



写一则最近了解的新闻英语作文(中英文版)Recently, a groundbreaking discovery in the field of artificial intelligence has been making headlines.A team of researchers from a renowned university has developed an AI system capable of generating realistic human faces, which could potentially revolutionize the entertainment and virtual reality industries.近期,一项关于人工智能领域的突破性发现成为了新闻头条。


In this English composition, I will briefly introduce this news and share my thoughts on its potential impact on society.在这篇英语作文中,我将简要介绍这则新闻,并分享我对它可能对社会产生的影响的看法。

According to the news report, the AI system uses advanced machine learning techniques to analyze countless images of human faces and learn the underlying patterns.As a result, it can generate highly realistic human faces that have never existed before.据新闻报道,该人工智能系统利用先进的机器学习方法分析无数人脸图像,并学习其中的潜在模式。




下面是给大家整理的中英文对照新闻报道,供大家参阅!Peking University has vowed to fully support theXiongan New Area, a new economic zone about 100kilometers southwest of Beijing, including opening amedical center to train high-level professionals.雄安新区是我国的一个新经济特区,位于北京西南方向约100公里。


The move was disclosed after Zhao Kezhi, Party chiefof Hebei Province, and provincial governor Xu Qinheld talks with the prestigious university's Partychief Hao Ping.河北省省委书记赵克志、省长许勤与北京大学党委书记郝平进行了会谈,之后宣布在雄安新区建立医学中心。

Hao said the university will take advantage of its strengths in medical and educational trainingto support Xiongan's growth. The university will also make it a priority to encourage moreprofessionals to work in Hebei.郝平书记表示,北京大学将充分利用学校资源,在医疗和教育培训等方面积极支持雄安新区的发展。



英语阅读(中英文对照)文章汇总一、精选时事新闻1. 美国总统发表国情咨文President of the United States Delivers State of the Union Address近日,美国总统在国会大厦发表了国情咨文,概述了国家当前面临的挑战与机遇。

The President of the United States recently delivered the State of the Union address at the Capitol, outlining the challenges and opportunities facing the nation.2. 我国成功发射新一代通信卫星China Successfully Launches New Generation Communication Satellite二、经典文学作品1. 威廉·莎士比亚:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》William Shakespeare: "Romeo and Juliet"《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚的经典悲剧作品,讲述了两个家族间的恩怨情仇以及一对年轻恋人的悲壮爱情。

"Romeo and Juliet" is a classic tragedy Shakespeare, telling the story of the feud between two families and the tragic love of a young couple.2. 简·奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》Jane Austen: "Pride and Prejudice"《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作,通过讲述贝内特家族几位女儿的婚姻故事,揭示了当时英国社会的阶级矛盾和爱情观念。

"Pride and Prejudice" is a representative work Jane Austen, revealing the class contradictions and concepts of love in British society at that time through the marriage stories of several daughters of the Bennet family.三、科普知识文章1. 人类能否实现时间旅行?Can Humans Achieve Time Travel?时间旅行一直是科幻作品中的热门话题,科学家们也在积极探索其可能性。



