





20本学习英语的启蒙绘本1.《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》:BillM artin Jr、JohnArcham bault、LoisEhlert著,BeachLaneBooks出版这是最最经典的字母故事书,通过一首字母表的韵律歌,描述所有的字母想爬到一棵椰子树上的情景,故事非常有趣,单词也相当押韵,读起来朗朗上口,是初学语言的小朋友的最爱,也是英语启蒙首选。

2.《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》:“Eric Carle著,PenguinUS出版这本书是Eric Carle最受孩子欢迎的童书之一,名气非常大。



3.《Brown Bear,BrownBear,What do You See?》Eric Carle 著,HenryHolt&CompanyInc出版这是一本最好的儿童启蒙绘本,虽然全书只有两个句型,但它通过一种动物引导出另一种动物从而形成一个情节的链条,这种结构特别适合儿童记忆,只要有了这本书,各种动物的英语单词学起来就驾轻就熟啦!4.《Rosie's Walk》母鸡萝丝去散步:佩特·哈群斯(PatHutchins)著,Aladdin出版这本绘本适合一岁左右的小宝宝看,画面很可爱,不认识字也会看的很起劲。




大人和小孩的区别读后感作文英文回答:As an adult, I have come to realize that there are many differences between adults and children. One of the most obvious differences is the level of responsibility. Adults have to take care of themselves and often have to take care of others as well. For example, I have to pay bills, go to work, and take care of my family. On the other hand, children do not have as many responsibilities. They rely on adults to take care of them and make decisions for them.Another difference between adults and children is the way we communicate. Adults tend to communicate in a more formal and direct manner. We use polite language and consider the feelings of others when we speak. Children, on the other hand, often communicate in a more casual and direct way. They may not always consider the feelings of others and may speak without thinking about the consequences of their words.One of the biggest differences between adults and children is the way we handle emotions. Adults have learned to control their emotions and express them in a more mature way. We understand the importance of managing our emotionsin order to maintain healthy relationships and make responsible decisions. Children, on the other hand, often have a harder time controlling their emotions. They may throw tantrums or act out when they are upset, and they may not always understand the impact of their actions on others.In addition, adults and children have different perspectives on life. Adults have a more realistic and practical view of the world, while children often have a more imaginative and idealistic view. For example, as an adult, I understand the importance of working hard and making sacrifices in order to achieve my goals. However, a child may have a more carefree and optimistic outlook on life, believing that anything is possible without fully understanding the challenges and obstacles that may come their way.Furthermore, adults and children have different levelsof independence. Adults are expected to be independent and self-sufficient, while children rely on adults for guidance and support. As an adult, I have the freedom to make my own decisions and live my life according to my own values and beliefs. Children, on the other hand, are still learning to be independent and often rely on adults to provide fortheir needs and make decisions for them.Overall, the differences between adults and childrenare vast and complex. From the way we communicate to theway we handle emotions and responsibilities, it is clearthat adulthood brings about a significant shift in perspective and behavior.中文回答:作为一个成年人,我意识到成年人和孩子之间有许多不同之处。



新概念英语第二册:第27课课文详解及语法解析.doc新概念英语第二册:第27 课课文详解及语法解析课文详注Further notes on the text1.the boys put up their tent in the middle of afield. 孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷。

in the middle of表示“在当中”、“在中间”,既能够用于表示地理位置,又能够用于表示时间或在某个过程当中:He heard someone shouting in the middle of the night.午夜前后,他听到有人大声叫喊。

Mary was in the middle of reading when her aunt arrived.玛丽的姑妈到达时,玛丽正在读书。

in the centre of(在中部/中央)则一般用于表示地理位置:Alice Spring is a small town in the centre of Australia.艾利斯斯普林斯是澳大利亚中部的一个小镇。

2. they cooked a meal over an open fire.他们就在篝火上烧起了饭。

open fire指无遮盖的、没有围起来的火,如篝火、盆火等。

3.they told stories and sang songs by thecampfire.( 他们) 就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。

