


下面我们来用托福官方真题17-L4来看一下这种结构:ProfessorOk, now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating set of defense mechanisms. And that’s the octopus, one of the unusual creatures that live in the sea.The octopus is prey to many species, including humans, so how does it escape its predators?Well, let me back up here a second. Anyone ever heard of Proteous? Proteus was a God in Greek mythology who could change form. He could make himself look like a lion or a stone or a tree, anything you wanted, and he could go through a whole series of changes very quickly.Well, the octopus is the real world version of Proteus. Just like Proteus, the octopus can go through all kinds of incredible transformations. And it does this in three ways: by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape.从上段我们可以看出教授在文章开头给出主题(章鱼的能力)以后要开始从三个方面(改变颜色,改变身体的材质,改变形状和大小)来描述,那么每个方面就是一段,每个方面之间是独立的。

托福听力tpo51 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo51 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section 1 (2)Conversation1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture1 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (11)Lecture2 (13)原文 (13)题目 (16)答案 (18)译文 (18)Section 2 (20)Conversation2 (20)原文 (20)题目 (22)答案 (24)译文 (24)Lecture3 (26)原文 (26)题目 (28)答案 (30)译文 (30)Lecture4 (32)原文 (32)题目 (34)答案 (36)译文 (36)Section 1Conversation1原文NARRATOR: Listen to part of a conversation between a student and her biology professor.MALE PROFESSOR: So the assignment is to reproduce one of the animal camouflage experiments we read about in our text book. Which experiment did you pick? FEMALE STUDENT: Well... I was wondering if I could try to reproduce an experiment that's kinda the opposite of what was discussed in the textbook?MALE PROFESSOR: So, instead of how and why an animal might hide itself, you want to do something about why an animal might want to be seen? Hmmm. Tell me more. FEMALE STUDENT: Well, I got the idea from one of the journals you said we should look at…it's an experiment about, um, they called them eyespots in the article? MALE PROFESSOR: Eyespots, sure, the patterns on the wings of moths and butterflies that are generally believed to scare off predators because they look like big eyes. FEMALE STUDENT: Yeah, except the article was about an experiment that disputes that theory.MALE PROFESSOR: Well, we know that the markings do scare the birds, but the idea that the spots look like eyes is, well that's just a commonly held belief.FEMALE STUDENT: So—that's not even based on research?MALE PROFESSOR: Well, this whole idea of moth or butterfly markings being scary because they look like eyes rests on how we imagine that their predators—like birds —perceive the markings. And we can never really know that. All we can do is observe bird behavior. But tell me more about the experiment.FEMALE STUDENT: OK, so the experiment looked at the shapes of the markings onmoth wings. The researchers wanted to know if the markings that were round or eye-shaped were more effective at deterring predators than square or rectangular markings.MALE PROFESSOR: OK…FEMALE STUDENT: Yeah. So, they attached food to paper models of moths, with different shaped marks drawn on the wings, to see how birds reacted. And what's interesting is, they realized that the round marks were not more effective at scaring birds than other shapes.MALE PROFESSOR: Were they less effective?FEMALE STUDENT: No, they were about the same... but what researchers did determine is that larger markings are more effective than smaller markings at scaring off prey. They called this phenomenon “visual loudness.”MALE PROFESSOR: Visual loudness, huh. Well, I guess it's not all that shocking, if you think about it.FEMALE STUDENT: So, anyway, is it OK? Can I repeat this experiment and write about it?MALE PROFESSOR: Yes, I think that'll work. The problem I foresee is, well, where? This is an urban campus...You'll have a hard time finding a good place to set up the experiment.FEMALE STUDENT: Oh, I-I wasn't planning on doing it on campus. I'm going home for spring break, and my family lives in the country, far from the nearest city. I can set it up in the backyard.MALE PROFESSOR: Good idea. Except one week is not a lot of time. So you'll need to make some adjustments to have enough data. I'd set up the experiment near a bird feeder, and get in as much observation time as you can.题目1.Why does the student talk with the professor?A. She wants permission to revise an experiment that she conducted earlier.B. She has a question about the findings of an experiment in the textbook.C. She wants to reproduce an experiment that is not in the textbook.D. She would like some advice about how to study butterfly and moth behavior.2.What does the professor say is a common assumption about certain markings on butterfly and moth wings?A. That the markings are usually hidden from viewB. That the markings attract some kinds of birds more than othersC. That some birds perceive the markings as large eyesD. That butterflies and moths use the markings to attract mates3.What were the results of the experiment that the student describes? [Click on 2 answers.]A. Birds reacted to round markings the same way they reacted to square markings.B. Large markings scared birds more than small markings did.C. Most birds ignored markings that looked like eyes.D. Birds were attracted to more colorful markings.4.Why does the professor mention a bird feeder?A. To suggest a strategy that may help the student carry out her task successfullyB. To recommend a place on campus that is suitable for the student's projectC. To discuss another experiment that has yielded surprising resultsD. To point out a problem in the design of the original experiment5.What can be inferred about the student when she says this:Professor: Well, we know that the markings do scare the birds but the idea that the spots looked like eyes is……well, that is just a commonly held belief.Student: So, that’s not even based on research?A. She is skeptical about what the professor just told her.B. She just realized that she designed her experiment incorrectly.C. She is worried that she misunderstood something that she read.D. She had assumed that there was scientific evidence for the theory.答案C C AB A D译文旁白:请听一段学生和其生物学教授之间的对话。

听力健康知识讲座1. 什么是听力健康?听力健康是指人们拥有正常的听觉功能和能力,能够听到并理解周围环境中的声音。
2. 听力问题的常见原因2.1 噪音暴露长期暴露在嘈杂的环境中,如工业区、交通拥堵区等,会损害听力。
2.2 年龄因素随着年龄的增长,听力有可能退化。
2.3 疾病和感染某些疾病和感染,如咽炎、中耳炎等,可能导致听力下降。
3. 如何保护听力健康3.1 注意噪音环境努力避免长时间暴露在噪音环境中。
3.2 控制音量使用耳机时,不要将音量调得过高。
3.3 避免使用尖锐物品清洁耳朵清洁耳朵时,不要使用尖锐的物品,如棉签等,以免损伤耳膜。
3.4 定期检查听力定期进行听力检查可以及早发现和处理潜在的听力问题。
4. 普及听力健康知识的重要性普及听力健康知识对于提高公众的听力保护意识非常重要。

托福听力讲座类lecture一遍听懂4个要点精讲托福听力讲座类lecture一遍听懂4个要点精讲听懂托福听力讲座lecture备考重点分析想要听懂托福听力的讲座lecture,考生首先要做的是打好能够听懂的相关基础,这个基础并非单指某一项技能,而是需要大家具综合性的应对能力,主要包括以下几点:1. 正视讲座类的分数价值托福听力中讲座的数量是对话的两倍,同时所占的分数比例也是超过总分值的60%,因此重要性更在对话类之上,毫无疑问是听力备考时更需要考生关注的部分。
2. 理解讲座类的表现形式讲座类展现的是美国大学课堂上的真实场景,主要由教授教课为主,也偶尔会有一些师生之间的问答互动。
3. 培养听讲座的笔记能力由于讲座类为课堂授课情景,因此其素材的篇幅长度要远超对话类,这也就意味着讲座类中包含的信息量更大。
托福听力讲座一遍听懂要点讲解想要做到托福听力讲座一遍就能听懂,下面这4个要点大家需要做好:1. 听懂开头抓主题首先,大家需要在开头部分就集中精力听懂这段课程的主讲话题。
2. 主动预测后续内容抓住主题不难,但抓住主题之后还需要做什么就很关键了。

对于已经出现听力损失的老年人, 佩戴合适的助听器可以帮助改善 听力状况,提高生活质量。
在医生指导下,使用一些药物如 血管扩张剂、神经营养药物等,
通过听力康复训练,如听觉训练、 语言训练等,可以帮助老年人更 好地适应听力损失带来的影响。
一些慢性疾病和药物也可能导 致听力损失。
1 2 3
感音神经性听力损失 由于听觉神经老化或损伤引起的听力损失。
传导性听力损失 由于外耳或中耳结构问题引起的听力损失。
混合性听力损失 同时存在感音神经性和传导性听力损失。
听力损失可能导致老年人难以 与他人进行正常的沟通交流。
了解老年听力损失的原 因
老年听力损失的主要原 因是什么?
老年听力损失是否可逆 ?
老年听力损失对生活质 量有何影响?
如何选择适合老年人的助听器 ?
