Animals 雅思阅读常见动物词汇;句型

1. panda.- 音标:[ˈpændə]- 词性:n.(名词)- 例句:Pandas are very cute. They mainly live in bamboo forests in China.2. elephant.- 音标:[ˈelɪfənt]- 词性:n.- 例句:Elephants are the largest land animals on earth.3. tiger.- 音标:[ˈtaɪɡə(r)]- 词性:n.- 例句:Tigers are fierce predators.4. giraffe.- 音标:[dʒəˈrɑːf]- 词性:n.- 例句:Giraffes have very long necks.5. kangaroo.- 音标:[ˌkæŋɡəˈruː]- 词性:n.- 例句:Kangaroos are native to Australia.6. koala.- 音标:[kəʊˈɑːlə]- 词性:n.- 例句:Koalas spend most of their time in eucalyptus trees.7. lion.- 音标:[ˈlaɪən]- 词性:n.- 例句:Lions are known as the king of the jungle.8. zebra.- 音标:[ˈzebrə]- 词性:n.- 例句:Zebras have black and white stripes.9. monkey.- 音标:[ˈmʌŋki]- 词性:n.- 例句:Monkeys are very clever and agile.10. fox.- 音标:[fɒks]- 词性:n.- 例句:Foxes are often seen in the forest at night.二、植物类。
1. bamboo.- 音标:[ˌbæmˈbuː]- 词性:n.- 例句:Pandas love to eat bamboo.2. tree.- 音标:[triː]- 词性:n.- 例句:There are many different kinds of trees in the forest.3. flower.- 音标:[ˈflaʊə(r)]- 词性:n.- 例句:The garden is full of beautiful flowers.4. grass.- 音标:[ɡrɑːs]- 词性:n.- 例句:Cows like to eat grass.5. rose.- 音标:[rəʊz]- 词性:n.- 例句:A red rose is a symbol of love.6. lily.- 音标:[ˈlɪli]- 词性:n.- 例句:Lilies are very fragrant.7. oak.- 音标:[əʊk]- 词性:n.- 例句:Oak trees are very strong and can live for a long time.8. maple.- 音标:[ˈmeɪpl]- 词性:n.- 例句:Maple leaves turn red in autumn.9. pine.- 音标:[paɪn]- 词性:n.- 例句:Pine trees are evergreen.10. sunflower.- 音标:[ˈsʌnflaʊə(r)]- 词性:n.- 例句:Sunflowers always face the sun.。

二、Environment and Ecology:•photosynthesis:光合作用。
•carbon cycle:碳循环。
•nitrous oxide:一氧化二氮。
三、Social Sciences:•socioeconomic:社会经济的。
•binary digit:二进制位,比特。
•cloud computing:云计算。
六、History and Culture:•renaissance:文艺复兴。

1、Monkey is a small brown omnivore with a long tail,it is from Africa and lives in mountains, which likes to eat peaches and climb trees, it’s very naughty ['nɔ:tɪ] (adj. 顽皮的;不听话的;粗俗的;下流的).2、Gorilla is a very large powerful omnivore witha black or brown hairy body, it is from Africaand lives in mountains, which likes to eat ants and bananas, which likes to beat its chest. 3、Panda is a large black and white herbivore thatlooks like a bear, it is from china and lives in mountains, which likes to eat bamboo, it is the national treasure of china.4、Peacock is a large bird with a beautiful longblue and green tail which can raise up and fan out, it is from Asian and lives in forests, which likes to eat mushroom [ˈmʌʃrʊm],browse,leaves, termite [ˈtə:ˌmaɪt] and other insects(蘑菇、嫩草、树叶、白蚁和其它昆虫).5、Peahen is a large brown bird, the female of thepeacock.母孔雀是一种大型的棕色的鸟。

