



英语口语8000句:在工作单位相关句型●在办公室赶上了!I made it! *能够用于上班、上学和坐车时的情况。

I made it! (我赶上了!)Not quite. (那可未必。

)I'm on time!I arrived on time! (正点到达。


Be punctual!Be punctual! (要严格遵守时间。

)Yes, sir.(是,知道了。


You are late again.我只迟到了5分钟。

I was only late by five minutes.I was only five minutes late.打出勤卡了吗?Did you punch in? *上班时。

Did you punch out? *下班时。


Let me check my schedule.Can we meet on Tuesday? (星期二我们能够见面吗?)Let me check my schedule. (让我看看我的日程安排。

)Let me look over my schedule.Let me confirm my schedule.我有好多事要干。

I've got so much to do.I've got so much to do. (我有好多事要干。

)Don't worry. You can do it. (不用担心,你完全能干好!)I have so much to do.I have many things to do.I'm extremely busy. (我非常忙。


I'm pressed for time.我是个普通的公司职员。

I'm an ordinary office worker. *ordinary“平凡,普通”。

“男职员”、“女职员”均用an office worker表示。


[03:41.68]I'm too busy to bother with such details. (我太忙了,顾不上那么琐碎的事。 )
[03:52.91]I'm so busy, I'd really appreciate any help I could get.(我忙得四脚朝天。)
[04:03.80]Don't slack off! (别偷懒! )
[01:48.98]Our boss has been fired. (我们的上司被解雇了。)
[01:57.48]Please staple these together. (请把这个订在一起。 )
[02:05.67]Would you copy these papers? (能帮我复印一下这份材料吗? )
[07:10.61]Are you working overtime tonight? (今晚你加班吗?)
[07:18.63]Business is business. (工作就是工作,不能讲私情。 )
[07:26.64]He's a hard worker. (他是个努力工作的人。 )
[07:33.20]You're overworking. (你超负荷工作了。 )
[02:14.59]This copy machine doesn't work.(复印机有毛病了。 )
[02:22.79]I think it ran out of paper. (我想复印机是没纸了。)
[02:31.23]When is this due? (付款截止到什么时候?)
[02:37.95]It's due on the thirtieth.(付款日期截止到30号。 )





一、申请背景1. 个人基本情况我是一名具有[您的学历]的[您的专业]专业人才,曾在[您的毕业院校]接受教育,并于[毕业时间]顺利毕业。


2. 工作经历自[工作时间]起,我在[工作单位]担任[您的职位]一职。



3. 出国原因为拓展国际视野,提升自身专业能力,我决定前往贵国寻求更好的发展机会。



二、工作单位及职位1. 公司名称:[贵公司名称]2. 公司简介:[贵公司简介,包括公司规模、业务范围、发展状况等]3. 职位名称:[具体职位]4. 职位简介:[具体职位职责、要求等]三、出国计划1. 出国时间:[计划出国时间]2. 在国外停留时间:[预计停留时间,如:1年、2年等]3. 在国外工作地点:[具体工作地点]4. 在国外生活安排:[住宿、交通、娱乐等生活安排]四、回国计划在完成国外工作后,我计划于[回国时间]回国。


五、经济来源1. 在国外工作期间,我将通过以下途径获得经济来源:(1)工资收入:在[贵公司名称]担任[具体职位],按照公司规定领取工资。


2. 回国后,我将通过以下途径获得经济来源:(1)继续在[工作单位]工作,按照公司规定领取工资。



名片-英语第一章名片概述名片(business card, 又称name card、visit card,或简称card), 是现代商务活动和社会交往中必不可少的工具,它既可作为自我介绍的重要手段,又可长期保存以备日后通联之用。