由于沟通困难,老年人可能会 感到孤独、焦虑或抑郁。
听力损失可能导致老年人减少 社交活动,进一步加剧孤独感。
由于沟通困难和心理压力,老 年人的生活质量可能会受到影
托福听力tpo39 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo39全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section1 (2)Conversation1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture1 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (11)Lecture2 (13)原文 (13)题目 (16)答案 (17)译文 (18)Section2 (20)Conversation2 (20)原文 (20)题目 (22)答案 (23)译文 (23)Lecture3 (25)原文 (25)题目 (27)答案 (29)译文 (29)Lecture4 (30)原文 (30)题目 (33)答案 (34)译文 (35)Section1Conversation1原文NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a theater professor.MALE STUDENT:Hi,Professor Jones.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Hey,didn't I see you at the performance of Crimes of the Heart last night?MALE STUDENT:Yeah…actually my roommate had a small part in it.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Really?I was impressed with the performance—there sure are some talented people here!What did you think?MALE STUDENT:You know,Beth Henley's an OK playwright;she's written some decent stuff,but it was a little too traditional,a little too ordinary…especially considering the research I’m doing.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh,what’s that?MALE STUDENT:On the Polish theater director Jerzy Grotowski.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Grotowski,yeah,that's a little out of the mainstream…pretty experimental.MALE STUDENT:That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.I had a question about our essay and presentation.FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK…MALE STUDENT:Yeah,some of these ideas,uh,Grotowski's ideas,are really hard to understand—they're very abstract,philosophical—and,well,I thought the class would get more out of it if I acted out some of it to demonstrate.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Interesting idea…and what happens to the essay?MALE STUDENT:Well,I'll do the best I can with that,but supplement it with the performance—you know,bring it to life.FEMALE PROFESSOR:All right,but what exactly are we talking about here?Grotowski, as I'm sure you know,had several phases in his career.MALE STUDENT:Right.Well,I’m mainly interested in his idea from the late1960s…Poor theater,you know,a reaction against a lot of props,lights,fancy costumes,and all that…so,it’d be good for the classroom.I wouldn’t need anything special.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Yes.I’m sure a lot of your classmates are unfamiliar with Grotowski—this would be good for them.MALE STUDENT:Right,and this leads…I think there's overlap between his Poor theater phase and another phase of his,when he was concerned with the relationship between performers and the audience.I also want to read more and write about that.FEMALE PROFESSOR:You know,I saw a performance several years ago…it really threw me for a loop.You know,you're used to just watching a play,sitting back…but this performance,borrowing Grotowski's principles,was really confrontational—a little uncomfortable.The actors looked right in our eyes,even moved us around, involved us in the action.MALE STUDENT:Yeah,I hope I can do the same when I perform for the class.I'm a bit worried,since the acting is so physical,that there's so much physical preparation involved.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,some actors spend their whole lives working on this…so don't expect to get very far in a few weeks…but I'm sure you can bring a couple of points across.And,if you need some extra class time,let me know.MALE STUDENT:No,I think I can fit it into the regular time for the presentation.FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK.I think this'll provide for some good discussion about these ideas,and other aspects of the audience and their relationship to theatricalproductions.题目1.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.A play by Grotowski that was discussed in class.B.A proposal that the student has for an assignment.C.A play that is currently being performed at the university.D.The main phases in Grotowski's career as a director.2.What does the student imply when he talks about the play he recently attended?A.He attended the play because he is writing an essay on it.B.He wished the play were more experimental.C.He thought his roommate showed great talent.D.He was not familiar with the author of the play.3.What are two characteristics of Grotowski's theater that the speakers mention?[Click on2answers.]A.The minimal equipment on the stage in his productions.B.The single stories that his plays are based on.C.The elaborate costumes the actors wear in his plays.D.The actions of the performers in his plays.4.Why does the professor mention a play she attended several years ago?A.To compare it to the play she saw the previous evening.B.To suggest that Grotowski's principles do not necessarily lead to effective theater.C.To show how different it was from Poor theater.D.To provide an example of one of the ideas the student wants to research.5.What does the professor imply about the acting the student wants to do?A.Audiences are no longer surprised by that type of acting.B.The acting requires less physical preparation than he thinks.C.He will not be able to master that style of acting easily.D.He should spend less time acting for the class and more time on class discussion.答案B B AD D C译文旁白:请听一段学生和戏剧学教授之间的对话。

