



初中英语词组总结一.1+doeg:Ilikewatchingmonkeysjump2(比较级and比较级)表示愈来愈怎么样3apieceofcake=easy小菜一碟(容易)4agreewithsb同意某人5allkindsof各类各样akindof一样6allovertheworld=thewholeworld整个世界7alongwith同……一道,伴随……eg:Iwillgoalongwithyou我将和你一路去thestudentsplantedtreesalongwiththeirteachers 学生同教师们一路种树8Assoonas一怎么样就怎么样9asyoucansee你是明白的0askfor……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西)eg:askyouformybook1asksbforsth向某人什么2asksbtodosth询问某人某事asksbnottodo叫某人不要做某事3attheageof在……岁时eg:Iamsixteen Iamattheageofsixteen4atthebeginningof…………的起初;……的开始5attheendof+地址/+时刻最后;止境;末尾eg:Attheendoftheday6atthistimeofyear在每一年的那个时候7be/feelconfidentofsth/thatclause+从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信eg:Iam/feelconfidentofmyspokenEnglish IfeelthatIcanpassthetest8be+doing表:1此刻进行时2以后时9beableto=cansbfordoingsth什么缘故而生某人的气25beas…原级…as和什么一样eg:Sheisastallasme她和我一样高26beashamedto27beawayfrom远离28beawayfrom从……离开29bebadfor对什么有害eg:Readingbooksinthesunisbadforyoureyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不行30beborn诞生于31bebusydoingsth忙于做什么事bebusywithsth忙于……32becareful当心;警惕33bedifferentfrom……和什么不一样34befamousfor以……闻名35befriendlytosb对某人友好36befrom=comefrom来自eg:HeisfromBejing HecomesfromBejing IshefromBejing? DoeshecomefromBejing?37befullof装满……的befilledwith充满eg:theglassisfullofwater theglassisfilledwithwater38beglad+to+do/从句39begoingto+v=dowellin在某方面善长,擅长……41begoodfor对什么有益处eg:ReadingaloudisgoodforyourEnglish 42behappytodo很快乐做某事43behelpfultosb对某人有益处eg:Readingaloudishelpfultoyou 高声朗诵对你有益处Exercisingishelpfultoyourbady 锻炼对你的躯体有益处44beingoodhealth躯体健康45beintrouble处于困难中eg:Sheisintrouble Theyareintronble46beinterestedin对某方面感爱好47belatefor=comelateto迟到eg:Belateforclass上课迟到48belike像……eg:I'mlikemymother49bemadat生某人的气50bemadefrom由……制成51bemadeof由……制成52benotsure表不确信53beonavisitto参观54bepopularwithsb受某人欢迎55bequiet安静56beshortfor表**的缩写eg:陶isshortfor陶俊杰57besickinbed生病在床58besorrytodosth besorryforsbeg:Iamsorryforyou59besorrytohearthat60besorrytotroublesb eg:Iamsorrytotroubleyou61bestrictindoingsth严于做某事eg:He'sstrictinobeyingnoles62bestrictwithsb对某人要求严格eg:Somestudentsarenotstrictwiththemselves 这些学生对自己不严格63bestrictwithsbinsth某方面对某人严格64besupposedtodo被要求干什么65besure表确信66besureofdoingsth对做某事有信心eg:Heissureofwinning IamsureoflearningEnglishwell67besureofsth对做某事有信心eg:I'msureofmyheadafraidtodosth可怕做某事beafraidofsth可怕某物beafraidthat丛句76because+句子becauf+短语eg:Hewaslatebecausehehadaheadache Hewaslatebecaufhisheadache77begintodo=starttodo开始做某事start…with…=begin…with…以什么开始什么eg:Let'sbeginthegamewiththesong Ibegintogohome78between…and…二者之间79borrowsthfromsb向……借……lendsthtosb=notdifferent表相同81bother打搅bothersbtodostheg:I'msorrytobotheryou,butcanyoutellmetowaytot hestation我十分道歉打搅你,可是你能告知我怎么去车站theproblemhasbeenbotheringmeforweeks那个问题困扰了我几个周了He'sbotheringmetolendhimmoney82bytheendof到……为止83callsbstheg:wecallhimoldwang84care关切eg:Don'tyoucareaboutthiscountry'sfuture?你什么缘故不关切国家的以后85catchupwithsb赶上某人86chatwithsb和某人闲谈takesbto+地址带某人去某地87comein进来88comeoverto过来89comeupwith提出eg:canyoucomeupwithagoodidea 你能想出一个好方法吗?90communicatewithsb和某人交流91consider+doing考虑做什么eg:whynotconsidergoingtoluzhou 什么缘故不考虑去泸州?92danceto随着……跳舞eg:Shelikesdancingtothemusic她喜爱随着音乐跳舞93decidetodosth决定做某事94doasurveyof做某方面的调查95dobetterin在……方面做得更好96dowrong做错97Don'tforgettodosth不要忘了做某事98Don'tmind+doing/从句/名词不要介怀……99each+名(单)每一个……eg:Eachstudenthasmanybooks每一个学生都有一些书00endup+doing二.101enjoy+doing喜爱02escapefrom从……逃跑eg:Theprisonershaveescapedfromtheprison 犯人从牢狱里逃跑出来Somegasisescapingfromthepipe有一些气体从管子里冒出03expecttodosth期待做某事04falldown摔下来falloff从哪摔下来05fallinlovewithsb/sth爱上什么06farfrom离某地远eg:Theschoolisfarfrommyhome07find+it+adj+todo发觉做某事怎么样08findsb/sth+adj发觉什么怎么样?eg:Ifindthebookinteresting09finish完成+doing(名词)10fittosb=befitforsb适合某人11forgettodo没有做而忘了forgetdoing做了而又忘了eg:Don'tforgettogohome Iforgetclosingdoor12from…to…从某某到某某eg:Frommeforher13get/havesthdown做完,被(他人)做……eg:Ihavemyhaircut我理了发doingsth做什么情形有麻烦37have…time+doing38have……off放……假eg:Ihavemonthoff我请一个月得假39hearsb+do/doing听见某人做某事/正在做某事40helpalot专门大用途41helpsbwithsth\one'ssth 帮忙某人某事(某方面)helpsbdosth帮忙某人做某事42hopetodosth希望做某事43Howabout=whatabout44howdoyoulike=whatdoyouthinkof你对什么的观点45if:是不是=wethereg:Idon'tknowifIshouldgototheparty我不明白我是不是应该去参加晚会Hedon'tknowifwewillarriveontime tomorrowmorning他不明白咱们明天早上是不是能准时抵达46if:若是,假设(全数接一样时态)+条件语态从句eg:I'llgotoLuZhouifitdoes'train假设明天不下雨,我就去泸州Iftheychangetheplantheywillletmeknow假设他们要改变打算,他们会让我明白的I'llgotoEngland,ifIhaveenoughmoneynextyear 若是我明年由足够的钱,我就要去英国47inone'sopinion=sbthink某人以为48insomeways在某些方面49intheend=finally最后50inthenorthof…什么在什么的北方(north北sowth南west西east东)51inthesun在太阳下52increase增加eg:They'veincreasedthepreceofpetrolby3%他们把石油价增加了3%thepopulationhasincreasedfrom12milliontenyearsa goto18millionnow53insteadof+(名)代替eg:I'dlikeanappleinsteadofapear我想要苹果,而不要梨子IlikeEnglishinsteadofmath我喜爱英语而不喜爱数学54introducesbtosb介绍某人给某人introduceoneself自我介绍55invitesbtodosth邀请某人做某事56Ittakessbsometimetodosth做某人花掉某人多少时刻eg:Ittookme5minutestodomyhomework Ittakesmehalfanhourtocook57It's+adj+forsbtodosth对某人来讲做某事怎么样58It's+adj+todo做某事怎么样59It's+adjforsb关于某人来讲怎么样It's+adjofsb对某人来讲太怎么样60It's+adjtodo(对某人来讲)做某事怎么样It's+adjofsbtodosth对某人来讲做某事太怎么样eg:It'sniceofyoutohelpmewithmyEnglish 61It'sagoodideaforsbtodosth对……来讲是个好主意62It'simportanttosb对某人来讲很重要eg:It'simportanttome63It'stimetodosthIt'stimeforsth到了该去做某事的时刻eg:It'stimetohaveclassIt'stimeforclass该去上课了64join=takepartin参加65justnow适才66keep+sb/sth+adj/介词短语让什么维持什么样?67keepout不让……进入68keepsbadj让……维持……eg:Iwanttokeepmymotherhappy keephealthy维持健康69keyto+名词表示:某物的钥匙或某题的答案70keyto…anserto…key能够是答题或钥匙71laughat…取笑……eg:Don'tlanghatothers welanghedatthejoke72learnbyoneslfe自学73learnfromsb向某人学习eg:weshouldlearnfromLeiFeng74learntodosth学做某事75letsbdosth让某人做某事76Letsbdown让某人失望eg:weshouldn'tletourfarentsdown 咱们不该该让咱们的父母失望77livefrom:离某地远78livein+大地址/at+小地址居住在某地eg:IliveinLuZhou ShelivesatXuanTan79lookafter=takecareof照顾照看80lone'sway谁迷路eg:Loseyourway你迷路81makeadecisiontodosth决定做某事82makefriendswithsb和谁成为朋友eg: Iwanttomakefriendswithyou83makeitearly把时刻定的早一点84makeonexhibitionofoneself让某人出洋相85makesb/n+n使什么成什么缘故eg:ImadehermystepmollerImadeyoumywife86makesb/sth+adj使某人(某物)怎么样eg:youmustmadeyourbedclean87makesb/sthadj使某人/某物怎么样88makesbdosth让某人做某事eg:Imadehimwrite我以前让他写89makeupbemadeupoftheteachertalketoremindmeofmymoth er228returnsthtosb还什么东西给某人229saytooneself对自己说230saytosb对某人说231sbspendsomemoneyonsth 花了多少钱在某事上232sbspendsometimewithsb 花了多少时刻陪谁233sbspendsometimedoingsth 花了多少时刻做某事234sbwithsb+issbandsb+are235seesbdo看见某人做过某事seesbdoing看见某人正在做某事236seemtodo/be+adj显得怎么样eg:youseemtobetired youseemtobehappy237send+sbsth送给某人某物238send…to…把什么寄到哪里去?239shock使……震惊eg:oh,It'sonlyyou!yougivemeashock 啊,是你呀!吓我一跳240showsbsth向某人展现某物eg:Ishowherthebook.241showsbsth=showsthtosb拿什么东西给某人看eg:Showmeyourpen Showyourpentome242showsthtosb向某人展现某物eg:Ishowthebooktoher.243some…others…一些……另一些……244start…with…从……开始begin…with…从……开始245stayawayfrom远离……eg:we'retoldtostayawayfromtheanimalswhevisiting thezoo当咱们参观zoo时,咱们要远离动物Ifyouwanttoloseweightyou'dbetterstayauayfromth esweetfood徒工你想减肥,你最好远离甜食246stopdoing停下正在做的事247stopsbfromdoingsth阻止某人做某事248stopsbdoing阻止某人做某事249stoptodo停下正在做的事去做下一件事250such+名如此,这种251suitsb适合某人252surprisesb使某人惊奇toone'ssurprise令某人惊奇253takeclasses上课254takesbto把某人带去eg:Itakeyoutothehospital255takewalks=takeawalk=goforawalk 散步256①talkto对谁说eg:Italktoyou②talkwith和谁说eg:Italkwithhim③talkof谈到eg:wetalkedofyou④talkabout谈论关于……257talkwithsb和某人说话258teachsbsth教某人做某事259tellsbdosth告知某人做某事260tellsbsthtellsbthat丛句tellsbnottodosthtellastory261tellsbsth告知某人某事262tellsbtodosth告知某人做什么tellsbnottodosth告知某人不要做什么263tell…from…264thankyoufor+doing265thesame+名词+as……266thesame……asas……as相同267thewaytodosth=thewayofdoingsth 做某方面的方式thewayto+地址去哪的路eg:Do youknowthewaytolearnEnglish DoyouknowthewayoflearningEnglish 268thewayto…(地址)到哪的路269too…to…太如何而不能……adj+enoughto足够…能…so…that+丛句太…因此…eg:Heistooyoungtogotoschool=Heissoyoungthathecan'tgotoschool Heisoldenoughtogotoschool=Heissooldthathecangotoschool 270transalte……into……把什么翻译成什么eg:TrasalteEnglishintochinese271travelwithsb和某人去旅行272tryone'sbesttodosth尽某人最大的尽力去做某事eg:IwilltrymybesttolearnEnglishwell 273trytodosth想干什么,但没成功trydoingsth想干什么,已经做过了eg:Hetriedtoclimb他想爬上去,但没成功Hetriedclimbing他想爬上去,已经做过了274try…试衣服haveatry试一下275turndown开小←→turnup开大276turnoff关上←→turnon打开open拆开277upsidedown倒着278visitto…参观某个地址279waitforsb等某人280waitforsbtodosth等某人做什么waitforsb等某人waitforsometime等多少时刻eg:wouldyoupleasewaitformetogetready 等我预备好,好吗?Let'swaitfortheraintostop让咱们等雨停吧281wakesbup把某人唤醒282wanttodosth想做某事283watchsbdosth观看某人做某事284welcometo+…(地址)欢迎到……285whatabout+n/doingeg:whataboutanapple286whatif若是……如何办whatif+句子eg:whatifitistrue?若是是真的如何办?whatifaliensshouldcometotheearth假设外星人来到地球如何办?287whattheywilldo=whattodo288what'sthematter?=what'sthetrouble?=what'swr ong?有什么困难?289while+延续性动词290whydon'tyoudo=whynotdo291willyoupleasedowillyoupleasenotdo292withone'sbest=withthehelpofsb在某人的帮忙下293withthehelpofsb在某人的帮忙下withone'shelp294workat…在某处工作295workwithsb和某人一路工作296wouldlikesth/todostheg:IwouldliketogotoLuZhou297wouldyouplease+do298yet:至今,用在否定句中299you'dbetterdo最好做某事=you'dbetternotdo 最好不要做某事300不定式+v(原)301联系动词(taste吃起来/sound听起来/look看起来/semll闻起来)+adj302名词、副词、形容词修饰enongh时,形容词放在之前,名词副词放在以后303太多toomuch+不可数toomany+可数muchtoo相当于very,修饰形容词304向宾语提问:whom305向地址提问:where306向方式提问:How307向价钱和不可数名词提问:Howmuch308向可数名词提问:Howmany309向频率提问:Howoften310向时刻段提问:Howlong311向时刻提问:whattime/when312向物主代词提问:whose313向职业提问:whatdo/does……do314向主语提问:who315在以后时中,……以后(用in,一样时态中,……以后(用after。