雅思阅读中常见的动植物类词汇下面是我搜集的雅思阅读中常见的动植物词汇:Fauna动物mammal 哺乳动物kangaroo (n.) 袋鼠joey (n.) 小袋鼠koala (n.) 树袋熊,考拉brown bear (n.) 棕熊polar bear (n.) 北极熊panda (n.) 熊猫dinosaur (n.)恐龙antelope (n.) 羚羊leopard (n.) 豹elephant (n.) 大象zebra (n.) 斑马rabbit (n.) 兔子rhino (n.) 犀牛hippo (n.) 河马squirrel (n.) 松鼠goat (n.) 山羊sheep (n.) 绵羊camel (n.) 骆驼bat (n.) 蝙蝠marine mammal 海洋哺乳动物shark (n.) 鲨鱼dolphin (n.) 海豚whale (n.) 鲸鱼blue whale (n.) 蓝鲸killer whale (n.) 虎鲸minke whale (n.) 小须鲸Northern right whale (n.) 北露脊鲸sperm whale (n.) 抹香鲸sea otter (n.) 海獭bird species 禽类pigeon (n.) 鸽子falcon (n.) 游隼,猎鹰hawk (n.) 隼,鹰parrot (n.) 鹦鹉penguin (n.) 企鹅kaka (n.) 卡卡啄羊鹦鹉(新西兰的一种橄榄色鹦鹉) emu (n.) 鸸鹋ostrich (n.) 鸵鸟insect 昆虫wasp (n.) 黄蜂bee (n.) 蜜蜂reptile爬行动物lizard (n.) 蜥蜴chameleon (n.)变色龙amphibian 两栖动物crocodile (n.) 鳄鱼frog (n.) 青蛙toad (n.) 蟾蜍fish 鱼类herring (n.) 鲱鱼whiting (n.) 牙鳕others 其他ocean urchin (n.) 海胆jellyfish (n.) 水母spider (n.) 蜘蛛lobster (n.) 龙虾Flora植物本文来源:恒星英语网marine forest (n.) 海底森林kelp forest (n.) 海草林,巨藻林pine tree (n.) 松树pepper (n.) 胡椒passion fruit (n.) 西番莲子,鸡蛋果pea (n.) 豌豆lentil (n.) 扁豆lettuce (n.) 莴苣,生菜pumpkin (n.) 南瓜mushroom (n.) 蘑菇spinach (n.) 菠菜celery (n.) 芹菜cauliflower (n.) 花椰菜,菜花broccoli (n.) 西兰花aubergine / eggplant (n.) 茄子garlic (n.) 大蒜ginger (n.) 姜。
雅思阅读词汇讲解 动物

二、动物主题的高频词汇和表达1.生物多样性:biological diversity,物种多样性species diversity,遗传多样性genetic diversity2.濒危动物:endangered animal,珍稀动物rare animal,灭绝动物extinct animal3.保护措施:protection measures,自然保护区nature reserve,野生动物保护wildlife protection4.生态环境:ecological environment,生态系统ecosystem,生态环境恶化ecological degradation5.动物行为:animal behavior,繁殖行为reproductive behavior,社会行为social behavior三、提高阅读理解和速度的方法1.积累动物主题词汇:通过查阅词典、阅读相关文章等方式,逐步掌握高频词汇和表达。

