
( )5.马铃薯块苹果削皮或受伤后出现褐色,是多酚氧化酶作用的结果。
()三、简答题:(20分,每题5分)1.外界环境因素是如何影响植物根系吸收矿质元素的?(5分)2.粮食贮藏为什么要降低呼吸速率?(5分)3. 呼吸代谢的多条途径对植物生存有什么生理意义?(5分)4.简述光敏素与植物成花诱导的关系。
(5分)四、论述题:(10分,每题10分)1. 试述目前植物光能利用率低的原因是什么?怎样才能提高光能利用率?(10分)植物学部分一、名词解释(每小题2分,共10分)1.传递细胞2.凯氏带3.共质体运输4.同功器官5.双名法二、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的选项填在题后的括号内。
每小题2分,共10分)1. 下列属于半自主性细胞器的是 ( )A 高尔基体B 线粒体C 溶酶体D 核糖体2. 通常情况下,木本植物的年轮包括两个部分,即 ( )A 早材和晚材 B心材和边材C 硬材和软材D 环孔材和散孔材3. 西红柿的胎座属于下列。


浙江大学2001--2014年博士入学细胞生物学真题一、名词解释(每题4分)1.放射自显影(autoradiography)2.血型糖蛋白(glycophorin)3.流动镶嵌模型(fluid mosaic model)4.微粒体(microsome)5.膜骨架(membrane associated cytoskeleton)6.促成熟因子(maturation promoting factor,MPF)7.核定位信号(nuclearlocalization signal,NLS)8.锌指模型(zinc finger motif)9.联会复合体(synaptonemal complex,SC)10.干细胞(stem cell)二、简述核孔复合体的结构和功能。
2014浙江农林大学考博试题 森林有害生物防治

2014年浙江农林大学博士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目: 森林有害生物防治满分:100分考试时间:180分钟注意:所有试题答案写在答题纸上,答案写在试卷上无效。

科目代码:336 科目名称:农业知识综合一
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2014年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试初试试题答案 ,中英文回答均可)一、名词解释(20分)(每题4分序列的序列。
SD1. Shine-Dalharno sequence SD序列:mRNA中用于结合原核生物核糖体能与细菌嘌呤的碱基序列,上游7-12个核苷酸处,有一段富含在细菌mRNA起始密码子AUG AUG处开始翻译。
16SrRNA3'端识别,帮助从起始:细胞中的某些蛋白质分子可以识别正在合成的多肽或chaperon分子伴侣2、Molecular这一类从而帮助这些多肽转运、折叠或组装,部分折叠的多肽并与多肽的某些部位相结合,伴侣”分子本身并不参与最终产物的形成,因此称为分子“3、Cori cycle乳酸循环:肌肉收缩通过糖酵解生成乳酸。
4.Melting temperature熔解温度:双链DNA熔解彻底变成单链DNA的温度范围的中点温度。
5. Specific activity比活:用于测量酶纯度时,可以是指每毫克酶蛋白所具有的酶活力,一般用单位/mg蛋白来表示二、简答题(50分)1、简要说明RNA功能的多样性。
(mRNA起信使和模板的作用,rRNA起着装配作用,tRNA 起转运和信息转换作用)。

生物科学笔试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 细胞膜的主要组成成分是什么?A. 蛋白质B. 脂质C. 糖类D. 核酸答案:B2. 光合作用中,光能被什么色素吸收?A. 叶绿素B. 胡萝卜素C. 叶黄素D. 蓝藻素答案:A3. 以下哪个不是细胞周期的阶段?A. G1期B. S期C. G2期D. Z期答案:D4. 基因重组通常发生在哪个过程中?A. 有丝分裂B. 减数分裂C. 无丝分裂D. 细胞分化答案:B5. 以下哪个不是真核生物的特征?A. 有细胞核B. 有线粒体C. 有核糖体D. 无细胞壁答案:D6. 以下哪个激素是由胰腺分泌的?A. 胰岛素B. 甲状腺素C. 肾上腺素D. 促性腺激素答案:A7. 遗传密码子是指什么?A. 氨基酸的排列顺序B. 基因的碱基序列C. mRNA上的三个连续碱基D. DNA上的三个连续碱基答案:C8. 以下哪个不是生态系统中的生产者?A. 植物B. 动物C. 藻类D. 细菌答案:B9. 以下哪个是细胞凋亡的特征?A. 细胞坏死B. 细胞自噬C. 细胞程序性死亡D. 细胞分裂答案:C10. 以下哪个是遗传病?A. 感冒B. 糖尿病C. 唐氏综合症D. 肺炎答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些是DNA复制的特点?A. 半保留复制B. 双向复制C. 半不连续复制D. 连续复制答案:A, B, C12. 以下哪些是细胞分化的结果?A. 细胞形态的改变B. 细胞功能的改变C. 细胞数量的增加D. 细胞基因的改变答案:A, B13. 以下哪些是孟德尔遗传定律?A. 分离定律B. 独立分配定律C. 连锁定律D. 基因互作定律答案:A, B14. 以下哪些是真核细胞的细胞器?A. 线粒体B. 高尔基体C. 核糖体D. 质粒答案:A, B, C15. 以下哪些是生物进化的证据?A. 化石记录B. DNA序列比较C. 地理分布D. 人工选择答案:A, B, C三、填空题(每题2分,共10分)16. 细胞膜上的蛋白质主要负责__________和__________。

四、论述(计算)题(每题 10 分,共 20 分)
1.A century ago the science of plant pathology was just being born and L. R. Jones wondered, at a meeting in Atlanta (亚特兰大) in 1913, whether it was a good thing to separate plant pathology as a discipline(学科) from botany (植物学). This was only a few decades after the idea that fungi were causal agents of plant diseases had been accepted and that the concept of "spontaneous generation"(自然发生), which regarded fungi as symptoms(症状) on plants suffering from bad environmental conditions, had been on its way out. This new concept of germs being causal agents of disease had its earliest supporters among plant pathologists like Tillet for bunt(腥黑穗病) in 1755, Prevost for smut(黑粉病) in 1807, Berkeley and deBary for the late blight(晚疫) fungus of potatoes in the 1850s. Unfortunately, the broader significance of these findings was not recognized, and it was only in the 1860s that the work of Pasteur and Koch on human pathogens(病原物) led to the break through of the germ theory(芽殖理论). Therefore, it is not surprising that the understanding and the standard of fungicides a century ago was very rudimentary(基 本的).

2014年浙江农林大学生物化学考研真题一、名词解释(每题3分,共30分)1.减色效应 2.蛋白质变性 3.核酶 4.底物水平磷酸化 5.竞争性抑制6.半保留复制 7.酮体 8.冈崎片段 9.β-氧化 10.糖异生作用二、填空题(每空格1分,共20分)1.在DNA分子中,一般来说G-C含量高时,比重(1),Tm(熔解温度)则(2),分子比较稳定。
4.l mol葡萄糖彻底氧化净生成(6) mol ATP。
8.真核生物的核糖体为_(16)_S,当Mg2+浓度降低时,解离成_(17)_S的大亚基和_(18)_S 的小亚基。
A.甘氨酸 B.天冬氨酸 C.丙氨酸 D.谷氨酸2.Tm是指()的温度。
A.双螺旋DNA达到完全变性时 B.双螺旋DNA开始变性时C.双螺旋DNA结构失去1/2时 D.双螺旋结构失去1/4时3.稀有核苷酸碱基主要见于()A.DNA B.mRNA C.tRNA D.rRNA4.破坏α-螺旋结构的氨基酸残基之一是()。
A.亮氨酸 B.丙氨酸 C.脯氨酸 D.谷氨酸5.米氏常数Km是一个用来度量()。
