新概念英语二册Lesson 11学习资料

Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
Who paid for Tony's dinner?I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked ina lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'turn [tə:n] n. 行为,举止deserve [di'zə:v] v. 应得到,值得lawyer ['lɔ:jə] n. 律师bank [bæŋk] n. 银行salary ['sæləri] n. 工资immediately [i'mi:djətli] adv. 立刻我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。

★turn n. 行为, 举止
▪turn n.(帮助或损害他人的)举动、行为 ▪do sb. a good / an ill turn ▪做对某人有利/不利的事。 ▪ Yesterday George did me a good/an ill turn. 乔治昨 天做了一件对我有利/不利的事。 ▪ He is always ready to do a turn for others. 他总是乐 于为他人做好事。
前 ▪ 1 )pay“偿还(债务等)”, ▪ pay back 还钱 ▪ 2)Vt. & Vi. “付,支付(价款、账单)”。 ▪ Pay for sth. / sb. 为某人或某物付款。 ▪ Pay+ 价钱 / 账单 支付钱/账单。 ▪ I paid 100 Yuan for the dress. ▪ I paid the bill.
▪ 工资很低:a poor salary; a low salary
▪ 2 borrow 借入 ▪ borrow sth from sb ▪ lend 借出 ▪ lend sth to sb / lend sb sth
▪ 3pay 在这里的意思是“偿还(债务等)”,还可解 释为“付,支付(价款、账单)等”。Pay 既是及 物动词也可以是不及物动词。
▪(2) 付出代价;受惩罚 ▪ He will have to pay for this foolish behaviour. ▪他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。 You will pay for your dishonesty. ▪你不老实,总有一天会吃苦头的。 He paid for his laziness by not passing his exam. 他没有通过考试,这是他懒而受到的惩罚。
新概念第二册Lesson 11单词表

C. is going to be; rains D. is going to be; will rain
2. He ________ this city when hewas eighteen. (2020广西桂林)
8. The teacher said that the moon __________(go) round the earth.
9. Listen! They __________(talk) about the new film.
10. His sister __________(marry) a doctor on May 1st, 2020.12③Fra bibliotek13.
a.what is happening now……
b.what always happens……
c.what happened……
d.what has happened……
e.what was happening……
1. _______ it _______(cost) much to live here?
A. leavesB. doesn’t leaveC. left
3. Tom _______ when I called him yesterday. (2020吉林)
A. readB. is readingC. was reading
4. Corn production _______ nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years in China. (2020内蒙古呼和浩特)
六年级英语上册英语教案Lesson 11 Always Do Your Homework冀教版

六年级英语上册英语教案Lesson 11 Always Do Your Homework冀教版义务教育教科书冀教版小学英语六年级上册第二单元Lesson 11: Always Do Your Homework!教学设计一、教学分析1、教材分析:本课是一节对话与语篇综合课,主要使用本单元所涉及的四个表示频率的副词、四种图形以及日常生活中常用的动词短语,以老师询问学生们日常学习、生活习惯为主线,最终以表格为成果展示。
二、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:(1)学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:always, sometimes(2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列问句:Do you help your mother?Do you walk to school?2、情感态度目标:(1)培养学生语感,让所学知识融入到已有知识当中去,从而达到自由交流,表达出自己的情感。
三、教学重难点1、重点:(1)学生要在熟练掌握单词always、usually、sometimes、never和字母A、U、S、N的基础上掌握表示他们之间有关联的句子Let’s put a_______ for __________.(2)熟练运用句型Do you always ________? 并做出正确回答。
Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来

Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. “I have never borrowed any money from you,” Tony said, “so now you can pay for my dinner!”New words and expressions 生词和短语turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行salary n. 工资immediately adv. 马上课文讲解1、One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来, 善有善报one bad turn deserves another 恶有恶报2、Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.work for… 强调工作work in… 强调in后面的地点working at a bank(some/several) years ago 名词-s,前面省略了some3、He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. The teachers in the New Oriental school can get a good salary.borrow sth. from sb. 从……借……pay在这里的意思是“偿还(债务等)”,还可解释为“付,支付(价款、账单)等”。
冀教版初一英语上册《Lesson 11》课件