新标准英语 短语book11

新标准英语 短语book11
from … to …
how long
climb a mountain
how old
all day and all night
how tall / how high
Module 5
how many / how much
a Chinese pen pal
write a poem about Thanksgiving
have a big, special dinner
Module 8
Module 1
in many countries
near to
on the 25thof December
all of
give presents
more than
send cards
millions of
Module 10
Module 10

look at books同意义短语

look at books同意义短语

《look at books》同意义短语1. browse through books意思:查阅书籍例句:I like to browse through books in the library.2. peruse books意思:细读书籍例句:She perused the books on the shelf before making a decision.3. examine books意思:检查书籍例句:The teacher asked the students to carefully examine the books for their book report.4. glance at books意思:瞥一眼书籍例句:She quickly glanced at the books on the table before leaving.5. peek at books意思:偷偷看书籍例句:I couldn't resist peeking at the books on her desk.6. skim through books意思:粗略翻阅书籍例句:I skimmed through the books to find the information I needed.7. perambulate books意思:漫步书籍例句:He enjoys perambulating the 本人sles of the bookstore, looking at books.8. cast an eye over books意思:瞥一眼书籍例句:I cast an eye over the books on the shelf, but nothing caught my interest.9. take a gander at books意思:瞧一瞧书籍例句:She took a gander at the books on display, but didn't find anything she wanted.10. eye books意思:盯着书籍例句:The woman eyed the books on the table, trying to decide which one to buy.以上是关于“look at books”同意义短语的详细介绍,希望对您有所帮助。




