
中学生感恩节英语演讲稿中学生感恩节英语演讲稿thanksgiving da is the most trul amerian of the national holidas in theunited states and is most losel onneted ith the earliest histor of theountr.in 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, the sailed to ameria on the mafloer, seeking a plae here the ould have freedom of orship. after atempestuous to-month voage the landed at in i november, hat is noplmouth, massahusetts.during their first inter, over half of the settlers died of starvationor epidemis. those ho survived began soing in the first spring.all summer long the aited for the harvests ith great anxiet, knoingthat their lives and the future existene of the olon depended on the ingharvest.finall the fields produed a ield rih beond expetations. andtherefore it as deided that a da of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed.ears later, president of the united states prolaimed the fourth thursda ofnovember as thanksgiving da ever ear. the elepation of thanksgiving da hasbeen observed on that date until toda.the pattern of the thanksgiving elepation has never hanged through theears. the big famil dinner is planned months ahead. on the dinner table,peopleill find apples, oranges, hestnuts, alnuts and grapes. there ill beplum pudding, mine pie, other varieties of food andranberr juie and squash.the best and most attrative among them are roast turke and pumpkin pie. thehave been the most traditional and favorite food on thanksgiving da throughoutthe ears.everone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turke stuffed ith apead dressing to absorb the tast juies as it roasts. but as ooking variesith families and ith the regions here one lives, it is not eas to get aonsensus on the preise kind of stuffing for the roalbird.thanksgiving toda is, in ever sense, a national annual holida on hihamerians of all faiths and bakgrounds join in to express their thanks for theear'附送:中学生感恩英语演讲稿中学生感恩英语演讲稿the poet said: spring floers to the door pushed open 。

isaid:thanksgivingtothedoorpushedopentheliving.ifyoucarefullylistentothe voicesofflowers,areeverywhereharmoniouslifemovement.诗人说:花朵把春天的门推开了。
then,asamiddleschoolstudent,howthanksgiving?那么,作为一名中学生,怎样感恩呢?firstthanksgivingtheirparents,becauseeveryone%26#39;slifeisacontinua tionoftheparentsofoneblood,alloftheparentsgaveuslove,letusenjoythehum anworldofaffectionandhappiness,therefore,wewouldliketothanktheparents.首先要感恩自己的父母,因为每个人的生命都是父母血脉的延续,父母给了我们全部的爱,让我们享受到了人世间的亲情和幸福,因此,我们要感谢父母。
teachersareourgrowth领路人,areourfriends,teacherscareforus,theirwordsanddeeds,letusbenefitforlif e,wepayforteacherseffortsandsweat,weshouldthanksgivingteachers.老师是我们成长的领路人,是我们的朋友,老师爱护我们,言传身教,让我们受益终身,老师为我们付出心血和汗水,我们应该感恩老师。
studentsstudythelivesofourfellowstudentstoencourageeachother,helpeach other,tojointlyovercomedifficultiesandsetbacks,thecommontasteofsuccess andhappinesslearning,weshouldbegratefulforeverydayandweaccompanied thestudents.同学是我们学习生活的同伴,同学间互相鼓励,互相帮助,共同战胜困难与挫折,共同品尝学习的成功与快乐,我们应该感谢天天与我们相伴的同学。

中学生感恩的英文演讲稿三篇篇一:中学生感恩的英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,Good morning! Today, I would like to share with you the importance of gratitude in our lives.Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciative. It is about acknowledging the kindness and support we receive from others, and expressing our sincere gratitude towards them. As middle school students, we often take many things for granted. We may not fully appreciate the efforts of our parents who work hard to provide for us, or the dedication of our teachers who guide us in our education. We may even forget to say thank you to our friends who are always there for us.However, it is crucial for us to cultivate a sense of gratitude in our hearts. First and foremost, expressing gratitude helps to strengthen our relationships with others. When we show appreciation for someone’s kindness, they feel valued and acknowledged. This, in turn, encourages them to continue supporting and helping us. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can foster stronger bonds between individuals.Moreover, gratitude brings happiness and fulfillment to our own lives. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we shift our mindset from negativity to positivity. Instead of complaining about what we don’t have, we start to appreciate what we do have. This positive outlook on life allows us to experience more joy and contentment. Studies have shown that people who regularlypractice gratitude have lower levels of stress and depression, and higher levels of overall well-being.Lastly, gratitude inspires us to give back to others. When we realize how much we have been blessed with, we feel a sense of responsibility to help those who are less fortunate. Whether it is through volunteering, donating, or simply lending a helping hand, gratitude motivates us to make a positive difference in the lives of others.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful force that can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. By expressing our gratitude, we strengthen our relationships, find happiness within ourselves, and inspire others to do good. Let us remember to be thankful for all the blessings we have received, and never forget to say thank you to those who have made a difference in our lives.Thank you for your attention!篇二:中学生感恩的英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,Today, I want to talk about the importance of gratitude in the lives of middle school students.As teenagers, we often get caught up in the challenges and pressures of school, friends, and family. We may become so focused on what we don’t have or what we want, that we forget to appreciate what we do have. This is why it is crucial for us to cultivate a sense of gratitude.Gratitude is about recognizing and acknowledging the good things in our lives, big or small. It is about appreciating the efforts of ourparents who work hard to provide for us, the dedication of our teachers who guide us in our education, and the support of our friends who are always there for us. When we express gratitude towards others, we not only make them feel valued and appreciated, but we also cultivate a positive mindset within ourselves.Gratitude has the power to transform our lives. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we shift our attention away from negativity and towards positivity. Instead of complaining about what we lack, we start to appreciate what we have. This positive outlook on life brings us happiness and contentment. Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude regularly have lower levels of stress and depression, and higher levels of overall well-being.Furthermore, gratitude strengthens our relationships with others. When we show appreciation for someone’s kindness or support, they feel acknowledged and valued. This encourages them to continue supporting and helping us. Gratitude fosters stronger bonds between individuals and creates a positive and supportive community.Lastly, gratitude inspires us to give back to others. When we realize how much we have been blessed with, we feel a sense of responsibility to help those who are less fortunate. Whether it is through volunteering, donating, or simply lending a helping hand, gratitude motivates us to make a positive difference in the lives of others.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful force that can bring happiness, strengthen relationships, and inspire acts of kindness. As middle school students, let us remember to be grateful for allthe blessings we have received, and never forget to say thank you to those who have made a difference in our lives.Thank you for your attention!篇三:中学生感恩的英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,Good morning! Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of gratitude in the lives of middle school students.Gratitude is a quality that is often overlooked, but it has the power to transform our lives. As teenagers, we are faced with many challenges and pressures. We may become so focused on what we don’t have or what we want, that we forget to appreciate what we do have. This is why it is crucial for us to cultivate a sense of gratitude.Gratitude is about recognizing and acknowledging the good things in our lives, big or small. It is about appreciating the efforts of our parents who work hard to provide for us, the dedication of our teachers who guide us in our education, and the support of our friends who are always there for us. When we express gratitude towards others, we not only make them feel valued and appreciated, but we also cultivate a positive mindset within ourselves. Gratitude brings happiness and fulfillment to our own lives. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we shift our attention away from negativity and towards positivity. Instead of complaining about what we lack, we start to appreciate what we have. This positive outlook on life allows us to experience more joy and contentment. Studies have shown that people who practicegratitude regularly have lower levels of stress and depression, and higher levels of overall well-being.Moreover, gratitude strengthens our relationships with others. When we show appreciation for someone’s kindness or support, they feel acknowledged and valued. This encourages them to continue supporting and helping us. Gratitude fosters stronger bonds between individuals and creates a positive and supportive community.Lastly, gratitude inspires us to give back to others. When we realize how much we have been blessed with, we feel a sense of responsibility to help those who are less fortunate. Whether it is through volunteering, donating, or simply lending a helping hand, gratitude motivates us to make a positive difference in the lives of others.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful force that can bring happiness, strengthen relationships, and inspire acts of kindness. As middle school students, let us remember to be grateful for all the blessings we have received, and never forget to say thank you to those who have made a difference in our lives.Thank you for your attention!。