A.酶和底物亲和力大小的常数 B.酶促反应速度大小的常数C.酶被底物饱和程度的常数 D.酶的稳定性的常数6.酶促反应速度为其最大反应速度的80%时,Km等于()。
A.[S] B.1/2[S] C.1/4[S] D.0.4[S] 7.NAD+在酶促反应中转移()。

考试科目: 森林经理学满分:100分考试时间:180分钟
3. 森林碳储量成熟
9.近自然森林经营 10.林分
已知轮伐期 50 年,龄级期限 10 年。
马尾松经营类型面积、蓄积表单位: m3、hm2

2014年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试浙江卷理综综合能力测试(生物部分)一、选择题1.下列关于物质出入细胞方式的叙述,正确的是(超出北京考纲)A. 被细胞胞吞的一定是固体物质B. 突触前膜释放乙酰胆碱属于易化扩散C. 通过载体蛋白的物质转运属于主动转运D. 胞吐过程一定会产生分泌泡与质膜的融合2.下图表示施用IAA(吲哚乙酸)对某种植物主根长度及侧根数的影响,下列叙述错误的是A. 促进侧根数量增加的IAA溶液,会抑制主根的伸长B. 施用IAA对诱导侧根的作用表现为低浓度促进、高浓度抑制C. 将为施用IAA的植株除去部分芽和幼叶,会导致侧根数量增加D. 与施用10-4mol·L-1的IAA相比,未施用的植株主根长而侧根数量少3.下列关于动物细胞培养的叙述,正确的是(超出北京考纲)A. 连续细胞系的细胞大多具有二倍体核型B. 某些癌细胞在合适条件下能逆转为正常细胞C. 由多个祖细胞培养形成的细胞群为一个克隆D. 未经克隆化培养的细胞系细胞具有相同的性状4.下列关于环境容纳量的叙述,正确的是A. 环境容纳量是指种群的最大数量B. 种群的内源性调节因素不会改变环境容纳量的大小C. 在理想条件下,影响种群数量增长的因素主要是环境容纳量D. 植食动物在自然环境条件下,一年四季的环境容纳量以冬季最大5.某哺乳动物体细胞在培养中能够分裂,在培养过程中将适量的3H-TdR(3H标记的胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷)和某促进细胞分裂的药物加入到培养液中,培养一段时间,可观察和测量到A. G1期变短,该期有大量3H-TdR进入细胞核B. S期变长,该期有DNA复制和核糖体的增生C. G2期变短,该期细胞核中有组蛋白D. M期相对较短,该期细胞的核膜始终完整6.除草剂敏感型的大豆经辐射获得抗性突变体,且敏感基因与抗性基因是一对等位基因。
下列叙述正确的是A. 突变体若为1条染色体的片段缺失所致,则该抗性基因一定为隐性基因B. 突变体若为1对同源染色体相同位置的片段缺失所致,则再经诱变可恢复为敏感型C. 突变体若为基因突变所致,则再经诱变不可能恢复为敏感型D. 抗性基因若为敏感基因中的单个碱基对替换所致,则该抗性基因一定不能编码肽链二、非选择题30.(14分)某种细胞分裂素对植物光合作用和生长的影响如下表所示:细胞分裂素浓度(g·L-1)叶绿素含量(mg chl·g FW-1)光合速率(μmolCO2·m-2·s-1)希尔反应活力(μmol DCIPRed·mg chl·h-1)叶片氮含量(%)生物量(g·plant-1)0 1.58 6.52 13.55 1.83 17.650.5 1.82 7.82 25.66 1.94 22.951.02.34 8.64 32.26 1.98 27.442.0 2.15 8.15 27.54 1.96 23.56注:①chl—叶绿素;FW—鲜重;DCIP Red—还原型DCIP;plant—植株。

2014年浙江农林大学生态学考研真题一、名词解释:(每小题2分,共20分)1. 利比希最小因子定律:2. 有效积温:3. 竞争排斥原理:4. 群落演替:5. 边缘效应:6. 他感作用:7. 协同进化:8. 生态系统:9. 生物学的放大作用:10. 全球变化:二、比较分析以下各组术语的区别:(每小题4分,共20分)1. 环境因子与生态因子:2. 中日照植物与日中性植物:3. 群落与群丛:4. 建群种与优势种:5. 正反馈与负反馈:三、单项选择题:(每小题1分,共30分)1. 1866年首先提出生态学定义的科学家是()。
A. TansleyB. LiebigC. HaeckelD. Shelford2. 生活在高纬度地区的恒温动物,一般其身体较低纬度地区的同类个体大,以此来减少单位体重散热量,这一适应称为()。
A. 阿伦定律B. 贝格曼法则C. 红皇后效应D. 多态效应3. ()在某些植物的春化阶段是必不可少的。
A. 光照强度B. 光周期C. 低温D. 昼夜变温4. 最有利于植物生长的土壤结构是()。
A. 团粒结构B. 片状结构C. 块状结构D. 柱状结构5. 下面说法错误的是()。
A. 生物对某种生态因子的生态幅可随生长而变化B. 生物的分布受其生态幅最窄的因子的影响最大C. 生物的分布范围完全由生态幅决定D. 当生物对一种生态因子处于最适状态下时,对其它生态因子的耐受范围会变宽6. 物种在自然界中存在的基本单位是()。
A. 个体B. 种群C. 同资源种团D. 基因库7. 在逻辑斯蒂克方程中,参数K值的含义是()。
A. 环境条件允许的种群个体数量最大值B. 表示种群增长速度的一个参数C. 表示种群在初始态下的数量D. 表示供种群继续增长的“剩余时间”8. 在自然状态下,大多数的种群个体分布格局是()。
A. 随和分布B. 均匀分布C. 集群分布D. 泊松分布9. 大型兽类和人类属于存活曲线属于()。

浙江农林大学2017年硕士研究生招生考试试题考试科目: 植物学一满分:150分考试时间:180分钟一、名词辨析:(每题2分,共40分)1.传递细胞2.异面叶3.外始式4.同功器官5.无融合生殖6.双受精7.后含物 8.心皮 9.2-胞花粉 10.双名法 11.接合生殖 12.聚花果13.原植体植物 14.异形叶性 15.配子体 16.世代交替 17.无限花序18.颈卵器植物 19.髓射线 20.凯氏带二、单项选择题:(每题2分,共20分)1.在茎的次生构造中出现了初生构造中所没有的结构,它是…………… ( )A 髓射线B 维管射线C 维管柱D 轴向薄壁组织2.关于蕨类植物贯众,下列叙述不正确的是…………………………………()A 孢子植物B 高等植物C 配子体寄生在孢子体上D 维管植物3.多年生枝条上的通气结构是…………………………………………………()A 气孔B 皮孔C 穿孔D 纹孔4.在被子植物中,以下选项全部为单倍体细胞的是…………………………()A 伴胞、泡状细胞、生殖细胞B 助细胞、孢原细胞、造孢细胞C大孢子、反足细胞、花药的表皮细胞 D小孢子、反足细胞、生殖细胞5.梨属于哪种类型的果,食用的主要部分属于哪部分结构…………………()A 核果、真果;花托B 核果、假果;花托C 浆果、假果;内果皮和胎座D 浆果、真果;内果皮和胎座6. 花粉囊壁的绒毡层细胞是…………………………………………………()A 单核的单倍体细胞B 多核的二倍体细胞C 无核的单倍体细胞D 多核的单倍体细胞7.桃、毛竹、罗汉松的子叶数分别是………………………………………… ( )①1片②2片③多数A ①②③B ②①③C ③②①D ②③①8. 银杏种子外面包被的成分是…………………………………………………()A 花托B 假种皮C 种皮D 果皮9.一棵树茎高3m,在距地面2m处作一标记。
2年后这棵树长5m高,这时标记距地面应是……………………………………………………………………………( )A 4mB 3mC 2mD 5m10.具_____的子房为单心皮子房………………………………………………( )A 边缘胎座B 侧膜胎座C 中轴胎座D 特立中央胎座三、判断题:(总分20分,每小题2分,对的打“√”,错的打“×”)1.传递细胞是一种分泌组织细胞。

1. ,
2. ,
3. 摘穗装置,
4. 果穗第一输送器,
5. 除茎器
6. 剥皮装置,果穗第二输送器,8. 苞叶输送器,9. ,10. 。
int类型的数据长度为2个字节,则unsigned int类型数据的取值范围为()。
至255 B. 0至65535 C. —32768至32767 D. —256至255
1 旋耕机旋耕刀运动分析图
图2 作物茎秆受力分析图
牵引力利用系数λ=0.9 ,农业要求的耕深为
K= 0.3kg /cm2,试确定机组的犁铧数量

2014浙江高考生物真题2014年浙江高考生物真题如下:一、选择题1.细胞核内的DNA复制过程称为A.转录 B.蛋白质合成 C.核糖体制造 D.DNA复制答案:D2.生态位的概念属于A.个体生态学 B.群落生态学 C.系统生态学 D.生态工程学答案:A3.苹果树属于-种A.被子植物 B.裸子植物 C.蕨类植物 D.藻类植物答案:A4.以下关于DNA的描述,错误的是A.DNA是一种双螺旋结构 B.RNA中没有胞嘧啶 C.DNA碱基A是胸腺嘧啶 D.DNA分子里含有脱氧核糖糖本答案:B5.玉米株的绒毛发育过程是一种A.自我控制的内源性生长规律 B.外界因素影响的反馈调节过程 C.代谢产物的积累过程 D.自我调节反馈过程答案:D6.种群中抗生素的耐药基因频率上升是由于A.基因突变造成的 B.基因重组造成的 C.自然选择的结果D.基因漂变造成的答案:C7.影响森林生长的最主要气候因素是A.降水和气温 B.热辐射 C.光照 D.风答案:A8.温室培养条件下秧苗发结丝是为了A.控制植株生长 B.促进光合作用 C.增加蒸腾 D.减少散失答案:D9.青霉素在细菌培养液中的不同浓度作用下,会引起细菌发生A.搜性转换 B.光合作用 C.菌株变异 D.敏感性转换答案:C10.下列细胞器中,存在葡萄糖物质代谢的是A.叶绿体 B.线粒体 C.泥中体 D.高尔基体答案:B二、若干题四、判断题1.水质三要因素是溶解氧、悬浮物和微生物。