重点单词:1. volume 音量2. alarm 闹钟3. ring 响铃4. switch 开关5. master 主人6. depend 依靠7. depend on 取决于8. automatic 自动的9. convenient 方便的10. remote 远程的重点短语:1. be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事2. be not ready to do sth. 没有准备好做某事3. depend on 依靠,取决于4. take a chance 抓住机会5. be sure to do sth. 确定做某事6. be sure of sth. 对某事有把握7. be sure about sth. 对某事很确定8. run out (of) 用完,耗尽9. in time 及时10. in order 按顺序,整齐重点句型:1. The sound of the alarm woke me up at 6:00 am. 早上6点闹钟的声音把我叫醒了。

2. You can adjust the volume to your preference. 你可以把音量调到你喜欢的程度。

3. The light is automatic and comes on at dusk. 这盏灯是自动的,天黑时就会亮起。

4. I have to be ready for anything that happens. 我必须随时准备应对任何事情的发生。

5. I am not ready to make a decision about my future career yet. 我还没准备好对我的未来职业做出决定。

6. We can depend on each other to get the job done. 我们能依靠彼此来完成工作。






1. Break up 分手Break up 意思是分裂、分解,这里引申为分手。

例句:Tom and Lisa broke up after dating for three years.(汤姆和丽莎交往三年后分手了。

)2. Look over 检查、审查Look over 意思是检查,审查。

例句:The teacher looked over the students' homework.(老师检查了学生们的家庭作业。

)3. Cut down 减少Cut down 意思是减少,降低。

例句:You should cut down on your sugar intake.(你应该减少摄入的糖分。

)4. Carry on 继续Carry on 意思是继续进行。

例句:They decided to carry on with their plan despite the bad weather.(尽管天气不好,他们决定继续进行计划。

)5. Give up 放弃Give up 意思是放弃。

例句:Don't give up your dreams.(不要放弃你的梦想。

)6. Look forward to 期待Look forward to 意思是期待。

例句:She is looking forward to her vacation.(她期待着她的假期。

)7. Get on 上车、认识、相处Get on 可以表示上车,也可以表示认识、相处。

例句:Please get on the bus.(请上车。

)I don't get on well with my neighbor.(我和邻居相处不好。



第二,基础英语词组归纳大全1、by taxi坐出租车2、on foot 步行3、go by taxi 坐出租车去4、go to the theatre去剧院5、go there 去那儿6、go to the Great Wall去长城7、go to the supermarket去超市8、this train for Shanghai去上海的火车9、the plane for Beijing 去北京的航班10、good idea 好主意11、play football 踢足球12、in the school 在学校13、be free 有空 .14、go to school by bike 骑自行车去学校15、at a snack bar在一家小吃店(快餐店)里16、how about---? ------怎么样?17、some noodles 一些面条18、Something to drink一些喝的东西19、something to eat一些吃的东西20、orange/apple juice 桔汁/苹果汁21、Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?22、a cup of coffee/ tea 一杯咖啡/茶23、a glass of milk/ juice一杯牛奶/果汁24、some chocolate 一些巧克力25、some sweets一些糖果26、some water 一些水27、play basketball 打篮球28、some cakes 一些蛋糕29、get up 起床30、have some juice 喝点果汁31、What would you like? 你要什么?32、open day 接待日33、our classroom我们的教室34、watch TV看电视35、big and bright又大又明亮36、in your classroom 在你的教室里37、in class在课上38、near the window靠近窗39、some songbooks一些歌本40、on the piano在钢琴上41、lots of books许多书42、in the library在图书馆里43、in the playground 在操场上44、On the chair在椅子上45、on the table在桌上46、open the blue box 打开蓝色的盒子47、in the cupboard 在碗柜里48、on the table在桌上49、in the fridge在冰箱里50、on the sofa 在沙发上51、use chopsticks 用筷子52、I’d like to try. 我想试试.53、a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子54、Let me try again. 让我再试试.55、in my classroom 在我的教室里56、Good idea!好主意!57、the first day of the new term 新学期的第一天58、all the students 所有的学生59、at school 在学校60、see each other 互相见面61、a new building 一座新大楼62、a lot of 许多63、I’m not sure. 我不确定。

Book11 重点单词、短语、句子

Book11 重点单词、短语、句子

Book11 1-8单元重点单词、短语、句子(Unit 1):1.反义词heavy—light strong—weak fast—slow fall asleep—wake up tall—short fat—thin large—small long—short2、表示度量衡单位及时间的词汇的缩写形式:m=metre(s) 公尺(米)cm=centimeter(s) 公分(厘米)km=kilometer(s)千米(公里)kg=kilogram(s) 千克sec=second(s) 秒m=minute(s) 分钟hr=hour(s) 小时3、短语fall asleep 睡着了healthy body 健康的身体fitness test 体能测试grow fast 长得快in the race 在比赛中do pull-ups 做引体向上lift heavy weight 举起重的哑铃lots of 许多,大量have a race 有一场比赛have a rest 休息一下wake up 醒来many different kinds of , too much be bad for get to the finish line 到达终点线winner4、句型:(1). This year, I’m taller and heavier.(2) I’m taller than Kim now.(3) Congratulations to everyone.注:名词congratulation表示祝贺,恭喜,常用算数形式。

如果要表示祝贺的具体内容,习惯上接on 引导的介词短语。

例如:Congratulations to you on your success. 恭喜你成功。

(4) You should also eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.注:vegetable 是可数名词,fruit 是不可数名词。