中学生感恩英语演讲稿范文感谢老师Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about gratitude. At this special moment, I’d like to express my gratitude to all teachers in our school. Without your patient guidance and kind help, we couldn’t have learned so much knowledge and made so much progress.As students, we sometimes tend to take teachers’ hard work for granted, but we should remember that they have sacrificed so much for our education. They have enlightened our minds, broadened our horizons, and inspired our potential. Without their efforts, we wouldn’t be able to prepare for our future and achieve our dreams.Therefore, I hope we can always show our gratitude to them through our actions. We should behave well in class, study hard, respect our teachers, and show our appreciation sincerely. It’s the best way to thank them for their devotion and show our responsibility for our own growth.感谢家人Beside teachers, I would like to express my gratitude to my family as well. They are the people who always stand by my side, support me, and encourage me to overcome difficulties. When I was young, they taught me how to walk, how to speak, how to read, and how to live. They have been my role models, my friends, and my sheltering trees.I still remember those nights when they stayed up late just to help me prepare for exams or solve some problems. I still remember those moments when they listened to me patiently, shared with me their stories and wisdom, and gave me their warm hugs and kisses. All these memories are precious and valuable to me, and I will always cherish them in my heart.Thus, I want to say。

感恩节英语演讲稿4篇感恩节英语演讲稿篇1Be grateful for friendsIt is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.It is really magic. I was searching online aimlessly yesterday when an idea struck me suddenly: since Ben can find out my secret by keying in my name in the search engines, why can’t I do so, either?I intended to find out something about Ben in revenge in the first place, but soon extend my name list to a wider category. It was then that I recalled Michael suddenly.We have lost contact since our last correspondence in my senior 3. He mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to UK to further his education. I, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. When I was recommended to ZJU and won the final freedom, I thought he had already been in UK so I had no idea where to write him.I used to think that we would never meet again. However, when I browsed the entries about him, I found out excitedly that he is still in P.R.C.!Without a moment hesitation, I ran upstairs to my dorm and found out my old address book. Thank goodness, his home no was still there.After 3 times calling with no answer replies, I eventually got him on the phone. He was more surprised than I could imagine that when I asked for his hp no he was too nervous to remember it. :P Hehe.Life is enjoyable in moments such like this. Old friends meet again surprisingly, on a roaWe are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day.God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lifta heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.感恩节英语演讲稿篇2the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like绿茵propped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yongquan of" the real meaning.thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mother'skindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mother's life; xu yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children …appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!students, and a song called "thank you": i thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn zhaoxiaendorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life … thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society!诗人说:花朵把春天的门推开了。