动物1.bee colony 蜂群2.adaptation3.adept4.aggregate5.aggressive6.analogous7.ancestral8.anterior 前面的9.ape10.apiculture养蜂业11.aquatic12.ass/dongkey13.badger 獾14.beaver 河狸15.breeding season16.buffalo17.bull18.butterfly husbandry technique蝴蝶饲养技术19.calf小牛20.camel21.camouflage22.capture23.carnivore 食肉动物24.chew25.chimpanzee26.consciousness27.crow28.crustacean 甲壳纲动物29.deer30.defensive31.degradation32.detoxify33.devastating34.disperse 散开35.diversity36.dolphin37.dormant 冬眠的,休眠的,潜在的38.entomologist 昆虫学家39.evolutionary40.excrete 排泄41.external42.extinct43.feral 野生的44.flavourful 可口的45.flip46.functional47.genetic48.giraffe 长颈鹿49.goat50.habitat 栖息地51.hedgehog 刺猬52.hippopotamus 河马53.inbreeding54.instinct 本能55.kangaroo56.koalamby eggs59.leopard60.mammal61.mate62.mature63.migrant64.mimic65.mule66.nocturnal animal夜间活动的动物67.nourish68.nutrient69.obstruct 阻塞70.offspring71.orient72.pigeon73.prevalent74.primate 灵长类75.puma 美洲狮76.rear 培养77.remnant 残余的78.reproductive79.resemble80.roost 栖息81.rudimentary 基本的82.salmon 鲑鱼83.scent 香味84.scorpion 蝎85.seal 海豹86.shedding 脱落87.shrimp 小虾88.simultaneously 同时的89.skeleton 骸骨 animal 群居动物91.specimen 标本92.squirrel 松鼠93.sterility 不育94.stimulus 刺激物95.sting 刺96.subsistence 生存97.surpass98.synthetic 合成的99.tactile 触觉的100.thrive 旺盛101.undergo经历102.victim 受害人103.vulnerable 易受伤的104.whale 鲸105.zoologist。

动物类雅思词汇1. Lion 狮子2. Tiger 老虎3. Elephant 大象4. Giraffe 长颈鹿5. Penguin 企鹅6. Whale 鲸7. Shark 鲨鱼8. Dolphin 海豚9. Snake 蛇10. Rabbit 兔子11. Monkey 猴子12. Chimpanzee 黑猩猩13. Gorilla 大猩猩14. Fox 狐狸15. Wolf 狼16. Deer 鹿17. Bear 熊18. Koala 考拉19. Horse 马20. Cow 奶牛21. Pig 猪22. Sheep 绵羊23. Goat 山羊24. Chicken 鸡25. Duck 鸭26. Turkey 火鸡27. Eagle 鹰28. Owl 猫头鹰29. Bat 蝙蝠30. Lizard 蜥蜴31. Turtle 龟32. Crab 螃蟹33. Spider 蜘蛛34. Ant 蚂蚁35. Bee 蜜蜂36. Butterfly 蝴蝶37. Moth 飞蛾38. Whale 鲸鱼39. Seal 海豹40. Walrus 海象41. Seagull 海鸥42. Pelican 鹈鹕43. Penguin 企鹅44. Octopus 章鱼45. Fish 鱼46. Salmon 鲑鱼47. Trout 鳟鱼48. Shrimp 虾49. Crab 螃蟹50. Lobster 龙虾51. Clam 蛤52. Oyster 牡蛎53. Squid 鱿鱼54. Starfish 海星55. Jellyfish 水母56. Sea Urchin 海胆57. Seahorse 海马58. Dolphin 海豚59. Whale 鲸60. Whale Shark 鲸鲨61. Hammerhead Shark 锤头鲨62. Leopard Shark 豹鲨63. Nurse Shark 护士鲨64. Zebra 斑马65. Lion 狮子66. Cheetah 猎豹67. Leopard 豹68. Hyena 鬣狗69. Wolf 狼70. Fox 狐狸71. Jackal 豺72. Coyote 郊狼73. Badger 獾74. Skunk 臭鼬75. Weasel 黄鼠狼76. Raccoon 浣熊77. Squirrel 松鼠78. Rabbit 兔子79. Hare 野兔80. Rat 老鼠81. Mouse 鼠标82. Hamster 仓鼠83. Gerbil 沙鼠84. Guinea Pig 豚鼠85. Bat 蝙蝠86. Vampire Bat 吸血蝙蝠87. Mole 鼹鼠88. Squirrel 松鼠89. Chipmunk 花栗鼠90. Beaver 海狸91. Otter 水獭92. Armadillo 犰狳93. Sloth 树懒94. Ape 猿95. Gorilla 大猩猩96. Chimpanzee 黑猩猩97. Orangutan 猩猩98. Gibbon 长臂猿99. Monkey 猴子100. Baboon 狒狒。

