

雅思备考听力篇 剑11 test 4 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇.doc

雅思备考听力篇 剑11 test 4 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇.doc

雅思备考听力篇剑11 test 4 section 4 雅思听力高频词汇今天我们雅思备考听力篇的文章来研究下剑11 test 4 section 4。


场景上来看,该部分介绍的是二氧化碳排放对大气的影响和解决方案,属于section 4经常考察的环境内容。


雅思听力高频词汇soil 土壤。

雅思听力section 4中比较经常考察的单词,尤其是在考到跟农业相关的场景时几乎必然出现。


carbon dioxide 二氧化碳。

同样是雅思听力section 4经常考察的单词,如果考试的时候不会拼,写成CO2也可以。

atmosphere 大气,气氛。


agriculture 农业。

雅思听力section 3和section 4比较喜欢考察的单词,经常作为填空的答案出现,有时候也会被替换成farming。

sugar 糖。


root 根部。


invent 发明。



fertile 肥沃的。


variety 多种多样。

在听力中更多的出现在选择题中,经常会与a range of, different, diversity of等词同义替换。

cattle 牛,牲畜。


waste 垃圾。





《剑桥雅思高分突破》(Objective IELTS)(中级、高级)剑桥大学出版社&外语教学与研究出版社PS:感谢外研社,终于把等了许久的Objective IELTS引进到国内了,这是目前最新的权威雅思备考综合教程。

权威综合教程(国内尚未引进)Instant IELTS,Guy Brook-Hart, Cambridge University Press这本书在福州路上海外文书店有售,不过价格高得离谱。


New Insight into IELTS, Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell, Cambridge Univerisity Press权威的教材《剑桥雅思考试题型透析》又要出新版了,不过剑桥大学出版社今年4月才出版,国内引进估计至少要等到年底了。


















2011年第一季度各题型的考查率以及各月的平均值注:●为Passage One考到的题型; ●为Passage Two考到的题型; ●为Passage Three考到的题型根据列表中的数据我们不难发现:以Summary为代表的填空类题型的考查率在前三个月里分别为32.4%,21.9%和28.6%,尽管在二月份出现了小幅下挫,但依旧撼动不了其“题王”的霸主地位。





Part 2&3Place1. Describe a shopWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?Why men don’t like shopping?Do you often go shopping? Why do you like it?Do you think that it is good for children to go shopping?What type of shop is close to your house?What type of shop do you usually go?What is the difference between going to the supermarket and going to a small shop?Why some people don’t like shopping?2. Describe a city you have visited.What is the difference between living in the city and living in the suburbs?Does the city provide advantage in any aspect of your life?What kinds of people enjoy living in the city?What are the major problems facing the cities nowadays?3. Introduce a place with a good water resource.What is the importance of water?Why do people use more water now than before?What kind of the policy should the government make to save the water resources?Why do people like to live in a place close to water?What can they do if they live close to the water?Why children like swimming?4. Introduce a place you have studied or worked.How is the place?How it looks like?Have you been to other places?Is there any place that you really want to go?Is there any kind of equipment that could make a place more comfortable to study?How can learning affect people’s feeling?Should people spend more time on studying or working?5. Describe a place which is not pollutedWhere is this place?What kind of place is not polluted?What do you think about pollution?6. Describe a café or resta urant you have been.What kind of food is popular in China?Do you often go to restaurants to eat?Is food important in Chinese culture?Can food affect your health?7. Describe a hotelDo you like living in a hotel? Why?How is the service of the hotel?Is there anything that needs to be improved?8. Describe a city you have lived inDoes the city affect their people?What types of people are suitable to live in the city?What is the difference between middle/small city and large city?How is the pollution problem in the city?Do you like to live in the city or countryside, and why?9. Describe a famous sight.Where is it?Why is it famous?Do you think it’s important to have a famous sight in yourcity?Object10. Describe a language you want to learn (except English).Why some children learn language faster than others?What is the difference between foreigner teacher and Chinese teacher in teaching English?Who is responsible in teaching children English? The parents or the school?What are the advantages of learning other languages? Why do you choose it?Will you go to this country?Does your friend also learn this language11. Describe your favorite magazine and newspaper.What is your favorite magazine and newspaper?What information do you get from the magazine?What kind of people read the magazine? How popular is the magazine? Why?What is the difference between magazine and newspaper?How do the media affect the people?Do people read a lot of newspaper?When did you start to read newspaper?Do you like local or international news?12. Introduce a kind of electrical equipment (except computer).What kind of talent an electrical designer should have?What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer?Should the parents support their children in using the internet?13. Talk about the law.Do you think it is necessary to create a law? Why?Do you think the law is fair?14. Talk about film.What do you learn from movies?How Chinese people think about foreign movies?What style of movie is popular in China?Which is more popular, Chinese movie or foreign movie?Do you think the advertisement is important for a movie? 15. Describe a project you did while you were studying Should children have homework? Why?Do High-school students need to have a lot of homework? Do college students have part time jobs? Why?How do we learn from our job?Why some parents choose to let their children study at home ? Do you believe in Chinese education?What are the disadvantages of not having a computer ? 16. Describe a website.What is the advantage of Internet?What effect has the internet had on the way people generallycommunicate with each other?What kind of people uses Internet the most?What do you think of shopping on line?17. Describe your hobbiesWhy do you have this hobby?18. Describe the SMS & making a phone call.Why sending SMS is more popular than making a phone call?19. Describe a type of sport you played when you were a child.What type of sport do you usually do?Do boys and girls play the same sports?Do you agree that having a sport can make a child healthy?Is boxing good for health?What do you think about women joining boxing competitions?20. Describe a type of sport you played when you were a child.What type of sport do you usually do?Do boys and girls play the same sports?Do you agree that having a sport can make a child healthy?Is boxing good for health?What do you think about women joining boxing competitions?Event21. Describe a recent change in your life.Do you think children should try new things?Do you think the society has changed a lot? What have changed?What are the changes now? Is it better now than in the past? Why are these changes?Is the past better than the present?Why is the environment getting worst?What kinds of pollution?What is the cause of pollution?Why the gasoline price is rising?22. Describe one of your family events.How is Chinese special wedding? Why is important? Will it be changed?What is the difference between modern wedding and traditional wedding in your culture?23. Describe a situation in your life when someone gave you an advice.Do you usually get advices from your family or your friends?Do you give advice to young people?24. Describe an event of being late.Is it important to be on time? Why?Which kind of people are always on time?Why are Chinese people not good in time management?Are the children good at time management?Who is busier the young people or the older people?25. Describe a happy eventWhat are the things that can make a family happy?What do you think make older people happy?Why some people are still happy even if they have problems?26. Describe a vacation.What do people usually do on vacation?Which is better going out or having a rest at home? Where do Chinese people for vacation?What do foreign people buy when they come to China?Is tourism important to Chinese economy?Person27. Describe a teenager you know.Can teenagers affect the society?How does the society affect the teenagers?28. Describe someone who visited your family.How do you treat your visitor?Is it convenient to live in your friend’s house?What is the difference between living in a hotel and living in your friend’s house?29. Introduce a type of physical activity.Why the government should let people join physical activities?How can the government encourage people do more physical activities? Why?What type of physical activity do you like?What do you usually do?How were the sports in the past?Why modern people don’t like to exercise?30. Describe a person who works well in his/her job.What is the connection between a person’s a ge and his/her job?What is the difference between the old people and youngpeople?Should we have a permanent age for retirement?31. Talk about your family.How many family members do you have?Who is the head in the family in China? The men or the women?Who is the head in your family?What do you think about the parents treatment to their child?32. Describe a person you want to be similar withWho do you admire?What kind of people should be admired?What kind of personality do you like33. Describe a school friend.What kind of friend do you like?How do you make new friends in a new place?What is the difference between new friends and old ones?Do you have a close friend?What is the personality of your closest friend?What are the skills of making friends?Have you made any new friends recently?What is the difference between your new friends and your friends in the past?Animal34. Describe a kind of animal?What kind of animal do you like?Have you seen it? Why do you like it?Why are you impressed by it?以上就是关于2011年11月5日雅思口语Part2机经的全部内容,包括了这次考试中出现过的一些有特点的,值得大家注意的题目。



