



常用英语场景对话以下是一些常见的英语场景对话:1. 在餐厅:A: Good evening! How many people are in your party?B: Just two, please.A: Right this way, please. Here are your menus. Can I get you something to drink?B: Yes, I'll have a glass of red wine, please.2. 在超市:A: Excuse me, where can I find the dairy products?B: They're in aisle 5, next to the eggs.A: Thank you!B: You're welcome!3. 在机场:A: What time does the flight to New York depart?B: It departs at 6:30 PM from gate 23.A: Is it on time?B: Yes, it's scheduled to be on time.4. 在银行:A: Hi, I'd like to open a checking account.B: Certainly! Do you have any identification with you?A: Yes, here's my driver's license.B: Great! Please fill out this form and we'll get started.5. 在医院:A: Good morning, how may I help you?B: I'm not feeling well. I have a fever and a sore throat. A: I see. Let me check your vitals and the doctor will be with you shortly.6. 在酒店:A: Good evening, how can I assist you?B: I have a reservation under the name of Smith.A: Yes, Mr. Smith. Here's your room key. It's on the 5th floor.7. 在旅游景点:A: Excuse me, do you know the way to the museum?B: Yes, it's just a few blocks down this street. You can't miss it.8. 在商店:A: Can I try on this dress, please?B: Of course! The fitting rooms are over there, on your left.这些对话可以用来在各种英语场景中进行交流。



常用场景对话15篇1. 在餐厅用餐在餐厅用餐是我们日常生活中常见的场景之一。




”当菜单上的菜肴让我们感到困惑时,可以询问服务员:“这道菜是什么?”或者说:“我对这些菜不太熟悉,你能给我推荐几道吗?”当点完菜后,服务员会询问:“您还需要其他的吗?”如果不需要了,可以回答:“不需要了”2. 在超市购物超市是购物的热门场所之一。







”3. 在医院看病看病是我们生活中常见的场景之一。







4. 在机场办理登机手续当我们要乘飞机时,我们需要在机场办理登机手续。






常用场景英语对话15篇以下是一些常见场景的英语对话,供您参考:1. 餐厅A: Welcome to our restaurant. How many are in your party?B: There are four of us.A: Right this way. Here's your table. Can I get you something to drink?B: Yes, I'll have a coke, please.2. 商店购物A: Can I help you find anything?B: Yes, I'm looking for a new pair of jeans.A: We have a variety of styles. What size are you looking for? B: I'm a size 32/34.3. 图书馆A: Excuse me, do you know where I can find books on history? B: Yes, the history section is on the second floor.A: Thank you.4. 电影院A: Hi, can I get two tickets for the 7 pm showing of Avengers: Endgame?B: Sure, that will be 20.A: Here you go.B: Enjoy the movie!5. 旅游A: Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest train station?B: It's just a few blocks down this street. You can't miss it. A: Thank you.6. 医院A: I'm not feeling well. I have a fever and a sore throat.B: I think you should see a doctor. Let me make anappointment for you.7. 机场A: Excuse me, where can I check in for my flight to New York? B: The check-in counter for all domestic flights is on the second floor.A: Thank you.8. 体育馆A: Is this seat taken?B: No, you can sit here.9. 公园A: What a beautiful day! Would you like to go for a walk inthe park?B: That sounds like a great idea.10. 教室A: Excuse me, can you explain this concept to me? I don't understand.B: Of course, let me break it down for you.11. 办公室A: Good morning, do you have a minute to discuss this project? B: Sure, come on in.12. 电影院A: What movie do you want to see?B: I heard that the new Spider-Man movie is really good.13. 火车站A: Excuse me, when does the next train to London leave?B: The next train departs in 15 minutes.14. 邮局A: I would like to send this package to Australia.B: Sure, let me weigh it and calculate the shipping cost foryou.15. 酒店A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name Smith.B: Yes, I see it here. Your room is on the third floor.这只是一些常见的场景,您可以根据需要添加更多的对话。