生物类词汇1. mammal n.哺乳动物2. species n.物种3. evolve v.(使)进化,(使)演变eg. It has been speculated that, as the blowholes evolved and migrated to the top of the head, the neural pathways serving sense of smell may have been nearly all sacrificed.(C4T1P2)evolution n.进化evolutionary adj.进化的,发展的4. calf n.幼崽,牛犊whale calf 幼鲸5. captive adj.被俘获的captive soldiers/ animals (opp: free ranging 自由放养的)n. 俘虏captivity n.囚禁,束缚,圈养in captivitycaptivate v.吸引6. sense n.感官,感觉sense of smell/touch/taste/hearing/vision 五种感官acoustic sense 听觉eg. The sense of touch has sometimes been described as weak too, but this view is probably mistaken. (C4T1P2 What do whales feel?)The sense of vision is developed to different degrees in different species. (C4T1P2)sensitive adj.体贴的,敏感的eg. The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there. (C4T1P2)sensation n.感觉能力,感觉sensational adj.耸人听闻的,极好的7. organism n.有机体,生物eg. Breeding in most organisms occur a part of the year only. (C5T4P3)organic adj.有机的organic food8. breeding 繁殖;饲养;教养eg. The breeding season of some plants can be delayed to extraordinary lengths. (C5T4P3)breed v.繁殖;饲养;导致n.种类,品种9. shade-tolerant adj.耐阴的shade-intolerant adj.不耐阴的eg. Plants in general can be divided into two groups: shade-tolerant species and shade-intolerant species.shade n.荫,阴凉处10. gene n.基因genetic adj. 基因的,遗传的genetically adv.从基因方面,从遗传学角度geneticist n.遗传学者11. reproduction n.生殖;复制;复制品eg. Before the breeding season begins, food reserves must be built up to support the energy cost of reproduction. (C5T4P3)eg. This is a reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’.复制品reproduce v.生殖;复制12. specimen n.样本,样品13. predator n.食肉动物,捕食者,掠夺者prey n.捕获物,受掠夺者v.掠夺,捕食14. instinct n.本能,天性。

雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物1. Do you like animals?Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or in any other way screw you over. People will dothis in a nano-second.比起人来,我更喜欢动物。
2. What's your favourite animal?I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.我是个爱动物的人。
3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse.狗。

实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这个答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。
AnimalsEndangered species 濒临物种Red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤Snub-nosed golden monkey 金丝猴Broaden horizon 开阔视野Creaturely world 动物世界National symbol and treasure of China 国宝Fluffy 毛茸茸的Black eye patches 黑眼罩Appealing 吸引人的Comical 滑稽的Bamboo shoot 竹笋Dull 呆滞的Good companions 好伙伴Dog-person/cat-person 汪星人/ 喵星人Faithful 忠诚的Sense your minds 感知你的思想Vent spleen on sb. 对某人发脾气Nasty bite 狠咬一口1. Do you like animals?Yes. I like animals especially dogs because they can accompany me when I am sad or lonely. Also, I like dogs because of a documentary in which there is a faithful dog who kept waiting his master after he died. I was deeply moved by it. I raised dogs and cats before and was so heartbroken when my adorable pet dog passed away that I decided not to raise animals any longer.2. What is your favorite animal?My favorite animal is dog because they are very faithful to their master. Once they recognize one person as their master, they never betray him or her. I love dogs also because I’m moved by a documentary. The documentary portrays a dog whose master passed away while it stays in the place where they went most waiting for its master until the day of its death.3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?People in my country usually have dogs and cats as their pet. Most of people have dogs as their pets because dog is the kind of animal which likes spending time with people and following them around. Others choose cat cuz cats are really adorable.4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?It depends. I don’t think cities are suitable places for keeping dogs as a pet cuz the room is too limited. However, keeping a hamster as a pet is just enough cuz hamsteroccupies a much smaller place.5. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?Children can play with pets when adults around him or her are too busy, so that they may be more sociable when they grow up. Also, taking care of a pet can also help children acquire the skills to take care of themselves.。