第二单元重点短语、词汇短语: 1.坐船:by ship 2.坐地铁by subway 3.坐公共汽车by bus/ take a bus 4.坐轮渡by ferry 5.坐雪橇by sled 6.骑自行车by bike/ride a bike7.坐火车by plane 8.坐宇宙飞船by spaceship 9.坐出租车by taxi 10.坐飞机by plane11.注意pay attention to 12.交通信号灯traffic lights 13.去上学go to school14.来学校come to school 15.红灯red light 16.绿灯green light 17.黄灯yellow light 18.步行on foot 19.坐小汽车by car 20.同班同学classmate21.自然公园nature park 22.在那边over there 23.这么多照片so many pictures24. 在美国in the USA/ in America 25.戴头盔wear a helmet 26.望右/看右look right 27.过马路cross the road 28.在香港in Hong Kong 29.摸门touch the door30.在地铁里面in the subway 31.每天every day 32.在家at home33.去看电影/去电影院go to the cinema 34.在电影院at the cinema35.在公园at the park 36.在学校at school 37.在博物馆at the museum38.中国食物Chinese food 39.使用筷子use the chopsticks40.一辆双轨电车a double-decker 41.看look at 42.在慕尼黑in Munich43.在中国 in China 44.在2009年in 2009(in two thousand nine)45.穿救生衣 wear a life jacket词汇: 1.Hi同音high 2.child复children e反go 4. On foot同义walk5.that’s全that is6.good反bad7.do单三doesA全America9.China简PRC/CN 10.No.全number 11. come现分coming 12.don’t全do not13.What is全 what’s 同音 two /too 15.ride现分riding 16.different反same17.different名词difference 18.kid同义child 19.because对应why 20. go 过去式went 21.didn’t全 did not 22.before反after 23.miss过missed24.China形容词Chinese 25.drive名词driver 26.seet同音sea/C 27.people复数people 28.England简写UK 29.for同音four 30.they are 缩写they’re第三单元复习要点 (重点短语)1.拜访外祖父母 visit grandparents2.看电影 see a film3.去超市 go to the supermarket4.去旅行 take a trip5. 在早上 in the morning6.在下午 in the afternoon 7 在晚上in the evening 8.下周next week 9. 在中午 at noon 10.连环画册 comic book 11.单词书word book 12. 明信片 postcard 13.上一节美术课 have an art lesson 14.半价 half price 15.太空旅行 space travel 16.中秋节 Mid –Autumn Festival 17.聚会get together 18.吃月饼 eat mooncakes 19.画画 draw pictures 20.在人民公园 in R enmin P ark 21.读诗read a poem 22.寻找 look for 23.去钓鱼 go fishing 24.去冲浪 go surfing 25.去玩滑板go skateboarding 26.去购物 go shopping 27.这个周末 this weekend 28.在周末 on the weekend 29.做作业 do homework 30.不得不have to 31.去游泳go swimming32.去溜冰 go ice-skating 33.洗衣服wash clothes 34.堆雪人make a snowman 35. 去野餐go for a picnic 36.今天上午this morning 37.今天下午 this afternoon 38.今天晚上this evening39.制定计划 make a plan 40.许多 lots of/a lot of 41.在他回家的路上 on his way home 42.吃大餐 have a big dinner 43.害怕 be afraid of44.做中学 learn by doing 45.讲故事 tell stories(重点词汇)1.film同义词 movie2.see同义词sea/C3.buy过去式bought4.have to同义词must5.sound单三sounds6.for同音词four7.Saturday简写Sat.8.Why同音词Y9.lots of同义词a lot of 10.Wed.全写Wednesday 11.aunt同音词aren’t 12.aunt对应词uncle 13.this 复数these 14.that复数those 15.story复数stories 16.I’ll全写I will 17.easy(简单的)反义词 difficult复数 are 19. where同音词 wear 20.we宾格us 21.remember反义词forget 22.learn 现在分词learning(重点句型) 注意粗体部分为易考点1.你明天打算干什么?What are you going to do tomorrow?2.我打算上美术课。



52 words found nding in book1. daybook【dei buk】n.日记簿, 交易日记帐2. flybook【flai buk】项目3. lawbook【`lR:bJk】n.(载有法律条文或案例等的)法律书籍4. logbook【5lR^bJk】n.航海日志, 飞行日志, 飞机航程表5. nonbook【`nCnbJk】n.无真实价值的书(常指图片集、剪报集、演讲集等)6. prebook【】预约7. bankbook【bANk buk】n.银行存折8. bluebook【blu: buk】蓝皮书9. casebook 【`keIsbJk】n.个案记录簿,案例10. cashbook【kAF buk】现金簿11. chapbook【5FApbuk】n.小本的诗歌集或故事书, 廉价的小册子12. codebook【kEud buk】n.电报密码本13. cook 【kuk】n.厨师; v.烹调, 煮, 伪造14. cookbook【kuk buk 】食谱15. copybook【5kCpibuk】字帖, n.习字簿16. datebook【dei buk】记事本17. flipbook【flip buk】动画书18. herd【hE:d】n.兽群, 牧群; v.把...赶在一起放牧, 成群19. herdbook【`h:dbJk】n.家畜血统书20. horn 【hC:n】n.(牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭, 触角; v.装角21. hornbook【`hR:nbJk】n.小孩学习用的文字板, 入门书22. hymn 【him】n.赞美诗, 圣歌; v.唱赞美歌23. hymnbook【`hImbJk】赞美诗集24. jest【dVes】n.笑话, 俏皮话; vi.嘲笑, 开玩笑; vt.嘲笑25. jestbook【`dVes bJk】n.滑稽书, 笑话集26. notebook【5nEJ bJk】笔记本27. overbook【EuvE5buk】vt. 超额订出,预订过多28. pass 【pB:s】n.经过, 关口, 途径, 护照, 通行证, 入场券, 传球, 及格; vt.通过, 审查通过, 忽略, 传递; vi.经过,变化, 流通, 宣判, 被忽略, 终止, 传递, 不叫牌29. passbook【5pB:s7buk】n.存款簿, 银行存折30. playbook【plei buk】剧本31. songbook【sCN buk】n.歌谣集, 歌集32. studbook【s Qd buk】n.血统证书, 血统簿33. textbook【5eks buk】n.教科书, 课本; adj.合乎规范的34. wordbook【`w:dbJk】字典35. workbook【5w:kbJk】n.练习簿, 业务手册36. yearbook【5jIEbJk】n.年鉴37. audiobook【5C:diEu buk 】有声读物38. guide【^aId】n.领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者, 指南;vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵; vi.任向导39. guidebook【5^aIdbJk】指南40. matchbook【5mA F7buk】n.纸板火柴,火柴盒,41. psalm【sB:m】n.圣歌42. psalmbook【`sB:mbJk, `sB:lm-】n.诗篇, 诗篇集43. scrap【skrAp】n.小片, 废料, 剪下来的图片, 文章, 残余物, 废料, 打架; vt.扔弃, 敲碎, 拆毁; vi.互相殴打;adj.零碎的, 废弃的44. scrapbook【5skrApbJk】剪贴簿45. storybook【5s C:rIbJk】n.故事书, 小说46. style【s ail】n.风格, 时尚, 文体, 风度, 类型, 字体;vt.称呼, 设计, 使合潮流; 使铁笔作装饰画47. stylebook【`s aIlbJk】n.样本, 时装式样本48. cheque【Fek】n.支票49. chequebook【`FekbJk】支票簿50. course【kC:s】n.过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道,课程, 一道菜; v.追猎, 急行, 运行, 流动; 学业51. coursebook【kC:s buk】教材52. phrase【freiz】n.短语, 习语, 惯用语, 成语, 措词;vt.用短语表达53. phrasebook【freiz buk】n.短语手册,常用语手册54. pocket【5pCki】n.衣袋, 口袋, 钱, 财; vt.装...在口袋里, 隐藏(感情), 据为己有, 击...入袋; adj.袖珍的, 小型的55. pocketbook【5pCki7buk】n.笔记本, 钱袋, 皮夹,经济来源56. prompt 【prCmp】提示命令57. promptbook【`prCmp bJk】n.提词者所用剧本58. schoolbook【`skU:lbJk】教科书59. sketch【ske F】n.略图, 草图, 概略, 梗概, 草图, 拟定; vi.绘略图, 素描; v.勾画60. sketchbook【ske F buk】n.写生簿, 小品集61. source【sC:s】n.来源, 水源, 消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者; 源,源极62. sourcebook【`sR:sbJk】n.原始资料(集),资料读物63. subnotebook【sQb nEu buk】小型笔记本电脑。



