



FeaturesLow Insertion Loss, 0.5 dB Typical Integral TTL DriverLow DC Power ConsumptionGuaranteed Specifications *(From -55°C to +85°C)Frequency Range DC-2 GHz Insertion LossDC-2 GHz 0.8 dB Max DC-1 GHz 0.7 dB Max DC-0.5 GHz 0.7 dB Max VSWRDC-2 GHz 1.5:1 Max DC-1 GHz 1.25:1 Max DC-0.5 GHz 1.15:1 Max IsolationDC-2 GHz 30 dB Min DC-1 GHz 35 dB Min DC-0.5 GHz40 dB MinOperating CharacteristicsImpedance50 Ohms NominalSwitching Characteristics †Trise, Tfall 10 ns Typ Ton, Toff (50% CTL to 90/10% RF)150 ns Typ Transients (In-Band)15 mV Typ Input Power for 1 dB Compression0.5-2 GHz +27 dBm Typ 0.05 GHz +21 dBm Typ (for two-tone input power up to +13 dBm)Intercept Points IP 2IP 30.5-2 GHz +68+46dBm Typ 0.05 GHz +62+40dBm Typ Bias Power+5 VDC @ 1 mA Max -5 VDC @ 1 mA MaxEnvironmentalSee Appendix for MIL-STD-883 screening option.*All specifications apply when operated with bias voltages of +5 VDC and -5 VDC and 50 ohm impedance at all RF ports.M/A-COM, Inc.s1011 Pawtucket Boulevard, Lowell, MA 01853 USA sTelephone: 800-366-2266Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice.V2.01GaAs SPDT Switch DC-2 GHzTO-5-3q q qSW-224/225Dimensions in ( ) are in mm.Unless Otherwise Noted:.xxx = ±0.010 (.xx = ±0.25).xx = ±0.02 (.x = ±0.5)VIEWOn 0.230 DIA (5.84) BC Located As ShownWEIGHT (APPROX.): 0.025 OUNCES 0.7 GRAMS0.018 ±(0.46 ±Ordering InformationModel No.Package SW-224 PIN TO-5-3SW-225 PINFlatpack0.015 DIA ±0.005(0.38±0.13)PIN 4PIN 5PIN 6PIN 3PIN 2PUNCH MARK 0.050(1.27)0.125 MAX (3.17)Bottom of Case is AC Ground.Dimensions in ( ) are in mm.Unless Otherwise Noted:.xxx = ±0.010 (.xx = ±0.25).xx = ±0.02 (.x = ±0.5)GaAs SPDT SwitchSW-224/225M/A-COM, Inc.s1011 Pawtucket Boulevard, Lowell, MA 01853 USA sTelephone: 800-366-2266Typical Performance1.51.00.50123FREQUENCY (GHz)L O S S (d B )8070605040300123I S O L A T I O N (d B )FREQUENCY (GHz) (GHz)V S W RINSERTION LOSSISOLATIONVSWRSpecifications Subject to Change Without Notice.V2.01Pin ConfigurationCTLODDBEADTTL Control Input Condition of Switch“1” = TTL Logic High RF Common To Each RF PortRF1RF21ON OFF 0OFF ON。

dbx 224 反馈抑制器中文使用说明

dbx 224 反馈抑制器中文使用说明

双通道高级反馈抑制器用户手册dbx专业产品AFS 224 双通道高级反馈抑制器用户手册目录AFS 224的特性-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 服务联系信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 保证--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 安装建议--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 基本连接--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 后面板连接-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 前面板连接-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 用户设置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 应用-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 方框图----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 技术规格-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15安恒利(国际)有限公司2004.4序祝贺您选择dbx AFS 224专业产品。