雅思词汇解析之动物话题一、动物上1. purr /pɜː/v. When a cat purrs, it makes a low vibrating sound with its throat because it is contented. 猫猫很舒服时候的呼噜声~1. The cat purred as I stroked its fur.注:stoke v. 轻抚;抚摩2. If we stroke the cat one way, it purrs, and if we stroke it the other way it growls.这里的growl是什么意思呢?刚好和purr相反,就是铲屎官强行撸猫后,猫猫的低吼声:a deep threatening sound.2. pat /pæt/v. to lightly touch (someone or something) with your hand to show affection or approval or to provide comfort.所以pat cats 就是撸猫。
其他类似的表达如刚才提到的stroke pats 以及pet catspet v. 抚摸;爱抚地摩挲3. companion /kəm'pænjən/n. a person or animal you spend time with or enjoy being with大多数人养宠物的原因即:they make good companions.e.g. The dog has been her constant /longtime companion these past ten years. 形影不离的陪伴。
4. furry /'fɜːrɪ/furry的词根是fur, 那么意思就一目了然了: 毛茸茸的。
e.g. The koala is a sluggish, tailless, furry arboreal mammal. 考拉是一种行动迟缓的、无尾的、有皮毛、生活于树上的哺乳动物。

雅思写作关于动物词汇11. vivisection 活体解剖2. perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验3. test animals 用于试验的动物4. be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验5. animal rights 动物权利6. clinical research 临床讨论7. cruel 残忍的8. extremist 极端主义者9. medical research 医学讨论10. origin of species 物种起源雅思写作(动物类)词汇211. alternative method 替代的(方法)12. biological diversity 生物多样性13. natural balance 自然平衡14. equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡15. coexistence 共存16. endangered animals 濒危动物17. diversity of species 物种多样性18. shameless 令人惭愧的19. barbaric 野蛮的20. live and let live 活着就是与万物共存雅思写作动物类词汇321. meaningless 没有意义的22. dominant species 优势物种23. laboratory 试验室24. vaccine 疫苗25. infringement 践踏26. right to live 生存权27. torture 熬煎28. anti-science 反科学的29. life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病30. scientific gains 科学成果雅思写作动物类词汇431. an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题32. evolution 进化33. computer simulation 电脑模拟34. groundless 没有理由的35. humane 人道的36. medical technology 医疗技术37. anatomy 解剖38. equal 公正的39. unreliable 不行信任的40. valid 有效的、正值的雅思写作关于动物爱护的词汇总结文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

1. Dog,那可是人类最忠诚的伙伴啊!就像我家的狗狗,每次我回家,它都会兴奋地扑上来,摇着尾巴,仿佛在说:“你可算回来啦!”
2. Cat,猫咪多可爱呀!你看它们那慵懒的样子,像个小公主似的,我朋友的猫就老是趴在窗边晒太阳。
3. Horse,哇,那可是高大威武的存在!就如同战场上的勇士,还记得电视里那些骑马奔腾的画面吗?
4. Fish,在水中自由自在的鱼儿,它们就像水中的精灵,在鱼缸里游来游去,好不快活,你养过鱼吗?
5. Bird,鸟儿能在天空中翱翔,多让人羡慕啊!就好像它们拥有整个天空,叽叽喳喳地唱着歌,多欢快呀!
6. Monkey,猴子是那么机灵调皮!像个小淘气包,动物园里的猴子总是上蹿下跳的,逗得大家哈哈大笑。
7. Lion,森林之王狮子啊,多威风!就像一个霸气的王者,那吼声能震慑一切,你能想象到那种场面吗?
8. Tiger,老虎那凶猛的样子,真让人敬畏!就跟个强大的战士似的,在丛林中称霸,你敢靠近吗?
9. Rabbit,小兔子乖乖的,多萌呀!像个毛茸茸的小团子,我表妹就特别喜欢抱着兔子玩偶。
10. Sheep,一群羊在草原上,那画面多美!它们就像一朵朵白云飘在地上,是不是很神奇呢?
我觉得animals 真的是非常神奇和有趣的,它们给我们的生活带来了很多不一样的色彩和乐趣。

