针对某种特殊需要而设计的,因 而,使用者总能找到适合当前录音环境的模板作为起点。比如,如果您想对真实乐器进行录 音的话,就可以直接打开针对录音项目需要而设计的录音模板。模板的使用可以为用户节省 大量时间。 1)模板的打开方式 在 Logic 的主菜单拖条中依次选择“文件/新建”; 在弹出的对话框中确认“使用演示曲模板”选项; 从模板下拉菜单中选择所需要的模板 2)如何将自选歌曲保存为模板 只需简单地依次选择“文件/保存为模板”选项,然后在名称栏中键入要保存为模板的歌曲 名称即可 注解:建议您留心一下系统所提供的模板,它也许会真的为您未来项目的创作带来一些灵感! 4、自动载入歌曲 Logic 允许用户将其中一种模板设置为“自动载入歌曲”,也就是说,每次 Logic 启动时,



Logic 操作入门手册Logic操作入门手册目录部分:前言:Logic简介什么是Logic关于本操作手册第一章:Logic配置MIDI和音频连接Logic配置助手模板第二章:什么是Logic装载并打开Tutorial Song(演示曲指南)了解和熟悉Logic的项目编辑(Arrange)窗口轨道和区域项目编辑区域(Arrange Area)参数区域(Parameters Area)键盘命令第三章:演示曲引导传输窗口第四章:区域编辑区域大小的重新调整区域的移动撤销和重试区域的复制区域的剪切循环循环浏览器第五章:MIDI区域MIDI区域的调换量化MIDI录音歌曲保存MIDI事件的编辑第六章:音频区域在项目编辑(Arrangement)项下创建音频轨道采样编辑器音频录音第七章:调音台、乐器以及效果器轨道调音台环境(Environment)中的调音台和音频目标(Audio Objects)调音台和插件的使用自动化混音并轨——最后混音第八章:环境概念MIDI通道外部控制从琶音器到分步音序器附录A:音频和MIDI基础知识MIDI音频附录B:Mac OS X系统中的音频和MIDI核心音频核心MIDI附录C:如何实现Logic同调音台的连接将Logic用作调音台没有编组输出功能(Sub Groups)的桌面混音系统(Mixing Desk)带有编组输出功能(Sub Groups)的桌面混音系统(Mixing Desk)附录D:如何对音频电脑系统进行优化故障排除方案前言:Logic简介近年来,随着个人电脑的风行和普及,音乐制作领域正在经受着一场重大变革。


Logic IO ApS 手持数据终端 MDT-200 技术手册说明书

Logic IO ApS 手持数据终端 MDT-200 技术手册说明书

Technical Manual for theMDT-200Version 1.01Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 2 of 9IntroductionThis manual contains technical documentation allowing easy installation and use of the unit. For programming information please consult the RTCU Programming Documentation and/or the RTCU IDE Online help.The Mobile Data Terminal (MDT-200) extends the RTCU units (MX2 /DX4/AX9/ M11 series) with a flexible and easy-to-use user interface solution with many advanced features, allowing all kinds of two-way messaging applications to be implemented. The MDT-200 is robust, field proven, and is packed to survive thermal extremes and vibrations.The MDT is easily connected to the RTCU units and includes the following features:• Monochrome Graphical Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) • 320 x 240 pixels resolution (1/4 VGA) • 11 lines with 28 characters.• 21 tactile, user definable keys and a four way cursor. • Built in piezo buzzer.• 10 user selectable backlight and contrast levels. • Two easy mounting options. • High-level VPL library.• Simulator support in RTCU-IDE. • Built for tough environments. • Easy vehicle installation.• MDT on/off and standby functionality.Table of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................2 Table of Contents ................................................................................................................2 Graphical view.....................................................................................................................3 External connections............................................................................................................4 Overview..........................................................................................................................4 Connector ‘2’....................................................................................................................4 Connector ‘1’ & Connector ‘3’...........................................................................................4 Installation............................................................................................................................5 MX2/DX4..........................................................................................................................5 AX9..................................................................................................................................6 M11 Series.......................................................................................................................7 Power and standby modes...............................................................................................7 Mounting..............................................................................................................................8 Flexible suction cup..........................................................................................................8 M3 mounting holes...........................................................................................................8 Specifications for the Mobile Data Terminal. (9)Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 3 of 9Graphical viewFigure 1: Front view7 tactile keysLarge easy-to-read display(11 x 28)14 tactile keys4 way cursorM3 Brass insertBuzzerM3 Brass insertSlot for suction bracket cupFigure 2: Back viewLogic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 4 of 9External connectionsOverviewThe MDT-200 uses a serial interface to communicate with the RTCU unit. Supply for the MDT-200 is also fed into the serial connector on the MDT-200. On the unit are three connectors, only one used is connector ‘2’. See Figure 3 for placement of connectors.Connector ‘2’The unit needs an external DC power source this has to be connected to the interface cable. The supply voltage must be 8-30VDC and connected to the red (positive) and black (ground) wires on the interface cable.Connector ‘1’ & Connector ‘3’Not used.Connector ‘1’ Not used (blinded)Connector ‘3’ Not used Connector ‘2’Figure 3: Bottom viewLogic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 5 of 9InstallationThe interface cable provided in the MDT-200 package is made by Logic IO. The external supply wires and data signal blue (MX2/DX4/AX9) / grey (M11) cable are wired into one (black ) cable to the MDT-200 unit. The total length of the cable is ~3.5m see the figure 4 below for details.Figure 2: MX2/DX4/AX9 Cable dimensionsMX2/DX4The blue cable must be inserted into serial port 2 on the MX2/DX4 unit, the black end must be inserted into connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200 unit, see figure 3 for placement of connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200. For further information on external connections on the MX2/DX4, see their Technical Manual.Figure 3: MX2 Cable~3m~0.5m~0.5mLogic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 6 of 9AX9The blue cable must be connected to serial port 2 on the AX9 unit, the black end must be inserted into connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200 unit, see figure 3 for placement of connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200. For further information on external connections on the AX9, see AX9 Technical Manual.Figure 4: AX9 CableAs the MDT-200 cable not delivered with RJ45 connector at the end of the blue cable, the color coded cable needs to be connected to the AX9 manually. Cables are color coded, and these colors will be used in the following description:Figure 5 AX9 cable close-upAs seen on the above picture, there are 4 signals to be connected to the AX9 Pro. The cable colors and the signal names on the AX9 Pro are given in the following table:Signal Name Blue SGND Blue/white SER2_RXD Green SER2_TXD Brown SER2_RTSLogic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 7 of 9Connect the 4 colored cables to their respective labeled angled screw terminals asmentioned in the table in the previous page. Please refer to AX9 Pro Technical Manual to locate the terminals.M11 SeriesThe grey cable must be inserted into serial port 2 on the M11 unit, the black end must be inserted into connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200 unit, see figure 3 for placement of connector ‘2’ on the MDT-200. For further information on external connections on the M11 series, see the appropriate M11 Technical Manual.Figure 6: M11i / M11Gi CablePower and standby modesThe MDT-200 has two power modes with different behaviors and power consumption:• Power : Controls the DC supply for the MDT-200, if turned off it’s not possible to usethe keys, this way the MDT-200 must be turned on from the software. In this state the power savings are at maximal.• Standby : In standby mode the display will be turned off, this way it looks like theMDT-200 is turned off, but it’s possible to turn on the MDT-200 on the keys. Power savings are minimal in this state.For more information on this subject please consult the RTCU Programming Documentation and/or the RTCU IDE Online help.Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 8 of 9MountingThere are two ways to mount the MDT unit these are described below.Flexible suction cup.1. Match the two slides on the bracket to the corresponding slots on the back of theMDT-200 unit until they firmly latch into place. 2. Find a smooth surface and clean it thoroughly.3. Press the suction cup firmly to the surface while pulling the lever down to seal the suction cup.4. Hold the bracket base and bend the stalk to adjust the viewing position.M3 mounting holes.The brass inserts on the backside can be used to mount the MDT on a custom made bracket. There are four M3 mounting holes available, see figure 6 below for guidance. Be careful not to over tighten the screws as driving the screws in too far may cause damage, therefore use M3x6mm screws. Too use the mounting holes the slot for the suction cup must be removed.Figure 6: M3 brass inserts placementsSpecifications for the Mobile Data TerminalPage 9 of 9 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210。

PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册说明书

PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册说明书

PlayLogic逻辑分析仪使用手册PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册2 / 35公司网址官方旗舰店https:// 邮箱:************** 电话:************传真:************ALINX 微信公众号:PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册3 / 35目 录目 录 ............................................................................................................................ 3 1 产品介绍 .................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 基础知识 .................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 产品型号及规格 ........................................................................................................ 5 1.3 支持的协议类型 ........................................................................................................ 6 2 PlayLogic 软件简介 ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 软件安装指南 ............................................................................................................ 6 2.2 软件界面简介 ............................................................................................................ 7 2.3 语言切换 .................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 模拟演示功能 ............................................................................................................ 8 3 设备连接 .................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 连接设备与电脑 ........................................................................................................ 9 3.2 连接设备与被测系统 .............................................................................................. 10 3.3 多点接地提高测量准确度 ...................................................................................... 11 4 使用详解 ................................................................................................................. 11 4.1 采样深度与采样率设置 .......................................................................................... 11 4.2 触发条件设置 .......................................................................................................... 12 4.3 采集信号 .................................................................................................................. 13 4.4 波形观察与操作 ...................................................................................................... 14 4.5 波形测量 .................................................................................................................. 15 4.6 协议解析器 .............................................................................................................. 17 4.7 采样模式选择 . (19)PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册4 / 354.8 通道设置 .................................................................................................................. 20 4.9 保存设置和数据 ...................................................................................................... 23 4.10 导出数据 ................................................................................................................ 24 4.11 阈值电压设置 ........................................................................................................ 25 4.12 PWM 与触发位置设置 ............................................................................................. 26 4.13 主菜单中“选项...”功能 .................................................................................. 26 5 标准协议设置详解 .................................................................................................. 28 5.1 UART/232/485 ........................................................................................................... 28 5.2 I2C .............................................................................................................................. 29 5.3 SPI .............................................................................................................................. 30 5.4 CAN ............................................................................................................................ 31 5.5 Parallel ........................................................................................................................ 32 5.6 1-Wire ......................................................................................................................... 32 5.7 DMX-512 ................................................................................................................... 33 5.8 UNI/O ......................................................................................................................... 33 5.9 自定义协议解析器 .................................................................................................... 33 6 常见问题解答 .......................................................................................................... 34 6.1 设备连接到电脑后驱动安装失败 .......................................................................... 34 6.2 设备连接到电脑后提示无法识别或工作不稳定 .................................................. 34 6.3 采样波形中个别通道出现毛刺 .............................................................................. 34 6.4 设置大深度后实际采样时间未达到设定值 .......................................................... 34 7 联系我们 (35)PlayLogic 逻辑分析仪使用手册5 / 351 产品介绍1.1 基础知识逻辑分析仪是利用时钟从被测系统中采集和显示数字信号的仪器,主要作用在于时序判定和分析。

LogiComm OEM 喷枪驱动板 说明书

LogiComm OEM 喷枪驱动板 说明书

L ogi Comm®OEM 喷枪驱动板手册P/N 7135540B- Chinese -NORDSON GmbH • ERKRATH • 德国定单编号P/N = 诺信产品的订单编号注意这是诺信公司的出版物,受版权保护。

版权日期为 2007 年。



商标AccuJet, AquaGuard, Asymtek, Automove, Autotech, Blue Box, CF, Can Works, Century, Clean Coat, CleanSleeve, CleanSpray, Compumelt, Control Coat, Cross-Cut, Cyclo-Kinetic, Dispensejet, DispenseMate, Durafiber, Durasystem, Easy Coat, Easymove Plus, Econo-Coat, EPREG, ETI, Excel 2000, Flex-O-Coat, Flexi-Spray, Flow Sentry, Fluidmove, Fluidshooter, FoamMelt, FoamMix, Helix, Horizon, Hose Mole, Hot Shot, Hot Stitch, Isocoil, Isocore, Iso-Flo, KB30, Little Squirt, Magnastatic, MEG, Meltex, MicroSet, Millenium, Mini Squirt, Moist-Cure, MultiScan, Nordson, OmniScan, Opticoat, Package of Values, PluraFoam, Porous Coat, PowderGrid, Powderware, Pro-Flo, ProLink, PRX, RBX, Rhino, S. design stylized, SC5, SCF, Select Coat, Select Cure, Slautterback, Smart-Coat, Spray Squirt, Spraymelt, Super Squirt, Sure-Bond, Sure Coat, System Sentry, Tela-Therm, Trends, Tribomatic, UniScan, UpTime, Versa-Coat, Versa-Screen, Versa-Spray, Watermark, 是诺信公司的注册商标。

Logic IO 1-Wire ID-Button 读取器用户手册说明书

Logic IO 1-Wire ID-Button 读取器用户手册说明书

Technical Manual for the1-Wire ID-Button ReaderVersion 2.00Page 1 of 5 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210IntroductionThis manual contains technical documentation allowing easy installation and use of the 1-Wire ID-Button (iButton) reader. Each ID-Button has a unique ID, which makes the identification of persons/items very easy.The ID-Button reader is supported by most RTCU devices available.The 1-Wire bus is a single wire (plus ground) communication bus, which is easy to install as it only consists of two wires. In addition, an LED is located in the middle of the reader for user indication. This LED has a dedicated wire.For information on the software configuration of the RTCU device, please refer to the RTCU IDE on-line help.Page 2 of 5Table of ContentsIntroduction (2)Table of Contents (3)Ordering Information (3)Graphical view (4)Connections (5)RTCU NX-200 / MX2 series (5)Open wire version (5)Ordering InformationRT-O-1W-IDRD3 1-wire ID button reader for the RTCU MX2 / NX-200.Page 3 of 5Graphical view1-Wire ID-Button Reader withopen wires1-Wire ID-Button Reader forthe MX2 / NX-200Page 4 of 5 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210ConnectionsRTCU NX-200 / MX2 seriesThe reader is delivered with a 12-pole connector. Connect this directly to the RTCU NX-200 or the RTCU MX2 device.Open wire versionThe reader is supplied with three wires prepared for connection to screw terminals. The color and function of the wires are listed in the table below:Brown LED indicatorWhite GroundPage 5 of 5 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210。