目前我国涉外人员使用的名片多以中英对照形式出现,以下是一张普通的商务名片:CARD FRONT(名片正面)(略)一张典型的名片上,一般由以下七个部分组成:1.姓名(Name):一般使用汉语拼音, 也有混合使用英文名+汉语姓的,详见第二章;2.称谓(Title):一般放在姓名后面,可能是官阶(Rank)、职位(Position)、职业(Job)、职称(Technical Title)、荣誉称号(Honorary Title)等,详见第五章;3.单位(Work Unit):详见第四章;4.部门(Department):一般跟在工作单位后面或跟称谓语组合在一起,详见第四章;5.地址(Address):包括邮编,通常在具体地址前加引语,英国人喜用Address, 美国人常用Location,详见第三章;6.其它通联资料,包括电话(Tel)、电子信箱(Email)、网址等,详见第六章;7.银行帐号(A/C No.)等,详见第六章。

8.经营项目(Business Lines;Business Scope):由于篇幅所限,本书不作详述。

第二章姓名英译2.1 英语姓名结构英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名(中名)+姓。

如 George Walker Bush (中译:乔治o沃克o布什)。

George 是教名(Given Name),按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候,由其牧师或父母亲朋为其取的名字,有点像中国的小名(乳名),但它是要叫一辈子的。



单位对我工作的认可英语作文英文回答:I am deeply honored and grateful to receive this recognition from my esteemed colleagues. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication I have put into my role, and a reflection of the collaborative spirit within our team.Throughout my tenure here, I have been consistently driven by a passion for excellence, a commitment to innovation, and a desire to make a meaningful contribution.I have approached each project with enthusiasm and a tireless work ethic, striving to deliver exceptionalresults that exceed expectations.I am particularly proud of my role in leading several key initiatives that have had a transformative impact on our organization. By working closely with colleagues across multiple departments, I have been able to fosterinterdisciplinary collaboration and drive meaningful change.Beyond my specific accomplishments, I am equally proudof the positive and supportive work environment I have helped to create. I believe that a culture of respect, open communication, and mutual support is essential for a high-performing team.I am immensely grateful to my colleagues for their mentorship, guidance, and unwavering support. I have grown both professionally and personally during my time here, and I owe much of my success to the exceptional individuals I have the privilege of working with.Looking ahead, I am excited about the opportunity to continue contributing to the success of our organization. I am committed to embracing new challenges, exploring innovative ideas, and working collaboratively to achieveour shared goals.Once again, thank you for this recognition. It is a source of immense pride and motivation, and it will inspireme to continue striving for excellence in all that I do.中文回答:我非常荣幸并感激收到我们尊敬的同事们的认可。



●在办公室I made it!赶上了!Not quite. 那可未必。

I'm on time! /I arrived on time!Be punctual!要严格遵守时间。

You are late again.I was only late by five minutes.I was only five minutes late.Did u punch in/out? 打卡了吗?*上下班时Can we meet on Tuesday?Let me check my schedule.Let me look over my schedule.Let me confirm my schedule.I've got so much to do. 我有好多事要干Don't worry. You can do it.I have so much to do.I have many things to do.I'm extremely busy.I'm pressed for time. 我的时间安排很紧I'm an ordinary office worker.I do office work.I'm a regular office worker.The work doesn't need much effort.Lucky you! 你太幸运了It's an easy job.Don't neglect your duties! 干活别偷懒。

Okay. I won't.I'm in charge of the west side.I'm responsible for the west side.I'm done with the work. --Already?I'm finished with the work.I'm all done with the work.I can still work for a long time.I'll be able to work for many more years.I still have many years of work.Our boss has been fired.You're kidding! 你不是在开玩笑吧!Our boss has been dismissed.Our boss has been let go.Please staple these together. 请把这个订在一起*stapler 是“订书器”。