国内英文新闻网站1. 双语新闻(声音、文字文件):/1697/index_1.html2. 新浪英文版:/index.html3. 英语听力特快:/4. 英语新闻在线:/index.php5. VOA 慢速英语: 6. 新华社新闻英文版: /english7. 中国日报英文版: 8. 中国国际广播电台英语学习网站 /08english/9. 中国日报英语点津网/language_tips/index.html国外知名英文报刊网站1. Newsweek 《新闻周刊》/2. New Scientist 《新科学家》/3. Time 《时代周刊》/4. Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》/5. the New York Times (纽约时报) ()6. 21st Century Online(21世纪英语报)()7. Economist(经济学家)()8. Chicago Tribune news(芝加哥论坛报)()9. Detroit News(底特律新闻)()10.《美国新闻》 ()11. USA Today(今日美国) ()12. Wall Street Journal(华尔街报) ()13. Guardian(英国卫报)()14. Berliner Morgenpost International摩根邮报http://www.berliner-morgenpost.de15. The Independent (独立报) 16. Financial Times (金融时报) 17. The Mirror (镜报) 18. The Times (泰晤士报) 19. Birmingham Post-Herald(伯明翰邮报)20. Irish Post (爱尔兰邮报) ()21. La Tribune Interactive(经济金融日报) ( tribune.fr)22. The Herald (先驱报) ()23. International Herald Tribune(国际先驱论坛日报) 24. Reader's Digest(读者文摘) ()25. Business Week(商业周刊)()26. History Today(历史杂志)( )27. Esquire (绅士杂志)()28. The American Spectator(美国观察者)()29. Fashion UK(英国时尚杂志)(/fashionuk)30. The Economist (经济学家杂志)()31. Marketing Week(行销周刊)()32. Moneyworld(财金杂志)()33. Scientific American(美国科学)()34. Popular Science(大众科学)35. Science(科学杂志)( )国外电视台、电台网站:1. BBC News(英国广播公司新闻网): /2. BBC Radio (英国广播公司在线直播): /radio/综合学习网站英文锁定,每日读图英文锁定原名“全真英语”,是一个专业的在线英语学习网站,而且它的英语培训已经进军线下教学市场,提供日常的英语培训课程。


陈佩彤 余李清
正中英文新闻标题的相同点: 在新闻报道中标题被称为整篇报道的眼睛。因此标题除了简洁、准确
,能够使读者看到标题就能理解新闻的整体意义以外,还要起到吸引读 者眼球的作用-这也是中文新闻标题与英文新闻标题最主要的相同点 。
中英文新闻语言的使用都是为了让读者快速了解新闻资讯: 英语新闻媒体遵循“ABC”的新闻规则,即报道内容准确(accuracy
中文标题时态标志不太明显,甚至有时只是暗含。因为表 示汉语时态的助动词和副词在标题中大部分都省略或被更 简短的词取代。
被动语态在英语中常见的语法现象,常用 结构被动式,少用意义被动式。而按照汉 语的习惯,如果句中无须指出施事,主动 意义与被动意义又不发生混淆,一般就不 用结构被动式,而用意义被动式。
)、语言文字简洁(brevity)和结构条理清晰(clarity)。而中国的 新闻媒体遵循的是“准确、简洁、通俗、具体”。
“新”是新闻语言的生命。为使读者 了解最新的新闻,所有反映当今热 门话题的词语都会出现在新闻报道 中。英汉新闻标题选词都会出现大 量的热门词汇。新词的产生有两种 途径,一是自创,二是从其他语言 借用
西方-情感强烈 中方-内敛
Thank you!

China daily 中英对照新闻英语 体育版块

China daily 中英对照新闻英语 体育版块

【Kaleidoscope】>Tofu stall attracts soccer fans球迷吃'国足臭豆腐'解气A food stall called the "Chinese National Soccer Team Stinky Tofu Stand", which sells strong-smelling preserved bean curd at the Qianfo Moutain temple fair in Jinan, Shandong province, has attracted thousands of visitors to taste its snacks, reported Thursday. The owner of the food stall said the name came from a soccer fan, who watches all the Chinese national soccer team's games every year but is always disappointed. Visitors said they were attracted by the name, as they can vent their anger at the Chinese team's performance by eating the snacks.(See photo)据齐鲁网14日报道,济南千佛山庙会有一个臭豆腐摊名叫"国足臭豆腐",生意特别红火,吸引众多游客慕名前来品尝。





Beijing boasts a variety of traditional snacks which are imbued with local culture. But many snacks are rapidly disappearing as time passes. CCTV's Nie Jia went to one snack center in downtown Beijing and took a look at the challenges facing these traditional delicacies.北京以拥有各种各样充满地方文化的小吃为荣。