中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文 (2)中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文 (2)精选3篇(一)Hello everyone,Today, I want to talk about gratitude, a feeling that we should have in our hearts every day. As middle school students, we often take many things for granted and forget to appreciate the people and things that make our lives better.Firstly, I want to express my gratitude towards my parents. They have been working day and night to provide for my needs and ensure that I have a good education. They make sacrifices for me without ever asking for anything in return. Their love and support are invaluable to me, and I am grateful for everything they do.Next, I would like to thank my teachers. They have the challenging task of imparting knowledge and guiding us to become better individuals. They spend countless hours preparing lessons, answering our questions, and helping us improve. Their dedication inspires me, and I appreciate their efforts in shaping my future.I am also thankful for my friends. They are my support system and always there for me. Whether it's lending a listening ear, offering advice, or simply spending quality time together, their presence makes my life brighter. Their friendship teaches me the value of companionship and the importance of having a support network.Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude towards the staff at our school. From the janitors who keep our campus clean to the cafeteria workers who provide us with nutritious meals, their hard work often goes unnoticed. They contribute to creating a safe and comfortable learning environment for us, and I am grateful for their efforts.Last but not least, I want to thank the community in which we live. The local businesses, organizations, and volunteers who work towards improving the community deserve our appreciation. Their contributions make our town a better place to live, study, and grow.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful feeling that should be expressed regularly. As middle school students, we should not only focus on our own desires but also take the time to appreciate and thank those who contribute to our well-being. Let us practice gratitude every day and make a positive impact on the lives of others.Thank you.中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文 (2)精选3篇(二)Ladies and gentlemen,Today, I am honored to stand in front of you to deliver a speech on the topic of gratitude as a middle school student.Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for the kindness and blessings we receive. As middle school students, it is important for us to cultivate and express gratitude in our daily lives.Firstly, let us express our gratitude to our parents. They have provided us with love, care, and support since the day we were born. They sacrifice their time, money, and effort to ensure our well-being and education. Without their continuous support and encouragement, we would not have achieved what we have today. Let us take a moment to say 'thank you' to our parents for their unwavering love and dedication.Secondly, let us show appreciation to our teachers. They are the ones who guide and help shape our future. They invest their time in preparing their lessons, assisting us with our studies, and imparting valuable knowledge to us. They go above and beyond to ensure our success and growth. We should be grateful for their dedication and passion for teaching. Remember to say 'thank you' to our teachers for their tireless efforts in helping us become better individuals.Furthermore, let us not forget to be thankful for our friendships. Our friends are there for us through the ups and downs of school life. They offer support, encouragement, and make our school days more enjoyable. True friends are hard to find, so cherish the friendships that you have. Take a moment to appreciate the laughter, the memories, and the support that our friends provide.Lastly, let us express our gratitude for the opportunities we have as middle school students. We are lucky to have access to education, a safe learning environment, and a chance to explore our passions and interests. Many children around the world are not as fortunate. We should be grateful for these opportunities and make the most of them. Let us use our education to create a better future not only for ourselves but also for those less fortunate.In conclusion, as middle school students, let us cultivate a sense of gratitude in our hearts and express it through our words and actions. Let us be grateful to our parents, teachers, friends, and the opportunities we are given. Remember, \中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文 (2)精选3篇(三)Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and fellow students,Today, I stand before you to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. As a middle school student, I have come to realize the importance of gratitude in my life and the impact it has on others.First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for their unwavering love and support. They have always been there for me, providing guidance and encouragement in every step of my educational journey. Their sacrifices and commitment to my well-being inspire me to work hard and make the most out of every opportunity presented to me. Without their love and support, I wouldn't be standing here today.I am also grateful for my teachers who go above and beyond their duties to nurture and shape our minds. They not only impart knowledge but also instill in us the values of discipline, perseverance, and compassion. Their dedication and passion for teaching inspire me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on the world.I am truly grateful for their guidance and patience.Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to my friends, who have been by my side through thick and thin. They have shared laughter and tears, and together, we have created countless memories that I will cherish forever. Their support has given me the strength to face challenges and overcome obstacles. I am truly grateful for their friendship and the joy they bring into my life.Lastly, I would like to show my gratitude for the opportunities that have been presented to me. Attending this school, surrounded by dedicated teachers and supportive classmates, has been a privilege. I am thankful for the chance to learn and grow, both academically and personally.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful emotion that should not be taken for granted. It is important to express our appreciation to the people who have touched our lives and provided us with opportunities. As I continue my journey through middle school and beyond, I will strive to cultivate a grateful heart and give back to those who have helped me along the way. Let us remember to be thankful and show our gratitude to others, for it truly makes a difference.Thank you all for your attention.。

感恩节英文的演讲稿感恩节英文的演讲稿1Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! This is Alex time! Ha-ha…My topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.Then what is gratitude? At the moment a well-known song comes into my mind. Yes, that is called Heart of feel grateful. My heart is filled up with gratitude because I’m with you/Your make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/So now I wanna thank for destiny/I’ll cherish the flower when it blooms until falls. The poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.Once upon a time, the Pilgrims took the May Flower Ship to North America. They started a new life there although a lot of difficulties and hardships they encountered. After a long-time work, they got a big harvest. The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving. People show their sincere gratitude towards the God, the nature, the earth, the river, the Indians and themselves. Moreover the 1621 feast has become a model for the Thanksgiving celebration in the United States. So we can see gratitude is an action to take.How can we express our gratitude? It’s never a simple question to answer. Gratitude is a rare jewel, not a piece of cake, I know. But how can we expect such big events happening now and then? How can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? How can we always hope to be grateful to everything and everyone for their dignity and generosity? Sometimes I may ask to myself. Is it moral? Is it honest? Is it beneficial? Is it necessary? Or the most interesting one, is it ridiculous? Ha-ha…So in my opinion, we’d better concentrate on our life’s details. Keep your eyes open to your daily life. Yes! A shining smile is supposed to be gratitude. A thank-you note is supposed to be gratitude. A soulful watch is supposed to be gratitude. As far as a baby’s crying on his arrival is supposed to be gratitude. And even fallen leaves in autumn are supposed to be gratitude. So the person, who stands here giving you a speech, is also showing HIS gratitude.At last, what’s the significance of showing our gratitude? Aproverb says that Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Wow! Until now I am not that kind of giant, but I dare to say that everyone, you and me, has the right and the duty to show our gratitude to the world, no matter rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old. Only by doing so can weachieve our human ultimate concern. Meanwhile it obviously helps tobuild up a harmonious society. Under the same sky we enjoy the same sunshine and appreciate the same love due to thanking and caring each other. Well, does it Plato’s paradise?All in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected for thousands of years. Why not show our gratitude to people around you?Thank you very much!感恩节英文的演讲稿2thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart ofthanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to all people expressed their gratitude, remember, thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.thanksgiving is the key to return. return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical action.then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone's life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.for the survival of nature is the basis of all things, human life is inseparable from its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities of human nature, and so on are obtained from the therefore, we should be thankful nature.teachers are our growth领路人, are our friends, teachers respect, understand and care for us, their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should begrateful for every day and we accompanied the students.the school provides us with a good study environment, our training establishments and room to grow and develop, we should be thankful schools.the motherland is our roots, our source. no homeland, we did not have the habitat of no motherland, we will be no human dignity; no homeland, we have not all! we should be thankful感恩节英文的演讲稿3The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On this day, families and friends gather together, share a meal, and give thanks for the blessings of good health,food,jobs,and families.In 1620,a group of Pilgrims left from England to search forreligious freedom,part of whom were Protestants.And they sailed to America on a small sailboat named the Mayflower finally. And they landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts,in icy November. The price in human lives and tragedy had been great.11月的第4个星期四是感恩节。