新概念第一册短语总结上IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】新概念第一册短语总结上(1-72课)Lesson 1 – 101.Excuse me打扰了2.This is your …这是你的…3.Is this your…这是你的...吗4.5.This is not my…这不是我的…6.What is this.这是什么7.8.Thank you very much非常感谢9.Here is my …这里是我的10.There那里11.Son and daughter儿子和女儿12.Umbrella and ticket伞/票13.Number five第五号14.Shirt and skirt衬衣/短裙15.Teacher and student教师/学生16.Good morning早上好17.In the morning在早上18.A new student一个新学生19.He is German他是德国人20.He is a German teacher他是一德国教师1.Mr. – Mrs. – Miss先生/夫人/小姐2.Nice to meet you见到你很高兴3.What make is it它是什么牌子的车1.What nationality are you你的国籍是什么2.3.You are…你是—4.You are not…你不是--5.Are you….你是—吗6.7.Yes, I am – No, I am not.是,我是/不,我不是1.What is your name你名字是什么1.My name is…= My name’s…我名字是---1.An engineer and an mechanic一名工程师/机械师1. A keyboard operator键盘操作人员2.Policeman and policewoman男警察/ 女警察1. A doctor and a nurse医生/护士2.Hair and hairdresser头发/理发师3.Air hostess空中小姐4. A taxi driver出租车司机5.Postman and milkman邮递员/送牛奶人1.How are you你身体好吗2.3.I am fine我很好4.How is Tom汤姆身体好吗5.6.He is well.他很好/形容词7.Day and today天/今天8.Look at me…看我。



52 words found nding in book1.daybook【♎♏♓ ♌◆】n.日记簿, 交易日记帐2.flybook【♐●♋♓ ♌◆】项目wbook【♊●♌☺】n.(载有法律条文或案例等的)法律书籍4.logbook【 ●♈♌☺】n.航海日志, 飞行日志, 飞机航程表5.nonbook【♊⏹⏹♌☺】n.无真实价值的书(常指图片集、剪报集、演讲集等)6.prebook【】预约7.bankbook【♌✌☠ ♌◆】n.银行存折8.bluebook【♌●◆ ♌◆】蓝皮书9.casebook 【♊♏✋♦♌☺】n.个案记录簿,案例10.cashbook【 ✌☞ ♌◆】现金簿11.chapbook【 ♦☞✌☐♌◆】n.小本的诗歌集或故事书, 廉价的小册子12.codebook【 ☜◆♎ ♌◆】n.电报密码本13.cook 【 ◆】n.厨师; v.烹调, 煮, 伪造14.cookbook【 ◆ ♌◆ 】食谱15.copybook【 ☐♓♌◆】字帖, n.习字簿16.datebook【♎♏♓♦ ♌◆】记事本17.flipbook【♐●♓☐ ♌◆】动画书18.herd【♒☜♎】n.兽群, 牧群; v.把...赶在一起放牧, 成群19.herdbook【♊♒♎♌☺】n.家畜血统书20.horn 【♒⏹】n.(牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭, 触角; v.装角21.hornbook【♊♒⏹♌☺】n.小孩学习用的文字板, 入门书22.hymn 【♒♓❍】n.赞美诗, 圣歌; v.唱赞美歌23.hymnbook【♊♒✋❍♌☺】赞美诗集24.jest【♎✞♏♦♦】n.笑话, 俏皮话; vi.嘲笑, 开玩笑; vt.嘲笑25.jestbook【♊♎✞♏♦♦♌☺】n.滑稽书, 笑话集26.notebook【 ⏹☜☺♦♌☺】笔记本27.overbook【☜◆☜♌◆】vt. 超额订出,预订过多28.pass 【☐♦】n.经过, 关口, 途径, 护照, 通行证, 入场券, 传球, 及格; vt.通过, 审查通过, 忽略, 传递; vi.经过, 变化, 流通, 宣判, 被忽略, 终止, 传递, 不叫牌29.passbook【 ☐♦♌◆】n.存款簿, 银行存折30.playbook【☐●♏♓ ♌◆】剧本31.songbook【♦☠ ♌◆】n.歌谣集, 歌集32.studbook【♦♦✈♎ ♌◆】n.血统证书, 血统簿33.textbook【 ♦♏♦♦♌◆】n.教科书, 课本; adj.合乎规范的34.wordbook【♊♦♎♌☺】字典35.workbook【 ♦♌☺】n.练习簿, 业务手册36.yearbook【 ✋☜♌☺】n.年鉴37.audiobook【 ♎♓☜◆ ♌◆ 】有声读物【♈♋✋♎】n.领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者, 指南; vt.指导, 支配, 管理,带领, 操纵; vi.任向导39.guidebook【 ♈♋✋♎♌☺】指南40.matchbook【 ❍✌♦☞♌◆】n.纸板火柴,火柴盒,41.psalm【♦❍】n.圣歌42.psalmbook【♊♦❍♌☺ ♊♦●❍】n.诗篇, 诗篇集43.scrap【♦❒✌☐】n.小片, 废料, 剪下来的图片, 文章, 残余物, 废料, 打架; vt.扔弃, 敲碎, 拆毁; vi.互相殴打; adj.零碎的, 废弃的44.scrapbook【 ♦❒✌☐♌☺】剪贴簿45.storybook【 ♦♦❒✋♌☺】n.故事书, 小说【♦♦♋♓●】n.风格, 时尚, 文体, 风度, 类型, 字体; vt.称呼, 设计, 使合潮流; 使铁笔作装饰画47.stylebook【♊♦♦♋✋●♌☺】n.样本, 时装式样本48.cheque【♦☞♏】n.支票49.chequebook【♊♦☞♏♌☺】支票簿50.course【 ♦】n.过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜; v.追猎,急行, 运行, 流动; 学业51.coursebook【 ♦ ♌◆】教材52.phrase【♐❒♏♓】n.短语, 习语, 惯用语, 成语, 措词; vt.用短语表达53.phrasebook【♐❒♏♓ ♌◆】n.短语手册,常用语手册54.pocket【 ☐♓♦】n.衣袋, 口袋, 钱, 财; vt.装...在口袋里, 隐藏(感情), 据为己有, 击...入袋; adj.袖珍的, 小型的55.pocketbook【 ☐♓♦♌◆】n.笔记本, 钱袋, 皮夹, 经济来源56.prompt 【☐❒❍☐♦ 】提示命令57.promptbook【♊☐❒❍☐♦♌☺】n.提词者所用剧本58.schoolbook【♊♦✞●♌☺】教科书59.sketch【♦♏♦☞】n.略图, 草图, 概略, 梗概, 草图, 拟定; vi.绘略图, 素描; v.勾画60.sketchbook【♦♏♦☞ ♌◆】n.写生簿, 小品集61.source【♦♦】n.来源, 水源, 消息来源, 原始资料, 发起者; 源,源极62.sourcebook【♊♦♦♌☺】n.原始资料(集),资料读物63.subnotebook【♦✈♌ ⏹☜◆♦ ♌◆】小型笔记本电脑。