1、封面1.1 单位:填写吐哈油田公司xx 单位,如:吐哈油田公司矿区服务事业部新闻中心。

1.2 现任专业技术职务:填写现具备的专业技术职务任职资格。


1.3 参评任职资格:本次申报评定的××专业任职资格。


2、基本情况2.1 出生日期:“出生日期”按公历填写到日。

年份一律用4 位数字表示,月份和日期一律用2 位数字表示,如“1982 年05 月11 日”。

2.2 出生地(籍贯):填写出生的省、市(县、)乡。

2.3 学历、学位:填写符合参评专业技术职务任职资格所规定的并经国家教委认定的国民教育系列学历、学位。


2.4 学校、专业:填写本人毕业院校和所学专业的全称。

2.5 毕业时间、学制:公历填写至月。


2.6 身体状况:填写健康、一般、较差。

2.7 照片:粘贴近三年1 寸正面免冠照片。

2.8 外语程度:填写所懂外语语种及听、说、读、写的程度:英语(俄语、日语等),熟练(比较熟练、借助工具书)翻译(阅读)本专业技术资料(科普文章),听力(口语、写作能力)较强(一般、较差)。

2.9 现任专业技术职务及任职时间:填写本聘期所任专业技术职务,任职时间、聘期、工作单位。

2.10 现从事何种专业技术工作、岗位:填写本聘期所任专业技术职务的专业、岗位名称。

2.11 何时加入中国共产党(共青团)任何职务:填写加入时间、现任(或曾任)职务。

如1974 年7 月加入中国共产党,现任党支部书记。

2.12 何时何地参加何民主党派、任何职务:填写所加入党派的时间、地点、名称、担任职务。



单位符号的英语说法1/2 = a (or one) half1/3 = a (or one) third1/4 = a quarter or one fouth1/5 = a (or one) fifth2/3 = two thirds9/10 = nine tenths53/4 = five and three quarters15/64= fifteen over (or by) sixty-four 15% = fifteen per cent4‰ = four per millR’ R primeR” R double prime, R second primeR1 R sub one100° C one hundred degrees Centigrade + plus; positive- m inus; negative´ multiplied by; times¸ divided by± plus or minus= is equal to; equalsº is identically equal to» is approximately equal to( ) round brackets; parentheses[ ] square brackets{ } bracesa>>b a is much greater than ba³ b a is greater than or equal to baµ b a varies directly as blognX logX to the base nthe cubic root of xthe nth root of xx2 x square, x squared, the square of xXn X to n factors; the nth power of x; x to the power nx -8 x to the m inus eighth powerï xï the absolute value of xthe m ean value of Xthe sum of the term s indicated; summation ofD x or d x the increment of xdx differential xdy/dx the first derivative of y with respect to xò integral¥ infinity1/2 a half; one half2/3 two thirds5/123 five over a hundred and twenty-threeeight and three over fourths; eight and three quarters0.01 O point O one; zero point zero one; nought point nought one6 % 6 percent3‰ 3 per mille2 :3 the ratio of two to threer=xd r equals x multiplied by d5´ 2=10 five tim es two equals tenx3/8=y2 x raised to the third power divided by eight equals y squared (a+b-c´ d)/e=f a plus b minus c multiplied by d, all divided by e equals f y = (Wt-W)/x y equals W sub t minus W over x符号的英文读法.period 句号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号,comma 逗号<is less than 小于号:colon 冒号>is m ore than 大于号;semicolon 分号≮is not less than 不小于号!exclam ation 惊叹号≯is not m ore than 不大于号question mark 问号≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ̄hyphen 连字符≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号' apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号%per cent 百分之…- dash 破折号‰ per mill 千分之…' ' single quotation m arks 单引号∞ infinity 无限大号double quotation marks 双引号∝varies as 与…成比例( ) parentheses 圆括号√ (square) root 平方根[ ] square brackets 方括号∵since; because 因为《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号∴hence 所以... ellipsis 省略号∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例¨ tandem colon 双点号∠angle 角ditto 双点号≲semicircle 半圆‖parallel 双线号≰circle 圆/virgule 斜线号○ circum ference 圆周&am persand = andπ pi 圆周率~swung dash 代字号△triangle 三角形§ section; division 分节号≱perpendicular to 垂直于→arrow 箭号;参见号∪union of 并,合集+plus 加号;正号∩intersection of 交,通集-minus 减号;负号∫ the integral of …的积分± plus or minus 正负号( ∑ sigma) summation of 总和× is m ultiplied by 乘号° degree 度÷ is divided by 除号′ minute 分=is equal to 等于号″ second 秒≠ is not equal to 不等于号#number …号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号℃Celsius system摄氏度≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号@at 单价Pronunciation of Numerals 数词的读法----------------------------------------------------------------------1.Cardinals and Ordinals 基数和序数(1)100以内的数词基数序数Roman ArabicNumerals Numerals罗马数字阿拉伯数字读法数码读法I 1 one 1st the firstII 2 two 2nd the secondIII 3 three 3rd the thirdIV 4 four 4th the fourthV 5 five 5th the fifthVI 6 six 6th the sixt hVII 7 seven 7th the seventhVIII 8 eight 8th the eighthIX 9 nine 9th the ninthX 10 ten 10th the tenthXI 11 eleven 11th the eleventhXII 12 twelve 12th the twelfthXIII 13 thirteen 13th the thirteenthXIV 14 fourteen 14th the fourteenthXV 15 fifteen 15th the fifteenthXVI 16 sixteen 16th the sixteenthXVII 17 seventeen 17th the seventeenth XVIII 18 eighteen 18th the eighteenthXIX 19 nineteen 19th the nineteenthXX 20 twenty 20th the twentiethXXI 21 twenty-one 21st the twenty-first XXV 25 twenty-five 25th the twenty-fifth XXX 30 thirty 30th the thirtiethXL 40 forty 40th the fortiethL 50 fifty 50th the fiftiethLX 60 sixty 60th the sixtiethLXX 70 seventy 70th the seventiethLXXX 80 eighty 80th the eightiethXC 90 ninety 90th the ninetiethIC 99 ninety-nine 99th the ninety-ninthC 100 one hundred 100th the hundredthCII 102 a hundred 102nd the (one) hundred and two and second246 two hundred and forty-six751 seven hundred and fifty-one(2)1000以上的数词1,000 = one thousand 一千10,000 = ten thousand 一万100,000 = one hundred thousand 十万1,000,000 = one million 一百万10,000,000 = ten million 一千万100,000,000=one hundred million 一亿(3)十亿以上的大数,英美有不同的读法:英国美国十亿one thousand million = one billion百亿ten thousand million = ten billion千亿one hundred thousand million = one hundred billion万亿one billion = one trillion2.Fractions 分数通常将分子读为基数,将分母读为序数。