不锈钢材料对照表不锈钢材料对照表材料对照表 不锈钢工 国家和标准件比加工 瑞 材 德国 中国 英国法国意大利利 典 西班牙 日本美国特性料时组组材料 GBBSENAFNORUNINB SSUNEJISAISI/SADINN E编号12/1 1.400 0Cr13; 403S17-Z6C13X6Cr13-230 F.3110 SUS403 4033X6Cr131Cr121 012/1 1.400 -------F.8401--3X7Cr14112/1 1.400 1Cr13410S21 56AZ10C14X12Cr13-230 F.3401 SUS410 4103X10Cr132 612/1 1.401 1Cr17430S1560Z8C17X8Cr17- 220 F.3113 SUS430 4303X6Cr17612/1 1.402 2Cr1356B; Z20C13X20C13--F.3401 SUS410 4103X20Cr13S6256C 112/1 1.402 -420C29 56BZ20C13M----SCS2-3G-X20Cr14712/1 1.403 4Cr13420S45 56DZ40CM X40Cr14-230 F.3405SUS420J3 X46Cr13Z38C13M4 2-412/1 1.405 1Cr17Ni2 431S2957Z15CNi6.02X16CNi16-232 F.3427 SUS431 431PX20CrNi1721 3712/1 1.410 Y1Cr17--Z10CF17X10CrS17-238 F.3117 SUS430F 430F3X12CrMoS173 412/1 1.411 1Cr17Mo434S17-Z8CD17.01X8CrMo17-232 -SUS434 4343X6CrMo1715 312/1 1.431- 425C11 - Z4CND13.4M - - - - SCS5 -X5CrNi1343 312/1 1.440G-X6CrNiMo1810-316C16----- F.8414 SCS14-3812/1 1.471X45CrSi934Cr9Si2401S4552Z45CS9X45CrSi8-- F.322SUH1HW33812/1 1.472 3 X10CrAl13 0Cr13Al 403S17 - Z10C13 X10CrAl12 - - F.311 SUS405 4054121.474 Cr17430S1560Z10CAS18X8Cr17-- F.3113 SUS430430X10CrAl18212/1 1.475X80CrNiSi208Cr20Si2Ni443S6559Z80CSN20.0X80CrSiNi20 -- F.320V SUH4HNV6372121.476X10CrAl242Cr25N--Z10CAS24X16Cr26-232-SUH446446 22F.35511.430233;14X5CrNi18100Cr18Ni9 304S1558E Z6CN18.09X5CrNi1810- F.3541SUS304304 12;F.3504141.430X10CrNiS1891Cr18Ni9MoZ303S2158MZ10CNF18.0 X10CrNiS18.0-234F.3508SUS3033035r996141.430X2CrNi19110Cr19Ni10304S12-Z2CN18.10 X2CrNi18.11 -235F.3503SCS19304L62141.430G-X6CrNi189-304C15-Z6CN18.10M----SCS13-8141.431X12CrNi177Cr17Ni7--Z12CN17.07 X12CrNi1707 -233F.3517SUS30130101141.431X2CrNiN1810-304S62-Z2CN18.10--237-SUS304L304LN 11N141.435X5CrNi1890Cr19Ni9 304S3158E Z6CN18.09X5CrNi1810---SUS304304 0141.440X5CrNiMo17120Cr17Ni11Mo316S16Z6CND17.1.4401X5CrNiMo1712-234F.3543SUS31631612117M1.44200Cr17Ni13M237SUS316L14X2CrNiMoN17133--Z2CND17.13---316LN 9o25N141.443X2CrNiMo181430Cr27Ni12Mo316S12-Z2CDN17.13 X2CrNiMo1713-235-SCS16,316L 533141.443X2CrNiMo1713300Cr19Ni13M317S12-Z2CND19.15X2CrNiMo18.1-236-SUS317L 317L 8o367SUS329L141.446X8CrNiMo275------232-;329L 04SCH11;SCS1112/1 1.454X6CrNiTi1810 1Cr18Ni9Ti 2337321S12 Z6CNT18.10X6CrNiTi1811-58B F.3553SUS321321 3112/1 1.455X6CrNiNb18101Cr18Ni11Nb 347S1758F Z6CNNb18.1 X6CrNiTi1811-233F.3552SUS34734730812/1 1.457X6CrNiMoTi1712 Cr18Ni12Mo2320S1758J Z6NDT17.12 X6CrNiMoTi17-235F.3535-316Ti312Ti012/1 1.458 G-X5CrNiMoNb18-318C7-Z4CNDNb181--SCS22-31102MXG8CrNiMo18 -12/1 1.458X10CrNiMoNb181Cr17Ni12Mo3--Z6CNDNb171X6CrNiMoTiNb----318332Nb3B17141.482X15CrNiSi2012 1Cr23Ni13309S24-Z15CNS20.1----SUH309309 8141.484X12CrNi25210Cr25Ni20310S24-Z12CN2520X6CrNi2520-236F.331SUH310310S51141.486X12NiCrSi3616Cr15Ni36W3T--Z12CNS35.1----SUH330330 4i141.486 G-X40NiCrSi381-330C11--XG50NiCr3919---SCH15-581.487349S54-X53CrMnNiN2114X53CrMnNiN219 5Cr2Mn9Ni4N;Z52CMN21.0---SUH35EV8 158B9321S12工具钢材料对照表添加时间 : 2009-08-04详细信息 :工具钢材料对照表材料对照表工具钢工国家和标准件德国中国英国法国意大利比利时瑞西班牙日本美国加工材典特性料组材料DIN GB BS EN AFNOR UNI NBN SS UNE JIS AISI/SA组编号E6/71.154C105W1T10--Y1105C98KU;C100K-188 F.515;F.5-W.110 5U0166/71.166C125W T12A--Y2120C120KU--(C120)SK2W.112 391.206100Cr6CrV;9SiCr BL3-Y100C6---100Cr6-L3 710/1 1.208X210Cr12Cr12BD3 - Z200Cr12X210Cr13KU;--X210Cr12SKD1D3P0X250Cr12KU 1X35CrMoV05K10/1 1.234X40CrMoV54Cr5MoVSi BH1-Z40CDV5U;-224X40CrMoV5 SKD61H1314132X40CrMoV51KU10/1 1.236X100CrMoVCr6WV BA2 - Z100CDV5X100CrMoV51-226 X100CrMoVSKD12A21351KU0510/11.24110WCr6;214SKS31;105WCr6CrWMo--105WC13-105WCr5SKS2;SKS-19107WCr5KU0310/11.243X210CrW12Cr12W---X215CrW121K231X210CrW12SKD2-16U -210/11.25445WCrV75CrNiMo BS1 --45WCrV8KU-27145WCrSi8-S1120 X30WCrV9310/11.258;3Cr2W8V BH2-Z30WCV9X28W09KU-----11X30WCrV931X30WCrV93KU KU10/11.260X165CrMoVCr12MoV---X165CrMoW12231 X160CrMoVSKD11D31112KU -01210/11.27155NiCrMoV5CrNiMo--55NCDV7--- F.250.S SKT4L6 13610/11.283C98KU;100V1V BW2 -Y1 105V-102V2K--SKS43W21013U10/11.324S6-5-2-5W6Mo5Cr4V2C- Z85WDKCV HS6-5-2-5-272HS6-5-2-5 SKH55-13o5-310/11.325Z80WKCV;X78WCo1805K HS18-1-1-S18-1-2-5W18Cr4VCo5 BT4-10-05-04--SKH3T415U -50110/11.334Z85WDCVX82WMo0605K272S6-5-2W6Mo5Cr4V2 BM2 -06-05-04-HS6-5-2SKH9M213U -20210/11.334-Z Z100WCWV278S2-9-2--09-02-04-HS2-9-2-HS2-9-2-M7 18-20210/11.335S18-0-1W18Cr4V BT1-Z80WCVX75W18KU--HS18-0-1SKH2T11518-04-0110/1-S6-5-3W6Mo5Cr4V3-------SKH52M3 110/1---BM4------SKH5912结构钢材料对照表添加时间 : 2009-08-04详细信息 :结构钢材料对照表材料对照表结构钢工国家和标准加件瑞工德国中国英国法国意大利比利时西班牙日本美国材典特料性材料GB BS EN AFNOR UNI NBN SS UNE JIS AISI/SAE 组DIN组编号11.04C1515080M15-CC12C15C16-135F.111-1015 01011.04C2220050A202C CC20C20C21C25-1145F.112-1020 0201/ 1.05C3535060A35-CC35C35C35-1155F.113-1035201021.05C4545080M40-CC45C45C45-1165F.114-1045 0302/ 1.05C5555070M55--C55C55-1165--1055335531.06C6060080A6243D CC55C60C60-1---1060 0111.709SMn28Y15230M07-S250CF9SMn28-19111SMn28SUM221213 15211.079SMnPb28--- S250Pb CF9MnPb28-191 11SMnPb2SUM22L12L13 1848P 1.0710SPb20--- 10PbF2 CF10Pb20-- 10SPb20--12221.0735S20-212M368M 35MF4--195F210G-1140 2671/ 1.079SMn36Y13240M071B S300CF9SMn36-- 12SMn35-1215 2361/ 1.079SMnPb36--- S300Pb CF9SMnPb36-19212SMnP35-12L1423762/ 1.0955Si9 55Si2Mn250A534555S755Si855Si720856Si7-925530452/ 1.0960SiCr7---60SC760SiCr8 60SiCr8- 60SiCr8-9262 36111.11Ck1515080M1532C XC12C16C16-2137C15K S15C1015 41021.1140Mn440Mn150M361535M5-----1039 571/ 1.11Ck2525----C25-2--S25C10252582/ 1.1136Mn535Mn2--40Mn5--21236Mn5SMn438(H13353670)2/ 1.1128Mn630Mn150M2814A 20M5C28Mn28Mn6--SCMn11330 3702/ 1.11Cf3535Mn060A35- XS38TS C36C36157-S35C103538322/ 1.1145Ck45080M46-XC42C45C45-2167C45K S45C104539122/ 1.12Ck5555070M55-XC45C50C55-2-C55K S55C1055 3033/ 1.12Cf5350060A52- XC48TS C53C53167-S50C105041343/ 1.12Ck6060Mn080A6243D XC60C60C60-2167-S58C1060421891.12Ck101-060A96----187-SUP41095 740101.34X120Mn12-Z120M12-X120M12 XG120Mn12--X120Mn12 SCMnH/1-0191.35Gr15;45534A9931 100C6100Cr6-225F.131SUJ252100 05100Cr6Gr891.5415Mo3-1501-240-15D316Mo3KW16Mo329116Mo3-ASTM 152A20Gr.A81.5416Mo5-1503-245-420 --16Mo516Mo5-16Mo5-4520 2651.5614Ni6---16N614Ni618Ni6-15Ni6-ASTM 22A350LF591.56X8Ni9-1501-509;510 --X10Ni910Ni36 -XBNi09-ASTM A353 6291.5612Ni19---Z18N5-12Ni20---2515 8061.5736NiCr6-640A3511135NC6----SNC2363135 10A61.5714NiCr10--- 14NC11 16NiCr11--15NiCr11SNC415(H3415 32)61.5714NiCr14-655M13;655A136A 12NC1513NiCr1--SNC815(H3415;3310 522-2)61.6536CrNiMo-816M40110 40NCD338CrNiMo4(--35CrNiMo-9840 114KB)461.6521NiCrMo-850M20362 20NCD2 20NiCrMo2-250 20NiCrMo SNCCM22023232(H)86206 1.6540NiCrMo-311-Type7--40NiCrMo2( 40NiCrM-40NiCrMo SNC2408740462KB)o2261.6534CrNiMo 40CrNiM817M402435NCD635CrNiMo6( 35CrNiM 254--4340 826oA KB)o6161.6517CrNiMo-820A16- 18NCD6-17CrNiM-14CrNiMo--876o71321.7015Cr315Cr523M15-12C3-15Cr2--SCr415(H5015 15)61.7034Cr435Cr530A3218B 32C434Cr4(KB) 34Cr4-35Cr4SCr430(H5132 33)61.7041Cr440Cr530M401842C441Cr442Cr4-42Cr4SCr440(H5140 35)61.7042Cr440Cr-----22442Cr4SCr4405140 45561.7116MnCr15 18CrMn(527M20)-16MC516MnCr1516MnCr1 25116MnCr15-5115 315161.7155Cr320CrMn527A604855C3-55Cr3--SUP9(A)5155 7661.7225CrMo430CrMn1717CDS110-25CD425CrMo4(KB25CrMo422255Cr3SCM420;4130 18)5SCM43061.7234CrMo435CrMo708A3719B35CD435CrMo4 34CrMo422334CrMo4SCM432;4137;4135 204SCRRM361.7241CrMo4 40CrMoA708M4019A 42CD4TS 41CrMo4 41CrMo422441CrMo4SCM440 4140;4142 2341.7242CrMo;224SCM440(H642CrMo4 42CrMnM708M4019A42CD442CrMo4 42CrMo442CrMo44140 254)o61.7215CrMo5---12CD4--22112CrMo4SCM415(H-626)1.731501-620Gr.215CD3.514CrMo4ASTM613CrMo44--;14CrMo44-14CrMo45-A182;F11;357515CD4.5F1261.7332CrMo12-722M2440B 30CD12 32CrMo1232CrMo1 224F.124.A--612061.7310CrMo91-1501-622Gr.3-12CD9;112CrMo9,10-221TU.H-ASTM A182 8001;4508 F.2261.7714MoV63-1503-660-440 ---13MoCrV-13MoCrV6--15671.8150CrV4 50CrVA735A5047 50CV450CrV450CrV422351CrV4SUP106150 59091.8541CrAlMo-905M3941B40CAD6,41CrAlMo741CrAlM 294 41CrAlMo--09712o70791.8539CrMoV1-897M3940C-36CrMoV12 36CrMoV ----23 39 13模具钢、工具钢规格特性对照添加时间 : 2009-08-04详细信息 :模具钢、工具钢规格特性对照模具钢、工具钢规格特性对照钢 美出厂化学成分(%)韩国国德国 瑞典日本硬度特 淬火温回火后硬度用种AI DINASSAB JIS( 交货CSiMnNiCrMoHRCHJ 性度℃途SI基准 )良一般好杂的货加的工型性预硬板10和化表玩HP-1 50S55C 0.50-0 0.15-0 0.70-0大760--A-优化面.55.35≤0.5为具优HS28- .9,化减33精塑少密料的部模加件具工的钢时基间材良 大好 型预硬的模41加具化表HP-4 400.36-0 0.15-0 0.85-0 0.90-1 0.25-0 工 830-86SCM44的A2311 HOLDEX0 优化面.44.35≤ 性型优HS38- .95化和板44抗 汽磨 车损保性 险, 杠加 ,工 电变 视形 机微 后小 盖良好 大的 型加 模工 具性 的预硬和型P2 抗 板化表HP-4SNCM0.40- 1.65-1 0.40-0 磨 840-87 高718 0.33-0 0.15-0MA 2738面 .350.80-1.75.5优优化.370.5损 表化HS41-性面47,要硬 求度 家分 用布 电均 器一良汽好车的顶加灯工,性冰和预硬箱P2表化表蔬HAM- 1DAIDO2.00-0.20-0 面 840-87 -0.05-0 0.10-0-菜70 -NAK80面.71.00-2.5优.254光化HSC37洁盒-41照度明,灯 硬等 度 透 分 明布 件均一彩良色显 好像的管抗玻腐壳蚀42模SUS42 退火性HEMS 0 2083 S-136-S-0.70-012.0-11000-1 200- 500℃HR 具 0.25-0 0.50-0 ≤0.3≤0.5-1A 优 ESR136H0J2 优 HRC23.55.82.5 和050C50-55CD.3化化-55精、加透 工镜 ,、高PV精C 度 底盘高 清 净 度, 压 结 铸 构模均 1000-1具退火匀, STD- H10.30-0 ≤0.2 4.50-5 1.00-1 050 空 550- 680℃HR 234484070.36-0 0.80-1 , 热 热 61 3 SKD61 HB ≤ ≤53.4良 冷,油 压作29冷好模 工高挤 具温压 钢强模度 和 韧 性良压H1退火好 1000-1铸HDS- 3 2344的 050 真 550- 680℃HR 模 -SKD611HB ≤2专利进行中C ≤53优 优化优化韧 空,煤 具化29性 气,,热热压均模裂性和软化抵抗性及硬化性高清净修度边,模结,冷构成作硬D21000-1工 STD-SKD11退火0.15-00.25-011.0-10.80-1型优 23791.40-1-度050 空 550- 680℃HR具 11XW42HB≤模优化.6均冷,油C≥58钢化25匀冲冷抗模,磨热损压,模高强度高清锻净度造锻6F预硬,用模2SKT4化 0.49-00.20-00.95-1 1.95-0.95-10.45-0 STF-良工--.3.05好热4M优优化 HRC42 .54具化-48的压钢模抗热冲击性 和 抗 磨 损 性 火 焰 表 面 硬 化处 冲火理压焰, 875-95HITAC 退火模硬 HFH-0.70-0 0.90-1 0.70-0 ≤0.11.00-1 0.20-00 空-HI HB ≤2良150- 200℃ --.8.05.85 .1.25 好 冷,油,化 1 HMD525 HRC ≥61钢的 冷修边抗模磨损性和 加工性不锈钢材料的类型及用途牌号类型用途1Cr18Ni9Ti 奥氏体型 使用最广泛,适用于食品、化工、医药、原子能工业 0Cr25Ni20 奥氏体型 炉用材料,汽车排气净化装置用材料 1Cr18Ni9 奥氏体型 经冷加工有高的强度,建筑用装饰部件0Cr18Ni9 奥氏体型 作为不锈耐热钢使用最广泛,食品用设备,一般化设备,原子能工业用 00Cr19Ni10 奥氏体型 用于抗晶间腐蚀性要求高的化学、煤炭、石油产业的野外露0Cr17Ni12Mo2奥氏体型 适用于在海水和其它介质中,主要作耐点蚀材料,照相、食品工业、沿海地区设施、绳索、 CD 杆、螺栓、螺母00Cr17Ni14Mo2 奥氏体型 为 0Cr17Ni14Mo2 的超低碳钢,用于对抗晶间腐蚀性有特别要求的产品 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti奥氏体型用于抗硫酸、磷酸、甲酸、乙酸的设备,有良好的耐晶家腐蚀性0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti奥氏体型同上0Cr18Ni10Ti奥氏体型添加 Ti 提高耐晶间腐蚀,不推荐作装饰部件0Cr16Ni14奥氏体型无磁不锈钢,作电子元件0-1Cr20Ni14Si2奥氏体型具有较高的高温强度和抗氧化性,对含硫气氛较敏感,在600- 800°C有析出相的脆化倾向,适用于制作承受应力的各种炉用构件1Cr17Ni7奥氏体型适用于高强度构件,火车客车车厢用材料00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2奥氏体 +铁素体耐应力腐蚀破裂性能良好,具有较高的强度,适用于含氯离子的环境,用于炼油,化肥,造纸,石油,化工等工业,制造热交换器、冷凝器等00Cr12Ti超纯铁素体型用于洗衣机内冲压件,装饰用0Cr17(Ti)铁素体型用于汽车消音器管,装饰用0Cr13AI铁素体型从高温下冷却不产生显著硬化,汽轮机材料,淬火用部件,复合钢材1Cr17铁素体型耐蚀性良好的通用钢种,建筑内装饰用,重油部件,用于家庭用具,家用电器部件0Cr13铁素体型作较高韧性及受冲击的零件,如汽轮页片,结构架,螺栓,螺帽等1Cr13马氏体型具有良好的耐腐蚀性,机械加工性,用作一般用途、刀刃机械零件、石油精练装置、螺栓、螺母、泵杆、餐具等2Cr13马氏体型淬火状态下硬度高,耐腐蚀性良好,作汽轮机叶片,餐具( 刀 )。