感恩节英语演讲稿1Nearly 150 years ago, in one of the darkest years of our nations history, President Abraham Lincoln set aside the last Thursday in November as a day of Thanksgiving. America was split by Civil War. But Lincoln said in his first Thanksgiving decree that difficult times made it even more appropriate for our blessings to be (and I quote), "gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American people."This week, the American people came together with families and friends to carry on this distinctly American tradition. We gave thanks for loved ones and for our lasting pride in our communities and our country. We took comfort in good memories while looking forward to the promise of change.But this Thanksgiving also takes place at a time of great trial for our people. Across the country, there were empty seats at the table, as brave Americans continue to serve in harm’s way from the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq. We honor and give thanks for their sacrifice, and stand by the families who endure their absence with such dignity and resolve.At home, we face an economic crisis of historic proportions. More and more Americans are worried about losing a job or making their mortgage payment. Workers are wondering if next months paycheck will pay next months bills. Retirees arewatching their savings disappear, and students are struggling with the cost of tuition.Its going to take bold and immediate action to confront this crisis. Thats why Im committed to forging a new beginning from the moment I take office as President of the United States. Earlier this week, I announced my economic team. This talented and dedicated group is already hard at work crafting an Economic Recovery Plan that will create or save 2.5 million new jobs, while making the investments we need to fuel long-term economic growth and stability.But this Thanksgiving, were reminded that the renewal of our economy wont come from policies and plans alone. It will take the hard work, innovation, service, and strength of the American people. Ive seen this strength firsthand over many months -- in workers who are ready to power new industries, and farmers and scientists who can tap new sources of energy; in teachers who stay late after school, and parents who put in that extra hour reading to their kids; in young Americans enlisting in a time of war, seniors who volunteer their time, and service programs that bring hope to the hopeless.Its a testament to our national character that so many Americans took time out this Thanksgiving to help feed the hungry and care for the needy. On Wednesday, I visited a food bank at Saint Columbanus Parish in Chicago. And there, as in so many communities across America, folks pitched in time and resources to give a lift to their neighbors in need. It is this spirit that binds us together as one American family -- the belief that we rise and fall as one people; that we want that American Dream not just for ourselves, but for each other.Thats the spirit we must summon as we make a newbeginning for our nation. Times are tough. There are difficult months ahead. But we can renew our nation the same way that we have in the many years since Lincolns first Thanksgiving: by coming together to overcome adversity; by reaching for -- and working for -- new horizons of opportunity for all Americans.感恩节英语演讲稿2It is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.It is really magic. I was searching online aimlessly yesterday when an idea struck me suddenly: since Ben can find out my secret by keying in my name in the search engines, why can’t I do so, either?I intended to find out something about Ben in revenge in the first place, but soon extend my name list to a wider category. It was then that I recalled Michael suddenly.We have lost contact since our last correspondence in my senior 3. He mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to UK to further his education. I, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. When I was recommended to ZJU and won the final freedom, I thought he had already been in UK so I had no idea where to write him.I used to think that we would never meet again. However, when I browsed the entries about him, I found out excitedly that he is still in P.R.C.!Without a moment hesitation, I ran upstairs to my dorm and found out my old address book. Thank goodness, his home no was still there.After 3 times calling with no answer replies, I eventually got him on the phone. He was more surprised than I could imagine that when I asked for his hp no he was too nervous to rememberit.Life is enjoyable in moments such like this. Old friends meet again surprisingly.We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day.God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love. In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.感恩节英语演讲稿3Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! This is Alex time! Ha-ha…My topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.Then what is gratitude? At the moment a well-known song comes into my mind. Yes, that is called Heart of feel grateful. My heart is filled up with gratitude because I’m with you/You r make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/So now I wanna thank for destiny/I’ll cherish the flower when it blooms until falls. The poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.Once upon a time, the Pilgrims took the May Flower Ship to North America. They started a new life there although a lot of difficulties and hardships they encountered. After a long-time work, they got a big harvest. The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving. People show their sincere gratitude towards the God, the nature, the earth, the river, the Indians andthemselves. Moreover the 1621 feast has become a model for the Thanksgiving celebration in the United States. So we can see gratitude is an action to take.How can we express our gratitude? It’s never a simple question to answer. Gratitude is a rare jewel, not a piece of cake, I know. But how can we expect such big events happening now and then? How can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? How can we always hope to be grateful to everything and everyone for their dignity and generosity? Sometimes I may ask to myself. Is it moral? Is it honest? Is it beneficial? Is it necessary? Or the most interesting one, is it ridiculous? Ha-ha…So in my opinion, we’d better concentrate on our life’s details. Keep your eyes open to your daily life. Yes! A shining smile is supposed to be gratitude. A thank-you note is supposed to be gratitude. A soulful watch is supposed to be gratitu de. As far as a baby’s crying on his arrival is supposed to be gratitude. And even fallen leaves in autumn are supposed to be gratitude. So the person, who stands here giving you a speech, is also showing HIS gratitude.At last, what’s the significance of showing our gratitude? A proverb says that Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Wow! Until now I am not that kind of giant, but I dare to say that everyone, you and me, has the right and the duty to show our gratitude to the world, no matter rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old. Only by doing so can we achieve our human ultimate concern. Meanwhile it obviously helps to build up a harmonious society. Under the same sky we enjoy the same sunshine and appreciate the same love due to thanking and caring each other. Well, does it Plato’s paradise?All in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected forthousands of years. Why not show our gratitude to people around you?Thank you very much!感恩节英语演讲稿4Dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character.As teachers and our students, the most important gratitude is a school. schools to give us a big growth stage of life: bright and spacious classrooms, new desks and chairs, air-conditioned and well-being, as well as multi-media facilities, has provided us with an attractive learning environment. read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour; flat beautiful big playground, provided us with a good place for the exercise, and pottery room, computer room, dance room, multi-purpose hall, and so on, no school is not out of devotion to our selfless love!However, in these beautiful places, often with some notes of discord. read books in one room, some students read the book, abandonment, i do not know the original release, there is more tear, using the phenomenon of the book; when the red and green and white artificial big playground to open it selfless embrace, and some of the scenes of discord hurt our eyes: a wide range of confetti, colorful tang zhi, and scattered in all corners of the shell seeds, chewing gum, etc. the list goes on of these!Students, please put your hand on his chest ask ourselves: "i do a thanksgiving school?Students, let us now work together, with their good health habits to school thanksgiving, thanksgiving, so that the flowers on campus and open more beautiful.感恩节英语演讲稿5The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open a. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open a harmony, harmony open the door to the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.Love, the soul like fire ignited the hope of love, the soul like 绿茵propped up the sky. love is a force, is a wealth. we should be in the hearts of young sow the seeds of love. let us be thankful for, the institute of thanksgiving. thanksgiving with a heart to face life, in the face of learning, in the face of setbacks, thereby experience parents, teachers, classmates and friends of selfless relatives and friends, "know drips of tu, when yongquan of" the real meaning.Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the chinese nation, build a socialist harmonious society needs. guangdong lawyer tian, in order to return the mothers kindness in telling your mother dying when she donated his kidney to restore the mothers life; xu yu return to the community of his kindness, decided to leave after graduating from university in the bustling city , broke into穷乡僻壤the thatched shed to seeking knowledge, a thirst for knowledge sent the children …Appreciate your birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because theygive you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!Students, and a song called "thank you": i thank the moon lit up the night sky, thanks to the dawn zhaoxia endorse for the spring snow melt for the land feeding the people, to thank his mother for giving me life … thank harvest for peace for all of this all all.Thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love! let us brought up their hands and work together, everyone aspired to build a socialist harmonious society!。