工作单位的英文说法Work unit英 [wə:k ˈju:nit]美 [wɚk ˈjunɪt]工作单位相关英文表达工作单位及地址 Unit's name and Address全日工作单位 full-time job工作单位电话 Business phone number默认的工作单位 Default Working Units现工作单位 Current employer作者工作单位 authors affiliation工作单位英文说法例句1. He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace.他想在自己银行离工作单位最近的网点开一个账户。

2. My first job was to collect and organise a working team.我第一件事是集合与组织一个工作单位.3. A task whose unit of work is represented by an element ina queue.用队列中的一个元素来表示其工作单位的任务.4. It took me more than an hour to get home form work.我从工作单位回家需要一个多钟头.5. Successful order management experience of author's company is also introduced.介绍笔者所在工作单位在定单管理中的成功经验.6. Working unit: Have a meal only, and, you should pay.工作单位: 只有一顿饭, 而且, 你要付钱.7. What contribution did you make to your current organization?你对目前的工作单位有何贡献?8. Working unit: You cannot communicate with your family and friend even.工作单位: 你甚至不能和你的家人和朋友通话.9. How far can you advance with your current employer?你在现在的工作单位会有多大发展?10. What is the lunch - hour policy at your new job?你的新工作单位对午饭有什么规定?11. The patent application rights for professional inventions belong to the work unit.职务发明的专利申请权属于工作单位.12. You can ask your employer to apply for residence permits for you.申请居留许可,可以由工作单位代办.13. What contribution did you make to your current previous organization?你对目前从前的工作单位有何贡献?14. A lifelong learning policy requires cooperation between institutions and the workplace.终生学习政策需要学校及工作单位互相配合.15. Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.现在请你谈谈你在工作单位的业绩.工作地点的英语例句1. His children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work.孩子们很少在父亲的工作地点看到他.2. He regularly drove from his home to his place ofemployment.他定期开车往返于家和工作地点之间。