二、讲座心得体会1. 雅思听力考试的特点通过讲座,我了解到雅思听力考试具有以下特点:(1)题材广泛:雅思听力考试涵盖了日常生活、学术场景、社会现象等多个方面,要求考生具备较强的综合听力能力。
2. 雅思听力题型解析及解题技巧讲座中,讲师详细解析了雅思听力考试中的各种题型,并针对每种题型提供了相应的解题技巧。
3. 雅思听力备考策略为了提高雅思听力成绩,讲座讲师提出了以下备考策略:(1)广泛阅读:多阅读英文文章、书籍、报纸等,提高词汇量和语感。
4. 个人感悟通过这次讲座,我深刻认识到雅思听力在英语学习中的重要性。
初中英语中考听力题型分析讲座 发言稿

初中英语中考听力题型分析讲座发言稿Here is the English essay with the title "A Lecture on the Analysis of Listening Comprehension Questions in the Junior High School English Exam":Good morning, everyone. Today, I will be discussing the various types of listening comprehension questions that are typically found in the junior high school English exam. As one of the core components of the exam, the listening section plays a crucial role in assessing students' overall English proficiency. By understanding the structure and characteristics of these questions, students can better prepare themselves and improve their performance in the exam.The listening comprehension section in the junior high school English exam usually consists of several short audio clips or dialogues, followed by a set of multiple-choice or short-answer questions. These questions are designed to test students' ability to comprehend and interpret the information presented in the audio. The questions can be broadly categorized into several types, each with its own set of skills and strategies required for successful completion.One of the most common types of listening comprehension questions is the main idea or gist question. These questions require students to identify the central theme or the overall message conveyed in the audio clip. To answer these questions, students need to pay attention to the key points and the overall context of the conversation or passage. They should be able to synthesize the information and determine the main idea or the speaker's primary purpose.Another common type of question is the detail-oriented question. These questions focus on specific pieces of information or details mentioned in the audio, such as names, dates, numbers, or events. To answer these questions, students need to listen carefully and accurately remember the details presented in the audio. It is important for them to pay close attention to individual words and phrases to ensure they can correctly identify the requested information.Inference questions are another category that requires students to go beyond the surface-level understanding of the audio and make logical inferences. These questions might ask about the speaker's attitude, the relationship between the speakers, or the implied meaning behind a statement. To answer these questions, students need to use their critical thinking skills and draw conclusions based on the context and tone of the audio.In addition to these common question types, the listening comprehension section may also include questions that assess students' ability to identify the speaker's purpose, understand the sequence of events, or recognize the organization and structure of the audio. These questions challenge students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content and the way it is presented.To effectively prepare for the listening comprehension section, students should engage in regular practice with a variety of audio materials, ranging from conversations to short lectures or narratives. They should also familiarize themselves with the different question formats and the specific skills required for each type. Additionally, students can benefit from developing strategies for active listening, such as taking notes, identifying key words and phrases, and using context clues to aid their comprehension.Furthermore, it is important for students to be aware of the test-taking strategies that can help them succeed in the listening comprehension section. These may include carefully reading the questions before the audio is played, using the questions to guide their listening, and managing their time effectively to ensure they can address all the questions.In conclusion, the listening comprehension section of the junior highschool English exam is a crucial component that assesses students' ability to comprehend and interpret spoken English. By understanding the different types of questions and the skills required to answer them, students can develop a well-rounded approach to preparing for this section of the exam. With consistent practice and the application of effective strategies, students can improve their listening skills and achieve success in the English exam.。