2014年博士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目: 英语满分:100分考试时间:180分钟Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. The patient has been ____________ of the safety of the operation.A. guaranteedB. assuredC. entrustedD. confirmed2. Some teenagers harbour a generalized resentment against society, which _________ them therights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A. deprivesB. restrictsC. rejectsD. denies3. When travelling, you are advised to take travellers’ checks, which provide a secure____________ to carrying your money in cash.A. substituteB. selectionC. preferenceD. alternative4. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ___________ attitude towardcustomers.A. impartialB. mildC. hostileD. opposing5. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ___________ the birth ofJesus Christ.A. in accordance withB. in terms ofB. in favor of D. in honor of6. No one imagined that the apparently _________ businessman was really a criminal.A. respectiveB. respectableC. respectfulD. receptacle7. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely _______.A. wiped upB. wiped outC. wiped awayD. wiped off8. ___________ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.A. Akin toB. Prior toC. In addition toD. With reference to9. Because his workplace was so busy and noisy, he longed most of all for __________.A. lonelinessB. associationC. solitudeD. irrelevancy10. Because Mark needed to pass the exam, he made studying a _____________ over watching hisfavorite television show.A. priorityB. conformityC. perplexityD. concept11. The record of the past is always incomplete, and the historians who write about it __________reflect the preoccupations of their own time.A. bound toB. inevitablyC. indispensablyD. justifiably12. Man is a ________ animal, and much more so in his mind than in his body: he may like to goalone for a walk, but he hates to stand alone in his __________.A. conceited ... vanityB. solitary ... thoughtsC. gregarious ... opinionsD. special ... uniqueness13. He says he would write an English course book if he could find a(n) ________ to deal with theless interesting parts.A. accompliceB. collaboratorC. spouseD. kin14. International travelers may have difficulties understanding the adjustment problems that_________ them.A. amazeB. besetC. humiliateD. resurrect15. The distinctive qualities of African music were not appreciated or even _________.A. deploredB. perceivedC. reveredD. ignored16. The spokesperson knew he had made a ___________ error when he prematurely announcedthat all of the victims had survived the accident.A. glaringB. grievousC. dazedD. furtive17. His _________ for wanting to stay on as manager is to see England as the top team in theworld.A. measurementB. motivationC. requirementD.presentation18. Many of the villagers rely on fishing as their __________ source of income.A.primaryB.radicalC.externalD.noticeable19. She couldn’t imagine herself in any form of ___________ with her employer, much as sheliked him.A.prejudiceB. FantasyC. intimacyD.conflict20. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally _________ to improvements indiet.A.accountedB. referredC.creditedD.attributed21. Do you believe that he had killed a man with his __________ hands?A.bareB.nakedC.hollowD.sheer22. It ___________ me as strange that the man didn’t introduce himself before he spoke.A. occurredB. dawnedC. impressedD. struck23. He definitely meant to be rude—it was quite _________.A. spontaneousB. deliberateC. consciousD. expressive24. The lawyer told the judge that his __________ did not have a criminal record.A.clientB.customerC.employerD.administrator25. Attitudes learned at home __________ onto the playground.A.carry outB. carry onC. carry forwardD.carry over26. I’m worried about washing that shirt in case it __________.A.shrinksB.confinesC. diminishesD.outweighs27. After you’ve signed the contract, it will be impossible to _________.A.back outB.back upC.break offD.break down28. Korean newspapers only have four pages, so stories have to be very much ___________.A.to the coreB.to the