北语:A类考试听力:1、学生的住宿(三种类型)2、iron age的生活体验,有选择和提空3、学生请老师指导INTERVIEW 4、有关鳄鱼的野外研究(全填空)2011年8月27日雅思考试听力回忆(网友版本2)听力,第一篇是关于住房的,都是填空,第二篇是什么不记得了,就是选择和给了选项的填空,还有一张小图,第三篇关于调查的,填空和选择,第四篇关于鳄鱼的,全是填空,不知道有没有机经2011年8月27日雅思考试听力回忆(网友版本3)澳洲考场section1是各种学生可以租的房比较……可以share的空间有两个浴室,后面填living room 提供的东西TV,radio washing machine wash basin 还有挺多不记得pay phone (这里要加连字符么?)lampsection2 都选择题第二部分是填建房子流程图,倒数第三空是ROOF 还是scaffold 不确定……section3 讲一个人做research 如何选取sample software 对不同人的不同研究方法:对manager是observations 对employee是surveys refter to the author 这空有同学说他们听到的是referenc statisticssection 4 讲怎么研究鳄鱼习性之类的第一次用satellite来定位,以前用radio 但是会不准确。

navigate direct (back home)avoid people2011年8月27日雅思考试听力回忆(网友版本4)listening:S1:一名女生想要咨询accommodation,一个男老师给她介绍了3种住宿。

一种是sharedroom,一种是singleroom的dorm,还有一种是homestay.(都是填空)S2:是讲一个男学生去iron age village体验生活,好像有5个单选1.那里的食物怎样2.他在那是怎样的3.晚饭他们怎么样4.?5?记不得了。

2011雅思考试Speaking 4

2011雅思考试Speaking 4

Tips,words and expressions
Chinese chess/ hide and seek/ dolls/ little weapons and soldiers/ fly kites/ rope skipping跳绳/ hopscotch跳房子 /beanbag丢沙包/see-saw翘翘板/two bodies on three legs/pass the balloon
Tips,words and expressions
Pets:dog(puppy) / cat(kitten) / pigeon / parrot/ goldfish/rabbit/ tortoise Work Animals :water buffalo /horses /donkeys/mules /camels Wild Animals: panda / tiger /the wolf /the elephant /yaks /foxes /deer /golden monkeys /whale/crocodile Others:bee/ ant/ snake/ cricket
entertainment Your favorite book/music/photograph/ magazine/ TV show/movie Describe an interesting film you saw recently. You should say: when & where you saw it what type of film it was what the film was about and explain you opinion about it.
Tips,words and expressions




在一年一度的“华山论剑”中,德国以7.2分的雅思成绩蝉联世界第一的宝座,中国大陆的雅思平均分为 5.6分,比2009年的5.47分小有进步,但继续在40个雅思主要参加国中排名倒数第七。

其中,2010年中国雅思A类(学术类)考生听力平均分为 5.7,比起2009年的5.59有一定进步。


题库篇2011年1月-8月雅思听力共出现128个section,其中全新的section为56 个,占整个出题部分的44%,旧题为72个section,占56%。

各个版本号出现的频率也不尽相同,V300XX和V09XXX各出现18 次,V08XXX为17次,V07XXX为8次,V06XXX和V10XXX各有4次,V05XXX为2次,其他版本仅有1次(详见下图)。


























【过来人谈备战雅思口语经验】My goodness雅思成绩比我预料的提前出来了,分数出来的页面一打开,那叫一个刺激,seven!----that’s my whole year’s dream.作为过来人,看到许多考友为了向往的国外生活在雅思考试上死了一地脑细胞,背了无数资料,可考试时,那些死记硬背的东西往往在口语这关败下阵来。