托福听力tpo50 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo50全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section1 (2)Conversation1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (5)Lecture1 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (11)Lecture2 (13)原文 (13)题目 (15)答案 (17)译文 (18)Section2 (19)Conversation2 (19)原文 (19)题目 (21)答案 (23)译文 (23)Lecture3 (25)原文 (25)题目 (27)答案 (29)译文 (29)Lecture4 (31)原文 (31)题目 (33)答案 (35)译文 (36)Section1Conversation1原文NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a political science professor.MALE STUDENT:I’m not sure if you know,but I was elected to student government this year…FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh,congratulations!I was in student government myself as an undergraduate.It taught me a lot about the political process.In fact,the experience solved my problem of what to do with my life—it really cemented my interest in becoming a political scientist.MALE STUDENT:Cool.Anyway,um,the reason I came by is,we’re getting ready to conduct a straw poll on campus.You know,hold an informal vote,since the general election’s just a couple months away.We wanna get a feel for the student body’s political leanings.Like,who students are planning to vote for,which political party people identify with,that sorta thing.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh sure.I helped students run a straw poll once,years ago.It was a lotta work,mostly because we used paper ballots and stayed up all night counting‘em.But if you use computers.MALE STUDENT:Yeah,we’re creating a Web site for it where students’ll be able to vote online.Um,and we’re looking for a faculty advisor to help,actually.I was hoping you might be rested.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh,I’m flattered,John,but my schedule’s so jammed.I’m teaching two seminars,your intro course,finishing up my research…But,uh,what about Professor Klein?She’s new in our department.Plus,she’s a whiz with computers.MALE STUDENT:OK.I’ll ask her.FEMALE PROFESSOR:So,have you decided on a topic for your term paper yet?MALE STUDENT:Not really.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Why not write about your straw poll?Since the paper’s not due till after the election,you could include your results,maybe compare them with the real election results?MALE STUDENT:But would that be enough?I mean,just comparing numbers?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,no,you’d need to provide some analysis,too.But I was thinking—there’s a couple of local ballot questions this year,ya know,referenda that voters can either support or not support.MALE STUDENT:Right,there’s one on whether to ban smoking in restaurants,and another one,uh…I think it’s whether to spend tax dollars for a new sports arena in the city.FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK,here’s an idea…In regular elections,the vast majority of voters ignore referenda;they vote for their favorite candidates,but avoid ballot questions.We believe it’s because voters aren’t familiar with the questions or don’t understand them.But actively educating people on ballot questions right before they vote can improve referendum participation rates.MALE STUDENT:In that case,maybe we could have our straw-poll Web site provide information on the ballot questions,like how each proposal would affect students.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Exactly.And when you write your paper,you could compare the students’referendum voting rate to the general public’s,and include your own analysis of the results.Plus there’s plenty of published research on referendum voting behavior.MALE STUDENT:Thanks Professor Miller!I had no idea this straw poll could actually help me in my course work.