and white ❹.
Many students wear school uniforms. Their uniforms look nice.
Our school uniforms are blue and white. Do you have uniforms?
What colours are they? ❺
color words to talk about them?
Li Ming writes a report about clothes around the world ❶. These people ❷ are wearing
traditional clothes. Wow!Their
考向二 people是集体名词,指“人们”,people本身就可 以表示复数概念,不需要再加s;如后面加s, 则表示“民族”。 eg:There are three people in my family.
There are fiftysix peoples in our country. 我们国家有56个民族。
Let's Do It !
3) Read the passage and fill in the blanks. Lisa and her family are ready for the Square Dance Party. The Square Dance is a__________ traditional (traditional/colourful) American dance. People wear cowboy boots and hats. Lisa is wearing a beautiful pink skirt. pretty She looks________(funny/pretty) .Lisa's cowboy boots mother looks nice,too. Her skirt goes well with her colourful blouse. Lisa's father looks good in his pants and shirt. They all look nice, cowboy hat but they are all wearing________(different/purple)clothes. different Lisa's dog is ready for the party,too. He is wearing a cowboy hat. He looks cute.

5. This tie is his (he).
单词 4+1+1 练习册L11 L11笔记 背诵并默写L11 L11表演视频
black white blue
yellow green
purple greyБайду номын сангаас
It’s not my shirt. D:This is my shirt.
My shirt’s blue. T: Is this shirt Tim’s? D:Perhaps it is, sir.
Tim’s shirt’s white.
T:Tim! T1:Yes, sir? T: Is this your shirt? T1:Yes, sir. T: Here you are.
A.One B.Two
(A)2.What color is Tim's shirt?
A.white B.black
whose blue white perhaps catch
/hu:z/ /blu:/ /waɪt/
pron.谁的 adj.蓝色的 adj.白色的
/pəˈhæps/ adv.大概
/kætʃ/ v.抓住
1. That is my shirt.(同义句) 2. This is _h_e_r__ (she) dress. 3. This is not __y_ou_r___(you) suit. 4. That is _h_is___(he) father. 5. That is my sister’s watch?
whose /hu:z/ pron.谁的 blue /blu:/ adj.蓝色的 perhaps /pə'hæps/adv.大概 white /waɪt/adj.白色的 catch /kætʃ/v.抓住
人教版四年级英语上册《Lesson 11》教学反思

《Lesson 11》教学反思
《Lesson 11》教学反思(2011—2012学年度第一学期)

D: This is my shirt. My shirt's blue.
1. My shirt`s=My shirt is…
T: Is this shirt Tim's?
1 .Is this shirt Tim's? Tim`s再名词后面加上“s”构成名词所有 格,翻译成“的”。
D: Perhaps it is, sir. Tim's shirt's white.
father=dad father-in-law 岳父;公公 mother=mom=mum mother-in-law 岳母;婆婆 father+mother=partents father/mother=parent His parents are in Germany.
★catch v. 抓住 ① v. 接住,拦住 ② v. 逮住,捕获 catch a thief ③ v. 染上(疾病) catch a cold 患感冒
father ['fɑ:ðə]n.父亲 mother ['mʌðə]n.母亲 blouse [blaʊz]n.女衬衫 sister ['sɪstə]n.姐,妹 tie [taɪ]n.领带 brother ['brʌðə]n.兄,弟 his [hɪz]possessive adjective 他的 her [hə:]possessive adjective 她的
用于询问所有关系。 如果对形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、名 词所有格(形容词性和名词性)进行提问,就要 用到whose。(对表示“…的” 提问) 特殊疑问句构成:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 This is my shirt. (对my提问) Whose is this shirt? =Whose shirt is this? shirt既可以放在whose后,也可以不放
冀教版七年级上册lesson 11课件

1. —I like your new shoes.
A. Thank you.
B. That’s right.
C. I know.
D. Great!
2. —Is this ______ old car?
—No, it’s ______ new car.
A. an; an
B. an; a
Can you say something about the picture?
China uniforms
China sweaters
the U.S. colorful clothes
Where is the woman from?
She is from_I_n_d_i_a______.
What is the woman wearing? She is wearing_a__s_a_ri___________. How does she look? She looks_b__ea_u__ti_fu__l /_p_r_e_t_ty__/n_i_c_e_ _i_n_h_e_r__s_a_ri_.
C. a; a
D. a; an
3. Is Li Ming a boy ______ a girl?
A. and B. or C. too D. but
4. I have a new watch ______ my mom.
A. at B. from C. on D. in
5. —Do you like pink or red?
Where are the people from?
They are from__th_e__U_._S____.
What are the people wearing? They are wearing_u_n_i_fo_r_m__s_f_o_r_w__o_r_k. How do they look? They look_b_e_a_u_t_if_u_l_/_p_r_et_t_y_/_n_ic_e__ _in__t_h_e_u_n_i_f_o_rm__s__.
(全)新概念英语第二册(Lesson 11)学习笔记