介词by 表示“在旁边”、“靠近”,通常指距离非常近:Come and sit by me.过来靠我坐。

There are many trees by the river.河边有很多树。

4.But some time later it began to rain.但过了一阵子,天下起雨来。

副词 later表示“后来”、“以后”、“过后”:He told me he would come again later (on).他告诉我他以后会再来的。

新概念英语第二册第27课 (共43张PPT)

新概念英语第二册第27课 (共43张PPT)
folding chair flashlight ['flæ ʃ,lait]手电筒
New words and expressions
• tent • field • smell • wonderful • campfire • creep • sleeping bag • comfortable
• 副词 later表示“后来”、“以后”、“过 后”:
• He told me he would come again later . • 他告诉我他以后会再来的。 • I met her again a few days later. • 几天以后我又遇见了她。
The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.
the field • cook a meal (for sb.)(给某人)做饭 • open fire = campfire • over→(介词)在。。。之上
They were all hungry and the food smelled good.
• 【结构分析】含一般过去时的并列句,and 连
n. 营地
a holiday camp
an army camp
a concentration camp (德国纳粹的)集中营
have a foot in both camps
• v. 设营,扎营,宿营,露营 • go camping 野营,度假 • eg.他们在山顶附近扎营。 • They camped near the top of the hill. • campfire 营火,篝火 • → open fire • bonfire • camp bed 折叠床,行军床


I slept soundly that day.
Japan Βιβλιοθήκη as destroyed soundly.
We are walking soundly.
She is in the A stream.
form v. 形成 n.表格
(1) vi.形成,产生: During the conversation, an idea formed in his mind. 在谈话的过程中,他有了一个主意。
Ice forms when it is cold enough. 如果冷到一定的程度,冰就会形成。
⑵用手的感受 The blackboard felt cold.
campfire n. 营火, 篝火
• fire n. 1. 火 可数/不可数 火堆—可数, 火焰—不可数
2.射击, 炮火, 火力 Hold on your fire. 保持火力。 v. 开火 例句:他命令他的士兵开枪。 He ordered his men to fire
I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。
4. happen表示“碰巧或恰巧发生某事”时,还可用“It happens / happened that...”这一结构来表达。例如:
It happened that Tom and Peter were at home that day. 碰巧那天布莱恩和彼得在家了。



大人和小孩思维区别英语作文The Distinctive Mindsets of Adults and Children.The difference between the mindsets of adults and children is profound and multifaceted. This divergence is not merely a matter of age or experience; it encompasses distinct cognitive abilities, ways of perceiving the world, and approaches to problem-solving. While children's minds are often described as curious, imaginative, and adaptable, adults' minds tend to be more analytical, rational, and focused on practicalities.Children's minds are naturally inquisitive. They ask questions constantly, seeking to understand the world around them. This curiosity drives them to explore, experiment, and learn through hands-on experiences. Children are also highly imaginative, able to create elaborate fantasies and pretend worlds that allow them to escape reality and explore new possibilities. This imagination is a crucial part of their cognitivedevelopment, helping them to understand abstract concepts and develop problem-solving skills.In contrast, adults' minds tend to be more analytical and rational. We rely on logic and reason to navigate the world, and we prefer to approach problems with a step-by-step, methodical mindset. While this approach can be effective in many situations, it can also limit our ability to think outside the box or consider alternative perspectives. Adults tend to rely on past experiences and knowledge to guide their decisions, while children are more open to new experiences and ways of thinking.Another significant difference between adults and children is their approach to risk-taking. Children are often more willing to take risks and try new things, while adults tend to be more cautious and risk-averse. This is partially due to the fact that children's brains are still developing, and they are more resilient to failure than adults. They also lack the same level of social and emotional constraints that adults face, allowing them to be more spontaneous and冒险精神.Additionally, children's minds are more adaptable and flexible than adults'. They are able to switch between tasks and activities more easily, and they are less likely to get stuck on a single way of thinking. This flexibility allows them to learn new skills and concepts more quickly, as they are not limited by pre-existing schemas or assumptions. In contrast, adults' minds can become more rigid and set in their ways as we age, making it more difficult to learn new things or change our perspectives.However, it is important to note that while there are significant differences between the mindsets of adults and children, these differences are not absolute. Children can be analytical and rational, and adults can retain a sense of curiosity and imagination. Furthermore, the adult brain has the capacity for neuroplasticity, meaning it can continue to learn and adapt throughout life. By maintaining a growth mindset and fostering a culture of learning, adults can cultivate a more childlike approach to problem-solving and creativity.In conclusion, the mindsets of adults and childrendiffer significantly in terms of their approach to learning, risk-taking, and problem-solving. Children's minds are naturally curious, imaginative, and adaptable, whileadults' minds tend to be more analytical, rational, andrisk-averse. However, by recognizing these differences and fostering a growth mindset, adults can harness the power of their own minds and continue to learn and grow throughout life.。