短对话场景词汇1.At the office 职场类speakersboss and secretary 老板和秘书manager/employer and employee 经理和雇员colleagues/ co-workers 同事interviewer and interviewee 面试官和求职者sales representative 销售代表experience 经验;income 收入;salary 工资;get a raise 涨工资;promotion 升职;post/position 职位;vacancy 空缺;interview 面试;resume 简历;cover letter 求职信;candidate / job applicant 求职者;qualification 资历;(submit) a resignation 递辞呈;job hunting/ job seeking 求职;want ad 招聘广告export 出口;import 进口;type a letter 打印信件;filing cabinet 文件柜;paid vacation带薪假期do odd jobs零工; run errand for sb. 为谁跑腿2.On campus 校园类speakerslibrarian and student 图书管理员与学生teacher/instructor/adviser and student 教师与学生professor and student 教授与学生classmates 同学schoolmates 校友(freshman 大一、高一sophomore 大二、高二junior 大三senior 大四、高三, )( undergraduate 在校生、本科生postgraduate 研究生)dean 学院院长,系主任supervisor 导师campaign manager 竞选管理人员(Students’ Union 学生会,election 选举)chairman/ chairperson 主席majors 专业/ program 课程计划/ course 课程/ curriculum 课程/ department 系sociology 社会学(social science)psychology 心理学philosophy 哲学economics 经济学finance 金融学linguistics 语言学biology 生物biochemistry 生物化学anthropology 人类学literature 文学accounting 会计journalism 新闻学business administration 工商管理MBA -- Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士Degree 学位BA Bachelor of Arts 文科学士学位;BS Bachelor of Science 理科学士学位MA/MS Master of Arts / Science 文科/ 理科硕士学位PhD 博士学位university (综合性)大学;college 学院;school 学院;academy (文科专科)学院;institute 研究院;junior college 大专;community college 社区大学campus 校园;gym 体育馆dormitory 宿舍;graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;orientation program 迎新计划tuition 学费;seminar 讨论课;credit 学分;project / program项目,计划;material 材料;thesis 论文;term paper 学期论文; ;extension 论文延期; deadline最后期限;overdue 过期的;library card/borrower’s card借书证;student’s card 校园卡;reader’s card 读者证;catalog 目录;borrow/loan 借入/借出;renew 续借;periodical/journal 期刊;magazine 杂志;current issue 现刊;back issue 过刊;reference book 参考书;dictionary 工具书,词典acceptance in law school 被法学院录取recommendation letter 推荐信self-study 自学scholarship 奖学金make-up exam 补考3.At the restaurant/bar/hotel 餐馆/酒吧/饭店speakerswaiter/waitress and customer 侍者与顾客chef 大厨bar tender 调酒师receptionist 接待员menu 菜单;order 点菜;main course 主菜;dessert 甜点;soup 汤;salad 沙拉;vegetable 蔬菜;beef steak 牛排;hamburger 汉堡包;fried rice 炒饭;pudding 布丁;apple/strawberry pie 苹果/草莓派;beer/wine 啤酒/红酒;snack/fast food 快餐knife/fork 餐刀/叉;spoon 勺子;tray 托盘;pay the bill 付账;tip 小费;treat 请客;go Dutch AA 制;reservation 预订;a table for two 双人桌;carry-out/take-out 外卖食品;accommodation 住宿;check in 登记入住;register 登记;reception desk 接待处;Room Service 客房服;luggage 行李;lounge 休息大厅;bathroom 浴室;single/double room 单人/双人房;suite 套房;full up 住满;air-conditioner 空调;wake-up call 叫醒服务;check out 结账离开;4.At the shop 商店/买东西Speakerscustomer 顾客consumer 消费者shop assistant 售货员discount 打折style 款式bargain 讨价还价booth 展位、摊位5.At the hospital / counseling center 医院/ 咨询中心speakersdoctor 医生(dentist 牙医;physician 内科医生;surgeon 外科医生)consultant 咨询师psychiatrist 精神病医生patient 病人temperature 体温;prescription 处方/药方;pill 药丸;tablet 药片;medicine 药品;symptom 症状;syndrome 综合症;headache 头痛;stomachache 胃痛;fever 发烧;heart attack 心脏病;stroke 中风;high blood pressure 高血压;flu 流感;sore throat 咽喉肿痛;cough 咳嗽;fracture 骨折;AIDS 艾滋病;epidemic 流行病;plague 瘟疫;physical examination 体检;operation 手术;injection 注射/打针;dizzy 头晕的;faint 昏迷;worn out 疲乏的;emergency room 急救室;visiting hours 探视时间;operation room 手术室;ambulance 救护车catch a cold 感冒;have a temperature 发烧;bleed 出血;take some precaution 采取预防措施;diagnose 诊断,确诊;6.At the airport/airplane 在机场/飞机上speakersairport information desk clerk and passenger 机场咨询处与乘客air hostess/flight attendant and passenger 空中小姐与乘客ground service/ ground duty 地勤captain 机长crew 机组人员take off 起飞;land 着陆;departure 离开;arrival/departure time 飞抵/起飞时间;behind schedule 飞机晚点;flight cancel 航班取消flight/plane 航班;airline 航线;Airway 航空公司;non-stop flight 直达航班;first class 头等舱;economy class 经济舱;aisle 过道;left-luggage office 行李寄存处;window seat 靠窗座位;boarding card 登机卡;passport 护照;fasten the seat-belt 系好安全带;airsick 晕机的;jet lag 时差7.On the taxi /bus 在出租车/公交车上speakerstaxi driver 出租车司机和bus conductor 公交车售票员passenger 乘客fee/ fare 乘车费;intersection 十字路口;road sign 路标;traffic lights 红绿灯;fast lane 快车道driver’s license 驾照;miles per hour 时速;exceed the speed limit 超速;bus station/bus stop 公交车站;downtown area 城市商业区;slippery 路滑的;urgent 紧急的;road/car/traffic accident 交通事故;heavy traffic/traffic jam 交通拥挤8.In a garage 车库/ 车行speakersauto mechanic 汽车修理工gas station 加油站;fill the tank 加油;tank 油箱toolbox, tool kit 工具箱;spare parts, spares 备件accident insurance 事故安全;spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎;brake 刹车;emergency brake 紧急刹车;tyre 轮胎;gear 齿轮;clutch离合器; wing mirror 后视镜;back / rear seat 后座;driver's seat, driving seat 驾驶席;steering wheel 方向盘;bumper 保险杠;milometer 里程表;assembly 组装9.Renting a house 租房speakerslandlord/landlady 男房东/ 女房东tenant 房客rent 租/租金;lease 租约;furnished 带家具电器的;unfurnished不带家具电器的;apartment/flat 公寓;install 安装;decoration装饰;pipe 管道;radiator/heater暖气;home appliances 家用电器;blackout 停电;monthly rent 月租;10.At the post office 邮局speakerspostal clerk and customer 邮局职员和顾客postage 邮资;package/parcel 包裹;stamp 邮票;envelope 信封;postcard 明信片;post code 邮政编码registered letter 挂号信;airmail 航空邮件;express 快件mail/send/post 邮寄;;overweight 超重;remittance 汇款;11.At the bank 银行speakersbank clerk and customer 银行职员和顾客teller 出纳员interest 利率;balance 余额;bucks 美元(100 bucks);tax 税;budget 预算deposit 存款;withdraw 取钱;open an account 开账户;savings account 储蓄账户;credit card 信用卡banknote 存折;;cash a check 兑换支票;traveler’s check 旅行支票demand note 取款单;ATM (=automated teller machine) 银行自动取款机Student loan 学生贷款12.Accident 事故类crash / wreck 撞击;撞车casualty 伤亡情况death toll 死亡人数survivor 幸存者rescue crew/ team 搜救队evacuate 撤离be in chaos 一片混乱damage/ destroy/ ruin/ devastate 破坏、毁坏13.娱乐场景看电影booking office/box office 售票厅be sold out 卖光了horror movie 恐怖片thriller movie 惊悚片tragedy 悲剧comedy喜剧romance爱情片science fiction 科幻片art film 艺术片action film 动作片disaster film灾难片detective movie侦探片animation/cartoon movie 动画片看戏剧、听音乐会drama 戏剧concert 音乐会student discount 学生折扣appreciate 赏析exaggerate 夸张看电视TV series电视剧soap opera 肥皂剧documentary纪录片talk show真人秀sports channel 体育频道读报纸local news 本地新闻journal 杂志、期刊column专栏periodical 期刊editorial 社论entertainment news 娱乐新闻classified ads 分类广告wanted ads 招聘广告历年词组搭配整oversleep 睡过头talk some sense into sb. 跟某人说理;说教talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事wipe out 清除;删除see sth. as 把…看作Hang in there. 坚持住!run in the red 亏损try one’s luck 碰运气make promises lightly 轻易下承诺beyond the reach of / out of reach 够不到;承担不起out of line 出格sneak up on sb. 偷偷接近某人be fed up with 厌倦be right on target 一针见血、直中靶心be faced with challenges 面临挑战submit project proposals 提交项目计划书There is a good chance in sth. 某事很有可能。