中学生感恩的英语演讲稿范文三篇篇一:中学生感恩的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and fellow students,Good morning! Today, I would like to talk about the importance of gratitude.As middle school students, we have so much to be grateful for. First and foremost, we should express our gratitude towards our parents. They have given us life and have nurtured us with love and care. They work tirelessly to provide for our needs and support us in our endeavors. Let us not forget to thank them for their sacrifices and unconditional love.Next, we should be grateful for our teachers. They play a crucial role in shaping our future and guiding us towards success. They dedicate their time and energy to educate us, not only in academics but also in character development. Let us express our appreciation for their hard work and dedication.In addition, we should be thankful for our friends. They are there to lend a listening ear, offer support, and share in our joys and sorrows. They make our lives more meaningful and enjoyable. Let us cherish their friendship and let them know how much we value their presence in our lives.Furthermore, let us also express our gratitude towards our school. It provides us with a safe and conducive environment for learning and growth. It offers us various opportunities and resources to develop our talents and pursue our interests. We should appreciate the efforts made by our school administration, teachers, and staff members in providing us with a quality education.Lastly, let us not forget to be grateful for the opportunities and privileges we have as middle school students. Many children around the world do not have access to education or basic necessities. We should not take these things for granted and strive to make the most of the opportunities given to us.In conclusion, gratitude is a virtue that we should cultivate in our lives. Let us express our gratitude towards our parents, teachers, friends, school, and the opportunities we have been given. By showing appreciation, we not only make others feel valued but also cultivate a positive and grateful mindset within ourselves. Thank you.篇二:中学生感恩的英语演讲稿Respected teachers and dear friends,Good morning! Today, I am here to talk about the importance of gratitude.Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation. As middle school students, we often take many things for granted. We forget to express our gratitude towards the people who have made a difference in our lives.First and foremost, let us express our gratitude towards our parents. They have sacrificed so much for our well-being and happiness. They work tirelessly to provide for our needs, support us in our endeavors, and offer us unconditional love. They deserve our endless gratitude.Next, let us appreciate our teachers. They have dedicated their lives to educate us and shape our future. They spend hours preparing lessons, answering our questions, and guiding us towardssuccess. Their efforts should not go unnoticed. Let us express our gratitude towards them for their hard work and dedication.Furthermore, let us not forget to be grateful for our friends. They are there to support us, make us laugh, and share our joys and sorrows. They make our lives more enjoyable and meaningful. Let us show appreciation for their friendship and let them know how much they mean to us.In addition, let us also express our gratitude towards our school. It provides us with a safe and nurturing environment for learning and growth. It offers us opportunities to develop our talents, pursue our interests, and become responsible individuals. Our school deserves our gratitude for the efforts made by the administration, teachers, and staff members in providing us with a quality education. Lastly, let us be grateful for the privileges we have as middle school students. Many children around the world do not have access to education or basic necessities. We should not take these things for granted and strive to make the most of the opportunities given to us.In conclusion, gratitude is a virtue that we should practice in our daily lives. Let us express our gratitude towards our parents, teachers, friends, school, and the opportunities we have been given. By showing appreciation, we not only make others feel valued but also cultivate a positive and grateful mindset within ourselves. Thank you.篇三:中学生感恩的英语演讲稿Dear teachers and fellow students,Good morning! Today, I would like to talk about the importance of gratitude.As middle school students, we often take many things for granted. We forget to appreciate the people and things that have made a difference in our lives. However, gratitude is a quality that can bring us happiness and fulfillment.First and foremost, we should express our gratitude towards our parents. They have given us life and have nurtured us with love and care. They work tirelessly to provide for our needs and support us in our endeavors. Let us not forget to thank them for their sacrifices and unconditional love. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making them feel appreciated.Next, let us be grateful for our teachers. They play a crucial role in shaping our future and guiding us towards success. They dedicate their time and energy to educate us, not only in academics but also in character development. Let us express our appreciation for their hard work and dedication. A small gesture or a heartfelt note can make a big difference in showing our gratitude.Furthermore, let us appreciate our friends. They are there to lend a listening ear, offer support, and share in our joys and sorrows. They make our lives more meaningful and enjoyable. Let us cherish their friendship and let them know how much we value their presence in our lives. A kind word or a thoughtful act can brighten their day and strengthen our bond.In addition, let us also express our gratitude towards our school. It provides us with a safe and conducive environment for learning and growth. It offers us various opportunities and resources to develop our talents and pursue our interests. We should appreciatethe efforts made by our school administration, teachers, and staff members in providing us with a quality education. Participating in school activities, following the rules, and being a responsible student are ways to show our gratitude towards our school.Lastly, let us not forget to be grateful for the opportunities and privileges we have as middle school students. Many children around the world do not have access to education or basic necessities. We should not take these things for granted and strive to make the most of the opportunities given to us. Giving back to the community, helping those in need, and being aware of our privileges are ways to show gratitude for what we have.In conclusion, gratitude is a virtue that we should cultivate in our lives. Let us express our gratitude towards our parents, teachers, friends, school, and the opportunities we have been given. By showing appreciation, we not only make others feel valued but also cultivate a positive and grateful mindset within ourselves. Thank you.。