新概念英语第二册(Lesson 11)学习笔记Lesson 11One good turn deserves another礼尚往来First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
Who paid for Tony's dinner?谁为托尼付了晚餐?I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。
Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。
He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。
Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。
He has never borrowed money from me.他从未向我借过钱。
While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。
To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。
'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said, 'so now you can pay for my dinner!'“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”生词和短语★turn n. 行为, 举止behavior : 行为, 举止pay attention to your behaviorturn : 对人在影响力的行为★deserve v. 应得到, 值得He deserves praise.他应该得到表扬Yor deserve the best.你应该得到最好的1、deserve + n.promotion : 提升He deserved a promotion.2、deserve to do: 应该...She deserved to be punished. Good work deserves good pay.★lawyer n. 律师lawyer's office : 律师事务所★bank n. 银行rob the bank : 抢银行★salary n. 工资pay : 工资(salary+wage) 通用salary:工资(月薪, 年薪)……有固定工作或管理阶层wage:工资(按小时, 周计算的)……不稳定的工作bonus : 奖金, 分红collet:搜集, 领取collect salary/wage : 领工资★immediately adv. 立刻at once : 立刻, 马上right now : 现在right away : =at once,immediately 立刻, 马上【课文讲解】One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来, 善有善报One bad turn deserves another 恶有恶报restaurant:注意读音work for……强调工作work in……强调in后面的地点some/several years ago名词-s,前面省略了someworking at a bank 比较稳定He gets a good salary.薪水不错The teachers in the new oriental school can get good salary.borrow from : 从...借never=not 前面不需要加助动词pay back : 还钱and连接三个并列的动词at the same table : 坐在同一张桌子旁边at table : 吃饭at the table:坐在桌子旁边Would you like to join us?has never borrowed 潜台词perhaps,this time he wouldborrow from me ask sb.to do请求某人做...to my surprise:真让我惊讶pay for : 为...而付钱ask for:问...要I have paid for you a dinner.I have paid 20 dollars for the book.(强调) It's my treat.我请客Let's go dutch.AA制This time is your treat.next time is my turn. 【Key structures】关键句型Exercises Aa.what is happening now……进行时态b.what always happens……一般时态c.what happened……过去时态d.what has happened……现在完成时态e.what was happening……过去进行时态a. He is now working at a bank.(现阶段) We are learning English.b.(现在、过去、将来)习惯、反复He always lent his CD to the others.(过去)I will visit you.(将来)I visit you(无论现在, 过去, 还是将来)c.在过去的时间里, 发生的事情, 不强调对现在的影响和跟其它时间的比较, 叫一般过去式.过去的过去……过去完成时有过去发生的动作, 但是还强调对现在的影响……现在完成时有(yesterday,last night)以前的事情, 没有强调对现在的影响……一般过去时d.过去的行为对现在产生的影响或者过去的行为一直延续到现在……现在完成时e.过去某一特定时间发生的动作……过去进行时Exercises C1 He usually ______ (get) up at 7 o'clock, but thismorning he ______ (get) up at 6 o'clock.2 So far, we not ______ (have) a reply.3 While he ______ (write) on the blackboard, the children______ (talk).4 I can't come now. At the moment I ______ (type) a letter.5 As the royal visitors ______ (pass), the people cheered.D Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.1.gets...got2.have not had (have-have had)so far:up to now 到目前为止现在完成时3.was writing were talking4.I'm typing at themoment……标志着现在进行时; now5.were passingExercises DThe Taj Mahal ______ (build) in the seventeenth century for theemperor Shah Jehan. A few years after he ______ (become) ruler, hiswife,Mumtaz-i-Mahal, ______ (die). The Taj Mahal ______ (build) in her honour.Experts ______ (call) in from many parts of the world to construct the domesand to decorate the walls. The Taj Mahal which ______ (begin) in 1632 and______ (complete) in 1654 ______ (cost) a fortune. Up to the present day,it ______ (visit) by millions of people....动词的正确语态填空, 时态先确定主被动, 然后确定时态in the seventeenth century……一般过去时的标志The Taj Mahal……泰姬陵was built;became;died;was builtin one's honour: 为了纪念某人were called (call in:召集)was begun;was completed;cost;has been visited; (up tothe present day=up to now) 【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题4. Tony is working at a bank ______ .a.at the momentb.a year agoc.since last yeard.for a year4.a(at the moment:现在进行时)since:自从段时间for:一段(+段时间)for three hours;since yesterday;for a day;for three dayssince three days ago8. He gets a good salary. His salary is very ______ .a.goodb.wellc.fined.beautiful8.a(good salary well:表示好的时候一般用作副词)He is well.(一般指身体好)fine……天气好, 质量好beautiful 美丽漂亮的10. Tony must pay the money back. He must ______ .a.pay it againb.pay itc.repay itd.pay it once more10.cpay back:还钱pay something:付钱pay again;再次付钱pay it :付钱oncemore=againrepay it =pay back11 .There aren't enough chairs here for us all. Please bring______ one.a.otherb.anotherc.extrad.a different11.one……代词, 指代上文的名词:The red onea different oneone……指代单数可数名词,可数名词单数前一定要加’a/an’如:He is a boyan other【Special Difficulties】难点I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.ask somebody to do something.want to do somethingwant somebody to do会用sb to do sth的动词:ask; want; tell; order; expect; wish; allow; advise; like; teach;prefer...一定不能说hope somebody to do 正确用法: hope to do (希望自己)或hope that(希望别人)Exercises A(将括号内的词按正确的语序排好. )1. The officer ordered (to fire, at the enemy, the men).2. He wants(his wife, this dress, to wear).3. She wants(us, it, to explain).4. I cannot allow (the room, him, to enter).B. Write similar sentences using the following.答案:1.order somebody to do...the man to fire at the enemy.........Exercises B(模仿以上例句完成以下句子)1. He asked ______2. We prefer ______3. He taught ______4. My mother wished ______5. Do you want ______ ?答案:1.He ask somebody to do somethingHe asked his wife to let him in.2.prefer : 宁可I prefer him to die...........b.salary wagesc.borrowfrom lend toExercises:1. He is a bank manager and he gets a good ______ .2. I ______ him some money and he said he would give it backto me when he got his3. Yesterday he ______ my laptop. I hope he returns it soon.4. The postmen are on strike again. They want higher ______ .5. Workmen's ______ have gone up a lot in the last year.答案:1.salary;2.lend slary/wages3.borrowed (laptop:手提电脑)4.wages.5.wages.。
Lesson 11 现在进行时 过去进行时