10001. open the book打开书2. open the door打开门3. open the window打开窗户4. close the book合上书5. close the door关上门6. close the window关上窗户e in进来8. get up (wake up)起床\醒来9. go to bed上床睡觉10. go home回家11. go fish钓鱼12. go shopping购物13. go up the stairs上楼梯14. go for a walk去散步15. go slowly (walk slowly) 走得慢16.go quickly (walk quickly) 走得快17. go on a trip (go on trips) 去旅行18. go to school去上学19. go swimming去游泳20. go outside出去21. go inside进去22. grow into a man长大成人23. wacth TV看电视24. wacth a movie看电影25. talk on the phone打电话26. play the guitar弹吉他27. play the piano弹钢琴28. play cards玩牌29. play ping-pong打乒乓球30. play basketball打篮球31. play badminton打羽毛球32. play checkers下棋33. play with toys玩玩具34. play with dolls玩洋娃娃 a game (play games)玩游戏36. play sports做运动37. play on the computer 玩电脑38. work on the computer 用电脑工作39. sing songs (sing a song)唱歌40. fly kites (fly a kite) 放风筝41. write a story写故事42. good night晚安43. listen to the radio 听收音机44. draw a picture画画45. drive a car驾驶小汽车46. ride a bicycle骑自行车47. stay home呆在家里48. turn left向左转49. turn right向右转50. go straight直行51. traffic light交通灯52. walk forward朝前走53. walk backward向后走54. turn around转身55. far… from离……很远56. read a book (read books) 读书57. read the newspaper 读报纸58. get to work 开始上课/干活59. work hard at 努力学习/钻研……60. do one’s homework 做家庭作业61. by car坐小汽车62. by plane (take a plane) 坐飞机63. by train (take a train)坐火车64. by bus (take a bus) 乘公共汽车65. take a cab乘出租车66.take a picture (take pictures)照相/拍照67. take a bath洗盆浴68. take a shower洗淋浴69. New Year’s Day新年70. Spring Festival春节71. International Worker s’ Day 国际劳动节72. Children’s Day儿童节73. Teachers’ Day教师节74. National Day国庆节75. buy clothes买衣服76. buy a gift (buy gifts) 买礼物77. sit down坐下78. stand up起立79. have supper (eat supper) 吃晚饭80. have a good trip旅途愉快81.have fun (have a good time)玩得开心(愉快)82. on the train在火车上83. train station火车站84. a pair of pants一条裤子85. a pair of shoes/skates 一双鞋/冰鞋86. a pair of socks一双袜子87. a pair of runners 一双运动鞋88. a cup of tea一杯茶89. a glass of milk一杯牛奶90. look out of the window 朝窗外看91. too … to太……以致不能92. write a letter写信93. write a postcard写明信片94. write an e-mail 写电子邮件95. send an e-mail 发电子邮件96. send a card寄卡片97. on the left在左边98. on the right在右边99. in the top, right corner 在右上角100. in the top, left corner 在左上角101. over there那边102. capital city首都103. Wangfujing Street王府井大街104. Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场105. the Palace Museum 故宫106. at the airport在机场107. go to the park去公园108. make snowmen堆雪人109. make breakfast做早餐110. make supper做晚餐111. make lunch做午餐112. wash the dishes洗盘子113. dry the dishes擦盘子114. bus driver公共汽车司机115. bus stop公共汽车站116. school bus校车117. come on过来118. speak English说英语119. speak Chinese说汉语120. flowers bloom开花121. take off脱下122. put on穿(戴)上123. look out向外看/小心124. Christmas tree圣诞树125. Christmas cards 圣诞卡片126. Christmas lights圣诞灯127. Christmas gifts圣诞礼物128. Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐129. wear dresses穿裙子130. ski on the snow滑雪131. skate on the ice滑冰132. winter clothes冬装133. too big太大134. too small太小135. just right正合适;正好136. too loud太吵137. too hard太难138. too heavy太重139. Chinese lantern中国灯笼140. something special特别的东西141. police officer警察142. jump up and down上蹦下跳143. wacth the game看比赛144. walk home步行回家145. good for you对你有好处146. swimming pool游泳池147. walk to school步行上学148. teach English教英语149. learn English学英语150. summer holiday暑假151. last week上周152. next week下周153. answer the phone接电话154. basketball game篮球比赛155. basketball player篮球运动员156. basketball team篮球队157. wash clothes洗衣服158. wash face洗脸159. wash hands洗手160. brush teeth刷牙161.get read for (get read to) 为……做准备162. from … to… 从……到……163. wacth out小心164. look like看上去像165. before breakfast早餐前166. after breakfast早餐后167. hurry up快点168. comb hair梳头169. don’t be late不要迟到170. three times a week 一星期三次171. fly in the sky在天上飞172. reach high上举173. bend low下弯腰174. good-bye再见175 .All right.行、好吧、可以176 .That’s right.那是对的177 .That’s all right.别客气178.You’re welcome.不用谢,别客气179.look like .看起来像180.look the same.看起来是一样的181.look different.看起来不一样182 put on穿上、戴上183 take off脱下184 do homework做作业185 get up起床186 go to school上学187 go to bed/sleep睡觉188 go home回家189 read a book看书190 draw a picture画画191 write a story写故事192 watch TV看电视193 listen to the radio听收音机194 take a shower洗澡195 fly a kite放风筝196 play basketball/ping-pong/badminton打篮球/乒乓球/羽毛球197 play the violin/piano/guitar拉小提琴/弹钢琴/弹吉他198 play chess下象棋199 play cards打牌200 play sports做运动201go for a walk散步202clean the window擦玻璃203 wash the dishes洗餐具204 put away收拾205 put up装扮206 help each other互相帮助207 read the newspaper看报208 watch a movie看电影209 have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭210 turn on/off打开/关掉211 turn up/down放大/关小声音“单词记忆有效捷径”法则:法则1 . 字母组合变化记忆法英语单词中以某个单词为基础,加、减、换、调一个字母就成了另一个新单词。