题目1.Why does the man go to see the professor?A.To suggest an idea for his research projectB.To tell her about his election to student governmentC.To ask for her help on a political projectD.To discuss methods of gathering public opinion2.What is the professor's attitude toward her involvement in student government as an undergraduate?A.She is grateful that the experience helped inspire her career choice.B.She regrets that her involvement took time away from her studies.C.She wishes that she had been more active than she was.D.She is glad that her involvement enabled her to help other students.3.What is the student government's main reason for conducting a straw poll?A.To educate students on the candidates'positionsB.To remind students to vote in the upcoming electionC.To find out how students feel about the local referendaD.To get an idea of students'political preferences4.Why does the professor mention paper ballots?A.To show how a straw poll differs from an actual electionB.To stress the importance of keeping accurate recordsC.To indicate that conducting a poll may present challengesD.To suggest a way to improve communication between the student body and the student government5.Why does the professor discuss voting behavior on referenda?A.To encourage the man to vote on the local referendaB.To help the man develop a focus for his term paperC.To express her skepticism that voting behavior can be changedD.To let the man know about her current research project答案C AD C B译文旁白:请听一段学生和政治学教授之间的对话。

噪声还可能引起听力变异、听力疲劳和 听觉过敏等问题。
避免长时间暴露于高噪声环境 中,尤其是超过80分贝的噪声 。
使用耳塞或耳罩来阻隔噪声, 特别是在噪声环境中工作或参 加娱乐活动时。
定期接受听力检查,以及注意早期噪声 性耳聋的症状。
噪声性耳聋的 治疗和辅助设
目前没有治愈噪声性耳聋的方 法,但可以通过助听器等辅助 设备来改善听力。
助听器可以放大声音,帮助噪 声性耳聋患者更好地听到周围 的声音。
对于严重的噪声性耳聋,人工耳蜗植入 手术可能是一个选择。
如何预防噪声 性耳聋
注意环境噪声,尽量选择安静 的居住和工作环境。 使用耳塞或耳罩来阻隔噪声。
教育他人有关噪声性耳聋的危害和预防 措施。
结语Байду номын сангаас
噪声性耳聋是一种可预防的听 力损害,我们每个人都应该重 视并采取相应的防护措施。
通过了解噪声性耳聋的相关知 识,我们可以更好地保护自己 的听力健康。
噪声性耳聋科 普讲座PPT课
目录 导言 什么是噪声性耳聋 噪声对听力的影响 如何保护听力 噪声性耳聋的治疗和辅助设备 如何预防噪声性耳聋 结语
耳聋:一种严重的听力损失症 状,可能由多种因素引起。
噪声性耳聋:一种常见的耳聋 类型,由长期暴露于高噪声环 境中引起。
目标:本讲座旨在普及噪声性耳聋的相 关知识,提高用户的防护意识。
托福听力tpo40 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo40 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section 1 (2)Conversation1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (5)答案 (7)译文 (7)Lecture1 (9)原文 (9)题目 (12)答案 (15)译文 (15)Lecture2 (17)原文 (17)题目 (21)答案 (23)译文 (23)Section 2 (26)Conversation2 (26)原文 (26)题目 (28)答案 (30)译文 (30)Lecture3 (32)原文 (32)题目 (36)答案 (39)译文 (39)Lecture4 (42)原文 (42)题目 (45)答案 (48)译文 (48)Section 1Conversation1原文NARRATOR: Listen to a conversation between a student and a business professor.MALE STUDENT: Thanks for seeing me, Professor Jackson.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Sure, Tom. What can I do for you?MALE STUDENT: I'm gonna do my term project on service design, uh, what you see as a customer …the physical layout of the building, the parking lot. And I thought I'd focus on various kinds of eateries …restaurants, coffee shops, cafeterias, so I'd also analyze where you order your food, where you eat, and so on.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Wait, I thought you were going to come up with a hypothetical business plan for an amusement park? Isn’t that what you e-mailed me last week?I could've sworn …. Oh! I'm thinking of a Tom from another class.Tom Benson. Sorry, sorry.MALE STUDENT: No problem. I did e-mail you my idea too, though …. FEMALE PROFESSOR: Oh, that's right. I remember now. Restaurants …yeah …MALE STUDENT: So, here's my question. I read something about service standard that kinda confused me. What’s the difference between service design and service standard?FEMALE PROFESSOR: Service standard refers to what a company …employees …are ideally supposed to do in order for everything to operate smoothly. The protocols to be followed.MALE STUDENT: Oh, OK.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Um, so backing up…Service design is…uh, think of the cafeteria here on campus. There are several food counters, right? All with big, clear signs to help you find what you're looking for—soups, salads, desserts—so you know exactly where to go to get what you need. And when you're finished picking up your food, where do you go?MALE STUDENT: To the cash registers.FEMALE PROFESSOR: And where are they?MALE STUDENT: Um, right before you get to the seating area.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Exactly. A place that you would logically move to next.MALE STUDENT: You know, not every place is like that. This past weekend was my friend's birthday, and I went to a bakery in town, to pick up a cake for her party. And the layout of the place was weird: People were allin each other's way, standing in the wrong lines to pay, to place orders…. Oh! And another thing? I heard this bakery makes really good apple pie, so I wanted to buy a slice of it, too.FEMALE PROFESSOR: OK.MALE STUDENT: There was a little label that said “apple pie,” where it's supposed to be, but there wasn’t any left.FEMALE PROFESSOR: And that's what's called a service gap. Maybe there wasn't enough training for the employees, or maybe they just ran out of pie that day. But something's wrong with the process, and the service standard wasn’t being met.MALE STUDENT: OK, I think I get it. Anyway, since part of the requirements for the term project is to visit an actual place of business, do you think I could use our cafeteria? They seem to have a lot of the things I'm looking for.