常用场景英语对话20篇1. 在餐馆点餐 (Ordering at a restaurant)A: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. May I take your order?B: Yes, I'd like to start with a Caesar salad, please.A: Sure. And for the main course?B: I'll have the grilled salmon, please.A: How would you like it cooked?B: Medium-rare, please.A: Great. Anything else?B: No, that's all for now. Thank you.2. 在超市购物 (Shopping at a supermarket)A: Excuse me, where can I find the milk aisle?B: The milk aisle is at the back of the store, next to the frozen foods section.A: Thank you. And where can I find the bread?B: The bread is in aisle 3, which is right across from the produce section.A: Perfect. Thanks for your help.3. 在机场办理登机手续 (Checking in at the airport)A: Good morning. I have a flight to New York. Where can I check in?B: You can check in at the counter over there. Please have your passport and ticket ready.A: Here you go.B: Thank you. Here is your boarding pass. Your gate is C6. A: Thank you.4. 在医院预约看病 (Making an appointment at a hospital)A: Hello, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Smith. B: Sure. What is the reason for your visit?A: I've been having persistent headaches.B: I can schedule you for next Thursday at 10 am. Does that work for you?A: Yes, that works. Thank you.5. 在酒店办理入住手续 (Checking in at a hotel)A: Good afternoon. I have a reservation under the name Smith. B: Yes, Mr. Smith. We have a deluxe room reserved for you. Could you please fill out this form?A: Of course.B: Here is your room key. It's on the seventh floor. Enjoy your stay.A: Thank you.6. 在银行办理业务 (Doing banking transactions)A: Good morning. I would like to open a checking account.B: Sure. Do you have any identification with you?A: Yes, here's my driver's license.B: Thank you. I'll get the paperwork ready for you.7. 向朋友借电脑 (Borrowing a computer from a friend)A: Hey, do you mind if I borrow your laptop for a few days? I need it for a project.B: Sure, no problem. Just make sure to take good care of it.8. 在体育馆预定场地 (Booking a sports facility at a gym) A: Hello, I would like to book a tennis court for this Saturday.B: Sure. How long would you like to book it for?A: Two hours, from 10 am to 12 pm.B: Alright, I'll reserve that for you. There will be a small fee for the court rental.A: That's fine. Thank you.9. 与同事讨论工作计划 (Discussing work plans with a colleague)A: Hi, can we talk about the upcoming project?B: Of course. What do you have in mind?A: I think we should start by conducting market research to better understand our target audience.B: That sounds like a good idea. Let's make a plan for it.10. 在咖啡店和朋友见面 (Meeting a friend at a coffee shop)A: Hey, do you want to meet up for coffee tomorrow afternoon? B: Sure, that sounds nice. How about 3 pm at that new coffee shop downtown?A: Perfect. See you there.11. 在火车站问路 (Asking for directions at a train station)A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the city center from here?B: Of course. Once you leave the station, take a right and walk straight down Main Street. It will lead you into thecity center.A: Thank you so much for your help.12. 在电影院买票 (Buying tickets at a movie theater)A: Hi, I'd like to buy two tickets for the 7 pm showing of the new movie.B: Sure. That will be 20 in total.A: Here you go.B: Thank you. Enjoy the movie.13. 在宠物店买宠物用品 (Buying pet supplies at a pet store)A: Hi, I'm looking for a leash and some dog treats.B: We have a variety of leashes over here, and the dog treatsare in aisle 5.A: Thank you. I'll take this leash and a bag of treats.14. 在图书馆借书 (Borrowing books from a library)A: Excuse me, how can I borrow books from the library?B: You'll need a library card. Do you have one?A: No, I don't. How can I get one?B: Just fill out this application form and provide some identification. We'll issue you a library card.15. 和家人讨论旅行计划 (Discussing travel plans with family)A: Where should we go for our summer vacation this year?B: How about going to the beach? It's been a while since we had a beach vacation.A: That sounds like a great idea. Let's start looking at some beach destinations.16. 在超市询问产品信息 (Inquiring about a product at a supermarket)A: Excuse me, do you have any gluten-free bread?B: Yes, we do. It's in the organic foods section, aisle 8. A: Thank you. I'll go check it out.17. 在火车上与陌生人交谈 (Having a conversation with a stranger on a train)A: Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?B: Not at all. Please, have a seat.A: Thank you. How long have you been traveling?B: I've been on the train for about three hours now. How about you?18. 在学校和老师讨论作业 (Discussing homework with a teacher at school)A: Hi, I have a question about this assignment.B: Sure, what do you need help with?A: I don't understand question number 5.19. 在会议上给演讲 (Giving a speech at a conference)A: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for having me here today.I would like to talk about the importance of sustainable development.20. 在电视剧院买节目门票 (Buying tickets for a show at a theater)A: Hi, I'd like to purchase two tickets for tonight's performance.B: Sure, which section would you prefer?A: The middle section, if possible.B: I have two tickets in row F. Is that okay?A: Yes, that's perfect. Thank you.。