高三英语book11 unit5 launching your career知识点分析人教新课标

高三英语book11 unit5 launching your career知识点分析人教新课标

Book11 Unit5 Launching Your Career目标认知重点词汇:drop into, unsettling, co-operate, preference, intellectual, recommendation,circuit, function, tempt重点句型:as …as possible/ you can语法:句子成分精讲巧练drop into【原句回放】…, so the next morning she dropped into a local careers office and made anappointment to see Dr Wang Xuemei. (P41)【点拨】drop into to visit unexpectedly or informally 表示“偶然进入,顺便拜访”,drop sth into sth 把某物仍进…,如:I dropped into a restaurant while walking on the street.He dropped a few coins into my hands.【拓展】相关短语:drop in on sb. / at sth. 拜访某人/ 某地,drop out 退出,辍学,如:Drop in at our house for a visit sometime.Please drop in again whenever it is convenient for you.【随时练】Joe Jones, the oldest of the eight children , had to _______ drop out of high school at the edge of 16 to help his father on the farm.A. leaveB. dropC. fallD. goKey: Bunsettling【原句回放】The meeting was rather unsettling. (P41)【点拨】unsettling adj. making people feel nervous or worried, upset and so on 表示“使人不安的; (消息)混乱的”,如:The news that some kinds of milk powder are in poor quality is very unsettling.The report comes to some pretty unsettling conclusions.【拓展】unsettled adj. 表示“未解决的,紧张不安的”,unsettle vt. 表示“使紧张,使烦恼”,如:Some important issues remained unsettled after the peace talks.The sudden changes unsettled her.【随时练】With a lot of difficult problems _________, the newly-elected president ishaving a hard time.A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settledKey: Cco-operate【原句回放】The B answers indicate students who can work successfully with others and canco-operate to learn together. (P42)【点拨】co-operate to work with other people to achieve a result that is good for everyone involved 表示“合作,协作”,常与介词with连用,如:We share the same feelings and co-operate closely with each other.Differences do exist but both the US and China are trying to co-operate and promotefriendship.【拓展】cooperation n. 合作,协作;be ready to give one's cooperation to sb. 愿与某人合作;cooperative adj. 有合作意向的,协作的;如:Jean is cooperative and helpful in the classroom.A working group will be set up to promote cooperation.【随时练】__________ medical service is becoming more and more popular with people allover the country.A. CooperativeB. CooperationC. CooperatingD. CooperatedKey: Apreference【原句回放】This time it concentrated on her preferences and abilities. (P43)【点拨】preference n. to like sth more than others 表示“偏爱, 优先选择”,have a preference for 偏爱...,如:A teacher should not show preference for any one of his pupils.My own preference is for good literature.【拓展】prefer vt. (常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿;prefer to do ... rather than do 宁愿[愿意]...而不愿;prefer 喜欢... 胜过,其中to是介词,如:Which of these two dresses do you prefer?I should prefer you not to stay ( or that you should not stay) there too long.【随时练】I prefer a flat in Inverness to _______ in Perth, because I want to live near myMom’s.A. oneB. thatC. itD. thisKey: Aintellectual【原句回放】You like both practical and intellectual skills as well as being a very goodstudent. (P43)【点拨】intellectual adj. relating to a person’s ability to think and to understand ideas and information 表示“智力的, 有智力的”,intellectual capacity 智力水平,如:Students were asked which task represented the greatest intellectual challenge.He had only the intellectual capacity of a 3-year-old although he was 18 years.【拓展】intelligent adj. 有才智的,聪明的;intelligence n. 智力,智慧;intelligence quotient 智商,He is accepted as an unusually talented or intelligent child.Use your intelligence, and you're sure to achieve something.【随时练】Can you say that dolphins are ________ more intelligent than other animals?A. muchB. manyC. tooD. quiteKey: Arecommendation【原句回放】Liangyu was very excited when she went to call on Dr Wang and find out herrecommendations. (P45)【点拨】recommendation n. formal letter or statement saying sb. would be a suitable person to do a job表示“推荐信,介绍信”,也表示“劝告;忠告”,make recommendations 提出建议,I went to the new hotel on your recommendation.Could I make one additional recommendation?【拓展】recommend vt.表示“推荐, 介绍,劝告, 建议”,recommend sb. to do sth 建议某人做某事recommend doing sth. 建议做某事Can you recommend a good dictionary?I recommend you to wait.【随时练】We strong recommended that you ________ insure your luggage when youtravel.A. shouldB. wouldC. could D, mightKey: Acircuit【原句回放】Christian bishops often go on circuit around their local areas to make sure thateverything is going well. (P46)【点拨】circuit n. path that forms a circle around an area 表示“环形道路”,也表示“电路”,make a circuit 迂回, 绕道而行,go on circuit 巡回,The old scientist used to run three circuits of the track every morning.The visitors made the circuit of the old city walls【拓展】circuitous adj. 迂回的;绕行的;We had to take a circuitous route because the road was under repair.【随时练】We _________a quick circuit of the park and then went home.A. madeB. walkedC. returnedD. hurriedKey: Afunction【原句回放】The function of an interview is for the company to find out more about you. (P49) 【点拨】function n. purpose that sth has ,or the job that sth does 表示“功能, 作用, 职责”,也用作动词表示“正常工作,正常运转”The machines just bought fail to function or function improperly.The function of advertising is to create a unique image for your company.【拓展】functional adj. 表示“实用的,正常运转的”The new hospital isn’t fully functional yet but should be very soon.These traditional tools are both functional and attractive.【随时练】To everyone’s relief, all the systems _________ their functions flawlessly.A. madeB. didC. playedD. performedKey: Dtempt【原句回放】On the other hand I am tempted by the thought of going abroad and workingwith so many foreigners. (P49)【点拨】tempt vt. to make sb. want to have or do sth even though they know they really should not 表示“诱惑, 引诱”,I am tempted to do sth “我想做某事“,tempt sb. into doing诱惑某人做某事,Can I tempt you to another bottle of beer?Your offer does not tempt me at all.The programmes are designed to tempt young people into engineering.【拓展】temptation n. 诱惑;引诱,give in/ resist temptation 屈服于/抵制诱惑,The temptation to steal is greater than ever before - especially in large shopsShe nearly gave in to the temptation to open the letter.【随时练】Don’t __________ to spend too much on such clothes, after all, we have lessmoney .A. temptB. be temptedC. resist temptationD. give up temptationKey: Bas …as possible/ you can【原句回放1】So try to make your training as flexible as possible. (P43) 【原句回放2】Above all, go away and do some research on your own to find out as much as you can about what’s available and what’s suitable for you. (P43) 【点拨】“as +形容词(副词)+as possible”结构,相当于as …as one can表示“尽极限所能做某事,尽可能…”,有时形容词后面须加名词,如:as soon as possible 尽早的He ran as quickly as possible to catch the bus.You had better make as few mistakes as possible.链接高考【考例1】Bill is a good man, kind and diligent. Don’t be too hard on him. He’s doing thejob _______.A. as good as he canB. as well as couldC. as well as he canD. as good as possible【答案与解析】C. 意思是“尽可能的做好这份工作”,well 是副词修饰动词。

高三英语BOOK11 Unit 1 New Zealand知识点分析课标

高三英语BOOK11 Unit 1 New Zealand知识点分析课标

领兑市安插阳光实验学校BOOK11 Unit 1 New Zealand目标认知词汇:extinction, scarce, take over, treaty, representative,not to mention , extensive , insure, consultant 句型:表地点状语的介词短语置于句首语法:冠词精讲巧练Extinction【原句回放】As the coastal water were heavily fished, the seals remained only on the southern-most eventually hunted to extinction. (P2) 【点拨】extinction n. the situation when an animal or plant no longer exists表示“灭绝;熄灭”,如:We should protect the species that are in danger of extinction.The race was threatened with extinction.【拓展】extinct adj. 表示“灭绝的,绝种的,不复存在的”,如:Some of the species of birds are extinct.Many words and expressions have become extinct with the development of the society.【随时练】These most primitive cultures were sentenced to ______.A. extinctB. extinctionC. deathD. lifelessKey: Bscarce【原句回放】As the population grew and land and food became scarce. (P3)【点拨】scarce adj. much less than is needed, hard to find 表示“缺乏的,不足的;稀有的”,make oneself scarce 离开,退避,如:That bird has become scarce in this country.Food wand water are scarce and expensive in the flooded area.【拓展】scarcely adv. 表示“几乎不,仅仅”,与when 连用时,意思和“hardly…when”相同都表示“一…就”,置于句首时用倒装结构。



出版相关的英语短语 “⾮特新学家不能语⾔⾃由、出版⾃由,即旧学家亦不能语⾔⾃由、出版⾃由也。


关于出版相关的英语短语的相关短语 出版 ome out ; 出版 come off the press 出版法 law of publication; press law; 出版发⾏机构 publishing house; 出版发⾏体制 system of publication and distribution; 出版⼯作 publishing work; 出版合同 contract for publication; 出版界 the press; 出版商标 printer's mark; 出版社 publishing house; press; publishing firm; 出版事项 imprint; 出版物 publication; 出版形式 mode of publication; form of publication; 出版许可[执照] [拉] imprimatur; 出版语⾔ publication language; 出版原图 printing original; 出版者 publisher; 出版⾃由 freedom of the press; liberty of press 关于出版相关的英语短语的相关单词 appear publish 关于出版相关的英语短语的相关例句 1. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. ⼩说在出版市场上占了很⼤的份额。