央视记者Nie Jia前往北京商业区的一个小吃中心,看看这些传统美食面临什么挑战。

Having some douzhier, or mung bean milk from a street vendor - this is how traditional Beijingers begin their days. Invaluable cultural treasures, these delicacies have been a major part of locals' lives for hundreds of years.在街边小贩那里喝点豆汁儿——这是老北京人开始一天的方式。


Hou Jia, pres. of Assoc. of Traditional Beijng Snacks, said, "Traditional Beijing snacks are as important as the Great Wall or Summer Palace. It's not only a part of cultural heritage, but the embodiment of a city."老北京传统小吃协会会长侯嘉表示:“北京传统小吃和长城或颐和园一样重要。




下面是店铺给大家整理的中英双语新闻报道,供大家参阅!中英双语新闻报道:希腊议会通过新紧缩法案确保获得救助金The Greek Parliament approved another round oftough economic cuts and austerity measuresThursday to assure itself another installmentpayment of European bailout funds.本周四,希腊国会批准通过了另一轮严峻的经济削减与财政紧缩措施,以确保本国可以得到欧洲财政援助基金的另一批资金。

Greece may have again faced bankruptcy in Julywithout the payment.如果得不到援助金,希腊将在7月份再一次面临破产。

All 153 lawmakers in Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras'leftist coalition voted for the cuts; all 128 opposition members voted no.希腊阿莱克斯·齐普拉斯的左翼联盟中的153名国会议员均投票支持财政紧缩措施;而128名反对党成员则投票反对。

More than 10,000 Greeks weary of the nation's economic problems, including elderlypensioners facing more cuts, marched outside Parliament against the measures.有超过1万名希腊公民对国家的经济问题感到厌倦,其中包括面临更多削减的老年养老金领取者,他们通过在议会外游行来反对这些措施。

Several dozen young marchers wearing masks broke away from the crowd to throw gasolinebombs at police, who responded with tear gas.其中几十个带着面具的年轻游行者走出游行人群,向警察扔汽油弹。



(PS: 这些内容是我在网上找的,不一定是最权威的翻译,大家有什么更好的译法,也可以提出来一起探讨,复习加油哈。

)1.Pirate Party Wins and Enters The European Parliament(盗版党成功打入欧洲议会)Written by Ernesto on June 07, 2009The Pirate Party has won a huge victory in the Swedish elections and is marching on to Brussels. After months of campaigning against well established parties, the Pirate Party has gathered enough votes to be guaranteed a seat in the European Parliament.When the Swedish Pirate Party was founded in early 2006, the majority of the mainstream press were skeptical,with some simply laughing it away. Today, the Pirate Party accomplished what some believed to be the impossible, by securing a seat in the European Parliament.“Together, we have today changed the landscape of European politics. No matter how this night ends, we have changed it,” Pirate Party leader Rick Falkvinge said. “The citizens have understood it’s time to make a difference. The older politicians have taken apart young peoples’ lifestyle, bit by bit. We do not accept that the authori ties’ mass-surveillance,”注:瑞典盗版党成立于2006年,三大宗旨为:弱化版权保护、取消专利权和强化公民隐私保护。

chinadaily时政类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

chinadaily时政类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

chinadaily时政类新闻中英对照版口译必备A ban on some single-use plastics will come into force in England from October, the government has announced.英国政府宣布,英格兰地区从10月起将对部分一次性塑料制品的实施禁令。

To tackle the growing plastic problem, takeaways, restaurants and cafes must stop using single-use plastic cutlery, plates and bowls.为解决日益严重的塑料污染问题,外卖、餐馆和咖啡馆必须停止使用一次性塑料餐具、碗盘。

Each person in England uses an average of 18 single-use plastic plates and 37 items of plastic cutlery every year, according to Defra, while just 10% of those are recycled. 英国环境、食品和农村事务部的数据显示,英格兰地区每人每年平均使用18个一次性塑料盘子和37件塑料餐具,而其中只有10%被回收。