英语作文家长和孩子关系不融洽的感受(中英文实用版)The relationship between parents and children can sometimes be fraught with misunderstandings and conflicts, casting a shadow over the supposed harmony in the family.It"s a disheartening feeling when the bond that should be the source of comfort and support is instead rife with strife and dissatisfaction.在家庭中,父母与孩子之间的关系有时会充满误解和冲突,这给原本应有的家庭和谐投下了阴影。


Children may feel suffocated by the excessive expectations and demands of their parents, who, in turn, might be frustrated by what they perceive as a lack of respect or gratitude from their offspring.This vicious cycle can create a rift that seems impossible to bridge.孩子们可能会因为父母过高的期望和要求而感到窒息,而父母们也可能因为感受到来自子女的缺乏尊重或感激而感到沮丧。


Communication breakdowns are often at the heart of these issues, with both parties speaking but not truly listening to one another.The resulting emotional distance can leave everyone involved feeling isolated and misunderstood.沟通障碍通常是这些问题的核心,双方都在说话,但并没有真正倾听对方。



父母和孩子之间的矛盾英语作文英文回答:Conflict between parents and children is a common and often frustrating experience. It can stem from a variety of factors, including differences in values, expectations, and communication styles. While conflict is inevitable, there are several steps that parents and children can take to minimize its impact and build a stronger relationship.One of the most important steps is to understand the different perspectives involved in the conflict. Parents often have a different set of experiences and priorities than their children, which can lead to misunderstandings and disagreements. It is important for parents to listen to their children's point of view and try to understand their perspective. Similarly, children need to understand that their parents have their own set of experiences and priorities, and they need to respect their parents' decisions.Another important step is to communicate effectively. When conflict arises, it is important to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other. Parents need to be able to express their concerns clearly and calmly, and children need to be able to listen respectfully and respond appropriately. It is also important to avoid using blaming or accusatory language, as this will only escalate the conflict.Finally, it is important to remember that conflict is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be an opportunity for growth and learning. If parents and children can approach conflict with a positive attitude and a willingness to compromise, they can emerge from the conflict with a stronger relationship.中文回答:父母和孩子之间的矛盾是常见且令人沮丧的经历。



父母和孩子看问题的方式不同英语作文Parents and Children: Different Ways of Looking at ProblemsAs we all know, parents and children often have different perspectives on various issues. This is especially true when it comes to tackling problems and finding solutions. In this article, we will explore the differences in the ways parents and children approach problems and how this can lead to conflicts or misunderstandings.Parents, being older and more experienced, often have a more practical and logical way of looking at problems. They may have faced similar situations in the past and can draw on their past experiences to come up with solutions. Parents tend to take a more serious and systematic approach when dealing with problems, thinking through all the possible outcomes and consequences before making a decision.On the other hand, children tend to have a more emotional and impulsive way of looking at problems. They may not have the same level of experience or maturity as their parents, so their approach to problem-solving is often more instinctual and based on their feelings. Children are more likely to react quickly to aproblem without considering all the possible consequences, which can sometimes lead to hasty decisions or mistakes.Another key difference between parents and children when it comes to handling problems is communication. Parents may expect their children to come to them with any issues or concerns, while children may feel hesitant or afraid to confide in their parents. This lack of open communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between parents and children when trying to solve problems.Furthermore, parents and children may have different priorities when it comes to addressing problems. Parents may prioritize stability and order, wanting to resolve issues quickly and efficiently to maintain a sense of control. Children, on the other hand, may prioritize their own emotions and desires, wanting to address their needs or feelings before tackling the actual problem at hand.In conclusion, it is important for parents and children to understand and respect each other's differences inproblem-solving approaches. By acknowledging and appreciating these differences, both parents and children can work together to find effective solutions to any issues that may arise. Open communication, patience, and empathy are key inbridging the gap between parents and children when it comes to tackling problems.。