1.过去进行时可表示按计划、安排过去某时 刻将要发生的动作。 He said they were leaving for Beijing this afternoon. 2.动词hope, wonder等的过去进行时常用 来表示提出要求,虽然表示现在的内容,但 语气比一般现在时或一般过去时要委婉。 I was wondering whether you could come to join us.
3.过去进行时中有always, forever, continually, constantly修饰时,表示说话人的赞赏或厌烦的感情。 He was always thinking of others.
4.由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行 时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作 同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用 while引导: When the teacher came in, we were talking. While we were talking, the teacher came in. They were singing while we were dancing
2.特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+v-ing+其它? What is he doing?
1.以Look!或Listen!开头的句子提示我们说话时动作 正在进行,应用现在进行时。 Look!The children are playing games over there. Listen!Who's singing in the classroom? 2.当句子中有now(现在)时,常表示说话时动作正在 进行,这时也常用现在进行时。 We are reading English now.

• pay back = return the amount of money =repay还钱
• pay off 还清
• pay off the debt 还清债务
• (2) 付出代价;受惩罚 • He will have to pay for this foolish
behaviour. • 他将要为这种愚蠢行为而受报应。
You will pay for your dishonesty. • 你不老实,总有一天会吃苦头的。
He paid for his laziness by not passing his exam. 他没有通过考试,这是他懒而受到的惩罚。
• 表花费的词:
• spend:(人)spend time/money/energy on sth / (in) doing sth
• 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词. • 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于
• take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几 种:(1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做 某事花了某人多少时间.例:
• It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路.
• 1工资很高:a good salary; a high salary; a fat salary
• 工资很低:a poor salary; a low salary
• 2 borrow 借入 • borrow sth from sb • lend 借出 • lend sth to sb / lend sb sth
• 进来 • 一家律师事务所 • 有一份好薪水 • 从不归还 • 坐在同张桌子边 • 为..付钱 • 另我惊奇的是

D. has
3.Do you love ( A ) about other people? A. Learning B. learn C. Learns D. learned
4.( A )time for class, let’s hurry.
A. It’s
B. this C. that
D. there
Language points
1.For our project. We will play basketball.
球类前不加the. 乐器前必须加the:play the piano“弹 钢琴”play the violin“拉小
提琴”。 棋类前不加the 男孩经常在周日弹钢琴。 Eg. The boy often plays
Listen and catch the answers: What are their favourite subject?
Danny Brian Jenny
【中文注释】五年级上册英语课文lesson 11

【中文注释】五年级上册英语课文lesson 11
Lesson 11
科普版五年级英语上册 Lesson 11 知识清单

Lesson 11 There isn’t any bread in the fridge
1. 名词:story故事fridge电冰箱hometown家乡,故乡island岛
2. 动词:tell告诉hear听见
3. 其他:either也不everywhere到处go shopping购物
lots of许多,大量
1. Is there any beef in the fridge? 冰箱里有牛肉吗?
解读:此句是there be句型的一般疑问句,用来询问某处是否有某物,这里的某物是不可数名词.
举一反三:Is there any tea in the bottle? 瓶子里有茶吗?
2. Are there any eggs? 有鸡蛋吗?
解读:此句是there be句型的一般疑问句,用来询问某处是否有某物,这里的某物是可数名词的复数形式.
举一反三:Are there any girls in the playground? 操场上有女孩儿吗?
There isn’t any bread in the fridge.冰箱里没有面包.
解读:此句是there be句型的否定句,意思是某处没有某物.。
Lesson 11