Plastic items relating to takeaway food and drink, including food containers and cutlery, make up the largest share of litter in the world’s oceans, according toresearch.根据研究,与外卖食品和饮料相关的食品容器和餐具等塑料制品,是世界海洋垃圾主要来源。

"I am determined to drive forward action to tackle this issue head on. We've already taken major steps in recent years - but we know there is more to do, and we have again listened to the public's calls," Environment Secretary Thér èse Coffey said.英国环境大臣特蕾丝•科菲称:“我决心推动采取行动,解决这个问题。



More than 210,000 people have watched the black-haired baby licking and attempting to chew on the inside of the massive watermelon which is perched on a chair.超过21万人看过这个视频,这个巨大的西瓜里放在椅子上,长着一头黑发的小男孩一边舔一边试图在西瓜里咀嚼。

We now have a bubble in many cities, particularly the big ones'中国房地产市场泡沫Russia, once the world's third largest wheat exporter, is returning to the international grain market after a one-year gap caused by severe crop losses.俄罗斯在去年粮食大幅度减产之后曾决定停止向国际市场出售粮食。


Women still lag far behind men in top political and decision-making roles, a waste of talent given that their access to education and healthcare is nearly equal, the World Economic Forum said on Wednesday.世界经济论坛于本周三称,虽然女性在受教育和医疗方面已与男性接近平等,但女性在高层政治和决策领域仍落后于男性,这对于她们的才能是一种浪费。

The U.N. Children's Fund says drought-stricken areas of the Horn of Africa are afflicted by record high levels of malnutrition among children. The aid agency says tens of thousands of drought victims are fleeing to parts of Kenya and Ethiopia where they hope to find food.联合国儿童基金会表示,非洲之角遭受干旱,当地儿童严重营养不良。




研究表明女性基因其实更"强势"While women have for centuries been labelled as the weaker sex, new research suggests the truth is quite the opposite.据英国《每日电讯报》9月28日报道,几世纪以来,女性都被打上弱势性别的标签,但一项新研究表明,事实可能正好相反。

According to a study, the fairer sex is genetically programmed to better resist infections and cancer, and also have a back-up system for fighting disease.根据该研究,女性基因更能有效抵抗传染病和癌症,同时其基因还具备一套抵御疾病的支持体系。

The discovery sheds light on why members of the so-called stronger sex succumb to "man-flu".这一发现解释了所谓的强势性别——男人总易患流感的原因。

The reason why women are more robust appears to be microRNAs - short strands of RNA encoded on the chromosome, scientists believe. RNA is a genetic cousin of DNA and can have important biological effects.科学家认为,女性更健康的原因可能在于微RNA(核糖核酸),它是染色体上RNA编码的短片段。




英文:The Israeli government has launched airstrikes on Gaza, targeting what it said were Iranian military facilities in the enclave. Palestinian militants have fired rockets into Israel in response. The violence has escalated in recent weeks, leaving scores of people dead and injured. The UN and Egypt have been mediating to broker a ceasefire, but progress has been slow.中文:以色列政府对加沙发动空袭,打击其所说的伊朗军事设施。




英文:In the wake of the recent escalation of violence in Gaza, Israel has beefed up its military presence in the area, deploying more troops and tanks. Palestinian militants have been firing rockets into Israel, while Israeli aircraft have been carrying out airstrikes on Gaza. The situation has been described as extremely volatile, with fears of further bloodshedand destruction.中文:随着加沙地区暴力事件的升级,以色列加强了在该地区的军事存在,部署了更多的部队和坦克。