父母孩子看待事情态度不同英语作文The Divergence in Perspective: Parents and Children's Views on Matters.The relationship between parents and children is often fraught with misunderstandings and differing perspectives. This divergence in viewpoint is not merely a product of generational gap, but also arises from the distinct life experiences, values, and cognitive development stages of both parties. In this essay, we delve into the reasons behind this disparity and explore how it manifests in various aspects of life.Firstly, let's consider the root cause of this phenomenon. Parents, having lived through their own childhoods and adolescent years, have accumulated a wealth of life experiences. These experiences have shaped their worldviews and influenced their decision-making processes. On the other hand, children are still in the process of discovering the world and forming their own opinions. Thisnatural disparity in life experience leads to a fundamental difference in how parents and children approach andinterpret situations.Moreover, values play a pivotal role in determiningone's attitude towards different matters. Parents, often having grown up in a different era and social context,might hold values that are distinct from those of their children. For instance, while parents might value tradition, stability, and respect for authority, children might bemore inclined towards innovation, individuality, and质疑权威. Such value differences naturally lead to varying perspectives on various issues.Another factor that contributes to the divergence in perspective is the stage of cognitive development. Children, especially those in their early years, are still developing their cognitive abilities, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. As a result, they might not have the maturity or the ability to comprehend complex issues from multiple perspectives, as their parents might. This cognitive immaturity often leadsto differences in opinion and understanding.This divergence in perspective manifests itself in various aspects of life. For instance, in the realm of education, parents might prioritize academic performanceand focus on traditional subjects, while children might be more interested in exploring new hobbies or fields of study. In the area of technology, parents might be apprehensive about the potential risks associated with new devices or platforms, while children might be more comfortable with technology and eager to explore its capabilities.Such differences in perspective, however, do not needto be divisive. In fact, they present an opportunity for parents and children to learn from each other and broaden their horizons. By engaging in open and respectful dialogues, parents and children can gain a deeper understanding of each other's viewpoints and perspectives. This, in turn, can foster a stronger bond and a deepersense of mutual respect and understanding.In conclusion, the divergence in perspective betweenparents and children is a natural outcome of their distinct life experiences, values, and cognitive development stages. While these differences might lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, they also present an opportunity for mutual growth and understanding. By embracing these differences and fostering open communication, parents and children can build a stronger, more resilient relationship that endures through the tests of time.。



大人和小孩的区别读后感作文英文回答:The difference between adults and children is quite significant. As an adult, I have experienced both stages of life and can clearly see the distinctions.Firstly, adults have more responsibilities compared to children. We are expected to work, pay bills, take care of our families, and make important decisions. For example, as an adult, I have to manage my finances, pay rent, and plan for my future. On the other hand, children are not burdened with such responsibilities. They are free to play, learn, and explore without worrying about the practicalities of life.Secondly, adults have a deeper understanding of the world. Through years of experience, we have gained knowledge and wisdom. We have learned from our mistakes and have a better understanding of cause and effect. Forinstance, as an adult, I know that if I don't study for an exam, I will not perform well. Children, on the other hand, are still in the process of learning and discovering the world. They rely on adults to guide them and teach them valuable lessons.Furthermore, adults have more control over their emotions compared to children. We have learned to manage our feelings and react appropriately in different situations. For example, if someone says something hurtful, I can choose to ignore it or respond calmly. Children, on the other hand, often have difficulty controlling their emotions and may throw tantrums when they are upset or frustrated.In addition, adults have more life experience and are able to make better decisions. We have a better understanding of the consequences of our actions and can weigh the pros and cons before making a choice. Children, on the other hand, often make impulsive decisions without fully considering the consequences.Overall, the difference between adults and childrenlies in their responsibilities, understanding of the world, emotional control, and decision-making abilities. Adults have more experience and knowledge, while children arestill in the process of learning and growing.中文回答:大人和小孩之间的区别是相当显著的。