参考译文:White Collars jostle to increase soft power at any costVying at social gatherings for a show to add luster to their professional image, white collars now jostle to learn songs and juggles that might cost up to RMB1,000. It costs some an arm and a leg to increase their "soft power" and sharpen their competitive edge at work。

Faced with fierce competition, employees rely on interesting "soft skills" to help relieve pressure, to be more communicative and confident, and to live a better life, analysts say. Though priority is given to such hard power as higher learning certificates and working experiences at an interview, employees with soft power stands out unexpectedly later at work among others, by virtue of their personal charm embodied in singing, lecturing and conjuring。



日常生活短句_在工作单位在办公室I made it.2.要严格遵守时间。

Be punctual.3.你又迟到了。

You are late again.4.我只迟到了五分钟。

I was only late by five minutes.5.打出勤卡了吗?Did you punch in?Did you punch out?6.让我看看我的日程安排。

Let me check my schedule.7.我有好多事要干。

I’ve got so much to do.8.我的时间安排很紧。

I’m pressed for time.9.我是个普通的公司职员。

I’m an ordinary office worker.10.这工作不太费事。

The work doesn’t need much effort.11.干活别偷懒。

Don’t neglect your duties.12.西区由我负责。

I’m in charge of the west side. 13.我已经结束那项工作了。

I’m done with the work.14.我还能工作好长时间呢。

I can still work for a long time.15.我们的上司被解雇了。

Our boss has been fired.16.请把这个钉在一起。

Please staple these together.17.能帮我复印一下这份材料吗?Would you copy these papers?18.复印机有毛病了。

This copy machine doesn’t work.19.我想复印机是没纸了。

I think it ran out of paper.20. 付款截止到什么时候?When is this due?21. 付款日期截止到30号。

It’s due on the thirtieth.22. 我们休息一会儿吧。

Let’s take a break.23. 能帮我倒杯咖啡吗?Get me a cup of coffee, will you? 24. 您想喝杯咖啡吗?Would you like some coffee?25. 那真是太好了。



单位对我工作的认可英语作文英文回答:I am truly humbled and honored to receive such recognition for my work from my esteemed colleagues. The respect and appreciation you have bestowed upon me is a testament to the collaborative spirit and unwavering support that permeates our workplace.This recognition is not merely a personal accolade; it is a reflection of the collective efforts, dedication, and hard work of every member of our team. Together, we have overcome challenges, achieved milestones, and made significant contributions to the success of our organization.Your belief in my abilities has fueled my passion and determination. It has inspired me to strive for excellence in all that I do, knowing that my work is valued and appreciated. This recognition will serve as a constantreminder of the positive impact I have made and the unwavering support I have received from my colleagues.I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such a talented and supportive team. Your mentorship, guidance, and unwavering encouragement havebeen invaluable to my professional growth and development. Together, we will continue to push boundaries, innovate,and make meaningful contributions to our field.Thank you for this exceptional honor. It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic and inspiring work environment.中文回答:我非常荣幸和自豪能够从尊敬的同事那里得到对我工作的认可。



工作经历的英文单词单词:work experience1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:一个人在工作过程中所积累的知识、技能和经验等。

1.3英文释义:The knowledge, skills, and experiences that a person has accumulated during the course of working.1.4相关词汇:job experience(近义词)、employment history(近义词)、work background(近义词)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“work”源自古英语“weorc”,表示做某事的行为或努力;“experience”源于拉丁语“experientia”,表示通过尝试或遭受而获得的知识。