effectC.to the pointD.to be exact29. She’s bought an exercise bike to keep _________.A. in effectB.in shapeC.in sessionD.in health30. The judge _________ most of the police evidence, saying it was clearly fabricated.A. disposedB. declinedC.dismissedD.discardedPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 points each)Directions: There are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Text AWhen we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thing or relation or property. This is the word’s “meaning.” We see a small four-footed animal on the road and call it a “dog,” indicating that it is a member of the class of four-footed animals we call dogs. The word “dog” as we have used it there has a plain, straight-forward, “objective” meaning. We have in no way gone beyond the requirements of exact scientific description.Let us suppose also that one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. Still we have in no way gone beyond the requirements of exact scientific description.Suppose, however, that we had called that same animal a “mongrel.” The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as “dog of mixed breed,” but which also arouses in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object, but can also suggest an emotional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific discussion because our approvals and disapprovals are individual—they belong to ourselves and not to the objects we approve or disapprove of. An animal which to the mind of its master is a faithful and noble dog of mixed ancestry may be a “mongrel” to his neighbor whose chickens are chased by it.Once we are on the lookout for this difference between “objective” and “emotional” meanings, we shall notice that words which carry more or less strong suggestions of emotional attitudes are very common and are ordinarily used in the discussion of such controversial questions as those of politics, morals, and religion. This is one reason why such controversies cannot yet be settled.There is a well-known saying that the word “firm” can be declined as follows: I am firm, thou are obstinate, he is pigheaded. That is a simple illustration of what is meant. “Firm,” “obstinate,” and “pigheaded” all have the same objective meaning—that is, following one’s own course of action andrefusing to be influenced by other people’s opinion. They have, however, different emotional meanings: “firm” has an emotional meaning of strong approval, “obstinate” of mild disapproval, “pigheaded” of strong disapproval.In much the same way when, during the World War, thoughts were dominated by emotions, the newspapers contrasted the spirit of our heroic boys with ruthlessness of the Huns ([贬义] 德国兵), and the heroism of our troops with the enemy’s savagery. Now, with the more objective attitude that has been brought by the lapse of time, we can look back and see that spirit and ruthlessness are objectively the same thing, only the one word has an emotional meaning of approval, the other of disapproval. We can see, too, that a soldier going forward under shellfire to probable death is doing the same thing whether he is a German or one of our countrymen, and that to distinguish between them by applying the word savagery to the action of the one and heroism to that of the other is to distort reality by using words to make an emotional distinction between two actions which are objectively identical.31. The author’s point in the first three paragraphs is that ___________.A. there is no real difference between calling a dog a mongrel or calling it a dog of mixed breedB. “a dog of mixed breed” is an emotional termC. “mongrel” is an objective te rmD. words may suggest emotional attitudes as well as objective meanings32. The author maintains that _________.A. in discussing scientific subjects, emotional words are often used to make meanings clearerB. in discussing controversial questions, objective terms are generally used to help clarify meaningsC. in discussing scientific subjects, objective terms are generally used, in order to avoid controversyD. in discussing controversial questions, emotional