父母孩子不同想法英语作文Parents and Children have Different OpinionsParents and children often have different opinions on various aspects of life. This is mainly due to the generation gap and the different experiences and perspectives each party has. In this essay, I will discuss some common areas where parents and children tend to have different opinions.Firstly, parents and children often have different views on career choices. Parents may want their children to pursue traditional and stable careers such as medicine, law or engineering, while the children may be more interestedin pursuing their passion in the arts, sports or entrepreneurship. This difference in opinion often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings between parents and children.Secondly, parents and children may have different opinions on lifestyle choices. For example, parents may have strict rules about curfews, dating and socializing, while children may feel that these rules are too rigid andrestrictive. This can lead to disagreements and arguments within the family.Furthermore, parents and children may have different perspectives on the use of technology and social media. Parents may be more cautious and concerned about the negative effects of excessive screen time and social media use, while children may see technology as an integral part of their lives and a means of staying connected with their peers.In addition, parents and children may have different opinions on education. Parents may prioritize academic success and may have certain expectations regarding their children's grades and school performance, while children may have their own views on what they want to study and pursue in terms of their career and education.Finally, parents and children may have different opinions on family values and traditions. Parents may want to uphold certain cultural or religious traditions, while children may have different ideas about their own identity and beliefs.Overall, it is important for both parents and childrento communicate openly and respectfully about theirdiffering opinions. It is crucial to find common ground and compromise in order to maintain a harmonious relationship within the family.父母和孩子在生活的各个方面经常有不同的观点。



更想做大人还是更想做小孩英语作文英文回答:As human beings, we naturally progress from childhoodto adulthood over time. Each stage of life offers itsunique set of experiences, challenges, and joys. While some may yearn for the simplicity and freedom of childhood, others embrace the responsibilities and opportunities that come with adulthood. In this essay, I will delve into the complexities of this dichotomy, exploring the pros and cons of both being an adult and a child.Childhood is often associated with innocence, imagination, and a sense of wonder. Children are free to explore their surroundings without the constraints of adult responsibilities. They have ample time for play, creativity, and learning. The world appears as an endless playground, filled with possibilities and adventures. Their primary concerns revolve around school, friends, and family,without the weight of societal expectations or financialburdens.However, childhood is not without its challenges. Children may face difficulties in navigating social situations, dealing with peer pressure, or coping with academic or emotional setbacks. They rely heavily on the guidance and support of their parents or guardians, which can sometimes limit their independence and sense of autonomy.Adulthood, on the other hand, brings with it a greater degree of freedom, independence, and responsibility. Adults have the autonomy to make their own decisions, pursue their passions, and shape their lives according to their values. They enjoy the privilege of voting, driving, and entering into legal contracts. They have the opportunity toestablish their own families, build careers, and contribute to society.Yet, adulthood also comes with its own set of challenges. Adults must navigate the complexities of work, relationships, and finances. They face the pressure tosucceed, provide for themselves and their loved ones, and meet societal expectations. They may experience stress, anxiety, and burnout as they juggle multiple responsibilities.Ultimately, the question of whether one would rather be an adult or a child is a deeply personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, as both stages of life have their unique advantages and disadvantages. It is important to appreciate the joys and challenges of each stage and to make the most of the opportunities that come with it.中文回答:作为人类,我们随着时间的推移自然会从儿童期过渡到成年期。

看漫画学英语(2)Will you still love me?

看漫画学英语(2)Will you still love me?