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Well, campus businesses like the cafeteria or bookstore don't quite follow the kinds of service models we're studying in class. You should go to some other, local establishment, I'd say.MALE STUDENT: I see.FEMALE PROFESSOR: But just call the manager ahead of time so they aren't surprised.题目1.Why does the student go to see the professor?A. To find out all the requirements for a projectB. To discuss a service gap at a restaurantC. To get help understanding concepts relevant to his projectD. To get help with designing a business plan2.Why does the professor mention a student in another class?A. To describe an interesting topic for a projectB. To explain the cause of her initial confusionC. To point out that she has not received e-mails from all her students yetD. To indicate that she has several students doing projects about restaurants3.Why does the professor talk about the cafeteria on campus?A. To give an example of an effective service designB. To illustrate how service standards can inform service designC. To help the man understand a service problemD. To illustrate the concept of a service gap4.What do the speakers imply about the bakery the student went to recently? [Click on 2 answers.]A. The apple pie he bought there was not as good as it usually is.B. The bakery's service design was inefficient.C. The bakery needs additional employees to fix a service gap.D. The bakery did not meet a service standard.5.What does the professor say the student should do for his project?A. Compare an on-campus service model with an off-campus oneB. Interview the service manager and employees at the cafeteriaC. Recommend service improvements at the cafeteria and the bookstoreD. Analyze the service design of a nearby restaurant答案C B A BD D译文旁白:下面听一段学生和商务课教授间的对话。

一般来说,初中英语听说课的教学目标包括以下几个方面:1. 提高学生的听力理解能力:通过大量的听力训练,帮助学生掌握听力技巧,提高对英语听力材料的理解能力。
2. 培养学生的口语表达能力:通过各种口语活动,鼓励学生开口说英语,培养他们的口语表达能力。
3. 增强学生的跨文化意识:通过介绍英语国家的文化背景知识,帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,增强学生的跨文化意识。
4. 提高学生的综合语言运用能力:听说能力的提高有助于学生综合语言运用能力的提升,使他们能够更好地运用英语进行交流和沟通。
三、教学方法为了实现上述教学目标,我们可以采用以下几种教学方法:1. 情境教学法:通过创设真实的语言情境,让学生身临其境地感受英语听说训练的乐趣。
2. 任务型教学法:设计具有实际意义的听说任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中提高听说能力。
3. 合作学习法:通过小组合作的方式进行听说训练,培养学生的团队合作精神。
4. 游戏教学法:将听说训练与游戏相结合,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中提高听说能力。
我们可以利用以下几种教学资源:1. 教材:选择适合初中学生水平的英语教材,其中应包含丰富的听力材料和口语练习活动。
2. 音频、视频资料:利用音频、视频资料可以为学生提供真实、地道的英语输入,同时也有助于提高学生的听力理解能力。

英语六级听力讲座备考技巧(3)份英语六级听力讲座备考技巧 11. 讲座的篇幅比短文听力更长,听着、听着走神怎么办?2. 讲座作为新题型,是不是没有规律可言啊?首先,讲座听力和传统大家非常熟悉的短文听力一样,遵循以下规律:1) 顺序原则讲座听力和短文听力一样,出题的顺序按照第1题在文章开篇,第2或3题在文章中间,最后一题在文章结尾出现。
2) 开篇必有考点开篇第1、2句往往是对整篇讲座的总结或者主题的介绍,因此,一定会有考点出现。
3) 生单词过多处,未必是考点,其后解释为考点这是平时我们在整个听力部分反复强调的观点:如果听力中遇到听不懂、听不出来的`生单词,千万不要纠结,从而导致没有跟上节奏,听懂接下来的内容。
当然,要克服听力走神,复习备考阶段不妨重视以下训练:1) 纵向预读所谓纵向预读就是把同一篇讲座听力的选项,进行阅读,找出其中的关系。
2) 计时训练,30分钟以上其实考场会走神的原因很简单,长时间、高强度、紧张状态下听题,导致听力的“耐力”不够,出现听力的“生理极限”。
英语六级听力讲座备考技巧 2首先,讲座听力和传统大家非常熟悉的短文听力一样,遵循以下规律:1) 顺序原则讲座听力和短文听力一样,出题的顺序按照第1题在文章开篇,第2或3题在文章中间,最后一题在文章结尾出现。
托福听力tpo55 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文

托福听力tpo55 全套对话讲座原文+题目+答案+译文Section 1 (1)Conversation1 (1)原文 (1)题目 (3)答案 (4)译文 (5)Lecture1 (6)原文 (6)题目 (7)答案 (9)译文 (9)Lecture2 (11)原文 (11)题目 (13)答案 (15)译文 (15)Section 2 (17)Conversation2 (17)原文 (17)题目 (19)答案 (20)译文 (20)Lecture3 (22)原文 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
题目 (22)答案 (24)译文 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Section 1Conversation1原文NARRATOR: Listen to a conversation between a student and her environmental science professor.FEMALE STUDENT: You know, the DVD we watched yesterday on ways we can protect the environment was really eye-opening…MALE PROFESSOR: Well, I’m glad to hear that. Sometimes a DVD like this can bring to life concepts that my lectures can’t. Of course lectures are important, but other forms of presentation—like DVDs—help get across the concepts I want you to understand, too.FEMALE STUDENT: I agree. And the DVD got me thinking about the project you assigned. Now, I know we’re not supposed to work with anyone else for this assignment, but two of us think we have a really good idea.MALE PROFESSOR: OK, I’m listening.FEMALE STUDENT: Well, the student from class who I wanna work with—it’s Jessica Smith—you see, she has a part-time job at the hotel on campus…uh…where parents and people who are here for conferences stay?MALE PROFESSOR: Ah, yes. The environmental science department just hosted a conference not too long ago, and we had several attendees