Chinedu Offor |弗里敦、塞拉利昂Rosamond George是在弗里敦的教会当阵痛开始,一直持续到晚上。



弗里敦居民Rosamond George有一个不安的劳动,但最终成功交付但罗莎蒙德有许多孕妇在国内不–运输和技术熟练的接生员训练急救。







电视名人Woteh Camera,谁是由TBA交付,说他们是相关的因为大多数人生活在农村地区,没有钱支付治疗或达到临床能力。



”联合国儿童基金会/ O阿斯兰护士见习措施孕妇的血压在美国的同胞在Mattru Jong镇基督医院产前咨询时,邦特区,sierra leone.while traditional birth or mohammed masere agrees, saying, "at the primary healthcare level, tbas have a role to play because they are closer to the people in the community. they do deliveries, and deal with patients who] are not able to reach the health facilities on time. "to update their skills, the ministry of health established a three week training program to teach traditional birth attendants a prenatal care and basic management of clean and safe deliveries. they also learn how to recognize complications during pregnancy that indicate a woman should be transferred to the nearest medical facility.renewed push for skilled birth attendantsbut critics say the training period is too short for tbas to learn current skills for handling difficult pregnancies.amnesty international says that even with training traditional birth attendants do not meet international standards set by the world health organization.peter sikana is a reproductive health and emergency obstetric care, technical advisor for the un population fund in freetown. he says he's seen untrained attendants misus drugs such as oxytocin and ergometrine in an effort to expedite the labor. this practice can lead to the death of the fetus and may increase the likelihood of a ruptured uterus.according to sikana, untrained birth attendants may also fail to understand, or to get women to understand the seriousness of the complications during delivery. however, he says the tbas have a financial reason for keeping women at home."[they] do not offer to deliver [on] for nothing. when they see problems, they may still want to keep the patient for a longer time, [because] when the woman delivers, they will receive a ritual gift [like a chicken. so you don't know if it was a lack of knowledge or the person wanted to keep the present in case she is. "unicef / o. smithmabinti asumana speaks to safiatu sei, 28, outside of sei''shome in mongunde, a village in bonthe district of sierra leone. three of mr. sei''s children accompany them. ms. asumana, traditional birth now has delivered most of the children in the village which is several kilometers from the nearest clinic.sikana says there's no alternative to training more midwives and nurses. more and more tbas have been trained in africa in the last 20 years, he says, but maternal health has not improved much.把TBA作为产妇保健服务的中坚力量来帮助接生婴儿,用他的话说就是“灾难”。



校园霸凌中英文对照新闻Title: Campus BullyingRecently, the issue of campus bullying has been drawing increasing attention. Campus bullying refers to the use of force, threat, abuse, and other behaviors that harm and oppress others, causing physical and mental harm, andseriously affecting the physical and mental health and normal learning and life of students. It has become a seriousproblem affecting the campus environment and student growth.The most common forms of campus bullying include physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, and cyberbullying. Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pushing, andother forms of physical aggression. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, teasing, and taunting. Social bullying involves excluding others from social activities or spreading rumors.Cyberbullying takes place online through social media, email, or other digital platforms.The impact of campus bullying on students is profound. It can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. Victims of bullying often experience difficulty concentrating in class, a decline in academic performance, and withdrawal from social activities. Some may even drop out of school to escape the torment.Efforts to address campus bullying have been made at various levels. Schools have been implementing anti-bullying policies and programs to educate students about the harmful effects of bullying and to create a safe and supportive environment. Teachers and staff have been trained to recognize and respond to bullying behavior. Additionally, parents and community members have been encouraged to be vigilant and report any instances of bullying.Despite these efforts, campus bullying continues to be a prevalent issue that requires ongoing attention and action. It is important for students to speak up and seek help if they are being bullied. It is also crucial for bystanders to intervene and support the victims of bullying.In conclusion, campus bullying is a serious problem that impacts the well-being and academic success of students. It is essential for schools, parents, and the community to work together to address this issue and create a safe andinclusive environment for all students. By raising awareness, implementing preventive measures, and providing support to those affected, we can combat campus bullying and promote a positive school culture.。