看漫画学英语(2)Will you still love me?
看漫画学英语(4)Will you still love me? 1. Will you still love me when you're grown up and are rich and
famous,and I'm just a poor little girl?
2. Sure,I will...
3. ...And will you still love me if you get rich and famous ,and I don't have anything?
4. That will be different!
1. 等你长大了,如果你变得很有钱很出名,而我只是个小柴火妞儿,你还会爱我吗?
2. 当然~!那时候我依然爱你!
3. 那如果以后你变得又有钱又有名,我却一无所有的话,你还会爱我吗?
4. 那就是另一说了~!
1.will you... :是个固定句型,表示对将来的事情提问,后面接动词原型和表示未来的时间词(或上下文)。

e.g.will you still love me tomorrow:明天你还会爱我吗?。



关于父母与孩子关系很难处理的英语作文As a parent, the relationship with our children is one of the most important and yet challenging aspects of our lives. It is a delicate balance of love, discipline, guidance, and understanding. However, there are many factors that can make this relationship difficult to handle, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and emotional turmoil for both parents and children. One ofthe main challenges in the parent-child relationship is the generation gap. As parents, we may have grown up in a very different time with different values, beliefs, and ways of doing things. This can lead to misunderstandings and clashes with our children, who are growing up in a rapidly changing world with new technologies, social norms, and cultural influences. It can be difficult to bridge this generation gap and find common ground with our children, leading to communication breakdowns and conflicts. Another common issue in the parent-child relationship is the struggle for independence. As children grow older, they naturally seek more independence and autonomy, which can be difficult for parents to accept and adjust to. This can lead to power struggles, as parents may try to control their children out of fear or a desire to protect them, while children may rebel or push back in an attempt to assert their independence. Finding the right balance between giving freedom and setting boundaries can be a constant source of tension in the parent-child relationship. Furthermore, the pressure to excel in today's competitive society can put a strain on the parent-child relationship. Parents may have high expectations for their children's academic or career success, which can create a stressful and demanding environment for both parties. This pressure can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and resentment in children, while parents may feel frustrated and disappointed if their children do not meet their expectations. The pursuit of success can overshadow the emotional connection between parents and children, making it difficult to maintain a healthy and supportive relationship. Moreover, communication barriers can also contribute to the difficulty in handling the parent-child relationship. As children enter adolescence, they may become more secretive or withdrawn, making it challengingfor parents to understand their thoughts, feelings, and struggles. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, mistrust, and a sense of disconnectbetween parents and children. It can be difficult for parents to navigate this new phase of communication and find ways to connect with their children on a deeper level. In addition, the impact of external influences, such as peer pressure, social media, and societal expectations, can create further challenges in the parent-child relationship. Children may be influenced by their peers and media in ways that parents cannot control, leading to conflicts over values, behaviors, and choices. This can create a sense of powerlessness and frustration for parents, as they struggle to guide and protect their children in an increasingly complex and influential world. Furthermore, unresolved issues from the past can also contribute to the difficulty in handling the parent-child relationship. Childhood traumas, unresolved conflicts, or unhealed emotional wounds can resurface in the parent-child dynamic, creating tension and barriers to a healthy relationship. It can be challenging for both parents and children to address and overcome these deep-seated issues, leading to ongoing struggles and emotional distance. In conclusion, the parent-child relationship is a complex and multifaceted aspect of our lives that can be incredibly challenging to handle. The generation gap, struggle for independence, pressure to excel, communication barriers, external influences, and unresolved issues from the past all contribute to the difficulty in maintaining a healthy and supportive relationship between parents and children. It requires patience, empathy, open communication, and a willingness to adapt and grow together in order to navigate these challenges and foster a strong and loving bond between parents and children.。






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1.Hello Shermy.
Hello Charlie Brown.
2.Looks like it may get a little colder.
Yes,it looks that way……
3.Well,don't take any wooden nickles..
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
4.Now there was a real adult conversation!


2.nickel:名词:镍;(美国或加拿大的)五分硬币 amber在这里提醒大家,nickel在这里可是不可以直译的哦~~~
3.Don't take any wooden nickels. 别收木头镍币。


这句口头语在20世纪20年代开始流行,多半是两人偶遇,寒暄几句,然后说再会时打趣的话,等于正经一点的Take care!或另外一句诙谐语:Don't do anything that I won't.(即这次Charlie说的那句话)意思是,别干什么我不干的事。