动物场景Animals动物分类及名称zool ogy动物学,wil dlife species野生动物,creatures生物,rare animal,invertebrate,vertebrate,fish,mammals,bird,reptilecarnivore,herbivore,insectivore,omnivore海洋类d olphin,whale,blue whal e,kill er whal e,shark,penguin,squirrel,lion,Asiatic lions,ostrich,monkey,rabbit,snake,horse,kangaroo,koala,emu,sheep,昆虫类insect,beneficial insect,harmful insect,fly,butterfly,dragonfly,firefly,ant,bee,stings针,spid er蜘蛛,amphibians,poultry家禽,livestock牲畜,pest害虫,sperm whal e,northern right whal e,mink whal e,turtle,herring青鱼,sea otter水獭,sea urchin海胆,gorilla,chimpanzee,ape,swine,lizard,crocodile,zebra,l eopard,hen,goat,dinosaur,falcon,bat,kiwi,kaka,moa,migratory bird候鸟,frog,toad 蟾蜍,cricket,cockroach蟑螂,Asian bee,native bee,wasp,mosquito,worms 蠕虫,昆虫的幼虫,shrimp小虾,l obster龙虾,shellfish贝甲类动物,动物的发展史habitat,disappear,creatures生物,injure,kill,extinction灭绝=die out,sub-species,roam晃荡,活动,动物的养殖rear/breed/farm饲养,mature,maturity,female ostrich母鸵鸟,lay eggs 下蛋,beef,lamb,chicken,pork,protein蛋白质,fat脂肪,fertilize使受孕,施肥于,human mind ers饲养者,hatch孵化,cholesterol胆固醇,capital资本,outlay费用支出,区域特征land,coast,coastline,dry inland,territory,polar region,marsh动物外形appearancefin,tail,scale,fur,hid e,fang,tongue,feather,beak/bill,paw/claw,jaw,wings abdomen structure构造,bone,average annual catch每年捕获量,limbs,gills,skeleton骨骼,cartilage软骨动物行为behaviorgrass,vegetation,moisture,prey,l ocate food,garbage,seeds,migration pattern,surface,ocean fl oor,good eyesight,sense of smell,col or,hearing,sea l evels,mating,second hand camera,late afternoon,inhabit,habitat,inhabitant,nest,caves,d epth,furniture,whol e building,small scale,resistant,life cycl e,birth control,fur trad e皮毛贸易,self-d efense,scent,col or,shortage of food,lifestyl e,sex,bl ood sampl e,sign,warning,radar雷达,breed交配繁殖,survival probability,incubator,offspring,ancestors,bait,vulnerabl e,vulnerability易受伤的,a limited gene pool,die out,beast野兽,tribal ceremonial dress部落礼服,ladies’ fans,d ecorated hats,nuts,landmark地标,injured animals,research,education,tid e海潮,calm,choppy,science backup科学依据,group size,hurt,attack,population size,relations,fish oil,fat acid,brain,l earning difficulty,reading difficulty,l ow-nutrition,sea l evels,salt content,rice cultivation,resid ence,fruit trees,fl owers,wax蜂蜡,candl e,polish,sl eeping sickness,kelp forest 海藻森林,marine life海洋生物,fl ourishment兴盛茂盛,immune system免疫系统,bee optic,straightforward bones,d ecoration,flying speed,flying height,fully grown,foot rings。

mare 母马colt, foal 马驹,小马pony 矮马thoroughbred 纯种马mustang 野马mule 骡ass, donkey 驴ox 牛buffalo 水牛bull 公牛cow 母牛calf 小牛, 牛犊bullock, steer 小阉牛heifer 小母牛pig, swine 猪boar 种猪hog 阉猪, 肥猪gilt 小母猪piglet 猪崽sheep 羊ewe 母羊goat 山羊lamb 羊羔,羔羊zebra 斑马antelope 羚羊gazelle 小羚羊deer 鹿reindeer 驯鹿giraffe 长颈鹿camel 骆驼dromedary 单峰驼llama 大羊驼guanaco 原驼alpaca 羊驼vicuna 小羊驼elephant 象rhinoceros 犀牛hippopotamus 河马cat 猫tabby, she-cat, grimalkin 雌猫tomcat 雄猫, 公猫kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫lion 狮panther, puma 美洲豹leopard 豹tiger 虎wildcat 野猫bison 美洲野牛yak 牦牛dog 狗badger 獾weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼otter 水獭fox 狐hyena, hyena 鬣狗wolf 狼squirrel 松鼠dormouse 睡鼠beaver 河狸marmot 土拨鼠ferret 雪貂bear 熊rabbit 兔子hare 野兔rat 鼠chinchilla 南美栗鼠gopher 囊地鼠Guinea pig 豚鼠marmot 土拨鼠mole 鼹鼠mouse 家鼠vole 田鼠monkey 猴子chimpanzee 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩orangutan 猩猩gibbon 长臂猿sloth 獭猴anteater 食蚁兽duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽kangaroo 袋鼠koala 考拉, 树袋熊hedgehog 刺猬porcupine 箭猪, 豪猪bat 蝙蝠armadillo 犰狳dolphin 河豚porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚seal 海豹walrus 海象。