terms are used very often33. The author believes that people have disagreements on many subjects partially because _______.A. people have not learned how to get along with each other without conflict and argumentB. words used in discussing those subjects carry emotional overtones which tend to antagonize peopleC. words with objective meanings mean different things to different persons, and must be usedcarefullyD. politics, morals, and religion cause controversies that cannot yet be settled34. Regarding war, the author believes that in World War I, _________.A. our men showed spirit and heroism, while the Germans displayed ruthlessness and savageryB. although our men acted heroically, there were occasions when they were almost as ruthless as theGermansC. there was no difference at all between the actions of our soldiers and of the German onesD. at the time of the war, most people thought that both sides had fought equally bravely, but withthe passage of time they began to realize how savage the Germans had really beenText BIf Johnny can’t write, one of the reasons may be a conditioning based on speed rather than respect for the creative process. Speed is neither a valid test of nor a proper preparation forcompetence in writing. It makes for murkiness, glibness, disorganization. It takes the beauty out of the language. It rules out respect for the reflective thought that should precede expression. It runs counter to the word-by-word and line-by-line reworking that enables a piece to be finely knit.This is not to minimize the value of genuine facility. With years of practice, a man may be able to put down words swiftly and expertly. But it is the same kind of swiftness that enables a cellist, after having invested years of efforts, to negotiate an intricate passage from Haydn. Speed writing is for stenographers and court reporters, not for anyone who wants to use language with precision and distinction.Thomas Mann was not ashamed to admit that he would often take a full day to write 500 words, and another day to edit them, out of respect for the most difficult art in the world. Flaubert would ponder a paragraph for hours. Did it say what he wanted it to say—not approximately but exactly? Did the words turn into one another with proper rhythm and grace? Were they artistically and securely fitted together? Were they briskly alive, or were they full of fuzz and ragged edges? Were they likely to make things happen inside the mind of the reader, igniting the imagination and touching off all sorts of new anticipations? These questions are relevant not only for the established novelist but for anyone who attaches value to words as a medium of expression and communication.E. B. White, whose respect for the environment of good writing is exceeded by no word-artist of our time, would rather have his fingers cut off than to be guilty of handling words lightly. No sculptor chipping away at a granite block in order to produce a delicate curve or feature has labored more painstakingly than White in fashioning a short paragraph. Obviously, we can’t expect our schools to make every Johnny into a White or a Flaubert or a Mann, but it is not unreasonable to expect more of them to provide the conditions that promote clear, careful, competent expression. Certainly the cumulative effort of the school experience should not have to be undone in later years.35. According to the passage, competence in writing is ________.A. an art that takes practiceB. a skill that requires dexterityC. a technique that is easy to learnD. a result of the spontaneous flow of words36. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. present an original ideaB. describe a new processC. argue against an established practiceD. comment on a skill and its techniques37. Our schools, according to the passage, ________.A. are providing proper conditions for good writingB. should not stress writing speed on a testC. should give essay tests rather than multiple-choice testsD. teach good writing primarily through reading38. In describing White as a “word-artist,” the author means that White _________.A. illustrated his storiesB. was colorful in his descriptionsC. was a great writerD. had artistic background39. It can be inferred from the passage that the author values good literature primarily for its abilityto ________.A. relieve the boredom of everyday lifeB. communicate ideas and experiencesC. accurately describe events as they occurD. provide individuals with skills for successText CThe American university is a direct descendant from the ancient universities in Europe. These are the oldest institutions, aside from the church itself, in Western civilization. They have survived many periods of trouble, of revolution, and of persecution. But the tradition of learning and of scholarly inquiry has lived on.Yet there are shortsighted people today who are saying that the modern university has outlived its usefulness; that it must be overthrown and replaced by something else whose nature is unspecified.Remember, however, that there have been many occasions during the last 700 years when people said that universities were irrelevant or that it was wrong for them to pursue long-term goals in the face of immediate and pressing problems. Fortunately, there have been stouthearted souls who insisted that the search for knowledge would never be outdated by current events and we can all be eternally thankful that the forces of ignorance were so often defeated. They must be defeated again.Knowledge and the search for knowledge have persisted through the centuries to the enormous benefit of human beings. The world may be troubled and distressed today but think how much better off the people in this country are now than they were 50 years ago or 100 years ago and how much better off they are than the millions of people in countries which have not benefited from the progress of knowledge. We in the Western world have encouraged scientific discovery and its application intensively for 200 years to our vast material benefit. Today we are at a turning point. We can now use our stores of wealth and of knowledge as tools to solve the new problems which now beset our modern society.What are those of us who have chosen careers in science and engineering able to do about meeting our current problems?First, we can help destroy the false impression that science and engineering have caused the current world troubles. Quite the contrary, science and engineering have made vast contributions tobetter living for more people.Second, we can identify the many areas in which science and technology, more considerably used, can be of greater service in the future than in the past to improve the quality of life. While we can make many speeches, and pass many laws, the quality of our environment will be improved only through better knowledge and better application of that knowledge.Third, we can recognize that much of the dissatisfaction which we suffer today results from our very successes of former years. We have been so eminently successful in attaining material goals that we are deeply dissatisfied that we cannot attain other goals more rapidly. We have achieved a better life for most people but we are unhappy that we have not spread it to all people. We have illuminated many sources of environmental deterioration but we are unhappy that we have not conquered all of them. It is our rising expectations rather than our failures which now cause our distress.Granted that many of our current problems must be cured more by social, political, and economic instruments than by science and technology, yet science and technology must still be the tools to make further advances in such things as clean air, clean water, better transportation, better housing, better medical care, more adequate welfare programs, purer foods, conservation of resources, and many other areas.The discovery and use of knowledge have always been relevant to a humane future. They are equally relevant today.40. The author is primarily concerned with the _________.A. answers to current problemsB. defense of the search for scientific knowledgeC. problems of our nation’s universitiesD. moral obligations of technology41. According to the author, a