(英)On May 10th, a series of celebration activities including cultural performances, exhibitions and forums will take place at the National Museum to mark its 100th anniversary. It is reported that tens of thousands of people have expressed their willingness to participate.
对于一些简洁的无主句,可以直接翻译成英文中的被动句。例如,“被邀请 参加晚宴的人数已经超过了一百人”可以直接翻译成“More than one hundred people were invited to the dinner party.”。
新闻导语作为新闻报道的开头部分,通常用简洁明了的语言概述新闻的主要 内容,引导读者进一步阅读。由于中英两种语言具有不同的表达习惯和思维模式, 中英新闻导语在结构和表达上呈现出显著的差异。
中文新闻导语通常采用“倒金字塔结构”,即最重要的信息放在最前面,然 后按重要程度递减的顺序安排其他信息。而英文新闻导语则更倾向于采用“金字 塔结构”,即将最重要或最有趣的信息置于段落末尾,以吸引读者的注意力。
中文新闻报道中的无主句是一种常见的语言现象,其翻译需要采用多种策略。 本次演示提出了直接翻译法、增译法和转换法三种英译策略,希望能为翻译实践 提供一些启示和帮助。



中英文对照新闻报道范文中英文对照新闻报道范文:北京深圳上海金融实力居国内前三名 The latet report by a think tank ha revealedBeijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai are the top citie inChina with the highet level of financial development,a well a upport for innovation andentrepreneurhip. 据某智库的一份最新报告指出,北京、深圳和上海是中国目前最大的三个城市,这三个城市的金融发展水平都很高、还对创新和企业给予了大量的支持。

According to the Innovator and Entrepreneur FinanceInde某, which wa publihed by the Shenzhen-baedChina Development Intitute lat Thurday, Beijingcored the highet rank of 77.18, which wa then followed by Shenzhen, taking home 59.52,and Shanghai with 55.15. 上周四,据位于深圳的中国发展研究所发布的《创新者与企业家财务指数》报告显示,北京以77.18分名列第一,其次是深圳(59.52分)和上海(55.15分)。

Hangzhou and Guangzhou then ranked fourth and fifth, but lagged behind the firt three citie,coring only 32.97 and 31.06 repectively. 杭州和广州分列四五名,但离排名前三的城市相距甚远,分别获得了 32.97分和31.06分。



的第四次夺冠,而梅西则期待顺利带队夺冠完成球王加. 冕。
陈佩彤 余李清

正中英文新闻标题的相同点: 在新闻报道中标题被称为整篇报道的眼睛。因此标题除了简洁、准确
,能够使读者看到标题就能理解新闻的整体意义以外,还要起到吸引读 者眼球的作用-这也是中文新闻标题与英文新闻标题最主要的相同点 。
中英文新闻语言的使用都是为了让读者快速了解新闻资讯: 英语新闻媒体遵循“ABC”的新闻规则,即报道内容准确(accuracy
西方-情感强烈 中方-内敛
Thank you!
No.3-汉语新闻标题在选用简短词方面与英语新闻标题稍有不同。 汉词根据音节划分为单音词和多音词,单音词只包含一个音节即一个
字,一个字即为一个意义,多音节则包含一个以上音节几个字,且这 些字一旦被分开就毫无意义。 汉语新闻标题是以字为单位进行排版的,虽也受空间限制,但因每个 汉字所占的空间都一样,因此在意思传达准确的前提下则强调单音词 的使用,甚至在一定语境下将多音词化为单音词。
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美国拟加大打击海外网络犯罪力度U.S. Aims to Bolster Overseas Fight Against CybercrimeThe alleged Chinese cyber attacks on Google (GOOG) have spurred proposals at the State Department and on Capitol Hill to establish an ambassador-level cybersecurity post and to tie foreign aid to a country's ability to police cybercrime. 谷歌公司(Google)遭到的据称来自于中国的网络攻击,已促使美国国务院(State Department)和国会拿出提案,拟设立一个大使级的网络安全职位,并把对外援助同一个国家能否管制网络犯罪联系起来。