合起来“work experience”就表示在工作中的经历和体验。




3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) relevant work experience:相关工作经历例句:Most of the applicants lack relevant work experience.翻译:大多数申请者缺乏相关工作经历。

(2) work experience program:工作体验项目例句:Thepany offers a work experience program for students every summer.翻译:公司每年夏天为学生提供一个工作体验项目。

(3) gain work experience:获得工作经验例句:He went abroad to gain work experience.翻译:他出国去获得工作经验。



在家办公WorkingfromHome英语作文在家办公 Working from Home英语作文1. 现在有些单位开始允许员工在家办公2. 在家办公的好处3. 这种现象可能产生的影响在家办公 Working from Home 英语作文范文:Certain panies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as their working base for at least part of the week nowadays. Some offer some forms of remote working support to their work-forces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers.某些公司,特别是一些小规模的企业,开始鼓励他们的员工工作,从家里或使用他们的工作基地,因为他们的工作基地,至少一周的今天。


This work pattern is popular because it’s clear that there are a number of benefits for these panies. First, it helps retain employees, especially highly- qualified working parents with childcare responsibilities. Second, it brings higher productivity because the employees have fewer interruptions and less muting time. Last but not least it offers savings on premises and other facilities.这种工作模式很受欢迎,因为很明显,这些公司有很多好处。






1. USD –美元USD是“United States Dollar”的缩写,代表美元。



2. GBP –英镑GBP是“British Pound”的缩写,代表英镑。



3. EUR –欧元EUR是“Euro”的缩写,代表欧元。


4. JPY –日元JPY是“Japanese Yen”的缩写,代表日元。


5. CNY –人民币CNY是“Chinese Yuan”的缩写,代表人民币。


除了上述几种货币单位外,还有一些其他的报价单位常见于商务谈判中:6. FOB –离岸价FOB是“Free on Board”的缩写,指明卖方将货物交付到指定船舶上的费用。


7. CIF –成本加保险费CIF是“Cost, Insurance and Freight”的缩写,指明卖方将货物交付到指定目的港口的总费用。


8. EXW –工厂交货EXW是“Ex Works”的缩写,指明卖方将货物交付给买方的费用。




工作证明范本(中英文版)篇一:工作证明范本(中英文版)工作证明范本(中英文版)兹证明同志,身份证号码,自年月日在 (单位)作为 (职位)工作至今。

特此证明(单位)年月日date: to whom it may concern,this is to certify that has been working in shanghai fu xuan-jie & associates law office as lawyer assistant intern for year(s), since .sincerely yours,(company)篇二:工作证明中英文模版工作证明信兹证明 ***小姐(1988年10月15日出生)自2011年4月进入我单位工作。



特此证明!证明人:杨洋职位:人事主管部门:人力资源部联系电话:*****************上海景域国际旅游运营集团驴妈妈旅游网201**年**月**日Work CertificateThis is to certify that Miss***** (born on 15/10/1988) has been employed by our Office since 04/2011. Now, she undertakes theposition of network promotion which is responsible for promoting marketing department website, web design, operation and maintenance web in daily, according to the market demand to collect data. Besides she is responsible for tracking project progress in order to adjustment the project immediately. Since she joined us, she has treated the job with active and earnest attitude after take it, and successfully completed all works under responsible scope.Hereby Certify!Authorized by: Yang yangPosition: Human Resources ManagerDepartment: Human Resources OfficeContact Tel: **************JOYU international tourism operation grope.**/0*/201*篇三:工作证明中英文模板********有限公司证明尊敬的签证官:兹证明先生/女士,年月日出生,身份证号码:。



英⽂简历的⼗⼤元素 (ten necessary elements) ⼀份完善的英语简历通常包括下列各项元素: (1)个⼈资料或个⼈详情 personal data or personal details ⼀、name(姓名),英语的习惯写法是名在前,姓在后,如:daguang wang(王⼤光) ⼆、address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,汉语是从⼤到⼩,英语是从⼩到⼤,如:88 gaodi lane, beijing road, guangzhou(⼴州市北京路⾼等街88号) 三、postal code(邮政编号)。