belief exists that much of our national dissatisfaction is due to the______.A. emphasis of science on material goalsB. irrelevancy of many of our modern universitiesC. failures of scientists to solve modern day problems as quickly as they solved problems of thepastD. improper use of past discoveries in science and technology42. It is the feeling of the author that the place of science in solving the problem of pollution will be________.A. on the same level as social and political influencesB. the only thing needed to solve the problem successfullyC. the frontrunner in developing new methods of approaching the problemD. overshadowed by other areas of knowledge43. It is suggested that science has been most successful in _________.A. developing material benefitsB. solving problems of worldwide concernC. preparing America for a humane futureD. controlling technology as a means of preventing serious problems44. It is stated that science contributed to all of the following EXCEPT _________.A. a better lifeB. peaceC. healthD. a better environmentText DSuppose you go into a fruiterer’s shop, wanting an apple—you take up one, and, on biting it, you find it is sour; you look at it, and see that it is hard and green. You take up another one, and that too is hard, green, and sour. The shopman offers you a third; but, before biting it, you examine it, and find that it is hard and green, and you immediately say that you will not have it, as it must be sour, like those that you have already tried.Nothing can be more simple than that, you think; but if you will take the trouble to analyse and trace out into its logical elements what has been done by the mind, you will be greatly surprised. In the first place you have performed the operation of induction. You found that, in two experiences, hardness and greenness in apples went together with sourness. It was so in the first case, and it was confirmed by the second. True, it is a very small basis, but still it is enough to make an induction from; you generalize the facts, and you expect to find sourness in apples where you get hardness and greenness. You found upon that a general law, that all hard and green apples are sour; and that, as far as it goes, is a perfect induction. Well, having got your natural law in this way, when you are offered another apple whi ch you find is hard and green, you say, “All hard and green apples are sour; this apple is hard and green, therefore this apple is sour.” That train of reasoning is what logicians call a syllogism, and has all its various parts and terms—its major premiss, its minor premiss, and its conclusion. And, by the help of further reasoning, which, if drawn out, would have to be exhibited in two or three other syllogisms, you arrive at your final determination, “I will not have that apple.” So that, you see, you hav e, in the first place, established a law by induction, and upon that you have founded a deduction, and reasoned out the special particular case. Well now, supposing, having got your conclusion of the law, that at some time afterwards, you are discussing th e qualities of apples with a friend; you will say to him, “It is a very curious thing, but I find that all hard and green apples are sour!” Your friend says to you, “But how do you know that?” You at once reply, “Oh, because I have tried them over and over again, and have always found to be so.” Well, if we were talking about science instead of common sense, we should call that an experimental verification. And, if still opposed, you go further and say, “I have heard from the people in Somersetshire and Devonshire, where a large number of apples are grown, that they have observed the same thing. It is also found to be the case in Normandy, and in North America. In short, I find it to be the universal experience of mankind wherever attention has been directed tothe subject.” Whereupon, your friend, unless he is a very unreasonable man, agrees with you, and is convinced that you are quite right in the conclusion you have drawn. He believes, although perhaps he does not know he believes it, that the more extensive