Answer me like this…
---Have you done your homework yet? ---No, I haven’t. I have to do my homework now.
一般疑问句结构: ----Have/Has + 主语+动词过去分词+其他。 E.g. ----Have you do your homework yet? ----Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
That’s all for today~
Thank you~
Practice the dialog with your partner.
Speak out your dialog without seeing your paper. Can you???
Do you have homework today? Have you done your homework yet?
always & yet
already意思是“已经” ①通常用于陈述句中(放在have和has的后面) ②也可用于疑问句,表示期望得到肯定的回 答或表示惊异,此时already常放在句末。 She has already found her bike. Has she found her bike already?她已经找到 自行车了?
Answer me like this:
---Have you had your dinner yet? ---Yes, I have. I had my dinner a little ago.
The usage of “yet”
yet可以用于疑问句,译为“已经” (放在have和has的后面也可放在 句末) Have you found your ruler yet?你 已经找到尺子了吗?
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2013-2014学年度第一学期五年级英语导学案学段:第一学段年级:五年级学科:英语单元:第8课课题:Lesson11 Join the football club.课型:新授课合作团队:英语备课组主备人:张雪风终审人:王赟初审人:杨学仁张雪风主备学校:交通路中学课时安排:三课时第一课时【导学目标】1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:a goal, a form, kick a goal, a football club, save a short.2、学习一些有关体育运动项目的词汇和个人的一些运动项目特长的词汇。
3、掌握并运用下面句型:(1)Can I help you?(2)What can you do?(3)I’m good at...【导学重点】1、掌握本课的短语及单词。
【导学方法】小组合作,探究式教学【导学流程】(一)呈现导学目标(2分钟)1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:a goal, a form, kick a goal, a football club, save a short.2、学习一些有关体育运动项目的词汇和个人的一些运动项目特长的词汇。
3、掌握并运用下面句型:(1)Can I help you?(2)What can you do?(3)I’m good at...(二)温故知新(5分钟)1、复习上一课所学的单词及短语。
2、用学过的句型问答:T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is Monday .T: What's the date today?Ss: It’s March 22th.T: What's the weather like?Ss: The weather is cool. I can go climbing。
T: when is your birthday?My birthday is in March.(三)新授(15分钟)1、学生自读,互读,划出不认识的新单词。
(四) 小组展示(10分钟)1、出示单词,师范读,学生试着读一读。
a goal, a form, kick a goal, a football club, save a short.2、教师巡视,发现学生的读音错误并纠正。
(1)会用Can I help you? 问我能为别人做些什么,用Yes, I want...回答提出的问题。
(2)用What can you do ?问你能做什么呢?回答I am good at...(3) I want to join ...,我想加入......(4)be good at 擅长,run fast跑得快,jump high跳得高,write down写上。
(1)跳高(2)跑得快(3)跳远____________ (4)射门_____________( 5 ) save a shot ( 6 ) write down___________(六) 家庭作业:1.本课所学单词及短语各写一行遍。
2. 预习下节课任务;Let’practice(Ⅰ)的内容。
(七)课后反思:板书设计Lesson11 Join the football club.a goal, Can I help you?a form, What can you do?kick a goal, I’m good at...a football club,save a short.,第一课时学案预习案:1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:a goal, a form, kick a goal, a football club, save a short.2、学习一些有关体育运动项目的词汇和个人的一些运动项目特长的词汇。