'Google was a watershed moment,' said James Lewis, a former State Department official and cybersecurity specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 'It helped push the debate in the direction of better security.' 前国务院官员、国际战略研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)网络安全专家刘易斯(James Lewis)说,谷歌事件是一个分水岭,它帮助推动了辩论朝着提高网络安全的方向演进。

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal Web site, .) 网络安全涉及保护政府和公司电脑系统免受黑客攻击。



Cybersecurity involves the protection of government and corporate computer systems from hackers. In the wake of the cyber attacks on Google Inc., officials at the State Department circulated a proposal to create an ambassador-like post, according to officials briefed on the proposal. This person would take on such duties as negotiating cyber policy at the United Nations, and making sure the U.S. has a consistent position on cybersecurity when issues come up overseas. 但刘易斯说,这份提案遭到了国务院内部情报部门的反对。


The proposal, however, has run into internal resistance from the State 国务院内部的部门之争在数月之前就已经变得明显。

官员说,当时副国务卿斯Department's intelligence bureau, which oversees most cybersecurity matters at the department, said Mr. Lewis, who frequently advises the administration. 坦伯格(James Steinberg)同十几个涉及网络安全事务的部门会面,发现很多部门都认为应该由他们来负责国务院的网络安全事务。

The turf wars inside the State Department became apparent several months ago, when Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg met with the more than one-dozen bureaus with an interest in cybersecurity issues and discovered many thought they should run the security for the department, officials said. 新的解决方案是建立一个高级别网络安全职位。


The emerging solution is to create a high-level cybersecurity position. The person in this job would either report to a top State official, such as the deputy secretary, or to a panel of representatives from the major department bureaus involved in computer security policy, U.S. officials said. 参议院外交关系委员会(Foreign Relations Committee)也在起草一份建立这种职位的提案。



The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is also drafting a proposal to create the post. It would be an ambassador-type position to be confirmed by the Senate, meaning the official could be called before Congress to testify. It is modeled after the department's counterterrorism coordinator, who also carries the rank of ambassador. 参议院民主党一位助手说,外交关系委员会一直在同国务院商议,以确定该职位应当由法律规定,还是让国务院在内部设立。

The committee has been negotiating with the State Department over whether the position should be mandated by law or left to the department to establish internally, a Senate Democratic aide said. 提案将被整合进为国务院拨款的法案中。


The proposal would be folded into the bill authorizing funding for the State Department. It isn't clear yet whether the Senate will take that bill up this year. 另一项提案正在获得越来越多的政治支持。



Another proposal gaining political momentum is a broader measure that would create a cyber post at the State Department and establish attaches for cybersecurity in U.S. embassies. It would also require the administration to identify the countries that are havens for cybercrime and which ones are doing little to combat it. 这个名单将每年更新一次,并在安排打击网络犯罪的对外援助时作为参考。

The findings, updated annually, would be used to prioritize foreign-aid programs to combat cybercrime. 未能加大力度打击网络犯罪的国家可能还将面临美国的惩罚。

美国总统将有多个惩罚选项,包括限制新的对外援助、限制海外私人投资公司(Overseas Private Investment Corp.)提供的资金援助等。


Countries that fail to improve efforts to counter cybercrime could also face U.S. penalties. The president would have a menu of options for punishment--from limiting new foreign aid to restricting financing from the Overseas Private Investment Corp., a U.S. agency that helps U.S. businesses invest overseas.消息人士:吉利收购沃尔沃接近完成Ford Sale of Volvo Nears Completion –SourceFord Motor Co. is on track to sell its Volvo car unit to a Chinese auto maker by the end of March as planned, according to a person familiar with the matter said late Monday. 知情人士周一晚间称,福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.)有望按计划在3月底前将其子公司沃尔沃(Volvo)出售给中国一家汽车制造商。