Logic Basic系列电子指示器操作手册说明书

Logic Basic系列电子指示器操作手册说明书

Choice of Three Power Sources1. BatteriesA set of two Manganese Dioxide Lithium batteries will operate this electronic indicator for approximately 250 hours of normal usage. Because milliampere-hour ratings vary widely with manufacturers, normal usage time is very hard to predict. The lithium battery used in this indicator is an IEC standard, typeCR2450. The indicators are shipped with the batteries not installed, and should not be installed until battery operation is desired.NOTE: This indicator has an ”AUTO-OFF” feature to conserve battery life. After 10 minutes of ”no activity” (no key presses or spindle movement), the gage will turn itself off. This feature may be disabled if continuous operation is desired; see ”AUTO-OFF On/Off” instructions in this book.Installing BatteriesUsing a narrow screwdriver,gently pry under the tab on the left side of plastic bezel and slide out the battery tray as you turn the indicator face side down.Page 2Insert two batteries, ”+”side up, into tray cavities, then slide the tray back into its bezel slot, taking care that the batteries stay in proper position.AC AdapterAC adapters (providing 9VDC at 30ma. maximum to the indicator from a 115 or 230 VAC,50/60 Hz line source) may be purchased from CDI. Although other 9V AC adapters with a 3/32” (2.5mm) mini-plug (center +) may be used, CDI adapters are recommended because they include current limiting to prevent damage from line fluctuations.For 115 V (USA) operation - Order CDI Part #G11-0012For 230 V (Europe) operation - Order CDI Part #G11-0014First insert the mini-plug into the socket on the lower left side of the bezel (see drawing on page 2), then plug the adapter into a wall outlet. After turning the indicator ”ON”, disable the ”AUTO-OFF” feature; see ”AUTO OFF On/Off” on page 6.2. Data I/O ConnectorPower also may be provided through the data I/O connector, for special fixturing or applications where the indicator is integrated with another piece of equipment A ripple-free 5 VDC (4.9 to 5. 7 V) regulated voltage source is required. CDI Cable #G13-0034 or a custom variation of another CDI data cable must be used. Contact CDI for full information.Page 3Button FunctionsKey Function ControlledOFF – Press & Release: Turns indicator offON/CLR - Press & Release: Turns indicator on, or clears/resets indicator.With HOLD off: Clears display to ”0”With MAX HOLD on: Clears display to spindle position, leavesHOLD on.-Press & Hold (For longer than 5 seconds): Enter/Exit display andkey test mode.HOLD – Press & Release:Turns hold function on/off and cancels last selection.2ND – Press & Hold (for more than 2 seconds until 2ND is displayed): Enables 2ND and 3RD functions such as TR REV (TravelReverse), IN/MM and AUTO OFF.CHNG - Used with 2ND key to activate selectable resolution.Page 4Displays (inch), or measure units. Page 5Operating InstructionsTOClear Display … to zero- Press and release "ON/CLR".To VerifyDATA I/0 FORMATTo view the current output format.- Press and release "2ND", until the 2ND appears in display, then "ON/CLR" and "2ND" in sequence. Format information is displayed for about 3 seconds, then indicator automatically returns to normal operation. Format information is displayed as:RS232 =rS232 MTI compatible =SErCDI mux BCD =CdiBypass =bPPage 6To UseHOLDTo select type of HOLD - Freeze, Minimum or Maximum:-Press and hold "HOLD" until cursor moves under desired type of hold; FRZ, MIN or MAX , then release.To turn HOLD On/Off:• Press and release "HOLD"• MAX HOLD - Holds and displays highest reading. • MIN HOLD - Holds and displays lowest reading.• FREEZE HOLD - Freezes display when "HOLD" button is pressed.NOTE : Pressing CLR button resets indicator to spindle position.To ChangeINCH/MILLIMETERTo change from one to the other:- Press and hold "MOVE/2ND" until 2ND appears at bottom of display then release.- Press and release "TOL" within 3 seconds.NOTE: MM or IN will appear at bottom of display.Page 7TOReset to DEFAULTA total reset: clears all user settings and returns to factory-set defaults.1. Press and hold "2ND" until 2ND appears at bottom of display, then release.To ChangeRESOLUTION-Press and hold "2ND" until 2ND appears at bottom of display then release. - Press and release "ON/CLR" within 3 seconds. - Press and release "HOLD" within 3 seconds.Use "CHNG" key to step through available resolution selections:1 = .00005" (.001mm)2 = .0001" (.002mm)3 = .00025" (.005mm)4 = .0005" (.O1mm)5 = .001" (.02mm)Press and release "CHNG" and "2ND" simultaneously to save. Note: Only resolutions coarser than indicator resolution-as-purchased are available.Page 8To EnterTEST MODEPress and hold (for more than 5 seconds) "ON/CLR" to enter 'display and key' test mode.To ExitTEST MODEPress and hold (for more than 5 seconds) "ON/CLR" to exit 'display and key'test mode.To ChangeTRAVEL DIRECTION- Press and hold "2ND" until 2ND appears at bottom of display then release.- Press and release "HOLD" within 3 seconds.Note: Arrow in upper right corner will show positive direction of spindle travel. NOTE: Most functions are active on release of key(s).Page 9Internal Memory"LOGIC" Series indicators and remote displays include internal non-volatile memory to store all factory default and user settings. When the indicator is turned on, user settings and preset numbers will be the same as when the indicator was turned off.NOTE: Many of the user settings are stored when the indicator is turned ‘Off’ by using the "OFF" key, or when the indicator turns itself off (AUTO OFF). However, if the indicator is turned off by removing power (by disconnecting the AC adapter or cutting power through the Data 1/0 connector), some or all of the user settings and/or changes may be lost!Page 10Operating Precautions1. Do not use the bottom of the spindle stroke as a base of measurement reference, as it is protected with a rubber shock absorber to prevent shock to the internal mechanism. The spindle should be offset .005”-.010" (.12 -.25 mm) from the bottom of travel.2. Use of CDI type MS-10 or similar sturdy stands or fixtures for indicator mounting, where the base plate and indicator are mounted to a common post, is highly recommended for accurate and repeatable readings. The indicator must be mounted with the spindle perpendicular to the reference or base plate. If the indicator is stem-mounted, protect the indicator from attempted rotation, and from being stuck or bumped, to prevent stem/case mechanical alignment damage. Do not over-tighten the mounting mechanism, and use clamp mounting rather than set screws if at all possible, to prevent damage to the stem.3. The bezel face can be rotated from its normal horizontal position for convenient viewing. Rotation is limited to 270 degrees and attempts to force it past its internal stop may damage the indicator.4. Frequently clean the spindle to prevent sluggish or sticky movement. Dry wiping with a lint-free cloth usually will suffice, but isopropyl alcohol may be used to remove gummy deposits. Do not apply any type of lubricant to the spindle. Spindle dust caps and spindle boots are available for operation in dirty or abrasive environments.1" Spindle dust cap - Order CDI Part #A21.0131l” Spindle boot - Order CDI Part #CD170-1Use a soft cloth dampened with a mild detergent to clean the bezel and front face of the indicator. Do not use aromatic solvents as they may cause damage.5. Extremely high electrical transients - from nearby arc welders, SCRmotor/lighting controls, radio transmitters, etc. - may cause malfunctions of the indicator's internal circuitry or 'ERROR 1' indications, even through the electronic design was created to minimize such problems. If at all possible, do not operate the indicator in plant areas subject to these transients. Turning the indicator 'OFF' for a few seconds, then back 'ON' from time-to-time may eliminate any problems. Also, use of an isolated AC line (for AC adapter operated indicators and AC powered remote displays), or an AC line filter - plus solid grounding of stands and fixtures - is recommended in these conditions.Page 11Additional Display-Operating Prompts & Conditions FLASHING DIGIT or +/- sign - Digit or sign affected by ‘CHNG’ key when setting or changing preset numbers.FLASHING READING, with HIGH or LOW displayed Reading is out of tolerance, to the high or low side.ERROR 1 - Spindle speed too fast, high electrical noise, etc.ERROR 2 - Counter overflow, i.e. counter number (spindle + preset number) out of counter range.ERROR 3 - Improper tolerance combination, i.e. both "HIGH" and 'LOW" set to 'O' or same number, or "LOW' set to a higher number than 'HIGH'. Occurs only when 'TOL' is on.ERROR 4 - Display overflow, i.e. number too large to be properly displayed. Moving spindle to acceptable range eliminates error message.Page 12Data Output'LOGIC' Series indicators and remote displays provide users with multiple data output formats. The cable attached to the indicator when it is turned on determines the output format in use. Cables for each format can be purchased from CDI. These cables also provide remote control of 'ON/CLR' and 'HOLD' functions, plus +5v regulated power input. For special applications, an ERROR FLAG output and/or custom cables also can be provided; contact CDI for information.CAUTION: Use of cables other than those provided or approved by CDI can cause irreparable damage to the indicator or data output port, and such damage is not covered by the CDI Limited Warranty.Standard RS232 Format - Communications protocol is 1200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. RS232 can be read by any IBM PC-compatible computer, RS232 serial printer or other device, provided the device can be set to this protocol. A DB25 pin adapter may be necessary for non-standard devices. "WINDOWS" terminal and other communications software, "WEDGE" software, etc., may be used with this format.Cables Required:CDI #GO3-0018 - For IBM Compatible PC (CDI indicator to DB25F)CDI #GO3-0021 - For CDI serial printer types G19-0001/Gl9- 0002 & G19-0003 (CDI indicator to DB25M)MITUTOYO Compatible Format - Use with MITUTOYO compatible printers, collection devices, etc.Cable Required:CDI #G03-0019 - CDI indicator to MTI 10 pinPage 13CDI (Multiplexed BCD) Format - Furnished with pigtails one end.Cable Required:CDI #Gl3-0034 - Also may be used for remote control of 'ON/CLR' or 'HOLD' functions, or external power (+5V regulated) input. (CDI indicator to pigtail wires.) BYPASS FORMAT - Permits indicator to be used as a probe for the CDI remote display: bypasses 'raw' unprocessed signals from the detector system directly to the data output connector. In this operation mode, power for the indicator is supplied by the remote display.Cable Required:CDI #Gl3-0022 - CDI indicator to 6-pin DINIMPORTANT- Indicator and remote display must be of same base resolution. If the two (2)are different base resolutions, you will experience compatibility problems.Page 14Limited Warranty"PLUS SERIES" INDICATORS ARE WARRANTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AGAINST DEFECTIVE MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO PRODUCTS THAT ARE MISHANDLED, MISUSED, ETCHED, STAMPED, OR OTHERWISE MARKED OR DAMAGED, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO DAMAGE OR ERRONEOUS OPERATION CAUSED BY USER TAMPERING OR ATTEMPTS TO MODIFY THE INDICATOR. UNITS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED FREE OF CHARGE AT THE OPTION OF CDI. A NOMINAL CHARGE WILL BE MADE FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, PROVIDED THE UNIT IS NOT DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR.CHICAGO DIAL INDICATOR CO., INC.1372 Redeker Road - Des Plaines, IL 60016Telephone: 847/827-7186FAX: 847/827-0478。

Logic IORTCU Gateway 2 - 控制面板用户手册说明书

Logic IORTCU Gateway 2 - 控制面板用户手册说明书

RTCU Gateway 2 - Control PanelUser's ManualVersion 3.30© 2018 Logic IOTable of ContentsPart I Introduction1 Part II The RTCU Gateway Architecture4 Part III Control Panel7 (8)1MenuitemsMenu item: File (8)Menu item: Licenses (9)Menu item: Plug-ins (9)Menu item: Help (11)Help - Help topics (11) (11)Help - About2Gateway List (12)Create gatew ay (12)Remove gatew ay (13)3Gateway management (13)Gatew ay Status (14) (16)Gatew ay ConfigurationMonitor parameters (17)Client parameters (18) (19)Log parametersGatew ay plug-ins (20)Part IV Standard Plug-ins22 1Blacklist (23) (23)2NamelistPart V Trouble Shooting Guide25 Index27Part1IntroductionThe RTCU Gateway 2 is a middleware solution that allows easy communication and access to remote units connected by using TCP/IP communication technology. The product works in any network architecture and constitutes a backbone in the communication between RTCU units and back-end/client applications.The RTCU Gateway 2 fully supports the advanced RTCU Deployment Server (RDS) which is available as a free add-on.The features include:·Advanced server architecture that supports thousands of clients and massive traffic.·It runs as a Windows service. This means that the gateway service will start without Windows log-on and can also be managed remotely as a service.·Available in a 32-bit and a high-performance 64-bit version.·Support for up to 32 separately configurable and isolated gateway instances.·Remote access via the included "Monitor" tool client.·Full password protection for remote access.·Up to 10 client keys are supported for more flexible password management.·Disconnect timeout for inactive clients.·Advanced filtering feature which allows monitoring/logging on a specific client and/or logging level.·Encrypted traffic for safer communication.·Compressed traffic. This reduces the cost of communication.·Comes with a comprehensive user documentation.·Time service for centralized client time management (local/UTC).·Up to 10 monitor tool clients can be connected simultaneously.·Plug-in architecture for extending functionality and integration to backbone applications.·Plug-in developers kit available for free.·Free for use of up to 25 clients. The license must be purchased for additional clients/gateways. System RequirementsOperatingsystem:Windows 8/Windows 7/Vista/2003 Server/2008 Server/2010 Server.Memory:200 MB + 4 kB per client.Hard disk space:3 MB.Additional space required for log-to files.Other:Network card.TCP/IP network protocol.(Permanent Internet connection with fixed IP address is recommended.)Large Packet SupportLarge Packet Support (LPS) supports the transmission of extended size data-packets over the RTCU Gateway 2.The standard packet-size over the RTCU Gateway 2 is 480 bytes and by using LPS this is increased to 4064 bytes.RTCU IDE / RACP operations such as transfer or large files or applications to/from the device automatically take advantage of the LPS functionality when available. The application can take advantage of LPS by using gwSendPacket / gwReceivePacket. Please consult the RTCU IDE documentation.Limitations:·Supported by all NX32 architecture devices.·Requires firmware V4.40 or later.·Requires RTCU Gateway 2 V3.20 or later.Time ServiceThe RTCU Gateway 2 has an inbuilt Time Service which allows central synchronization of the real-time clock for connected clients. The clients can request the local time or the UTC time for a truly universal time synchronization service. For more information, please consult the RTCU IDE online documentation and the "RTCU Gateway Configuration" section.LicenseThe RTCU Gateway 2 supports 25 clients as default. To allow additional clients, further licenses must be ordered.Please contact Logic IO for more information.Part2The RTCU Gateway ArchitectureThe RTCU Gateway 2 is a middleware solution which is used for communicating with remote RTCU units by using any TCP/IP-enabled communication media (e.g. GPRS or LAN).One of the most important function of the RTCU Gateway 2 is to allow access to connected units that operate with a private and/or dynamic IP address by mapping the private IP address of a unit to a global IP address that is accessible by other gateway clients.The RTCU Gateway 2 also includes:·Security functions.·Local/remote maintenance.·Logging features.·Unit recovery after application failure.The merging of SMS and TCP/IP technology is made possible with the Logic IO proprietary VSMS (Virtual SMS) technology which allows any RTCU application that uses SMS messages to transparently send/receive messages by using either SMS, TCP/IP, data call, or a cable connection without any changes to the software already developed.The RTCU Gateway 2 defined protocol is named "RACP2" (Remote Access Communication Protocol REV 2) and is based on the RACP protocol that is used for communicating with RTCU units by using a serial line connection (please see the separate document that describes the RACP and RACP2 protocols). By using a standard TCP/IP socket interface, the protocol is made extremely simple and easy to implement by the clients.Logic IO offers a free software library (DLL) that implements the client side of the RACP2 protocol for use in a Microsoft Windows environment. The source code (written in C) can also be supplied.By using the RACP2 protocol, the RTCU Gateway 2 architecture can be illustrated like this:The client is communicating with the RTCU Gateway 2 by using the RACP2 protocol. The message that has been sent from the client to the gateway will be forwarded to the RTCU unit by using the TCP/IP connection (again by using the RACP2 protocol). The response sent from the RTCU unit to the client will be forwarded back to the client in the same way.It should be noted that communication between two clients and two RTCU units is also possible by using the RTCU Gateway 2.To use the RTCU Gateway 2, the client and the RTCU unit need to be supplied with the IP address, port number, and password of the the RTCU Gateway 2.The RTCU Gateway 2 runs as a Windows service and therefore it runs independently of user logon.A complete RTCU Gateway 2 setup consist of:·RTCU Gateway 2 service for managing the message routing and logging-to file system on the server.·RTCU Gateway 2 guard service whose only task it is to restart the gateway service if it stops unexpectedly.·RTCU Gateway 2 - Control Panel which handles creation and management of RTCU Gateway 2 services.Part3Control PanelThe "RTCU Gateway 2 - Control Panel" is where the gateways are managed.All configuration of the gateways must be done through this interface.The interface can basically be split into two areas - the Gateway list and the Gateway management areas.3.1MenuitemsThe following pages describe all the different menu items that are available in the Control Panel.·File·Licenses·Plug-ins·Help3.1.1Menu item: FileThe "Exit" command ends the Control Panel program.3.1.2Menu item: LicensesThe "Licenses" dialog shows the licenses that are installed on the server.When no license is installed, the RTCU Gateway 2 accepts 25 clients on a maximum of 32 gateways.For example, it is possible to create one gateway with all 25 clients or two gateways - one with 15 clients and one with 10 clients.Additional licenses can be ordered from Logic IO to support more clients and gateways.Each license is bound to the Machine ID of the server. This information is therefore required when ordering. To use the license file received from Logic IO, follow these steps:1.Open the Control Panel.2.Go to the Licenses dialog.3.Press the "Install License" button.4.Select the license file in the file dialog.It is now possible to change the maximum number of clients in the Gateway configuration.3.1.3Menu item: Plug-insPlug-ins are DLL libraries that can be installed dynamically to extend the functionality of the RTCU Gateway 2.A plug-in can be developed by using the free RTCU Gateway 2 plug-in developers kit.The "Plug-In Manager" dialog is where available plug-ins are added and removed.To add a plug-in, follow these steps:1.Copy the plug-in DLL to the "Plugins" folder in the Gateway install directory.(This step is not necessary for the standard plug-ins that come installed with the RTCU Gateway 2.)2.Open the Control Panel.3.Go to the Plug-Ins Manager dialog.4.Press the "Add" button and select the plug-in DLL in the pop-up list.When a plug-in is added, the Plug-In Manager displays the available information about it.When removing a plug-in (with the "Remove" button), it is removed from the configuration of the gateways but not from the hard drive.Any running gateways will continue to use the plug-in until they are restarted.3.1.4Menu item: HelpBy using the "Help" menu, it is possible to receive help regarding specific items.The individual items:·Help topics·About3.1.4.1Help - Help topicsThis command will start the "Windows Help" system. You will be presented with the contents of the Control Panel help manual. - AboutThis command shows the current version number of the Control Panel program and a copyright notice.3.2Gateway ListThe list on the left side of the Control Panel contains all installed gateway instances.To manage a gateway instance, select it in the list and use the gateway management pages to configure it.A new gateway can be created with the "Create" button if there are gateway licenses left.To remove a gateway, select it a press the "Remove" button.3.2.1Create gatewayPressing the above button will open a dialog to create a new gateway instance on the server.Press the "OK" button to create the gateway instance.Press the "Reset" button to reset the configuration back to default values.Press the "Cancel" button to abort creating the gateway instance.Name of the Gateway InstanceThe name of the gateway instance is used to identify the instances and differentiate them from each other -both for the server and the administrator.The name is a Unicode string that can be up to 30 characters long. For example "Gateway (5001)". ConfigurationThe description of the configuration parameters (and additional options) for client and monitor can be found here:·Client parameters·Monitor parametersThe parameters that are not included in this dialog will hold default values and cannot be changed until after creation.3.2.2Remove gatewayPressing the above button will completely remove a gateway instance from the server. The service will be removed, including its configuration, and the maximum number of clients will be freed for the other gateway instances.The log files will not be removed.To ensure that no gateway instance is removed accidentally, a pop-up dialog is shown which asks for verification.The gateway instance must be stopped before removing it.3.3Gateway managementThe right side of the control panel contains the management pages.The management pages consist of:·Gateway Status·Gateway Configuration·Gateway plug-insAny change made on these pages will be committed to the current selected gateway instance in the gateway list.3.3.1Gateway StatusThe "Status" page is where the gateway instances are controlled and monitored.The "Actions" group contains options for changing the status of the selected gateway instance.The actions supported include starting and stopping the gateway instance and changing the startup type. The "Information" group contains the status of the gateway instance.The items can have the following states:GatewayRunning The gateway instance has been started and is running.Stopping ...The gateway is currently stopping.Stopped The gateway instance is not running.Not installed No gateway instances are installed.Startup TypeAutomatic The gateway instance starts automatically with Windows.Manual The gateway instance must be started manually from the Control Panel.Unknown No gateway instances are installed.Maximum ClientsClients The maximum number of clients that can connect to the gateway instance. Unknown The gateway instance is not running.Time ServiceTime The current time of the gateway instance - shown in both UTC and local time."(DST)" is added if Daylight Saving Time is in effect.Unknown The gateway instance is not running and/or no time information is available. Disabled The time service is disabled for the gateway instance.3.3.2Gateway ConfigurationThe "Configuration" page is where the configuration of the selected gateway instance is managed.When the gateway configuration is changed, the "Apply" and "Reset" buttons are enabled.Press the Apply button to save the configuration. The gateway will use the new configuration when it is restarted.Press the Reset button to clear all changes made to the configuration.For a description of the individual parameters, follow the links below:·Monitor parameters·Client parameters·Log parameters3.3.2.1Monitor parametersPort The IP port where the gateway instance listens for any monitor tool clients.Key The access key for the monitor tool clients.Maximum clients The maximum number of monitor tool clients that are allowed to connect to the gateway instance. The default is 4 clients but up to 10 is supported. parametersPort The IP port where the gateway instance will listen for clients.Maximum clients The maximum number of clients that are allowed to connect to the gateway instance.This number is dictated by the license.Timeout The time without transactions before the gateway disconnects a client. This is used to clean up inactive connections that for various reasons have not been closed correctly bythe network.Time is given in seconds.Encrypt Enables/disables encryption of client communication.Encrypt Key The encryption key used to encrypt/decrypt client communication.The key is 16 bytes long and is written in HEX numbers.Note that all 32 characters must be present or the key is rejected.Compress Enables/disables compression of client communication.Time service Enables/disables the "Time" service.Enabling the Time service will allow clients to request the local or UTC time from thegateway instance by using the gwTimeGet() function.Disabling the Time service will return zero to the clients requesting the time.Key1The access key #1 for the gateway instance clients.Key2The access key #2 for the gateway instance clients.Key3The access key #3 for the gateway instance clients.Key4The access key #4 for the gateway instance clients.Key5The access key #5 for the gateway instance clients.Key6The access key #6 for the gateway instance clients.Key7The access key #7 for the gateway instance clients.Key8The access key #8 for the gateway instance clients.Key9The access key #9 for the gateway instance clients.Key10The access key #10 for the gateway instance clients.All access keys are equal and work similarly, and up to 10 available keys can conveniently be managed. parametersMaximum entries The maximum number of log entries that can be held in the server buffer. The server buffer is used by the monitor tool clients to read past log entries.The default is 50,000 entries. Legal values range from 1,000 to 500,000. Increasing thisnumber will also increase the memory footprint of the gateway instance.Folder The directory path the gateway instance uses when logging to files. The gatewayinstance will create a folder with the gateway name in this directory, and in this a folderfor each day is created.The log files are stored in <folder>\<gateway name>\<date>\.For example: C:\Logs\Gateway\2012-08-24\file001.log.Level The level of logging that is used by the gateway instance for the log files.Time kept The number of days the log files are stored on the server before being deleted.File size The maximum size of a log file before the gateway starts on a new file.The size is given in MB.3.3.3Gateway plug-insThe "Plug-Ins" page is where the plug-ins in the gateway instance are configured.On the left side of the page, a list of the plug-ins added in the Plug-in Manager can be seen.On the right of the page, the available properties for the selected plug-in can be seen.The actual properties are specific for the individual plug-ins, and the details can be found in the description.The "Enable" property is used to enable or disable the selected plug-in for the gateway instance. A disabled plug-in will not be loaded by the gateway service.When the configuration is changed, the "Apply" and "Reset" buttons are enabled.Press the Apply button to save the configuration. The gateway will use the new configuration when it is restarted.Press the Reset button to clear all changes made to the configuration.Part4Standard Plug-insThe RTCU Gateway 2 includes a plug-in framework for easy extension of the gateway functionality.The following standard plug-ins are included in the RTCU Gateway 2 server installation:·Blacklist This plug-in will prevent clients from connecting to the gateway based on their Node ID.·Namelist This plug-in allows the monitor tool to show a text string instead of the Node ID for clients.A plug-in can be developed by using the free "RTCU Gateway 2 Plug-In Developers Kit"that also includes the full source code to the above plug-ins.4.1BlacklistThe "Blacklist" plug-in will compare the Node IDs of all clients that try to log on to the gateway with an internal list, and if the Node ID is found on the list, the logon is denied.The internal list is read from a data file at regular intervals. This ensures that the list of Node IDs that are denied logon can be changed without having to restart the gateway instance.Blacklist ConfigurationFile The name of and the path to the data file.Refresh interval The number of minutes between the plug-in checks the data file for changes. The default is 10 minutes. This must be a value between 1 and 30 minutes.Blacklist Data FileThe data file used by the Blacklist plug-in is an X ML file with the following format:<blacklist><node><id>2000001</id><text>Message shown in log on rejection</text></node><node><id>2000002</id><text /></node></blacklist>4.2NamelistThe "Namelist" plug-in allows the monitor tool to show a symbolic name text in the "Clients" list instead of the Node ID.The Node ID to name mapping is read from a data file at regular intervals. This ensures that the list of names for the Node IDs can be changed without having to restart the gateway instance.Namelist ConfigurationFile The name of and the path to the data file.Refresh interval The number of minutes between the plug-in checks the data file for changes. The default is 10 minutes. This must be a value between 1 and 30 minutes.Namelist Data FileThe data file used by the Namelist plug-in is an X ML file with the following format: <namelist><node><id>11110000</id><name>RDS server</name></node><node><id>11110001</id><name>RDS monitors</name></node></namelist>Part5Trouble Shooting GuideError Reason Solution"Server is running low on disk space."An elevated log level may lead to ahuge amount of storage data.Please check your Log parameters."Logging to file failed -buffer overflow."The log file system cannot keep up.This may be a result of:1.No more disk space.2.Slow disk performance.Please note that when this messageoccurs, the log information will beincomplete as not all messages aresaved.Possible solutions:1.Remove old log files.2.Lower the log level in Logparameters."Client or monitor cannot connect."Normally this is the result of:1.Missing port forwarding in gateway.2.Connection block by firewall.Possible solutions:1.Check your gateway configuration.2.Check your firewall configuration .Index- A -about 11- C -close 8configuration 16 configuration, client 18 configuration, log 19 configuration, monitor 17 create gateway 12- H -help 11help, about 11help, topics 11- L -license 9- M -menu 8- P -plugins 20plugins, manager 9- R -remove gateway 13- S -Standard Plug-ins 23 Standard Plug-ins, Blacklist 23 Standard Plug-ins, Namelist 23 Status 14。

Logic IO AX9i eco 产品数据手册说明书

Logic IO AX9i eco 产品数据手册说明书

Advanced Telemetry ApplianceRTCU AX9i ecoThe perfect balance of quality, performance, flexibility and affordabilityPlatform Advantages∙ X32 execution architecture.∙ Free RTCU IDE development tool. ∙ Programmable in VPL. ∙ Huge standard API.∙ Comprehensive protocol support. ∙ Full featured Device Simulator. ∙ Sophisticated deployment tools. ∙ Fast and free email support.∙ Backward and forward compatible.World Leader in Advanced and Professional M2M/IoT Technology since 1999.Device Advantages∙ Quad-band GSM engine. ∙ Internal/external antenna. ∙ Digital and analog inputs. ∙ AC/DC relay outputs. ∙ RS232 channel. ∙ 1-Wire bus.∙ Digitized voice playback.∙ DTMF decoding/transmission. ∙ Large flash memory capacity. ∙ FAT32 file-system. ∙ AC / DC powered.∙ On-board back-up battery. ∙ IP65 Ingress Protection∙ State of the art power-management.Experience and Know-howFor 15 years Logic IO has been committed to offer the most sophisticated platform for advanced and highly demanding M2M / IoT applications.The RTCU AX9i eco is the result of this accumulatedexperience combined with valuable feedback from hundreds of professional and mission critical applications by major organizations around the world.RTCU products are deployed underground , stationary , on the road , at sea , on the rail and in the skies ! - In any imaginable application and environment.For Professional M2M ApplicationsThe RTCU AX9i eco has been designed for the mostdemanding M2M and Internet of Things applications, which cannot be solved with simpler non-programmable devices.The RTCU AX9i eco rests on the RTCU M2M Platform, that brings all the necessary tools together to develop, implement and maintain todays sophisticated M2M/IoT applications.The development task is supported by the free RTCU IDE development environment complimented by a large and comprehensive documentation and application example library.The RTCU Gateway 2 is the corner-stone of thecommunication infrastructure ensuring reliable two-way device communication in any network environment.Deploying and maintaining new application and firmware versions for devices in the field are handled by the powerful RTCU Deployment Server.15 years of experience and know-how in one product!Advanced Telemetry ApplianceRTCU AX9i eco Highlights∙ Based on the RTCU M2M Platform . ∙ X32 execution architecture.∙ RTCU IDE development tool with full featured device simulator. ∙ Huge standard API with more than 800+ functions. ∙ Comprehensive protocol support, including:TCP-UDP/IP, FTP, SMTP, RACP, MQTT.∙ World-wide Quad-band GSM engine .∙ Internal and external antenna connector. Selectable from application. ∙ Internal SIM-card reader.∙ Digitized audio can be played over GSM.∙ DTMF support for implementation of Interactive Voice Response applications. ∙ Large data-flash/logger memory with a capacity of 4.5 MB . ∙ Internal 4 MB FAT32 flash drive . ∙ 1 x RS232 channel.∙ 2 x analog inputs with 0..10 volt / 0..20 mA with 12 bit precision . ∙ 5 x digital inputs and 4 x high-power relays.∙ Up to 4 digital inputs can be configured as IEC62053-31 Class A compliant. ∙ 1-Wire bus for accessories such as ID-button reader, temperature sensors, etc. ∙ Wide AC/DC power operating range from 85..265VAC / 8..36 VDC . ∙ On-board Li-Ion battery .∙ Advanced power-management with wake-up on a wide range of events. ∙ High-speed USB programming connector.∙ Housed in an ruggedized plastic encapsulation with cable glands. ∙ IP65 water protected for outdoor usage.∙ Fully supported by the RTCU Gateway 2 and the RTCU Deployment Server .AccessoriesAntennas. Cable parts. 1-Wire parts. ...and more.The RTCU AX9i eco is targeting a broad range of advanced telemetry applications and has been designed according to the highest technical standards for professional industrial use. Services AvailableTechnical Support.Application development support. Maintenance. Hardware support. Warranty services.RTCU AX9i eco SpecificationsLogic IO Worldwide HeadquartersHolmboes Allé 14 8700 Horsens DenmarkPhone: +45 7625 0210 Fax: +45 7625 0211Commercialenquiries:*****************Technicalsupport:*******************Models AvailableSKU: RT-AX9IEAX9IE DS V1.00 UK - All rights reserved.Processor and Main-memory∙ Powerful 32-bit ST ARM7 processor.∙ 1088 KB fast execution RAM.∙ 2304 KB Flash for firmware/application.Storage∙ 3.5 MB persistent data flash. ∙ 4 MB internal FAT32 flash drive. ∙ 1 MB circular automatic datalogger. ∙ 8 KB FRAM with fast access / unlimited write endurance.Digital/Analog Interface ∙ 4 x relay output.Max. 5A @ 250VAC / 30 VDC ∙ 5 x digital inputs.Logic high: 6 to 40 VDC. Logic low: -5 to 3 VDC.∙ 4 x IEC62053-31 Class A input.∙ Digital input #5 can be used as ignition. ∙ 2 x analog inputs.Range is 0..10VDC or 0..20 mA Resolution: 12 bitPrecision: ±1.5% FSR @ 25°C∙ Protected against transients and low-pass filtered.Communication ∙ 1 x RS232. ∙ 1-Wire bus.GSM∙ Quad-band GSM engine.850/900/1800/1900 MHz. ∙ GPRS Class B, Multislot 10.∙ CSD with up to 19 Kbps. ∙ SMS / PDU.∙ DTMF decoding / transmission. ∙ Digitized voice playback / IVR. ∙ Micro-SIM 1.8/3 volt. ∙ Internal SIM card-reader.∙ Internal quad-band GSM antenna. ∙ External or internal antenna selectable by DIP-switch or user application. ∙ Optional Gemalto SIM-on-chip. User Interaction ∙ 3 x bi-colour LED. ∙ Yellow status LED. ∙ DIP-switches.∙ Reset/recovery switch.∙ Antenna selection dip-switch. ∙ Configuration jumpers. ∙ USB-B for service port.Power Management ∙ 5 execution speeds.∙ Wait for Event: Timer, Digital input, RS232, GSM, power change state. ∙ Wait for event, from: 600 uA@12V. ∙ Supervision of supply voltage / type.Environmental Specification ∙ Operating temperature: -30 to 60°C. ∙ Battery charge temperature: -10 to 45 °C∙ Recommended storage temperature: 0 to 45°C.∙ Humidity: 5..90% (non condensing). ∙ Ingress Protection: IP65.Physical Characteristics ∙ Encapsulation:Durable Polycarbonate plastic.∙ Approx. 640 gram without accessories. ∙ W 130 x H 180 x D 60 mm.(wihout SMA and PG connectors. Warranty∙ Two-years return to factory parts and labor.∙ Optional warranty up to 5 years. (restrictions apply).Approvals∙ CE. EU EMC directive 2004/108/EU. ∙ Applied R&TTE directive.∙ GSM engine: CE/GCF/FCC/PTCRB. Battery and Charger∙ On-board 1Ah (nominal) Li-Ion battery. ∙ Intelligent charger with temperature throttle and sub-zero degrees support. Internal Interfaces. ∙ Screw-terminals for: Power and I/O.∙ Angled screw-terminals for: RS232 and 1-Wire.External Interfaces.∙ SMA Female connector for external GSM antenna.∙ 3 x PG11 cable glands. ∙ 2 x PG9 blind plugs.Electrical Specification. ∙ Supply operating range: 8 to 36 VDC. 85 to 265 VAC.∙ Short and reverse power protected.。

Logic IO RTCU-M11系列电池备用模块技术手册说明书

Logic IO RTCU-M11系列电池备用模块技术手册说明书

Technical Manual forRTCU-M11 Series Battery Backup ModuleVersion 2.00IntroductionThis manual contains technical documentation allowing easy installation and use of the RTCU-M11 Series Battery Backup Module. In the following text “Battery Module” will refer to the RTCU-M11 Series Battery Backup Module.The Battery Module is an accessory to the RTCU-M11 series units. It allows the RTCU-M11 unit to run uninterruptible regardless of external power failures. The Battery Module is very easy to install, also in existing applications where the Battery Module can extend the capabilities of the RTCU-M11 application. An advanced charge circuit is integrated into the Battery Module; this ensures a quick and correct charge of the batteries. By integrating the charger into the Battery Backup Module the very sophisticated charge process is taken out of the hands of the user. The batteries will be charged once a day (scheduled by the RTCU-M11 unit) or whenever a power failure has occurred. This will result in an always fully charged Battery Backup Module ready for use.Table of Content Introduction (2)Table of Content (2)Graphical view (3)Power supply and Charge Current (4)RTCU-M11 Firmware (4)Charging (4)Discharging (4)Indicator (5)Battery Configuration (5)Installing the Battery Module (6)Warning: Disconnect of Power-connector when installed (8)Specifications for the RTCU-M11 Series Battery Backup Module (9)Page 2 of 9 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Graphical viewPower connectorMounting Hole 1Battery section 1 JumperBattery section 2 JumperCharge Current JumperMounting Hole 2 Fast (rapid) chargeIndication LEDPage 3 of 9 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Power supply and Charge CurrentAs the Battery Module is an add-on module the power supply range on the RTCU-M11 series unit is narrowed down from the normal operating voltage 8…36Vdc down to 10…36Vdc. Operating below 10VDC will disable charging and the unit will gradually consume power from the battery.The Battery Module charge current is selectable with the charge current jumper. When the jumper is mounted the batteries are charged with 650mA otherwise they are charged with 350mA. This current is sourced from the external power supply and the user must ensure the power supply is capable of sourcing the extra current. If the power supply is under- dimensioned the batteries cannot be charged.RTCU-M11 FirmwareThe RTCU-M11 series unit must be running firmware version 4.71 or higher in order to control the Battery Module.ChargingThe Battery Module is fitted with an advanced charging circuit. This ensures a quick and optimal charge of the batteries. The charge is timed automatically from the RTCU-M11 unit. The batteries are charged once every 24 hours or whenever the external power has been interrupted. The user has the ability to turn off and turn on the charger through the batChargerEnable VPL function. Please consult the online help for information about the Battery Module functions. By default the charger is enabled making it easier to install the module into existing applications.DischargingDuring battery operation the batteries will eventually be discharged. A low battery indication is available through a VPL function in the RTCU-IDE. Please consult the RTCU-IDE online help for more information about the Battery Module functions.After the low battery indication has occurred operating time is depended on application specific parameters such as GSM activity, number of enabled digital outputs etc. When the batteries are further discharged the Battery Module power supply will be shut down to prevent deep discharging of the batteries. It’s NOT recommended to leave the Battery Module in a discharged or deep discharged state for a longer period of time. Both the capacity and the cycle life of the batteries are affected by leaving the batteries in a discharged or deep discharged state.Page 4 of 9 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210If the Battery Module is not mounted in an RTCU-M11 series unit it’s recommended to remove the jumpers to disable the battery sections (See Graphical View) on the battery module to prevent self-discharging of the batteries.IndicatorA fast (rapid) charge indicator is present on the Battery Module (see the graphical view). When the Battery Modules is being fast charged the LED is turned on.Battery ConfigurationThe Battery Module is available in two configurations; a six batteries high capacity version, and a three batteries normal capacity version. The only difference between the two options is the capacity of the Battery Module. The high capacity version allows the RTCU unit to operate longer than on the normal capacity version. Due to the higher capacity the total charge time is also affected. Please see the technical specifications for charge times.Page 5 of 9 Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 6 of 9Installing the Battery Module1.Mount the three jumpers on the Battery Module.2. Install the Battery Module on the RTCU unit. First align the Battery Module on top ofthe dedicated connectors and mounting holes on the RTCU unit. Make sure the GSM-Antenna cable is aligned to the edge of the PCB. Also align the power wires so they won’t be stuck between the Battery Module and the relays on the RTCU unit.Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 7 of 93. Then press gently on the Battery Module to connect it to the RTCU unit.In some cases it may be difficult to press down the Battery Module plastic-standoff located closest to the backside of the box. This is due to the bending of the PCB coursed by the pressure applied. In this case a small tool may be used to apply acounterforce to the PCB.4. Connect the power plug to the white connector on the RTCU unit.Notice: The RTCU unit will turn on.5. Turn on the power supply.Notice: The charger will initiate a charge approximately 30 seconds after the power supply has been turned on. The fast charge indicator will indicate this.Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 8 of 9Warning: Disconnect of Power-connector when installedVery importantDo NOT remove the power-connector from the RTCU unit when the battery module is installed in the RTCU.Leaving the power-connector disconnected will relatively fast drain the on-board Lithium battery. The on-board Lithium battery is used to maintain the Real-time clock, GPS almanac and is required for power-down to work.The recommended shipping/storage condition is to remove the two “battery-section” jumpers on the Battery Module. This will effectively disconnect the batteries from the remaining circuit.Logic IO ApS. Ph: (+45) 7625 0210Page 9 of 9Specifications for the RTCU-M11 Series Battery Backup ModuleTechnical data subject to change* 2 hours for 1400mAh.hour 1* Charge timeRTCU Operating Voltage* Operating time*Operating time – PowerDown * Sending a SMS every 2 minutes with GPS fix info. PowerDown in between each SMS. (Measurement done using a 1400 mAh module @ 20 ºC) * Operating below 10VDC will disable charging and the unit will gradually consume power from the battery.hour hour VDC36 Max 7:30 >900 - Typ10 Min90- Kg* D with mounting spacersW 79 x H 48 x D* 27 mm External dimensions 0.105Weight* Storage at a higher temperature and/or for more than 12 months will increase the risk of deep discharging. * Operating at lower temperatures will reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery.% 5Humidity (non condensing) ºC +45 - 0 Charging operating temperatureEN-50081-1 Emission EN-61000-6-2 ImmunityApprovalsºC +35 - -20 Storage temperature*Continuous operating temperature*ºC +65 - -15。

Logico RTCU 程序擦除工具用户指南 版本 8.35说明书

Logico RTCU 程序擦除工具用户指南 版本 8.35说明书

RTCU Programming Tool U ser’s Guide Version 8.35RTCUProgramming ToolUser's GuideVersion 8.35IntroductionThis manual contains the user documentation allowing easy installation and use of the RTCU Programming Tool application and firmware programming utility.The RTCU Programming Tool program is an easy-to-use application and firmware programming utility for the complete RTCU product family. The connection to the RTCU device can be established using a cable or through the RTCU Communication Hub (RCH),Table of contentsIntroduction (2)Table of contents (2)Installation (2)RTCU Programming Tool (2)Setup (3)Connection (3)Direct cable (3)RCH remote connection (3)RTCU device information (4)Application and firmware update (4)Direct update (4)Background update (4)Device utilities (5)InstallationDownload the installation file from . Then, run the MSI file and let the installation wizard guide you through the complete installation process.RTCU Programming ToolLocate the Logic IO folder in your start->programs menu and run the RTCU Programming Tool.P age 2 of 5Figure 1, The RTCU Programming ToolSetupThe setup menu is located in the menu bar. Use this menu to set up the direct cable connection. The default settings are USB for direct cable.Connection to the RTCU device can be password protected. Type the password in the "Password for RTCU authentication" field. For further information about the RTCU password, consult the RTCU IDE online help.It is also possible to automatically Enable or Disable the reception of Debug messages from the device.ConnectionThe connection to the RTCU device can be made with a direct cable connection or remote connection through the RTCU Communication Hub.Direct cableConnect the service port on the RTCU device to the serial or USB port defined in the setup menu. Then, apply power to the RTCU device and wait for the connection to be established.RCH remote connectionChoose "Remote connect…" from the menu, a connection dialog appears. Setup the IP address, Port setting, and keyword according to your RCH settings. The address can be typed as a dotted IP address ( or as a text address (for example, rtcu.dk). The port setting is default 5001. And the default keyword is AABBCCDD.Then type the nodeid for the RTCU device (the serial number) or choose one from the drop-down list. Finally, click the connect button to establish the connection.P age 3 of 5RTCU device informationThe connected RTCU device information is displayed at the bottom of the RTCU Programming Tool (figure 2). The available information is connection type, Device serial number, Firmware version, application name and version, and the RTCU device type.Figure 2, The RTCU Programming Tool device informationApplication and firmware updateThe application and firmware update can be done by a direct update or background update. Choose the file menu, select the application or firmware submenu, and click the select file. Use the open file dialog to browse for the RTCU-IDE project file or firmware file. Set up the type of update (direct or background) under the file menu -> application or firmware submenu. See the description of the two kinds of update methods below.Direct updateA direct update will halt the RTCU device's execution and overwrites the old application or firmware with the new file. When the transfer is complete, the device will reset and run the new application or firmware.Background updateBackground update will, as the name refers to, transfer the application or firmware while the RTCU device continues to operate and, as a result of this, maximize the "up-time". When a background update is initiated, the application or firmware will be transferred to the flash memory in the RTCU device. If the connection is terminated or the RTCU device is powered off, a resume feature is supported whenever the connection is reestablished. When the transfer is complete, the device must be reset. The reset can be activated by the RTCU Programming Tool (see the utilities described below). The VPL application can control it, so the reset is completed at a suitable time. When a transfer is complete, and the device has been reset, the newP age 4 of 5application or firmware will be installed. This will delay the start of the VPL application by approximately 5-20 seconds.Device utilitiesA set of device utilities is available from the Device menu once a connection to an RTCU device is established.Adjust clock Set the Real-Time Clock in the RTCU deviceSet password Change the password needed to access the RTCU deviceSet PIN code Change the PIN code used to activate the GSM moduleSoftware upgrade Upgrade the RTCU device1Request unit options Request options for the RTCU device from the server at Logic IO.2 Options Enable certain options in the RTCU device.Network settings Set the parameters needed for the RTCU device to use the networkinterfaces.RCH settings Set the parameters needed for the RTCU device to use an RTCUCommunication HubFilesystem Manage the file system in the RTCU device.Halt execution Stops the VPL application running in the RTCU deviceReset unit Restarts the VPL application running in the RTCU device.SMS messages Send or receive SMS messages to or from the RTCU deviceDebug messages Monitor debug messages sent from the RTCU device1 Unlike the other utilities, Software upgrade can be selected when a device is connected but logon failed. In this situation however only an upgrade key to clear the password will be accepted.2Like the ‘Software upgrade’, only the ‘clear password’ option can be requested when logon has failed.P age 5 of 5。


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软件的具体使用方法,请详见各自的 user manual。
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软件的具体使用方法,请详见各自的 user manual。
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1 “启点”逻辑分析仪
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