2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文Felix2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文2011.1.8Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.For centuries, people have fantasized that someday robots could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence researches. However, the issue of the wide application of robots can be deemed as beneficial as detrimental.On the one hand, there is no denying that robots bring about an array of positive aspects, such as high work efficiency and low work risk. First, the workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes, which allows individuals to be involved in other activities. Second, it is widely acknowledged that robots could do dangerous jobs instead of people in high risk businesses like mining and construction; therefore, a host of people’s safety can be ensured to a considerable degree.On the other hand, a great number of people hold an opposite opinion, asserting there are numerous demerits which should not be neglected. To begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous carcompany Ford, almost every step of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision. As a consequence, employees will have great pressure. Admittedly, there are indeed some occupations that robots might perform much better than human beings, but they cannot work in a flexible way as people do, and they are less likely to make corresponding changes once something unexpected happens. Then human beings’ supervision tends to become imperative.Taking all factors into account, robots have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but workers may suffer from unemployment stress. (292 words2011.1.15Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? The gender imbalance has long been a general phenomenon in the labour market. Some analysts argue that it is impossible to eliminate the underrepresentation of women in job markets, while others propose that women should be entitled the same opportunity to be engaged in a position. The essay will compare these two opinions before giving my own opinion.From some people’s point of view, the practice that equal numbers of male and female workers should be employed is unreasonable. First, the packed-schedule of certain positions is likely to make women so busy with their jobs that their family life is neglected. Another point is that it is much easier for female workers to be influenced by marriage and motherhood, and their jobs are often interrupted by daily domestic events. To keep the continuity of work, employers are more inclined to put male workers into their top priority. Opponents of this issue hold that the positive aspects of the practice are more influential. First of all, employing equal numbers of male and female workers can help create positive working environment, for it is usually the case that men or women perform less aggressive in the face of the opposite gender. Second, there is a large possibility that men and women workers bring their respective talents into full play since men are more determined and less likely to be affected by external influence and women are generally more careful and patient. Finally, the move could be regarded as a sign of equality, for in many workplaces, employers used to limit the numbers of women workers and welcome a substantial percentage of males to join them. The practice that equal numbers of men and women workers are accepted indicates the realisation of women’s value.To sum up, it does bring drawbacks to some workplaces if equal numbers of men and women workers are employed, but this cannot deny the benefits of the practice. This essay is inclined to maintain that equal numbers of male andfemale workers can be employed in the same workplace given that there is a rational division of labour, with all employees developing their own particular advantages for mutual benefits.(360 words)2011.1.22Nowadays some people have the anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. What are the reasons? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it?A dramatic rise in crime rate during the past several years has become a major concern among the public. It is urgent to identify the underlying root causes and adopt proactive approaches.A variety of factors are responsible for the surge of anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. The predominant factor resulting in this problem is the lack of education. People who fail their school or know little about laws have a much higher likelihood of committing crimes. Excessive exposure to violence is another cause that leads to anti-social behaviors , especially the juvenile delinquency. Without the proper parental guide, some young adults will probably become addicted to the Internet and become heavy net users. Some contents are contaminated by online violence and pornography, which is closely linked to youngsters’ aggressive behaviors.Accordingly, the crime prevention requires the joint efforts from both the government and parents. The government should increase its intervention, including launching public anti-crime campaigns, enforcing new laws and popularizing education. A civilized society is characterized by a high literacy rate and a low crime rate. The negative relationship between these two parameters implies that one will be away from a life of crime if given the access to education. To tackle youth crimes, parents should play a more supportive and loving role, attaching more importance to their children’s emotional needs, limiting their access to unfavorable contents on the Internet, and creating more interesting after-school entertainment.As suggested above, this unpleasant phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, including poor education and lack of parental supervision. The government should take more effective measures to curb crimes and parents are supposed to give correct instructions to their children.(279words)2011.1.27Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroadbecause all the information can be seen on television and the Internet. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.There is a new trend that an increasing number of people choose to travel overseas to form a global perspective. This issue is full of controversy, with concerns being expressed over whether it is necessary to go overseas to know more about other countries, since all the information can be gained through either television or the Internet.A serial of benefits can be brought by traveling abroad to learn about a different country. Initially, it is a memorable life experience that we cannot acquire in our domestic country. As a result, only in real life contexts can people comprehend the culture, customs, or its people etc. Sound as the above statement seems, there are still a group of people holding the view that there is no need to travel abroad. The main factor is that the advanced technology, such as televisions, the Internet, can provide people with almost any information about other places. However, it is unpractical to rely on the media excessively to get any news they want to obtain. Spreading rumors on the Internet are always happening around us. Therefore, only when we experience them personally, can we confirm the accuracy of the information.To sum up, it is imperative for people to travel overseas to learn different nations. Televisions and the Internet are, to some extent, a feasible way to obtain information, but the real experience of traveling abroad largely outweighs the dependence on the media to learn about a different country.(245words)2011.2.12Tourism is an excellent way to develop country, but it also can cause some harm. How can a country ensure tourism benefit the development? The market of international tourism is flourishing as never before and is playing a vital part in the development of one country. However, this booming is accompanied by the soaring number of tourists, which may bring about a substantial number of demerits. Therefore, how to guarantee the sustainable development of tourism and develop our tourism vigorously will be analyzed in this essay.The merits of tourism to one country’s development are beyond doubt. For one thing, tourism can attract a host of foreigners to visit and consume during the tour. For another, the excellent impression of the places of interests will enhance one country’s international image and then stimulate international investments in not only tourism but also other essential sections. Meanwhile, the demerits of unguided tourism can never be ignored and will be represented as follows. First, a sizeable percentage of people may pose a threat to the historical buildings. Second, trash produced in an astonishing amount goes with the super large flow of people, particularly during the peak tourist time. Third, a vast number of people flood into one place, whichaggravates the traffic pressure greatly, contributing too much inconvenience to the local dwellers.To handle above problems and ensure tourism can attract people continuously and benefit economy development, the following methods are strongly suggested. Initially, government should pay close attention to the protection and renovation of historical buildings. Subsequently, the awareness of environmental conservation should be strongly strengthened among the public, therefore efficient environmental campaigns are inevitable. Ultimately, reasonable distribution and improvement of transport facilities should be put on table.(262words)2011.2.17Some believe creative artists should be supported financially by government of their county, but some others suggest creative artists find finance support in other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Arts play a significant role in individuals’ lives. It is widely acknowledged that sufficient investment for artists is necessary if people strive to develop arts. However, whether the government should support them financially or they should find support from other sources arouses a contentious argument.On the one hand, it brings about a wide range of blessings for the government to give financial aids to creative artists. First, the artistic level is more likely to get a promotion with stable fund guarantee. As a result, creative artists can be fully dedicated to their jobs. Second, considering the great significance and profits that arts generate for the nation, for instance, providing numerous products and designs that drive innovation and shape a state’s cultural character, the government should encourage the development of arts with financial assistance.On the other hand, people hold an opposite point of view, asserting that creative artists should gain financial aids from other resources. To begin with, compared with other employees earning money by themselves, creative artists are supposed to strive for the financial support from other sources by their own efforts rather than depend on the taxpayer’s expenses. Furthermore, finding financial support on their own allows creative artists to have enough pressure to motivate themselves, producing great works. Most importantly, in many industries, such as advertising, design, trade show,creative artists are always in shortage. As a result, it is not too hard to access the supply of fund if they have qualified works.As suggested above, financial support from the government indeed generates an array of benefits for creative artists. However, the real creative artists are someone who work with their own strengths to obtain sponsorships, instead of relying on the government.(287 words)2011.2.19Some people think that women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force; others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.Over the past several years, the change in women’s participation in nearly every walk of life has been beyond people’s wildest expectations. However, a heated debate with regard to whether women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force has arisen, which draws enormous attention from the public.On the one hand, some people assert that since the society consists of nearly equal numbers of both genders, sex discrimination must be eliminated and ladies can make the same amount of contribution to the police force and military force. The first standpoint is that females have inborn merits standing them in good stead. They are less likely to commit faults, for they are good at tackling matters with accuracy and caution. In addition, another impressive and prominent personality trait is that females have great endurance of hardships, especially under grueling conditions, and their tenderness allows them to excel in positions involving interaction and communication with human personnel.Notwithstanding their strengths, females have some limitations they may need to overcome. One obstacle which cannot be ignored is the social attitude. Females have to cope with the pressure exerted by their families, acquaintances or friends, as serving the army is widely seen as a deadly job which is exclusively for males. The other one is females’ physical and mental qualifications. It is commonly known that homicides and robbers are mostly strong, fierce and cruel, and policewomen are more likely to become victims rather than bring them to justice. Also, it seems to be true that military training and the war field could be too intense and sometimes brutal, far beyond the limits of ordinary women’s physical and mental levels.In conclusion, females should be viewed as equal to males in the defense force and their presence should be encouraged. Nature gives different attributes to both men and women, which is supposed to optimize the productivity and efficiency of the society, rather than cause gender discrimination.(327 words)2011.2.26Countries should try to produce all the food that population eats and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?There has been a steady increase in the demand for importing food throughout the world in recent years. There are indications that this trade activity has brought various benefits, but importing food is very often criticized as unnecessary and extravagant, especially when air freight is involved.It is important to note that importing food is becoming increasingly popular among the general population. This is mainly due to the fact that countries differ in their product structures because of dissimilar natural resources, climates and geographic features. By adopting an enlightened policy and promoting trade activities with other countries, a country can facilitate the exchange of goods, services and capitals with the rest of the world and promote economic development. However, some countries might become addicted to importing and overlook the possibility of developing a self-contained economy. Government funding in the scientific research can make it possible to achieve a breakthrough on the scarcity of resource and increase the yield, thereby resolving the food supply crisis.Moreover, countries in our planet vary in terms of their resource distributions, climatic conditions and topography, which, to a large extent, affects their population as well as the food production. The imbalance between the capability of producing food and the food consumption makes it hard for a country to produce all the food to meet its people’s requirements.As suggested above, it is unpractical for every nation to supply all the food that the population need, and under favorable conditions, import of food ought to be encouraged. (251words)2011.3.5Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Of the thousands of languages in use now, some are used by a huge number of people, like English and Chinese, while some others only have very few speakers. With the increasing efforts of the international community to save those languages used by few speakers, a debate as to whether governments should take measures to save them has arisen.Supporters of governments’ efforts to save the languages verging on extinction hold that any effort made to preserve a language is well worthwhile. As is known to all, each language is loaded with an enormous cultural heritage, reflecting the knowledge, thought and faith of its speakers. Preserving a language which is dying out, we conserve the cultural diversity; losing a language, we lose a cultural heritage. Rare animals cannot be wiped out just because they are few, and old buildings of historical value cannot be pulleddown owing to its bad condition. In the same vein, languages with few speakers cannot be abandoned to their fate.Opponents to governments’ measures to save the languages from the brink, however, claim that the efforts are nothing but a waste of money. First, preserving such languages from extinction, which needs a considerable sum of money, and lets alone substantial human resources, does not bring real benefits. The money spent in unrewarding activities, if invested in more significant undertakings such as poverty alleviation, AIDS combating, scientific researching, etc., will be greatly beneficial to man. Moreover, preserving a language is not conducive to the world peace. After all, when marooned in their own world, people become less receptive to and tolerant of things and values different from theirs, a situation which can easily rub salt against wounds and thus gives rise to antagonism and even hatred.In conclusion, my opinion is that it is worthwhile for governments to spend money saving languages with few speakers, or languages facing extinction. A language is a cultural heritage, which is invaluable and certainly merits preservation at any cost.(329words)2011.3.10In some countries, children start school at the age of seven, so they could have more time to build relationship with their parents. In othercountries, some think that children start school as young as possible. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.It is true that a substantial number of students start school at seven or later in some countries and their parents believe it is significant to establish closer relationship with their children. Conversely, some people from other countries are in favour of the idea that the earlier schooling, the better relationship with parents. Personally, I intend to support the later opinion.A sizeable percentage of people, especially in the developing countries, are convinced that children should be educated in their early age at home to form a strong connection with their parents. For one thing, such a close connection can enhance not only parents’ authority but also their influence. As young children might be affected by others, including friends and strangers, to form unpleasant behaviour, parents must guide their children to distinguish the good from the bad authoritatively. For another, the close relationship can help children to maintain the confidence to face the new things appearing in their life constantly as they know their parents can help them to deal with them if needed.However, a substantial percentage of parents in the developed countries are of the belief that it is earlier schooling instead of later one that can help the foundation of children-parents relation. For one thing, young children will definitely meet friends in the school and learn from them. Bad influence as it may exert, teachers will guide students to avoid bad influence and teach themhow to handle this problem properly. Parents can gain information immediately from teachers and communicate with their children after school, thereby forming a better relationship. For another, early schooling enables children to deal with problems on their own, and this can trigger their confidence to face challenge independently. With their growth, they will realize numerous problems cannot be handled independently, they would ask for their parents’ help, which can noticeably promote the family relationship.My view is that starting school as soon as possible can enlighten and awaken children’s awareness concerning the relationship with friends and teachers when facing problems, therefore enhancing and ensuring the parents-children relationship by handling tho se problems under parents’ instruction and suggestion.(354 words)2011.3.12Competitiveness is a positive quality for people in most societies. How does this affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative trend?It is not uncommon today that competitiveness has been penetrating into people’s everyday life and has been deemed as one of people’s essential merits. This essay tends to illustrate how individuals have been influenced bycompetitiveness and sufficient analysis over whether it is a beneficial or detrimental trend will also be demonstrated in an array of aspects.A host of people assert that it is a beneficial trend for human society in terms of the upsides it brings about, such as the economical boom and improvement of public health. In the first place, competitiveness is inclined to boost the economy at an international level. For example, as a result of the competitiveness, all companies may strive to invest a substantial number of money to produce new products for more profits, thus contributing to the convenience of people’s daily life. In the second place, it will also accelerate the betterment of public health care. As individual country will compete for improving its own citizens’ life, medical care would be thought highly of by the authorities and global death toll from diseases may largely decrease. Meanwhile, a significant number of people hold a negative view towards competitiveness. They say a sizeable percentage of people will lose jobs due to the heated competition in all areas. In this way, it is baneful for a large number of people and the government in turn will shoulder more pressure from those jobless people. They also believe fierce competition may result in deterioration of our environment. They fear that a massive proportion of factories may pursue profits at the expense of environment. Take paper-making industry for example. Factories will sacrifice acres of forests to live on in the competitive society.To sum up, I tend to believe a certain degree of competitiveness is necessarily adopted in order to have the society progress, while contentious competitiveness will inevitably spark off impairments to our life both physically and psychologically.(321words)2011.3.19Computer technologies are more accessible and cheaper, as a result, more adults work at home and children study at home. Is this a positive or negative development?As a result of the soaring advancement of technologies, the use of computer has become prevalent in people’s everyday life. For example, a substantial number of people ranging from workers to students prefer to work and study at home instead of physically sitting in the office and at school.Few would deny that learning or working through computer at home seems beneficial to people in a number of aspects. Initially, the most obvious merit can be attributed to the release of traffic jams. Since less people tend to use the public or private vehicles commuting from work or school to their home, there is a lower possibility of the incidence of traffic jams. Subsequently, it is convenient for people to work or study at home. Distance learning program is a good casein point. It is the distance learning programs through computer that largely helps people who are unable to go to school have access to education.On the contrary, a host of people oppose the opinion above. They believe working or studying at home will probably reduce the communication among colleagues and classmates. They fear that this may encourage people to be more indifferent to others, thus resulting in relationship not as close as in the past. Another consideration for those people lies with people’s physical impairments induced from sitting in front of the computer too long. Since all work needs to be done on computer, barely can people spare a minute for rest and a cup of coffee, which will inevitably hazard people health.All in all, this development can be taken as beneficial as detrimental. It is acceptable for people to work or study with computer at home for sake of the convenience it brings about, but it will also spark off health-related problems and the decrease of people’s social interaction.(304 words)2011.4.2Many people think that cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people the freedom to travel further. However, others think that this leads to environmental problem, and so air travel shouldbe more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.In today’s world, advanced transportation technology has made travelling modes more diverse than ever before. Some people prefer air travel to other ways due to taking the airplane being more comfortable and going further. They, consequently, consider that the cheaper air travel is, the more benefits ordinary people gain, while others especially campaigners for environmental protection propose that w e should limit air travel through increasing the air travel’s price. I think this is an impractical suggestion.Cheap air travel, which can benefit the less-wealthy people, is an inevitable fact of life. Because of the stagnant market and the fierce competition in the area of civil aviation companies, numerous promotion programs are offered to passengers which make air travel affordable for ordinary people. Moreover, air trips make it possible for people to travel around the world quickly and freely, which ensures the growth of modern industries such as international tourism. However, those people who insist on limiting air travel through raising tickets’ prices can reduce environment pollution have made a huge mistake. Air trips can ferry far more passengers and are also much longer than others. Therefore, when we think an increasing amount of pollution is produced by air of per passenger and kilometer travelled, the other travel mode such as a car journey is no more fuel-efficient and environment-friendly than a flight. Discouraging people to travel by air, which will cause less pollution, is a certain improper act.In conclusion, cheap air travel has become an inescapable trend. Instead of persuading people to sacrifice their comfort and convenience, we should focus on improving clean and renewable fuels and more efficient airplanes that will not put the environment in danger. (279 words)2011.4.16Many people believe it is important to protect environment, but they make no effort to do it themselves. What is the reason? Do you have any suggestion for individuals to protect environment?The issue of environmental degradation, if not solved effectively, is believed to impose a severe thr eat to people’s survival in the years ahead. The significance of protecting environment has been staggering into the public, but few people take actions to do it. The reasons will be analyzed followed by some responsible solutions.Several reasons would account for the discouragement of individuals to take few actions to protect environment. First, it is true that tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scale and complexity of environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources, so individuals choose to relieve their duty rather than do as much as they can to cope with these problems. Another obstacle which makes individual actions almost impossible is government intervention or even。

2011雅思考试(IELTS) 雅思听力全攻略(1)

2011雅思考试(IELTS) 雅思听力全攻略(1)

2011雅思考试(IELTS) 雅思听力全攻略(1)2011年1月雅思英语考试听力过关之24计1. 雅思听力只考细节,基本不考总结题,主旨题。

2. 听力最重要的是词汇,听力词汇与其他词汇不同点在于,你需要听出单词而不是单纯的看出或者写出单词。

3. 听力的大小写问题不要过分强调,官方回答通常情况下是大小写都可。

4. 需要特别注意单词的拼写和单复数,细节决定成败。

5. 注意题型的多样性,主要两大类分为填空题和选择题。

6. 填空题分为表格题,总结填空题,单句填空题,地图题。

7. 填空题要根据空格前后的词来预测答案的词性和内容。

8. 做适当的笔记,跟题干预测相关内容的笔记,比如说填数字,就记录数字;填动词就记录动词。

9. 注意原文当中和题干当中的同义替换,雅思听力就是考的题干和原文的同义替换能力。

10. 速记答案时采用缩写形式,只记单词的前两个字母,或者辅音变化,不用全部拼写出来。

11. 不选违反常规的选项。

12. 明显跟其它三个选项不同的选项90%是干扰项。

13. 正确的选项往往是对原文的同义替换;生动具体、重复原词的选项通常不正确。

14. 对于字数较多,难以辨别的选项,一定要认真比较它们的关键词,不要怕耽误时间。

15. 选择题要注意听风就是雨的陷阱,要听懂整个句子再进行选择。

16. 看题干要沉着,明确题目问什么再答题。


17. 在同一题下出现并列的短语,单词,数字,一般选最后一个。

18. 注意重复原则,同一题下出现多次的单词是关键词,也有可能就是答案。

19. 当句中突然出现语音,语调,语速的变化,暗示了答案的出现。

20. 当句中出现了明显的转折词,那么意味着有考点的出现。

21. 趁余音缭绕快速答题,否则会记忆缺失,混淆正确答案。

22. 雅思听力的出题频率一般是30秒钟间隔,如果过长没有出现下一个题的答案,多半就是已经漏听了,注意舍得原则,有舍才有得。

23. 没有证据,切忌想当然。










比如在一次模考过程中,学生一进门,考官一般都会问:“How are you?”而相当一部分学生只会回答:“Fine, thank you, and you?”多一句都不会说。

整个上午下来,答案也基本都是“Fine, thank you.”之类的答案。

于是考官刻意对后面的考生这样问道:“It's freezing outside, how are you?”可得到的回答依然是“Fine, thank you, and you?”这样的回答并没有错误,我们的课本上就是这么写的。

但是其实针对“How are you?”这样的问题,老外的回答可以是多种多样的。

例如:“Great, cheers!”、“Pretty good!”、“I'm okay!”、“Could be better. Thanks!”、“Not too bad. Thanks, yourself?”透过上面的例子我们不难看出,虽然说评分主要是根据客观语言能力,但打分毕竟还是个主观的过程,如果你说的内容不那么千篇一律而能引起考官的兴趣,那么相比与你同等语言水平的人,你在分数上极有可能会更讨巧。



ielts四项单词IELTS(International English Language Testing System)是国际英语语言测试系统,用于评估非英语母语的个人英语能力。





1. Multitasking:同时处理多个任务,考察考生在听取录音的同时,理解和记忆相关信息的能力。

2. Dictation:听写,要求考生准确地听取录音中的句子或单词并书写下来。

3. Note-taking:做笔记,考生在听取录音时,通过记录关键信息来帮助理解内容。

4. Paraphrasing:改写,考生需要理解录音材料中的表达方式,并用自己的话语重新表述。



1. Fluency:流利度,考察考生的口语表达流畅程度。

2. Vocabulary:词汇量,考察考生的词汇使用是否丰富准确。

3. Pronunciation:发音,考察考生的语音准确性和流畅度。

4. Cohesion and coherence:连贯性与连贯性,考察考生掌握连接词和衔接词,将观点和信息组织得清晰有条理。



1. Skimming:略读,考察考生快速浏览文章,获取整体信息的能力。

2. Scanning:扫描,考察考生快速寻找特定信息或答案的能力。

3. Inference:推理,考察考生通过对文章信息的解读和分析做出合理的判断。



2011年7月9日雅思听力机经回顾2011年7月9日雅思听力机经回顾考试日期:2011.07.09Part 1 Personal information & IntroductionWhat’s your name?Are you a student?What is your major?Do you think the major is useful?Do you have driving lisence?Will you teach your child to drive?How was your first day at work?Is the first day at work important? Why?When do you usually get up?Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?HometownWhere are you from?Where’s your hometown?Where do you live?Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?What’s on your apartment’s wall?How to improve your home?Which room do you like most?If you can redesign your home, what would you do?What’s your flat like?What’s on the wall?What can you see from your window?Are there any fitness facilities near your home?How often do visitors visit your home?Tell me about your city.What historical places would you recommend to see there?What culture events would be interesting for tourists?When should they start to teach culture history, history of art at schools?How’s the traffic around your home?What do you like most about your hometown?Are bicycles popular in your hometown?Do you like to live beside the seaside?What are the facilities in your community?Weather and SeasonHow’s the weather in China?Does weather affect people’s work performance?JobsWhy did you choose this career?Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year?Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter? Would you like to change your job in the future? Why?Do you think your job is easy? Why?What are the facilities you usually use at work?Is your job interesting?EducationWhich university are you in?Why did you choose this university?What’s your major?Why did you choose it as your major?Is your major difficult?What do you want to do after graduation?Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects? What do you like most about your school?Which language do you speak?Do you like swimming?CultureDo most people ride bicycles in Shanghai?Why do children like to ride bikes?Do you think bike riding is safe in Shanghai?Why do people in China think bicycles are important?Did you learn to ride a bicycle when you were a kid?Do you think it is safe to ride bicycles in a city? Why? Why do you think kids need to learn how to ride bicycles? TravellingWhere do you want to visit most?Do you like traveling?When was the last time you go traveling?What would you prepare before travelling?ShoppingHow often do you go shopping?Talk about your last shopping experience.Why do you like shopping?Do you prefer to go shopping with friends or alone?Do you like shopping?What makes you interested in shopping?Do you think shopping is a waste of time?LetterIs there any letter you do not want to reply?Do you often write letters?When is the last time you sent a letter?What was the letter about?GiftWhen do you usually give a present?When do Chinese people usually give a present?Is it difficult to give a present?Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?Do you think it is necessary to give expensive gifts?ToyYour favorite toyShould adults play with toys?How do adults entertain themselves in China?ArtsIs beautiful handwriting important nowadays?What kind of music do you like?What kind of music do you like?Should children learn to play musical instruments?Do you like painting?HealthHow do you maintain health?What’s your favorite sport?What healthy food do you usually eat?Family eventsHow do people celebrate their birthdays in your country? Are birthdays more important for children than adults?Do you think birthday is a special day for people?How did you celebrate your last birthday?Do birthdays have any special meanings for children? MediaHow do you get news?Do you think it is important to get up-to-the-minute news? What do you think of advertisements?Do you like watching TV?PlaceHave you ever visited a museum?Is the visit beneficial?LawCan you drive?Are you allowed to drive a car in your senior high school?What is a suitable age, do you think, for your kids to start driving?ColorsWhat’s your favorite color?Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?Part 2&3 PersonDescribe a character from your childhood stories, you should say:Who it is?What does it looks like?What it did?Why do you remember this character?Describe a famous person which impacts you very much, you should say:Who that person is?Why he/she impacts you?What his / her famous works are?Describe a person whom you live / have lived with for a long time. You shouldsay:Who the person is?How long you have been living together?What are the usual things that you do together?Food:Describe a foreign cuisine.Shopping:Describe a special thing you want to buy in the futureWill the special thing help you in your study?Do you like to go shopping?What are the effective ways of advertising?Why do you like shopping?Where do you usually go shopping?How often do you go shopping?What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping?Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping? Media:Do you like writing letters?Do you often write letters?What do you write?Describe a meaningful letter or card.Do you usually write by hand or using a computer?Do you keep contact with your friends by making phone calls or writing letters? Who do you usually receive letters from?Do you think hand writing is important nowadays?How can children improve their handwriting?AdvertisementWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of adverting?Do people usually buy goods after watching advertisements?Are there any differences between the advertisements in magazines and those on TV?Describe a TV program you dislike.Describe an interesting story you saw on televisionWhat are the effects of televisions on family life?What are the effects of televisions on people at different ages?Are there any differences between interviewing online and meeting people face to face?Describe a TV programDescribe a story from a TV programmeDo you talk about the TV programme with other people?Do you think the programme will be changed in the future?How does the programme influence people?Is it educational?Is it fair for those TV stars to be paid huge salaries?What kind of program do you like?Describe a TV program you dislikeAre there many political programmes in China?How do they influence people?Describe a bookDescribe a book you read in your childhood.Describe a equipment(except computer)When did you buy it?What do you use it for?How do you feel about it?Describe a movieHow many types of films are there in China?What are the mainstream films?Are there any differences between watching films in a cinema and at home? Do you prefer original films with subtitles or dubbed films?What kind of films are worth watching in the cinema.Describe an article you read in a magazine/newspaper.Place:Describe a libraryWhere is the library?Is it a campus or public one?Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?Should children go to public libraries? How about the elderly?Does the government have the responsibility to construct public libraries? Is it important to learn how to use a library?Describe how to use a library.How do children benefit from going to public libraries?How can the elderly benefit from libraries?Where is the school located?What do classrooms look like?Describe a place where it is noisy.Where is this place?Why it is so noisy?How do you feel about this place?Historical placeWhy do people go to historical places?Which is your country’s most famous historical place?Should people pay entrance fees to historical places?Could you tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited? What place it was?Where it is located?What about that place interests you the most?Do you agree that people must pay to visit these historical places and museums? Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about the history of any place? Do you think parents should teach their children about history?Do you think history should be taught at school?Do you think people are keen on visiting historical places?Describe a seaside place you want to visitHow to save water?Does the urban area consumes more water than the rural area?Does china face the problem of water scarcity?Describe a concert hallWhy is it important to preserve historic buildings?Describe your ideal houseWhen was it built?Should the government invest in maintaining the historical places?Should government invest in creating more employment?What kind of housing do most Chinese people live in?Where is the housing?What are the differences between the architectural styles in the different areasin China?Should a company design its own buildings?Describe a room occupied by your friendDescribe a polluted place.Describe a historical building.Describe a modern building.Would you compare modern buildings and old buildings?Do you like high buildings?Part 2&3 ArtsDo you think arts are important for people in the modern society?Do you think you can make money from your art?How do the elderly and the young view arts?Describe a handicraftDescribe a c hildren’s songDescribe an oil paintingStages in lifeDescribe an important conversation you had in the past.What was the situation?Who did you talk to?Why is it important to you?Describe a stage of life you enjoyedWhen was it?Who did you live with?What did you do?Why do you think the stage is important or enjoyable?When does a child become an adult?What cannot you do when you become an adult?Do you think the law is reasonable?If you want to make changes, when is the timing?Describe a happy event in your childhoodDescribe a family event.Would it be a shame to forget tradition?Is it good for companies to hire elderly people?What role do elderly people play at home?Do young people change their attitude towards the elderly now?Education:Describe a science classWhen did you attend it?What was it about?What do you think of distance learning?What do you think of home studying?What should the parents do to help their children if they choose home teaching? Do your parents help you when you study at home?Do you think studying at home is a good way to acquire knowledge for adults? Do you think studying at home is becoming more popular? Why?What is your favorite subject?Should youngsters learn science? Why?Do you think boys can learn science better?When should students learn science?Should students learn history?How do we acquire the knowledge of history nowadays?What’s the point of acquiring the knowledge of history?Films with historical themes are very popular now. What do you think about them? Should history films retell authentic stories or should the stories be dramatized?How do the dramatized stories affect children?Language learningDescribe something useful for your English learning.How do you learn a new language?Who do you learn with?Is learning a second language important?Will the learning of a new language change your understanding of local culture? In your opinion, which languages will become more popular in the future? What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?Are there any differences between the way the young and the elderly learn a language?Educational tripCan students benefit from educational visits?Should schools organize the visits?What’s your suggestion?What roles do parents play in a family?HealthDo people live healthy life styles in China?Are people healthier now than before?Are PE lessons necessary for students?Abstract:Describe a piece of adviceWhat kind of advice do you usually follow?Who usually give advice?Where does the advice lead you?How to make young people follow wise advice?Nowadays, do the elderly give advice to children or vice versa?Is it important to give young people advice?Who often give advice in your community?Is old people’s advice more important than young people’s? HistoryHow do you and children learn history?Describe a local history.A conversationWhat did you talk about?Whom did you talk with?Describe the different way of talking between man and woman. Describe the quality of speaker.Describe the relevant of two speaker.A successHow do you make a success?How should we define success?Is result more important than process when you pursue success? Does success lead to stress?A speechWhy do people feel nervous when delivering a speech?Who should give speeches to children?Describe an important conversation you had.Are there any communication differences between males and females? Do you think communication skills are important?HelpTell me about an experience of helping someoneDo you often help people?Do you think people are less willing to help others? Is it good?How should parents encourage their kids to help others?Do people usually do volunteer work in China?What do you think of the volunteer work in China?Describe a sound in nature.Object:ClothesDescribe what you wore on a special occasionWhat it wasWhere you bought itWhether people thought it was good or notDo you still keep it now?On what occasions do people wear informal or formal clothes?Do you think you can judge people’s charact er by what they wear? How? Describe something special you would like to buy in the future. Describe an electric appliance.Describe a photo.Describe something you made by yourself.Describe an important(post)cards or letter you received.Describe a school you went at childhood.Do you like wearing watches?What do you feel when you are late?People:Describe a friendHave you ever lived with strangers?Are there any difference between the friendship among boys and girls? Describe a person who is good at cookingDescribe a chefDescribe a famous person you would like to meetWho he/she isHow you knew him/herWhy would people want to be famous?How does fame influence them?How would they change after being famous?Why are stars and celebrities famous?Why are some famous people remembered for a long time and others forgotten quickly?Describe a person who helped you on an important occasionWho the person is.What was the situation.How he/she helped you.What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship? Describe an elderly person.Describe your roommate.SportsSports eventHow do sports benefit children?How do competitive sports benefit children?What sports can be done inside a classroom?Describe a kind of extreme sports.Describe an exciting sport.Describe a dangerous sport.Season & WeatherWhat’s your favorite season?Why do you like this season?What do you usually do in this season?What jobs are seasonal?Who takes seasonal jobs?How does bad weather affect peoples work?What should companies provide for its employees who work in bad weather? How does climatic season affect the local community?How does climatic season affect the local economy?What are the occupations where people have to work in bad weather?Do builders have to work in hot weather?What should builders take precautions against except the bad weather? Should builders be paid more?What should governments do to prevent global warming?How does climatic deterioration affect people’s lives?Gift:Describe a gift you receivedDescribe a thing you want to buy in the futureDescribe a book you received when you were a childYou should say 1. What is its name?2. Who gave you it?3. What is it about?Traveling:Describe a trip that you did not make as you plannedDo different people think of traveling differently?Are there any differences between business trip and tour?What technology will be brought along to assist in trip?Describe a trip you did not enjoy.Are there and differences between ordinary trips and business ones? What should you take when you are travelling?LawDescribe a piece of lawEventsDescribe a leisure activityDescribe a picnicDescribe a special mealDesign a party you will holdWho will you invite?What will happen?Where will you hold it?Do you think family party is important?Why do people in your country usually hold a party?What do you think about national celebrations?Do you think they are important?Describe a sports eventDescribe an event that made you happy recentlyDoes money make people happy?Describe a memorable childhood event.Why do people often recall their childhood?Is it important to remember the past?Why is the young generation turning its back on tradition? Why are children more easily influenced by western culture? Describe an important celebration in your culture.You should say:when this celebration is heldwhat people do during this celebrationand explain what you like or dislike about this celebration . Describe a contest you attended.Food and cookingDo you usually eat healthy food?How should governments encourage people to eat healthy food? Science and technologyDescribe a machine or something electronic you want to buy.What modern appliances do you have in your home?What do you think of these appliances? Why?Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?Describe a tool for English learningDo you think it is important to develop science and technology?How does scientific research benefit space, medical, environmental and information technology?Do you think scientists from different countries should share their research findings?Who should pay for scientific research? Governments or individuals?WorkDescribe you jobWhat will people take into consideration when they choose their jobs?Why do people shift jobs?Does your company offer any training courses?What do you think of workaholics?Why is it difficult for people to land jobs in your country?Why do people want to get promoted?What are the disadvantages of doing one job for a lifetime?。

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比如在一次模考过程中,学生一进门,考官一般都会问:“How are you?”而相当一部分学生只会回答:“Fine, thank you, and you?”多一句都不会说。

整个上午下来,答案也基本都是“Fine, thank you.”之类的答案。

于是考官刻意对后面的考生这样问道:“It's freezing outside, how are you?”可得到的回答依然是“Fine, thank you, and you?”这样的回答并没有错误,我们的课本上就是这么写的。

但是其实针对“How are you?”这样的问题,老外的回答可以是多种多样的。

例如:“Great, cheers!”、“Pretty good!”、“I'm okay!”、“Could be better. Thanks!”、“Not too bad. Thanks, yourself?”透过上面的例子我们不难看出,虽然说评分主要是根据客观语言能力,但打分毕竟还是个主观的过程,如果你说的内容不那么千篇一律而能引起考官的兴趣,那么相比与你同等语言水平的人,你在分数上极有可能会更讨巧。

众所周知,雅思的口语考试分为三个部分,分别为Part1: Daily conversation,Part2: Individual long run 以及Part3: 2 way discussion. 我们在第一部分就要提供足够"雅思"的答案来给考官留下一个深刻的印象,因为极有可能两个问题之后考官凭经验已经在心中给你打了个分,接下来的问题都只是在证明这个分数而已。



下面就口语考试Part1: Daily conversation中的一些问题,为大家举例说明雅思口语考试中的6大个性化答题法:拟人答题法,谚语答题法,逆向答题法,细节答题法,迂回答题法和幽默答题法。

拟人答题法TelephoneExaminer: Do you think cell phones are important for modern people? 你认为手机对现代的人们重要么?Candidate: Speaking of my little girlfriend——Nokia N91, I will have to say: she's like an angel. I had never seen anyone so beautiful before in my life. I was simply hooked on her the first time I saw her. I would always take her along with me wherever I go. My cell phone comes with a digital camera and has turned the vast world into a tiny little village. It's no exaggeration to say: mobile phones make the world go around!说到我的女友:诺基亚N91.我必须说,她就像我的天使。






谚语答题法TelevisionExaminer: How does the news influence people? 新闻如何影响人们?Candidate: News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn't news but propaganda in my opinion. It's like that good old saying: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God。








逆向答题法FlowersExaminer: Do you like flowers? 你喜欢鲜花儿么?Candidate: Not at all! I'm a little strange. They remind me of funerals. I like grass. 一点都不喜欢,我这个人有点怪。

鲜花让我想起葬礼,我喜欢草!MusicExaminer: What type of music do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?Candidate: Well, I am not too fond of music. But sometimes I do like listening to religiousmusic. It gives peace to my mind and joy to my soul.我不是特别喜欢音乐。





细节答题法Your StudiesExaminer: After you graduate, what effect do you think you will have on society? 毕业后,你认为你会对社会有何影响?Candidate: Well, it's a tough question. Let me see. I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can. May not go down in History, but we may gain a place in someone's heart. That's all I can figure out now。







迂回答题法Your StudiesExaminer: Do you like your university? 你喜欢你的大学么?Candidate: Well, it's ok. I don't really like things that are academic and theoretical, but there's great campus life.还可以,我不喜欢学术的东西,但是那儿的校园生活很棒!迂回思维就是旁敲侧击,不是正面接触而是绕道而行。


幽默答题法MusicExaminer: If you had the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, what instrument would you learn? 如果你曾有机会学习一种乐器,你会学什么?Candidate: No, nothing! I am very unmusical! I cannot even sing in tune. Also, instrument's always pretty expensive. If you are really into music, just whistling will do. 什么也不学,我没音乐细胞,甚至唱歌都跑调儿。