四、phone number(电话号码)。


五、sex(性别):male (男)或female (⼥) 倘若在姓名前⾯已经加上了mr. (先⽣),miss (⼩姐)、mrs. (太太)或到代替与,则不必填写此项。


六、date of birth, birthdate(出⽣⽇期):march 12, 1958(美式英语)or 12 march, 1958(英式英语) 亦可⽤来代替。

七、birthplace(出⽣地点),如:zhuhai(珠海) ⼋、nationality(国籍或民族),如:p. r. c.(中国),the han(汉语),亦可⽤citizenship :chinese(中国)。

如有双重国籍则写:duel citizenship:如:chinese and canadan(中国和加拿⼤)。


九、height(⾝⾼),如:175cm(175公分)或1.75m(1⽶75) ⼗、weight(体重),如:60kg(60公⽄) ⼗⼀、martial status(婚姻状况):married or single or divorced(已婚、单⾝、离异) ⼗⼆、number of children(⼦⼥⼈数),如:one or none(1个或⽆)当然,未婚者可不填写此项。




但1 or not放在whether之后时,只能用whether不用if。

I don’t know whether or not he will e. 我不知道他是不是回来。

注1:如果or not放在whether所引导的从句句尾,则可以用if来替换。

I don’t know whether/if he will e or not.我不知道他是不是回来。

2 在强调任意选择时,用whether。


He asked me whether I wanted to go there by train or by bus.他问我是想乘火车还是坐公共汽车去那里。


Whether he drives or takes the train, he will be here on time.不管开车来还是乘火车来,他都会准时到。

3 虽引导宾语从句,但为了强调宾语部分,也可把从句放在句首,此时只用whether不用if。

Whether he will e I am not sure.他是不是来我拿不准。

4 从句作介词宾语时只用whether不用if。

It depends on whether it will be fine.那得看是不是晴天。

5 作discuss等动词的宾语时,用whether不用if。

We discussed whether we should close the shop.我们讨论是不是该关掉商店。

6 句子中有if引导的条件句,如再有表示“是否”的宾语从句,用whether不用if。

He asked me whether I’d move to New York if I got the job.他问我如果我得到那份工作是否会搬家到纽约。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

*******************在工作单位*****************●在办公室赶上了!I made it! *可以用于上班、上学和坐车时的情况。

I made it! (我赶上了!)Not quite. (那可未必。

)I'm on time!I arrived on time! (正点到达。


Be punctual!Be punctual! (要严格遵守时间。

)Yes, sir.(是,知道了。


You are late again.我只迟到了5分钟。

I was only late by five minutes.I was only five minutes late.打出勤卡了吗?Did you punch in? *上班时。

Did you punch out? *下班时。


Let me check my schedule.Can we meet on Tuesday? (星期二我们可以见面吗?)Let me check my schedule. (让我看看我的日程安排。

)Let me look over my schedule.Let me confirm my schedule.我有好多事要干。

I've got so much to do.I've got so much to do. (我有好多事要干。

)Don't worry. You can do it. (不用担心,你完全能干好!)I have so much to do.I have many things to do.I'm extremely busy. (我非常忙。


I'm pressed for time.我是个普通的公司职员。

I'm an ordinary office worker. *ordinary“平凡,普通”。

“男职员”、“女职员”均用an office worker表示。

I do office work. (我是个公司职员。

)I'm a regular office worker. (我是个普通的公司职员。


The work doesn't need much effort.The work doesn't need much effort. (这工作不吃力。

)Lucky you! (那你太幸运了。

)It's an easy job. (这个工作不吃力。


Don't neglect your duties! *neglect“不认真对待工作,不履行义务,马马虎虎的态度”。


Don't neglect your duties! (干活别偷懒。

)Okay. I won't. (好的,绝不偷懒。


I'm in charge of the west side.I take charge of the west side. (西区由我负责。

)I'm responsible for the west side.我已经结束那项工作了。

I'm done with the work.I'm done with the work. (我已结束那项工作了。

)Already? (已经结束了?)I'm finished with the work.I'm all done with the work.我还能工作好长时间呢。