感恩节演讲稿英语5分钟左右范文感恩节演讲稿英语8分钟篇一Dear teachers and students,Good afternoon!Iam xx from class one, grade two. I feel very happy to stand here today to give a speech. Speaking of happiness, for us children, it may be a piece of sweet candy, it may be a beautiful dress, or it may be a novel toy. And this kind of happy feeling is often short, is there a long - term happiness? I would say yes, yes! That is a child has that is higher than the mountains, deeper than the sea of maternal love. Mother is the sun in my home, with her in, there is warmth. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning into the window, I opened the hazy eyes, see is the mother busy figure, ear heard is the mother urged me to get up. I enjoy my mothers love, like a happy bird every day happy heart.Thank you!感恩节演讲稿英语8分钟篇二Respected teachers, dear students: hello!Looking back, we have been bathing in the love of parents river: when we first called mom and dad, the first independent step, the first time to write a word "" parents around carefully teach us. When we encounter difficulties, can pour all to help us, is the parents; When we are wronged, can patiently listen to our cry, is the parents; When we make mistakes, can not hesitate to forgive us, parents; When we achieve success, will be sincerely for us to celebrate, and share the joy of the people, but also parents. Therefore, regardless of our parents social status, level of knowledge and other qualities, they are the biggest benefactors in our life and worthy of our love forever!Thank you!感恩节演讲稿英语8分钟篇三my dearest family and friends,it is difficult to express my gratitude and love to you all.i want to say so much, but i can hardly find the words.so ill just say that you are the greatest blessing in my life.this evening is the expression of your love to me, i realize this, but also it is the event when i see all of you gathered in the same place.thank you! thank you for being with me all that difficult time.your support and understanding gave me the strength to continue fighting.without you i would give up.but then you would come or call and i would remember why i am so in love with this wonderful life-because of you.you are my world, and i am sincerely grateful to god for giving me such loving family and caring friends.your support was crucial for me this year, when i achieved much due to your help.love and gratitude-this is what i feel standing now in front of you.love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine.i am happy to love you and to be grateful to you.i know that you love me too.i would like to assure you that my goal in life is to become as wonderful as you think i am.as far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, i hope that youll help me in it, as always, i deeply appreciate your support.thank you for being with me.thank you very much!感恩节演讲稿英语8分钟篇四dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight?it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others .and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone.yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character.as teachers and our students, the most important gratitude is a school.schools to give us a big growth stage of life: bright and spacious classrooms, new desks and chairs,air-conditioned and well-being, as well as multi-media facilities, has provided us with an attractive learning environment.read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour; flat beautiful big playground, provided us with a good place for the exercise, and pottery room, computer room, dance room, multi-purpose hall, and so on, no school is not out of devotion to our selfless love!however, in these beautiful places, often with some notes of discord.read books in one room, some students read the book, abandonment, i do not know the original release, there is more tear, using the phenomenon of the book; when the red and green and white artificial big playground to open it selfless embrace, and some of the scenes of discord hurt our eyes: a wide range of confetti, colorful tang zhi, and scattered in all corners of the shell seeds, chewing gum, etc.the list goes on of these!students, let us now work together, with their good health habits to school thanksgiving, thanksgiving, so that the flowers on campus and open more beautiful.感恩节演讲稿英语8分钟篇五good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! this is alex time! ha-ha…my topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.then what is gratitude? at the moment a well-known song comes into my mind.yes, that is called heart of feel grateful.my heart is filled up with gratitude because im with you/your make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/so now i wanna thank for destiny/ill cherish the flower when it blooms until falls.the poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.once upon a time, the pilgrims took the may flower ship to north america.they started a new life there although a lot of difficulties and hardships they encountered.after a long-time work, they got a big harvest.the pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near plymouth, massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first thanksgiving.people show their sincere gratitude towards the god, the nature, the earth, the river, the indians and themselves.how can we express our gratitude? its never a simple question to answer.gratitude is a rare jewel, not a piece of cake, i know.but how can we expect such big events happening now and then? how can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? how can we always hope to be grateful to everything and everyone for their dignity and generosity? sometimes i may ask to myself.is it moral? is it honest? is it beneficial? is it necessary? or the most interesting one, is it ridiculous? ha-ha…so in my opinion, wed better concentrate on our lifes details.at last, whats the significance of showing our gratitude? a proverb says that gratitude is the sign of noble souls.wow! until now i am not that kind of giant, but i dare to say that everyone, you and me, has the right and the dutyto show our gratitude to the world, no matter rich or poor, happy or sad, young or old.only by doing so can we achieve our human ultimate concern.meanwhile it obviously helps to build up a harmonious society.all in all, a world full of gratitude is preciously expected for thousands of years.why not show our gratitude to people around you?thank you very much!。

中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文精选2篇(一)Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and fellow students,Today, I stand before you to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. As a middle school student, I have come to realize the importance of gratitude in my life and the impact it has on others.First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for their unwavering love and support. They have always been there for me, providing guidance and encouragement in every step of my educational journey. Their sacrifices and commitment to my well-being inspire me to work hard and make the most out of every opportunity presented to me. Without their love and support, I wouldn't be standing here today.I am also grateful for my teachers who go above and beyond their duties to nurture and shape our minds. They not only impart knowledge but also instill in us the values of discipline, perseverance, and compassion. Their dedication and passion for teaching inspire me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact on the world.I am truly grateful for their guidance and patience.Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to my friends, who have been by my side through thick and thin. They have shared laughter and tears, and together, we have created countless memories that I will cherish forever. Their support has given me the strength to face challenges and overcome obstacles. I am truly grateful for their friendship and the joy they bring into my life.Lastly, I would like to show my gratitude for the opportunities that have been presented to me. Attending this school, surrounded by dedicated teachers and supportive classmates, has been a privilege. I am thankful for the chance to learn and grow, both academically and personally.In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful emotion that should not be taken for granted. It is important to express our appreciation to the people who have touched our lives and provided us with opportunities. As I continue my journey through middle school and beyond, I will strive to cultivate a grateful heart and give back to those who have helped me along the way. Let us remember to be thankful and show our gratitude to others, for it truly makes a difference.Thank you all for your attention.中学生感恩的英文演讲稿范文精选2篇(二)尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:大家好!我是XX中学的一名中学生。