verifications have been made, and results of the same kind arrived at—that the more varied the conditions under which the same results are attained, the more certain is the ultimate conclusion, and he disputes the question no further. He sees that the experiment has been tried under all sorts of conditions, as to time, place, and people, with the same result; and he says with you, therefore, that the law you have laid down must be a good one, and he must believe it.45. The underlined word in paragraph 2, “verification,” is most likely to mean ________.A. provingB. specificationC. adjustmentD. justification46. The author indicates that statements can be believed if __________.A. they concern natural eventsB. the statements are verified by many peopleC. they are written in a scholarly or scientific journalD. the premises upon which they are built is a major one47. “All men are mortal; Socrates was a man; Socrates was mortal.” The foregoing representsreasoning that is ________.A. verifiableB. inductiveC. syllogisticD. experimental48. Apples are used _________.A. in order to convince the reader that fruit has no intellectB. as an analogyC. for sarcasmD. to compare various types of persons49. According to the author _________.A. Normandy and North America have many similaritiesB. universal experiences are common occurrencesC. a syllogism always has three partsD. the main premises is more profound than the minor premises50. The author has the approach of _________.A. a scientistB. an artistC. a novelistD. a businessmanPart III Cloze (10 points, 0.5 point each)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, 51 about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories, 52 is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person’s recollections of the past help to 53 an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: 54 any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide 55 to the future, the individual mentions their past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life 56 living. 57 , the memories form part of a continuing life 58 , in which the old person 59 the events and experiences of the years gone by and 60 on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.As the life cycle 61 to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death. 62 this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a 63 subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as 64 . As adults many of us find the topic frightening and are 65 to think about it—and certainly not to talk about it 66 the presence of someone who is dying. Death has achieved this taboo 67 only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to be an important reason for our reluctance to 68 the idea of death. It is the very fact that death remains 69 our control; it is almost the only of the natural processes 70 is so.51. A. better than B. rather than C. less than D. other than52. A. so B. even C. nor D. hardly53. A. preserve B. conserve C. resume D. assume54. A. performing B. playing C. undertaking D. lacking55. A. orientation B. implication C. succession D. presentation56. A. worthy B. worth C. worthless D. worthwhile57. A. In a word B. In brief C. In addition D. In particular58. A. prospect B. impetus C. impression D. review59. A. integrates B. incorporates C. includes D. interacts60. A. reckons B. counts C. reflects D. conceives61. A. keeps B. draws C. inclines D. tends62. A. Therefore B. And C. Yet D. Otherwise63. A. taboo B. dispute C. contempt D. neglect64. A. notorious B. indecent C. obscure D. desperate65. A. ready B. willing C. liable D. reluctant66. A. at B. on C. with D. in67. A. status B. circumstance C. environment D. priority68. A. encounter B. confront C. tolerate D. expose69. A. under B. above C. beyond D. within70. A. which B. what C. as D. thatPart IV Translation (20 points , 5 points each)Directions: Translate the following Chinese or English sentences to English or Chinese.71. 端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。
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考试科目:生物科学基础 第1页,共1页
考试科目: 生物科学基础 满分:100分 考试时间:180分钟