who stayed there. They really enjoyed staying at that hotel.FEMALE STUDENT: I’m sure. Jessica says it’s really nice, but it’s not so environmentally friendly.MALE PROFESSOR: Hmm…I see. Well, hotels may be reluctant to make changes to protect the environment if it could be perceived as negatively affecting the comfort of hotel guests.FEMALE STUDENT: Well, that has to do with our idea for the project. Uh…Jessica and I wanna do an assessment of the hotel and see what they can do to save energy, and create less pollution—without interfering with the positive experience of patrons. And I figured since she works there, it’d be easier for us to do the project together. Plus she already ran the idea by the hotel manager, and he’s on board with it. He was even telling her how he can use our work to apply for a grant from a localenvironmental foundation for money to make energy-saving upgrades and stuff! So we’d make recommendations, then he’d use our findings to make real changes. MALE PROFESSOR: That’s certainly a compelling idea—and it definitely fits within the general guidelines of the project. OK. Just give me an outline of what you plan to do, and, well, I’m a little worried.…I’ll still need you to submit the paper in the format we discussed in class, not whatever format the hotel manager might want.题目1.What is the conversation mainly about?A. A grant the student wants to apply forB. The student’s proposed plan for a class assignmentC. A project presented in a DVD the class watchedD. The student’s part-time job at a hotel2.What does the student ask the professor to allow her to do?A. Take extra time on her projectB. Write a grant rather than a paperC. Work with a partner on an assignmentD. Use her job as the focus of her project3.Why does the professor mention a science conference?A. To suggest that the student attend itB. To indicate that he is familiar with the hotelC. To state where he got information about a new discoveryD. To state where he got the video that he showed in class4.According to the conversation, why might the campus hotel managers be slow to adopt environmentally friendly policies?A. They are concerned that their customers may not be happy with the changes.B. They are not knowledgeable about the potential benefits.C. No financial help is available for reducing the initial cost of making the changes.D. They have tried to adopt such policies and found them of little use.5.What concern does the professor express?A. That the hotel manager might not allow the research to take place at the hotelB. That Jessica Smith might be too busy with her job to do the projectC. That the student’s idea for the project is overly ambitiousD. That the student might not focus on fulfilling all the requirements of the project答案B C B A D译文旁白:听一个学生和她的环境科学教授之间的对话。

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• C)从长对话或独白中筛选信息,难度较大 • 需要在听前利用问题中的关键词预测,并 边听边记。
• D)数字听辨 • a)无需或无法计算的数字,如房间号 • 常考容易混淆的数字,如30/13,40/14等等 • b)涉及价格或时间的数字,往往需要做简单 的计算 • 需要考生熟悉与此相关的词汇及表达方式
• 短对话必然是由一男一女对答。从问题中 一般可以预测答案将来自于男或女(偶尔 来自于两人的一致信息),这样听时可以 有所侧重。 • 预读长对话或独白时,如果时间比较紧张, 则先阅读问题,选项粗略地扫过即可。
• 对于不理解的关键词汇,由上下文作出推 测 • 注意说话者的语调和情绪。从这两者中往 往可以推测他们的观点或态度,即使你根 本没听清他们所说的话。 • 抓关键词,如表示肯定或否定的词,尤其 是but之类的转折性词汇 • 抓主题句
• 1)语速,词汇和语法 • 2)中考的问题直截了当的居多,往往听清 一部分就可正确回答;高考更强调对听力 材料的深入理解,问题更爱“拐弯抹角”, 往往需要听清并听懂 • 3)高考对考生的心理素质要求较高。中考 最前面的几题往往是最容易的。高考可能 来”下马威“
• 听力30分(总分150分),时间约25分钟 • 分两部分 • 1)听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计7.5 听短对话,回答问题 听短对话 分),每段对话仅读一遍 • 2)听较长对话或独白,回答问题 )听较长对话或独白,回答问题(共15小 题,计22.5分) ,每段读两遍 • 每一题都是三选一的单项选择
• 听力25分(总分120),时间长约13分钟 • 分三部分 • 1)听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5 )听短对话,回答问题 分),每段对话仅读一遍 • 2)听较长对话,回答问题 听较长对话, 听较长对话 回答问题(共5小题,计 10分) ,每段对话读两遍 • 3)听独白,回答问题 听独白, 听独白 回答问题(共5小题,计10 分) ,每段对话读两遍 • 每一题都是三选一的单项选择
• A)判断对话所发生的地点 • 常见地点:教室,图书馆,餐馆,酒店, 机场,商店,公司,警察局,等等。也包 括电话对白 • 需要考生掌握相关词汇,并具备一定的知 识面
• B)判断人物关系 • 如夫妻,师生,同学,同事,上下级,顾 客和售货员,顾客与餐馆服务生,等等
• C)判断说话者将要作出的选择 • 往往先否决两个干扰项
• • • • 1)获取事实性的具体信息 2)对所听内容作出简单推断 3)理解主旨和要义 4)了解说话者的情感,态度或观点
• B)同义替换。对词汇量有一定要求 • 如对白中讲到“Orange is my favorite”. 选 项问 What kind of fruit does Lucy like? • A. Oranges. B. Pears. C. Bananas.
• 常见于长对话或独白 • 往往是开篇的前几句话 • 可以利用关键词猜测
• 抓信号词
表示转折的词如but, however, yet 尤为重要
• 例如对白为:Life was hard, but it was,,, • 问题:What can we learn from what the speaker said? • A) He is a retired teacher of history. • B) He thinks children were happier in the past. • C) He thinks life is happier today
1)培养良好的心理素质 克服紧张,焦虑的负面情绪 不要纠结于一两道题,克服犹豫不决的毛病, 以免影响其他试题
• 充分利用听录音前的时间,迅速地捕捉每 个小题问题和选项所提供的信息,预测短 文或对话可能涉及到的内容 • 注意重复的词语,这些词通常会给你一些 线索 • 注意各选项中的主要区别。这些不同之处 将会帮你确定这道题中哪些是你要听的关 键
• 对于较长的(3个问题以上)对话或独白, 建议边听边记 • 可以在选项上做记号,如打钩或问号 • 数字或日期可以直接划下或写下
• 1)掌握正确的发音(兼顾美音和英音),提 高口语能力 • 2)掌握词汇 • 3)日常总结,场景积累 • 4)循序渐进地多听各类听力材料 • 5)真题演练