2、将所学句型能在实际情景中灵活运用训练案:(英汉互译)(1)跳高(2)跑得快(3)跳远____________ (4)射门_________________ ( 5 ) save a shot ( 6 ) write down___________第二课时【导学目标】1、掌握“四会”单词:jump high, run fast, jump long, kick goals, number, telephone, write down, meet balls.2、能够熟练运用句型:May I join the sports club?What can you do ?3.Let’s practice (I) .【导学重难点】1、通过学习Let’s practice (I)进一步巩固所学句型。
2、能熟练运用句型: May I join the sports club?What can you do ?【导学方法】小组合作,探究式教学【导学流程】(一)呈现学习目标(2分钟)1、掌握“四会”单词:jump high, run fast, jump long, kick goals, number, telephone, write down, meet balls.2、能够熟练运用句型:May I join the sports club?What can you do ?3.Let’s practice (I)(二)温故知新(5分钟)1、小组内检查上节课单词掌握情况。
--Can I help you?-- Yes, I want...--What can you do ?-- I am good at...(三)新授。
(15分钟)1、学习新单词及短语:jump high, run fast, jump long, kick goals, number, telephone, write down, meet balls.2、学习课本let’s practice (Ⅰ)并理解句子3、用所学句型结构做自己的对话,并在小组内进行表演。
(四)强化训练,当堂达标:(划掉每组中不同类的单词)(5分钟)(1)shot, each, kick, save(2)fast, long, cool, ball(3)down, May, September, February(4)basketball, football, volleyball, high(五) 家庭作业:1.背会本课对话,并默写单词及短语。
(六)课后反思:板书设计Lesson11 Join the football club.jump high, number,run fast, write down, May I join the sports club?jump long, meet balls. What can you do ?kick goals, telephone,第二课时学案预习案:1、掌握“四会”单词:jump high, run fast, jump long, kick goals, number, telephone, write down, meet balls.2、能够熟练运用句型:May I join the sports club?What can you do ?3.Let’s practice (I)探究案:1、熟读单词,并能用所学单词造句。
2、能够熟练运用句型:May I join the sports club?What can you do ?训练案:划掉每组中不同类的单词(1)shot, each, kick, save(2)fast, long, cool, ball(3)down, May, September, February(4)basketball, football, volleyball, high2、完成课本Let’s practise(I)并四人一组进行练习.第三课时【导学目标】1、巩固上节课所学内容。
3. 完成练习册中的习题及听力题,掌握更多知识。
2. 学习Let’practice(Ⅱ)和语音知识。
3. 解决活动手册听力题及练习题。
3. 完成练习册中的习题及听力题,掌握更多知识。
3、学习Read aloud(1)跟录音读单词,pig, film, milk .注意i的读音,读短音[i]。
3、Can you read?Tim, Tim, Tim. Pick up the little stick.听录音,读这句话。
(六)巩固练习:(选词填空)(15分钟)Write, at, telephone, club, high1、We have a sports2、I can jump3、Are you good fishing?4、Can you down your name?5、Can you give me your number?(七) 家庭作业:(1分钟)1.完成活动手册。
3. 完成练习册中的习题及听力题,掌握更多知识。
训练案:(选词填空)Write, at, telephone, club, high1、We have a sports2、I can jump3、Are you good fishing?4、Can you down your name?5、Can you give me your number?。