关于感恩的英语演讲稿(中英对照)(精选多篇)【篇一】Ladies and Gentlemen,Thanksgiving Day is a time for sharing and giving thanks for all the wonderful blessings in our lives. It is a day when families come together to share in a feast and to express their gratitude for everything they have.As we gather here today, I want us to take a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget about the simple things that make it all worth it. It is important to take a step back and appreciate the people and the things that make us happy.I am thankful for my family, for their love and support. I am thankful for my friends, for their laughter and companionship. I am thankful for my health and the opportunities that life has given me.But most of all, I am thankful for the chance to make a difference in the world. I am grateful for the opportunity to help others and to use my talents in a way that can make a positive impact on the lives of others.So as we feast together this Thanksgiving, let us remember our blessings and be thankful for all that we have. And let us strive to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. Thank you.女士们,先生们:感恩节是我们分享、感恩我们生命中所有美好祝福的时间。

中学生的感恩的`英文演讲稿1Respect each appraisal committee teacher, schoolmate, everybody is good, I am7 class of XXX, today my topic is Thanksgiving everywhere..The birds are feeding situation, sheep milk are kneeling grace. We, human, as masters of the universe, also there is gratitude, gratitude. Thanksgiving is the source of power, love of the root, the courage of the. Let us learn to Thanksgiving, harvested in different life.First of all, we should be grateful for our parents. Because the love of parents, we came to this world. We live to love, love is to carry out, let the world be full of love, let the world is full of gratitude. Our parents, not only because they brought us to this world, but because they are selfless love, has raised us up, the education of our life, our responsibility, share the burden, happy with our happiness. Parents, is our life will always be the one, even if we always with gratitude.Then, we want to live a life of gratitude. Because of life, let us grow. In this process, we may experience more failure, but because of a failure again and again, so that we will become more splendid success, so we should appreciate, thank you for these teaches us how to have better life failed, thanks to these make our life more brilliant success. Thanks to life, let us experience again the story fresh, let us experience more rich. Thanks to life,let us know Thanksgiving is valuable. Because Thanksgiving, we grow up happily.Then, we want to thank friends. What is a friend? Friend is who grows with us, is the most loving thing and the people you share. Friends are those in your fly high very fast when, not screaming for you, not about how you badly, but to worry you wont fall down,中学生的感恩的英文演讲稿2Thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart of Thanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to all people expressed their gratitude, remember, Thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character.Thanksgiving is the key to return. Return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. Grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical action.Then, as a middle school student, how Thanksgiving?First Thanksgiving their parents, because everyones life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.For the survival of nature is the basis of all things, human life is inseparable from its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities of human nature, and so on are obtained from the Therefore, we should be thankful nature.Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers respect, understand and care for us, their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should Thanksgiving teachers.Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.The school provides us with a good study environment, our training establishments and room to grow and develop, we should be thankful schools.The motherland is our roots, our source. No homeland, we did not have the habitat of no motherland, we will be no human dignity; no homeland, we have not all! We should be thankful. 中学生的感恩的英文演讲稿3The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open. I said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. If you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movements.Then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?First thanksgiving their parents, because everyones life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students。

感恩节英语演讲稿8篇感恩节英语演讲稿篇1A beloved American tradition, Thanksgiving Day offers us the opportunity to focus our thoughts on the grace that has been extended to our people and our country. This spirit brought together the newly arrived Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe -- who had been living and thriving around Plymouth, Massachusetts for thousands of years -- in an autumn harvest feast centuries ago. This Thanksgiving Day, we reflect on the compassion and contributions of Native Americans, whose skill in agriculture helped the early colonists survive, and whose rich culture continues to add to our Nation's heritage. We also pause our normal pursuits on this day and join in a spirit of fellowship and gratitude for the year's bounties and blessings.Thanksgiving Day is a time each year, dating back to our founding, when we lay aside the troubles and disagreements of the day and bow our heads in humble recognition of the providence bestowed upon our Nation. Amidst the uncertainty of a fledgling experiment indemocracy, President George Washington declared the first Thanksgiving in America, recounting the blessings of tranquility, union, and plenty that shined upon our young country. In the dark days of the Civil War when the fate of our Union was in doubt, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a Thanksgiving Day, calling for "the Almighty hand" to heal and restore our Nation.In confronting the challenges of our day, we must draw strength from the resolve of previous generations who faced their own struggles and take comfort in knowing a brighter day has always dawned on our great land. As we stand at the close of one year and look to the promise of the next, we lift up our hearts in gratitude to God for our many blessings, for one another, and for our Nation. This Thanksgiving Day, we remember that the freedoms and security we enjoy as Americans are protected by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces. These patriots are willing to lay down their lives in our defense, and they and their families deserve our profound gratitude for their service and sacrifice.This harvest season, we are also reminded of those experiencing the pangs of hunger or the hardship of economic insecurity. Let us return the kindness and generosity we have seen throughout the year by helping our fellow citizens weather the storms of our day.As Americans gather for the time-honored Thanksgiving Day meal, let us rejoice in the abundance that graces our tables, in the simple gifts that mark our days, in the loved ones who enrich our lives, and in the gifts of a gracious God. Let us recall that our forebears met their challenges with hope and an unfailing spirit, and let us resolve to do the same.NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 25, 20__, as a National Day of Thanksgiving. I encourage all the people of the United States to come together -- whether in our homes, places of worship, community centers, or any place of fellowship for friends and neighbors -- to give thanks for all we have received in the past year, to expressappreciation to those whose lives enrich our own, and to share our bounty with others.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of November, in the year of our Lord 20__, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.感恩节英语演讲稿篇2Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existenceof the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and melon pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to geta consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。

感恩节初中英文演讲稿感恩节初中英文演讲稿ThanksgivingThanksgiving is a very important American festivity and it is celebrated on the last Thursday of November.However, schools and many shops and offices are closed for four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.Americans travel great distances to be with their families on this occasion. Why is Thanksgiving such an important day?The tradition started with the Pilgrims, the founders of America.The Pilgrims left Great Britain in 1620.They wanted to start a new life in America .One hundred men, women and children left Britain on a small ship called the Mayflower.They arrived on the north-east coast of North America in December 1620 and founded Plymouth.It was winter and they had no homes and little food.They built small homes, But it was too late to cultivate crops.The winter was very cold and harsh. Their living conditions were very bad. The friendly Wampanoag Indians helped them during the long winter.In the spring the Pilgrims met an Indian called Squanto. He explained how to grow corn, hunt and live in the wilderness.Soon the Pilgrims and the Indians became good friends.The Pilgrims worked hard . By November 1621 everyone had food and a home. There was hope for the future.The Pilgrim leader, decided to celebrate with a dinner for the Pilgrims and theIndians.He wanted to give thanks to God.This was the first Thanksgiving dinner and it lasted for three days. Today the traditional Thanksgiving meal is similar to the first.People eatroast turkey, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Let's pregnant with a grateful heart。