40-105 40-105 50-110 50-110 50-110 50-110
195-224 204-233 223-259 242-272 262-290 280-310 300-328 318-347
60-121 60-121 60-121 60-121 60-121 60-121 60-121 60-121
Part number ordering information.
D 6AM 6
A B C D L M N P Plastic Tab and Panel Mount, 5 screws (2 on #4) Plastic Tab and Panel Mount, 5 dual QD (2 on #4) Plastic Tab and Panel Mount, 3 screws (2 on #4) Plastic Tab and Panel Mount, 5 screws (2 on #4) Panel Mount, 5 screws (2 on #4) Panel Mount, 5 dual QD (2 on #4) Panel Mount, 3 screws (#1, 2 and 5) Panel Mount, 3 dual QD (#1, 2 and 5)
PART NUMBERING SYSTEM ZCPR Basic Series Designation Mounting Ty p e / Terminal Configuration Coil Ty p e / P.U. & D.O. - See Table A & B Mounting Position - See Below Optional Customer Assign (XXX)

plc 西门子 中文手册

plc 西门子 中文手册

文本显示器(TD 200和TD 200C)
TD 200和TD 200C是20字符双行显示器,可以连接在S7--200上。通过TD 200向导,您可以轻松地 在S7 -- 200上实现文本消息和其它应用程序数据的显示。
TD 200和TD 200C可以为您提供价格低廉 的人机界面,通过它们您将能够查看、监 控和改变应用程序的过程变量。
新指令: 夏令时(READ_RTCX和SET_RTCX)、间隔定时器(BITIM, CITIM)、清除中断 事件(CLR_EVNT)以及诊断LED(DIAG_LED)。
POU和库的增强功能:新型字符串常量和添加的间接寻址支持更多存储类型,增强了使用 USS库函数对西门子变频器读写参数功能的支持。
S7--200 CPU
S7--200 CPU将一个微处理器、一个集成电源和数字量I/O点集成在一个紧凑的封装中,从而形成了一 个功能强大的微型PLC,参见图1-1。在下载了程序之后,S7 -- 200将保留所需的逻辑,用于监控应用 程序中的输入输出设备。

Cisco VG224声明书说明书

Cisco VG224声明书说明书

C H A P T E R1-1Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-041Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice GatewayThis chapter provides a brief description of the Cisco VG224 voice gateway (VG) and contains the following sections:•Overview, page 1-1•Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Deployment, page 1-4•Interfaces and Service Capabilities, page 1-4•Physical Description and LEDs, page 1-5•Specifications, page 1-6•Software Elements, page 1-7OverviewThe Cisco VG224 supports the following interfaces:•10/100BASE-T LAN connection •RJ-21 analog voice interface •External/Internal compact flashThe Cisco VG224 can be housed in a rack, mounted on a wall, or set on a bench-top surface.WarningThis unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted access area can be accessed only through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or other means by security. Statement 10171-2Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-041-3Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04Note1-4Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice GatewayCisco VG224 Voice Gateway Deployment1-5Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice GatewayPhysical Description and LEDsCisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice GatewayChassis GroundingChassis GroundingChassis grounding is provided through the power cable, which uses a standard grounding plug. The chassis is also equipped with two multi 4 x 0.7 screw terminals for chassis grounding. The accessory kit contains a crimp-type ground lug that attaches to the two screw terminals. For more information, refer to the “Installing the Ground Connection” section on page 3-11.Port Numbering ConventionsPort numbering conventions for the Cisco VG224 are as follows:•An external compact flash card is numbered CF 0.•10/100BASE-T ports are numbered 10/100BASE-T 0/0 and 10/100BASE-T 0/1 from right to left.•FXS voice port numbering begins at 2/0 and extends to 2/7, 2/15, or 2/23, depending on the number of voice ports.SpecificationsT able 1-3Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway T echnical SpecificationsCharacteristic ValueDimensions 1.75H x 17.5W x 13.5D in. (44.4 x 444.5 x 342.9 mm)Weight 11 lb (4.106 kg) maxInput power100 to 240 VAC, 1 A (max), 50 to 60 Hz, 70 W (max)Maximum power surge Input power(DC 12 volt battery) by chassis60 W (204.7 BTU/h)CautionDo not try to use AC and DC power at the same time . If you do, the unit stops operating and you have to reboot using a single power source.MTBF195,671 hoursOperating environment 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)Nonoperating temperature –40 to 185°F (–40 to 85°C) Operating humidity 5 to 95%, noncondensing Noise level 55 dB @ 3 ftAgency approvalsRefer to the Cisco VG224 Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document at the following URL:/en/US/products/hw/gatecont/ps2250/products_regulatory_approvals_a nd_compliance_list.html1-7Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04Chapter 1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice GatewaySoftware ElementsWarningUltimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations. Statement 1040Software ElementsThe operating system for the Cisco VG224 voice gateway is the Cisco IOS software that resides in flash memory.Configuration ConnectionsYou can use an ASCII terminal or a PC to configure a Cisco VG224 voice gateway. The configuration can be performed in several ways:•Locally, with a direct connection through the console port•Remotely, with a connection through the auxiliary port and a modem •Through Telnet and TFTPConfiguration MethodsAutomated ConfigurationIf your Cisco VG224 voice gateway was ordered with the Simple Network-Enabled Auto-Provision (SNAP) option, no onsite configuration is required. When the Cisco VG224 voice gateway is powered on and connected, the SNAP application downloads the applicable configuration files automatically.Manual ConfigurationWhen a Cisco VG224 voice gateway is first installed, use the procedure in Chapter 4, “Power-On Procedure,” for the initial configuration. This sets the basic communication parameters. After the Cisco VG224 voice gateway is operating and able to communicate, use the procedures in theCisco VG224 Voice Gateway Software Configuration Guide to configure the specific services and functions, or to make changes to the existing configuration.There are multiple methods for configuring a Cisco VG224 voice gateway:•System configuration dialog•Configuration mode—Cisco IOS software command-line interface (CLI)•setup command facility—Remote configuration through a LAN •SNMP-based application—CiscoView or HP OpenView•HTTP-based configuration server—Provides access to the CLI from a web browserChapter1 Overview of the Cisco VG224 Voice Gateway Software ElementsCisco VG224 Voice Gateway Hardware Installation GuideOL-5006-04。



九年级数学学情调查(十一月)2024(本试卷共23道题 满分120分 考试时间120分钟)考生注意:所有试题必须在答题卡指定区域内作答,在本试卷上作答无效第一部分 选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.已知关于x 的一元二次方程的一个根是,则m 的值为( )A .1B .-2C .-1D .32.在平行四边形ABCD 中,AB ,BC 的长分别等于一元二次方程两根之和与两根之积,则对角线AC 长的取值范图是( )A .AC >1B .1<AC <5C .5<AC <19D .AC >5或<93.二次函数的图象如图所示,对称轴是直线,则过点和点的直线一定不经过( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限4.将抛物线平移得到抛物线,下列平移方式中,正确的是( )A .先向左平移1个单位,再向上平移2个单位B .先向左平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位C .先向右平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位D .先向右平移1个单位,再向上平移2个单位5.观察表格,估算一元二次方程的近似解:1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8-0.44-0.25-由此可确定一元二次方程的一个近似解x 的范围是( )A .B .C .D .6.随着我国航天领域的快速发展,从“天宫一号”发射升空,到天和核心舱归位,我国正式迈入了“空间站时代”.下面是有关我国航天领域的图标,其图标既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )2520x x m +-=1x =27120x x -+=2y ax bx c =++1x =-(,2)M c a b -()24,N b ac a b c --+23y x =-23(1)2y x =---210x x --=x21x x --210x x --=1.4 1.5x << 1.5 1.6x << 1.6 1.7x << 1.7 1.8x <<A .B .C .D .7.如图,在△ABC 中,∠B =40°,将△ABC 绕点A 逆时针旋转得到△ADE ,点D 恰好落在BC 的延长线上,则旋转角的度数为( )A .100°B .90°C .80°D .70°8.如图,正方形ABCD 中,E 为AD 边上一点,连接BE ,将BE 绕点E 逆时针旋转90°得到EF .连接DF 、BF ,若∠DFE =,则∠CBF 一定等于( )A .B .C .D.9.如图,△ABC 和△CDE 两个全等的直角三角形,∠B =∠CDE =90°,连结AD 交CE 于点F .若,则的值为( )A .B .C .D .10.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB =4,延长CD 到点E ,连接BE 交AD 于点G ,点F 为BE 的中点,连接CE ,以点C 为圆心,CF 长为半径的圆弧经过点G ,连接CG ,若BE =10,则DG 的长为( )α45α- α903a - 12α12AB BC =DF AF13122523A .4B .5C .6D .3第二部分 非选择题二、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题3分,共15分)11.若a 是一元二次方程的一个根,则的值是 .12.2023年德尔塔(Delta )是一种全球流行的新冠病毒变异毒株,其传染性极强.某地有1人感染了德尔塔,因为没有及时隔离治疗,经过两轮传染后,一共有169人感染了德尔塔病毒,那每轮传染中平均一个人传染了 个人;如果不及时控制,照这样的传染速度,经过三轮传染后,一共有 人感染德尔塔病毒.13.下列命题:①若时,一元二次方程一定有实数根;②若方程有两个不相等的实数根,则方程也一定有两个不相等实数根;③若二次函数,当取时,函数值相等,则当x 取时函数值为0;④若,则二次函数图象与坐标轴的公共点的个数是2或3,其中正确结论的个数是 (填序号)14.如图所示,△ABC 中,∠C =90°,AC =8cm ,BC =6cm ,点D 从B 点开始沿BC 向B 点以1cm /s 的速度移动,点E 从C 点开始沿 CA 边向A 点以2cm /s 速度移动,如果D 、E 分别从B 、A 同时出发,那么 秒后,线段DE 将△ABC 分成面积1:2的两部分.15.如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC =120°,AB =2,AC =4,将BC 绕点C 顺时针旋转120°得到CD ,则线段AD 的长度是.250x x +-=23310a a +-b a c =+20ax bx c ++=20ax bx c ++=20cx bx a ++=2y ax c =+()1212,x x x x ≠12x x +240b ac ->2y ax bx c =++三、解答题(本题共8小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明、演算步骤或推理过程)16.(10分)解下列方程:(1);(2).17.(8分)如图所示,某市公园有一块长方形绿地长20,宽16,在绿地中开辟三条等宽的道路后,剩余绿地的面积为224,求道路的宽x 是多少米?18.(8分)如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB =2AD ,∠DAB 的平分线交CD 于E .F 为BC 的中点,连结AE ,AF ,分别交BD 于点G , H .连结EF .(1)求证:BD =2EF ;(2)当EF =6时,求GH 的长.19.(8分)“弗里热”(Phryge )是2024年巴黎奥运会和残奥会吉祥物,是法国传统的弗里古亚帽的拟人化形象,在《蓝精灵》动画片中,蓝精灵戴的便是弗里吉亚帽.吉祥物“弗里热”小钥匙扣广受欢迎,成为热销商品,某商家以每套40元的价格购进一批“弗里热”小钥匙扣.当该商品每套的售价是50元时,每天可售出200套,若每套的售价每提高2元,则每天少卖4套.(1)设“弗里热”小钥匙扣每套的售价定为x 元,求该商品销售量y 与x之间的函数关系式.22125x x -+=257311x x x ++=+m m 2m(2)每天销售所获的利润W 能否恰好达到3000元?请说明理由.20.(8分)如图,鞍钢博物馆广场边,有两个高炉模型,小明同学用自制的直角三角形纸板ADE 量高炉的高度BF .他调整自己的位置,设法使斜边AE 持水平,AE 的延长线交BF 于C ,并且边AD 与点B 在同一直线上,已知纸板的两条直角边AD =40cm .DE =20cm .测得边AE 离地面的高度AG =1.5,CD =20.求高炉的高BF .21.(8分)如图,钢球从斜面顶端由静止开始沿斜面滚下,速度每秒增加1.5.(1)写出滚动的距离s (单位:)关于滚动的时间t (单位:)的函数解析式.(提示:本题中,距离=平均速度×时间t ,,其中,是开始时的速度,是t 秒时的速度.)(2)如果斜面的长是3,钢球从斜面顶端滚到底端用多长时间?22.(12分)如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠ABC =90°,把边CB绕点C 旋转到CF .(1)若AB =.BC .当点F 落在BC 的垂直平分线上时,请直接写出以A 、B 、C 、F 为顶点的四边形的面积 .(2)如图1,连接AF ,当点F 在AC 的垂直平分线上时,若BC =2AB =4,求F 到AC 的距离;(3)如图2,连接FB 交AC 于点D ,当AC ⊥BF 时,BC 的垂直平分线分别交BC 、AC 、CF 于E 、H 、M ,交BF 的延长线于G .判断:BE 、GM 、MC 三条线段的关系,并给予证明.m m m m s v 02t v v v +=0v t v m图1 图223.(13分)已知y 关于x 的一次函数.当时,我们称一次函数为“原函数”,一次函数“原函数”的“相关函数”,“原函数”的图象记为直线,它的“相关函数”的图象记为直线.例如:“原函数”的“相关函数”为.(1)直接写出“相关函数”的“原函数”表达式;(2)请说明:直线,直线与x 轴的交点是同一个点;(3)若“原函数”的表达式为,点A 在直线上,点B 在直线上,轴,AB =2,求点A 的坐标;(4)“原函数”的表达式为.①点在直线上,点在直线上,若,求t 的取值范围;②若直线,直线与y 轴围成的图形面积为12,点E 在直线上,过E 作轴交直线于点F ,过E 作轴交直线于点H ,过F 作轴交直线于点G ,连接GH .设点E 的横坐标为,四边形 EFGH 的周长为C .直接写出C 关于a的函数表达式.y kx b =+0,0k b >>y kx b =+y kx b =--1l 2l 2y x =+2y x =--213y x =--1l 2l 112y x =+1l 2l AB y ∥2y mx m =+(),C C t y 1l ()2,D D t y -2l 0D C y y <<1l 2l 1l EF y ∥2l EH x ∥2l FG x ∥1l (0)a a >九年级数学质量测试(十一月)2024答案及评分标准说明:1.此答案仅供参考,阅卷之前请做答案.2.如果考生的解法与本解法不同,可参照本评分标准制定相应评分细则.3.为阅卷方便,本解答中的推算步骤写得较为详细,但允许考生在解答过程中,合理省略非关键性的推算步骤.4.解答右端所注分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的累加分数.一、单项选择题(每题只有一个选项正确.每小题3分,共30分)1.D2.C3.C4.C5.C6.B7.A8.B9.C 10.D二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)11.512.12 2197 13.①③ 14.2或4 15.三、解答题(8道题共75分)16.(10分)解:(1)..…………………………5分(2).整理,得...…………………………5分17.(8分)解:依题意可列…………………………3分……………………………………5分(含)………………………………7分答:道路的宽是2米.…………………………8分18.(8分)(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD 是矩形,AB =2AD,22125x x -+=2(1)25x -=15x -=±126,4x x ==-257311x x x ++=+224x x +=2215x x ++=2(1)5x +=1x +=121,1x x =-=-(202)(16)224x x --=226480x x -+=12224,x x ==∴CD //AB ,AB =CD =2AD ,AD =BC ,∴∠DEA =∠BAE∵AE 平分∠DAB∴∠DAE =∠BAE ,∴∠DEA =∠DAE ,∴DE =AD∵CD =2AD∴CD =2DE .∴DE =CE∵F 为BC 的中点,∴EF 是△BCD 的中位线,∴BD =2EF ;…………………………………4分(2)解:由(1)知,BD =2EF ,∵EF =6∴BD =12∵AB =CD =2AD =2DE ,AD =BC ,F 为BC 的中点,∴.在矩形ABCD 中,CD //AB ,AD //BC ,∴△DEG ∽△BAG ,△FBH ∽△ADH ,,.∴DG =4,BH =4∴GH =BD -DG -BH =4……………………………………………………8分19.(8分)解:(1)根据题意:.∴y 与x 之间的函数关系式:;…………………………4分(2)根据题意得:.整理得:.∵.∴方程有两个不相等的实数根,∴每天销售所获的利润W 能达到3000元.………………………………8元20.(8分)…………………………………………8分21.(8分)解:(1)由已知得11,22DE BP AB AD ==11,22DE DG BH BF AB BG DH AD ∴====11,122122DG BH DG BH ∴==--50200423002x y x -=-⨯=-+2300y x =-+(40)(2300)3000x x --+=219075000x x -+=2Δ(190)41750061000=--⨯⨯=>11.5m 00 1.5 1.5t v v at t t=+=+=,即………………………………4分(2)把代入中,得(舍去)即钢球从斜面顶端滚到底端用.答:钢球从斜面顶端滚到底端用.……………………………………8分22.(12分)解:(12分解:(2)如图1,过点F作FG⊥AC于G,∵FA=FC,∴CG=AG=AC∵∠ABC=90°,∴∴.∵CF=BC=4..∴点F到AC;……………………6分(2)BE+GM=MC…………………………7分证明:如图2,延长EG至K.使KG=AB.连接AK.∵AB⊥BC,EG⊥CB.∴EG∥AB,∴四边形ABKG是平行四边形,∴AK=BC,∠AKG=∠ABD.∵FC=CB∴∠FCD=∠ACB∵∠ABC=∠BGE=90°.∴∠BAC+∠ACB=90°.∵∠BDC=90°,∴∠ACB+∠EBG=90°,∴∠BAC=∠EBG.∵AB=BE∴△ABC≌△BEG(ASA)∴AC=BG.1.5t3t224tv vv+∴===233244tv v ts vt t t t+∴==⋅=⋅=234s t=3s=234s t=2t=2t=-2s2s12AC===CG=FG∴===∴AK =AC .∴∠AKC =∠ACK同理可得,∠ABD =∠ACB∴∠ABD =∠FCD∴∠AKG =∠FCD .∴∠AKC -∠AKG =∠ACK -∠FCD .∴∠MKC =∠MCK .∴CM =KM =CK +GM =BE +GM …………………………………12分图1 图223.解:(1);……………………………………1分(2)在“原函数”中,令.则.∴直线与x 轴交点为在它的“相关函数”,令,则∴直线与x 轴交点为∴直线,直线与x 轴的交点为同一个点;…………………………4分(3)∵“原函数”的表达式为∴它的“相关函数”表达式为.令∴.∴直线与直线的交点为∵点A 在直线上.213y x =+y kx b =+0kx b +=b x k =-1l ,0b k ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭y kx b =--0kx b --=bx k =-2l ,0b k ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭1l 2l 112y x =+112y x =--111122x x +=--2x =-1l 2l (2,0)-1l∴设,如图1,当时,点A 在点B 上方∵AB ∥y 轴.∴∴点,,当时,点A 在点B 的下方,A (-4,-1)综上所述,点A 的坐标为A (0,1)或A (-4,-1);………………………………8分(4)①∵“原函数”为.∴它的“相关函数“为.令..∴直线与直线交点为(-2,0);如图2,∵点C 在直线上,点D 在直线,且.,且,,.,∴t 的取值范围为.……………………11分1,12A a a ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭2a >-A B x x a==1,12B a a ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭1111222a a ∴+++=0a ∴=(0,1),A ∴2a <-2y mx m =+2y mx m =--20mx m +=2x ∴=-1l 2l 1l 2l 0D C y y <<222t t -<-⎧∴⎨>-⎩20t ∴-<<2,(2)2c D y mt m y m t m =+=--- D Cy y <(2)22m t m mt m ∴---<+22mt m ∴>-20m > 1t ∴>-10t -<<②如图3,直线与直线交点为Q (-2,0),∴OQ =2,OM =ON =2m ,∴MN =4m ,,∴m =3,∴“原函数“表达式为.它的“相关函数”表达式为,轴交于点F ,,∵EH ∥x 轴,,,,..∵FG ∥x 轴,,.1l 2l 1122MN OQ ∴⋅=142122m ∴⨯⨯=36y x =+36y x =--(,36)E a a ∴+EF y ∥2l (,36),F a a ∴--36(36)612EF a a a ∴=+---=+36E H y y a ∴==+3636a x ∴+=--4x a ∴=--(4,36)H a a ∴--+(4)24EH a a a ∴=---=+36G F y y a ∴==--3636a x ∴--=+4x a ∴=--(4,36)G a a ∴----.又∵轴,轴,∴FG∥EH,∴四边形EFGH为平行四边形,. (13)分(4)2 4.FG a a a∴=---=+2 4.FG EH a∴==+//FG x//EH x2()2(61224)1632 C EF FG a a a∴=+=+++=+。

博兹安全系统安装说明书 电源供应模块 PSU-224-DC100

博兹安全系统安装说明书 电源供应模块 PSU-224-DC100

Installation manual
AR18-10-B002 | v1.1 | 2010.02
4 en | Safety
Power Supply
Safety precautions
DANGER! High risk: This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation such as "Dangerous Voltage" inside the product. If not avoided, this will result in an electrical shock, serious bodily injury, or death.
11. Power sources - Operate the unit only from the type of power source indicated on the label. Before proceeding, be sure to disconnect the power from the cable to be installed into the unit. – For battery powered units, refer to the operating instructions. – For external power supplied units, use only the recommended or approved power supplies. – For limited power source units, this power source must comply with EN60950. Substitutions may damage the unit or cause fire or shock. – For 24 VAC units, voltage applied to the unit's power input should not exceed ±10%, or 28 VAC. Usersupplied wiring must comply with local electrical codes (Class 2 power levels). Do not ground the





构 30CrMo 钢
5140 5145 4130 4317
SCM430 25CrMo4
E235B E235B E275A


1008 08F




50 15Mn
1050 1019
牌号 SPHD SPHE S10C S12C S15C S17C S20C S22C S25C S28C




45MF6.3 A40Γ
钢 Y45Ca


CPU processing times for bit operations, max.
Counters, timers and their retentivity S7 counter ● Number of which retentive with battery — can be set — lower limit — upper limit Counting range — lower limit — upper limit S7 times ● Number of which retentive with battery — adjustable — upper limit
Input current Inrush current, max.
Yes Yes
24 V 5V 30 V
100 V; 100 V AC to 230 V AC 5V 250 V 47 Hz 63 Hz
20 A; at 264 V
6ES7214-2BD23-0XB0 Page 1/7
14 Yes; optionally, per group
24 V 0V to 5V; 0V to 1V (I0.3 to I0.5) min. 15 V; min. 4 V (I 0.3 to I 0.5)
2.5 mA; 8 mA for I0.3 to I0.5
Yes; all 0.2 ms 12.8 ms
1; pluggable memory module, content identical with integral Eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱPROM; can additionally store recipes, data logs and other files

UN UN UN UN 系列运动型可编程控制器应用技术手册-简易说明篇说明书

UN UN UN UN 系列运动型可编程控制器应用技术手册-简易说明篇说明书

一,性能规格项目性能运算控制方式 存储程序反复扫描方式,有中断指令输入输出控制方式批处理方式(执行END 指令时),输入输出刷新指令,有脉冲捕捉功能编程语言 继电器符号方式+步进梯形图方式(也可用SFC 表示) 程序 内存 程序容量,形式内置32K 步EEPROM (不需存储器电池支持) ※含文件寄存器,注释最大8K 步顺控指令 顺控指令:27个 步进梯形图指令:2个 指令 种类 步进梯形图指令 FX1N :全部 及大部分2N 指令 型号为FX2N 基本指令 0.55-0.7µs/指令 单步梯形图应用指令 0.55~数10µs/指令 比三菱FX2N 原机快N 倍 运算 处理 速度 CPU 处理能力 0.01us/指令 32位 RISC 100MHZ 输入点数 X000~(8进制编号) 可软件设定滤波时间0-255mS 输入输出点数 输出点数 Y000~(8进制编号) 输入输出合计512点以下一般用 M0~M383 384点 保持用 EEPROM 保持M384~M1535 1152点 辅助继电器特殊用M8000~M8255 256点 初始状态用(EEPROM 保持) S0~S9 10点 状态保持用EEPROM 保持 S10~S999 990点100ms T0~T199 200点(0.1~3,276.7秒) 10ms T200~T245 46点(0.01~327.67秒) 1ms 累计形 T246~T249 4点(0.001~32.767秒) 定时器 (延时置ON ) 100ms 累计形 EEPROM 保持 T250~T255 6点(0.1~3,276.7秒)16位增模式 C0~C15 16点(0~32,767计数器) 16位增模式 EEPROM 保持C16~C199 184点(0~32,767计数器)32位高速双向 C200~C219 20点(-2,147,483,648~+2,147,483,647)计数32位增/减双向 EEPROM C220~C234 15点(-2,147,483,648~+2,147,483,647)计数计数器调整计数器C235~C255 EEPROM 16位通用 D0~D127 128点 EEPROM 保持 D128~D2047最大1920点 16位特殊用 D8000~D8255 256点 数据寄存16位变址V0~V7,Z0~Z7 16点 JAMP 、CALL P0~P127 128点 输入中断 IO □□~I5□□ 6点 指针定时中断I6□□~I8□□ 3点 嵌套 主控用N0~N7 8点常数10进制数(K ) 16位:-32,768~+32,76732位:-2,147,483,648~+2,147,483,64716进制数(H ) 16位:0~FFFF 32位:0~FFFFFFFF二,UN 系列全新运动型可编程控制器[PLC]高速输入输出说明 1,高速输入/硬件计数器输入/外部中断输入说明外部中断号 中断编号 端 口号 高速计数器 上升沿 下降沿 中断控制ON 时禁止备注X0 C235 10K C251-A 10K I001 I000 M8050 X1 C236 10K C251-B 10K I101 I100 M8051 X2 C237 200K I201 I200 M8052 X3 C238 200K I301 I300 M8053 X4 C239 10K I401 I400 M8054 X5 C240 10K I501 I500 M8055 X6 C252-A 10K X7 C252-B 10K 支持SPDHSCS HSCR 指令X10 C253-A 200K X11 C253-B 200K M8198 4倍频 X12 C254-A 200K X13C254-B 200KM8199 4倍频2,高速脉冲输出/肪宽调制输出说明高速脉冲输出端口号 对应 脉冲数 输出中 停止脉宽调制输出备注 Y0 脉冲输出1 D8140 M8147 M8145 PWM1 Y1 脉冲输出2 D8142 M8148 M8146 PWM2 Y2 脉冲输出3 D8150 M8149 M8144 PWM3 Y3脉冲输出4 D8152 M8150M8143 PWM4M8197 ON0.1mS M8197 OFF1mS总频率不超过400K , 单轴最高可200KD8145 :定位指令的基底速度 D8146 :最高速度,默认 100Khz D8148 :加减速时间,默认 100ms全部全部支持支持支持::PLSY ,PLSV ,PLSR ,PWM ,DRVI ,DRV A ,ZRN 指令 注:PLSY 运行中可改变频率注:X0+X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+Y0+Y1+Y2+Y3总频率不应该超过400K3,定时中断说明中断输入编号 中断周期(ms )中断禁止标志位 ON 时禁止 I 6□□ M8056 I7□□ M8057 I8□□在指针名的□□中,输入10-99的整数。




EM235 是最常用的模拟量扩展模块,它实现了4 路模拟量输入和1 路模拟量输出功能。

模拟量扩展模块的接线方法,对于电压信号,按正、负极直接接入X+和X-;对于电流信号,将RX 和X+短接后接入电流输入信号的“+”端;未连接传感器的通道要将X+和X-短接。










CPU 224XP分两种,一是:CPU 224XP DC/DC/DC ;二是:CPU 224XP AC/DC/继电器模拟量都是:2输入1输出。

模拟量输入类型:单端输入;电压范围:±10 V ;数据字格式,满量程:- 32,000 至+ 32,000模拟量输入接线端子是:M, A+, B+解释如下:第一个模拟量输入:M与A+之间仅可以输入电压,不可输入电流,可以是正电压,也可以是负电压,两端之间电压不是20伏,可以是正10伏,也可以是负10伏。





1981V7X Series - Hipot Testers With color touch LCD & high speed DSP technology, the compact & rugged V7X sets the standard for price/performance ratio. Made in the USA to meet tough UL, CSA, TUV and IEC Hipot requirements - the V7X provides unbeatable speed,accuracy, user safety and reliability.Electrical Safety Testing will Never be the SameChoose from six low cost models offering AC & DC Hipot to 5KV, leakage current measurement to 100 nano-amps, Insulation Resistance to 450GΩ and Ground Bond to 30 amps. Combine all that with USB, RS232 and Digital I/O interfaces, plus a 2 year warranty.The V7X is simply unbeatableVitrek V7X Series Performance SpecificationsAC HipotOutput Voltage 10 to 5000V 50 or 60 HzAccuracy : 1.4% of setting +0.1% Full Scale, No load to full loadResolution : 1V at all levelsMax load current : 20mArmsLeakage Current Min/Max Limits during dwell of none, or up to 20mArmsAccuracy : 1.5% of reading +5uAResolution : 1uADC HipotOutput Voltage 20 to 5000V test voltageAccuracy : 1.4% of setting+0.1% Full Scale, No load to full loadResolution : 1V at all levelsMax load current : 10mALeakage Current Accuracy : 1.5%+1uAResolution : 0.1uAIR - Insulation ResistanceTest Voltage 20 to 5000VDCAccuracy : 5%+5V No load to full loadResolution : 1V at all levelsMax Charge Current: 5mA automaticMax Capacitive Load: 2uFResistance Max IR: 450Gigohm (90MΩ per volt)Min IR: 150KΩAccuracy : 2% (rdg <5% of max IR), 5% (< 15% of max IR), 10% (< 30% of max IR), 20% (above30% of max IR)Max Resolution : 0.1% of valueMin/Max Limits : Defined for each step, max may be set to noneTest Completion Stop on Time: Determination on final readingStop on Pass: Test terminates with PASS for any reading within limitsStop on Fail: Test terminates with FAIL for any reading outside limitsStop on Steady: Test terminates with PASS for any reading within limits which isLow ResistanceResistance Range: 0ohm to 60KohmAccuracy : 1.4 %+0.02Ω (<10Ω), 3%+1ohm (<1KΩ), 10 % above 1KΩResolution : Down to 0.001ΩMin/Max Limits : Defined for each step, each may be set to noneTest Method 2 terminal measurement , 10.5mA max, 4.15V maxResistance Offset Test leads/fixture measurement offset may be universally appliedGround BondTest Current 1 to 30Arms (42A pk), 50/60HzAccuracy : 2.5%+10mAResolution : settable to 0.01A at all levelsCompliance: > 4.5Vrms (6V pk) for all currentsMethod 4 terminal measurementResistance Max Resistance: Up to compliance V limit at defined test current (4.5ohms max)Min/Max Limits : Defined for each step, min may be set to noneAccuracy : 2.5%+3mΩ (<2A), 2mΩ (<6.5A), 1mΩ (otherwise)Resolution : 0.1mΩ (>6.5A), 1mΩ (otherwise)Resistance Offset Test leads/fixture measurement offset may be universally appliedTest TimingRamp Time For AC/DC Hipot: 0 to 99.9sec (0.1sec resolution, 0.05sec accuracy)Test/Dwell Time 0.1 to 9999sec or user end (0.1sec resolution, 0.15sec accuracy)Ramp Down May be set to 0sec or same as Ramp time, automatically skipped if no failure and next step is same AC/DC or IR test typeShutdown Breakdown : within 150usHV Safety : within 1msUser Stop or Interlock opened : within 2msResistance/Current Limit : within 100msTest FunctionsBreakdown For Hipot tests, automatically checks for sudden uncontrolled increases of load current throughout test, no min/max leakage requiredArc Detect For Hipot tests, settable to none or adjustable level between 1 and 30mApk, 5MHzbandwidthPause Step A timed pause of defined length between 0.1s and 999.9s.Hold Step A user continued hold step with a 2 line message to be displayed to the user while the step is executing.Switch Step Provides control of up to 4 Vitrek 964 switch units, each SWITCH step allows complete control over the states of all switchesTest Memory Up to 999 total test steps may be defined in up to 60 different sequencesGeneral SpecificationsDSP Measurement 40,000 samples per second for output control and parameter measurementDisplay 4.3" 480 x 272 Color touch LCD user interfaceInterfaces USB 2.0, RS232 & Contact closure digital I/O with safety interlockWarranty 2 year parts and laborAccessories Alligator test leads for hipot & continuity units (TL-209), 4-wire alligator test leads for GB units (K-2R), operator's manual CD, QT Pro V utility software and evaluation version testautomation software & power cordCalibration 2 year accuracy specifications and recommended calibration interval, ANSI/NCSL Z540 NIST Traceable cal cert with data standardSafety CE mark certified to EN61010Power 115/230VAC ±10% internally selectable, 50-60Hz, 200VA maxDimensions 5.25" (133mm) H x 9.5" (240mm) W x 11" (280mm) DWeight 12 lbs, 5.5kg net (V70-73), 16 lbs, 7.3kg net (V74 & V79)Country of Origin Made in the USAVitrek Corporation12169 Kirkham Rd, Poway, CA 92064, 858.689.2755 11-01-2012 Prices and specifications subject to change。



133-MHz Spread Spectrum FTG for Mobile Pentium III PlatformsW224BFeatures•Maximized EMI suppression using Cypress’s Spread Spectrum technology (–0.5% and –1.0%)•Single chip system FTG for Mobile Intel ® Platforms •Three CPU outputs•Seven copies of PCI clock (one Free Running)•Seven SDRAM clock (one DCLK for Memory Hub)•Two copies of 48-MHz clock (non-spread spectrum) op-timized for USB reference input and video DOT clock •Three 3V66 Hublink/AGP outputs•One VCH clock (48-MHz non-SSC or 66.67-MHz SSC)•Two APIC outputs•One buffered reference output•Supports frequencies up to 133 MHz •Supports 5% and 10% overclocking •SMBus interface for programming •Power management control inputsKey SpecificationsCPU, SDRAM Outputs Cycle-to-Cycle Jitter:..............250 psAPIC, 48-MHz, 3V66, PCI OutputsCycle-to-Cycle Jitter:...................................................500 ps CPU Output Skew:......................................................150 ps 3V66 Output Skew:.....................................................175 ps APIC, SDRAM Output Skew:......................................250 ps PCI Output Skew:........................................................500 ps VDDQ3 (REF, PCI, 3V66, 48 MHz, SDRAM:..........3.3V±5% VDDQ2 (CPU, APIC):..............................................2.5V±5%Table 1.Pin Selectable Functions TEST#FS1FS0CPU SDRAM 0x 0Three-stateThree-state0x 1Test Test 10066 MHz 100 MHz 101100 MHz 100 MHz 110133 MHz 133 MHz 111133 MHz100 MHzPin DefinitionsPin Name Pin No.PinType Pin DescriptionCPU0, CPU_F1:252, 50, 49O CPU Clock Outputs: Frequency is set by the FS0:1 inputs or through serial input interface. The CPU0 output is gated by the CLK_STOP# input.PCI1:6, PCI_F13, 15, 16, 18,19, 20, 12O33-MHz PCI Outputs: Except for the PCI_F output, these outputs are gated by the PCI_STOP# input.APIC0:155, 54O APIC Output: 2.5V fixed 33.33-MHz clock. This output is synchronous to theCPU clock.SDRAM0:5, DCLK 46, 45, 43, 42,40, 39, 38O SDRAM Output Clocks: 3.3V outputs running at either 100MHz or 133MHzdepending on the setting of FS0:1 inputs. DCLK is a free-running clock.3V66_0:1,3V66_AGP7, 8, 9O66MHz Clock Outputs: 3.3V fixed 66-MHz clock.USB25O USB Clock Output: 3.3V fixed 48-MHz, non-spread spectrum USB clock out-put.DOT26O Dot Clock Output: 3.3V fixed 48-MHz, non-spread spectrum signal.REF1O Reference Clock: 3.3V 14.318-MHz clock output.VCH_CLK36O Video Control Hub Clock Output: 3.3V selectable 48MHz non-spread spec-trum or 66.67 MHz spread spectrum clock output.PWR_DWN#32I Power Down Control: 3.3V LVTTL-compatible input that places the device inpower down mode when held low.CPU_STP#34I CPU Output Control: 3.3V LVTTL-compatible input that stops only the CPU0clock. Output remains in the low state.PCI_STP#11I PCI Output Control: 3.3V LVTTL-compatible input that stops PCI1:6 clocks.Output remains in the low state.TEST#33I Test Mode Control: 3.3V LVTTL-compatible input to place the device into testmode.FS0:128, 29I Frequency Selection Input: 3.3V LVTTL-compatible input used to select theCPU and SDRAM frequencies. See Frequency Table.SCLK31I SMBus Clock Input: Clock pin for SMBus circuitry.SDATA30I/O SMBus Data Input: Data pin for SMBus circuitry.X13I Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input: This pin hasdual functions. It can be used as an external 14.318-MHz crystal connection oras an external reference frequency input.X24O Crystal Connection: Connection for an external 14.318-MHz crystal. If usingan external reference, this pin must be left unconnected.VDD_REF, VDD_3V66, VDD _PCI, VDD_48MHz, VDD_VCH, VDD_SDRAM, VDD_SDRAM 2, 10, 17, 27,35, 37, 44P 3.3V Power Connection: Power supply for core logic, PLL circuitry, SDRAMoutputs buffers, PCI output buffers, reference output buffers and 48-MHz outputbuffers. Connect to 3.3V.VDD_APIC, VDD_CPU 51, 53P 2.5V Power Connection: Power supply for APIC and CPU output buffers. Con-nect to 2.5V.OverviewThe W224 is a highly integrated frequency timing generator,supplying all the required clock sources for an Intel architec-ture platform using graphics integrated core logic.CPU/SDRAM Frequency SelectionCPU output frequency is selected through pins 28 and 29. For CPU/SDRAM frequency programming information, refer to Ta-ble 2. Alternatively, frequency selections are available through the serial data interface.Notes:2.Provided for board-level “bed of nails ” testing.3.TCLK is a test clock overdriven on the XTAL_IN input during test mode.4.Required for DC output impedance verification.5.“Normal ” mode of operation.6.Range of reference frequency allowed is min. = 14.316 MHz, nominal = 14.31818 MHz, max. = 14.32 MHz.7.Frequency accuracy of 48 MHz must be +167 PPM to match USB default.GND_REF,GND_3V66,GND_PCI,GND_PCI,GND_48MHz,GND_SDRAM,GND_SDRAM,GND_CPU,GND_APIC 5, 6, 14, 21, 24, 41, 47, 48, 56GGround Connection: Connect all ground pins to the common system ground plane.VDD_CORE 22P 3.3V Analog Power Connection: Power supply for core logic, PLL circuitry. Connect to 3.3V.GND_CORE23GAnalog Ground Connection: Ground for core logic, PLL circuitry.Pin DefinitionsPin Name Pin No.Pin Type Pin DescriptionTable 2.Frequency Select Truth TableTEST#FS1FS0CPUSDRAM3V66PCI48MHzREFAPICNotes 0X 0Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z 20X 1TCLK/2TCLK/2TCLK/3TCLK/6TCLK/2TCLK TCLK/63, 410066 MHz 100 MHz 66 MHz 33 MHz 48 MHz 14.318 MHz 33 MHz 5, 6, 7101100 MHz 100 MHz 66 MHz 33 MHz 48 MHz 14.318 MHz 33 MHz 5, 6, 7110133 MHz 133 MHz 66 MHz 33 MHz 48 MHz 14.318 MHz 33 MHz 5, 6, 7111133 MHz100 MHz66 MHz33 MHz48 MHz14.318 MHz33 MHz5, 6, 7Offsets Among Clock Signal GroupsFigure 1 and Figure 2 represent the phase relationship among the different groups of clock outputs from W224 when it is pro-viding a 66-MHz CPU clock and a 100-MHz CPU clock, re-spectively. It should be noted that when CPU clock is operating at 100 MHz, CPU clock output is 180 degrees out of phase with SDRAM clock outputs.Table 3.66 MHz Group Timing Relationships and TolerancesCPU to SDRAMCPU to 3V66SDRAM to 3V663V66 to PCI PCI to APIC USB & DOT Offset –2.5 ns 7.5 ns 0.0 ns 1.5–3.5 ns 0.0 ns Async Tolerance500 ps500 ps500 ps500 ps1.0 nsN/AFigure 1.Group Offset Waveforms (66-MHz CPU/100-MHz SDRAM Clock)0 ns 40 ns30 ns 20 ns 10 nsCPU 66-MHz SDRAM 100-MHz3V66 66-MHz PCI 33-MHz REF 14.318-MHzUSB 48-MHz DOT 48-MHzCycle RepeatsAPIC33-MHz 0 ns 40 ns30 ns 20 ns 10 nsCPU 100-MHz SDRAM 100-MHz3V66 66-MHz PCI 33-MHz REF 14.318-MHzUSB 48-MHz DOT 48-MHzCycle RepeatsAPIC33-MHz Figure 2.Group Offset Waveforms (100-MHz CPU/100-MHz SDRAM Clock)Table 4.100-MHz Group Timing Relationships and TolerancesCPU to SDRAMCPU to 3V66SDRAM to 3V663V66 to PCI PCI to APIC USB & DOT Offset 5.0 ns 5.0ns 0.0 ns 1.5–3.5 ns 0.0 ns Async Tolerance500 ps500 ps500 ps500 ps1.0 nsN/AFigure 3.Group Offset Waveforms (133-MHz CPU/100-MHz SDRAM Clock)0 ns 40 ns30 ns 20 ns 10 nsCPU 133-MHz SDRAM 100-MHz3V66 66-MHz PCI 33-MHz REF 14.318-MHzUSB 48-MHz DOT 48-MHzCycle RepeatsAPIC33-MHz Table 5.133-MHz/SDRAM 100-MHz Group Timing Relationships and TolerancesCPU toSDRAMCPU to 3V66SDRAM to 3V663V66 to PCI PCI to APIC USB & DOT Offset 0.0 ns 0.0 ns 0.0 ns 1.5–3.5 ns 0.0 ns Async Tolerance500 ps500 ps500 ps500 ps1.0 nsN/AFigure 4.Group Offset Waveforms (133-MHz CPU/133-MHz SDRAM Clock)0 ns 40 ns30 ns 20 ns 10 nsCPU 133-MHz SDRAM 133-MHz3V66 66-MHz PCI 33-MHz REF 14.318-MHzUSB 48-MHz DOT 48-MHzCycle RepeatsAPIC33-MHzPower Down ControlW224 provides one PWR_DWN# signal to place the device in low-power mode. In low-power mode, the PLLs are turned off and all clock outputs are driven LOW.Notes:8.Once the PWR_DWN# signal is sampled LOW for two consecutive rising edges of CPU, clocks of interest will be held LOW on the next HIGH-to-LOW transition.9.PWR_DWN# is an asynchronous input and metastable conditions could exist. This signal is synchronized inside W224.10.The shaded sections on the SDRAM, REF, and USB clocks indicate “don ’t care ” states.11.Diagrams shown with respect to 100 MHz. Similar operation when CPU is 66 MHz.Table 6.133 MHz/SDRAM Test Mode Group Timing Relationships and ToleranceCPU to SDRAMCPU to 3V66SDRAM to 3V663V66 to PCI PCI to APIC USB& DOT Offset 3.75 ns 0.0 ns 3.75 ns 1.5–3.5 ns 0.0 ns Async Tolerance 500 ps500 ps500 ps500 ps1.0 nsN/ATable 7.W224 Maximum Allowed CurrentW224 ConditionMax. 2.5V supply consumptionMax. discrete cap loads,V DDQ2 = 2.625VAll static inputs = V DDQ3 or V SSMax. 3.3V supply consumptionMax. discrete cap loadsV DDQ3 = 3.465VAll static inputs = V DDQ3 or V SSPowerdown Mode (PWR_DWN# = 0)< 1 mA < 1 mA Full Active 66 MHzFS1:0 = 00 (PWR_DWN# = 1)60 mA 160 mA Full Active 100 MHzFS1:0 = 01 (PWR_DWN# = 1)75 mA 160 mA Full Active 133 MHzFS1:0 = 11 (PWR_DWN# = 1)90 mA160 mAFigure 5.W224 PWR_DWN# Timing Diagram[8, 9, 10, 11]Spread Spectrum Frequency Timing GenerationThe device generates a clock that is frequency modulated in order to increase the bandwidth that it occupies. By increasing the bandwidth of the fundamental and its harmonics, the am-plitudes of the radiated electromagnetic emissions are re-duced. This effect is depicted in Figure 6.As shown in Figure 6, a harmonic of a modulated clock has a much lower amplitude than that of an unmodulated signal. The reduction in amplitude is dependent on the harmonic number and the frequency deviation or spread. The equation for the reduction is:dB = 6.5 + 9*log 10(P) + 9*log 10(F)Where P is the percentage of deviation and F is the frequency in MHz where the reduction is measured.The output clock is modulated with a waveform depicted in Figure 7. This waveform, as discussed in “Spread Spectrum Clock Generation for the Reduction of Radiated Emissions ” by Bush, Fessler, and Hardin produces the maximum reduction in the amplitude of radiated electromagnetic emissions. The deviation selected for this chip is –0.5% or -1.0% of the select-ed frequency. Figure 7 details the Cypress spreading pattern.Cypress does offer options with more spread and greater EMI reduction. Contact your local Sales representative for details on these devices.Spread Spectrum clocking is activated or deactivated by se-lecting the appropriate value for bit 3 in data byte 0 of the SMBus data stream. Refer to page 9 for more details.Figure 6.Clock Harmonic with and without SSCG Modulation Frequency Domain RepresentationSpread Spectrum EnabledEMI ReductionSpread SpectrumNon-MAX.MIN.F R E Q U E N C YFigure 7.Typical Modulation ProfileSerial Data InterfaceThe W224 features a two-pin, serial data interface that can be used to configure internal register settings that control partic-ular device functions. Data ProtocolThe clock driver serial protocol accepts only block writes from the controller. The bytes must be accessed in sequential order from lowest to highest byte with the ability to stop after any complete byte has been transferred. Indexed bytes are not allowed.A block write begins with a slave address and a write condition.After the command code the core logic issues a byte count which describes how many more bytes will follow in the mes-sage. If the host had 20 bytes to send, the first byte would be the number 20 (14h), followed by the 20 bytes of data. The byte count may not be 0. A block write command is allowed to transfer a maximum of 32 data bytes. The slave receiver ad-dress for W224 is 11010010. Figure 8 shows an example of a block write.The command code and the byte count bytes are required as the first two bytes of any transfer. W224 expects a command code of 0000 0000. The byte count byte is the number of ad-ditional bytes required for the transfer, not counting the com-mand code and byte count bytes. Additionally, the byte count byte is required to be a minimum of 1 byte and a maximum of 32 bytes to satisfy the above requirement. Table 8 shows an example of a possible byte count value.A transfer is considered valid after the acknowledge bit corre-sponding to the byte count is read by the controller.Note:12.The acknowledgment bit is returned by the slave/receiver (W224).1 bit 7 bits 118 bits 1Start bitSlave AddressR/WAckCommand CodeAckByte Count = NAck Data Byte 1Ack Data Byte 2Ack ...Data Byte NAck Stop 1 bit8 bits18 bits18 bits11Figure 8.An Example of a Block Write [12]Table 8.Example of Possible Byte Count ValueByte Count Byte NotesMSB LSB 00000000Not allowed. Must have at least one byte00000001Data for functional and frequency select register (currently byte 0 in spec)00000010Writes first two bytes of data (byte 0 then byte 1)00000011Writes first three bytes (byte 0, 1, 2 in order)00000100Writes first four bytes (byte 0, 1, 2, 3 in order)00000101Writes first five bytes (byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in order)00000110Writes first six bytes (byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in order)00000111Writes first seven bytes (byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in order)00100000Max. byte count supported = 32W224 Serial Configuration Map1.The serial bits will be read by the clock driver in the following order:Byte 0 - Bits 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0Byte 1 - Bits 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0Byte N - Bits 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 02.All unused register bits (reserved and N/A) should be writ-ten to a “0” level.3.All register bits labeled “Initialize to 0" must be written to zero during initialization. Failure to do so may result in high-er than normal operating current.13.Inactive means outputs are held LOW and are disabled from switching. These outputs are designed to be configured at power-on and are not expected to beconfigured during the normal modes of operation.Byte 0: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)[13]BitPin#NamePin DescriptionBit 736VCH (Disabled/Enabled)Bit 649CPU_F2(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 550CPU_F1(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 452CPU0(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 3-Spread Spectrum (1=On/0=Off)(Active/Inactive)Bit 226DOT (Disabled/Enabled)Bit 125USB(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 0--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Byte 1: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)[13]BitPin#NamePin DescriptionBit 7--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 6--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 539SDRAM5(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 440SDRAM4(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 342SDRAM3(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 243SDRAM2(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 145SDRAM1(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 046SDRAM0(Disabled/Enabled)Byte 2: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)[13]BitPin#NamePin DescriptionBit 793V66_AGP (Disabled/Enabled)Bit 683V66_1(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 573V66_0(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 4--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 3--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 2--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 1--Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 0--Reserved Drive to ‘0’((Active/Inactive)Byte 5 has been provided as an optional register to enable a greater degree of spread spectrum and overclocking perfor-mance for all PLL1 outputs. (CPU, SDRAM, DCLK, APIC, PCI, 3V66 and VCH_CLK)By enabling Byte 5, (bits 5 and 6) spread spectrum can be increased to –1.0% and /or overclocking of either 5% or 10% can be enabled. Although the default values are ‘0’ for all bits, the part can be placed into either Tri-State or Test Mode by programming both bits 5 and 6 to ‘1’. The part will enter this mode irrespective of pin 33, TEST#.It is not necessary to access Byte 5 if these additional features are not implemented. All outputs will default to 0% overclock-ing upon power up, with either 0% or –0.5% spread spectrum. (Spread spectrum ON/OFF remains under Byte 0, bit 3 con-trol). Note that 10% overclocking can only be enabled with Spread Spectrum turned OFF.Byte 3: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)Bit Pin#Name Pin Description Bit 7-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 620PCI6(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 519PCI5(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 418PCI4(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 316PCI3(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 215PCI2(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 113PCI1(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 0--SDRAM 133 MHz Mode EnableDefault is Disabled = ‘0’, Enabled = ‘1’(Active/Inactive)Byte 4: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)Bit Pin#Name Pin Description Bit 736VCH_CLK SSC Mode EnableDefault is Disabled = ‘0’(Disabled/Enabled)Bit 6-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 5-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 4-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 3-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 2-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 1Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 0-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive)Byte 5: Control Register (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable)Bit Pin#Name Pin Description Bit 7-Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Bit 6-Spread Spectrum and Overclocking ModeSelect. See Table 9(Active/Inactive)Bit 5-(Active/Inactive) Bit 4-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive) Bit 3-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive) Bit 2-Reserved Drive to ’0’(Active/Inactive) Bit 1Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive) Bit 0-Reserved Drive to ‘0’(Active/Inactive)Note:14.Overclocking not tested; characterized at room temperature only. Base Frequency determined through hardware select pins, FS0 & FS1.Table 9.Spread Spectrum and Overclocking Mode Select [14]Byte 0Byte 5SS %Overclock %Description and CommentsBit 3Bit 5Bit 6Spread Spectrum ON00–0.5%0%No overclocking 01–1.0% 0%No overclocking10–0.5%5%[14]11–1.0% 5%[14]Spread Spectrum OFF00-0%01-10%[13]10-5%[14]11Three-state or Test ModeMode determined by FS0 (see Table 1)DC Electrical Characteristics [15]Note:15.Multiple Supplies: The voltage on any input or I/O pin cannot exceed the power pin during power-up. Power supply sequencing is NOT required. 16.Input Leakage Current does not include inputs with pull-up or pull-down resistors.Absolute Maximum DC Power SupplyParameter DescriptionMin.Max.Unit V DD3 3.3V Core Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6V V DDQ2 2.5V I/O Supply Voltage –0.5 3.6V V DDQ3 3.3V Supply Voltage –0.5 4.6V T SStorage Temperature–65150°CAbsolute Maximum DC I/OParameter DescriptionMin.Max.Unit V ih3 3.3V Input High Voltage –0.5 4.6V V il3 3.3V Input Low Voltage –0.5V ESD prot.Input ESD Protection2000VDC Operating RequirementsParameter DescriptionCondition Min.Max.Unit V DD3 3.3V Core Supply Voltage 3.3V±5% 3.135 3.465V V DDQ3 3.3V I/O Supply Voltage 3.3V±5% 3.135 3.465V V DDQ22.5V I/O Supply Voltage2.5V±5%2.3752.625VV DD3 = 3.3V±5%V ih3 3.3V Input High Voltage V DD32.0V DD + 0.3V V il33.3V Input Low Voltage V SS – 0.30.8V I ilInput Leakage Current [16]0<V in <V DD3–5+5µAV DDQ2 = 2.5V±5%V oh2 2.5V Output High Voltage I oh =(–1 mA) 2.0V V ol22.5V Output Low VoltageI ol =(1 mA)0.4VV DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%V oh3 3.3V Output High Voltage I oh =(–1 mA) 2.4V V ol33.3V Output Low VoltageI ol =(1 mA)0.4VV DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%V poh3PCI Bus Output High Voltage I oh =(–1 mA) 2.4V V pol3PCI Bus Output Low Voltage I ol =(1 mA)0.55V C in Input Pin Capacitance 5pF C xtal Xtal Pin Capacitance 13.522.5pF C out Output Pin Capacitance 6pF L pin Pin Inductance 07nH T aAmbient TemperatureNo Airflow070°CAC Electrical Characteristics[15]T A = 0°C to +70°C, V DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%, V DDQ2= 2.5V±5%f XTL = 14.31818 MHzSpread Spectrum function turned offAC clock parameters are tested and guaranteed over stated operating conditions using the stated lump capacitive load at the clock output.[17]AC Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Description 66.6-MHz Host100-MHz Host133-MHz HostUnit Notes Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.T Period Host/CPUCLK Period15.015.510. HIGH Host/CPUCLK High Time 5.2N/A 3.0N/A 1.87N/A ns16T LOW Host/CPUCLK Low Time 5.0N/A 2.8N/A 1.67N/A ns17T RISE Host/CPUCLK Rise Time0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T FALL Host/CPUCLK Fall Time0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T Period SDRAM CLK Period (100-MHz)10.010.510.010.510.010.5ns17T HIGH SDRAM CLK High Time (100-MHz) 3.0N/A 3.0N/A 3.0N/A ns16T LOW SDRAM CLK Low Time (100-MHz) 2.8N/A 2.8N/A 2.8N/A ns17T RISE SDRAM CLK Rise Time (100-MHz)0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T FALL SDRAM CLK Fall Time (100-MHz)0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T Period APIC 33-MHz CLK Period30.0N/A30.0N/A30.0N/A ns17T HIGH APIC 33-MHz CLK High Time12.0N/A12.0N/A12.0N/A ns16T LOW APIC 33-MHz CLK Low Time12.0N/A12.0N/A12.0N/A ns17T RISE APIC CLK Rise Time0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T FALL APIC CLK Fall Time0.4 1.60.4 1.60.4 1.6ns19T Period3V66 CLK Period15. HIGH3V66 CLK High Time 5.25N/A 5.25N/A 5.25N/A ns16T LOW3V66 CLK Low Time 5.05N/A 5.05N/A 5.05N/A ns17T RISE3V66 CLK Rise Time0.5 2.00.5 2.00.5 2.0ns19T FALL3V66 CLK Fall Time0.5 2.00.5 2.00.5 2.0ns19T Period PCI CLK Period30.0N/A30.0N/A30.0N/A17T HIGH PCI CLK High Time12.0N/A12.0N/A12.0N/A16T LOW PCI CLK Low Time12.0N/A12.0N/A12.0N/A17T RISE PCI CLK Rise Time0.5 2.00.5 2.00.5 2.019T FALL PCI CLK Fall Time0.5 2.00.5 2.00.5 2.019tp ZL, tp ZH Output Enable Delay (All outputs) 1.010.0 1.010.0 1.010.0nstp LZ, tp ZH Output Disable Delay (All outputs) 1.010.0 1.010.0 1.010.0nst stable All Clock Stabilization from Power-Up333ms18 Notes:17.Period, jitter, offset, and skew measured on rising edge at 1.25 for 2.5V clocks and at 1.5V for 3.3V clocks.18.T HIGH is measured at 2.0V for 2.5V outputs, 2.4V for 3.3V outputs.19.T LOW is measured at 0.4V for all outputs.20.The time specified is measured from when V DDQ3 achieves its nominal operating level (typical condition V DDQ3 = 3.3V) until the frequency output is stableand operating within specification.21.T RISE and T FALL are measured as a transition through the threshold region V ol = 0.4V and V oh = 2.0V (1 mA) JEDEC specification for 2.5V outputs and V OL= 0.4V and V OH = 2.4V for 3.3V outputs.Group Skew and Jitter Limits Output GroupPin-Pin Skew Max.Cycle-Cycle JitterDuty Cycle Nom Vdd Skew, Jitter Measure PointCPU 150 ps 250 ps 45/55 2.5V 1.25V SDRAM 250 ps 250 ps 45/55 3.3V 1.5V APIC 250 ps 500 ps 45/55 2.5V 1.25V 48MHz N/A 500 ps 45/553.3V 1.5V 3V66175 ps 500 ps 45/55 3.3V 1.5V PCI 500 ps 500 ps 45/55 3.3V 1.5V REF N/A 1000 ps 45/55 3.3V 1.5V VCH_CLKN/A250ps45/553.3V1.5V2.5V Clocking3.3V Clocking RISEFALLInterfaceInterfaceFigure 9.Output BufferOrdering InformationOrdering Code Package NamePackage TypeW224BH X56-pin SSOP (7.5 mm)56-pin TSSOP (6.1 mm)Layout ExampleG = VIA to GND plane layer V =VIA to respective supply plane layer Note: Each supply plane or strip should have a ferrite bead and capacitorsFB = Dale ILB1206 - 300 (300Ω @ 100 MHz)Ceramic Caps: C1, C3 & C5 = 10-22 µF C2 & C4 = 0.005 µF C6 = 0.1 µFPackage Diagrams56-Pin Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP, 6.1 mm)Package Diagrams (continued)56-Pin Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP, 7.5 mm)Summary of nominal dimensions in inches:Body Width: 0.296Lead Pitch: 0.025Body Length: 0.725Body Height: 0.102Revision HistoryDocument Title: W224B 133-MHz Spread Spectrum FTG for Mobile Pentium III Platforms Document Number: 38-07191REV.ECN NO.IssueDateOrig. ofChange Description of Change**11059212/16/01DSG Change from Spec number: 38-00926 to 38-07191*A12282212/22/02RBI Add Power up Requirements to Electrical Characteristics Information。





产品尺寸:高度26.5mm 厚度7mm 宽度16.5mm 引线间距22.5mm 引线长度:3~20mm 引线直径 0.8mm(有多种尺寸,这仅是列出其中一种的尺寸)
额定电压:310VAC 350VAC 380VAC
损耗角正切:tanδ≤0.0010 1KHz
绝缘电阻:IR≥15000MΩ IR≥6000S(MΩ/μF)温度范围:-40℃~+110℃。



System Setup Setup: 1x2 WAY XOVER * Setup: 4 WAY XOVER
Input Routing
Source: Analog
Sourcቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ: Digital
Power-On Procedure
Fade-In: On
Fade-In: Off
Delay Units
: 20kHz
[BW] 0.05
[Amp.] -15.0 dB :
: +15.0 dB
If through the PM2, being the filter's gain = 0.0dB, has been selected a Low Shelving filter, just defining its Slope (1st or 2nd order available, -6dB or -12dB), then the Low Shelving filter can be set by the following parameters
Lock Unit
User Password
Enable Password
PM2 or PM3 Encoder [to chose option, then ENTER to load it; (*) indicates the selected option]
Unit: Time(ms)

VersaMax 24VDC输入模块(2008年10月GFK-2546)说明书

VersaMax 24VDC输入模块(2008年10月GFK-2546)说明书
Configurable filter time
Input impedance
0 to +30VDC,+24VDC nominal +15 to +30VDC 0 to +5VDC 2.0 to 5.5mA 0 to 0.5mA 0.5ms maximum
0 ms, 1.0ms (default), or 7.0ms
IC200MDL650, BXIOID3224: See chart
Configuration parameters
Input response times
Input Characteristics来自Input voltage
On state voltage
Off state voltage On state current Off state current On response time Off response time
Installation in Hazardous Locations



第一章PLC的硬件与工作原理一、填空题1、 PLC主要由CPU、 I/O、储存器和通信模块等组成。



4、若梯形图中输出Q的线圈断电”,对应的过程映像输出寄存器为 OFF状态, 在修改输出阶段后,继电器型输出模块中对应的硬件继电器的线圈断电,其常开触点断开,外部负载不工作。


6 PLC 一般能(能,不能)为外部传感器提供 24V直流电源。

7、 PLC的输出接口类型有继电器,晶闸管与场效应晶体管。

8、 PLC的软件系统可分为系统程序和用户程序两大部分。


10、PLC采用_循环扫描-工作方式,其过程可分为五个阶段: 一自诊断检杳一,通信处理,输入采样,执行用户程序_和输出改写_,称为一个扫描周期。

11、将编程器内编写的程序写入 PLC时,PLC必须处在_STOP模式。

二、简答题1、在复杂的电气控制中,采用 PLC控制与传统的继电器控制有哪些优越性?2、什么是可编程控制器?它的特点是什么?3、 PLC控制系统与传统的继电器控制系统有何区别?4、 PLC数字量输出接口按输出开关器件的种类不同,有哪几种类型?它们各有什么特点?5、简述PLC的扫描工作过程。

6为什么PLC中软继电器的触点可无数次使用?7、 PLC按I/O点数和结构形式可分为几类?8、PLC执行程序是以循环扫描方式进行的,请问每一扫描过程分为哪几个阶段?三、判断题1、PLC的输入电路均采用光电耦合隔离方式。





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Capacitance ( pF ) 560000 680000 1000000
V7X103 -C-10 V7X123 -C-10 V7X153 -C-10 V7X183 -C-10 V7X223 -C-10 V7X273 -C-10 V7X333 -C-10 V7X393 -C-10 V7X473 -C-10 V7X563 -C-10 V7X683 -C-10 V7X104 -C-10 V7X124 -C-10 V7X154 -C-10 V7X184 -C-10 V7X224 -C-10 V7X274 -C-10 V7X334 -C-10 V7X394 -C-10 V7X474 -C-10 Tolerance code : : C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.50pF J : ±5% K : ±10% M : ±20%
6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : ( Rated Voltage : 1KVdc ) Part Number V7X221 -J-10 V7X271 -J-10 V7X331 -J-10 V7X391 -J-10 V7X471 -J-10 V7X561 -J-10 V7X681 -J-10 V7X102 -J-10 V7X122 -J-10 V7X152 -J-10 V7X182 -J-10 V7X222 -J-10 V7X272 -J-10 V7X332 -J-10 V7X392 -J-10 V7X472 -J-10 V7X562 -J-10 V7X682 -J-10 V7X103 -J-10 V7X123 -J-10 Tolerance code : : C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.50pF J : ±5% K : ±10% M : ±20% Capacitance ( pF ) 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 6800 10000 12000 Part Number V7X153 -J-10 V7X183 -J-10 V7X223 -J-10 V7X273 -J-10 V7X333 -J-10 V7X393 -J-10 V7X473 -J-10 V7X563 -J-10 V7X683 -J-10 V7X104 -J-10
PG. 5
6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : ( Rated Voltage : 2KVdc ) Part Number Capacitance ( pF ) 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700
PG. 2
6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : ( Rated Voltage : 250Vdc ) Part Number Capacitance ( pF ) 10000 12000 15000 18000 22000 27000 33000 39000 47000 56000 68000 100000 120000 150000 180000 220000 270000 330000 390000 470000 Part Number
5. GENERAL SPECIFICATION : a) Storage temp. : +5°C to +40°C b) Operating temp. : -55°C to +125°C c) Resistance to solder heat : 260°C.10secs
NOTE : Specifications subject to change without notice. Please check our website for latest information.
V7X271 -L-10 V7X331 -L-10 V7X391 -L-10 V7X471 -L-10 V7X561 -L-10 V7X681 -L-10 V7X821 -L-10 V7X102 -L-10 V7X122 -L-10 V7X152 -L-10 V7X182 -L-10 V7X222 -L-10 V7X272 -L-10 V7X332 -L-10 V7X392 -L-10 V7X472 -L-10 Tolerance code : : C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.50pF J : ±5% K : ±10% M : ±20%
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
(a) Chip Size (b) Temp. Coefficient : X ( ±15% ) ( Temp. range : -55°C to +125°C ) (c) Capacitance code : 103 = 10000pF
Capacitance ( pF ) 15000 18000 22000 27000 33000 39000 47000 56000 68000 100000
NOTE : Specifications subject to change without notice. Please check our website for latest information.
(d) Tolerance code (e) Voltage code : B = 200Vdc (f) 10 : Lead Free
PCB Pattern Unit:m/m
4.60±0.30 3.20±0.30 3.00 Max.
PG. 1
6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : ( Rated Voltage : 200Vdc ) Part Number V7X103 -B-10 V7X123 -B-10 V7X153 -B-10 V7X183 -B-10 V7X223 -B-10 V7X273 -B-10 V7X333 -B-10 V7X393 -B-10 V7X473 -B-10 V7X563 -B-10 V7X683 -B-10 V7X104 -B-10 V7X124 -B-10 V7X154 -B-10 V7X184 -B-10 V7X224 -B-10 V7X274 -B-10 V7X334 -B-10 V7X394 -B-10 V7X474 -B-10 Tolerance code : : C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.50pF J : ±5% K : ±10% M : ±20% Capacitance ( pF ) 10000 12000 15000 18000 22000 27000 33000 39000 47000 56000 68000 100000 120000 150000 180000 220000 270000 330000 390000 470000 Part Number V7X564 -B-10 V7X684 -B-10 V7X105 -B-10 V7X155 -B-10 V7X225 -B-10
V7X564 -C-10 V7X684 -C-10 V7X105 -C-10
NOTE : Specifications subject to change without notice. Please check our website for latest information.
Capacitance ( pF ) 560000 680000 1000000 1500000 2200000
NOTE : Specifications subject to change without notice. Please check our website for latest information.
PG. 3
6. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS : ( Rated Voltage : 500Vdc ) Part Number Capacitance ( pF ) 10000 12000 15000 18000 22000 27000 33000 39000 47000 56000 68000 100000 120000 150000 180000 220000
NOTE : Specifications subject to change without notice. Please check our website for latest informatioCTRONICS (S) PTE LTD