I can still work for a long time.I'll be able to work for many more years. (我还能工作好多年呢。

)I still have many years of work. (我还可以干上好几年。


Our boss has been fired. *fire“撤职,解雇”。

Our boss has been fired. (我们的上司被解雇了。

)You're kidding! (你不是在开玩笑吧!)Our boss has been dismissed.Our boss has been let go.Our boss has been canned. *俚语。

Our boss has been sacked. *俚语。


Please staple these together. *stapler 是名词,“订书器”。


能帮我复印一下这份材料吗?Would you copy these papers?复印机有毛病了。

This copy machine doesn't work.This copy machine isn't working.This copier is broken. (这台复印机坏了。


I think it ran out of paper. *run out“用完”。

I think it's out of paper.付款截止到什么时候?When is this due? *due“已到付款截止日期”。

When do I have to pay this by?When is the last day I can pay for this?How long is the pay period?When is the pay period over?When does this have to be finished by?付款日期截止到30号。

It's due on the thirtieth.我们休息一会儿吧。

Let's take a break.Let's take a break. (我们休息一会儿吧。

)Yes, let's. (好吧,休息一会儿吧。

)Let's take a break, shall we?Shall we take a break. (我们休息一会儿吗?)能帮我倒杯咖啡吗?Get me a cup of coffee, will you? *用于上级对下级。

Would you bring me a cup of coffee? (能麻烦您帮我倒杯咖啡吗?) *这种说法要礼貌得多。

您想喝杯咖啡吗?Would you like some coffee?Would you care for some coffee? *比较有礼貌的说法。

Do you want some coffee?How about some coffee?那真是太好了。

That would be great. *用于回答别人的邀请和建议。

That would be perfect.That would hit the spot.That would be grand. *比较旧的说法。


It's almost lunchtime.It's almost time for lunch.我们有1小时的午休时间。

We took an hour lunch break.Where were you? (你去哪儿了?)We took an hour lunch break. (我们有1小时的午休时间。


Let's get started.Let's begin! *用于任何场合。

Here we go.Let's get down to business. *谈生意进入正题时使用。

Let's get down to work. (我们开始工作吧。


I can't leave this job at the moment.Let's take a vacation soon. (我们马上休假吧。

)I can't leave this job at the moment. (现在我不能放下这个工作。

)I'm tied up at the moment.我太忙了,顾不上那么琐碎的事。

I'm too busy to bother with such details. *detail“细小的,零碎的”。


I'm so busy, I'd really appreciate any help I could get.别偷懒!Don't slack off! *slack“懒惰”、“马马虎虑”、“松散”,slack off 表示“做事松松散散”、“偷工减料”。

尽你的全力!Do your best!悠着点儿。

Don't work too hard.Good-bye, John. (约翰,再见。

)Bye. Don't work too hard. (再见。



Pull yourself together. *pull oneself tog ether“打起精神,振作起来”。

Pull yourself together. (打起精神来。

)But I just made a big mistake. (可是我出了个很大的差错。

)Get a hold of yourself.你可以找我呀!You can count on me. *count on...“指望”、“依赖”。

I need more help with the project. (这个计划还得找人帮忙。

)Well, you can count on me. (那,你可以找我呀。


I don't even have time to catch my breath.How's work? (工作怎么样?)I don't even have time to catch my breath. (连喘口气的工夫都没有。

)I don't have time to breathe.你怎么耽搁了?What's keeping you?What's keeping you? Hurry up. (你怎么耽搁了,快点儿!)I'll be over soon. (马上就来。


Changing jobs is the only way out. *way out“解决办法”。