初中感恩节英文作文初三英文:As a middle school student, I think Thanksgiving is a time for us to reflect on what we are grateful for and to show appreciation to the people in our lives. It's a timefor families to come together, enjoy a delicious meal, and share stories and memories. Personally, I am grateful formy parents who work hard to provide for me and my siblings, and for my friends who always support me.One of the things I love about Thanksgiving is the food. We always have a big turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It's a feast that brings everyone together and creates a warm and joyful atmosphere. I also enjoy the tradition of going around the table and sharing what we are thankful for. It's a great way to remind ourselves of all the good things in our lives.中文:作为一个初中生,我认为感恩节是一个让我们反思我们所感激的事情,并向我们生活中的人表达感激之情的时刻。

中学生英语感恩节演讲稿范文三篇演讲稿一:感恩家庭Good morning, everyone!Today, I would like to talk about the importance of gratitude towards our families. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, it is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the love and support we receive from our families.First and foremost, let us be grateful for our parents. They are the ones who brought us into this world and have been there for us every step of the way. They work tirelessly to provide for us and make sure we have a comfortable life. They sacrifice their own needs and desires to ensure our happiness. We should never take their love and care for granted.Secondly, let us appreciate our siblings. They are our partners in crime, our best friends, and our biggest supporters. They are always there to lend a helping hand, to listen to our problems, and to share our joys. We may fight and argue with them at times, but at the end of the day, they are our family, and we should be grateful for their presence in our lives.Lastly, let us not forget our extended family. Our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins play a significant role in shaping who we are. They provide us with wisdom, guidance, and unconditional love. They are always there to celebrate our achievements and offer a shoulder to lean on during difficult times. Their presence in our lives brings us a sense of belonging and security.In conclusion, let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards our families. Let us appreciate the love, support, andsacrifices they have made for us. Today and every day, let us show our families how much we love and appreciate them. Happy Thanksgiving!Thank you.演讲稿二:感恩老师Hello, everyone!Today, I want to talk about the importance of gratitude towards our teachers. Teachers play a vital role in our lives and deserve our utmost appreciation.First and foremost, let us be grateful for their dedication and hard work. Teachers spend countless hours preparing lessons, grading papers, and providing guidance to their students. They go above and beyond to ensure that we receive a quality education. Their commitment to our learning is truly commendable.Secondly, let us appreciate their patience and understanding. Teachers are there to support us through our struggles and challenges. They patiently explain difficult concepts, answer our endless questions, and provide encouragement when we feel discouraged. Their belief in our abilities helps us to believe in ourselves.Lastly, let us not forget the impact teachers have on our personal growth. They not only teach us academic subjects but also help shape our character and values. They inspire us to dream big, to work hard, and to make a positive difference in the world. Their guidance and mentorship are invaluable.towards our teachers. Let us appreciate their dedication, patience, and influence on our lives. Today and every day, let us show our teachers how much we value and respect them. Happy Thanksgiving!Thank you.演讲稿三:感恩朋友Good morning, everyone!Today, I want to talk about the importance of gratitude towards our friends. Friends are the family we choose, and they deserve our utmost appreciation.First and foremost, let us be grateful for their presence in our lives. Friends bring joy, laughter, and companionship. They are there to celebrate our successes and share in our sorrows. They offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold. Their support and understanding make life’s journey a little easier. Secondly, let us appreciate their honesty and loyalty. Friends are not afraid to tell us the truth, even when it is hard to hear. They keep us grounded and help us grow. They stand by our side through thick and thin, never wavering in their loyalty. Their unwavering support is a true testament to their friendship.Lastly, let us not forget the memories and experiences we share with our friends. From the adventures and laughter to the late-night conversations and deep discussions, these moments are what make life meaningful. Our friends create a sense of belonging and make us feel loved and accepted for who we are.towards our friends. Let us appreciate their presence, honesty, and the memories we create together. Today and every day, let us show our friends how much we cherish and value them. Happy Thanksgiving!Thank you.。

初中感恩节英文作文初三英文:As a middle school student, I have a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. First of all, I am thankful for my family. They support me and encourage me to do my best in school. Without their love and guidance, I wouldn't be where I am today. I am also grateful for my friends. They make me laugh and help me through tough times. I don't know what I would do without them.I am thankful for my teachers as well. They work hard to educate me and prepare me for the future. I appreciate all the time and effort they put into teaching us. I am also thankful for the food on the table and the roof over my head. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am, and I am grateful for everything I have.中文:作为一个初中生,我在感恩节有很多值得感激的事情。

then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?那么,作为一名中学生,怎样感恩呢?first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone%26#39;s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.首先要感恩自己的父母,因为每个人的生命都是父母血脉的延续,父母给了我们全部的爱,让我们享受到了人世间的亲情和幸福,因此,我们要感谢父母。
teachers are our growth领路人, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.老师是我们成长的领路人,是我们的朋友,老师爱护我们,言传身教,让我们受益终身,老师为我们付出心血和汗水,我们应该感恩老师。
students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.同学是我们学习生活的同伴,同学间互相鼓励,互相帮助,共同战胜困难与挫折,共同品尝学习的成功与快乐,我们应该感谢天天与我们相伴的同学。

中学生感恩节英语发言_1中学生感恩节英语演讲thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.in 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, they sailed to america on the may flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. after a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy november, what is now plymouth, massachusetts.during their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. those who survived began sowing in the first spring.all summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the ing harvest. finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. and therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed[2]. years later, president of the united statesproclaimed the fourth thursday of november as thanksgiving day every year.the celebration of thanksgiving day has been observed on that date until today.the pattern of the thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. the big family dinner is planned months ahead. on the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. there will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. they have been the most traditional and favorite food on thanksgiving day throughout the years.everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. but as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to eexpress their thanks for the year' s bounty andreverently ask for continued[5] blessings.。
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thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.
in 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, they sailed to america on the may flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. after a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy november, what is now plymouth, massachusetts.
during their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. those who survived began sowing in the first spring.
all summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the
the pattern of the thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. the big family dinner is planned months ahead. on the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. there will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. they have been the most traditional and favorite food on thanksgiving day throughout the years.
everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. but as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.
thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings.