Regulatory RNAs in Bacteria

学 报Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 2023,54(2):172 - 179172肿瘤中乳酸脱氢酶B作用机制的研究进展白雁1,郭心瑶1,秦启亮2,严方1*(1中国药科大学药物分析系,南京 210009;2青海省黄南藏族自治州食品药品检验检测中心,同仁 811399)摘 要 有氧糖酵解增加是肿瘤代谢重编程的主要特征。
乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase,LDH)作为有氧糖酵解的关键酶,由乳酸脱氢酶A (lactate dehydrogenase A,LDHA)和乳酸脱氢酶B(lactate dehydrogenase B,LDHB)两种亚基组成。
关键词乳酸脱氢酶B;肿瘤;糖酵解;预后;进展中图分类号R965 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000 -5048(2023)02 -0172 -08doi:10.11665/j.issn.1000 -5048.20221112001引用本文白雁,郭心瑶,秦启亮,等.肿瘤中乳酸脱氢酶B作用机制的研究进展[J].中国药科大学学报,2023,54(2):172–179.Cite this article as:BAI Yan,GUO Xinyao,QIN Qiliang,et al. Advances in research on mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase B in tumors[J]. J China Pharm Univ,2023,54(2):172–179.Advances in research on mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase B in tumors BAI Yan1, GUO Xinyao1, QIN Qiliang2, YAN Fang1*1Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009;2Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Center,Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province,Tongren 811399,ChinaAbstract Increased glycolysis is a major feature of metabolic reprogramming in cancer.Glycolysis provides not only energy for cancer cells but also necessary precursors for biosynthesis, which is important for promoting tumor growth.Cancer cells meet their own needs by regulating glycolytic enzymes, which play an active role in promoting cancer survival, metastasis, and ctate dehydrogenase (LDH), as a key enzyme in glycolysis, consists of two subunits: lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB).LDHA is known to play a key role in aerobic glycolysis and has been extensively studied, whereas less has been done on LDHB. However, at present, more and more reports have revealed the important effects of LDHB on the progression of various cancers.A large number of studies have shown that LDHB is abnormally expressed in a variety of can‑cers, which is related to the malignant progression of tumors.The article reviews the research progress of LDHB in recent ten years, including its regulatory mechanism in tumor, its relationship with cancer development and its role as a biomarker in clinical diagnosis of cancer, which provides some insight for further investigation of the mechanism of LDHB in cancer research.Key words lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB); tumor; glycolysis; prognosis; progressThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.82173956)收稿日期2022-11-12 *通信作者Tel:************E-mail:lingziyf73@基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.82173956)第 54 卷第 2 期白雁,等:肿瘤中乳酸脱氢酶B作用机制的研究进展20世纪20年代,Otto Warburg发现即使在充足的氧气为线粒体呼吸提供燃料的情况下,肿瘤细胞也会优先使用糖酵解而不是线粒体氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphorylation,OXPHOS)来产生三磷酸腺苷(adenosine-triphosphate,ATP),这种现象被称为“Warburg效应”或有氧糖酵解[1]。

珠蛋白基因簇位于第 11 号染色体; , G, A, 和 为功能基因, 为假 基因。
胚胎发育早期的 Hb:22, 22 和 22 妊娠 8 周后胎儿的 HbF:22 成人型 HbA: 22 和 22 (3%)
(二) 空间特异性
在个体生长过程中,某种基因产物在个体中按不同组 织空间顺序出现,称为基因表达的空间特异性 (spatial specificity) 或组织特异性 (tissue specificity)。
The ENCODE Project 旨在解析人类基因组中的所有功能性 元件。
• DNA 甲基化: 胞嘧啶甲基化; • 染色质修饰:组蛋白的多种共价修饰;
• DNase I 超敏感位点:转录活性基因对 DNase I 极度敏感。
适体区序列保守,能与适体直接结合,使表达平台的构 象变化,形成有选择性的茎环结构,导致 mRNA 转录提前 终止或者抑制翻译的起始。
aptamer region (pink) expression platform (orange)
抑制型核糖开关:适体存在时能抑制基因表达; 激活型核糖开关:适体存在时能启动基因表达。
lacY 基因编码透过酶 (permease)
lacA 基因编码乙酰基转移酶 (transacetylase)
E.coli 在含葡萄糖的培养基中生长 时,lacZ 基因不表达。 当葡萄糖耗尽而乳糖存在时, lacZ 基因表达,-半乳糖苷酶将乳糖水 解成葡萄糖和半乳糖。
Allolactose (异乳糖)
• EF-G (转位酶) 定位在 L12CTD 和 L11-NTD 之间。

• One class of bacterial regulatory RNAs (called sRNAs) acts in trans to control translation of target genes, rather as microRNAs do in eukaryotes. • They are, however, larger (80–110 nt) than those eukaryotic regulatory RNAs (21-30 nt), and they are not generally formed by processing of larger double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) precursors (as those eukaryotic RNA regulators are); instead, they are encoded in their final form by small genes. • Many of these genes have been identified by bioinformatics, with more than 100 sRNAs being uncovered in E. coli. • Most sRNAs work by base pairing with complementary sequences within target mRNAs and directing destruction of the mRNA, inhibiting its translation or even in some cases stimulating translation.

B. miRNAs and siRNAs are both processed in the nucleus by the protein Dicer. C. miRNAs and siRNAs are both processed in the nucleus by the protein Drosha.
© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Question 8. Describe how bacterial genes are regulated by riboswitches that respond to metabolites like Sadenosylmethionine (SAM). Question 9. Aside from regulation of gene expression, what other purpose do regulatory RNAs found in prokaryotes and Archaea serve? Question 10. Generally describe three mechanisms for how short RNAs in eukaryotes (siRNAs, miRNAs, and piRNAs) silence expression. Question 11. List the steps whereby miRNAs are generated and act to silence gene expression, and name the primary enzymes involved at each stage.
Question 14. Describe the key features of piwi-interacting RNAs ( piRNon Education, Inc.
J. Biol. Chem.-2007-Chen-28929-38

A Cellular Micro-RNA,let-7i,Regulates Toll-like Receptor4 Expression and Contributes to Cholangiocyte Immune Responses against Cryptosporidium parvum Infection* Received for publication,March27,2007,and in revised form,July26,2007Published,JBC Papers in Press,July27,2007,DOI10.1074/jbc.M702633200 Xian-Ming Chen1,2,Patrick L.Splinter1,Steven P.O’Hara1,and Nicholas Russo3From the Miles and Shirley Fiterman Center for Digestive Diseases,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,Rochester,Minnesota55905Toll-like receptors(TLRs)are important pathogen recogni-tion molecules and are key to epithelial immune responses to microbial infection.However,the molecular mechanisms that regulate TLR expression in epithelia are obscure.Micro-RNAs play important roles in a wide range of biological events through post-transcriptional suppression of target mRNAs.Here we report that human biliary epithelial cells(cholangiocytes) express let-7family members,micro-RNAs with complementa-rity to TLR4mRNA.We found that let-7regulates TLR4expres-sion via post-transcriptional suppression in cultured human cholangiocytes.Infection of cultured human cholangiocytes with Cryptosporidium parvum,a parasite that causes intestinal and biliary disease,results in decreased expression of primary let-7i and mature let-7in a MyD88/NF-B-dependent manner. The decreased let-7expression is associated with C.parvum-induced up-regulation of TLR4in infected cells.Moreover, experimentally induced suppression or forced expression of let-7i causes reciprocal alterations in C.parvum-induced TLR4 protein expression,and consequently,infection dynamics of C. parvum in vitro.These results indicate that let-7i regulates TLR4expression in cholangiocytes and contributes to epithelial immune responses against C.parvum infection.Furthermore, the data raise the possibility that micro-RNA-mediated post-transcriptional pathways may be critical to host-cell regulatory responses to microbial infection in general.Toll-like receptors(TLRs)4are an evolutionarily conserved family of cell surface pattern recognition molecules that play a key role in host immunity through detection of pathogens(1,2). Most TLRs,upon recognition of discrete pathogen-associated molecular patterns,activate a set of adaptor proteins(e.g.mye-loid differentiation protein88(MyD88))leading to the nuclear translocation of transcription factors,such as NF-B and AP-1, and thus transcriptionally regulate host-cell responses to pathogens,including parasites(3–5).TLRs may also recognize endogenous ligands induced during the inflammatory response (1–4).Evidence is accumulating that the signaling pathways associated with TLRs not only mediate host innate immunity but are also important to adaptive immune responses to micro-bial infection(6).Epithelial cells express TLRs and activation of TLRs triggers an array of epithelial defense responses,including production and release of cytokines/chemokines and anti-mi-crobial peptides(1–8).Expression of TLRs by epithelia is tightly regulated,reflecting the specific microenvironment and function of each epithelial cell type.This cell specificity is crit-ically important to assure that an epithelium will recognize invading pathogens but not elicit an inappropriate immune response to endogenous ligands or commensal microorgan-isms(4).Human bile is thought to be sterile under physiological con-ditions(9).Nevertheless,the biliary tract is connected and open to the intestinal tract and therefore,is potentially exposed to microorganisms from the gut.For example,duodenal microor-ganisms are believed to be a major source of bacterial infection in several biliary diseases(9,10).Indeed,Cryptosporidium par-vum,a coccidian parasite of the phylum Apicomplexa,prefer-entially infects the small intestine yet can infect biliary epithe-lial cells(i.e.cholangiocytes)causing biliary tract disease.We and others previously reported that human cholangiocytes express all10known TLRs and produce a variety of inflamma-tory cytokines/chemokines and antimicrobial peptides in response to microbial infection,suggesting a key but poorly understood role for cholangiocytes in epithelial defense(9–14). We also previously demonstrated that TLR2and TLR4signals mediate cholangiocyte responses including production of human-defensin2against C.parvum via TLR-associated acti-vation of NF-B(11).Dominant negative TLR/MyD88express-ing cholangiocytes have diminished defenses against C.parvum infection in vitro(11).Thus,TLRs and the mechanisms involved in their regulation are key elements for cholangiocyte defense against C.parvum infection.Micro-RNAs(miRNAs)are a newly identified class of endogenous small regulatory RNAs(15–17).In the cyto-*This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AI071321 (to X.-M.C.),DK57993and DK24031(to N.F.L.)and the Mayo Foundation.The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the pay-ment of page charges.This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement”in accordance with18U.S.C.Section1734solely to indi-cate this fact.1These authors contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence may be addressed:Dept.of Medical Microbiol-ogy and Immunology,Creighton University School of Medicine,2500Cal-ifornia Plaza,Omaha,NE68178.Tel.:402-280-3750;Fax:402-280-1875;E-mail:xianmingchen@.3To whom correspondence may be addressed:Mayo Clinic College of Medi-cine,200First St.,SW,Rochester,MN55905.Tel.:507-284-1006;Fax:507-284-0762;E-mail:larusso.nicholas@.4The abbreviations used are:TLRs,Toll-like receptors;miRNAs,micro-RNAs;MyD88,myeloid differentiation protein88;FITC,fluorescein isothiocya-nate;LPS,lipopolysaccharide;UTR,untranslated region;RT,reverse tran-scriptase;DN,dominant negative;EST,expressed sequence tag;ANOVA, analysis of variance.THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL.282,NO.39,pp.28929–28938,September28,2007©2007by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Inc.Printed in the ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, Downloaded fromplasm,they associate with messenger RNAs(mRNAs)based on complementarity between the miRNAs and the target mRNAs.This binding causes either mRNA degradation or translational suppression resulting in gene suppression at a post-transcriptional level(15–17).Micro-RNAs exhibit tis-sue-specific or developmental stage-specific expression, indicating that their cellular expression is tightly regulated(15–17).Nevertheless,the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular regulation of miRNA expression are unclear.Recent studies have indicated that transcription factors,such as c-Myc and C/EBP␣,appear to be involved in the expression of miRNAs, suggesting a role for transcription factors in regulation of miRNA expression(18,19).It has become clear that miRNAs play essential roles in several biological processes,including development,differentiation,and apoptotic cell death(15–27). Also,an antiviral role for miRNAs has been described in plants (15).Direct evidence of the importance of miRNAs in verte-brates to control viral invasion has also recently emerged from studies using human retroviruses(20);a host-cell miRNA,miR-32,has been identified that can effectively suppress primate foamy virus type1replication(20).Conversely,a primate foamy virus type1-derived protein,Tas,alters host-cell miRNA expression(20).Thus,host-pathogen interactions can influ-ence host-cell miRNA-mediated post-transcriptional suppres-sion,a process potentially involved in the regulation of epithe-lial defenses in response to microbial infection.up-regulation of TLR4in infected cells,and consequently,the infection dynamics of C. parvum in vitro.Thus,a novel let-7-mediated regulatory path-way for TLR4expression has been identified in cholangiocytes, a process that is involved in epithelial responses against micro-bial infection.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESC.parvum and Cholangiocyte Cell Lines—C.parvum oocysts of the Iowa strain were purchased from a commercial source (Bunch Grass Farm,Deary,ID).Before infecting cells,oocysts were excysted to release infective sporozoites as previously described(11,28).Freshly excysted sporozoites were tested for lipopolysaccharide(LPS)activity using the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test kit(Bio-Whittaker,Walkersville,MD)as reported by others(29)and only Limulus Amebocyte Lysate-negative sporozoites were used in the study.H69cells are SV40-trans-formed normal human cholangiocytes originally derived from normal liver harvested for transplant.These cholangiocytes continue to express biliary epithelial cell markers,including cytokeratin19,␥-glutamyl transpeptidase and ion transporters consistent with biliary function and have been extensively char-acterized(11,28).In Vitro Infection Model—An in vitro model of human biliary cryptosporidiosis using H69cells was employed as previously described(11,28).Before infecting cells,oocysts were excysted to release infective sporozoites(11,28).Infection was done in a culture medium consisting of Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium/F-12,100units/ml penicillin,and100g/ml strepto-mycin and freshly excysted sporozoites(1ϫ106sporozoites/ per slide well or culture plate).Inactivated organisms(treated at 65°C for30min)were used for sham infection controls.For some experiments,H69cells were exposed to LPS(100ng/ml, Invivogen)for12h.For the inhibitory experiments,SN50, one specific inhibitor of NF-B,was added in the medium at the same time as C.parvum.A concentration of50g/ml, which showed no cytotoxic effects on H69cells or on C. parvum sporozoites,was selected for the study.All the experiments were performed in triplicate. Immunofluorescent Microscopy—After exposure to C.par-vum as described above,cells were fixed with2%paraform-aldehyde and permeabilized with0.2%(v/v)Triton X-100in phosphate-buffered saline.For double-immunofluorescent labeling of TLR4with C.parvum,fixed cells were incubated with a monoclonal antibody TLR4(Imgenex)mixed with a polyclonal antibody against C.parvum(a gift from Dr.Guan Zhu,Texas A&M University,College Station,TX)followed by anti-mouse and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies(Molecular Probes)as we previously reported(11,28).In some experi-ments,4Ј,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(5M)was used to stain cell beled cells were assessed by confocal laser scan-ning microscopy.Western Blot—A previously reported semi-quantitative Western blot approach was used to assess TLR4expression in cells(11).Briefly,total cell lysates were obtained from the cells after exposure to C.parvum and blotted for TLR4and actin. Antibodies to TLR4(Imgenex)and actin(Sigma)were used. TLR4levels were expressed as their ratio to actin(11). Microarray Analysis of Endogenous miRNA Expression—H69 cells were grown to confluence and total RNAs were isolated using the TRIzol kit(Invitrogen).Micro-RNA expression pro-file in H69cells was performed with a recently developed semi-quantitative microarray approach with the GenoExplorer TM micro-RNA Biochips by Genosensor(Tempe,AZ).5S rRNA was detected as the control and data were analyzed with the software provided(Genosensor).let-7i Precursor and Antisense Oligonucleotide—To manipu-late cellular function of let-7i in H69cells,we utilized an anti-sense approach to inhibit let-7i function and precursor trans-fection to increase let-7i expression.For experiments,H69cells were grown to subconfluence and then incubated in culture medium containing let-7i antisense2-methoxy oligonucleotide (Ambion,20ng/ml)for12h.For let-7i precursor transfection, H69cells were grown to60–70%confluence and transfected with the let-7i precursor(Ambion,20ng/ml)using the NeoFx transfection agent(Ambion).Those cells were usually used for experiments12h after transfection.Northern Blot—Total RNA from cultured cells was isolated using the conventional method of acid phenol:chloroform extraction using TRI Reagent(Sigma)and subsequent alcohol precipitation.The total RNA was then used as the starting material for the enrichment of miRNAs.Micro-RNAs were enriched using the mirVana miRNA Isolation kit(Ambion).let-7Regulates Cholangiocyte Immunityat ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, Downloaded fromFor Northern blot detection,1g of miRNAs was separated on a15%polyacrylamide gel in1ϫTBE.Following electro-phoresis,miRNAs were transferred to nylon membrane using a semi-dry transfer and then UV cross-linked to the membrane using120mJ for30s.The probes for the detection of miRNAs and the5S rRNA were synthesized using an in vitro transcrip-tion approach with[␣-32P]UTP.The templates for the in vitro transcription of let-7i were:let-7i(5Ј-TGAGGTAGTAGTTT-GTGCTGTCCTGTCTC-3Ј)and5S rRNA(5Ј-GTTAGTACT-TGGATGGGAGACCGCCCTGTCTC-3Ј).The membranes were incubated with2.5ϫ106cpm per blot overnight at42°C. Subsequently,stringent washes were performed and the mem-branes were exposed to autoradiography film for24–48h.In Situ Hybridization—Cells were grown on4-well chamber slides and fixed with4%formaldehyde,5%acetic acid for15 min after a short washing with phosphate-buffered saline.After treatment with pepsin(0.1%in10m M HCl)for1min,cells were dehydrated through70,90,and100%ethanol.Treated cells were then hybridized with the fluorescent probes(10M)in probe dilution(EXIQON,Vedbaek,Denmark)for30min at 37°C followed by confocal microscopy(LSM510,Carl Zeiss). FITC-tagged antisense probe specific to let-7i was obtained from Ambion.Fluorescent intensity in the cytoplasm of cells was measured and calculated with an analysis system of the LSM510provided by Carl Zeiss,Inc.Luciferase Reporter Constructs and Luciferase Assay—Complementary59-mer DNA oligonucleotides containing the putative let-7target site within the3Ј-UTR of human TLR4mRNA were synthesized with flanking SpeI and HindIII restriction enzyme digestion sites(sense,5Ј-GATACTAGTA-TCGGGCCCAAGAAAGTCATTTCAACTCTTACCTCAT-CAAGTAAGCTTACA-3Ј;antisense,5Ј-TGTAAGCTTACT-TGATGAGGTAAGAGTTGAAATGACTTTCTTGGGCCC-GATACTAGTATC).The sense and antisense strands of the oligonucleotides were annealed by adding2g of each oligo-nucleotide to46l of annealing solution(100m M potassium acetate,30m M HEPES-KOH,pH7.4,and2m M magnesium acetate)and incubated at90°C for5min and then at37°C for 1h.The annealed oligonucleotides were digested with SpeI and HindIII and ligated into the multiple cloning site of the pMIR-REPORT Luciferase vector(Ambion,Inc.).In this vector,the post-transcriptional regulation of luciferase was potentially regulated by miRNA interactions with the TLR43Ј-UTR. Another pMIR-REPORT Luciferase construct containing TLR4mRNA3Ј-UTR with a mutant(ACCTCAT to ACCGAAT)at the putative seed region for let-7binding was also generated as a control.We then transfected cultured cholangiocytes with each reporter construct,as well as let-7i antisense oligonucleotide or precursor,followed by assessment of luciferase activity24h after transfection.Luciferase activity was then measured and normalized to the expression of the control TK Renilla construct as previously reported(11). Quantitative RT-PCR—A quantitative RT-PCR approach (LightCycler)to measure C.parvum infection was established by modification of a previous report(11).Briefly,total RNA was harvested from the cells after exposure to C.parvum and reversed transcribed to cDNA and amplified using Amplitaq Gold PCR master mixture(Roche).Primers specific for C.par-vum18S ribosomal RNA(forward,5Ј-TAGAGATTGGAGGT-TGTTCCT-3Јand reverse,5Ј-CTCCACCAACTAAGAACG-GCC-3Ј)were used to amplify the cDNA specific to the parasite.Primers specific for human plus C.parvum18S(11) were used to determine total18S cDNA.Data were expressed as copies of C.parvum18S versus total18S.Similarly,primers specific for human TLR4(forward:5Ј-TACTCACACCA-GAGTTGCTTTCA-3Јand reverse:5Ј-AGTTGACACT-GAGAGAGGTCCAG-3Ј)and let-7i primary transcript(Pri-let-7i)(forward,5Ј-CCTAGAAGGAATTGAGGGGAGT-3Јand reverse,5Ј-TGGCATTTAACTGCTGAAAGAA-3Ј)were used to amplify the cDNA specific to TLR4and Pri-let-7i.Dataof quantitative RT-PCR analysis were expressed as copies of targets versus18S.RESULTSHuman Cholangiocytes Express let-7Family Members, miRNAs That Mediate TLR4Expression—H69cells,SV40-transformed human cholangiocytes derived from normal liver harvested for transplantation(10),were used to test the miRNA expression profile in human cholangiocytes.Employing a recently developed semiquantitative microarray approach that detects385human miRNAs provided and performed by Genosensor,we detected a distinct expression profile of miRNAs in our cells(Table1).Using in silico computational target prediction analysis,we identified that of those miRNAs expressed in H69cells,at least three of the let-7family,let-7b,let-7i,and let-7g,have complementarity to TLR4mRNA withinthe3Ј-UTR(Fig.1A).let-7b and-7g are contained within known expressed sequence tags(EST),let-7i is also potentially within an intron of an EST(DA092355).However,we were unable to amplify this EST from H69cells(forward,5Ј-GGT-TABLE1Micro-RNAs detected in H69cells by microarray analysisExpression of miRNAs in H69cells as assessed by microarray analysis.H69cellswere grown to confluence and total RNAs isolated for miRNA microarray anal-ysis with the GenoExplorer TM micro-RNA Biochips by Genosensor.Data were expressed as the fluorescent intensity for each miRNA,representing the mean values from three independent analyses.Expression of5S rRNA was used as the control.miRNAs Fluorescentintensity miRNAsFluorescentintensity miR-001730Ϯ120miR-199a152Ϯ2.7miR-009140Ϯ9.1miR-214864Ϯ16miR-15a218Ϯ8.7miR-216163Ϯ2.0miR-15b188Ϯ7.0miR-296169Ϯ4.5miR-24230Ϯ2.1miR-299171Ϯ5.5miR-27b232Ϯ1.7miR-302a186Ϯ10miR-29a178Ϯ3.6miR-302d164Ϯ5.6miR-29b146Ϯ3.6miR-324-3p150Ϯ1.7miR-93141Ϯ3.6miR-337155Ϯ3.6miR-100211Ϯ2.3miR-338251Ϯ9.6miR-103151Ϯ1.5miR-339182Ϯ10miR-122a158Ϯ3.2miR-340172Ϯ8.0miR-124a710Ϯ230miR-342164Ϯ7.0miR-125a193Ϯ4.6miR-368162Ϯ11miR-125b3490Ϯ120miR-370175Ϯ1.2miR-128a330Ϯ40miR-371168Ϯ7.4miR-130a165Ϯ9.8miR-372298Ϯ19miR-130b202Ϯ7.5miR-373322Ϯ18miR-133a1880Ϯ120miRNA373*205Ϯ21miR-149181Ϯ11miR-374720Ϯ80miR-154161Ϯ4.0let-7b388Ϯ8.5miR-181b174Ϯ2.1let-7i161Ϯ11miR-194153Ϯ2.5let-7g172Ϯ4.0miR-197174Ϯ4.6rRNA-5s210Ϯ30let-7Regulates Cholangiocyte Immunityat ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, Downloaded fromCACGTGGTGAGGAGTAGC-3Јand reverse,5Ј-CATTCTT-GTCATATTGAAAATACGC-3Ј),whereas the EST was amplified from human cerebellum (data not shown).Addition-ally,let-7i has promoter elements immediately upstream of the precursor transcript (30),suggesting that let-7i expression is potentially regulated independent of EST DA092355.Wetherefore selected let-7i to test a potential role of miRNA-me-diated post-transcriptional suppression in regulated TLR4expression.To further confirm the expression of let-7in H69cells,we used an antisense probe complementary to let-7i (Mayo DNA core facility)for Northern blot ing this technique,we cannot eliminate the possibility that other let-7family members are detected.However,the pattern of expres-sion of the let-7family can be discerned.let-7miRNAs were detected in our cells by Northern blot analysis,whereas a scrambled control probe showed no signal (Fig.1B ).To further assess the expression and intracellular distri-bution of let-7miRNAs in H69cells,we used a FITC-tagged anti-sense oligonucleotide comple-mentary to let-7i (Ambion)for in situ hybridization analysis followed by confocal microscopy.The anti-sense probe complementary to let-7i was visualized predominantly in the cytoplasm with smaller amounts in the nuclei of cells (Fig.1C ).Further-more,cells transfected with a let-7i precursor (Ambion)showed a signif-icantly increased let-7signal as assessed by both Northern blot analy-sis (Fig.1B )and in situ hybridization (Fig.1,D and F ).Cells transfected with a let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oli-gonucleotide (Ambion)showed a sig-nificant decrease of let-7signal by in situ hybridization (Fig.1,E and F )and a mild decrease by Northern blot (Fig.1B ).Having established the approaches to manipulate intracellular let-7lev-els in cholangiocytes,we next tested whether alteration of let-7cellular levels affects TLR4protein contentin H69cells.We transfected cells with the let-7i precursor or the let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonu-cleotide for 12h and then measured TLR4protein expression in cells by quantitative Western blotting.We found a dose-dependent increase of TLR4protein content in cultured cholangiocytes after treatment with the let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oli-gonucleotide (Fig.2A ).In contrast,overexpression of let-7i with the precursor decreased TLR4proteincontent in a dose-dependent manner (Fig.2A ).Because trans-fection of let-7i precursor and antisense 2-methoxy oligonu-cleotide is limited to a portion of the cell population,we tested whether alteration of TLR4protein content occurs only in directly transfected cells.To accomplish this,the let-7i precur-sor or antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleotide was tagged with FITC using the mir Vana miRNA Probe Construction kit (Ambion)to label transfected cells.Expression of TLR4in cul-tured cells was visualized by immunofluorescent microscopy.As shown in Fig.2,B and C ,an increase of TLR4protein (Fig.2C ,in red )was detected only in cells directly transfected with let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleotide (Fig.2B ,in green )compared with non-transfected cells.Quantitative analysis showed a significant increase of TLR4-specific fluorescence in cells transfected with let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleo-FIGURE plementarity of let-7family miRNAs expressed in cholangiocytes to the 3-UTR of TLR4mRNA and manipulation of let-7i expression in cultured human cholangiocytes.A ,complementarity of let-7family miRNAs detected in H69cells to the 3Ј-UTR of ing in silico computational target prediction analysis,we identified that the expressed let-7family members,let-7b ,let-7i ,and let-7g,have complementarity to the 3Ј-UTR of TLR4mRNA.B–F ,manipulation of let-7i expression in H69cells with specificlet-7i precursor or antisense oligonucleotide as assessed by Northern blot analysis (B )or by in situ hybridization (C–F ).let-7miRNAs were detected in H69cells by Northern blot analysis using a probe complementary to let-7i (B ).The control probe showed no signal.Whereas cells treated with a let-7i precursor (Ambion)showed anincreased signal indicating an increase of let-7,cells treated with a let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleotide(Ambion)showed a mild decrease of let-7signal (B ).5S rRNA was probed to confirm equal loading of mRNA.A FITC-tagged antisense oligonucleotide complementary to let-7i was used to visualize let-7miRNAs.The anti-sense probe was visualized predominantly in the cytoplasm with a limited detection in the nucleus (C ).Fur-thermore,cells treated with the precursor showed an increased fluorescence (D ),whereas cells treated with the antisense oligonucleotide showed a significant decrease of fluorescent signal (E ).F ,quantitative analysis of fluorescent intensity of the FITC-tagged let-7i antisense oligonucleotide.A total of about 200cells were ran-domly selected for each group and each data bar represents mean ϮS.D.from three independent experi-ments.*,p Ͻ0.05,ANOVA versus basal non-transfected control cells (Basal ).Bars ,5m.let-7Regulates Cholangiocyte Immunityat ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, 2012 Downloaded fromtide and a significant decrease of TLR4specific fluorescence in cells treated with the let-7i precursor compared with non-transfected control cells,respectively (Fig.2D ).Taken together,these data reveal that human cholangiocytes express multiple endogenous miRNAs,including members of the let-7family,which have complementarity to TLR4mRNA,and that modu-lation of at least one of these,let-7i ,can mediate TLR4protein expression in cholangiocytes in vitro .let-7i Mediates TLR4Expression via Translational Sup-pression —Micro-RNAs mediate post-transcriptional suppres-sion via either mRNA cleavage or translational suppression.Totest whether let-7i can induce cleavage of TLR4mRNA,we measured the mRNA level of TLR4in cultured cholangiocytes transfected with either let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleo-tide or let-7i precursor by quantitative RT-PCR.No significant difference of TLR4mRNA was found in cells transfected with either let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleotide or let-7i pre-cursor (Fig.3A ).To directly address whether let-7i binds to the 3Ј-UTR of TLR4mRNA resulting in a translational suppres-sion,we generated a pMIR-REPORT luciferase construct con-taining the TLR4mRNA 3Ј-UTR with the putative let-7binding site (Fig.3B ).In addition,another pMIR-REPORT luciferase construct containing the TLR4mRNA 3Ј-UTR with a mutation at the putative let-7binding site (ACCTCAT to ACCGAAT)was generated as a control (Fig.3B ).We then transfected cul-tured cholangiocytes with each reporter construct,as wellasFIGURE 2.let-7i mediates TLR4expression in cultured cholangiocytes.A ,effects of let-7i on TLR4protein expression by Western analysis.H69cells were transfected with a let-7i precursor or let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligo-nucleotide for 12h followed by Western blot for TLR4.A dose-dependent increase of TLR4protein content was detected after treatment with let-7i antisense oligonucleotide.In contrast,overexpression of let-7i with the let-7i precursor decreased TLR4protein content in a dose-dependent manner.B and C ,TLR4expression in cells transfected with a let-7i antisense oligonu-cleotide as assessed by immunofluorescence.H69cells were transfected with a FITC-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide complementary to let-7i for 12h followed by immunofluorescent staining for TLR4.An increased expression of TLR4protein (in red ,C )was detected in directly transfected cells (arrows ,in green ,B )compared with non-transfected cells.D ,effects of let-7i on TLR4protein expression by quantitative fluorescent analysis.H69cells were trans-fected with either let-7i precursor or let-7i antisense oligonucleotide for 12h followed by quantitative analysis of immunofluorescent signals for TLR4.A total of about 200cells were randomly selected for each group and each data bar represents mean ϮS.D.from three independent experiments.*,p Ͻ0.05,ANOVA versus with non-transfected control cells (Basal ).Bars ,5m.FIGURE 3.let-7i mediates TLR4protein expression via post-transcrip-tional suppression.A ,effects of let-7i on TLR4mRNA content.H69cells were transfected with either let-7i precursor or let-7i antisense oligonucleotide for 12h followed by quantitative RT-PCR for TLR4mRNA.Data were normalized to the 18S rRNA level and expressed as copies of TLR4mRNA/106copies 18S rRNA.B ,targeting of let-7i to the 3Ј-UTR of TLR4mRNA.A reporter construct with the potential binding site for let-7in the 3Ј-UTR of TLR4was generated.H69cells were transiently co-transfected for 24h with the reporter construct and either let-7i antisense oligonucleotide or let-7i precursor.Luciferase activ-ities were measured and normalized to the control TK Renilla luciferase level.Bars represent the mean ϮS.D.from three independent experiments.*,p Ͻ0.05,ANOVA versus cells transfected only with the reporter construct (3Ј-UTR Ctrl );#,p Ͻ0.05,ANOVA versus cells transfected with the reporter construct plus let-7i precursor (3ЈUTR ϩlet-7i precursor ).let-7Regulates Cholangiocyte Immunityat ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, 2012 Downloaded fromlet-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonucleotide or precursor,fol-lowed by assessment of luciferase activity 24h after transfec-tion.As shown in Fig.3B ,a significant decrease of luciferase activity was detected in cells trans-fected with the TLR43Ј-UTR con-struct under basal conditions ( antisense or precursor treatment).No change of luciferase was observed in cells transfected with the mutant TLR43Ј-UTR con-struct.Importantly,let-7i precursor significantly decreased luciferase reporter translation and in contrast,let-7i antisense 2-methoxy oligonu-cleotide markedly increased lucifer-ase reporter translation.A mutation in the binding sequence eliminated the let-7i precursor-induced de-crease of reporter translation.Taken together,the above data suggest that the seed region for let-7binding within the TLR43Ј-UTR is critical for TLR4trans-lational regulation in H69cells.Furthermore,manipulation of cel-lular levels of let-7i results in alter-ations of TLR4protein expression by suppressing translation via interactions with the 3Ј-UTR of TLR4mRNA rather than mRNA cleavage.LPS Stimulation and C.parvum Infection Decrease let-7i Expression in Cholangiocytes via a MyD88/NF-B Signaling-dependent Mech-anism —Having demonstrated that let-7i mediates TLR4translation in cholangiocytes,we then tested whether this regulation is of physio-logical or pathophysiological signif-icance.Expression of TLR4protein in epithelial cells is finely regulated and alterations of TLR4expression have been reported in intestinal andairway epithelial cells following microbial infection (1,31).There-fore,we measured let-7i expression in cholangiocytes upon LPS stimu-lation and following infection by C.parvum ,a parasite that infects both intestinal and biliary epithelium.We previously demonstrated that C.parvum infection activates TLR sig-nals in infected cholangiocytes in culture,including activation of the adaptor protein,MyD88,and nuclear translocation of NF-B in directly infected cells (28).Here,aprobe complementary to let-7i detected significantly less signal by Northern blot analysis following LPS stimulation (Fig.4A )or following C.parvum infection (Fig.4E ).However,given theFIGURE 4.LPS stimulation and C.parvum infection decrease let-7i expression in cholangiocytes in a NF-B dependent manner.A–H ,expression of let-7i in cholangiocytes after treatment with LPS (A–D )or infection by C.parvum (E–H ).H69cells,as well as cells stably transfected with a MyD88functionally deficient dominant negative mutant construct (MyD88-DN )or an empty control vector,were exposed to LPS (100ng/ml)for 4h or C.parvum for 12h followed by Northern blot (A and E ),quantitative RT-PCR (B and F )or in situ hybridization (C and G )analysis for let-7i .For Northern blot analysis,5S rRNA was blotted to confirm that an equal amount of total RNA was used.let-7signals,detected with the let-7i antisense probe,from three inde-pendent experiments were measured using a densitometric analysis and expressed as the ratio to 5S rRNA (A and E ).Quantitative RT-PCR analysis was performed with specific primers to let-7i primary transcript and expressed as copies/18S rRNA (B and F ).For in situ hybridization analysis,an FITC-tagged antisense probe complementary to let-7i (Ambion)was used to detect let-7family miRNAs.Cells were also stained with 4Ј,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole to label the nuclei in blue .Representative confocal images are shown in C and G .C.parvum was stained red using a specific antibody (arrowheads in G ).D and H are quantitative analyses of let-7expression detected with the fluorescently tagged antisense oligonucleotide complementary to let-7i in thecytoplasm of cultured cells by in situ hybridization after treatment with LPS (D )or infection by C.parvum (H ),respectively.A total of about 200cells were randomly selected for each group and each data bar represents mean ϮS.D.from three independent experiments.*,p Ͻ0.05,ANOVA versus no-LPS treated control cells (Ctrl ,in A ,B ,and D )or sham infected cells (Sham Inf.Ctrl ,in E ,F ,and H ).Bars ,5m.let-7Regulates Cholangiocyte Immunityat ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on January 10, 2012 Downloaded from。

关键词 原核生物;生物素;代谢调控;调控因子
中图分类号 Q569;Q7
文献标识码 A
文章编号 2095-1736(2021)03-0094-05
Research progress of biotin metabolism regulators in Prokaryotes
第 38 卷第 3 期 2021 年 6 月
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Vol. 38 No. 3 Jun. 2021
2 生物素代谢调控因子的功能 2. 1 BirA 的双功能
BirA 催化蛋白质生物素化是通过两步反应实现 的[9] ,BPL 含有 两 个 保 守 的 结 构 催 化 核 心, 负 责 生 物 素-5′-AMP 的合成和蛋白质生物素化[28] 。 在第一部分 反应中,生物素和 ATP 形成生物 素-5′-AMP ( Holo-BirA) 。 在含有Ⅱ型 BirA 的原核生物中,Holo-BirA 具有 两种不同的命运[29-30] ( 图 3) 。 一方面,Holo-BirA 可以
化噻吩杂环的闭合,形成生物素( Biotin) 。 最 近 也 有 报 道 BioU 代 替 BioA 发挥功能的情况[19] 。 生物素的生物合 成不仅需要上述 4 种酶的参与,还需消
( a) 不同微生物中生物素合成基因分布示意图;( b) 微生物中生物素合成的过程 图 1 原核生物中生物素代谢基因及合成途径
微生 物 进 化 出 BioV[17] 、 BioZ[18] 等, 可

transcription terminator Rho of Clostridium botulinum肉毒梭状芽胞杆菌的转录终结者p因子(Cb-Rho)candidate prion-forming domain候选朊病毒形成域(cPrD)N-terminal insertion domain氨基端插入域(NID)无朊病毒形式酵母菌朊病毒形成蛋白品种([PSI–] strains)有朊病毒形式酵母菌朊病毒形成蛋白品种([PSI+] strains)酵母菌朊病毒形成蛋白(Sup35)酵母菌朊病毒形成蛋白氨基端朊病毒形成域(Sup35NM)酵母菌朊病毒形成蛋白羧酸端基(Sup35C)A bacterial global regulator formsa prionAndy H. Yuan and Ann Hochschild*//Prions are self-propagating protein aggregates that act as protein-based elements of inheritance in fungi. Although prevalent in eukaryotes, prions have not been identified in bacteria.Here we found that a bacterial protein, transcription terminator Rho of Clostridiumbotulinum (Cb-Rho), could form a prion.We identified a candidate prion-forming domain(cPrD)in Cb-Rhoand showed that it conferredamyloidogenicity on Cb-Rho and couldfunctionally replace the PrD of a yeast prion-forming protein. Furthermore, its cPrD enabledCb-Rho to access alternative conformations in Escherichia coli—a soluble form[that terminated transcription efficiently]and an aggregated, self-propagating prion form[thatwas functionally compromised].The prion form caused genome-wide changes in the transcriptome.Thus, Cb-Rho functions as a protein-based element of inheritance in bacteria, suggesting that the emergence of prions predates the evolutionary[split between eukaryotes and bacteria].//First described as the protein-based causative agent[of the fatal transmissible spongiformencephalopathies (1)], prions have alsobeen uncovered in fungi, where they act asprotein-based elements of inheritance that confer new phenotypes on cells that harbor them(2, 3). Fungal prions are formed by proteins[thatcan access alternative conformations, includinga self-perpetuating amyloid fold (the prion form)that is characteristically heritable (4)].At least adozen prion-forming proteins with diversefunctionshave been uncovered in budding yeast (4),to which prions have been shown to confer growthadvantages under specific conditions (3). Nonpathogenic,[prion-like proteins ]have also beendescribed in mammals (5), Aplysia (6), Drosophila(6), and, most recently, Arabidopsis (7). Althoughbacteria have been shown to propagatea yeast prion (8, 9), it is not known if bacterialprions exist.//We used a previously described hidden Markovmodel–based algorithmtrained on a set of yeastprion-forming proteins (10, 11) to mine ~60,000bacterial genomes for proteins containing candidateprion-forming domains (cPrDs) (table S1).Among [the proteins identified by this analysis]was the transcription termination factor Rhoof Clostridium botulinum E3 strain Alaska E43(Cb-Rho), [which contains a 68–amino acidresidue cPrD ](residues 74 to 141, fig. S1) (12). Rho is ahighly conservedhexameric helicase[that loadsonto nascent transcripts and couplesadenosine5′-triphosphate hydrolysis to RNA translocation],resulting in the termination of transcription by RNA polymerase (13).Phyletic analysis[ofbacterial Rho orthologs]revealed that many Rhoproteins contain an N-terminal insertion domain(NID) (14).The Cb-Rho cPrD was found to belocated within an NID(Fig. 1A), and, notably,many Rho orthologs from [distantly related bacteria]contain similarly situated cPrDs (fig. S2).//A characteristic[of most prion-forming proteins]is their ability to assemble as amyloid aggregates(3, 4). Therefore, we tested Cb-Rho for amyloidogenicity using [an E. coli–based secretionassay ][that detects extracellularamyloid](15).Both[the 68-residue cPrD of Cb-Rho ]and [a 248-residue fragment of Cb-Rho][that encompasses the cPrD [in the structurally well-defined Rho N-terminal domain (NTD) (13)]]had amyloidformingpropensities by this test (Fig. 1, A to C,and fig. S3A).These Cb-Rho domains also formedamyloid-like material [when fused to monomericyellow fluorescent protein (mYFP)]and producedin the E. coli cytoplasm, as did a truncated NTD fragment retaining the complete cPrD (NTDD1-73); however, an NTD variant [lacking thecPrD](NTD D1-141) did not (Fig. 1, A and D, andfig. S3B). Similarly, [full-length Cb-Rho ]and [Cb-RhoD1-73]formed amyloid-like material in the E. coli cytoplasm, but excess E. coli-Rho and the threeCb-Rho variants [that lacked the cPrD ]did not(Fig. 1, A and E, and fig. S3C).Thus, the cPrD confers amyloid-forming potential on Cb-Rho.Next, we asked whether the Cb-Rho cPrDcould functionally replace the PrD of the yeastprion-forming protein Sup35, an essential translationrelease factor.Yeast strains containingSup35[in its nonprion form ([psi–] strains)]display normal translation termination, whereas strains containing Sup35[in its prion form ([PSI+]strains)]exhibit stop codonreadthrough, whichis detectable as a heritablecolony-color phenotype(4).Sup35 has both [an N-terminal PrD(Sup35NM) that can be functionally replacedby heterologous PrDs ]and[a C-terminal moiety(Sup35C)withtranslation release activity](11).We replaced Sup35NM with several Cb-Rhofragments (cPrD, NTD, or NTD D1-73) and then constructed three yeast strains, each containing[one of the three resultingCb-Rho–Sup35C chimeras]as the sole source of translation releaseactivity.In each case, the cells exhibited a [psi–]-like phenotype[that could undergo conversion to a stable [PSI+]-like phenotype (Fig. 2, A and B)],[the propagation of which was dependent on the chaperone Hsp104 (Fig. 2C), [which mirrored thedependence of[Sup35 and other yeast prions]on Hsp104 (4)]].Cells containing any one of threeCb-Rho NTD–Sup35C chimera variants [thatlacked the cPrD ]exhibited [psi–]-like phenotypesonly (Fig. 2, A and B).Thus, Cb-Rho cPrD canfunctionally substitute for Sup35NM.Additionally,our finding [that the Cb-Rho cPrD–Sup35Cchimera exhibited stable [PSI–]-like and [PSI+]-like phenotypes in yeast ]enabled us to demonstrate that Cb-Rho aggregates [produced in bacteria]were infectious when introduced into yeast cells(fig. S5). //We then asked whether Cb-Rho could interconvert between nonprion and self-perpetuatingprion conformations in E. coli cells, with conversionto the prion form causing decreased Rhoactivity.To detect Rho activity, we used a reportergene construct in which the Rho-dependent terminatortR1 is placed between a phage promoterand the lacZ gene (Fig. 3A). Decreased Rho activityin a strain harboring this reporter should resultin increased expression of lacZ and cause the colonies to appear blue on indicator medium.Althoughwe were unable to replace the E. coli rhogene, an essential gene, with the Cb rho gene(supplementary materials and methods), we could construct a strain with a chromosomally encoded Cb-Rho NTD–E. coli-Rho CTD (C-terminal domain)chimera in place of E. coli-Rho.This strain exhibiteda slow-growth phenotype, which we could ameliorate by supplementing the chromosomallyencoded Rho chimera with excessplasmid-encodedRho chimera (Cb-Rho NTD D1-73–E. coli-RhoCTD) (Fig. 3A and supplementary materials andmethods).Cells containing this plasmid gave riseto both pale blue and blue colonies, where palecolor indicated high Rho activity and blue colorindicated low Rho activity (Fig. 3B).This phenotypic heterogeneity suggested that the plasmidencoded Rho chimera was capable of accessingalternative conformations: a soluble, nonprionconformation (pale colonies) and an aggregated,prion conformation (blue colonies).//Additional findings fulfilled key predictionsof the hypothesis that alternative protein conformations,including a self-perpetuating prionform, were responsible for the pale and bluecolony-color phenotypes:(i) Plasmid DNA originating from either blue or pale colonies revealed no sequence differences within or surroundingthe chimeric rho gene, and the plasmids behaved indistinguishably whenretransformed into naïve reporter strain cells (Fig. 4A);(ii) Cell lysates prepared from overnight culturesinoculated withblue colonies contained Rho protein aggregates,but those prepared from cultures inoculated withpale colonies contained little aggregated material(Fig. 3C and fig. S6); (iii) Cell cultures of blueand pale colonies produced predominantly blueand pale colonies, respectively, when plated on indicator medium, and this bias was even more pronounced when blue and pale colonies were resuspended and replated without interveningliquid growth, a procedure that enabled us to estimate the probability of spontaneous loss(<0.8% per cell per generation) and appearance(<0.2% per cell per generation) of the Rho prion(Fig. 4A and supplementary materials and methods);(iv) The blue colony-color phenotype (i.e.,the Rho prion) could be propagated for ≥120generations, and its maintenance depended oncontinued synthesis of the Rho chimera (Fig. 4Band supplementary materials and methods);(v)Reminiscent of the effect of Hsp104 overproductionon [PSI+] yeast cells (4), the blue colonycolorphenotype was “cured” by overproductionof the disaggregase ClpB (the bacterial ortholog of Hsp104) (Figs. 3C and 4C); (vi) Transcription profiling on cells[descended fromeither blueor pale parent colonies]revealedgenome-wide readthrough[of Rho-dependent terminators specificallyin cells derived from blue colonies (Fig. 3D,figs. S7 and S8, and table S2) ](16).Thus, Cb-Rhocan undergo conversion toa self-propagating prionconformation in E. coli cells, eliciting genomewidechanges in the transcriptome. //We also observed Cb-Rho prion behavior withoutprotein overproduction by constructing astrain encoding Cb-Rho NTD D1-73–E. coli-Rho CTD at the native chromosomal rho locus. Theresulting cells were healthy and yielded bothblue and pale colonieswhen plated on indicatormedium (fig. S9).Blue colonies spontaneously gave rise to pale colonies at a low frequency(fig. S9, B and C), and the blue colony-color phenotypewascured by transient ClpB overproduction(fig. S9B and supplementary materialsand methods). Moreover, pale colonies gave riseto blue colonies upon transient exposure to 5%ethanol, a stress condition known to confer a fitnessadvantage to E. coli cells carrying a reducedfunctionrho allele (fig. S9B and supplementarymaterials and methods) (17).//The identification of Cb-Rho as a bacterialprion-forming protein establishes protein-based heredity in the bacterial domain of life, suggestingthat the emergence of prion-dependent phenomena predates the divergence of Bacteria and Eukaryota. Moreover, the presence of cPrDs inRho proteins of bacteria representing at leastsix phyla, including the dominantconstituents of the human gut microbiota, suggests that the impact of bacterial prion-based phenomena maybe far-reaching.Rho and Sup35 prion formationhave an intriguing similarity.Whereasformation of the Sup35 prion triggers genome-wide changesin the proteome due to stop codon readthrough(18), formation of the Rho prion triggers genome-widechanges in the transcriptome due to terminator readthrough. Prionsmay represent a sourceof epigenetic diversity in bacteria that can contributeto bacterial fitness in a variety of settings,for example, by facilitating immune evasion inthe context of infection(19) or enabling antibiotictolerance in quasi-dormant“persister” cells(20).Moreover, because prion formation typicallyresults in a reduced-function phenotype,it is notable that adaptive null mutations inbacteria are common, often facilitating survival in response to environmental challenge (21).。

Anchor alignments can be extended such that the orginal read sequence aligns completely
The inferred breakpoint is flanked by GU/AG splice signal
Identify that circRNAs are not just rare and specifically expressed
Map the terminal parts of each candidate read independently to the genome to find unique anchor positions
Anchor alignments can be extended such that the orginal read sequence aligns completely The inferred breakpoint is flanked by GU/AG splice signal
Sequence conservation within circRNAs
qPCR test circRNA
DigesLeabharlann with RNase R• 24h after blocking transcription circRNAs were highly stable, exceeding the stability of the housekeeping gene GAPDH.
27 February 2013 Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency Sebastian Memczak, Marvin Jens, Antigoni Elefsinioti, Francesca Torti, Janna Krueger, + et al. Nature 495, 333-338 doi:10.1038/nature11928
分子生物学讲义-Regulatory RNAs

1. Transcription and translation in bacteria are coupled (细菌体内的转录和翻译是偶联的). Therefore, synthesis of the leader peptide immediately follows the transcription of leader RNA.
3. Attenuation: Regulation by ribosome stop-mediated formation of terminators
1. Small RNAs (sRNA)
2. Riboswitches(核酸开关) are regulatory
RNA elements that act as direct sensors of small molecule metabolites to control gene transcription or translation.
Early demonstration of RNAi in plants
391:806, 1998
No probe
anti-sense ssRNA
In situ hybridization for mex-3 mRNA 4 cell embryos
外源双链RNA pre-miRNAs
Chapter 18 Regulatory RNAs
PART 2 RNAi and miRNA regulation
Outlines 1. RNAi discovery and mechanism 2. The discovery of miRNAs 3. miRNA biogenesis and regulation 4. miRNA roles in development, cell
Post-transcriptional global regulation by CsrA in bacteria

REVIEWPost-transcriptional global regulation by CsrA in bacteriaJohan Timmermans •Laurence Van MelderenReceived:2March 2010/Revised:14April 2010/Accepted:20April 2010/Published online:6May 2010ÓSpringer Basel AG 2010Abstract Global regulation allows bacteria to rapidly modulate the expression of a large variety of unrelated genes in response to environmental changes.Global regu-lators act at different levels of gene expression.This review focuses on CsrA,a post-transcriptional regulator that affects translation of its gene targets by binding mRNAs.CsrA controls a large variety of physiological processes such as central carbon metabolism,motility and biofilm formation.The activity of CsrA is itself tightly regulated by the CsrB and CsrC small RNAs and the BarA-UvrY two-component system.Keywords CsrB ÁCsrC ÁCentral carbon metabolism ÁMotility ÁBiofilm formationMultiple levels of global regulation in bacteria Bacteria have evolved complex and efficient mechanisms for responding to their ever-changing lives.As an example,Escherichia coli is able to respond to a sudden depletion in amino acids by synthesizing the ppGpp alarmone which will redirect transcription toward biosynthetic operons and indirectly lead to polyphosphate-dependent degradation of several free ribosomal proteins (for review see [1]).It can also adapt to heat shock by inducing the production of chaperones and proteases that will help to refold and/or get rid of damaged proteins (for review see [2]),it can respondto oxidative stress by inducing expression of antioxidant enzymes (for review see [3])and it can use the most energetic carbon sources among a mixture of carbon sources (for review see [4]).Examples are multiple and are reviewed in depth in a variety of recent reviews [5–8].Adaptation to these environmental changes reflects gene expression reprogramming.This is achieved by so-called global regulators that allow bacteria to coordinately control the expression of genes or operons encoding unrelated functions and scattered over the genome (for review see [9]).It has been recognized that such global regulators act at the level of transcription.Recently,global post-tran-scriptional regulators have been characterized and shown to influence globally gene expression (for review see [10])(Fig.1).Global transcriptional regulators are themselves regulated by post-transcriptional regulators.Therefore,global regulation implies a cascade of regulations.The starting point is an extracellular signal that is transduced into the cell,the ultimate point being the phenotypic traits resulting from differential gene expression.Transcriptional regulationAmong global transcriptional regulators,sigma (r )factors are well documented (for reviews see [11,12]).They allow RNA polymerase to be recruited at specific DNA sequen-ces in gene promoter regions at which they initiate transcription.In addition to the major housekeeping r 70factor,E.coli contains six other r factors.Changes in their synthesis and/or degradation rates as well as competition between the different r factors for the RNA polymerase core will lead to differential gene expression.In species such as Bacillus subtilis that undergo development,the interplay between multiple r factors controls sporulation (for review see [13]).J.Timmermans ÁL.Van Melderen (&)Laboratoire de Ge´ne ´tique et Physiologie Bacte ´rienne,Institut de Biologie et de Me´decine Mole ´culaires,Faculte´des Sciences,Universite ´Libre de Bruxelles,12rue des Professeurs Jeener et Brachet,6041Gosselies,Belgium Sci.(2010)67:2897–2908DOI 10.1007/s00018-010-0381-zCellular and Molecular Life SciencesH-NS(histone-like nucleoid structuring protein)is another type of global transcriptional regulator found in enterobacteria(for review see[14]).It is a small DNA-associated protein that binds preferentially to curved AT-rich DNA without showing sequence preferences [15–17].H-NS regulates mostly negatively a variety of physiological pathways such as metabolism[18],fimbriae expression[19,20],virulence[21],flagellum synthesis and proper function[22–24].H-NS is thought to downregulate functions needed in the host when bacteria thrive outside it. These functions are positively regulated by environmental conditions.Other types of global regulators are signalling molecules such as cyclic-AMP(cAMP)and cyclic-di-GMP(see below)[25,26].Synthesis of cAMP is negatively regulated by glucose uptake.cAMP binds to CRP(cAMP receptor protein),also known as CAP(catabolite activator protein), which is the effector protein.While CRP alone has no activity,the CRP-cAMP complex forms an active tran-scription factor that positively regulates gene expression. Recent microarray data highlight the global regulatory activity of cAMP.Directly or indirectly cAMP controls 380E.coli genes(about12%of the entire gene pool)[27]. Notably,cAMP regulates carbon source metabolism,fla-gellum synthesis,biofilm formation,quorum sensing and nitrogen assimilation[27–30].Post-transcriptional regulationSmall noncoding RNAs(sRNAs)are major players in post-transcriptional global regulation(for review see [31]).A single sRNA can affect multiple targets and drastically modify cell physiology.These sRNAs are involved in stress response regulation as well as patho-genesis and virulence.More than70sRNAs have been identified in E.coli.The vast majority belong to the bona fide class of sRNAs that act by base pairing with their mRNA targets.They modify the translation or stability of the targets and most of them act together with the Hfq RNA chaperone.As an example,in E.coli,SgrS is a sRNA induced during the so-called sugar phosphate stress due to cytoplasmic accumulation of hexose sugar phos-phate as a consequence of glycolysis inhibition.SgrS binds to the mRNA of ptsG,whose product is involved in glucose uptake,leading to its degradation[32].In addi-tion to its regulatory role,SgrS encodes a small protein called SgrT which is also involved in glucose uptake inhibition and appears to regulate PtsG activity[33].This avoids new supply of glucose and allows depletion of the sugar phosphate pool[32].Furthermore,some sRNAs regulate other global regulators,making them post-tran-scriptional global regulators according to the definitions proposed above.As an example,the E.coli DsrA sRNA regulates r38expression(for review see[34]).The sec-ond group of sRNAs binds to proteins.The best-studied is the E.coli CsrB and its homologues in closely related bacteria(for review see[35]).These sRNAs regulate the activity of the CsrA global regulator.This is developed in detail below.Post-translational regulationAnother level of post-transcriptional regulation is control of protein stability and folding carried out by ATP-dependent proteases and chaperones[36–38].Proteases and chaperones act together to regulate the amount of many proteins in the cell,among them global regulators such as r factors.As an example,the E.coli Lon ATP-dependent proteases regulateflagella expression by degrading the specific rflagella factor(r28)[39]as well as the acid shock tolerance regulon by regulating the amount of the GadE master transcriptional regulator[40], gadE expression being itself under the r38transcriptional control.As mentioned above,r38plays an essential role in the general stress response.Post-translation control is mediated by the ClpXP ATP-dependent protease which degrades r38under steady-state conditions.Under certain types of stress or upon entry into the stationary phase,r38 is no longer degraded and interacts with the RNA poly-merase core and transcribes r38regulon genes(for review see[41]).Proteolysis relies on intricate interactions between protease subunits and adaptator or antiadaptator proteins depending on the growth conditions[42](for review see[43]).2898J.Timmermans,L.Van MelderenPost-transcriptional global regulation by CsrAIn a screen set up to identify trans factors that regulate biosynthesis of glycogen using an E.coli library of trans-poson mutants,Romeo and coworkers[44]discovered the csrA(carbon storage regulator A)gene.A transposon insertion in csrA(csrA::kan)was isolated and showed pleiotropic phenotypes,which led the authors to propose that CsrA is a global regulator.Cell size and adherence were affected in the csrA insertion mutant as well as gly-cogenesis and gluconeogenesis(see below).It was later shown that the csrA gene is essential for viability in rich medium and on minimal media supplemented with glyco-lytic carbon sources[45].Moreover,the csrA::kan mutation was shown to be leaky,explaining the viability of the csrA::kan on these culture media(see below)[45].The csrA gene encodes the CsrA protein which is composed of61amino acids.It is a post-transcriptional regulator that binds to mRNAs and regulates mRNA sta-bility and translation[46–62].CsrA acts mostly negatively leading in most cases to the decay of the negatively regu-lated mRNAs[46–59].Some cases of positive regulation mediated by CsrA have also been described in the literature [60–62].CsrA is regulated at the post-translational level by two sRNAs called CsrB and CsrC in E.coli[47,63–65]. These sRNAs are composed of multiple CsrA binding sites that bind and sequester CsrA,thereby inhibiting its activity (for review see[35]).CsrA is a global regulator.It regulates multiple unre-lated pathways such as central carbon metabolism,motility and biofilm formation,virulence and pathogenesis,quorum sensing and oxidative stress response(Fig.2),although some subtle differences exist depending on the bacterial species studied[44,52,58,59,62,66–81].Several homologues have been identified in other bacterial species [82].In related species such as Erwinia carotovora and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,CsrA is called RsmA or RsmE (repressor of secondary metabolites)[83,84].Pseudomo-nasfluorescens contains two homologues of CsrA(RsmA and RsmE).They appear to be redundant since mutation of both is necessary to derepress production of antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes[85].In Pseudo-monas syringae pv.tomato,four CsrA homologues have been identified[86],as in the case of P.fluorescens,the authors proposed that they might have redundant functions. Molecular mechanisms of CsrA-mediated regulationof gene expressionStructure of CsrACsrA is a small homodimeric RNA-binding protein(about 7kDa per monomer)[56,86,87].It contains a degenerated KH(human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein, hnRNP,K homology)domain[50].Two types of structural KH domain exist,one found typically in eukaryotes and the other in prokaryotes(for review see[88]).The proteins containing a KH domain are involved in RNA or ssDNA recognition and contain a typical GxxG loop(where x is preferentially a basic amino acid)(for review see[88]) (Fig.3a).The structure of CsrA is not similar to that of other proteins containing a KH domain although it does contains the GxxG motif(Fig.3a)[87].The three-dimen-sional structure of CsrA was solved by X-ray radiography (from P.putida CsrA)and by NMR(E.coli and P.fluo-rescens CsrA),giving very similar structures.CsrA is composed offive b-strands followed by an a-helix (Fig.3a).The dimer is obtained by interdigitation offive b-strands of each monomer[56,86,87].Binding of CsrA on a mRNA target(glgC,see below)leads to large confor-mational changes[87].This was not observed upon binding to the CsrB-negative regulator most likely because of the structure of the CsrB RNA[87].The loops connecting b-sheets1and2,and3and4(containing the GxxG motif) as well as b-sheet4and the C-terminus are involved in RNA recognition(Fig.3a,sequence shaded in grey)[87]. Comprehensive alanine-scanning mutagenesis gave differ-ent indications and revealed that the two distal regions(in b-strand1and in b-strand5)are involved in RNA recog-nition[55](Fig.3a,sequence boxed in black).The b-strand1of one monomer is located near the b-strand5 of the other monomer,suggesting that they form a func-tional domain[55].The csrA::kan mutation is due to transposon insertion at the51st codon of csrA[89](Fig.3a, arrow).This leads to the disruption of the C-terminal a-helix which is involved in RNA recognition as proposed by Mercante and coworkers[55].Although both RNAGlobal regulation in bacteria2899recognition domains of CsrA are necessary for proper function[90],this mutant retains partial activity[44,45]. CsrA binding sitesThe consensus sequence of the E.coli CsrA binding site has been identified using the SELEX method(systematic evo-lution of ligands by the exponential enrichment).This method is based on the high-affinity isolation of ligands to a randomized nucleic sequence(for review see[91]).The consensus binding sequence is50-RUACARGGAUGU-30, where R is a purine.Furthermore,the secondary structure of the RNA target is also important for CsrA ing in silico RNA structure prediction and experimental RNase and Pb2?digestions,it has been shown that CsrA recognizes this sequence in a hairpin in which the middle GGA motif is located in the loop(Fig.3b)[46,47].The P.fluorescens CsrA(RsmE)recognizes very similar sequences to that recognized by the E.coli CsrA(50-A/UCANGGANGU/A-30, where N is any nucleotide).The structure is also similar:the middle ANGGA motif is located in the hairpin loop[56].The CsrA dimer binds to two adjacent binding sites[55,90].It has recently been proposed,based on mRNA shift assay and glgC S30transcription-translation,that CsrA bindsfirst to a high-affinity site which enables CsrA binding to lower affinity sites[90].Molecular mechanisms of regulationNegative regulation is mediated by CsrA binding on spe-cific sites which are located nearby or overlapping the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.Binding leads to inhibition of translation initiation and generally to mRNA degradation [46–59].The RNase(s)involved are still unknown.In the case of the hfq mRNA(a target of CsrA in E.coli),no degradation is observed.Whether it reflects another mode of regulation is unknown[53].The number of CsrA binding sites depends on the target (Table1).The number varies between one(hfq mRNA) and six(pgaABCD mRNA)[53,58].Whether the number of CsrA binding sites on a target influences the tightness of the regulation is not known.However,deletion of one of the CsrA binding sites in the glgC transcript enhances its translation[90].Regulation of glycogen storage by CsrA in E.coli is well documented(see below).CsrA negatively regulates glycogen accumulation by controlling the expression of the glgCAP operon and glgB of the glgBX operon[46,50,52]. While glgBX operon regulation has not been extensively studied,four CsrA binding sites have been identified in the 50untranslated region of the glgCAP mRNA,one of them overlapping the Shine-Dalgarno sequence[46,90].CsrA binding on these sites induces translation inhibition and rapid mRNA decay[46,50].glgCAP transcripts are rapidly degraded in the wild-type strain(half-life of about4min) and they are stabilized in the csrA::kan mutant[50]. Positive regulation by CsrA has been less investigated; only three cases have been reported in the literature.CsrA positively regulates expression offlhDC(encoding the master transcriptional regulator offlagellum synthesis in E. coli),sepLespADB(involved in pedestal formation induced by enteropathogenic E.coli)and stm3611(encoding a22Aβ1βββ4β5 MLILTRRVGETLMIGDEVTVTVL GVKG NQVRIGVNAPKEVSVHREEIYQRIQAEKSQQSSY BGG AUGURACAURαFig.3Secondary structure of CsrA and RNA sequence and structure recognition.a CsrA is composed offive b-sheets(grey arrows) followed by an a-helix(black).The amino acid sequence of CsrA from E.coli is indicated.Domains involved in RNA recognition/binding based on the3-D structure are shaded in grey[87]and on mutagenesis studies are boxed in black[55].The KH domain is indicated in bold. Point of transposon insertion in the csrA::kan mutant is indicated by an arrow[44].b The CsrA consensus recognition sequence is 50-RUACARGGAUGU-30that is part of a stem-loop,the GGA motif being in the loop.CsrA is represented in grey2900J.Timmermans,L.Van Melderenphosphodiesterase that degrades c-di-GMP in Salmonella typhimurium)[60–62](for review see[92]).As for nega-tive regulation,positive regulation mediated by CsrA is based on CsrA binding on the50untranslated region[46, 61,62],leading to a stabilization of the mRNA[62].The amount of their cognate mRNA is decreased in the csrA mutant[60,62].Physiological roles of CsrACsrA regulates central carbon metabolismCentral carbon metabolic pathways comprise glycolysis,the Krebs cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway(Fig.4) (for review see[93]).These pathways are interconnected and rely on glucose entry by the phosphoenolpyruvate/ carbohydrate phosphotransferase system(PTS)and its conversion into glucose-6-phosphate.Glycogenesis repre-sents a fourth metabolic pathway and converts glucose-6-phosphate into glycogen(Fig.4).In E.coli,the so-called glg genes are involved in glycogen metabolism.The glgA, glgC and glgB genes encode enzymes responsible for glycogen anabolism(for review see[94]).The glgP(also called glgY)(for review see[94]),glgX[95]and glgS gene products are involved in glycogen catabolism[96,97]. CsrA regulates different steps in central carbon metabolic pathways.It negatively regulates glycogenesis as well as gluconeogenesis,although no data on CsrA binding sites are available for gluconeogenesis genes[52,80].As mentioned above,CsrA inhibits translation and induces glgCAP tran-script degradation[44,46,49,50].For the other glg genes (except for glgX,that is not regulated by CsrA),although it has been shown that CsrA regulates their expression,it is not known whether or not CsrA binding sites are present [52].CsrA also regulates expression of the cstA gene encoding a putative peptide transporter[48].Expression of this gene is induced during carbon starvation[98].Differences are observed between closely related spe-cies.In S.typhimurium,CsrA does not appear to regulate glycogen synthesis.However,it regulates other metabolic pathways such as maltose and acetate metabolism[99]. CsrA also positively regulates acetate metabolism in E.coli [81].Interestingly,CsrA regulates antagonistic pathways in opposite ways;for example,glycolysis(energy consump-tion)is positively regulated,while gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis(energy storage)are negatively regulated [80].Thus,inactivation of the csrA gene leads to imbal-anced metabolicfluxes towards glycogen accumulation [44,46,49,50,52].Due to the positive effect of CsrA on glycolysis,an E.coli D csrA strain is unable to grow on glycolytic carbon sources but is able to grow on glucone-ogenic carbon sources such as pyruvate.Deletion of the glgCAP operon restores viability of the D csrA deletionTable1Direct targets of CsrATarget genes Function Regulation No.of CsrAboxSpecies ReferencesglgCAP Glycogen metabolism Negative4 E.coli[46,90] pgaABCD Biofilm attachment phase Negative6 E.coli[58]hfq RNA-binding protein Negative1 E.coli[53]cstA Peptide transport Negative4 E.coli[48] ydeH c-di-GMP metabolism;diguanylate cyclase Negative Unknown E.coli[54]ycdT c-di-GMP metabolism;diguanylate cyclase Negative Unknown E.coli[54]PA0081Scaffolding protein Negative Unknown P.aeruginosa[67]PA0082Hypothetical protein Negative Unknown P.aeruginosa[67]PA4492Hypothetical protein Negative Unknown P.aeruginosa[67]STM1987c-di-GMP metabolism;diguanylate cyclase Negative Unknown S.typhimurium[60]STM3375(CsrD homologue)c-di-GMP metabolism;no diguanylate cyclase norphosphodiesterase activitiesNegative Unknown S.typhimurium[60]STM1344c-di-GMP metabolism;no diguanylate cyclase norphosphodiesterase activitiesNegative Unknown S.typhimurium[60]STM1697c-di-GMP metabolism;probably nophosphodiesterase activityNegative Unknown S.typhimurium[60]flhDC Motility regulator Positive Unknown E.coli[62] sepLespADB Virulence factors Positive Unknown E.coli[61]STM3611c-di-GMP metabolism;phosphodiesteraseactivityPositive Unknown S.typhimurium[60]CsrA was shown to bind to the mRNAs indicated,although CsrA binding sites were not systematically experimentally determined.Global regulation in bacteria2901strain on glycolytic carbon sources[45].This indicates that in the absence of csrA,carbonfluxes are directed towards glycogenesis which impairs glycolysis,even at a basal level[45].CsrA regulates group behaviourBacterial communication Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to sense the size of their population and to coordinate their behaviour(for review see[100]).Quorum sensing relies on intercellular communication using signal molecules and signal trans-duction systems to regulate gene expression.The nature of signal molecules and of transduction systems varies among species.In gram-negative bacteria,the most common sig-nal molecules are homoserine lactones(AHL)that are synthesized by LuxI-type enzymes.At high cell densities, AHL concentrations exceed a certain threshold,bind to LuxR-type transcriptional regulators and induce a positive feed-back.In several species including Vibrio sp.and Pseudomonas sp.,CsrA negatively regulates the production of AHL,although the underlying molecular mechanism is still unknown[79,101].In E.carotovora subsp.caroto-vora,quorum sensing molecules downregulate the expression of RsmA,the CsrA homologue[102].Biofilm and motility Bacteria often form sessile multi-cellular communities associated on a surface that are called biofilms(for review see[103]).This life-style protects them against harsh environmental conditions such as pre-dators and antibiotics.Biofilm formation comprises different steps,one of the earliest being attachment of bacteria to a substrate.In E.coli,numerous bacterial fac-tors are involved in this phase,notably PGA(a linear homopolymer of poly-b-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) [104–106].The pgaABCD operon is involved in PGA2902J.Timmermans,L.Van Melderenproduction and excretion and CsrA negatively regulates its expression[58].In an E.coli strain containing csrA under the control of a riboswitch,CsrA depletion leads to autoaggregation in a PGA-dependent manner[107].A similar phenotype is observed with the D glgCAP D csrA strain(Seyll et al.,unpublished data).In Vibrio vulnificus and Campylobacter jejuni,CsrA also negatively regulates biofilm formation,although the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been identified[108,109].In E. coli,CsrA directly regulates the production of c-di-GMP (bis-(30-50)-cyclic-dimeric guanosine monophosphate) [54],a second messenger involved in the control of bio-film formation and motility(for a recent review see [110]).Enzymes responsible for c-di-GMP synthesis and degradation are ubiquitous in the bacterial world,and many species encode a large number of these proteins. Diguanylate cyclases with a conserved GGDEF motif are responsible for c-di-GMP synthesis and phosphodiester-ases with a conserved EAL motif are responsible for its degradation.In E.coli,expression of two GGDEF proteins(ycdT and ydeH)is downregulated directly by CsrA[54].In a recent study,expression of two GGDEF proteins,two GGDEF-EAL proteins and four EAL proteins have been shown to be under CsrA control in S.typhimurium[60].High levels of c-di-GMP favour the sessile state, whereas low levels promote motility[60].Thus,CsrA acts at two parallel levels to downregulate biofilm formation:it negatively controls PGA and c-di-GMP production.While being sedentary in a biofilm is certainly advantageous,it is sometimes necessary to be able to quit the biofilm and move to colonize new niches.E.coli is able to swim using flagella.In E.coli,flagella production is controlled by the FlhDC transcriptional activator which is itself positively regulated by CsrA[62].In S.typhimurium,theflagella class III gene STM3611is both directly and indirectly regulated by CsrA.STM1344a regulator of class II genes forflagella synthesis is directly regulated by CsrA[60]. Thus,CsrA appears to be a master regulator involved in the motile/sessile switch,by regulating directly and indirectly expression of behaviour genes.CsrA regulates pathogenicity and virulenceVirulence and pathogenicity are associated with the ability to adhere to host tissue,to colonize it and to secrete viru-lence factors.A large amount of evidence that CsrA is involved in virulence control has been obtained in different bacterial species[61,74,101,108,111–117].For example, CsrA directly activates expression of genes necessary for pedestal formation in enteropathogenic E.coli[61]and for type III secretion system in P.aeruginosa[77].In vivo data in mouse models suggest that CsrA is involved in the control of different steps in host colonization and virulence [78,118].Regulation of CsrA activityCsrA is regulated by r38In E.carotovora,csrA expression is positively regulated by the homologue of E.coli r38but direct regulation has not been shown[119].In E.coli,r38is known to regulate genes during the onset of the stationary phase and in stress conditions(for review see[41]).It has been shown that csrA expression is under the positive control of r38when E.coli is grown in synthetic medium containing glucose as the sole carbon source[120].However,in rich medium, this does not seem to be the case[121,122].Regulation by the CsrB and CsrC sRNAsThe activity of CsrA is tightly regulated by the sequestra-tion activity of CsrB and CsrC sRNAs.CsrB sRNA has been found to copurify with CsrA[63].This366-nucleo-tide noncoding RNA is composed of18imperfect CsrA binding sites(CAGGAUG).Thus,CsrB sequesters CsrA and therefore inhibits its regulatory activity(Fig.5).The 245-nucleotide CsrC sRNA regulates CsrA activity in a similar manner,although CsrC contains only nine CsrA-binding sites[65].Functional homologues of CsrB and CsrC have been identified in other bacterial species.These sRNAs contain variable numbers of CsrA binding sitesGlobal regulation in bacteria2903(from5to30)(for review see[35]).Furthermore,the number of functional homologues of CsrB and CsrC varies between species.Up to four CsrB homologues have been predicted in Photobacterium profundum which has the most in silico predicted CsrB homologues[123].The CsrB and CsrC sRNAs are unstable due to their degradation by RNaseE[124].The CsrD membrane-bound protein binds with high affinity to CsrB and CsrC and stimulates their degradation(Fig.5).Interestingly,CsrD contains characteristic GGDEF and EAL motifs involved in c-di-GMP metabolism(see above),although these motifs are degenerated for key residues.Overproduction of CsrD does not modify c-di-GMP concentrations showing that CsrD is inactive for c-di-GMP synthesis and degra-dation.However,the EAL domain seems to be necessary for CsrB degradation[124].Interestingly,in S.typhimuri-um as well as in E.coli,CsrA negatively regulates expression of the csrD homologue(STM3375)[60,125]. Although it has been shown that the E.carotovora CsrB is stabilized in presence of CsrA[102],the E.coli CsrB decay is not affected by CsrA[126].The expression level of CsrB and CsrC depends on the culture medium.In nutrient-poor medium,in the absence of amino acids,CsrB and CsrC are highly expressed, while in the presence of amino acids,their expression is reduced[60].It is not clear yet what causes the sup-pression of CsrB and CsrC expression by amino acids. The authors proposed that the expression of these sRNAs is under the control of a signal molecule induced by amino acid starvation,although mutations in the genes necessary for ppGpp synthesis(relA and spoT)had no effect on csrB expression in LB medium[125].This has still to be tested in nutrient-poor medium.The BarA-UvrY two-component systemThe BarA-UvrY two-component system(TCS)is com-posed of the BarA sensor kinase and its cognate response regulator UvrY(for review see[127]).Homologues of BarA-UvrY have been found in other bacterial species (called GacS-GacA,SirA or LetS-LetA)(for review see [128]).The BarA-UvrY TCS is triggered by an imbalance in the Krebs cycle intermediates and by weak acids such as formate and acetate[129,130].In E.coli,UvrY is regu-lated by the quorum sensing molecule AI-2[64].The ability of E.coli barA and uvrY mutants to grow on dif-ferent carbon sources has been analysed.Interestingly,the mutants have an advantage on gluconeogenic carbon sources and a disadvantage on glycolytic sources compared to the wild-type strain,showing that the BarA-UvrY sys-tem is necessary for the switch between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis[131].The activation of this TCS leads to the overproduction of CsrB and CsrC(Fig.5).Furthermore,expression of CsrB and CsrC is upregulated in a UvrY-dependent manner at the onset of the stationary phase[64,65,126,131].This overproduction leads to sequestration of CsrA,favouring glycogenesis.Homologues of the BarA-UvrY TCS system also reg-ulate CsrA activity in other bacterial species via sRNAs [85,127,132–135].Microarray analysis was performed in P.luminescens to identify genes controlled by this TCS [133].Motility and biofilm formation are respectively under negative and positive control of UvrY.UvrY pos-itively regulates iron uptake as well as quorum sensing, by affecting production of the signal molecule.UvrY is also involved in the regulation of the expression of sugar and peptide transporters as well as that of virulence factors.Expression of CsrB and CsrC is also positively regulated by CsrA.Because of this feed-back regulation,loss of one of these sRNAs results in an increase of CsrA activity.As a consequence,the remaining sRNA is upregulated[65].By analysing csrB expression in Csr mutants and by comple-mentation tests,it has been shown that CsrA regulates csrB transcription via UvrY and independently of it(Fig.4)[64, 126,127].Concluding remarks and perspectivesCsrA regulates gene expression by modulating translation and stability of its mRNA targets.It acts together with other global regulators on several pathways such as central carbon metabolism and biofilm formation.This highlights intricate networks of regulation that allow bacteria to adapt to changing environments.Interestingly,CsrA often shows opposite regulation for antagonistic pathways,for example it positively regulates motility and negatively biofilm for-mation.CsrA regulation is thus involved in a switch between two different modes.Moreover,inside a specific pathway,it regulates several steps,for example for motil-ity,it enhances the synthesis offlagellum components and decreases the synthesis of c-di-GMP and PGA.As we might expect for a global regulator,expression and activity of CsrA is also tightly regulated.It involves several regu-latory systems notably the CsrB and CsrC sRNAs that control CsrA activity by sequestration.Expression of these regulators is itself positively controlled by the BarA-UvrY TCS.This TCS appears to be activated by metabolic intermediates,thereby providing a feed-back control of carbonfluxes in the cell.Although negative regulation mediated by CsrA is well understood,the RNase involved in the degradation of the targeted mRNA is still unknown.What dictates the positive or negative effect of CsrA on translation also remains to be elucidated.2904J.Timmermans,L.Van Melderen。

粘质沙雷氏菌次生代谢产物灵菌红素的生理与生物学活性的研究一、本文概述Overview of this article本文旨在全面研究和探讨粘质沙雷氏菌次生代谢产物灵菌红素的生理与生物学活性。
This article aims to comprehensively study and explore the physiological and biological activities of the secondary metabolite of Streptomyces mucilaginosus, erythromycin. As an important microbial resource, Serratia marcescens has received widespread attention in recent years due to its unique biological activity and potential application value, as well as its secondary metabolite, erythromycin. This article will delve into the biosynthesis pathways, extraction andseparation methods, physiological mechanisms of action, and biological activities of erythromycin, in order to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the development and utilization of erythromycin.本文将概述灵菌红素的生物合成途径,探讨其合成过程中的关键酶和调控机制。
生物科研 英语

生物科研英语1. Can you tell me about your research experience in biology?Sure, I have been working in the field of molecular biology for the past five years. My main focus has been on understanding the mechanisms of gene regulation in various organisms. I have also conducted research on the role of non-coding RNAs in cancer development and progression.当然,我已经在分子生物学领域工作了五年。
2. What are some of the current challenges in your field of research?One of the biggest challenges in molecular biology is understanding the complex interactions between genes and their regulatory elements. This requires advanced computational tools and experimental techniques to accurately capture the dynamics of gene expression. Additionally, there is a need to develop new therapies fordiseases that involve genetic mutations, such as cancer and genetic disorders.分子生物学中最大的挑战之一是了解基因与其调控元件之间的复杂相互作用。
乳酸菌 基因调控机制

乳酸菌基因调控机制英文回答:Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of bacteria that produce lactic acid as a byproduct of their metabolism. They are commonly found in fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese, and sauerkraut. LAB have been extensively studied due to their beneficial effects on human health, including their role in improving digestion, boosting the immune system, and preventing infections.The gene regulation mechanisms in LAB are crucial for their survival and adaptation to different environments. One well-known mechanism is the regulation of gene expression through transcription factors. Transcription factors are proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences, called promoter regions, and control the rate of transcription of target genes. In LAB, transcriptionfactors play a key role in responding to changes in the environment, such as pH, temperature, and nutrientavailability.For example, in the LAB species Lactococcus lactis, the transcription factor CodY is involved in the regulation of genes related to amino acid metabolism. When amino acids are abundant, CodY binds to their promoter regions and represses the expression of these genes. However, when amino acids are scarce, CodY is unable to bind to the promoter regions, leading to the activation of the genes involved in amino acid synthesis.Another important mechanism in gene regulation in LAB is the use of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs). sRNAs are short RNA molecules that do not code for proteins but instead regulate gene expression by base-pairing withtarget mRNAs. This interaction can either enhance orinhibit the translation of the target mRNA into protein.For instance, in the LAB species Streptococcus thermophilus, the sRNA FASR regulates the expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism. When fatty acids are present, FASR binds to the target mRNAs and preventstheir translation, resulting in the downregulation of fatty acid metabolism. On the other hand, when fatty acids are scarce, FASR is unable to bind to the target mRNAs,allowing their translation and the upregulation of fattyacid metabolism.In summary, the gene regulation mechanisms in lacticacid bacteria involve transcription factors and small regulatory RNAs. These mechanisms allow LAB to adapt to changing environments and optimize their metabolism for survival. Understanding the gene regulation in LAB can provide insights into their beneficial effects on human health and help in the development of probiotics and functional foods.中文回答:乳酸菌是一类产生乳酸的细菌,其基因调控机制对其在不同环境中的生存和适应至关重要。

文章编号:1673-887X(2023)02-0005-06菌胁迫对近江牡蛎C型凝集素母源免疫传递及抑菌影响王翠丽1,2(1.南宁师范大学地理与海洋研究院,广西壮族自治区南宁530000;2.南宁师范大学北部湾环境演变与资源利用教育部重点实验室,广西壮族自治区南宁530000)摘要为丰富无脊椎贝类母源免疫调控机制研究,文章采用底物显色原位杂交、荧光定量PCR和人工促排等技术,研究了菌胁迫对近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)C型凝集素(C-type lectin,CTL)母源免疫传递及抑菌影响。
结果表明:CTL定位于成贝卵巢组织的滤泡细胞和卵原细胞中;成贝卵巢组织和成熟卵子中均能检测到CTL转录本;成贝注射金黄色葡萄球菌或大肠杆菌后,卵巢组织CTL mRNA表达量均有一个持续上升过程,注射后12h的CTL mRNA表达量达最高峰,注射后48h大致恢复至空白组水平;成贝注射金黄色葡萄球菌或大肠杆菌12h后,人工促排,与空白组比较,实验组成熟卵子中CTL mRNA相对表达量均显著上调(P<0.05);抑菌活性实验显示成熟卵子蛋白具有抑菌活性,且抑菌强度随孵育时间的延长和蛋白浓度的增加而增强,但其中的CTL与其抗体结合后,抑菌活性下降,菌存活率显著上调(P<0.05)。
关键词菌胁迫;近江牡蛎;C型凝集素;母源免疫;抑菌中图分类号S985.3+5文献标志码A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-887X.2023.02.001Maternal Immune Transmission and Bacteriostatic Effect of Bacterial Stresson C-type Lectin in Crassostrea rivularisWang Cuili1,2(1.Institute of Geography and Oceanography(IGO),Nanning Normal University,Nanning530000,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China;2.Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Resources Use in Beibu Gulf(Nanning Normal University),Ministry of Education,Nanning530000,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China)Abstract:In order to enrich the research on the maternal immune regulation mechanism of invertebrate shellfish,influence of bacte‐rial stress on C-type lectin maternal immunity transmission and bacteriostasis in Crassostrea rivularis,this paper studied the using technology of substrate chromogenic in situ hybridization,real-time PCR,artificial ovulation promotion.Results showed that CTL was located in follicular cell and oogonia of adult shellfish ovary tissue,ovarian tissue and mature eggs had expressions of CTL tran‐script,after injection of staphylococcus aureus or escherichia coli,relative expressions of CTL mRNA had a continuous rising pro‐cess in the ovary tissue of adult shellfish,relative expressions of CTL mRNA reached the peak after injection12h,and returned to the level of the blank group after48h;after injection12h of staphylococcus aureus or escherichia coli,artificial ovulation promotion was implemented,compared with the blank group,relatives expressions of CTL mRNA were significantly increased in mature eggs of the experimental group(P<0.05),the bacteriostatic activity experiment showed that mature egg protein had bacteriostatic activity,and the inhibition increased with the prolongation of incubation time and the increase of protein concentration,however,after CTL was combined with its antibody,the bacteriostatic activity decreased,and the bacterial survival rates were significantly increased(P< 0.05).The CTL has obvious maternal immune transmission effect,and the maternal CTL has important antibacterial activity in ma‐ture eggs in Crassostrea rivularis.Key words:bacterial stress,Crassostrea rivularis,C-type lectin,maternal immunity,bacteriostasis母源免疫是子代从母体获得的免疫能力,主要通过胎盘、初乳和卵黄等形式由母体传递至子代,在脊椎生物鱼类[1]、两栖类[2]、鸟类[3]、哺乳类[4],和无脊椎生物甲壳类子代个体发育早期免疫防御过程中发挥重要作用[5,6]。

畜牧兽医学报 2023,54(4):1347-1358A c t aV e t e ri n a r i a e tZ o o t e c h n i c aS i n i c a d o i :10.11843/j.i s s n .0366-6964.2023.04.001开放科学(资源服务)标识码(O S I D ):非编码R N A 调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展秦 雪,沙懿文,杨梦豪,蔡 瑞,庞卫军*(西北农林科技大学动物科技学院陕西省动物遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室,杨凌712100)摘 要:子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化作为胚胎附植的重要环节,影响哺乳动物的成功妊娠和繁殖性能,所以探究子宫生理功能的调控机制对提高母畜繁殖率具有重要意义㊂子宫内膜容受性是指子宫内膜允许囊胚定位㊁黏附㊁侵入并最终着床的能力㊂为了转变为接受状态,子宫内膜需要经历一系列形态和功能重塑,其中子宫内膜基质细胞会增殖分化为蜕膜细胞,发生蜕膜化过程㊂非编码R N A (n c R N A s )影响多种生理过程,包括对子宫内膜功能的调节,其中l n c R N A -m i R N A -m R N A 和c i r c R N A -m i R N A -m R N A 的竞争内源性R N A (c e R N A )网络理论是一种重要的分子调控机制㊂本文就m i R N A ㊁l n c R N A 和c i r c R N A 调控子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化过程作用机制的研究现状进行综述,以期为深入了解n c R N A s 在哺乳动物子宫中的调控作用提供理论指导和新思路㊂关键词:子宫内膜容受性;蜕膜化;m i R N A ;l n c R N A ;c i r c R N A ;胚胎附植中图分类号:S 814.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0366-6964(2023)04-1347-12收稿日期:2022-09-27基金项目:国家生猪产业技术体系(C A R S -35);国家重点研发计划课题(2021Y F F 1000602);陕西省重点研发计划项目(2022Z D L N Y 01-04)作者简介:秦 雪(1996-),女,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,博士生,主要从事猪繁殖生物学与繁殖技术研究,E -m a i l :q i n x u e @n w a f u .e d u .c n *通信作者:庞卫军,主要从事生猪遗传改良和繁殖技术研究,E -m a i l :p w j1226@n w a f u .e d u .c n A d v a n c e s i nR e g u l a t i o no fN o n -c o d i n g RN Ao n M a m m a l i a nE n d o m e t r i a l R e c e p t i v i t y an dD e c i d u a l i z a t i o n Q I N X u e ,S H A Y i w e n ,Y A N G M e n g h a o ,C A IR u i ,P A N G W e i ju n *(K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f A n i m a lG e n e t i c s ,B r e e d i n g a n dR e p r o d u c t i o no f Sh a a n x iP r o v i n c e ,C o l l e g e o f A n i m a lS c i e n c e a n dT e c h n o l o g y ,N o r t h w e s t A&F U n i v e r s i t y ,Y a n g l i n g 712100,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :E n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y a n dd e c i d u a l i z a t i o na r ec r u c i a l p a r t so fe m b r y oi m pl a n t a t i o n ,w h i c h i n f l u e n c e d t h es u c c e s s f u l p r e g n a n c y a n dr e pr o d u c t i v e p e r f o r m a n c eo fm a m m a l i a n .T h e r e -f o r e ,i t i s o f g r e a t s i g n i f i c a n c e t o e x p l o r e t h e r e g u l a t o r y m e c h a n i s mo f u t e r i n e p h y s i o l o g i c a l f u n c -t i o n t o i m p r o v e r e p r o d u c t i o ne f f i c i e n c y o f f e m a l e a n i m a l s .E n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y i s a n a b i l i t y of t h ee n d o m e t r i u mt oa l l o w b l a s t o c y s t st ol o c a l i z e ,a d h e r e ,i n v a d e ,a n de v e n t u a l l y i m p l a n t .T o t r a n s i t i n t o r e c e p t i v e s t a t e ,t h e e n d o m e t r i u mn e e d s t ou n d e rg o a s e r i e sm o r ph o l o gi c a l l y an d f u n c -t i o n a l l y r e m o d e l i n g ,d u r i n g wh i c he n d o m e t r i a ls t r o m a lc e l l s p r o l i f e r a t ea n d d i f f e r e n t i a t ei n t o d e c i d u a l c e l l s ,t h e p r o c e s s i s c a l l e dd e c i d u a l i z a t i o n .N o n -c o d i n g RN A s (n c R N A s )c a n a f f e c t a v a -r i e t y o f p h y s i o l o g i c a l p r o c e s s e s ,i n c l u d i n g i n v o l v e m e n t i n t h e r e gu l a t i o no f e n d o m e t r i a l f u n c t i o n ,a n dc e R N A n e t w o r kt h e o r i e so f l n c R N A -m i R N A -m R N A a n dc i r c R N A -m i R N A -m R N A a r ea l s oi m p o r t a n tm o l e c u l a r m e c h a n i s m s .I nt h i sr e v i e w ,t h ec u r r e n tr e s e a r c h p r o g r e s s e so f m i R N A ,l n c R N Aa n d c i r c R N A i n r e g u l a t i n g m e c h a n i s mo f e n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y an d d e c i d u a l i z a t i o nw e r e Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.畜牧兽医学报54卷d i s c u s s e d,w i t ha v i e wt o p r o v i d e t h e o r e t i c a l g u i d a n c e a n dn e w i d e a s f o r f u r t h e r r e v e a l i n g m e c h a-n i s mo f n c R N A s o n t h e p h y s i o l o g i c a l f u n c t i o no fm a m m a l i a nu t e r u s.K e y w o r d s:e n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y;d e c i d u a l i z a t i o n;m i R N A;l n c R N A;c i r c R N A;e m b r y oi m-p l a n t a t i o n*C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r:P A N G W e i j u n,E-m a i l:p w j1226@n w a f u.e d u.c n受精卵在发育过程中的死亡和胚胎附植阶段的丢失,会引起母畜产仔数降低和繁殖能力低下,是妊娠失败的重要因素㊂胚胎附植是指囊胚后期的胚胎在子宫内游离一段时间后,经过发育㊁迁移㊁定位㊁黏附和侵入,逐步与子宫内膜建立结构和生理上联系的过程㊂附植是母畜妊娠过程的关键环节,通过提高胚胎着床率增加产仔数,可提高家畜的繁殖效率㊂其决定因素包括胚胎活力㊁子宫内膜容受性和胚胎与母体间的相互作用[1],其中子宫内膜容受性是胚胎植入成功的关键㊂为了提高子宫内膜容受性,子宫内膜基质细胞需要快速增殖分化为蜕膜细胞,这个过程被称为蜕膜化㊂通过高通量测序等技术发现,m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s通过与其靶基因互作,参与调控母畜子宫的生理功能,最终影响胚胎附植和妊娠建立㊂子宫内膜生理状态对妊娠的维持和成功至关重要,最终影响家畜的繁殖性能,因此有必要探讨影响子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的作用机制㊂本文总结了近年来m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s对哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性建立和蜕膜化过程的调节作用,有助于详细地了解n c R N A s调控子宫生理功能的分子机制,确定其在家畜子宫发育过程中的作用,对提高哺乳动物的繁殖率具有重要意义㊂1子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化子宫内膜容受性建立和蜕膜化过程是复杂且动态协调的生理过程,会受到基因和分子的时空调控,形成特殊的子宫腔微环境,促使子宫内膜达到最佳生理状态㊂1.1子宫内膜容受性子宫内膜容受性是指子宫内膜允许囊胚定位㊁黏附㊁侵入并最终着床的能力㊂在哺乳动物中,子宫内膜容受性对于胚胎的成功着床至关重要[2]㊂为了着床成功,子宫内膜会根据生理特征发生形态和结构的改变,包括子宫内膜基质细胞增殖和上皮细胞分化,最终会在雌激素和孕酮的协同作用下转变为可以接受胚胎黏附的状态,使胚胎黏附和成功着床成为可能[3]㊂如果子宫内膜不能 接受 ,胚泡就不能着床㊂这种接受性会受到分子介质的影响,包括生长因子㊁细胞因子㊁趋化因子㊁脂质和黏附分子等[4],其表达主要受雌激素和孕酮的调节㊂许多基因也参与调控该过程, L a b a r t a等[5]已经描述了140种子宫内膜相关基因,如G P X3㊁P A E P和L I F等,它们在孕酮水平升高时表达水平发生改变,这与细胞黏附㊁子宫内膜重塑以及容受性调节有关㊂由于判断子宫内膜容受性的传统方法是简单地进行子宫内膜的形态学观察,不能充分判断容受性状况,需要更有效的方法来评估子宫内膜容受性的情况㊂鉴于子宫内膜容受性建立过程中n c R N A s动态表达,所以探究n c R N A s如何调控子宫内膜容受性,对于了解哺乳动物妊娠过程至关重要㊂1.2子宫内膜蜕膜化在侵入性着床的啮齿和灵长类动物胚胎附植过程中,胚胎可以附着在接受性子宫内膜腔上皮上,并侵入基质层,响应胚胎侵袭的基质细胞在蜕膜化过程中会增殖分化形成蜕膜细胞㊂虽然子宫内膜上皮细胞是胚泡启动着床的第一接触点,但异常的蜕膜化也会导致妊娠丢失,对于母体妊娠的建立和维持至关重要㊂蜕膜化可被视为排卵后子宫内膜为怀孕做准备的过程,有助于子宫止血㊁血管生成和胚胎着床,并能提高妊娠期间的免疫能力[6]㊂研究发现,在小鼠妊娠的第4天(第1天=阴道塞),卵巢孕酮和植入前雌二醇分泌使子宫接受胚泡,这是胚胎植入和蜕膜化的先决条件;大约在第5天下午,位于植入胚泡周围基质细胞会分化为蜕膜细胞并形成初级蜕膜区(P D Z);在怀孕的第6~7天,邻近P D Z的基质细胞继续增殖并分化为多倍体蜕膜细胞,形成次级蜕膜区(S D Z);在妊娠第7天,构成P D Z的细胞已经通过凋亡发生进行性退化,并且在第8天大部分已经消失;第8天之后,胎盘和胚胎生长缓慢取代S D Z[7]㊂对于人类来说,在蜕膜化过程中,子宫内膜成纤维细胞会转化为分泌细胞,同时产生蜕膜细胞8431Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.4期秦雪等:非编码R N A调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展的表型标记物,如催乳素(P R L)和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-1(I G F B P-1)[8-9]㊂月经周期中激素水平的变化会诱导人类子宫内膜基质细胞的自发蜕膜化[10],但小鼠子宫直到胚胎接触子宫上皮进行着床后才会经历蜕膜化[11]㊂总之,对于多数灵长类和啮齿类动物来说,必须发生蜕膜化,着床才能正常进行㊂因此,了解n c R N A s与蜕膜化之间的相关性,是研究调控蜕膜化机制的重要切入点,也为探究其在蜕膜化中的重要作用提供理论基础㊂2n c R N A s调控子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的作用机制母体子宫微环境对胚胎着床和胎儿出生后健康状况有长期影响,已在妊娠期检测到大量的n c R N A s,包括在子宫内膜和胚胎中㊂n c R N A s作为一种重要的表观遗传因子,通过影响哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化过程相关基因和蛋白表达,直接或间接地调控子宫生理功能,最终影响胚胎附植[12](图1)㊂图1n c R N A s调控子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的作用机制模式图[27,30-31,75-76,80]F i g.1M e c h a n i s m s o f n c R N A s r e g u l a t i n g e n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y a n dd e c i d u a l i z a t i o n[27,30-31,75-76,80]2.1n c R N A s的特点和生物学功能2.1.1 m i R N A s的特点和功能 m i R N A s是大约19~25个核苷酸长的单链非编码小分子R N A,成熟的m i R N A s通过互补配对方式与靶m R N A3'-U T R或5'-U T R上的m i R N A反应元件(M R E)结合,最终在转录后水平抑制靶基因表达,其中m i R N A和m R N A之间的序列互补程度决定了调节的强度[13]㊂在典型的m i R N A生物发生途径中[14],m i R N A的基因组D N A依次通过R N A聚合酶I I㊁R N a s e I I I酶D r o s h a和R N a s e I I I酶D i c e r转录和切割最终生成m i R N A双链体[15]㊂除了典型的m i R生物合成途径外,还报道了独立于D r o s h a或D i c e r的其他途径[16],如m i r t r o n途径,即某些脱节的内含子模仿p r e-m i R N A的结构特征,在没有D r o s h a介导的裂解下进入m i R N A加工途径㊂通过测序㊁敲除m i R N A生成过程中的关键基因以及过表达或抑制m i R N A表达量等方法,揭示了m i R N A在雌性哺乳动物生殖过程的作用机制,包括胚胎发育㊁着床前子宫内膜的重塑和胎盘形成[17]㊂2.1.2l n c R N A s的特点和功能l n c R N A s分布于细胞核或细胞质中,是长度超过200个核苷酸的转录产物[18],经常被加帽㊁聚腺苷酸化和剪接,在转录或转录后进行表观遗传修饰影响基因表达[19]㊂l n c R N A s已被证明在多种生理功能中发挥作用,如蛋白质支架㊁染色质成环和m R N A稳定性的调节[20]㊂此外,l n c R N A s可能潜在地与m i R N A s相互作用㊂一方面,l n c R N A s可能作为竞争性内源性R N A(c e R N A s),即m i R N A s海绵或拮抗剂,通过降低m i R N A s的表达和活性,在转录后水平调控m i R N A s靶基因的表达;另一方面,m i R N A s也可以9431Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.畜牧兽医学报54卷抑制l n c R N A s的表达[21]㊂l n c R N A s与卵巢发育㊁胚胎发育和胎盘形成等发育过程有关,提示l n c R N A s在雌性哺乳动物的生殖过程中发挥重要的作用[22-23]㊂2.1.3c i r c R N A s的特点和功能 c i r c R N A s是一类具有闭合环状结构的内源非编码R N A,没有游离的5'或3'端,富含M R E,可通过多种机制发挥生物学功能㊂既可竞争性地结合内源性m i R N A s,解除m i R N A s对靶基因的抑制作用,调节靶基因的表达水平,也可以通过翻译蛋白质或与蛋白质相互作用,参与调控多种生理过程㊂例如c i r c R N A s在奶山羊的预接受和接受胚胎植入期间存在不同的表达水平[24],表明c i r c R N A s可能在哺乳动物胚胎附植过程中起关键性的调控作用㊂2.2n c R N A s调控子宫内膜容受性的作用机制本小节归纳了与家畜子宫内膜容受性相关的n c R N A s及其与靶基因的互作关系(表1),旨在确定其调控哺乳动物子宫生理功能的作用机制㊂表1参与调控子宫内膜容受性的重要n c R N A sT a b l e1I m p o r t a n t n c R N A s i n v o l v e d i n t h e r e g u l a t i o no f e n d o m e t r i a l r e c e p t i v i t y非编码R N A n c R N A 靶标m i R N AT a r g e tm i R N A靶基因T a r g e t g e n e提高/降低容受性I m p r o v e d/I m p a i r e dr e c e p t i v i t y参考文献R e f e r e n c em i R-181/L I F降低[28] m i R-223/L I F降低[29] m i R-101a/C o x-2降低[30] m i R-199a/C o x-2降低[30] m i R-199a/M U C1提高[31] m i R-192-5p/M U C1降低[32] m i r-30d/S n a i1提高[34] m i R-1290/L HX6提高[39] m i R-23a-3p/C U L3提高[40] l e t-7a/g/W n t/β-C a t e n i n提高[41] m i R-183-5p/C T NN A2提高[42] m i R-182/P T N提高[43] m i R-26a/P T E N提高[44] m i R-449a/L G R4提高[45] m i R-200c/F U T4降低[47] H19l e t-7I G F1R降低[56] l n c R N02190/I T G A D降低[60] l n c R N A882m i R-15b L I F提高[62] c i r c-8073m i R-449a C E P55提高[65] c i r c R N A-9119m i R-26a P T G S2提高[66] c i r c-9110m i R-100-5p H O XA1提高[68] c i r c0001470m i R-140-3p P T G F R提高[69] c i r c G R N/P T G F R提高[69] c i r c-0038383m i R-196b-5p H O XA9提高[70]2.2.1 m i R N A s调控子宫内膜容受性近年来各种研究强调了m i R N A s在子宫内膜容受性中的重要性[25-26]㊂白血病抑制因子(L I F)在子宫内膜容受性和着床中发挥重要作用,已得到充分证实[27],在评估靶向L I F的m i R N A s的研究中,m i R-181和m i R-223影响小鼠子宫内膜中L I F的表达,并抑制0531Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.4期秦雪等:非编码R N A调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展胚胎植入过程[28-29]㊂环氧化酶-2基因(C o x-2)也被确定为小鼠胚胎植入的关键分子,研究发现m i R-101a和m i R-199a可靶向C o x-2基因降低子宫内膜容受性[30]㊂m i R-199a也可以靶向黏蛋白-1 (MU C1)提高子宫内膜容受性,MU C1被确立为维持鼠子宫内膜上皮细胞非接受状态的关键分子[31]㊂此外,l e t-7和m i R-192[32]同样也可以调节MU C1的表达水平影响小鼠的子宫内膜容受性㊂许多研究还集中在m i R-30d上,认为其是子宫内膜容受性的有利标志[33]㊂K u o k k a n e n等[34]研究中发现, m i R-30d在人妊娠晚期子宫内膜中的表达低于中期子宫内膜㊂另外,多氯联苯可以通过抑制m i R-30d 的表达影响上皮间质转化(E MT)调控因子S n a i1的水平,降低子宫内膜容受性[35]㊂在哺乳动物妊娠过程中,E MT过程对于胚胎成功植入和发育至关重要,一些m i R N A s可以通过调节E MT来影响子宫容受性[36-37]㊂例如,m i R429通过靶向参与细胞黏附和细胞形态的原钙蛋白8(P c d h8)抑制E MT 过程[38];来源于滋养层细胞外泌体的m i R-1290通过靶向L HX6促进子宫内膜上皮细胞的E MT过程,提高子宫容受性[39]㊂有趣的是,关于m i R-23a 在子宫内膜容受性调节中的作用,存在相互矛盾的结果㊂一项研究表明m i R-23a下调c u l l i n-3(C U L3)的表达以提高I s h i k a w a细胞的容受性[40],而其他研究表明C U L3的下调导致β-c a t e n i n的上调,最终损害而不是提高子宫内膜容受性和着床率[41-42]㊂另外,奶山羊胚胎植入过程中与子宫内膜容受性相关的m i R N A s,如m i R-182[43]㊁m i R-26a[44]和m i R-449a[45]被发现在奶山羊子宫正常的生理过程中起重要作用,能分别通过靶向P T N㊁P T E N和L G R,提高奶山羊的子宫内膜容受性㊂β-c a t e n i n/W n t信号通路在子宫内膜容受性的调节中变得越来越重要[46],部分m i R N A s可以通过影响该通路调控容受性㊂L i等[41]证明,l e t-7-a/g可以通过抑制β-c a t e n i n/ W n t通路改善子宫内膜容受性;Z h e n g等[47]表明, m i R-200c通过靶向基因岩藻糖基转移酶4(F U T4)间接灭活β-c a t e n i n/W n t信号,导致子宫内膜容受性和着床受损㊂此外,m i R N A s在反复着床失败(R I F)的妇女子宫内膜容受性中也发挥重要作用[48],m i R-183-5p的下调可提高c a t e n i n-2(C T-NN A2)的表达显著降低R I F的妇女的子宫内膜容受性,从而导致着床失败[42];m i R-135b在不孕妇女中表达升高,通过抑制同源盒A10(H O XA10)的表达降低子宫内膜容受性[49]㊂基于此,m i R N A s可通过影响容受性因子和相关信号通路促进或抑制子宫内膜容受性的建立㊂2.2.2l n c R N A s调节子宫内膜容受性除了m i R N A s,l n c R N A s也被认为在调节子宫内膜容受性和着床中发挥关键作用,并认为其是子宫内膜容受性的生物标志物[50]㊂L i n等[51]的研究表明, l n c R N A-m i R N A-m R N A调控网络与子宫内膜容受性中涉及的生物学过程相关㊂研究表明,特定的m R N A s㊁m i R N A s和l n c R N A s在R I F妇女的分泌期子宫内膜中有差异表达,表明与子宫内膜容受性缺陷有关[52]㊂在猪等其他物种中,l n c R N A s的表达在第9天至第15天的子宫内膜中有差异,这种差异与猪在第12天左右的植入准备过程中子宫内膜的功能状态变化有关,表明了l n c R N A s可以在子宫内膜中发挥调节作用,并有助于子宫内膜-胚胎串扰[53];S u等[54]研究表明,在猪子宫内膜上皮细胞中l n c R N A X L O C-2222497通过调节醛酮还原酶家族1成员C1(A K R1C1),参与孕酮代谢过程最终影响胚胎附植㊂L i等[55]第一次发现l n c01060和l n c01104是潜在的子宫内膜容受性相关标记,为l n c R N A s作为判断子宫容受性的分子标志提供新的思路㊂l n c R N A s也可通过多种途径影响子宫内膜容受性的建立㊂如l n c R N A H19会通过l n c R N A H19/l e t-7/ I G F1R或l n c R N A H19/l e t-7/I T Gβ3途径影响子宫内膜容受性和胚胎植入过程[56-57];l i n c02349可以通过W n t途径影响子宫内膜容受性[58-59];l i n c02190可以通过与启动子的150-250B P区域结合来降低整合素A D(I T G A D)的表达,并抑制胚胎在子宫内膜上附着,导致R I F的发生[60];l n c R N A E N S T00000433673可能通过促进I C AM1m R N A的表达和子宫内膜上皮细胞的黏附,最终提高胚胎-子宫内膜附着效率[61]㊂Z h a n g等[62]还阐明了受雌激素和孕激素调节的l n c R N A882可充当m i R-15b的竞争性内源性R N A,间接调节山羊子宫内膜上皮细胞L I F的表达水平,有助于提高奶山羊子宫内膜的容受性㊂L i u 和G o n g[63]研究表明l n c R N A-T C L6通过调节容受性因子表皮生长因子受体(E G F R)表达,促进早期流产并抑制胎盘植入㊂C a i等[64]通过研究子宫内膜异位症的大鼠在着床窗口期子宫中l n c R N A和m R N A的表达谱,发现l n c R N A和m R N A表达的变化可能影响大鼠的子宫内膜容受性,最终会导致胚胎着床失败㊂可见,l n c R N A s在子宫内膜容受性1531Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.畜牧兽医学报54卷的调节中发挥重要作用㊂2.2.3c i r c R N A s调控子宫内膜容受性c i r c R N A s 可作为m i R N A分子海绵对子宫生理功能起到重要的调控作用㊂研究表明,c i r c-8073作为分子海绵介导m i R-449a调控C E P55,通过P I3K/A K T/m T O R 通路促进子宫内膜上皮细胞的增殖,其中C E P55可调控子宫内膜上皮细胞中血管内皮生长因子(V E G F)和叉头盒M1(F O XM1)的表达水平,提高子宫内膜容受性[65]㊂c i r c R N A-9119通过靶向m i R-26降低其表达水平,m i R-26a又进一步影响体外奶山羊子宫内膜上皮细胞中预测的靶位点下调前列腺素内过氧化物合酶2(P T G S2)的表达,提高子宫内膜容受性[66]㊂此外,S h e n等[67]证实,c i r-c B A C H1可能作为m i R N A s的c e R N A影响子宫内膜容受性㊂M a等[68]发现C i r c-9110可通过吸附m i R-100-5p提高H O X A1的表达,又进一步调控P I3K/A K T/m T O R和E R K1/2通路来诱导山羊子宫基质细胞凋亡,提高子宫容受性,最终促进胚胎植入过程㊂另外,Z h a n g等[69]通过对梅山猪和约克夏猪子宫内膜样品中c i r c R N A-m i R N A-m R N A的表达分析得出,c i r c0001470可以促进子宫内膜上皮细胞的增殖和周期进程,并且通过降低m i R-140-3p调节下游P T G F R表达,改善子宫内膜容受性调控胚胎着床过程㊂同时,通过体内试验表明,c i r c G R N 也通过影响P T G F R的表达,激活MA P K通路,提高子宫容受性[69]㊂Z h a o等[70]发现,H S A-C I R C-0038383/m i R-196b-5p/H O X A9轴可能是影响子宫容受性和胚胎着床的关键途径,即C i r c-0038383作为m i R-196b-5p的分子海绵,调节H O XA9的表达,提高子宫容受性㊂总之,m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s通过参与子宫内膜容受性的调节,影响胚胎附植过程,也为未来哺乳动物子宫内膜的转录组研究和妊娠的分子调控提供了有价值的信息㊂2.3n c R N A s调控子宫内膜蜕膜化的作用机制本小节总结了参与调控子宫内膜蜕膜化的n c R N A s及其作用(表2),为多层次探究家畜子宫蜕膜化调控机制提供参考㊂2.3.1 m i R N A s调节子宫蜕膜化已经证明m i R N A s参与蜕膜化的调节㊂E s t e l l a等[71]发现,当人类子宫内膜基质细胞体外蜕膜化后,共有26种上调和17种下调的m i R N A s㊂另外,J i m e n e z等[72]发现m i R-200通过抑制锌指E盒结合同源盒1和2(Z E B1和Z E B2)的表达促进人类子宫内膜基质细胞的蜕膜化㊂M a等[73]发现,R I F患者的m i R-22水平升高,T i a m/R a c1水平降低,抑制蜕膜化过程,这是一种被认为在早期基质细胞蜕膜化中具有潜在重要性的信号通路㊂且在R I F患者体内,m i R-148a的过度表达可以通过抑制同源盒C8(H O X C8)的水平影响其蜕膜化[74]㊂Y a n等[75]和Z h a n g等[76]从人子宫内膜分离的原代基质细胞,将K r u p p e l样因子12 (K L F12)鉴定为m i R-21和m i R-181a的靶基因,两种m i R N A s都通过下调K L F12的表达促进体外蜕膜化过程㊂同时,Z h a n g等[76]也证明了m i R-181a 刺激人类子宫内膜基质细胞蜕膜化相关基因,如F O X O1A㊁P R L㊁I G F B P-1㊁D C N和T I MP3,从而促进其形态学转化㊂此外,G r a h a m等[77]证实在人类子宫内膜基质细胞系中,m i R-181b下调金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子3(T I MP-3)和膜联蛋白A2,但总体上不显著影响蜕膜化过程㊂Q i a n等[78]表明, m i R-222可通过介导C D K N1C/p57k i p2调节子宫内膜基质细胞分化,影响细胞周期进程,促进基质细胞向蜕膜细胞转化㊂另外,T o c h i g i等[79]证明了m i R-542-3p转染后抑制了I G F B P-1的基因表达,导致人类子宫内膜基质细胞蜕膜化受到抑制,这表明m i R-542-3p在子宫内膜蜕膜化的调节中起重要作用㊂Y u等[80]研究表明m i R-375可以引起N A D-P H氧化酶4(N O X4)下调减少活性氧(R O S)的产生并抑制子宫内膜基质细胞的蜕膜化㊂另外m i R-542-3p[81]和m i R-194-3p[82]分别下调I L K途径和P R抑制蜕膜化过程㊂此外,m i R-96在鼠子宫内膜基质细胞的蜕膜化中起重要作用㊂Y a n g等[83]的研究发现,在鼠子宫内膜基质细胞中m i R-96水平与抗凋亡蛋白B细胞淋巴瘤2(B c l2)的表达呈负相关促进蜕膜化过程;S h e n等[84]研究表明,m i R-96靶向K r u p p e l样因子13(K l f13),可能调节小鼠中的孕酮受体影响蜕膜化过程㊂另外,m i R-200a[84]和m i R-141[85]靶向鼠子宫内膜基质细胞中的相同基因,通过负调节磷酸酶和张力蛋白同源物(P T E N)的表达,影响蜕膜化过程中细胞的增殖和凋亡,最终抑制蜕膜化过程㊂像B c l2一样, P T E N也被认为参与控制基质细胞的增殖和凋亡,从而维持蜕膜化的所需环境[84]㊂通过对m i R N A s在蜕膜化中的一系列研究,深入揭示了m i R N A s调控蜕膜化的复杂性,同时也促进了其对子宫作用机制的探索㊂2531Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.4期秦雪等:非编码R N A调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展表2参与调节子宫蜕膜化的重要n c R N A sT a b l e2I m p o r t a n t n c R N A s i n v o l v e d i n t h e r e g u l a t i o no f e n d o m e t r i a l d e c i d u a l i z a t i o n非编码R N A n c R N A s 靶标m i R N AT a r g e tm i R N A靶基因T a r g e t g e n e促进/抑制蜕膜化I m p r o v e d/I m p a i r e dd e c i d u a l i z a t i o n参考文献R e f e r e n c em i R-200/Z E B1㊁Z E B2促进[72] m i R-22/T i a m1/R a c1抑制[73] m i R-148a/H O X C8抑制[74] m i R-21/K L F12㊁N R4A1促进[75] m i R-181a/K L F12促进[76] m i R-181b-5p/T I M P3/A NX A2无影响[77] m i R-222/C D K N1C/p57k i p2促进[78] m i R-542-3p/I G F B P-1抑制[79] m i R-375/N O X4抑制[80] m i R-542-3p/I L K抑制[81] m i R-194-3p/P G R抑制[82] m i R-96/B c l2,K l f13促进[83] m i R-200a/P T E N抑制[84] m i R-141/P T E N抑制[85] l n c R N A H K2P1m i R-6887-3p HK2促进[87] l i n C00473/F O X O1㊁P G R㊁H O XA10㊁H O X A11㊁WN T4促进[88] l n c R N A H a n d2o s1/P r l8a2㊁P r l3c1促进[90] c i r c F AM120A m i R-29A B HD5促进[91] c i r c S T K40/H S P90抑制[92] c i r c-001946m i R-135b H O X A10促进[93]2.3.2l n c R N A s影响子宫蜕膜化除了m i R N A s, l n c R N A s也被认为在调节子宫蜕膜化过程中发挥作用,最终影响蜕膜化过程㊂谭丽萍等[86]发现, l i n c R N Aa c027700参与了妊娠早期子宫内膜的蜕膜化过程㊂在人子宫蜕膜化过程中,l n c R N A H K2P1通过调节HK2的表达加速糖酵解过程,最终促进蜕膜化过程,这是通过竞争m i R-6887-3p结合位点实现的[87]㊂人子宫内膜基质细胞在体外通过被d b-c AM P处理后,l i n C00473表达在蜕膜化过程中被高度诱导,并且l i n C00473的敲除减弱了几种关键蜕膜转录因子如P R L㊁I G F B P1㊁H O X A10㊁H O XA11和WN T4的表达,说明l i n C00473促进了蜕膜化过程的发生[88]㊂H o n g等[89]通过对附着前阶段山羊子宫内膜的全基因组分析得出着床 窗口期 的l n c-010092,证实其可以促进胚胎着床过程,验证了差异表达的l n c R N A s可以通过影响子宫内膜上部分基因的表达来调节子宫内膜的重塑㊂J i a等[90]证明l n c R N A H a n d2o s1显著促进体外蜕膜过程,并增加蜕膜化标记物催乳素家族8㊁亚家族a㊁成员2(P r l8a2)和催乳素家族3㊁亚家族c和成员1(P r l3c1)的表达㊂因此,l n c R N A s不仅通过竞争性结合m i R N A s间接调控蜕膜化过程,还可以通过调控蜕膜相关基因的表达直接调控蜕膜化过程㊂2.3.3 c i r c R N A s调控子宫蜕膜化相对于m i R N A s和l n c R N A s在子宫蜕膜化过程的广泛研究,c i r c R N A s的研究起步较晚㊂研究表明,c i r c-F AM120A通过m i R-29/A B H D5轴促进重复植入失败者的蜕膜化过程[91]㊂在人子宫内膜间质细胞中,c i r c S T K40通过调节H S P90的活性,阻止H S P90的蛋白酶体降解,抑制蜕膜化过程,损害子宫内膜容受性[92]㊂Z h a o等[93]发现,h s a-c i r c-001946可以促进细胞增殖和细胞周期过程,增加蜕膜化标记物的表达,并能通过抑制m i R-135b和增加H O X A10的表达促进蜕膜化过程,最终提高子宫内膜容受性㊂此外,Z h a n g等[94]还推测c i r c R N A s-21887可能通过调节蜕膜细胞的增殖和分化来影响胚胎3531Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.畜牧兽医学报54卷着床㊂鉴于m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s在调控子宫蜕膜化过程中的深入研究,将为判断啮齿动物和灵长类动物子宫内膜生理状态的分子标志提供依据㊂这些n c R N A s并不是独立发挥作用的,而是相互协调共同调节子宫内膜蜕膜化过程㊂3总结与展望综上所述,子宫内膜容受性建立和蜕膜化是影响哺乳动物胚胎附植的两个关键过程,受到n c R N A s复杂且精密的调控㊂一方面,m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s可以直接与调控子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化过程的关键基因和蛋白发生作用㊂另一方面,l n c R N A s和c i r c R N A s可通过吸附m i R N A s调控子宫生理功能,最终影响哺乳动物的胚胎附植过程㊂但目前,n c R N A s对子宫调控作用的研究仍存在一定问题:1)尚未在多数哺乳动物中进行深入的功能研究,多通过对部分组织或体液进行检测,探究子宫内膜生理功能和表型变化,这在一定程度上并不能完全反映其在动物体内的正常生理状态;2)m i R N A s㊁l n c R N A s㊁c i r c R N A s和m R N A之间存在的一对多和多对一的复杂互作调控关系,为n c R N A s的作用机理研究增加了一定难度㊂随着多组学测序技术的对子宫n c R N A s的进一步挖掘,有以下3个方面值得探究:1)通过转录组测序鉴定新的n c R N A s,作为判断母畜繁殖能力的生物标记物,并应用到畜牧生产中;2)基于空间转录组分析技术,了解n c R N A s在雌性哺乳动物子宫中的时空特异性表达,明确其对子宫生理功能的精确调控,解析不同母畜胚胎附植的机制及其差异;3)外泌体作为细胞通讯的重要 媒介 ,可通过分离卵巢颗粒细胞㊁卵母细胞㊁子宫内膜细胞㊁子宫腔液和血清中的外泌体,通过测序技术探究不同细胞和体液外泌体中的n c R N A s如何调控子宫生理功能,最终影响胚胎附植过程㊂因此,通过对这些研究方向的推进,必将更加深入地了解子宫容受性和蜕膜化过程,也为完善n c R N A s在哺乳动物子宫生理功能的调控网络提供科学依据㊂参考文献(R e f e r e n c e s):[1]王佳琪,刘彦,郑琛,等.猪妊娠期母胎对话的研究进展[J].畜牧兽医学报,2022,53(12):4138-4147.WA N GJ Q,L I U Y,Z H E N G C,e ta l.A r e v i e w o fm o t h e r-f e t a l d i a l o g u ed u r i n gp r e g n a n c y i ns o w s[J].A c t a V e t e r i n a r i a e t Z o o t e c h n i c a S i n i c a,2022,53(12):4138-4147.(i nC h i n e s e)[2] D O N G G Z,S U N R D,Z HA N G R,e t a l.P r e i m p l a n t a t i o n t r i c l o s a n e x p o s u r e a l t e r s u t e r i n er e c e p t i v i t y t h r o u g h a f f e c t i n g t i g h t j u n c t i o n p r o t e i n[J].B i o l R e p r o d,2022,107(1):349-357. 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环境胁迫下细菌非编码小RNA对基因表达的调控何宇婷;陈茶;黄彬【摘要】Bacterial small non-coding RNA(sRNA)is a type of RNA molecule withlength ranging from 50 to 500 nucleotides and located in the intergenic regions. In the bacterial genome, sRNA can be tran-scribed but cannot be translated into protein.With the development of bioinformatics and RNA sequencing tech-nology,more and more attention have been paid to sRNA's function.In the changing environment,bacteria will encounter different types of survival pressure.sRNA plays an important role in the adaptation to different bio-logical and environmental pressures. In this paper, the regulation of bacterial small non-coding RNA on gene expression under environmental stress will be reviewed, which is of great importance to reveal the bacterial gene post-transcriptional regulation and biological adaptive evolution.%细菌非编码小RNA(sRNA)是长度约为50~500个核苷酸的RNA分子,其编码基因位于基因间区域,在细菌基因组中可被转录但不被翻译为蛋白质.随着生物信息学和RNA测序技术的发展,sRNA功能受到广泛关注.在不断变化的环境中,细菌遇到各种各样的生存压力,sRNA通过感应环境变化调节相应基因的表达,在细菌适应环境的过程中发挥了重要作用.本文对环境胁迫下细菌sRNA的表达变化和其对基因的表达调控进行综述,揭示sRNA对细菌基因转录后调控、生物适应性进化等生命过程的重要意义.【期刊名称】《分子诊断与治疗杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(010)002【总页数】8页(P125-131,144)【关键词】细菌;非编码小RNA;基因表达【作者】何宇婷;陈茶;黄彬【作者单位】中山大学附属第一医院检验医学部,广东,广州510080;广东省中医院检验医学部,广东,广州510120;中山大学附属第一医院检验医学部,广东,广州510080【正文语种】中文在不断变化的环境中,细菌遇到各种各样的生存压力,如温度、pH、抗生素、需氧和厌氧环境、离子浓度及营养等。

环状RNA在肿瘤疾病中的研究进展吴宛玲;李爽【摘要】环状RNA是一种新型RNA,在生物体中具有microRNA"海绵"、RNA 结合蛋白及核转录调节等功能.在肿瘤疾病中,环状RNA主要以miRNA"海绵"的形式发挥调控作用,促进或抑制肿瘤的发生和发展.此外,环状RNA还可以作为肿瘤早期诊断、预后评估的生物标记物,也可作为抗肿瘤治疗的靶标,具有潜在的临床诊断治疗价值.本文就环状RNA在肿瘤疾病中的作用机制及临床应用进行综述.%Circular RNAs(circRNAs)are a novel type of RNA that function as microRNA(miRNA)sponges,RNA-binding proteins,and regulators of nuclear transcription.CircRNAs play a dual role in cancer,wherein their function as miRNA sponges could lead to either an oncogenic stimulus or tumor suppression.CircRNAs can also serve as novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers,as well as thera-peutic targets for cancer;both these functions have great potential for clinical application in cancer diagnosis and therapy.Here,we re-view the mechanisms of action and potential clinical applications of circRNAs in tumors.【期刊名称】《中国肿瘤临床》【年(卷),期】2018(045)005【总页数】5页(P251-255)【关键词】环状RNA;肿瘤;miRNA"海绵"生物标记物【作者】吴宛玲;李爽【作者单位】复旦大学附属华山医院血液科上海市200433;复旦大学附属华山医院血液科上海市200433【正文语种】中文环状RNA是一种内源性的RNA分子,通过反式剪接的形式由其3'端和5'端以共价键形成闭合环状结构,不具有“PolyA尾”。
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Leading EdgeReviewRegulatory RNAs in BacteriaLauren S.Waters1and Gisela Storz1,*1Cell Biology and Metabolism Program,Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,Bethesda,MD20892,USA*Correspondence:storz@DOI10.1016/j.cell.2009.01.043Bacteria possess numerous and diverse means of gene regulation using RNA molecules,including mRNA leaders that affect expression in cis,small RNAs that bind to proteins or base pair with target RNAs,and CRISPR RNAs that inhibit the uptake of foreign DNA.Although examples of RNA regu-lators have been known for decades in bacteria,we are only now coming to a full appreciation of their importance and prevalence.Here,we review the known mechanisms and roles of regulatory RNAs,highlight emerging themes,and discuss remaining questions.IntroductionRNA regulators in bacteria are a heterogeneous group of mole-cules that act by various mechanisms to modulate a wide range of physiological responses.One class comprises riboswitches, which are part of the mRNAs that they regulate.These leader sequences fold into structures amenable to conformational changes upon the binding of small molecules.Riboswitches thus sense and respond to the availability of various nutrients in the cell.Other small transcripts bind to proteins,including global regulators,and antagonize their functions.The largest and most extensively studied set of small RNA(sRNA)regulators acts through base pairing with RNAs,usually modulating the translation and stability of mRNAs.The majority of these small RNAs regulate responses to changes in environmental condi-tions.Finally,a recently discovered group of RNA regulators, known as the CRISPR(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)RNAs,contains short regions of homology to bacteriophage and plasmid sequences.CRISPR RNAs inter-fere with bacteriophage infection and plasmid conjugation, most likely by targeting the homologous foreign DNA through an unknown mechanism.RNA molecules that act as regulators were known in bacteria for years before thefirst microRNAs(miRNAs)and short inter-fering RNAs(siRNAs)were discovered in eukaryotes.In1981, the 108nucleotide RNA I was found to block ColE1plasmid replication by base pairing with the RNA that is cleaved to produce the replication primer(Stougaard et al.,1981;Tomi-zawa et al.,1981).This work was followed by the1983discovery of an 70nucleotide RNA that is transcribed from the pOUT promoter of the Tn10transposon and represses transposition by preventing translation of the transposase mRNA(Simons and Kleckner,1983).Thefirst chromosomally encoded small RNA regulator,reported in1984,was the174nucleotide Escher-ichia coli MicF RNA,which inhibits translation of the mRNA en-coding the major outer membrane porin OmpF(Mizuno et al., 1984).Thesefirst small RNA regulators and a handful of others were identified by gel analysis due to their abundance,by multi-copy phenotypes,or by serendipity(reviewed in Wassarman et al.,1999).Although a few bacterial RNA regulators were identified early on,their prevalence and their contributions to numerous physio-logical responses were not initially appreciated.In2001–2002, four groups reported the identification of many new small RNAs through systematic computational searches for conserva-tion and orphan promoter and terminator sequences in the inter-genic regions of E.coli(reviewed in Livny and Waldor,2007). Additional RNAs were discovered by direct detection using cloning-based techniques or microarrays with probes in inter-genic regions(reviewed in Altuvia,2007).Variations of these approaches,aided by the availability of many new bacterial genome sequences,have led to the identification of regulatory RNAs in an ever-increasing number of bacteria.Enabled by recent technical advances,including multilayered computational searches(Livny et al.,2008;Weinberg et al.,2007),deep sequencing(Sittka et al.,2008),and tiled microarrays with full genome coverage(Landt et al.,2008),hundreds of candidate regulatory RNA genes in various bacteria have now been pre-dicted.In E.coli alone, 80small transcripts have been verified, increasing the total number of genes identified for this organism by2%.In this review,we will focus our discussion on bacterial small RNAs that act as regulators.A limited number of small RNAs carry out specific housekeeping functions,namely the 4.5S RNA component of the signal recognition particle,the RNase P RNA responsible for processing of tRNAs and other RNAs, and tmRNA,which acts as both a tRNA and mRNA to tag incom-pletely translated proteins for degradation and to release stalled ribosomes(reviewed in Holbrook,2008;Kazantsev and Pace, 2006;Moore and Sauer,2007).We will not discuss these RNAs further,although their actions,as well as those of some tRNAs,can have regulatory consequences.In addition,a few defining features are worthy of mention at the outset.Riboswitches are part of the mRNA that they regulate, usually found within the50untranslated region(50UTR),and hence they act in cis.Most of the regulatory RNAs that act in trans by base pairing with other RNAs are synthesized as discrete transcripts with dedicated promoter and terminator sequences.Given that the longest of these RNAs,RNAIII of Staphylococcus aureus,is still only514nucleotides(reviewed in Novick and Geisinger,2008),the RNAs are commonly referred to as small RNAs.We prefer this term to‘‘noncoding RNA,’’the term frequently used in eukaryotes,as a number of the sRNAs, Cell136,615–628,February20,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.615including RNAIII,also encode proteins.In contrast to the base pairing sRNAs,some sRNAs that modulate protein activity,as well as the CRISPR RNAs,are processed out of longer tran-scripts.Regulatory Functions of Bacterial RNAsRegulatory RNAs can modulate transcription,translation,mRNA stability,and DNA maintenance or silencing.They achieve these diverse outcomes through a variety of mechanisms,including changes in RNA conformation,protein binding,base pairing with other RNAs,and interactions with DNA.RiboswitchesPerhaps the simplest bacterial RNA regulatory elements are sequences at the 50end of mRNAs that can adopt different conformations in response to environmental signals,including stalled ribosomes,uncharged tRNAs,elevated temperatures,or small molecule ligands (reviewed in Grundy and Henkin,2006).These elements were first described decades ago in elegant studies characterizing transcription attenuation.In this process,stalled ribosomes lead to changes in mRNA structure,affecting transcription elongation through the formation of termi-nator or antiterminator structures in the ter studies showed that sequences found in transcripts encoding tRNA synthetases,termed ‘‘T-boxes,’’bind the corresponding uncharged tRNAs and that other leader sequences,known as‘‘RNA thermometers,’’fold in a manner that is sensitive to temperature.In both of these cases,the alternate structures lead to changes in the expression of the downstream gene.More recently,it was found that leader sequences could bind small molecules and adopt different conformations in the presence or absence of metabolites (reviewed in Mandal and Breaker,2004;Montange and Batey,2008;Nudler and Mironov,2004).These metabolite sensors,denoted ‘‘ribos-witches,’’directly regulate the genes involved in the uptake and use of the metabolite.In fact,in some cases,the pres-ence of a riboswitch upstream of an uncharacterized or mis-annotated gene has helped to clarify the physiological role of the gene product.An ever-increasing number and variety of riboswitches are being identified in bacteria,as well as in some eukaryotes.For example,as many as 2%of all Bacillus subtilis genes are regulated by riboswitches that bind to metabolites ranging from flavin mononucleotide (FMN)and thiamin pyrophosphate to S-adenosylmethionine,lysine,and guanine.Riboswitches generally consist of two parts:the aptamer region,which binds the ligand,and the so-called expression platform,which regulates gene expression through alternative RNA structures that affect transcription or translation (reviewed in Mandal and Breaker,2004;Montange and Batey,2008;Nudler and Mironov,2004)(Figure 1A).Upon binding of the ligand,theFigure 1.Gene Arrangement and Regula-tory Functions of Ligand-and Protein-Binding Regulatory RNAs(A)Riboswitches are composed of an aptamer region (pink)and an expression platform (orange)in the 50UTR of an mRNA (blue).Ligand binding can result in transcriptional regulation of mRNA synthesis or translational control of protein synthesis.(Left panel)In the absence of ligand,the expression platform assumes a conformation permissive of transcription—shown here as a stem loop lacking a U-rich region—allowing synthesis of the entire mRNA.When the ligand binds to the aptamer region,a conformational change leads to the disruption of this structure and the formation of an alternative hairpin followed by a string of U residues.This alternative hairpin acts as a transcriptional terminator,inhibiting gene expression.(Middle-left panel)In the absence of ligand,the riboswitch initially forms a terminator.Upon ligand binding,this terminator is disrupted,allowing transcription to continue.(Middle-right panel)In the absence of ligand,the ribosome-binding site (RBS)is accessible,but,upon ligand binding,is sequestered into an inhib-itory stem loop,preventing translation.(Right panel)In the absence of ligand,the expression platform forms a repressive secondary structure in which the ribosome-binding site is occluded.When the ligand binds to the aptamer region,the ribosome-binding site is released and translation can be initiated.(B)Protein-binding sRNAs (red)that antagonize regulatory proteins.(Left panel)The CsrA protein (pink circle)binds to GGA hairpins in mRNAs,altering expression from the transcripts.When CsrB RNA levels increase,the sRNA sequesters CsrA and prevents its regulatory effects.(Middle panel)Under conditions of low 6S abundance,s 70RNA polymerase (blue oval)binds promoter DNA.When 6S levels increase,the sRNA titrates s 70RNA polymerase away from some promoters,reducing transcription of certain genes.(Right panel)When GlmY (shorter sRNA)levels are low,YhbJ (green oval)inactivates GlmZ (longer sRNA)by promoting its cleavage.When GlmY competes with GlmZ for binding to YhbJ,GlmZ is stabilized.616Cell 136,615–628,February 20,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.riboswitch changes conformation.These changes usually involve alternative hairpin structures that form or disrupt tran-scriptional terminators or antiterminators or that occlude or expose ribosome-binding sites(Figure1A).In general,most riboswitches repress transcription or translation in the presence of the metabolite ligand;only a few riboswitches that activate gene expression have been characterized.Due to the modular nature of riboswitches,the same aptamer domain can mediate different regulatory outcomes or operate through distinct mechanisms in different contexts(reviewed in Nudler and Mironov,2004).For example,the cobalamin ribos-witch,which binds the coenzyme form of vitamin B12,operates by transcription termination for the btuB genes in Gram-positive bacteria but modulates translation initiation for the cob operons of Gram-negative bacteria.Some transcripts carry tandem riboswitches,which can integrate distinct physiological signals, and one notable riboswitch,the glmS leader sequence,even acts as a ribozyme to catalyze self-cleavage.Upon binding of its cofactor glucosamine-6-phosphate,the glmS riboswitch cleaves itself and inactivates the mRNA encoding the enzyme that generates glucosamine-6-phosphate,thus affecting a nega-tive feedback loop for metabolite levels(Collins et al.,2007).In principle,bacterial riboswitches could be used in con-junction with any reaction associated with RNA—not just tran-scription,translation,and RNA processing,but also RNA modification,localization,or splicing.Generally,the riboswitches in Gram-positive bacteria affect transcriptional attenuation,whereas the riboswitches in Gram-negative bacteria more frequently inhibit translation(reviewed in Nudler and Mironov,2004).Possibly the preferential use of transcriptional termination in Gram-positive organisms is linked to the fact that genes are clustered together in larger biosynthetic operons where more resources would be wasted if the full-length transcript is synthesized.Gram-positive organisms also appear to rely more on cis-acting riboswitches than Gram-negative organisms,for which more trans-acting sRNA regulators are known.Research directions pursued in studies of the different organisms,however,may bias these generalizations.sRNAs that Modulate Protein ActivityThree protein-binding sRNAs have intrinsic activity(RNase P)or contribute essential functions to a ribonucleoprotein particle (4.5S and tmRNA).In contrast,three other protein-binding sRNAs(CsrB,6S,and GlmY)act in a regulatory fashion to antag-onize the activities of their cognate proteins by mimicking the structures of other nucleic acids(Figure1B).The CsrB and CsrC RNAs of E.coli modulate the activity of CsrA,an RNA-binding protein that regulates carbon usage and bacterial motility upon entry into stationary phase and other nutrient-poor conditions(reviewed in Babitzke and Romeo, 2007).CsrA dimers bind to GGA motifs in the50UTR of target mRNAs,thereby affecting the stability and/or translation of the mRNA.The CsrB and CsrC RNAs each contain multiple GGA-binding sites,22and13,respectively,for CsrA.Thus,when CsrB and CsrC levels increase,the sRNAs effectively sequester the CsrA protein away from mRNA leaders.Transcription of the csrB and csrC genes is induced by the BarA-UvrB two-compo-nent regulators when cells encounter nutrient-poor growth conditions,though the signal for this induction is not known.The CsrB and CsrC RNAs also are regulated at the level of stability through the CsrD protein,a cyclic di-GMP-binding protein that recruits RNase E to degrade the sRNAs(Suzuki et al.,2006).CsrB and CsrC homologs(such as RsmY and RsmZ)have been found to antagonize the activities of CsrA homologs in a range of bacteria,including Salmonella,Erwinia, Pseudomonas,and Vibrio,where they impact secondary metab-olism,quorum sensing,and epithelial cell invasion(reviewed in Lapouge et al.,2008;Lucchetti-Miganeh et al.,2008).The E.coli6S RNA mimics an open promoter to bind to and sequester the s70-containing RNA polymerase(reviewed in Was-sarman,2007).When6S is abundant,especially in stationary phase,it is able to complex with much of the s70-bound,house-keeping form of RNA polymerase but is not associated with the s S-bound,stationary phase form of RNA polymerase(Troto-chaud and Wassarman,2005).The interaction between6S and s70holoenzyme inhibits transcription from certain s70promoters and increases transcription from some s S-regulated promoters, in part by altering the competition between s70and s S holoen-zyme binding to promoters.Interestingly,the6S RNA can serve as a template for the transcription of14–20nucleotide product RNAs(pRNAs)by RNA polymerase,especially during outgrowth from stationary phase(Gildehaus et al.,2007;Wassarman and Saecker,2006).In fact,it is thought that transcription from6S when NTP concentrations increase may be a way to release s70RNA polymerase(Wassarman and Saecker,2006).It is not known whether the pRNAs themselves have a function.The6S RNA is processed out of a longer transcript and accumulates during stationary phase,but the details of this regulation have not been elucidated(reviewed in Wassarman,2007).There are multiple6S homologs in a number of organisms,including two in B.subtilis(Trotochaud and Wassarman,2005).The roles of these homologs again are not known,but it is tempting to spec-ulate that they inhibit the activities of alternative s factor forms of RNA polymerase.One additional sRNA,GlmY,has recently been proposed to have a protein-binding mode of action and is thought to function by titrating an RNA-processing factor away from a homologous sRNA,GlmZ(reviewed in Go¨rke and Vogel,2008).Both GlmZ and GlmY promote accumulation of the GlmS glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase;however,they do so by distinct mecha-nisms.The full-length GlmZ RNA base pairs with and activates translation of the glmS mRNA.Although the GlmY RNA is highly homologous to GlmZ in sequence and predicted secondary structure,GlmY lacks the region that is complementary to the glmS mRNA target and does not directly activate glmS transla-tion.Instead,GlmY expression inhibits a GlmZ-processing event that renders GlmZ unable to activate glmS translation. Although not yet conclusively shown,GlmY most likely stabi-lizes the full-length GlmZ by competing with GlmZ for binding to the YhbJ protein that targets GlmZ for processing.The GlmY RNA is also processed,and its levels are negatively regu-lated by polyadenylation(Reichenbach et al.,2008;Urban and Vogel,2008).CsrB RNA simulates an mRNA element,6S imitates a DNA structure,and GlmY mimics another sRNA,raising the question as to what other molecules,nucleic acid or otherwise,might uncharacterized sRNAs mimic.Cell136,615–628,February20,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.617Cis-Encoded Base Pairing sRNAsIn contrast to the few known protein-binding sRNAs,most char-acterized sRNAs regulate gene expression by base pairing with mRNAs and fall into two broad classes:those having extensive potential for base pairing with their target RNA (Figure 2A)and those with more limited complementarity (Figure 2B).We will first focus on sRNAs that are encoded in cis on the DNA strand oppo-site the target RNA and share extended regions of complete complementarity with their target,often 75nucleotides or more (Figure 2A)(reviewed in Brantl,2007;Wagner et al.,2002).Although the two transcripts are encoded in the same region of DNA,they are transcribed from opposite strands as discrete RNA species and function in trans as diffusible molecules.For the few cases in which it has been examined,the initial inter-action between the sRNA and target RNA involves only limitedpairing,though the duplex can,subsequently,be extended.The most well-studied examples of cis -encoded antisense sRNAs reside on plasmids or other mobile genetic elements;however,chromosomal versions of these sRNAs increasingly are being found.Most of the cis -encoded antisense sRNAs expressed from bacteriophage,plasmids,and transposons function to maintain the appropriate copy number of the mobile element (reviewed in Brantl,2007;Wagner et al.,2002).They achieve this through a variety of mechanisms,including inhibition of replication primer formation and transposase translation,as mentioned for plasmid ColE1RNA I and Tn10pOUT RNA,respectively.Another common group acts as antitoxins to repress the translation of toxic proteins that kill cells from which the mobile element has been lost.In general,the physiological roles of the cis -encoded anti-sense sRNAs expressed from bacterial chromosomes are less well understood.A subset promotes degradation and/or represses translation of mRNAs encoding proteins that are toxic at high levels (reviewed in Fozo et al.,2008a;Gerdes and Wag-ner,2007).In E.coli ,there are also two sRNAs,OhsC and IstR,that are encoded directly adjacent to genes encoding potentially toxic proteins.Although these sRNAs are not true antisense RNAs,they do contain extended regions of perfect complemen-tarity (19and 23nucleotides)with the toxin mRNAs.Interestingly,most of these sRNAs appear to be expressed constitutively.Some of the chromosomal antitoxin sRNAs are homologous to plasmid antitoxin sRNAs (for example,the Hok/Sok loci present in the E.coli chromosome)or are located in regions acquired from mobile elements (for example,the RatA RNA of B.subtilis found in a remnant of a cryptic prophage).These observations indicate that the antitoxin sRNA and corresponding toxin genes might have been acquired by horizontal transfer.The chromo-somal versions may simply be nonfunctional remnants.However,some cis -encoded antisense antitoxin sRNAs do not have known homologs on mobile elements.In addition,given that bacteria have multiple copies of several loci,all of which are expressed in the cases examined,it is tempting to speculate that the antitoxin sRNA-toxin protein pairs encoded on the chro-mosome provide beneficial functions (Fozo et al.,2008b ).Although high levels of the toxins kill cells,more moderate levels produced from single-copy loci under inducing conditions may only slow growth.Thus,one model proposes that chromosomal toxin-antitoxin modules induce slow growth or stasis under conditions of stress to allow cells time to repair damage or other-wise adjust to their environment (Kawano et al.,2007;Unoson and Wagner,2008).Other possibilities are that certain modules are retained in bacterial chromosomes to stabilize sections of the chromosome or serve as a defense against plasmids bearing homologous modules,assuming that the chromosomal anti-sense sRNA can repress the expression of the plasmid-encoded toxin.Another group of cis -encoded antisense sRNAs modulates the expression of genes in an operon.Some of these sRNAs are encoded in regions complementary to intervening sequences between ORFs (Figure 2A).For example,in E.coli ,base pairing between the stationary phase-induced GadY anti-sense sRNA and the gadXW mRNA leads to cleavage oftheFigure 2.Gene Arrangement and Regulatory Functions of Base Pairing Regulatory RNAs(A)Two possible configurations of cis -encoded antisense sRNAs (red)and their target RNAs (blue),which share extensive complementarity.(Left panel)An sRNA encoded opposite to the 50UTR of its target mRNA.Base pairing inhibits ribosome binding and often leads to target mRNA degradation.(Right panels)An sRNA encoded opposite to the sequence separating two genes in an operon.Base pairing of the sRNA can target RNases to the region and cause mRNA cleavage,with various regulatory effects,or the sRNA can cause transcriptional termination,leading to reduced levels of downstream genes.(B)Genes encoding trans -encoded antisense sRNAs (red)are located sepa-rately from the genes encoding their target RNAs (blue)and only have limited complementarity.Trans -encoded sRNA can act negatively by base pairing with the 50UTR and blocking ribosome binding (left panel)and/or targeting the sRNA-mRNA duplex for degradation by RNases (middle panel).Trans -en-coded sRNA can act positively by preventing the formation of an inhibitory structure,which sequesters the ribosome-binding site (RBS)(right panel).618Cell 136,615–628,February 20,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.duplex between the gadX and gadW genes and increased levels of a gadX transcript(Opdyke et al.,2004;Tramonti et al.,2008). For the virulence plasmid pJM1of Vibrio anguillarum,the interac-tion between the RNA b antisense sRNA and the fatDCBAangRT mRNA leads to transcription termination after the fatA gene,thus reducing expression of the downstream angRT genes(Stork et al.,2007).In Synechocystis,the iron stress-repressed IsrR antisense sRNA base pairs with sequences within the isiA coding region of the isiAB transcript and leads to decreased levels of an isiA transcript(Du¨hring et al.,2006).In this case,it is not known whether isiB expression is also affected.The list of cis-encoded antisense sRNAs is far from complete, especially for chromosomal versions,and other mechanisms of action are sure to be found.Trans-Encoded Base Pairing sRNAsAnother class of base pairing sRNAs is the trans-encoded sRNAs,which,in contrast to the cis-encoded antisense sRNAs, share only limited complementarity with their target mRNAs. These sRNAs regulate the translation and/or stability of target mRNAs and are,in many respects,functionally analogous to eukaryotic miRNAs(reviewed in Aiba,2007;Gottesman,2005). The majority of the regulation by the known trans-encoded sRNAs is negative(reviewed in Aiba,2007;Gottesman,2005). Base pairing between the sRNA and its target mRNA usually leads to repression of protein levels through translational inhibi-tion,mRNA degradation,or both(Figure2B).The bacterial sRNAs characterized to date primarily bind to the50UTR of mRNAs and most often occlude the ribosome-binding site,though some sRNAs such as GcvB and RyhB inhibit translation through base pairing far upstream of the AUG of the repressed gene(Sharma et al.,2007;Vecerek et al.,2007).The sRNA-mRNA duplex is then frequently subject to degradation by RNase E.For the few characterized sRNA-mRNA interactions,the inhibition of ribo-some binding is the main contributor to reduced protein levels, while the subsequent degradation of the sRNA-mRNA duplex is thought to increase the robustness of the repression and make the regulation irreversible(Morita et al.,2006).However,sRNAs can also activate expression of their target mRNAs through an anti-antisense mechanism whereby base pairing of the sRNA disrupts an inhibitory secondary structure,which sequesters the ribosome-binding site(Hammer and Bassler,2007;Pre´vost et al.,2007;Urban and Vogel,2008;and reviewed in Gottesman, 2005;Pre´vost et al.,2007)(Figure2B).Theoretically,base pairing between a trans-encoded sRNA and its target could promote transcription termination or antitermination,as has been found for some cis-encoded sRNAs,or alter mRNA stability through changes in polyadenylation.For trans-encoded sRNAs,there is little correlation between the chromosomal location of the sRNA gene and the target mRNA gene.In fact,each trans-encoded sRNA typically base pairs with multiple mRNAs(reviewed in Gottesman,2005; Pre´vost et al.,2007).The capacity for multiple base pairing inter-actions results from the fact that trans-encoded sRNAs make more limited contacts with their target mRNAs in discontinuous patches,rather than extended stretches of perfect complemen-tarity,as for cis-encoded antisense sRNAs.The region of poten-tial base pairing between trans-encoded sRNAs and target mRNAs typically encompasses 10–25nucleotides,but,in all cases in which it has been examined,only a core of the nucleo-tides seem to be critical for regulation.For example,although the SgrS sRNA has the potential to form23base pairs with the ptsG mRNA across a stretch of32nucleotides,only four single muta-tions in SgrS significantly affected downregulation of ptsG(Ka-wamoto et al.,2006).In many cases,the RNA chaperone Hfq is required for trans-encoded sRNA-mediated regulation,presumably to facilitate RNA-RNA interactions due to limited complementarity between the sRNA and target mRNA(reviewed in Aiba,2007;Brennan and Link,2007;Valentin-Hansen et al.,2004).The hexameric Hfq ring,which is homologous to Sm and Sm-like proteins involved in splicing and mRNA decay in eukaryotes,may actively remodel the RNAs to melt inhibitory secondary structures.Hfq also may serve passively as a platform to allow sRNAs and mRNAs to sample potential complementarity,effectively increasing the local concentrations of sRNAs and mRNAs.It should be noted that,when the E.coli SgrS RNA is preannealed with the ptsG mRNA in vitro,the Hfq protein is no longer required (Maki et al.,2008).However,in vivo in E.coli,sRNAs no longer regulate their target mRNAs in hfq mutant strains,and all trans-encoded base pairing sRNAs examined to date coimmu-noprecipitate with Hfq.In fact,enrichment of sRNAs by coimmu-noprecipitation with Hfq proved to be a fruitful approach to identify and validate novel sRNAs in E.coli(Zhang et al.,2003) and has been extended to other bacteria,such as S.typhimu-rium(Sittka et al.,2008).Beyond facilitating base pairing,Hfq contributes to sRNA regulation through modulating sRNA levels(reviewed in Aiba, 2007;Brennan and Link,2007;Valentin-Hansen et al.,2004). Somewhat counterintuitively,most E.coli sRNAs are less stable in the absence of Hfq,presumably because Hfq protects sRNAs from degradation in the absence of base pairing with mRNAs. Once base paired with target mRNAs,many of the known sRNA-mRNA pairs are subject to degradation by RNase E,and Hfq may also serve to recruit RNA degradation machinery through its interactions with RNase E and other components of the degradosome.In addition,competition between sRNAs for binding to Hfq may be a factor controlling sRNA activity in vivo. Although all characterized E.coli trans-encoded sRNAs require Hfq for regulation of their targets,the need for an RNA chaperone may not be universal.For example,VrrA RNA repres-sion of OmpA protein expression in V.cholerae is not eliminated in hfq mutant cells,though the extent of repression is higher in cells expressing Hfq(Song et al.,2008).In general,longer stretches of base pairing,as is the case for the cis-encoded anti-sense sRNAs that usually do not require Hfq for function,and/or high concentrations of the sRNA may obviate a chaperone requirement.In contrast to cis-encoded sRNAs,several of which are expressed constitutively,most of the trans-encoded sRNAs are synthesized under very specific growth conditions.In E.coli,for example,these regulatory RNAs are induced by low iron(Fur-repressed RyhB),oxidative stress(OxyR-activated OxyS),outer membrane stress(s E-induced MicA and RybB),elevated glycine (GcvA-induced GcvB),changes in glucose concentration(CRP-repressed Spot42and CRP-activated CyaR),and elevated glucose-phosphate levels(SgrR-activated SgrS)(De Lay and Cell136,615–628,February20,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.619。