雅思听力必备动物篇词汇雅思听力词汇:动物篇native animals本土动物wildlife野生动植物mammal哺乳动物cattle牲畜migration迁徙: migration patterns迁徙方式(雅思中考到了鳄鱼的迁徙途径)TIPS:雅思考试曾多次出现动物场景,一个女人谈她参观过四个动物园zoo之后的感受,要求填写稀有狮子rare lion和大象elephant这两种动物。
谈话中介绍一个动物园的布局,涉及稀有动物的种类 species in rare animal area, 包括稀有鱼类rare fish, 山羊goats, 马horses和母鸡 hens。
谈论野生动物园时,涉及到红袋鼠red kangaroo的身高和鳄鱼 crocodile的寿命life span.在预备动物场景时要对一些常见的动物名称熟练掌握,包括发音拼写以及最基本的生理特征和生活习性,特别关注澳大利亚的一些特色动物。
雅思必备动物类词汇zebra 斑马 (zebra crossing斑马线)Elephant大象Crocodile鳄鱼Dolphin海豚Kangaroo袋鼠Koala考拉Rhino犀牛Falcon猎鹰Hippo河马hippopotamusShark鲨鱼Emu食火鸟Kiwi几维鸟Kaka橄榄色鹦鹉kelp海藻insect昆虫:Mosquito蚊子: mosquito net蚊帐TIPS:雅思考试中曾考到过这样的场景,水濑sea otter减少,引起海胆sea urchin/'ə:tʃin/增加和海水kelp forest减少。
wasp黄蜂,ape猿猴donkey 驴mane(狮子等的)鬃毛urther羽毛fur皮毛horse hair马毛hard-hoofed硬蹄的:hard-hoofed animal硬蹄动物breeding繁殖whale鲸鱼: killer whale杀人鲸机经词汇:sheep sheering 剪羊毛Sheep and cattle畜群endangered species 频危物种extinct species 灭绝物种harmful insects有害昆虫insects haunting 闹昆虫fur trade皮毛交易willow 柳树<!--右侧开始--><!--右侧中部广告--> <!--右侧模块2--><!--右侧底部广告--><!--右侧结束-->。
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Paraphrases:1.recreate a clone =2.Generally, marsupials have a _________for the youngest.3.depend on =4.Their stomach could inflate … they couldeat a large amount of food to compensate a period lack of food.5.and this resulted in mass killing of thetigers6.They seldom set up some resistance in frontof the foes …7.Dingo was its rival for habitats and foodsources.8.European settlers destroyed the forests …9.The last Tasmanian tiger perished in …and this marked the termination to thisspecies.Sentence patterns and ExpressionsTopic: AnimalsHabitat1. Animals are native to sp.2. They are now chiefly found in sp.3. They are African and Asian mammals.4. Bee-eaters form families across an area that extends from A to B5. Flocks of Bee-eaters follow sth. as they work field.6. That was once found on mainland Australia. Living habits1. be fond of sth.= the animal’s fondness for sth.2.They are nocturnals, being active chiefly at night.3.They don’t always stay on the ground, they move from tree to tree, carefully raising a andlowing themselves by their paws.4.Some hunting territories cover xx square kilometres.5.sth. form families that breed in the spring and summer6.These carnivores mainly relied on stamina than speed in the chase.Family Relationship1.The badgers occasionally formed loose family groups.2.Baby Koalas are strongly protected by their mothers, and the familial bond is very strong inKoala world.3.The nesting season is a time when families help each other.4.They also benefit by providing for chicks to continue the family line.Appearances1.In appearance, it is a combination of …and … .2.They are easily/instantly recognisable by grey and white stripes that extend from the top ofthe head to the tail3.curved nose4.Sth get their endearing appearance from a covering of5. They almost looked like large dogs with stripes on their back.6. They have heavy stiff tails, large heads.7. The females had a pouch with four teats. Characteristics1.They are naturally curious animals.2.their unpredictable nature(it’s hard to tell how they will behave)3.It looks vulnerable and harmless, but they are afraid of nothing.4.have a reputation for5.Although in spite of its gentle-sound name, it is rather aggressive.6.They are also tough creatures, and can recover quickly from injuries that would kill mostother animals.7. These creatures were shy and mute animals, but barks huskily at the time when it was excited and restless.Longevity1.It’s a short, spectacular for 4 to 6 years3.have a surprisingly long life span, which can range from 9 to 20 years, in rare cases. Reasons for extinction1.The largest force to contribute to Koala extinction has been hunting.2.At least 30 percent of them will be killed by predators.3.They have been hunted since 1980 for the luxurious furs/skins/ivories…4.Their worst enemy, besides hunters, is fire.5.The difficulties of migration and avoiding predators along the way affect every… .6.It is interesting to note that many Koalas die from being hit by car and some even attack bydogs.7.Bee-eaters often set special traps to catch sth. temporarily.8.It is believed that the fierce and wild hunters of Australia , Dingo is somewhat responsible for the extinction of the Tasmanian tigers.How they defend themselves1.fight over an important food source2.Their main defense is climbing.3.They hardly used to put up some resistance before their enemies.Diet1 Koalas can survive on a diet of sth.2. To cope with such a diet, nature has equipped Koalas with specialised adaptations.3. Their source of food is depleting from their natural habitats, fighting a battle against extinction all its own.4. They mainly eat a range of small creatures, like sth, but will also catch5. Sth. pass the winter by sleeping in their hives, which cuts off the bee eater’s main source of food.6. They are meat-eating animals with an extremely varied diet.7. the diet of sth. included…8. The food list of the Tasmanian tigerincluded …9. These carnivores mainly ate the …Other useful expression1. to conserve energy2. be susceptible to3. wildlife expert4. Sth. become accustomed to the presence of sth.5. Closer inspection reveals …6. locate the prey mainly using7. The koala is actually a marsupial, containing a small pouch for its young. ————————————————————————————————————Supplement1. vertebrate adj. 脊椎的,脊椎动物的: any animal with a backbone , including all mammals , birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians2.carnivore [ˈkɑːnɪvɔː(r)]n. 食肉动物;herbivore herbivoren. 草食动物3. diurnal [daɪˈɜːnl] adj. 白天的;nocturnal 夜间发生的4. metabolism n. 新陈代谢;5.hibernation [ˌhaɪbəˈneɪʃn] n.过冬,冬眠,避寒migration n. 移民,移往,移动;immigrant n. 移民, 侨民 adj. 移民的6. evolve vt. &vi.进化 9. claw n. 爪,钳,螯,爪状物 v. 抓,撕7. adapt vt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合. 10. limb n. 树枝,四肢beak n. 鸟嘴,鸟嘴装物体,鼻. 11.hormone n. 荷尔蒙, 激素8. digest n. 摘要 vt. 消化,理解 vi. 消化 12. stimulus n. 刺激, 激励, 刺激品。