2. There has been some misunder-standing of our publishing aims. 关于我们的出版⽬的存在着某些误解。

3. The book was banned in the US, as were two subsequent books. 这本书在美国遭禁,随后出版的两本也是⼀样。



6.什么样的官不能发号施 令,还得老向别人陪笑? 新郎官

7.有两个人到海边玩,突然有 一个人被卷走了,被卷走的人 叫小明,还有一个人叫什么? 当然是叫救命啦!
8.飞机飞那么高,为什 么不会撞到星星呢? 因为星星会闪啊!
木莲 水仙 杏花 百合 丁香 葱兰 栀子 茉莉
你答对了吗?其实这是纯洁的 百合哦!八个答案,足够把你 迷晕了吧!嘿嘿!拜拜咯!
2.第十一本书 。(打一成语) 不可思议(book11)
3.有十只羊,九只蹲在 羊圈,一只蹲在猪圈。 (打一成语) 抑扬顿挫(一羊蹲错)
4.蒋介石如果还在世 的话世界会怎样?
5.哪个数字最勤劳?哪个 数字最懒?(打一短语) 一不做二不休
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Unit1 短语1.a healthy body 一个健康的身体2.138cm 138厘米3. 29kg 29公斤4. exercise very often练习非常频繁st year去年6. look at these photoes 看着这些照片7.strong 强壮的8. weak 虚弱的9. light 轻的10. fast 快的11.slow 慢的13.grow fast 生长的快 well 干得很好15. in the race 在比赛中16.lift some very heavy weights举起一些非常重的哑铃 two pull-ups 做两个引体向上 four 做四个19.Good for you. 你真棒19.have a race 举行一个比赛20. come to cheer 来喝彩21.have a rest 休息22.fall asleep睡着了23.finish line终点线24.get to the finish line到达终点线 fast跑得快26. wake up醒来Unit 2 The natural world一、短语1.natural world 自然世界2.Australia 澳大利亚3.New Zealand4.新西兰look at a map看着一个地图5.the name of this place这个地方的名字6.Black Mountain 黑山7.Candle Lake 烛光湖8.the sea大海9.Rain Island 雨岛10.Snowy River雪河11.the longest river 最长的河12. the Changjiang River 长江13.the highest palace 最高的宫殿 the world 在世界少年宫15.Mount Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰 China在中国17.dowell 干得好18.get some rest休息19.the Yellow River 黄河 hard学习努力21.the largest city最大的城市22.thehottest day最热的一天23.the biggest hat 最大的帽子24.the youngest surfer最年轻的冲浪运动员25. in the country 在这个国家26.amazing 令人惊奇的27.Splendid China锦绣中华28.the biggest model park 最大的模型公园29.Lhasa拉萨30.famous Chinese buildings著名的中国建筑31.the Great Wall长城32.much smaller 小的多33.take a photo拍照 the park 在公园35.rock paintings 壁画36.beautiful old trees漂亮的古树37.Potala Palace布达拉宫38.get there到达那里39.China’sFolk Culture Villages 中国民俗文化村40.every day 每天41.shows with dancing and singing 歌舞表演42.enjoy dances欣赏跳舞43.all over China 全中国44.enjoy Dragon Boat races欣赏赛龙舟表演45.climb on knives 刀上爬46. on hot summer days 在炎热的夏天47. the Water Festival泼水节unit3短语the sun 太阳2.the Earth 地球3.a planet 一颗行星4.the moon 月球5.far from 离、、、远6.near to离、、、近7.the other stars 其它星星 bad for…对、、、有坏处 a balloon 像一个气球10.a good question一个好的问题11.up in the sky 挂在天空 about 谈论、、、13.the biggest thing最大的东西14.the solar system 太阳系15.the first planet 第一颗行星16.the second planet 第二颗行星17.the third planet 第三颗行星18.the first four planets 前四颗行星19.the hottest planet 最热的行星20.much smaller 小的多21.ascientist 一位科学家 in the space station 在太空站工作 station太空站24.a day in space在太空中的一天 thespace station 在太空站26.every day 每天 the morning 在早上28.make new medicines研制新药 gravity 没有引力 the afternoon 在下午31.walk in space 在太空行走32.fix something 固定一些东西33.outside the station 在站外 the evening 在晚上35.have a rest 休息36.look out of the window 向窗外看37.a sunrise一次日出38.a sunset 一次日落39.every 45minutes每隔45分钟46.look at the picture 看着图片47 have to必须48.float away 漂走49.have a good sleep 睡个好觉50.go for a space walk去太空散步Unit 5短语1、faster,higher and stronger 更快,更高,更强2school Sports Day校运会 3.Sports Day 运动会4.60m race 60米赛跑 5.60m hurdles 60米跨栏 very fast 跑得很快7. jump very well跳得很好8.longer races 长跑9.the high jump 跳高10.the long jump跳远11.the 800m race 800米赛跑 the long jump参与跳远13.a better jumper 一个更好的跳跃者14.the best jumper 最好的跳跃者 one’s best 尽最大的努力16.give out 颁奖17.give out the team awards给小组颁奖18.Dragon Team 龙队 third place 第三名20.15 medals 15枚奖牌21.the most medals 最多奖牌22. new school records新的学校记录23.the girl’s 200-metre race女子200米赛跑24. at school Sports Day 在校运会25.move very fast 迁移的很快 60.3 seconds 用60,3秒 100m 9.78 seconds 用9,78秒跑100米28.36km per hour 36公里每小时29.without machines不用机械30.the best runners 最好的赛跑者 medals金牌32.silver medals 银牌33.bronze medals铜牌34.jump 4.69 metres跳4,69米35. win the first place获得第一36.the whole race 整个比赛37.without shoes on不穿鞋子38 win the marathon赢得马拉松Unit 6短语1.famous stories 著名的故事2. the story of Mulan花木兰故事3.hard-working努力工作的4.Journey to the West西游记5.Monkey King 孙悟空6.Cinderella灰姑娘7.Robin Hood罗宾汉8.the most interesting character最有趣的角色9.more exciting 更加振奋人心10.the funniest character最滑稽的角色ugh at 笑话、、、12.difficult things困难的事情13.kind and honest既善良又诚实 honest boy一个诚实的男孩 favourite character我最喜欢的角色 and brave既聪明又勇敢 the mud在泥巴里18.the most beautiful character最漂亮的角色19. make sb. laugh 使人发笑21.the bravest character最勇敢的角色22.a goddess一个女神 day一天24.make more people制成更多人25.make lots of people 做许多人26.hard work艰苦的工作27.the drops of mud泥点28.another idea 另外的想法29.hit the ground撞到地上30.become people变成人 hard努力工作32.make a hole打一个洞 the sky在天空34.a terrible storm 一场暴风雨 the people挽救人们 a fire 生火37.melt rocks 熔化岩石 into the sky 飞向天空39.fix the sky 补天40.clean the board檫黑板41.sweep the floor 扫地 this way用这种方法43.a pleasant surprise一个惊喜 first首先 of 、、、之一46.sell sth.for sth卖东西换、、、47.the tallest beanstalk 最高的豆颈48.a frightening character一个令人害怕的角色49.sick grandma 生病的奶奶50.the Ugly Duckling丑小鸭51.Little Red Riding Hood小红帽 the world在世界上 the end 最终 happily幸福地生活55.Snow White 白雪公主56.Zhuge Liang诸葛亮57.fairy tales 童话故事 most fairy tales在大多数童话故事里59.fight bad people 与坏人做斗争60.famous fairy tales著名的童话故事61.The Frog Prince 青蛙王子62.tell stories讲故事63.collect sth. 收集东西Unit 7 international food 国际食品 first先吃3.spicy food 辛辣的食物4.try “Thai Flower”试一下泰国花5.vegetable soup 蔬菜汤6.sweet and sour pork糖醋排骨7.sour food 酸的食物8.sweet food甜食9.beef 牛排10.pork猪排11.salt 盐12. sugar糖13.fried rice with vegetables蔬菜炒饭14.over there那边15.thirsty 口渴的16.chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕17.chocolate biscuits 巧克力饼干18.put in放近19.too much 太多20.leafy vegetables多叶的蔬菜21.pork dumplings猪肉馅的饺子22.have pork dumplings吃猪肉馅的饺子23.on the other days 在其他几天24.noodles and soup汤面 lunchtime 在午餐时间26.beef stew牛肉炖菜27.2 kilos of两公斤28.add the salt and sugar加盐和糖29.boil the beef 煮牛肉 popular 流行e from来自 made from由…做成33.a long time ago很久以前34.people in South america南美洲人35.make drinks with cacoa用可可粉做饮料 different from与…不同37.become popular变得流行38.among rich people在富人中39.taste sweet 尝起来很甜40.thicker and sweeter更浓更甜41.make into 做成42.put in放近43.all over the world 全世界44.many kinds of许多种类45.cut noodle dough 削生面团 similar to与…相似47.tomato sauce 番茄酱48.Italy意大利。