短对话的常见场景1.学校场景课程分类Optional course 选修课Required course 必修课Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课经常出现的科目或专业Chinese 中文English 英语mathematic 数学history 历史chemistry 化学Literature 文学考试Final exam 期终考试middle exam 期中考试make up 补考test测验pop test 事先没有说好的测验quiz 测验oral test 口试draw on / in sight of / draw nearly考试延期或取消delay / be off / defer / hold up / postpone / put off / suspend学校分类public school 公立学校private school 私立学校religious school 教会学校学校中的人president 校长dean 院长professor 教授lecturer 讲师coordinator 管理员doctor 博士master 硕士bachelor 学士freshman 大一新生sophomore 大二学生junior 大三学生senior 大四学生借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book续借 renew过期 overdue还书 return罚金 fineattend / have a lecture 上课cut a class 逃课miss a class 错过了课scholarship 荣誉奖学金assistantship 助教奖学金teaching assistant 助教research assistant 助研semester 学期2.交通运输场景fare 车票licence 驾照rush hours 高峰时间traffic jam 交通堵塞overtake 超车one way street 单行道over speed 超速police officer 交警ticket 罚单fine 罚金fast way / express way / high way 高速公路motor way 机动车道super way 飞机机动车道free way 免费高速公路交通工具出现频率从高到低plane / train女 / bus / bike女 / walk女 / taxi 女:女生比较喜欢tunnel / channel 隧道ring road 环线subway美 / underground 英地铁metro 地道地铁underpass人行地道overhead 轻轨flyover 人行天桥mag – lev 磁悬浮take a taxi 乘出租车call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车3.电话场景mobile phone 手机pay phone 公用电话telephone box/booth 电话亭yellow page 黄页dial 拨电话号码 / press 按电话号码extension 分机operator 总机put~through 接通wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人is not in 不在be not inhold on 不要挂断,稍等take/leave a message 留言hang up / get off 挂断credit call 记账式电话bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话collect call 对方付费电话4.机场场景plane / craft 飞机book 订票timetable 时间表destination 目的地open ticketone way ticket 单程票round trip ticket 来回票non-stop / direct flight 直航transfer / lay over / stop over 转机first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济舱confirm the flight 确认航班check in 登记boarding card 登机牌security check 安检see off 送行送别时的祝语keep in touch 保持联系safe landing 安全着陆board 登机take off 起飞departure 离港safety / sect belt 安全带land 着陆arrival 进港pick up 接机5.公司场景job vacancy 有空缺职位letter of application 求职信resume 简历resume包括几部分basic / personal info. 基本信息/个人资料academic background 教育背景work experience 工作经验certificates and honoursinterview 面试offer 聘用信work experience 工作经验work overtime 加班ask for a raise 加钱wage 周薪salary 日薪bonus奖金allowance 津贴annual income 年收入promotion 升职fire 解雇resign 辞职retire 退休laid-off 下岗work / job / career / course 工作post / position / vocation / title 职务假期休息的说法依次是从大到小holiday 假日,假期vacation 休假annual leave 年假sick leave 病假rest 休息break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息 coffee breakaway 离开一会公司职位从大到小chairman of the boardpresident -- general manager—manager – department manager—head –officer – specialist专员-- clerk6.租房场景live on campus 住校live off campus 住校外for sale 可销售的房子for rent / lease 可出租的房子to let 同上rent 租金utilities 公用事业费location 位置suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心condition 住房条件furnished 配家具unfurnished 无装修leaking 漏水blackout 断电environment 环境transportation 交通land lord 房东land lady 房东太太tenant 房客roommate 室友好的室友:neat 整洁的 considerate 体贴的,细心的不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的 noisy 吵闹的7.医院场景see a doctor 去医院看医生send for a doctor 让医生出诊health center / clinic 卫生所 / 门诊部physician 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医make an appointment 预约emergency 急诊check up / exam 检查cold感冒—— flu 流感—— headache 头痛—— sore throat嗓子痛——fever发烧—— toothache牙疼—— stomachache 胃疼prescribe 开药方pill / tablet 药片liquid 喝药水injection => shot 注射operation 手术medical result 诊断结果8.宾馆场景make a reservation 预订房间confirm a reservation 确认预订cancel a reservation 取消预订fully booked / full up / full 客满porter 行旅员tips 小费reception 前台check in 登记入住single room 单人房double room 一张大床的双人房twin room 两张单人床的双人房suite 套房bathroom toilet / closet restroom 厕所room service 客房服务四级听力中的客房服务一般只有考一种——送餐lounge 男士用休息区lobby 大堂business center 商务中心salon 美容厅ball 舞厅bar 酒吧night club 夜总会check out 退房9.邮局场景post / send / mail 寄letter / mail 信registered mail 挂号信regular mail 平信airmail 航空信parcel / package 包裹telegram / cable 电报rate 费率overweight 超重postage 邮资email 电子邮件reply 回复forward 转发cccarbon copy 抄送bccblind carbon copy秘密抄送subject 主题attach 附件attachment10.饭店场景eat out 出去吃take away 外带fast food 快餐book a table 订位子waiter / waitness 服务员waitress menu 菜单order 点菜appetizer 开胃菜main course 主食dessert 餐后甜点bill 账单service charge 服务费change 找零tips 小费keep the change 不用找零了11.其他closed 关门open 开门office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间关于开关power on / off 开/关turn on / off 开/关switch on / off 开/ 关这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关干杯cheerspropose a toast tobottom upthe best book 最好的书圣经the best thing 最好的事情选择the last thing 最不愿意做的事情the last man 最不愿意见的人best seller 畅销的东西sell up 卖完,卖光售罄sell out卖完,卖光售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则sell off 低价处理库存商品selling machine 自动售货机selling point 卖点count the days 渴望count on = dependent / rely on depend on count in 把……考虑在内count for nothing 一钱不值count for little 无足轻重count for much 举足轻重count down 倒计时count up 相加count up to 共计关于旅行traveljourney 陆上长途旅行trip 陆上短途旅行outing 远足stroll 散步wander 徘徊picnic 野餐camping 野营tour 周游cruise 水上短途旅行voyage 水上长途旅行关于死亡的说法没有感情色彩的:die / end up / meat one’s death / decease 褒义的: pass away贬义的:kick the bucket关于和别人相处的好的说法get on with = get along well withbe in good term withlive in peace with关于强调point outemphasizelay / put emphasis ongive emphasis to达成协议找到出路find a way outreach an agreementreach a consensus关于“得失”gains and lossesgive and take关于拜访drop in / at / over / by stop in / over / bycall on sbcall at / round swlook in / uppay a visit topay / make a call to关于碰见,偶遇come acrossrun intobump intohappen to meet关于花钱、花费的词TakeSpendCostChargePayBuy关于水waterrunning / tap ~ 自来水fresh ~ 活水still ~ 死水pure ~ 纯净水purified ~ 净化水mineral ~ 矿泉水be used to do 被用于be used to dong 习惯于get used to doing 渐渐习惯于used to do 过去常常单复数意思不太一样的词ruin 毁灭 ruins 废墟authority 权威 authorities 当局brain 头脑 brains 智力,智慧custom 风俗习惯 customs 海关damage 破坏,损坏 damages 赔偿费ground 地面土地 grounds 院子,监狱manner 礼貌方式 manners 外貌minute 分钟 minutes 会议记录paper 纸张 papers 试卷time 时间 times 时代关于“调查”researchsurvey 市场调查opinion poll 名义调查民意调查questionnaire 问卷调查investigation 很正式的调查interview 会见,访谈belong to 属于participate in 参加be engaged in 从事、参加be involved in 卷入消磨时间kill timepass timecount one’s thumbs用完、缺少run out ofbe short ofbe lack in lack of / ina little 一点 not a little 很多a bit 一点 not a bit 一点也没有短对话中常用单词和句型1.表示期待、希望、渴望做某事的说法expect / hope / wishbe eager / anxious /dying tolook for ward towait / yean / thirst / long forcan not waitcounting the days2.下列词语与“but”一样含有转折的的意思actuallywellreallyin factas a matter of factto tell you the truth3.表示建议的句型how about……做……如何I heard about……我听说……If I were you ……如果我是你……It seems to me that……在我看来似乎……Let’s …… shall we 让我们……怎么样Let us …… will you 让我们……怎么样Shall I / we ……What about ……做……如何Why don’t you ……你为什么不……Why not + 动词原型为什么不……Would you like ……你要……吗Wouldn’t …… be better / wiser 做……不是更好吗4.表示同意、附和的句型I agree with youExactlyI couldn’t agree with you more / betterI think soI can’t wait any minuteBelieve it or notI will …… if 假如……我就会It’s my turn 轮到我了我请客Why notYou are rightI guess so 我猜也是No problem 没问题Of causeOut of question 毫无疑问So do I / me too 我也是Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然,很好Good ideaThat sounds really nice 听起来真不错5.表示询问的句型Any questions / any thing wrong 有什么问题吗Can you give me some ideas 可以给我一些建议吗Do you know ……Do you want to……Do you find any wrong with 你觉得……有什么不对劲吗How long will it take 做什么要花多久I am thinking of ……我正在考虑做……I suppose think ……我猜想……What’s your plane plan 你的计划是什么What happens if ……如果……怎么办What shall we do 我们该怎么做6.表示否定的句型Actually / as a matter of fact 事实上……How can you do sth 你怎么可以……I can’t afford any disturbance 不要再烦我I couldn’t agree with yo uI didn’t men to 我本不打算I don’t think soIt doesn’t matter 无所谓I wish ……但愿……I’d like to but 我很愿意但是……I’d love to butI just can’t bearI am afraid notI am sorry but…… is not everything ……不是关键no bother / why bother 不要麻烦no , thanksreallyThat’s his opinionTo tell you the truthWell , as far as I know7.表示“不得不”have to 表示客观上不得不做某事must 主观上的必须做某事be bound tocannot buthave no choice but8.表示“迟到”behind timebe delayed / overduebehind schedulebe late9.表示“紧张”trembleshake all overge t one’s tongue tiedhave one’s mind go blanknervous10.以下词组听到后意思取反mean to 想要……planned to 原计划……intended to 原打算……tended toused to 过去常常……11.以下句型要引起重视,重点听取,就算本身不是考点也一定直接引向考点反意疑问句……,didn’t you反问句倒装句助动词 do / did / doesit is …… that / who / when……的句型正确答案的特征1.含义肯定的不是正确选项,模糊的是正确选项意思具体的不是正确选项,概括的是正确选项意思详细的不是正确选项,抽象的是正确选项意思肤浅的不是正确选项,深刻的是正确选项2.含有一下单词的一般是正确选项neither / either / also / besides / almost / especially / possibly / probably / likely perhaps / might / may / maybe / could /can / all / none 3.含有以下三种结构的一般可能是正确选项系表结构系动词+标语表语比较结构……than……复合句4.含有四级词汇替换项的一般是正确选项5.表示“同意或不同意”,“喜欢或不喜欢”,“应该或不应该的”的一般为正确选项6.以下三种选项一般其中有一个可能是正确选项反意项形似项近似项7.同意项不可能是正确选项,等例排除;等立排除8.绝对化选项,一般不是正确答案,可直接排除。



英语口语常用21个场景对话目录1、你有什么计划吗?Nancy:Have a nice weekend!Jerry:Thanks. You too!Nancy:Do you have any plans?Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.周末好!谢谢!你也好!你有什么计划吗?嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。


2、这几天真是太打扰你了John:Have you had a good time these past few days?Lily:Yes. is really a beautiful place.Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days.John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends.John:Okay. Have a safe trip.这几天玩得怎么样啊?好极了。











3、英文问路指路A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。



生活常见场景英语对话情景一:超市购物Customer: Excuse me, where can I find the milk?顾客: 打扰一下,牛奶在哪里?Store Clerk: It's in aisle 5, near the back.店员: 在第五排,靠后面。

Customer: Thanks. Also, do you have any organic eggs?顾客: 谢谢。

另外,你们有有机鸡蛋吗?Store Clerk: Yes, we do. They're in the refrigerated section next to the milk. 店员: 有的。


Customer: Great, thank you.顾客: 太好了,谢谢。

Store Clerk: You're welcome. Anything else you need help with?店员: 不客气。

还有什么需要帮忙的吗?Customer: No, that's all for now.顾客: 没有了,目前就这些。

Store Clerk: Alright, have a good day!店员: 好的,祝您有美好的一天!Customer: You too!顾客: 您也是!场景二:银行业务Teller: Good morning! How can I help you today?柜员: 早上好!今天需要什么帮助吗?Customer: Hi, I'd like to deposit this check.顾客: 你好,我想存这张支票。

Teller: Sure. Can I see your ID, please?柜员: 当然可以。


Customer: Here it is.顾客: 给您。

Teller: Thank you. Do you want to deposit it into your checking or savings account?柜员: 谢谢。





1. 问候与自我介绍:在社交场合:•A: Hi! How are you?•B: Hi! I'm good, thanks. How about you?•A: I'm doing well, too. What's your name?在工作场合:•A: Good morning! How's it going?•B: Good morning! It's going well. How about you?•A: Not too bad. By the way, I'm [Your Name].2. 在餐厅:点餐:•A: Can I take your order?•B: Yes, I'd like the chicken Caesar salad, please.•A: Sure, and for you?•C: I'll have the spaghetti with meatballs.付账:•A: Are you ready for the bill?•B: Yes, please. Can we split it?•A: Of course, no problem.3. 在商店:购物:•A: Can I help you find anything?•B: Yes, I'm looking for a birthday gift for my sister.•A: We have some great options in the jewelry section. 试穿:•A: How does it fit?•B: It's a bit tight. Do you have a larger size?•A: Sure, let me check for you.4. 交通工具:打车:•A: Can you take me to the airport?•B: Sure, hop in. It will be about 20 minutes.公共交通:•A: Excuse me, which bus goes to the city center?•B: Bus number 22 will take you there.5. 紧急情况:求助:•A: Help! I've lost my wallet.•B: Don't worry, let's go to the police station to report it. 求医:•A: I don't feel well. Where's the nearest hospital?•B: There's a hospital two blocks away. I'll take you there.6. 社交场合:派对:•A: Thanks for inviting me to the party. It's great!•B: I'm glad you could make it. Have some drinks and enjoy! 礼貌道别:•A: It was nice meeting you.•B: Likewise. Take care and hope to see you again soon.这些对话可以作为参考,但请记住,真实的对话可能会因场合、人际关系和文化背景的不同而有所变化。



学习场景take, sign up for, register for, pick upcredit, hours, semester, termoptional/elective course, required course/compulsory course, introductory course /basic course, advanced coursedrop the class, hard to followmath, geology, computer course, chemistry, psychology biology, physics, biochemistry, economics, science course chemistry 502, introduction to educational psychologypaperEssay, term paper, thesis, dissertationDeadline, ask for extension, assignment, dueMiss the class, bring sb up工作场景look for a job, job hunting, search, want ads, resume, letter of application, polish, impression, job applicant, to make a good, to look for people with experience in the professioninterview, full time, part time, position, opportunity, opening, vacancy, teaching assistant, sales manager, experience, salary, the pay is decent, credential wage, salary, bonus, allowance, annual income, promotioncomplain, boring, stimulating, routine, quit work, overtime, ask for a raise, fire, resign work / job / career / course, vacation, sick leave, rest医院场景physician, surgeon, dentistWaiting room, ICU, Emergency Room, Health center, Infirmary, clinic, symptom, cold, to catch a cold , fever, temperature, have a temperature, cough, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, ache, headache, stomachache, toothache, be allergic to, heart attack, fracture, fractured ankle, bleeding check up, annual checkup, physical examinationaspirin, medicine, dosage, take some pills/medicine, prescription, take injection, fill the prescription, get the prescription filled, take these pills three times a daykeep fit as fit as a fiddle, be in good, poor shape, be out of shape, feel under the weather, lose weight, go on diet, eat a well-balanced meal, take off weight, run/exercise regularly图书馆场景shelf, stack, reading room, reference room, periodical room, copier, study lounge, circulation desk librarian, call number , catalogue ,call slip , index , library card , volumewritten permission , to book reservation , overdue , renewal , fine , reserved library book , to check out the book , take the book out , to return the book , to put one reserve ,on loan/ in circulation magazine, periodical, journal , back number , current issue , latest number吃饭场景restaurant, café, Italian place, French place, Chinese place, pub, inn小snack bar, cafeteria today's special, specialty, French fries, bacon, fried egg, butterbeverages, orange juice, soft drink, mineral water coffee, ice-creamcoffee pot, paper towel, table cloth, tea set, dish, plate, chopsticks, soup spoon knife, toothpick, curry rice, fried rice, watermelon, cherry, sugar, sweet, bitter, dinner, brunch, steak, well done, medium, rare, beer, brandy, whisky, meat, beef , chicken, mutton, sandwich, hamburger住宿场景rent, pay the rent, utilities, live on campus, live off campus, apartment, dorm, for sale, for rent / lease accommodation, location, suburb / downtown, furnished, unfurnished, lease, agreement transportationfix, repair, break down, roofing company, maintenance man, plumber, electric ian, sink, pipe leaking, blackout, install a telephonelandlord, tenant, renter, tenant, roommateNeat, considerateMessy, noisyactive and sociable, talkative, have a lot on her mind, has a very bad temper, in a bad mood, get along well with, compatible, hit it off, keep it to oneself报纸场景Pick up a paper, school newspaper, newsletter, special issue, editor, headline, editorial, news story, newsstand, page, be in charge of/ be responsible for, sports section, section, TV section, art and music section, help-wanted section, classified ads section机场场景airport, take off, land, circle, luggage, boarding gate, boarding pass, departure, departure gate, departure time, airport fee, check in luggage counter, economy class, first class, business class, arrival on schedule, behind schedule, Flight 751,customs,declare打电话场景mobile / cell phone, pay phone, telephone box/booth , yellow page, extension, dial/ press, operator, put through, wrong number, hold on, take / leave a message, hang up / get off, answering machine, collect call, long-distance call, overseas call, give sb a call / ring, the line is busy / engaged, The connection is bad. The phone is not clear. Telephone / phone book/ directory, receiver , phone bill, The line is dead. hang up, cut off, hold on, hang on, hold the line, leave a message, answering machine, Incoming/outgoing calls邮局场景post /send, letter/mail, registered mail, regular mail, stamp, airmail, parcel / package, telegram / cable, rate, postage, overweight, email ,reply, forward, cc(carbon copy), bcc(blind carbon copy), subject, attach。



常用英语场景对话1.在商店购物场景顾客:Excuse me, where can I find the eggs?店员:They are in the dairy section, just down this aisle.顾客:Thank you!2.在餐馆点餐场景顾客:Can I see the menu, please?服务员:Here you go. Are you ready to order?顾客:Yes, I would like the steak with a side of mashed potatoes, please.服务员:Any sauces or dressings for your steak?顾客:I'll have the mushroom sauce, please.3.在酒店前台办理入住场景顾客:Hi, I have a reservation under the name of Smith.前台:Yes, Mr. Smith, we have a room reserved for you.Can I see your ID and credit card, please?顾客:Sure, here you go.前台:Thank you. Here are your room keys. Enjoy your stay!4.在机场询问航班信息场景旅客:Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find the departure gate for flight BA123?工作人员:Yes, for British Airways, you need to go togate 8, which is in the East Wing. Follow the signs for international flights.旅客:Thank you so much!5.在医院看病场景患者:I've been feeling really sick lately. I think Imight have a fever.医生:I'll take your temperature and run some tests to determine the cause. Please wait for a moment.患者:Thank you, doctor.6.在学校询问课程安排场景学生:Excuse me, could you tell me when the math class starts?教务员:The math class starts at 9:00 am in the morning, and it's in room 203.学生:Thank you for letting me know.7.在银行办理业务场景客户:I would like to open a savings account.银行职员:Sure, I can assist you with that. Please fill out this form and provide me with your identification documents, such as your passport or driver's license.客户:Here you go.银行职员:Thank you. Your account will be set up shortly.8.在邮局寄送包裹场景顾客:I would like to send this package to New York, please.邮局职员:Sure, please fill out this shipping form andlet me weigh your package.顾客:Okay, here's the form and the package.邮局职员:Thank you. Based on the weight and destination, the cost will be $15.30.。



英语口语交流常用语对话第一场景:初次见面A: Hi! I’m Emily. Nice to meet you.B: Hello, I’m Jack. Nice to meet you too.A: Where are you from?B: I’m from California. How about you?A: I’m from New York.B: That’s nice. How long have you been living here?A: I’ve been here for about two years. You?B: I just moved here recently.第二场景:交流兴趣爱好A: What do you like to do in your free time?B: I enjoy reading books and watching movies. How about you? A: I love playing sports, especially basketball.B: That’s great. Do you have any favorite teams?A: Yeah, I’m a big fan of the Lakers.B: Cool. I enjoy hiking and exploring new places too.第三场景:谈论工作学习A: What do you do for a living?B: I work as a teacher at a local school.A: That must be rewarding. I’m a software engineer.B: Wow, that sounds interesting. How long have you been coding?A: I’ve been coding for about five years now.B: Impressive. I’m also thinking about learning some programming.第四场景:计划未来A: What are your plans for the weekend?B: I’m going to visit some frien ds and have a BBQ.A: Sounds fun. I’m thinking of going to the beach.B: That sounds relaxing.A: Yeah, I need some time to unwind.结语以上是一些常用的英语口语对话,通过这些简单的对话可以更好地进行交流并建立更多的友谊关系。




以下是一些典型的问候和寒暄用语:1. 问候:- 早上好!/ 下午好!/ 晚上好!- 你好!- Hi!/ Hello!2. 询问近况:- 最近怎么样?- 你好吗?- 你最近在忙什么?3. 回应问候:- 很好,谢谢!你呢?- 我很好,谢谢。

你自己呢?- 最近挺忙的,但还好。


以下是一些常用的表达个人信息的用语:1. 自我介绍:- 我是... (名字)- 我来自...- 我是一名...- 很高兴见到你。

2. 询问个人信息:- 请问你叫什么名字?- 你是哪国人?- 你从事什么工作?3. 回答个人信息:- 我叫... (名字)- 我来自...- 我是一名...- 很高兴认识你。


以下是一些常用的表达意见和观点的用语:1. 表达同意:- 我同意。

- 我赞同你的看法。

- 没错。

2. 表达不同意:- 我不同意。

- 我有不同的观点。

- 我不太同意你的说法。

3. 提出建议:- 我建议...- 如果我是你,我会...- 你可以考虑...四、请求和邀请在情景对话中,请求和邀请是常见的交际行为。

以下是一些常用的请求和邀请用语:1. 请求帮助:- 你能帮我一个忙吗?- 你可以给我一些建议吗?- 你能为我提供一些信息吗?2. 邀请参加活动:- 你愿意和我们一起去吗?- 一起吃饭怎么样?- 你想参加我们的聚会吗?3. 接受邀请:- 当然可以!- 好主意!我很乐意去。

- 我很高兴接受你的邀请。


以下是一些常用的道歉和感谢用语:1. 道歉:- 对不起,我不该...- 对不起打扰了。

- 我非常抱歉。

2. 表达感谢:- 谢谢你的帮助。



短对话场景词汇1.At the office 职场类speakersboss and secretary 老板和秘书manager/employer and employee 经理和雇员colleagues/ co-workers 同事interviewer and interviewee 面试官和求职者sales representative 销售代表experience 经验;income 收入;salary 工资;get a raise 涨工资;promotion 升职;post/position 职位;vacancy 空缺;interview 面试;resume 简历;cover letter 求职信;candidate / job applicant 求职者;qualification 资历;(submit) a resignation 递辞呈;job hunting/ job seeking 求职;want ad 招聘广告export 出口;import 进口;type a letter 打印信件;filing cabinet 文件柜;paid vacation带薪假期do odd jobs零工; run errand for sb. 为谁跑腿2.On campus 校园类speakerslibrarian and student 图书管理员与学生teacher/instructor/adviser and student 教师与学生professor and student 教授与学生classmates 同学schoolmates 校友(freshman 大一、高一sophomore 大二、高二junior 大三senior 大四、高三, )( undergraduate 在校生、本科生postgraduate 研究生)dean 学院院长,系主任supervisor 导师campaign manager 竞选管理人员(Students’ Union 学生会,election 选举)chairman/ chairperson 主席majors 专业/ program 课程计划/ course 课程/ curriculum 课程/ department 系sociology 社会学(social science)psychology 心理学philosophy 哲学economics 经济学finance 金融学linguistics 语言学biology 生物biochemistry 生物化学anthropology 人类学literature 文学accounting 会计journalism 新闻学business administration 工商管理MBA -- Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士Degree 学位BA Bachelor of Arts 文科学士学位;BS Bachelor of Science 理科学士学位MA/MS Master of Arts / Science 文科/ 理科硕士学位PhD 博士学位university (综合性)大学;college 学院;school 学院;academy (文科专科)学院;institute 研究院;junior college 大专;community college 社区大学campus 校园;gym 体育馆dormitory 宿舍;graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;orientation program 迎新计划tuition 学费;seminar 讨论课;credit 学分;project / program项目,计划;material 材料;thesis 论文;term paper 学期论文; ;extension 论文延期; deadline最后期限;overdue 过期的;library card/borrower’s card借书证;student’s card 校园卡;reader’s card 读者证;catalog 目录;borrow/loan 借入/借出;renew 续借;periodical/journal 期刊;magazine 杂志;current issue 现刊;back issue 过刊;reference book 参考书;dictionary 工具书,词典acceptance in law school 被法学院录取recommendation letter 推荐信self-study 自学scholarship 奖学金make-up exam 补考3.At the restaurant/bar/hotel 餐馆/酒吧/饭店speakerswaiter/waitress and customer 侍者与顾客chef 大厨bar tender 调酒师receptionist 接待员menu 菜单;order 点菜;main course 主菜;dessert 甜点;soup 汤;salad 沙拉;vegetable 蔬菜;beef steak 牛排;hamburger 汉堡包;fried rice 炒饭;pudding 布丁;apple/strawberry pie 苹果/草莓派;beer/wine 啤酒/红酒;snack/fast food 快餐knife/fork 餐刀/叉;spoon 勺子;tray 托盘;pay the bill 付账;tip 小费;treat 请客;go Dutch AA 制;reservation 预订;a table for two 双人桌;carry-out/take-out 外卖食品;accommodation 住宿;check in 登记入住;register 登记;reception desk 接待处;Room Service 客房服;luggage 行李;lounge 休息大厅;bathroom 浴室;single/double room 单人/双人房;suite 套房;full up 住满;air-conditioner 空调;wake-up call 叫醒服务;check out 结账离开;4.At the shop 商店/买东西Speakerscustomer 顾客consumer 消费者shop assistant 售货员discount 打折style 款式bargain 讨价还价booth 展位、摊位5.At the hospital / counseling center 医院/ 咨询中心speakersdoctor 医生(dentist 牙医;physician 内科医生;surgeon 外科医生)consultant 咨询师psychiatrist 精神病医生patient 病人temperature 体温;prescription 处方/药方;pill 药丸;tablet 药片;medicine 药品;symptom 症状;syndrome 综合症;headache 头痛;stomachache 胃痛;fever 发烧;heart attack 心脏病;stroke 中风;high blood pressure 高血压;flu 流感;sore throat 咽喉肿痛;cough 咳嗽;fracture 骨折;AIDS 艾滋病;epidemic 流行病;plague 瘟疫;physical examination 体检;operation 手术;injection 注射/打针;dizzy 头晕的;faint 昏迷;worn out 疲乏的;emergency room 急救室;visiting hours 探视时间;operation room 手术室;ambulance 救护车catch a cold 感冒;have a temperature 发烧;bleed 出血;take some precaution 采取预防措施;diagnose 诊断,确诊;6.At the airport/airplane 在机场/飞机上speakersairport information desk clerk and passenger 机场咨询处与乘客air hostess/flight attendant and passenger 空中小姐与乘客ground service/ ground duty 地勤captain 机长crew 机组人员take off 起飞;land 着陆;departure 离开;arrival/departure time 飞抵/起飞时间;behind schedule 飞机晚点;flight cancel 航班取消flight/plane 航班;airline 航线;Airway 航空公司;non-stop flight 直达航班;first class 头等舱;economy class 经济舱;aisle 过道;left-luggage office 行李寄存处;window seat 靠窗座位;boarding card 登机卡;passport 护照;fasten the seat-belt 系好安全带;airsick 晕机的;jet lag 时差7.On the taxi /bus 在出租车/公交车上speakerstaxi driver 出租车司机和bus conductor 公交车售票员passenger 乘客fee/ fare 乘车费;intersection 十字路口;road sign 路标;traffic lights 红绿灯;fast lane 快车道driver’s license 驾照;miles per hour 时速;exceed the speed limit 超速;bus station/bus stop 公交车站;downtown area 城市商业区;slippery 路滑的;urgent 紧急的;road/car/traffic accident 交通事故;heavy traffic/traffic jam 交通拥挤8.In a garage 车库/ 车行speakersauto mechanic 汽车修理工gas station 加油站;fill the tank 加油;tank 油箱toolbox, tool kit 工具箱;spare parts, spares 备件accident insurance 事故安全;spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎;brake 刹车;emergency brake 紧急刹车;tyre 轮胎;gear 齿轮;clutch离合器; wing mirror 后视镜;back / rear seat 后座;driver's seat, driving seat 驾驶席;steering wheel 方向盘;bumper 保险杠;milometer 里程表;assembly 组装9.Renting a house 租房speakerslandlord/landlady 男房东/ 女房东tenant 房客rent 租/租金;lease 租约;furnished 带家具电器的;unfurnished不带家具电器的;apartment/flat 公寓;install 安装;decoration装饰;pipe 管道;radiator/heater暖气;home appliances 家用电器;blackout 停电;monthly rent 月租;10.At the post office 邮局speakerspostal clerk and customer 邮局职员和顾客postage 邮资;package/parcel 包裹;stamp 邮票;envelope 信封;postcard 明信片;post code 邮政编码registered letter 挂号信;airmail 航空邮件;express 快件mail/send/post 邮寄;;overweight 超重;remittance 汇款;11.At the bank 银行speakersbank clerk and customer 银行职员和顾客teller 出纳员interest 利率;balance 余额;bucks 美元(100 bucks);tax 税;budget 预算deposit 存款;withdraw 取钱;open an account 开账户;savings account 储蓄账户;credit card 信用卡banknote 存折;;cash a check 兑换支票;traveler’s check 旅行支票demand note 取款单;ATM (=automated teller machine) 银行自动取款机Student loan 学生贷款12.Accident 事故类crash / wreck 撞击;撞车casualty 伤亡情况death toll 死亡人数survivor 幸存者rescue crew/ team 搜救队evacuate 撤离be in chaos 一片混乱damage/ destroy/ ruin/ devastate 破坏、毁坏13.娱乐场景看电影booking office/box office 售票厅be sold out 卖光了horror movie 恐怖片thriller movie 惊悚片tragedy 悲剧comedy喜剧romance爱情片science fiction 科幻片art film 艺术片action film 动作片disaster film灾难片detective movie侦探片animation/cartoon movie 动画片看戏剧、听音乐会drama 戏剧concert 音乐会student discount 学生折扣appreciate 赏析exaggerate 夸张看电视TV series电视剧soap opera 肥皂剧documentary纪录片talk show真人秀sports channel 体育频道读报纸local news 本地新闻journal 杂志、期刊column专栏periodical 期刊editorial 社论entertainment news 娱乐新闻classified ads 分类广告wanted ads 招聘广告历年词组搭配整oversleep 睡过头talk some sense into sb. 跟某人说理;说教talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事wipe out 清除;删除see sth. as 把…看作Hang in there. 坚持住!run in the red 亏损try one’s luck 碰运气make promises lightly 轻易下承诺beyond the reach of / out of reach 够不到;承担不起out of line 出格sneak up on sb. 偷偷接近某人be fed up with 厌倦be right on target 一针见血、直中靶心be faced with challenges 面临挑战submit project proposals 提交项目计划书There is a good chance in sth. 某事很有可能。




























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At the office 职场类speakersboss and secretary 老板和秘书manager/employer and employee 经理和雇员colleagues/ co-workers 同事interviewer and interviewee 面试官和求职者sales representative 销售代表experience 经验;income 收入;salary 工资;get a raise 涨工资;promotion 升职;post/position 职位;vacancy 空缺;interview 面试;resume 简历;cover letter 求职信;candidate / job applicant 求职者;qualification 资历;(submit) a resignation 递辞呈;job hunting/ job seeking 求职;want ad 招聘广告export 出口;import 进口;type a letter 打印信件;filing cabinet 文件柜;paid vacation带薪假期do odd jobs零工; run errand for sb. 为谁跑腿On campus 校园类speakerslibrarian and student 图书管理员与学生teacher/instructor/adviser and student 教师与学生professor and student 教授与学生classmates 同学schoolmates 校友(freshman 大一、高一sophomore 大二、高二junior 大三senior 大四、高三, )( undergraduate 在校生、本科生postgraduate 研究生)dean 学院院长,系主任supervisor 导师campaign manager 竞选管理人员(Students’ Union 学生会,election 选举)chairman/ chairperson 主席majors 专业/ program 课程计划/ course 课程/ curriculum 课程/ department 系sociology 社会学(social science)psychology 心理学philosophy 哲学economics 经济学finance 金融学linguistics 语言学biology 生物biochemistry 生物化学anthropology 人类学literature 文学accounting 会计journalism 新闻学business administration 工商管理MBA -- Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士Degree 学位BA Bachelor of Arts 文科学士学位;BS Bachelor of Science 理科学士学位MA/MS Master of Arts / Science 文科/ 理科硕士学位PhD 博士学位university (综合性)大学;college 学院;school 学院;academy (文科专科)学院;institute 研究院;junior college 大专;community college 社区大学campus 校园;gym 体育馆dormitory 宿舍;graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;orientation program 迎新计划tuition 学费;seminar 讨论课;credit 学分;project / program项目,计划;material 材料;thesis 论文;term paper 学期论文; ;extension 论文延期; deadline最后期限;overdue 过期的;library card/borrower’s card借书证;student’s card 校园卡;reader’s card 读者证;catalog 目录;borrow/loan 借入/借出;renew 续借;periodical/journal 期刊;magazine 杂志;current issue 现刊;back issue 过刊;reference book 参考书;dictionary 工具书,词典acceptance in law school 被法学院录取recommendation letter 推荐信self-study 自学scholarship 奖学金make-up exam 补考At the post office 邮局speakerspostal clerk and customer 邮局职员和顾客postage 邮资;package/parcel 包裹;stamp 邮票;envelope 信封;postcard 明信片;post code 邮政编码registered letter 挂号信;airmail 航空邮件;express 快件mail/send/post 邮寄;;overweight 超重;remittance 汇款;At the airport/airplane 在机场/飞机上speakersairport information desk clerk and passenger 机场咨询处与乘客air hostess/flight attendant and passenger 空中小姐与乘客ground service/ ground duty 地勤captain 机长crew 机组人员take off 起飞;land 着陆;departure 离开;arrival/departure time 飞抵/起飞时间;behind schedule 飞机晚点;flight cancel 航班取消flight/plane 航班;airline 航线;Airway 航空公司;non-stop flight 直达航班;first class 头等舱;economy class 经济舱;aisle 过道;left-luggage office 行李寄存处;window seat 靠窗座位;boarding card 登机卡;passport 护照;fasten the seat-belt 系好安全带;airsick 晕机的;jet lag 时差At the bank 银行speakersbank clerk and customer 银行职员和顾客teller 出纳员interest 利率;balance 余额;bucks 美元(100 bucks);tax 税;budget 预算deposit 存款;withdraw 取钱;open an account 开账户;savings account 储蓄账户;credit card 信用卡banknote 存折;;cash a check 兑换支票;traveler’s check 旅行支票demand note 取款单;ATM (=automated teller machine) 银行自动取款机Student loan 学生贷款At the restaurant/bar/hotel 餐馆/酒吧/饭店speakerswaiter/waitress and customer 侍者与顾客chef 大厨bar tender 调酒师receptionist 接待员menu 菜单;order 点菜;main course 主菜;dessert 甜点;soup 汤;salad 沙拉;vegetable 蔬菜;beef steak 牛排;hamburger 汉堡包;fried rice 炒饭;pudding 布丁;apple/strawberry pie 苹果/草莓派;beer/wine 啤酒/红酒;snack/fast food 快餐knife/fork 餐刀/叉;spoon 勺子;tray 托盘;pay the bill 付账;tip 小费;treat 请客;go Dutch AA 制;reservation 预订;a table for two 双人桌;carry-out/take-out 外卖食品;accommodation 住宿;check in 登记入住;register 登记;reception desk 接待处;Room Service 客房服;luggage 行李;lounge 休息大厅;bathroom 浴室;single/double room 单人/双人房;suite 套房;full up 住满;air-conditioner 空调;wake-up call 叫醒服务;check out 结账离开;At the hospital / counseling center 医院/ 咨询中心speakersdoctor 医生(dentist 牙医;physician 内科医生;surgeon 外科医生)consultant 咨询师psychiatrist 精神病医生patient 病人temperature 体温;prescription 处方/药方;pill 药丸;tablet 药片;medicine 药品;symptom 症状;syndrome 综合症;headache 头痛;stomachache 胃痛;fever 发烧;heart attack 心脏病;stroke 中风;high blood pressure 高血压;flu 流感;sore throat 咽喉肿痛;cough 咳嗽;fracture 骨折;AIDS 艾滋病;epidemic 流行病;plague 瘟疫;physical examination 体检;operation 手术;injection 注射/打针;dizzy 头晕的;faint 昏迷;worn out 疲乏的;emergency room 急救室;visiting hours 探视时间;operation room 手术室;ambulance 救护车catch a cold 感冒;have a temperature 发烧;bleed 出血;take some precaution 采取预防措施;diagnose 诊断,确诊;On the taxi /bus 在出租车/公交车上speakerstaxi driver 出租车司机和bus conductor 公交车售票员passenger 乘客fee/ fare 乘车费;intersection 十字路口;road sign 路标;traffic lights 红绿灯;fast lane 快车道driver’s license 驾照;miles per hour 时速;exceed the speed limit 超速;bus station/bus stop 公交车站;downtown area 城市商业区;slippery 路滑的;urgent 紧急的;road/car/traffic accident 交通事故;heavy traffic/traffic jam 交通拥挤At a barbershop / salon 理发店/ 沙龙speakersbarber 理发师hairdresser 美发师trim/ cut 修剪,mustache 胡子;shave 刮脸;shampoo 香波;hair spray发胶;In a garage 车库/ 车行speakersauto mechanic 汽车修理工gas station 加油站;fill the tank 加油;tank 油箱toolbox, tool kit 工具箱;spare parts, spares 备件accident insurance 事故安全;spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎;brake 刹车;emergency brake 紧急刹车;tyre 轮胎;gear 齿轮;clutch离合器; wing mirror 后视镜;back / rear seat 后座;driver's seat, driving seat 驾驶席;steering wheel 方向盘;bumper 保险杠;milometer 里程表;assembly 组装Renting a house 租房speakerslandlord/landlady 男房东/ 女房东tenant 房客rent 租/租金;lease 租约;furnished 带家具电器的;unfurnished不带家具电器的;apartment/flat 公寓;install 安装;decoration装饰;pipe 管道;radiator/heater暖气;home appliances 家用电器;blackout 停电;monthly rent 月租;Accident 事故类crash / wreck 撞击;撞车casualty 伤亡情况death toll 死亡人数survivor 幸存者rescue crew/ team 搜救队evacuate 撤离be in chaos 一片混乱damage/ destroy/ ruin/ devastate 破坏、毁坏历年词组搭配整oversleep 睡过头talk some sense into sb. 跟某人说理;说教talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事wipe out 清除;删除see sth. as 把…看作Hang in there. 坚持住!run in the red 亏损try one’s luck 碰运气make promises lightly 轻易下承诺beyond the reach of / out of reach 够不到;承担不起out of line 出格sneak up on sb. 偷偷接近某人be fed up with 厌倦be right on target 一针见血、直中靶心be faced with challenges 面临挑战submit project proposals 提交项目计划书There is a good chance in sth. 某事很有可能。
